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1、煤炭质量的基本指标一、水分(M )煤的水分分为两种,一是内在水分(Minh ) ,是由植物变成煤时所含的水分;二是外水(Mf ) ,是在开采、运输等过程中附在煤表面和裂隙中的水分.全水分是煤的外在水分和内在不分总和。
一般水分每增加2 % ,发热量降低100kcal/kg(大卡/千克);冶炼精煤中水分每增加1 % ,结焦时间延长5 一10min .二、灰分(A )煤在彻底燃烧后所剩下的残渣称为灰分,灰分分外在灰分和内在灰分。
灰是有害物质.动力煤中灰分增加,发热量降低、排渣量增加,煤容易结渣;一般灰分每增加2% ?发热量降低10okcal / kg 左右。
冶炼精煤中灰分增加,高炉利用系数降低,焦炭强度下降,石灰石用量增加;灰分每增加1 % ,焦炭强度下降2 % ,高炉生产能九下降3 % ,石灰石用量增加4 % .三、挥发分(V )煤在高温和隔绝空气的条件下加热时,所排出的气体和液体状态的产物称为挥发分。
四、固定碳质最(FC )固定碳含量是指除去水分、灰分和挥发分的残留物,它是确定煤炭用途的重要指标。

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利妥昔单抗;R-MAD方案;原发性中枢神经系统淋巴瘤R739.4 A ISSN.2095-6681.20__.25.00.02Rituxan joint R-MAD scheme for observation the effect of treatment of primary central nervous system lymphomaYANG Shuo(shangqiu first people"s hospital,Henan shangqiu 476100,China)Objective To explore the rituxan joint R-MAD scheme for treatment of primary central nervous system lymphoma (PCNSL).Methods In August 20__ to September 20__,the hospital departments of 60 patients with PCNSL were included in the study,according to the draw method of two groups,each group 30 cases.Control group to methotrexate(MTX)treatment,the observation group for rituxan joint R-MAD scheme forpared to two groups of therapeutic effect.Results Treatment group total effectiveness is higher than the control group,significant difference (P<0.05).Conclusion to patients with PCNSL rituxan joint R-MAD scheme for treatment effect is exact,is advantageous to the prognosis.Rituximab;R-MAD;Primary central nervous system lymphomaPCNSL是一种罕见的侵袭性非霍奇金淋巴瘤,该病仅局限于中枢神经系统,却可累及至软脑膜、脑、眼及脊髓等部位,未表现出全身受累。

CS-MAD 系列角度 倾角传感器说明书

2、功能采用MEMS(微机由系统)技术,具有低成本、功耗低、高可靠性:该模块是集单轴或双轴加速度传感器于一体的单模块化电路;频率响应:0~10KHz可任意选定;非线性:0.2%~1%F.S.;量程:0-360度/可选;直流工作电压24VDC±20%,每轴最大工作电流不大于2MA;60Hz带时的分辩率为5mg对应的角度;3、特点该模块具有体积小、重量轻、性能优异及功能强大等优点:它既能测量静态倾角,又能测量动态角度(如旋转角度);在测量角位移的应用中它既能检测到被测对向的翻滚,又能检测俯仰角;对比常规的电解质、水银、热能等斜度测量仪精度高;每根轴的带宽均可通过电容调整;抗过载能力强:可承受2000g的剧烈冲击;尺寸:64mm×58mm×35mm(最小);有两种工作温度范围:商业温度范围为:0℃-70℃,工业温度范围为:-40℃-+85℃;信号输出方式灵活:脉宽占空比输出;4-20MA(0-10MA)电流输出;1-5VDC(0-5VDC)电压输出;4、使用范围a 以重力矢量作为基准测定空间物体的方位当敏感辆被设置为与重力矢量垂直,即与水平面平行时可用作倾斜度测量仪,可测量-90--+90度范围斜度;当加速度计的X和Y两根辆定位与水平面平行时,可作为经向纬向斜度测量仪,可测量360度范围斜度。

欧盟放宽REACH注册实验数据要求欧盟REACH法规监管机构---欧洲化学品管理局(ECHA)6月1日发文澄清REACH数据相关规定,非OECD国家以及非OECD MAD(经合组织安全性资料互相承认体系)国家的GLP实验室数据也可用于REACH注册并为ECHA 认可。
2008年,ECHA开始接受符合GLP标准(良好实验室规范)的实验数据,数据提供方应源自以下二个途径:1)OECD(经合组织)成员国或通过OECD MAD完全认证过的国家;2)经OECD MAD体系暂时认可的国家,且该国的实验室已通过相关GLP 监管当局及一家OECD成员国GLP监管当局的联合审查。
目前,未加入OECD MAD体系国家的实验室如满足以下条件,ECHA也认可其出具的实验数据等同GLP数据:1. 进行取得数据的实验前,符合GLP标准的实验室应通过以下主管部门的审查:一家欧盟GLP监管当局的审查,包括挪威监管当局,挪威属于《欧洲经济区协议》协约国(EEA);或通过以色列、日本和瑞士的GLP监管当局,此三国已加入OECD MAD体系;或通过OECD成员国GLP监管当局的审查或经由个案基础通过OECD MAD体系完全认证国家的审查。
2. 并且提供数据的实验室已证明按照GLP标准操作。
OECD MAD协议声明,为避免重复动物实验,依据GLP标准进行化学品实验所产生的数据应得到所有OECD成员国和经OECD MAD完全或暂时认证国家的认可。
REACH法规要求生态毒理学及毒理学测试与分析必须符合GLP 标准。

能常的灰分指标有空气干燥基灰分(Aad )、干燥基灰分(Ad)等。
也有用收到基灰分的(Aar )。
常使用的有空气干燥基挥发份(Vad )、干燥基挥发份(Vd )、干燥无灰基挥发份(Vdaf)和收到基挥发份(Var )。
FC A V M=100相关公式如下:FCad=100-Mad-Aad-VadFCd=100-Ad-VdFCdaf=100-Vdaf第五个指标:全硫St是煤中的有害元素,包括有机硫、无机硫。
常用指标有:空气干燥基全硫(St,ad )、干燥基全硫(St.d)及收到基全硫(St,ar)。

壮语声母韵母例词一.Singmeh声母(22个声母)1. b(a):baz妻子baj姨母.姑母baenz成bak嘴baet 扫bag劈buz祖母2. mb(e):mbaj蝴蝶.口吃mbaq肩mbang薄mbaw ()张mbat次.下.回mbatlaeng下次以后3. m(a):ma回来.狗mad袜子madfwngz手套mae 线mak果子.肾脏maenz红薯.块.元(钱)maij爱4. f(e):faex树faeg剁.孵faengx粽子fak打(耳光)fangz鬼feq 轻浮5. v(e):vaq裤子vah话vad瓢vaiz水牛vat挖vut 扔vunz人vuet割6. d(a):daengq吩咐.凳子daengz到daeng灯dauq 回来dawz拿de他她它dek裂开7. nd(a):ndaq骂ndaej得ndaek团.快.个ndaem黑ndaeng鼻子ndang身体8. n(a):naz水田naj脸nax舅.姨naq箭nae雪namh泥土nanz久9. s(e):saw书.字.清澈.败seiq四seng生sim心soh 直sup吸10. l(e):lae梯子laeg深laeng后laep黑laux大lumj 像lwg儿子lan孙子laenj重孙子leq 重重孙子11. g(a):ga腿gaxgonq以前gaej别gaeq鸡gaemh抓gak各gangj讲12. gv(a):gvaq过gvai聪明gvangq宽大gviq挑(疮.刺)gvej小青蛙.割13. ng(a):ngaz芽ngah馋ngaek点(头)ngaenz银子.钱ngaeuz影子ngaiz午饭14. h(a):haq嫁haj五haz茅草hab合并haemz恨haemh晚haengx瞪大眼睛15. r(a):ra找raez长raek佩戴raemx水raemh荫raeuz 我们ranz家16. c(a):caj等cax刀cix就cae犁caengz还没有coux 接ciq借ciuhvunz一辈子17. y(a):yah老婆yaek才.挖yaem隐瞒yak凶yawj 看yiengz羊youq在18. ny(a):nyaengq忙.杂草nyaij嚼nyangj稻草nywj 草nyi听.偏要nyaenj捏19. ngv(e):ngviz骨髓ngwz(dangh)蛇ngveih粒ngvanz 顽皮ngvej跛20. by(a):bya鱼.山byaj雷电byaek菜byaeu烧byai 稍.末端byaij走byoq烤(火)21. gy(a):gyae远gyaez爱gyaeq蛋gyaep迫.驱逐gyaeuj头gyang中间gyong鼓22. my(a):myaex生锈myaiz口水myaix溶烂myok(va)花myonx蒙混二.Yinhmeh韵母(108个韵母)1. Yinhsingdoeng舒声韵(1)无韵尾 a e i o u wa :ga腿baz妻子cax刀caj等maj长得快naj脸ra找bya鱼.山e :geq老mbej扁meh母亲feq轻浮neq乳房nyex惹nyez(ngaz)芽i :biz肥miz有dij值ndi不niq对小孩爱称hix也ci 车bi年o :boz禾苗因氮肥过重长得茂盛而不结粒boh父亲mboq泉水go棵hoj穷困u :buz祖母fuq对duz头.个.条guh做ruz船ruj提ruq 槽w :mbw毒(用药物毒死动物)mbwq烦闷.讨厌fwj云yw 药.医cwz黄牛(2)Yinhmehsueng复合韵母加i 尾:ai ae ei oi ui wi加u尾:au aeu eu iu ou加w尾:awai :baih方.边.面maij爱maiq寡vaiz水牛sai男子gai卖hai开ae :bae去mae线faex树daeq剃daej哭daeh袋子gyaez 爱ei :beiz扇子beix兄.姐mbei胆feiz火seiz时reih地rei 痣oi :oij甘蔗boiz还.赔偿moix每doiq对.后退loiz雷电hoiq奴隶hoih会ui :wi :ndwi空.闲rwi撒落.溢出.蜜蜂rwix坏.不好au :mbauq 男青年英俊mauh帽子vauq缺.残缺hau白色lau害怕laux大aeu :aeu要baeu螃蟹mbaeu浅.轻naeuh烂.笨.窝囊naeuz 告诉raeuz我们eu :euj折断euq争执beuj收拾meuz猫geuz剪刀leux 木棉heuh叫iu :diuz条diu挑(选)diuq跳ndiu(睡)一觉niu沾ou :gou我boux个mou猪nou鼠fouq对.副dou我们.门coux接aw :byawz谁mbaw张fawh季节dawz拿cawj煮cawx 买haw街hawj给(3)Yinhmeh Byaiyinhndaeng 鼻音尾韵母加m尾am aem em iem im om oem uem um加n尾an aen en ien in on oen uen un wen wn加ng尾ang aeng eng ieng ing ong oeng ueng ung wngam :bamz笨.傻bamq付.趴.埋伏mamx胰namh土ngamq 刚aem :daem舂米daemz池塘daemj触撞daemq矮haemh 晚.夕em :bemx活该dem再.还.和demx垫子demq埋伏.等待nem和iem :diemz甜diemj点(火).(钟)liemz镰刀giemj搜索.乱找im :imq饱gim金子sim心cim针.凝视cimz尝om :bomz遮护如母鸡张开翅膀护卫小鸡.匍匐domx垂坠homh包围.追赶oem :coemj扑.捕doemq倒塌goemq盖loemq倒塌hoemq 盖(房子.被子)uem :gyuem(roemj)笼罩ruemh 风筝umj :umj抱bumz阴mumh胡子rum杂草.石臼rumz风an :banj(往墙上)摔(泥浆)mbanj村庄fanh万lan孙子ranz家aen :baenz成maenz红薯.元maenj威吓naenz虱子naenx 摁.压en :cenj杯子cenx木刺gen手臂genj挑选henj黄色hen留下ien :bienq变化cienz钱mienh面nienj碾sien仙sienq线in :in痛bin爬mbin飞binj翻捲(衣袖或裤子)binq翻(整个底朝上翻)on :onj稳.安稳bonj本(书)conh露出.溢出don阉(鸡鸭等)donq餐.顿oen :coenz句goenz(daemj)触.撞.抵goenj嘈杂goenq 断.树蔸uen :buenx伴buenq贩卖duenz猜guenq灌luenh乱un :vunz人gunx驯服unq软.温柔.软弱wen :dwen(言谈中)提及(往事)fwen山歌民歌lwenq光滑wenj滑wn :wnq别()bwn毛.羽毛bwnh粪.肥料fwn雨fwnz 柴火gwn 吃ang :angq高兴gangj说cang安装.打扮cangz 两cangh匠人.工匠,擅长或从事某种职业的人aeng :baeng敷药baengz布faengx粽子caengz瞪眼caengh 称eng :bengz贵ceng争吵deng挨.被dengq小碟子seng 出生ieng :biengz社会.世界.江湖biengj用手慢慢翻.摸.拨等cieng春节ing :ingj照(相)bing蚂蟥dingq(nyi)听gingz举.翘起(尾巴)ong :hong劳动.工作bongx抖动bongz胀满congh洞gongz猪饥饿时叫声oeng :boengz淤泥coeng葱coengh帮助doeng东(方)doengj桶ueng :cuengq放fuengz房间.寝室guengz狂妄.猖狂.傲慢luengz铜ung :bungz逢.遇bungq触.碰撞cungq枪dungx肚子lungz 伯父wng :fwngz手hwng旺盛hwngq闷热rungj轻浮.作风不正派(4)Yinhsingsaek/cujsingsang 塞声韵/高音组加p尾ap aep ep iep ip op oep uep up加t尾at aet et iet it ot oet uet ut wet wt加k尾ak aek ek iek ik ok oek uek uk wkap :cap驻扎.插dap塔.搭(车).回答fap法律.符法gap 配.交.交叉.结交aep :caep砌daep肝.锁gaep挟.盖印gyaep追.撵haep恐吓ep :ep强求.钓(鱼)gep片.()块hep哑(嗓子)nep 挟.钳.小夹子.挤iep :ciep继承.像.似(指人或动物有血统关系的).接替diep 帖子.张贴ip :gip捡.拾.急.焦急nip夹(菜).抽(签)sip牛虱siphaz(sipvaiz)蜈蚣op :bop鱼漂.水泡gop掬hop()圈()圆oep :goep蛙gyoep凑.合并uep :uep猛打duep(dotbyak)破壳huep(yup)胆怯vuep 乱说up :up火闷cup吻dup发(芽)lup包(心);含(苞)mup闻.嗅at :at抵押.扶住cat淘米.擦.涂dat山崖.峭壁fat分发.发育.发酵aet :baet扫caet七daet(raed)剪(断)gaet扣子.啃.咬haet早晨et :bet八get(味道)浓.醇het刚.才.单单vet骂iet :ciet节日.节气diet铁giet揭.掀ndit阳光nit寒冷it :bit笔.鸭子cit抽(烟).(味道)淡.点炙dit擦(火柴)ot :dot啄got捧.搂.拥抱hot打(结子).刮(胡子)cot 掠夺.逃脱.退oet :goet骨.尸骨goet搅拌gyoet(水)冰冷uet :buet跑cuet(味道)淡duet脱(衣裤).拦路抢劫.逃脱vuet割砍luet(rod)滑(下)ut :gut烫(发).穷苦.弯曲hut(vet)骂.辱骂ngut弯ngutngeungeu弯弯曲曲vut扔.抛弃wet :gwet(饭)稀烂hwet腰lwet(fwix)朦胧欲睡wt :bwt肺cwt(cit)抽(烟).(味道)淡lwt(swt)理睬mwt钝ak :ak厉害bak嘴.百.佰cak挣扎dak晒gak 各lak崩塌aek :aek胸脯baek北caek()点()滴daek蚱蜢.蚂蚱.盛.舀ek :ek(牛)轭bek拍(手).靶子.目标dek裂.爆炸gek 隔开iek :biek芋头diek(iu)邀请giek角色.草鞋ik :bik逼迫cik尺子.炎热dik挑(刺)gik懒惰.挖苦.激励ok :ok出bok剥(皮)dok压榨.牛痘gok响亮gyok 箍lok馈赠.行贿oek :boek趟.次.翻覆doek降.落.遗失goek根roek六soek削uek :buek拼(命).拼搏guek国家suek裹.包uk :uk脑guk老虎cuk捶(人)duk裹.包扎fuk()剂(药)wk :cwk淤积.积存.积压dwk施(肥).烧(火).打.射hwk 颚.鳃Yinhsingsaek/cujsingdaemq塞声韵/低音组加b尾ab aeb eb ieb ib ob oeb ueb ub加d尾ad aed ed ied id od oed ued ud wedwd加g尾ag aeg eg ieg ig og oeg ueg ug wg ab :cab切.掺杂.纷繁dab重叠gab夹.压榨hab盒子.合并.适宜aeb :caeb扎.收拾daeb叠.垒.砌gaeb窄.捉haeb咬eb :beb瘪(肚皮)收缩deb碟子geb钳.挟.小夹子.浅蓝的neb 靠近ieb :dieb蹬.踏.垒sieb残忍.残暴ib :cib十gib及.及时nyib缝ob :cob筹(钱).推积hob适合.凑合mob(momh)牛口套oeb :boeb卷.折coeb烧goeb盖gyoeb拼(合在一起)moeb打ueb :sueb(水位)下降(容量)减少yueb唆使.煽动ub :dub捶打hub张开大拇指和食指来量长度rub抚摸ad :bad(raemj)砍fad抽打.罚.处分gyod慢慢的移动aed :baed佛caed消失.除尽gaed枯竭haed紧缩maed 密ed :ged吝啬hed磨损red鱼笠(喇叭形的)ied :bied撇开cied(raeg,laemz,mued)绝.灭绝sied 损耗id :bid蝉cid野?fid往上抽.甩mid尖刀.匕首vid卷.扔od :fod紫黑色(指人或动物的肉色)gyod滑动.挣扎lod 拔(羽毛)oed :boed(彻底)垮doed崛起goed牛以角相抵(以角触物).擦.刷foed做绿肥的绿叶ued :bued批发lued (duet)掠夺.抢夺mued慢慢的细切(水)冒出.灭绝nyued甘心ud :gud 牲畜用嘴.角.头等来掀撬泥土sud(swd)喝.饮.(较浓的液体)wed :bwed拨(开).抛弃lwed血rwed臭虫.淋.浇(菜)wd :cwd(mbung)盛谷物的圆囤dwd(doed)超出.多出gwd稠ag :gag自bag疯.劈cag绳子dag衡量fag()把.支.只会.尽会aeg :baeg累.疲乏caeg小偷daeg青少年男性的前称.雄性动物总称eg :beg角力.扳(倒)geg(lig)破.烂leg(sik)撕ieg :cieg破裂.溶解dieg地.地址.区域ngieg蛟龙.鳄鱼ig :gig 非常.极cig直接.草席dig笛子lig漂亮.好rig 张牙舞爪威胁对方og :bog()束.()捆.敷dog唯一fog()畦rog外面oeg :roeg鸟doeg毒foeg肿goeg壮大loeg绿色soeg(头发)蓬松.长ueg :bueg(bued)拔dueg承包lueg山谷.坡谷rueg呕吐wg:dwg是lwg儿女gwg稠(液体的)hwg痕迹附调号资料:舒声调—声调(一)(Diuhsingdoeng – Singdiuh (1))一、声调声调是能区别意义的声音的高低和升降。

GLP及其在中国实施的趋势与可能蔡磊明王捷(国家沈阳新药安全评价研究中心, 10021)一、GLP的历史良好实验室规范(good laboratory practice ,GLP),最早是二十世纪70年代美国FDA 为审查新药登记申请的非临床安全评价资料而提出来的。
针对化学品安全评价研究过程中出现的造假和舞弊行为,肯尼迪总统委员会(Kennedy Hearings of the US Congress)责成PMA(制药企业联合会)从企业规范角度制定了企业GLP草案(1975年),责成FDA从法律上的规范,制定GLP(Good Laboratory Practice)的提案,以解决安全评价试验过程中的舞弊行为。
FDA于1976年11月制定了GLP草案,并发表在官方联邦法规集F.R(Federal Register)上,在听取多方面的意见后,于1978年12月22日公布了最终GLP,并于1979年6月20日生效(21 CFR 58)。

注意积累零散的技巧 我所说的零散的技巧简单点说就是一个特效,当你遇到了,如果喜欢,不妨弄清楚是怎么做出来的,可以自己先猜测一下,用的什么插件,大致是怎么做的,能猜出来就动手做一下,能做出相似的效果,那么它就是属于你自己的技巧了.其实我们所见到的很多特效并非我们的技术实力不够而做不出来,而是我们没想到这样的效果,我个人比较喜欢的一句话就是"没有做不出的,只有想不到的".技巧积累的足够多了,就会发现这些特效就是"障眼法".很简单的层,很简单的关键帧,就能渲染出华丽的效果,所以要注重积累
制作 很辛苦,而且可能会很枯燥,一遍又一遍的听同一首曲子直到对其免疫,一遍又一遍的翻阅同样的镜头直到脑残,不过只要始终保持创作初期最原始的冲动,我想一定能完成这个艰巨的任务...所以制作切忌急功近利,要有耐心不能浮躁.大家可以尝试一下这个方法:每首歌就象文章一样也有"起,承,转,合"几个部分,大家可以先把歌按这几个部分拆开,一段一段做,每做完一段可以休息一下,这样感觉可能会轻松点

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I'm recording this for my daughters, Emma and Lindsay.People are going to be saying...But no matter what this looks like, you need to know.....I didn't do anything bad.I didn't do anything wrong.And I love you both very much.Amy.I've never lied to you.Sometimes shit just happens.Nina.I love you.And I always will.You're a good person.Just tell your kids you love them.I don't...I don't know if they'll believe me.Be true to yourself.That's all I've got to say.<font color="#4096d1"> -==ÆÆÀÃÐÜÀÖÔ°ÇãÇé·îÏ×==- ±¾×ÖÄ»½ö¹©Ñ§Ï°½»Á÷£¬ÑϽûÓÃÓÚÉÌÒµÓÃ;</font>E-Lyric<font color=#4096d1>-=ÆÆÀÃÐÜ×ÖÄ»×é=- ·-Ò룺ÑÌ ØÊ×Ó Ð£¶Ô£ºÕÔСÅÖÍôÍôÍô ʱ¼äÖ᣺ÖÕµã</font>Bax!Hey.How's it going? Yeah, not bad.It's good to see you.I mean what kind of dickhead checks in luggage?The kind that doesn't want to get sweaty lugging it around.You alright? Yeah, you?Good, Bax? Hey, Quinn.Hey up!Hello, mate. How are you?Beautiful.Hey, Wood. Come on.When did you last see him?Er, a year ago?Haven't seen you for... what is it?It's nearly a year.Longer since I've seen those two.We've been avoiding you, Quinn.Yeah, when you did that second degree, we just thought,"What a cock."Here you are, look at this.Hola.Bienvenidos a Majorca.Lovely, thank you. Is that leather? Thank you.I want to sit in the front boys, if that's alright? Yeah, I'll sit here.Bienvenidos.Hey up.Fucking hell, eh! Digital camera.Not bad, is it? Thanks, Alv.How can he retire at his age? What's he going to do? Eat grapes.So basically, we're just celebrating himbecoming a rich slacker, is that it?* Like a virgin* touched for the very first time* When your heart beats next to mine* I-I-I-I* Oh-oh-oh-oh-ohHello.Yeah, I'd love to help you, but I'm, erm...I'm out of the business, aren't I?No.Retirado.Ci, ci. Terminado.Yes, yeah, yeah.Yes, he knows.No. No, not even for Dominic.Yeah, well, tell him thanks.Gracias, for asking.OK. Adios.Alvo!Bienvenidos, amigos!How are you?You got any drink in?Give us a kiss. Woody!Alright, Woods.Alright, Bax. How you doing?Quinny!Here we are.Bedrooms.Lucky dip. First-come, first-served.Bathroom.Mine. Mine, mine, mine!Makes you want to burst into song, Woods.The hills are alive...Maybe not.Out!That moody?Like I'd wear a fake.It's a nice one. Cost a few bob?No, it was a present.Blimey, who buys you presents like that?Someone who cares very deeply about me.Me.From me to me.The watch, the villa, the ride all came from my sweat, my toil. And infinitely resourceful???I'm very rich, you know.Well, here's to you, Alvo.Here's to the next six days.Pretty generous thing to do, mate. Cheers.Money can't buy real friends, Bax.Buys you guys have always been there for me.And I really appreciate that, I do.Nothing significant has ever been typed using thumbs.But they're all at it!I gave away my cell.I don't even have a computer up here now.I read books.I refuse to have a conversation with somebody who's going to sit there going neh neh neh... Quinn's turned into our dad.Alright, 50 quid... says that none of you lotcan go the next 24 hours without using your phone.50 quid? Yeah.Alright. You're on.Let me make one more call... And me...and you're on, my friend.Nina? It's me.No, I'm not in jail. No, it's good.Hello, darling, it's Dad. Very nice.Yeah, he's good. Put on a bit. Yeah, I'm fine. You OK?No, he looks well.I'm just reminding you I'mI know you know. He's confiscating the phones.Yeah, cos he's a control freak. Oh, you've got to go? OK.Before you go... If there's an emergency.....don't forget next weekend. ..I left the number on the fridge. Yeah, next weekend we're - No, it'll be fine.Give them a kiss from me.Ta-da.Alright, then, let's have it.Lock 'em up and see who sweats.He's shivering already.How many Freudians does it take to change lightbulb?How many?two, twoOne to change the lightbulb and the other one to hold my cock. Mother! Ladder!That's alright, isn't it?Come on, Rick. You're next.Hang on. Hang on.Alright, a horse walks into -No, a whore walks into a bar.Sorry, guys, Alvo, correct me if I'm wrong,but you've got something floating in your pool.What's that? It's a dog.It's a goat, innit?Look at it.Sizzling like a big strip of bacon.Woody. Mmm?Would you like me to massage some sun cream into your nuts?You think it just wandered in by mistake?Senor Hernandez?The pool man, Handy Mandez?The goat. Oh, the goat.You reckon the goat had issues?One too many San Miguels?Didn't realise how out of it it was and boom...Straight in the drink.Tragic misadventure.Never to be explained.He was the Brian Jones of goats.Are you wearing Speedos?No, they're not Speedos.They look like Speedos.Nah, Nina picked them out for me.I don't... I don't think they're Speedos.How is lovely Nina?She's good, mate. She's great, thanks. Yeah.Do you ever think about, you know, like, her and Quinn... That he used to go out with her.That's nearly 20 years ago, isn't it?But he loved her though, didn't he?Do you think they still keep in touch?No way.I was just going to go down the pool. - In your Speedos?I just think she got the wrong size.Are you happy?Yeah. Oh, yeah. Why wouldn't I be?No, no, I just wondered, I wondered if you ever......regretted not getting involved with this.You know, with me.When you had the chance.I don't really think like that, Alv. Maybe you should. Next time you're in your little office.With its fluorescent lighting.And vertical blinds.And lumped hours.I knew what you were...I'm winding you up! I knew you were. I could tell.You've done... You've done great, mate!You wearing Speedos? They're not Speedos.Nina picked them out for him.Sweet She does his shopping for him.How is, Nina?Yeah, she's good.Sends her love.You scared the shit out of me, you arseholes!Hope nobody's watching, looks rather dodgy.The dodgy ones go under the terrace.I don't care for his aftershave.Decomposition, the new fragrance from John Paul Gauthier. Don't you think someone should say a few words?OK.Goodbye, goat.Yeah, that should do it. Good luck, Woods.Be honest, Alv, is there anything you miss about home?I'll have to think about that.Watching Woody dig holes made me quite parched.Be a mother, Bax.Cerveza's in the fridge.Woody's doing OK then?Yeah, apparently.When he smiles he still looks like a retard, but hey.Boy's a fighter, can't knock him.How's the teaching working out for you?It's lecturing.Same thing, isn't it?Hardly.Touchy.I'm not touchy.It's different.Only a pair of cretins would play tennis in the midday sun. Alright, boys?Beat him like a Peter.Sorry, Alv.Lost a couple of your balls.We would have looked for them but we were worried about a goat attack. One's in the pool.Well, don't worry.One thing I'm not short of is balls.???Gracias.Cheers. Cheers.I bet you are a bit of a dab hand at the old cooking.What makes you say that?Divorced.Two teenage daughters that you have to prove to themyou can do everything their mum can.What's it like being single.....again?Who says I was single?Yeah?Yeah, I'm single. I thought so.I never could get my head around you giving up the law,especially after all that studying.I didn't work for me.I bet you miss it though, especially the old money.And for what? Selling antiquesWell, they're not -I know, I know, Asian artefacts, niche market, blah, blah, blah.It's a bit fucking minty though, innit?In the end, I guess you've just got to do what you enjoy.Boys?Hello?OK, whatever you want, on me.You don't have to pay??Yeah, we're not the poor relations. Rick can afford matching luggage. No, your money is no good here. I'll have four lobsters, then.I'll get the next one in. We should take turns anyway.Those of us that can.I'll order for us, shall I?Bit of everything? Fish, some steak.Surf and turf action?How's your Spanish?Que sera seraIt's embarrassing isn't it, really?Everybody else in the world speaks two languages except us.I suppose, historically speaking,it was always going to be easier for us to colonise them.Rather that than learn another bloody language, hey?Drive on the left-hand side, this is a train, this is a cricket ball. Now speak ruddy English.I bet you miss the booze, don't you? Times like this?Out with your mates, having a laugh?You mean do I miss waking up covered in sick,not having any clue what happened the night before?Nah, not really.I expect everyone asks you that.Usually it's the ones who think they might have a problem themselves. Still, it's cool, you know, having you as our designated drunk driver? That supposed to be funny?I didn't mean it like that, I just meant, you know... What?Well, it's great. That you've...You're not drinking.Just... driving.You could probably have one though, couldn't you?I mean, you are on holiday.See your kids much?Erm...They're at that age when having any kind of conversation with meis sort of just awkward.There's nothing I can do or say that doesn't make them look like they're annoyed or embarrassed.That's your job really, innit?Yeah, I suppose so.We just don't seem able to connect any more.Are they both at uni?Yeah, both at uni. Mother lives in Edinburgh.Just me rattling around in a big house now.Here we go.Ruddy hell! They're huge!Blimey, ask them if they'll race them.Ask if we can ride them!They're still moving.He's coming off.Imagine what would be doing now if we were still in our twenties. On the prowl! On the piss.On the fucking brink! Not allowed to do that anymore.Hey, hey!Let's go clubbing. Bit of old school!Come on! No way.Absolutely no fucking way.You alright? Where'd you get that?Sweet Jesus!I feel like I've just relocated the keys to my chi.Maybe.I haven't done that in a long time.It showed.You know what? I think I've pulled my glutes.So are we all, like.....middle-aged now, then?Speak for yourself.How did that happen?It's like...One minute, you're looking forward to everything.And the next minute, you're looking over your shoulder...And you go from thinking you're gonna live thinking you've got a brain tumourevery time you got a headache.It's all green tea and fish oil from here on in, mate.Good.Meet the boys.Alright, guys. This is, erm, Laurie.Lottie. Lottie.She's from Bradford. Barnsley.I just thought I'd bring her back,have a drink, show her the mountains.Mi casa su casa.Ahh. Mi casa su casa.Come here, I want to give you a big kiss.Yeah, he's nice. He's a good-looking lad.Do you think we should say something?The guy is married. We went to both his kids' christenings.He obviously doesn't know whatRick! Rick!Ricky!What you doing? Hey?We're just having a drink. What are you doing?Do you want one?You don't think he's going to -He's just showing her his matching luggage.I'll just... shut this.Like it, don't ya?I do.Ooh, shall we make a dirty video?Yeah, definitely. They're my favourite kind.Brilliant.What do you want me to do? Get them off then.Now? Get them off. Go on, don't be shy.Let's see what you've got for me.Ooh, here he goes.Look at that! Is he a big boy? Is he a small boy?Let's have a look. It is big. Is it?Let's have a look at it then. Don't be shy.Go on, go on!Are you ready for him? Are you ready? I'm ready for him. Ooh! Very good.Whoa! Hang on!Whoa!Go on, give me a little danceI'll do a dance for you. Come here.Fuck! Oh!Put a sock in it!Put a sock on it!What you doing?I'm going to blackmail the little fucker.Oh, yeah! Yes! Yes!Oh! Yeah!Shh.Oh, I'm gonna fuck you so hard.Si?Uno momento.Business.At three in the morning?I thought he'd retired.Oh! Oh, yeah!D'you like it? Do you want it harder?Fuck!Terminado. Ci. Ci.Oh! Yeah! Yeah!No, no.No, no.???Oh! Oh!Slow down.You can understand me, speak English.No. Dominic, right.Dominic said we were good.I don't want to be in this fucking packet!Oh, yeah!Oh, fuck! Fuck!Fucking hell.I'm not fucking having it!I don't know whether to drive it or play it.You could start by turning it on, genius.Bax, you want one?Yeah. I'll take a cappuccino.Isn't it supposed to be "I'll have a cappuccino"?Or is it the done thingto use the grammar of an American sitcom when ordering one's coffee? Wow, Quinn, sorry,I had no idea you were such a custodian of the English vernacular. Cheers, Wood.Or indeed such a wanker.Alright.I'll make you a brew. Cheers.You lot were well lashed last night.I think you've all been barred. Yes!Two years clean and sober and the boy's still got it.You're funny.Did he tell you he was married? What?Rick. He's married, he's got kids.So?It doesn't bother you? He's on holiday, isn't heThere you go. Ta.Fuck me.It's the ghost of arseholes passed.Nice place, this. Is it yours? I wish.I bet it's yours, then.Dunno.You look... successful.Well, it's...No, it belongs to a friend of mine.Right.Rick, you want coffee? No, you're alright.Check him out.Part accountant, part member of Motorhead.I'm not an accountant.Oh...I'm a financial consultant.What's going on? Hairy dog.No, with her.What are we supposed to tell Nina if she asks about it?She won't. What if she does?It's just an activity, Quinn, alright?Who made you the moral compass of the expedition all of a sudden? Dear, oh dear, oh dear.Look at the state of you lot.And you are a naughty, naughty boy.Yeah.You got a number for a cab? I've got to get her home.Yeah, there's a card on the desk by the phone.Hola. Err...Rick. Una taxi...Intercourse remorse, Rick?Right, a bit of brunch, then we can either.....go round the oldest church on the islandor take a look at the Botanical Gardens,which are actually really rather nice.Calm down, Woody.Or we can take out my mate's massive fuck-off boatand do a bit of deep-sea fishing.Well, the botanical gardens are pulling me, I don't know about you. Quinnalot? He'd prefer to look at the church.Shut it, Woody. Mopey!Because he's not getting anyOut in front in half-an-hour and bring your cossies.And Randy Pandy, don't forget to put lolita in her taxi, alright? Coming through. Out the way, boys.What's all that about? Mind your own business.If something happened to Alvo,I wonder what would happen to his villa.Mum and Dad are gone, never been married...Alvo! If you die before us, can we have your villa?It's already yours, man.Seriously, I put it in all your names.When? Just before you came out.Then if I fall off my moped, I know you're going to enjoy it rather than some corrupt local official.You'd do the same for me, right?Who's this mate of yours?Jesus.Izus? Izoos? What kind of a name is that?It's Serbian for Jesus, innit.Well, now we go for a little walk.I want you all to see my idyllic island up close and personal. "Sun is Shining" - Bob MarleyIs that it?Yeah, I know.* Sun is shining* The weather is sweet, yeahOle! Ole, ole, ole!* Make you wanna move* Your dancing feet* When the morning* Gather the rainbow* Want you to know* I'm a rainbow too* To the rescue* Here I amAlright, Rick.Why don't you get one of these, Alv?Yeah, I might, Rick. I might.Here, pal.Nah, you're alright.So, he's a mate of yours, is he?This Izus, Jesus,???No, he's a cunt actually.Quite a lot of them are cunts out here, as it goes.How come he lent you the boat then? No, he didn't.What, so we nicked it? He put a goat in my pool.He fucking nicked it. Oh, I knew it!We nicked it. You're fucking joking!Oh, boo hoo hoo! We're scared of getting into trouble!Boo hoo hoo! We want to go home!What a bunch of fanny merchants.Oi, some of us have got responsibilities, mate.Listen, Alv, turn the boat around. Take it back now.No, I don't want to.Why are you being such a prick?You can't tell me what to do. I'm the captain.I'm Captain Prick.Come on, Alv, enough's enough, eh? Don't worry!We're not really nicking it, you pussies.We're just leaving it somewhereit will take Jesus a little while to find it.Right, jump off, Bax.Go on. Jump off. Woody. Woody! Chuck him the rope.Hang on.OK. OK.Sorry, mate.Oi. Oi! Captain Pugwash!You going to pull us in or what?Alright! Alright!Fucking Woody.I just had to flex a bit of muscle,show them I'm not to be pushed around. Right.So what are we going to do, Alv? Get a cab or something?A cab?Where do you see a cab round here? We're walking.It's miles!We're all a bit knackered, Alvo.And my glasses are bust."My glasses are bust"Quinn was telling me how we're not allowed to call him teacher anymore. We have to refer to him as 'a lecturer' or he gets very upset.I just call him sir.Shit. Shit, shit!I've left me camera on the boat.I'm not going back for it. Do think we should go back, Alv?I'll just leave it then, shall I?Bax said you're lonely, Quinn.That you're going into your shell,Is that true? No idea, Alvo.He said you had an inability to form meaningful relationships.I didn't say that. I didn't say that.Mind you, maybe you're better off in the long term.I mean, look at him.She's taken you to the cleaners, hasn't she, the missus?Why would you say that?Who's got the house? The car?She needs the car for the school run.And then there's the maintenance.She hasn't just taken you to the cleaners,she's sticking your head inside the washing machineand making you sniff her dirty knickers.We're just over this.Why don't we just.....follow the road round?You're past it, mate.Let's go.Hey. I honestly think he's a bit cracked.Maybe it's living here on his own. He's got no mates, has he?It's like we're the only people he's got in his lifeand we're never around, so... < Come on!I knew we should have gone???> So speak English!Well, fuck off then! I don't care! No!Is he speaking to that Jesus?If he's going to carry on like this, I'm going home.How?Just get on a plane. Bit ungrateful, innit?He'd never speak to us again.We've known him 25 years, we can't just fuck off and leave.He just gave us his villa.Maybe he just got over-excited because we're all hereand he's just trying to show off.We can stand up to him, you know?We don't have to do everything he says. We're not fucking kids. Alright, then.We all stick together on this, OK?United front.Yeah. Right.It's nothing too fancy, just, sort of, little Spanish nibbles.To high-jinks.On the high seas.You, erm... you going to go out on the pull again tonight, Ricky? Quiet night in, I think.Mmm. Yeah.Alv, have you got any after-sun?Aloe Vera or something?After-sun?'Allo, VeraYeah, no, yeah.Let's all go and moisturise.So, Alv, who bought the business? Was it... English company?You're not seeing anyone new yet, are you, Baxter?There's no lucky lady?You've asked me that. Twice. What was that......mad, crazy bird you saw last time you split up with your missus before you bottled it and went back to her?Brazilian! Brazilian, wasn't she?She was nuts.Tasty, but nuts.They're the best in bed, though, ain't they?You can't beat a bit of low self-esteem in the sack.You know, cos they're like, up for everything!They're so grateful!I bet your Jenny, she was a bit like that, wasn't she?Because she topped herself, didn't she?How much lower can self-esteem get?What?It's OK. I know what he was trying to say.Do you?Well, it's not like it didn't happen.Talk about timing, though.Just when you get clean, she offs herself.Right, listen, why don't we change the subject?You do know he was going to leave her, don't you?That's the irony! You -Shut up, Alvo.Whatever you say, man. Whatever you say.What shall we talk about them?What about Rick's little liaison?And now he's got to try and stop the Quinnsterfrom telling Nina all about it, because, as we all know, deep down, he's still in love with her. You're out of order, Alvo.Yeah, I know, I know. I don't need this.Thank you for including me but I don't want any part of your villa. Of course you don't, because you think you're better than me.You always thought you were better than me.Cleverer, smarter, and now, now, you can't for the life of you work out how I have ended up with all this.And you have got... exactly...What do you have, Quinn?Come on, boys. Let's take a breather.I mean, we are on holiday.Or we could just talk about what a total shitpileBaxter's made of his life.There is absolutely nothing you can say to me that will have any effect. You're a fraud. Right?You want people to believe you're something you're not.OK, come on, just get it all off your chest.Spew it all out. Let's hear it.Isn't it fucking ironic that the man who has everything, underneath it all, is just a deeply unhappy human being. Unlike you, Quinn, the person who has absolutely fuck all I want Nina back!What you banging on about her for?He's just had a little too much to drink.Yeah, unhappy living like this...Since when did happiness become about buying stuff? Listen, Alvo, I'd like my phone back now. Now.Look...I'm sorry. I'm sorry.The thing is, is I... I.....needed you all to...Well, I didn't need you, I wanted to see you.No, I needed to see you.This is... This is my fault.This is my fault really.But, I mean, like, like I said...Did I say that...?Who are the people that you turn to?You know, when...It's Tony Blair.Tiny Blair, more like.I don't know anything about a fucking boat, mate.DNA! I'm like a walking fucking Petri dish of evidence. You can't phone the police.People don't get away with stuff like this.。

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libmad音频解码库分析2008-07-25 11:46MAD(libmad)是一个开源的高精度MPEG音频解码库,支持MPEG-1标准。
表4 libmad中的主要数据结构MAD通过回调函数机制来实现解码,每个回调函数会返回一个枚举类型mad_flow,通过mad_flow可以控制解码的过程。
在未经处理的情况下,MAD一般输出32bit,以little endian格式存放在mad_fixed_t中的数据。
struct mad_decoder decoder;struct my_playbuf playbuf; //设置数据缓冲区mad_decoder_init(&decoder,&playbuf,input_func,header_func,/*filter*/0 , output_func, /*error*/ 0, /* message */ 0);在这个初始化函数里面,回调输入函数指向了input_func,处理帧头信息的函数指向了header_func,而输出函数则为output_func。
enum mad_flow的数据结构定义如下:enum mad_flow{MAD_FLOW_CONTINUE = 0x0000, /*继续进行下一帧的解码*/MAD_FLOW_STOP = 0x0010, /*停止对该比特流的解码并正常退出*/MAD_FLOW_BREAK = 0x0010, /*停止对该比特流的解码并返回错误*/MAD_FLOW_IGNORE = 0x0020 /*不解码该帧,跳入下一帧*/};大多数情况下回调函数会返回MAD_FLOW_CONTINUE。
要自定义实现的回调函数的声明格式为:enum mad_flow (*input_func)(void *, struct mad_stream *);enum mad_flow (*header_func)(void *, struct mad_header const *);enum mad_flow (*filter_func)(void *, struct mad_stream const *, struct mad_frame *);enum mad_flow (*output_func)(void *, struct mad_header const *, struct mad_pcm *);enum mad_flow (*error_func)(void *, struct mad_stream *, struct mad_frame *);enum mad_flow (*message_func)(void *, void *, unsigned int *);其中void *指针将缓冲数据传递给这些回调函数,由回调函数对数据进行处理。
Input_func函数一般会执行以下操作:if (more_data_available)buffer = refill_buffer();mad_stream_buffer(stream, buffer, length_of_buffer);return MAD_FLOW_CONTINUE;else return MAD_FLOW_STOP;header_func函数会根据mad_header指向的帧头从中读取重要的帧信息,如将读取到的帧长度赋值给mad_timer_t,可以从mad.h中得知存放这些信息的数据结构。
在output_func函数中,利用指向PCM数据的指针mad_pcm,执行类似以下操作:mad_fixed_t *left_ch = pcm->samples[0], *right_ch=pcm->samples[1];//将采样数据分别输出到左右声道int nsamples = pcm->length;signed int sample;unsigned char * buffer = some_buffer;unsigned char * ptr = buffer;while (nsamples--){sample = (signed int) do_downsample(*left_ch++)*ptr++ = (unsigned char) (sample >> 0);*ptr++ = (unsigned char) (sample >> 8);sample = (signed int) do_downsample(*right_ch++)*ptr++ = (unsigned char) (sample >> 0);*ptr++ = (unsigned char) (sample >> 8);//处理左右声道采样数据,输出16bit little endian格式PCM}定义好各回调函数之后,便可以开始解码:mad_decoder_run(&decoder, MAD_DECODER_MODE_SYNC);解码完毕后,调用mad_decoder_finish(&decoder);Linux音频设备操作2008-07-25 11:47音频设备操作为了将libmad解码后的PCM数据输出到本地的音频设备,需要调用OSS音频驱动API函数,具体的操作过程为[17] [18]:(1)包含必要的头文件,并定义合适的输出缓冲区#include <ioctl.h>#include <unistd.h>#include <fcntl.h>#include <sys/soundcard.h>#define BUF_SIZE 4096int audio_fd;unsigned char audio_buffer[BUF_SIZE];(2)打开音频设备/dev/sound/dspif ((audio_fd = open("/dev/sound/dsp", O_WRONLY, 0)) == -1) {perror("/dev/sound/dsp"); //如果打不开,提示出错exit(1);}(3)设置采样格式、声道数和采样速率int format; //设置采样格式format = AFMT_S16_LE; //设置为16bit little endian格式if (ioctl(audio_fd, SNDCTL_DSP_SETFMT, &format) == -1) {perror("SNDCTL_DSP_SETFMT"); //如果设置格式失败,提示出错exit(1);} //退出程序int channels = 2; //设置两声道if (ioctl(audio_fd, SNDCTL_DSP_CHANNELS, &channels) == -1) {perror("SNDCTL_DSP_CHANNELS"); //如果设置声道数失败,提示出错exit(1);}int speed = 44100; //设置采样速率if (ioctl(audio_fd, SNDCTL_DSP_SPEED, &speed)==-1) {perror("SNDCTL_DSP_SPEED"); //如果设置速率失败,提示出错exit(1);}(4)关闭音频设备close(audio_fd);audio_fd=-1;采用libmad+libao实现最简单的mp3播放器2008-07-25 13:28一、概述1.libmad介绍MAD (libmad) is a high-quality MPEG audio decoder. It currently supports MPEG-1 and the MPEG-2 extension to Lower Sampling Frequencies, as well asthe so-called MPEG 2.5 format. All three audio layers (Layer I, Layer II, and Layer III a.k.a. MP3) are fully implemented.MAD does not yet support MPEG-2 multichannel audio (although it should bebackward compatible with such streams) nor does it currently support AAC.MAD has the following special features:- 24-bit PCM output- 100% fixed-point (integer) computation- completely new implementation based on the ISO/IEC standards- distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL)2.libao介绍libao is a cross platform audio library that allows program to output audio using a simple API on a wide varity of platform. It currently supports: . Null output (handy for testing without a sound device). Wav files. AV files. OSS (open sound system, used on linux and freebsd). ALSA (advanced linux sound archiecture). PulseAudio (next generation GNOME sound server ). esd (EsounD or enlightened sound daemon). AIX. Sun/ NetBSD/OpenBSD. IRIX. NAS (network audio server)二、源代码说明libmad附带了一个示例程序minimad, 但是仅仅是将解码结果输出到屏幕上,而libao则是基于OSS、ALSA等之上的音频高级API,可以将pcm输出,通过多种方式播放出来,因此将两者结合起来,编写一个可以播放mp3的程序。