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SAP01Lesson:SAP NetWeaver:Overview Exercise26:Determine Your SAP System
Exercise Objectives
After completing this exercise,you will be able to:
•List the components of your training system
Business Example
You have logged on to an SAP system and want to learn more about the system's
Learn more about your training system configuration.
1.On which operating system does your SAP system run and what database
is used?
Field Data
Operating System
2.Optional:What software components are available in your SAP system?
Unit8:SAP NetWeaver SAP01 Solution26:Determine Your SAP System
Learn more about your training system configuration.
1.On which operating system does your SAP system run and what database
is used?
Field Data
Operating System
a)From the menu bar(for example,from the SAP Easy Access menu),
choose System→Status.
b)Check on which operating system your SAP system is running and
which database it is using.This information is located in the Host data
screen area(Operating system field)and the Database data screen area
(Database system field).The combination used in this course(such as a
Microsoft Windows NT operating system with a Microsoft SQL Server
database)is not the only possible combination;SAP systems can run on
various combinations of operating systems and databases.
Note:If you have a user for the SAP Service Marketplace
and would like to know more about supported platforms and
related areas,see the information available under the quick
Continued on next page
SAP01Lesson:SAP NetWeaver:Overview
2.Optional:What software components are available in your SAP system?
a)On the System:Status screen,choose the Component information
button.The individual components of your SAP system are then shown
in the System:Component information screen that appears.
b)The SAP_BASIS and SAP_ABA software components together make
up the basic SAP NetWeaver Application Server functions.If you
are using an SAP ECC system,you will also see the SAP_APPL and
SAP_HR components,which together form the SAP ECC core.You
might also see Enterprise Extensions and additional components(such
as plug-ins).Note that SAP NetWeaver AS has its own release cycle
that is independent from that of SAP ECC and Enterprise Extension set
(see the Release column).
c)If you are using an SAP system that is not an SAP ECC system,there
may be different entries here(such as SAP_SCM for an SAP Supply
Chain Management system),although you will definitely see the entries
Unit8:SAP NetWeaver SAP01 Lesson Summary
You should now be able to:
•List the subareas of SAP NetWeaver
•Outline the importance of the SAP NetWeaver Application Server as the
central foundation of the Application Platform for all SAP systems
Related Information
For more information about SAP NetWeaver,visit /netweaver or,
if you have a user ID for the SAP Service Marketplace,see the SAP Service
Marketplace under the quick link/netweaver.
SAP01Lesson:People Integration
Lesson:People Integration
Lesson Overview
In this lesson you will learn about SAP NetWeaver Portal and gain an
understanding of its advantages.
Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson,you will be able to:
•Outline the importance of SAP NetWeaver Portal as an access technology
Business Example
Your employees need access to their various systems from their desktops as well
as from any Internet terminal.Employees have requested that all system access
require the use of only one password.
Why Use Enterprise Portals?
The SAP NetWeaver Portal gives you access to all relevant data over a
service-friendly interface.It also allows you to convert unstructured knowledge
into concrete knowledge.SAP NetWeaver Portal brings together information from
SAP and non-SAP systems,data warehouses,and desktop documents,as well as
Web content and services on a central,unified platform.
The SAP NetWeaver Portal offers a central point of entry to all applications,
Business Intelligence functions,documents,and Web services in a company.
Users are central ers can use information from different sources and
collaborate with one another inside and outside the company.Each portal is
organized so that an optimal working environment for quickly realizing business
opportunities and solving problems is created.This guarantees an extensive
provision of predefined content,business packages,a fast implementation,and a
higher return on investment than for comparable products.This makes the portal
into a user-oriented platform for companies and their business partners.
Unit8:SAP NetWeaver SAP01 In today's e-business world,companies often have extremely complex IT
landscapes.This includes information,applications,and services:
•Traditionally,information stored in application systems,such as CRM,
ERP(SAP ERP Central Component)and legacy applications,has only
been accessible within the context of the system in question.If this data is
made available outside of the individual applications,the efficiency of the
user is increased.
•An increasing amount of complex information makes it more and more
difficult for users to find the data and reports in data warehouses that is
needed to help them to make their decisions.
•The Web has become one of the most important sources of information
for employees.One of today's challenges is to replace traditional methods
of accessing and using Web information with the intelligent integration of
intranets and the Internet in other enterprise systems.
•Managing,maintaining,and searching for texts,e-mails,CAD drawings,and other unstructured data can be extremely time-consuming.
Figure142:SAP NetWeaver:People Integration
SAP NetWeaver Portal is a key component of the integration and application
platform SAP NetWeaver.It contains People Integration as well as Information
Integration in the form of Knowledge Management(KM).
SAP01Lesson:People Integration
Figure143:The Challenge:Complex System Landscapes
Users need access to all areas of the landscape to do their work.Access is
normally realized using special programs that involve logging on several times.
One of the main aims of an enterprise portal is facilitating and accelerating access
to information,applications,and services.This happens by allowing users access
using a single sign-on.The target group does not have to be limited to employees
of one particular company.You can use external portals to reach partners,
customers,or other interested parties.
Unit8:SAP NetWeaver SAP01 Characteristics of the SAP NetWeaver Portal
Figure144:Solution:SAP NetWeaver Portal
SAP has many years of experience as a portal provider.SAP NetWeaver
component SAP NetWeaver Portal is a new generation enterprise portal.This
solution enables:
•The integration of all kinds of company data and applications,as well as the opportunity to control heterogeneous IT landscapes
•The optimal use of open standards for securing existing investments
•The conversion of unstructured information into concrete knowledge,and cross-company collaboration
•The provision of enterprise portal content for users,according to their
particular role within the company
SAP01Lesson:People Integration
Figure145:Benefits of SAP NetWeaver Portal
A few technical facts about SAP Enterprise Portal:
•The core functions are written in Java.A J2EE runtime environment is
needed,which SAP provides with the SAP J2EE Engine.
•The architecture is completely open.SOAP,UDDI,JCA,JAAS,LDAP,
X.509,XML,and ICE are supported.
•The portal has efficient security functions,including the full support of
directory services,digital certificates,and Secure Socket Layer(SSL)
•The portal is highly scalable and can therefore accommodate a large number of users.
•Mobile devices are supported by the portal(gives independence of time
and place).
Unit8:SAP NetWeaver SAP01
User Interface:Navigation and Personalization
Users typically access the portal using a Web ers only need to log on
once in this case,because single sign-on takes care of logging on to other systems.
In the standard delivery(which can easily be modified in line with customer
requirements),the browser window is divided into the following three areas:
•The header area is the initial point of entry.It consists of the masthead
and top-level navigation bar.
The masthead normally displays the company logo,the name of the current
user,and links to functions such as personalization,help,or logging off.The
top-level navigation bar consists of tabs that depict the first two levels of
the portal hierarchy.
•Users can access deeper levels in the hierarchy in the navigation panel
using detailed navigation.This is similar to the SAP Easy Access menu
in SAP systems.
Depending on the context,other areas may be displayed in the navigation
panel,providing Drag&Relate targets or related links.
•When users call up a particular portal hierarchy,the content area(the actual interface for working)changes appropriately.A page with several iViews or
a whole-page iView appears.
Technically,an iView is a small program that calls up information from an
information source and displays it in the content area of the portal.You can
consider the portal to be a“personal toolbox”that contains all necessary
tools(in the form of iViews).
SAP01Lesson:People Integration
Figure146:User Interface
The portal gives users many opportunities for personalization:
•Administrators can use portal administration to define the content assigned to particular roles within a company.The role to which users are assigned in
the portal also dictates the functions that they are able to execute(in iViews
that are assigned to pages).
•If permitted by portal administration,users can place role-based content in the portal themselves.This includes setting the layout of individual pages
and selecting and assigning iViews.
•When users log on,the portal analyzes the language setting for the browser being used.However,users can override this value if they wish to do so.
The Platform Availability Matrix(PAM)includes a list of supported Web
browsers and languages.You can find the PAM for each release of SAP
NetWeaver Portal in the SAP Service Marketplace using the quick link
•Users can select a portal design that controls properties such as font size, color,and background images.SAP delivers several designs,including one
with optimal contrast for display using a projector.Portal administrators can
use tools to determine the overall look and feel of the enterprise portal.This
includes a user-friendly,role-based navigation structure as well as the use of
the corporate identity of the company in question.
Unit8:SAP NetWeaver SAP01
Products tend to be more similar to one another these days.But is this also true
for enterprise portals?Not at all,because while many enterprise portals simply
display applications next to one another in a portal window,SAP NetWeaver
Portal overcomes integration barriers and enables a central point of access to
different applications.
Figure147:Drag and Relate Across System Boundaries
Innovative integration and navigation functions bring users the following
•The virtual grouping of data and information stored in different systems,
applications,and information sources allows activities to be carried out
across system borders.
•Tasks can be carried out more quickly because objects are positioned
according to“logical relationships.”For example,to quickly access
information on a customer order that has not yet been delivered,you can
click on the customer order number and drag it onto the order component.
As a result,the sales order is displayed.
This process omits unnecessary steps.If you want to display a delivery
status,you no longer have to call up a Web browser,enter the Internet
address of the carrier,log on to the Web site,and then enter the customer
order data.You can now do all the above in one step.
•Search times are decreased and repetitive steps are eliminated.You do
not have to search for the customer order number and enter the sales
information again.Unification consists of a competitive,patented technology
(Drag&Relate)that realizes the front-end integration of heterogeneous
back-end applications.
SAP01Lesson:People Integration
Business Packages
While your competitors are busy programming their enterprise portals,you can
already be working productively with SAP NetWeaver Portal.This is because
SAP NetWeaver Portal uses business packages to deliver predefined portal
content that allows you to fulfill task-and branch-specific requirements.Business
packages contain numerous iViews that deliver transactions,reports,documents,
and so on from the IT systems in your company.Business packages speed up
the implementation of your enterprise portal,increase productivity,and lead to
a faster return on investment.
Figure148:Business Packages Supply Predefined Portal Content
Unit8:SAP NetWeaver SAP01 Business packages are divided into the following three groups to best meet the
requirements of users,managers,and specialists:
•Business packages for users cover all tasks that all enterprise portal users can carry out regardless of their role in the company.They help beginners
to become familiar with the enterprise portal environment as quickly as
possible,thereby making users feel at ease with the portal.The content of
these business packages includes e-mails,task lists,calendar,travel cost
reclamation,managing benefits,employee self services,e-learning,and
searching employee directories.
•Business packages for managers allow decision makers to carry out
efficient analyses to gain relevant information.They also provide tools that
allow managers to plan and manage their staff and budget.Departmental
heads,team managers and project leaders can thereby reduce the amount of
time they spend on administrative issues so that they can concentrate on
strategic tasks.
•Business packages for specialists target the needs of experts in accounting, sales,marketing,and production.They deliver strategic tools,analytical
reports,and timely warnings that allow experts to react quickly and
accordingly using the correct information.They allow experts to obtain
consistent,precise,and up-to-date information from numerous sources.
Figure149::Portal Content and More
SAP operates a central marketplace for portal content at .The
content catalog contains information on the current choice of portal content.
SAP provides this content,sorted into groups aimed at particular users,in the
form of business packages.Registered users can download these packages and
SAP01Lesson:People Integration integrate them into SAP NetWeaver Portal.Business packages allow you to build
portals“out-of-the-box”without needing additional development.They consist
of preconfigured,targeted portal content:role-based functions and processes that
are available to users at various levels.They cover a large amount of the content
needed for a particular task.
One area is aimed at developers of portal content.The Portal Development Kit
(PDK)is a tool for creating iViews.SAP provides the following variants as free
•PDK for Java:Development in Java with the SAP J2EE Engine
•PDK for WebSphere:Development in Java with IBM WebSphere
•PDK :Development in the framework
The PDK contains documentation,examples,and templates,as well as a text
environment and wizards for creating iViews.It also provides developers with
technical content,an area for FAQs,and a discussion forum.
SAP enables customers and partners to create their own interfaces by using open
interfaces and providing tools.Partners can use the SAP Developer Network
(SDN)to make their content developments available to interested users.
Knowledge Management
Knowledge Management(KM)is a key component of SAP NetWeaver Portal,
as well as a component of SAP NetWeaver Information Integration.An open
architecture allows unstructured content from various sources to be gathered
together and presented to users logically and clearly.The following areas belong
to KM:
•Content Management:Supports the entire life cycle of documents,for
example Creation→Approval→Publication→Searching for documents
→Reading documents→Comments→Archiving documents.
•Retrieval and Classification(TREX):Full-text search and automatic
classification of documents(for instance,in the form of a hierarchy such as
End User Documentation→Employee Self Service→Vacation Request).
Unit8:SAP NetWeaver SAP01
Figure150:Integrated Knowledge Management
Users access documents using a user-friendly,modifiable user interface.The
physical location of documents is not relevant.Content Management uses a range
of connectors(repository managers)that are responsible for connecting the various
data sources used.Supported products and protocols include SAP Knowledge
Warehouse(SAP KW),SAP CRM(for example,for brochures),file servers,
Web servers,WebDA V servers,XML documents,groupware products such as
Microsoft Exchange and Lotus Notes,and document management products
provided by third parties.
Collaboration is more important than ever in the current panies are
more likely to have geographically distributed employees and close integration
with partners at all levels.SAP NetWeaver Portal provides a comprehensive and
flexible environment that users and teams can access according to their needs.
SAP01Lesson:People Integration
Figure151:Tools for Effective Collaboration
The following tools and services belong to the component Collaboration with
SAP NetWeaver.This component builds on the Knowledge Management
component of the portal.
•You can use Collaboration Rooms to define critical work areas for teams, work groups,or communities.Templates help you with this.All members
of a project have access to selected content within their“room”regardless
of time or location.
•Real-Time Collaboration provides services for interactive online meetings.
Portal users can use Application Sharing to share individual iViews,entire
applications,or their entire desktop with other portal users at remote
locations.This enables remote presentations,software demos,and IT support
for users or training.
You can also use the Real-Time Collaboration service Instant Messaging(to
exchange brief messages with other portal users)and chat(to communicate
with several other users online).
•Even Third-party collaboration products can be integrated seamlessly
into SAP NetWeaver Portal in the form of groupware services(Microsoft
Exchange or IBM Lotus Domino)or the synchronous collaboration
framework or SCF(WebEx or Lotus Web).
•The Collaboration Launch Pad allows users quick access to all
Collaboration services.The launch pad can be called up from the portal
masthead at any time.
Unit8:SAP NetWeaver SAP01 Lesson Summary
You should now be able to:
•Outline the importance of SAP NetWeaver Portal as an access technology
Related Information
•Public information on the SAP NetWeaver Portal:
•Information on customers and partners on the SAP Service Marketplace:
•Documentation in SAP Help Portal(under SAP NetWeaver):
•Business packages and content for developers and content partners:
•Training information on the SAP NetWeaver Portal:/ed-ucation
The Web pages mentioned provide current information on the entire SAP
NetWeaver Portal solution.You need a user to access the SAP Service
Marketplace.The SAP Developer Network is available for general use;however,
you need to be registered as a user to use some functions,such as downloading
business packages.
SAP01Lesson:Information Integration
Lesson:Information Integration
Lesson Overview
In this lesson you will be introduced to the basic structure of SAP NetWeaver
Business Intelligence.You will also learn about the functions available for
Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson,you will be able to:
•Explain how SAP NetWeaver Business Intelligence and SAP NetWeaver
Master Data Management are positioned within the overall concept of SAP
NetWeaver Information Integration
•Outline the options available for reporting
Business Example
IDES requests that you analyze data from all areas of your enterprise in order to
generate knowledge,and thereby provide decision makers with a competitive edge.
Integration of SAP NetWeaver Business Intelligence
and SAP NetWeaver Master Data Management in SAP
The SAP NetWeaver Business Intelligence and SAP NetWeaver Master Data
Management components are part of the SAP NetWeaver subarea Information
Information Integration makes both structured and unstructured information on
your enterprise available to users who require general access to the information
available.This information has to be in a consistent form when accessed by the
user.For this reason,the integrity of data must be guaranteed.SAP NetWeaver
Business Intelligence and SAP NetWeaver Master Data Management allow
you to integrate and analyze relevant information in real time.SAP Business
Intelligence and SAP Master Data Management provide you with a range of tools
that support you in generating interactive reports,and thereby facilitate decision
making at every level.
Unit8:SAP NetWeaver SAP01
Figure152:SAP NetWeaver:Information Integration
Distinguishing Operative and Informative
This section discusses some of the most important demands placed on a modern
data warehouse.Decision criteria for the efficiency of a data warehouse solution
are highlighted through this discussion.
Figure153:Distinguishing Between Operative and Informative Environments
SAP01Lesson:Information Integration The transaction-oriented(Online Transactional Processing,or OLTP)and the
analysis-oriented(Online Analytical Processing,or OLAP)environment must
be seen as an integrated entity.Master data,and the business processes that
result from it,produce a multitude of information that cannot easily be used for
target-oriented analysis.Therefore,data is cleansed first and,because of the
variety of its sources,it is prepared both technically and in terms of content
(homogenized).Knowledge can then be generated from the analysis that follows.
This knowledge helps the organization to define its business strategy and supports
the business processes derived from it.
Data Warehouse Objectives
A modern data warehouse must meet the following requirements:
•Standardized structuring and presentation of all business information
•Simple access to business information from a single point of entry
•Highly-developed reporting for analysis with self-service at all levels
•Quick and cost-effective implementation
•High performance environment allowing data modeling from heterogeneous source systems
•Relieving overloading of source systems
Data Flow in SAP NetWeaver Business Intelligence
Data from various sources(SAP systems,non-SAP systems,flat files,XML data,
databases,and so on)is loaded into the SAP NetWeaver Business Intelligence
(SAP NetWeaver BI)using extraction processes and,where necessary,is then
transformed.For example,this may take the form of technical modifications or
business modifications(such as currency translation).
After being processed,the data is saved in Providers are
created with specific business considerations in mind.This simplifies the process
of evaluating and analyzing data later for reporting Providers are
objects that make data available for reporting.You can access an InfoProvider
and generate reports based on it using the reporting tools provided by the Business
Explorer(BEx).This allows you to get a focussed readout of your data.
SAP NetWeaver BI:Overview
SAP NetWeaver BI allows the evaluation of data from operative SAP applications,
from any other business applications,and from external data sources(databases,
online services and the Internet).The Administrator Workbench provides functions
for controlling,monitoring and maintaining all data retrieval processes.
The SAP NetWeaver BI allows Online Analytical Processing(OLAP)for preparing
large quantities of operative and historical data.OLAP technology makes
multidimensional analysis possible from various business perspectives.The Data
Unit8:SAP NetWeaver SAP01 Warehouse,preconfigured with Business Content for core areas and processes,
guarantees that you can view information in an enterprise-wide context.With
Business Content,the information that employees need to fulfill their particular
tasks is made available based on roles selected for an enterprise.
With the Business Explorer,SAP NetWeaver BI makes flexible reporting and
analysis tools available.This enables strategic analysis and supports decision
making within a company.Authorized employees can access and evaluate historic
and current data in different levels of detail.
Figure154:SAP NetWeaver BI's Three-Layer Architecture
Business Content
SAP NetWeaver BI delivers preconfigured objects under the collective term
Business Content.These objects accelerate the implementation of SAP
NetWeaver BIW as they deliver complete solutions that meet requirements for
business information.
Among other things,SAP NetWeaver BI Business Content includes roles and
task-related information models based on consistent metadata.
Business Content essentially comprises roles,workbooks,queries,InfoSources,
InfoCubes,ODS objects,key figures,characteristics,update rules,and extractors
for mySAP ERP,mySAP Business Suite,and additional selected applications.
Individual users assigned to roles of this type only receive the information that
they need in order to fulfill their tasks.
SAP01Lesson:Information Integration
Business Content can:
•Be used without any modifications
•Be modified(in relation to the level of detail required)
•Serve as a template or example for self-generated Business Content
SAP NetWeaver BI technical content also allows you to perform statistical analysis
with reference to the administration and performance of your SAP NetWeaver BI
Furthermore,SAP NetWeaver BI includes Demo Content that comprises sample
data and can be used as material for demonstration scenarios.
On one hand,the comprehensive Business Content supplied with SAP NetWeaver
BI enables a quicker and more cost-effective implementation.On the other hand,
it delivers a model that can be used as a guideline while implementing SAP
NetWeaver BI,and allows you to make use of experiences gained from other
Figure155:Business Content:Predefined Information Models
Administration of SAP NetWeaver BI
The Administrator Workbench(AWB)is a tool for controlling,monitoring,and
maintaining all processes involved with the retrieval and processing of data in SAP
NetWeaver BI.SAP NetWeaver BI data,prepared using the AWB,can be evaluated
and presented using components of the Business Explorer.。