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1.What is the main source of electricity?
A. Water
B. Coal
C. Sun
D. WindC
2.What do you call a person who plays a musical instrument?
A. Singer
B. Musician
C. Composer
D. Conductor
3.The ______ is crucial for survival in the wild.
4.What is the name of the famous American holiday celebrated in December?
A. Christmas
B. Thanksgiving
C. New Year's
D. Independence DayA
5. A ______ (青蛙) can camouflage itself among leaves.
6.The industrial revolution began in _______. (英国)
7. A snail can retreat into its ______ (壳) for safety.
8.What is the name of the largest animal on Earth?
A. Elephant
B. Blue Whale
C. Giraffe
D. Great White SharkB
9.We have a ______ (有趣的) teacher.
10.The tree gives us _____ (shade/sun).
11.I have a toy ________ that can roll.
12.What do we call a story that is meant to teach a moral lesson?
A. Fable
B. Myth
C. Legend
D. NovelA
13.I want to learn how to ________ (打篮球) better.
14.The __________ is a region known for its natural beauty.
15.My sister is learning to ______ (弹) the piano.
16.What do you call the practice of keeping bees?
A. Horticulture
B. Apiculture
C. Sericulture
D. AquacultureB
17.The sun sets in the ________.
18.What is the value of 9 3 × 2?
A. 3
B. 6
C. 9
D. 12A
19.The _____ (spider) is on the wall.
20.It is ______ outside today. (sunny)
21.What is the opposite of "hot"?
A. Cold
B. Warm
C. Boiling
D. SpicyA
22.The _______ of light can be altered with colored filters.
23.We need to buy some ___. (groceries)
24.The weather is _____ today. (nice)
25.Which of these animals lives in water?
A. Dog
B. Fish
C. Cat
D. Bird
26.How many strings does a violin have?
A. 4
B. 5
C. 6
D. 7
27.I call my father's sister __________. (姑姑)
28.The first Olympic Games were held in ________.
29.She has a _____ (cat/dog) at home.
30.My favorite toy has a special place in my heart because it was a gift from my
________ (亲人).
31.My friend is very __________ (有影响力).
32.The first successful heart surgery was performed by _______. (克里斯托弗·里德)
33.My favorite thing to do at home is ______.
34.We like to bake ___. (cookies)
35.The _____ (邮局) is nearby.
36.My cousin has a toy _____ that walks.
37.My grandma has a wealth of __________ (知识) about traditions.
38.What is the name of the planet we live on?
A. Mars
B. Earth
C. Jupiter
D. Venus
39.The ____ is a small creature that loves to explore its environment.
40.The ancient Egyptians worshipped gods like ______ (拉) and ______ (伊西斯).
41.The ____ lives in a tree and enjoys eating fruits.
42. A snake can be very ______.
43.I created a scavenger hunt with my _________ (玩具).
44.My dad enjoys __________ (写作).
45.The park is ________ my house.
46.My parents encourage me to read ________ (经典) literature to expand my knowledge.
47.We can see the stars because they give off _______.
48.The _____ (花) is blooming brightly.
49. Depression started in the United States in ______ (1929年). The Grea
50.My ________ (玩具名称) is a classic toy that everyone loves.
51.My sister, ______ (我妹妹), enjoys painting and drawing.
52.The chemical symbol for polonium is _______.
53.The sky is _______ (clear/cloudy) today.
54.We play ______ (棒球) in the afternoon.
55.What do we breathe?
A. Water
B. Air
C. Food
D. FireB
56.What is the process of a seed developing into a plant called?
A. Germination
B. Propagation
C. Cultivation
D. GrowthA
57.The __________ (历史的理解) requires critical thinking.
58.An electron has a ______ charge.
59.What is the chemical symbol for iron?
A. Ir
B. Fe
C. I
D. AuB Fe
60.The _____ (冰淇淋) is cold.
61.The capital city of Argentina is _____ (100).
62.I see a _____ (bird/fish) in the tree.
63.The _____ (猴子) is known for its playful behavior.
64.An _______ is a device that converts energy into motion.
65.What is the capital of the USA?
A. Los Angeles
B. Washington
C. New York
D. ChicagoB
66.Flowers can be used in ______ (装饰) arrangements.
67.How many zeros are in one hundred?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
68.I love to eat ________.
69.The owl has _______ (大眼睛) for night vision.
70.The _______ (The Great Depression) led to widespread economic turmoil.
71.The __________ was an era of great exploration in the 15th century.
72.What do you call a person who studies rocks?
A. Biologist
B. Geologist
C. Astronomer
D. ChemistB
73.The weather is _____ (sunny/cloudy) today.
74.What is the capital of the United Arab Emirates?
A. Dubai
B. Abu Dhabi
C. Sharjah
D. Ajman
75.I see _____ (clouds/stars) in the sky.
76.She is a great ________.
77.What do we call the tissue that connects muscles to bones?
A. Cartilage
B. Ligament
C. Tendon
D. Muscle fiberC
78.What is the name of the fairy tale character who has long hair?
A. Rapunzel
B. Ariel
C. Belle
D. Snow WhiteA
79.The _____ (芦荟) is good for the skin.
80.I enjoy participating in ______ at school.
81.We should _______ (促进)社区团结。

82.The sun is shining ___ (bright/dim).
83.My friend is a ______. He enjoys making films.
84.Which animal is known for its powerful roar?
A. Tiger
B. Lion
C. Bear
D. Wolf
85.What color is an orange?
A. Blue
B. Orange
C. Green
D. PurpleB
86.The ______ (气味) of fresh grass is delightful.
87.I can ______ (保持) good communication with others.
88.The __________ (历史的情感共鸣) foster unity.
89.The ________ (生态灾害评估) informs recovery efforts.
90.My favorite fruit is _______ and juicy.
91.The ______ (小鸟) builds a nest with twigs and ______ (草).
92.What do we call the process of combining two or more things?
A. Subtraction
B. Addition
C. Division
D. MultiplicationB
93.Did you ever see a _______ (小鳗鱼) swimming upstream?
94.What do we call the line that divides the Earth into the Northern and Southern Hemispheres?
A. Equator
B. Prime Meridian
C. Tropic of Cancer
D. Tropic of CapricornA
95.Chemical reactions can occur quickly or ________ over time.
96.The _______ (Wright brothers) are credited with inventing the first airplane.
97.The stars are _______ (很亮)。

98.What do we call the place where we watch movies?
A. Theater
B. Park
C. Mall
D. Playground
99.In chemistry, a symbol represents an _____.
100. A reaction that involves the transfer of electrons is called an ______ reaction.。
