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I Don't Wanna Do Chores!
Ugh, chores are the worst! I hate having to clean my room, take out the trash, or do the dishes. It's just so boring and takes forever. Whenever my mom or dad tells me to do chores, I always groan and complain. I'd much rather be playing video games, watching TV, or hanging out with my friends.
My parents are always nagging me about keeping my room clean. They're like, "Clean up this mess! How can you live like this?" But I don't see what the big deal is. So what if there are some clothes on the floor and toys scattered around? That's just how I like it. Having everything neat and organized is overrated.
Then there's taking out the trash. That's got to be one of the grossest chores ever. Ew, who wants to touch that smelly garbage? Not me! I try to avoid it as much as possible, but my parents always catch me and make me do it anyway. Sometimes I'll "forget" to take out the trash just so I don't have to deal with it.
Doing the dishes is another chore I can't stand. It's so tedious and my hands always get all pruney from the water. Plus, I never know if I'm doing a good enough job scrubbing off all the food. My mom will inspect the dishes after I've washed them and be like, "You missed a spot! Do it again!" It's enough to drive me crazy.
I've tried explaining to my parents why I hate chores so much, but they just don't get it. They keep saying stuff like, "Chores teach you responsibility" and "Everyone has to pitch in and do their part." Blah, blah, blah. I just zone out whenever they start their lectures.
Instead of wasting my time on boring chores, I wish I could just play and have fun all day. Wouldn't that be awesome? No cleaning, no chores, just videogames, hanging with friends, and eating snacks. That's the life!
My friends all hate doing chores too. We're always complaining to each other about how our parents make us clean our rooms or do the dishes. It's definitely something we can all relate to. Sometimes we'll make plans to hang out, but then one of us has to cancel because we're stuck doing chores. It's the worst!
I've tried getting out of chores by pretending to be sick or saying I have too much homework. But my parents never fall for it. They're like, "Nice try, but you're not getting out of your chores that easily!" Man, they're no fun at all.
I even asked my older brother if he had to do as many chores when he was my age. He just laughed and said, "Are you kidding? Mom and Dad made me do way more chores than you! You've got it easy, squirt." That's a total lie though - he's probably just trying to make me feel better about having to do chores. As if!
The way I see it, kids shouldn't have to do any chores at all. We're just kids! We're supposed to be having fun, not being forced to clean up after our parents all the time. I'm going to keep trying to get out of doing chores for as long as I can. Maybe if I complain enough, my parents will finally give up and leave me alone about it. Hey, a kid can dream, right?
So yeah, that's my take on chores. They're boring, gross, and such a waste of time. I'd way rather be doing anything else besides cleaning my room or taking out the trash. I really hope I don't have to do chores anymore once I'm an adult. That would be my idea of a nightmare! Let's all just cross our fingers and hope our parents come to their senses about making kids do chores. It's worth a shot!
I Don't Want to Do Chores!
Chores are the worst thing ever! I absolutely hate doing them. My mom is always nagging me to clean my room, wash the dishes, take out the trash, and do other boring jobs around the house. But why should I have to do those things? I'm just a kid! I should be able to play video games, watch TV, and have fun all day without having any responsibilities.
My best friend Johnny never has to do any chores at his house. His mom does everything for him. She cooks his meals, cleans up after him, does his laundry - the whole nine yards. Johnny is so lucky! Whenever I go over to his place, it's pure paradise. We can just veg out for hours without his parents bothering him about stupid chores. My house is the opposite. As soon as I walk through the door, my mom starts listing off all the tasks she wants me to do. "Take out the recycling, sweep the kitchen floor, load the dishwasher..." On and on it goes until I want to pull my hair out!
What's the point of chores anyway? The house just gets messy again after you clean it. It's like a never-ending cycle of pointless work. Wouldn't it be better to just hire a maid to do all
that junk so kids don't have to worry about it? Cleaning and other housework is for adults, not kids. We're too young to be burdened with those kinds of tedious jobs. Our lives should be focused on playing, learning, using our imaginations, and having adventures - not scrubbing toilets and mopping floors. Yuck!
Sometimes I try to weasel my way out of doing chores by pretending I don't know how to do them properly. Like when my mom tells me to load the dishwasher, I'll be like "Oh, I'm not sure if this goes on the top or bottom rack." Or if she wants me to fold the laundry, I'll hold up a shirt and say "Is this one inside out? I can never get it right!" She sees right through that act, though, and makes me do it again the right way. Parents can be so unfair sometimes!
My friends and I have come up with lots of creative ways to avoid chores. One time, we all pretended to be sick with stomach flus so our moms would leave us alone for the day. Another time, we staged an epic Nerf war that got my entire basement trashed. When my mom saw the crazy mess and tried to get me to clean it up, I was like "Mom, I'm an injured soldier, I can't be expected to do manual labor!" She didn't find that as funny as I did.
The worst chore, hands down, is washing the dishes. Whose bright idea was it to get dishwashers if we still have to rinse
everything off before putting it in there? It's basically just
pre-washing the dishes, which defeats the whole purpose. And don't get me started on putting away the clean dishes after they've been washed. Somehow, no matter how carefully I try to be, a glass or plate always ends up crashing to the floor and smashing into a million pieces. Then I get in huge trouble and have to clean up that whole mess too. It's a vicious cycle of chores leading to more chores!
Cleaning my room is another task I despise. My mom is always nagging me to make my bed, put away my clothes, toys and books, and organize my desk. But what's the point? My room just gets messy again within a day or two anyway. I have way more important things to do than make my bed every morning. Like eating breakfast, watching cartoons, and getting ready for my day of fourth grade learning and fun. Making my bed is a colossal waste of time and energy. My philosophy is "embrace the mess!"
I could go on and on about how awful chores are, but I'll stop here. If there are any parents or adults reading this, please have mercy on us kids! Let us live our childhoods free of tedious housework. We have our whole adult lives ahead of us to be
burdened with those annoying responsibilities. For now, we just want to focus on being kids. Is that too much to ask?
I Don't Wanna Do Chores!
Chores are the worst! I absolutely hate doing them. Every day after school, my mom makes me clean my room, set the table for dinner, and take out the trash. It's so unfair and I really don't want to do any of it.
My room is always a mess because I like to play with my toys.
I build awesome fortresses for my action figures to defend from the evil teddy bear army. Why should I have to pick all that up? I'm just going to knock it down and rebuild it tomorrow anyway. It's a waste of time!
Setting the table is so boring. Who cares if the forks and knives are in the right spots? We're just going to get the table all crumby and messed up from eating anyway. I'd much rather be watching cartoons or playing video games than putting out napkins and placemats.
Taking out the trash is definitely the chore I dislike the most though. The trash cans are so heavy and they stink really bad.
One time I had to take out the trash after my dad cleaned out stuff from the garage and there were these really gross old rags that smelled terrible! I practically puked. I shouldn't have to do such a disgusting chore.
My friends don't have to do any chores at all. Tommy's mom does everything for him. She makes his bed, picks up his dirty clothes, makes his meals, you name it. He doesn't lift a finger around the house. Why can't my mom be like that? I'm so jealous.
Jackie's parents hire a cleaning lady to come once a week, so she never has to lift a finger either. The cleaning lady vacuums, mops, dusts, cleans the bathrooms, everything! Jackie's house always looks perfect and she doesn't have to do any work at all. It's just not fair.
Chores take up so much of my free time too. I get home from school at 3pm and I have to start my stupid chores right away. Then I don't get time to just relax and play until after dinner at 6pm. That's no fun at all! Kids should have more free time to just be kids.
Plus, doing chores after being at school all day is really tiring. My brain is already worn out from learning reading, math, science and all my other subjects. The last thing I want to do is
clean up and do work around the house. I deserve to rest and recharge after a long day, not do more chores!
Weekends are even worse because my parents pile on even more chores then. Saturdays I have to help my dad mow the lawn, pull weeds, rake leaves, wash his car, and other awful outdoor chores. It's so hot and sweaty out there! I'd way rather be playing basketball or going to the park with my friends.
Sundays I have to help my mom by dusting all the furniture, vacuuming the floors, cleaning the bathrooms, and doing laundry. Having to fold Mom's underwear is just gross! Cleaning up after everyone else's messes all weekend really stinks.
My parents say doing chores builds character and responsibility, but I think that's just a fancy way of saying "We want you to do free labor for us." If it really built good character, more fun people would want to do chores right?
Instead, chores seem to only build crankiness and laziness in my opinion. After being stuck doing them all weekend, I am always in a bad mood come Monday morning. And the idea of having freedom for recess or after-school is what gets me through each day. So chores must be making me lazy if all I dream about is not doing work!
Chores are a neverending cycle too. Just when you finally get done cleaning something up, it just gets messy and dirty again in no time at all. So what's the point? Why do we bother when it won't stay clean for long anyway? It feels like a wild goose chase that never ends.
My parents claim that one day when I'm an adult with my own house, I'll be glad they made me do chores as a kid. That I'll appreciate knowing how to keep a house clean and not be a slob. Yeah right! As soon as I can afford it, I'm hiring a maid service to do everything for me. I don't plan on doing many chores as a grown up if I can avoid it!
For now though, I'm stuck doing endless chores that I hate. I try begging and making excuses to get out of them, but my parents always say no. Sometimes I try doing a really terrible job cleaning hoping they'll think I'm too incompetent to keep doing chores. No such luck though, they just make me re-do it. It's torture I tell you!
The only glimmer of hope I have is that my parents can't make me do chores forever. One day I'll be off at college and then they won't be able to control me anymore. I'll be a free adult who can live in glorious messiness if I want to! No chores, no responsibilities, just video games and fun. Now that's what
I'm talking about! Hopefully it's only a few more years of this chore torture before I can live the dream. Hang in there me!
I Don't Want to Do Chores!
Chores are the worst thing ever invented! I absolutely hate doing them and I don't think kids should have to do any chores at all. Chores are super boring and they take up time that I could be spending on way more fun things.
Like after school, instead of having to clean my room, I'd much rather be playing video games or watching TV shows. My room doesn't really get that messy anyways. I know where everything is! The clothes on the floor aren't dirty, they're the clean ones I just took off. And what's wrong with having some toys and books lying around? That's what a kid's bedroom is supposed to look like!
And don't even get me started on washing the dishes. That is definitely in the top 3 worst chores ever. My hands get all pruney from the water and the soap gets under my nails and it stings. Plus, I always end up dropping something and then I have to clean up the mess I made from that too. No thanks! We have a
dishwasher for a reason, my parents should just use that instead of making me do it.
Taking out the trash is another chore I can't stand. The bags are so heavy and they leak that gross trash juice stuff sometimes. And the smell? Ughh no way, I'm not going anywhere near that smelly trash can! My mom says the trash doesn't take itself out but I think the trashmen should just come get it from inside the house. That's their job after all.
Yard work is even worse than cleaning inside. I hate mowing the lawn, it's hot outside and pushing that mower around makes my arms so tired. Raking leaves is boring and seems completely pointless since they just blow around and you have to do it again in no time. Weeding and gardening with my mom is absolutely my least favorite thing ever. Getting dirt under my nails, dealing with bugs and worms, and getting scratched by thorns? I'll pass!
I know my parents keep nagging me about making my bed but I really don't see the point. I'm just going to mess it up again that night when I go to sleep, so why bother? It's a huge waste of time and energy. I could be playing basketball or riding my bike instead of pulling up the sheets and fluffing the pillows. No kid in their right mind actually wants to make their bed!
My parents are always saying stuff like "chores build character" and "one day I'll have to do way harder work as an adult." Yeah, maybe, but I'm a kid now! I'm supposed to be having fun and playing, not slaving away doing grunt work like a maid or something.
If I have to choose between going outside to play capture the flag with my friends or unloading the dishwasher and taking out the trash bins, it's an easy choice - I'm going to pick playing every single time! Those chores can wait until whenever, but I'm only a kid for so long before I grow up. Why waste that time doing responsibilities and housework I'll have my entire adult life to do later?
I should get to just be a kid while I can without all these annoying chores getting in the way. Isn't that what being a kid is all about - having zero worries or responsibilities and just getting to play and have fun all day? My parents had their childhood, so now it's my turn. Once I'm an adult, then I'll do all the cleaning and chores. But for now, I'm putting my foot down - no more chores for me!
So those are my thoughts - I definitely do not like doing chores at all! They're boring, tiring, smelly, dangerous, and they take away time I could be using for way more enjoyable stuff.
Chores stink and I'm rebelling against them! I'm a kid and kids shouldn't have to do housework. We have our whole lives to look forward to being miserable doing chores and working hard, so for now I say let kids be kids! Who's with me?
Doing Chores is the Worst!
Hi, my name is Tommy and I'm 10 years old. I really don't like doing chores around the house. Chores are just the worst! My mom and dad are always nagging me to clean my room, take out the trash, do the dishes, and all kinds of other boring jobs. I'd way rather be outside playing with my friends or watching TV. Chores are such a drag!
First of all, cleaning my room is super annoying. My mom is always yelling at me because there are clothes and toys all over the floor. But I like my room being messy! I know exactly where everything is. If I clean it all up, I'll never be able to find my favorite action figures or video games again. Plus, cleaning is really hard work. I have to bend over and pick everything up off the floor, and then put it all away in the closet or on the shelves. No thanks! My room is my space and I should be able to keep it however I want.
Another chore I absolutely hate is taking out the trash. The trash can gets so smelly and gross, especially in the summer heat. Sometimes there are really icky things in there like spoiled food or diapers from my little sister. Yuck! I have to carry the big, heavy trash bag all the way out to the street too. It's really far to drag that smelly thing. I'm just a kid, I shouldn't have to do such a stinky, difficult job.
Doing the dishes is definitely one of my least favorite chores too. We have a dishwasher, but my parents make me hand wash the greasy pots and pans first. The hot water makes my hands get all pruney and the soap dries out my skin. Scrubbing
stuck-on food off the plates and silverware is really hard too. It takes forever and my arms get tired from scrubbing so much. I always end up getting water all over the counter and floor too, which I then have to clean up. What a pain!
Speaking of mopping the floor, that's another chore I can't stand. Having to lug around the heavy bucket of soapy water is the worst. And I always seem to miss spots, so I have to keep going over the same areas over and over. Plus, the floor is never really clean because my pesky little brother always runs through right after I finish and leaves footprints everywhere! What's the point?
Don't even get me started on doing laundry. First, I have to gather up all my dirty clothes that I've lazily thrown around my room. Then I have to lug the giant laundry basket downstairs and sort everything into lights and darks. The washing machine always has a ton of settings that I don't understand, so I can never get it quite right. And don't even ask me to try and fold the clean clothes and put them away neatly! It's way too tedious and boring. I'd rather just live out of the laundry basket.
Yard work is another set of chores I absolutely dread. Raking up all the fallen leaves in the fall is the most exhausting thing ever. My arms get so tired and it takes hours to pick up every last leaf. My neighbors always seem to have way more leaves in their yards too, which isn't fair. Then in the summer, my dad makes me mow the grass every single week. I get sweaty and itchy from the grass clippings, and it's so monotonous just going back and forth across the yard pushing that heavy mower. No thank you!
I guess the one chore I don't completely hate is taking out the trash and recycling bins to the curb on pickup day. At least I get to use the cool grabber tool to pick up the heavy bins. And I get to roll them down the driveway, which is kinda fun. But even that's not my idea of a good time. Overall, chores just put me in a bad mood.
So those are all the reasons why I think doing chores is an absolute drag. They take up so much of my free time that I could be using to hang out with friends or play video games instead. Chores are boring, hard work and frankly, kids shouldn't have to do them at all! If you ask me, cleaning and household tasks should be adults' responsibility, not kids'. We have way more important things to do, like learning, exploring the world, and just being kids! Adulthood will come soon enough, let us enjoy our carefree childhood while we still can. Chores can wait until we grow up! Thanks for listening to me rant about why I despise doing chores so much. I feel better getting that off my chest, phew! Now if you'll excuse me, I have some level 100 boss battle I need to get back to...
I Hate Doing Chores!
Chores are the worst! I really really really hate doing them. Whenever my mom or dad asks me to clean my room, take out the trash, or set the table, I groan and complain. Doing housework is just so boring and tedious. I'd much rather be playing video games, watching TV, or hanging out with my friends.
My parents are always nagging me about keeping my room clean. But what's the point? I'm just going to mess it up again in a day or two anyway. My floor is covered in clothes, toys, books, and other random stuff. My bed is never made because I don't see the point of making it if I'm just going to sleep in it again that night. My desk is piled high with papers, pencils, and old snack wrappers. Cleaning my pigsty of a room is such a huge hassle.
Taking out the trash is pretty gross too. The garbage can gets really stinky and attracts fruit flies. Picking up the smelly bag and lugging it outside is disgusting. And don't even get me started on the gross drippy liquids that sometimes leak out the bottom. Ew! My parents should just hire a maid to do that dirty job instead of making me do it.
Setting the table is a total pain too. First you have to get out all the plates, cups, napkins, and utensils. Then you have to carefully arrange each place setting just right. It's so meticulous and tedious! My parents are crazy if they think I'm going to take the time to fold the napkins into fancy shapes like swans or crowns. I'm just going to throw them on the table and call it a day.
Sometimes I try to get out of doing chores by pretending I don't hear my parents calling me. I'll put in headphones or turn
up the volume on the TV really loud so I can honestly say "What?
I couldn't hear you!" when they come looking for me. Other times I'll drag my feet and move suuuuuper slowly when they ask me to do something in hopes that they'll give up and do it themselves instead.
My friends all hate chores just as much as I do. We trade stories about the crazy cleaning tasks our parents make us do. Jordan has to mow the lawn every week, even in the hot summer when it's a million degrees outside. Emily has to scrub the bathroom tiles with a toothbrush. How cruel is that? Joshua's dad makes him wash the car every Saturday morning while all the neighbors can stare and laugh at him. We all vow that when we're adults and have our own houses, we're never going to make our kids do any chores!
Doing housework is literally THE WORST part of being a kid. It's sooooo unfair that children have to waste their free time cleaning and doing repetitive, tedious tasks. Shouldn't we be allowed to just play and be carefree? Chores force us to be responsible and disciplined way too young. We should be able to spend every second of childhood having fun without a care in the world. That's what being a kid is all about!
If I ever became a parent, I would definitely NOT make my kids do any chores whatsoever. I'd hire professional cleaners to take care of all the housework so my children could just focus on playing, having fun, and being kids. No child should ever have to suffer through the torture of chores like I have. It's practically child abuse! Okay, maybe that's a little extreme, but you get my point. Kids and chores simply don't mix. We'd all be much happier and better-adjusted if we could just play all day instead of wasting time on stupid cleaning tasks.
In conclusion, I absolutely LOATHE doing any kind of chores or housework. It's boring, gross, and totally ruins my fun. My parents are being totally unreasonable by making me clean my room, take out the trash, set the table, and do other horrible household chores. I hope when I'm an adult I can finally live a chore-free life of fun and relaxation. No more chores EVER again!
A kid can dream, right?。
