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三, 对家庭中至少有一个 0—3 岁孩子的女性家务劳动分析发现, 总体、 一般与情
感家务劳动时间的边际效应与主效应变化趋势基本相同, 且总体、 情感家务时间分
别增幅最高达 24. 0%、 47. 5%, 说明 0—3 岁幼儿是最需要照料的群体。 基于上述
发现, 对情感家务劳动及 0—3 岁婴幼儿社会照料等问题进行再思考。
impact of the number of children on women’ s overall, general and emotional housework
time. The study found that: Firstly, with the increase of the number of children, the
great impact on housework. Secondly, women’ s general housework time raised by the
number of children presents a small linear increasing trend, but the changing role of
收稿日期: 2019-09-17; 修订日期: 2020-04-20
作者简介: 张琪, 首都经济贸易大学劳动经济学院教授, 博士生导师; 初立明, 首都经济贸易大学劳动经济学院博士研
· 30·
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emotional housework. In the analysis of housework, the marginal effect of overall, general
and emotional housework time is basically the same as that of the main test, and the
physical care and accompanying. Education and so on brought about by childbearing was
enormous. Thirdly, women with at least one 0 - 3-year-old child in the family were held in
Copyright©博看网 . All Rights Reserved.
2020 年第 5 期
( 总第 242 期)
No. 5, 2020
( Tot. No. 242)
张 琪, 等: 养育孩子会使女性家务劳动时间增加多少?
Beijing 100070, China)
Abstract: Based on the adjustment of birth policy and the perspective of the energy
invested by female families, this paper uses CFPS data and Tobit model to explore the
关键词: 子女数量; 家务劳动时间; 边际效应; 社会支持
中图分类号: C913. 68; F241. 4 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1000 - 4149 ( 2020)
05 - 0030 - 14 DOI: 10. 3969 / j. issn. 1000 - 4149. 2020. 00me Does Raising Children Increase Women’ s Housework?:
From the Perspective of Division of Housework Time
ZHANG Qi, CHU Liming
( School of Labor Economics, Capital University of Economics and Business,
emotional housework time was basically similar to the general change rule, which
contribution rate was more than 80%. It indicated that the emotional housework such as
张 琪, 初立明
( 首都经济贸易大学 劳动经济学院, 北京 100070)
摘 要: 以生育政策调整为背景, 以女性家庭投入精力为视角, 利用 CFPS 数据和
Tobit 模型, 探讨子女数量对女性总体、 一般和情感家务劳动时间的影响。 研究发
现: 第一, 从总体家务劳动时间看, 随子女数量增加, 女性总体家务时间边际效应
呈现出先突变式上升、 再稳健式上升、 最后相对持平的态势, 说明生育一孩对家务
劳动影响效应巨大; 第二, 女性一般家务劳动时间, 随子女数量增长, 呈现直线式
小幅上涨, 但情感家务劳动时间变化规律与总体变化规律基本相似, 且贡献率超过
80%, 说明生育带来的子女生理照料和陪伴、 教育等情感家务劳动投入巨大; 第
overall and emotional housework time increase up to 24. 0% and 47. 5% respectively,
which indicates that children aged 0 - 3 years were the most in need of care. Based on the
marginal effect of women’ s overall housework time showed a sudden increase first, then a
steady rise and finally a relatively flat trend, which indicates that having a child had a