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Unit 1
I. Vocabulary
Section A
ceab gdhf
Section B
Section C
commuters; tempting; indigestion; illustration; dizziness; frustrated; solitary; extravagance; fries; insure Section D
II. Structure
Section A
Section B
1. C sending
2. B in that
3. B. by which
4. A. why
5. B. have
6. D. write
7. A. could have made
8. B. that
9. C. be opened 10. C. of which
III. Cloze
Section A were; make, woman, for, the; In, wedding, to, move, ceremony
Section B
IV. Reading comprehension
V. Translation
Section A
Olivia 's long cherished goal was to own a business of her own. Although her parents persuaded her that she'd better not run such a risk on impulse, or she might generate lots of debts in the end, she still couldn 't resist the temptation and held it firmly that she could make it.
With a great determination to succeed, she set about establishing her own business. But everything is difficult at the start. Before long, she was nagged by lack of sufficient capital. To avoid a budget deficit, she was obliged to cut back on her expenses in all aspects. Had it not been for the timely help from her parents and friends at that time, she would not have propped up the perilous situation.
A year passed by, Olivia had finally got through the most difficult phase and her business began to make a profit. When looking forward to the future, she is full of confidence because she believes things will eventually sort themselves out.
Section B
1. 阻止孩子们学抽烟应该比劝说大人们改掉一度养成的抽烟的习惯要容易得多,但事实上这却被证明是


2. 礼貌而又很确信的抱怨通常最为有效,尤其是当消费者可以指出缺陷商品毛病所在的时候。

3. 许可证的撤销对制造Jarvik-7 的辛拜恩公司是一种打击,但不会消除人们对人造心脏的需求。

4. 但有些人开始对人工心脏的未来工作表示担心,担心美国覆盖面过大的医疗保障制度会因为给相对较
少的临终病人提供人工心脏而每年损失宝贵的25亿~50 亿美元。

5. 人们对他的尊敬部分原因在于他自己,因为他友善热情,判断力强,彬彬有礼,意气昂扬,也因为他

VI. Writing
City Life Compared with Country Life
Nowadays, it 's quite controversial whether people should live in the city or in the country.
Many people argue that living in the city has more advantages. Living in large cities, people can participate in cultural activities and they have easier access to news. For example, people can often visit exhibitions and see the latest films. In the city, there are good schools and universities for the children, good hospitals for the patients, and big department stores for the housewives. While many people in the countryside are trying to come to the cities, the city dwellers have recognized the attractions of the country. The country is free from contaminated environment. In the countryside, the air is clean, t he food is fresh and the houses are usually spacious with large years around them. However, living either in the city or in the country has its disadvantages. The city is always noisy and overcrowded, and its air is heavily polluted. But in the countryside, far away from numerous exciting activities, one may feel isolated and uninformed.
People can never feel perfectly satisfied. The best solution may be that you enjoy pleasures of both lives and get rid of their inconveniences. (197 words)
VII. Spot dictation
S1. determined; S2. practice; S3. bitters; S4. characteristic; S5. harvest; S6. asparagus
S7. Besides, distinctive ways of entertainment also contributed a lot to the glamour of country life
S8. As the days went by, however, Jim came to realize that toughness also featured country life
S9. The earning of enough money to cover housing mortgage and all their living expenses S10. and for he, as a writer, gained inspiration and rich first-hand materials from it
VI. Writing
Vocabulary Section A fbca dehg Section B GMDKH BAEIJ
Section C
discrimination; guarantor; settlement; symbolized; historically convicted, authorization; starvation; diligence; helplessly 6. C. poorestly-taught 7. C. with the result
8. D. identified
10. A. had met
III. Cloze
Section A
of; containing; age; Whatever; for; at; where; as/when; Either; worse Section B CDACC
BDACB DACCB DACCB IV. Reading comprehension
V. Translation
Section A
Social progress is a long process. During this process, many people take as their mission the human civilization and progress. They never give up even if their lives are at risk, with the conviction that, through consistent efforts, man will definitely abolish racial discrimination, establish a dispute settlement mechanism on an equal footing, and compel the mutual development of the mankind. Section B
1. 有迹象表明,精神分析学家、心理学家、社会工作者以及家庭问题专家正越来越意识到男性所扮 演的
角色,认为不应将全部信任都给予女性 —当然也不是全部的过错。

2. 因此,(他们)只能逃走,但都一一被捕,有些被杀。

少数几个人找到了忠心耿耿、敢为他们提供 住

3. 每项交易都包含了企业和消费者两方,只有两者都满意了,交易才会做成。

但是,成功的商人和 制造

4. 关于冲突的世俗看法非常老套。

冲突很少, 会导致冷漠和呆滞; 而冲突太多又会引起分裂和敌对。

5. 具体来说,非盈利机构的经理们坚信冲突对机构有利,比起没有冲突来,它能推动更高质量的决
Finding Meaning in Life
To find meaning in our lives has been an unending quest since the beginning of man 's recorded history.
Every action we perform has a reason or purpose, and thus we are led on in our search for this meaning.
Unit 2
Section D
Section A
Section B
1. B. are more likely
2. C. doing
3. A. in which
4. C. high-paying
5. C. made
9. D. expense
Some find meaning or motivation by helping others. An example is the hospital nurse who finds fulfillment in contributing to the recovery of her patients. For when a nurse helps a poor, aged invalid, she knows that she is giving him the assurance that his well-being and comfort are important.
Others find meaning in life through God, that is, in the goodness and kindness of a Supreme Being. In believing that one day they will be blessed with an eternal life, they have found something to love for and to anticipate.
But actually the best example of meaning in our lives is love. Love is one of the strongest of all emotions. The love of a man for a woman serves as the basis of happiness and success. The love of a parent for a child may provide the basis for a whole life of achievement. The love of a youth for his mother may be the means of shaping his life as a man.
The questi on of meaning in life is still unan swered —and it will rema in so for gen erati ons to come. What gives meaning and purpose to the life of one person would not answer the needs of another. It is an individual affair. And unless we turn into a world of mass conformists, the quest for personal meaning and identity will continue indefinitely. (266 words)
VII. Spot dictation
S1. civil-rights; S2. historical; S3. Underground; S4. capture; S5. settlement; S6. driven
57. sheltering the fleeing slaves
58. the mission to “feed the hungry and clothe the naked”
59. their family life was at risk
S10. earned his freedom
Unit 3
VI. Vocabulary
Section A ehag bfdc
Section B
Section C
civilization; relieved; analysis; accessible; puzzled; security; customary; dramatic; reflects; terrorists Section D
Section A
Section B
1. D. would have invited
2. A. Even if
3. D. to read
4. A. That the moon
5. A. However
6. C. collecting
7. B. can I
8. B. unconscious
9. D. more than 10. D. where
Section A
its; between; So; Unlike; month; than; admissions; low; why; it
Section B
IX.Reading comprehension
Section A
Statistics show that both cities and rural areas are vulnerable to criminals like burglars and robbers Now the crimes are still rising, though not dramatically. Therefore, policemen and security guards play an important role in maintaining public order and security. Policemen tend to track down criminals day and night without so much as a rest. People are often surprised at the efficiency of breaking cases on the part of the police force. For example, the police can catch the criminal in three days through the information center hooked up to the police stations in all the regions of a city. In addition, residents have favorable opinion of responsible security guards. For instance, when people make decisions on where to buy a house, one of their considerations is whether the community is under the surveillance of devoted guards. Policemen and security guards are the guardians of peace in the modern civilized society.
Section B
1. 刚开始时,记者们会仔细观察发生在周围和自己身上的事情,随后逐渐形成并增强观察能力,学会运

2. 需要注重细节的一种阅读是校对。


3. 在美国,专业警署的概念产生于20 世纪,直到我们这个时代才开始在各城市采取必要的措施以建立

4. 虽然人们对地震和地震带的本质相对比较了解,但仍不可能精确地预测大范围的地震,更不用说

5. 因此,有人建议采用液体注入的方法,把潜在毁灭性的地震变成无数小范围的非毁灭性的地震。

VIII. Writing
How to Prevent Burglary
The number of burglaries have risen dramatically over the last few years. People sustain great loss from burglary every year. It is necessary for people to take measures to protect themselves from burglaries.
It requires some common sense and a small outlay to prevent burglars from breaking into your house. First, you shouldn't leave milk bottles on the doorstep, papers by the front door, curtains drawn in the daytime which all indicate that you are out. Second, you must keep the doors and windows closed even if you are away for a short time. It takes less than ten minutes for burglars to break into a house. Moreover, you have to fit dead-bolt locks and bolts on your exterior doors and windows or even electronic burglar alarms hooked up to the police station. Not all burglaries happen while you are out. You should also be wary of the callers at the door who pose as gasmen. You'd better not let them in.
Everyone must be alert to burglaries. Not only must residents take measures, but also security guards in the community must make daily inspection tours around the community to maintain public order and safety. Everyone's strong sense of security is crucial to the prevention of burglary. (207words)
IX. Spot dictation
S1. vulnerable; S2. rural; S3. locked; S4. sophisticated; S5. security; S6. distrust;
S7. Besides homes, institutions are well protected from criminals and terrorists
S8. Airports have become the most sophisticated security places
S9. The machines which hook up to the telephone and analyze a caller 's voice are popular among businessmen
S10. In dealing with the horrors among us, we became prisoners of ourselves
Unit 4
I. Vocabulary
Section A gfbe ahdc Section B HEFKJ DGIAB
Section C
pessimism; pensioned; isolated; arrange; organization; shone; detected; stable; evolution; universal Section D ADCCA DCABA ABBCD DDBDD
II. Structure
Section A
Section B
1. C. confirms
2. D. have been affected
3. B. when
4. B. where
5. A. have
6. A. snows
7. A. were
8. D. the paint
9. B. as 10. B. no
III. Cloze
Section A
facing; faced; in; with; way; bright; at; glistened; dripped; of
Section B
IV. Reading comprehension
V. Translation
Section A
Scientists have adopted the most advanced technology in inventing the new type space shuttle. It boasts the most complicated computerized controlling system and large-scale rocket roll booster. Regardless of the weather, it can easily crisscross between the earth and outer space. Now the space shuttle is ready to be launched. The launching area has been isolated. Scientists are going over all relevant equipment and observing the launching condition of the shuttle. However, on account of the engine malfunction, the launch has to be postponed.
Section B
1. 当潜水员受到巨大压力时,他的血液就会摄入一些他吸入的气体。



2. 许多人认为艺术只不过是给人愉悦的装饰性的东西,但并非常常如此。


3. 所使用的材料很容易在纳伐荷人居住的地区找到:褐色、红色、黄色、白色的砂岩。


4. 记忆衰退使人难以回忆起我们认为是理所当然应该知道的所有信息。


5. 这些大体上应归结于这样的观点:人们难以恰当地研究当今世界及近来我们在狭隘的单门学科领域知

Advantages of Being a Teacher
I come from a family of teachers. My father was a teacher, my sister is a teacher, and I am a teacher. What do we all find satisfying about this profession?
Well for one thing, I consider myself not only a teacher, but also a learner. Being a teacher allows me, in fact forces me, to be a learner. I must find interesting articles or books for my students to read and write about. I must read and react to these books and articles myself in order to have something to share with my students. I must find ways of helping my students to understand their assignments. I must then try to understand and respond in a helpful way to my students 'ideas. Teaching is also a “people job ”.It involves interacting with students and helping them to interact with each other. I suppose it doesn 't have to be this way; a teacher can deliver a lecture and do nothing to find out whether anyone has understood what he said. But I question whether this is really teaching. A real teacher will make his ideas alive, and will awaken ideas in the minds of his stude nts. In the process, he will ben efit by gett ing to know his stude nts as people -their past, their present, their ways of feeling and of thinking.
In sum, there is a great deal one can get out of being a teacher. I suppose not all teachers get all that they can out of their profession. Some may get very little. But for those who are suited by temperament to be teachers, it is a perfect job. (271 words)
XI. Spot dictation
S1. pessimistic; S2. extraterrestrials; S3. impatient; S4. saucer; S5. ridiculous; S6. sarcastic
57. aliens to get out immediately
58. for disturbing the peace and never let them out
59. be left alone and they would respect his privacy and decided to leave
S10. his cultural misunderstanding Venus as Venice, now Earth would never have another visitor from space
Unit 5
I. Vocabulary
Section A ehga dbcf
Section B
Section C
Migrant; advantageous; testimonials; designation; Exposure; quotation; grateful; appreciated; specifications; considerate
Section D
II. Structure
Section A
Section B
1. C. their
2. D. even
3. D. made
4. A. and
5.C. in a single
6. A. only to
7. B. loyal
8. A. Some metals
9. B. depends 10. C. build
III. Cloze
Section A
habit; causes; Doctors; contribute/lead; bring; identified; smokers; exposed; smoking; persuading
Section B
IV. Reading comprehension
V. Translation
Section A
In three days it will b e Mother 's Day, a day on which sons and daughters express love and appreciation for their mothers. I get to think about how to celebrate it. I have decided to do the housework that seems to be endless so she can take a rest for the day. I can 't help recollecting the days during which mother underwent great hardships to feed me. She has been working hard every day to give me the best of everything. Although I was sometimes lazy about cleaning up my room, I always came home to find a neat one. Her concern and consideration for me impress me deeply. I respect and admire her very much. Section B
1. 还有其他项目显示出变化性。


2. 计算机科学教师现在更加意识到黑客现象的潜在含义,他们正密切关注潜在的黑客及严重的计算机瘾

3. 因此,尽管在许多方面这些词汇十分专业,但和其他术语相比较,它们的发音更为人们熟悉、更易于

4. 美国的财产及人身保险商因安德鲁飓风所支付的相关赔偿逾80 亿美元;这场飓风也因此成为1906 年
旧金山地震火灾以来损失最惨重的单场灾难,沉重地打击了保险业;而按通货膨胀后的价格计算,旧金山地震索赔总额仅为60 亿美元。

5. 总之,到目前为止,财产及人身保险公司总共支付了130 亿美元的赔偿,创历史新高,远远超出了
1989 年飓风“湖歌”和加州湾地震等灾害造成的76 亿美元的赔偿金额。

XII. Writing
New Year 's Celebration
Time fleet away like a flash. After Christmas and the New Year, here comes our Lunar New Year. I am certainly looking forward to its celebration coming up soon! It is my favorite time of the year.
When I was a kid, the Lunar New Year 's celebration was so exciting for me. Mother would let me go shopping with her. In the crowded markets I bought different kinds of firecrackers like all the other kids. Then on Lunar New Year 's Eve, the sound of exploding firecrackers was heard everywhere! On Lunar New Year's Day we watched huge parades go by in the middle of the streets. People in costumes danced past us, with companions singing and playing instruments. They were followed by colorful floats, lion dances, and dragon dances. In addition, we worshipped our ancestors and visited friends and relatives to wish them Happy New Year.
Actually, Lunar New Year is more attractive for children. Parents buy them new clothes and lots of good things to eat. They also give them red packets to wish them good luck. The red packet, according to our customs, contains some money. Besides, there is no school, but lots of play.
As the years have gone by, I have grown up. This year I am 21 years old. Of course, everything will be almost the same as in my childhood, but there is something that might be different. I may not receive as many red packets as usual, and I will probably go out with my friends to dance instead of staying home with my family. (258 words)
XIII. Spot dictation
S1. coastguardsman; S2. Thanksgiving; S3. celebrate; S4. forgiving; S5. considerate; S6. assembled
S7. whatever positive things I had done since had been influenced at least in part by his morning school prayers
S8. his best results of educating many young people included his own son
S9. his career had been appreciated because of my reassuring letter S10. we are mightily and merely people, each with similar needs
Unit 6
I. Vocabulary
Section A dgce bhfa
Section B
Section C
scarcity; bushy; curative; senseless; excessive; soften; fanciful; persistence; wearisome; mercy
Section D
II. Structure
Section A
Section B
1. B. hardly
2. C. to analyze
3. A. of
4. C. present
5. C. that
6. D. has been given
7. B. such
8. C. to pay
9. B. we have 10. B. could have proceeded
III. Cloze
Section A
into; which; warn/stop; out; stopped; flat; offered; changed; drove; clean
Section B
IV. Reading comprehension
V. Translation
Section A
That year, a dreary pneumonia spread the whole city in the winter, and I was the victim of the disease. When Sue, my collaborator in my studio, heard of my illness, she was very worried. I was fragile at that time. Watching leaves on the ivy vine falling out of my window, I felt depressed. I told myself that my life would end by the time all the leaves disappeared. Old Behrman, a painter who worked as Sue 's model and used to live downstairs, regarded my ideas nonsense. Unexpectedly, in the coming days, I found a last leaf clinging to its stem on the tree for several days, and all of a sudden, I realized I was wrong. I should continue my life and make my dream come true, and for the rest, there was nothing more important. Later, I knew it was Old Behrman who had drawn that last leaf. However, he had died of pneumonia.
Section B
1. 我环顾四周,连绵的薄雾环绕着群山,在天空的映衬下勾勒出银色的线条,秋日的风景一览无遗。

2. 在我们现在所处的时代,公众能够获取各种信息,做出自己的判断。


3. 警察指出,拉莫斯利用自己与一些有钱人的私人交情,为作案作准备。


4. 拉莫斯逃走了,他就是从里约热内卢警署大楼的大门走脱的,而警方不久在一所旧旅馆里发现了他的

5. 在审判庭上,被告的辩护律师请出一位旧牛仔服出口商当专家证人。

所有的牛仔裤上都常见,并向法庭展示了34 条类似的牛仔裤。


XIV. Writing
On Kindness
Ever since China has opened up to the outside world, we have seen changes rushing into our life. Skyscrapers spring up everywhere, foreign products pour into our market, and the way of thinking has changed a lot. However, kindness, a virtue of our nation, has remained the same.
Kindness stands out through many good deeds. No one will doubt the doctors'kindness when they rush to rescue the SARS patients. No on can deny those young volunteers have a spirit of kindness when they donate blood for the person in need. But in most cases, kindness is just contained in trivial things, may be in a smile, a greeting or a phone call.
I think that we human beings need kindness in our life since we need others'help physically or mentally. Therefore, we should start from ourselves to help others and keep kindness an every-lasting virtue in our society. (152 words)
XV. Spot dictation
S1. found; S2. tastes; S3. brick; S4. spread; S5. hit; S6. chance
S7. She believed that when the last leaf fell she would die also
S8. Old Behrman felt shocked when he got to know Johnsy 's situation
S9. Johnsy looked at it for a long time and decided to live on and realized her dream。
