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Scope 适用范围
This instruction gives general safety instructions for carrying out microbiological examinations
in accordance with specific LIs. It describes the basic information to ensure the safety of analysts. 本说明是为了保障分析员的安全,针对微生物实验室的检验操作做出的一般性指引。
Risk Assessment 危害分析
Aerobic mesophilic microorganisms: bacteria, yeasts and moulds forming colonies under the specified conditions (300C, 72hrs or 370C, 48hrs).
中温需氧菌: 在指定条件下,生长并形成菌落的细菌、酵母、霉菌。
This test does not represent a health hazard provided that good laboratory practices are applied.
Coliforms 大肠菌群
The coliforms group is not a taxonomic group: it is defined by physiological and biochemical characteristics. All colifroms are gram-negative, non-spore forming rods that ferment lactose.
This test does not represent a health hazard provided that good laboratory practices are applied. 通过有效的实施良好实验室规范,并不会带来健康危害。
No special irritant chemical used in this test.
Enterobacteriaceae 肠杆菌
Enterobacteriaceae: Micro-organisms which ferment glucose and show a negative oxidase reaction when the tests are carried out in accordance with LI.
PRIMARY HAZARDS: Inhalation of infectious aerosols, direct contact of mucous membranes, accidental parenteral inoculation, ingestion。
This test does not represent a health hazard provided that good laboratory practices are applied. 通过有效的实施良好实验室规范,并不会带来健康危害。
No special irritant chemical used in this test.
Presumptive Escherichia Coli 埃希氏大肠杆菌
Presumptive Escherichia coli are bacteria growing at 44°C causing fermentation of lactose with formation of gas and producing indole from tryptophan when using the method described.
This test does not represent a health hazard provided that good laboratory practices are applied. 通过有效的实施良好实验室规范,并不会带来健康危害。
Yeasts and Moulds酵母和霉菌
The fungi constitute a large and varied group of micro-organisms comprising yeasts and moulds. Moulds are fungi which form filaments, while Yeasts are unicellular fungi.
This test does not represent a health hazard provided that good laboratory practices are applied. 通过有效的实施良好实验室规范,并不会带来健康危害。
Bacterial spores 细菌孢子
Bacterial spore: Resistant and/or disseminative from produced asexually by certain types of bacterial (bacteria forming endospores).
This test does not represent a health hazard provided that good laboratory practices are applied. 通过有效的实施良好实验室规范,并不会带来健康危害。
No special irritant chemical used in this test.
Staphylococcus Aureus 金黄色葡萄球菌
S. aureus belongs to the family Micrococcaceae, genus Staphylococcus and is a Gram-positive, catalase-positive coccus occurring either isolated, in pairs or most frequently in clusters. It produces a characteristic coagulase, an enzyme causing blood plasma coagulation and generally also a thermonuclease.
PRIMARY HAZARDS: Injuries from contaminated sharp instruments; ingestion; aerosols.
This test does not represent a health hazard provided that good laboratory practices are applied. 通过有效的实施良好实验室规范,并不会带来健康危害。
Salmonella 沙门氏菌
Salmonella belong to the Enterobacteriaceae and are facultative anaerobic, Gram-negative non-sporing rods that normally produce hydrogen sulfide gas, decarboxylate lysine and ornithine but are urease negative and do not produce indole.
This test does not represent a health hazard provided that good laboratory practices are applied. 通过有效的实施良好实验室规范,并不会带来健康危害。
PRIMARY HAZARDS: Ingestion, parenteral inoculation.
Listeria monocytogenes 单核细胞增生李斯特菌
Listeria monocytogenes: micro-organisms which form typical colonies on solid selective media and which display the morphological, physiological, biochemical and DNA characteristics described when tests are carried out in accordance with this LI.
This test does not represent a health hazard provided that good laboratory practices are applied. 通过有效的实施良好实验室规范,并不会带来健康危害。
PRIMARY HAZARDS: Ingestion is the common mode of exposure, however may cause eye and skin infection following direct exposure; parenteral inoculation, ingestion, exposure to highly concentrated aerosols.
Bacillus Cereus 蜡样芽孢杆菌
Presumptive Bacillus cereus are microorganisms that form typical or atypical colonies on the surface of selective culture media and that give a positive confirmation reaction (haemolysis), when performed under the conditions described in the different chapters of this LI.
Bacillus cereus are opportunistic pathogen, does not represent a health hazard provided that good laboratory practices are applied.
PRIMARY HAZARDS: Ingestion of contaminated material.
Shigella 志贺氏菌
Family Enterobacteriaceae; Gram negative rod, non-encapsulated, non-sporogenous, non-motile; serological identification of somatic antigens.
PRIMARY HAZARDS: Ingestion or parenteral inoculation;
This test does not represent a health hazard provided that good laboratory practices are applied. 通过有效的实施良好实验室规范,并不会带来健康危害。
No special irritant chemical used in this test.
Strep. hemolyticus 溶血性链球菌
This test does not represent a health hazard provided that good laboratory practices are applied. 通过有效的实施良好实验室规范,并不会带来健康危害。
PRIMARY HAZARDS: Ingestion of contaminated material.
No special irritant chemical used in this test.
Clostridium Perfringens 产气荚膜梭菌
Clostridium perfringens food poisoning is one the most common types of human foodborne illness. The foods usually involved are cooked meat or poultry products containing large numbers of viable bacterial cells. A heat-labile enterotoxin produced only by sporulating cells induces diarrheas the primary symptom in perfringens poisoning. C perfringens is not uncommon in raw meats, dehydrated soups and sauces, raw vegetables, and certain other foods. 产气荚膜梭菌时引起细菌性食物中毒的主要病源菌之一,在熟肉制品、禽肉制品中往往存在着大量的活细胞。
C. perfringens does not represent a health hazard provided that good laboratory practices are applied. Growth of C. botulinum can not be excluded, so special measures are recommended when handling strains for identification, storage, shipment, etc. (e.g. avoiding aerosols when manipulating broths, working under safety cabinet or wearing a mask, wearing gloves in case of hand wound, etc).
PRIMARY HAZARDS: Accidental parenteral inoculation, ingestion.
No special irritant chemical used in this test.
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