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This is the consequence of me defending myself from harm. 这是我保护自己免受伤害的后果。

I never wanted to be in a situation where I had to defend myself, but sometimes circumstances force us to react. 我从来没有想过自己会陷入不得不保护自己的情况,但有时候环境迫使我们做出反应。

It all started when I was walking home alone one night. 我当时独自一人走在回家的路上。

Suddenly, I felt someone following me, and my heart started to race. 突然间,我感到有人在跟踪我,我的心跳开始加速。

I tried to keep calm and quickened my pace, but the footsteps behind me only grew louder. 我努力保持冷静,加快了步伐,但背后的脚步声只变得更大声。

As the person caught up to me, they grabbed me from behind and tried to drag me into a dark alley. 当那个人追上我时,他们从背后抓住我,试图把我拖进一个黑暗的小巷。

In that moment, fear took over, and I knew I had to do whatever it took to protect myself. 在那一刻,恐惧占据了我的心灵,我知道我必须尽一切努力保护自己。

I managed to break free from their grip and fought back with all the strength I had. 我设法摆脱了他们的控制,并用我所有的力量反抗了回来。

Despite being terrified, I inflicted enough harm to make them retreat and run away. 尽管我很害怕,但我造成了足够的伤害,让他们退缩并逃跑了。

The adrenaline rush left me shaking, but I was grateful to have defended myself successfully. 肾上腺素的冲击让我颤抖不已,但我很庆

After the incident, I couldn't shake off the feeling of vulnerability and fear. 事情发生后,我无法摆脱脆弱和恐惧的感觉。

The experience haunted me, and I found myself constantly looking over my shoulder in fear. 这段经历让我心有余悸,我发现自己总是恐惧地左顾右盼。

I sought therapy to help me cope with the trauma of the attack and to regain a sense of safety. 我寻求了治疗帮助我应对攻击的创伤,并重新获得安全感。

Through therapy, I learned that defending myself was a natural response to danger, but it also had lingering effects on my mental health. 通过治疗,我学会了保护自己是对危险的自然反应,但它也对我的心理健康产生了持续影响。

The therapist helped me work through my feelings of guilt and fear, guiding me towards healing. 治疗师帮助我处理内疚和恐惧的感觉,引导我走向疗愈。

Over time, I slowly regained my confidence and started to feel like myself again. 随着时间的推移,我慢慢恢复了信心,开始感觉自己又回来了。

Despite the challenges I faced, I am grateful for the lessons learned and the strength I found within myself. 尽管我面临了挑战,但我为所学到的教训和我自身找到的力量感到感激。
