第九章 课后思考题答案要点
《大学物理》第二版-课后习题答案-第九章————————————————————————————————作者:————————————————————————————————日期:习题精解9-1.在气垫导轨上质量为m 的物体由两个轻弹簧分别固定在气垫导轨的两端,如图9-1所示,试证明物体m 的左右运动为简谐振动,并求其振动周期。
设弹簧的劲度系数为k 1和k 2. 解:取物体在平衡位置为坐标原点,则物体在任意位置时受的力为 12()F k k x =-+ 根据牛顿第二定律有2122()d xF k k x ma m dt=-+==化简得21220k k d x x dt m++= 令212k k mω+=则2220d x x dt ω+=所以物体做简谐振动,其周期1222mT k k ππω==+9-2 如图9.2所示在电场强度为E 的匀强电场中,放置一电偶极矩P=ql 的电偶极子,+q 和-q 相距l ,且l 不变。
若有一外界扰动使这对电荷偏过一微小角度,扰动消息后,这对电荷会以垂直与电场并通过l 的中心点o 的直线为轴来回摆动。
设电荷的质量皆为m ,重力忽略不计。
解 取逆时针的力矩方向为正方向,当电偶极子在如图9.2所示位置时,电偶极子所受力矩为sin sin sin 22l lM qE qE qEl θθθ=--=- 电偶极子对中心O 点的转动惯量为2221222l l J m m ml ⎛⎫⎛⎫=+= ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭由转动定律知2221sin 2d M qEl J ml dtθθβ=-==•化简得222sin 0d qEdt mlθθ+= 当角度很小时有sin 0θ≈,若令22qEmlω=,则上式变为222sin 0d dtθωθ+= 所以电偶极子的微小摆动是简谐振动。
而且其周期为222mlT qEππω== 9-3 汽车的质量一般支承在固定与轴承的若干根弹簧上,成为一倒置的弹簧振子。
高教线性代数第九章 欧氏空间课后习题答案
第九章 欧氏空间1.设()ij a =A 是一个n 阶正定矩阵,而),,,(21n x x x =α, ),,,(21n y y y =β,在nR 中定义内积βαβα'A =),(,1) 证明在这个定义之下, nR 成一欧氏空间; 2) 求单位向量)0,,0,1(1 =ε, )0,,1,0(2 =ε, … , )1,,0,0( =n ε,的度量矩阵;3) 具体写出这个空间中的柯西—布湿柯夫斯基不等式。
解 1)易见βαβα'A =),(是n R 上的一个二元实函数,且(1) ),()(),(αβαβαββαβαβα='A ='A '=''A ='A =, (2) ),()()(),(αβαββαβαk k k k ='A ='A =,(3) ),(),()(),(γβγαγβγαγβαγβα+='A '+'A ='A +=+, (4) ∑='A =ji j iij y x a,),(αααα,由于A 是正定矩阵,因此∑ji j iij y x a,是正定而次型,从而0),(≥αα,且仅当0=α时有0),(=αα。
2)设单位向量)0,,0,1(1 =ε, )0,,1,0(2 =ε, … , )1,,0,0( =n ε,的度量矩阵为)(ij b B =,则)0,1,,0(),()( i j i ij b ==εε⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛nn n n n n a a a a a aa a a212222211211)(010j ⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛ =ij a ,),,2,1,(n j i =,因此有B A =。
4) 由定义,知∑=ji ji ij y x a ,),(βα,,(,)ij i ji ja x xααα==∑,,(,)iji ji jay y βββ==∑,故柯西—布湿柯夫斯基不等式为2.在4R 中,求βα,之间><βα,(内积按通常定义),设: 1) )2,3,1,2(=α, )1,2,2,1(-=β, 2) )3,2,2,1(=α, )1,5,1,3(-=β, 3) )2,1,1,1(=α, )0,1,2,3(-=β。
d 0.622
pv ps ps 0.622 0.622 p p p pv p ps s
根据上式,比湿度除了与相对湿度有关,而且与湿空气总压力和湿空气中 水蒸气的饱和分压力有关 (即与湿空气的温度有关) 。 在湿空气的温度和压力都 不变的情况下,相对湿度越大,比湿度越大。 9.冬季室内供暖时,为什么会感到空气干燥?用火炉取暖时,经常在火炉上
Mi i
对于一个组分固定的气体混合物,其质量分数 M 不变,某一个组元的摩尔 成分的大小取决于其质量成分和质量分数; 若质量成分大, 摩尔成分不一定大。 5.为什么在计算理想混合气体中组元气体的熵时必须采用分压力而不能用总 压力? 答:根据总参数的加和性:除总容积外,理想混合气体其他各种总参数都等于 各组员气体在混合气体温度下单独占有混合气体容积时相应参数的总和。熵是 状态参数,当其表示为温度和压力的函数时,对于理想气体的任一组元,都是 处在混合气体温度和分压力(根据分压力定律)状态下,而不是在混合气体温 度和总压力状态下(违背分压力定律) 。 6.解释降雾,结霜和结露现象,并说明它们发生的条件。 答:降雾、结霜和结露的基本原理是相同的。
d u p v du
i i i
d i ui dT
dp v i i i i dT dT
Rm 1
i i
Rm cv R M
其中 M 为理想气体混合物的质量分数;R 为理想气体混合物的气体常数, 因此理想混合气体仍旧遵循迈耶公式。 4.凡质量成分较大的组元气体,其摩尔成分是否也一定较大? 答:根据换算公式:
9.2 iWS习酬彌i. 报竹財阿純特加纭燃合戒金也报仔鬼调竟砒渐收的MiM报爾此売报尙的H的足反映彼个am研加捌的全获•诽尽说明调件结臥及具发现•條仆调血报竹”以下呗(|)•股愴况卜•・• ;「沁梢刘泛.凶此报们I内容泡择上.紈了曝考虑靭调畫主期相稣jwm人罚外.还奥照谶%綴鎳朴、郴关应用冊门的执行人员•以及•般灿・(2)«不俺太专业戎太技术化.沓则件$诛和他剣II于进不1«而届占现解调長絡虬以M于鸭倍功牝“)报佔也不能退求创旳但列•那样令駭彻很助碎.tfwftrm不列央出・2•淞术柞调俊根省対&递报扒技术按侍之间貝和什么样的关刃答,(I)q埋报倚見从调&资料中抽収由个别议JS・向对北嬲兴趣的选老和行关专老提交的締致报倂•报侍讹嘤徐扣上蠅,不煤把关系不艾的资料都引进去,同肘对干社会姚成佃埸的《題报告.•定足以事丈为依振的«(括.而不趁泛泛的评论.(2〉技术很吿•般是在次世谓在中.对并种技术处理方法,如总怵八抽样槪的界宜•抽样方法.访糾执行结果.样本代农性评依、敷躺处理督的说明.H的抱说明调衣方沐的利学性・调伐结架的客观性和何靠!!•<3》学术性报吿土婆足供相兴与业的研允人员阅读的.因比在报海正文中.術蹩包扔爍技术性的棉光伯&.除比之外.学术性报行还必须満足色学术焚求.梅妍呢何畧、硏汽的理论肚餡.确几假设、密料来源与分折方法.硏允发现及讨论、研抚外论寻内容农述消俎阿吋还按列岀郴关的参考文(见<4>学术性报行山「龙刘弟瑕仪題的探入研九故可以被规为據种決酗竹报忆仃时…顼大規模的面询调我.山F 经费投入I-A.町能会妙及多个W貨上as,利用该调夜数据・畝可以形戒多份学术性报命不过报W中ff关诉査技术的悦叭尺相冋的.3.技术很待应其备嘟的攻械本功能?答:技术很告劝具备的帕顷菇本功能如Z<|)对样木的代液性进行评估•将样衣的或对总体的備菱惰况星现给试者.(2)提供资料祓集程爪的具体紺节.并对数据形成中的偏堆情况做出评佔.以便让读拎对此的•个清燧的判断.4•怎样瑪定样木代农性检漿所依推的总体资料?答:技术报告的…顶娥要内容是对冇效禅本的论我性进行评估.即对冇效样本的代表性进行显普性检執进fj样本代龙性检酸,必须礁定总体数推和具体檢•验的».(1)对于社会谓資來说.人口普我资料可以作为总体资料来傥用。
如果图中每个小格的边长是1cm,某同学的质量为 50kg,他对地面的压强是多大?与你对地面的压强相比哪个大?-4 2 -2 2S=133x1x10 m x2=2.66 xIO mF=G=mg=50kg x9.8N/kg=490N£.=——490 -------- = x 4P a x hH 1.84 10 Ha° 22.66 10 m略2.解释下列现彖锯、剪刀、斧头,用过一段时间就要磨一磨,为什么?书包为什么要用宽的背带, 用细绳?啄木鸟有个坚硬而细长的嘴,这对它的生存为什么特别重要?(1)通过减小受力面积来增大压强;(2)通过增大受力面积来减小压强;(3)由于受力面积小,可以对树产生较大的压强。
这位它在沙漠行走提供了什么有利条件?骆驼与马虽然对地产生的压力差不到一倍,但由于骆驼与沙漠的受力面积却是马蹄与沙漠的受力面积的三倍,根据P F可知,骆驼对地面的压强要比马蹄对沙漠的压强小,使得骆驼在沙漠上行走时不易陷入沙屮。
召图钉尖的面积是 5x102,手指对钉帽的压力使 20N,手4.一个图钉帽的面积是0.8cmcm _ Y对图钉帽的压强和佟I钉矣对墙的压强各是多少?而不F 20N25 1Q5 Pa= -5-=0.8 10 4 =帽X _ 2mF 20NP 小 5 8 8墙S 4 10 Pa墙284 10Pa10 m《9.2液体的压强》1.一个空的塑料药瓶,瓶口扎上橡皮膜,竖直的浸入水中,一次瓶口朝上,一次瓶口朝下, 这两次药瓶在水里的位置相同(如图)。
但是,经济学家对此并不同意,这时由于:(1)贸易虽然减少了某些就业机会,但它同时创造了其他就业机会;(2)过于国家安全的争论被过分夸大了;(3)政府很难确定新工业是否值得保护;(4)如果出口国补贴出口,则对进口国的消费者有利;(5) 围绕贸易的交涉是有风险的,因为有时会事与愿违,使得国家的状况比没有贸易时更糟。
a. 画出表示没有国际贸易时美国橘子市场均衡的图型。
b. 假设在贸易之前世界橘子价格低于美国现行价格,而且,现在美国橘子市场开放贸易。
消费者剩余是区域A,生产者剩余是区域B + C。
因此总剩余是A + B + C.图9-1b.当美国橘子市场开放贸易时,新的均衡价格是P W,橘子消费数量是Q D,国内生产的数量是Q S,进口数量是Q D – Q S。
消费者剩余从A增大到A + B + D + E。
生产者剩余从B + C 减少到C。
总剩余从A + B + C变为A + B + C + D + E,增加了D + E。
物理学简明教程第九章课后习题答案高等教育出版社第九章近代物理简介9-1有下列几种说法:(1) 两个相互作用的粒子系统对某一惯性系满足动量守恒,对另一个惯性系来说,其动量不一定守恒;(2) 在真空中,光的速度与光的频率、光源的运动状态无关;(3) 在任何惯性系中,光在真空中沿任何方向的传播速率都相同.其中哪些说法是正确的? ( )(A) 只有(1)、(2)是正确的(B) 只有(1)、(3)是正确的(C) 只有(2)、(3)是正确的 (D) 三种说法都是正确的分析与解物理相对性原理和光速不变原理是相对论的基础.前者是理论基础,后者是实验基础.按照这两个原理,任何物理规律(含题述动量守恒定律)对某一惯性系成立,对另一惯性系也同样成立.而光在真空中的速度与光源频率和运动状态无关,从任何惯性系(相对光源静止还是运动)测得光速均为3×108 m·s-1 .迄今为止,还没有实验能推翻这一事实.由此可见,(2)(3)说法是正确的,故选(C).9-2 按照相对论的时空观,判断下列叙述中正确的是( )(A) 在一个惯性系中两个同时的事件,在另一惯性系中一定是同时事件(B) 在一个惯性系中两个同时的事件,在另一惯性系中一定是不同时事件(C) 在一个惯性系中两个同时又同地的事件,在另一惯性系中一定是同时同地事件(D) 在一个惯性系中两个同时不同地的事件,在另一惯性系中只可能同时不同地(E) 在一个惯性系中两个同时不同地事件,在另一惯性系中只可能同地不同时分析与解设在惯性系S中发生两个事件,其时间和空间间隔分别为Δt和Δx,按照洛伦兹坐标变换,在S′系中测得两事件时间和空间间隔分别为221ΔΔΔβx c t t --='v 和 21ΔΔΔβt x x --='v 讨论上述两式,可对题述几种说法的正确性予以判断:说法(A)(B)是不正确的,这是因为在一个惯性系(如S系)发生的同时(Δt =0)事件,在另一个惯性系(如S′系)中是否同时有两种可能,这取决于那两个事件在S 系中发生的地点是同地(Δx =0)还是不同地(Δx ≠0).说法(D)(E)也是不正确的,由上述两式可知:在S系发生两个同时(Δt =0)不同地(Δx ≠0)事件,在S′系中一定是既不同时(Δt ′≠0)也不同地(Δx ′≠0),但是在S 系中的两个同时同地事件,在S′系中一定是同时同地的,故只有说法(C)正确.有兴趣的读者,可对上述两式详加讨论,以增加对相对论时空观的深入理解.9-3 有一细棒固定在S′系中,它与Ox ′轴的夹角θ′=60°,如果S′系以速度u 沿Ox 方向相对于S系运动,S系中观察者测得细棒与Ox 轴的夹角( )(A) 等于60° (B) 大于60° (C) 小于60°(D) 当S′系沿Ox 正方向运动时大于60°,而当S′系沿Ox 负方向运动时小于60°分析与解 按照相对论的长度收缩效应,静止于S′系的细棒在运动方向的分量(即Ox 轴方向)相对S系观察者来说将会缩短,而在垂直于运动方向上的分量不变,因此S系中观察者测得细棒与Ox 轴夹角将会大于60°,此结论与S′系相对S系沿Ox 轴正向还是负向运动无关.由此可见应选(C).9-4 一飞船的固有长度为L ,相对于地面以速度v 1 作匀速直线运动,从飞船中的后端向飞船中的前端的一个靶子发射一颗相对于飞船的速度为v 2 的子弹.在飞船上测得子弹从射出到击中靶的时间间隔是( ) (c 表示真空中光速) (A) 21v v +L (B) 12v -v L (C) 2v L (D) ()211/1c L v v - 分析与解 固有长度是指相对测量对象静止的观察者所测,则题中L 、v 2 以及所求时间间隔均为同一参考系(此处指飞船)中的三个相关物理量,求解时与相对论的时空观无关.故选(C).讨论 从地面测得的上述时间间隔为多少? 建议读者自己求解.注意此处要用到相对论时空观方面的规律了.9-5 设S′系以速率v =0.60c 相对于S系沿xx ′轴运动,且在t =t ′=0时,x =x ′=0.(1)若有一事件,在S系中发生于t =2.0×10-7s,x =50m 处,该事件在S′系中发生于何时刻?(2)如有另一事件发生于S系中t =3.0×10-7 s,x =10m 处,在S′系中测得这两个事件的时间间隔为多少?分析 在相对论中,可用一组时空坐标(x ,y ,z ,t )表示一个事件.因此,本题可直接利用洛伦兹变换把两事件从S系变换到S′系中.解 (1) 由洛伦兹变换可得S′系的观察者测得第一事件发生的时刻为s 1025.1/1721211-⨯=--='c x c t t 2v v (2) 同理,第二个事件发生的时刻为s 105.3/1722222-⨯=--='c x c t t 2v v 所以,在S′系中两事件的时间间隔为s 1025.2Δ712-⨯='-'='t t t 9-6 设有两个参考系S 和S′,它们的原点在t =0和t ′=0时重合在一起.有一事件,在S′系中发生在t ′=8.0×10-8 s ,x ′=60m ,y ′=0,z ′=0处,若S′系相对于S系以速率v =0.6c 沿xx ′轴运动,问该事件在S系中的时空坐标各为多少?分析 本题可直接由洛伦兹逆变换将该事件从S′系转换到S系.解 由洛伦兹逆变换得该事件在S 系的时空坐标分别为m 93/12=-'+'=c t x x 2v vy =y ′=0z =z ′=0s 105.2/1722-⨯=-'+'=c x c t t 2v v 9-7 以速度v 沿x 方向运动的粒子,在y 方向上发射一光子,求地面观察者所测得光子的速度.分析 设地面为S系,运动粒子为S′系.与上题不同之处在于,光子的运动方向与粒子运动方向不一致,因此应先求出光子相对S系速度u 的分量u x 、u y 和u z ,然后才能求u 的大小和方向.根据所设参考系,光子相对S′系的速度分量分别为u ′x =0,u ′y =c ,u ′z =0.解 由洛伦兹速度的逆变换式可得光子相对S系的速度分量分别为v v v ='++'=x x x u cu u 21 222/11/1c c u cc u u x y y 22v v v -='+-'= 0=z u所以,光子相对S系速度u 的大小为c u u u u z y x =++=222速度u 与x 轴的夹角为vv 22arctan arctan -==c u u θx y 讨论 地面观察者所测得光子的速度仍为c ,这也是光速不变原理的必然结果.但在不同惯性参考系中其速度的方向却发生了变化.9-8 在惯性系S 中观察到有两个事件发生在同一地点,其时间间隔为4.0 s ,从另一惯性系S′中观察到这两个事件的时间间隔为6.0 s ,试问从S′系测量到这两个事件的空间间隔是多少? 设S′系以恒定速率相对S系沿xx ′轴运动.分析 这是相对论中同地不同时的两事件的时空转换问题.可以根据时间延缓效应的关系式先求出S′系相对S 系的运动速度v ,进而得到两事件在S′系中的空间间隔Δx ′=v Δt ′(由洛伦兹时空变换同样可得到此结果).解 由题意知在S系中的时间间隔为固有的,即Δt =4.0s,而Δt ′=6.0 s.根据时间延缓效应的关系式2/1ΔΔc tt 2v -=',可得S′系相对S系的速度为c t t c 35ΔΔ12=⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛'-=v两事件在S′系中的空间间隔为m 1034.1ΔΔ9⨯='='t x v9-9 若从一惯性系中测得宇宙飞船的长度为其固有长度的一半,试问宇宙飞船相对此惯性系的速度为多少? (以光速c 表示)解 设宇宙飞船的固有长度为l 0 ,它相对于惯性系的速率为v ,而从此惯性系测得宇宙飞船的长度为2/0l ,根据洛伦兹长度收缩公式,有200/12/c l l 2v -=可解得v =0.866 c9-10 一固有长度为4.0 m 的物体,若以速率0.60c 沿x 轴相对某惯性系运动,试问从该惯性系来测量,此物体的长度为多少?解 由洛伦兹长度收缩公式m 2.3/120=-=c l l 2v9-11 下列物体哪个是绝对黑体( )(A) 不辐射可见光的物体 (B) 不辐射任何光线的物体(C) 不能反射可见光的物体 (D) 不能反射任何光线的物体分析与解 一般来说,任何物体对外来辐射同时会有三种反应:反射、透射和吸收,各部分的比例与材料、温度、波长有关.同时任何物体在任何温度下会同时对外辐射,实验和理解证明:一个物体辐射能力正比于其吸收能力.做为一种极端情况,绝对黑体(一种理想模型)能将外来辐射(可见光或不可见光)全部吸收,自然也就不会反射任何光线,同时其对外辐射能力最强.综上所述应选(D).9-12 光电效应和康普顿效应都是光子和物质原子中的电子相互作用过程,其区别何在? 在下面几种理解中,正确的是( )(A) 两种效应中电子与光子组成的系统都服从能量守恒定律和动量守恒定律(B) 光电效应是由于电子吸收光子能量而产生的,而康普顿效应则是由于电子与光子的弹性碰撞过程(C) 两种效应都相当于电子与光子的弹性碰撞过程(D) 两种效应都属于电子吸收光子的过程分析与解 两种效应都属于电子与光子的作用过程,不同之处在于:光电效应是由于电子吸收光子而产生的,光子的能量和动量会在电子以及束缚电子的原子、分子或固体之间按照适当的比例分配,但仅就电子和光子而言,两者之间并不是一个弹性碰撞过程,也不满足能量和动量守恒.而康普顿效应中的电子属于“自由”电子,其作用相当于一个弹性碰撞过程,作用后的光子并未消失,两者之间满足能量和动量守恒.综上所述,应选(B).9-13 钨的逸出功是4.52 eV ,钡的逸出功是2.50 eV ,分别计算钨和钡的截止频率.哪一种金属可以用作可见光范围内的光电管阴极材料?分析 由光电效应方程W m h +=2v 21v 可知,当入射光频率ν =ν0 (式中ν0=W/h )时,电子刚能逸出金属表面,其初动能02=v 21m .因此ν0 是能产生光电效应的入射光的最低频率(即截止频率),它与材料的种类有关.由于可见光频率处在0.395 ×1015 ~0.75 ×1015Hz 的狭小范围内,因此不是所有的材料都能作为可见光范围内的光电管材料的(指光电管中发射电子用的阴极材料).解 钨的截止频率 Hz 1009.115101⨯==hW v 钡的截止频率 Hz 10603.015202⨯==h W v 对照可见光的频率范围可知,钡的截止频率02v 正好处于该范围内,而钨的截止频率01v 大于可见光的最大频率,因而钡可以用于可见光范围内的光电管材料.9-14 钾的截止频率为4.62 ×1014Hz ,今以波长为435.8 nm 的光照射,求钾放出的光电子的初速度.解 根据光电效应的爱因斯坦方程W m h +=2v 21v 其中 W =h ν0 , ν=c/λ可得电子的初速度1-50s m 1074.52⋅⨯=⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛-=v v λc m h 由于逸出金属的电子的速度v <<c ,故式中m 取电子的静止质量.9-15 试求波长为下列数值的光子的能量、动量及质量:(1)波长为1 500 nm 的红外线;(2) 波长为500 nm 的可见光;(3) 波长为20 nm 的紫外线;(4) 波长为0.15 nm 的X 射线;(5) 波长为1.0 ×10-3nm 的γ 射线.解 由能量v h E =,动量λh p =以及质能关系式2c E m =,可得 (1) 当λ1 =1 500 nm 时,J 1033.1191-⨯===1hc v λh E 1-281s m kg 1042.4⋅⋅⨯==-1h λp kg 1047.1361211-⨯===λc h c m E (2) 当λ 2 =500 nm 时,因λ2 =31λ1 ,故有 J 1099.331912-⨯==E E-12712s m kg 1033.13⋅⋅⨯==-p pkg 1041.433612-⨯==m m(3) 当λ3 =20 nm 时,因λ3=751λ1 ,故有 J 1097.9751813-⨯==E E-12613s m kg 1031.375⋅⋅⨯==-p pkg 1010.1753413-⨯==m m(4) 当λ4=0.15 nm 时,因λ4 =10-4λ1 ,故有 J 1013.11041514-⨯==E E-12414s m kg 1042.4104⋅⋅⨯==-p pkg 1047.11043214-⨯==m m(5) 当λ5 =1×10-3 nm 时,J 1099.11355-⨯==λhc E 1-2255s m kg 1063.6⋅⋅⨯==-λh p kg 1021.23055-⨯==λc h m 9-16 计算氢原子光谱中莱曼系的最短和最长波长,并指出是否为可见光. 分析 氢原子光谱规律为⎥⎥⎦⎤⎢⎢⎣⎡-=22111i f n n R λ 式中n f =1,2,3,…,n i =n f +1,n f +2,….若把氢原子的众多谱线按n f =1,2,3,…归纳为若干谱线系,其中n f =1 为莱曼系,n f =2 就是最早被发现的巴耳末系,所谓莱曼系的最长波长是指n i =2,所对应的光谱线的波长,最短波长是指n i →∞所对应的光谱线的波长,莱曼系的其他谱线均分布在上述波长范围内.式中R 的实验值常取1.097×107m -1.此外本题也可由频率条件h ν =E f -E i 计算.解 莱曼系的谱线满足 ⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛-=221111i n R λ,n i =2,3,4,… 令n i =2,得该谱系中最长的波长 λmax =121.5 nm 令n i →∞,得该谱系中最短的波长 λmin=91.2 nm 对照可见光波长范围(400 ~760 nm),可知莱曼系中所有的谱线均不是可见光,它们处在紫外线部分.9-17 在玻尔氢原子理论中,当电子由量子数n i =5 的轨道跃迁到n f =2的轨道上时,对外辐射光的波长为多少? 若再将该电子从n f =2 的轨道跃迁到游离状态,外界需要提供多少能量?分析 当原子中的电子在高能量E i 的轨道与低能量E f 的轨道之间跃迁时,原子对外辐射或吸收外界的能量,可用公式ΔE =E i -E f 或ΔE =E f -E i 计算.对氢原子来说,21nE E n =,其中E 1 为氢原子中基态(n =1)的能量,即E 1 =-Rhc =-13.6 eV ,电子从n f =2 的轨道到达游离状态时所需的能量,就是指电子由轨道n f =2 跃迁到游离态n i →∞时所需能量,它与电子由基态(n f =1)跃迁到游离态n i =∞时所需的能量(称电离能)是有区别的,后者恰为13.6 eV.解 根据氢原子辐射的波长公式,电子从n i =5 跃迁到n f =2 轨道状态时对外辐射光的波长满足⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛-=2251211R λ 则 λ=4.34 ×10-7m =434 nm而电子从n f =2 跃迁到游离态n i →∞所需的能量为eV 4.32Δ1212-=∞-=-=∞E E E E E 负号表示电子吸收能量.9-18 已知α粒子的静质量为6.68×10-27 kg ,求速率为5 000 km ·s -1的α粒子的德布罗意波长.分析 在本题及以后几题求解的过程中,如实物粒子运动速率远小于光速(即v <<c )或动能远小于静能(即E k <<E 0 ),均可利用非相对论方法处理,即认为0m m ≈和k E m p 022=.解 由于α粒子运动速率v <<c ,故有0m m = ,则其德布罗意波长为nm 1099.150-⨯===v m h p h λ 9-19 求动能为 1.0 eV 的电子的德布罗意波的波长.解 由于电子的静能MeV 512.0200==c m E ,而电子动能0E E k <<,故有()2/102k E m p =,则其德布罗意波长为 ()nm 23.120===k E m h p h λ 9-20 若电子和光子的波长均为0.20 nm ,则它们的动量和动能各为多少? 分析 光子的静止质量m 0 =0,静能E 0 =0,其动能、动量均可由德布罗意关系式E =h ν,λh p =求得.而对电子来说,动能pc c m c m c p E E E k <-+=-=20420220.本题中因电子的()()M e V 512.0keV 22.60E pc <<,所以0E E k << ,因而可以不考虑相对论效应,电子的动能可用公式022m p E k =计算. 解 由于光子与电子的波长相同,它们的动量均为1-24s m kg 1022.3⋅⋅⨯==-λh p 光子的动能 eV 22.6===pc E E k电子的动能 eV 8.37202==m p E k 讨论 用电子束代替可见光做成的显微镜叫电子显微镜.由上述计算可知,对于波长相同的光子与电子来说,电子的动能小于光子的动能.很显然,在分辨率相同的情况下(分辨率∝ 1/λ ),电子束对样品损害较小,这也是电子显微镜优于光学显微镜的一个方面.9-21 电子位置的不确定量为5.0×10-2 nm 时,其速率的不确定量为多少? 分析 量子论改变了我们对于自然现象的传统认识,即我们不可能对粒子的行为做出绝对性的断言.不确定关系式h p x x ≥ΔΔ(严格的表述应为π4ΔΔh p x x ≥)就是关于不确定性的一种量子规律.由上述基本关系式还可引出其他的不确定关系式,如h L ≥ϕϕΔΔ (Δφ为粒子角位置的不确定量,ΔL φ为粒子角动量的不确定量),h t E ≥ΔΔ(Δt 为粒子在能量状态E 附近停留的时间,又称平均寿命,11 / 11ΔE 为粒子能量的不确定量,又称能级的宽度)等等,不论是对粒子行为做定性分析,还是定量估计(一般指数量级),不确定关系式都很有用.解 因电子位置的不确定量Δx =5 ×10-2nm ,由不确定关系式以及x v ΔΔm p x =可得电子速率的不确定量1-7s m 1046.1ΔΔ⋅⨯==xm h x v9-22 一质量为40 g 的子弹以1.0 ×103 m ·s -1的速率飞行,求:(1)其德布罗意波的波长;(2) 若子弹位置的不确定量为0.10 mm ,求其速率的不确定量.解 (1) 子弹的德布罗意波长为v m h λ==1.66 ×10-35m (2) 由不确定关系式以及x v ΔΔm p x =可得子弹速率的不确定量为xm h m p x ΔΔΔ==v =1.66 ×10-28 m ·s -1 讨论 由于h 值极小,其数量级为10-34 ,故不确定关系式只对微观粒子才有实际意义,对于宏观物体,其行为可以精确地预言.。
µ0 I , r 为管外一点到螺线管轴 2πr
题 9-4 图 9-5 如果一个电子在通过空间某一区域时不偏转, 能否肯定这个区域中没有磁场?如果它发 生偏转能否肯定那个区域中存在着磁场? 解:如果一个电子在通过空间某一区域时不偏转,不能肯定这个区域中没有磁场,也可能存 在互相垂直的电场和磁场, 电子受的电场力与磁场力抵消所致. 如果它发生偏转也不能肯定 那个区域存在着磁场,因为仅有电场也可以使电子偏转. 9-6 已知磁感应强度 B = 2.0 Wb· m 的均匀磁场, 方向沿 x 轴正方向, 如题 9-6 图所示. 试求:(1)通过图中 abcd 面的磁通量;(2)通过图中 befc 面的磁通量;(3)通过图中 aefd 面 的磁通量. 解: 如题 9-6 图所示
题 9-7 图 9-7 如题9-7图所示, AB 、 CD 为长直导线, BC 为圆心在 O 点的一段圆弧形导线,其半 径为 R .若通以电流 I ,求 O 点的磁感应强度. 解:如题 9-7 图所示, O 点磁场由 AB 、 BC 、 CD 三部分电流产生.其中
AB 产生
� B1 = 0
CD 产生 B2 =
9-13 一根很长的铜导线载有电流10A,设电流均匀分布.在导线内部作一平面 S ,如题9-13 图所示.试计算通过S平面的磁通量(沿导线长度方向取长为1m的一段作计算).铜的磁导率
µ = µ0 .
解:由安培环路定律求距圆导线轴为 r 处的磁感应强度
� B ∫ ⋅ dl = µ 0 ∑ I
B 2πr = µ 0
B0 =
µ 0 ev = 13 T 4πa 2
电子磁矩 Pm 在图中也是垂直向里,大小为
Pm =
e 2 eva πa = = 9.2 × 10 − 24 A ⋅ m 2 T 2
REVIEW QUESTIONS1.What do we mean by the situational self-image? Give an example of thisphenomenon.A reason to take environmental circumstances seriously is that the role aperson plays at any one time is partly determined by his situationalself-image—he basically asks: “Who am I right now?” As an example, we may engage in different consumption behaviors when we are trying to impress adate or co-worker than when we are with friends.(5 minutes, Chapter Objective 1, AACSB: Reflective Thinking, Course Learning Outcome 10)2.Describe the difference between density and crowding. Why is thisdifference relevant in purchase environments?Density refers to the actual number of people occupying a space, althoughthe psychological state of crowding exists only if a negative affective stateoccurs because of this density. In some cases, high density might lead toexcitement, a positive result of the arousal. In other cases, crowding mightmake a shopper feel like buying different or unique things to rebel againstbeing confined.(10 minutes, Chapter Objective 1, AACSB: Reflective Thinking, Course Learning Outcome 10)3.What is time poverty, and how can it influence our purchase decisions?Many consumers believe they are more pressed for time than ever before. It may increase usage of convenience goods and decision-making shortcuts. (5 minutes, Chapter Objective 1, AACSB: Reflective Thinking, Course Learning Outcome 10)4.What are the two dimensions that determine whether we will reactpositively or negatively to a purchase environment?Pleasure—–a person can enjoy or not enjoy a situation and arousal—he canfeel stimulated or not.(5 minutes, Chapter Objective 2, AACSB: Reflective Thinking, Course Learning Outcome 10)5.List three separate motivations for shopping, giving an example of each.Social experiences: The shopping center or department store has replaced the traditional town square or county fair as a community gathering place.Sharing of common interests: Stores frequently offer specialized goods thatallow people with shared interests to communicate. Interpersonal attraction: Shopping centers are a natural place to congregate. The shopping mall hasbecome a central “hangout” for teenagers.Instant status: As every salesperson knows, some people savor the experience of being waited on, even though they may not necessarily buy anything.The thrill of the hunt: Some people pride themselves on being able to find the best bargains.(15 minutes, Chapter Objective 2, AACSB: Reflective Thinking, Course Learning Outcome 10)6.What are some important pros and cons of e-commerce?Numerous benefits and limitations of e-commerce are listed in Table 9.2 forboth the consumer and the marketer.(10 minutes, Chapter Objective 2, AACSB: Reflective Thinking, Course Learning Outcome 10)7.List three factors that help to determine store image.Color, scents, and sounds.(5 minutes, Chapter Objective 2, AACSB: Reflective Thinking, Course Learning Outcome 10)8.What is the difference between unplanned buying and impulse buying?Unplanned buying may occur when a person is unfamiliar with a store’slayout or perhaps when under some time pressure; or, a person may bereminded to buy something by seeing it on a store shelf. In contrast, impulsebuying occurs when the person experiences a sudden urge he cannot resist.(10 minutes, Chapter Objective 2, AACSB: Reflective Thinking, Course Learning Outcome 10)9.How do a consumer’s prior expectations about product quality influence hissatisfaction with the product after he buys it?Consumers form beliefs about product performance based on priorexperience with the product and/or communications about the product thatimply a certain level of quality. When something performs the way wethought it would, we may not think much about it. If it fails to live up toexpectations, negative feelings may result. On the other hand, if performance happens to exceed our expectations, we are satisfied and pleased.(5 minutes, Chapter Objective 4, AACSB: Reflective Thinking, Course Learning Outcome 10)10.List three actions a consumer can take if he is dissatisfied with a purchase.Voice response: The consumer can appeal directly to the retailer for redress(e.g., a refund).Private response: Express dissatisfaction about the store or product to friends and/or boycott the store.Third-party response: The consumer can take legal action against themerchant, register a complaint with the Better Business Bureau, or perhapswrite a letter to the newspaper.(5 minutes, Chapter Objective 4, AACSB: Reflective Thinking, Course Learning Outcome 10)11.What is the underground economy and why is it important to marketers?In the underground economy, consumers bypass formal retailers and swapmerchandise. Factors such as concern about the environment, demands for quality, and cost and fashion consciousness are conspiring to make these“secondary” used-goods markets more prevalent and, thus, more importantto marketers(5 minutes, Chapter Objective 5, AACSB: Reflective Thinking, Course Learning Outcome 10)CONSUMER BEHAVIOR CHALLENGEDiscussion Questions1.Is the customer always right? Why or why not?Use this question in conjunction with the section on Post-Purchase Satisfaction to direct students to concepts that would govern whether or not the customer should always be treated as though they are right.(5 minutes, Chapter Objective 4, AACSB: Reflective Thinking, Course Learning Outcome 10)2.Are pop-up stores just a fad or a retailing concept that is here to stay?Given that there are so many strategies that have circulated throughretailing, it is likely that nothing is “here to stay.” Stude nts should be engaged in a discussion as to how long they thing that this trend will last and possiblereasons that it might end (no longer providing the benefits of promoting thenew idea; stores so profitable that they remain open, etc.).(5 minutes, Chapter Objective 2, AACSB: Reflective Thinking, Course Learning Outcome 10)3.Discuss some of the shopping motivations for shopping as described in thechapter. How might a retailer adjust his or her strategy to accommodatethese motivations?Shopping motives listed in the chapter are:∙Functional and tangible needs∙Pleasurable and intangible reasons∙Social experiences∙Sharing of common interests∙Interpersonal attraction∙Instant status∙“The thrill of the chase”Shopping is a way of acquiring needed products as well as satisfying someimportant social need. Retailers might adjust their strategies toaccommodate these motives by creating a theme environment, like that ofthe Banana Republic. They might offer additional complementaryservices—for example, a tanning salon might include manicures, massages,and makeovers. Encourage your students to think of specific examplesappropriate for their favorite stores.(10 minutes, Chapter Objective 2, AACSB: Reflective Thinking, Course Learning Outcome 10)4.What are some positive and negative aspects of a policy that requiresemployees who interact with customers to wear some kind of uniform?Employee uniforms will affect the overall image and atmospherics of someretail outlets. The positive aspects of requiring employees who interact with customers to wear some kind of uniform or to mandate a dress code in theoffice include: 1) portraying a professional image; 2) helping employees tofeel “equal” in terms of dress; and 3) making it easier for customers toidentify employees of the business. The negative aspects include: 1) someemployees might feel uncomfortable in some uniforms; 2) others may feeltheir “freedom” of apparel (to look good) is being limited; and 3) employees may also feel their individuality is being restricted. Students should quiteeasily identify examples of some jobs or professions that require uniforms(e.g., police, firefighters, nurses, priests, or McDonald’s staff.)(10 minutes, Chapter Objective 2, AACSB: Reflective Thinking, Course Learning Outcome 10)5.Think about exceptionally good and bad salespeople you have encounteredas a shopper. What qualities seem to differentiate them from others?The instructor might ask students to recall the last time they went shopping.In the context of that shopping trip, students should describe thecharacteristics of the salespeople who assisted them. The instructor, or amember of the class, should generate a list of the most common traitsmentioned and use the class discussion to profile both good and badsalespeople. The students also should be encouraged to consider the textdiscussion of source credibility, including such characteristics as similarity,attractiveness, expertise, trustworthiness, and likeability.(10 minutes, Chapter Objective 3, AACSB: Reflective Thinking, Course Learning Outcome 10)6.Discuss the concept of “timestyle.” Based on your own experiences, howmight consumers we segment consumers in terms of their timestyles?The concept of “timestyle” reflects how individuals allocate their ti me tovarious activities. You might want to discuss your own timestyle with theclass and encourage students to do the same. A discussion of how consumersmight be segmented based on their timestyles should be included. Productsthat benefit from different timestyles also could be discussed. For example:How much time do you spend teaching, grading papers, researching, anddoing college and community service? How much time do you spend withyour family, doing household chores, eating, sleeping, exercising, and havingfun?(10 minutes, Chapter Objective 1, AACSB: Reflective Thinking, Course Learning Outcome 10)7.Several men’s clothing retailers nationwide now provide free booze to theirmale clientele to encourage them to hang out in their stores. Is it ethical toencourage customers to become intoxicated before they shop?This is an extension of what salons have been doing for some time for women.Student opinions will vary with students pointing out that it is up to thecustomers to choose how much to consume. Make the connection forstudents that offering such refreshments are a part of store image andatmospherics.(5 minutes, Chapter Objective 1, AACSB: Ethical Understanding and Reasoning Abilities, Course Learning Outcome 10)pare and contrast differ ent cultures’ conceptions of time. What aresome implications for marketing strategy within each of these frameworks?Conceptions of time are not universal; cultural differences with regard to time exist. Examples of such that are mentioned in the text include: 1) linearseparable time—events proceed in an orderly sequence and different timesare well defined; 2) procedural time—people ignore the clock completely; and3) circular or cyclic time—people are governed by natural cycles (Latinocultures).Marketing implications that correspond to these concepts are: 1) under linear separable time—people sell clocks, watches, timers, have lunch hour specials, happy hours, and after-dinner drinks. 2) Under procedural time—people dothings when the “time is right” so marketers need to show causalrelationships to let the consumer know that “the time is now;” and 3) undercircular or cyclic time—the future doesn’t make sense, so we live for now.These consumers will not wait for a better product; they will buy whatever isavailable now. Do not bother trying to sell them insurance.(15 minutes, Chapter Objective 1, AACSB: Multicultural and Diversity Understanding, Course Learning Outcome 10)9.The movement away from a “disposable consumer society” toward one thatemphasizes creative recycling creates many opportunities for marketers. Can you identify some?Products can be disposed of by storage, temporary disposal, and permanentdisposal. Recycling is an important disposal option as well. Students are likely to generate many and diverse examples of marketing opportunities in light of this new consumer emphasis. For example: A company may pick up yardwaste for a fee and then turn that into compost to sell back to thehomeowner! A company could pick up used oil that could be re-refined. Onefarmer lets companies dump old tires on his farm for a fee, and he grindsthem up and resells them as a road surfacing material.(10 minutes, Chapter Objective 5, AACSB: Reflective Thinking, Course Learning Outcome 10)10.Some retailers work hard to cultivate a certain look or image, and they mayeven choose employees who fit this look. Abercrombie & Fitch, for example, seems to link itself to a clean-cut, all-American image. At one point, a lawsuit claimed that Abercrombie & Fitch syste matically “refuses to hire qualifiedminority applicants as brand representatives to work on the sales floor anddiscourages applications from minority applicants.” (Abercrombie repliedthat it has “zero tolerance for discrimination.”) We know the Hootersrestaurant chain is known for its attractive female waitresses. Should aretailer have the right to recruit employees who are consistent with its image even if this means excluding certain types of people (e.g. non-Caucasians,men) from the sales floor?Traditionally, the law has allowed for hiring people with a certain look orbody type if it can be proven that this is a necessary component of theproduct or service. For example, airlines can refuse to hire flight personnelthat exceed a weight and size limitation (or terminate them if they exceed the limitations after being hired) because there is limited space to work on theairplanes. Ethnic restaurants can choose to only hire people of that ethnicity.Modeling agencies and movie/TV production companies make hiringdecisions based almost exclusively on the way people look. However, formany chains such as Abercrombie & Fitch, it is difficult to justify this link. Inaddition, in a case such as its, they would be unwise to attempt such a link forreasons of public perception. Since this lawsuit, Abercrombie & Fitch hasimplemented personnel policies to ensure that this problem will beeliminated.(15 minutes, Chapter Objective 2 and 3, AACSB: Reflective Thinking, Course Learning Outcome 10)11.The mall of the future will most likely be less about purchasing products thanabout exploring them in a physical setting. This means that retailenvironments will have to become places to build brand images, rather than just places to sell products. What are some strategies stores can use toenhance the emotional/sensory experiences they give to shoppers?Students will likely focus on strategies being used by large retailers, including the swank environments in new malls (leather furniture, premium floorcoverings, HD big-screen monitors, fountains and landscaping, high-end play areas, and family bathrooms). However, remind them of the many themedrestaurants that have opened (including those that feature live high-divers).(5 minutes, Chapter Objective 2, AACSB: Reflective Thinking, Course Learning Outcome 10)12.The store environment is heating up as more and more companies put theirpromotional dollars into point-of-purchase efforts. Some stores confrontshoppers with videos at the checkout counter, computer monitors attachedto their shopping carts, and ads stenciled on the floors. We are alsoincreasingly exposed to ads in non-shopping environments. A health club inNew York was forced to remove TV monitors that showed advertising on the Health Club Media Networks, after exercisers claimed that the programming interfered with their workouts. Do you feel that these innovations are overly intrusive? At what point might shoppers rebel and demand some peace andquiet while they shop? Do you see any market potential in the future forstores that “countermarket” by promising a “hands-off” shoppingenvironment?Student opinion will vary based on their knowledge/experience andfeelings/beliefs about place-based media. You might ask your students if they ever encounter this type of promotion and explore their reaction at the timeof exposure. Students might also be asked to consider a more objectiveopinion, in light of what they have learned from this course. They should bechallenged to view the advantages and disadvantages of these practices from the perspectives of both consumers and retailers.(20 minutes, Chapter Objective 2, AACSB: Reflective Thinking, Course Learning Outcome 10)13.Courts often prohibit special-interest groups from distributing literature inshopping malls. Mall managements claim that these centers are privateproperty. However, these groups argue that the mall is the modern-dayversion of the town square and as such is a public forum. Find some recentcourt cases involving this free-speech issue and examine the arguments proand con. What is the status of the mall as a public forum? Do you agree with this concept?This exercise will challenge the student to conduct primary and secondaryresearch. Encourage exploration of this issue with other students, facultymembers, and consumer advocacy groups. A search should be conducted ofpublished sources such as court cases and the Law Review. They might callthe management office of a local mall for additional information.(30 minutes, Chapter Objective 2, AACSB: Reflective Thinking, Course Learning Outcome 10)Application Questions1.Conduct naturalistic observation at a local mall. Sit in a central location andobserve the activities of mall employees and patrons. Keep a log of thenon-retailing activity you observe (e.g., special performances, exhibits,socializing, etc.). Does this activity enhance or detract from business the mall conducts? As malls become more like high-tech game rooms, how valid is the criticism raised that shopping areas are only encouraging more loitering byteenage boys who don’t spend a lot in stores and simply scare away othercustomers?Students tend to like this exercise. Now that they have been exposed to avariety of consumer behavior constructs, they are likely to see things in theretail context that they did not notice before. They will probably notice a wide variety of non-retailing activities in the mall. Encourage your students tothink about the advantages and disadvantages of these other activities fromboth the consumers’ and retailers’ points of view. Encourage students todevelop a specific plan for dealing with teenage loitering that would work, be legal, and would not interfere with normal store and mall traffic. Studentsmight interview mall officials or security officers to get their viewpoint about loitering. (Possible Field Project Idea)(90 minutes, Chapter Objective 1, AACSB: Analytic Skills, Course Learning Outcome 10)2.Select three competing clothing stores in your area and conduct a storeimage study for them. Ask a group of consumers to rate each store on a setof attributes and plot these ratings on the same graph. Based on yourfindings, are there any areas of competitive advantage or disadvantage youcould bring to the attention of store management?Students should review the section on store image (including Atmospherics)before beginning this exercise. You might encourage the students to selectstores that are very different from each other rather than “directcompetitors.” Consider using this as an opportun ity to discuss the strengthsand weaknesses of this type of market research. (Possible Field Project Idea) (30 minutes, Chapter Objective 1, AACSB: Analytic Skills, Course Learning Outcome 10)ing Table 9.1 as a model, construct a person/situation segmentationmatrix for a brand of perfume.You might want to ask different groups of students to construct a matrix forother very different types of products, such as convenience versus specialtygoods. Tell students to look up these terms in the glossary and index forfurther information. Allow students to experiment with variables to construct their matrix. (Possible Field Project or In-Class Group Project Idea)(25 minutes, Chapter Objective 1, AACSB: Reflective Thinking, Course Learning Outcome 10)4.What applications of queuing theory can you find employed that localservices use? Interview consumers who are waiting on lines to determinehow (if at all) this experience affects their satisfaction with the service.The students should consider the explanation of queuing theory—themathematical study of waiting in lines—as part of the psychological timeconstruct. As suggested, a consumer’s experience of waiting can radicallyinfluence his or her perception of service quality. Although we assume thatsomething must be good if we have to wait for it, the negative feelingsaroused by long waits can quickly discourage consumers. Lines at movietheaters, restaurants, ticket booths, and university class registration allprovide contexts in which students might investigate the psychology of time.(Possible Field Project Idea)(60 minutes, Chapter Objective 1, AACSB: Analytic Skills, Course Learning Outcome 10)5.Many retailers believe that when they pile a lot of stuff around their store,this cluttered look encourages shoppers to hunt for items and eventually buy more. Dollar General recently raised the height of its shelves to more than six feet; J. C. Penney transformed empty walls into jewelry and accessorydisplays; Old Navy added lanes lined with items like water bottles, candy, and lunchboxes. Best Buy is even testing the impact of filling aisles with bulkyitems like Segways and bicycles to compensate for the smaller space thatthin TVs and smaller speakers take up. Walmart recently did an abruptabout-face: The company only recently remodeled its stores by eliminatingthe pallets of items it used to stack in the centers of aisles, and it reducedoverall inventory by about 9%. Customers loved the leaner, cleaner look.Only one problem: They bought less stuff. As a senior Walmart executivecommented, “They loved the experience. They just bought less. And thatgenerally is not a good long-term strategy.” Now, Walmart is addinginventory back in and is once again piling stacks of merchandise in aisles.What is your take on these store-stocking strategies? Visit several “big-box”stores in your area, such as Walmart, Target, Best Buy, Costco, and so on.If possible, interview shoppers about their experiences. Do they have trouble navigating around the store? Do they enjoy the clutter? Does it feel like a“treasure hunt” when they have to pick their way around piles and pallets? If you were designing a store, how would you craft a stocking strategy thatwould make it easy to shop there?A variety of responses will emerge from this activity because students mayhave different motivations for shopping and may have different experienceswithin the store depending on the shopper density when they shop.Students should recognize the trade-off between the convenience of makingthings neat, orderly and easy to find and the messy, cluttered store withthings stacked high, which customers associate with lower prices.(30 minutes, Chapter Objective 1, AACSB: Reflective Thinking, Course Learning Outcome 10)6.Interview people who are selling items at a flea market or garage sale. Askthem to identify some items to which they had a strong attachment. Then,see if you can prompt them to describe one or more divestment rituals theywent through as they prepared to offer these items for sale.Student results will depend entirely on the outcomes that they receive fromrespondents. Students should recognize the different types of divestmentrituals.(60 minutes, Chapter Objective 5, AACSB: Reflective Thinking, Course Learning Outcome 10)7.Identify three people who own an electric coffeemaker. Then, “go to thegemba” by observing them as they actually prepare coffee in the appliance at home. Based on these experiences, what recommendations might you make to the designer of a new coffeemaker model that would improve customers’ experience with the product?Given the modern infatuation with coffee, responses to this will likely havesomething to do with upscale blends and flavors, ability to makecappuccino/espresso products, etc. Buying coffee retail is much more aboutthe experience than the actual coffee. Home use may start to mirror this. (30 minutes, Chapter Objective 4, AACSB: Reflective Thinking, Course Learning Outcome 10)CASE STUDY TEACHING NOTESChapter 9 Case Study: Giving and Receiving on Summary of CaseStarted as the brainchild of a city employee in Tucson, Arizona, as a means of relieving strain on public landfills, has grown to immense proportions. is a virtual garage sale where the main rule is that all things given and taken must be done on a completely free basis. No money or product exchanges are to be made. Participants can register for their own geographic area, then post things that they want to dispose of or take things that they need. Now, the population of has grown to millions of members in over 75 countries. In addition, this growth was achieved through word-of-mouth and free publicity. The initial goal of landfill relief has also been accomplished as an estimated 300 tons of garbage avoid such a fate every day.Suggestions for PresentationThe most direct link for presenting and discussing this case is in the section, “Product Disposal” with the concepts of lateral cycling and disposal options. Freecycli ng is briefly highlighted in the chapter section, “Disposal Options,” and the accompanying Marketing Opportunity special feature box.Suggested Answers for Discussion Questions1.Why do you think has achieved such high levels of growth insuch a short period?The most obvious answer to this question is that the market was ready, even craving some kind of product disposal option such as this. People often have things to get rid of that do not have much resale value. Often, items wouldcost more to have someone haul them away than they are worth. Manypeople also feel a bit of guilt in throwing away something that is perfectlyusable. Therefore, if they find someone who can use the item, there is greatsatisfaction in that. On the taking end, who does not want free stuff? Thereare all too many people waiting to snag up the free stuff. As long as thissupply-demand dynamic continues, freecycling is around forever.(10 minutes, Chapter Objective 5, AACSB: Reflective Thinking, Course Learning Outcome 10) has created an alternative disposal option that is rapidlygrowing. Discuss ways that freecycling might affect the purchase habits ofconsumers.There are at least two main ways that freecycling affects the purchase habits of people. People who have become involved in freecycling are much morelikely to think about whether or not they really need items that they arebuying new. The second way is that people might forego buying somethingnew or even used if they can find it free on .(10 minutes, Chapter Objective 5, AACSB: Analytic Skills, Course Learning Outcome 10)3.Should for-profit businesses like eBay get into the freecycling business?Should companies motivate more consumers to give things away that they。
第9章习题9—11. 判定下列级数的收敛性:(1) 115n n a ∞=⋅∑(a >0); (2)∑∞=-+1)1(n n n ;(3) ∑∞=+131n n ; (4)∑∞=-+12)1(2n nn; (5) ∑∞=+11ln n n n; (6)∑∞=-12)1(n n;(7) ∑∞=+11n nn ; (8)0(1)21n n nn ∞=-⋅+∑. 解:(1)该级数为等比级数,公比为1a ,且0a >,故当1||1a <,即1a >时,级数收敛,当1||1a≥即01a <≤时,级数发散。
(2)(1n S n =++++1=lim n n S →∞=∞∴1n ∞=∑发散.(3)113n n ∞=+∑是调和级数11n n ∞=∑去掉前3项得到的级数,而调和级数11n n ∞=∑发散,故原级数113n n ∞=+∑发散。
(4)1112(1)1(1)222n n nn n n n ∞∞-==⎛⎫+--=+ ⎪⎝⎭∑∑ 而1112n n ∞-=∑,1(1)2m nn ∞=-∑是公比分别为12的收敛的等比级数,所以由数项级数的基本性质知111(1)22n n n n ∞-=⎛⎫-+ ⎪⎝⎭∑收敛,即原级数收敛。
(5)lnln ln(1)1nn n n =-++ 于是(ln1ln 2)(ln 2ln 3)[ln ln(1)]n S n n =-+-+-+ln1ln(1)ln(1)n n =-+=-+ 故lim n n S →∞=-∞,所以级数1ln 1n nn ∞=+∑发散。
(6)2210,2n n S S +==-∴lim n n S →∞不存在,从而级数1(1)2n n ∞=-∑发散。
(7)1lim lim10n n n n U n→∞→∞+==≠∴ 级数11n n n ∞=+∑发散。
(8) (1)(1)1, lim 21212n n n n n n U n n →∞--==++∴ lim 0n x U →∞≠,故级数1(1)21n n nn ∞=-+∑发散。
3. 两个点电荷的电荷量分别为 2q 和 q,相距 L. 将第三个点电荷放在何处时,它 所受的合力为零?此处由 2q 和 q 产生的合场强是多少? 4. 三个电荷量均为 q 的点电荷放在等边三角形的各顶点上.在三角形中心放置怎 样的点电荷,才能使作用在每一点电荷上的合力为零? 5. 两等量同号点电荷相距为 a,在其连线的中垂面上放一点电荷.根据对称性可 知,该点电荷在中垂面上受力的极大值的轨迹是一个圆.求该圆的半径. 6. 两个点电荷, q1 = 8.0µC , q 2 = −1.60 µC ,相距 20cm. 求离它们都是 20cm 处 的电场强度. 7. 如图所示,半径为 R 的均匀带电圆环,带电荷为 q. (1) 求轴线上离环心 O 为 x 处的场强 E . (2) 画出 E-x 曲线. (3) 轴线上何处的场强最大?其值是多少? 8. 求均匀带电半圆环的圆心 O 处的场强 E.已知圆环的半径为 R ,带电荷为 q. 9. 计算线电荷密度为η的无限长均匀带电 线弯成如图所示形状时,半圆圆心 O 处的 场强 E.半径为 R ,直线 Aa 和 Bb 平行.
dE y = − dE sinθ = −
∴ E y = ∫ dE y = ∫ −
ηR sin θdθ 4πε 0 R 2
ηR sin θdθ 4πε 0 R 2
η ηπR q =− 2 =− 2 2 2πε0 R 2π ε 0 R 2π ε 0 R 2
� � 矢量式: E = E y j = − 9.
10. 半径为 R 的圆平面均匀带电.电荷面密度为σ,求轴线上离圆心 x 处的场强. 11. (1) 一点电荷 q 位于一立方体中心,立方体边长为 a.试问通过立方体一面的
2. 答:在进口需求的价格弹性为1的条件下,50%的关税率使该国进口下降50%。
而自由贸易下,进口量=20%GDP利用三角分析法可得:该国福利净损失=1/2*关税率*(进口量/2)=1/2*50%*[(20%GDP)/2] 福利净损失在GDP中所占比重=1/2*50%*20%*1/2=2.5%该产业产值=15%GDP,该产业的福利净损失=2.5%*15%GDP=0.375%GDP福利净损失即经济成本占GDP比重=0.375%3.答:(1)A国消费者从取消关税中可得到的收益,从已有数据来看,A国征收进口关税后的进口并没有影响到国际市场价格,可见A为贸易小国。
A国取消关税,消费者从中可得到的收益为:(20+22)*0.02*1/2=0.42(10亿美元)=4.2亿美元(2)A国生产者从取消关税中遭受到的损失(6+8)*0.02*1/2=0.14(10亿美元)=1.4亿美元(3)取消关税导致的A国政府的关税的损失(20-8)*0.02=0.24(10亿美元)=2.4亿美元(4)取消关税对A国国民福利的影响0.42-0.14-0.24=0.04(10亿美元)=0.4亿美元4.答: 根据公式%1001⨯--=∑∑i ii a t a T ERP 可进行如下计算:(1)30%-(0.2*20%+0.5*10%)70%1-(0.2+0.5)ERP == (2) 30%(0.2*20%0.5*40%)20%1(0.20.5)ERP -+==-+ (3) 30%(0.2*50%0.5*10%)50%1(0.20.5)ERP -+==-+ 5.答:进口补贴前国内增加值V=5000-5000/2=2500(万美元)进口补贴后国内增加值V’=6000-5000/2=3500(万美元)有效保护率=(3500-2500)/2500*100%=40%6.答:(1)美国对进口钢材实施40%的从价关税小国情况下, 征收关税后不改变世界钢材价格。
第九章 复习思考题及参考答案
2、层次分析法是美国运筹学家T. L. Saaty教授于1973年提出的,是将决策问题分解成目标、准则、方案等层次,在此基础上进行定性和定量分析的一种多层次决策方法。
二、选择题(1-5题单选,6-10题多选)1、以下哪项不属于物流系统评价的目的()A.明确物流系统目标B.建立物流系统模型C.为系统决策提供依据D.考核对物流系统的满意程度2、下列描述不正确的是()A.进行物流系统评价时应评价系统整体,而不应评价系统的组成部分B.选择物流系统评价指标应将静态指标与动态指标相结合C.定性评价和定量评价在物流系统评价中都很重要D.物流系统总是处于不断发展变化的过程中,应此评价指标体系中需要动态评价指标3、如果评价小组要确定指标体系中各项指标所占比重的量化值,这是在进行()A.建立评价指标体系B.确定指标权重C.确定评价方法D.单项评价4、反映物流服务水平和物流成本之间的关系的是()A.政策性指标B.技术性指标C.经济性指标D.发展性指标5、按照时间先后的顺序依次处理事件,并记录每一件事件发生时所引起的系统状态的变化的离散事件仿真算法是()A.事件调度法B.活动扫描法C.进程交互法D.层次分析法6、物流系统评价指标应具有()的特点A.可观测性B.可比性C.经济性D.层次性7、下列属于物流系统优化基本原则的是()A.数据原则B.目标原则C.回报原则D.系统原则8、常见的物流系统优化方法有()A.排队论B.模拟退火算法C.蚁群算法D.系统仿真9、物流系统整合的主要内容有()A.人员整合B.企业整合C.流程整合D.信息资源整合10、常用的物流系统仿真软件有()A.RalcB. AutocadC. AutomodD. Arena参考答案1 B、2 A、3 B、4 C、5 A、6 ABD 、7 ABC、8 ABCD、9 BCD 、10 ACD三、判断正误题(正确的用A表示,错误的用B表示)1、物流系统评价的第一步是建立物流系统模型。
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