

惠普彩色激光多功能一体机产品说明书 HP Color LaserJet Enterprise Flo

惠普彩色激光多功能一体机产品说明书 HP Color LaserJet Enterprise Flo

产品说明书HP Color LaserJet EnterpriseFlow MFP M880企业级彩色数码多功能一体机M880z•M880z+近场通信/无线直接打印HP Color LaserJet Enterprise Flow M880z+企业级彩色数码多功能一体机(具备近场通信/无线直接打印功能)如图所示HP Color LaserJet Enterprise Flow MFP M880z 企业级彩色数码多功能一体机1触摸打印功能在HP Color LaserJet Enterprise Flow MFP M880z+D7P71A机型上是标配,在HP Color LaserJet Enterprise M880z+ A2W76A和M880z A2W75A机型上是选配。


欲了解支持的设备,请访问/go/mobileprinting2H P Flow CM数码多功能一体机并非在所有地区都有售。



3惠普通用打印驱动程序可通过/go/upd免费下载4 支持OS X® Lion、OS X Mountain Lion和运行iOS4.2或更高版本的以下设备:iPad®(所有机型)、iPhone®(3GS 或更高版本)和iPod Touch®(第三代或更高版本)。

与支持HP AirPrint的打印机兼容,要求打印机与OS X或iOS设备连接到同一网络。


OS X、iPad、iPhone和iPod touch是Apple® Inc.在美国及其他国家和地区的注册商标。

AirPrint™和AirPrint Logo是Apple®Inc.的商标。


6 本地打印需要移动设备和打印机连接到同一网络,或与打印机有直接无线连接。

HP LASERJET PRO CP 1025 彩色激光打印机用户手册

HP LASERJET PRO CP 1025 彩色激光打印机用户手册

HP LASERJET PRO CP 1025 彩色激光打印机用户手册本文档为HP LASERJET PRO CP 1025 彩色激光打印机用户手册,旨在为用户提供详细的操作指南和使用说明。

第一章介绍1.1 产品概述1.2 主要特点1.3 配件清单第二章准备工作2.1 安全注意事项2.2 环境要求2.3 打印机外观及按键说明2.4 连接电源和电脑第三章安装及设置3.1 驱动程序安装3.2 打印机设置3.3 网络设置第四章打印操作4.1 打印文档4.2 打印设置4.3 双面打印4.4 打印质量调整第五章扫描操作5.1 扫描文档5.2 扫描设置5.3 扫描到电脑第六章复印操作6.1 复印文档6.2 复印设置第七章常见故障排除7.1 指示灯状态及解决方法7.2 常见问题解答第八章维护与保养8.1 清洁打印机8.2 更换耗材8.3 打印机存储与搬运第九章其他功能9.1 直接打印9.2 USB 打印9.3 方式打印附件:- 驱动程序安装光盘- USB 数据线- 电源线法律名词及注释:1、版权:指对原创作品的独占使用权,未经授权他人不得使用、复制、传播等。




























惠普彩色激光打印机 Pro M454 和惠普彩色激光多功能一体机 Pro M479 维修手册说明书

惠普彩色激光打印机 Pro M454 和惠普彩色激光多功能一体机 Pro M479 维修手册说明书

Table -1 Revision history Revision number 1
Revision date 6/2019
Revision notes HP LaserJet Pro M454 HP LaserJet Pro MFP M479 Repair manual initial release
Additional service and support for HP internal personnel HP internal personnel, go to one of the following Web-based Interactive Search Engine (WISE) sites: Americas (AMS) – https:///wise/home/ams-enWISE - English – https:///wise/home/ams-esWISE - Spanish – https:///wise/home/ams-ptWISE - Portuguese – https:///wise/home/ams-frWISE - French Asia Pacific / Japan (APJ) ○ https:///wise/home/apj-enWISE - English ○ https:///wise/home/apj-jaWISE - Japanese ○ https:///wise/home/apj-koWISE - Korean ○ https:///wise/home/apj-zh-HansWISE - Chinese (simplified)
Find information about the following topics ● Service manuals ● Service advisories ● Up-to-date control panel message (CPMD) troubleshooting ● Install and configure ● Printer specifications ● Solutions for printer issues and emerging issues ● Remove and replace part instructions and videos ● Warranty and regulatory information


















HP Color LaserJet Enterprise MFP M480f 彩色激光多功能一体机

HP Color LaserJet Enterprise MFP M480f 彩色激光多功能一体机

产品彩页HP Color LaserJet Enterprise MFP M480f彩色激光多功能一体机惠普企业级彩色激光多功能一体机,打印速度高达 27 页每分钟10,拥有强大的安全管理性能。

1操作简单,易于掌控• 惠普 FutureSmart 固件将被适时更新优化至最新功能2,以满足客户未来几年的使用需求。

• 使用惠普 Web Jetadmin 功能,集中控制您的打印环境,并有助于构建业务高效性。

3• 借助一致的用户体验和直观的平板电脑式图标,轻松实现顺畅的操作。

• 可快速设置多功能一体机并轻松管理设备设置,以提高效率。

安全可靠,惠普品质1• 设备启动时将自行检查其运行代码 (BIOS) 完整性,并在受损时进行自我修复。

• 通用标准认证4可持续监控内存活动,以实时检测和阻止攻击。

• 启动过程中将自动检查固件,有助于确保经由惠普数字签名的代码真实性和良好状态。

• 检查打印机的外部网络接口,以阻止可疑请求及阻止恶意软件。

高效打印,优化办公• 配备数百个惠普和第三方解决方案及读卡器供选择,使用方便,助力工作。

• 优化工作流程,减少步骤和错误,并通过可选 MFP 应用程序支持移动办公,满足特定业务需求。

• 通过拖打印功能完成打印作业,有助确保机密信息的安全。

• 通过可选的无线附件6、低功耗蓝牙®和 NFC 触碰打印配件保持连接。

• 可通过 4.3 英寸彩色触摸屏方便操作和设置。

节能降耗,持续环保• 双面打印被设置为默认的纸张节省模式,开机后即可帮助您节省纸张。

7• 节约能源并保持性能不变 — 该多功能一体机通过了能源之星®和蓝天使认证。

• 中国能效等效一级。



采用非惠普芯片可能无法正常工作; 即使现在可以工作,将来也可能无法工作。

如需了解更多信息,可访问:/learn/ds技术规格参数产品型号HP Color LaserJet Enterprise MFP M480f 彩色激光多功能一体机产品编号3QA55A功能打印,复印,扫描,传真打印双面打印自动(默认)打印速度黑白(A4,单面):高达 27 ppm;彩色(A4,单面):高达 27 ppm;黑白(A4,双面):高达 24 ipm;彩色(A4,双面):高达 24 ipm;黑白(letter 纸,单面):高达 29 ppm;黑白(letter 纸,双面):高达 25 ipm;彩色(letter 纸,单面):高达 29 ppm;彩色(letter 纸,双面):高达 25 ipm;首页输出时间黑白(A4,就绪):最快达 9.5 秒;彩色(A4,就绪):最快达 11.0 秒;黑白(A4,睡眠):最快达 11.0 秒; 彩色(A4,睡眠):最快达 12.1 秒打印技术激光打印分辨率黑白(最佳):高达 600 x 600 dpi;黑白(单面):高达 600 x 600 dpi;彩色(最佳):高达 600 x 600 dpi;彩色(单面):高达 600 x 600 dpi打印分辨率技术惠普 ImageREt 3600,增强(600 x 600 dpi),精细(1200 x 1200 dpi),快速查看(300 x 300 dpi)打印硒鼓数量 4 个(黑色、青色、品红色、黄色各 1)标准打印语言HP PCL 6; HP PCL 5; HP postscript 3 仿真,原生 PDF 打印(V 1.7),Apple AirPrint™打印机管理惠普打印机助手,惠普 Web JetAdmin 软件,惠普 JetAdvantage Security Manager,惠普 SNMP Proxy Agent(惠普 Web JetAdmin组件),惠普 WS Pro Proxy Agent(惠普 Web JetAdmin 组件),打印机管理员资源套件用于惠普通用打印驱动 程序(驱动程序配置工具和驱动程序开发工具、企业级打印机管理员)扫描扫描速度单面(A4):高达 29 ppm/46 ipm(黑白),高达 20 ppm/35 ipm(彩色);双面(A4):高达 46 ipm(黑白), 高达 35 ipm(彩色)扫描仪规格扫描仪类型:平板,ADF;扫描技术:接触式图像传感器 (CIS);双面 ADF 扫描:是,单通双面扫描;最大扫描尺寸 (ADF): 216 x 356 毫米;最大扫描尺寸(平板):216 x 297 毫米;光学扫描分辨率:高达 600 dpi;增强扫描分辨率:高达600 dpi;硬件分辨率:高达 600 dpi扫描仪高级功能优化文本/图片;图像调整;作业构建;输出质量设置;可选扫描分辨率 75 至 600 dpi 自动颜色检测;边缘擦除;作业 通知;空白页删除;HP Quick Sets复印复印速度黑白(A4,单面):高达 27 cpm;黑白(letter 纸,单面):高达 28 cpm;黑白(A4,双面):高达 24 cpm;黑白(letter 纸,双面):高达 25 cpm;彩色(A4,单面):高达 27 cpm;彩色(letter 纸,单面):高达 28 cpm; 彩色(A4,双面):高达 24 cpm;彩色(letter 纸,双面):高达 25 cpm;首页复印输出黑白(A4,就绪):最快 9.6 秒;黑白(A4,睡眠):最快 11.2 秒;黑白(letter 纸,就绪):最快 9.5 秒; 彩色(letter 纸,就绪):最快 11.2 秒;彩色(A4,就绪):最快 11.3 秒;彩色(A4,睡眠):最快 12.7 秒复印机规格复印机设置:双面复印;缩放;图像调整(浓度,对比度,背景清除,清晰度);N-up 多页合并;正序或倒序;内容方向;逐份复印;小册子;作业构建;边到边;作业存储;身份证复印;书籍复印;A-B 复印(不同介质尺寸); 最大复印量:高达 9999 份传真传真速度33.6 kbps(最快);14.4 kbps(默认)/ 3 秒/页传真规格传真内存:取决于可用磁盘空间的大小;传真分辨率:高达 300 x 300 dpi;支持自动传真缩减:是;支持自动重拨:是;支持传真发送延迟:否;支持特色铃声检测:否;支持传真转发:是;支持垃圾传真屏蔽:是,作为被阻止传真号;最大快速拨号号码数:最多 1000 个号码;支持个人电脑接口:是,不包括软件;支持传真轮询:是(仅轮询接收)传真智能软件功能 传真存储;传真存档;传真转发;自动缩放;传真地址簿;局域网/互联网传真;传真号码确认;节假日传真自动应答连接性标准连接 2 个高速 USB 2.0 主机端口;1 个高速 USB 2.0 设备端口;1 个快速以太网 10/100/1000T 网络端口;1 个传真端口移动打印功能惠普 ePrint;苹果 AirPrint;Mopria; Wi-Fi®直连打印;NFC 触碰打印(可选);PrinterOn 打印无线功能可选配,通过购买无线硬件附件实现。





无论是激光打印机还是喷墨打印机,在安装驱动时,都会偷偷给电脑系统内安装一套后缀名为icc或icm的特殊文件.(安装在电脑系统C:\WINDOWS\system32\ spool\drivers\color文件夹下)。


1、何为ICC文件?ICC文件的来源:为了解决各种设备颜色不一致的问题,1993年由Adobe、A gfa、Apple、Kodak、FOGRA、Microsoft、Silicon Graphics、Sun Micro system、Taliget等公司发起并成立了国际彩色联盟(International Color Consortium),简称ICC联盟。



ICC文件,又叫ICC Color Profile,就是设备色彩特性文件,也就是描述不同的设备在颜色表现上的一些特点文件。






















Phaser 7760 A3彩色激光打印机 说明书

Phaser 7760 A3彩色激光打印机 说明书

Vivid, LCD Display, S WOP, Euroscale, Commercial, 1950,C S A 认证 C S A-C 35.4 No. 950,C E 标志,

北京市朝阳区东三环北路霞光里18号 佳程广场A 座17层
上海分公司 淮海中路300号香港新世界大厦30F/32F 电话:021-23022288
广州分公司 广州市东风中路410-412号健力宝大厦901-904室 电话:020-83486499
沈阳办事处 沈阳市和平区南京北街206号城市广场第二座1406室
沈阳洲际假日酒店城市广场第一座2-1802室 电话:024-23341820
成都办事处 成都市顺城大街308号冠城广场11楼B 、C、D单元 电话:028-86528498
用户生产力促进工具:机密打印、校样打印、保存 和装订最多10份10张纸的小册子。
环境温度:存储时-20℃至 48℃;工作时 10℃ to
输出、隔页、多页合一、R un B la c k ,智能双面、 色彩控制
32℃;相对湿度:存储时30% 至 85%,工作时 10% 至 85%。噪声水平:待机时33 dB A ,运行
Intelligent R eady、远程打印、可配置的纸盘1操作、 色彩标准:PANTONE® 许可的实色模拟色,Adobe 时51 dB A。
P os tS cript设备独立色彩, C IE 国际色彩标准, 电气要求: 220V 50/60Hz机型:功耗:打印时:
IT 经理生产力促进工具:C entreWare IS 嵌入式 支持IC C 、IC M 和 Apple C olorS ync 色彩管理系统 764 W,待机时:135 W,节能模式:14 W, 打








1. 配色能力:激光彩色打印机可以通过混合四色墨粉实现丰富的配色效果,能够打印出多种颜色的图像和文字;而黑白激光打印机只能打印黑色图像和文字。

2. 打印速度:由于激光彩色打印机需要进行色彩合成的步骤,因此其打印速度相对较慢;而黑白激光打印机只需打印黑色,所以打印速度较快。

3. 成本:激光彩色打印机需要使用四种颜色的墨粉,而黑白激光打印机只需使用黑色墨粉。


4. 使用范围:激光彩色打印机适用于需要打印彩色图像和文字的场合,如办公室、学校、家庭等;而黑白激光打印机适用于大量打印黑色文字的场合,如企业、图书馆等。



惠普彩色激光多功能打印机说明书 (HP Color LaserJet Pro MFP M477fdw

惠普彩色激光多功能打印机说明书 (HP Color LaserJet Pro MFP M477fdw

DatasheetHP Color LaserJet Pro MFPM477fdwUnmatched print,scan,copy,and fax performance plus robust,comprehensive security for how you work.This color MFP finishes key tasks faster and guards against threats.1Original HP Toner cartridges withJetIntelligence produce more pages.2Print Speed:Black &Color (letter):Up to 28ppmPrint Resolution:Black &color (best):600x 600dpi,Up to 38,400x 600enhanced dpi Copy resolution:600x 600dpiDisplay:4.3"intuitive touchscreen Color Graphic Display (CGD)Standard connectivity:Hi-Speed USB 2.0port;built-in Fast Ethernet 10/100/1000Base-TX network port;Host USB Paper Handling:50-sheet multipurpose tray,250-sheet input tray,50-sheet Automatic Document Feeder (ADF),150-sheet outputbinSpeed through more tasks.Keep data protected.●Scan digital files directly to email,USB,network folders,and the cloud with preloaded business apps.3●Grab pages and go—without waiting around.This MFP wakes up and prints faster than the competition.1●Breeze through multipage documents with two-sided printing that’s faster than the competition.1●Control access to print jobs and help keep printing safe with security features like LDAP authentication.4Easy management.Efficient printing.●Easily manage print jobs directly at the MFP—just tap and swipe the 4.3-inch (10.9cm)touchscreen.6●Easily print Microsoft®Word and PowerPoint®documents—now directly from your USB drive.5●Easily manage devices and settings using HP Web Jetadmin with a suite of essential management features.7●Print using less energy than competitors—enhanced by Original HP Toner cartridges with JetIntelligence.8More.Pages,Performance,and Protection.●Get the most prints for your money—with Original HP High Yield Color Toner cartridges with JetIntelligence.2●Count on professional quality at high speeds with HP ColorSphere 3toner.●Help ensure you’re getting the authentic HP quality you paid for with innovative anti-fraud technology.●Print right away with preinstalled toner cartridges.Replace them with optional high-yield cartridges.Stay connected with easy mobile printing options●Easily print from a variety of smartphones and tablets—generally no setup or apps required.9●Count on wireless direct printing in the office—from mobile devices—without accessing the companynetwork.11●Help workers print with just a touch of their NFC-enabled mobile device to the printer—no network needed.12●Easily access,print,and share resources with Ethernet and wireless networking.10Based on HP internal testing of top three leading competitors’ first page out from sleep mode and duplex print and copy speed completed 8/2015. Subject to device settings. Actual results may vary. For details se /go/Ljclaims Based on cartridge yields for HP 305X compared with HP 410X Original HP LaserJet Toner Cartridges. For more information, see /go/learnaboutsupplies Requires an Internet connection to the printer. Services may require registration. App availability varies by country, language, and agreements. For details, see HP JetAdvantage Private Print is available at no charge and requires that the printer be connected to the Internet with web services enabled. Not available in all countries. For more information, see Microsoft and PowerPoint are U.S. registered trademarks of the Microsoft group of companies. Feature works with Microsoft Word and PowerPoint 2003 and later. Only Latin language fonts are supported. Requires a wireless access point and an Internet connection to the printer. Services require registration. App availability varies by country, language, and agreements and requires a firmware upgrade. For details, visit HP Web Jetadmin is free and available for download at /go/webjetadmin Based on HP testing using the ENERGY STAR® program’s Typical Electricity Consumption (TEC) method or as reported in of top three leading competitors as of 8/2015. Actual results may vary. For details see /go/Ljclaims Wireless operations are compatible with 2.4 GHz operations only. App or software and HP ePrint account registration may also be required. Some features require purchase ofan optional accessory. Learn more at /go/mobileprinting Feature is only supported by the HP Color LaserJet Pro MFP M477fdw and M477fnw. Wireless performance is dependent on physical environment and distance from access point, and may be limited during active VPN connections. Feature is only supported by the HP Color LaserJet Pro MFP M477fdw and M477fnw. Mobile device needs to be connected directly to the Wi-Fi network of a wireless direct–capable MFP or printer prior to printing. Depending on mobile device, an app or driver may also be required. Learn more at /go/businessmobileprinting Feature is supported by the HP Color LaserJet Pro MFP M477fdw. Requires a compatible NFC-printing-enabled mobile device. For a list of compatible NFC-printing-enabled mobile devices, see /go/nfcprintingDatasheet |HP Color LaserJet Pro MFP M477fdwHP Color LaserJet Pro MFP M477fdw Specifications TableFunctions /Multitasking Supported Print,copy,scan,fax,email /Yes Print Speed Letter :Up to 28ppm black;Up to 28ppm color 17First Page Out :As fast as 8.9sec black;As fast as9.8sec color 19Print Resolution Black (best):600x 600dpi,Up to 38,400x 600enhanced dpi;Color (best):600x 600dpi,Up to 38,400x 600enhanced dpi Print TechnologyLaserPrint Resolution Technologies HP ImageREt 3600,Pantone calibrated Print Cartridges Number 4(1each black,cyan,magenta,yellow)Standard Print languages HP PCL 6,HP PCL 5c,HP postscript level 3emulation,PCLm,PDF ,URF ,Native OfficePrinter Smart Software FeaturesAuto-duplex printing,N-up printing,collation,HP ePrint,Apple AirPrint™,Mopria certified,Google Cloud Print,Wireless Direct Printing,HP Auto-On/Auto-Off Technology,Intiutive 4.3"touchscreen control panel,Print from Cloud using business apps on the control panel,HP JetAdvantage Private Print,Job Storage with PIN printing,Print from USBPrinter ManagementPrinter Administrator Resource Kit (Driver Configuration Utility,Driver Deployment Utility,Managed Printing Administrator);HP Web JetAdmin Software;HP Proxy Agent Software;HP Imaging and Printing Security Center;HP Utility (Mac);HP Device Toolbox (Win 7)Scan Type /Technology Flatbed,ADF /Contact Image Sensor (CIS)Scan Resolution Hardware :Up to 1200x 1200dpi;Optical :Up to 1200x 1200dpiScan Input Modes Front-panel scan,copy,email,fax,or file buttons;HP Scan software;and user application via TWAIN or WIAScan Size ADF :8.5x 14in Maximum;4x 6in Minimum;Flatbed :8.5x 11.7inScan SpeedUp to 26ppm/47ipm (b&w),up to 21ppm/30ipm (color)22Duplex :Up to 47ipm (b&w),up to 30ipm (color)Scanner Advanced Features Scan-to-E-mail; Scan-to-cloud; Scan-to-USB; Scan-to-network folder; LDAP e-mail lookup; Single-pass 2-sided scanning ADF Bit depth /Grayscale levels 30-bit /256Digital Sending Standard Features Scan to email;scan to folder;scan to USB driveCopy Speed Black (letter):Up to 28cpm;Color (letter):Up to 28cpm 20Copy ResolutionBlack (text and graphics):600x 600dpi;600x 600dpi;Color (text and graphics):600x 600dpi Maximum Number Of Copies Up to 99copies Copier Resize 25to 400%Copier Settings Number of copies;Reduce/Enlarge;Lighter/Darker;Optimize;Paper;Multi-page copy;Collation;Tray Select;Two-Sided;Draft Mode;Image Adjustment;Set as New Defaults;Restore Defaults Fax Speed Up to :33.6kbps ;Letter :3sec per page 10Fax ResolutionBlack (best):Up to 300x 300dpi;Black (standard):203x 96dpiFax Smart Software FeaturesPermanent fax memory backup;Auto fax reduction;Auto redialing;Delayed sending;Fax forwarding;TAM interface;Polling;Junk barrier;Distinctive ring detection;Cover page wizard;Block fax;Billing codes;Save and load;Poll receive;Fax activity reports;Dial prefix setting;Print fax logFax FeaturesFax Memory :Up to 400pages;Auto Fax Reduction Supported :Yes;Auto-Redialing :Yes;FaxDelayed Sending :Yes;Distinctive Ring Detection Supported :Yes;Fax Forwarding Supported :Yes;Fax Phone TAM Interface Supported :Yes;Fax Polling Supported :Yes (receive only);Fax Telephone Mode Supported :Yes;Junk Barrier Supported :Yes,CSID matching only.(Caller ID not supported);Maximum Speed Dialing Numbers :Up to 120numbers;PC Interface Supported :Yes (send only);Remote Retrieval Capability Supported :No;Telephone Handset Supported :NoStandard Connectivity Hi-Speed USB 2.0port;built-in Gigabit Ethernet 10/100/1000Base-TX network port;Easy-access USB Network Capabilities Via built-in 10/100/1000Base-TX Ethernet,Gigabit;Auto-crossover Ethernet;authentication via 802.1X Network Ready Standard (built-in Gigabit Ethernet,Wi-Fi)Wireless Capability Built-in Wi-Fi;Authentication via WEP ,WPA/WPA2,WPA Enterprise;Encryption via AES or TKIP;WPS;Wireless Direct Printing;NFC touch-to-PrintMobile Printing Capability HP ePrint,Apple AirPrint™,Wireless Direct Printing,NFC touch-to-print,Mopria-certified,Google Cloud Print,Mobile AppsMemory Standard :256MB NAND Flash,256MB DRAM;Maximum :256MB NAND Flash,256MB DRAM Processor Speed 1200MHzDuty CycleMonthly,letter :Up to 50,000pages 8Recommended Monthly Page Volume 750to 4,000Media Types Supported Paper (bond,brochure,colored,glossy,letterhead,photo,plain,preprinted,prepunched,recycled,rough),postcards,labels,envelopesMedia Weight SupportedTray 1:16to 47lb (up to 52lb with HP Color laser glossy photo papers);Tray 2:16to 43lb (up to 47lb with postcards,up to 52lb with HP Color laser glossy photo papers);optional Tray 3:16to 43lb (up to 47lb with postcards,up to 40lb with HP Color laser glossy photo papers);Automatic duplexer:16to 43lbMedia Sizes SupportedTray 1,Tray 2:Letter ,legal,executive,Oficio (8.5x 13in),3x 5in,4x 6in,5x 8in,envelopes (No 10,Monarch);Optional Tray 3:Letter ,legal,executive,Oficio (8.5x 13in),3x 5in,4x 6in,5x 8in;Automatic duplexer:Letter ,legal,executive,Oficio (8.5x 13in)Media Sizes Custom Tray 1:3x 5to 8.5x 14in;Tray 2,optional Tray 3:3.94x 5.83to 8.5x 14inPaper Handling50-sheet multipurpose tray,250-sheet input tray,50-sheet Automatic Document Feeder (ADF);150-sheet output bin;Duplex Options :Automatic (standard);Auto Document Feeder Capacity :Standard,50sheets uncurled;Envelope Feeder :No;Standard Paper Trays :2;Input Capacities :Up to 300sheets;Output Capacities :Up to 150sheets;Up to 20envelopesWhat's in the boxCF379A Printer;4preinstalled starter HP LaserJet toner cartridges (Black:~2300pages,CYM:~1200pages);In-box documentation (Getting Started Guide,Install Poster);Software drivers and documentation on CD-ROM;Power cord;USB cable;Built-in duplexer;Built-in fax 21Product Dimensions W x D x H :16.4x 18.6x 15.7in 15;Maximum :16.8x 25.7x 16.3in Product Weight 51.2lb 1Warranty FeaturesOne-year limited hardware warrantyEnergy Efficiency Compliance ENERGY STAR®certified;Blue Angel;EPEAT®Silver Control Panel 4.3-in intuitive color touchscreen (CGD)Display Description 4.3"intuitive touchscreen Color Graphic Display (CGD)Software IncludedFor Windows OS:HP Software Installer/Uninstaller ,HP PCL 6Printer Driver ,HP Device Experience (DXP),HP Send Fax,HP Device Toolbox,HP Fax Print Driver ,HP Fax Setup Wizard,HP Product Improvement Study,HP Scan App and Drivers,Scan to e-mail setup Wizard,Scan to Folder Setup Wizard,HP Update,Product Registration Assist,HP Web Services Assist (HP Connected),Online usermanuals,(*software varies by OS:WinXP/Vista =driver only;Win 7=full solution;Win 8+and newer =drivers only with more apps availabe in MS App store)For Mac OS,Welcome Screen,(Directs users to or OS App Source for LaserJet Software)Fonts and Typefaces84scalable TrueType fontsCompatible Operating SystemsWindows OS compatible with In-Box Driver;Windows XP SP3all 32-bit editions (XP Home,XP Pro,etc.);Windows Vista all 32-bit editions (Home Basic,Premium,Professional,etc.);Windows 7all 32-&64-bit editions;Windows 8/8.1all 32-&64-bit editions (excluding RT OS for Tablets);Windows 10all 32-&64-bit editions (excluding RT OS for Tablets);Windows OS compatible with Universal Print Driver (From );Windows XP SP332-&64-bit editions (XP Home,XP Pro,etc.);Windows Vista all 32-&64-bit editions (Home Basic,Premium,Professional,etc.);Windows 7all 32-&64-bit editions;Windows 8/8.1all 32-&64-bit editions (excluding RT OS for Tablets);Windows 10all 32-&64-biteditions (excluding RT OS for Tablets);Mac OS (HP Print Drivers available from and Apple Store);OS X 10.7Lion;OS X 10.8Mountain Lion;OS X 10.9Mavericks;OS X 10.10Yosemite;Mobile OS (In-OS drivers);iOS,Android,Windows 8/8.1/10RT;Linux OS (In-OS HPLIP;SUSE Linux (12.2,12.3,13.1);Fedora (17,18,19,20);Linux Mint (13,14,15,16,17);Boss (3.0,5.0);Ubuntu (10.04,11.10,12.04,12.10,13.04,13.10,14.04,14.10);Debian (6.0.x,7.x);Other OS;UNIX 13Compatible Network Operating SystemsWindows OS compatible with In-Box Driver;Windows Server 2003/2003R232-bit (SP1/SP2)Standard/Enterprise (+Cluster &Terminal Services);Windows Server 200832-/64-bit (SP2)Standard/Enterprise (+Cluster &Terminal Services);Windows Server 2008R264-bit (SP1)Standard/Enterprise (+Cluster &Terminal Services);Windows OS compatible with Universal Print Driver (UPD)or Product-Specific drivers from ;Windows Server 2003/2003R232-/64-bit (SP1/SP2)Standard/Enterprise/Datacenter (+Cluster &Terminal Services);Windows Server 2008/2008R232-/64-bit (SP1/SP2)Standard/Enterprise/Datacenter (+Cluster &Terminal Services);Windows Server 2012/2012R264-bit Standard/Foundation/Essentials/Datacenter (+Cluster &Terminal Services);Citrix (on Windows Server 2003/2003R2);Citrix MetaFrame Presentation Server ,3.0;Citrix MetaFrame XP Presentation Server (Feature Release 1,2,and 3);Citrix Presentation Server 4.0/4.5;Citrix XenApp 5.0(Plus Feature Pack 2&3);Citrix (on Windows Server 2008/2008R2);Citrix XenApp 5.0(Plus Feature Pack 2&3);Citrix XenApp 6.0/6.5/7.5;Citrix XenDesktop 5.6/7.0/7.5;Citrix (on Windows Server 2012/2012R2);Citrix XenApp 7.5;Citrix XenDesktop 7.0/7.5;Novell Servers(/iprint);Novell iPrint Appliance v1.0;Novell Open Enterprise Server 11/SP1;Novell Open Enterprise Server 2for Linux;NetWare 6.5/SP8;Novell Clients (/iprint);Windows 8(32-bit /64-bit)recommend v5.86+,8.1recommend v5.94+;Windows 7(32-bit /64-bit)recommend v5.82+;Windows Vista (32-bit /64-bit)recommend v5.82+Windows XP /SP3(32-bit only)recommend v5.82+Minimum System RequirementsPC :Windows XP (SP2)(32-bit)or newer ,233MHz processer or higher ,512MB RAM,400MB HD space,CD-ROM or Internet,USB or Network connection;MAC :OSX 10.7or newer;Internet;USB or Network connection;1GB HD spacePowerPower Supply Type :Internal (Built-in)power supply;Power Requirements :110-volt input voltage:110to 127VAC (+/-10%),60Hz (+/-3Hz);Power Consumption :570watts (Active Printing),18.6watts (Ready),2.5watts (Sleep),0.6watts (Auto-On/Auto-Off,via USB connectivity),0.05watts (Shutdown or Off)3AcousticsAcoustic Power Emissions :6.3B(A);Acoustic Pressure Emissions :49dB(A)7Operating EnvironmentOperating Temperature Range :59to 86°F;Recommended Operating Temperature :59to 80.6°F;Storage Temperature Range :-4to 104°F;Non-Operating Humidity Range :10to 95%RH(non-condensing);Operating Humidity Range :10to 80%RH (non-condensing);Recommended Humidity Operating Range :20to 70%RH (non-condensing)Security ManagementEmbedded Web Server:password-protection,secure browsing via SSL/TLS;Network:enable/disable network ports and features,SNMPv1&SNMPv2community password change;HP ePrint:HTTPS with certificate validation,HTTP Basic Access Authentication,SASL authentication;LDAP authentication and authorization;Firewall and ACL;SNMPv3,802.1X,Secure Boot,authentication via WEP ,WPA/WPA2Personal,WPA2Enterprise;encryption via AES or TKIPAccessoriesHP LaserJet 550-sheet Paper Feeder CF404A;HP v222w 16GB Mini USB Drive P0R81AAHP Service and Support OptionsU8TP0E -HP 3year Next Business Day Color LaserJet M477Multi Function Printer Hardware Support;U8TP1E -HP 4year Next Business Day Color LaserJet M477Multi Function Printer Hardware Support;U8TP2E -HP 5year Next Business Day Color LaserJet M477Multi Function Printer Hardware Support;U8TP5E -HP 3year Next Business Day Exchange Color LaserJet M477Multi Function Printer Service;U8TP3E -HP 3year 4hour 9x5Color LaserJet M477Multi Function Printer Hardware Support;H3110E -HP Network Install Inkjet/Personal LaserJet ServiceLearn more at c04760932, August 2015Native Scan File Format PDF, JPG 11Software Scan File Format Windows HP Scan SW supports PDF, searchable PDF, JPG, RTF, TXT, BMP, PNG, TIFF. Mac HP Easy Scan SW supports PDF, searchable PDF, JPG, RTF, TXT, JPG-2000, PNG, TIF 11Replacement CartridgesHP 410A Black LaserJet Toner Cartridge (~2300pages)CF410A;HP 410X Black LaserJet TonerCartridge (~6500pages)CF410X;HP 410A Cyan LaserJet Toner Cartridge (~2300pages)CF411A;HP 410X Cyan LaserJet Toner Cartridge (~5000pages)CF411X;HP 410A Yellow LaserJet Toner Cartridge (~2300pages)CF412A;HP 410X Yellow LaserJet Toner Cartridge (~5000pages)CF412X;HP 410A Magenta LaserJet Toner Cartridge (~2300pages)CF413A;HP 410X Magenta LaserJet Toner Cartridge (~5000pages)CF413X 5With toner cartridges . Power requirements are based on the country/region where the printer is sold. Do not convert operating voltages. This will damage the printer and void the product warranty. Printer ships with preinstalled introductory cartridges Cyan,Magenta and Yellow (CMY) (~1200 pages) and Black A (KA) (~2300 pages) with Auto Toner Seal Removal for all cartridges. Configuration tested: base model, simplex printing, A4 paper at an average of 43 ppm. Duty cycle is defined as the maximum number of pages per month of imaged output. This value provides a comparison of product robustness in relation to other HP LaserJet or HP Color LaserJet devices, and enables appropriate deployment of printers and MFPs to satisfy the demands of connected individuals or groups.Based on standard ITU-T test image #1 at standard resolution. More complicated pages or higher resolution will take longer and use more memory. Windows and Mac support almost the same file types expect Mac supports JGP-2000 instead of BMP. Not all"Compatible Operating Systems" are supported with INBOX software; Full solution software available only for Windows 7. Legacy Windows Operation Systems (XP, Vista, and equivalent servers) get print and scan drivers only; Windows 8 and 10 have apps available in MS App Store; Windows RT OS for Tablets (32- & 64-bit) uses a simplified HP print driver built into the RT OS; UNIX modelscripts are available on (Modelscripts are printer drivers for UNIX operating systems); Linux systems use in-OS HPLIP software. Without optional 550-sheet tray. Dimensions with optional 550-sheet tray: 16.4 x 18.1 x 20.9 in (416 x 461 x 530 mm) Measured using ISO/IEC 24734, excludes first set of test documents. For more information see /go/printerclaims. Exact speed varies depending on the system configuration, software application, driver, and document complexity. 19 Measured using ISO/IEC 17629. For more information see /go/printerclaims. Exact speed varies depending on the input voltage, system configuration, software application, driver, and document complexity. First Copy Out and Copy Speed measured using ISO/IEC 29183, excludes first set of test documents. For more information see /go/printerclaims. Exact speed varies depending on the system configuration, software application, driver, and document complexity. Declared cartridge yield value in accordance with ISO/IEC 19752. Actual yields vary considerably based on images printed and other factors. For more information, visit /go/learnaboutsupplies. HP Color LaserJet Pro MFP M477 in-box cartridge may have higher yield than stated for printer units manufactured before 2017. Scan speeds measured from ADF. Actual processing speeds may vary depending on scan resolution, network conditions, computer performance, and application software.©Copyright 2015HP Development Company,L.P.The information contained herein is subject to change without notice.The only warranties for HP products and services are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services.Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty.HP shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein.ENERGY STAR and the ENERGY STAR logo are registered U.S.marks.Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.AirPrint,iPad,iPhone,and iPod touch are trademarks of Apple Inc.,registered in the U.S.and othercountries.。



(3)最大打印幅面——以A4和A3为主。 (4)内存容量——彩色激光打印机自带内存,容量越大,存储的打印信 息越多,能大幅度减少计算机的负担,提高打印速度。 (5)接口形式——有的采用并行数据通信接口,也有采用串行通信接口 的,采用USB接口的机型较多。
使用四色墨水或六色墨水,利用超微细墨滴喷在纸上,形成彩色图像 的打印机叫做彩色喷墨打印机。
c (1)家用型
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
(2)办公型 (3)专业型 (4)照片专用型
彩色喷墨打印机的关键技术是喷墨打印头。墨盒的墨水靠重力作用流进墨仓。打印数据 进过译码和驱动电路,在微压电片上施加微电压,使墨滴从喷嘴喷出,精确定位在应在的位 置上。喷墨打印头的喷嘴数量很多,每一种基色对应一组喷嘴,每种基色在打印头不混合, 在墨滴喷射出来后混和在纸上,形成丰富的色彩组合。
彩色激光打印机是一种高档设备,用于精密度很高的彩色样稿输出。与普通黑白激光打印机相比,彩色激 光打印机采用四个鼓进行彩色打印,打印处理相当复杂.1打印速度——以ppm为单位。如:20ppm(A4)
(2)打印精度——以dpi为单位。如:1200dpi彩色喷墨打印机..使用四色墨水或六色墨水, 利用超微细墨滴喷在纸上,形成彩色图像的打印机叫做彩色喷墨打印机。
(1)墨水质量——使用非原装墨水,容易受墨水化学成分、黏度、杂 质等因素的影响,使墨滴的大小发生改变,劣质的墨水甚至堵塞打印头喷 嘴。 (2)打印纸类型——彩色喷墨打印机与其他打印机不同,打印质量的 好坏与打印纸质量的优劣有很大关系。一般而言,必须使用厂家规定的彩 色喷墨专用纸,才能得到理想效果。 (3)打印模式——彩色喷墨打印机驱动程序规定了若干种打印模式, 使用者根据纸张情况和打印分辨率选择其中的某种模式即可。



DatasheetHP Color LaserJet Pro MFP M283fdwGet high-quality color , wireless two-sided printing, and smartfrom your phone. Get seamless connections and strong security designed to help detect andstop attacks.Dynamic security enabled printer. Only intended to be used with cartridges using an HP original chip. Cartridges using a non-HP chip may not work, and those that work today may not work in the future. Learn more at:/go/learnaboutsuppliesFreedom to work anywhereTrusted HP quality and performanceStrong security, reliable connectionsFax capabilities available only on HP Color LaserJet Pro MFP M283cdw, HP Color LaserJet Pro MFP M283fdn, and HP Color LaserJet Pro MFP M283fdw. Wireless capabilities available only on HP Color LaserJet Pro MFP M282nw, HP Color LaserJet Pro MFP M283cdw,and HP Color LaserJet Pro MFP M283fdw. Wireless operations are compatible with 2.4 GHz and 5.0 GHz operations only. Learn more at /go/mobileprinting Requires the HP Smart app download. For details on local printing requirements see /go/mobileprinting. Certain features/software are available in English language only. Compared to OEM mobile printing apps for the majority of top-selling inkjet & laser printers & all-in-ones for home & home office, priced less than or equal to $429.99 USD. Market share as reported by IDC CYQ2 2018 Hardcopy Peripherals Tracker. Claim based on research of printer manufacturer’s mobile print apps and Keypoint Intelligence - Buyers Lab hands-on testing and study commissioned by HP. See September 2018 report at /HPSmartApp Based on internal HP testing. Average timing estimate based on: 1) downloaded HP Smart app on mobile or desktop device, 2) setting up Smart Tasks shortcut, 3) scanning jobs which have more than 2-3 tasks associated with them (scan to email, save and rename, store to cloud, etc.). Average timing savings comparison based on using printer and desktop scan software to complete similar scanning tasks. Requires the HP Smart app download andsupported HP printer. For details on local printing requirements see /go/mobileprinting. Certain features/software are available in English language only. Compared to the majority of competing in-class consumer color desktop inkjet all-in-ones <$299 USD. Keypoint Intelligence - Buyers Lab 2018 research study commissioned by HP based on research survey of printer manufacturers’ published specifications, sustainability reports and press releases as of 12/15/2018 and not confirmed by lab testing.Market share as reported by IDC CYQ3 2018 Hardcopy Peripherals Tracker , CYQ3 2018 Release. The ability to automate work defined as having the capability to use the OEM mobile print app to create a multistep workflow on mobile device and have a shortcut appear on the app and/or on control panel of printer; and/or use intelligent Optical Character Recognition to name a scanned file based on the first few words of a document. For more details, see /HPOfficeJetPro HP Auto-On/Auto-Off Technology capabilities subject to printer and settings; may require a firmware upgrade. Wireless operations are compatible with 2.4 GHz and 5.0 GHz operations only. Learn more at /go/mobileprinting. Wi-Fi is a registered trademark of Wi-Fi Alliance®. Supports both 5.0 GHz and 2.4 GHz using up to 12 non-overlapping channels vs only 3 non-overlapping channels for 2.4 GHz only. Supports 5.0 GHz band (up to 150 mbps) vs 2.4 GHz band (up to 72.2 mbps). Mobile device needs to be connected to Wi-Fi Direct® signal of a Wi-Fi Direct-supported AiO or printer prior to printing. Details at /go/mobileprinting. Wi-Fi Direct® is a registered trademark of Wi-Fi Alliance®. Based on the reduced energy use of HP LaserJet printers and cartridges with JetIntelligence introduced since 2015 compared to previous toner versions without JetIntelligence, using EnergyStar methodology.23mobility and security.An efficient, wireless MFP with fax for high-quality color and productivity.2 Save time with Smart Tasks in HP Smart app, and print and scan 3Get easy printing and scanning from your mobile device, with HP Smart – best-in-class mobile print app.3,4Eliminate steps in repetitive tasks with customizable shortcuts, with Smart Tasks in HP Smart app. Scan to the cloud, email, and more – in just a tap.3Organize documents 50% faster with Smart Tasks 5 – first mobile print app that automates scanning tasks.6Get notifications when printing, scanning, or copying from your mobile device, using HP Smart app.3Get high-quality color and peak printing performance with Original HP Toner cartridges with JetIntelligence.Breeze through tasks with automatic two-sided printing and a 50-page automatic document feeder.1Easily manage print, scan, copy, and fax tasks at the device with an intuitive touchscreen.1Help save energy with HP Auto-On/Auto-Off Technology and this ENERGY STAR® certified color laser MFP.7Help protect your data. Get strong security with real-time threat detection and software validation.Get faster , more reliable connections with dual band Wi-Fi®.8Easily share resources – access and print with wireless and Ethernet networking.2Connect your mobile device directly to your printer – and easily print without accessing a network.912345678910Data sheet | HP Color LaserJet Pro MFP M283fdwHP Color LaserJet Pro MFP M283fdw Technical specificationsFunctions / Multitasking supported Print, Copy, Scan, Fax / YesPrint speed black A4: Up to 21 ppm; First page out: As fast as 11.4 sec; Print speed duplex: Up to 12 ppm Print speed color A4: Up to 21 ppm; First page out: As fast as 14.1 sec; Print speed duplex: Up to 12 ppm Print resolution Black (best): Up to 600 x 600 dpi;Color (best): Up to 600 x 600 dpiPrint technology LaserPrint resolution technologies HP ImageREt 3600Print cartridges number 4 (1 each black, cyan, magenta, yellow)Standard print languages HP PCL6; HP PCL5c; HP postscript level 3 emulation; PWG raster; PDF; PCLm; PCLm-S; NativeOffice; URF Printer smart software features 2.7 in color touchscreen, Automatic 2-sided printing, Wireless printing, Ethernet networking, Wireless direct printing, HP ePrint, Apple AirPrint™, Mopria-certified, Google Cloud Print, HP Auto-On/Auto-Off technology,HP Smart App, Smart task shortcuts in HP Smart App, HP JetAdvantage Secure Print (Optional)Scan speedA4: Up to 26 ppm (B/W); 23 ppm (Color)Scan type / Technology Flatbed, ADF / Contact Image Sensor (CIS)Scan resolution Hardware: Up to 300 x 300 dpi (color and mono ADF); up to 1200 x 1200 dpi (Flatbed); Optical: Up to 300 dpi (color and mono ADF); up to1200 dpi (Flatbed)Scan file format JPG, RAW (BMP), PNG, TIFF , PDFScan input modes Front-panel scan, copy, e-mail, fax; HP Scan software; and user application via TWAIN or WIA Scan size maximum215.9 x 355.6 mm Flatbed: 215.9 x 297 mmScanner advanced features HP Scanning software; Scan-to-E-mail, network folder; 50-sheet Automatic Document Feeder (ADF) forunattended scanning of multiple pages; automatic scan cropping; Scan to Google Drive/Drop box (PC); Scan to FTP(PC); Scan to Microsoft One Drive, Share Point (PC); Save as editable file (text, PDF)Bit depth / Grayscale levels 8-bit (mono); 24-bit (color)/256Digital sending standard featuresScan to email; scan to folder; scan to USB driveCopy speed black A4Copy speed: Up to 21 cpm ;Copy speed Duplex: Up to 12 cpm Copy speed color A4Copy speed: Up to 21 cpm ;Copy speed Duplex: Up to 12 cpmCopy resolution Black (text and graphics): Up to 600 x 600 dpi; Color (text and graphics): Up to 600 x 400 dpiMaximum number of copies Up to 99 copiesCopier settings Number of copies; Reduce/Enlarge; Lighter/Darker; Optimize; Paper; Multi-page copy; Collation; Draft Mode;Image Adjustment; Set as New Defaults; Restore Defaults Copier resize 25 to 400%Fax speed Up to: 33.6 kbps (maximum); 14.4 kbps (default) / A4: 3 sec per page Fax resolutionBlack (best): Up to 300 x 300 dpi; ;Black (standard): 203 x 98 dpiFax smart software features Auto redialing, delayed sending, fax forwarding, TAM interface, distinctive ring detection, cover page wizard(Software only), block fax, billing codes, poll receive, fax activity reports, dial prefix setting Fax FeaturesFax memory: Up to 1300 pages; Auto fax reduction supported: Yes; Auto-redialing: Yes; Fax delayed sending:Yes; Distinctive ring detection supported: Yes; Fax forwarding supported: Yes; Fax phone TAM interface supported: Yes; Fax polling supported: Yes (receive only); Fax telephone mode supported: Yes; Junk barrier supported: Yes, CSID matching only (Caller ID not supported); Maximum speed dialing numbers: Up to 120numbers; PC interface supported: Yes; Remote retrieval capability supported: No; Telephone handset supported: YesStandard connectivity Hi-Speed USB 2.0 port; built-in Fast Ethernet 10/100/1000 Base-TX network port, 802.11n 2.4/5GHz wireless, Fax port, Front Host USBNetwork capabilities Yes, via built-in 10/100/1000 Base-TX Ethernet; Auto-crossover Ethernet; Authentication via 802.11x Wireless capability Built-in 802.11 b/g/n; authentication via WEP , WPA/WPA2, or 802.11x; encryption via AES or TKIP; WPS; Wi-Fi DirectMobile printing capability HP Smart App; HP ePrint; Apple AirPrint™; Mobile Apps; Mopria™ Certified; Wi-Fi® Direct Printing Memory Standard: 256 MB DDR, 256 MB Flash; Maximum: 256 MB DDR, 256 MB Flash Processor speed 800 MHzDuty cycleMonthly A4: Up to 40,000 pages Recommended monthly page volume 150 to 2500Media types supported Paper (bond, brochure, colored, glossy, heavy, letterhead, light, photo, plain, preprinted, prepunched,recycled, rough), transparencies, labels, envelopes, cardstockMedia weight supported60 to 163 g/m² (Uncoated/Matte, recommended), however up to 175 g/m² Postcards and 200 g/m² HP Matte is allowed in the driver; 60 to 163 g/m² (Coated/Glossy, recommended), however up to 175 g/m²Postcards and 220 g/m² HP Glossy is allowed in the driver.Media sizes supportedLetter(216 x 280); Legal(216 x 356); Executive(184 x 267); Oficio 8.5x13(216 x 330); 4 x 6(102 x 152); 5 x 8(127 x 203); A4(210 x 299); A5(148 x 210); A6(105x148); B5(JIS)(182 x 257); B6(JIS)(128 x 182);10x15cm(100 x 150); Oficio 216x340mm(216 x 340); 16K 195x270mm(195x270); 16K184x260mm(184x260); 16K 197x273mm(197x273); Postcard(JIS)(100 x 147); Double Postcard(JIS)(147 x 200); Envelope #10(105 x 241); Envelope Monarch(98 x 191); Envelope B5(176 x 250); Envelope C5(162 x 229); Envelope DL(110 x 220); A5-R(210 x 148)Media Sizes Custom 76 x 127 to 216 x 356 mmPaper handlingInput Capacities: 1-sheet in Tray 1; Up to 250 sheets (25 mm stack height) in Tray 2 Standard; Up to 15 mm (Recommended only 5 envelopes or less at a time)Auto document feeder capacity: Standard, 50 sheetsOutput Capacities: Up to 100 sheets (10 mm stack height) Standard; 10 mm stack height Duplex Options: Automatic (standard)Envelope feeder: No Standard paper trays: 2What's in the box7KW75A HP Color LaserJet Pro MFP M283fdw; HP LaserJet Black Introductory toner cartridge (~800 page yield); HP LaserJet Cyan Introductory toner cartridge; HP LaserJet Magenta Introductory toner cartridge; HP LaserJet Yellow Introductory toner cartridge (~700 color composite C/Y/M page yield) Installation guide; Power cord; USB cable; Phone CordReplacement cartridges HP 206A Black LaserJet Toner Cartridge (~1350 yield) W2110A; HP 206A Cyan LaserJetToner Cartridge (~1250 yield) W2111A; HP 206A Yellow LaserJet Toner Cartridge (~1250yield) W2112A; HP 206A Magenta LaserJet Toner Cartridge (~1250 yield) W2113A; HP 206X Black LaserJet Toner Cartridge (~3150 yield) W2110X; HP 206X Cyan LaserJet Toner Cartridge (~2450 yield) W2111X; HP 206X Yellow LaserJet Toner Cartridge (~2450 yield)W2112X; HP 206X Magenta LaserJet Toner Cartridge (~2450 yield) W2113X Product dimensions W x d x h: 420 x 421.7 x 334.1 mm; Maximum: 424 x 475 x 338 mm Product weight 18.7 kgWarranty featuresOne-year unit exchange warranty. Warranty and support options vary by product, country and local legal requirements. Go to /support to learn about HP award winning service and support options in your region.Energy efficiency compliance EPEAT® Silver; ENERGY STAR® qualifiedControl panel 2.7'' color graphic touch screen with 3 button at left side (Home, Help, Back)Display description 2.7'' color graphic touch screenSoftware included No CD (Software is not included In-Box) Downloadable Software only from ,/laserjet or Compatible operating systems Windows® 10, 8.1, 8, 7: 32-bit or 64-bit, 2 GB available hard disk space, Internet connection,USB port, Internet Explorer. Windows Vista®: (32-bit only), 2 GB available hard disk space,Internet connection, USB port, Internet Explorer 8. Windows® XP SP3 or higher (32-bit only):any Intel® Pentium® II, Celeron® or 233 MHz compatible processor , 850 MB available hard disk space, Internet connection, USB port, Internet Explorer 8. Windows Server support is provided via the command line installer and supports Win Server 2008 R2 and higher. Apple®macOS Sierra (v10.12) macOS High Sierra (v10.13) macOS Mojave (v10.14)macOS Catalina(v10.15); 200MB HD; Internet required for download; USB. Linux (For moreinformation, see https:///hp-linux-imaging-and-printing). Unix (For more information, see )Compatible network operating systemsWindows® 10, 8.1, 8, 7: 32-bit or 64-bit, 2 GB available hard disk space, Internet connection,USB port, Internet Explorer. Windows Vista®: (32-bit only), 2 GB available hard disk space,Internet connection, USB port, Internet Explorer 8. Windows® XP SP3 or higher (32-bit only):any Intel® Pentium® II, Celeron® or 233 MHz compatible processor , 850 MB available hard disk space, Internet connection, USB port, Internet Explorer 8. Windows Server support is provided via the command line installer and supports Win Server 2008 R2 and higher. Apple®macOS Sierra (v10.12) macOS High Sierra (v10.13) macOS Mojave (v10.14) macOS Catalina(v10.15); 200MB HD; Internet required for download; USB. Linux (For moreinformation, see https:///hp-linux-imaging-and-printing). Unix (For more information, see )Minimum system requirementsPC: Windows® 10, 8.1, 8, 7: 32-bit or 64-bit, 2 GB available hard disk space, Internetconnection, USB port, Internet Explorer. Windows Vista®: (32-bit only), 2 GB available hard disk space, Internet connection, USB port, Internet Explorer 8. Windows® XP SP3 or higher (32-bit only): any Intel® Pentium® II, Celeron® or 233 MHz compatible processor , 850 MB available hard disk space, Internet connection, USB port, Internet Explorer 8. Windows Server support is provided via the command line installer and supports Win Server 2008 R2 and higher.; Mac: Apple® macOS Sierra (v10.12) macOS High Sierra (v10.13) macOS Mojave (v10.14) macOS Catalina(v10.15); 200MB HD; Internet required for download; USBPower Power supply type: Internal (Built-in) power supply; Power requirements: 110-volt inputvoltage: 110 to 127 VAC (+/- 10%), 50 Hz (+/- 3 Hz), 60 Hz (+/- 3 Hz); 220-volt input voltage:220 to 240 VAC (+/- 10%), 50 Hz (+/- 3 Hz), 60 Hz (+/- 3 Hz)(Not dual voltage, product varies by part number with # Option code identifier); Power consumption: 361 watts (activeprinting), 7.8 watts (ready), 0.8 watts(sleep), 0.05 watt (Manual-Off), 0.05 (Auto-off/Manual-on), 0.06 watt(Auto-Off/Wake on LAN)AcousticsAcoustic power emissions: 6.4 B(A) (Mono), Simplex; 6.3 B(A) (Color), Simplex; 6.3 B(A)(Mono), Duplex; 6.3 B(A) (Color), Duplex; Acoustic pressure emissions: 50 dB(A) (Mono),Simplex; 50 dB(A) (Color), Simplex; 50 dB(A) (Mono), Duplex; 49 dB(A) (Color), DuplexOperating environment Operating temperature range: 10 to 32.5°C; Recommended operating temperature: 15 to27°C; Storage temperature range: -20 to 40°C; Non-operating humidity range: 0 to 95% RH;Operating humidity range: 10 to 80% RH; Recommended humidity operating range: 30 to 70% RHLearn more atIntroductory cartridges included, ~1350 page yield black and ~700 page yield color composite (C/Y/M). Power requirements are based on the country/region where the printer is sold. Do not convert operating voltages. This will damage the printer and void the product warranty. Power consumption values typically based on measurement of 115V device. Replacement 206A cartridge average composite (C/Y/M) declared yield ~1250 and average black yield ~1350 pages; replacement cartridge average composite (C/Y/M) declared yield ~2450 and average black yield ~3150 pages based on ISO/IEC 19798 and continuous printing. Actual yields varyconsiderably based on images printed and other factors. For details see /go/learnaboutsupplies. Declared yield value in accordance with ISO/IEC 19798 and continuous printing. Actual yields vary considerably based on images printed and other factors. For details see /go/learnaboutsupplies HP SureSupply alerts you when your print cartridge is running low and helps you purchase online or locally through HP or a participating retailer. For more information, visit /go/SureSupply; only available with Original HP supplies; Internet access required. Power requirements are based on the country/region where the printer is sold. Do not convert operating voltages. This will damage the printer and void the product warranty. Energy Star value typically based on measurement of 115V device. HP recommends that the number of scanned pages per month be within the stated range for optimum device performance NotsupportingWindows® XP (64-bit) and Windows Vista® (64-bit); "Compatible Operating Systems" are not supported with INBOX software, but downloadable from online; Full solution software available only for Windows 7 and newer; Windows Server OS install driver only; Windows RT OS for Tablets (32 & 64-bit) uses a simplified HP print driver built into the RT OS; Linux systems use in-OS HPLIP software First Copy Out and Copy Speed measured using ISO/IEC 29183, excludes first set of test documents. For more information see /go/printerclaims. Exact speed varies depending on the system configuration, software application, driver , and document complexity.© Copyright 2019 HP Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. The only warranties for HP products and services are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services. Nothing herein should beconstrued as constituting an additional warranty. HP shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein. ENERGY STAR and the ENERGY STAR logo are registered U.S. marks. Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. AirPrint, iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.4AA7-6617ENL, November 2019382。

Phaser 7760彩色激光打印机规格参数配置

Phaser 7760彩色激光打印机规格参数配置

保存,Print With,PDF Direct,扩展字体存储,作业逐份打印,PrintingScout®PhaserSMART®,Intelligent Ready
PhaserCal 色彩校准
PhaserCal和PhaserMatch 4.0 色彩管理
出精细的线条和清晰的文本。 • 600 x 600dpi x 4bit 照片模式,实现平滑的
色彩渐变,尤其适于肌肤色调。 • 光亮显目的彩色和丰富浓重的黑色。 • 黑色补漏白功能确保彩色背景上的黑色文
本以及黑色背景上的彩色文本清晰明锐。 • TekColor校正功能使您可模拟电脑屏幕、
印刷机以及其他设备的输出色彩。通过行 业领先的驱动程序界面自动或手动管理办 公图形、印刷分色、黑白图形和专色的色 彩。 • PhaserMatch 4.0 色彩管理和校准软件增强 了色彩控制功能,帮助您保持色彩精度。 • 输出色彩在整个打印生产过程中都保持惊 人的一致性。
密集的复杂版面。 • 彩色打印的首页输出时间最快可达9秒。 • 高达1GB的内存能将打印队列减至最少,
使整个生产过程畅通无阻。 • 支持自定义纸张尺寸、小册子和横幅打
008R12941 008R12925 108R00713 115R00050
* 印量为近似数,基于5%墨粉覆盖率和A4尺寸纸张。
保养维护组件 废墨粉盒 (最多27,000页) 转印辊 (最多100,000页) 皮带清洁组件
108R00575 108R00579 108R00580
512 MB Phaser内存 1,500张大容量供纸器 (三个500张通用纸盘) 2,500张大容量供纸器 (一个500张通用纸盘和 两个1,000张A4纸张) 专业完成装订器, 堆纸器,装钉器,2/4孔打孔机 小册子制作器 打印机推纸车 PhaserMatch 4.0

惠普 彩色激光打印机

惠普 彩色激光打印机

¥1750惠普 CP1025∙打印机类型:彩色激光打印机∙黑白打印速度:16ppm∙彩色打印速度:4ppm∙最高分辨率:600×600dpi∙首页出纸时间:27.5秒∙纸张容量:150张∙其他打印介质:普通纸,宣传... ∙支持双面打印:手动¥2350惠普 CP1515n(CC377A)∙打印机类型:彩色激光打印机∙最大打印幅面:A4∙黑白打印速度:12ppm∙彩色打印速度:8ppm∙最高分辨率:600×600dpi∙首页出纸时间:26秒∙纸张容量:150张¥1950惠普 CP1215(CC376A)∙打印机类型:彩色激光打印机∙最大打印幅面:A4∙黑白打印速度:12ppm∙彩色打印速度:8ppm∙最高分辨率:600×600dpi∙首页出纸时间:24秒∙纸张容量:150张¥3700惠普 CP2025∙打印机类型:彩色激光打印机∙最大打印幅面:A4∙黑白打印速度:20ppm∙彩色打印速度:20ppm∙最高分辨率:600×600dpi∙首页出纸时间:17.8秒∙纸张容量:550张¥30500惠普 CP5525dn(∙打印机类型:彩色激光打印机∙最大打印幅面:A3∙黑白打印速度:30ppm∙彩色打印速度:30ppm∙最高分辨率:600×600dpi∙首页出纸时间:10秒∙纸张容量:1100张¥6400惠普 CP2025dn(CB495A)∙打印机类型:彩色激光打印机∙最大打印幅面:A4∙黑白打印速度:20ppm∙彩色打印速度:20ppm∙最高分辨率:600×600dpi∙首页出纸时间:17.8秒∙纸张容量:300张¥14500惠普 CP5225n∙打印机类型:彩色激光打印机∙最大打印幅面:A3∙黑白打印速度:20ppm∙彩色打印速度:20ppm∙最高分辨率:600×600dpi∙首页出纸时间:17秒∙纸张容量:250张¥2900惠普 CP1518ni(CC378A)∙打印机类型:彩色激光打印机∙最大打印幅面:A4∙黑白打印速度:12ppm∙彩色打印速度:8ppm∙最高分辨率:600×600dpi∙首页出纸时间:26秒∙纸张容量:150张¥5700惠普 CP2025n(CB494A)∙打印机类型:彩色激光打印机∙最大打印幅面:A4∙黑白打印速度:20ppm∙彩色打印速度:20ppm∙最高分辨率:600×600dpi∙首页出纸时间:17.8秒∙纸张容量:300张¥11300 CP5225(∙打印机类型:彩色激光打印机∙最大打印幅面:A4∙黑白打印速度:20ppm∙彩色打印速度:20ppm∙最高分辨率:600×600dpi∙首页出纸时间:17秒∙纸张容量:250张¥45000惠普 CP5525xh(∙打印机类型:彩色激光打印机∙最大打印幅面:A3∙黑白打印速度:30ppm∙彩色打印速度:30ppm∙最高分辨率:600×600dpi∙首页出纸时间:10秒∙纸张容量:1100张¥16000惠普 CP5225d ∙打印机类型:彩色激光打印机∙最大打印幅面:A4∙黑白打印速度:20ppm∙彩色打印速度:20ppm∙最高分辨率:600×600dpi∙首页出纸时间:17秒∙纸张容量:250张∙¥47500惠普 CP6015dn(Q3932A)∙打印机类型:彩色激光打印机∙最大打印幅面:A3∙黑白打印速度:41ppm∙彩色打印速度:41ppm∙最高分辨率:1200×600dpi∙首页出纸时间:11秒∙纸张容量:600张¥44450惠普 CP6015n(Q3931A)∙打印机类型:彩色激光打印机∙最大打印幅面:A3∙黑白打印速度:41ppm∙彩色打印速度:41ppm∙最高分辨率:1200×600dpi∙首页出纸时间:11秒∙纸张容量:600张¥7399惠普 CP3525(CC468A)∙打印机类型:彩色激光打印机∙最大打印幅面:A4∙黑白打印速度:30ppm∙彩色打印速度:30ppm∙最高分辨率:1200×600dpi∙首页出纸时间:11秒∙纸张容量:850张¥8200惠普 CP3525n(CC469A)∙打印机类型:彩色激光打印机∙最大打印幅面:A4∙黑白打印速度:30ppm∙彩色打印速度:30ppm∙最高分辨率:1200×600dpi∙首页出纸时间:11秒∙纸张容量:850张¥17000惠普 CP5220(∙打印机类型:彩色激光打印机∙最大打印幅面:A4∙黑白打印速度:20ppm∙彩色打印速度:20ppm∙最高分辨率:600×600dpi∙首页出纸时间:17秒∙纸张容量:250张¥19999惠普 CP4525dn(∙打印机类型:彩色激光打印机∙最大打印幅面:A4∙黑白打印速度:40ppm∙彩色打印速度:40ppm∙最高分辨率:1200×1200dpi∙首页出纸时间:9.5秒∙纸张容量:500张¥10500惠普 CP3525dn(CC470A)∙打印机类型:彩色激光打印机∙最大打印幅面:A4∙黑白打印速度:30ppm∙彩色打印速度:30ppm∙最高分辨率:1200×600dpi∙首页出纸时间:11秒∙纸张容量:850张¥65000惠普 CP6015xh(Q3934A)∙打印机类型:彩色激光打印机∙最大打印幅面:A3∙黑白打印速度:41ppm∙彩色打印速度:41ppm∙最高分辨率:1200×600dpi∙首页出纸时间:11秒∙纸张容量:2100张∙¥54000惠普 CP6015x(Q3933A)∙打印机类型:彩色激光打印机∙最大打印幅面:A3∙黑白打印速度:41ppm∙彩色打印速度:41ppm∙最高分辨率:1200×600dpi∙首页出纸时间:11秒∙纸张容量:1100张¥15250惠普 CP4525n(C ∙打印机类型:彩色激光打印机∙最大打印幅面:A4∙黑白打印速度:40ppm∙彩色打印速度:40ppm∙最高分辨率:1200×1200d pi ∙首页出纸时间:9.5秒∙纸张容量:500张¥14999惠普 CP4025dn(∙打印机类型:彩色激光打印机∙最大打印幅面:A4∙黑白打印速度:35ppm∙彩色打印速度:35ppm∙最高分辨率:1200×1200dpi ∙首页出纸时间:9.5秒∙纸张容量:500张¥11000惠普 CP4025n (∙打印机类型:彩色激光打印机∙最大打印幅面:A4∙黑白打印速度:35ppm∙彩色打印速度:35ppm∙最高分辨率:1200×1200dpi ∙首页出纸时间:9.5秒∙纸张容量:600张。
















DocuPrint CM505da A4彩色多功能激光打印机 说明书

DocuPrint CM505da A4彩色多功能激光打印机 说明书

DocuPrint CM505 daDocuPrint CM505 da彩色多功能激光打印机最大程度地提升办公室的功能、效率和空间利用率DocuPrint CM505 da彩色多功能激光打印机规格打印功能打印速度最大月负荷量预热时间内存打印语言支持的操作系统纸张尺寸介质处理能力自动输稿器(ADF)尺寸(宽 x 长 x 高)重量电源功耗噪音级别(B(A))保修单面:45ppm(黑白/彩色),双面:36ppm(黑白/彩色)1200 x 1200dpi ,600 x 600dpi(标准)110,000页/月黑白最多为9秒,彩色最多为9.5秒 42秒(通电时)26秒(从节能模式启动)2GBPower PC 1GHzPCL6、PCL5、TIFF 、FX PDF 、XPS 、Adobe Postscript 3、HP GL 、HP GL2以太网1000 BASE-T/100 BASE TX/10 BASE-T ,USB 2.0Microsoft Windows 2000、Microsoft Windows XP 、Microsoft Windows Vista 、Microsoft Windows 7、Windows Server 2003&2008、Mac OS 9.2.2、x10.3.9-10.4.11(10.4.7除外)、x10.5/10.6纸盘1-4:A4、A5、B5 JIS 、Legal 、Folio 、Letter 、Executive 、自定义纸张(宽:98×216mm 长:190×356mm) 纸盘5:自定义纸张(宽:76×216mm 长:127×356mm)。

纸盘1-5:60-216gsm标准(700张):标准纸盘(550张)+旁路纸盘(150张)最大容量(2350张):标准纸盘(700张)+1纸盘模块(550张)+2纸盘模块(1100张)500张110张560 x 536 x 629mm 56kgAC220-240V±10%,电流为10/15A 50/60 Hz±3%最大:最大为1.76kW待机模式:最大为155W ,休眠模式:最大为16W 最大为7.48B(运行时) 最大为5.3B(待机时)1年上门服务复印功能复印速度(A4)复印分辨率首次复印输出时间缩小/扩大连续复印复印功能单面:45ppm(黑白/彩色),双面:36ppm(黑白/彩色)600 x 600dpi稿台:7.8秒(黑白) 9.8秒(彩色)双面自动输稿器:9.8秒(黑白) 11.8秒(彩色)25%-400%999张双面书籍复印;小册子创建;双面;多值复印扫描功能类型扫描速度扫描分辨率扫描功能彩色扫描仪黑白:45ppm ;彩色:45ppm 最大为600 x 600dpi扫描至电脑、扫描至电子邮件、扫描至文件夹、扫描至U 盘*。



HP Color LaserJet Enterprise M553x彩色激光打印机M553x的性能十分强悍,完全可以满足高负荷、大印量的作业需求。






当然,除了应用层面之外,惠普的硬件技术同样值得称道,例如,在最新的Color LaserJet Enterprise M553系列机型中,打印机的引擎就有了进一步的优化,不仅性能更加强大,而且在控制功耗上有不错的表现。

每一次引擎的升级,速度的提升都是重中之重,毕竟这对于用户使用感受的影响最为直接,全新的Color LaserJet Enterprise M553系列机型自然也不例外,M553系列的引擎速度由之前LaserJet Enterprise M551系列的30ppm提升至38ppm,与此同时,M553系列机型还保持了高水准的打印品质,其采用的Color Sphere第三代亮彩碳粉就是专门为匹配高速引擎而设计。

















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复印机(东芝167 含GA-1190C网络打印插件)
最多纸路 5
扫描分辨率600 x 600 dpi
打印分辨率2400 x 600 dpi(等效,复印分辨率) 灰度256级
打印分辨率600 x 600 dpi
内存(标配/最大) 112MB/112MB
打印分辨率2400 x 600 dpi(等效)
内存(标配/最大) 128MB/256MB
彩色激光打印机(HP CP3525n)
打印速度黑白/彩色同速:30 页/分
打印幅面标准介质尺寸:A4,A5,B5(JIS),信封(B5,C5,DL);自定义介质尺寸:多用途纸盒:98*148 到 216*356mm;250 页进纸盒:148*210 到 216*297mm;可选的 500 页进纸盒:148*210 到 216*3mm
打印语言HP PCL 6,HP PCL 5c,HP Postscript Level 3 仿真,直接 PDF 打印 v 1.4 打印字体80 种惠普 (HP) 字体集(及 Greek,Hebrew,Cyrillic,Arabic)
接口类型USB 2.0,10/100/1000Mbps RJ-45
适用平台最低系统要求:Windows Vista:英特尔奔腾 II 或赛扬处理器,Adobe Acrobat Reader 5,512MB RAM,220MB 硬盘空间,Microsoft Internet Explorer 7,CD-ROM 光驱;USB 端口;Microsoft Windows 2000,XP,Server 2003,Server 2008:英特尔奔腾 II,赛扬,Adobe Acrobat Reader 5,256 MB RAM,220 MB 可用硬盘空间,Microsoft Internet Explorer 6,CD-ROM 光驱,USB 端口
其他特点处理器速度:515MHz;推荐的介质重量:60 到 220 克/平方米;网络接口:HP Jetdirect Gigabit 以太网嵌入式打印服务器
保修 1 年有限保修(下一工作日现场)
黑白激光打印机(HP P3015dn)
打印语言HP PCL 5e;HP PCL 6,HP PostScript Level 3 仿真;直接 PDF(v 1.4) 打印
接口类型USB 2.0,10/100/1000Mbps RJ-45
适用平台Windows 2000 (SP4);Windows XP Home;Windows XP Professional;Windows Vista;Windows Vista(R) x64;Windows Server 2003;Windows Server 2008;Mac OS X v 10.4 或更高版本;Novell NetWare;Red Hat Linux 7.x 或更高版本;SuSE Linux 8.x 或更高版本其他特点标配纸盒:2个;处理器速度:540MHz
保修 3 年上门
打印速度黑白文本单面模式ESAT:约7.3ipm;黑白文本单面模式FSOT:约40秒;彩色文本单面模式ESOT:约6.0ipm;彩色文本单面模式FSOT:约49秒;彩色文本双面模式ESOT:约1.9ipm;彩色文本双面模式FSOT:约125秒;照片(8"×10")PP-201;约43秒;照片(4"×6")P P-201/无边距:约20秒
输入能力普通纸A4/A5/B5/Letter:150页;Super White Paper (SW-201)A4:100页
打印介质普通纸,Super White Paper (SW-201),高分辨率纸 (HR-101N),专业照片纸II (PR-201),高级光面照片纸II (PP-201),亚高光照片纸(SG-201),光面照片纸"Everyday Use" (GP-501),亚光照片纸(MP-101),照片贴纸 (PS-101),T恤转印介质
接口类型USB2.0 高速(B 端口),直接打印端口(PictBridge)
其他特点光盘盘面打印(CD-R 托架):DVD/CD,1(通过 CD-R托架手动进盘)

CPU Intel 不低于酷睿(TM) 2 双核处理器E7500
主板主芯片组:Intel P45
硬盘容量500GB,转速7200转/分,缓存32MB,接口速率Serial ATA 300
显卡显卡芯片:ATI或nvidia芯片,性能不低于ATI HD 4650,显存容量:不低于512M
可安装Windows 7 操作系统,免费质保三年
网络标准IEEE 802.11n、IEEE 802.11g、IEEE 802.11a、IEEE 802.11b、IEEE 802.
3、IEEE 802.3u

