【篇⼀】基础知识⼀、给加点的字选在正确的注⾳划“√”:(3分)侮辱(wǔ wū) *(pò pè)哺乳(pǔ bǔ)复述(shù sù)出塞(sāi sài)窗明⼏净(jǐ jī)⼆、看拼⾳写汉字:(8分)mù yù zhù hè guǎi wān quán shìzhǔn bèi cāng máng zhǎng shēng gǔn tàng三、⽐⼀⽐组词语:(8分)尝()泛()亲()奏()偿()乏()新()秦()四、多⾳字注⾳并组词:(4分)()()折涨()()五、在括号⾥填上合适的词语:(4分)宝贵的()骄傲的()热烈的()清脆的()六、把词语补充完整:(6分)聚精()()尊()爱()杀()吓()()⽬()光()全()美引()出()七、反义词:(2分)果断—()灵敏—()近义词:(2分)惊讶—()宝贵—()⼋、选择关联词语填空:(3分)如果…就… 虽然…但是…只有…才… 因为…所以…⑴⼩红()⽐⼩明⾼,()她⼒⽓没有⼩明⼤。
一、语文(100分)一、看拼音写词语(每空1分,共10分)1. 晨()鸟(),花开()。
2. 悠()自()得,静()如()水。
3. 知()识()广,见()多()识。
4. 山()水()秀,人()杰()地灵。
5. 绿()油()油,红()彤()彤。
二、按要求写句子(每句2分,共10分)1. 请用“一边……一边……”造句。
2. 请用“因为……所以……”造句。
3. 请用“虽然……但是……”造句。
4. 请用“如果……就……”造句。
5. 请用“不仅……而且……”造句。
1. 小白兔为什么要种胡萝卜?2. 小白兔是如何照顾胡萝卜的?3. 小白兔摘了胡萝卜后做了什么?4. 小白兔的行为给其他小动物带来了什么?四、作文(30分)题目:我的好老师二、数学(100分)一、填空题(每空1分,共10分)1. 5+3=(),6-2=(),7×2=(),4÷2=()。
2. 8的因数有(),9的倍数有()。
3. 20以内质数有(),20以内合数有()。
4. 1米=()分米,1分米=()厘米。
5. 3千克+2千克=()千克,5千克-3千克=()千克。
二、选择题(每题2分,共10分)1. 下列哪个数是偶数?()A. 3B. 4C. 52. 下列哪个数是质数?()A. 6B. 7C. 83. 下列哪个数是合数?()A. 9B. 10C. 114. 下列哪个数是三位数?()A. 123B. 12C. 12345. 下列哪个数是两位数?()A. 10B. 100C. 1000三、应用题(每题5分,共15分)1. 小明有12个苹果,小红有18个苹果,他们俩一共有多少个苹果?2. 一辆汽车每小时行驶60千米,3小时能行驶多少千米?3. 一个长方形的长是8厘米,宽是4厘米,求这个长方形的周长。
南湖小学三年级下册语数英答案语文:一、积累与运用(第1-12题、每题2分,第13题每空2分,共40分)1.下列词语书写完全正确的一组是( )A.腊月祷告乖巧蒜辫B.枯萎剝削拘留酷刑C.爆竹采排橱窗头衔D.幽静气慨附庸乏力2.下列词语都跟时间有关。
技时间间隔从短到长的顺序排列,正确的一项是( )①一朝一夕②地老天荒 @长年累月①稍纵即通A.④①③②B.③④②①C.①③④②D.④①②③3.下列句子中加点词语的感情色彩与其他句子不相同的一项是( )A.你简直太会折腾了,这样难的事情意也能办成!B.这样一个见利忘义的人,有谁敢和他做朋友呢?C.就你能干,别人都不及,你倒好,主动往前凑。
4.依次填入下列横线处的词语,最恰当的一组是( )有人说,我们这个时代不缺机会,所以也势必会让每个人面临很多的选择。
那么是遵从自己的内心,还是 ;是直面挑战,还是是选择喧嚣一时的功利,还是,的善良。
落荒而逃随波逐流恒久平静B.恒久平静随波逐流落荒而逃C.随波逐流恒久平静落荒而逃D.随波逐流落荒而逃恒久平静5下面词语中的“益”字,与“精益求精”中的“益”字意思相同的一项是( )A.良师益友B.延年益寿C.多多益善D.受益匪浅6.下列成语与成语故事中人物有不符合的一组是( )A.廉颇一一负荆请罪B.祖逖一一手不释卷C.刘备一一三顾茅庐D.吕蒙一一刮目相看7.与例句的表达方式相同的一项是( )例:燕子停在电线杆上,像一个个音符。
D.那壶口瀑布的百丈云烟,不正是与洪水博斗,杀出生路的大离精神吗?8.依次填入下列横线处的关联词,最恰当的一组是( )你明不明白,世界变化_这么快。
三年级上册语文数学英语期末测试卷(附答案)部编版三年级上册语文期末测试卷(时间:90分钟 满分:100分)一、用“√”给带点字选择正确的读音。
(3分)黎.明(l í ní) 睡觉.(j ué ji ào) 欣.赏(xīn x īng) 药材.(cái c hái ) 鲫.鱼(j í j ì) 满载.(z ǎi zài) 二、看拼音,写词语。
(8分)yu è qì zh ǎng s hēng huāng y ě hu ò z hěy ǒu qù sh èn g k āi ān jìn g j iāo wài三、根据拼音,写出恰当的字组词。
(3分)f ēng ( )收 山( ) ( )雨 p íng ( )果 草( ) ( )地四、选出下列每组中不是同一类的一项,写在后面的括号里。
(4分)1.牙刷 衣架 饼干 充电器 ( ) 2.黄瓜 南瓜西瓜西红柿( )3.老师叔叔医生工程师 ( )4.红色黄色颜色天蓝色()五、照样子,写词语。
(8分)圆溜溜(ABB式) _______________________________高高兴兴(AABB式) _______________ ________________ 又松又软(ABAC式)_______________ ________________五颜六色(含有数字) _______________________________六、按要求写句子。
考试时间:60分钟总分:100分一、语文(30分)1. 选择题(每题2分,共10分)(1)下列字音正确的一项是:()A. 雨伞(shǔ)B. 雪糕(gāo)C. 橡皮(xiàng)D. 钢笔(bǐ)(2)下列词语中,没有错别字的一项是:()A. 拥挤B. 稀疏C. 神秘D. 拥护(3)下列句子中,没有语病的一项是:()A. 天上的星星一闪一闪的,好像在眨眼睛。
B. 我喜欢看动画片,因为它们有趣又搞笑。
C. 小明和小红一起去了公园。
D. 我每天早上都喝一杯牛奶。
(4)下列词语中,与“聪明”意思相近的一项是:() A. 聪明 B. 聪颖 C. 聪慧 D. 聪明(5)下列句子中,运用了比喻修辞手法的一项是:()A. 天上的太阳像一个火球。
B. 小鸟在树上欢快地唱歌。
C. 她的眼睛像星星一样亮。
D. 那本书很厚。
2. 填空题(每题2分,共10分)(1)春眠不觉晓,()处处闻啼鸟。
3. 简答题(每题5分,共10分)(1)请用“因为……所以……”的关联词,造一个句子。
二、数学(30分)1. 选择题(每题2分,共10分)(1)3+4=()A. 7B. 8C. 9(2)5-2=()A. 3B. 4C. 5(3)7×3=()A. 21B. 18C. 24(4)24÷6=()A. 3B. 4C. 5(5)100-75=()A. 25B. 26C. 272. 填空题(每题2分,共10分)(1)2+3=()(2)6-4=()(3)4×5=()(4)8÷2=()(5)100-20=()3. 应用题(每题5分,共10分)(1)小明有5个苹果,妈妈又给他买了3个苹果,小明现在有多少个苹果?(2)小华有10个铅笔,小丽有8个铅笔,他们一共有多少个铅笔?三、英语(40分)1. 选择题(每题2分,共10分)(1)What is your name?()A. My name is Li Ming.B. My name is Zhang San.C. My name is Wang Five.(2)How old are you?()A. I am three years old.B. I am four years old.C. I am five years old.(3)What color is this?()A. It is red.B. It is blue.C. It is yellow.(4)Where is the apple?()A. It is on the table.B. It is in the bag.C. It is under the chair.(5)What is this?()A. It is a pen.B. It is a book.C. It is a pencil.2. 填空题(每题2分,共10分)(1)My name is ().(2)I am ()years old.(3)This is a ().(4)That is a ().(5)I have a ().3. 翻译题(每题5分,共10分)(1)我的名字叫李明。
答案2015 年高思尖子班补录考试新3 年级数学部分一、判断题(每题4分,共20分) 1. ×.2. ×.3. √.4. ×.5. ×.二、填空题I(每题5分,共30分) 6. 221.7. 90.8. 20.9. 102.10. 4.11. 81.三、填空题II(每题7分,共49分)12. 10000.13. 145.14. 24.15. 28.16. 82.17. 18.18. 42.四、解答题(共21分)19. (第1问4分,第2问5分)(1) 10 ÷ 2 = 5 ,14 ÷ 7 = 2 ,110 ÷ 5 ÷ 2 = 11 (件).(2) 6 ÷ 2 = 3 ,21÷ 7 = 3 ,3⨯ 3⨯11 = 99 (件).20. (第1问5分,第2问7分)(1) 70 ÷ (3⨯ 2 + 4) = 7 (组),四脚蛇有7 ⨯1 = 7 (只),三脚猫有7 ⨯ 2 = 14 (只).(2) 假设全是三脚猫,共有22 ⨯ 3= 66 (条);差70 - 66 = 4 (条);四脚蛇:4 ÷(4 - 3) = 4 (只);三脚猫:22 - 4 = 18 (只).~ 1 ~试卷解析2015 年高思尖子班补录考试综合解答及评析新 3 年级 数学部分一、判断题1、 答案:×.知识点:移多补少详解:后来阿呆有10 -1 = 9 个苹果,阿瓜有 20 +1 = 21 个苹果,此时阿呆比阿瓜少 21 - 9 = 12 个苹果. 2、 答案:×.知识点:分人详解:因为是分给沙僧和猪八两人,而且每人至少分得 1 个桃子,那么可以是(1,9),(2, 8),(3,7),(4,6),(5,5),(6,4),(7,3),(8,2),(9,1),共 9 种情况. 3、 答案:√.知识点:环形间隔详解:间隔数与棵数一样多,则共有 80 ÷ 4 = 20 棵树. 4、 答案:×.知识点:平面图形认知详解:等腰三角形会有两条边的长度一样,所以可以是 3、3、6 或者 3、6、6,但是其中 3、3、 6 是无法组成一个三角形的,因为三角形两边之和大于第三边,所以三角形周长最小 12 厘米不 对. 5、 答案:×.知识点:复杂间隔问题详解:锯成 6 段时锯了 6 -1 = 5 下,每下用时 30 ÷ 5 = 6 分钟,按这样的速度,锯成 10 段时锯 了10 -1 = 9 下,用时 6 ⨯ 9 = 54 分钟.二、填空题I 6、 答案:221. 知识点:加减法巧算(添去括号)详解:原式 = 521- (173 +127) = 521 - 300 = 221. 7、 答案:90.知识点:和差问题高斯数学 2015 年试卷解析详解:根据题意,熊二摘了80 ÷ (9 -1) = 10 个蘑菇,熊大摘了10 ⨯ 9 = 90 个蘑菇. 8、 答案:20.知识点:鸡兔同笼(分组法)详解:一只鸡和一只兔放在一组,则一组有6 条腿,那么有 60 ÷ (2 + 4) = 10 组,则鸡有 10 只, 兔有10 只,一共有 20 只. 9、 答案:102. 知识点:周期问题初步详解:观察规律,5 个数为一组, 30 ÷ 5 = 6 组,每组和为 3 + 7 + 2 + 4 +1 = 17 ,那么和为 17⨯ 6 = 102. 10、 答案:4.知识点:分堆详解:10 根胡萝卜分 2 堆且每堆至少有 2 根,那么可以是(2,8),(3,7),(4,6),(5,5), 共 4 种情况. 11、 答案:81.知识点:找规律详解:可以是 11、12、13、14、15、16,也可以是 10、11、12、13、14、15.如果是 10、11、 12、13、14、15,那么 15 对面是 10,14 对面是 11 与题目矛盾,所以是 11、12、13、14、15、16,此时 16 对面是 11,15 对面是 12,14 对面是 13,这样符合题目要求且这 6 个自然数的总 和为11 +12 +13 +14 +15 +16 = 81.三、填空题 II12、 答案:10000. 知识点:乘除法巧算(带符号搬家)详解: 原式 = 125⨯ 8⨯ 410 ÷ 41 = 1000 ⨯10 = 10000 . 13、 答案:145. 知识点:加减法数字谜详解:先从个位入手, B + C + C = B ,则 C + C 的个位为 0,可以是 0 + 0 = 0 或 5 + 5 = 10 , 但 C 不能为 0,因为 C 在首位,所以 C = 5 ,那么从个位向十位进了 1,则 A = 1 ,同时十位也 向百位进 1,那么 B = 4 ,所以 ABC = 145 . 14、 答案:24.知识点:分类数图形 详解:按长方形的格数进行分类, 1 个格:1 个; 2 个格:4 个;高斯数学 2015 年试卷解析3 个格:3 个;4 个格:5 个;6 个格:6 个; 8 个格:2 个; 9 个格:2 个; 12 个格:1 个; 共有 24 个长方形. 15、 答案:28.知识点:立体图形染色问题详解:其中 8 条棱上有 2 个正方体被两面染色,4 条棱上有 3 个正方体被两面染色,一共有 8⨯ 2 + 4 ⨯ 3 = 28 个小正方体有两面被染色. 16、 答案:82.知识点:植树问题详解:50 米的边共有 18 条,每条边除去两个端点处的树会有 50 ÷10 -1 = 4 棵,顶点有 10 棵 树,则一共有 4 ⨯18 +10 = 82 棵树. 17、 答案:18.知识点:寻找隐藏周期详解:第 1 天早上分配完之后:68 -10 - 2 ⨯ 5 = 48 颗,阿瓜有 48 ÷ 4 = 12 颗,阿呆有 2 +12 = 14 颗,墨莫有14 + 2 = 16 颗,小高有16 +10 = 26 颗,则按小高、墨莫、阿呆、阿瓜,第 1 天早 上分配完之后是(26、16、14、12),第 2 天早上分配完之后是(20、18、16、14),第 3 天(14、 20、18、16),第 4 天(16、14、20、18),第 5 天(18、16、14、20),第 6 天(20、18、16、 14)与第 2 天相同,所以 4 天一周期,除去第 1 天还有 49 天, 49 ÷ 4 =121,所以应该与周期中的第 1 个即第 2 天相同,即(20、18、16、14),那么墨莫有 18 颗弹球. 18、 答案:42.知识点:枚举法中的字典排列&加减法竖式 详解:三位数调换后得到五个不同的三位数,说明组成这个三位数的三个数字互不相同,且不 为 0.将六个三位数相加,每个数位上都是两个 A ,两个 B ,两个 C ,每个数位都需要向前面的 数位进 1,才能得到 1000 多的数,即2 ⨯( A + B + C )是十几的数,则 A + B + C 最小是 6,最大 是 9,经过枚举得到这三个数字可以是 1、2、3;1、2、4;1、2、5;1、3、4;1、2、6;1、3、 5;2、3、4.三个不同的数字一共能组成 6 个不同的三位数,所以一共有 6 ⨯ 7 = 42 种不同的可 能.四、解答题19、 答案:(1)11 件;(2)99 件.高斯数学 2015 年试卷解析知识点:归一问题 详解:(1) 10 ÷ 2 = 5 ,14 ÷ 7 = 2 ,110 ÷ 5 ÷ 2 = 11 (件). (2) 6 ÷ 2 = 3 , 21÷ 7 = 3 , 3⨯ 3⨯11 = 99 (件).20、 答案:(1)四脚蛇有 7 只,三脚猫有 14 只;(2)三脚猫有 18 只,四脚蛇有 4 只. 知识点:鸡兔同笼(假设法和分组法) 详解:(1) 70 ÷ (3⨯ 2 + 4) = 7 (组),四脚蛇有 7 ⨯1 = 7 (只),三脚猫有 7 ⨯ 2 = 14 (只).高斯数学 2015 年2015 年尖子班补录(新三年级)语文部分一、基础知识应用(共36分)1. A(5 分)2. D(5分)3. ①B②C③A(每空2分,共6分)4. C(5分)5. B(5分)6. B(5分)7. C(5分)二、积累与运用(共32分)8. 古诗文填空(每空2分,共8分)(1)天涯若比邻(2)宁为百夫长(3)天下谁人不识君(4)千树万树梨花开9.文化常识填空(每空2分,共14分)(1)①木②羊③目④采(2)女巫安房直子德国10. (共10分)画图略(3分)(1)我会画:我画的是太阳。
小学三年级上册英语模拟卷(答案和题解)(共50道题)下面有答案和解题分析一、综合题1.What is the name of the place where we go to learn?A. ParkB. SchoolC. StoreD. Hospital2.Which of these is used to play music?A. GuitarB. PlateC. KnifeD. Spoon3.How many days are there in a week?A. 7B. 5C. 10D. 64.I _______ (read) a book right now.5.We _______ a new car last month.6.I _______ (visit/visits) my grandparents every month.7.I _______ (be) a student at this school.8.Which one is a day of the week?A. BananaB. MondayC. RedD. Carrot9.We _______ (go) to the library every Monday.10.I _______ (go) to the park yesterday.11.We _______ (eat) dinner at 6:00 p.m.12.We _______ (visit) my grandmother next Sunday.13.I _______ (write/writes) letters to my friends.14.Tom and his family are going to the beach for the weekend. Tom brings his__________, towel, and a __________ to play with in the sand. His sister Lily loves to build a __________, and their parents relax under the __________. Later, they all go into the __________ to cool off.15.Which of these is the name of a season?A. SummerB. JanuaryC. TuesdayD. School16.We _______ (study/studies) English every day.17.She _______ (run) very fast.18.We _______ (not/like) doing homework on weekends.19.Mike’s birthday is next week. He is going to have a big __________ (1) with all his friends. Mike has invited many people to his house. He is going to serve __________ (2), __________ (3), and __________ (4) at the party. There will also be a __________ (5) with chocolate icing. Mike is really excited because he will get many __________ (6) from his friends.20.I _______ (be) 9 years old.21.I __________ (1) a new video game yesterday. It __________ (2) very fun! My brother and I __________ (3) to play it together, but I __________ (4) to finish my homework first. After I __________ (5) my homework, we __________ (6) to play the game.22.Which of these is a season?A. DecemberB. MondayC. WinterD. Chair23.Which one is used to cut paper?A. ScissorsB. KnifeC. PlateD. Chair24.I _______ (make) a cake for my mother’s birthday yesterday. It _______ (be) a chocolate cake, and it _______ (look) really delicious. My mother _______ (love) the cake. She _______ (say) it _______ (be) the best cake she _______ (ever) eat.25.They _______ (take) a break at 10:00.26.She _______ her homework now.27.What do we use to read a book?A. EyesB. EarsC. NoseD. Mouthst weekend, my family and I went to a __________. We took a __________ and saw many interesting __________. There were __________, birds, and monkeys. I loved the __________ because it was very big and colorful. We stayed there for __________ hours and then had lunch at a __________. It was a fun day!29.We _______ (not/go) to school on Sundays.30.I _______ (not/like) to do homework on the weekends.31.They _______ (watch) TV right now.32.I _______ (like / likes / liked) to watch TV.33.Which of the following is a means of transportation?A. TableB. BicycleC. ChairD. Lamp34.She _______ (have/has) a pet cat.35.He _______ (not/like) doing his homework.36.We _______ (do / does / did) our homework every evening.37.We _______ (go) swimming in the summer.38.We ______ (study) English every day. My sister ______ (help) me with my homework. Yesterday, we ______ (read) an interesting book together. It ______ (be) about animals. We ______ (learn) a lot of new words.39.I _______ (take) the bus to school every day.40.Which one is a fruit?A. ChairB. AppleC. TableD. Pen41.My little brother __________ (like) to play with his toys in the afternoon. Yesterday, he __________ (find) a new toy car in his room. He __________ (be) so happy! He __________ (tell) me that he __________ (want) to play with it all day. I__________ (help) him fix it because one of the wheels __________ (fall) off.42.Lily is drawing a picture of a __________. She starts with a big __________ in the center. Then, she adds some __________ around it. Lily uses __________ colors to make her picture look bright and colorful.43.We _______ (go) to the beach every summer.44.They _______ (not/understand) the question.45.They _______ (go) to school by bike every day.46.Which of these is a toy?A. TableB. BallC. SpoonD. Chair47.I _______ my sandwich for lunch today.48.What is the capital of England?A. ParisB. LondonC. BerlinD. Madrid49.I _______ (have) a new bike.50.I _______ (eat) dinner now.(答案及解释)。
一、单项选择1.—What’s this? ( )—It’s an ______ jacket.A.orange B.blue C.white2.He’s my mother’s ______. He’s my grandpa. ( )A.brother B.father C.uncle3.A: Are you Alice? ( )B: _________A.Yes. I’m Amy.B.Yes, I am. C.Yes. She’s Alice. 4.—What ______ you like? ( )—A pie, please.A.do B.are C.would5.—What __________ a cake? ( )—No, thank you.A.is B.like C.about6.This is John. _____ my brother. ( )A.He B.She’s C.He’s7.—This is ________egg. It’s for you. ( )—Thank you.A.an B.a C./8.Would you like _________? ( )A.ice cream B.a ice cream C.an ice cream9.In the book The Beach, Anna goes to the beach with (和) _____. ( )A.father and brother B.mother and brother C.father, mother and brother 10.—Good morning! ( )—__________A.Good afternoon. B.Nice to meet you, too. C.Good morning. 11.—_________ is it? ( )—_________ a pie.A.What; It B.What's; It's C.What; It's12.This is Miss Li. ______ is my friend. ( )A.He’s B.She’s C.She13.—Are you Helen? ( )—______. I’m Su Hai.A.Yes, I am B.No, I’m not C.No, I am14.—That ________ my uncle. ( )—He looks happy.A.am B.is C.are15.—______ that? ( )—It’s a CD.A.What B.What about C.What’s 16.This is Tim. ________ my brother. ( )A.He’s B.She’s C.It’s 17.—What’s this? ( )—It’s an __________ ice cream.A.white B.orange C.red 18.What colour is ________ T-shirt? ( )A.my B.me C.I 19.—Are you Sam? ( )—No. I'm ________.A.Sam B.John C.Tina 20.Look at ________. ()A.me B.I C.he二、完成句子21.Let’s m_____ a c_____ for mum and dad.22.Good morning, ______ (同学们).23.Good ________ (下午), Liu Tao.24.No, I'm ________ (不是).25.I ________ (是) Tom.26.This is _______ (我).27.This is my _____ (夹克).28.Lily is a ____ and she has long ____.29.The hole in the wall is too small and the fat cat can’t walk ________ (穿过) it.30.—What’s this?—________31.Frogs are ________ (绿色的).32.Cut the _____.33.—How many pens?—_______ pens.34.Look at the (mouth / monkey).35.Look! I have a red en.36.That’s a ______ (蛋糕).37.H________ you are.38.We should have an e________ every day.39.This is Mike. ______ (他) is my friend.40.He is ____ and ____.三、阅读理解Hello, I’m Chen Jie. I’m eight years old. I have a yellow bag. I have seven books in it. My eyes are big. I lik e dogs. I’d like some bread and milk for breakfast (早饭). Can you be my friend (朋友)?41、Chen Jie is ______ years old. ( )A.8 B.9 C.1042、Chen Jie’s bag is ______. ( )A.green B.yellow C.blue43、Chen Jie has ______ books. ( )A.nine B.eight C.seven44、Chen Jie likes ______. ( )A.dogs B.cats C.bears45、Chen Jie would like some ______ and milk for breakfast. ( )A.bread B.cake C.rice四、阅读理解I’m a Chinese girl. My name is Zhao Xin. I’m nine years old. I’m in Class Three, Grade Three.My English teacher is a Chinese man. My good friend is Lucy. She is an English girl. She is in Class Three too. She is nine.46、Zhao Xin is a(n) _______ girl. ( )A.English B.Chinese C.Japanese47、Lucy is in Class _______. ( )A.One B.Two C.Three48、Zhao Xin and Lucy are good _______. ( )A.teachers B.friends C.boys49、Lucy is a(n) _______ girl. ( )A.English B.Chinese C.Japanese50、_______ is not nine. ( )A.Zhao Xin B.Lucy C.Zhao Xin’s teacher五、阅读理解Hi! My name is Mike. I’m nine years old. I like orange. I like cake and juice. I have a blue bag. I have a brown pencil box, seven books, two rulers, three erasers and eight crayons. I have a black cat. It’s small. It’s funny. I like it.51、I’m _______ years old. ( )A.7 B.8 C.952、I like _______. ( )A.yellow B.cake C.milk53、I have a _______ bag. ( )A.blue B.red C.orange54、I have _______ erasers. ( )A.two B.three C.seven55、The cat is _______. ( )A.not funny B.white C.black and small六、阅读理解阅读短文,选择正确答案。
(10分)zǎo chén() cūzhuàng()fú zhuāng() dǎbàn()ān jìng()kuáng huān()hù xiāng() shuāng bì()róng qiú()tiào wǔ()(二)给下列加点字选择正确的读音,打“√”。
(8分)1. 假(jiǎjià)如明天放假(jiǎjià),我就和爸爸去钓鱼。
2. 中(zhōn g zhòng)间的那个人射中(zhōng zhòng)了靶心。
3. 到处(chǔchù)都能听到孩子们的欢笑声,他们相处(chǔchù)得非常融洽。
(12分)1. 红红的枫叶像一枚枚邮票,飘哇飘哇,邮来了秋天的凉爽。
2. 美丽的菊花在秋雨里频频点头。
(仿写拟人句)____________________3. 我把教室打扫得干干净净。
(12分)1. 停车坐爱枫林晚,____________________。
2. 荷尽已无擎雨盖,____________________。
3. 萧萧梧叶送寒声,____________________。
4. 意欲捕鸣蝉,____________________。
北师大版三年级下册《Unit 10 Colors》 同步练习卷(1)
![北师大版三年级下册《Unit 10 Colors》 同步练习卷(1)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/a95cc9da0722192e4436f64c.png)
北师大版三年级下册《Unit 10 Colors》小学英语-有答案-同步练习卷(1)一、看图,根据图片颜色写单词.1. 看图,根据图片颜色写单词I like blue flowers.()A. B.2. 看图,根据图片颜色写单词It is black and white.()A. B.3. 看图,根据图片颜色写单词I don't like brown things.()A. B.4. 看图,根据图片颜色写单词It's yellow.()A. B.5. 看图,根据图片颜色写单词This is a red strawberry.()A. B.二、选词填空.How________ you?(am,is,are)What________ this in English?(am,is,are)What color is the pen?It________ red.(am,is,are)What's this?It's________ orange.(a,an )三、将首字母发音相同的单词归类.将首字母发音相同的单词归类①noodle ②look ③like ④name⑤lemon ⑥nut ⑦mother ⑧nest⑨money ⑩moon(1)m________(2)n________(3)l________四、句子配对.句子配对下列句子中有一处错误,找出并改正What color is that ruler? It's a red.________下列各句中均有一处错误,找出并改正This is her blue color bike.________下列各句中均有一处错误,找出并改正M r. Green is in the China now.________下列各句中均有一处错误,找出并改正Can you spell a pen, please?________下列各句中均有一处错误,找出并改正What's color is this?________六、按要求完成句子.那是一把橙色的尺子.That is________.被子是红黄相间的.The quilt is________.你的钢笔是什么颜色?________ is your pen?The quilt is ________.(对画线部分提问)________ is the quilt?color,What,your,pens,are(连词成句)________?七、看对话,排顺序.看对话,排顺序________It's yellow.________They are brown.________It's red.________It's blue.________It's black.参考答案与试题解析北师大版三年级下册《Unit 10 Colors》小学英语-有答案-同步练习卷(1)一、看图,根据图片颜色写单词.1.【答案】该题考查看图完成句子.句意:我喜欢蓝色的花;图示A为蓝色的花:蓝色的,译为blue;图示B为红色的花,红色的,译为red.故选:A.【考点】看图完成句子Colors【解析】我喜欢蓝色的花.【解答】该题考查看图完成句子.句意:我喜欢蓝色的花;图示A为蓝色的花:蓝色的,译为blue;图示B为红色的花,红色的,译为red.故选:A.2.【答案】该题考查看图完成句子.句意:它是黑白相间的;图示A为红白相间的桃子;B为黑白相间的足球.故选:B.【考点】看图完成句子Colors【解析】它是黑白相间的.【解答】该题考查看图完成句子.句意:它是黑白相间的;图示A为红白相间的桃子;B为黑白相间的足球.故选:B.3.【答案】该题考查看图完成句子.句意:我不喜欢棕色的东西;图示A为绿色的苹果;B为棕色的栗子.故选:B.【考点】看图完成句子Colors【解析】我不喜欢棕色的东西.【解答】该题考查看图完成句子.句意:我不喜欢棕色的东西;图示A为绿色的苹果;B为棕色的栗子.故选:B.4.【答案】该题考查看图完成句子.句意:它是黄色的;图示A为棕色的蛋糕;B为黄色的香蕉.故选:B.【考点】看图完成句子Colors【解析】它是黄色的.【解答】该题考查看图完成句子.句意:它是黄色的;图示A为棕色的蛋糕;B为黄色的香蕉.故选:B.5.【答案】该题考查看图完成句子.句意:这是一个红色的草莓;图示A为黄色的梨子;B为红色的草莓.故选:B.【考点】看图完成句子Colors【解析】这是一个红色的草莓.【解答】该题考查看图完成句子.句意:这是一个红色的草莓;图示A为黄色的梨子;B为红色的草莓.故选:B.二、选词填空.【答案】are【考点】系动词Colors【解析】你好吗?【解答】答案:are.该题考查系动词的正确运用.句中的主语you是第二人称,系动词用are.故填:are.【答案】is【考点】系动词Colors【解析】这个用英语怎么说?【解答】答案:is.该题考查系动词的正确运用.句中的主语this是单数,系动词用is.故填:is.【答案】is【考点】主谓一致Colors【解析】钢笔是什么颜色的?它是红色的.【解答】答案:is.该题考查主谓一致.句中的主语"It"是单数,用is.故选:is.【答案】an【考点】不定冠词(a,an)Colors【解析】这是什么?它是一个橘子.【解答】答案:an.本题考查不定冠词a、an的用法. orange是元音音素开头,第一个读音也为元音,其前要用an,故选an.三、将首字母发音相同的单词归类.【答案】⑦⑨⑩,①④⑥⑧,②③⑤【考点】国际音标Colors【解析】①面条②看③喜欢④名字⑤柠檬⑥坚果⑦妈妈⑧巢⑨金钱⑩月亮.【解答】本题考查音标.noodle的音标为/ˈnuːdəl/,look的音标为/lʊk/,like的音标为/laɪk/,name的音标为/neɪm/,lemon的音标为/ˈlemən/,nut的音标为/nʌt/,mother的音标为/ˈmʌðə/,nest的音标为/nest/,money的音标为/ˈmʌnɪ/,moon的音标为/muːn/.故首字母发音为/m/的有⑦⑨⑩,首字母发音为/n/的有①④⑥⑧,首字母发音为/l/的有②③⑤.故答案为:(1)⑦⑨⑩.(2)①④⑥⑧.(3)②③⑤.四、句子配对.【答案】G,D,B,C,H,A,E,F【考点】固定搭配Colors【解析】(1)G.这用英语怎么说?这是个橘子.(2)D.这是本书吗?是的,它是.(3)B.那个男人是谁?他是我爸爸.(4)C.那个橙子是什么颜色的?橙色.(5)H.你好吗?好啊,谢谢你.(6)A.哪个男孩是你的哥哥?穿蓝色衣服的.(7)E.这是什么?这是幅地图.(8)F.那件夹克是黑色的吗?不,它是黄色的.【解答】(1)G.考查日常对话.What's this in English?这用英语怎么说?答语结构为It's+a/an+sth.答语It's an orange.符合题意.故选:G.(2)D.考查一般疑问句.Is this a book?这是本书吗?是的,它是.用Is提问用is或isn't回答.回答可以是肯定或者否定.答语Yes, it is.符合题意.故选:D.(3)B.考查对人物的询问.Who's that man?那个男人是谁?回答应说明那个男人的身份.故选:B.(4)C.考查对颜色的询问.What color is that orange?那个橙子是什么颜色的?答语结构为It's+颜色.故选:C.(5)H.考查日常对话.How are you?你好吗?答语 Fine, thank you.符合语境.故选:H.(6)A.考查日常对话.Which boy is your brother?哪个男孩是你的哥哥?答语应说明是具体哪一个人.答语The one in blue."那个穿蓝色衣服的."符合题意.故选:A.(7)E.考查日常对话.What is this?这是什么?这是幅地图.答语结构为It's+a/an+sth.答语It's a map.符合题意.故选:E.(8)F.考查一般疑问句.Is that jacket black?那件夹克是黑色的吗?回答可以是肯定或者否定.答语No, it's yellow.符合题意.故选:F.五、下列句子中均有一处错误,找出并改正.【答案】去掉a【考点】句子改错Colors【解析】那个尺子是什么颜色的?是红色的.【解答】考查句子改错.问句提问what color译为:什么颜色;答句应回答颜色.答句中a用于修饰可数名词的单数,而red红色是形容词,前不加冠词.故答案为:去掉a.【答案】去掉color【考点】句子改错Colors【解析】这是她的蓝色自行车.【解答】本题考查句子改错.根据 her blue color bike,可知这里表示她的蓝色的自行车用her blue bike表示,blue是一个形容词,修饰名词bike,不需要再加color.故答案为:去掉color.【答案】去掉the【考点】句子改错Colors【解析】格林先生现在在中国.【解答】本题考查句子改错.根据 in the China ,可知句子中China是一个专有名词,表示在中国用in China表示,不需要加定冠词the.故答案为:去掉the.【答案】去掉a【考点】句子改错Colors【解析】请问你能拼写pen吗?【解答】本题考查句子改错.根据句意请问你能拼写pen吗?不用加冠词,去掉a.故答案为:去掉a.【答案】去掉's【考点】句子改错Colors【解析】这是什么颜色的?【解答】本题考查句子改错.根据后面有is,同时what color什么颜色是固定短语.故答案为:去掉's.六、按要求完成句子.【答案】an orange ruler【考点】汉译英ColorsThings around us: Colours【解析】That is an orange ruler.【解答】本题考查汉语词汇的英语表达.将题干进行英汉对比:"那是一把橙色的尺子"与Thatis_________.,可知空格处填"一把橙色的尺子"的英文表达,"橙色的"orange是以元音音素开头的形容词,可知要用不定冠词an.尺子译为ruler."一把橙色的尺子"译为:an orange ruler.故答案为:an orange ruler.【答案】red and yellow【考点】汉译英Colors【解析】The quilt is red and yellow.【解答】本题考查汉语词汇的英语表达.本句是一个陈述句.将题干进行英汉对比:"被子是红黄相间的."与The quilt is_________.,可知空格处填"红黄相间"的英文表达,为"红色"red,"和" and,"黄色" yellow.故答案为:red and yellow.【答案】What color【考点】汉译英ColorsThings around us: Colours【解析】你的钢笔是什么颜色?What color is your pen?【解答】答案:what color.本题考查特殊疑问句的翻译.通过中英文句子的比对,可知英文句子中缺少"什么颜色"的表达.这里用what color表示,故答案为:what color.【答案】white,What colour【考点】就划线部分提问ColorsThings around us: Colours【解析】被子是白色的.被子是什么颜色的?【解答】考查就划线部分提问.原句为陈述句,一般现在时.划线部分为颜色,故问句用"什么颜色"提问,译为:what colour,首字母大写.后跟句中be 动词is,后跟主语the quilt.故答案为:What colour.【答案】What color are your pens【考点】连词成句ColorsThings around us: Colours【解析】你的钢笔是什么颜色?【解答】该题考查连词成句.根据问号可判断为疑问句,分析句子成分,可知是特殊疑问句,what color用来询问颜色,后+系动词re+主语your pens.故答案为:What color are your pens七、看对话,排顺序.【答案】B,C,D,E,A【考点】对话排序Colors【解析】B.它是黄色的.C.它们是棕色的.D.它是红色的.E.它是蓝色的.A.它是黑色的.【解答】本题考查对话排序.从图片可以看到,字母A的上是黑色.It's black.表示:它是黑色的.排在第一位.字母B的上是黄色.It's yellow.表示:它是黄色的.排在第二.字母C的上是棕色,They are brown.表示:它们是棕色的.排在第三.字母D的底色是红色的,It's red.表示:它是红色的.排在第四.字母E上是蓝色的.It's blue.表示:它是蓝色的.排在最后.故答案为:B﹣C﹣D﹣E﹣A.。
A. a B. / C. so
10. I _____ three pencils.
A. have B. has C. is
A. ChinaB. He’sC. womanD. studentE. fat
mín zúpǔxiějiàshǐchuànɡzào chuán dì
āi shānɡtuōqǐrónɡbùhuánɡkǒnɡdǒnɡshì
(5)一个数个位是7,十位是4,这个数是( )。
(6)100里面有( )个十。
(7)67的前面一个数是( ),后面一个数是( )。
(8)计数器从右边起,第一位是( )位,第二位是( )位,第三位是( )位。
(9)98里面有( )个一和( )个十。
(10)在45、54、67、89、21 和100中,单数有( )、( )、( )、( ), 双数有( )、( )。按照从大到小的顺序把下面各数排列起来。
()5. A. heB. I C. my D. she
1. Look _____ that giraffe.
A. at B. on C. so
2. Hi, I’m Mike. I’m from _____ .
A. Chinese B. UKC. the USA
3.-- Who’s that man?
小学三年级语数外试卷【含答案】专业课原理概述部分一、选择题(每题1分,共5分)1. 小明有10个苹果,他吃掉了3个,还剩下几个苹果?A. 7个B. 8个C. 9个D. 10个2. 下列哪个词语的拼音是“māo”?A. 猫B. 羊C. 狗D. 猪3. “一加一等于二”用英语怎么说?A. One plus one equals two.B. Two plus one equals three.C. Three plus one equals four.D. Four plus one equals five.4. 下列哪个数字是偶数?A. 3B. 4C. 5D. 65. 下列哪个字母是英文字母表中的第十个字母?A. JB. KC. LD. M二、判断题(每题1分,共5分)1. 小华有15个橘子,他吃掉了5个,还剩下10个橘子。
()2. “太阳”的英文是“moon”。
()3. 5 + 6 = 11。
()4. 小狗是一种会飞的动物。
()5. “apple”的中文意思是“香蕉”。
()三、填空题(每题1分,共5分)1. 小丽有20个糖果,她吃掉了____个,还剩下15个糖果。
2. “____”用英语怎么说?3. 9 4 = ____。
4. 小明的生日是____月____日。
5. “____”是一种会游泳的动物。
四、简答题(每题2分,共10分)1. 请写出五个水果的名称。
2. 请写出五个动物的名称。
3. 请写出五个颜色的名称。
4. 请写出五个数字的名称。
5. 请写出五个英文字母的名称。
五、应用题(每题2分,共10分)1. 小刚有10个饼干,他吃掉了3个,还剩下多少个饼干?2. 小红的生日是6月8日,请你算一下她的生日是星期几?3. 小明有5个橙子,小华有3个橙子,他们一共有多少个橙子?4. 请你用英语翻译:“我喜欢吃苹果。
”5. 请你用英语翻译:“我的名字是李华。
”六、分析题(每题5分,共10分)1. 请你分析一下,为什么我们需要学习英语?2. 请你分析一下,为什么我们需要学习数学?七、实践操作题(每题5分,共10分)1. 请你画出一个苹果,并用英语标注它的颜色和形状。
小学三年级上册英语刷题卷(答案和解释)(共50道题)下面有答案和解题分析一、综合题1.I ______ (like) to eat fruits, especially apples and bananas. Yesterday, I ______ (eat) an apple and a banana for breakfast. This morning, I ______ (eat) some eggs with toast. I always ______ (drink) orange juice with my meals.2.They _______ (go) to the park every weekend.3.What is the opposite of "big"?A. HugeB. TinyC. TallD. Small4.Which one is used to eat soup?A. KnifeB. SpoonC. PlateD. Fork5.They _______ (be) my friends.6.Which of the following is a pet?A. DogB. TableC. SpoonD. Chair7.I _______ (watch) a movie with my family.8.Which of these is a toy?A. CarB. KnifeC. SpoonD. Ball9.Which of these is a holiday?A. MondayB. ChristmasC. FebruaryD. Sunday10.Which one is a shape?A. CircleB. PlateC. SpoonD. Knife11.Which of these is a number?A. DogB. FiveC. ChairD. Cat12.Which of these is a shape?A. CircleB. DogC. ChairD. House13.Which of these is used to cut?A. KnifeB. SpoonC. PlateD. Fork14.I _______ (eat) pizza last night.15.Which of these is a mode of transportation?A. BoatB. TableC. ChairD. Book16.I _______ (not/like) doing my homework.17.I _______ (eat) breakfast at 7:00 in the morning.18.They _______ (go) to the beach every summer.19.She _______ (study) English with her friend.20.I _______ (like/likes) pizza very much.21.What is the opposite of "empty"?A. FullB. LightC. BigD. Short22.Which one is a bird?A. lionB. tigerC. eagleD. dog23.We _______ (visit) our grandparents every summer.24.I have a brother and a sister. My brother is younger than me, and my sister is older. We all like playing video games and watching movies together in the evening.25.I __________ (1) my homework before playing video games. It __________ (2) a long time, but I __________ (3) it quickly today. After finishing, I __________ (4) a game with my friends.26.We _______ (read/reads) books in the library.27.My sister _______ (have) a new toy.28.She _______ (not/understand) this problem.29.I __________ (wake) up early this morning because I __________ (need) to finish my homework. After breakfast, I __________ (go) to the park with my dog. We__________ (play) for an hour, and then we __________ (return) home. I __________ (feel) very happy because the weather __________ (be) sunny and warm.30.Which is a type of tree?A. TulipB. RoseC. PineD. Daisy31.Which of these is an animal that lives in the water?A. DogB. FishC. BirdD. Horse32.We _______ (watch) TV in the evening.33.We _______ (not/see) him at the party.34.My best friend Anna ______ (live) in a big house near the park. She ______ (have)a beautiful garden with many flowers. Every weekend, we ______ (play) outside together. Last Saturday, we ______ (plant) some flowers in her garden. It ______ (be) a fun activity.35.We _______ (play) basketball this afternoon.36.Today is my birthday! I __________ (invite) all my friends to my party. We__________ (decorate) the house with balloons and streamers. My mom __________ (bake) a delicious cake, and we __________ (sing) birthday songs. I __________ (feel) very happy because everyone __________ (have) a good time.37.He _______ (be) very tall.38.My family _______ (go) to the beach last summer. We _______ (swim) in the sea and _______ (build) sandcastles. I _______ (bring) my favorite beach ball, and we_______ (play) volleyball. In the evening, we _______ (sit) around a campfire and_______ (tell) stories.39.What is the capital of England?A. ParisB. LondonC. BerlinD. Tokyo40.They _______ (go) to the library every week.41.She _______ (ride) her bike to school.42.I _______ (want) to go to the zoo.43.We _______ (is/are) going to the zoo today.44.Emily was getting ready for school and decided to wear her new __________. She thought it looked very __________ and would be perfect for the school day. Before leaving the house, she made sure she had her __________, because she needed it for hermath class. When she arrived at school, she met her friends and they talked about the__________ they would be doing in class today. Emily was especially excited about the science experiment they were going to conduct. She felt __________ to learn something new.45.She _______ (wear) a red dress today.46.Which of these is a number?A. SevenB. DogC. CarD. Tree47.We _______ (study / studies / studied) for the test now.48.We _______ (eat) dinner at 6 PM.49.Emma is learning how to play the __________. She practices every day and is getting better. Today, she is learning a new __________. After practicing for a while, Emma plays the song for her parents. They clap and say she is very __________.50.This morning, I __________ (get) up early because I __________ (want) to finish my homework. After I __________ (eat) breakfast, I __________ (study) for my math test. I __________ (find) the test a little difficult, but I __________ (do) my best. In the afternoon, I __________ (take) a walk to relax after studying.(答案及解释)。
小学三年级语数英综合测验姓名:语文卷( 200 分)(一)基础积累( 70 分)1.古诗、名言记诵( 13 分)①,万条垂下绿丝绦。
——2.看拼音写词语 (6 分)① xi àn mù②qián chéng③zhán dīng ji éti é()()()3.看词语写拼音( 8 分)①()②()滂沱大雨一本正经4.选择正确的读音,打“√”。
(16 分)冰缝( féng f èng)麦场(cháng chǎng)缝衣服( féng f èng)广场(cháng chǎng)结实( ji ēji é)吐血( tǔtù)结冰( ji ēji é)吐泡泡( tǔtù)热情好客( hǎo hào)尽管( j ǐn j ìn)美好( hǎo hào)尽兴( j ǐn j ìn)骨头( gū gú)挨挨挤挤(āiái)花骨朵( gū gú)挨骂(āiái)5.将下面的词语或成语补充完整。
(12 分)尽()尽()()花接木()地而坐以()克()粉身()骨茅塞()开山()水秀狡()三窟不()其烦意味()长()先恐后振()人心6.相信你一定能将下面的句子排成一段通顺的话。
( 8 分)()读完书后,我会根据书的内容和自己的感想写一篇读后感,就可以把摘抄的东西应用上去了。
三年级上册英语试题-月考卷一 人教(新起点)(含答案)
![三年级上册英语试题-月考卷一 人教(新起点)(含答案)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/0008946d31126edb6f1a105a.png)
A. 名字B. 姓氏C. 年龄2.classA. 年级B. 班级C. 学校3.armA. 身体B. 胳膊C. 腿4.footA. 脚B. 脚趾C. 膝盖5.mouthA. 牙齿B. 舌头C. 嘴二、选出所缺字母。
6.n wA. eB. aC. i7. ldA. eB. oC. a8.ha rA. nB. gC. i9.b dA. aB. oC. r10.n seA. oB. aC. e三、选出与划线单词同类的一项。
11.选出与划线单词同类的一项:I'm new here.A. oldB. ageC. grade12.选出与划线单词同类的一项:This is my hand.A. headB. yearC. old13.选出与划线单词同类的一项:My name is Alice.A. youB. yourC. He14.选出与划线单词同类的一项:Let me help you.A. faceB. biteC. matter15.选出与划线单词同类的一项:Good morning!A. badB. summaryC. afternoon四、匹配。
⑴five yea rs old________ A. 两条腿⑵two legs________ B. 五岁⑶new friend________ C. 新朋友⑷a bad day________ D. 在午餐时间⑸at lunch time________ E. 糟糕的一天五、用所给词的适当形式填空。
17.What's ________ (you) name?18.I'm nine________ (year) old.19.Which class________(be) you in?20.My leg________(hurt).21.I have two ________(leg).六、选择正确答案。
2024年02版小学三年级英语上册试卷考试时间:90分钟(总分:120)A卷考试人:_________题号一二三总分得分一、选择题(共计20题,共40分)1、Which toy can be used to play catch?哪个玩具可以用来玩接球?A, Ball 球B, Doll 娃娃C, Puzzle 拼图D, Car 车2、What do you call a baby seal?小海豹叫什么?A, PupB, KitC, KidD, Cub3、What is the capital of Jordan?A,AmmanB,BeirutC,CairoD,Damascus4、What do you call a sweet food made with flour and sugar?我们称之为用面粉和糖制成的甜食叫什么?A, CakeB, CookieC, MuffinD, All of the above5、What do you call a person who travels to space?中文解释:进入太空旅行的人叫什么?A, AstronautB, PilotC, Scientist6、Where do you go to learn?你去哪里学习?A, ParkB, SchoolC, HospitalD, Store7、Which toy can float on water? 哪种玩具可以漂浮在水上?A, Ball 球B, Boat 船C, Doll 洋娃娃D, Kite 风筝8、What is the opposite of "sharp"?“锐利”的反义词是什么?A, DullB, PointyC, SharpD, Blunt9、What do we call the process of cooking food using dry heat in an oven? A, BoilingB, BakingC, FryingD, Grilling10、What do you call a baby seal?小海豹叫什么?A, PupB, KitC, CalfD, Kid11、What is the opposite of "happy"?“快乐”的反义词是什么?A, Sad 悲伤B, Angry 生气C, Excited 兴奋D, Tired 疲倦12、What do we call a large body of water surrounded by land?A,OceanB,RiverC,LakeD,Stream13、欢迎别人时,应该说:_______。
一、单项选择1.This cat is cute and that cat is cute ________. ( )A.to B.too C.at2.Mike is my friend. Yang Ling is my friend, _____. ( )A.to B.two C.too3.—______ you Sam? ( )—No, I ______ John.A.Are; is B.Are; am C.Is; am4.This is Tina. _________ my sister. ( )A.He's B.She's C.It's5.Would you like an egg __________ a cake? ( )A.Is B.and C.or6.It’s an _____ car. ( )A.toy B.blue C.orange 7.—This is my father. ( )—________A.Nice to meet you. B.Yes, he is. C.Thank you. 8.—Hello, Sam. ( )—______A.Hello, I’m Sam.B.Hello, I’m Bobby.C.Hello, Bobby. 9.Look _________ my cap. ( )A.to B.for C.at 10.—Who is wearing yellow today? ( )—_______A.I am. B.It's black. C.Jack is my friend. 11.下面字母中,需要三笔写成的是 ________。
( )A.M B.F C.K12.Would you like ________ ice cream? ( )A.a B.an C.to13.They ________ look great. ( )A.are B.all C.red14.—______ ( )—Goodbye, Mike.A.Goodbye, Mum. B.Good morning, Mum. C.Hello, Mum. 15.—Would you like a hot dog? ( )—________A.No, please. B.It’s white.C.Yes, please. 16.This is Tim. ________ my brother. ( )A.He’s B.She’s C.It’s 17.—What’s this? ( )—It’s an __________ ice cream.A.white B.orange C.red 18.Hello! _______ is my sister Tina. ( )A.He B.She C.she 19.—Hello, are you Mike? ( )—Yes, __________.A.I’m not B.I am C.he is 20.—______ is it? ( )—It’s a car.A.What B.What colour C.What’s 二、完成句子21.Cut the _____.22.________ (我) am Sam.23.This is my ______ (爸爸).24.Is this ________________ (你的妈妈)?25.—Look at my (黑色的) (鸭舌帽). —It's cool.26.My mother’s father is my ________ (外祖父).27.—Miss Li, this is my ________ (妈妈).—Good ________ (晚上), Mrs Brown.28.He has ____ and his ____ are orange.29.Hi, I’m ____.30.Look at my _______ (arm / leg).31.A: Happy Birthday! This _________ is for you.B: Thank you.32.I’m Lucy. I’m ix years old.33.I have an ____ (eraser / pen).34.This is my ______ (兄;弟).35.There are s________ days(天) in a week(周).36.—What colour is your new _________ (帽子).—It's _________ (白色的).37.—What colour is my ______ (新的) skirt? —It’s ______ (绿色的).38.This is Mike. ______ (他) is my friend.39.Would you like _________ _________?40.He is ____ and ____.三、阅读理解I’m a Chinese girl. My name is Zhao Xin. I’m nine years old. I’m in Clas s Three, Grade Three.My English teacher is a Chinese man. My good friend is Lucy. She is an English girl. She is in Class Three too. She is nine.41、Zhao Xin is a(n) _______ girl. ( )A.English B.Chinese C.Japanese42、Lucy is in Class _______. ( )A.One B.Two C.Three43、Zhao Xin and Lucy are good _______. ( )A.teachers B.friends C.boys44、Lucy is a(n) _______ girl. ( )A.English B.Chinese C.Japanese45、_______ is not nine. ( )A.Zhao Xin B.Lucy C.Zhao Xin’s teacher四、阅读理解A: Hello, this is my new friend David.B: Hello, David. Nice to meet you. I’m Wang Bing.C: Nice to meet you too, Wang Bing.B: Look at this new cap.C: It’s nice.B: Thanks. It’s for my sister Wang Hong. Tomorrow (明天) is her birthday.A & C: Oh, that’s great.46、______ is B.( )A.Wang Bing B.David C.Wang Hong47、David is A’s ______. ( )A.sister B.brother C.new friend48、The cap is new and ______. ( )A.red B.nice C.big49、Wang Hong is ______ sister. ( )A.A’s B.Wang Bing’s C.David’s50、Tomorrow is ______ birthday. ( )A.Wang Bing’s B.David’s C.Wang Hong’s五、阅读理解Hello, I’m Peter. Amy is my sister. And Ben is my brother. We are in a clothes shop now. Amy would like a red skirt. She likes red. Ben would like a blue cap. Wang Bing is in the clothes shop too. He is my friend. He would like a black jacket. It’s cool! What would I like? I would like an orange T-shirt and a black cap.51、Who is Ben’s brother? ( )A.Amy. B.Peter. C.Wang Bing.52、Wang Bing is _______. ( )A.Ben’s friend B.Amy’s brother C.Peter’s fr iend53、Ben would like _______. ( )A.a black cap B.an orange T-shirt C.a blue cap54、The _______ jacket is cool. ( )A.blue B.orange C.black55、Which sentence is RIGHT? ( )A.Peter, Amy and Ben are in a clothes shop now, but Wang Bing isn’t.B.Amy would like a red skirt.C.Peter would like a black T-shirt and an orange cap.六、阅读理解Hello, I’m Chen Jie. I’m eight years old. I have a yellow bag. I have seven books in it. My eyes are big. I like dogs. I’d like some bread and milk for breakfast (早饭). Can you be my friend (朋友)?56、Chen Jie is ______ years old. ( )A.8 B.9 C.1057、Chen Jie’s bag is ______. ( )A.green B.yellow C.blue58、Chen Jie has ______ books. ( )A.nine B.eight C.seven59、Chen Jie likes ______. ( )A.dogs B.cats C.bears60、Chen Jie would like some ______ and milk for breakfast. ( )A.bread B.cake C.rice【参考答案】一、单项选择1.B解析:B【详解】句意:这只猫很可爱并且那只猫也很可爱。
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yúkuài fèng xiàn tū rán qiáng liè
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
qíng jĭng dŏu dòng sùyŏu géwài
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
1、口算42×2时,应想:( )×( )=( ),( )×( )=( ),
( )+( )=( ).
4、一个三位数乘一位数,积可能是( )位数,也可能是()位数。
730-230×2 518×2×3 1249+350×4 (175-66)×5
A. Nice to meet you.
B. Let’t go to school.
C. Goodbye.
A. Happy Birthday.
B. Happy New Year.
C. Happy Teachers’ Day.
A. This is Wu Yifan.
B. I’am Wu Yifan.
C. Nice to meet you.
A. Good morning.
B. See you.
C. Let’t go to school.
A. Good morning.
B. Good afternoon.
C. Good evening.
A. My name is Wang Gang.
B. I’m Wang Gang.
C. This is Wang Gang.
A. Let’s go to school.
B. Let’s going to school.
C. I’m going to school.
A. Nice to meet you.
B. Nice to meet you, too.
C. Hello
A. Nice to meet you.
B. My name is Wang Gang.
C. Hello
10.当别人对你说“Nice to meet you.”时,你应该说:()
A. Nice to meet you, too.
B. Hello
C. Bye
A. Good morning.
B. Good afternoon.
C. Good evening.
A. Thank you.
B. Welcome.
C. Hi
13.别人给你介绍新朋友“This is Zhang Peng.”你会跟新朋友说:()
A. Nice to meet you.
B. This is Wang Gang.
C. I’m Wang Gang.
A. My name is Wang Gang.
B. What’s your name?
C. I’m Wang Gang.
A. I’m Mike.
B. This is Mike.
C. What’s your name?。