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2018 年安徽省普通高校分类考试招生和对口招生


语法和词汇(共15 小题;每小题 2 分,共30 分)


61. —Would you like an apple, Rose

— ____ . A pear, please.

A. No, thanks

B. Of course

C. No problem

D. Sounds great

62. I broke Peter ' s mobile, ________ he wasn ' t angry with me.

A. or

B. but

C. so

D. for

63. In our school, bikes ____ in good order every day.

A. park

B. parked

C. are parked

D. were


64. Ella, take an umbrella with you. It ____ r ain later.

A. can

B. need

C. might

D. must

65. Jack likes working here very much, and he ____ thinks of leaving.

A. never

B. once

C. always

D. sometimes

66. We are learning English hard ____ it is very important.

A. though

B. unless

C. until

D. because

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67. Anna _____ her coat, and soon felt warmer.

A. put on

B. hung up

C. took off

D. threw away

68. —Lucy, may I use your lap-top

—Certainly. _____

A. I am sorry

B. Here you are

C. Forget it

D. I ' m afraid not.

69. Please _____ talking when you have food in your mouth. It s not polite.

A. stop

B. begin

C. enjoy

D. keep

70. I ______ Jim since he was five years old.

A. know

B. knew

C. will know

D. have known

71. Do you know the girl _____ is singing on the stage

A. whom

B. which D. who

72. Please be quiet —the students _________ a test.

A. are taking

B. were taking

C. take

D. took

73. I ' m ________ that we can win the game.

A. upset

B. kind

C. sure

D. right

74. I wish you good luck during your _____ to Italy.

A. term

B. visit

C. stay

D. meeting

75. —Mom, I got the first prize.

v1.0 可编辑可修改—You did it _____

A. Why not

B. Who cares

C. Good idea!

D. Well done!

阅读理解(共15小题;每小题 2 分,共30分)


76. When is the concert

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A. Tomorrow.

B. Today.

C. This weekend.

D. weekend

77. Who is excited about the concert

A. Judy.

B. Hanna.

C. Rain.

D. family.

78. Where does Hanna want to buy the CD

A. On TV.

B. At the Rain concert.

C. From Judy.

D. At the music store.

79. What did Hanna do last weekend

A. She watched Speed Racer.

B. She listened to the CD.

C. She went to a music store.

D. She watched a Korean program.

80. From the passage we learn that _____ .

A. Hanna lent a CD to Judy

B. Hanna is one of Rain ' s fans

C. Hanna played a part in Speed Racer

D. Hanna has a Korean channel on her TV


Hi! My name is Frank and I 'm 16 years old. I go to Woodland School —it ' high school near London with about 1500students. it ' s a mixed school, so boys and girls studying together. It ' s better than going to a single-sex

别的)school —how do the boys ever meet any girls.

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