
对于学生给老师的评价的看法英语作文My Thoughts on How We Students Evaluate Our TeachersHi there! My name is Jamie and I'm a 4th grader at Oakwood Elementary School. Our teachers recently asked us to fill out evaluation forms about them. At first, I didn't really know what to write because I'd never done anything like that before. But after thinking about it, I realized I had a lot of opinions on our teachers!I think it's a really good idea for students to evaluate our teachers. We're the ones in their classrooms every day, so we probably notice things that principals or other adults might miss. We see how the teachers act when they think no one important is watching. We know which teachers are nice and trying their best, and which ones don't seem to care very much.There are some teachers at my school who are just amazing. My favorites are the ones who really make learning fun and interesting instead of boring. Mr. Mason, my math teacher, is like that. He uses games and competition to get us excited about learning new math skills. Whenever we master a concept, he lets us jump up and shoots a mini basketball through a hoop to celebrate. Stuff like that makes you look forward to math class!Mrs. Garcia, who teaches science, is another teacher I gave a great evaluation. She's so passionate about science and nature that it rubs off on all of us students. We go on nature walks, grow plants in the classroom, and do really cool experiments. One time we even hatched baby chicks from eggs! Having a teacher who loves their subject as much as Mrs. Garcia does makes you love it too.The teachers I didn't give such a good evaluation to are the ones who don't seem to make any effort. I feel like some teachers have just gotten lazy or burned out over the years. They act bored and just want us to sit still, be quiet, and follow along in our textbooks while they basically just lecture at us the whole time. That's not real learning or teaching in my opinion.My 3rd grade teacher, Mrs. Jameson, was like that. She would just stand at the front of the class and read straight out of the book in this monotone voice, never looking up or trying to make it interesting. She'd call on students but then cut us off if we started to say too much. Worst of all, if you asked a question because you were confused, she'd act annoyed and say something like "Weren't you listening? I just went over that." Yeah, thanks for the attitude!Another thing I don't like in a teacher is someone who plays favorites or punishes students for silly reasons. My 2nd grade teacher, Mrs. Roberts, was so unfair about that. She had a few students, mostly the ones from richer families, that she treated way better. They never got in trouble for anything, even when they were being disruptive and rude. But if you were one of the kids she didn't like for whatever reason, you got punished for the smallest things like dropping a pencil too loud.Personally, I think teachers should treat all students equal and with respect, even when we're not behaving our best. They're the grownups and the ones in charge, so they need to be patient and fair. A little kindness and understanding goes a long way, especially at our age.The very best teachers are strict enough to maintain control so we can learn, but also nurturing and caring. Those are the ones who really become beloved by every student. Like Ms. Franklin, my 1st grade teacher, who was firm but always smiling and willing to give us a hug when we needed it. Making us feel safe, cared for, and believed in helps kids way more than people realize.So when I filled out the evaluation forms, I tried to be really honest and give specific examples to back up my ratings. Forteachers like Mr. Mason and Mrs. Garcia, I listed out all the things that made their classes so fun and engaging. I talked about how much we're learning because of how passionate they are about their subjects. For the not-so-great teachers, I gave examples of times they were unfair, showed favorites, didn't seem to care if we understood or not, and just made learning boring.I know teachers have a really hard job dealing with so many kids all day. We're not always perfect angels! But they're the grownups, and good teachers will make the extra effort to keep things interesting, be fair and patient, and inspire us to love learning. At least, that's what I think makes an awesome teacher based on my experiences so far!Maybe teachers should get evaluated by students more often. We'd give them a kid's-eye perspective on what's working in the classroom and what isn't. I'm sure kids at every grade level would have some eye-opening feedback to share if asked. Teachers could learn just as much from our evaluations as we learn from them if they're open to it!。

学生对老师的评价英语作文As a student, I believe that it is important to express my thoughts and feelings about my teachers. Teachers play a crucial role in our lives, and their impact can last a lifetime. Therefore, it is essential to evaluate their performance and provide feedback that can help them improve and grow as educators.First and foremost, I would like to express mygratitude to all the teachers who have dedicated their time and effort to educate and inspire me. Their passion for teaching and their commitment to our learning have made a significant impact on my academic and personal development.I am truly thankful for their guidance and support.In terms of their teaching abilities, I have found that the best teachers are those who are knowledgeable, engaging, and approachable. They possess a deep understanding oftheir subject matter and are able to convey complexconcepts in a way that is easy to understand. They alsohave the ability to keep the class engaged and interestedin the material, using a variety of teaching methods and resources to cater to different learning styles. Moreover, they are approachable and open to questions, creating a supportive and inclusive learning environment.Furthermore, I believe that effective communication is a key aspect of teaching. The best teachers are those who are able to communicate clearly and effectively, both in the classroom and outside of it. They are responsive to students' questions and concerns, and they provide constructive feedback that helps us improve. Additionally, they are open to feedback from students and are willing to adapt their teaching methods to better meet our needs.In terms of their personal qualities, the best teachers are those who are caring, patient, and empathetic. They genuinely care about their students' well-being and are willing to offer support and guidance when needed. They are patient and understanding, recognizing that each student has their own unique strengths and weaknesses. Furthermore, they are empathetic and are able to relate to theirstudents on a personal level, creating a strong bond oftrust and respect.In conclusion, I believe that teachers play a crucial role in our lives, and it is important to evaluate their performance and provide feedback that can help them improve. The best teachers are those who are knowledgeable, engaging, approachable, and possess effective communication skills. They are also caring, patient, and empathetic, creating a supportive and inclusive learning environment. I am truly grateful for the teachers who have made a positive impacton my life, and I hope that my feedback can help them continue to grow and inspire future generations of students.。

以学生成绩评价老师的好坏英语作文Should Teachers Be Judged By Our Grades?I've been thinking a lot lately about my teachers and how good or bad they are at their jobs. It's not an easy thing to figure out! After all, we're just kids and they are the grown-ups who are supposed to be teaching us everything we need to know. But I have some thoughts I want to share.The main way people seem to judge how good a teacher is comes down to our test scores and report card grades. If the whole class gets really good grades, then the teacher must be doing a great job of teaching us, right? But I don't think it's that simple.Take Mrs. Johnson, my 3rd grade teacher last year. She was really nice and made learning kind of fun with games and activities. But a lot of kids in my class, including me, struggled with reading and math. We got bad test scores, especially on the big standardized tests. Does that mean Mrs. Johnson was a bad teacher? I don't think so. She tried her best to help us.Then there's Mr. Franklin, who teaches my class this year. He's really smart and knows everything about every subject. Maybe too smart sometimes - he uses really big vocabularywords that none of us understand! His lessons can be kind of boring and he just lectures at us instead of getting us involved. But you know what? My grades, and grades for most kids in my class, have never been better. I get A's on almost every test and assignment. Based just on our grades, you might say Mr. Franklin is an amazing teacher.But here's the thing - I don't really feel like I'm learning or understanding things better with Mr. Franklin than I did with Mrs. Johnson. I'm just really good at memorizing facts and formulas for the tests. When Mr. Franklin moves on to a new subject, I already can't remember half of what I "learned" on the previous unit!With Mrs. Johnson, I actually felt like I was understanding concepts at a deeper level, even if I didn't get perfect scores on the tests. Her class was more fun and engaging. Yes, my reading and math skills weren't quite at the level they should be. But I really think if I had her again for another year, I would have made great progress.So you can see why I don't think teachers should be judged as great or not-so-great based only on student grades and test scores. There's so much more to being a good teacher! Things like making lessons interesting, explaining things in a way we canall understand, caring about each student, and teaching life lessons and values - not just information for a test.Speaking of life lessons, one of the biggest ones I've learned so far is that sometimes the students who get the best grades aren't actually the "smartest." They are just really good at taking tests and memorizing information. I have plenty of friends who don't get perfect grades, but understand concepts better than anyone and are incredible problem solvers. Doesn't that count for something?I'm not saying grades are totally pointless. They do tell part of the story for each student and teacher. We should always be trying our best to achieve good grades and scores. But if we only cared about grades, we might miss out on some of the most important things we're supposed to learn in school.At the end of the day, I hope teachers are judged on how well they help each student make progress and realize their full potential - not just on how many A's we get. We're all different, with different strengths, interests, and learning styles. The best teachers embrace those differences instead of just teaching to a test.I have so much more to say on this topic, but I'm running out of time to write. I need to go study for Mr. Franklin's next mathquiz so I can keep up my A average! Even though I think there's more to being a teacher than just helping students get high grades, I also don't want my grades to slip. Like I said, it's a confusing topic with a lot to think about!。

以学生成绩评价老师的好坏英语作文How Good or Bad is My Teacher?Everyone always says that you shouldn't judge a book by its cover. Well, I think the same goes for teachers - you can't just judge how good or bad they are by one thing like their looks or personality. The real way to tell if a teacher is any good is by looking at the grades of the students in their class. That's why for this essay, I've decided to evaluate my 5th grade teacher, Mrs. Johnson, based on the grades she gives out.First off, I have to say that Mrs. Johnson sure does hand out a lot of A's and B's. It seems like almost every kid in our class has gotten at least one A or B from her this year. My friend Michael has gotten straight A's from her all year long! That must mean Mrs. Johnson is a really good teacher who helps us learn a ton, right? Well, not so fast...You see, the thing is, sometimes it's actually really easy to get good grades in Mrs. Johnson's class without having to work very hard or learn much at all. Like when we were studying fractions, Mrs. Johnson basically just repeated the same few examples over and over again until we had them memorized. Then on the test, she just asked about those exact sameproblems! Of course everyone did well - we had just crammed the answers into our brains without really understanding how fractions work.Or another time, we were writing book reports on this novel we read called The Whingdillian War. Mrs. Johnson let us just summarize the plot instead of analyzing themes or character development like we're supposed to. She also didn't take any points off for bad grammar or spelling mistakes. I'm talking like kids mixing up "your" and "you're" or saying "should of" instead of "should have." Maybe Mrs. Johnson doesn't want to hurt our feelings by giving us bad grades?I have to admit, getting A's and B's so easily does make me feel good about myself in the short term. But I also feel like I'm not actuallylearning much deep down. It's almost like Mrs. Johnson is going too easy on us and inflating our grades, which doesn't prepare us well for tougher classes in middle school and beyond. My older neighbor Sam said his 5th grade teacher was super strict about little mistakes, and that helped get him ready for how unforgiving teachers and life can be later on.However, I also can't be too hard on Mrs. Johnson. Unlike some teachers I've had in the past who hardly gave any A's no matter how hard we worked, she does make sure to reward ourefforts. If you put a decent amount of work into an assignment and try your best, you're pretty much guaranteed to get an A or high B from her. She's been really encouraging when I put in extra effort, like when I made a model of a plant cell out of junk for science class or wrote a pretty solid book report on The BFG.Mrs. Johnson has also been understanding when things come up that make it harder for us to focus on schoolwork. Like when my family was going through some tough times after my grandpa passed away, she gave me extensions on assignments with no penalty. Or when half the class was out sick with the flu, she postponed our unit test. I feel like as long as we're legitimately trying, she cuts us some slack.At the same time though, I do wonder if Mrs. Johnson is maybe a little too lax about letting us turn things in late or giving extensions. Doesn't that just enable bad habits of procrastination that could hurt us down the road? My dad says part of school is learning personal responsibility and time management. He thinks teachers should enforce firm due dates to prepare us for the "real world." Food for thought...So after evaluating things, I guess you could say Mrs. Johnson is a bit of a mixed bag when it comes to how she grades us. On one hand, the amount of A's and B's shows she believes inpraising effort and being positive with criticism. Getting good grades helps build our confidence as learners. But on the flip side, sometimes her tests and assignments seem almost too easy. And by being so lenient about things like spelling/grammar and late work, maybe she's not pushing us to our full potential.If I had to give Mrs. Johnson an overall grade myself for how she grades us, I think I'd give her a...B+? She's definitely a good teacher in a lot of ways. She creates a low-stress learning environment where we're motivated to try our best by the promise of good grades. But at the end of the day, I'm not sure her grading 100% accurately reflects our true mastery of the material. A little more strictness and rigor could be helpful to challenge us more.Those are just my thoughts though! I'd be really curious to hear what other students think about Mrs. Johnson and how she grades us. Am I being too harsh or too easy on her? Let me know your take. After all, our opinion as the ones being graded should count for something, right?。
现在流行学生给老师评分 英语作文

现在流行学生给老师评分英语作文It's the Ratings Craze!You know how grown-ups are always saying kids these days are disrespectful and have no manners? Well, I think they've got it all wrong. We're not being rude - we're just taking advantage of this hot new trend that's sweeping schools everywhere: teacher ratings!It all started last year when my big sister's middle school let students fill out evaluation forms about their teachers at the end of each semester. At first, I thought it was just a way for the school to get feedback and help make lessons better. But then I realized the real fun was in getting to honestly criticize our teachers without any consequences! No more having to nod and smile when they drone on about stuff we don't care about.Pretty soon, schools all over were letting kids rate their teachers online through special websites and apps. You can grade them on stuff like how engaging their lessons are, whether they make classwork too hard or too easy, and if they're just generally cool to have as a teacher or not. The best part is that the ratings are anonymous, so teachers never know who said what about them!At my elementary school, we even got to do podcast-style reviews where we could go into lots of detail about each teacher's strengths and weaknesses. I did one last month about my math teacher, Mrs. Robinson. I gave her a 2 out of 5 rating overall. Here's a portion of what I said:"While Mrs. Robinson seems like a nice enough lady, her teaching skills could use some serious work. For one, she hasn't quite figured out how to make note-taking and working through practice problems interactive and fun. Instead, it's always just'Copy down this formula from the board' and 'Do problems 1 through 25 for homework.' Zzzzzzzzzz...""Another issue is how she handles classroom management. If students get a little rambunctious, she'll spend forever reprimanding them instead of just moving on with the lesson. Why waste all that time we could be learning?""On the plus side, I guess Mrs. Robinson's tests are relatively straightforward if you've paid attention. She doesn't try to trick you with deliberately confusing word problems or anything..."You get the idea! I really went in on her teaching style and class policies. And that была just an honest critique - I didn't even go too hard on her fashion sense or hairstyle like some of my friends did in their reviews.At first, my parents and the teachers weren't too thrilled about us kids arrogantly "putting them in their place" as they saw it. But they had to admit the rating systems were making teachers work harder and study things like child psychology more to adapt better strategies. No one wants to get ripped apart by their own students after all!Nowadays, it's just an accepted part of the school experience. In fact, my little brother's elementary school gives teachers bonuses based on their positive review scores, kind of like how Uber drivers get paid more for great ratings from riders. How's that for motivating them to step up their games?I think it's a genius setup, to be honest. We're the ones learning from these teachers each day, so why shouldn't we have a direct voice in evaluating them? We can tell when someone is knowledgeable about their subject but still boring to learn from. Or when a teacher's heart is in the right place but their lesson plans are all over the place. Just getting input from administrators and parents doesn't give the full picture.Plus, there's certainly no better motivation for me to stay engaged and focused in class than knowing I'll get to criticize everything about it later on! Those high ratings don't come easy.The teachers who manage to win long lists of rave reviews from students are the real stars. I remember being so excited last year when I finally got assigned to Mr. Hendricks for English - he's basically legendary at our school for getting near-perfect scores every year. Sure enough, his class was always a blast, filled with fun projects and energetic discussions of whatever novel we were reading at the time. I couldn't wait to leave my own glowing commentary praising him.In contrast, everyone dreads ending up with teachers known for their scathing report cards from kids. Mrs. Watkins, the tough-as-nails history teacher, actually transferred to another district halfway through last year after getting brutally slammed in so many student reviews. I guess constantly slamming your palms on desks to shush us and bringing in monotonous lecture videos from the 1980s doesn't win you any fans these days!At the end of the day, we're all just striving to learn all we can and have an engaging few hours at school each day before running off to our friends and extracurriculars. Having this direct line to critique those responsible for creating that daily experience just makes sense to me. It puts teachers on notice that you can't just throw some worksheets at us while youdistractedly sip coffee in the corner. Nope, you'd better come with your A-game if you want those 5-star ratings!I'm sure earlier generations of kids would have killed to have this kind of power over their permanent-scowl teachers always ready with a rap across the knuckles. Heck, this system might have actually made going to school feel a bit more collaborative and student-centered back then! Today's generation is just continuing to innovate and make sure our voices get heard.Us kids taking charge and monitoring our teachers' performances like this is valuable preparation for our futures too. It shows we're ready to analyze others' work quality without fear - a perfect skill to deploy when we're professionals having CONSTANT meetings to discuss our colleagues, am I right? Just a few more years before I'll be the one handing out performance reviews and helping determine promotions!So next time an out-of-touch adult wants to lecture you about respect and authority, just pull out your phone and show them your latest teacher rating. That'll explain exactly why today's students are so empowered. We make the rules now - get used to it!。

对于学生给老师的评价的看法英语作文In the academic world, student evaluations of teachers play a crucial role in assessing teaching quality and effectiveness. These evaluations, often conducted at the end of a semester or a course, aim to gather feedback from students on various aspects of teaching, such as clarity of instructions, engagement with students, and the overall learning experience. While the practice of student evaluations has been widely adopted, their value and impact vary depending on the context and implementation.Firstly, student evaluations can provide valuable insights into teaching practices. Through their feedback, teachers can gain a better understanding of what works well and what needs improvement in their teaching methods. This feedback can be used to refine teaching techniques, enhance student engagement, and create a more effective learning environment. Additionally, student evaluations can also help identify areas of strength and weakness in specific courses or programs, guiding institutional decisions on curriculum development and resource allocation.However, the reliability and validity of student evaluations can be affected by various factors. One such factor is the motivation of students in providing feedback. Some students may rate teachers based on personal preferences or emotional reactions, rather than objective assessment of teaching quality. This can lead to biased evaluations that do not accurately reflect the actual teaching performance.Moreover, the effectiveness of student evaluations also depends on the design and implementation of the evaluation process. If the evaluation instrument is not well-designedor the process is not properly administered, the resulting data may be unreliable or difficult to interpret. For instance, open-ended questions may provide richer feedback but can be more subjective and difficult to analyze quantitatively. On the other hand, closed-ended questions may yield more structured data but may limit the depth and breadth of feedback.Despite these challenges, student evaluations remain an important tool for improving teaching and learning outcomes. To ensure their effectiveness, it is crucial to designevaluation instruments that are both valid and reliable, and to administer the process in a fair and transparent manner. Additionally, teachers should be encouraged to seek feedback from multiple sources, including peer reviews, student surveys, and class observations, to gain a comprehensive understanding of their teaching performance. In conclusion, student evaluations of teachers are a valuable resource for improving teaching quality and effectiveness. While their value and impact may be limited by various factors, with careful design and implementation, these evaluations can provide meaningful feedback that teachers can use to enhance their teaching practices and create a more engaging and effective learning environment. **学生评价老师的意义与影响**在学术领域,学生对老师的评价对于评估教学质量和效果至关重要。

学生评价老师的英语作文学生评价老师的英语作文A great change is now taking place in higher education throughout our country。
Teachers are being held responsible as never before for how well they serve their students。
It has become as common in colleges and universities for students to grade teachers as for teachers to grade students。
In some universities students' rating has even become the only source of information on teaching effectiveness。
This, however, has caused great controversy。
Some are in favor of the rating system。
They hold that since students attend the teachers classes everyday,they should have their opinion about their teachers' effectiveness。
Others, on the contrary,are strongly against it。
They think that students'rating is easy to administer and score,but it also is easy to abuse。
They believe that there is much more to teaching than what is shown on students' rating forms。
大学英语作文 学生给老师评价

A great change is now taking place in higher education throughout our country. Teachers are being held responsible as never before for how well they serve their students. It has become as common in colleges and universities for students to grade teachers as for teachers to grade students.But, there are kinds of ideas about this topic. Some are in favor of the rating system. They think that it is a good way to correct a teacher. Others, on the contrary, are strongly against it. They think that students" rating is easy to administer and score, but it also is easy to abuse. Students should not be expected to judge whether the materials used are up to date or how well the teacher knows about the subject.As far as I am concerned, s tudents’ rating of their tea chers is quirt right, but it should be conducted in a way that can really shed meaningful light on teachers’ performance. Instead of rating the teachers" knowledge on the subject, students should be asked to estimate what they themselves have learned in a course, and to report on such things as a teacher’s ability to communicate with students, his relationship with students, and his ability to arouse interest in the subject.。

评价老师的英文作文英文:When it comes to evaluating teachers, there are a few key factors that I consider. Firstly, I look at their teaching style and whether it engages me as a student. A good teacher should be able to explain complex concepts ina way that is easy to understand and remember. They should also be able to adapt their teaching style to suit theneeds of different students, as everyone learns differently.Another important factor is the teacher's ability to create a positive and supportive learning environment. This includes things like being approachable, encouraging questions and feedback, and fostering a sense of communityin the classroom. A teacher who is able to create a safeand welcoming space for their students is more likely tosee them thrive and succeed.Finally, I also consider the teacher's subjectknowledge and expertise. While a teacher doesn't necessarily need to be an expert in their field, they should have a solid understanding of the subject matter and be able to answer questions confidently and accurately.Overall, I believe that a good teacher is someone whois passionate about their subject and genuinely cares about their students' success. They should be able to create a supportive and engaging learning environment while also demonstrating a strong understanding of the subject matter.中文:评价老师时,我会考虑几个关键因素。

以学生成绩评价老师的好坏英语作文Evaluating Teachers Based on Student PerformanceIntroductionIt is a common practice in many educational institutions for teachers to be evaluated based on the performance of their students. This method of evaluation has sparked a debate among educators, parents, and students about its effectiveness and fairness. Some argue that student performance is an accurate measure of a teacher's effectiveness, while others believe that there are many factors that influence student achievement that are beyond a teacher's control. In this essay, we will explore both sides of the argument and come to a conclusion about whether evaluating teachers based on student performance is a valid method of assessment.Arguments in Favor of Evaluating Teachers Based on Student PerformanceProponents of evaluating teachers based on student performance believe that it is a fair and objective way to measure a teacher's effectiveness. They argue that teachers play a crucial role in shaping student learning outcomes and that evaluating them based on their students' performance is a direct reflectionof their teaching abilities. Proponents also point out that student performance is a measure of the teacher's ability to engage and motivate students, as well as their effectiveness in delivering the curriculum.Another argument in favor of evaluating teachers based on student performance is that it provides valuable feedback for teachers to improve their teaching practices. By analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of their students' performance, teachers can identify areas for improvement and implement changes in their teaching methods. This continuous cycle of evaluation and improvement ensures that teachers are always striving to provide the best possible education for their students.Arguments Against Evaluating Teachers Based on Student PerformanceOn the other hand, critics of evaluating teachers based on student performance argue that there are many factors that influence student achievement that are beyond a teacher's control. These factors include the student's home environment, socioeconomic status, and individual learning abilities. Critics believe that it is unfair to hold teachers accountable for factors that they cannot influence and that this method of evaluation can lead to inaccurate and biased results.Furthermore, critics argue that focusing solely on student performance can lead to a narrow and limited view of a teacher's effectiveness. Teaching is a complex profession that involves many different skills and qualities, such as classroom management, communication, and creativity. By solely evaluating teachers based on student performance, important aspects of teaching may be overlooked, leading to an incomplete assessment of a teacher's abilities.ConclusionIn conclusion, evaluating teachers based on student performance is a contentious issue that has both supporters and critics. While student performance can provide valuable insights into a teacher's effectiveness, it is important to consider the many factors that influence student achievement and to ensure that teachers are not unfairly judged. A more comprehensive evaluation system that takes into account a variety of factors, such as classroom observations, peer reviews, and student feedback, may provide a more accurate and fair assessment of a teacher's abilities. Ultimately, the goal of evaluating teachers should be to support their professional growth and development, rather than placing undue pressure on them to produce certain outcomes.。

大学生评价老师的英语作文My English teacher is awesome! She's always so enthusiastic and energetic in class, which makes learning English really fun and exciting. I never feel bored or sleepy in her class because she knows how to keep us engaged and interested.I love how my English teacher always encourages us to speak up and express our opinions in class. She creates a supportive and non-judgmental environment where everyone feels comfortable sharing their thoughts and ideas. This has really helped me become more confident in speaking English.One thing that really impresses me about my English teacher is her dedication to helping us improve. She's always available to answer questions and provide extra help outside of class. I can tell that she genuinely cares about our progress and wants us to succeed.My English teacher is also really creative in her teaching methods. She often incorporates games, music, and videos into her lessons to make them more interactive and dynamic. It's a refreshing change from the traditional lecture-style teaching that I'm used to.Overall, I feel really lucky to have such an amazing English teacher. She has not only helped me improve my English skills, but she has also inspired me to love the language and enjoy learning it. I'm grateful for all the hard work she puts into teaching and supporting us.。

Those who live yesterday lose the past, those who live tomorrow lose the future, and those who live today have the past and the future.简单易用轻享办公(页眉可删)用英文对老师的评价用英文对老师的评价一There is no doubt that all the teachers will spare no effort to teach students, but sometimes they just don’t realize what they give to students is no working all the time. Now the schools have carried out the police that students need to give evaluation to the teachers, in my opinion, this policy is good, teachers can know more about themselves.毫无疑问,所有的教师都会不留余力地教学生,但是有时候他们没有意识到教授给学生的不一定都有用。
When students make commence about the teachers, teachers can know how the students think about them in the class. Students are the main anticipants, they have the right to make judgment, teachers are not in the dominantplace, what they do should put the students in the first place.当学生对教师进行评论的时候,教师可以了解到学生在课堂上是如何看待他们的。
大学英语作文-学生评价老师 Students’Evaluation of Teachers

大学英语作文学生评价老师 Students’Evaluation ofTeachersMany years ago, there is no way for students to evaluate teachers, for people treat the teachers in a high level, students are in the low level, they are immature. Now, many schools have carried on this practice, I believe such that evaluations are good for both teachers and students.很多年前,学生是不可能有机会评价老师,因为人们觉得老师处在高水平,学生处在低水平,而且也不成熟。
On the one hand, students’ evaluation of the teachers can promote the harmonious environment between teachers and students. Teachers always give students the serious impression, they just like the unchallenging authority. But now, people emphasize the equal relationship in education, which means teachers and students learn from each other. Students can give their opinion to teachers, teachers can improve themselves.一方面,学生对老师的评价可以促进师生间的和谐相处环境。

学生对老师的评价英语作文通用10篇学生对老师的评价英语作文 1The biggest benefit, in my eyes, is that teachers should do their best to improve not only their specialized knowledge and skills but also their teaching methods in order to meet the needs of their students. In addition, teachers will pay more attention to self-images as to win respect from students. Finally, the teacher-student relationship will be closer and more harmonious.Apart from the benefits mentioned above, we also face several unavoidable challenges. In the first place, the students evaluation of teachers cannot always be objective it should be bined with evaluation from authority and colleagues. In the second place, the most popular teacher may neither be the most knowledgeable nor the one with the most advanced teaching method. What s the most important; some teachers may e indulgent with their students because of this new system. Only when we deal with these problems successfully can we benefit the most from such a new system.学生对老师的评价英语作文 2The teacher often said: “three years long,between theclassmate to help each other, plement each other." Time flies like an arrow, the sun is like a boat. Everybody good knowledge of it at first a stranger, what kind of novel look at those students, more than a year has passed, have already established a profound friendship between. Teacher speak the truth and did not get tired.He is very nice in our eyes, but sometimes a little naughty. He kindly no matter the students how to tease him when he is only a smile, he would not speak ill of students in front of the parents. He is always carrying a smooth bald head into the classroom, with a Chinese book under her arm is in a good mood when smiling, pull a long face when in a bad mood. The students secretly likes to call him "elder brother". In your leisure time, he also has a funny always take out a cellular phone to give us a few jokes, even if some students don't want to listen to pour cold water on him and just laugh it off. No one dared to speak out of the class when he was serious, a question all scrambling to raise their hands.Teacher in my eyes is very cute, but also have a hateful, I admit that we all love to talk, the teacher in the above convention KaiXiaoHui below, we better not demons in class to find a so-called "bosom friend", just because, talk a few words will soon beliving the learner to breaking up"As the saying goes: "a day for the teacher, lifelong for the father." And one of our class to take this opportunity to extort a teacher, not cheat the achievements were classmates laughed: such as emotional school so many teachers are your parents, so many students are your brothers and sisters. We are all sweat.Teacher, thank you for not give dozen small report, thank you for your trust in us, have been so teaches us thank you so much!学生对老师的评价英语作文 3Possible version:Last Sunday, I went for an outing with my classmates. I enjoyed myself so much that I forgot to finish my English assignment.The next morning, our English teacher told us to put our writing books on the desk so that he could check it. He is very strict and I did not know what would happen if he found out I did not finish my homework. So I took my Chinese writing book instead of my English book. When the teacher found this out, I pretended to be ver y surprised, "Oh, I‘m very sorry, I thought that was my English book because they have the same cover. I canbring my English writing book to school in the afternoon!" On hearing this, the teacher said, "OK!" I narrowly escaped punishment.In fact, I d idn‘t do my homework. Now I realize I was wrong. It is the first step for a student to be modest.学生对老师的评价英语作文 4Mr Wu is my math teacher. She is not tall, plump, arch eyebrows temples scattered into the eyebrow, phoenix eye times add gentle, small nose on a pair of big eyes, phnom penh for her face a grave. I can be like her.Mr Wu's eyes, gesture has distinguishing feature very much. In math class, some children deserted, platform to a look, there are soft in the serious, let the urchins quietly put a little affectations. Some children did not fully understand, the nimble fingers waving in the air, like the mand band baton, like the bees eight dance, woven into a network, and a knowledge of unconsciously let us swim in the palace of knowledge. My favorite is her smile: the children are in trouble, can see her understanding smile, after the children understand the knowledge, and to see her pleased smile. Every time after I answer this question right, always can see her smile. Her smile is like a flower blooming witha smile, let us full of the joy of understanding; Like a tall, quiet lindens, let everybody learn faith; Like in full bloom on the snow-capped mountains of snow lotus, let each other feel the pleasure of success.Mr Wu is my favorite smile.学生对老师的评价英语作文 5I want to talk about the teacher I like. When I was in junior high school third grade, I met a good teacher named Huang zhufang.She taught us physics. Almost every class he made jokes with us. His class was full of laughter with warm atmosphere. He explained to us the life of the physical knowledge which broadened my horizon, and gave us the magic shows. The most deeply impression I remembered was that how to use a round rope through the neck form the back to the front directly.Under his education, I had a strong interest in physics, performance had also been greatly improved.学生对老师的评价英语作文 6Teacher, I want to say to you, I love you. Your long black hair is eye-catching, and your big eyes are shining with wisdom. Teacher, I want to say to you that you are not only beautiful inappearance, but also you have passed on a lot of wisdom and knowledge to us, and you want to pass on these wisdom forever.I think this kind of beauty is the real beauty. I love you, teacher.Teacher, you are the sunshine in winter, warming our hearts, you are the showers in spring, moistening our faces. Under your careful cultivation, these flowers will surely bloom more delicate and fragrant!学生对老师的评价英语作文7My middle school will be over soon and I will be a high school student next semester. I am so excited about the new stage of my life, but at the same time, I have to say goodbye to most of my classmates and teachers. They have been part of my life and no matter how far I go, I will remember them in my heart. Miss Li is my English teacher. She is a good teacher, and I like her lesson so much. She has a special way to make the class lively, then all the students can focus their attention and listen to her carefully. I want to say that I am so thankful to her. I won't forget the things she taught.我的初中生活马上就要结束了,下学期我将成为一名高中生。

英语评价老师作文Teacher Evaluation。
As a student, I believe that the role of a teacher is crucial in shaping the future of their students. A good teacher not only imparts knowledge but also inspires and motivates students to reach their full potential. In this essay, I will evaluate the qualities of a good teacher and discuss the impact they have on students.First and foremost, a good teacher should be knowledgeable and passionate about the subject they teach. They should be able to explain complex concepts in a simple and understandable manner, making learning enjoyable and engaging for students. Moreover, a good teacher should be approachable and supportive, creating a positive and inclusive learning environment. They should be able tobuild strong relationships with their students, earning their trust and respect.In addition to being knowledgeable and approachable, a good teacher should also be patient and understanding. They should be able to adapt their teaching methods to cater to the different learning styles and abilities of their students. A good teacher should be able to identify the strengths and weaknesses of each student and provide personalized support to help them succeed. Furthermore, a good teacher should be a good communicator, able to listen to and understand the needs and concerns of their students.Furthermore, a good teacher should be a role model for their students, demonstrating good values and ethics. They should be fair and just in their dealings with students, treating everyone with respect and dignity. A good teacher should also be able to instill a sense of responsibility and discipline in their students, helping them develop good habits and work ethic.The impact of a good teacher on their students is profound. A good teacher can inspire and motivate their students to achieve their goals and dreams. They caninstill a love for learning and a thirst for knowledge thatwill stay with their students for life. A good teacher can also have a positive impact on the overall well-being and development of their students, helping them buildconfidence and self-esteem.In conclusion, a good teacher possesses a combinationof knowledge, passion, patience, and understanding. Theyare able to create a positive and inclusive learning environment, build strong relationships with their students, and inspire and motivate them to reach their full potential. The impact of a good teacher on their students is profound and long-lasting. As a student, I am grateful for the good teachers in my life who have helped shape me into theperson I am today.。
现在流行学生给老师评分 英语作文

现在流行学生给老师评分英语作文Giving Grades to Teachers - Is It a Good Idea?A lot of my friends have been talking about this new thing where students get to grade their teachers. I think it's a pretty cool idea! We have to follow all these rules set by our teachers and do all this homework and take tests. It only seems fair that we get to say what we think about how good of a job they are doing too.My best friend Johnny thinks it's an awesome idea. He says his math teacher, Mrs. Thompson, is really mean and gives way too much homework every night. He would definitely give her a bad grade. I don't have her for math, but I've heard other kids saying the same thing about how strict she is. With a grading system, maybe she would see that a lot of students aren't happy and she would go easier on the homework. Or maybe she would even get fired if enough students gave her bad grades!On the other hand, my reading teacher Mrs. Davis is really nice and makes learning fun. We get to play educational games and she sets up competitions between teams with fun prizes. She doesn't overload us with homework either. I would rate her as anA+ teacher for sure. With a grading system, great teachers like her would get recognized.My older sister Amy is in middle school, and they've had a teacher grading system for a couple years already. She says it's a mixed bag. Some teachers just get mad and argumentative when too many students criticize them. But other teachers actually listen to the feedback and try to improve. Amy says one of her science teachers started being more organized and giving clearer instructions on assignments after a lot of students graded him poorly for being too confusing and disorganized.I can definitely see both the good and bad sides of letting students grade teachers. It gives students more of a voice, but some teachers might not want to listen to the grades if they get criticized. I know some kids would just give bad grades to get revenge on teachers they don't like, even if the teacher is actually pretty good. That wouldn't be fair or helpful.Overall though, I think I support having a grading system for teachers. It would motivate a lot of them to be better educators. Teachers are always stressing to us how important it is to work hard and get good grades. Well, it's also important for them to be good at their jobs! With all the effort students have to put in, we deserve teachers who keep their classes interesting, don'toverload us with busy work, and explain things in a way we can understand.If there was a grading system, I would make sure to fill it out very carefully and give specific examples of what each of my teachers did well or didn't do well. That would be way more useful than just giving a random grade. For example, with Mrs. Davis, I would explain how her educational games and team competitions really helped me understand and remember things better. With Mrs. Thompson's class, I would say that constant homework every single night was too much and cut into time for other subjects, sports, and having fun.I know grading teachers wouldn't be a perfect system, but it would help keep them more accountable. It would make more teachers work hard on being well-prepared, creative, and effective instead of just lecturing from the textbook and assigning busy work. Maybe more teachers would get fired if enough students graded them poorly year after year. That wouldn't be such a bad thing in my opinion - we students deserve the best!At the same time, a grading system would reward teachers who go above and beyond to make their classes engaging and worthwhile. Those are the types of teachers who inspire studentsto actually enjoy learning and develop a lifelong love of reading, math, science, or whatever the subject is. Everybody wins when you have enthusiastic teachers who genuinely want their students to understand and succeed.I don't know if my school will end up adopting a teacher grading system during the few years I'll still be here. But I think it's an idea that makes a lot of sense. We put so much weight on students getting good grades. Why shouldn't teachers be graded too and face consequences if they're rated poorly? It just seems fair to me. I hope more schools decide to give this a try and listen to the voice of their students.。

评价老师英文作文范文英文:When it comes to evaluating a teacher, there are several factors that come into play. Firstly, I believethat a teacher should be knowledgeable and passionate about the subject they are teaching. This makes the class more engaging and helps students to develop a genuine interest in the topic. A teacher who is enthusiastic about their subject can inspire students to learn more and to pursue further study in the field.Another important factor is the teacher's ability to communicate effectively with students. A good teacher should be able to explain complex concepts in a way that is easy to understand, and should be patient when students are struggling with a particular topic. They should also be approachable and willing to answer questions, both inside and outside of class.In addition to these qualities, a good teacher should be supportive of their students and should be willing to provide extra help when needed. They should also be fair and consistent in their grading policies, and should be willing to provide constructive feedback to help students improve.Finally, I believe that a good teacher should be able to create a positive and inclusive classroom environment. This means being respectful of students from all backgrounds and cultures, and fostering a sense of community within the class. A teacher who can create a safe and welcoming space for their students can help tofacilitate learning and growth.中文:评价一位教师时,有几个因素需要考虑。

用英语对老师的评价(精选5篇)用英语对老师的评价篇11 Teacher Li Zhongxiu (Faculty of Science, Faculty of Science, Faculty of Science: College Physics):The teacher lectures focused, detailed, structured clarity, nuanced. The esoteric interpretation of the physical phenomenon of easy to understand, and unique insight in-depth, knowledgeable. Greatly improve our enthusiasm for physics.2 Li Li (School of Landscape Architecture and Art, Professor Course: Statistical Analysis of Agricultural Experiments) Teachers to teach serious and meticulous, can make full use of time, the image of coherent, on the key knowledge of the explanation is very clear and easy to understand, so that the students easy to understand and understand the teacher's passion will infect us, the classroom atmosphere is very good.3. Zhang Xueli (Department of English, Foreign Language Institute, Professor Course: College English)The teacher is young and beautiful, good at mobilizing the enthusiasm of the students, the classroom atmosphere is very active. Teaching carefully, sweet voice, amiable amiable. Attitude is serious and responsible, very patient, is our heart and friendly teacher.4. Wang Yuanxiu (School of Biological Science and Engineering, Professor Course: Microbiology)The teacher lectures very seriously, the content Gangju Mu points, very rational, and particularly good at example, so that students with the theory, learning is very easy, and impressive, received good results. Teachers are kind, classroom interaction with students, and create a warm atmosphere of the classroom.5. Yi Qijun (Marxist College, Professor Course: Marx's Fundamentals)Teacher lectures focused, teaching clear, serious and responsible, rigorous, patient, rich in content, involving a very wide range of content.Classroom atmosphere is very good, always able to teach content and social reality together, teaching content is easy to understand.用英语对老师的评价篇21, the way the teacher is very suitable for us, according to the knowledge structure of the course features, focused, structured. Theory and practice, through examples to make knowledge more structured. But the speed of teaching a bit faster, too late to record.2, the teacher lectures organized, focused, the students are both enthusiastic and strict, you learn from the example of teachers.3, the teacher class is sometimes very humorous, and sometimes very strict, but still very professing style, may wish to listen to it! We worship him Oh!Attention to inspire and mobilize the enthusiasm of the students, the classroom atmosphere is more active; class example is rich, patiently, carefully explain, so that students gain some knowledge of the students to learn, to be able to understand the students' life; ; Half of the serious and neat, correcting the work seriously and timely attention to explain students prone to error; the most important is that teachers can be open and listen to the views of students and feedback, so that timely correction and adjustment of their teaching. In short, the teacher is a rare good teachers.5, the teacher for teaching a serious and responsible, vividlanguage, structured clarity, for example, fully appropriate, strict requirements for students to be able to encourage students to speak, the classroom atmosphere more active and enthusiastic.6, the classroom content is substantial, simple and clear, so that students can easily grasp the knowledge.7, rich and effective teaching content, the teaching process to respect the students, and sometimes some foreign humor, popular with students welcome.8, the teacher serious teaching, classroom efficiency, teaching content in detail, most of our students can follow the teacher thinking of learning, active atmosphere, the whole class down there to harvest, joy, people interested in this course.9, the beginning of the course when the thickness of the textbook was really shocked, although it is now under the outline of the teacher out of the grasp of the key, still not very confident of their own. I think electronic teaching is a good way to thin the textbooks, show the essence of things in front of us, so that everyone's learning and review more targeted, but also enhance the confidence of everyone to learn this course . Thank the teacher in his busy schedule to make a beautiful courseware, it helps us to learn very large.10, the teacher in school witty and interesting, he is good at using concise language will be difficult to understand the complex process formula clear and clear expression. Lecture content is compact, rich, with a large number of examples and exercises, is very conducive to students in a relatively short period of time to master classroom content.用英语对老师的评价篇31, you are a good teacher. You are very lively and interesting lectures, the students can not answer the question, the teacheron the metaphor of a variable Chen, often amused us laugh; you do things meticulous, each class has any contradictions, you always patient education. You write on the blackboard than we wrote in the handsome miles; your Mandarin is also very standard, some students do not say the standard, you patiently give him correction. When you brush the toilet, you are always full of dirty work tired of life; life you often teach us some of the truth. We must learn from you! I hope that after you assign operations, sub-grade, so that each student is more progress, okay? "2, "the collective honor to you is so important for you.For your discipline, your lips are bubbling.For our study, you always sacrifice rest time, for those students learning difficulties make up classes.You are also very concerned about our I am sick, you go to the hospital to see me, encourage me to peace of mind recuperate.If you can every lesson and open class as exciting, then you are the best teachers under the sun!3, "the classroom, your vivid language, fluent Mandarin, full of emotional reading, are deeply attracted to us; labor, you are not afraid of dirty dirty tired style, deeply affected us; work, you Seriously attentive attitude, but also set an example for us.Teacher, listening to your husky voice for our class, I really want to say to you: "If you criticize us, the sound is lower, less fat fire , A little less gas, then your voice will be very sweet! "Chen, you say right? "4, "This semester, you a little more humorous than the past, the students are also more gentle, but you do not bored in the heart of the fire, forget your vivid explanation of the classroom, so that we learn the knowledge of happiness; You can not forget the computer room, you patiently guide us into the magical Eera.In short, in our hearts, you are a "full-scale development" of the word, Good teacher, I hope you have any trouble and happy, and we share with you, okay? "5, "the teacher, you approachable, whether in class or in class, you are particularly cordial." "Teacher, you are always very considerate of us, when we have difficulties in learning, you always take the trouble to us Explain, do not complain at all "6, "Teacher, you have drag hall problems.You know? When the bell rings, our attention is no longer focused." "Teacher, you sometimes impatient"7, "Every class in our class is the first, the teacher 's credit is the biggest." "Zhang teacher came early every day." "Zhang is a love of reading." "Hope Zhang teacher long hair. "I hope Miss Zhang will ask questions after the students who do not raise their hands." "Hope that Zhang will not stay in school every day." "Hope Zhang will not cry after.8, "Zhu dignified and simple, serious and responsible work, a rare day off, treat the friendly attitude of the students kind. Some words do not know how to say, or I write a few things now!I heard that Zhu taught us this year, mathematics, can we bad music, and tell the truth, we most like to listen to the lesson of Mr. Zhu. Zhu teacher always smiling face, full of energy. Speaking is always clear and easy to understand, sounds appealing. Listening to her lectures, we feel both relaxed and happy, but also increase knowledge. 40 minutes of a class, often unknowingly passed.用英语对老师的评价篇4__老师讲课以电子为主,课间详细,讲授认真,兼有课堂教学,内容丰富以最好的方式使学生接受,吸收知识,教学方式独特,很有吸引力。

学生评价老师英文作文英文:As a student, I believe that evaluating teachers is an important aspect of the educational experience. It allowsus to provide feedback to our teachers and help themimprove their teaching methods. In my opinion, there are several key factors that make a great teacher.Firstly, a great teacher is knowledgeable. They have a deep understanding of the subject matter and are able to explain it in a way that is easy for students to understand. They are also able to answer questions and provideadditional resources to help students learn.Secondly, a great teacher is passionate about teaching. They are enthusiastic about the subject matter and are able to convey that enthusiasm to their students. This helps to create a positive learning environment and encourages students to engage with the material.Finally, a great teacher is approachable. They are open to feedback and are willing to work with students to help them succeed. They are also able to create a supportive classroom environment where students feel comfortableasking questions and sharing their thoughts.中文:作为一名学生,我认为评价老师是教育经验中的重要方面。

学生评价老师(大学英语作文)(5篇)第一篇:学生评价老师(大学英语作文)一、A great change is now taking place in higher education throughout our country.Teachers are being held responsible as never before for how well they serve their students.It has become as common in colleges and universities for students to grade teachers as for teachers to grade students.In some universities students'rating has even become the only source of information on teaching effectiveness.一个伟大的变化是现在发生在高等教育在我们的国家。
This, however, has caused great controversy.Some are in favor of the rating system.They hold that since students attend the teachers classes everyday, they should have their opinion about their teachers' effectiveness.Others, on the contrary, are strongly against it.They think that students'rating is easy to administer and score, but it also is easy to abuse.They believe that there is much more to teaching than what is shown on students'rating forms.Students should not be expected to judge whether the materials used are up to date or how well the teacher knows about the subject.These judgments require professional knowledge, which is best left for the teachers'colleagues.然而,这已经引起了很大的争议。
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学生评价老师(大学英语作文)一、A great change is now taking place in higher education throughout our country. Teachers are being held responsible as never before for how well they serve their students. It has become as common in colleges and universities for students to grade teachers as for teachers to grade students. In some universities students'rating has even become the only source of information on teaching effectiveness. 一个伟大的变化是现在发生在高等教育在我们的国家。
This, however, has caused great controversy. Some are in favor of the rating system. They hold that since students attend the teachers classes everyday, they should have their opinion about their teachers' effectiveness. Others, on the contrary, are strongly against it. They think that students' rating is easy to administer and score, but it also is easy to abuse. They believe that there is much more to teaching than what is shown on students' rating forms. Students should not be expected to judge whether the materials used are up to date or how well the teacher knows about the subject.These judgments require professional knowledge, which is best left for the teachers' colleagues.然而,这已经引起了很大的争议。
I think students' rating of their teachers is necessary, but it should be conducted in a way that can really shed meaningful light on teachers'performance. Instead of rating the teachers' knowledge on the subject, students should be asked to estimate what they themselves have leaned in a course, and to report on such things as a teacher's ability to communicate with students, his relationship with students, and his ability to arouse interest in the subject.我认为学生评级的教师是必要的,但是它应该被进行,能真正揭示教师有意义的性能。
二、Nowadays, it has become as common in colleges and universities for students to grade teachers as for teachers to grade students. In some universities students’rating has even become the only source of information on teaching effectiveness. 如今,在高校和大学里学生给老师评分已经变得跟老师给学生评分一样普遍。
This, however, has caused great controversy. Some are in favor of the rating system, They hold that since students attend the teachers’ classes every day, theyshould have their opinion about their teachers’ effectiveness. Others, on the contrary, are strongly against it. They believe that there is much more to teaching than what is shown on students’ rating forms. Students should not be expected to judge whether the materials they use are up to date or how well the teacher knows about the subject. These judgments require professional knowledge, which is best left for the teachers’ colleagues.然而,这也引起了很大的争议。
I think students’ rating of their teachers is necessary, but it should beconducted in a way that can really shed meaningful light on teachers’performance. Instead of ra ting the teachers’ knowledge on the subject, students should be asked to estimate what they have learned in a course, and to report on such things as a teacher’s ability to communicate with students, his or her relationship with students, and his or her ability to arouse students’ interest in the subject.我认为学生给老师评分是必要的,但是应该选定一种确实能够考量教师表现的合适的方式。
而不是让学生来评定教师的专业知识三、Should Teachers Be Evaluated by Students?学生应不应该对老师进行评价?Teachers often get a chance to evaluate their students.Now the situation has changed.Schools allow students to evaluate the work of their teachers.This causes discussions about whether teachers should be evaluated by students.The views vary from person to person, and I prefer to say yes to this act because it provides a good way for teachers to learn their disadvantages and improve the quality of teaching.老师经常有机会评价学生。
Firstly, it’s a good way for students to express their opinions about teachers and lectures.From the expression, teachers can learn their advantages and disadvantages, which is important to improve their teaching skills.Secondly, students often evaluate teachers by doing some questionnaires, which are questions and selections on the paper, ranging from teachers skills to homework arrangement.Teachers can get much useful information from these questionnaires.Besides, the evaluated result will be submitted to school leaders who will judge whether the teacher is qualified ornot.Finally, students will be motivated to pay more attention during classes and to listen to lectures more regularly, since they will be asked to give their own opinions about what they’ve heard.Of course, when students do the evaluations, they should be objective and impartial so that the evaluated result can be more useful and persuasive.首先,这是学生表达他们对老师和课堂的看法的一个好途径。