高一英语必修4 unit1基础知识测试题(有答案)
高中英语 必修4 Unit 1《Women of Achievement》单元同步测试(含答案解析)

高中英语必修4Unit1《WomenofAchievement》单元同步测试(含答案解析)一、基础测试A.单词拼写请根据汉语提示或首字母写出单词的正确形式1.I’vea onlyhalfofwhatI’dhopedtodo.2.Youcangooutonc thatyouwearanovercoat.3.Shed allhereffortstohertask.4.Thepoliceo themanenterthebank.5.Wea withthewaiteraboutthepriceofthemeal.6.Willyou (支持)meinmycampaignforelection?7.He’sinvolvedinthe(组织)ofanewclub.8.Shewasashamedofherchildren’sbad(举止).9.Hefellinthewater,muchtothe (开心)ofthechildren.10.Didyou (传递)mymessagetomyfather?B.句型转换根据A句句义,用适当的句型或短语完成B句,使其句义相同或相近。
11.A:ItoccurredtomethatIhadleftmydictionaryathome.B:It_______methatIhadleftmydictionaryathome.12.A:Motherseemedtoknowthat.B:It_______thatmother________that.13.A:Ateacherobservedherclimboverthegate.B:Shewasobserved________________overthegatebytheteacher.14.A:Hewasabletoreturnhomeonlywhenthewarwasoverin1945.B:Onlywhenthewarwasoverin1945______________________toreturnhome.15.A:Hedecidedtostudyhardthisterm.B:He______________tostudyhardthisterm.C.完成句子16.Britain______________(作战)theUSintheWarofIndependence;theAmericanswere_______________(作战)theirfreedom.17.Hehas____________________________(献身于)helpingblindpeople.18.Iam_______________(决心)goandnothingwillstopme.19.HastheMinisterofForeignAffairs___________________(联络)theAmericanPresidentyet?20.Thebeautifulpicture_____________________(吸引了我的注意).二、单项填空21.Idon’tmindwhattimetomorrowyouarriveatmyplace___________youpromisetocomeandhelpme.A.onconditionthatB.sofarasC.aswellasD.asgoodas22.WallaceandDa rwindidn’tagree_____differentformsoflifehadbegunA.withthepersonwhoseB.onthewayinwhichC.onthewaywhichD.totheplantowhich23.Thesellerwouldselltheskirtfor50dollars,butthecustomer___onlyhalftheprice,andfinallytheyagreed____theprice.A.supplied;onB.charged;onC.offered;withD.offered;on24.Thelawyerwassokindthathedevotedallhissparetimehehad______thedisabled.A.tohelpingB.helpedC.helpingD.tohelp25.—Whyhaven’tyouboughtanybutter?—I___________tobutIforgotaboutit.A.likedB.wishedC.meantD.expected26.Onlybyshoutingatthetopofhisvoice .A.hewasabletomakehimselfhearB.hewasabletomakehimselfheardC.washeabletomakehimselfhearD.washeabletomakehimselfheard27.ItwasonlywhenIreadthisstoryforasecondtime________toappreciateitsbeauty.A.didIbeginB.thatIbeganC.thenIbeganD.hadIbegun28.Onlyafter didpeopleknowitwasnotanaccident,butanattackofsomekind.A.thesecondtoweroftheWorldTradeCentrewashitB.didthesecondtoweroftheWorldTradeCentrefallC.wasthesecondtoweroftheWorldTradeCentrehitD.thesecondtoweroftheWorldTradeCentrewasfallen29.Whatsurprisedmewasnotwhathesaidbut________hesaidit.A.thewayB.inthewaythatC.inthewayD.thewaywhich30.It’snousetryingtosolveproblems________.Talksaretheonlysolution.A.bythewayofwarB.byforceC.bycommunicationD.bymeans 31.EversincetheGreensmovedtothecountryayearago,they________betterhealth.A.areenjoyingB.havebeenenjoyingC.couldhaveenjoyedD.hadenjoyed32.I’mgladtoseethatyou________alotofprogresssinceI______youlast.A.willmake;havemetB.havebeenmaking;metC.hadmade;metD.havemade;meeting33.SheknowssomuchaboutEngland.She therebefore.A.mustbeB.mustliveC.musthavebeenD.musthavelivedin34.—Wouldyouliketocometomybirthdayparty?—________togoto.Atwhattimewillitstart?A:I’mverywillingB:I’mtoowillingC:I’msorryIhavenotimeD:Ihate35.Itwas__________computergamesthatcosttheboyalotoftimeheoughttohavespentonhislessons.A.havingplayedB.tohaveplayedC.playingD.played三、完形填空阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从36-55各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳答案。

⼈教版⾼中英语必修四Unit1单元测试题及答案解析⼈教版⾼中英语必修四第⼀单元测试卷Unit 1 Women of achievement⼀、单项选择21. -What does your brother look like?-__________.A. He likes watching TV.B. He is disappointed.C. He is warm-hearted.D. He is tall and thin, with brown hair.22. The Smiths moved back to the country in _____ 1990s and have been leading ______happy life ever since.A. the; aB. the; 不填C. 不填;aD. 不填;不填23. It was really ________ of your brother not to play the guitar while you were preparingyour lessons.A. modestB. outspokenC. considerateD. determined24. The organization, ________ goal is mainly to improve women’s position in theworkplace, was founded in 1996.A. whoseB. of whichC. whatD. of what25. -A naught boy kept talking in class.-Are you _________ Mike? It’s just like him to be so rude!A. coming acrossB. looking down toC. looking forward toD. referring to26. At that time, education __________ for white settlers only and few black people hadthe chance to go to school.A. intendedB. was intendingC. had intendedD. was intended27. Judging from the __________ look of the students, the professor must be giving areally _________ speech.A. inspiring; inspiredB. inspired; inspiringC. inspiring; inspiringD. inspired; inspired28. My cousin Jim didn’t ________ himself at the party and thus left a very bad impressionon the guests.A. behaveB. observeC. supportD. respect29. Please leave us your name and address and we’ll have all the goods ________ to your door.A. deliverB. deliveringC. deliveredD. to deliver30. -Don’t forget to check behind the car before you move off.-OK,I _________.A. don’tB. won’tC. willD. do31. Don’t wake Doctor Thompson up unless it is a real ________; he is too tired and needsa good rest.A. campaignB. emergencyC. argumentD. connection32. Hurry up, boys. Only at this rate _______ able to afford a holiday.A. we may beB. may we beC. we can beD. can we be33. It was the hard work and determination of the generation _________ had changed theopinion of people towards Chinese.A. whyB. whenC. thatD. which34. -If ________ I’m not in when Mary calls, can you take a message?-Of course.A. in returnB. on purposeC. by chanceD. in time35. Scientists across the world ________ for many years about whether the planet containslarge amounts of water.A. argueB. are arguingC. had arguedD. have been arguing⼆、完形填空A daughter complained to her father about how hard her life was. She was 36 and wanted to give up.Her father filled three pots with 37 and placed them on the fire. The daughter looked at him in a strange way, 38 what he was trying to do. He then put carrots, eggs and coffee beans in each pot respectively without saying a word. Half an hour later, he 39 the fire. He pulled the carrots and eggs 40 and placed them in two bowls. Then he poured the coffee in another bowl.He asked his daughter to feel the 41 . She did and 42 that they were soft. He then asked her to take an egg and 43 it. After pulling off the shell, she observed the hard-boiled egg. Finally, he asked her to 44 the coffee. She frowned at the strength of the coffee.45 , she asked, “What does it mean, Father?”He explained, “Each of them 46 the same 100 degrees of boiling water. 47 , each reacted differently.”“After going through the boiling water, the carrots became 48 . An egg is easy to 49 . But now its inside has become hardened. The coffee beans were 50 . After they were in the boiling water, they became stronger and richer.Which are you? 51 adversity knocks on your door, you should act like the coffee bean. The bean does not get its wonderful 52 until it reaches 100 degrees. When the water gets the 53 , it just tastes better. When things are at their worst and 54 are at their greatest, you should make more effort. Then you will win success. 55 , you will become soft with no strength like carrots or hardened like eggs with a stiff heart.Jason had been watching the X Games on TV. Athletes from all over the world were competing in the most amazing sports. Just then his grandmother walked into the room. “I want to be extreme. Would you really let me do that? You always worry about my safety!”said Jason.“You will have to follow some rules,” said his grandmother. “You can only ride in the park---never on the streets. You have to promise to wear a helmet. If you hurt yourself too much, I have the right to take your skateboard away. Is it a deal?”“You bet!” Jason was so excited that he jumped off the sofa. A week later he had a board and a helmet.On Saturday, his grandmother dropped him off near the park. He was happy to have a grandmother who let him try new things.Kids in the park were moving quickly up and down the ramps. They flew into the air and landed as easily as birds. When he watched the X games, Jason felt like he was doing the tricks himself. But watching these kids up close, he knew that none of it was going to be easy. He felt a little bit scared.Very slowly he carried his board to the ramp. Taking a deep breath, he put his right foot on the board. He kicked off with his left foot. For a few seconds he glided along, just waiting to fall. Then he came to a stop. Kicking off again, he waited for the worst to happen. Again, he stayed up. The third time he kicked, lost his balance, and fell hard on his left knee.It hurt, but it was no big deal! Why had he been so scared? Now he felt calm because things had gone wrong, and he was fine!Next time, he kicked off harder and went fast and farther. “Excellent!” said a girl as she passedhim. “Extreme!” laughed Jason to himself. “Not quite.”56. Jason’s grandmother agreed to let him try skateboarding unless ________.A. he finished his homeworkB. he liked the sportC. he observed some rulesD. he won a bet57. Jason jumped off the sofa because _________.A. he was allowed to go skateboardingB. he was angry at his grandmotherC. he was going to play outsideD. he was given a board and a helmet58. After watching the kids skateboarding in the park, Jason felt skateboarding was ________.A. easyB. difficultC. boringD. exciting59. The girl praised Jason for his ________.A. skillB. honestyC. courageD. kindnessB.Jody Williams was born in Vermont in 1950. Like many teenagers of her generation, she became devoted to the idea of peace while being against the war in Vietnam when young. In late 1991, Bobby Muller, president of the Vietnam Veterans of America Foundation, called Williams to see if she was interested in working together to ban landmines worldwide. She was glad to make use of the opportunity to persuade non-governmental organizations to support this worthwhile idea. Millions of landmines remain buried in the ground in countries around the world long after the wars in which they were used have ended.In October 1992, the International Campaign to Ban Landmines (ICBL) was formally set up. The ICBL called for an end to the use, production, and trade of landmines. As the campaign’s leader, Williams wrote and spoke widely on the landmine problem and the need for a total ban.Together with Shawn Roberts, she wrote a book that described the hidden costs of landmine use, such as the long-term effects of landmines. The landmines mean that people cannot travel or work safely. Land goes unused, causing unemployment and poverty. There is also the huge cost of treating landmine victims.Their efforts were rewarded in 1996, when a meeting hosted by the Canadian government agreed to write out an international treaty banning landmines. In December 1997, the treaty was signed, with the support of 122 countries. In five years, Jody Williams and the ICBL have achieved their goal of introducing a landmine ban. The Norwegian Nobel Prize Committee awarded Williams and the ICBL the Nobel Peace Prize in the same year.To date, more than 156 countries have signed the landmine ban treaty.60. Which of the following is not true according to the passage?A. Jody Williams served during the war in Vietnam.B. Bobby Muller put forward the idea of banning landmines.C. Jody Williams is 62 years old now.D. 122 countries signed the landmine ban treaty in 1997.61. Jody Williams’ book is about ________.A. how to reduce the bad effects of landminesB. what the possible bad effects of landmines areC. how much it costs to remove the hidden landminesD. what the government can do to remove the hidden landmines62. An international treaty banning landmines was made in ________.A. 1991B. 1992C. 1996D. 199763. What’s the correct order of the following events?a. The International Campaign to Ban Landmines (ICBL) was officially set up?b. Bobby Muller called Williams to tell about his great idea.c. Over 156 countries signed the landmine ban treaty.d. Jody Williams received the Nobel Peace Prize.A. badcB. abcdC. bdacD. acbdC.He slept in my arms last night, with his little head on my shoulder. I stayed awake listening to his breathing. He smiled in his sleep, and I wondered what could be funny to a one-year-old baby. I could sense the safety he felt.However, my home life is completely different from the scene that greets me each morning at work. As a lawyer at Eastlake Juvenile Court, I always see kids that society has labeled the worst of the worst, the “thief”, the “robber”, the list goes on. But they are still children. As I sit across from them, I have a chance to talk to them about their lives, their homes, and their dreams. I sit through tears, I sit through anger, but mostly I sit through hurt. I see their parents, most of whom sit in the hallways day after day wanting to take their kids home. I also see mothers and fathers that come to the court ready to walk away from their children forever. Each day I see hope destroyed.Every day when I go home, I hold my children tightly in my arms and say “I love you”over and over again. I live in two worlds, one of promise, one of tragedy. No matter what they are accused of, what crimes they have carried out and what society thinks of them, they are our children and our future.64. The author mentions her son in Paragraph 1 mainly to tell readers _________.A. her son is lovelyB. it’s hard to raise a childC. what leads children to break lawsD. children should be taken good care of65. The underlined word “labeled” in Paragraph 2 can best be replaced by ____.A. describedB. praisedC. chosenD. designed66. What’s the author’s attitude towards the children who break laws.A. Relaxed.B. AngryC. Hopeful.D. Doubtful.四、短⽂填词Though my father is now in his late forties, he looksyoung for his a______. He is very strict with me, especially 67.________in my studies. B______ I know he loves me deeply in his 68.________heart. I remember that once I f_______ to do well in my math 69.________exam. I was afraid that ______ would make my father angry 70.________and ________(失望). To my surprise, he said I had tried my best 71._________and offered me a few words to ______(⿎励)me. He told me 72._________that there is no _____(需要)to feel bad about one or two 73.________failures and the most i_____ thing is to learn something from 74.________failure and never give _____. Today is Father’s Day and I 75.________want to say thank you _____ my father. 76.________五、书⾯表达北京师范⼤学著名教授于丹将受邀来你校讲学。

必修四unit1 单词短语基础专练一短语1.妇科病专家 2. 致力于3.为了做…而斗争4.管好自己,规矩一点5.处死,处决6.离开,启程7.做…是值得的8.观察某人在做某事9. 算出,解决,弄明白10. 继续,坚持做某事11与某人争论某事12.使---- 不生病13.涌上心头(脑海)14.高考15.向某人解释某事16.与…交流17.蔑视某人18. 查阅,参考,提到19. 专为…而设计20.偶然遇见,碰见.二:语法和词汇知识1. At home, he keeps some pets,to which he ______ all his spare time.A. spendsB. offersC. devotesD. provides2. She’s tired of acting, and she ____ changing for a new job, but she hasn’t decided yet.A. had consideredB. has been consideringC. consideredD. is going to consider3. Michael is ______ because he never takes any exercise.A. under conditionB. on no conditionC. in conditionD. out of condition4. The flowers ___ my mother, but my sister thought they were for her and took them.A. were intended forB. intended forC. intended to giveD. intended giving5. She won a Nobel Prize for her scientific ______.A. interestsB. achievementsC. behaviorD. observation6. What he said at the meeting means _______ those who had cut down the forests.A. to argue againstB. to argue forC. arguing forD. arguing against7. Though we spent a lot, we think it _____ because we succeeded in the end.A. worthB. worth being spentC. worthy ofD. worthwhile8. Don’t ______ a person only because he has failed in an examination.A. look upB. look downC. look down onD. look up to9. You’ve done much of the work, and please leave ______ to us.A. the restB. the otherC. anotherD. the others10. I really ______ whether we win or lose.A. care aboutB. care forC. careD. care to11. On the bus, all the people except the driver ______ to talk and laugh during the journey.A. encouragedB. were encouragingC. were encouragedD. wasencouraged12. Don’t spoil the children. Can’t you make your little boy ______ himself?A. behaveB. believeC. performD. conduct13. Only ______ a human being.A. when is it hungry a lion will attackB. when it is hungry a lion will attackC. when it is hungry will a lion attackD. when is it hungry will a lion attack14. A good idea just ______ me —Let’s go swimming.A. beatB. happenedC. hitD. drive15. It _____ at the crossroads ______ he was killed in the accident the other day.A. is; thatB. was; thatC. is; whereD. was; where三:单词拼写。

人教版必修四unit1单元测试及答案一、单项填空(共15小题; 每小题1分, 满分15分)1.— ______—She’s thin and tall with long hair.A. What’s she like?B. What is she?C. What does she look like?D. What does she like?2. Though he is ______ orphan, he is leading ______ happy life.A. an; theB. an; /C. /; aD. an; a3. This job is ______ doing, but it isn’t ______ to spend so much time on it.A. worth; worthB. worth; worthwhileC. worthwhile; worthD. worthwhile; worthwhile4. China launched a remote-sensing satellite, Yaogan VIII on December 15th and it was a great scientific ______.A. campaignB. discoveryC. surpriseD. achievement5. My family ______ all teachers and each ______ English.A. is; teachesB. are; teachC. is; teachD. are; teaches6. Children who ______ well will be given a red flower and an apple as encouragement.A. behaveB. proveC. showD. look7. While looking for a book, I ______ this old photo taken in college.A. came intoB. came acrossC. came upD. came out8. She is so ______ towards her employees that they all respect her.A. consideringB. considerableC. consideredD. considerate9. This picture book is intended ______ the children who begin to learn Chinese words.A. toB. withC. forD. in10. The milk along with eggs ______ from the farm nearby.A. was deliveredB. was deliveringC. were deliveringD. were delivered11. The officials ______ the problem where the city park should be built for a few hours,but they didn’t reach any agreement.A. explainedB. communicatedC. arguedD. shared12. Only ______ allowed to take part in the speech contest in our class and so the rest ______ disappointed.A. was John; wereB. John was; wereC. was John; wasD. John was; was13. Please ______ the instructions for the way to take the medicine.A. look upB. point toC. refer toD. turn to14. Although we have only met ______, I find we have a lot in common.A. from time to timeB. in timeC. by chanceD. over and over again15. Look out! The ice here is not thick enough to ______ you.A. acceptB. supportC. carryD. weigh二、完形填空(共20小题; 每小题1.5 分, 满分30分)Three years ago, I had a job in a retail store (零售店). I 16 to talk to everybody and know what was going on in their 17 . I remember a girl who started 18 there a few months after me. We seldom talked but we always 19 each other and smiled.She always smiled in a really happy way 20 one day when we got to work in the 21 department. She smiled as if she was the 22 girl in the world. I went up to her and asked, “What’s wrong with you?” She answered, “Why?” I said, “I could feel you’re very 23 , but you’re always trying to 24 it.”Her mouth just dropped as if I had 25 her deepest secret, so we started talking. She told me 26 she was feeling unhappy and why she was trying to 27 that nothing was wrong. Time went by and we became good friends. She’d always tell me I had 28 her life in so many ways.Today that girl is one of my best 29 . I really don’t know what I would do 30 her. She has been there for me in every 31 way a friend could be.What I’m trying to say is that you never know 32 you’re helping yourself. I helped this girl never knowing that at the same time I was helping myself by finding a 33 friend.So the next time you see a 34 and he needs someone who will 35 to him, wait and let him say what he wants to say. You never know, you might just end up helping yourself.16. A. managed B. intended C. remembered D. liked17. A. lives B. jobs C. studies D. marriages18. A. shopping B. talking C. going D. working19. A. assisted B. looked at C. realized D. stared at20. A. though B. since C. until D. unless21. A. similar B. nearby C. same D. different22. A. quietest B. happiest C. busiest D. luckiest23. A. sad B. angry C. happy D. surprised24. A. keep B. stop C. hide D. show25. A. caught B. discovered C. controlled D. checked26. A. when B. how C. why D. what27. A. pretend B. become C. make D. admit28. A. protected B. recovered C. supported D. changed29. A. customers B. friends C. neighbors D. classmates30. A. without B. for C. upon D. with31. A. simple B. possible C. strange D. perfect32. A. before B. since C. because D. when33. A. truthful B. useful C. hopeful D. careful34. A. stranger B. worker C. passenger D. visitor35. A. belong B. refer C. listen D. turn三、阅读理解(共20小题; 每小题2分, 满分40分)ALast week, I took my children to a restaurant. My six-year-old son asked me if he could pray (祈祷). As we bowed our heads, he said, “God is good. God is great. Thank you for the food, and I would even thank you more if Mom gets us ice cream. And liberty and justice for all! Amen!”Along with the laughter from the other customers nearby, I heard a woman saying, “That’s what’s wrong with this country. Kids today even don’t know how to pray. Asking Go d for ice cream! Why? I never!”Hearing this, my son burst into tears and asked me, “Did I do it wrong? Is God mad at me?”As I told him that he had done a good job and God was certainly not mad at him, an elderly gentleman came to the table. He said, “I happen to know that God thought you were a great prayer.”“Really?” my son asked.“I’m sure,” the man replied.Then he added, “The woman never asks God for ice cream. A little ice cream is good for the soul (心灵) sometimes.”Naturally, I bought my kids ice creams at the end of the meal. My son stared at it for a moment, and then did something I will never forget for the rest of my life. He picked up his ice cream and, without a word, walked over and placed it in front of the woman. With a big smile he told her, “Here, this is for you. Ice cream is good for the soul sometimes, and my soul is good already.”36. The woman thought that ______.A. the boy was too young to prayB. the boy shouldn’t ask God for ice creamC. there’s something wrong with the bo yD. the boy should keep silent before the meal37. The boy cried because ______.A. he didn’t get the ice cream he asked forB. his mother was angry with himC. the other customers laughed at himD. it was rude to ask God for ice cream38. In the a uthor’s culture, it is common that ______.A. people pray before mealsB. people ask God for certain food when prayingC. ice cream is served before mealsD. children needn’t pray before meals39. Why did the boy give the woman his ice cream?A. He thought her soul was not good enough.B. He didn’t like eating ice cream.C. He ordered the ice cream for her.D. He wanted to make the woman happy.BOur cat has a sweet nature, and she can let us know what she wants. When we fail to meet her needs, she gently leads us in the proper direction. When I forget to fill her water bowl early in the morning, she runs after my legs, and then pushes me in the direction of her bowl. She doesn’t get irritated(生气的); instead, she expresses her wishes in the best way. And I always understand what she is telling me.One day I found myself envying(羡慕) her simple expression. How many times had I expected my husband or my children to know my wants without my ever giving voice to them? How many times had I been disappointed that they couldn’t understand when I needed a hug, a compliment (恭维) or a chocolate bar?After a pleasant afternoon with my husband, I wanted to stop somewhere nice and have dinner, but he didn’t understand my hints (暗示). “Couldn’t you see that I wanted to go out to dinner?” I complained when he pulled into our driveway.“Why didn’t you say so? I can’t read your mind,” he answered in impatience. His words gave me pause. Had I expected him to read my mind? Why hadn’t I expressed my desire more clearly?I realized I had fallen into the female trap of “If you love me, you can read my mind.”Now, I state my needs clearly and directly. I look at my cat and know she agrees.40. Why was the author disappointed in her husband or her children?A. Her husband didn’t give her a hug.B. Her children didn’t give her a chocolate bar.C. They didn’t give her a compliment.D. They didn’t understand her mind.41. What will the author do if she wants something from her husband now?A. She will give him her hints.B. She lets him guess what she wants.C. She tells him her needs directly.D. She buys what she wants herself.42. What can we learn from the underlined sentence in the fourth paragraph?A. I realized what I did was wrong.B. I stopped and didn’t go with my husband.C. My husband prevented me from going on.D. My husband stopped me from saying something.43. What would be the best title of the text?A. How does a cat ask for something?B. Learn how to read your ca t’s mindC. A lesson from a catD. Guess what others thinkCThis horse-riding and Spanish cooking break promises a learning holiday with a difference. Just over an hour’s drive from three key Spanish cities, you’ll stay in a 150-year-old farm which has fruit trees, a vegetable garden and a beautiful swimming pool.Cooking & Horse-Riding CoursesCooking lessons are suitable for all levels of cooking experience. All cooking classes are taught in English. As Chef Clive has been in England for twenty years, he speaks English well. You’ll learn to cook some delicious Spanish dishes.The horse-riding course is suitable for advanced riders who want to improve their skills. There are 20 horses aged from one month to 20 years. They are well-trained and suitable for all levels of riders. Horse-riding lessons are given in English, French and Spanish.Horse-Riding & Spanish Cooking Class Itinerary (旅行指南)Day 1: You can arrive any day of the week you choose. You may check-in anytime after 2pm of the day.Day 2: Enjoy a breakfast and then you will have 2 horse-riding lessons lasting 1 hour each. In the afternoon, you are free and may want to spend your time by the pool or take a walk around the village. Later in the day, you’ll take your cooking course where you’ll learn to make a Spanish meal.Day 3: After your breakfast, you will spend 3 hours riding through the hills with your instructor and fellow riders. Then in the afternoon you have some time to explore the region further or sim ply rest your legs by the pool. Then you can enjoy your dinner in one of the town’s restaurants.Day 4: After breakfast, guests are asked to check-out of their rooms ready for leaving with two new skills and valuable memories.44. What is the main focus of the holiday?A. Enjoying scenery.B. Learning skills.C. Studying foreign cultures.D. Visiting historical sites.45. What can we learn about the horse-riding course?A. It is suitable for all levels of riders.B. It is taught only in English.C. It offers horses of different ages.D. Each lesson lasts half an hour.46. On the evening of day 3, we are advised to ______.A. take the Spanish cooking courseB. go shopping in the nearby townC. have dinner at a local restaurantD. relax by the swimming pool47. On which day is the breakfast not served on the farm?A. The first day.B. The second day.C. The third day.D. The fourth day.DMother Teresa, whose name was Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu, was born on August 26th, 1910 in Skopje, Macedonia. She always wrote her birthday as 27th of August because it was the day of her baptism (洗礼), which was always more important to her than her birthday. For her work with the poor around the world, she received the 1979 Nobel Peace Prize.In 1928, she accepted a religious order and took the name Teresa. The order immediately sent her to India. A few years later, she began teaching in Calcutta. In 1948 the Catholic (天主教的) Church agreed her request and let her enter the convent (女修道院) and she began to work for the poor people. She became an Indian citizen in the following year. In 1950, she set up a religious organization in Calcutta. The organization provided food for the poor people and then she set up hospitals, schools, youth centers, and homes for the sick and the dying poor. It now has branches in 50 Indian cities and 30 other countries.Besides the 1979 Nobel Peace Prize, Mother Teresa has received other awards for her work with the poor people.On September 5th, 1997, Mother Teresa passed away, but she will continue to inspire people all over the world through her lasting present of love and faith. Mother Teresa often reminded the world that she was a nun (修女), not a social worker, and that prayer and communication with God were at the deepest heart of her every action.48. From the text we can infer that Mother Teresa ______.A. had her name Teresa when she was very youngB. devoted herself to the poor all her lifeC. was born in India and lived there for most of her timeD. received the Nobel Peace Prize in her early sixties49. Which of the following is the correct order of Teresa’s experiences?a. She became an Indian citizen.b. She began to work for the poor.c. She began teaching in Calcutta.d. She became a nun.e. She set up a religious organization.A. c-b-d-a-eB. c-d-b-a-eC. a-b-d-c-eD. a-c-b-d-e50. Why does the author say “She will continue to inspire people all over the world”?A. She was good at praying and communicating with God.B. She was not a social worker but a loyal nun for all people.C. She received the 1979 Nobel Peace Prize and other awards.D. Her love to the poor and faith will be kept in people’s heart.51. The author writes this text mainly to ______.A. let us know Mother Teresa was a great womanB. tell us Mother Teresa received the Nobel Peace PrizeC. give us some information about Mother TeresaD. prove that a woman can also do great work for the poorEIf your clothes don’t match, someone might laugh at you about being color-blind. It doesn’t mean you can’t see any color at all, like a black and white movie. It means that you have trouble in seeing the difference between certain colors.Being color-blind can make it tricky to matc h your shirt and pants, but it’s not a serious problem. People who are color-blind can do normal things, even drive. Most color-blind people can’t tell the difference between red and green, but they can learn to respond to traffic signals. The red light is generally on top and green is at the bottom.To understand what causes color blindness, you need to know about the cones (锥体) in your eyes. You have “red,” “blue,” and “green” cones, which are sensitive to those colors and combinations (组合) of them. When your cones don’t work the right way, your brain doesn’t get the right message about which colors you’re seeing.Color blindness is almost always an inherited trait (遗传特征), which means youget it from your parents. You get inherited traits through genes, which determine every-thing about your body.Eye doctors test for color blindness by showing a picture made up of different colored dots (点). If a person can’t see the picture or number within the dots, he or she may be color-blind.Boys are far more likely to be color-blind. In fact, if you know 12 boys, one of them is probably at least a little color-blind. So girls, the next time a boy asks you if something matches, you’d better lend him a hand!52. The underlined word “tricky” in the s econd paragraph is the closest in meaning to ______.A. skillfulB. funnyC. difficultD. easy53. We can infer from the text that ______.A. boys and girls have the same chance to be color-blindB. some boys may need help in matching their clothesC. color-blind people can’t tell the difference between any colorsD. we can protect ourselves from being color-blind54. If Mr. Wang is color-blind, which of the following statements is NOT true?A. Maybe he can respond to traffic signals correctly.B. He can’t enjoy a black and white movie well.C. He has a problem in matching a white shirt with a red tie.D. He can’t see the colored dots on a piece of paper.55. Which of the following might a color-blind not tell correctly?A. White pictures.B. A black cat.C. A gray fence.D. Red apples.四、写作(共两节, 满分35分)第一节短文改错(共10小题,每题1分,满分10分)短文中共有10处错误,错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。

必修四第一单元基础练习姓名_________ 班级___________ 分数____________一.根据各题括号中所给的汉语意思,用正确的单词或短语填空。
1.We ______(争论) ahout the matter for as long as two hours without any result.2.It’s very ___________(考虑周到的)of youto meet me at the airport.3.Jim insisted that he had no _______(联系)with the failure of the experiment.4.The Red Cross started up the__________(运动;活动)to fight AIDS and care for those victims.5.Such is Albert Einstein, a simple man of great _________(成就)。
6.He _________(打算)to study abroad next year.7.Some animals usually __________(举动)strangely before an earthquake happens.8.They _____________________(过着简朴的生活)in the countryside.9.Mother Teresa won our great _________(尊敬)for her charity activities.10.We must try to _________(观察)things carefully.11.I _____________(偶遇)him yesterday.12.We’ll ___________(继续展开)our conversation tomorrow.13.Teachers should combine education with ______(娱乐),which allows students to learn in a relaxing atmosphere.14.In those days, women who worked outside were ________(瞧不起).15.His brave deeds ________(鼓舞)all of us.16.With the _______(支持)of all the society, children in those poor mountain areas managed to attend school.17.The speaker constantly__________(参看)his notes while giving the speech.18.I find delivering milk in the morning a _________(值得的)job, because I can enjoy fresh air as well as getreasonably paid.19.Taking his age into___________(考虑),the child has done enough to support his family20 The American President will ________ (发表) an important speech on human rights.二.单项填空1. China has ____ great success in IT and medicine fields.Which of the following is WRONG?A achievedB gainedC wonD completed2, I felt a great sense of ______ when I reached the top of the mountain.A successB achievementC attemptD entertainment3,Many experiments have been done to _____ their purpose.A proveB achieveC reachD make4,Don’t ______ with each other over such useless things. That is of no use to you two.A argueB sayC discussD communicate5,The students were all_____ after they heard the ______story.A inspired; inspiringB inspired ; inspiredC inspiring; inspiredD inspiring; inspiring6,It is often said that _____ teachers lead ____ very easy life.A /; anB /; aC the; anD the ;a7. The lawyer was so kind that he devoted all his spare time he had ______ the disabled.A. to helpingB. helpedC. helpingD. to help8. It was only when I read this story for a second time ________to appreciate its beauty.A. did I beginB. that I beganC. then I beganD. had I begun9.Only ______ take this bus.A children canB can childrenC children areD children are10. Only by shouting at the top of hisvoice .A. he was able to make himself hearB. he was able to make himself heardC. was he able to make himself hearD. was he able to make himself heard11.Only afterdid people know it was not an accident, but an attack of some kind.A. the second tower of the World Trade Centre was hitB. did the second tower of the World Trade Centre fall ks5uC. was the second tower of the World Trade Centre hitD. the second tower of the World Trade Centre was fallen12. Parents should educate their children to well while attending a party.A. celebrateB observeC. accept D. behave13. The doctor gave me some medicine which is ______ for my headache.A. specialB especialC unusualD puzzled14.It is ______ the trouble to explain a job fully to new employees.A. worthy takingB. worthwhile taking C worth to takeD. worthy of taking15. ----He is coming back today, isn’t he?----______. It is impossible for him to finish the work within one day.A. Not at allB. Don’t mentioned itC. I’d rather notD. I don’t think so16. After his vacation he was in fine _______both physically and mentally.A. stateB. conditionC. positionD. situation17. Pets ________ a member in families for most of the citizens.A. are considering beingB. considered beingC. considering to beD. are considered to be18. Many a student ______ the importance of learning a foreign language.A. have realized B. has realized C. have been realized D. has been realized19. The young man once took a part-time job _____ the Evening Post.A. delivered B being deliveredC delivering D to be delivered20. Johnson! I’m sorry—I_____ recognize you—you’ve worn dark glasses!A. didn’tB. won’tC. don’tD. can’t21. I wish those boys wouldn't ______ like that, it's very annoying.A. carry outB. carry offC. carry onD carry through22. The teacher asked us not to______ ours books or dictionaries when we are in the exam.A. refer toB. look upC. take upD. contribute to23. Was it at the school______was named after a hero _____he spent his childhood?A which; thatB where; whereC that; whereD which; where24.It is ______of you to prepare a good meal and warm beds for us after such a tiring trip.A considerableB considerateC generousD modest25.--How do you find the lecture by Mr. Lee?--_______.A Very boredB Very boringC In the conference hallD By bicycle三.主谓一致专项练习题1. Either Jane or Steven _____ watching TV now.A. wereB. isC. wasD. are2. Two days _______enough for me to finish the work, I need a third day.A. isn’tB. isC. are’tD. are3. —How many lessons do you usually haver a day?—Six lessons a day. And each of them _____45 minutes.A. lastB. lastsC. haveD. are4. Neither Liping nor I _______a basketball player.A. amB. isC. beD. are5. There ______ many new words in lesson one,It is very easy.A. isB. aren’tC. isn’tD. are6. The number of the students in our school ____1200.A. isB. areC. hasD. have7. Maths _______ my favourite subject.A. beB. isC. amD. are8. The boy with the two dogs _____ when the earthquake rocked the city.A. were sleepingB. is sleepingC. was sleepingD. are asle9. Everyone except Tom and John _____there when the meeting began.A. areB. isC. wereD. was10. That place is not interesting at all, ____of us wants to go there.A. NeitherB. BothC. AllD. Some11. Nobody but Jane _____ the secret.A. knowB. knowsC. have knowD. is12. —What’s on the plate? some eggs and cakes on it?—There _____some eggs and cakes on it.A. isB. areC. wasD. were13. This pair of glasses ______mine.A. areB. beC. isD. will be14. Both Lily and Lucy ______ to the party yesterday.A. invitedB. was invitedC. had invitedD. were invited15. —Two months ______quite a long time.—Yes, I’m afraid that he will miss lots of his lessons.A. isB. areC. wasD. were16. In the city the old _______.A. take good care ofB. are taken good care ofC. is taken good care ofD. are been taken good care of17. His family _____all very kind and friendly, His family ______a happy one.A. are,isB. is,isC. are,areD. is,are18. The singer and dancer _____come to Beijing.A. hasB. haveC. areD. is19. The children in this class each _____new school bag.A. haveB. hasC. has gotD. are having20. All but one _____ here just now.A. isB. wasC. has beenD. were21.Walmart, which is one of the largest American supermarket chains, _______ some of its stores open 24 hours on Mondays through Saturdays.A keepsB keepC have keptD has keptOne-third of the country _______ covered with trees and the majority of the citizens ________ black people.A is; areB is ; isC are ;areD are ; is--Why does the lake smell terrible?---Because large quantities of water ______.A have pollutedB is being pollutedC has been pollutedD have been pollutedThe teacher together with the students _______ discussing Reading Skills that ______ newly published in America.A are ; wereB is ; wereC are ; wasD is ; was-- Did you go to the show last night?---Yeah. Every boy and girl in the area _______ invited.A wereB have beenC has beenD was参考答案一.1.argued 2.considerate 3. connection 4. campaign 5.achievement6.intended7.behave8.lead a simple life9.respect 10.observe 11.came across 12.carry on 13.entertainment 14.looked down upon 15.inspired16.support 17. referred to 18.worthwhile 19.consideration 20.deliver二.1--25 DBBAA BABAD ADABD BDBCA CAABB主谓一致练习题参考答案1--25BABAB ABCDA BBCDA BAAAD AADDD。
人教版高中英语必修4 unit1单元检测(有答案)

ADr Dian Fossey, one of the world's leading women scientists, had a remarkable career. The work she devoted her life to protecting and studying the mountain gorillas (大猩猩) of Africa --- has proved highly effective and has resulted in the steady (平稳的) increase of this most endangered great apes.Fossey made her first trip to Africa in 1963. Three years later, she returned to Africa to begin a long-term study of the mountain gorillas. She set up camp in the Democratic Republic of Congo but moved to Rwanda because of political reasons in 1967.She established her "Karisoke" Research Centre camp on September 24, 1967.Fossey's aims were to study gorilla ecology (生态学)and social organization. She found that in order to achieve this, she needed to recognize individual gorillas, which required that the gorillas get used to her presence (出现). By copying gorillas' behaviour and sounds, Fossey began to gain their trust,and in 1970 an adult male gorilla she had named "Peanuts" reached out to touch her hand.Close observations over thousands of hours enabled Fossey to gain the gorillas' trust and bring forth new knowledge about their behaviour.Stories and photographs of her work were published in National Geographic Magazine and elsewhere.In 1977, one of Fossey's favorite gorillas, Digit, was killed by poachers and she established the Digit Fund lo he p raise money for gorilla protection efforts in the same year.On December 26, 1985, Fossey was murdered while going back to her house in Karisoke. Her body was discovered near the research centre. Most probably,Dian Fossey had been killed by the poachers she'd fought against.On her tombstone (墓碑) "No one loved gorillas more …"In 1988, the life and the work of Fossey were made into a movie based on her story.(1)Why does the author say that Dr Dian Fossey had a remarkable career?___ A. Because she travelled all over the world.B Because she liked to play with gorillasC. Because she studied gorilla ecologyD. Because she made great apes increase steadily.(2)Which of the following shows the right time order of the events in Fossey's life?___a. She established the Digit Fund.b. Her story was shown in a movie.c. She was killed probably by the poachers.d. She established her "Karisoke" centre.A. a. d. c. bB. a. c.d. bC. d. c. b. aD. d. a. c. b(3)The underlined word "poachers" in Paragraph 5 probably refers to people who___.A. sell drugs against the lawB. hunt animals against the lawC. hate successful peopleD. like to do harm lo people(4)From the words on Fossey's tombstone, we can infer that___.A. Fossey was the person who loved gorillas mostB. after Fossey died, no one loves gorillasC. Fossey was the first one to study gorillasD. everybody loves gorillas as Fossey didBI work with Volunteers for Wildlife, a rescue and education organization at Bailey Arboretum in Locust Valley. Trying to help injured, displaced or sick creatures can be heartbreaking;survival is never certain. However, when it works, it is simply beautiful.I got a rescue call from a woman in Muttontown. She had found a young owl(猫头鹰)on the ground. When Iarrived, I saw a 2- to 3-week-old owl. It had already been placed in a carrier for safety.I examined the chick(雏鸟)and it seemed fine. If I could locate the nest, I might have been able to put it back, but no luck. My next work was to construct a nest and anchor it in a tree.The homeowner was very helpful. A wire basket was found. I put some pine branches into the basket to make this nest safe and comfortable. I placed the chick in the nest, and it quickly calmed down.Now all that was needed were the parents, but they were absent. I gave the homeowner a recording of the hunger screams of owl chicks. These advertise the presence of chicks to adults;they might also encourage our chick to start calling as well. I gave the owner as much information as possible and headed home to see what news the night might bring.A nervous night to be sure, but sometimes the spirits of nature smile on us all!The homeowner called to say that the parents had responded to the recordings.I drove over and saw the chick in the nest looking healthy and active. And it was accompanied in the nest by the greatest sight of all—LUNCH!The parents had donetheir duty and would probably continue to do so.24.What is unavoidable in the author’s rescue work according to paragraph 1?A.Efforts made in vain.B.Getting injured in his work.C.Feeling uncertain about his future.D.Creatures forced out of their homes.25.Why was the author called to Muttontown?A.To rescue a woman.B.To take care of a woman.C.To look at a baby owl.D.To cure a young owl.26.What made the chick calm down?A.A new nest.B.Some food.C.A recording.D.Its parents.27.How would the author feel about the outcome of the event?A.It’s unexpected.B.It’s beautiful.C.It’s humorous.D.It’s discouraging.CIn the 1940s, Lena Horne was the first African--American in Hollywood to sign a long -term contract with a major movie studio. Her deal with MGM stated that she would never play the role of a servant. During this period, African--American actors were mostly limited to playing servants or African natives.But this refusal also limited her movie career. Horne was generally only offered the role of a nightclub singer. Her characters did not interact with white characters in these movies. This way, her part could be cut from the version of the movie that played in Southern States.Lena Horne later wrote that the movie producers did not make her into a servant, but they did not make her into anything else, either. Lena Horne once said that World War Two helped make her a star. She was popular with both black and white servicemen. She sang on army radio programs and traveled to perform for the troops. During one event, she noted that German prisoners of war were permitted to sit closer to the stage than black soldiers. These experiences led to Lena Horne's work in the Civil Rights Movement.She protested racial separation at the hotels where she performed. She took action so that she and her musicians would be permitted to stay in those hotels. Black musicians at the time generally stayed in black neighborhoods. Lena Horne also sang at civil rights gatherings. She took part in the March on Washington protest in 1963. It was during this event that Martin Luther King gave his “I Have a Dream” s peech.Lena Horne performed in a strong and expressive way. One expert said she was not warm and amiable like white female singers at the time. Instead, she was a fierce black woman.1. From Paragraph 2, we know that Lena Home's deal with MGM .A. won her a lot of respectB. didn't bring her any good rolesC. made her popular in the USD. made her become a famous singer2. When Lena Horne saw how German prisoners and black soldiers were seated, how did she most probably feel?A. Angry.B. Satisfied.C. Interested.D. Moved.3. Paragraph 4 mainly tells about Lena Horne's .A. hope for a bright futureB. effort she put into musicC. effort against racial separationD. relationship with Martin Luther King4. What does the underlined word “amiable” in the last paragraph mean?A. Ugly.B. Boring.C.Brave.D. Friendly.根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项。

高中英语必修四unit1试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. The teacher asked us to ______ the new words in our notebooks.A. look upB. look forC. look throughD. look after2. The book is ______ interesting that I can't put it down.A. soB. suchC. veryD. too3. He is ______ a fool as to believe such a lie.A. soB. suchC. veryD. too4. The old man ______ the letter carefully before he sealed the envelope.A. readB. lookedC. watchedD. saw5. The weather forecast says it will ______ tomorrow.A. rainB. rainyC. rainingD. be rainy6. The boy was ______ to see his mother again after a long time.A. excitingB. excitedC. excitinglyD. excitedly7. The teacher told us that the earth ______ around the sun.A. movesB. movedC. is movingD. was moving8. The young man is too ______ to realize the danger of smoking.A. carelessB. carelesslyC. carefulD. carefully9. The children are playing ______ in the park.A. happyB. happilyC. unhappilyD. unhappy10. The news ______ all of us very much.A. surprisedB. surprisedlyC. surprisingD. surprisingly二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1. The ______ (重要) of the meeting was emphasized by the manager.2. The ______ (游客) were amazed by the beautiful scenery.3. The ______ (学生) should finish their homework on time.4. The ______ (科学家) made a great contribution to the field of medicine.5. The ______ (运动员) won the gold medal in the competition.6. The ______ (艺术家) created a masterpiece that is admiredby many.7. The ______ (工程师) designed a new bridge that is both strong and beautiful.8. The ______ (作家) wrote a novel that became a bestseller.9. The ______ (厨师) prepared a delicious meal for the guests.10. The ______ (演员) performed a play that was highlypraised by the audience.三、阅读理解(每题2分,共20分)阅读下面的短文,然后回答问题。

1. What does the woman’s son want to be?A. A lawyer.B. A violinist.C. A scientist.2. What kind of place are the speakers probably talking about?A. A football field.B. An office building.C. A concert hall.3. What does the man advise the woman to do?A. Put ice on her hand.B. See a doctor in a few days.C. Not to use her hand for a few days.4. What time is Jack supposed to arrive?A. At 7:30.B. At 8:00.C. At 8:15.5. What does the woman mean?A. She fell asleep before the program ended.B. She missed the beginning of the program.C. She wished she had gone to sleep earlier.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)请听下面5段对话或独白,选出最佳选项。
6. What language is the woman learning?A. Chinese.B. Japanese.C. French.7. What will the two speakers do after the conversation?A. Go to a Japanese lesson together.B. Practise some Japanese dialogues together.C. Go and buy some Japanese books.8. What can we learn from the conversation?A. The man wants to give up.B. The two speakers are probably good friends.C. The woman hasn’t made any progress.请听第7段材料,回答第9至11题。
2019年高中英语必修四Unit1 基础知识练习试题(含答案)

2019年高中英语必修四Unit1 基础知识练习题(含答案)一.填空1.I’ve always understood one should try to be_________(consider) of other people.2.I think it would be a __________(kind) to tell him the bad news straight away.3.The mountain climbers found the lost guide quite __________chance.4.I insist that the thief __________(refer) to be put into prison.5.His father died in the disaster, leaving his family __________(suffer) a lot.6.—Mum, I always feel everything is unfair to me.一Complaining________(make) no sense, for things will be what they should be.7.Starring in the hit show Where Are We Going, Dad ?, Kimi, together with the other four kids, __________(be) popular with many teenagers now.8.Not only my parents but also I __________(be) good at dancing and singing.9.Neither I nor Amy_______(be) to attend the business conference if we are busy.10.一Did you go to the show last night?—Yeah. Every boy and every girl in the area __________invited.11.Leaving the less important things until tomorrow__________(be) often acceptable.12.Nobody but three students_________(be) in the laboratory at that time.13.This is because two-thirds of the earth’s surface_________(be) made up of vast oceans.14.As a result of the serious flood,two-thirds of the buildings in thearea_________(need) repairing.15.Mr Smith, together with his wife and daughters,_________(be) going to visit Beijing next year.16.—Jeremy rather than his friends __________(blame) for the accident. —Absolutely. He shouldn't have driven after being drunk.17.I, as well as my parents, __________(be) going to New York City this month.18.A needle and thread __________(be) given to her, but she could not sew the button on.19.At the top of the hill __________(lie) an old cottage which has a wonderful view of the whole city.20.Between the two rows of trees_________(stand) the teaching building.21.The speaker is giving rather an__________speech, as I can judge fromthe __________look of all the listeners.(inspire)22.Only after a year of friendly discussion __________Ms. Garza finally say yes.cation__________(intend) for settlers only in Australia in the past. The natives could not go to school.24.__________(devote) to their own work, most of the parents spend little time with their children.25.China has made great scientific __________(achieve) in outer space.26.If you don’t know how to__________(behaviour) yourself at table, you should copy the host.27.—I’m sorry, but I didn’t mean__________(let) out your secret.—But you know,letting out one's secret means__________(hurt) one’s feelings. 28.They were surprised that a child should work out the problem __________they themselves couldn’t.29.Though having lived abroad for years, many Chinesestill __________(observation) the traditional customs.30.A man dressed in a black coat was observed __________(enter) the house and later the owner found all the valuable things __________(steal).31.When and where this took place are still unknown.32.Our football team is having a meeting in the hall now.33.The students in our school each has an English dictionary.34.My father together with his old friends are having dinner in the restaurant.35.This is the only one of the most interesting stories that have been told.2.The old couple__________hard__________in the past though they worked hard.3.The youth should __________the old people.4.My mother is always telling me to __________when I go out.5.The thought of missing home __________the little girl.三.根据句意填入适当的介词或副词。
英语人教版新课标必修4U1单元基础检测及答案[ 高考]
![英语人教版新课标必修4U1单元基础检测及答案[ 高考]](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/df4248d104a1b0717fd5ddd8.png)
2014春季英语人教版新课标必修4U1单元基础检测及答案必修四Unit 1 Women of achievement测试时间:90分钟满分120分班级______ 姓名________ 分数_______第一卷(选择题,共85分)I:单项填空:(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)1. 辽宁省沈阳二中2013学年高一期中考试The factory used 65 percent of the raw materials, the rest of which ____saved for other purposes.A. isB. areC. wereD. was2. 河北省衡水中学2013学年高一第一次调研考试People have always been curious _______ how living things on the earth exactly began.A. inB. atC. ofD. about3. 辽宁省沈阳铁路实验中学2013学年高一期中She s aid she was sorry ________ the train, so she had to stay for another day.A. missingB. having missedC. to missD. to have missed4. 河南省长葛市第三实验高中2013学年高一第三次月考Mike’s never willing to change any of his opinions. It’s no use ______ with him.A. to argueB. arguingC. arguedD. have been argued5. 黑龙江省哈师大附中2013学年高一期中考试—Why are you going to _________ from that company. Don’t forget it’s a high-paid job?—Because I don’t like the way they _________me.A. leave; thinkB. retire; regardC. resign; treatD. design; behave6. 江西省白鹭洲中学2013学年高一第二次月考——It really shocked us that he should have made such_______ rapid progress in his study in such a short time!——No surprising. He has been making _______ most of his spare time to study.A. a; theB. a; /C. /; theD. /; /7. 福建省四地六校2013学年高一第二次联考An 8-year-old child shouldn’t do exercises _______ for 18-year-olds.A. intendedB. to intendC. intendingD. having intended8. 福建省师大附中2013学年高一模块Only after Mary read her composition the second time ________ the spelling mistake.A. did she noticeB. she noticedC. does she noticeD. she has noticed9. 福建省厦门六中2013学年高一期中— What should I do, sir?— ________ the star and then tell me something about it.A. NoticeB. ObserveC. SeeD. Glare10. 江西省白鹭洲中学2013学年高一第二次月考——It really shocked us that he should have made such____rapid progress in his study in such a short time!——No surprising. He has been making _______ most of his spare time to study.A. a; theB. a; /C. /; theD. /; /11. 安徽省阜阳一中2013学年高一期中____ all the books on the desk, ______ is of any use for our study.A. With, nothingB. With, noneC. Of, noneD. Of, no one12.江西省上高二中2013学年高一月考We _____ the old scientist _____ his contribution _____ the country.A. admire; for; toB. admire; at; toC. respect; on; forD. respect; on; at13. 福建省四地六校2013学年高一第二次联考—How can I use this washing machine ?—Well , just _________ the instructions.A. look upB. refer toC. make upD. agree to14. 福建省安溪一中2013学年高一期中Seeing his parents _____the front door, Jerry had to enter the room through the back doorA. paintB. paintingC. to paintD. painted15.浙江省杭州高中2013学年高一期中Experts say that alcohol (酒精) is reliable and effective when _______ to kill germs from the back and side of your phone.A. usingB. being usedC. is usedD. usedII. 完形填空(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分;2013黑龙江省哈六中期中) Although I love my life, it hasn’t been a lot of fun as I’ve been ill for 28 years.Music has always been a great love of mine and, in my 20s, when my ___16___ was more manageable, I ___17___ ten years as a professional singer in restaurants, playing and singing folk songs. ___18___ that was years ago and times have changed.___19___ I live with my mother on a country farm.Two years ago, I decided that I would need to have some kind of extra work to___20___ my disability pension(残疾抚恤金). ___21___ I needed to sleep in the afternoons, I was limited in my ___22___. I decided that I would consider ___23___ to singing in restaurants.My family are all musicians, so I was ___24___ when I went into our local music store. I explained that I wanted to sing again but using recorded karaoke music. I knew that discs were very expensive and I really didn’t have a lot of ___25___ to get started. And ___26___ you find only three to four songs out of ten on a disc that you can ___27___ use.When I told the owner of the shop about my ___28___, he gave me a long, thoughtful ___29___. “This means a lot to you, doesn’t it?” he said. “Come with me.”He led me ___30___ the crowded shop and to a bench with a large professional karaoke box on it. He placed his large hand ___31___ on his treasure and said, “I have 800 karaoke songs in here. Yo u can take your ___32___ and I’ll record them for you. That should get you started.”I _33___. Thanking him, I made a time with him to listen to all the songs and choose___34___ that I could sing. I have come full circle with his help.His ___35___ still warms my heart and makes me do just that bit extra, when I have the chance.16. A. sadness B. tiredness C. sickness D. loneliness17. A. enjoyed B. kept C. shared D. set18. A. Eventually B. Unfortunately C. Surprisingly D. Gladly19. A. Then B. Sometime C. Meanwhile D. Now20. A. make up for B. get rid of C. take advantage of D. add up to21. A. As B. Though C. Before D. If22. A. condition B. choices C. positions D. movement23. A. living up B. getting on C. going back D. reaching out24. A. interviewed B. found C. invited D. recognized25. A. time B. energy C. knowledge D. money26. A. once B. seldom C. often D. thus27. A. hardly B. nearly C. formerly D. actually28. A. family B. idea C. offer D. job29. A. view B. look C. sight D. face30. A. along B. towards C. through D. over31. A. lovingly B. pitifully C. gratefully D. unhappily32. A. turn B. role C. step D. pick33. A. ought to cry B. should have cried C. could have cried D. had to cry34. A. the ones B. few C. the rest D. more35. A. devotion B. kindness C. trust D. courageIII:阅读理解(共20小题,每小题2分,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)A (2013山东省曲阜师大附中月考)One day I heard that one of my dear friends had lost his mother. This made me sad, for my friend was very close to his mother. He had been by her side as she traveled through her long and hard journey with cancer. At this time, many memories about my loved ones that had passed away came flooding to me. Finally these memories passed,but it was really sad to think that my friend would have to go through the pain.Three times I tried to write an email to my friend and three times words failed me.I am a person who is not often lost for words and I decided to have a sleep. Upon waking up I could hardly wait for my computer to work, the words I needed were there.I was still left with a heavy heart although I had sent an email.Everything in this universe is balanced and indeed it is. Three days later, I received his reply letter. I was happy to hear that he’d been admitted to (录取) Cambridge University. It served as a gentle reminder for me that my friend would be okay and that life would go on.Everything in life is balanced; the lowest feelings change places with the highest feelings. Without the lows, we would never appreciate the highs. No matter how dark the clouds seem to be, the sunshine is always there and just waiting for the opportunity to shine through.36. When the author learnt her friend had lost his mother, she ______.A. gave him some moneyB. wrote an email to himC. went to visit himD. went for a journey with him37. What good news did the author’s friend receive?A. He received the author’s email.B. He was told that life would go on.C. He would go to Cambridge University.D. His life would go back to normal again38. Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?A. The author wrot e four emails to her friend.B. The mother of the author’s friend died from cancer.C. The author’s friend is a teacher in Cambridge University.D. The author felt relaxed after sending the email.39. From the text, we can learn that the author is ______.A. sincere and warm-heartedB. proud and confidentC. serious and friendlyD. funny and responsible40. The author aims to tell us that ______.A. life is not fair to everybodyB. time waits for no manC. everyone has good and bad times in lifeD. where there is a will, there is a wayB (2013江西省景德镇市期中)“ONE in every 50 Shanghai women has cancer, a total of about 7,000,000 women currently living in the city, and cancer statistics are based on citizens with permanent residency(永久居住),” officials from the Shanghai Center for Disease Control and Prevention said ahead of International Women's Day on Friday.However, they said the city's rate of cancer in women was rising slowly along with its rising number of elderly people. Early screening for breast, colorectal and cervical cancers can help prevent 30 percent of cancer cases.Breast, colorectal, lung, gastric and thyroid cancers are the five most common cancer forms among women, with breast cancer accounting for 16 percent of Shanghai's new cases each year and colorectal cancer 13 percent. Cervical cancer, although only the 12th leading cancer in women in Shanghai, is particularly common among women between 25 and 54 years old. Dr Zheng Ying, director of the center's tumor prevention and control department, said , "breast, colorectal and cervical cancers accounted for 32 percent of female cancers”. He added, " However, the three types of cancer can be detected and treated properly through early and regular screening. Our main target of women's cancer prevention education this year is breast cancer, cervical cancer and colorectal cancer."The prevention and control of colorectal cancer will be a new public health project this year with the city government promoting a community-based screening program.Experts say women over 20 should examine their breasts every month and have annual clinical checks after the age of 35. Women over 50 should have mammograms(乳房X线照片) every two years. For cervical cancer, women over 20 should be checked every three years. Women over 50 years old should have annual medical checks. Zheng said anyone with a family history of the three types of cancer should be aware of the need for more frequent examinations and early screening.41. What is the best title of the passage?A. The women with cancer in ShanghaiB. Lots of women in Shanghai have cancerC. The five most common cancer forms among women in ShanghaiD. The prevention and control of cancer42. According to the passage, how many Shanghai women have cancer now?A. about 140,000B. about 150,000C. about300,000D.about270,00043. The five most common cancer forms among women in Shanghai are ________.A. Breast, colorectal, cervical, gastric and thyroid cancersB. Breast, cervical, lung, gastric and thyroid cancersC. Breast, colorectal, lung, gastric and thyroid cancersD. Breast, colorectal, lung, cervical and thyroid cancers44. According to Dr Zheng Ying , the center's main target of women's cancer preventioneducation this year is ________.A. breast cancer, lung cancer and colorectal cancerB. breast cancer, cervical cancer and thyroid cancerC. breast cancer, cervical cancer and lung cancerD. breast cancer, cervical cancer and colorectal cancer45. What is the last paragraph about?A. Experts give advice on the frequency of the different physical examinations for women.B. Anyone with a family cancer history should accept more frequent examinations.C. Women over 20 should examine their breasts every monthD. Women over 20 should be checked every three years for cervical cancer.C (2013浙江省杭州七校期中联考)Alice Wilder, a 17-year-old student at Northwest School of the Arts in North Carolina, considers herself a feminist (女权主义者). She is one of 26 bloggers for SPARK, an international group founded in 2010. The group fights the use of the female body as a marketing tool in the media.Alice found out about SPARK when the organization launched a campaign demanding Seventeen Magazine feature a more diverse group of models. She applied to be a blogger for the group in May and won one of the positions.Each month, Alice pitches (为…做宣传) her girl –and women – centric blog post ideas via online chat to an editor at SPARK. So far, she has written about topics such as female actresses, choosing what to wear, and dealing with anger.Alice said she hopes large companies and media stop editing images of women. Increases in bust (胸部) size, decreases in waist size, smoothing and whitewashing skin are what Alice notes. “We want them to know that these images are bad for our development,” Alice said. “Three out of four teen girls feel bad abou t themselves after reading a fashion magazine for three minutes,” she said, according to SPARK’s research.Alice first felt it necessary to advocate (倡导) for women in the fifth grade, after seeing a girl’s T-shirt with writing on the front that read: “Who needs brains when you have these?”“I was raised with this idea that if you don’t like something, you can change it,” Alice said. So Alice started following feminist bloggers.Alice juggles class work with blogging and creating videos and serves aseditor-in-chief of her school’s newspaper. It is amazing that she can handle everything well at the same time.She’s also focused on creating projects that aim to inspire girls – like designing a “girl power bathroom” at her school. The newly designed third-floor restroom is completed with pastel paint colors and inspirational (启发人的) quotes from women around the world.“Sisterhood is powerful,” Alice said. “It can make you feel less alone.”46. Which of the following is the correct order of events, according to the article?a. Alice helped design a “girl power bathroom”.b. Alice first felt it necessary to advocate for women.c. SPARK launched a campaign asking Seventeen Magazine to feature a more diverse group of models.d. Alice applied to be a blogger for SPARK.e. Alice started reading feminist bloggers.A. b–e–c–a–dB. b–e–c–d–aC. c–d–e–b–aD. c–e–b–d–a47. The underlined word “juggle” in the article probably means ______________.A. to deal with several tasks at onceB. to change one’s original planC. to pay more attention to somethingD. to lose one’s interest in something48. We can infer from the last three paragraphs that Alice ___________.A. often feels lonely in her fightB. often advises schoolmates on what to wearC. believes that her efforts could change the lives of many girlsD. puts more energy into her school’s newspaper than her study49. This article is mainly about ____________.A. what being a feminist means in today’s American societyB. Alice Wilder’s participation in feminist activitiesC. how girls and women fight for their rights in the USD. the ways that the US media misleads girls50. From the article, we can conclude that Alice Wilder ___________.A. is a successful feminist blogger with hundreds of followersB. believes that teenage girls shouldn’t read fashion magazinesC. doesn’t think that girls or women should look sexyD. is a critical thinker and works hard for her goals第二节(共5小题:每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项中有两项为多余选项。
高中英语必修4Unit1 单元练习题含答案

第一单元练习题Ⅰ单项填空1. I would appreciate ________ much if you could write to me as soon as possible.A. thatB. itC. thisD. what2. — Jane Goodall is a great woman.— ________. She has done so much to protect chimps everywhere.A. Good ideaB. CongratulationsC. I think soD. The same to you3. The determined mother has devoted all she has to ________ her son out of trouble.A. helpingB. helpC. have helpedD. having helped4. China sent up two manned spaceships and they were also great scientific ________in the world.A. campaignsB. surprisesC. achievementsD. discoveries5. Considering carefully, the family ________ different choices on the question so far.A. had madeB. has madeC. madeD. have made6. We ________ the problem for a long time, but we didn’t reach any agreement.A. arguedB. explainedC. sharedD. communicated7. Only after the woman had her own child ________ how difficult it was to be a mother.A. she realizedB. had she realizedC. she had realizedD. did she realize8. Don’t be worried. I’ll ________ your pet dog when you’re away.A. deal withB. care aboutC. look intoD. care for9. In order to understand the ________ of the animal, the researcher spent many yearsrecording its daily activities.A. performanceB. deedC. behaviourD. personality10. — What should I do, sir?— ________ the star and then tell me something about it.A. NoticeB. ObserveC. SeeD. Glare11. No one can stop him, ________ the boy is determined to do something.A. even ifB. now thatC. onceD. although12. It’s suggested that another strong bridge s hould be built to ________ heavy trucks.A. supportB. acceptC. holdD. carry13. It is the years we spent together at college ________ have a deep effect on my life.A. whichB. thatC. whenD. where14. Don’t ________ women. They are as important as men for the development of society.A. look up toB. look down uponC. look out forD. look forward to15. When the clock ________ 12, I was about to leave for the supermarket.A. knockedB. hitC. beatD. struckⅡ完形填空“Tell me what you were like when you were my age,” I asked my mother one afternoon. She looked up, 16 at my question. After a long time she answered, “I was 17 like you. Then, there was only one 18 for girls — being a hard-working 19. To tell the truth, it is 20 for me to tell you that I 21 my mother when I was growing up. I did so much for her. Besides doing lots of housework, every night I 22 go into my parents’ bedroom, and wash their feet with warm wate r. Not once did my mother ever said, ‘thank you’."I stared out of the window, remembering 23 I grew up, always wanting to hear a word of 24 from her, but getting only the rule and 25 I could never live up to (做到). I remembered the years when she 26 me to get up at six every morning and cook breakfast for the family before leaving for school. 27, I remembered the times she’d 28 me to other girls who were as old as me and found me 29.“Nothing was ever 30 enough for my mother,’’ continued my mother, “but now I know she did 51 me, even if she never said so. I told you this just for a 32. Yes, I love all my children, but you are my first child, the first in 33 to me. I have been very strict and hard on you, but I 34 you in the only way I knew. I am 35 proud of you.”16. A. excited B. angry C. disappointed D. surprised17. A. ever B. mostly C. never D. once18. A. entertainment B. career C. dream D. concern19. A. woman B. worker C. wife D. student20. A. comfortable B. proud C. shameful D. silly21. A. hated B. loved C. respected D. forgave22. A. would B. should C. could D. might23. A. where B. how C. before D. when24. A. honesty B. use C. importance D. praise25. A. promise B. order C. expectation D. curiosity26. A. made B. encouraged C. forced D. advised27. A. Least of all B. After all C. Most of all D. In all28. A. compared B. matched C. explained D. introduced29. A. useless B. lacking C. better D. foolish30. A. interesting B. bad C. modern D. good31. A. support B. love C. honour D. ignore32. A. reason B. explanation C. excuse D. consideration33. A. something B. anything C. nothing D. everything34. A. helped B. taught C. raised D. affected35. A. slightly B. generally C. actually D. graduallyⅢ阅读理解AExercise is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. It reduces your risk of heart attack and is a good way to control body weight. It is also something you can do with other people, which can be great fun. So, it is important to find time to exercise and be healthier. As well as making time to exercises, another way is to build it into the natural rhythm (节奏) of your day.·Go for a walk on your lunch break. Try to find at least three different ways and change them throughout the week. It might even be possible to find a place to walk inside, for those bad weather days.·Talk to your employers about improving health at work.Encourage your workers to cycle to and from work. You might also be able to encourage them toset up a gymnasium. Sell the idea by pointing out that doing so will improve productivity (生产率), and make workers happy.·If you are a student. Go for walks with friends to talk about your studies. Spend some time in the learning resource centre reading about sport, exercise and health. The more you know, the more choices you will have about how to be physically active. Most colleges have sport and exercise programs that students can take part in. Find out which activities are being held, and try those you think you might enjoy.36. Workers are advised to cycle to and from work to ________.A. make themselves realize the importance of healthB. work better and bring pleasure to themselvesC. make themselves become much strongerD. reduce the time spent in walking to work37. When a student wants to do exercise at school, he or she had better ________.A. take part in all the exercise programsB. have sports with friends or classmatesC. choose the one that he or she likesD. choose the same one all the time38. We can learn from the passage that ________.A. walk is most suitable for those who work indoorsB. one who knows more about health will be healthierC. exercising with others will be better for one’s healthD. combining exercise with daily work can save time to keep healthyBWomen in Nazi Germany were to have a very special job. Hitler was very clear about this. This job was that they should be good mothers bringing up children at home while their husbands worked. Except for some special fields, Hitler saw no reason why a woman should work. Within months of Hitler coming to power, many female doctors, teachers and lawyers were sacked. By the start of the Second World War, very few German women were in fulltime work. From their earliest years, girlswere taught that all good German women married at a young age to a proper German and that the wife’s job was to keep a good home for her working husband and to have children.One of the earliest laws passed by Hitler once he came to power in 1933, was the Law for the Encouragement of Marriage.This law stated (声明) that all newly married couples would get a government loan (贷款) of 1000 marks. This loan was not to be simply paid back. The birth of one child meant that 25% of the loan did not have to be paid back. Two children meant that 50% of the loan didn’t need to be paid back. Four children meant that the entire loan was cleared.What was more, as housewives and mothers, their lives were controlled. Women were not expected to wear make-up or trousers. Only flat shoes were expected to be worn. Women were discouraged from slimming as this was considered bad for child birth.39. The aim of the Law for the Encouragement of Marriage was to ________.A. attract more young people to join the army willinglyB. make those married couples become rich quicklyC. encourage people to loan more from the governmentD. encourage couples to have as many children as they could40. The underlined word “sacked” in Paragraph one probably means “________”.A. punishedB. firedC. killedD. raised41. According to the passage, women in Nazi Germany ________.A. could make up or wear beautiful clothesB. were to have children and do houseworkC. could receive a good education at schoolD. were offered the equal rights as men42. Which of the following is a suitable title for the text?A. The life of women in Nazi GermanyB. The cruel rule of Hitler in GermanyC. The marriage policy in Nazi GermanyD. Hitler — a powerful leader in GermanyCThe youngest of five children in a middle-class family, Clara Barton was born on Christmas Day, in 1821, in Oxford, Massachusetts. Although she was educated at home, Clara began teaching school herself at the age of fifteen until 1854. Later, before the Civil War (内战), Clara’s greatest achievement was the establishment (建立) of a free public school in Bordentown, New Jersey. What’s more, her only medical experience was when she cared for her invalid (病弱者) brother for two years.When the Civil War broke out, Clara soon learned that many of the wounded soldiers had suffered from lack of medical supplies. So she asked for donations (捐款) to buy those supplies and began her own operation to hand out these supplies. In 1865, Clara built an information centre to serve war-torn families and often gave speeches. With so much work, she fell ill in 1868 and went to Switzerland to recover, where she learned something about the International Red Cross founded in 1864. But the United States could not take part then. Barton, returned home and began to establish the Red Cross in America. She worked hard, travelling to Washington for support, gave speeches and wrote articles to win the support of the public. She told people the Red Cross was not only important during times of war, but also useful in peace time. This got the attention of both the public and the politicians, and thus the American Association of the Red Cross came into being in 1881.43. What did Clara Barton want to do during the wartime?A. Advise the government to buy more medical supplies.B. Help some families to rebuild their home.C. Collect money to buy medical supplies.D. Treat the wounded soldiers by herself.44. According to the events in Clara’s life, which of the following is the ri ght order?a. Travelled to win support for the Red Cross in America.b. Offered medical supplies to the army.c. Established a free public school.d. Stayed in Switzerland to improve her health.e. Worked as a teacher at school.A. e, c, b, d, aB. e, c, a, b, dC. e, b, c, d, aD. e, b, a, c, d45. Clara Barton insisted on establishing the Red Cross in America because ________.A. it could stop a war breaking outB. it was a sign of a powerful countryC. it could keep America at peaceD. it could help to overcome unexpected troubleⅣ根据中文或首字母提示,填写所缺单词的适当形式。
高一英语人教版必修4 u1基础巩固试题及答案.doc

人教版新课标必修4U1基础巩固试题及答案必修四unit 1检测题一词汇检测用所给的单词的正确形式填空(有多余选项)Wealth, distant, figure, surround, celebrate, terrify, behave, consider, connect, special1 She observed chimps for many years in order to find out the ___________ between chimps and human beings.2 An eye_______ checked her eyes and advised her not to use her eyes too much.3 He found himself ________ with an atmosphere of kindness.4 I spent hours ________ those maths problems.5 Their _______ towards me shows that they don’t like me.6 The boy was________ at the terrible sight.7 She is so kind and _______ that all her workmates like to be together with her.8 I was ________ to work harder than ever before by what the teacher had said.9 What’s the ________ from Chicago to Detroit?10 He is a _________ businessman.【参考答案】1 connections2 specialist3 surrounded4 figuring5 behavoiur6 terrified7 considerate8 inspired9 distance 10 wealthy二词汇用法1 devote1) Although the work is very busy, she still_______ a lot of time _______ her children.2) His _______ _______ his wife and family is touching.3) The young girl devoted _____________________________________(这个女孩把自己的业余时间用来学英语)2 deliver1) We’ll have the goods_______ ______ _______ ______(送到你家)2)He _____ ______ _________ ________(发表重要的演讲) this morning.3) We must ________ ________ ________ ______(从苦难中解救出来)3 inspire1) His noble example ________ the rest of us _________ great efforts.2) It was my father’s courage and devotion that ________ his men ________ the determination.3) What inspired him _________ (give) such a brilliant performance?4 worthwhile1) Nursing is a very ___________________(很值得干的职业)2)It’s _____ the trouble to explain a joy fully to new employees.A worthy takingB worthwhile takingC worth to doD worthy of doing3) He thought that __________.A the effort doing the job was not worthB the effort was not worth in doing the jobC it was not worth the effort doing the jobD it was not worth the effort by doing the job5 condition1) I will come _____ _______ ______ Peter is invited.(如果Peter 会来)2)My car is old but ______ ______ ________ (车况良好)3)________ _______ _________(我们的住房条件) are much better than before.6 behave1) She ______ _____ _______ ________(她表现了很大的勇气)2)She _______ ________ (对态度很好) to the customers.3) You should ________ _______ ________(学会举止得体)7 observe1) They were observed ________(进了) the hall.2) We must ____________________________(遵守交通规则)8 理解划线部分词语的含义1) They have worked out the details of the plan2) The sun won’t work out3)Things will work themselves out9 the rest用适当的be 动词填空1)John is from England and the rest of us _______ from China2)The rest of the apple _______ still on the table.3)The rest of the work ________ to be finished tomorrow.10 refer to1) He didn’t __________________(提及那个问题) at the meeting.2) He cooked dinner by __________________________(参考一本食谱)3)The problem _______________________(以被提交法院)4)What do these numbers____________________(表示…的意思)11 carry on1) It’s difficult to __________ the discussion with all this noise around us.A carry aboutB carry onC carry offD carry away2) The managers discussed the plan that they would like to see_____ the next year.A carry outB carrying outC carried outD to carry out【参考答案】1 devotes to/ devotion to/all her spare time to learning English2 delivered to your home / delivered an important speech / deliver them from suffering3 inspired to / inspired with / to give4 worthwhile career / B / C5 on condition that /in good condition / Our housing conditions 6 behaved with great courage / behaved well / learn to behave 7 to enter / observe the traffic rules 8 计划,搞清/ 算出,计算出/ 有结果;给…带来好结果;成功的发展9 are / is /is 10refer to the problem / referring to a cooking book / has been referred to the court. / refer to 11 B / C三话题小练笔介绍一下“Madame Curie”,用下列词组Famous, be born in, at the age, leave for, live a … life, devote…to, win the Nobel Prize, be remembered as。
高中英语必修4Unit1 单元练习题含答案

第一单元练习题Ⅰ单项填空1. I would appreciate ________ much if you could write to me as soon as possible.A. thatB. itC. thisD. what2. — Jane Goodall is a great woman.— ________. She has done so much to protect chimps everywhere.A. Good ideaB. CongratulationsC. I think soD. The same to you3. The determined mother has devoted all she has to ________ her son out of trouble.A. helpingB. helpC. have helpedD. having helped4. China sent up two manned spaceships and they were also great scientific ________in the world.A. campaignsB. surprisesC. achievementsD. discoveries5. Considering carefully, the family ________ different choices on the question so far.A. had madeB. has madeC. madeD. have made6. We ________ the problem for a long time, but we didn’t reach any agreement.A. arguedB. explainedC. sharedD. communicated7. Only after the woman had her own child ________ how difficult it was to be a mother.A. she realizedB. had she realizedC. she had realizedD. did she realize8. Don’t be worried. I’ll ________ your pet dog when you’re away.A. deal withB. care aboutC. look intoD. care for9. In order to understand the ________ of the animal, the researcher spent many yearsrecording its daily activities.A. performanceB. deedC. behaviourD. personality10. — What should I do, sir?— ________ the star and then tell me something about it.A. NoticeB. ObserveC. SeeD. Glare11. No one can stop him, ________ the boy is determined to do something.A. even ifB. now thatC. onceD. although12. It’s suggested that another strong bridge s hould be built to ________ heavy trucks.A. supportB. acceptC. holdD. carry13. It is the years we spent together at college ________ have a deep effect on my life.A. whichB. thatC. whenD. where14. Don’t ________ women. They are as important as men for the development of society.A. look up toB. look down uponC. look out forD. look forward to15. When the clock ________ 12, I was about to leave for the supermarket.A. knockedB. hitC. beatD. struckⅡ完形填空“Tell me what you were like when you were my age,” I asked my mother one afternoon. She looked up, 16 at my question. After a long time she answered, “I was 17 like you. Then, there was only one 18 for girls — being a hard-working 19. To tell the truth, it is 20 for me to tell you that I 21 my mother when I was growing up. I did so much for her. Besides doing lots of housework, every night I 22 go into my parents’ bedroom, and wash their feet with warm wate r. Not once did my mother ever said, ‘thank you’."I stared out of the window, remembering 23 I grew up, always wanting to hear a word of 24 from her, but getting only the rule and 25 I could never live up to (做到). I remembered the years when she 26 me to get up at six every morning and cook breakfast for the family before leaving for school. 27, I remembered the times she’d 28 me to other girls who were as old as me and found me 29.“Nothing was ever 30 enough for my mother,’’ continued my mother, “but now I know she did 51 me, even if she never said so. I told you this just for a 32. Yes, I love all my children, but you are my first child, the first in 33 to me. I have been very strict and hard on you, but I 34 you in the only way I knew. I am 35 proud of you.”16. A. excited B. angry C. disappointed D. surprised17. A. ever B. mostly C. never D. once18. A. entertainment B. career C. dream D. concern19. A. woman B. worker C. wife D. student20. A. comfortable B. proud C. shameful D. silly21. A. hated B. loved C. respected D. forgave22. A. would B. should C. could D. might23. A. where B. how C. before D. when24. A. honesty B. use C. importance D. praise25. A. promise B. order C. expectation D. curiosity26. A. made B. encouraged C. forced D. advised27. A. Least of all B. After all C. Most of all D. In all28. A. compared B. matched C. explained D. introduced29. A. useless B. lacking C. better D. foolish30. A. interesting B. bad C. modern D. good31. A. support B. love C. honour D. ignore32. A. reason B. explanation C. excuse D. consideration33. A. something B. anything C. nothing D. everything34. A. helped B. taught C. raised D. affected35. A. slightly B. generally C. actually D. graduallyⅢ阅读理解AExercise is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. It reduces your risk of heart attack and is a good way to control body weight. It is also something you can do with other people, which can be great fun. So, it is important to find time to exercise and be healthier. As well as making time to exercises, another way is to build it into the natural rhythm (节奏) of your day.·Go for a walk on your lunch break. Try to find at least three different ways and change them throughout the week. It might even be possible to find a place to walk inside, for those bad weather days.·Talk to your employers about improving health at work.Encourage your workers to cycle to and from work. You might also be able to encourage them toset up a gymnasium. Sell the idea by pointing out that doing so will improve productivity (生产率), and make workers happy.·If you are a student. Go for walks with friends to talk about your studies. Spend some time in the learning resource centre reading about sport, exercise and health. The more you know, the more choices you will have about how to be physically active. Most colleges have sport and exercise programs that students can take part in. Find out which activities are being held, and try those you think you might enjoy.36. Workers are advised to cycle to and from work to ________.A. make themselves realize the importance of healthB. work better and bring pleasure to themselvesC. make themselves become much strongerD. reduce the time spent in walking to work37. When a student wants to do exercise at school, he or she had better ________.A. take part in all the exercise programsB. have sports with friends or classmatesC. choose the one that he or she likesD. choose the same one all the time38. We can learn from the passage that ________.A. walk is most suitable for those who work indoorsB. one who knows more about health will be healthierC. exercising with others will be better for one’s healthD. combining exercise with daily work can save time to keep healthyBWomen in Nazi Germany were to have a very special job. Hitler was very clear about this. This job was that they should be good mothers bringing up children at home while their husbands worked. Except for some special fields, Hitler saw no reason why a woman should work. Within months of Hitler coming to power, many female doctors, teachers and lawyers were sacked. By the start of the Second World War, very few German women were in fulltime work. From their earliest years, girlswere taught that all good German women married at a young age to a proper German and that the wife’s job was to keep a good home for her working husband and to have children.One of the earliest laws passed by Hitler once he came to power in 1933, was the Law for the Encouragement of Marriage.This law stated (声明) that all newly married couples would get a government loan (贷款) of 1000 marks. This loan was not to be simply paid back. The birth of one child meant that 25% of the loan did not have to be paid back. Two children meant that 50% of the loan didn’t need to be paid back. Four children meant that the entire loan was cleared.What was more, as housewives and mothers, their lives were controlled. Women were not expected to wear make-up or trousers. Only flat shoes were expected to be worn. Women were discouraged from slimming as this was considered bad for child birth.39. The aim of the Law for the Encouragement of Marriage was to ________.A. attract more young people to join the army willinglyB. make those married couples become rich quicklyC. encourage people to loan more from the governmentD. encourage couples to have as many children as they could40. The underlined word “sacked” in Paragraph one probably means “________”.A. punishedB. firedC. killedD. raised41. According to the passage, women in Nazi Germany ________.A. could make up or wear beautiful clothesB. were to have children and do houseworkC. could receive a good education at schoolD. were offered the equal rights as men42. Which of the following is a suitable title for the text?A. The life of women in Nazi GermanyB. The cruel rule of Hitler in GermanyC. The marriage policy in Nazi GermanyD. Hitler — a powerful leader in GermanyCThe youngest of five children in a middle-class family, Clara Barton was born on Christmas Day, in 1821, in Oxford, Massachusetts. Although she was educated at home, Clara began teaching school herself at the age of fifteen until 1854. Later, before the Civil War (内战), Clara’s greatest achievement was the establishment (建立) of a free public school in Bordentown, New Jersey. What’s more, her only medical experience was when she cared for her invalid (病弱者) brother for two years.When the Civil War broke out, Clara soon learned that many of the wounded soldiers had suffered from lack of medical supplies. So she asked for donations (捐款) to buy those supplies and began her own operation to hand out these supplies. In 1865, Clara built an information centre to serve war-torn families and often gave speeches. With so much work, she fell ill in 1868 and went to Switzerland to recover, where she learned something about the International Red Cross founded in 1864. But the United States could not take part then. Barton, returned home and began to establish the Red Cross in America. She worked hard, travelling to Washington for support, gave speeches and wrote articles to win the support of the public. She told people the Red Cross was not only important during times of war, but also useful in peace time. This got the attention of both the public and the politicians, and thus the American Association of the Red Cross came into being in 1881.43. What did Clara Barton want to do during the wartime?A. Advise the government to buy more medical supplies.B. Help some families to rebuild their home.C. Collect money to buy medical supplies.D. Treat the wounded soldiers by herself.44. According to the events in Clara’s life, which of the following is the ri ght order?a. Travelled to win support for the Red Cross in America.b. Offered medical supplies to the army.c. Established a free public school.d. Stayed in Switzerland to improve her health.e. Worked as a teacher at school.A. e, c, b, d, aB. e, c, a, b, dC. e, b, c, d, aD. e, b, a, c, d45. Clara Barton insisted on establishing the Red Cross in America because ________.A. it could stop a war breaking outB. it was a sign of a powerful countryC. it could keep America at peaceD. it could help to overcome unexpected troubleⅣ根据中文或首字母提示,填写所缺单词的适当形式。
人教版高一英语必修4 unit1基础测试题(有答案)

高一英语必修4 Unit 1基础知识测试题姓名____________ 座号__________班级__________ 成绩:____________一. 根据句意及所给单词或汉语提示,写出所缺词的正确形式。
(每空1分,满分10分)1. She spoke in ____________ of the project.(支持)2. The police man began a __________ to reduce road accidents. (运动)3. He tried to ___________his house with thick trees.(挡住光线)4. She ___________ to the subject several times during her speech. (谈到)5.I'm not going to ___________ with you tonight. (争论)6. His recent ___________ puzzles me. (behave)7. Since her ___________ she had wanted to work with animals in the forest. (child)8. The educated professor is____________. (respect)9. What made her succeed later on was the ___________ (kind) and _____________ (considerate) sheshowed to all her patients.二.完成句子。
(每空1分,满分15分)1. He left America and prepared to_____ _____ _____ ______ 。
(过新生活)2. We've just ______ _______ an old friend.(偶遇)3. We should not _______ _______ _______ manual labor.(瞧不起)4. The chair _______ _________ ________ you, but she took it away. (为……准备)5. Many uncomfortable thoughts _______ ________ _______ on her. (涌上心头)三.单项填空。

一、单项填空(共15小题; 每小题1分, 满分15分)1. —Don’t be late for the meeting this afternoon!— ______.A. No, I won’tB. Yes, I won’tC. No, I don’tD. Yes, I do2. He didn’t take part in ______ singing competition la st Sunday because he was afraid of losing ______ face.A. a; theB. /; /C. the; aD. the; /3. If you try your best to study, I think it quite ______ that you will catch up with other students.A. possiblyB. certainlyC. probablyD. likely4. The students appreciate their English teacher’s new ______ to teaching grammar.A. waysB. approachesC. methodsD. means5. I realized that it was impossible for all my students to go to college because ______ of them weren’t good at their subjects.A. allB. not allC. noneD. everyone6. I am taking a weekend course to improve my ______.A. speaking EnglishB. spoken EnglishC. English speakingD. English spoken7. Small children have always been curious ______ where they came from.A. atB. ofC. aboutD. in8. ______ something to eat, they began to look for something to drink.A. FindB. To findC. FoundD. Having found9. Are you sure you can know the phone numbers ______?A. in heartB. in mindC. by heartD. to mind10. ______ our school, they took part in the sports meet held in Jinan.A. RepresentingB. RepresentedC. They representedD. To represent11. She is headmaster of our school and of course, she is above me in ______.A. ageB. rankC. heightD. ability12. How many ways can you think of ______ someone without ______.A. greeting; speakB. to greet; speakingC. greeting; spokenD. greet; speaking13. Some teenagers have a ______ awful relationship with their parents.A. trueB. trulyC. truthD. truthful14. Cats have the ability to ______ themselves against common diseases.A. defendB. preventC. remainD. avoid15. My mother advised me to listen to soft music to make me feel ______ before the finalexam.A. at easeB. at homeC. in peaceD. in relief二、完形填空(共20小题; 每小题1.5 分, 满分30分)My mother was a responsible teacher and she retired. So I decided to give her one of my old computers tohelp her pass the time. She had a little bit of computer 16 , so I just set it up for her and let her 17 with it on her own.As time went on, I 18 the computer was hardly touched. She said she didn’t know 19 to use it. I decided to teach her. I sat and 20 everything and she seemed OK with what I said. Unfortunately, my sister called me at that moment 21 we talked on the phone for an hour. Then when I saw her again, she was sitting in front of the computer, looking quite 22 . The screen saver (屏幕保护) had appeared and she didn’t know how to 23 it off. She had tried 24 every key and it didn’t work. I told her, “Just 25 the mouse a little.” What I meant was that she just needed to move the mouse around to 26 the computer up. What she did was to 27 the mouse and start shaking it around in mid-air until the 28 went completely black. I couldn’t help laughing because of her funny 29 . The more I laughed the 30 she got.She thought that I was a (n) 31 teacher and she decided to figure the thing out herself. Well, at least I helped her overcome her 32 of breaking something and encouraged her to 33 a little.About a week later, I found a home-made 34 card with a mouse on the front making a funny face 35 to my door. It said, “Thanks for the computer lessons. Love, Mom.”16. A. experience B. theory C. technology D. history17. A. watch B. play C. train D. part18. A. thought B. confirmed C. realized D. ignored19. A. why B. when C. where D. how20. A. retold B. explained C. described D. discussed21. A. because B. but C. and D. since22. A. discouraged B. relaxed C. interested D. amused23. A. get B. break C. cut D. turn24. A. feeling B. hitting C. changing D. removing25. A. hang B. rub C. shake D. pull26. A. wake B. clean C. bring D. take27. A. put up B. cut off C. put away D. pick up28. A. curtain B. screen C. cover D. window29. A. gesture B. movement C. action D. expression30. A. angrier B. calmer C. ruder D. better31. A. respectful B. humorous C. careful D. impatient32. A. sadness B. fear C. pressure D. depression33. A. approach B. observe C. experiment D. respond34. A. greeting B. inviting C. shopping D. birthday35. A. appeared B. printed C. combined D. stuck三、阅读理解(共20小题; 每小题2分, 满分40分)AWhile living on the island of St. Kitts, as a teenager I used to hang out with my best friends, and on this particular day we elected to take pleasure in shelling (去壳) peas with my friend’s grandfather Mr. Morton, whowould often amuse us with old stories.Mr. Morton sat down without saying a word and started working while we continued to chat. After a while, he began humming (哼) a song and we stopped to listen to him. He had only been out there for about 15 minutes by this time and then he said, “If you are going to do something, do it right now or don’t do it at all.”“What are you talking about, Grandpa?” my friend asked.With a smile, Mr. Morton then tipped (倾斜) his bucket towards us and when we looked in we saw that his bucket only had in a small quantity of peas compared with the quarter-filled bucket that we had. As we looked closely, we also saw how clean his work was—all the little shells, leaves and other trash from the peas that were in our bucket weren’t in his bucket. That’s when the depth of his words hit me; I realized that I was hearing wise words that meant something deeper than peas.After he finished talking, he started to lean back, but the chair he was in was really old so it tipped over, his legs flew up in the air and all his peas fell all over the ground getting as dirty as ours. We all burst out laughing at him. Mr. Morton has passed away, but his message is not lost; it is buried in my heart and now I try to do things—the right way or not do them at all.36. Which of the following words can best describe Mr. Morton?A. Kind and easy-going.B. Proud and careless.C. Honest and hard-working.D. Polite and generous.37. How did the author feel about Mr. Morton’s words?A. Surprised.B. Amused.C. Touched.D. Ashamed.38. The author discovered that Mr. Morto n’s bucket ______.A. was very clean and half-filled with peasB. had fewer peas but it was quite cleanC. had more peas but fewer shells and leavesD. was smaller but contained more clean peas39. What can we learn from Mr. Morton?A. When doing something, do it to the best of your ability.B. Seize every chance in your life or you will regret later.C. You can’t expe ct to do two things well at the same time.D. Better give up unless you know the right way to do a thing.BRainy days may ruin some cheerful plans for outdoor activities, but it doesn’t have to be boring inside. On the next rainy day, try some of these ideas for a day full of fun:Tell stories. You might tell old stories you heard when you were growing up, or you might make up some really fascinating stories just for the kids. Let them all have a turn at making up stories of their own.Play in the kitchen. Let the kids help you cook a pizza or maybe some cookies. Give them a chance to help you in the kitchen and make something delicious. Just make sure they remember that part of cooking is cleaning up.Write a story together. Let the kids come up with a story of their own. They might want to write stories individually and then read them aloud to others, or they might want to get together and write a story together.Play “let’s pretend” games. Let the kids pretend to be teachers, doctors, nurses or policemen. Let them dress up in whatever you may have. Then let them play the roles. You might even volunteer to be the student or the patient.Have a party. Let the kids pick out some music and dance around the room. Then,let them fall all over themselves with laughter, when you show them how it was done when you were a kid.Use these ideas to get you started, and the kids may actually start wishing for morerainy days.40. From the text we can know ______.A. what we can do to make rainy days interestingB. why rainy days are boringC. the children never like rainy daysD. the ways to play games with children41. The children will feel ______ when you try the ideas mentioned in the text on rainydays.A. sadB. happyC. tiredD. bored42. You may need some special clothes when ______.A. in the kitchenB. telling storiesC. playing “let’s pretend” gamesD. making up stories43. When playing in the kitchen, the children should ______.A. make more pizzasB. clean the kitchen after cookingC. cook food on their ownD. do anything they want toCGeorge Carruthers was born on October 1, 1939, in Cincinnati, Ohio. He was the eldest of George and Sophia Carruthers’ four children. George Carruthers, Sr. encouraged his son’s early interest in science. By the age of 10, the young Carruthers had made his own telescope.Carruthers’ father died when the boy was only 12 years old. After his death, the family moved to Chicago, where Sophia went to work for the US Postal Service. Though he lost his father’s encouragement, Carruthers continued working at science. In Chicago’s high school science fairs, he won three awards, including the first prize for a telescope that he designed and built.In 1957, Carruthers graduated from Chicago’s Englewood High Sch ool and entered the engineering program at the University of Illinois’ Cha mpaign-Urbana campus. As an undergraduate, Carruthers focused on aerospace engineering and astronomy. After earning his bachelor’s degree in physics in 1961, Carruthers stayed on at the University of Illinois, earning his master’s degree in nuclear enginee ring in 1962, and his Ph.D. in 1964.In 1964, he went to work for the US Naval Research Laboratory as a National Science Foundation postdoctoral fellow. Two years later, he became a full-time research physicist at the NRL’s E. O. Hurlburt Center for Space Research.On November 11, 1969, Carruthers was awarded a patent (专利权). During a 1970 rocket flight, Carruthers’ UV telescope and image converter (变频器) provided the first proof of the existence of molecular hydrogen (氢分子) in interstellar space (星际空间). This invention was used on April 21, 1972, during the first lunar walk of the Apollo 16 mission. Carruthers was awarded NASA’s Exceptional Scientific Achievement Medal for his work on the project. In the 1980s, one of Carruthers’ inventions captured an image of Halley’s Comet. In 1991, he invented a camera that was used in the Space Shuttle Mission.44. It is implied in the passage that as a young boy, George Carruthers ______.A. learnt a lot from his fatherB. showed great interest in scienceC. was the favorite son of his fatherD. didn’t know what he wanted to be45. What is Paragraph 3 mainly about?A. George Carruthers’ campus life.B. George Carruthers’ advanced education.C. George Carruthers’ early achievements.D. George Carruthers’ majors in university.46. We can infer that George Carruthers’ UV tele-scope and image converter ______.A. was mainly used in interstellar spaceB. captured an image of Halley’s CometC. played a big role in the Apollo 16 missionD. was also used in the Space Shuttle Mission47. What’s the correct time order of the following events that happened in George Carruthers’ life?a. He was awarded a patent.b. He received an award given by NASA.c. He became a full-time research physicist.d. He went to work for the US Naval Research Laboratory.A. c-d-a-bB. d-a-c-bC. d-c-b-aD. d-c-a-bDIt’s hard for most 8-year-old boys to sit still for ten minutes. But while his friends were playing videogames, Joshua spent much of the last two months working on his first 10-page story called “M-M-M-Monster!”The story is about a group of monsters that come into a family’s house. Rather than fight off the monsters, the family becomes friends with them, and invites them to stay forever. The monsters are representative of cats and dogs. As an animal lover from a family focused on animal rescue, Joshua believes that animals should never be mistreated, and wants to encourage others to save the lives of homeless pets.“I Googled it and I figured out more than 3,000 dogs are dying each year,” Joshuatold the Washington Post. “People don’t adopt (收养) them, or they’re dying in the streets.”To help these animals, Joshua’s family is self-publishing his storybook, and plans to donate all of the proceeds (收入), as well as the money that the boy has saved, to animal rescue groups. The family has printed 150 copies to start with, and is selling them for $10 each.Animal rescue group leaders, such as Barb Whipkey of the St. Mary’s Animal Rescue League, whichado pted a dog to the Bayer family years ago, agree with Joshua’s generous idea. “Obviously, children learn better from other children,” Whipkey said. “If we can start with the children, they can grow up knowing how to care for animals and that someone needs t o look out for animals.”48. Joshua writes the book because ______.A. he loves writing more than playing videogamesB. he has to spend the whole summer aloneC. he wants to adopt more animalsD. he wants to help the homeless animals49. In Joshua’s story, he wants to tell us that ______.A. monsters are as lovely as cats and dogsB. people should treat animals kindlyC. we can keep monsters as petsD. we should fight against monsters bravely50. According to the story, Joshua thinks that ______.A. some homeless pets are considered as monstersB. people like monsters as well as cats and dogsC. staying with monsters can be dangerousD. homeless animals are real monsters51. How much money will Joshua get if all the printed copies are sold out?A. 3,000 dollars.B. 10 dollars.C. 15 dollars.D. 1,500 dollars.EMuch has been written about body language during a job interview. Experts from across many fields are full of advice on just how to present your best performance in an interview using conscious(自觉的) body language choices. While many of these experts say there is a “secret” system for making the most of an interview, the reality is that most of them focus on a few general types of behavior that have the greatest effect during a job interview.Entering the interview location — Your walk should be active and confident. Keep your shoulders straight, head up, and make eye contact with the people around you. Maintain (保持) an active facial expression and be confident when shaking hands and greeting people to whom you are introduced.During the interview — Sit in a straight and attentive posture. Never let your shoulders drop or your head hang down, but rather keep your head up and make eye contact with the interviewers. Don’t play with any pap ers or notes you have in front of you, and don’t lean (倚靠) your arms heavily on the table. Keep your body position open and make eye contact while listening to and answering questions.Leaving the interview location—No matter how you feel about your performance during the interview, carry yourself with confidence till you leave the interview location. Be confident when shaking hands and making eye contact as you say goodbye, and keep your body posture straight as you walk all the way to your car.Remember, the more you make active and confident body language a part of your daily life, the more it becomes a habit that follows you wherever you go.52. We can learn from the text that the “secret” system mainly refers to ______.A. body languageB. habitsC. language skillsD. advice53. During the interview, which of the following is NOT mentioned?A. Eye contact.B. Clothing style.C. Sitting posture.D. Facial expression.54. What’s the purpose of the text?A. To show the general steps of an interview.B. To explain the meaning of body language.C. To persuade people to use more body language.D. To give advice on how to carry yourself in an interview.55. It can be inferred from the text that ______.A. knowledge plays a key role in an interviewB. active body language helps a lot in an interviewC. advice from experts makes a good result in an interviewD. communication skills are necessary for a good interview四、写作(共两节, 满分35分)第一节短文改错(共10小题; 每小题1分, 满分10分)短文中共有10处错误,错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。

高一英语必修四第一单元习题一单项选择(15分)( )1 -How often do you write to your father?A. Once a monthB. In a weekC. For a monthD. Last week( )2-Would you like to have tea or coffee?A. Either will doB. Neither do IC. Yes, pleaseD. It doesn't matter( )3 Here is my card. Let’s keep in _______.A. touchB. relationC. connectionD. certain( )4 Whether the wounded ____ sent to the hospital without delay ____ unknown yet.A. have been; areB. has been; isC. were; areD. have ; is( )5 Only ______ a human being.A. when is it hungry a lion will attackB. when it is hungry a lion will attackC. when it is hungry will a lion attackD. when is it hungry will a lion attack( )6 It’s not right to ______ the poorer people of the world.A. look upB. look downC. look down onD. look up to( )7 It was with great joy______ he received the news that his lost daughter had been found.A. becauseB. whichC. sinceD. that( )8 Although the working mother is very busy, she still ____a lot of time to her children.A. devotesB. spendsC. offersD. provides( )9 Early to bed and early to rise ____ a good habit.A. areB. isC. wereD. was( )10 The family____ early risers, who often ______ morning exercises in the park.A. are; doesB. is; doesC. are; doD. is; do( )11 The pair of shoes ____ worn out.A. wasB. wereC. have beenD. had been( )12 The detective, ______to read a newspaper, glanced at the man ______ next to a woman.A. pretending ; seatingB. pretending; seatedC. pretended ; seatingD. pretended ; seated( )13 She ought to stop work; she has a headache because she ____ too long.A. has been readingB. had readC. is readingD. read( )14 .More than one answer ____ to the question.A. have been given B were givenC. . has been givenD. has given( )15 Either you or the headmaster_______ the prizes to these gifted students at the meeting.A is handing out B. are to hand outC are handing out D. is to hand out( ) 16.Mr White ____ at 8:30 for the meeting, but he didn’t show up.A. should have arrivedB. should arriveC. should have had arrivedD. should be arriving( ) 17. Though we spent a lot, we think it _____ because we succeeded in the end.A. worthB. worth being spentC. worthy ofD. worthwhile( )18. Michael is ______ because he never takes any exercise.A. under conditionsB. on no conditionC. in conditionD. out of condition( ) 19. The flowers ______ my mother, but my sister thought they were for her and took them.A. were intended forB. intended forC. intended to giveD. intended giving( ) 20. You’ve done much of the work, and please leave ______ to us.A. the restB. the otherC. anotherD. the others二.完形真空I once thought I would be a perfect parent. It took 1 sixteen years to learn 2 I could not be. I know that I made 3 mistakes. If I raised my 4 again, I would not make those 5 . Maybe I would make new ones, but I would do a better job.I would try to understand my 6 towards my children. I often did what my own 7 would have done. I 8 their ways of raising children control me. For example, I had my teenage son David come home early. He hated this rule. He said no reason 9 it. As a girl, I had to be 10 early. I wanted my son to do 11 . Today I would think more about 12 I wanted things done in a certain way.My father was sick when I was 13 . My sister, my brother, and I were 14 at 15. We did not yell in anger. We did not shout for joy.I wanted my children to be quiet too. I never 16 to ask “why?”17 was hard for me to let my children show anger. I stopped my children when they started to get angry. Now I would tell my 18. “It is all 19 to show love,. It is all right to show anger. Your feelings are good. I love you 20 what yo u feel.”1、A、more B、me C、in D、my2、A、this B、what C、since D、that3、A、some B、few C、no D、any4、A、hand B、questions C、demand D、children5、A、answers B、says C、mistakes D、friends6、A、questions B、love C、actions D、mistakes7、A、children B、belief C、parents D、strength8、A、love B、open C、let D、go9、A、at B、for C、by D、of10、A、natured B、loved C、home D、quick11、A、the same B、a lot C、well D、at once12、A、what B、which C、why D、whom13、A、taught B、told C、young D、naughty14、A、quiet B、quite C、anger D、sad15、A、all times B、no time C、some time D、the time16、A、believed B、worried C、realized D、stopped17、A、It B、I C、There D、Sometimes18、A、parent B、children C、neighbour D、brother19、A、in all B、men C、agreed D、right20、A、no longer B、no more C、no wonder D、no matter三. 阅读理解(每题2分,共20分)AGrandma Moses is among the most celebrated twentiethcentury painters of the United States, yet she had barely started painting before she was in her late seventies. As she once said of herself “I would never sit back in a rocking chair, waiting for someone to help me.” No one could have had a more productive old age.She was born Anna Mary Roberson on a farm in New York State, one of five boys and five girls.(“We came in bunches ,like radishes .”) At twelve she left home and was in domestic service until at twenty-seven, she married Thomas Moses, first in Virginia and then in New York State, at Eagle Bridge .She had ten children, of whom five survived; her husband died in 1927.Grandma Moses painted a little as a child and made embroidery pictures as a hobby, but only switched to oils in old age because her hands had become too stiff to sew and she wanted to keep busy and pass the time. Her pictures were first sold at the local drugstore and at a fair, and were soon spotted by a dealer who bought everything she painted. Three of the pictures were exhibited in the Museum of Modern Art, and in 1940 she had her first exhibition in New York. Between the 1930’s and her death she produced some 2000 pictures: detailed and lively portrayals of the rural life she had known for so long, with a marvelous sense of color and form. “ I think real hard till I think of something real pretty, and then I paint it.” She said.1. Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?A. Grandma Moses: A biographical Sketch.B. The children of Grandma Moses.C. Grandma Moses and Other Older Artists.D. Older Artists2. According to the passage, Grandma Moses began to paint because she wanted to _______.A. decorate her homeB. keep activeC. improve her salaryD. gain an international reputation3. From Grandma Moses’ description of herself in the first paragraph, it can be inferred that she was ___________.A. independentB. prettyC. wealthyD. timid4. Grandma Moses spent most of the life ________.A. nursingB. paintingC. embroideringD. farming5. In the third paragraph, the word “ spotted” could be replaced by _______.A. speckledB. featuredC. noticedD. damagedBThe famous American gorilla (猩猩) expert Diane Fossey had a completely new way to study gorillas ---she pretended to be one of them . She copied their actions and way of life--- eating plants and getting down on her hands and knees to walk the way a gorilla dose. It was a new relationship.Diane Fossey was murdered in Rwanda in 1985 and her story made into the popular film Gorillas in the Mist .It was a long way from King Kong, which is about a gorillas as a monsters (a frightening animal), and helped to show a new idea: the real monster is man, while the gorilla is to be admired.Today there are thought to be around 48,000 lowland gorillas and maybe 400-500 mountain gorillas in the wild. From the Congo in West Africa, to Rwanda and Uganda further east, they are endangered by hunting and by the cutting down of their forest homes.Some time ago, I found in my letterbox a little magazine from the World Wide Fund for Nature. It had two photos side by side.One was of a young gorilla. “ This is a species of mammal (哺乳动物),” said the words below it . “ It is being destroyed by man. We must save it for our own good.” The other photo showed a human baby. The words also read: “ This is a species of mammal,” but then went on: “ It is the most destructive(破坏性的) on earth. We must retain it for its own good.”1. The text mainly talks about _________.A. Diane FosseyB. The gorillas in RwandaC. the protection of the gorillasD. the film Gorillas in the Mist2. We can learn from the text that ___________.A. Gorillas in the Mist was based on Fossey’s experiencesB. Lowland gorillas live longer than mountain gorillasC. King Kong showed us that a gorillas is admirableD. Diane Fossey was murdered by a gorilla3. What message can we get from the two photos in the magazine?A. Gorillas are man’s close friends.B. Both man and the gorilla need to be saved.C. Young gorillas are as lovely as human babies.D. Man should live peacefully with the gorillaC People Noble SmugglerThis Thursday ,Irena Sendler will be honored for her work as a smuggler(偷运者). During World War II , the Polish social worker smuggled nearly 2,500 Jewish children out of the Warsaw ghetto(聚集区). She gave them new identities, found them safe places with good-hearted Christians, and kept the children’s real names buried in jars in her neighbors’ ardens. (The play, Life in a Jar, based on her story, is being performed.) At 93,Sendler lives in a Warsaw nursing home and is too weak to travel to Washington DC, to receive the 2003 Jan Karski Award for Valor and Compassion from the American Center of Polish Culture. One of the children she saved will accept the award for her.You risked your life to save the children.I was taught by my father that when someone is drowning, you don’t ask if they can swim, you just jump in and help. During the war, everyone was drowning, but mostly the Jewish children.How did you persuade to give up their children?I had to answer honestly that I didn’t even know if we would get past the guards.What was the most frightening moment?When I saw a priest in charge of an orphanage for Jewish children in the ghetto walk with them out to be killed. The children were in their best Sunday suits. The priest was killed with them.How did you get the children to behave as you smuggled them out ?I told the older children to act as if they were sick and sometimes gave the younger ones a sleeping pill. They were told to remember their new names. I also told the children to tell guards they had only been visiting a servant in t he ghetto and were gonging back to their real homes outside.Did you tell your own two children what you did?I never told them. Only when my daughter went to Israel did she learn all about me. I thought it was only normal to do so. And it was a very painful subject. It was always on my mind that I couldn’t do more.1. We can learn from the passage that Irena Sendler___________.A. will go to Washington to accept the award with her daughterB. was caught a few times while she was rescuing the Jewish childrenC. told those parents that their children’s lives would be guaranteedD. saved thousands of Jewish children at the risk of her own life2. The expression “ everyone was drowning” can vest be replaced by “____”.A. everyone was involved in the warB. all the people were drownedC. people were facing danger and deathD. Jewish children were being killed2. Which of the following could Not be expected when Sendler was smuggling the Jewish children?A. Some children were told to pretend to be sick in front of the guards.B. Some children pretended to be returning home after visiting servant in the ghetto.C. The children were asked to remember and use new names instead of real ones.D. The children pretend to be brothers and sisters from one gig family.3. Sendler didn’t tell her own children what she did in the war because ____.A. she thought it was the most frightening experienceB. the topic was too painful and heartbreaking to mentionC. it was already recorded and made known to the publicD. she planned to bury the secret in her heart until her death四. 用下列词或词组的适当形式填空:(20分)1.They should solve the problem by (辩论) and not by fighting.2.He was so (慷慨的)as to share his food with me.3.It's known to all that many scientists have made great achievements under difficult __________.(处境)4. Mr. John was so kind that all the students _____(尊敬)him.5.Pay attention to your ______________. (行为,举止)6.His encouraging speech i______us to be always ready to fight with all kinds of hardships.7.Cost is an important c______ for me when I buy new clothes.8.Have you ever o___________ any activities by yourself?9. The c______ succeeded and Bush won he election.10.Outside the cinema we had a long wait but we thought it was w_____ since we got the tickets.五完成句子(15分)1 剩下的学生都被送去学校了。
高中英语必修四unit1 基础训练试题

高一必修四unit1 单词短语基础专练出题人张艳丽审题人陈晓静一短语1.参加争取…的运动 2. 参加反对…的运动3.为了做…而斗争4.守规据5.对待某人好/差6.在阴凉处7.处死,处决8.离开,启程9.做…是值得的10.观察某人在做某事11. 被发现做了某事12. 继续,坚持做某事13与某人争论某事14.说服某人做某事15.说服某人勿做某事16.涌上心头(脑海)17.为了支持/拥护……18.算出,制定出19.尊敬地,敬重地20.与…交流21.过着…的生活22. 尊敬某人23.蔑视某人24. 查阅,参考,提到25 把…交给/传递给…26. 专为…而设计27. (偶然遇见,碰见). 28.被允许做某事二:语法和词汇知识1. At home, he keeps some pets,to which he ______ all his spare time.A. spendsB. offersC. devotesD. provides2. She’s tired of acting, and she _______ changing for a new job, but she hasn’t made up her mind yet.A. had consideredB. has been consideringC. consideredD. is going to consider3. Michael is ______ because he never takes any exercise.A. under conditionsB. on no conditionC. in conditionD. out of condition4. The flowers ______ my mother, but my sister thought they were for her and took them.A. were intended forB. intended forC. intended to giveD. intended giving5. She won a Nobel Prize for her scientific ______.A. interestsB. achievementsC. behaviorD. observation6. What he said at the meeting means _______ those who had cut down the forests.A. to argue againstB. to argue forC. arguing forD. arguing against7. Though we spent a lot, we think it _____ because we succeeded in the end.A. worthB. worth being spentC. worthy ofD. worthwhile8. Don’t ______ a person only because he has failed in an examination.A. look upB. look downC. look down onD. look up to9. You’ve done much of the work, and please leave ______ to us.A. the restB. the otherC. anotherD. the others0. I really ______ whether we win or lose.A. care aboutB. care forC. careD. care to11. On the bus, all the people except the driver ______ to talk and laugh during the journey.A. encouragedB. were encouragingC. were encouragedD. was encouraged12. Don’t spoil the children. Can’t you make your little boy ______ himself?A. behaveB. believeC. performD. conduct13. Only ______ a human being.A. when is it hungry a lion will attackB. when it is hungry a lion will attackC. when it is hungry will a lion attackD. when is it hungry will a lion attack14. A good idea just ______ me —Let’s go swimming.A. beatB. happenedC. hitD. struck15. It ______ at the crossroads ______ he was killed in the accident the other day.A. is; thatB. was; thatC. is; whereD. was; where三:单词拼写。

高中英语必修四unit1试题及答案一、词汇题(共10分,每题1分)1. The _______ of the company was very impressive.A. achievementB. accomplishmentC. successD. victory答案:B2. He is a _______ student who always finishes his homework on time.A. responsibleB. irresponsibleC. dependableD. unreliable答案:A3. The _______ of the project was delayed due to bad weather.A. completionB. accomplishmentC. finishD. end答案:A4. She is a _______ person, always ready to help others.A. generousB. selfishC. stingyD. greedy答案:A5. The _______ of the meeting was to discuss the new policy.A. purposeB. goalC. objectiveD. target答案:A6. The _______ of the book is to educate children about nature.A. purposeB. goalC. objectiveD. target答案:A7. The _______ of the river is very beautiful, especially in spring.A. bankB. shoreC. coastD. beach答案:B8. The _______ of the building is made of glass and steel.A. structureB. frameworkC. skeletonD. body答案:A9. The _______ of the bridge is very impressive.A. architectureB. designC. planD. layout答案:A10. The _______ of the company has increased significantlythis year.A. revenueB. incomeC. profitD. earnings答案:C二、阅读理解题(共20分,每题4分)阅读下面短文,然后回答问题。
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高一英语必修4 Unit 1基础知识测试题姓名____________ 座号__________班级__________ 成绩:____________一. 根据句意及所给单词或汉语提示,写出所缺词的正确形式。
(每空1分,满分10分)1. She spoke in ____________ of the project.(支持)2. The police man began a __________ to reduce road accidents. (运动)3. He tried to ___________his house with thick trees.(挡住光线)4. She ___________ to the subject several times during her speech. (谈到)5.I'm not going to ___________ with you tonight. (争论)6. His recent ___________ puzzles me. (behave)7. Since her ___________ she had wanted to work with animals in the forest. (child)8. The educated professor is____________. (respect)9. What made her succeed later on was the ___________ (kind) and _____________ (considerate) sheshowed to all her patients.二.完成句子。
(每空1分,满分15分)1. He left America and prepared to_____ _____ _____ ______ 。
(过新生活)2. We've just ______ _______ an old friend.(偶遇)3. We should not _______ _______ _______ manual labor.(瞧不起)4. The chair _______ _________ ________ you, but she took it away. (为……准备)5. Many uncomfortable thoughts _______ ________ _______ on her. (涌上心头)三.单项填空。
(每小题1分,满分10分)()1.Only in this way ______ learn English well.A.I can B.can I C.I do D.do I()2. Bitten twice,the postman refused to ______our letters unless we changed our dog.A. deliverB. inspireC. behaveD. intend()3. Some of the students have already learned enough English to __________ a conversation with a native English speaker.A.carry on B.keep on C.go on D. hold on()4.We had wanted to finish our task by noon,but it didn’t quite __________.A.find out B.give out C.hand out D. work out()5. Lucy has ________all of the goals she set for herself in high school.A.acquired B.finished C.concluded D. achieved()6. Teachers should be __________ of our students’ feelings. And then they will trust us.A.anxious B.considerate C.delighted D.afraid()7. Suddenly it ______ me how difficult it was for women to get medical training at that time.A.hit B.knocked C.occurred D. beat()8. Both rice and wheat _______ grown in our country.A. isB. areC. wasD. were()9. Not only you but also I _______ able to help him out.A. areB. isC. amD. were()10.The apple fell __________ on Bobby's head.A.by chanceB. on purposeC.by intentionD.by mistake选择题答题区:1—5: ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ 6—10: ___ ___ ___ ___ ___四.语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)。
It happened in a holiday when I was 18 years old. I 1______ (be) to fly to Brussels. I set my alarm 2______ (get) up early. There was one problem: I had never used an alarm before. I was uncertain whether the button on the top had to be up or down. I got little sleep as I worried about it all night.I 3______ (obvious) had made the wrong 4______ (choose) because the next morning I woke only a short while before sunrise. I panicked and grabbed my belongings. I didn’t even have time to shower 5______set off to the airport.Now I had less than an hour before my flighty left. Not 6______ (have) much experience on buses, I 7_____ (make) extremely angry by the bus driver 8______pulled over and waited every few streets. I had to do something, so I went to him and informed him that I was late for my flight and so we needed to move on. He stared 9______me, but he continued his route at the same pace. When I finally got to the airport, I rushed to find where I had to check in. But I still missed my flight. The lady at the desk felt so sorry for me 10______she offered to change the flight at no extra cost.1___________ 2___________ 3___________ 4___________ 5___________6___________ 7___________ 8___________ 9___________ 10___________五.单句改错。
(每小题1分,满分10分)1. He behaved bad to the customers. ___________2. Our group is all going to visit them in the forest. ___________3. It’s importance for us to look into the world. ___________4. I spend some time observe everything they did. ___________5. His work encouraged many other women become doctors. ___________6. It seems that she had been very busy in her career. ___________7. I had been here since five months ago. ___________8. She was caught and put to die by the English. ___________9. I think of that experience gives me a lot of people skills. ___________10. The troops moved off in dawn. ___________高一英语必修4 Unit 1基础知识测试题答案一.单词填空1. support2. campaign3. shade4.referred5. argue6. behavior/ behavior7. childhood8. respectable9.kindness; consideration二. 完成句子1:lead/ live a new life 2: come across 3:look down on/upon 4:was intended for 5:were crowding in三:单项选择1-5:BAADD 6-10:BABCA四:语法填空1. was2. to get3. obviously4. choice5. and6. having7. was made 8. who/that 9. at 10. that五:单句改错1:bad -------badly2 : is-----are3:importance ------- important4: observe-------- observing5:become前增加to6:seems ------- seemed7:had------- have8:die ------- death9:删去of10:in------ at。