




在英美律政电影、电视剧(legal drama)中,常常也能看到法庭审判的情景。


1. Oyez ( /oʊˈjɛz/, /oʊˈjeɪ/, /oʊˈjɛs/ )Oyez 起源于法语oyer,是它的祈使形式。

虽有多个读音,但简而化之可以读作Oh-Yes!意思等于“Hear! Attend!”常用于中世纪的英格兰和法兰西。

如今,美国的最高法院在开庭前,仍会来上一段“The Honorable, the Chief Justice and the Associate Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States. Oyez! Oyez! Oyez! All persons having business before the Honorable, the Supreme Court of the United States, are admonished to draw near and give their attention,for the Court is now sitting. God save the United States and this Honorable Court.”the Court crier连续喊上两到三遍Oyez,示意大家注意并保持肃静,以宣布开庭,是法官入席的一个仪式。


2. Court shall rise!当法庭肃静下来之后,the marshal of the Court (Court crier)会要求全体起立,请法官和审判人员入庭。



1. To discuss the differences between the civil law system and the common law system. (P4 )There are many differences between civil law system and common law system. Ⅰ The original places are different. The civil law system originated in ancient Rome, and the common law system originated in England.起源地不同,民法起源于古罗马,普通法起源于英格兰Ⅱ The main traditional source of the common law is cases, while the main traditional source of the civil law is legislation. Thus there are many codes in civil law countries instead of unwritten laws in common law system.普通法的主要传统渊源是案例法,民法的主要传统渊源是成文法。

因此民法国家用许多成文法典取代普通法国家的不成文法Ⅲ The civil law system pays more attention to substantive law; the common law system pays more attention to procedural rules.民法法系更多关注实体法,普通法更关注程序规则Ⅳ The classification of law is different. The civil law is separated into public law and private law, the common law is separated into common law and equity.法的分类不同,民法法系分为公法和私法,普通法法系分为普通法和衡平法Ⅴ The role of judges and professors is another difference. Since theory and doctrines is important in legal education of civil law system, professor plays the important role to expose laws to students. In the contrary, case-law is the main source of common law, thus the judges has the discretion to make laws while trialing cases.法官和学者的作用不同,因为理论和学说在民法法系中的重要性,学者在教授学生法律时十分重要。


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法律英语基础:Court 法庭

法律英语基础:Court 法庭

法律英语基础:Court 法庭1.A judicial forum has nothing to do with what is not before it.法院不能主动寻找案件。

2.The court found the accused guilty on all charges.法院裁定被告犯有所有被指控的罪行。

3.The court has made an order for specific performance.法院已经作出强行履行裁定。

4.The court ordered the company's funds to be seized.法院命令没收公司资金。

5.The court recorded an open verdict on the dead policeman.法庭对警察死因不明的裁定做了记录。

6.The court returned a verdict of death by misadventure.法院裁定为意外事故死亡。

7.She was acting on the authority of the court.她按法院给她的权利做事。

8.Six weeks elapsed before the court order was put into effect.法院命令六周以后才生效。

9.The court asked for details of the background to the case.法院要求了解案件详细的背景情况。

10.The court asked the accused to show good cause why he should not be sent to prison.法院让被告拿出他不应该被监禁的充足的理由。

11.The court dismissed the action.法院驳回了诉讼。

12.The court extended the defendant's time for servinghis defense by fourteen days.法院把被告送交警答辩状的时间延长了14天。



法律英语翻译:法律翻译常用词汇注释(A-Z)AAb initioAb initio是拉丁文,其意思是“自开始之时”或“从头开始”,可以直接翻译为“自始”。

在法律英语中,ab initio 的使用频率较高,比较常见。

如:ab initio mundi(有史以来),void ad initio(自始无效)等。


如reach an accord达成和解协议,accord and satisfaction和解与清偿等。




如The foreign investor has acquired more than 10 PRC domestic enterprises engaging in related industries within a year. 外国投资者一年内并购中国境内关联行业的企业超过10个。


刑事案件经审讯后,被告罪名不成立被释放,称为“The accused is acquitted”。

Acquittal 是名词。



如:Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act, the Minister may, on the recommendation of the Commission, direct the Commission to act or forbear from。



以下是整理的《法律英语⼝语:原告和被告》,希望⼤家喜欢!1.The accused admitted six other offences.2.The accused had no criminal record.3.The accused throughout is presumed to be innocent unless he admits the offence or until he is proved beyond reasonable doubt to be guilty.4.The accused was convicted of murder and will be sentenced next week.5.The accused was found to be innocent.6.The case proceeded notwithstanding the objections of the defendant.7.The defendant applied for an extension of time in which to serve her defense.8.The defendant asked permission to address the court.9.The defendant entered defense of justification.10.The defendant has the right to file a counter-suit.11.The defendant has applied for an adjounment.12.The defendant is in breach of his statutory duty.13.The defendant prevailed in the case.14.The defendant was in court for three hours.15.The defense attorney's objection was overruled by the judge.16.The lack of good will was evidenced by the defendant's behavior in the witness stand.17.The plaintiff is seeking remedy through the courts.18.The relief the plaintiff sought was an injunction and damages.19.The plaintiff's account and defendant's response were filed with a master in chancery.20.The respondent was not acting bona fide.原告和被告被告承认其他六个犯罪⾏为.被告没有前科.在招认犯罪或毫⽆疑义地被证实有罪之前,被告都应被推定⽆罪.被告已被定谋划杀罪并于下周判刑.被告被判⽆罪.尽管被告反对,诉讼照常进⾏.被告申请延长她送答辩状的时间.被告要求允许他在法庭讲话.被告⽤被控⾏为正当为由进⾏辩护.被告有权提起反诉.被告提出休庭申请.被告未履⾏他的法定义务.被告胜诉被告被法庭审了三个⼩时.被告辩护律师提出的反对意见被法官驳回.被告在证⼈席的⾏为显⽰其缺乏善意.原告正通过法院寻求救济.原告请求的救济为强制令和损害赔偿⾦.原告的指控和被告的辩护被提交给了司法衡平法院的主事官.被告的⾏为不真诚.。


disability, legal incapacity无资格
nonretroactive character不溯既往性
constitutional law宪法
canon law教会法规
common law习惯法
criminal law刑法
appear (in court):出庭
parallel parking:平行停车
plead guilty [not guilty]:认罪[不认罪]
Military Law军法
Conscript Law兵役法
Copyright Law著作权法
penal code刑法典
code of mercantile law商法典
civil rights民事权利,公民权利
human rights, righቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱs of man人权



法律英语口语:证据法律英语(双语) 广大朋友们,关于“法律英语口语:证据法律英语论文(双语)”是由论文频道小编特别编辑整理的,相信对需要各式各样的论文朋友有一定的帮助! 证据Evidence 1.Aconfessionmadeincourtisofgreaterimportancethanallproof.庭上招认,远胜诸证。



 4.Discoveryistheprocessofuncoveringeachparty sdocumentstotheotherbeforeahearingstarts.证据开示是指审判之前各方将自己的书证披露给对方的一种程序。

 5.Heattemptedtorebuttheassertionsmadebytheprosecutionwitness. 他试图反驳控方证人所作的断言。



 8.Isthereenoughevidencetoprosecute?有没有起诉的足够证据? 9.Justbecauseevidenceisrelevantdoesnotmeanthatitisadmissible.证据仅仅具有关联性并不意味着它便具有可采性。


11.Noneoftheaforementionedevidenceshallserveasthebasisofestablishmentoffactsbeforeithasbe enascertainedandverified.上述证据必须查证属实,才能作为认定事实的根据。



法律英语口语900句:法庭1.A judicial forum has nothing to do with what is not before it.2.The court found the accused guilty on all charges.3.The court has made an order for specific performance.4.The court ordered the company's funds to be seized.5.The court recorded an open verdict on the dead policeman.6.The court returned a verdict of death by misadventure.7.She was acting on the arthority of the court.8.Six weeks elapsed before the court order was put into effect.9.The court asked for details of the background to the case.10.The court asked the accused to show good causewhy the should not be sent to prison.11.The court dismissed the action.12.The court extended the defendant's time for serving his defense by fourteen days.13.The court followed the precedent set in 1926.14.The court granted the company a two-week stay of execution.15.The court heard evidence from a fingerprint expert.16.The court held that there was no to answer.17.The court is not competent to try the case.18.The court ordered certiorari following judicial review,quashing the order made by the juvenile court.19.The court ordered the bailiffs to saize his propertybecause he has not paid his fine.20.The court ordered the case to be retried.21.The court's opinion was that the case should be heardinter parties as soon as possible.22.The court recorded a plea of not guilty.23.The court took the view that the defendant's plea was equivocal.24.The court will decide on the admissibility of the evidence.25.The Crown Court directed the justices to rehear the case.26.The decision of the court runs counter to the adviceof the clerk to the justice.27.The granting of an injunction is at the discretion of the court.28.The tribunal decided against awarding any damages.29.The tribunal should act in good faith.30.The tribunal's ruling has established a precedent.8、法庭法院不能主动寻找案件。









常见法律英语词汇下面列举了一些常见的法律英语词汇及其翻译:w - 法律2.Legal - 法律的3.Contract - 合同4.Agreement - 协议5.Plaintiff - 原告6.Defendant - 被告7.Judgment - 判决8.Court - 法院9.Evidence - 证据10.Witness - 证人这些词汇是法律文件中经常出现的,熟悉这些词汇对于正确理解和翻译法律文件至关重要。












参考文献 - Smith, J. (2010). Legal English: How to Understand and Master the Language of Law. Routledge.。



法律英语口语翻译大全:法庭1.a judicial forum has nothing to do with what is not before it.2.the court found the accused guilty on all charges.3.the court has made an order for specific performance.4.the court ordered the company's funds to be seized.5.the court recorded an open verdict on the dead policeman.6.the court returned a verdict of death by misadventure.7.she was acting on the arthority of the court.8.six weeks elapsed before the court order was put into effect.9.the court asked for details of the background to the case.10.the court asked the accused to show good causewhy the should not be sent to prison.11.the court dismissed the action.12.the court extended the defendant's time for serving his defense by fourteen days.13.the court followed the precedent set in 1926.14.the court granted the company a two-week stay of execution.15.the court heard evidence from a fingerprint expert.16.the court held that there was no to answer.17.the court is not competent to try the case.18.the court ordered certiorari following judicial review,quashing the order made by the juvenile court.19.the court ordered the bailiffs to saize his propertybecause he has not paid his fine.20.the court ordered the case to be retried.21.the court's opinion was that the case should be heardinter parties as soon as possible.22.the court recorded a plea of not guilty.23.the court took the view that the defendant's plea was equivocal.24.the court will decide on the admissibility of the evidence.25.the crown court directed the justices to rehear the case.26.the decision of the court runs counter to the advice ofthe clerk to the justice.27.the granting of an injunction is at the discretion of the court.28.the tribunal decided against awarding any damages.29.the tribunal should act in good faith.30.。



Aa law 法规,法例argumentative question 争论性的问题attempt 企图abate 降低,减少,排除abduct 拐骗,诱拐abortion 堕胎abscond 潜逃,逃跑absolve 宣告无罪abstract 摘要abuse (people) 虐待,辱骂abuse (power) 滥用权利abuse (office) 滥用职权acceptance of bribes 受贿accessory 从犯accident 事故,意外accomplice 共犯,帮凶accord and satisfaction 和解与清偿according to law 按照法律,依照法律,与法律一致accusation 指控,控告accused 被告acquittal 宣告无罪act of Congress 国会法案act of God 不可抗力,天灾adjudication 判决,裁定admitted into evidence 接收为证据admissible evidence 可接纳的证据admission 供认,招认adoption 收养,领养,认养;采用,接纳Adult Probation and Parole 成人缓刑与假释adultery 通奸advisement of rights 权利告诫advocate (n) 辩护人advocate (v) 辩护;倡导affiant 宣誓人,立誓词人affidavit 宣誓书,经宣誓的书面陈述affirm 确认,(上诉院)维持原判aggravated 加重的aggravated circumstances 增加严重性的情节agreement 协议aid and abet 协谋,教唆,帮凶aiding escape 协助逃跑aiding prostitution 协助卖淫alias 别名,化名,假名alibi 不在现场的证据alien 外侨,侨民alimony (付给前配偶的)赡养费allegation 指称,指控alleged thief 被指称为窃贼的人allocution 认罪供词,自白供词amnesty 大赦ancillary 附属的animal control officer 动物检疫人员animal cruelty 虐畜罪anticompetitive practices 防止竞争措施antitrust act 反托拉斯法案,发信托案appeal 上诉appearance 出庭appellate court 上诉法庭applicability 可适应性appoint 指定,委派,委任appraisal 估价aquatic wildlife 野生水中动物,鱼类arbitration 仲裁,公断argument 争辩,辩论arm of the law 法律的权利armed robbery 持械抢劫arraignment 提审,提讯,提堂,过堂arraignment hearing 提讯听证arrest 逮捕,拘捕arrest on suspicion 因有疑而被捕arrest warrant 逮捕证,通缉令arresting officer 执行逮捕的警员arsenal 弹药库,枪械库arson 纵火罪ascertain 确定,查明aspersion 中伤,诽谤assassin 刺客,暗杀凶手assailant 攻击者assault 攻击assault and battery 殴打罪,伤害人身罪assess 估价,征收assets 资产asylum 庇护atrocity 暴行attempted crime 犯罪未遂attempted murder 谋杀未遂audit 稽查,查帐,审计,审核authenticate 鉴定,认证auto burglary 偷汽车里的东西auto theft 偷汽车automobile homicide 车祸杀人autopsy 验尸,尸体剖检avow 招认,承认award (v) 判给award (n) 裁定额Bbackup 后援,后备badge (of a police officer) 徽章bail 保释,保释金bail bond 保释保证金,保金bail bondsman 保释代理人bail forfeiture 保释金没收bail jumping 弃保潜逃,保释中逃跑,逃保Bail Reform Act 保释修正案bailey 法庭bailiff 法警,法庭执行官ban 禁止,禁令,取缔bandit 盗贼,土匪banish 流放,驱逐bar 律师业bar association 律师协会barricade 临时防御,障碍物befouling water 污染水源behavior 品性,行为bench 法官席,法官bench trail 法官(无陪审团)审讯bench warrant 法庭传票beyond reasonable doubt 理无置疑,无合理怀疑bias 偏见bicycle path 自行车/脚踏车/单车专用道bid 投标,出价bigamy 一夫多妻制;重婚罪bill (in a legislature) 议案bill of lading 提货单,提单bill of particular 诉讼明细书Bill of Rights 人权法案,基本权利法案bind over 责令待审binding 有约束力的,附有义务的binding agreement 有约束力的协议birthright 与生俱来的权利black market 黑市blackmail 勒索,敲诈,讹诈blood alcohol 血液内的酒精含量blood test 验血bludgeon 杖刑board certified (medical) 拥有(医学)公会认可的资格执照board examiner (medical) (医学)公会监考员boating infractions 划船游乐方面的违规body search 搜身book verb 入案,落案bookie /bookmaker 赌博(各种比赛)的经纪人bookmaking 外围下注bound 受到约束的bounty hunter 为领赏而追捕逃犯的人brandish a weapon 挥动武器(来威胁)breaking and entering 强行闯入bribe 行贿,贿赂brief 摘要书,辨诉状bring to justice 移送法办,绳之以法burden of proof 举证责任burglary 盗窃,盗窃罪business license 营业执照bylaws 规章,规程C(credit for) time served 已服刑时间campaign contribution 竞选捐献,竞选献金cannabis 大麻,大麻类毒品capital punishment 死刑carcass 动物尸体carjacking 劫车carpool lane 合用车专用道carrying a concealed weapon 身携暗器,携带暗器case 案子,诉讼案件case in chief 主案,控方的证据case law 判例法,案例法causation 因果关系,造事原因causing catastrophe 造成大灾难caveat 警告,中止诉讼的通知cease and desist 停止,制止census 人口普查,人口调查certified 被证明的,有保证的chain of custody 接受监管的次序a. preemptory challenge 不述理由而要求陪审员退席b. challenge for cause 有原因要求陪审员退席challenge (v) 反对,质问change of venue 变更审判地点,转移管辖character evidence 人格证据,品德证据charges 指控,罪名charge to the jury (法官)对陪审团的指导charitable organization 慈善机构,慈善组织charity drive 慈善活动chattel 动产,有形财产chief justice 首席法官child endangerment 危害儿童child labor law 童工法child molestation 猥亵儿童child welfare service 儿童福利服务choking 窒息circuit court 巡回法庭circumstantial evidence 间接证据,旁证citation 罚单,传票civil code 民事法典civil enforcement 执行民事法典civil law 民法civil liberty 公民自由civil right 公民权利claim (n) 要求权claim (v) 声称,断言claim (damages) 索赔claim (lost or stolen property) 认领claimant 债权人,原告,索赔人clandestine 暗中的,秘密的class action lawsuit 集体诉讼classified (advertisement) 分类的classified (document) 保密的clerk of the court 法庭书记closing argument 终结陈述,终结辩论cocaine 古柯碱,可卡因,白粉co-conspirator 共谋人,篡谋人coercion 强迫,胁迫,挟制cohabitation 同居commercial drivers license 商业性驾驶执照commit a crime 犯下罪行commitment hearing 拘禁听证common law 判例法,习惯法,普通法common law marriage 普通法/习惯法上的婚姻community service 社区服务community standards 共同道德标准compelling argument 有道理/有说服力的争辩competence 能力,权限competent council 合格的律师competent court 管辖法院,主管法院complaint 控诉,民事起诉compulsory education 义务教育compulsory process 强制到庭的程序computer crimes 用计算机(电脑)犯罪concealed firearm 夹带/夹藏的枪械concealed weapon 夹带/夹藏武器,暗器concurrent sentences 合并刑期,同时执行confession 认罪,供认,招认confidentiality 保密性,机密性confinement 监禁,拘留confiscate 没收,充公conflict of interest 利益冲突confrontation of witness 证人对质consecutive sentences 连续刑期conspiracy 共谋,篡谋conspiracy to commit a crime 篡谋犯罪constable 警察constitutional right 宪法权利contempt of court 蔑视法庭continuance/continuation (of the case) 诉讼延期,展延contract 契约,合同contract law 合同法,契约法contradict 反驳contradict oneself 自相矛盾contradiction 矛盾convict noun 罪犯convict verb 定罪conviction 定罪,判罪coroner 验尸官correctional officer 狱警,监管警员corroborate 证实costs incurred 所引起的费用counsel 律师counseling 心理辅导count 罪项court 法庭,法院court appointed attorney 法庭任命的律师court interpreter 法庭翻译,法庭传译court of appeals 上诉法院court of last resort 终审法院court of record 案件记录所在的法院credibility 可信度,可信性creditor 债权人crime 罪行crime lab 罪证化验室criminal background information 前科资料criminal code 刑事法典criminal information 刑事检举书criminal intent 犯罪意图criminal justice 刑事司法criminal mischief 刑事恶作剧criminal offense 刑事犯罪criminal proceedings 刑事诉讼程序criminal record 犯罪记录criminal trespass 非法进入他人土地或房屋cross examination 盘问crosswalk 行人穿越道,斑马线,人行横道curfew 宵禁,戒严custodial interference 妨碍监护权custody (of children) 监护权(take into) custody 拘留,扣押DDA (District Attorney) 检查官,检控官damage 损失,损害damages 损害赔偿data 数据,资料de facto 事实上,实际上de jure 法理上deadly weapon 致命武器death sentence 死刑debate 辩论debrief (a witness) 询问(证人)deceit 欺骗,欺诈deception 欺瞒,蒙骗(to issue a) decree 颁布法令,命令deface 毁伤外貌,污损defamation 诽谤default 缺席,逾期未……default judgment 缺席判决defendant 被告defense 辩护,答辩,辨方defense attorney 辩护律师defense exhibit A 辨方呈物甲/证物甲deferred prosecution 缓期起诉defraud 诈骗,欺诈defunct 已死的,已故的,已倒闭demolish 拆毁,拆除denounce 谴责,斥责,驳斥deny (a charge) 否认,否定deny (a request or proposal) 驳回,否决department of corrections 惩治局,狱政局,监狱局,劳改局department of motor vehicles 机动车辆管理局,车管局department of public safety 公安局,公安机关deportation 递解出境,驱逐出境deposition 宣誓证言,宣誓证词deprave 腐化,腐败deputy D.A. 地区副检控官deputy sheriff 警员desecration 亵渎,污辱destruction of property 破坏财物detain 扣留,拘留detainer 扣押令detention 拘留diagnosis 诊断direct evidence 直接证据direct examination 直接询问disavowal 拒绝承担责任discharge 撤销(命令),释放disciplinary action 纪律处分,惩戒处分disciplinary measure 纪律措施discovery 告知准备使用的证据,透露证据dismemberment 肢解dismiss 驳回dismiss with prejudice 有偏见驳回起诉(不可以再诉) dismiss without prejudice 无偏见驳回起诉(可以再诉) disorderly conduct 扰乱治安行为,行为不轨disposition (juvenile) (对未成年人的)判决,处理dissident 异议人士,持不同政见者disturbing public meeting 扰乱公众会议disturbing the peace 扰乱治安diversion 转移,替换divest 剥夺divorce 离婚docket sheet 法院日程表dog fighting 斗狗domestic violence 家庭暴力double jeopardy 双重判案,一罪重审dragnet 法网driver’s education 驾驶培训driving on a suspended license 在驾照吊销期间开车driving record 驾驶记录驾驶纪录driving under the influence 酒后或吸毒后开车,受影响下驾驶drug abuse 滥用毒品drug bust 突击搜捕毒品及贩毒者drug dealer 贩毒者drug trafficking 贩毒drugs 毒品drunk driving 酒后开车due process of the law 适当/应有的法律程序duly sworn 正式发誓Eeavesdropping 窃听,偷听electric chair 电椅,电刑处死electronic monitoring 电子监视elements of the offense 犯法要素eligibility 资格embezzlement 盗用,侵吞,监守自盗emergency medical service 急救服务enhanced penalties 加重刑罚entrapment 陷阱,圈套equal protection 平等保护/保障escape 逃跑,逃脱evidence 证据examination 审查,发问,盘问exclusionary rule 排除不合法证据的法规excusable homicide 可原谅的杀人exculpatory 申明无罪的exhibit 呈物,证物exoneration 证明无罪,免除责任exoneration of bail 免除保释金expert witness 专家鉴定证人exploitation 利用,剥削explosive 炸药,爆炸物expose (a crime) 揭露,揭发expunge 删除,剔除extortion 勒索extradition 引渡eyewitness 目击证人Ffabrication 捏造,伪造fact 事实,真相failure to appear 不出庭罪fair use 公平使用fallacy 谬论false accusation 诬告罪false alarm 虚惊false arrest 非法逮捕falsification of documents 伪造文件falsification of evidence 伪造证据felony 刑事重罪fencing 买卖赃物field sobriety test 现场清醒测验file (n) 档案,卷宗file (v) 提交,入档,提出(诉讼)find (n) 拾得物,掘获物find (v) 判定finding 判决,调查结果fine 罚款fingerprints 指纹fire code 防火规章fire marshal 消防局长fire prevention 防火措施firearms 枪械firecrackers 鞭炮,爆竹fireworks 烟火,焰火,烟花flagellate 鞭打flammable material 易燃物品for the record 记录在案foreclosure 赎回权的取消forensic 法庭的,用于法庭的forensic expert 法医,科学鉴定专家forensic psychiatry 司法精神病学forensic science 科学鉴定学forensics 法医学forfeit 放弃,失去forgery 伪造fornication 私通foster home 寄养家庭,收养所foul language 粗话found liable 判定有责任frame up 造假陷害fraud 行骗,欺诈fugitive 逃犯Ggag order 禁止谈论令gallows 绞刑台gaming 赌博,赌塞gang 帮派,团伙garnish 扣押钱财gas chamber 毒气室genocide 种族灭绝gimmick 手法,手段gist (诉讼中的)主旨,要点,大意good behavior 品行良好good cause 正当理由good faith effort 有诚意的努力grace period 宽限期graffiti 乱涂乱写graft 受贿,渎职grand jury 大陪审团grand theft 重偷窃罪grievously sinful 罪孽深重grievance 不满,冤情gross negligence 严重失职groundless 无根据,没道理ground 理由guardian 监护人guilty 有罪gun runner 军火走私贩gunshot wound 枪伤Hhabeas corpus 人身保护法habitual offender 惯犯habitual sex offender 性惯犯habitual violent offender 暴力惯犯hallucinogen 幻觉剂handcuff 手铐handgun 手枪harassment 骚扰harbor a criminal 窝藏罪犯hate crime 仇恨罪hazardous material 危害物品,危险材料hazing 戏弄,恶作剧hearing 聆讯heroin 海洛因highway patrol 高速公路巡警hijacking 劫持hit and run 驾车肇事后逃跑hoarding 囤积hoax 骗局home detention 软禁homicide 杀人,他杀hostage 人质hostile witness 敌对证人hot pursuit 紧追hung jury 不能做出一致决断的陪审团hunting certificate/license/permit 狩猎许可hunting tag 狩猎标牌Iidentification 身份证identify 认出,辨认,分辨illegal alien 非法居留者illegal immigration 非法移民illegal immigration broker 蛇头illegitimate child 私生子,非婚生子illicit 非法illusory 错觉的immunity 豁免权immunity from liability 责任豁免权immunity from prosecution 检控豁免权impeachment of witness 指责证人impersonation of judge 假扮法官impersonation of police officer 假扮警察implicate 牵连,牵涉implied consent 默认,默示同意impound 没收,扣押,充公imprisonment 徒刑,下狱,坐牢,禁锢in camera 不公开in session 开庭inadmissible 不可接纳的incarceration 监禁incest 乱伦inchoate offenses 犯罪未遂incite 煽动,鼓动inconsistent (statements) 矛盾(供词) incriminate 归罪,使负罪indictment 大陪审团起诉书,大陪审团公诉书indigent 贫穷的indirect evidence 间接证据inducement 诱惑infiltration 渗透influence peddling 招权纳贿informant 告密者,线人information 正式起诉书informed consent 知情的同意infraction 违规,违例inherent right 固有权利inheritance 继承;遗产injunction 禁令,强制令injustice 不公正,不正义,不法inmate 囚犯insanity 精神错乱instigate 煽乱,怂恿insurance 保险insurgent 叛乱的intent 意图interference with public servant 妨害公务罪INTERPOL 国际刑事警察组织interstate 州际intimidation 恐吓intoxilizer 酒醉测试器investigation 调查irrational 不合理智的issue (n) 问题,争论点; 子女,后嗣issue (v) 发行,发出,分配itemize 列举,详细列举Jjail 拘留所,监狱jailbreak 越狱jay-walk 违章穿越马路John/Jane Doe 无名氏joy riding 偷车兜风Judge Advocate General 军法局长,军法处长judgment 判决judicial 司法的judicial notice 司法上应有的知识judiciary 司法系统jump bail 弃保潜逃junk dealer 收售旧物者jurisdiction 司法权,管辖权,判决权jurisprudence 法理家jurist 法学家juror 陪审员juror, alternative 候补陪审员juror, prospective 待选陪审员juror, sworn 正选陪审员jury 陪审团jury box 陪审团席jury instructions (法官给)陪审团的指示jury tempering 非法干预陪审团jury trial 陪审团审案juvenile court 青少年/未成年人法庭juvenile delinquent 青少年/未成年人罪犯Kkidnapping 绑架,绑票killer 凶手kiting 开空投支票kleptomania 盗窃狂knowingly 知情地,故意地Llabor law 劳工法,劳动法landmark decision 里程碑式的判决larceny 盗窃罪laser-sight weapon 激光瞄准武器law code 法典,法例law enforcement agency 执法机构law firm 律师事务所law school 法学院lawsuit 官司,诉讼,案件lead council 首席律师leading question 诱导发问lechery 淫乱行为legal age 法定年龄legal aid 法律援助legal aide 法律助理legal council 法律顾问legal obligation 法律义务legal system 法律体制legal tender 法定货币legalese 法律术语legality 合法性legislature 立法机关法律翻译leniency 宽恕,宽大处理lethal injection 致命性注射剂lethal weapon 致命凶器letter bomb 信件炸弹lewd conduct 猥亵行为,淫秽行为,下流行为liability 应负责任,债务liable 法律责任liability insurance 责任保险libel 诽谤罪lie detector 测谎器lie in wait 埋伏以待lien 留置权,扣押权life sentence 无期徒刑,终生监禁lineup 列队辨认嫌疑犯litigant 诉讼当事人litigation 诉讼,打官司littering 乱丢垃圾loaded weapon 装上弹药的武器loan shark 高利贷者lodge a complaint 投诉loitering 闲荡loophole 漏洞looting 洗劫,趁乱打劫losses 损失LSD 迷幻药lynching 私刑处死MMafia 黑手党,黑社会,黑帮团伙magistrate 裁判官mail bomb 邮件炸弹mail fraud 邮件欺诈mail theft 邮件盗窃maiming 残害making arrest 拘捕,逮捕malfeasance 恶行,劣迹malice 恶意malicious mischief 恶意作弄malicious prosecution 恶意控告malign 诬蔑,诋毁malpractice 失职mandate 执行令mandatory 规定的,强制性的mandatory sentences 规定刑期manhunt 搜捕逃犯manslaughter 过失杀人,误杀maritime law 海事法marshal 法警,庭警mass hysteria 集体发疯material facts 重要事实material statement 重要声明material witness 重要证人matter of record 有案可查的事项maxim 格言mayhem 残害身体mediation 调停,仲裁minimum standard 最低标准minor 未成年人Miranda Rights 米兰达权利mischief 恶作剧misconduct 不法行为,不端行为misdemeanor 轻刑罪misleading question 误导问题misnomer 误称misquote 错误引用misrepresentation 虚假不实的陈述missing 失踪mistrial 无效审判(可重审) mitigating circumstances 减罪细节mitigating factors 减罪因素modus operandi 作案方法money laundering 洗钱monopoly 垄断moot (adj.) 假设的,非实际的moral certainty 确实可靠性moral standard 道德标准moral turpitude 违背道德,卑鄙motion 动议motion denied 动议被否决motion granted 动议被批准motive 动机mug shot 入案照片mutilation 切断,残害,毁伤mutiny 兵变,叛变Nnarcotics 麻醉品native-born citizen 土生公民naturalization 入境,归化negligence 疏忽,过失negligent homicide 过失杀人nepotism 任人唯亲,裙带风neutrality law 中立法next of kin 最近亲属night court 晚间法庭no contest 无争议nonfeasance 不履行义务nonpayment 不支付,未缴纳nonresident 非(某地)居民not guilty 无罪notary public 公证人nuisance 妨害公共利益的行为null and void 无效,失效nullify 取消Ooath 誓言objection 反对,抗议,异议obscene 猥亵,淫荡obscene phone call 猥亵/淫秽电话obscenity 猥亵,淫秽,下流obstructing justice 妨害司法offense 罪行,犯法officer 警察,官员official misconduct 官员渎职on the record 记录在案open court 公开法庭opening statement 开案陈述/陈词ordinance 法令,条例ostracism 排斥outlaw (n) 歹徒outlaw (v) 取缔,剥夺(权利)outstanding warrant 未执行的逮捕证,仍有效的通缉令overrule 驳回,推翻over act 明显/公开行为Ppandering procuring 拉皮条panel 小组panel (of jurors) 全体陪审员parade permit 游行示威许可paradox 自相矛盾paralegal 律师助理paramedic 急救人员paranoia 偏执狂,妄想狂pardon 赦免parole 假释party 当事人pass sentence 宣判patent 专利paternity suit 确认生父的诉讼pathologist 病理学家patronizing a prostitute 嫖娼,嫖妓PCP 天使粉(兴奋剂),苯环己哌啶pedestrian 行人penalties 惩罚,罚金per dim 按日津贴perjury 伪证perpetrator 作案者,肇事者petition 请愿,请愿书petition (juvenile court) 控诉书(青少年/未成年人法庭) petition the court 向法庭请愿petty theft 小偷picket line 警戒线,纠察线pistol 手枪plaintiff 原告plea 答辩plea and (in) abeyance 暂停答辩plea bargain 认罪求情,认罪协议plead guilty 认罪答辩plead innocent/not guity 无罪答辩plight 誓约,困境plunder (n) 掠夺品plunder (v) 抢劫,掠夺police detail 警察特定任务队police dispatcher 警察调度员police dog 警犬police record 警察记录polluting 污染polyandry 一妻多夫制polygamy 一夫多妻制pornographer 制作色情作品的人pornographic material 色情材料pornography 色情port-of-entry 入境口岸possession of narcotics 持有麻醉品post bail 交保,提交保释金pound 兽栏power of attorney 委托书,授权书,代理权prank 恶作剧precedence 优先权precedent 前例,先例prejudice 偏见prejudice to the case 对案情不公,对案情不利preliminary hearing 初步听证/聆讯preliminary injunction 初步禁令premeditate 预谋preponderance of the evidence 绝大多数的证据,证据的优势prerequisite 先决条件prescription drugs 处方药pre-sentencing investigation 判刑前调查pre-sentencing report 判刑前报告press charges 正式控告presumption of innocence 无罪推定,无罪假设,假定清白protection racket 勒索保护费的组织pretrial conference 预审会议pretrial services agency 预审服务机构pretrial motions 预审动议price control 物价控制price fixing 价格垄断prima facie evidence 表面证据,初步证据prior convictions 前科prison 监狱prison clothes 囚衣prison guard 狱警,管教prison term 刑期prisoner 囚犯privacy 隐私权privileged information 秘密资料pro se (pro per) 代表自己,自辩probable cause 颇能成立的原因probate 遗嘱认证probation 缓刑probation officer 监管缓刑犯的官员,缓刑官professional organization 专业组织prohibition 禁令proof 证据prosecution 控方,控告prosecutor 检查官,检控官prostitute 妓女prostitution 卖淫protective custody 保护性拘留,监护protective order 保护令psychotoxic chemicals 引起精神病的化学品public defender 公设辩护人/律师public domain 公有领域/产业/土地public monies 公款punish according to law 法办punitive damages 惩罚性赔偿purge 消除,销案pursuit 追捕Qquack 无牌医生qualification 资格qualm 疑虑quarantine 检疫隔离quash 撤销,废除quasi 准,类似,似乎questionnaire 调查表quibble 狡辩quick court 短期法庭quid pro quo 交换条件,抵偿物quorum 法定人数quota system 配额制Rracial discrimination 种族歧视racial segregation 种族隔离racism 种族主义racketeering enterprise 敲诈勒索集团radar speed gun 雷达速度测试器radar detector 雷达探测器radical 激进,极端railroad crossing 铁路公路交叉道口ransack 洗劫,彻底搜查ransom 赎金rap sheet 警方逮捕记录rape 强奸ratify 批准,认可real property/real state 不动产,房地产reasonable doubt 合理的怀疑rebuttal 反驳recall a witness 召回证人receiving stolen property 窝赃reckless burning 鲁莽用火reckless driving 鲁莽驾驶recognizance 保证(到庭) reconciliation 调停,调解,和解recourse 追索权recess 休息recidivist 惯犯,累犯recreational vehicles 大型旅行车recross 再次盘问redirect 再次直接询问refugee 难民registered trademark 注册商标registration (auto) (汽车)上牌/登记regulation 规章,规定reinstated 恢复,复职release 释放release pending trail 得释在外待审remain silent 保持沉默remains (body) 残骸,遗骸remand 还押removal hearing 移送聆讯remedy 补救reparations 赔偿,赔款repeat offender 惯犯repeat offense 多次罪行represent a client 代表客户represent to the court 向法官陈述residence 住处resisting arrest 拒捕restitution 归还,赔偿rest a case 案件证据已全部提出restraining order 禁令retail theft 盗窃零售商品retract 撤回retroactive 有追溯效力的return a verdict 作出判决reversal 推翻,撤消,驳回review/retrial 复审revoke 撤销,吊销,取消revolt 叛变,造反revolver 左轮枪rifle 步枪,来复枪right 权利right-of-way 先行权,通行权ringleader 主谋,魁首risk of flight 潜逃危机robbery 抢劫robbery, armed 持械抢劫round-the-clock 昼夜rule of law 法治rules of evidence 证据法规则ruse 诡计Ssabotage 蓄意破坏,怠工sacrilege 渎圣,冒渎sadism 虐待狂safety inspection (auto) (汽车)安全检查safety regulation 安全规则sale of a child 贩卖儿童sanction 制裁sane 神志正常scapegoat 替罪羊scene of crime 作案现场search and seizure 搜查与充公search warrant 搜查令secret agent 特务,特工Secret Service 特勤部security fraud 证券欺诈sedition 煽动叛乱self determination 自决self incrimination 自证其罪,自我牵连self-defense 自卫sensitive 敏感的sentence 判刑separation agreement 分居协议sequester a jury 隔离陪审团serve a subpoena 送达传票serve papers on a party 送交文件给某方set bail 定保释金额sever case 将案件分离sexual abuse 性虐待sexual assault 性侵犯shackles 手铐,脚镣sheriff (县)警长shoplifting 入店行窃shotgun 散弹枪,猎枪sidewalk 人行道sight translation 视译simultaneous interpretation 同声传译skid row 贫民区街道,没落地段slander 诽谤slavery 奴隶制slip and fall 滑倒slugs 假硬币,子弹smuggling 走私snowmobile 雪车sodomy 鸡奸,兽奸solicitation 教唆,拉客solicitor 法务官special agent 特务,特工specification 规格speedy trial 快速审理squatter 擅自居住,擅自占地stalking 潜行追踪standard weights 砝码standards 标准status quo 现状statute 法规statute of limitation 时效法规statutory law 成文法,制定法statutory rape 制定法上的强奸stay a warrant 中止刑事手令stay of execution 延缓执行死刑sting operation (为捉拿疑犯所设置的)突击圈套stipulation 规定,协议strangulation 勒死,掐死,绞死strike from the record 从记录中删除subject to prosecution 可被公诉suborn perjury 唆使提供伪证submit evidence 提出证据subpoena 传票substance abuse 滥用药物substance abuse prevention 防止滥用药物的措施substantive count 实质罪项substantive law 实体法,主法sue 起诉,打官司suit 诉讼summary judgment 即决审判suppress evidence 压制证据supreme court 最高法院surcharge 附加费surrogate parenthood 代父母身份surveillance 监视susceptible 易受影响的suspect 犯罪嫌疑人,疑犯suspended license 暂时吊销执照suspended sentence 缓刑swear to tell the truth 发誓说实话sworn testimony 宣誓作证syndicate 犯罪集团Ttacit approval 默许take issue 提出异议,反对take the stand 到证人席作证,出庭作证tampering with a witness 干扰证人tampering with evidence 损坏证据tampering with jury 干预陪审团tariff 关税tax advantage 有利税率tax deduction 减税tax evasion 逃税tax exempt 免税tax fraud 税务行骗tax in kind 实物税,以实物缴纳的税tax law 税法tax rate 税率tax return 税表,报税单tax shelter 合法避税手段telecommunications fraud 电信行骗telephone fraud 电话行骗temporary restraining order 暂时禁令temporary insanity 暂时性精神错乱tenor (gist) 要旨,大意tentative 暂定的terrorism 恐怖主义terrorist 恐怖分子testify under oath/affirmation 宣誓作证testimony 证词the people 人民,公诉人threatening elected officials 威胁公选官员time off for good behavior 因表现良好而减刑time served 已服刑期tobacco product warning 烟草产品警告tort 民事侵权行为towing regulation 拖车规定trade names 商品/商号/商业名称trademark 商标traffic citation 交通罚单traffic court 交通法庭trafficking in 非法贩卖transcript 记录抄本transliteration 音译trespassing 擅自进入trial 审讯trial on merit 实体审判trier of fact 事实的审判者truancy 旷课,逃学,旷工truant officer 调查旷课/旷工的官员true bill 大陪审团签署的起诉书true copy 准确的副本trumped up charge 诬告,无中生有truthful statement 真实声明twist (the facts) 歪曲事实Uulterior motive 别有用心,另有动机un alienable right 不容剥夺的权利unanimous verdict 全体一致的判决unconstitutional 违宪的under advisement, take 会考虑周全under oath 宣过誓under penalty of 处以……的惩罚undermine 暗中破坏underwrite 承保,负责保险,负责支付unfair competitive practice 不公平竞争uniform 一律,一致,统一;制服uniform crime reporting 统一的罪案报告方式unit (police) (警察)小组,警车unlawful handling of 非法处理unlawful retention 非法拘留unlawful sexual intercourse 非法性交unloaded weapon 没装弹药的枪械unpremeditated crime 非预谋罪行uphold verdict 维持原判urine test 尿液测试use of force 使用武力暴力usurpation 篡夺,非法使用usury 高利贷utter 行使伪造物utility theft 盗窃公用设备设施U-turn 汽车调头回转Vvacate 搬出;撤销vagrancy 流浪validation 批准,证实,使生效vandalism 肆意破坏财产vehicular homicide 车祸致死vendetta 世仇,家族仇杀venereal disease 性病venue 审判地点verbal agreement 口头协议verbatim 咬文嚼字verdict 判决,裁决vested rights 既定权利,应有权利veto 否决vice 恶性vice squad 警察缉捕队,刑警队victim 受害者victim’s right 受害者的权利vigilance 警惕,防范vigilante 民间警戒行动者,民间治安维持者villain 恶棍vindication 证实无罪,证实清白vindictive punishment 报复性惩罚vintage vehicle 古董车violent crime 暴力罪行visitation 探亲,探视;临检vulgarity 粗鄙vulnerability 弱点,易受伤害vulture 贪婪而残酷的人Wwaive rights 放弃权利waive time 放弃时限权利waiver of rights 弃权书wanton (willful or reckless) 任性,肆意,肆无忌惮wanton negligence 任意过失war crimes 战争罪行ward of the court 受法院监护的warden 监狱长warning lights 警告灯warning sign 警告标志warrant 法令,逮捕证,搜查证warranty 保单,担保water rights 用水权weapon 武器whereabouts 下落white supremacy 白人种族至上主义wildlife 野生动植物will 遗嘱wire tap 窃听电话withdraw 撤回,撤销with prejudice 有偏见without prejudice 无偏见witness of the defense 辨方证人witness of the prosecution 控方证人work furlough 暂准狱外工作work release 白天监外工作writ 书面命令,传票wrongful act 不法行为,不当行为Xxenophile 崇洋迷外xenophobe 仇外X-rated film 色情电影Yyes/no question 是非问题yield 让步,屈服youth authority 少年罪犯管理机构Zzealot 狂热,过分热心zoning 城市区划。



法律法庭词汇(英汉)Ab initio从开始形容事件由开始时的状态,例如合约从开始便已经无效,称为“ The contract was void ab initiO。

Accused 被告Accused通常指刑事案件的被告,民事诉讼的被告称为Defendant;而申索案件中的被索偿的一方称为Respondent (答辩人)。

Acquittal罪名不成立刑事案件经审讯后,被告罪名不成立被释放,称为“ The accused is acquitted!。

Acquittal 是名词。

Adjourn休庭,押后法庭在聆讯途中暂时休庭30分钟,称为“adjourned for 30 minutes”。

如要将聆讯押后再排期重审,称为“adjourned to a date to be fixed”。

Affidavit 誓章以宗教仪式发誓后签署的书面证供称为Affidavit,而以真诚发誓所签署的证供称为Affirmation,两者的格式用词有些分别,但主要作用相同。

Allegation声称诉讼陈词中未经证实的声言,例如:The Plaintiff alleged that his loss was due to the Defendants breach of contract 原告声称他的损失是被告违约所引致。


Assault殴打,侵犯以武力侵犯他人的行为,称为Assault, 一般性质的殴打,称为“ Common Assault';严重者称为Aggravated Assault;未经许可触摸他人身体,可以被控非礼,称为Indecent AssaultsAs is现状“As is”常用于物业买卖的合约中,指物业的现状。

“The property is and will be sold on an“as is" basis…”即物业将会以其现状出售。
























当然,让我们继续丰富这份文档,探索更多与法院法律诉讼相关的英语词汇:21. Deposition(证人陈述):在法庭审判之外,证人根据律师的提问所作的正式陈述,通常用于收集证据。

22. Discovery(证据开示):诉讼过程中,双方当事人互相交换证据和信息的程序。



雅思分类词汇法庭与法律用语criminal n.罪犯adj.刑事上的,犯罪的victim n.受害者witness n.目击证人v.作证,目睹witness box 证人席arrest n.逮捕,检举,阻止v.拘捕courtroom 法庭judge 法官bench __it“s the place where the judge sits. 工作台gavel __it"s the thing that the judge holds in court. 槌子bailiff __it"s the person who protects the court. 执行官员jury __they"re the people who decide guilty (adj.犯罪的)or innocent (adj.无罪的). 陪审团jury box 陪审席defendant __it"s a person who on trial. 被告transcript n.副本,记录prosecrtion attorney 主控律师defence attorney 辩方律师fingerprints 手指模penalty n.罚款,惩罚,天谴,报应tough penalties 很高的罚款punishment n.惩罚sentence n.宣判v.宣判,判决prison n.监狱v.囚禁,羁押drug trafficker 犯毒的人uneducated adj.文盲的replica n.复制品,一样的东西qualified adj.有资格的,胜任的,合适的,可采纳的weapon n.武器,兵器imprisonment n.入狱,监禁,拘留convict adj.宣判有罪的n.罪犯v.宣判有罪illegal adj.非法的,犯法的handcuff n.手铐v.上手铐baton n.警棍,指挥棒walkie-talkie 对讲机a fine –punishment money n.罚金v.罚adj.好的behaviour n.品行,举止,仪态an immense bearing 极大的忍耐feasible adj. 可实行的,合理的criminal(n.)-person do crime(n.)-actiona robber 盗贼,强盗mits v.犯罪robbery 盗窃(罪)a murderer 杀人者、murder 谋杀(罪)a burglar 夜贼、burglary 夜盗(罪)a thief 小偷、theft 偷窃(罪)an arsonist 纵火者、arson 纵火(罪)a rapist 强奸犯、rape 强奸(罪)a mugger 自背后袭击的盗匪(one of robber)、mugging 盗窃(罪)a drug trafficker 毒犯、drug trafficking 犯毒。

考研英语litigate sue

考研英语litigate sue

标题:考研英语:关于litigate和sue的区别正文:一、litigate的定义和用法1.1 litigate的意思是进行诉讼,通常用于正式场合,指的是通过法律途径解决纠纷或争议。

1.2 litigate通常用于法律术语中,例如诉讼代表(litigation attorney)指的是专门处理诉讼事务的律师。

1.3 litigate还可用作及物动词,常见搭配有litigate a case,表示处理一个案件的诉讼程序。

1.4 litigate的名词形式为litigation,指的是诉讼过程或诉讼行为。

二、sue的定义和用法2.1 sue是一个常见的动词,意思是对某人提起诉讼,也可以指向某人提起索赔。

2.2 sue通常用于口语和书面语中,可以用作及物动词,也可以用作不及物动词,搭配有sue for,表示为…提起诉讼。

2.3 sue还可以指代寻求赔偿或补偿,例如sue for damages指的是寻求赔偿。

2.4 sue的名词形式为suing,表示提起诉讼的行为。

三、litigate和sue的区别3.1 用法区别:3.1.1 litigate更常用于法律术语中,形式更正式,通常指处理复杂的法律程序和诉讼事务。

3.1.2 sue则更常见于口语和书面语中,形式更通俗,可指向一般的诉讼行为和索赔行为。

3.2 含义区别:3.2.1 litigate侧重于整个诉讼过程,包括起诉、辩护、庭审和上诉等环节。

3.2.2 sue更侧重于对某人提起诉讼或寻求赔偿,着重于对被告的诉讼行为。

3.3 语境区别:3.3.1 litigate通常出现在法律文书、法律文件和法庭文件中,适合正式场合和法律文书处理。

3.3.2 sue则更常见于口语交流、书面信函和新闻报道中,适合一般日常交流和非正式场合。

四、结论4.1 litigate和sue虽然都是与诉讼相关的动词,但在用法、含义和语境上有细微的区别。

4.2 如果要在法律文件中使用,建议使用litigate;如果在日常交流中提及诉讼行为,建议使用sue。

法律英语口语900句 (8):法庭

法律英语口语900句 (8):法庭

法律英语口语900句(8):法庭八、法庭 court1.a judicial forum has nothing to do with what is not before it.2.the court found the accused guilty on all charges.3.the court has made an order for specific performance.4.the court ordered the company's funds to be seized.5.the court recorded an open verdict on the dead policeman.6.the court returned a verdict of death by misadventure.7.she was acting on the arthority of the court.8.six weeks elapsed before the court order was put into effect.9.the court asked for details of the background to the case.10.the court asked the accused to show good causewhy the should not be sent to prison.11.the court dismissed the action.12.the court extended the defendant's time for serving his defense by fourteen days.13.the court followed the precedent set in 1926.14.the court granted the company a two-week stay of execution.15.the court heard evidence from a fingerprint expert.16.the court held that there was no to answer.17.the court is not competent to try the case.18.the court ordered certiorari following judicial review,quashing the order made by the juvenile court.19.the court ordered the bailiffs to saize his propertybecause he has not paid his fine.20.the court ordered the case to be retried.21.the court's opinion was that the case should be heardinter parties as soon as possible.22.the court recorded a plea of not guilty.23.the court took the view that the defendant's plea was equivocal.24.the court will decide on the admissibility of the evidence.25.the crown court directed the justices to rehear the case.26.the decision of the court runs counter to the advice of the clerk to the justice.27.the granting of an injunction is at the discretion of the court.28.the tribunal decided against awarding any damages.29.the tribunal should act in good faith.30.the tribunal's ruling has established a precedent.8、法庭法院不能主动寻找案件。



法官用语现在开庭The court is in session now 请坐Please be seated肃静Order in the court/The courtroom order请记住,辩方概述不作为证据Please remember that the opening statements made by attorneys are not evidence.检察官先生,请你传第一证人Please call your first witness. Mr. Prosecutor.现在休庭The court is in recess.法庭休庭半个小时We will be in recess for half an hour.半小时后继续开庭The court will resume in half an hour.反对有效,证人对问题不作回答(The objection is) sustained, and the witness will not answer the question.反对无效,控方继续Overruled. You may proceed, Mr. Prosecutor反对无效,律师Overruled, counsel.无人反对,该证据将作为被告第五号证据采纳Hearing no objection. It will be received as Defendant Exhibit Number5.陪审团的成员们,证据的审理和律师辩论已经完毕Members of the jury: Now that you have heard all of the evidence and the argument of counsel律师用语陪审团的女士们、先生们,本人在此向您作开头陈述Ladies and Gentlemen of the jury, at this time I am making to you a so called opening statement.请传…出庭作证。








法庭的一切文书,如传票、命令、判决、各种状辞,都是以service或serve这两个同根的普通词来实现的,可以serve a writ或serve a court order或serve an injunction or restraining order. 以下就是一份由香港法庭发出的普通传召令(writ of summons)THIS WRIT OF SUMMONS has been issued against you by the above-mentioned Plaintiff in respect of the claim set out on the back.Within 14 days after the service of this Writ on you, counting the day of service, you must either satisfy the claim or return the Registry of the Supreme Court the accom-panying ACKNOWLEDGEOF SERVICE stating therein whether you intend to contest these proceedings.If you fail to satisfy the claim or to return the Acknowledgement within the time stated, or if you return the Acknowledgment without stating an intention to contest the proceedings, the Plaintiff may proceed with the action and judgment may be entered against you forthwith without further notice.Note: This Writ may not be served later than 12 Calendar months beginning with the date unless renewed by order the court.一旦判决书下来,被告要么服罪;要么上诉。

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1.a judicial forum has nothing to do with what is not before it.
2.the court found the accused guilty on all charges.
3.the court has made an order for specific performance.
4.the court ordered the company's funds to be seized.
5.the court recorded an open verdict on the dead policeman.
6.the court returned a verdict of death by misadventure.
7.she was acting on the arthority of the court.
8.six weeks elapsed before the court order was put into effect.
9.the court asked for details of the background to the case.
10.the court asked the accused to show good cause
why the should not be sent to prison.
11.the court dismissed the action.
12.the court extended the defendant's time for serving his defense by fourteen days.
13.the court followed the precedent set in 1926.
14.the court granted the company a two-week stay of execution.
15.the court heard evidence from a fingerprint expert.
16.the court held that there was no to answer.
17.the court is not competent to try the case.
18.the court ordered certiorari following judicial review,
quashing the order made by the juvenile court.
19.the court ordered the bailiffs to saize his property
because he has not paid his fine.
20.the court ordered the case to be retried.
21.the court's opinion was that the case should be heard
inter parties as soon as possible.
22.the court recorded a plea of not guilty.
23.the court took the view that the defendant's plea was equivocal.
24.the court will decide on the admissibility of the evidence.
25.the crown court directed the justices to rehear the case.
26.the decision of the court runs counter to the advice
of the clerk to the justice.
27.the granting of an injunction is at the discretion of the court.
28.the tribunal decided against awarding any damages.
29.the tribunal should act in good faith.
30.the tribunal's ruling has established a precedent.

















