7 新航道雅思口语Lesson1(精品课件).ppt
雅思口语Part 1攻略第一节课PPT

拓展分 析 陈述事 实
提问:Do 思路:
you like mathematics?
喜欢(yes, I do)+喜欢原因(smart; a great sense of achievement ; funny teacher etc.)-肯定 不喜欢(no, I don’t)+不喜欢原因(difficult; not smart enough; boring subject etc.)-否定
雅思口语Part 1 攻略:(一)
讲者:李翰伯 (Larry)
介绍雅思考试总体概况与Part 引申法
考试形式:与一位英语考官进行单独英文对话 考试结构:三部分组成,且每部分难度递增 评分要素:流畅性及连贯性;词汇量;语法运
Part 1 介绍
时间约4~5分钟 口试官介绍自己并确认考生身份 询问考生与个人有关的话题:家人,兴趣,工
Part 1 回答方式之引申法
可针对原因、特点等方面进行 引申描述已回答的答案。
No, I have no talents for them. I ever tried to learn how to play the guitar, but it ended up with a failure because I didn’t have enough patience and perseverance.

SpeakingLecture 1IELTS口语考试的形式Part One ------- Talk about yourselfPart Two ------- Describe a topicPart Three ----- Discuss the general situationThe most recent questionsConfirming InformationMay I know your full name?My name is ….My f amily name is …and my given name is… Family name就指姓,given name就指名And what would you like me to call you?My friends call me… / you can call me …Example 1: 解释姓名含义Would you please tell me your full name? How can I call you?Well, my sur name is Lu, and my given name is Yiping, so together it’s Lu Yiping. But I guess it’ll be easier for you to address me by my English name, Hope.Does your name have any special meaning?•As a matter of fact, I got this name from my grandfather who tragically died a few weeks before I was born. He gave this name to me just as a symbol of my birth date. I was born in February 1981.•The first character of my given name Yi, which means ONE, represents the year of my birth; the second character stands for a very special February according to traditional Chinese calendar which is called PING, a second February that occurs every four years.•Where are you from?•May I ask where you are from? / Where is your hometown?Sure, I’m from …which is in…ProvinceWhat I Do职业,兴趣爱好,生活习惯等What do you currently do?/ Are you working or studying or what?I am still a college student / I am working in a IT company.•For students•How long have you been studying there? Or what year are you in?I have be en studying for…/ I’m a second year student./ I’m freshman/sophomore/junior/senior•What’s your major?My major is …/My field of study is…/ I graduated in ..专业in 2005 from 你的大学/ I specialize in …. Do you like your major or why did you choose that university?Yes, I think so. As I see, my university is….Why? No, I don’t think so because…Questions about your future plan•What are your future study plans?/•What are you going to do after you finish your study?•I’m going to do my postgraduate study in Australia/Canada sometime next year. /I will do my MBA there in next one or two years.•Hopefully, I could find a job there when I graduate.•For graduated person 已经工作的人•What do you currently do?I am a teacher in a high school/office staff… in a famous foreign company.How long have you been working there?It’s my second year./ I have been working there for three years.How do you get to work everyday?I usually get to work by bus. But if I’m in a hurry or the weather is bad, I’ll take a taxi, though it is a bit expensive.Do you enjoy your work? / Do you like your job?Yes, I am quiet happy doing business because I am interested at earning money.No, I don’t think it is a nice job because….Questions about your job:•What’s the money like?•What’re your hours like?•What is your boss like?•Do you have to work on weekends?•Do you get much holiday?•Do you have to travel far to work?For all: some general questions in part 1•What kind of place is your hometown?•Is there any interesting place in your hometown?•Do you have any hobbies?•What do you usually do in your spare time?•What do you usually do each day?Sample answer 1: 书上201页Lesson 1 Just call me MaryLesson 2 Could I have your identification?Lesson 3 The marketing majorV ocabulary Building•Confirm 确定,确认information 信息•Full name 全名nice and slowly 清楚地,慢慢地•Identification 身份证明introduce 介绍•Confirm a few pieces of information 确认/核实几条信息•Not to worry 不用担心,没事•Capital 首都currently 目前,现在•Popular 受欢迎的•bachelor’s degree 学士学位•Master’s degree 硕士学位major 专业•Marketing 市场营销engineering工程学accounting 会计学•Sales manager 销售经理accountant 会计•Most of the day 大部分时间spend 度过,花费Lesson 6 Hometown•I: Let’s talk about your hometown. What kind of place is it?•C: My hometown is a large industrial city and it is in Guangdong Province in the southwest of China. Perhaps you have heard of it?It’s called Guangzhou.•I: Are there any interesting places to see there?•C: Oh, yes. Even though Guangzhou is very modern, it has some interesting temples and parks. There is one called the Temple of Six Banyan Trees and it was built about 1500 years ago.•I: What kind of surrounding landscape does it have?•C: Well, Guangzhou is a coastal city at the edge of a sea inlet. It’s also surrounded by a river called the Pearl River.•I: What kinds of activities can you do there?•C: Well, there are lots of parks to visit. You can go to many different pubs and restaurants and if you come in April or October you can go to the Trade Fair.•I: What do most people in Guangzhou do for a living? I mean what are the major industries?•C: Guangzhou has very kind of industry. It is very close to Hong Kong so a lot of the industries involve trade and retail. It is also a finance area.•I: Do you think the economy there is growing?•C: Yes, Guangzhou has been growing a lot. There are lots of job opportunities and many new buildings being built every year.How to introduce the economy in your hometown•一个地方经济状况的好坏可以从以下这些方面进行讨论:Because of the influence of financial crisis,•首先是the inflation is going up; 通货膨胀高会导致the cost of living is high, for example the price of food and renting is going up;接下来物价上涨会使得the quality of life is going down. As a result, people aren’t willing to spend a lot of money; 那么人们生活质量下降就最终导致many factories close down and shops go out of business then there are a lot of unemployment in the city. 有很多人失业•最后总结:The economy is in a bit of mess•第二部分:Learn to narrate an event.Words and expressions of time sequence•As soon as 一。

(Accurate +Diverse)
Development 思维能力
Delivery 表达能力
1) Fully Developed 2) Coherent 3) Idea Connection
& Progression (Task 1&2: To state/describe)
1) Pronunciation
major is finance. I think it has a bright future and I can get a well-paid job. 2. What are subjects you like and dislike? The subject that I am really into is English. Cause it is widely used around the world. I can travel around the world without a guide. But the subject I dislike is Math. It is hard to me study. Every time I attend the math exam, that really drives me crazy.
benefits 高年薪,诱人的将近和优厚的待遇 Competition is getting tougher and tougher. 竞争越来越激烈。 Be on top all the time 总是第一
Study & Work
1. Are you studying or working? I am a university student from Jilin University. My

Practice: matching
• 1. The law that people can’t steal is a good law…
• 2. Charities are really important in a society…
• 3. No, it’s not necessary to give expensive gifts to people…
• A. …because we should help people who are less fortunate than ourselves.
• B. …it gives us instant access to a wealth of information.
• c. …because clean food and water are essential for the health and happiness of a nation.
• D. …for it is the thought and intention which carries more meaning than the price of a present.
• E. …because in a competitive society a good education is vital if you want to get a good job.
Out-dated unfair
Tiring/exhau Overly-
A little
complicated ridiculous
consuming made
anti-social discriminato ry

模拟考试结束后,考官将对考生的表现进行评估,并提供 针对性的反馈和建议,帮助考生了解自己的优势和不足, 为接下来的备考提供指导。
定期对自己的口语水平进行自 我评估,找出自己的不足之处 ,并制定改进措施。
参加口语培训课程或找专业老 师进行辅导,获取专业的指导 和建议,提高备考效率。
利用多种渠道进行口语实践, 如参加英语角、与外教交流、 模拟考试等,提高自己的口语
相信自己能够取得好成 绩,保持乐观的态度。
不要过度担心考试结果 ,避免产生过度焦虑的 情绪。
将考试视为一个挑战, 以积极的心态去面对它 。
推荐购买和使用官方出版的雅思口语指南和教材,它们提供了全面的考试信息和针对性的 练习。
针对每个真题,提供详细的解析和答题思路,帮助考生理解题目要 求和考察重点。
结合真题,讲解口语考试中常用的答题技巧,如如何组织语言、如何 展开论述、如何应对不熟悉的话题等。
提供与真实考试相似的模拟考试环境,包括考场布置、考 试时间限制、考试流程等。

Part 1: Introduction & Interview (4-5min) Part 2: Personal Long Turn (3-4min) Part 3: Two-way Discussion ( 4-5min)
4. Law of the Peoples Republic of China on the Protection of Minors
5. The Plastic-bag Usage Law
st but not least...
Practice : choose one to talk about
1. The Marriage Law
2. The Family Planning Law
3. The Intellectual Property Rights Law
Laws :
1. The Marriage Law 2. The Family Planning Law 3. The Intellectual Property Rights Law 4. Law of the Peoples Republic of China on the
Protection of Minors 5. The Plastic-bag Usage Law 6. The Law on the Protection of the Disabled 7. Prohibition of Chewing Gum in Singapore 8. Prohibition of Divorce in Ireland
following ... st but not least...

Answer order: Talk about which types of people hold which opinions. State why different people hold these opinions.
Sample answer
That’s an interesting question. In my country nearly everyone enjoys eating meat, though not in large quantities. However, some people, mainly Buddhists and young people who are members of animal rights movements, make a concerted effort not to eat meat for ethical reasons—they believe animals have the same right as us humans to live full, natural lives, so we humans should not eat animals. Although some scientists say it is important to eat meat for health reasons, others claim that if you eat the right vegetables and fruits, eating meat is not necessary to maintain a good standard of health.
Environmenta Culturally rich lly friendly Sophisticated Educational Aesthetically pleasing Provides a sense of community
7 新航道雅思口语Lesson1

Course Objectives
1. Well prepared for Part 2
2. Be familiar with Part 3
3. Good Pronunciation
Topics of Laws
1. Describe a piece of interesting law. 2. Describe a piece of good law in your mind. 3. Describe a piece of latest / new law.
Describe a piece of latest law . You should say : • What it is about • How you got to know about it • What people it affects • Whether you think it is good
You should say
• What people it affects lung cancer sufferers uncivilized citizens fire accidents and disasters causers
You should say
• Whether you think it is good It can surely does good to ... especially ... The aspects it benefits can be so various ... such as ... What I have to stress about its profits are like the

• Do you think you are overload with work? what's most diffcult part of it? Do you plan to continue doing this type of work?
• Yes, i am overload with my work, i usually finish my work at 8 in the evening,arrive home at 9.On weekends,sometimes, i will be summoned to work on some projects.To be honest i am exhausted. Anyhow, i have nothing to rebut my dream.
• Yes, I am a student,currently i am studying in XXX school,my major is finance and investment.In this semester, i am working hard on many subjects,like:math .markeing..ect..
• Openning: Good morning/afternoon. My name is….
Can u tell me your full name PLS? What should I call u? Can u tell me where you’re from? May I see your identification,pls?
what's your job?why did you choose to do that kind of job? what do you do in that job? what is your typical working day like?

这部分主要考察考生的语言运用 和交流能力。
语音语调是口语表达中非常重要的一部分,正确的语音语调可以增强表达的清 晰度和流畅度。
在雅思口语考试中,语音语调的训练包括发音、语调、重音和停顿等方面的练 习。考生可以通过模仿英语母语者的发音,参加口语课程或找专业的英语教师 进行指导来提高自己的语音语调水平。
答案应描述你遇到的困难、你是如何克服 的以及这个经历对你的影响,同时要注意 表达你的毅力和决心。
答案应描述你错过的事情的具体情况、原 因以及你的感受,同时要注意表达你的遗 憾和反思。
尽量用简短的语言表达自 己的观点,避免冗长和复 杂的句子。
在回答问题时,要突出重 点,让考官更容易理解和 记住你的回答。
在表达观点时,要确保自 己的思路清晰,语言流畅 ,避免出现语法错误和词 汇错误。
可以通过举例说明自己的 观点,让考官更好地理解 你的想法和思路。
答案解析:答案应包括姓名、年龄、职业、兴趣爱好等基本信息,同 时要注意表达清晰、流畅。
答案解析:答案应描述该地方的位置、特点、给你的感觉等,同时要 注意使用具体的细节和例子来支持你的描述。

学习和工作经历是雅思口语考试中经常出现的话题,主要考察考生描述个人发展 、学习或工作经历的能力。考生需要准备一些自己曾经参加过的课程、项目、实 习或工作经验等,同时还需要能够清晰地表达出自己在这些经历中的收获和成长 。
社会和文化现象是雅思口语考试中比较热门 的话题之一,主要考察考生对于社会和文化 现象的理解和表达能力。考生需要了解一些 当前的社会和文化现象,如科技发展、环境 保护、教育改革等,并能够给出自己的观点 和看法。同时还需要能够使用恰当的语言表 达自己的思想,并能够与考官进行有效的交
我选择的是一次去海边的旅行。那是 我第一次去海边,当时的心情非常激 动。我记得那天阳光明媚,海风轻拂 ,海浪拍打着岸边。我和朋友们在沙 滩上玩耍,尝试着冲浪,还一起烧烤 。那次旅行让我感受到了自由和放松 ,也让我更加热爱大自然。
你可以选择一个你非常敬佩的人,如 一个历史人物、一个名人、一个亲朋 好友等,然后描述他的特点和你为什 么敬佩他。你可以从他的成就、品质 、性格等方面来讲述。
分为三个部分,第一部分是考官与考生进行关于日常话题的对话;第二部分是 考生根据给定的主题进行独白;第三部分是讨论,涉及更深入的话题,需要考 生进行更复杂的讨论。
面对面的面试形式,考生与考官 进行一对一的交流。
根据考生的流利度、词汇量、语 法准确性以及发音四个方面进行 评分,每个方面的满分都是9分, 总分为四项之和。
05 雅思口语考试真题解析

录制下自己的口语练习,然后 反复听,发现问题并加以改进。
参加英语口语俱乐部或在线讨 论组,与其他学习者交流和练 习口语。
通过本课件,希望能够提供实用的知识和技巧,帮助考生在雅思口语考试中 取得更好的成绩。
3 模仿优秀口语
4 反思和改进
找到一些模范口语示范,并模仿他们的表 达方式和语音语调。
及时反思自己的表达问题,并努力改进和 纠正。
例如:你最喜欢的电影是什么,为什 么?
例如:你们国家有哪些重要的节日和 庆祝活动?
《IELTS雅思口语》PPT课 件
PPT介绍:本课件致力于提供有关雅思口语的丰富知识,帮助考生提高口语 技能,从而取得更好的成绩。
雅思口语考试是雅思考试的一部分,分为三个部分:面试,独立长篇演讲和对话。考试要求考生能够流 利地表达自己的观点,并能与他人进行有效的交流。
1 多听多说
2 拓展词汇量
通过大量听力和口语练习来提高语言的理 解和表达能力。
学习并积累更多的词汇,增加表达的准确 性和丰富性。

•… • 物品来源
• I guess I received it as a birthday gift from my best friend for my 16th
• Review
1.Describe an outdoor activity. 2.Describe a time when you were late.
Part 1
How to answer “Do you prefer” Q in Part 1 ?
• Well…It really depends... That’s to say, as long as … , why should I care too much about the place where … ?! …
• Like each coin has its both sides, … and … both can be great fun ! But you should concern a million about ... That’s key important ! ...
• They meet each other in various times and conditions but invariably fall in love. That’s really a moving story of which style I prefer a lot.
• 理由2: • speak the school stuff out to her • would not let it on to anybody else • parents were too busy to take good care
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Part 3 1. Do people like reading? 2. What are the differences between the old and young on reading? 3. Do people read more or less than the previous days?
Warm Up – Mock Test
Part 1 1. Where are you from? 2. Are you a student or do you work? 3. What is your major? Why did you choose your major? 4. Which is your favorite public holiday? Why is it important to you? 5. Do you like listening to the music?
Describe a piece of latest law . You should say : • What it is about • How you got to know about it • What people it affects • Whether you think it is good
Course Objectives
1. Well prepared for Part 2
2. Be familiar with Part 3
3. Good Pronunciation
Topics of Laws
1. Describe a piece of interesting law. 2. Describe a piece of good law in your mind. 3. Describe a piece of latest / new law.
3、影响:Severe impacts Yellow/ Poor visibility. Wear face masks/ Respiratory disease/ Cause health problems
4、解决:Simple / Best way 最简单:Plant trees 最好的:Turn cultivated land back into grasslands and forests. This is an important measure to control water loss and soil erosion.
雅思7分班 口 语 Lesson 1
张 倩 (Emily)
Introduction of Speaking
Part 1: Introduction & Interview (4-5min) Part 2: Personal Long Turn (3-4min) Part 3: Two-way Discussion ( 4-5min)
4. Ozone depletion/hole:其主要原因就是人类的活动 5. Desertification:气候干燥、降水极少、蒸发强烈,植被缺乏、
1. Global warming: 人为因素造成的温度上升,原因很可能是由 于温室气体排放过多造成的
Practice : choose one to talk about
1. Pollution: white/plastic pollution air pollution water pollution
2. Global warming
3. Acid deposition
4. Ozone depletion/hole
artificial factor uprises the temperature / too much greenhouse gas exhaust 2. Acid deposition: 工业消耗的煤、石油等,把大量的二氧化硫 排入大气,遇冷形成酸雨,降回大地,造成严重的污染
coal and petroleum in industry consumption / discharge sulfur dioxide / arid deposition formed with cold / feedback to earth 3. Ozone depletion/hole: 其主要原因就是人类的活动
Environmental Problems :
1. Pollution: white/plastic pollution air pollution water pollution
2. Global warming:人为因素造成的温度上升,原因很可能是由 于温室气体排放过多造成的
3. Acid deposition:工业消耗的煤、石油等,把大量的二氧化硫 排入大气,遇冷形成酸雨,降回大地,造成严重的污染
Thank you !
following ... st but not least...
1.What it is about “the Prohibition of Smoking in Public Places” Social Environment Personal Views 2.How you got to know about it From TV news / website / friends talk / ... Comments: 3.What people it affects lung cancer sufferers uncivilized citizens fire accidents and disasters causers 4.Whether you think it is good It can surely does good to ... especially ... The aspects it benefits can be so various ... such as ... What I have to stress about its profits are like the following ...
Laws :
1. The Marriage Law 2. The Family Planning Law 3. The Intellectual Property Rights Law 4. Law of the Peoples Republic of China on the
Protection of Minors 5. The Plastic-bag Usage Law 6. The Law on the Protection of the Disabled 7. Prohibition of Chewing Gum in Singapore 8. Prohibition of Divorce in Ireland
Protection of Minors 5. The Plastic-bag Usage Law 6. The Law on the Protection of the Disabled 7. Prohibition of Chewing Gum in Singapore 8. Prohibition of Divorce in Ireland 9. …
5. Desertification
Topic transformation
Discuss about the project that you had worked on in your job/studies, you should say:
- What was the project about? - Who gave you the project?
1、点题:Dust storm Problem in northern China Early spring/ Strong winds carry sand from Gobi desert/ Has me worried/…
2、原因:Two major reasons • Strong winds • Desertification/ Deforestation/ Overuse of farmland and overgrazing/ Remove tons of topsoil a day.
st but not least...
Practice : choose one to talk about
1. The Marriage Law 2. The Family Planning Law 3. The Intellectual Property Rights Law 4. Law of the Peoples Republic of China on the
Personal Views
Be pro/con of ... ? Why ?
You should say
How you got to know about it From TV news / website / friends talk / ... Comments: ✓ create a sensation ✓ front-page news ✓ arouse wide discussion ✓ the subject of feverish speculation ✓ friends' thought ✓ ...
You should say
• What it is about Enact / Promulgate / ... a Law / Regulation / Lagislation /... “the Prohibition of Smoking in Public Places” Social Environment