Skeleton 分享

结构装配: 现浇连接段+水平现浇带/圈梁:将 预制墙板与现浇剪力墙连接为整体 水平现浇带/圈梁:将剪力墙与楼 屋盖连接为整体 钢筋套筒连接:使竖向钢筋连续 钢筋搭接连接:使水平钢筋连续 钢板连接:预制墙板实现抗剪连接
防水构造: ①结构防水 ②构造防水 ③材料防水
黑龙江宇辉集团开发的“保利花园”应用了 预制墙体、预制阳台、预制楼梯、预制叠合 板等建筑部件;
新加坡 预制剪力墙+灌浆套筒
日本 预制框架+灌浆套筒
装配式框架+预应力双T板车 库体系;各种工业化小住宅
芬兰全预制 装配板式+弱连接
美 国
装 配 式 建 筑
9 of 9
10 of 10

oil resistant耐油性 oil-tanned leather油鞣皮 old fashion老式的, 过时的one-piece bottom一片式大底 one-piece pump单片式女高跟鞋 open back鞋后开口式open seam露边接缝 open toe鞋头\开口式 operation操作 operator操作员 orange橘色original equipment manufacture(OEM)原厂委托制造original sample原样orthopedic shoe矫正鞋 ostrich skin鸵鸟皮 other footwear其它鞋类 out last拔楦 out seam stitcher外线机 out staple拔钉 outer shoe外底 out-of-fashion过时的 output产量 outside forme外腰平面样 outside welting stitching车缝外线outsole大底 outsole not smooth大底不平 oval toe椭圆形鞋头 oven烘箱 over shoe 鞋套 overlay装饰片 oxford牛津鞋(紧鞋带浅帮鞋) P packing包装 packing list装箱单包装明细? packing machine打包机 padded collar有软垫的领口 painting喷漆pair双 pairage双数 pairing配双 pantograph缩图器 paper filler纸团 paper pattern纸版 paper slipper纸拖鞋 paratroop boot伞兵靴 pairs blue巴蓝 parts零件 pasting machine上胶糊机 patent leather漆皮 pattern cutting纸版 pattern designer(pattern cutter)纸样剪裁师; 样版师pattern engineering样版工程pattern grading machine样版级放机 pattern wheel shaft stand橡胶片压纹机patterns cutting & design纸样剪裁及设计 peacock blue孔雀蓝 peccary skin野猪皮 peeling test剥离试验 peep toe shoe露趾尖式凉鞋 pelt生毛皮 penny loafer(coin shoe)有硬币袋式包子鞋 perforation打孔 permanent compression test压缩永久变形试验 permanent tension test永久伸长率试验 permanent white纯白 picalon皮克隆(纸版中底的) pieces鞋面皮 piecer冲孔器(冲子) pig skin猪皮 pigment finish leather涂料皮 pincer钳子, 前帮机的夹头 pinch in缩进去 pink粉红色 pinned top-piece天皮钉 pin tuck鞋面褶缝 piped seam(piping)滚边接缝 plain pump素面女高跟鞋 plane cutting press平面式裁断机 plastic chipping machine塑料切碎机plastic last塑料楦 plastic塑料 platform鞋台 platform cover底台包皮 plug鞋栓pneumatic heel tacking machine气压钉跟机 pneumatic last slipping machine气压拔楦机 point针尖 point toe尖形鞋头 polybag塑料带 polyvinyl chloride(PVC) polybutadiene rubber(BR)正丁胶polyisoprene rubber(IR)异戊胶polyurethene leather (PU) leather PU皮 popsicle加洲式结构拖鞋 pot life可使用时间 position 部位 power consumption耗电量 press重压, 冲床 press cutting斩刀裁断 pressure vessel加硫罐; 压力容器 prewalker学步鞋 price ticket价格标签 prick mark针孔记号 priest shoe; monk shoe僧侣鞋 primer处理剂 primering药水处理 process流程 processing制程 produce生产 production control生产管制 production trial生产试作 profile侧面图 PU-coated split leather PU榔皮 pull-out last拔楦 pump 高跟鞋 punching冲孔 pure rubber天然橡胶 purple紫红色 put-on last入楦 PVC sheet PVC塑料布 PVC shoe PVC塑料底 python skin蟒蛇皮 Q quality control; QC 品质管制 quarter腰身鞋身 quarter insertion插腰 quarter iron bottom鞋身中段铁片楦底 quarter lining鞋身内里; 鞋腰内里 quarter overlay鞋身饰片 quarters鞋身中段 R rain boot雨靴 rand延条 raw eyelet没有包金属眼套的鞋眼 raw hide生皮rayon yarn嫘萦纱 red红色 reel heel圆轴材料 reflection material反光材料reinforcing贴补强 reject不接受 remove solvent去除溶剂 remove tacks去钉repacking翻箱 repair cementing补胶 resin树脂 relain the shape保持形状returning collar lining翻反口里 rib内延条 ribbed insole肋条中底rich color浓色 ridge楦脊 riding boot骑马用靴 rigid backer硬质后踵片 rink system圆形小组式生产系统 riveting machine铆合机 roller skate溜冰鞋 rope sole 麻绳编底 rotary vacuum vulcanizing machine回转式真空加硫定型机 rough(upper, bottom)打粗(面底) roughing打粗 round square toe方圆形鞋头 round toe圆形鞋头royal blue宝蓝 rubber橡胶 rubber band橡皮筋 rubber chopper橡胶切碎机 rubbercement stirrer橡胶糊搅拌机 rubber footwear橡胶鞋类 rubber mixing mill橡胶混合机 rubber slicing machine橡胶切片机 rubber smoked sheet烟胶片 rubber sole 橡胶底 rubber sponge sole橡胶海绵鞋底 rubberlon合成橡胶发泡板 runner跑步者running shoe跑步鞋 rust test 耐腐蚀试验 rust铁红色 S sabot木鞋 saddle shoe 鞍形鞋 saddle鞋鞍片 safety shoe安全鞋 sales sample推销样品 sample maker样品制作师 sample working pattern样品生产纸样 sample样品 sandal凉鞋 satin shoe 缎面鞋 scissors剪刀 scoop wedge heel杓形跟 scoop wedge杓形中插 screw driver 起子 scribing machine划线机 scrub磨 sea blue 海蓝 seal skin海豹皮 sealant填隙材料 seam缝合线 seat back heel后座式跟 seat lasting后帮 seat sock跟座垫section grading部分级放 sectional pattern各部位样版 semi-product半成品 sensor 感应器 separate last楦盖分离式鞋楦 setter定型机 shade色度; 色调 shaft鞋统; 鞋胴 shank铁芯; 楦腰 shank board(中底后插纸板)于铁芯的中底版 shank not straight铁芯不正 shank plug铁芯栓 shank riveting machine铁芯铆钉机 shank too loose铁芯太松 shape形式;模型 shape distortion变形 shape of heel鞋跟的形式sharkskin 鲨鱼皮 sharp锐利; 锋利 sheepskin绵羊皮 shell forme脱壳法 shipping designer装船标识 shipping sample装船样品 shoe cream鞋面乳膏 shoe designer鞋样设计师 shoe factory鞋厂 shoe finish鞋子表面处理 shoe horn鞋拔 shoe machinery 鞋机 shoe material鞋材 shoe tree鞋撑 shoemaking制鞋 shoes tagged附标签 shoes tied for packing鞋子绑合包装 short heel girth跟背围度 shoulder肩部皮革 shrink leather皱纹皮 side by side packing边对边包装 side gore boot侧面有松紧带的靴子 side lasting腰帮 side leather半开皮 side vamp两侧帮鞋 side view侧视图 side wall鞋边墙 silhouettes cement process车内线延条法 silica jel干燥剂 silver white银白 simple简易的 size尺寸 size notch尺寸记号 size ranges尺码的分段size scale尺度 size stick尺码量尺 skeleton lining鞋里垫皮 skiing boot滑雪靴skin皮 skiving削薄 skiving machine削皮机 slant toe斜形鞋头 slate conveyor板条式输送带 slender toe细长形鞋头 sling back后带挑空式凉鞋 slinhback court后吊带式盛装鞋slippers拖鞋slip lasted construction入楦成型结构slip resistance test耐滑试验 slipper拖鞋 slipper sock鞋袜 slope cutting machine 斜度切削机(EVA用) slotted construction鞋面由中底边缘之切口插入 slotted fabric forme平面样切割法 slotting 中底打洞 smooth平滑 snakeskin蛇皮 snap fastener 按扣 sneaker胶底帆布运动鞋 snow boot雪靴 snow mobile boot滑雪靴 soaking浸水soccer shoe足球鞋 sock laying入鞋垫 sock lining鞋垫 sock stamp中底烫金 soft color柔和色 softener软化剂 sole底部; 鞋底 sole attaching贴底 sole comes off 底脱胶sole edge底边缘sole edge inking machine大底边上墨机sole edge varnishing machine大底边喷漆机 sole laying not proper贴底不正确 sole laying 贴底 sole press压底 sole pressing压底 sole thread stitching车大底线 solid接着剂 solid forme实心法 solid last全楦 solid rotating conveyor立体回转式输送带 solid content固成份 solvent溶剂 solvent based cement溶剂型接着剂 special purpose特定目的 specific gravity比重 specification规格spectro heel仿叠式跟 spike heel锥形跟 split leather二榔皮 splitting片皮splitting machine片皮机 sponge海绵 sponge leather乳胶皮 sport footwear运动鞋类 sport shoe运动鞋 sporting shade运动色调 sporty有动感的 square toe方形鞋头 stability安定性 stabilizer安定剂 stain污染; 斑点 stamping machine烫金机 standard forme标准平版样 standard making标准样的裁版 standard标准 staple 空气钉 steam heating pressing machine蒸汽式热风烫平机 steel tip鞋头铁片 steel toe钢头 steer hide阉牛皮 step-in便鞋(有松紧带式) step-on便鞋(无松紧带式) stick黏着 stick length楦头程度 stiffener里衬(补强) stitch down process shoes外翻帮鞋 stitch guage针目计(量针距用) stitch length针距 stitch marking车缝记号 stitch down construction鞋面外翻以鞋垫缝合的结构 stitching车缝 stitching function缝线功能 stitching machine针车 stitching not even车缝不均匀 stitching not on the mark未照记号车缝 stock no.库存编号 storage有效存放时间 strain拉紧strap cutting machine剪带机 strengthen补强 string lasted construction拉帮结构 strip cutting machine切条机 strip长片 stripping抽条 stripy sandal多带式凉鞋 strong shade强烈的色调 stuck on construction黏贴结构 stud饰钉 style式样; 款式 stylist式样设计师 styrene butadiene rubber(SBR)苯乙烯丁二烯橡胶suede绒面羊皮 supplier供货商 support支撑 surface measuring & calculating machine量皮机 surface scoured表面研磨 surface表面 swing beam cutting press 摇臂式裁断机 swoosh面饰 synthetic合成的 synthetic leather合成皮 synthetic resin合成树脂 synthetic rubber合成橡胶 T tab鞋舌片 tabi日式矿工鞋 tack鞋跟固定钉 tack hole打钉子(楦底孔供打中底用) tack holes打钉孔 tack range粘性维持时间 tag标签 take-out last拔楦头 tan棕色 tanning agent鞣制剂 tanning鞣革tape胶带 taping forme贴胶带法 tassel穗饰 taut拉紧 tearing test撕裂试验tennis shoe网球鞋 tensibility伸张性 tensile force test拉应力试验 tensile strength tester拉力试验机 terms of last楦头朮语 terry cloth毛巾布 test测试test piece试片 Texon中底板之惯称; 厂牌之一 the gathering stitching车缝鞋面两部分合而为一 thermoplastic rubber(TPR)热可塑性橡胶 thermoplastic toe puff applying machine热熔胶套头印置机 thickness gauge厚度计 thigh boot统高至大腿之靴子 thimble嵌环 thimble hole centerline嵌环恐中心线 thimble location嵌环孔位置 thin shade浅色调 thong sandal夹趾凉鞋 thread车缝线 throat opening鞋口长度 throat reinforcer前衬补强 throat鞋喉点 tight紧 tip前套; 鞋跟尖 tip reinforcer前套补强 tissue paper包装纸 toe鞋头 toe bottom shape楦头尖端底面图 toe box套头; 前套 toe broken down鞋头下陷 toe cap鞋头 toe lasting前帮 toe part鞋头部分 toe plate头尖铁片 toe point楦头尖端点 toe profile楦头侧视图 toe puff鞋头衬 toe spring鞋尖高度; 鞋点翘度 toe to heel packing鞋头对鞋跟包装tongue鞋舌 tongue binding鞋舌滚边 tongue bottom鞋舌下片 tongue foam鞋舌泡棉tongue hid鞋舌中片 tongue label stitching车鞋舌标 tongue label鞋舌标 tongue lining舌内里 tongue sleeves舌系带 tongue stitching接鞋舌 tongue top鞋舌上片tongue top foam鞋舌上片泡棉 too hard太硬 too soft太软 tool工具 top bumper鞋头套垫 top collar外反口 top eyestay眼上片 top piece鞋跟接地部位 top thread 上线 top view上视图 toplift天皮 topline鞋口 topsider平底便鞋 total quality control(TQC)全员品管 tower drier立式烘干机 trainer shoe训练鞋 transfer搬运tread point 着地点 treeing & packing整理&包装 tread department成品鞋整理部门trend流行趋势tricot特利可得trimming修边trimmings饰物turn shoe construction回翻结构 turn yellow变黄 tying绑标签 U uneven shade色调不均匀uniformity of color染色均匀度 unique别致的, 奇特的 unit sole整片式大底universal materials tester万能材料试验机 universal sole sttaching machine自调式压底机 upper鞋面 upper conditioner鞋面蒸软机 upper edge trimmer鞋面修边机 upper ruffler 鞋面褶景机 up-to-date最新的 urethane leather PU 皮 UV system 紫外线照射 V vacuum forming真空成型法 vacuum tank vulcanizing machine真空箱式加硫定型机 vamp鞋面前片 vamp heating humidifier鞋面蒸湿加热机 vamp length 鞋头长度 vamp lining鞋头内里 vamp open up鞋面掀开 vamp point鞋口点 vamp split off鞋面裂开 vamp tack套前位置点 vamp wing鞋面前片两翼位置 various kinds of last楦头的类型 varnish涂料 veering V型补强车缝 vegetable fibers shoe植物纤维制鞋类vegetable tanned leather植物鞣皮Velcro魔术带veldtchoen construction外翻帮结构 velour leather绒皮 vinyl/plastic footwear塑料鞋类viscosity meter黏度计volleyball shoe排球鞋vulcanize硫化vulcanizing accelerator硫化促进剂 vulcanizing agent硫化剂 vulcanizing tester硫化试验机 W waist鞋腰 waist girth腰围; 楦头腰围 walking shoe走路鞋(散步鞋) wall楦墙面walled shoe attaching machine墙式压底机 walrus skin海象皮 warehouse仓库water-base cement水性胶 water jet cutting 水刀裁断 water resistance耐水性water treament test浸水试验 water vapor absorption test吸水量试验 waterproof/ wellington boots防水靴 waterproof shoes防水鞋 waxing打蜡 waxing machine打蜡机 weak color淡的颜色 wedge中插 wear test试穿 wedge angle后跟面角度 wedge heel楔形跟 weight loss by aging老化减量试验 welt 延条 welt attaching machine 贴延条机 welted construction延条结构 welted seam加延条接缝 welting rolling轮边 wet blue蓝湿皮 wet process PU leather湿式PU皮 wet salting盐淹皮 white白色 white lead铅白 whole vamp全帮 width宽度 wine酒色 wing tip翼形前片式 winter boot冬靴wiper扫刀wire tacker打钢丝机women's footwear女士鞋类women's/ladies'女鞋 wood bottom木底 wood last木楦 work shoe工作鞋 work ticket 工作单 working pattern生产纸样 work-in progress(WIP)在制品 wrapping攀鞋wrestling shoe摔角鞋 wrinkle皱纹 wrong pattern样版错误 Y yellow黄色 youths'大童鞋 Z zinc white锌白 zipper拉链 zoris夹趾凉鞋。

she‘s a natural crier.2.李明是个败家子。
li ming is the black sheep of his family.3.他真是个不知羞耻的家伙。
he‘s really a law-down dirty shame.4.他可是个乐天派,整天无忧无虑的。
he‘s good-time charlie, feeling no worries and anxieties.5.论开车技术,不李和小王那真是不分上下。
in the skills of driving, xiao li and xiao wang are neck and neck.6.他已绞尽了脑汁。
he had racked his brain.7.他可是个有头脑的人。
he‘s a brain.8.李明很能干。
li ming has a lot on the ball.9.你刚才提到的那个作家只不过是个有名无实的人。
the man you‘ve just men tioned is but a poor apology for a writer.10.他真的太没骨气了。
he really has no guts.11.昙花一现a flash in the pan12.他对保险业务一窍不通。
he doesn‘t know beans about insurance business at all.13.她很勇敢,但终因寡不敌众,被那帮人打晕过去。
the girl was brave enough, but as being outnumbered,she was finally knocked into the middle of next week by the gang.14.他喜欢单枪匹马地去干。
he always likes to play a one hand.15.他一开始就出师不利。

1. 骨架化原理骨架化算法基于形态学操作和图像处理技术,通过对图像进行一系列变换和运算,最终得到物体的骨架。
2. 骨架化步骤骨架化算法一般包括以下几个步骤:(1) 图像预处理:对原始图像进行去噪、平滑和二值化等操作,以便提取物体边界。
(2) 边界提取:利用边缘检测算法,如Canny算法,提取物体的边界。
(3) 边界细化:对提取出的边界进行细化处理,去除不必要的像素点,得到物体的最细边界。
(4) 骨架提取:根据细化后的边界,运用骨架化算法提取物体的骨架。
(5) 骨架修正:对提取出的骨架进行修正,消除噪声和孤立点。
(6) 骨架优化:通过优化算法对骨架进行优化,使其更符合物体的形状和结构。
(7) 骨架显示:将提取出的骨架进行可视化显示,以便观察和分析。
3. 应用领域骨架化算法在图像处理和计算机视觉领域有广泛的应用,包括但不限于以下几个方面:(1) 物体识别和分类:通过骨架化算法可以提取物体的形状特征,用于物体的识别和分类。
(2) 道路检测和跟踪:骨架化算法可以用于道路检测和跟踪,提取道路的中轴线,用于自动驾驶和交通监控等应用。
(3) 医学图像分析:在医学图像分析中,骨架化算法可以用于提取血管、神经等结构的骨架,用于疾病诊断和治疗。
(4) 模式识别和机器学习:骨架化算法可以用于提取图像的重要特征,用于模式识别和机器学习中的特征提取和分类。
(5) 动画和游戏开发:骨架化算法可以用于生成角色和物体的骨架,用于动画和游戏开发中的角色动作和物体模拟。
4. 算法优化和改进骨架化算法是一个复杂的过程,涉及到多个步骤和参数的选择。

脑筋急转弯11、What is wind?【谜底:Air in a hurry】2、What's a skeleton?【谜底:It's a lot of bones without the person on them!】3、Which letter is a drink?【谜底:T(tea)】4、What table is in the field?【谜底:vegetable】5、Which letter is an animal?【谜底:B(bee)】6、What is an astronomer?【谜底:A nigh watchman with a college education.】7、Which letter is a question?【谜底:Y(why)】8、What always travels on foot?【谜底:A shoe】9、What has teeth but cannot eat?【谜底:A comb】10、What kind of dog never bite?【谜底:A hot dog】11、Where can milk be best stored?【谜底:In a cow】12、Which letter is around an island?【谜底:C(sea)】13、What is dark but made by light?【谜底:A shadow】14、Which letter is a part of your face?【谜底:I(eye)】15、What wears a cap but has no head?【谜底:A bottle】16、How many letters are in the alphabet? 【谜底:eight】17、What is never used until it's broken? 【谜底:An egg】18、Which letter is a kind of vegetable?【谜底:P(pea)】19、What is the biggest ant in the world? 【谜底:an elephant】20、What is in the middle of the world?【谜底:the letter “r”】脑筋急转弯21、Where can happiness always be found? 【谜底:In the dictionary】2、What comes after the letter “A”?【谜底:All the other letters】3、What makes the Tower of Pisa lean?【谜底:It never eats.】4、How many sides does a house have?【谜底:Two-inside and outside.】5、What is the smallest room in the world? 【谜底:mushroom】6、Why don't you advertise for your lost dog? 【谜底:He can't read.】7、What is smaller than an insect's mouth? 【谜底:Anything it eats.】8、When do you go as fast as a racing car?【谜底:When you are in it.】9、What do workers do in a clock factory?【谜底:They make faces all day.】10、What can you break with only one word?【谜底:Silence】11、What quest ion can you never answer “yes”。

英语趣味脑筋急转弯【热门】1 Q: A man rode into town on Tuesday. Two days later he rode home on Tuesday. How is this possible?A: His horse's name is Tuesday.2 Q: Why didn't the skeleton go to the dance?A: He didn't have anybody to take. (any BODY)3 Q: A father and his son were in a car accident. The father died. The son was taken to the hospital. The doctor came in and said: I can't do surgery on him, because he's my son. Who was the doctor?A: The doctor was his mother.4 Q: Why did the student take a ladder to school?A: Because he/she was going to high school!5 Q: Why did the tomato blush?A: Because it saw the salad dressing!6 Q: What are the two strongest days of the week?A: They are Saturday and Sunday. All the others are weak (week) days.7 Q: How far can a dog run into the forest?A: Halfway, after that he is running out of the forest.8 Q: What do you call a bear without an "ear"?A: BBBBBBB9 Q: Which is faster, heat or cold?A: Heat, because you can catch a cold.10 Q How many apples can you eat if your stomach is empty?B: 4 or 5A: No, that's wrong, because after eating one apple your stomach isn't empty.英语趣味脑筋急转弯【分享】1. What is clean when it is black and dirty when it is white?【谜底:blackboard】2. What person tried to make you smile most of the time?【谜底:A photographer.】3. What kind of man can raisethings without lifting them?【谜底:A farmer.】4. I am small I can fly I like singing in the sky.What am I?【谜底:a bird】5. Teachers write on me with chalk I can't talk.What am I?【谜底:a blackboard】6. The more you take away, the bigger I become. What am I?【谜底:A hole.】7. What never asks any questions but always gets answers?【谜底:A doorbell】8. Where did Columbus stand when he discovered America?【谜底:On his feet.】9. What -letter word has left when you take letters away?【谜底:Sixty.】10. Who may marry many a wife and stay single all of his life?【谜底:A priest.】2 [Should you eat your soup with your right or left hand?]提示:你应该用右手还是用左手喝汤(Should you eat your soup with your right or left hand)?话虽这么说,其实你是用汤匙(spoon)喝汤。

User's guideV5.0.7Skelion- 2 - ÍndiceÍndice_______________________________________________________________________2 1Installation______________________________________________________________4 1.1Update___________________________________________________________________5 1.2Uninstall__________________________________________________________________5 1.3Write rights_______________________________________________________________61.3.1Write rights in Windows OS________________________________________________________61.3.2Write rights in MAC OS___________________________________________________________7 1.4Pro version and Free version_________________________________________________8 2Units____________________________________________________________________9 3Geolocating model_________________________________________________________9 4Drawing the building_____________________________________________________11 5Skelion's toolbar_________________________________________________________135.1 Azimuth convention___________________________________________________145.2 Rotate north and Restore north_____________________________________155.3 Surface azimuth and tilt________________________________________________165.4 Insert solar components________________________________________________165.4.1Insert following an edge. ___________________________________________165.4.2Multiple faces __________________________________________185.4.3Non planar surface _________________________________________________195.5 Sunny area___________________________________________________________22 5.6 Minimal Shading criterion_____________________________________________22 5.7 Report______________________________________________________________23 5.8 Face report dialog____________________________________________________23 5.9ARRAY MODE______________________________________________________23 5.10 JRC PVGYS EUROPE y JRC PVGYS AFRICA_______________________23 5.11 PVWATS report______________________________________________________24Índice 5.12 Project face to mesh____________________________________________________245.13 Surface report________________________________________________________24 5.14 Change UTM model origin______________________________________________25 5.15 Drop________________________________________________________________26 5.16 Sun Path Chart_______________________________________________________26 5.17 Help_________________________________________________________________265.18 About_______________________________________________________________26 6Differences between pro and free version_____________________________________27 7Links:_________________________________________________________________28- 3 -Skelion- 4 -1 InstallationSkelion is a plug-in of Sketchup. To install it you need SketchUp (free or pro) running on your computer.The installation process is the same of any plug-in of Sketchup.Plug-ins installation on Sketchup:/sketchup/bin/ User must have “write rights ” in Plugins folde r to use Skelion.There are 2 forms of install a plugin on Sket c hUp, manually or usingSketchUP/Preferences/Extension/Install Extension.We recommend the manual way because is easy to install and uninstall, and you can control the filesyou copy.Steps:∙ Change the extension of the file from .rbz to .zip. ∙ Unzip the file:∙ Store unzipped files in Plugins folder of Sketchup: Windows OS:C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Google SketchUp 8\PluginsMAC OSYour Hard disk name/Library/Application Support/Google SketchUp 8/SketchUp/PluginsNote that this path in MAC is under the root HD loc ation and not the user folder! It is also notinside the Sketc hUp applic ation pac kage. Both of these loc ations are something that OSX users often mistakenly pick first time they try to install a plugin.There is an error in MAC and some users can’t see the files of their hard disk. In this case they should fixthis error to will be able to install Skelion.Plugins folder with Sketchup default files plus Skelion files (MAC OS)Skelion- 5 -Plugins folder with skelion files (Windows OS)1.1 UpdateDelete old Skelion files and folders (View above image):∙ “2d_simplex_bool” folder ∙ “_skelion” folder∙ “2d_simplex_bool_ext.rb” ∙ “skelion_ext.rb”You must follow same pro c ess of installation. Remember if you have modified“dimension_modules.csv ”, manually or creating your solar panels from Skelion dialog, you must do a backup because this file will be overwritten.1.2 UninstallVersion 5.0.6 and lower:Go to Plugins folder and delete the 2 files and 2 folders of picture:Skelion- 6 -Version 5.0.7 or higher:Go to Plugins folder and delete “skelion” folder and “skelion.rb” file.1.3 Write rightsSkelion needs write rights in plugins folder to write in files like “dimension_modules.csv”. If you don’thave write rights you receive this message and Skelion won’t start.Message of error when Plugins don’t have write rights1.3.1Write rights in Windows OSSecurity tab of plugins folder.Go to “C:\Program Files (x86)\Sketc hUp” (Sketc hup 2013)" or “C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\GoogleSketchUp 8\” (SketchUP 8).Right click on the Plugins folder and selected "Properties".Selec t the sec urity tab, selec ted yourself as the "Group or user names:", and allow yourself “Fullcontrol”.Check in General tab that “read only” is unchecked for all files and folders inside Plugins.Skelion- 7 -General tab of Plugins folder.1.3.2 Write rights in MAC OSRight click over Plugins folder and select Get Info.Clic k the disc losure triangle next to Sharing & Permissions to display permissions for the selec tedfolder.Click the lock and authenticate with an administrator account.Use the menus next to users and groups to add Read & Write permissions to you.When you’re finished, close the Info window. Changes are effective immediately.Skelion1.4Pro version and Free versionSkelion runs 15 days in pro mode. After that, free version is activated.If you want to use Pro version, you must buy a license in and insert the serial in the web dialog you can watch pushing "About" button in Skelion toolbar.- 8 -Skelion- 9 -2 UnitsLength: You can change defualt length in SketchUp—model info – units. In SketchUp you can draw aline and set length like: 8 m, 8cm, 8mm, 8”, 8 (default unit is used in this case).Skelion dialogs works in same way of SketchUp.For other units different from length, used in Skelion dialogs, user must write only the number. Usedunit must be the unit specified in the left.You can write 220, but not 2.2kW.You can write 8cm or 8 m or 8”… any SketchUp valid unit.3 Geolocating modelFirst step in Sketchup is geolocate the model. Go to View - toolbars - Google.Google ToolbarPress this button . "Add Location", you have access to Google Earth and you can geolocate theplac e. You c an use "Google earth position" to c opy and paste latitude and longitude from Google Earth to Sketchup window./p/googleearth-autohotkey/ When you geolocate the model you achieve:∙ Satellite picture (Windows - Layers - Google Earth Snapshot) ∙ 3D mesh of surface. (Windows - Layers - Google Earth Terrain)∙ Real shadows of geographic position selected for any time of the year.(Window - Shadows)∙ You can measure distances using"tape measure" tool (View - toolbar - large tool set).Shadows windowGoogle Earth Terrain layerLayers widnowGoogle Earth Snapshot layerSkelion - 10 -4 Drawing the buildingIn Sketchup there are several forms to draw the building:∙ Downloading directly from Google Earth.∙ Drawing from satellite picture directly. Geo-modeling with SketchUP . /intl/en/training/videos/gsuge.html/sketchup/bin/∙ Exporting 2d or 3d planes from other programs like AutoCAD.To download a building from Google Earth you must follow next steps:∙ Activate ·layer "3D Buildings" to find out if building is drawing in 3D.∙ Disable 3D imagery in Properties. Then legacy 3D building you can download will be showed onGoogle Earth. (3D imagery are 3d buildings from Google you can not download).∙ Clic k over building if you find. If building c an be exported to Sketc hup a window will be opened.∙ Click over building picture of window.∙If building is free to download, "3d warehouse" will be opened inside Google Earth and you willbe able to download the building in Sketchup format.Google Earth with layer "3d building" active.3d warehouse of Google5Skelion's toolbar To activate Skelion's toolbar go to View - toolbars - Skelion.Names of buttons:Surface azimuth and tiltInsert solar componentsSunnyareaMinimal Shading criterionRotatenorthRestorenorthToggle Array modeReportFace report dialogJRC PVGYS EUROPEJRC PVGYS AFRICAPVWATSreportProject face to meshSurfa c ereportChange UTM model originDropPVSYSTexporterSun Path ChartAzimuthc onventionHelpAboutAlso you can find them in commands toolbar, in Plugins/Skelion5.1 AzimuthconventionWeb dialog Azimuth conventionSelect the convention you want and close the web dialog.Any azimuth you use in Skelion from now will follow this convention. You can close Sketchup and next time convention will be the same.PVGYS and PVWATTS are external programs to Skelion, so when they are opened, azimuth is converted to the convention they use. PVWATTS use 360º convention and PVGYS use 180 conventions in north hemisphere but for the entire world.5.2 Rotate north and Restore northIn Sketchup true north can point in any direction. With Solar North toolbar you can change it.Solar North toolbarSkelion use Y+ axis default (green axis) like true north. So you must take into account Sketchup truenorth (orange axis) must have same direction of Y+axis (green). You can see Sketchup true north clicking .Skechup 8 M2 current version, import 3d mesh and satellite image slightly rotated when you geolocatea model. That is bec ause true north value c hanges to a value between 0º and 2º. In the pic ture you c an appreciate true north (orange axis) differ 1.74º from green axis.Button "Rotate north" let us rotate all model to give true north same direction of Y+. Then Skelion datawill be right."Restore north" button rotate model to original position, just in case you want to return.Midi d'ossau Latitude, Longitude: 42.84224 -0.4358915.3Surface azimuth and tiltPress the button and select faces to watch his azimuth and tilt in the opened window.5.4Insert solar componentsThis button give access to three different web dialogs, in function of the objects selected before pressthe button:∙ Selecting and edge and a face: INSERT FOLLOWING AN EDGE∙Selecting some faces MULTIPLEFACES∙ Selecting 3d mesh: NON PLANAR SURFACE5.4.1 Insert following an edge.To open the web dialog "Insert following an edge" user must select one edge and one face and pressthe button "insert solar components". Selected edge can be any edge of the face boundary or any edge in same plane of the face.Orientation:Components will follow edge. (You can reverse direction if you want to insert just in the opposite way ofdefault direction.)Component:Component selectionThere are three possibilities to insert a component:Choose one from the list.Load your own component.Draw your own component in Sketchup and click right button over it, and select “save as” componet. Before save, component must be oriented in an specific form, because Skelion needs to know how to insert it: ∙Z+ axis must be perpendicular to “capitation surface∙Origin will be the point of insertion over the face.∙If capitation surface is smaller than bounding box then you need to mark it with right button- Skelion- Mark capitation surface. Marking this, Skelion will be able to calculate right shadowdistances between rows. If capitation surface is equal to bounding box, then this step is notnecessary.Captation surface smaller than bounding box.You can learn more about components in:/intl/en/training/videos/new_to_gsu.html Create you own component adding length, width, depth.You can add more solar panels to default list writing in the file "dimension_modules.csv" or clicking thesave checkbox when you create one. This file is located in ".../Plugins/_skelion".Right axes situation in component.Right axes sitution in component.Components inserted by Skelion.Components inserted by Skelion.Other component parameters:Parameters to insert a component."Stack components" let us pile up components.With "Rows alignment" you can adjust all components to a grid or let rows to maximize the space.Pitch:Pitch.User can insert his own pitch or use any of the options proposed by Skelion.Pitch.Insert:You can insert all components at same time in the face with “Fill face” button or going row by row using “Fill in rows”. Using this last button, you can click in any point rear the last row inserted. Skelion will insert next row mataining the minimum pitch you selected, but if you click in a point with more pitch, then the next row will be inserted in that point.5.4.2 Multiple facesMultiple faces dialogYou can access to dialog "multiple faces" opening some faces and clicking the button "Insert solar components". (Skelion will use only faces. Other objects of selection will be discarded).Selection of some faces. "Multiple faces" r = 0 There are 3 options to insert solar components:∙and of component: Skelion will insert components in all selected faces. (In coplanar case, Skelion will try to follow the tilt of the roof.∙: Solar component will be inserted following roof tilt. If roof tilt is 0 then program will try to follow any edge of the roof.∙r: Solar component will be inserted following roof tilt If you want coplanar you must insert r = 0. If roof tilt is 0 then program will try to follow any edge of the roof.5.4.3 Non planar surface"Non planar surface" allows you to insert components in 3d mesh, like curved roofs or solar ground mount systems.To use "Non planar surface" you must follow next steps:Select mesh with main surface and inner surfaces in which no components will be inserted.Boundaries of each surface must be "NO SOFT" and the others must be "SOFT" to let Skelion detect surfaces of the mesh.Press button "Insert solar components"."Surface tool" will be activated. Pick with the mouse over a point in the mesh to insert first row. You must select other tool to deactivate "Surface tool".Then, when you click "Non planar surface" a dialog will be opened and we must insert azimuth, tilt, component and times to calculate the pitch. Pitch used between rows will be different and will be the worst of all the components for the times specified by the user. If you want only one hour you must insert the same time twice.If c omponent has "c onstruc tion points" you c an use "surfac e report" to make a report about position of construction points and and of selected edge. You can use any type of component, solar panel, solar ground structure...All inserted components will have same azimuth and same tilt and there aren't shadows between the times inserted in dialogIn c omplex surfac es sometimes you must exec ute twic e the program bec ause rows follow only one direction when are inserted.Components with 0ºe 30º (180ºconv).Components with 0ºe 30º (180ºconv).Rules to use "non planar surface":∙NO HOLES in mesh.Mesh with a hole.Right mesh.∙All faces must have right orientation. (Use reverse face to fix mesh)Mesh with reversed faces.Right mesh.∙Boundary of any surfaces must be "NO SOFT". Rest of edges must be "SOFT".Mesh with 3 surfaces and boundaries NO SOFT.∙Selec t all surfac es, the main surfac es and the others where solar c omponents won't be inserted..Mesh with all selected.∙Main surfaces can't share boundary with the others surfaces.Main surface share boundary with other surface. Right mesh.∙Check shadows. Sometimes last rows or components near the boundaries can be erroneous.area5.5 SunnySelecting a face you can find out the zone with no shadows at one time or between two times. (If you want only one time, repeat same time twice in dialog.)To improve speed of algorithm you can hide all elements not useful with normal methods of Sketchup: hide geometry, hide layers and cast shadows.Face before use "sunny area" Face after use "sunny area"5.6Minimal Shading criterionSelect a face and press the button to find out the area that accomplish this rule5.7 Report"Report" button returns the number of components inserted by Skelion, and their power. You cancopy the report to excel if you want.Data is arranged in 3 forms:∙ By face and solar component model.∙ By groups with same tilt and azimuthand solar component model. ∙ By arraysA new layers will be create with numbered faces.Layer TX:Face_names active.5.8 Face report dialogPress this button to open face report window. After this select any face. All the information of the facewill be showed in the window. Remember this information is static. If you delete components, you must update model clicking report analysis, PVGYS or PVWATTS.5.9ARRAY MODEClicking this button solar components turn to white. You can select each component and colour it with add material to mark the arrays.5.10JRC PVGYS EUROPE y JRC PVGYS AFRICAWith button "PVGYS" or "PVGYS" AFRICA you c an find out energy of solar c omponents.Skelion links with JRC web sending all the necessary data to the web. PVGYS web is valid only for one tilt and one azimuth, so Skelion repeat the process the number of times equal to the groups with same tilt and azimuth of the model.Skelion sends the following data:∙ Azimuth and tilt . Azimuth is transformed automatically to PVGYS convention. (180º northhemisphere convention for the entire world). ∙ Technology ∙ Group power. ∙ Location.You must follow an order closing windows and you can close white window. Location is added automatically but you must click search button.1. Click calculate2.Close main window.3.Repeat the process for each group.You can select and copy the result in Excel.5.11 PVWATS reportWith button "PVWATTS" you can find out the energy of Sketchup model in USA. Skelion links with NREL web, sending all necessary data. PVWATTS is valid for one azimuth and tilt, so Skelion repeat process a number of times equal to groups with same tilt and azimuth in the Sketchup model.Skelion sends the following data:∙Azimuth and tilt . Azimuth is transformed automatically to convention used by PVWATTS.360 convention.∙Group power.∙Location.You can copy and paste the report in excel.5.12Project face to meshWith button "project face to mesh", you can obtain the face more similar to the mesh below it. Select the face and press the button "project face to mesh". You can use it to make fast layouts of ground mount systems.Face ready to project. Result of face projected.5.13 Surface report"Surface report" gives information about position of solar components inserted.Component must have "Construc tion Points" inside. You c an insert "Construc tion Points" using the plugin "Projections" from Didier Bur. Download in: next to follow next steps to use "Surface report":∙Hide all elements over and below surface.∙Select one edge of component and press .The report generated inform about:∙Coordinates UTM of all "construction point" of each component.∙Coordinates UTM of projections of "constructions points" over surface, following direction of selected edge.∙Distance of each points to surface.∙Azimuth and tilt from selected edge in all components.5.14Change UTM model originSketchup origin point (0,0,0) in the real world is the same point that we use to geolocate the model:Window - model – geolocation .Knowing this correlation we can find out the coordinates of any point of the model in the real world.“Surface report” use this correlation to calculate the position of some points of the model in real world. If we are working over “Google Earth Terrain Layer” we must do nothing. But if we are working with amesh imported from AutoCad or a mesh from a topographer we must set the origin of Sketc hup in the right place.To achieve a good correlation between real world and model we must follow the next steps:1- Know the coordinates of one point of the model. (Latitud, longitude or UTM coordinates).2- Move all the model, setting this point in Sketchup origin (0,0,0)3- Geolocate the model with the real position of this point. In window-model-geolocation we must set latitude and longitude.If we know UTM coordinates instead of latitude and longitude we can use “Change UTM origin” to geolocate the model.Origin and reference point in different places. Equal origin and reference point5.15 DropThis tool let you to drop an instanc e vertic ally until find a fac e. It works selec ting a group of components inside, or selecting some components.You must hide all elements between the components you want to drop and the mesh. The components will drop until their origin touch the face.5.16 PVSYST EXPORTERUsing this feature you can save in your hard disk a file with Helios 3d format. In PVSYST you can go to Near Shadings – Consrtruction Perspective – File Import Helios 3d, and select the Helios3d file you saved with Skelion. (In current version of PVSYST shadows of objects imported in this way are not calculated)5.17 Sun Path ChartThis button let us plot sun path chart in cartesian or polar coordenades any day of the year. You can see very similar plots in:/AboutSunCharts.html5.18 HelpDialog to access this document.5.19 AboutClick to insert serial of pro version.6 Differences between pro and free versionFree versionSurface azimuth and tiltInsert in one faceInsert in multiple facesSun Path ChartAzimuth c onventionVersion ProSurface azimuth and tiltInsert in one face Insert in multiple facesInsert in non planar surfaces Fix north Sunny areaMinimal Shading criterion Toggle Arraymode Report Face report dialog JRC PVGYS EUROPEJRC PVGYS AFRICAPVWATS reportProject face to meshSurfa c e reportChange UTM model originDropPVSYST exporter Sun Path ChartAzimuth c onvention7Links: Learning Sketchup:/enSketchup video tutorials/learn/videos?playlist=58 Geo-modeling/en/article/167458 Google earth position:/p/googleearth-autohotkey/ Projections: 3d warehouse:/products/3D-warehouse。
11.Skeleton - How to get skeleton data

Page 11 | Microsoft
Overview Hardware overview and SDK installation
Color • Introduction to color stream • Demo: How to get color data • Demo: ColorBasics sample
Page 10 | Microsoft
• • • • •
Joints – Collection of 20 joints which have the coordinate information. Position – Position of tracked human body. TrackingState – If all 20 joints are tracked or only position is provided. ClippedEdges – If any joints are outside capture range. Each joint can have tracked, not tracked or inferred state.
Page 6 | Microsoft
• KinectSensor.SkeletonStream implements API functions related to skeleton data retrieving and processing. • Initialize to enable skeleton data stream:
try {
} catch (IOException) { this.sensor = null; }
SKELETON 用户手册说明书

SKELETONUser’s ManualTable of ContentsIntroductionSpecifications (2)1.1 Case2 1.2 Diagram……………………………………………....…......………1.3 How to Carry the Skeleton (3)Hardware Installation Guide2.1 Removing/Replacing the Component Tray (3)2.2 Removing the Motherboard Tray (4)2.3 Motherboard Installation (4)2.4 Removing the Frame Side Screen Panels (5)2.5 Power Supply Installation (5)2.6 5.25” Quick Release Device Installation (6)2.7 3.5” Quick Release Device Installation (6)2.8 3.5” Device Frame-Mounted Installation (7)2.9 PCI Card Mounting Bar Installation (7)Connecting the Front I/O Ports3.1 USB 2.0 Ports (8)3.2 eSATA Port (8)3.3 IEEE 1394 Port (8)3.4 AC’97 / HD Audio Ports (9)3.5 Power Switch / Reset Switch /Hard Disk Drive LED Connectors (9)Cooling System4.1 The Super Big Boy 250mm Multi-LED Fan (10)4.2 92 mm Hard Drive Fan (10)4.3 Removing the 92mm Hard Drive Fan (11)At Antec, we continually refine and improve our products to ensure the highest quality. As such, it’s possible that your new case may differ slightly from thedescription in this manual. This isn’t a problem; it’s simply an improvement. As of the date of publication, all features, descriptions, and illustrations in this manual are correct.SKELETON User’s ManualTHINK BEYOND THE BOX IntroductionThe innovative Skeleton case by Antec is designed with an open-air system in mind, giving you the freedom to design your ideal computing solution without the usual limitations that come with a standard enclosure. This enclosure consists of two major parts – the Component Tray and the Frame. The Component Tray is the main structure holding motherboard, 5.25” devices, HDD and power supply. It can slide in and out from the Frame for component installation.The Skeleton comes without a power supply. Make sure you choose a power supply that is compatible with your computer components. We recommend our Signature, TruePower Quattro, or NeoPower power supplies for the latest ATX specification compliance, broad compatibility, and power savings capability. The Antec Skeleton is 3-way SLI ready, meaning that you have enough space in your enclosure to install up to three 11” PCI-E graphics cards.At Antec, we continually refine and improve our products to ensure the highest quality. As such, your new case may differ slightly from the description in this manual. This isn’t a problem; it’s simply an improvement. As of the date of publi-cation, all features, descriptions, and illustrations in this manual are correct.Note : Skeleton comes without any panels or cover. Antec does not recommend that users place any liquid-containing items (drinks, ice cream, candles, coffee, perfume, etc.) near it. It is highly recommend that you keep your pets or children away from it.DisclaimerThis manual is intended only as a guide for Antec’s Computer Enclosures. For more comprehensive instructions on installing the motherboard and peripherals, please refer to the user’s manuals that come with those components.1.1 Case SpecificationsCase Type Open Case Design Color Metallic SilverDimensions 13”(H) x 14.8”(W) x 16.5”(D)33.02 (H) x 37.6 cm (W) x 41.9 cm (D)Weight 15.5 lbs / 7 kgCooling 1 x Super Big Boy 250mm Multi-LED Fan 1 x 92mm Hard Drives Fan Drive Bays2 x Quick Release 5.25” Bays 2 x Quick Release 3.5” Bays4 x Externally Mounted 3.5” Bays Motherboard Size Mini-ITX, MicroATX, Standard ATX Front I/O Panel1 x IEEE 1394 Firewire2 x USB 2.01 x eSATAAC’97/HD Audio In and Out1.2 Diagram1. Super Big Boy 250mm Multi-LED Fan2. Front panel switches and I/O module3. 2 x 5.25” Quick Release Drive Bays4. 92mm Hard Drives Cooling Fan5. 2 x 3.5” Quick Release Drive Bays6. Removable Frame Side Screens7. Removable PCI Mounting Bar8. 250mm Fan Speed and LED switches 9. Removable Component Tray / Tray thumb screws 10. Power Supply mount11. Removable Motherboard Tray17810119623451.3 How to Carry the SkeletonThe Skeleton case is designed to be held by either set of grips on the top of the side railing. Use these handles when moving or transporting your case.Do not carry the case by the plastic PCI holder, as it was not designed to be a load-bearing device.Hardware Installation GuideThis manual is not designed to cover CPU, RAM, or expansion card installation. Please consult the motherboard manual for specific mounting instructions and trou-bleshooting. Before proceeding, check the manual for your CPU cooler to find out if there are steps you must take before installing the motherboard. While installing hardware, keep the Skeleton on a flat, stable surface.2.1 Removing/Replacing the Component TrayWhile facing the rear of the case, remove both of the Component Tray Screws on the inside of the Component Tray.1. P ull back on the rear of the Component Tray until it slides out of the Frame.The Component Tray will slide out about three-quarters of the way.2. T o completely remove the Component Tray from the Frame, find the releasetab on the lower left side of the Component Tray when the Tray is fully extended.Press it upwards, then pull the Tray out and completely free of the Frame.3. T o replace the Component Tray in the Frame, align the Tray with the back ofthe case, and slide it forward. Once completely inserted, replace theComponent Tray screws along the inside of the Component Tray.2.2 Removing the Motherboard TrayRemove the Component Tray from the Frame as detailed in section 2.1.1. R emove the two screws holding the removable Motherboard Tray to the top of theComponent Tray.2. Remove the Motherboard Tray and place it on a flat, stable surface.3. T o replace the Motherboard Tray, slide the Motherboard Tray onto the top of theComponent Tray from the front such that the tray clips underneath the Component Tray clips. Secure the Motherboard Tray in place with the provided screws.2.3 Motherboard InstallationRemove the Component Tray from the Frame and the Motherboard Tray from the Component Tray as detailed in sections 2.1 and 2.2.1. L ine up the motherboard with the standoff holes on the Motherboard Tray.Determine which holes line up and remember where they are. Not all mother-boards will match with all of the provided screw holes, and this is not necessary for proper functionality. Some standoffs may be pre-installed for your convenience.2. L ift up and remove the motherboard. Screw in the brass standoffs to thethreaded holes that line up with the motherboard.3. P lace the motherboard on the brass standoffs. Screw in the motherboard to thestandoffs with the provided Phillips-head screws.Replace the Motherboard Tray onto the Component Tray, and the Component Tray in the Frame as detailed in sections 2.1 and 2.2.Note: You do NOT need to install an I/O panel for Skeleton. Your motherboard should come with one. Keep it in a safe place. You will need it if you decide to move your motherboard to a traditional case in future.2.4 Removing the Frame Side Screen PanelsRemoving the screens on either side of the Frame will allow access to the lower level of the Component Tray for power and data cable routing.1. L ocate and simultaneously press inward the two tabs on the left and right sidesof the screen panel.2. Pull the panel away from the Frame.2.5 Power Supply Installation1. R emove the power supply mounting plate from the rear of the Component Trayby pulling upward on the metal tab and sliding the plate backward out of the tray.2. M ount the power supply into the power supply mounting plate with the screwsprovided.3. S lide the plate-mounted power supply into the bottom level of the ComponentTray until it locks into position. There are two possible locations to mount the power supply, depending on the size of your equipment.Note: Power supplies equipped with an 80mm fan will draw air through the Skeleton and power supply more effectively. We recommend power supplies such as Antec’s TruePower Quattro or Signature series power supplies. However, if using a power supply with a 120mm fan, ensure that the power supply fan will face the top of the case when installed.2.6 5.25” Quick Release Device Installation1. F ind the tool bag marked “For 5.25” device” which contains round, silver-headedscrews. Align one of the screws with your 5.25” device. For the upper 5.25”drive bay, fasten the screw to the right side, lower front screw hole. For the lower 5.25” device, fasten the screw to the right side, upper front screw hole.2. W hile facing the front of the case, insert your 5.25” device into the correspondingslot in the Component Tray until it locks into position.3. C onnect the data and power connectors from the motherboard and powersupply to the device.Note: It may be necessary to remove the motherboard tray and/or side screens as detailed in sections 2.2 and 2.3 to effectively route cables to your device.2.73.5” Quick Release Device Installation1. F ind the tool bag marked “For HDD” which contains round, black-headed screws.Fasten one of the screws to your 3.5” device in the front left screw hole.2. W hile facing the front of the case, depress the two tabs on the top of the92mm fan casing and detach it from the front of the hard drive housing.3. I nsert your 3.5” device into the corresponding slot until it locks into position,4. C onnect the data and power connectors from the motherboard and powersupply to the device.Note : It may be necessary to remove the motherboard tray and/or side screens as detailed in sections 2.2 and 2.3 to effectively route cables to your devices.2.83.5” Device Frame-Mounted InstallationYour Antec Skeleton case has the ability to mount up to four additional 3.5” devices externally on the Frame for additional storage capacity.1. A lign your 3.5” device with the included 3.5” device mounting plates andsecure them together with the included screws.2. Hook the mounting plate along the sides of the Frame.3. C onnect the data and power connectors from the motherboard and powersupply to the device.For extra stability and security, your mounted 3.5” device can be attached to the inside of the screen panels with screws.Note : It may be necessary to remove the motherboard tray and/or side screens as detailed in sections 2.2 and 2.3 to effectively route cables to your devices.2.9 PCI Card Mounting Bar installationThe Skeleton includes a PCI card mounting bar to help stabilize your system’s PCI cards.1. A lign the PCI card mounting bar with the screwholes on the back side of the Frame.2. M ount the bar to the Frame with the screwsprovided.Connecting the Front I/O Port s 3.1 USB 2.0 PortsConnect the front I/O panel USB cable to the USB header pin on your mother-board. Check the motherboard manual to ensure that it matches the table below:Motherboard USB Pin LayoutLocate the internal USB connector on your motherboard and connect the corresponding cable.3.2 eSATA PortConnect the front I/O panel SATA cable to a standard SATA connector on your motherboard.3.3 IEEE 1394 PortConnected to the Skeleton front I/O panel there is an Intel® standard 10-pin connector. The pin assignments for these connectors are as follows:Pin Assignment for Front Panel IEEE 1394 ConnectorLocate the internal IEEE 1394 connector on your motherboard and connect the corresponding cable.Pin Signal NamesPin Signal Names1USB Power 12USB Power 23Negative Signal 14Negative Signal 25Positive Signal 16Positive Signal 27Ground 18Ground 29Key (No Connection)10Empty Pin12109Pin Signal Names Pin Signal Names 1TPA+2TPA–3Ground 4Ground 5TPB+6TPB–7+12V (Fused)8+12V (Fused)9Key (No Pin)10Ground121093.4 AC’97/HD Audio PortsConnected to your front I/O panel there is an Intel® standard 10-pin AC’97 connector and an Intel® 10-pin HDA (High Definition Audio) connector. The pin assignments for these connectors are as follows:Pin Assignment for Audio Ports (HDA and AC’97)You can connect either the AC’97 or the HDA connector, but not both at once, to your motherboard depending on the spec of the motherboard. Locate the internal audio connectors from your motherboard or sound card and connect the corresponding audio cable. Consult your motherboard or sound card manual for the pin-out positions.3.5 Power Switch / Reset Switch / Hard Disk Drive LED ConnectorsConnected to the front of the Skeleton case Frame are LED and switch leads for power, reset, and HDD LED activity. Attach these to the corresponding connectors on your motherboard. Consult your motherboard manual for specific pin positions. For LEDs, colored wires are positive (+). White or black wires are negative (–). If the LED does not light up when the system is powered on, try reversing the connection. For more info on connecting LEDs to your motherboard, see your motherboard manual.Note : There is no Power LED in this case. The illuminated case fans will turn on when there is power to the computer.Pin Signal Names(HDA)Pin Signal Names (AC’97)1MIC2 L 1MIC In 2AGND 2GND 3MIC2 R 3MIC Power4AVCC 4NC 5FRO-R 5Line Out (R) 6MIC2_JD 6Line Out (R)7F_IO_SEN 7NC 8Key (no pin)8Key (no pin)9FRO-L 9Line Out (L)10LINE2_JD10Line Out (L)Cooling System4.1 The Super Big Boy 250mm Multi-LED FanThe Skeleton’s unique and innovative open case design provides that only one Super Big Boy 250mm Multi-LED fan is required to cool most of your system components. This overhead fan is adjustable, allowing you to choose the best speed suited to your needs. The fan speed switch is located at the top rear of the case near the fan. The default speed is Low.The Super Big Boy 250mm fan also includes six multi-colored LED lights, and can be set to color oscillation, one-color lighting, off and more (nine settings total). The LED switch is located next to the fan speed switch at the top rear of the case.250 mm fan specifications:Rated Voltage: DC 12V Operating Voltage: 10.8V – 13.2 V4.2 92 mm Hard Drives FanThe Skeleton’s integrated 92 mm fan on the front of the Component Tray coolsyour installed hard drives quietly and efficiently. This fan is attached directly to the hard drive cage and is designed to blow air directly into the HDDs.92 mm fan specifications:Rated Voltage: DC 12V Operating Voltage: 10.8V-13.2V Speed RPMInput CurrentAir FlowStatic PressureAcoustical Noise Input Power11000.08A (Max.)15.6CFM 0.014 inch-H 2O12.7 dBA0.96 WSpeedRPMInput CurrentAir FlowStatic PressureAcoustical Noise Input PowerHigh 8000.45A (Max.)157.856CFM 0.046 inch-H 2O 32 dBA 5.4 W Medium 6000.3A 118.392 CFM 0.026 inch-H 2O 26 dBA 3.6 W Low 4000.2A78.928 CFM0.012 inch-H 2O17 dBA2.4 W4.3 Removing the 92 mm Hard Drive FanEnsure that the fan power cable is disconnected before removing the fan. 1. W hile facing the front of the case, depress the two tabs on the top of the92mm fan and detach it from the front of the hard drive housing.2. Remove the four screws on the front of the fan casing.3. Pull the fan out of the fan housing.Antec, Inc.47900 Fremont Blvd.Fremont, CA 94538USAtel: 510-770-1200fax: 510-770-1288Antec Europe B.V.Stuttgartstraat 123047 AS RotterdamThe Netherlandstel: +31 (0) 10 462-2060fax: +31 (0) 10 437-1752Customer Support:US & Canada1-800-22ANTEC*************************Europe+31 (0) 10 462-2060****************************© Copyright 2008 Antec, Inc. All rights reserved.All trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited.Printed in China.。

1、安全性:90%此脚本是猜测型脚本,不切入读取内存,所以基本除非其他玩家举报,G M100%不会发现你在挂机。
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822018年11期总第399期基础教育研究ENGLISH ON CAMPUSSkeleton 在小学英语词汇教学中的应用文/廖淑英【摘要】语言能力、思维品质、文化品格和学习能力是英语学科核心素养的重要内容。
【关键词】骨架文本;词汇教学;思维功能;语用功能,人文教育 【作者简介】廖淑英,广东省东莞市沙田镇中心小学。

英文文章分享骨关节The skeletal system, also known as the musculoskeletal system, is a complex network of bones, joints, and connective tissues that provide support, movement, and protection for the body. The human skeletal system is composed of 206 bones, which are categorized into two main types: axial skeleton and appendicular skeleton.The axial skeleton includes the skull, vertebral column, ribs, and sternum, which form the central axis of the body. These bones protect vital organs such as the brain, spinal cord, and heart, and also provide structural support forthe body.The appendicular skeleton consists of the bones of the upper and lower limbs, as well as the shoulder and pelvic girdles. This part of the skeletal system is responsiblefor movement and locomotion, allowing us to perform a wide range of activities from walking and running to intricate hand movements.Joints are crucial components of the skeletal system,as they allow for movement and flexibility. There are different types of joints in the body, including hingejoints (e.g., elbow and knee), ball-and-socket joints (e.g., shoulder and hip), and pivot joints (e.g., neck). These joints are supported by ligaments, tendons, and cartilage, which help stabilize the bones and facilitate smooth movement.In addition to its mechanical functions, the skeletal system also plays a vital role in blood cell production, mineral storage, and hormone regulation. The bone marrow, located within the cavities of certain bones, isresponsible for producing red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. Furthermore, bones act as a reservoir for essential minerals such as calcium and phosphorus,which are released into the bloodstream as needed. Additionally, bones produce the hormone osteocalcin, which influences blood sugar regulation and fat deposition.Overall, the skeletal system is a remarkable andintricate structure that is essential for the overall function and well-being of the human body. Its role extends far beyond providing a framework for the body, encompassing vital physiological processes that are essential for life. Understanding the importance of the skeletal system can help individuals appreciate the significance of maintaining bone health through proper nutrition, exercise, and overall wellness.。

万圣节英语笑话欢乐分享Halloween English Jokes - Spreading Laughter and JoyHalloween, also known as All Hallows' Eve, is a spooky and fun-filled celebration observed every year on October 31st. Besides the costumes, pumpkin carvings, and trick-or-treating, sharing laughter through Halloween jokes has become an integral part of the festivities. Engaging in humorous conversations and exchanging funny one-liners can enrich the Halloween spirit and bring people together in laughter. In this article, we present a collection of entertaining Halloween jokes that are sure to bring a smile to your face.1. Why did the ghost go to the party?Because he heard it was going to be a "boo"-tiful night!2. What did the mummy say to the detective?"Let's wrap up this case!"3. Why did the skeleton go to the movies alone?Because he had no body to go with him!4. What do you call a ghost's dessert?I-Scream!5. Why don't vampires go out in the sun?They don't want to get tanned-TOPIA!6. How do you fix a cracked pumpkin?With a pumpkin patch!7. What do you call a witch who goes to the beach?A sand-witch!8. Why don't skeletons fight each other?They don't have the guts!9. What happens when a ghost becomes a detective?They start working on "haunting" cases!10. What do you get when you cross a black cat with a lemon? "Sourest" bad luck you've ever seen!11. Why did the scarecrow win an award?Because he was outstanding in his field!12. How do you mend a broken Jack-o'-lantern?With a pumpkin "patch"!13. What do you call a dog that dresses up as a vampire?A "Bloodhound"!14. How do monsters tell their future?They "ghoul" gaze into a crystal ball!15. What's a ghost's favorite dessert?Boo-berry pie!16. Why did the vampire get a job at the blood bank?He always wanted to work "full-time"!17. What do you call a haunted chicken?A "poultry-geist"!18. What's a vampire's favorite fruit?Neck-tarines!19. How did the skeleton know it was going to rain on Halloween?It could feel it in its bones!20. Why don't witches ride their brooms when they're angry?They're afraid of flying off the handle!These Halloween jokes are amusing and can be shared with friends, family, and colleagues to create a cheerful atmosphere. Moreover, humor is not only enjoyable but also beneficial to our overall well-being. A good laugh can release endorphins, the body's natural feel-good chemicals, which promote relaxation and reduce stress levels. So, while celebrating Halloween, take a moment to share a joke and spread joy among those around you.In addition to sharing jokes verbally, social media platforms offer an extensive space to propagate humor. With the rise of digital communication, online communities actively engage in sharing jokes, puns, and memes, especially during festive seasons like Halloween. These virtual exchanges bring people from all walks of life together, transcending boundaries and fostering a sense of belongingness.It is important, however, to ensure that the humor shared during Halloween or any other occasion is not offensive or disrespectful. Cultural sensitivity plays a crucial role, and jokes should be lighthearted, inclusive, and appropriate for diverse audiences. The intention should always be to uplift spirits, promote positivity, and create an enjoyable experience for everyone involved.So, as Halloween approaches this year, let us embrace the laughter and joy that accompanies this spooky season. Whether you are dressing up as a ghost, carving pumpkins, or going trick-or-treating, remember to share a joke and spread happiness. These Halloween jokes are a reminder that laughter has no boundaries and can bring people together amidst the festive celebrations. Enjoy the magic, fun, and laughter of Halloween, and may your celebrations be filled with endless joy!。

威廉·萨默塞特·毛姆(William Somerset Maugham,1874年1月25日一1965年12月 16日),英国小说家、剧作家。代表作有戏剧《圈子》,长篇小说《人生的枷 锁》、《月亮和六便士》,短篇小说集《叶的震颤》、《阿金》等。
毛姆1874年1月25日出生在巴黎,中学毕业后,在德国海德堡大学肄业。1892至 1897年在伦敦学医,并取得外科医师资格。1897年发表第一部长篇小说《兰贝斯 的丽莎》。1915年发表长篇小说《人生的枷锁》。第一次世界大战期间,毛姆赴 法国参加战地急救队,不久进入英国情报部门,在日内瓦收集敌情;后又出使俄 国,劝阻俄国退出战争,与临时政府首脑克伦斯基有过接触。1916年,毛姆去南 太平洋旅行,此后多次到远东。
毛姆在《人生的枷锁》和他在这一时期发表的其他著作也都从各个不同的侧 面反映了这些矛盾。
Of Human Bondage is the first and most autobiographical of Maugham’s masterpieces. It is the story of Philip Carey, an orphan eager for life, love and adventure. After a few months studying in Heidelberg, and a brief spell in Paris as a would-be artist, he settles in London to train as a doctor where he meets Mildred, the loud but irresistible waitress with whom he plunges

分享你的一次研学活动经历的英语作文全文共10篇示例,供读者参考篇1My Exciting Research TripHey guys! I want to share with you all about the awesome research trip I went on recently. It was super cool and I learned so much!So, our class went on a research trip to a farm to learn about how plants grow and how farmers take care of them. We all got to wear these funny hats and boots so we wouldn't get dirty. It was so much fun!First, we met the farmer and he showed us around the farm. We saw so many different kinds of plants like tomatoes, cucumbers, and even strawberries! The farmer taught us how to water the plants and how to pick the ripe ones. It was really interesting to see how much work goes into growing the food we eat.After that, we got to plant our own seeds in the garden. I planted some carrot seeds and I can't wait to see them grow! Thefarmer told us we have to water them every day and make sure they get enough sunlight. I'm going to take good care of my carrots!At the end of the trip, the farmer gave us some fresh vegetables to take home. I got a big juicy tomato and a crunchy cucumber. I shared them with my family and they were so impressed with what I learned on the research trip.I had such a great time on the research trip and I can't wait to go on another one. It was so cool to learn about how plants grow and how farmers work hard to feed us. I feel really lucky to have had this experience!篇2A Trip to the ZooHi everyone, I want to tell you about my recent school field trip to the zoo! It was super fun and I saw so many cool animals.First, we went to see the lions. They were so big and powerful, and they were just lying around in the sun. It was amazing to see them up close. Then we went to the monkey house and watched the monkeys swing from branch to branch. They were so funny and playful!After that, we visited the giraffes. Did you know that giraffes have tongues that are 18 inches long? It was crazy to see them reaching up to grab leaves from the trees. We also saw the elephants, who were taking a bath in a big pool of water. They looked like they were having so much fun!My favorite part of the trip was when we got to feed the penguins. They were waddling around and making funny noises.I fed one a fish and it ate it right out of my hand! It was a little bit gross but also really cool.Overall, the trip to the zoo was so much fun. I learned a lot about different animals and I had a great time with my friends. I can't wait to go back and visit all the animals again!篇3One time, my class went on a really cool field trip called a research study activity. It was super fun and I learned a lot of new things! I want to share my experience with you guys.First, we went to a science museum to learn about different animals and plants. There were so many cool exhibits and we got to touch some real plants and animals. I even saw a real dinosaur skeleton! It was so big and scary, but also really cool.After that, we went to a nature reserve to learn about the environment. We saw lots of trees and plants, and even some cute little animals. We learned how important it is to take care of our planet and protect the environment. I really want to help save the Earth now!Finally, we went to a farm to learn about agriculture. We got to plant some vegetables and see how they grow. It was so cool to see how our food is grown and where it comes from. I even got to milk a cow! It was a little bit gross, but also really fun.Overall, the research study activity was an amazing experience. I learned so much and had a lot of fun. I can't wait to go on another field trip and learn even more new things!篇4My Exciting Field Trip ExperienceHi everyone! Today I want to share with you all about a super fun and exciting field trip I went on recently. It was a research activity to a science museum, and it was so cool!First, we all gathered at school early in the morning and got on a big yellow school bus. I sat with my friends and we chatted and laughed all the way to the museum. When we arrived, therewere so many interesting things to see and do. We got to learn about dinosaurs, planets, robots, and all sorts of cool science stuff.My favorite part was when we got to do some hands-on experiments. We made slime, launched rockets, and even built our own little robots. It was so much fun getting to try out all these cool things and learn how science works in real life.After a full day of exploring and learning, we all gathered outside for a picnic lunch. We shared our favorite parts of the day and laughed about all the fun we had. Then it was time to get back on the bus and head back to school.I had such an amazing time on this field trip. I learned so much and had so much fun with my friends. I can't wait for the next one! Field trips are the best!篇5One day, my class went on a study trip to the local Science Museum. It was so cool! We got to see lots of interesting things and learn so much. Let me tell you all about it!First, we went to the dinosaur exhibit. There were huge dinosaur skeletons that looked super scary, but also really cool. Ilearned that dinosaurs lived millions of years ago and some of them were really big! It was so fun pretending to be a paleontologist and digging up dinosaur bones.Next, we went to the space exhibit. We got to see a real meteorite that had fallen from outer space! It was so shiny and smooth. We also saw a model of the solar system and learned about all the different planets. I never knew there were so many!After that, we went to the chemistry lab. We got to do some fun experiments with colorful liquids and bubbling potions. It was like being a real scientist! I learned about mixing different chemicals and how they can react to make new things.Lastly, we went to the nature exhibit. There were live animals like snakes and turtles, and even a beehive with real bees! I was a little scared at first, but it was so cool to see them up close. I learned about how different animals live in their habitats and how we can protect the environment.Overall, the study trip was so much fun and I learned a lot of new things. I can't wait for our next adventure!篇6Title: My Amazing Field Trip ExperienceHello everyone! Today I want to share with you my awesome field trip experience. We went on a field trip to a nature reserve last week and it was so much fun!First, we took a bus to the nature reserve. The bus ride was super exciting because we got to sing songs and chat with our friends. When we arrived, we were greeted by a guide who told us all about the different animals and plants we would see.One of the coolest things we did was go on a nature walk. We saw so many interesting things like colorful birds, beautiful flowers, and even some cute little squirrels. The guide taught us all about the importance of preserving nature and taking care of our environment. It was really eye-opening.After the nature walk, we had a picnic lunch near a lake. We ate sandwiches, fruit, and of course, some yummy snacks. It was so nice to relax and enjoy the fresh air.In the afternoon, we went on a boat ride around the lake. We saw turtles swimming in the water and even a family of ducks! It was so peaceful and relaxing.Overall, I had an amazing time on our field trip. I learned a lot about nature and had so much fun with my friends. I can'twait for our next adventure! Thank you for listening to my story. Bye!篇7Title: My Exciting Field Trip ExperienceHey guys! Today I want to share with you all about my awesome field trip experience. Last week, my class went on a research trip to the local zoo. It was so much fun and we learned a lot of cool stuff!First, we got to see all kinds of different animals like lions, tigers, and bears - oh my! We even saw some penguins waddling around, which was super cute. The best part was when we got to feed the giraffes. They have such long necks!After looking at all the animals, we had a special guided tour where the zookeeper told us all about the habitats and behaviors of the animals. Did you know that monkeys are really good at climbing trees? I never knew that before!We also got to see some feeding demonstrations, like when the zookeeper fed the seals and otters. It was so cool to watch them catch the fish in their mouths. We even got to touch some snakes and lizards in the reptile habitat.Overall, it was an amazing day filled with fun and learning. I can't wait for our next field trip! I hope you enjoyed hearing about my adventure at the zoo. Thanks for listening! See you next time!篇8Hello everyone! Today I want to share with you my exciting experience during a research activity.Last week my classmates and I went on a research trip to the science museum. It was super cool! There were so many interesting things to see and learn about. We saw a real rocket and learned how it works. The scientist showed us how to make a volcano erupt with baking soda and vinegar, it was so awesome!We also got to touch a real dinosaur bone and even saw a live snake for the first time. It was a little scary but also very cool. We learned all about different animals and plants, and how they are important for our planet.After the museum tour, we had a picnic in the park and played games together. It was so much fun to relax and hang out with my friends. We laughed a lot and shared our favorite parts of the day.I really loved this research trip because I learned so much new things and had a great time with my friends. I can't wait for the next adventure! Thank you for listening to my story! Bye bye!篇9One day, my class went on a study trip to the zoo. It was super exciting because we got to see all kinds of animals up close and learn about their habitats and behaviors.First, we visited the lions. They were so big and fierce, but also really majestic. Our guide told us all about how lions hunt in the wild and protect their territory. It was amazing to see them in action, even if it was just pacing around their enclosure.Next, we went to the monkey exhibit. The monkeys were hilarious! They were swinging from tree to tree, chattering away and playing with each other. We learned about how monkeys communicate and live in groups, just like we do with our friends.After that, we saw the giraffes. They were so tall and graceful, munching on leaves from the trees. Our guide explained how giraffes have long necks to reach high up in the trees for food, and how they use their spots to camouflage themselves from predators.We also saw elephants, tigers, zebras, and so many other animals. Each one was unique and special in its own way. I learned so much on this trip and had a blast with my friends.I can't wait for our next study trip. I want to learn even more about the amazing creatures that share our planet.。

一次学校旅行分享给朋友的一封信英语作文全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1Dear Jessica,I'm so excited, I can barely sit still to write this letter! We just got back from the most amazing school trip EVER and I have to tell you all about it. Get ready for lots of details because there's no way I can sum this up quickly.It all started bright and early last Thursday morning. We had to be at school by 6:30am to load the buses. Can you believe that? My mom had to practically drag me out of bed! But I was so pumped that I didn't even mind getting up at that crazy hour.After we got on the bus, the teachers did roll call about a million times to make sure nobody was missing. Then we were finally off! The drive took forever though. We stopped a couple times to use the bathroom and get snacks, but I was just antsy to get to our destination.When we finally arrived at the science museum, I thought my eyes were going to pop out of my head. It was SO cool lookingon the outside with all the funky architecture and bright colors. I couldn't wait to see what was inside!The first exhibit we went to was all about the human body. There were these huge model figures that showed all the bones, organs, muscles and everything! You could even walk through a gigantic mouth model that showed all the teeth and tongue up close. It sounds kind of gross but it was actually really neat.My favorite part was probably the section on the human brain. It had all these interactive games and activities to test your memory, concentration, and thinking skills. I mastered the memory games where you had to remember which cards were flipped over. My brain is like an elephant's!After the human body stuff, we went upstairs to explore the physics section. I'll admit, some of it went a bit over my head. But the part about mechanics and how simple machines like levers and pulleys work was fascinating. We even got to build our own crazy contraptions using pulleys to life really heavy objects. The kid's play area had all kinds of hands-on stuff like that. So fun!Around lunchtime, we took a break to eat the sack lunches we brought from home. My peanut butter and jelly was smashed into a brick, but I didn't even care. I was having too much fun to be bothered by lame sandwich issues.The afternoon was packed with more awesome exhibits. The dinosaur section was probably the coolest with all the massive skeletons and prehistoric animal replicas. You could even do a dinosaur bone dig and brush off fake fossils like a real paleontologist! I don't think I've ever concentrated so hard on anything in my whole life.As if that wasn't enough dinosaur action, we got to watch an educational movie on the biggest screen I've ever seen. It was all about the theory of how an asteroid strike wiped them out. With the ultra-realistic animation, it really felt like we traveled back in time 65 million years. Mind-blowing!The very last thing we did before leaving was check out the space area. That was easily my second favorite part of the whole trip. They had a life-size model of the Space Shuttle that you could climb into and explore. I got to pretend I was an astronaut! There were also a bunch of displays about the solar system, black holes, the Big Bang theory, and tons of other space stuff that hurt my brain a little bit to try and understand.By the time we loaded back onto the buses around 4pm, I was utterly exhausted. And somehow the drive back to school felt even longer than the morning drive. I must have dozed off at some point because the next thing I knew, my mom was there topick me up. I passed out on the way home and slept like a rock that night!Writing this letter has made me want to go back already. I can't thank the teachers enough for taking us on such an educational yet incredibly fun field trip. A kid could spend weeks at that science museum and still not see everything. Maybe your school can plan a trip there sometime too? You'd love it!Well, that's all for now. I need to go ice my hand after writing this novel. Let me know if you make it through the whole thing without nodding off!Your friend,[Your name]篇2Dear Emily,I'm so excited, I can barely sit still to write this letter! Our class just went on the most amazing field trip last week and I have to tell you all about it. Get ready for a long letter because there is so much to share!It all started last Monday morning when we arrived at school. Our teacher, Mrs. Roberts, told us to line up near the entrancebecause we would be going on our big field trip to the science museum soon. I could hardly believe it was finally here! We had been learning about forces, energy, and simple machines in science class for weeks. Going to the museum was going to let us see and experience so many of those concepts in real life.The big yellow school bus pulled up right at 9am. After going over the rules one more time, we all clambered aboard, finding seats with our friends. I sat with Timmy and Ella. We were so hyper, giggling and talking nonstop about what exhibits we wanted to see the most. The bus ride took almost an hour, but it went by in a flash.Finally, we pulled up in front of this huge modern building with a giant model of a DNA double helix sculpture out front. Our teacher gathered us together and we headed inside. The lobby was absolutely enormous with high ceilings and another massive sculpture hanging from above – this one looked like a tornado of bronze metal. So cool!Our first stop was the special exhibit on forces and motion. There were all kinds of hands-on activities to explore concepts like gravity, inertia, acceleration, and more. One super fun thing was this vertical vacuum tunnel where you could drop a beach ball and watch it seem to defy gravity by floating in mid-air! Thehardest part was trying not to laugh too hard when the museum staff turned it off and the ball came crashing back down.Next up was the physics and engineering wing. So many awesome things here! First, we visited an area all about simple machines like levers, pulleys, and inclined planes. We got to use real tools and blocks to construct our own little models and experiment with mechanical advantage. I built a little crane with pulleys that could lift a super heavy weight. It was like I had incredible strength just by using simple physics!Then we headed into the engineering hall which had huge model bridges you could actually walk across while learning about their design and construction. My favorite was this crazy bridge that looked like it was twisting into knots – the museum called i t a "möbius strip bridge." So bizarre but so awesome at the same time.After that, we took a quick lunch break to refuel. Our teachers had packed us brownies for dessert which was such a nice treat. Once we were recharged, we moved on to the biology exhibits.This area started by talking about DNA and genetics with some really visual examples of how traits are inherited. But my favorite part was the ecosystem area where you could explorere-creations of different natural environments. One room was modeled after a coastal redwood forest, with real trees towering toward the skylights above and even a light misting system to make you feel like you were in a fog! In another area, they had a recreation of an African savanna complete with life-size model elephants and gazelles. So lifelike!By this point, my brain was getting a little overloaded from all the amazing things we had seen and done. But there was one last stop – the planetarium! We got to recline back in our seats and have the dome ceiling projector take us on an awesome tour of the solar system, galaxies, and even an up-close look at the sun's surface.After that mind-blowing show, it was finally time to head back to the buses. I was exhausted but absolutely buzzing with excitement about everything I had experienced that day. The ride back to school felt so short, probably because Timmy, Ella, and I were talking a million miles a minute recounting every detail to each other.When we arrived back at school, I could tell nobody wanted to leave! Sure, we had just spent almost 8 hours exploring and learning. But it had passed in a flash because it was all soengaging and fun. Mrs. Roberts promised that we would get to go on more field trips next year too. I can't wait!So that's the full report on our epic school field trip to the science museum! I'm definitely going to be bugging my parents to take our family there again soon because there was so much to see and do. I learned more in that one day than I have in weeks of regular class time. Field trips are just the best way to experience science rather than just reading about it.I wish you could have been there with us! Next time our classes go somewhere, you'll have to join. But hopefully this letter gave you a good sense of how incredible it was. Let me know if you have any other questions!Talk to you soon,[Your name]篇3Dear Lily,How are you? I'm so excited to tell you all about the incredible school trip I just went on! We went to the Natural History Museum and it was absolutely amazing. I have so much to share with you!The trip started bright and early on Monday morning. We all met at school and boarded the huge yellow bus. I was a little nervous at first because I had never been on a trip with the whole class before. But once we got going and all my friends were chattering excitedly, I felt much better. The bus ride took about an hour and we spent the time playing road games and singing silly songs.When we finally arrived at the museum, I could hardly contain my excitement! The building was massive, with huge pillars and statues out front. We all lined up and followed our teachers inside. The lobby was incredible - there were dinosaur skeletons and exhibits everywhere you looked! I felt like I had stepped into another world.Our first stop was the dinosaur exhibit. We saw the skeleton of a T-Rex that must have been 40 feet long! I couldn't believe something that big actually roamed the earth millions of years ago. There were so many other dinosaurs too - triceratops, brontosaurus, velociraptors. My favorite was probably the stegosaurus with its cool spiky plates along its back. We learned that dinosaurs were reptiles that lived in the Mesozoic Era between 245-66 million years ago. Can you even imagine how long ago that was?After the dinosaurs, we went to see the mammal exhibits. I loved seeing all the huge skeletons of woolly mammoths, saber-toothed tigers, and ancient ancestors of modern animals like horses and bears. My teacher told us that after the dinosaurs went extinct about 66 million years ago, mammals were able to thrive and grow larger. She said woolly mammoths used to roam in herds across North America and Europe before they went extinct just 10,000 years ago! I can't get over how recently that was in the grand scheme of things.We also got to explore the gem and mineral section, which was breathtaking. There were rooms full of glittering crystals and gemstones in every color you can imagine. My favorites were the amethyst geodes - they looked like hollowed out purple crystals! We learned that gems form deep underground over millions of years from molten rock and intense heat and pressure. Some of them were over a billion years old. A billion years! My mind was blown.After the gem room, we went to the ocean exhibits. I loved seeing all the fossils of ancient sea creatures like trilobites, ammonites, and nautiluses. There was even a complete skeleton of a massive megalodon, which was an ancient shark as big as a school bus! Our teacher told us that hundreds of millions ofyears ago, long before dinosaurs, the ocean was filled with these bizarre looking creatures. We also got to explore a recreation of an underwater cave and see amazing fluorescent rocks that glowed under special lights. It was like something out of a fantasy world!We spent the rest of the day exploring the other exhibits on mammals, insects, planets, and more. Everything was so interesting and educational. By the end of the day, my brain was absolutely stuffed with new information! We had a quick lunch in the museum cafeteria before piling back onto the bus for the ride home.I have so many amazing memories from this trip. Seeing those enormous dinosaur fossils up close, touching a real meteorite, watching the tarantulas scurry around in their case - it all felt like something out of a dream. I used to think history and science were kind of boring, but this museum brought everything to life in such an engaging way. I have a newfound appreciation for just how incredible and fascinating our world really is.I really wish you could have been there with me to experience it all first-hand! We'll have to go back together over summer break so I can show you around. I'm already countingdown the days until our next field trip. This was an experience I'll never forget.Can't wait to see you again and tell you more stories! Say hi to your family for me.Your friend,[Your name]篇4亲爱的朋友,你好!我最近参加了一次学校旅行,我非常兴奋地想和你分享一下。

疯狂万圣节派对游戏(分享十三篇)疯狂万圣节派对游戏篇1一、活动主题:万圣节童欢化妆晚会二、活动安排活动名称:_万圣节童欢化妆晚会活动时间:20__年11月1日16:00---20:00活动地点:_大酒店西餐厅内16:00-18:30:B_大酒店户外温泉泳池旁C_活动场地注:地点需经会议讨论才能决定18:30-20:00:_社区及_社区内活动好处:宣传_基业,_楼盘,_大酒店,国际学校主办单位:集团行政与人力资源管理中心、_酒店管理公司、集团营销中心承办单位:_国际学校协办单位:_物业公司,_物业公司三、活动推广宣传(一)活动目标人群学校家庭:_国际学校幼儿园家庭,暑期班及兴趣班家庭,父亲节活动参与家庭,访问登记家庭业主家庭:_业主家庭,_业主家庭,_业主家庭,_业主家庭商会家庭:_商会家庭员工家庭:_基业员工家庭其他家庭:_城家庭及其他家庭目标参与家庭数:50,参与家庭数:60最少参与家庭数:30 (二)活动推广宣传:略疯狂万圣节派对游戏篇2活动概要活动地址:SHANGHAIWIN酒吧活动时间:20__年10月31日活动形式:假面舞会+酒会+表演+奖品万圣节万圣夜(Halloween)(又叫鬼节,万圣节前夜)在每年的10月31日,是英语世界的传统节日,主要流行于北美、不列颠群岛、澳大利亚、加拿大和新西兰。

以下是为大家分享的英语小谜语简单,欢送借鉴!1、What is wind?谜底:Air in a hurry2、What's a skeleton?谜底:It's a lot of bones without the person on them!3、Which letter is a drink?谜底:T(tea)4、What table is in the field?谜底:vegetable5、Which letter is an animal?谜底:B(bee)6、What is an astronomer?谜底:A nigh watchman with a college education.7、Which letter is a question?谜底:Y(why)8、What always travels on foot?谜底:A shoe9、What has teeth but cannot eat?谜底:A b10、What kind of dog never bite?谜底:A hot dog11、Where can milk be best stored?谜底:In a cow12、Which letter is around an island?谜底:C(sea)13、What is dark but made by light?谜底:A shadow14、Which letter is a part of your face? 谜底:I(eye)15、What wears a cap but has no head?谜底:A bottle16、How many letters are in the alphabet? 谜底:eight17、What is never used until it's broken? 谜底:An egg18、Which letter is a kind of vegetable? 谜底:P(pea)19、What is the biggest ant in the world? 谜底:an elephant20、What is in the middle of the world? 谜底:the letter “r”21、Where can happiness always be found? 谜底:In the dictionary22、What es after the letter “A”?谜底:All the other letters23、What makes the Tower of Pisa lean?谜底:It never eats.24、How many sides does a house have?谜底:Two-inside and outside.25、What is the smallest room in the world?谜底:mushroom26、Why don't you advertise for your lost dog?谜底:He can't read.27、What is smaller than an insect's mouth?谜底:Anything it eats.28、When do you go as fast as a racing car?谜底:When you are in it.29、What do workers do in a clock factory?谜底:They make faces all day.30、What can you break with only one word?谜底:Silence31、What question can you never answer “yes”。
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九 种 凝 式 Skeleton 方 式
听 配图式
读 序列式 选择式
(阅读排序) (阅读选句排序)
配话式 排序式
辨析式 核心式 重组式
(挖空、改错) (阅读重组对话)
(听音选句排顺序) (听音组建对话)
(Mind map)
Skeleton(骨架文本)的概念 Skeleton是指教师充分利用文本和插图中存在 的内在逻辑关系,通过设置挖空、排序、辨析等方式
一系列思维性学习活动,引导学生建构文本,发展学 生的高阶思维能力的过程,是一种解读文本的教学方 法。
1.Let’s try
(关注情景图,联系Let’s try)
3.Read and discuss 4.Listen and check
关注听 肯定说、尝试写
5.Choose and write
A. 文本处理——方式
挖空核心语言 猜 选
听 音 重 组
• 1. 达到“听、说、认读”的目标。 三、四年级
• 2. 关注语篇。
好处:1.提高思维品质/2.培养学习能力/3. 发展自主探究能力/4.学会合作学习
方式一:挖空核心句的重难点 方式二:挖空核心语言(猜选)
方式三:听音排对话配图 方式三:听音排图配对话
方式四:听音排序配对话 方式四:听音排对话配图
I’m going to have an art lesson.
We’re going to draw some pictures in Renmin Park.
五上 U3 A Let's talk
第一遍听:看动画,听声音,填关键信息 第二遍听: 细听,判断正误。 第三遍听: 看文本,听录音,填出核心句
Skeleton textlevel2
Zheng Peng:
Mike: _____! Zhang Peng: _____. Sarah: Zhang Peng: . .
D I don’t like pink
I was quiet
F I couldn’t ride my bike well
目的 解构
I don’t like pink
聚焦重难点/ 内涵点、思维训练点
I was quiet I couldn’t ride
my bike well
. . , _____.
Sarah: _____!
Choose where to place the following sentences in the text To complete the dialogue. You may use each sentence only once. There are so many plants here,too. This is the living room. Yes, my father can draw very well. wow!There are so many pictuers here. Cool! They're my grandmother's plants. There are lots of flowers in it. My grandparents have a garden in front of their house.
文本的处理建议 文本处理 ——步骤
师 生 行 为
感知 理解
掏空核心句 skeleton
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
学 生 行 为
A. I am quiet B. I was quiet C. I can’t ride my bike well D. I don’t like pink E. I didn’t like pink F. I couldn’t ride my bike well
Zhang Peng: _____. _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____.
Sarah: _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____, _____. Zhang Peng: _____ _____ _____ ______. _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____. _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____. Sarah: _____! Choose where to place the following words in the text to complete the dialogue. You may use each word only once. This, is, very, the, living room,are, so, Wow, There, are, my, so, many, pictures, here, grandmother’s of, their, house, lots, of, Cool Yes, My, father, can, draw, well, There, many, plants, here, too, They’re, in, front, plants, my, grandparents, have, a, garden, There, are, flowers, in, it,
Skeleton text level1 Zheng Peng: _____ _____ _____ _____. Mike: _____! _____ _____ ______ _____ _____ _____. Zhang Peng: _____. _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____. Sarah: _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____, _____. Zhang Peng: _____ _____ _____ ______. _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____. _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____. Sarah: _____! Choose where to place the following words in the text to complete the dialogue. You may use each word only once. This is, very well, the living room,Wow, There are, my, so many, pictures, here, grandmother’s , their, house, lots of, Cool Yes, My father, can, draw, There are, so many, plants, here, too, They’re, in front of, plants, my, grandparents, have, a, garden, There are, flowers, in, it, Skeleton text(level2) Zheng Peng: _____ _____ _____ _____? Mike: _____! _____ _____ ______ _____ _____ _____.