下面YJBYS店铺分享英语书信的写作方法,欢迎参考!1. 先说格式吧。
Dear Jason,I'm so glad to hear from you. How have you been these days?In your last letter, you talked about movies you love. I agreed with you that Life of Pi is a great movie.Anyway, here is one of favorite movies that I would like to recommend to you.......Yours,Li Lei(2)齐头式美式结构,一般商务英语,电子邮件都会用到。
Dear Jason,I'm so glad to hear from you. How have you been these days?In your last letter, you talked about movies you love. I agreed with you that Life of Pi is a great movie.Anyway, here is one of favorite movies that I would like to recommend to you.......Yours,Li Lei2.结构包括信头(寄信者地址和寄信日期),收信人地址,称呼,正文,结束语,签名。
No.5, Qingtai RoadHangzhou, 310000 信头P.R.ChinaDec.13, 2012Doctor Jason Mraz15 Linkin Avenue 信内地址San FranciscoCalifornia 31000U.S.ADear Dr Jason, 称呼I'm so glad to hear from you........ 正文......Yours sincerely, 结束语Li Lei 签名P.S.:...... 附言3. 称呼一般都是Dear+人名,(1)私信关系亲密的话就直接"Dear+人名(Dear Jason,) ". 关系不很亲密的话就要用"Dear+姓(Dear Mr. Smith,)".女性不知道是否结婚的时候就用"Ms."(2) 公信收信人头衔+姓/全名不知道姓名的时候可以用:Dear Sir or Madam, To Who It May Concern4.正文一般是三段式的(1)说明为什么写信。
英文书信的格式1、信头(Heading)指发信人的姓名(单位名称)、地址和日期,一般写在信纸的右上角.一般公函或商业信函的信纸上都印有单位或公司的名称、地址、电话号码等,因此就只需在信头下面的右边写上写信日期就可以了. 英文地址的写法与中文完全不同,地址的名称按从小到大的顺序:第一行写门牌号码和街名;第二行写县、市、省、州、邮编、国名;然后再写日期.标点符号一般在每一行的末尾都不用,但在每一行的之间,该用的还要用,例如在写日期的时候.2、日期的写法:如:1997年7月30日,英文为:July 30,1997(最为普遍); July 30th,1997;30th July,1997等.1997不可写成97.3、信内地址(Inside Address):在一般的社交信中,信内收信人的地址通常省略,但是在公务信函中不能.将收信人的姓名、地址等写在信头日期下方的左角上,要求与对信头的要求一样,不必再写日期. 4、称呼(Salutation):是写信人对收信人的称呼用语.位置在信内地址下方一、二行的地方,从该行的顶格写起,在称呼后面一般用逗号(英国式),也可以用冒号(美国式).(1)写给亲人、亲戚和关系密切的朋友时,用Dear或My dear再加上表示亲属关系的称呼或直称其名(这里指名字,不是姓氏).例如:My dear father,Dear Tom等.(2)写给公务上的信函用Dear Madam,Dear Sir或Gentleman(Gentlemen).注意:Dear纯属公务上往来的客气形式.Gentlemen总是以复数形式出现,前不加Dear,是Dear Sir的复数形式.(3)写给收信人的信,也可用头衔、职位、职称、学位等再加姓氏或姓氏和名字.例如:Dear Prof. Tim Scales, Dear Dr.John Smith.5、正文(Body of the Letter):位置在下面称呼语隔一行,是信的核心部分.因此要求正文层次分明、简单易懂.和中文信不同的是,正文中一般不用Hello!(你好!)正文有缩进式和齐头式两种.每段书信第一行的第一个字母稍微向右缩进些,通常以五个字母为宜,每段第二行从左面顶格写起,这就是缩进式.但美国人写信各段落往往不用缩进式,用齐头式,即每一行都从左面顶格写起.商务信件大都采用齐头式的写法.6、结束语(Complimentary Close):在正文下面的一、二行处,从信纸的中间偏右处开始,第一个词开头要大写,句末用逗号.不同的对象,结束语的写法也不同.(1)写给家人、亲戚,用Your loving grandfather,Lovingly yours,Lovingly等;(2)写给熟人、朋友,用Yours cordially,Yours affectionately等;(3)写业务信函用Truely yours(Yours truely),Faithfullyyours(Yours faithfully)等;(4)对上级、长辈用Yours obediently(Obediently yours),Yours respectfully (Respectfully yours)等.7、签名(Signature):低于结束语一至二行,从信纸中间偏右的地方开始,在结束语的正下方,在签完名字的下面还要有用打字机打出的名字,以便识别.职务、职称可打在名字的下面.当然,写给亲朋好友的信,就不必再打了.8、附言(Postscript):一封信写完了,突然又想起遗漏的事情,这时用P.S.表示,再写上遗漏的话即可,要长话短说.通常在信末签名下面几行的左方,应于正文齐头.注意:在正式的信函中,应避免使用附言.9、附件(Enclosure):信件如果有附件,可在信纸的左下角,注上Encl:或Enc:例如:Encl:2 photos(内附两张照片).如果福建附件不止一项,应写成Encl:或Encs.我们有时可看到在称呼与正文之间有Re:或Subject:(事由)字样.一般在信纸的中间,也可与“称呼”对齐.还应在底下加横线,以引起读信人的注意,使收信人便于在读信之前就可了解信中的主要内容.事由一般在公务信函中使用,也可以省略中英文地址的写法1、***室 / 房 RM. *** ***村(乡) *** Village2、***号 No. *** ***号宿舍 *** Dormitory3、***楼 / 层 *** /F ***住宅区 / 小区 *** Residential Quarter4、甲 / 乙 / 丙 / 丁 A / B / C / D ***巷 / 弄 *** Lane5、***单元 Unit *** ***号楼 / 幢 *** Build6、***公司 *** Com. / *** Crop ***厂 *** Factory7、***酒楼/酒店 *** Hotel ***路 *** Road8、***花园 *** Garden ***街 *** Street9、***县 *** County ***镇 *** Town10、***市 *** / *** City ***区 *** District11、*** 信箱 Mailbox *** ***省 *** Prov.英文地址一般的写法与我们描述的相反,由小写到大,以下为示范:例如:宝山区示范新村37号403室Room 403,No.37,ShiFan Residential Quarter,BaoShan District虹口区西康南路125弄34号201室Room 201,No.34,Lane 125,XiKang Road(South),HongKou District河南省南阳市中州路42号Room 42, Zhongzhou Road,Nanyang City, Henan Prov. 湖北省荆州市红苑大酒店Hongyuan Hotel, Jingzhou city, Hubei Prov.河南南阳市八一路272号特钢公司Special Steel Corp,No.272, Bayi Road,Nanyang City, Henan Prov.中山市东区亨达花园7栋702Room 702, 7th Building, Hengda Garden, East District, Zhongshan福建省厦门市莲花五村龙昌里34号601室Room 601, No.34 Long Chang Li, Xiamen, Fujian厦门公交总公司承诺办Cheng Nuo Ban, Gong Jiao Zong Gong Si, Xiamen, Fujian山东省青岛市开平路53号国棉四厂二宿舍1号楼2单元204户甲NO. 204,Entrance A, Building NO. 1, The 2nd Dormitor y of the NO. 4 State-owned Textile Factory, 53 Kaipin g Road, Qingdao, Shandong英文地址的写法一、寄达城市名的批译:我国城市有用英文等书写的,也有用汉语拼音书写的.例如“北京”英文写为“Peking”,汉语拼音写为“Beijing”二者虽然都是用拉丁字母,但拼读方法不同,前者是以音标相拼,而后者则是用声母和韵母相拼的,批译时要注意识别,以免错译.二、街道地址及单位名称的批译:常见有英文书写、汉语拼音书写、英文和汉语拼音混合书写三种.1、英文书写的,例如Address:6 East Changan Avenue PeKing译为北京市东长安街6号;2、汉语拼音书写的,例如:105 niujie Beijing译为北京市牛街105号;3、英文、汉语拼音混合书写的,例如:NO.70 dong feng dong Rd.Guangzhou译为广州东风东路70号.三、机关、企业等单位的批译:收件人为机关、企业等单位的,应先译收件人地址,再译单位名称.批译方法为:1、按中文语序书写的要顺译.例如:SHANGHAI FOODSTUFFS IMP AND EXP CO. 译为:上海食品进出口公司;2、以英文介词短语充当定语,一般位于被修饰的名词之后,译在该名词之前.例如:Civil Aviation Administration Of China译为:中国民航局;3、机关、企业单位的分支机构一般用英文“branch”(分部、分公司等)表示.例如:Beijing Electron Co. Ltd Xian branch译为:北京电子有限公司西安分公司.四、姓名方面:外国人习惯是名(First name)在前,姓(Last name)在后.若碰到让您一起填的,最好要注意一下顺序,不过你要是填反了,也没关系.中国银行收支票时是都承认的.例如:刘刚,可写成Gang Liu,也可写成Liu Gang.五、地址翻译——翻译原则:先小后大.1、中国人喜欢先说大的后说小的,如**区**路**号.而外国人喜欢先说小的后说大的,如:**号**路**区,因此您在翻译时就应该先写小的后写大的.例如:中国山东省青岛市四方区洛阳路34号3号楼4单元402户,就要从房开始写起: Room402,Unit4,Building3,No.34.Luoyang Road,sifangDistrict,Qingdao City,Shandong Prov,China(逗号后面有空格).注意:其中路名、公司名、村名等均不用翻译成同意的英文,只要照写拼音就行了.因为您的支票是中国的邮递员送过来,关键是要他们明白.技术大厦您写成Technology Building,他们可能更迷糊. 注意:填写姓名时,姓在前,名在后,中间空格,首字母大写.填写地址时,从小地址到大地址,逗号或空格后的第一个字母大写.常见中英文地址对照201室——Room 20112号——No.122单元——Unit 23号楼——Building No.3长安街——Changan Street南京路——Nanjing Road长安公司——Changan Company宝山区——BaoShan District酒店——Hotel花园——Garden县——County镇——Town市——City省——Province室/房——Room村——Village号——No.号宿舍——Dormitory楼/层/F住宅区/小区——Residential/Quarter 甲/乙/丙/丁A/B/C/D巷/弄——Lane单元——Unit号楼/栋——Building公司——Com./Crop/LTD.CO厂——Factory酒楼/酒店——Hotel 路——Road花园——Garden 街——Street信箱——Mailbox 或Postbox 区——District院——Yard大学——College。
一般位于信内地址下方空一行;有Attention 时也一样,位于Attention下面空一行。
如果信是写给公司的,并没有直接的联系人,称呼应为:“Dear Sirs,”(英式)或“Gentlemen:”(美式)。
在不能确定收信人性别的情况下,还可以使用To Whom It May Concern或Dear Madam or Sir。
在写信给特定的组织时,更愿意使用Dear Member,Dear Customer,和Dear Human Resources Manager这样的称呼。
1.商务信函一般用Dear Miss Brown,Dear Mr.Smith。
英文信函题型作文写作步骤篇1第一部分、四六级作文:英文信函题型作文写作步骤要求考生根据提纲写一封英文书信,对这类题型,通常分为5个步骤来写:第一段、文章开头:称呼第二段、寒暄语句,引出写信的目的:寒暄句+主题句第三段、根据提纲扩展主体段落:主题句+扩展句1+扩展句2+扩展句3第四段、表明自己的观点,并结束书信主体段落在最后要他谈自己的看法第五段、寒暄句+落款第二部分、英文信函题型作文写作范文练习[实战演练]Directions:For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topicA Letter to the University President about the Canteen Service Campus. You should write at least 120 words and you should base your composition on the outline below:假如你是李明,请你就本学校食堂的状况给校长写一封信,内容应包括:食堂的饭菜质量、价格、环境、服务等,可以是表扬,也可以是批评建议,也可以都有。
英文信函的习惯用法,由以下几个方面组成:(1)信头 The heading信头是指信纸上印刷或打印的企业名称、厂称、地址、电话号码、电报挂号、主管人姓名等。
万能句开头:1.How is it going? 最近怎么样?2.It has been a long time since we met.我们很久没见面了结尾:1.I am looking forward to receiving your letter.我期待着你的来信。
2.Thank you in advance.提前你。
3.Please wirte to me as soon as possible.请尽快回信4.Good luck |Best wishes.祝你好运1开门见山,提出要解决的问题I am writing to invite you to be a new member at our team.你成为新成员I’m writing to tell you that the ping-pong team is asking for new players.正在招收新队员2把事情开展的经过详细写出来I want to invite you to join us.邀请Contest to be held in room 502 in our school on June 15 it willstart from June 15 June 17 and last for three days . 球队活动3得出结论I hope that you will accept our invitation if It is convenient for you. Please call me at 123456 before June 15,报名方式和截止日期作文如下:How is it going?I am lihua, a member of the pingpong’s team, which is close to your team,I am writing to invite you to be a new member at our team.来的原因You always dream of playing Ping-Pong with us ,it is agood chance for you to come here. Contest to be held in room 502 in our school on June 15 it will start from June 15 June 17 and last for three days .I hope that you will accept our invitation if It is convenient for you. Please call me at 123456 before June 15,I am looking forward to receiving your letter.注意:学会写作文前要学会造句,今天的作业是造句1Exciting excited 2interesting interested 3 I’m writing to tell you that4 activity 5want to注意:要学会使用过渡词。
书信:【高分套路】但凡应试书信,逃不出三种段落:就是说,我们就写三段!开头段:四大内容1、问候;2、自我介绍;3、写信背景;为什么会写这封信4、写信目的;写这封信想达到什么目的中间段:具体问题+具体分析;结尾段:客套话;口诀:开门见山说意图咨询建议123不同内容可分段感谢客气不可少期待回信成老套》》》》(一)开头段:灵活地去写四种内容:1、问候;How are you doing (these days)?How is everything going?How is life treating you?2、自我介绍;I am LiHua, a 17-year-old boy currently studying in XXX middle school.I am LiHua, who...【李华同志的个人简历】由于我们在考场上的身份几乎年年都是李华,因此我们在这里有必要了解一下李华同志的一些个人情况。
hardworking, diligent, kind/warm-hearted…同学们想想help my parents to do houseworktake part in CCTV national English speech competitionwon the first prize in CCTV national English speech competitionvice monitorvice chairman of the students’ unionworked as a volunteer for the Olympic Gamesworked as a volunteer for the 21st centuryhave many foreign friends and often chat with them fluently.3、写信背景(写信的缘由)I heard that ...My teacher told me...I am informed that...I learned that...我得知...I read in your newspaper/ micro-blog /website that... You said in your last letter that...4、写信目的;Now, I am writing to do sth.Now, I am writing this letter to do sth.Now, I am writing these few lines to do sth.【七种最常见书信的“写信目的”部分的最佳写法】自荐信:Now, I am writing to apply for the job/position.感谢信:Now, I am writing to show/ express my heartfelt gratitude to you.邀请信:Now, I am writing to invite you to join/enjoy/experience the....(as our guest/judge/instructor).建议信:Now, I am writing to give you a hand/some suggestions.求助信:Now, I am writing to ask you to give me a hand/ do me a favor.道歉信:Now, I am writing to show/ express my heartfelt apology to you.告知信:Now, I am writing to tell you about the details. (二)中间段:具体问题(主题句)+具体分析(拓展句)【六种最常见书信的“中间段”最佳写法】自荐信:写自己的优势写法一:There are four main reasons why I am fit for the position/job. To begin with, ... Moreover,... What's more,... Finally,...写法二:I have three main advantages. First and foremost,...Additionally,st but not least,...写法三:I have the confidence that I can handle the job. Firstly,... Secondly, ...Thirdly,...感谢信:写对方为你所做的事以及带来的帮助(正面影响)Every time I (看照片、看录像、看那段时间的日记、回忆那段经历), I just can't help thinking of you/ what you have done for me. It was so kind of you to (对方做的第一件事). Besides, you (对方做的第二件事), which really surprised me. Actually, I shall always remember (对方做的第三件事), considering that,(第三件事情的意义). Nothing will be able to erase our wonderful memories, and I will cherish them forever.邀请信:描述具体的活动内容,如活动主题、意义、地点、时间、参加者和其它事项;Here are some details for the activities. To begin with, (活动主题或活动目的,如:the theme of the contest is "human and the nature", which is undoubtedly not only entertaining but also instructive. )Moreover, (活动的地点和时间,如it will be in room 501 from 2:00 to 5:00 on the afternoon of June 15th.) What's more,(活动人员,如: ten outstanding competitors will take part in the contest.)Finally, (其他信息,如:if you need any further information, please call me at 44876655. )建议信:写给对方的具体建议写法一:There are several simple suggestions for you. To begin with, ... Moreover,... What's more,... Finally,...写法二:Immediate and effective measures must be put into practice. First and foremost,... Additonally,st but not least,...写法三:The following suggestions carried out, things would probably become much better. Firstly,... Secondly,... Thirdly,...求助信:写具体需要帮助的事项Hopefully you would be so kind as to give me some suggestions/help on the following problems. To beginwith,(困难一),which has annoyed me for quite a long time. Moreover,(困难二), for personally I lack the very basic experience on this matter. Finally,...●常用句型:(做某事有困难)1、I have trouble in doing sth.2、I find it extremely hard for me to do sth.3、Doing sth is another terrible headache for me.●常见困难:【生活方面】与人相处 get along well with my classmates/ the new teacher / my parents.(和我的同学/新老师/父母相处)把握时间 arrange and make good use of my everyday time for valuable things. (安排和利用每天的时间去做有意义的事情)明确目标 know the purpose of my life and the destination of my future in order to passionately live apurpose-driven life everyday. (知道我生命的目的和未来的目标,以便每天充满激情地过着“目标驱动”的生活)【学习方面】不懂语法 have trouble in mastering the advanced grammar rules and put them into use in my speaking and writing.进步太慢 find myself making progress not as fast as before, which has been annoying me for a long time.精力有限 can't be passionate and energetic all day long so as to make every moment meaningful and splendid.道歉信:描述不能或没能做到某事(如:赴约、还书、提供某种帮助)的原因一般要以记叙文的形式写出以下三个内容:1: 不能做某事的缘由;2:对方能够谅解你的理由I’m sure if you were me, you would make the same choice. 3:衷心希望对方能够谅解;【示例1】因不能按期还书而道歉——因为被我表妹强行借走了Dear Kate,How is everything going? I am writing to beg your pardon for my long delaying in returning to you your “Gone with the Wind” which I have read through with great interest .I had already finished reading the book and was about to return it when my cousin came to see me. Never having seen the book, she was so interested in it that I had no choice but to allow her finish the book. I hope that in view of the additional delight afforded by your book, you will overlook my negligence(疏忽)in not returning it sooner. (然而,看在你的那本书能够带来的双倍喜悦的面子上,希望你能够原谅我没有及早还书的错误)I sincerely hope you can accept my apology and understand my situation.Sincerely yours,Tom【示例2】不能如期赴约而道歉——因为要参加英语比赛Dear Tom,How is everything going? I am writing to beg your pardon for my not being able to join you for the trip to Beijing next weekend which we planned before.I have been looking forward to the trip for a long time and have done a lot of preparation. However, I am informed that the CCTV national English competition is going to be held on that day. You know that I've been waiting for the chance for months and thus by no means can I miss it. As a result, I cannot make it for the trip. I’m sure if you were me, you would make the same choice. I do hope you can accept my apologies and understand my situation.Please allow me to say sorry again.Sincerely yours,LiHua注:除了道歉信中间段落需要写成记叙形式,其余五种书信都应该写成议论形式。
第七讲 社交信函
Dear Professor White, Many thanks for your letter dated 15th August, inviting me to attend and chair the 2004 International Conference on Data Processing to be held in Michigan, from October 25 to 28, 2004. Much to my regret, I shall not be able to honor the invitation because I have been suffering from a disease since this summer. I am firmly advised that it would be unwise to undertake any distant and long travel in the near future. I feel very sad to miss the opportunity of meeting you and many others in the field of Computer Science. I wish the conference a complete success.
Declining a Formal Invitation:
Mr. and Mrs. Robert regret that they are unable to accept Mr. and Mrs. Zhang San’s kind invitation to dinner on Sunday, the fifth of July at eight o’clock New Asia Hotel owing to previous engagement
【考研英语】小作文书信格式考研英语小作文书信格式(一)称呼:1、写给机构:Dear Sir or Madam, (06、07)2、写给个人:(05)Dear Mr. Wang, (08)Dear Bob, (09)Dear Editors,(二)正文:3段,7句左右,100-130词,3-5个关联词(适可而止),3-5个从句(多多益善)1、第一段:2句左右1)自我介绍(私人书信除外):(1)工作人员:05年:I am a staff member from your company/corporation.06年:I am a staff member from Motorola(China)Electronics Ltd.(2)学生:I am a freshman/sophomore/junior/senior/undergraduate/graduate from the Department of Chinese Language and Literature of Beijing University.2)写作目的:书信的中心思想,改写提纲一(1)05年:I am writing the letter for purpose of resigning from my current post/position.(2)06年:I am writing to inform you that I wish to request if you could help me find a potential beneficiary of Project Hope.2、第二段:3句左右,改写提纲二1)主题句:1句2)分论点一:1句3)分论点二:1句3、第三段:2句左右,改写提纲三1)表示感谢(私人建议信除外):(1)My appreciation to you for your generous help is beyond words.(2)Words fail me when I wish to express my sincere gratitude to you.(3)I take this opportunity to show my heartfelt appreciation for the kind assistance you render me.2)期待回信:(1)I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.(2)I look forward to a favorable reply at your earliest convenience.(3)Your prompt attention to my inquiry would be highly appreciated.(三)落款:1)结尾客套:Yours sincerely,2)签名:Li Ming求职信写作“三步走”:自我介绍,说明求职目的—>展示个人能力、经历及求职动机—>希望面试机会、表示感谢◆常见句式1、I am applying for the position of secretary advertised in……我想申请……招聘广告中的秘书一职。
一、中英文商务信函的常用格式1. 信头信头包括信函的主题、日期、收件人姓名和地址、寄信人姓名和地址等信息。
2. 称呼在中式信函中,称呼一般使用“尊敬的”、“敬爱的”等词语。
在英式信函中,则需根据收件人的身份和关系,使用相应的称呼,如“Dear Mr./Mrs./Ms.”等。
3. 正文正文是商务信函中最重要的部分,它需要传达的信息应该尽量清晰、明确、简洁。
4. 结尾结尾应该表达寄信人的祝福或感谢之意,并再次重申对方所需的行动或达成的共识。
5. 签名签名一般都放在信尾的右下方,应包括寄信人的名称、职位以及公司名称等信息。
二、中英文商务信函的写作技巧和要点1. 对收件人进行调查在写信前,将收件人的姓名、职位和公司名称等信息确认无误,尽可能多地收集相关信息。
2. 明确信函的目的和内容商务信函的内容应该精确、明确,要顾及到对方的特殊需求和背景。
3. 使用简短的语言表达商务信函中需要表达的信息往往较为复杂,需要用简单直接、易于理解的语言进行表达。
4. 强调实用性和可读性商务信函的主要目的是传递信息。
1、一幅图画A、The cartoon describes a very mon phenomenon in our society that 内容-SVO.B、As can be seen from the picture ,(there is)内容-SVO.2、两幅图画A、The set of drawings describe a very mon phenomenonin our society that 内容-SVO.B、Presenting totally different /sharply contrasted scenes, the two pictures suggest that 内容-SVO.1、社会热点现象In recent years , along with the tremendous advance of the society , 主题has bee a hot issue of the generalpublic , especially for those who are confronted with the situation .2、社会热点问题Nothing can be more serious (upsetting, outstanding, meaningful…) than the issue of…3、良好品质It is most likely that by drawing the picture, the drawer intends not only to tell us the story of … but alsoto let us think more about 主题.This is something we should give more thought to.主旨段是全文表情达意最重要的一段,因此内容应该很详实。
英文邀请信(函)写作技巧点拨◎冯 珍/学习魔盒Learning Box第二段(正文):活动时间地点+具体内容/过程+活动益处。
(一)开头1. It’s my pleasure/a great honour for me to invite you to participate in/attend/join us in...我非常高兴/荣幸地邀请您参加……/和我们一起……2. Knowing/Learning that you’re interested in... I’m delighted to invite you to...知道您对……很感兴趣,我非常高兴地邀请您……3. We are having/planning... on... and it would be great if you could join us.我们将于……(日期)……(活动),如果您能加入我们就太好了。
(二)正文活动地点:…will be held in/on/at…活动时间:…will start at/be scheduled to start at /on…/this /next Sunday .活动内容:There will be various activities/performances (such as)… First,…Second ,…Some famous artists will offer some courses on…Our headmaster will deliver a speech on…参加人员:All the teachers and students will attend.活动作用或目的:aim to/in order to/not only…but also...(三)结尾1. I do hope you will accept our/my invitation if it is convenient for you.我真心希望您方便的话能接受我们/我的邀请。
1. 正式书信的格式要求正式书信通常包含信头、称呼、正文、结束语和签名五个部分。
称呼要根据收信人的身份和关系来决定,如"Dear Mr./Ms./Dr."等。
结束语可使用如"Sincerely"、"Best regards"等,签名后要留下发信人的姓名。
2. 信件内容的逻辑结构写信时,应确保信件内容结构清晰、信息连贯。
3. 选择适当的语言和词汇书信语言应简练明了,使用正确的语法和拼写。
4. 注意礼貌和文化差异在书信交流中,礼貌是至关重要的。
5. 强调信息安全和隐私保护在书信和邮件交流中,保护个人隐私和信息安全是必要的。
英语作文书信三段式Dear [Recipient's Name],。
I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to share with you some thoughts and ideas that have been lingering in my mind for some time now. As we embark on this journey of life, I believe it is important to pause and reflect on the values and principles that guide us.Firstly, I would like to emphasize the importance of gratitude. Being grateful for the blessings we receive every day helps us appreciate the good things in life and remain humble. It is easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of daily life and forget to be grateful for the simple pleasures that often bring us the most joy. By practicing gratitude, we can cultivate a positive mindset and attract more positive energy into our lives.Secondly, I believe in the power of perseverance. Life is not always smooth sailing, and we often encounterchallenges and difficulties. However, it is during these tough times that perseverance becomes crucial. By persevering, we can overcome obstacles, learn from our mistakes, and grow stronger. The journey may be arduous,but the sense of achievement and fulfillment we gain from persevering is truly rewarding.Lastly, I value the importance of kindness. Kindness is a powerful weapon that can transform lives and create amore harmonious society. By being kind to others, we not only make their lives better but also contribute to the positive energy that flows throughout the world. Kindness does not require any grand displays or elaborate gestures;it can be expressed through simple actions like a smile, a helping hand, or a word of encouragement. Let us all strive to be kinder in our words and actions, and make the world a better place.In conclusion, I hope that these values of gratitude, perseverance, and kindness can serve as a guiding light in our lives. As we journey through the ups and downs of life, let us remember to be grateful for the blessings we receive,persevere through the challenges we face, and spread kindness wherever we go. Together, we can create a more positive and harmonious world.Thank you for taking the time to read my letter. I look forward to hearing your thoughts and ideas.Warm regards,。
英文信写作模式Dear [Recipient's Name],I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. It has been quite some time since we last spoke, and I thought it was about time that I write to you and catch up on everything that has been happening in our lives.First and foremost, I must apologize for my long silence. Life has been quite turbulent lately, and I found it difficult to find the time to sit down and write a proper letter. However, I am determined to make amends and stay in touch with you more regularly from now on.Now, let me fill you in on all that has been going on in my life. Since we last spoke, I have taken on a new job at a multinational company. The position has been challenging, but also very rewarding. I have been given the opportunity to travel to different countries and work with people from diverse cultural backgrounds. It has truly been an eye-opening experience and has helped me grow both personally and professionally.On the personal front, I have recently moved into a new apartment. It is a cozy little place with a beautiful view of the city. I have been enjoying the independence and freedom that comes with living on my own. However, it does get lonely at times, and I do miss the company of friends and loved ones.Speaking of friends, I am glad to hear that you are doing well. I remember the last time we met, we discussed our plans for thefuture and the dreams we wanted to pursue. I hope that you have made progress towards achieving those dreams and that you are happy with where you are in life.In terms of current events, the world surely has been going through a difficult phase. The COVID-19 pandemic has affected us all, and it has been a challenging time for everyone. I hope that you and your loved ones have been staying safe and healthy. Remember to follow the guidelines set by health authorities and take necessary precautions to protect yourself.I also wanted to take this opportunity to express my gratitude for our friendship. Despite the physical distance that now separates us, I am glad that we have managed to maintain our bond over the years. Your support and understanding have meant a lot to me, and I am truly grateful to have you in my life.Before I conclude this letter, I want to assure you that I will make a conscious effort to stay in touch more regularly. Life does tend to get busy, but I believe it is important to prioritize relationships and nurture them. Let's schedule a time to catch up over a call or video chat soon.Once again, I apologize for the delay in reaching out, and I hope this letter brings a smile to your face. Please take care of yourself and extend my warm regards to your family.With love,[Your Name]Dear [Recipient's Name],I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. It has been quite some time since we last spoke, and I thought it was about time that I write to you and catch up on everything that has been happening in our lives.First and foremost, I must apologize for my long silence. Life has been quite turbulent lately, and I found it difficult to find the time to sit down and write a proper letter. However, I am determined to make amends and stay in touch with you more regularly from now on.Now, let me fill you in on all that has been going on in my life. Since we last spoke, I have taken on a new job at a multinational company. The position has been challenging, but also very rewarding. I have been given the opportunity to travel to different countries and work with people from diverse cultural backgrounds. It has truly been an eye-opening experience and has helped me grow both personally and professionally.On the personal front, I have recently moved into a new apartment. It is a cozy little place with a beautiful view of the city. I have been enjoying the independence and freedom that comes with living on my own. However, it does get lonely at times, and I do miss the company of friends and loved ones.Speaking of friends, I am glad to hear that you are doing well. I remember the last time we met, we discussed our plans for the future and the dreams we wanted to pursue. I hope that you have made progress towards achieving those dreams and that you arehappy with where you are in life.In terms of current events, the world surely has been going through a difficult phase. The COVID-19 pandemic has affected us all, and it has been a challenging time for everyone. I hope that you and your loved ones have been staying safe and healthy. Remember to follow the guidelines set by health authorities and take necessary precautions to protect yourself.I also wanted to take this opportunity to express my gratitude for our friendship. Despite the physical distance that now separates us, I am glad that we have managed to maintain our bond over the years. Your support and understanding have meant a lot to me, and I am truly grateful to have you in my life.In terms of my hobbies and interests, I have been exploring new activities and creative outlets. During the global lockdown, I picked up painting and discovered a love for expressing myself through art. It has been a therapeutic and fulfilling experience, and I am considering taking some classes to further develop my skills.Additionally, I have been indulging in the joys of reading. Books have always been a source of comfort and inspiration for me, and I have found solace in their pages during these uncertain times. If you have any book recommendations, I would love to hear them.In terms of travel, while the pandemic has restricted international travel, I have been exploring local destinations and appreciating the beauty of my own country. I have discovered hidden gems and breathtaking landscapes that I never knew existed. It has been ahumbling reminder that there is so much to see and explore in our own backyard.Lastly, I wanted to extend an invitation to come visit me in my new city. It would be wonderful to spend some quality time together, catch up on life, and create new memories. I understand that travel plans might be on hold for now, but whenever the circumstances allow, I would be more than thrilled to welcome you.Before I conclude this letter, I want to assure you that I will make a conscious effort to stay in touch more regularly. Life does tend to get busy, but I believe it is important to prioritize relationships and nurture them. Let's schedule a time to catch up over a call or video chat soon.Once again, I apologize for the delay in reaching out, and I hope this letter brings a smile to your face. Please take care of yourself and extend my warm regards to your family.With love,[Your Name]。
公共英语三级作文书信范例公共英语三级作文书信参考范例第一封July 20, 2000Dear Sir,I am writing in reference to the recent order I placed with your company. I was most disappointed to note that on examining the set of wine I ordered, four of them were badly damaged.I request that replacement be sent as soon as possible. It is essential that I receive these goods as soon as possible as they are intended as a wedding gift for a relative.I have previously received a high standard of service from your company and I trust that this matter may be brought to a swift and satisfactory conclusion.Yours truly,Chester Chen第二封July 20, 2000Dear Miss Wilson,We have received your letter of 10th May in which you say that you are in receipt of fault goods. We have investigated the matter and found that the damage was caused by an oversight on our part. A new set of six wine glasses has now been dispatched to you and you should receive them by the end of this week.We apologize for any inconvenience caused by this problem and will endeavor to prevent it happening again.Yours truly,CHESTER CHEN第三封July 20, 2000Dear Mrs. Smith,My name is Chencheng. I am a final student of Anhui Agricultural University. I am currently seeking employment in which I could make full use of my English language skills. For this reason, I would be interested in any job vacancies available in your company. I am confident and enthusiastic, so although I have little work experience, I believe that my personal qualities will allow me to make a valuable contribution to your company.I wish to work for Haier in particular because as a newly opened joint venture company in Hefei, I feel you could offer me the chance to work among Chinese and overseas employees in a modern and friendly environment.I enclose my curriculum vitae; I am available for interview at any time. If there are no positions available at this time, I would be most grateful. If my application could be considered for future vacancies.Yours sincerely,Chencheng公共英语三级作文范文中国传统Directions:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic The Prevalence of Western Holidays. You should write at least 120 words according to the outline given below in Chinese:1. 中国传统节日受到冷遇,西方节日日益升温已成为趋势2. 形成这种现象的原因3. 你对这种现象的态度「范文」The Prevalence of Western HolidaysIt is noticeable that western holidays are becoming increasingly popular day by day, while Chinese traditional holidays are being somewhat neglected. Old people often complain that Chinese New Year has lost its real meaning. To their astonishment, young people in China, ignorant about Chinese traditional holidays, are crazy about Christmas or Valentine‘s Day. There are several possible reasons for this phenomenon. First, western nations, such as the United States and Britain, are powerful and dominant in every aspect. Everything in these countries is assumed to be superior and adored by some modern young people. Second, the prevalence of English as a world language and the development of globalization enable western culture to flood in China. Overwhelmed by such a trend, Chinese unconsciously get involved in western culture. Last but not least, some Chinese people have blind faith in foreign things while dismiss our own possessions with contempt. I am critical of this trend.China boasts a brilliant history and splendid traditions. In modern times, Chinese tradition should be preserved and promoted. But it seems that young people no longer treasure the tradition. On the contrary, they turn to pursue enthusiastically a supposedly more modern culture. If this trend is allowed to continue, the priceless heritage of our ancestors will be replaced by western traditions. Nobody expects such a consequence. So let’s join hand in hand to protect Chinese tradition.。
英语作文介绍信三段式模板Dear Sir/Madam,。
I am writing this letter to introduce a three-part template for writing an English composition. In this document, I will provide a comprehensive guide on how to structure and develop an English essay effectively. This template aims to assist students in organizing their thoughts, improving their writing skills, and ultimately achieving better results in their English assignments.In the first part of the template, we will focus on the introduction. The introduction serves as a roadmap for the reader, providing them with an overview of the essay's content. It should capture the reader's attention and clearly state the main topic or argument. To achieve this, it is crucial to start with a compelling hook, such as a thought-provoking question or an interesting fact. Following the hook, provide some background information on the topic to give the reader a context for understanding the essay. Finally, conclude the introduction with a clear thesis statement that outlines the main argument or purpose of the essay.Moving on to the second part of the template, we will discuss the body paragraphs. The body paragraphs are the heart of the essay, where the main ideas and arguments are presented and supported with evidence. Each body paragraph should focus on one main point that supports the thesis statement. Start each body paragraph with a topic sentence that introduces the main idea of the paragraph. Then, provide supporting evidence, such as examples, statistics, or quotations, to strengthen your argument. It is important to analyze and explain the evidence, showing its relevance to the main point. Additionally, use transitional words and phrases to ensure a smooth flow between paragraphs and ideas.Finally, we come to the third part of the template, which is the conclusion. The conclusion provides a summary of the main points discussed in the essay and reinforces the thesis statement. It should leave the reader with a sense of closure and a final thought to ponder. To achieve this, start the conclusion by restating the thesis statement in a different way. Then, briefly summarize the main points discussed in the body paragraphs.Avoid introducing new information in the conclusion; instead, focus on synthesizing the ideas presented throughout the essay. Finally, end the conclusion with a strong closing statement that leaves a lasting impression on the reader.In conclusion, this three-part template provides a clear and effective structure for writing an English composition. By following this template, students can ensure that their essays are well-organized, coherent, and persuasive. Remember to start with a captivating introduction, develop your ideas in the body paragraphs with supporting evidence, and end with a concise and impactful conclusion. With practice and adherence to this template, students can enhance their writing skills and achieve success in their English assignments.Thank you for considering this template. I hope it proves to be a valuable resource for both students and educators alike. If you have any further questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me.Yours sincerely,。
英文信件格式 四六级 专四必备
发信人的地址应写在信封的左上角,收信人的地址应写在信封偏中右偏下处,如下:2)信头 (heading),即写发信人的地址和日期(右上角)。
3)信内姓名地址 (inside address),即写收信人的姓名和地址(左上角)。
4)称呼 (salutation),即写对收信人的尊称(一般用Dear Mr. … ,; Dear Madam Helen,; Dear Miss…,; Dear John,; Dear Professor Smith,等)。
5)正文 (body),即信件内的主要内容。
6)信尾客套语 (complimentary close),即写信人在信的右(或左)下角,写上表示自己对收信人一种礼貌客气的谦称。
一般有Sincerely,; Sincerely yours,; Yours sincerely,; Friendlyyours,; Truly yours,; Yours truly,; Cordially yours,; Yours cordially,等。
7)信尾签名 (signature),即亲笔签上写信人自己的姓名。
Pets3全国公共英语3级万能模板请求信Dear ,My name is , and I am . I have made up my mind to write to you in the hope that you can furnish me with the information regarding .At the present I am preparing / doing , and am in lack of that is crucial for the work / project / program. Therefore, it would be of great help if I can have your help for . Please get back to me at your earliest convenience as I have to soon.I am praying for your reply with full appreciation.Yourssincerely,Wang Lin建议信Dear ,I am writing to express my views concerning . In the first place, I would like to say thank you for the help and everything else you have been offering to us. Meanwhile, I also want to make some advice to better 一Firstly, we have found that . Secondly, we want to ^ Finally, we hope that .I am looking forwards to your consideration about my proposals.Thanks in advance for that.Yours sincerely,Wang Lin 求职信To Whom It May Concern,I have learnt from yesterday ' s newspaper that you are employing .I wish tobe considered as an applicant for the position, and beg to state my qualifications as follows:I am years old, a major student of University / College. During my academic years, I have shown excellent performance and have been awarded first-class scholarship each year. In addition to my educational background, I have the rich work experience in the fields of ^ Therefore, I believe I can be of value to your company.Enclosed is my resume for your reference, and I shall be glad to call at your office if you desire an interview. Thank you.Yours sincerely,Wang Lin道歉信Dear , word资料am writing this letter to apologize to you for my failingto ^The reason is that L I am sorry that I cannot finishin time, but is it possible that I make up the loss by ? If so,I will put everything else aside to .I do hope that you can understand my situation and accept my apology.Yourssincerely,Wang Lin感谢信Dear ,On behalf of , I would like to extend our most sinceregratitude for We appreciate greatly your aid in notonly , but also .It is said that your that we could enjoy such a wonderfultrip / arrive at such splendid achievements, and we will never forgetyour painstaking labor and full cooperation / warm hospitality.With this letter we would also like to formally invite you to ,so that . WE look forwards to hosting you .With personal regards.Yourssincerely,Wang Lin投诉信Dear,Last week I bought at your store and when I got it home it did not work at all. When I tried to return it to the store, I was told that I could not get refunded.The sign in your store says that money is returned within 7 days of purchase if any problem exists, and I did that within the said time. Thus I insist that I should have my moneyback by return the to youstore。
对这类题型,通常分为5个步骤来写:第一、文章开头:称呼其次段、寒暄语句,引出写信的目的:寒暄句+主题句第三段、依据提纲扩展主体段落:主题句+扩展句1+扩展句2+扩展句3第四段、表明自己的观点,并结束书信主体段落在最终要他谈自己的看法第五段、寒暄句+落款其次部分写作范文练习[写作模板:架构阶段]第一段:称呼dear mr. president,其次段:引出写信的目的第三段:对学校食堂正面的看法扩展句:i do believe that, with the efforts of all people concerned, we can solved the problems there. thanks.li ming[写作模板:填充阶段]第一段:称呼dear mr. president,其次段:引出写信的目的主题句:this letter comes to you from one of your students.扩展句:in it, some opinions are put forward for you to reflect upon第三段:对学校食堂的看法主题句:as you know, our students are the main customers of the university canteen. but unfortunately, we dont find the service there satisfying sometimes.扩展句:1、the food is not as nutritious as it should be. as a result, some of us become thinner and weaker at university.2、besides, sometimes the canteen people just bring us steamed bread with their dirty bare hands.3、and whats more, the fare is also a little higher at university.第四段:别人对食堂看法主题句:some people may argue that measures have been taken and things are improving there.扩展句:1、for instance, ic cards have taken the place of money in the canteed, and the attitude of the service people is also changing.2、but in my opinon, progress is not so quick and thorough.第五段:结尾,表明自己看法结尾句:to be belief, though a bit dissatisfied with the present canteen conditions,扩展句:i do believe that, with the efforts of all people concerned, we can solved the problems there. thanks.第三部分范文第一部分写作步骤要求考生依据提纲写一封英文书信,如20xx年12月六级作文、20xx年1月四六级作文、20xx年6月四六级作文、20xx年1月四级作文。
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在写英文社交信函的时候,应该充分考虑到英美人的思维方式,使用三段模式,即open i n g 点明主题、fo cus 详细说明、cl o si n g 重申主题的写作模式,从而写出地道而有效的英文社交信函。
在英文邀请信的focus部分要说明邀请对方参加活动的具体事宜,如活动的参加人员、费用问题、用餐问题、持续时间、对服装有什么要求、具体的日程安排以及会议的具体内容,以便受邀请者进行全面的考虑;英文感谢信的focus部分则要详细描述感谢对方的理由,也就是对方做了哪些事情,使写信者如何受益,或者对方赠送礼物的作用,对提升生活、家庭或办公环境的教育理论与实践Theory and Practice of EducationVol.33(2013)No.27P 59-P 60第33卷(2013年)第27期第59-60页作用,要让对方感到自己所做事情的重要性和写信者的感激之情;对英文祝贺信而言,则是要在这一部分陈述祝贺的理由,即好消息从何而来,还要肯定对方所取得的成绩有多么了不起以及对未来发展的重要作用,要表达出赞赏他的表现;英文投诉信的focus部分必须详细说明导致自己不满的具体原因,要指出事情发生的确切时间、地点和相关人员,讲述事情发生的整个过程和自己所遭到的不公正待遇或带来的损失;英文道歉信的focus部分要对所发生的事情进行解释,承认对方所遭受的损失,并承担应该承担的全部责任。
参考文献:〔1〕夏莉.汉英思维方式差异对英语写作的影响〔J〕.合肥学院学报(社会科学版),2007,(1).〔2〕丁培龙.英语写作中常见问题解析〔J〕.安徽科技学院学报,2008,(4).作者单位:山东信息职业技术学院社科艺术系,山东潍坊邮编261061Three-Paragraph Mode:A Common English Writing Mode for Social LettersJIA Xiao-wei,XU Rui-qing(Social Science&Art Department of Shandong College of Information Technology)Abstract:Social letters are a common style in daily life of British and American people and usually used to ex-press gratitude,invitation,congratulation,complaint and apology.Chinese people are easily impacted by Chinese writ-ing mode for social letters when writing English letters,just simply putting Chinese letters into English,which makes British and American people hard to read and understand.Therefore,when writing English letters,it is necessary to take into full consideration the thinking way of British and American people,adopting the three-paragraph mode, namely,opening refers to highlighting theme,focus refers to detailed description and closing refers to restating the writing mode of the theme so as to write idiomatic and effective English social letters.Key words:three-paragraph mode;English social letters;writing60教育理论与实践2013年。