

棉布 纺织品瑕疵介绍中英文对照版

棉布 纺织品瑕疵介绍中英文对照版



在织物外观所能见到的此种疵点,称为织物瑕疵(Fabric Defect)。

但坯布合格无疵点,而经漂、染加工后则有可能显现,此一般称为潜隐瑕疵(Latent Defect)或隐性瑕疵。

二、织物瑕疵之外观特征与成因由纤维至成品,加工阶段可分为纺纱(Spinning),织造(Weaving),练漂、染色、印花(Scouring &amp,Bleaching,Dyeing,Printing)与整理加工(Finishing)四大阶段。




成因: 1.原棉中有坏棉纤维团,在清花过程中未彻底除去。











纺织品中英文对照纺织面料染整类英文词汇总表熨烫温度 ironing temperature 氨纶 spandex灯芯绒 corduroy 巴厘纱 voile拔染印花 discharge printing 拔染剂 discharge agent白地沾色(印花疵)tarnishing 提花 jacquard百脚(斜纹疵) mispick斑点 spot,fleck,speck板司呢 hopsack 粗纺 tweed半成品semi finished products 半光(半有光或近有光)semi-gloss 半精梳semi-combed,scrath combing 漂白 bleach 透明的transparent 包边缝 over- Locked seam包覆纱 lapping yarn 包芯纱 core spun yarn包装 package 唛头 Mark剥色 stripping,radical stripping 薄纱罗 marquisette花边 lace 雪纺 chiffon保形整理 shape retentive finish 抱合力 cohesion捻度 twist 焙烘不足underbaked本白色 off white 苯 benzene比色 colour matching 密度 density哔叽 serge 边距 border,margin边纹图案 border pattern 重平组织 rib weave缎纹组织 satin weave 方平组织 mat weave斜纹 twill变色 discolouration回潮 moisture regain 表面活性剂 surfactant丙纶(聚丙烯) polypropylene 并条 drawing病疵defects 波浪形的circular,ripple,waved,crinkle 菠萝组织pineapple stitch 补色 complementary colour不合规格 off specification 不可燃的 non-flammable起球 pilling 不燃性 unflammability不溶性偶氮染料insoluble azodyes,azoic dyes 渗透性permeability 不褪色 fast color 不宜水洗的 unwashable不匀 uneven,irregular 布边 selvage,border门幅 width 布铗 clip 丝光 mercerizing轧光clandering 质地texture 布面毛糙rough 整理treatment,finishing 断裂strip 布条strap 布结burl 布样sample,swatch擦伤痕 abrasion mark,chafe mark擦洗scrub 裁剪废料cutting waste 剪裁刀scissors 采购purchase 彩格布(1)gingham(平纹)(2)tartan checks(平纹或斜纹) 原样original sample 缩水率shrinkage 仓库warehouse,storehouse 草酸oxalic acid 层压织物 laminated fabric 插图 illustration 拆包机bale breaker 缠绕 wrap,wind 铲车 lift truck 长度 length 长环烘燥机hanging dryer,long loop drying machine 蒸化 steamer 长棉结 knot 长麻line 常规检验routine inspection 超长匹lumps 超弹性hyperelastic 超速蒸化机 ultra rapid ager 超喂 super feeding,over feed 超细旦 superfine denier 分散染料 disperse dyes 潮湿 moist 衬布 crinoline,lining 衬衫 shirt 成对卷染机 twin jig 成卷机 lap former,lapper 成熟棉ripe cotton 抗静电antistatic 尺寸的稳定性dimensional stability 冲淡浆reduction paste 冲洗flushing ,rinsing 虫渍insect mark 抽查spot check,examination at random 抽纱drawnwork 坯布gregie,grey 除气味deodorizing 除杂trash extraction 处方配方 formulation,recipe传色transmission,drive 传送带conveyer,belt卷染机jigger 疵点defect,fault 绣花embroidery 手感粗糙 harsh 帆布 canvas 粗横梭纹织物 ottoman 粗纺tweed 粗经thick end 粗节纱slubbyyarn,tafted yarn 粗节(纱疵)nub,slub,bead(亚麻纱疵) 粗纬(织疵)heavy pick 牛仔demin,jeans 粗支纱coarse yarn 醋酸acetic acid 醋酸纤维actatefibre催化剂catalyst,catalytic agent 错花 broken pattern 错经 wrong end 错纬wrong filling 搭色(印花疵) marking off,color overlapping 打底(染色)impregnation 打浆beating 打小样机figuring machine,sampleloom,pattern loom 折扣discount 大红scarlet 大路货staple goods 大麻hemp 大小尺寸 size,dimension 单薄(手感)thinness 产量yield 剑杆织机rapier 上浆sizing 支数counts 蛋白质protein 等级标准grade standard 甲醛formaldehyde 低消耗low consumption 涤纶polyester 混纺blend 底色background color 地毯 carpet 递增 progressively increase 电熨斗 electric iron 靛蓝indigo blue 掉色fade 叠层织物laminated fabric 叠色印花效果effect of double print 规格specification 定长成包bales containing constant length 定形整理stabilized finish 定型机modular equipment 锭子spindle 短码shortage 植绒flock 短亚麻纱tow yarn 贡缎 satin 断经 broken warp,end out 堆布车 cloth truck 对花register,pitching in 对花不准misifit of printing pattern,out of register,misregister 对染料的亲和力dye affinity 对折卷板机doubling and lapping machine 多层织物 multilayercloth,multiple fabric 多次拉伸 multiple stretch 剪毛机 shearing machine 股(纱)ply 二浴法(T/C布染色尤其是深色)two bath process 发货 deliver the goods 发泡剂 foam booster,foaming agent 法兰绒 flannel 起绒 raising 防辐射radiation-resistant 抗菌的 antiseptic 防汗渍 anti-perspiration 防水的water proof 拒油整理oil repellent finish 防雨布waterproof cloth 防火整理fire resistant finish 防绉整理wrinkle resistance 仿麻织物 imitation linen fabrics 仿麂皮整理 suede finish 纺 spin 梭子 shuttle 无纺布 non woven fabric 还原染料 vat dyeds 蜂巢组织waffle weave 菱形组织 Grecian weave 缝头 sewing 府绸 poplin富春纺Fuchun rayon taffeta 干重dry weight 甘油glycerin 钢筘reed 高档superior quality 高支high counts 工艺参数processing parameter工艺流程 manufacturing flow process染整相关术语中英文对照助剂类softening and antistatic agents柔软及抗静电剂 water and oil-repellentagents防水防油整理剂insect-resist agents防虫剂thickeners 增稠剂crosslinking agents交联剂 emulsifiers乳化剂染料类direct dyestuffs直接染料reactive dyeings活性染料disperse dyestuffs 分散染料设备类quickwash shrinkage tester快速洗水缩水试验机washing fastness tester 水洗牢度机martindateaorasion tester耐磨损测试机standard light both 标准光源箱 universal strength tester万能强力测试机 light fastness tester日晒牢度仪 non-standard equipments 非标设备 ironing machine烫平机 series three-legged centrifuger 三足式系列离心机displacement heat exchanger容积式换热器reactor反应锅hank drier绞纱烘燥机bulk-fibre drier散毛烘燥机liquid-flow hank dyeing machine液流式绞纱染色机normal temperature oscillating dyeing machine常温振荡试样机sparging (jet)dyeing machine喷射式染色机high-temperature/high-pressure dyeing machine高温高压染色机program-controlled dyeing machine程控染色机high temperature overflow dyeing machine高温溢流染色机 high temperature and high pressure yarn dyeing machine高温高压染纱机atmospheric overflow dyeing machine常温溢流染色机high temperature sample dyeing machine高温样品染色机stainless steal drying tumbler不锈钢烘筒烘燥机 rope impregnating mangle 绳状浸染机整理类resin finishing树脂 starch finishing上浆现象类slightly reddish cast轻泛红现象 electrolyte电解后整理摩擦轧光整理:friction finish 轧光整理:calender finish 起绒整理:fleece finish 阻燃整理:flame retardant finish 柔软整理:mellow finish 落针,停经片:drop wire SCY:(single covered yarn)单包覆纱以一条硬纱缠绕于弹性纱外层。







2坏地(Bad Place)-对于那些难以用语言来描述的织物缺陷而言,这是一个十分方便的术语。





6、断头疵(Broken End)-这种缺陷指的是经纱断裂后并经过修补的地方,它的常见特点是可以看见织到织物当中的断头。

7、花纹错色疵(Broken ColorPattern)-对梭织织物而言,这种情况指的是花纹的不连续性,在用织布机通丝描绘彩色图案时产生错误或者在纬纱断裂时对织布机进行维修以后对图像填充链的重新设置不正确都可能会导致这种缺陷的产生;对针织织物而言,这种情况是由梭换筒错误而产生的。

8、断纬疵(Broken pick)-这种情况指的是,由于纬纱断裂而导致在织物的部分宽度上缺少纬纱。


11、斑点疵(Burl mark)-这是一种由于某些物质过量而导致的变形,这些物质包括粗纺线,废物以及正在用修补工具来去除的飘头纱。



纺织品中英文对照常见纬编针织布种:1、单面机:一段:sihgle jersey 汗布、lycra S/J 弹力汗布二段:plain pique 四角目, lacoste l六角目三段:2-ends french terry 鱼鳞布,2-ends french terry (twill)斜纹鱼鳞布四段:single jacquard 单面小提花(双色)plating 镀圈布、T.T/C 、丝棉平纹布terry 毛圈布terry fleece单面刷毛布polar fleece 双面刷毛布ant fleece 蚂蚁布velour 天鹅绒2、双面机rib 罗纹plating rib 镀圈罗纹half cardiganfull cardiganfull milanorib + spandex 氨纶弹力罗纹布3、互锁机one-side drop-needle interlock或 poor boy rib 单面抽互锁布two-side drop-needle interlock 双面抽互锁布浮起布bourrelet 或 ottoman 小楼梯布single pique 单面凹凸布mock single pique 仿单面凹凸布royal interlock 皇家互锁texi pique 德州凹凸布pin pique 细条凹凸布mock royal rib 仿皇家罗纹开孔互锁布4、万能P.K机罗纹系swiss double piquefrench double piqueover kintspecial double pique互锁系roma 罗马布healthy fabric 健康布french rib 法式罗纹常见的面料的中英文对照:1. 棉织物:COTTON FABRIC2. 平纹织物:PLAIN CLOTH3. 斜纹织物:TWILL CLOTH4. 缎纹织物:SATIN AND SATEEN CLOTH5. 纯纺织物:PURE YARN FABRIC6. 混纺织物:BLENDED FABRIC7. 混并织物:MIXTURE8. 交织织物:MIXED FABRIC9. 服装用织物:DRESS FABRIC10. 装饰用织物:FURNISHING FABRIC11. 产业用织物:TECHNICAL FABRIC12. 平布:PLAIN CLOTH13. 粗平布:COARSE SHEETING14. 中平布:PLAIN CLOTH15. 细平布:FINE PLAIN16. 粘纤平布:VISCOSE PLAIN CLOTH17. 富纤平布:POLYNOSIC PLAIN CLOTH18. 粘/棉平布:VISCOSE/COTTON PLAIN CLOTH19. 粘/维平布:VISCOSE/VINYLON PLAIN CLOTH20. 涤/棉平布:T/C PLAIN CLOTH21. 涤/粘平布:POLYESTERE/VISCOSE PLAIN CLOTH22. 棉/丙平布:COTTON/POLYPROPYLENE PLAIN CLOTH23. 棉/维平布:C/V PLAIN CLOTH24. 细纺:CAMBRIC25. 涤/棉细纺:T/C CAMBRIC26. 府绸:POPLIN27. 纱府绸:POPLINETTE28. 线府绸:THREADY POPLIN29. 涤/棉府绸:T/C POPLIN30. 棉/维府绸:C/V POPLIN31. 麻纱:HAIR CORDS32. 柳条麻纱:STRIPED HAIR CORDS33. 异经麻纱:END-AND-END HAIR CORDS34. 提花麻纱:FIGURED HAIR CORDS35. 罗布:LENO-LIKE CLOTH36. 罗缎:BENGALINE,TUSSORES37. 巴厘纱:VOILE38. 麦尔纱:MULL39. 防绒布:DOWN-PROOF FABRIC40. 双经布:DOUBLE ENDS FABRIC41. 双纬布:DOUBLE WEFT FABRIC42. 蓝白花布:INDIGO PRINT43. 纱斜纹:SINGLE DRILL44. 线斜纹:THREADY DRILL45. 粗斜纹:COARSE DRILL46. 细斜纹:JEAN47. 哔叽:SERGE48. 纱哔叽:SINGLE SERGE49. 粘胶哔叽:VISCOSE SERGE50. 华达呢:GABERCORD51. 纱华达呢:SINGLE GABERCORD52. 线华达呢:THREADY GABERCORD53. 卡其:KHAKI DRILL54. 单面卡其:ONE-SIDED DRILL55. 双面卡其:REVERSIBLE DRILL56. 纱卡其:SINGLE DRILL57. 线卡其:THREADY DRILL58. 人字卡其:POINTED DRILL59. 缎纹卡其:WHIPCORD60. 涤/棉卡其:T/C DRILL61. 直贡:TWILLED SATIN62. 纱直贡:SINGLE TWILLED SATIN63. 羽绸:SATINET64. 线直贡:THREADY TWILLED SATIN65. 横贡:SATEEN66. 绒布:FLANNELETTE67. 单面绒布:IRREVERSIBLE FLANNELETTE68. 双面绒布:BOTH-SIDE RAISED FLANNELETTE69. 斜纹绒布:TWILLED FUSTIAN,FLANNEL TWILLS70. 厚绒布:HEAVY FLANNELETTE71. 灯芯绒:CORDUROY72. 粗条灯芯绒:SPACIOUS WALED CORDUROY73. 中条灯芯绒:MID-WALE CORDUROY74. 细条灯芯绒:PINWALE CORDUROY75. 特细条灯芯绒:ULTRA-FINE CORDUROY76. 提花灯芯绒:FIGURED CORDUROY77. 弹力灯芯绒:ELASTIC CORDUROY78. 棉/涤灯芯绒:T/C CORDUROY79. 仿平绒:VELVETEEN-LIKE FABRIC80. 烂花仿平绒:ETCHED-OUT VELVETEEN-LIKE FABRIC81. 平绒:VELVET AND VELVETEEN82. 纱罗织物:LENO AND GAUZE83. 牛津布:OXFORD84. 竹节布:SLUBBED FABRIC85. 结子布:KNOP FABRIC86. 提花布:FIGURED CLOTH87. 提格布:CHECKS88. 绉布:CREPE89. 皱纹布:CREPPELLA90. 泡泡纱:SEERSUCKER91. 轧纹布:EMBOSSING CLOTH92. 折绉布:WRINKLE FABRIC93. 水洗布:WASHER WRINKLE FABRIC94. 稀密条织物:THICK AND THIN STRIPED FABRIC95. 经条呢:WARP STRIPEED FABRIC96. 华夫格:WALF CHECKS97. 巴拿马:PANAMA98. 服装衬布:PADING CLOTH99. 树脂衬布:RESIN PADDING CLOTH100. 热熔粘合衬布:HOT-MELT ADHESIVE PADDING CLOTH 101. 黑炭衬:HAIR INTERLINING102. 马尾衬:HAIR CLOTH103. 粘纤织物:SPUN RAYON FABRIC104. 富纤织物:POLYNOSIC FABRIC105. 氨纶弹力织物:SPANDEX STRETCH FABRIC106. 中长化纤织物:MIDFIBRE FABRIC107. 纬长丝织物:WEFT FILAMENT MIXED FABRIC108. 纬长丝大提花仿绸织物:SILK-LIKE FABRIC JACQUARD 109. 仿麂皮织物:SUEDE FABRIC110. 仿麻布:LINEN TYPE CLOTH111. 合纤长丝仿麻布:POLYSTER LINEN TYPE FILAMENT FABRIC 112. 低弹涤纶丝仿毛织物:WOOL-LIKE FABRIC WITH TRUE-RAN LOW-ELASTIC YARN113. 凉爽呢:WOOL-LIKE FABRIC114. 雪尼儿织物:CHENILLE FABRIC115. 柔道运动服织物:FABRIC OF JUDO WEAR116. 医药用纱布:MEDICAL GAUZE117. 尿布:DIAPER118. 烂花布:ETCHED-OUT FABRIC119. 全包芯纱烂花布:COMPOSITE YARN ETCHED-OUT FABRIC 120. 混纺纱烂花布;BLENDED YARN ETCHED-OUT FABRIC 121. 帆布:CANVAS122. 遮盖帆布:CANVAS OF COVER123. 橡胶帆布:RUBBER CANVAS124. 鞋用帆布:PLIMSOLL DUCK125. 百页布:BAIYE FABRIC126. 滤布:FILTRATION FABRIC127. 印花衬布:PRINTING BLANKET128. 圆筒布:TUBULAR FABRIC129. 43-3丙纶长丝滤布:POLYPROPYLENE FILAMENT FILTRATION FABRIC130. 729-涤纶大圆筒滤布:POLYESTER TUBULAR FILTRATION FABRIC 131. 318锦纶布:318 POLYAMIDE FABRIC132. 锦纶布:601 POLYAMIDE FABRIC133. 伞布:UMBRELLA CLOTH134. 砂皮布:ABRASIVE CLOTH135. 玻璃纤纬织物:GLASS-FIBRE FABRIC136. 土工模袋布:FABRICFORM137. 标准贴衬织物:STANDARD ADJACENT FABRIC138. 家具布:UPHOLSTERY FABRIC139. 窗帘布:WINDOW BLIND FABRIC140. 贴墙布:WALL CLOTH141. 粘晴大提花装饰织物:R.A JACQUARD ORNAMENTAL FABRIC 142. 漂白织物:BLEACHED FABRIC143. 染色织物:DYED FABRICS144. 印花织物:PRINTED FABRIC145. 拒水整理织物:WATER REPELLENT FANISH FABRIC146. 拒油整理织物:OIL-REPELLENT FINISH FABRIC147. 阻燃整理织物:FLAME RETARDANT FINISH FABRIC148. 预缩整理织物:SHRUNK FINISH FABRIC149. 防皱整理织物:CREASE RESISTANT FINISH FABRIC150. 柔软电整理织物:ANTISTATIC FINISH FABRIC151. 易去污整理织物:SOIL RELEASE FINISH FABRIC152. 减量整理织物:DEWEIGHTING FINISH FABRIC153. 增重整理织物:WEIGHTED FINISH FABRIC154. 液氨整理织物:LIQUID AMMONIA FINISH FABRIC 155. 电光整理织物:SCHREINER FINISH FABRIC156. 轧光整理织物:CALENDER FINISH FABRIC157. 涂层整理织物:COATED FINISH FABRIC158. 轧纹整理织物:GAUFFERED FINISH FABRIC159. 磨绒整理织物:SANDED FINISH FABRIC160. 防蛀整理织物:MOTH PROOF FINISH FABRIC161. 防毡缩整理织物:ANTIFELTING FI锦棉稠(平纹):Nylon-cotton fabric (plain)重平锦棉稠:Nylon-cotton-cotton fabric(double weft) 人字锦棉纺:Nylon-cotton fabric斜纹锦棉纺:Nylon-cotton fabric (twill)素色天鹅绒:solid velvet抽条磨毛天鹅绒:Rib fleece velvet雪花天鹅绒:melange velvet轧花天鹅绒:ginning velvet粒粒绒布:pellet fleece velvet麻棉混纺布:linen/cotton blended fabric麻棉交织布:linen/cotton mixed fabric素色毛巾布:solid terry蚂蚁布:fleece in one side素色卫衣布:solid fleece鱼网布:fleece彩条汗布:color-stripes single jerseyT/R弹力布:T/R bengalineT/C色织格子布:T/C solid check fabric弹力仿麂皮:Micro suede with spandexT/R仿麂皮:T/R Micro suede仿麂皮瑶粒绒复合布:100%polyester micro suede bounding with polar fleece仿麂皮针织布复合:100% polyester bounding with knitting micro suede fabric 仿麂皮羊羔绒复合布:100% polyester micro suede bounding with lamb fur蜡光缎:cire satine全消光尼丝纺:Full dull nylon taffeta半消光尼丝纺:semi-dull nylon taffeta亮光尼龙:Trilobal nylon全消光塔丝隆:Full dull nylon taslan全消光牛津布:full dull nylon oxford尼龙格:Nylon rip-stop塔丝隆格:Taslan rip-stop哑富迪:Full dull Micro polyester pongee全消光春亚纺:Full dull polyester pongee春亚纺格子:polyester pongee rip-stop全消光涤纶桃皮绒:Full dull polyester peach宽斜纹桃皮绒:Big twill polyester peach涤锦复合桃皮绒:poly/nylon peach涤纶格子:polyester taffeta rip-stop涤纶蜂巢塔丝隆:polyester honey taslan全消光涤纶低弹牛津布:Full dull poly textured oxford涤锦交织桃皮绒:Nylon/polyester inter-woven peach摇粒绒 poly fleece里料: LINING面料:FABRIC平纹: TAFFETA斜纹: TWILL / DRILL缎面: SATIN / CHARMEUSE 绡: LUSTRINE提花: JACQUARD / DOBBY 烂花: BURNT-OUT春亚纺:PONGEE格子: CHECK条子: STRIPE双层: DOUBLE – LAYER双色: TWO – TONE花瑶: FAILLE高士宝: KOSHIBO雪纺: CHIFFON乔其: GEORGETTE塔丝隆: TASLAN弹力布: SPANDEX/ELASTIC/STREC/LYCRA 牛仔布: JEAN 细斜纹布:JEANETTE牛津布: OXFORD帆布: CAMBRIC涤棉:P/C涤捻:T/R白条纺: WHITE STRIPE黑条纺: BLACK STRIPE空齿纺: EMPTY STRIPE水洗绒/桃皮绒: PEACH SKIN卡丹绒: PEACH TWILL绉绒: PEACH MOSS玻璃纱: ORGANDY(二)面料1.机织物服装面料平纹布 plain cloth牛津布 oxford斜纹布 drill线卡 ply-yarn drill哔叽 serge灯芯绒 corduroy起绒布 fleece泡泡纱 seersucker麻纱 hair cords亚麻布 linen cloth绸 silk粗纺毛织物 woolen cloth全毛单面华达呢 woolen one-side gabardine 凡立丁 valitine 啥味呢 twill coating精纺花呢 worsted fany suiting法兰绒 flannel大衣呢 overcoat suiting交织物 mixed fabric府绸 poplin青年布 chambray纱卡 single yarn drill华达呢 gabardine牛仔布 denim平绒 velveteen绉布 crepe巴厘纱 voile苎麻布 ramie fabric电力纺 habotai精纺毛织物 worsted fabric全毛华达呢 pure wool gabardine驼丝锦 doeskin女士呢 ladies cloth粗花呢 tweed2.针织物面料纬编针织物 weft-knitted fabric单面针织物 single knit fabric纬平针织物 plain knit fabric双罗纹针织物 interlock fabric起绒针织物 interlock fabric毛圈针织物 terry knitted fabric双梳栉经编针织物 two-bar fabric经编针织物 warp-knitted fabric双面针织物 double knit fabric罗纹针织物 rib knit fabric双反面针织物 purl fabric长毛绒针织物high pile knitted fabric 提花针织物jacquard knitted fabric多梳栉经编针织物 multi-bar fabric编码中文英文01 平纹 Jersey31 剪毛毛巾布 Velur02 拉架平纹 Lycra Jersey32 自动间剪毛毛巾布 Auto Velour03 提花平纹/单面/人字纹 Single Jacquard33 自动间拉架平纹布 Auto Lycra Jersey04 单珠地 Pique34 自动间拉架珠地布 Auto Lycra Pique05 提花珠地布<珠地平纹> Jacouard Pique35 自动间拉架罗纹布 Auto Lycra 1X1 Rib06 拉架珠地布<拉架卫衣> Pique with Lycra36 自动间拉架灯芯布 Auto Lycra 2X2 Rib07 双珠地 Lacoste37 自动间拉架双面布 Auto Lycra Interlock08 双面布<拉架双面/珠地双面> Interlock38 自动间双珠地布 Auto Double Pique09 抽针双面 Drop Needle Interlock39 自动间大眼珠地布 Auto Jacquard Pique10 谷波双面 Double Jacquard40 自动间单卫衣布 Auto Single Fleece Inlay11 抓毛卫衣 Fleece41 自动间珠地卫衣布 Auto Lacoste Fleece不抓毛卫衣 French Terry42 自动间3X1鱼鳞双卫衣布 Auto 3X1 Rib D.Fleece 小鱼鳞卫衣 Micro Fleece43 自动间2X1双卫衣布 Auto 2X1 Double Fleece 12 鱼鳞双卫衣 Inlay Terry44 自动间1X1双卫衣布 Auto 1X1 Double Fleece 13 珠地卫衣 Pique French Terry45 自动间圆珠地平纹布 Pique With Jersey14 单卫衣 Interloop Inlay46 自动间灯芯布 Auto Stripe 2X2 Rib15 毛巾布 Terry Towelling47 自动间打鸡罗纹布 Auto Milano Rib Cardigar 16 由利毛巾布<摇粒> Polar Fleece48 自动间打鸡双面布 Auto Interlock Basest17 罗纹布 1X1Rib49 自动间抽针罗纹布 Auto Dorp Needle Rib18 拉架罗纹 Lycra 2X2 Rib50 自动间抽针双面布 Auto Dorp N. Interlock19 抽针罗纹<柳条/坑柳罗纹> Drop Needle 1X1 Rib 51 自动间十字罗纹布 Auto Thermal Clote20 灯芯布 2X2 Rib52 自动间底面布 Auto French Rib Reversble21 拉架灯芯 Lycra 2X2 Rib53 自动间变化罗纹布 Auto Structural Rib22 法国罗纹<底面布> French Rib54 自动间变化双面布 Auto Interlock Rib23 提花罗纹<威化/雀眼布> Jacquard Double Rib 55 自动间单面皱布/乱花 Auto Single Creep24 自动间平纹 Auto Jersey56 自动间单面人字纹布 Auto Single herringbone 25 自动间珠地 Auto Stripe Pique57 自动间单面斜纹布 Auto Single Twill26 自动间罗纹 Auto Stripe 1X1Rib58 自动间谷波布 Auto Single Honeycom27 自动间双面 Auto Stripe Interlock59 自动间单面纲眼布 Auto Single Mesh, Eyele 28 自动间计算机提花单面 Auto Single Jacquard 60 自动间双面谷波布 Auto Stripe Ripple29 自动间计算机提花双面 Computer D.K J/Q61 自动间双面夹层布 Auto Stripe Blister30 自动间计算机毛巾布 Auto Towel62 十字罗纹 Waffle / Thermal纺织资讯/doc/f03453423.html,/。




1.H O R I Z O N T A L L I N E S水平线(纹) (3)Causes and prevention of horizontal lines (3)2.S H A D E V A R I A T I O N色花 (3)Causes and prevention of shade variation (3)3.D I R T/S T A I N S污迹 (4)Causes and prevention of dirt/stains (4)4.U N E V E N D Y E I N G/P R I N T I N G/D Y E M A R K S (5)染色/印花/染色痕迹不均匀 (5)Causes and prevention of dyeing/printing/dye marks (5)5.D R O P S T I T C H E S漏针 (5)Causes and prevention of drop stitching (5)6.M I S P R I N T I N G,O F F P R I N T I N G O R A B S E N C E O F P R I N T I N G (6)印刷错误/印刷不清/漏印刷 (6)Causes and prevention of misprinting (6)7.C R E A S E M A R K S褶皱/折痕 (7)Causes and prevention of crease mark (7)8.B A R R E横档 (7)Causes and prevention of barre (7)9.N E P S/K N O T S棉(纱)结/结头 (8)Causes and prevention of neps (8)10.A B R A S I O N M A R K S磨损痕 (8)Causes and prevention of abrasion marks (9)11.S P L I C I N G驳布位(接头) (9)Causes and prevention of splicing (9)12.H O L E S破洞 (10)Causes and prevention of hole (10)13.D E F E C T I V E S E L V A G E(C U T,W A V E D O R C R E A S E D) (10)残边(剪裁、波浪或折痕) (10)Causes and prevention of defective selvage (10)14.S N A G S抽丝 (11)Causes and prevention of snag (11)15.T H I C K P L A C E/T H I N P L A C E厚/薄位 (11)Causes and prevention of thick place/thin place (12)16.B O W I N G A N D S K E W I N G纬斜(弓) (12)Causes and prevention of bowing and skewing (12)17.N E E D L E L I N E S针线 (13)Causes and prevention of needle lines (13)18.C O A R S E P I C K粗纬(粗纱) (13)Causes and prevention of coarse pick (14)19.C O A R S E E N D粗经(粗纱) (14)Causes and prevention of coarse end (14)20.B R O K E N P I C K断纬 (15)Causes and prevention of broken pick (15)21.B R O K E N E N D断经 (15)Causes and prevention of broken end (15)22.M I S S I N G E N D/E N D O U T缺经 (16)Causes and prevention of missing end (16)23.F I L L I N G B A R纬档(条) (16)Causes and prevention of filling bar (16)1.H O R I Z O N T AL L I N E S水平线(纹)This fabric defect is defined by irregular lines that run from side to side. Horizontal lines are generally caused by:•Faults in the bobbin (the barrel used to hold yarn in place)•Irregular thread tensionCauses and prevention of horizontal linesPreventing the appearance of horizontal lines in fabric is quite straightforward. Regularly replace the bobbin and frequently check thread tension and positioning.2.S H AD E V A R I AT I O N色花One of the more obvious visual defects that can be found on raw textiles, shade variation is defined by a difference in depth of shade and color from roll to roll or piece to piece. Shade variation in fabric is caused by:•Mixing of fabrics used in production•Variations in the production process with regard to time and speed•Improper cutting, bundling and/or numbering•Unequal fabric stretchingCauses and prevention of shade variationUsing the same base material and set of parameters for each production lot can effectively prevent shade variation.When visiting a factory that manufactures raw textiles, it’s critical to ensure workers are only combining garments of the same color and not taking shortcuts when cutting and bundling. Properly numbering textile types prevents mistakenly combining cuts that vary in shade.3.D I R T/S T A I N S污迹Stains are fairly common among dyed textiles and are defined as spots or patches of differing color. Textiles are never truly safe from stains because they can occur anytime during or after production if they’re not kept in an area with adequate protection.Stains can appear on fabrics from just about any source. Dirt from the factory floor, oil from machinery and dyes are all known sources. Stains are relatively easy to identify and prevent so long as suppliers are vigilant about fabric quality.Causes and prevention of dirt/stainsYour manufacturer can prevent stains during production by regularly cleaning production machines and equipment to ensure no random oils, grease or dyes make their way onto the textile.Wrapping the finished rolls of fabric in plastic and storing them in a separate area away from the dying area can help avoid post-production stains.4.U N E V E N D Y E I N G/P R I N T I N G/D Y E M AR K S染色/印花/染色痕迹不均匀Dye marks are irregular patches on the surface of raw textiles. Dye marks are typically the result of:•Low quality base fabric•Improper leveling agents•Incorrect pH in the production process•Dye machine entanglementCauses and prevention of dyeing/printing/dye marksEnsuring there are no initial problems with the base fabric prior to stitching can help prevent dye marks. Any issues missed will be present in later production processes.Other preventative measures include maintaining the correct pH level, using an appropriate dying agent and using a backup power generator to ensure production machines don’t shut down during use.5.D R O P S T I T C H E S漏针One of the most common quality issues found in raw textiles, drop stitches are holes or missed stitches that appear randomly in the fabric. Drop stitches are typically caused by:•Incorrect set-up of yarn carriers•Slubs and knots•Yarn overfeeding or underfeeding•Loose stitching during the production processCauses and prevention of drop stitchingChecking the yarn car rier and any other machines to verify they’re set to the right tension during production can prevent drop stitches. You can minimize the occurrence of drop stitching in your fabric or textile by regulating the yarn feed rate.Resetting the pattern chain can fix this issue.6.M I S P R I N T I N G,O F F P R I N T I N G O R A B S E N C E O F P R I N T I N G印刷错误/印刷不清/漏印刷Misprint defects are only relevant to printed fabrics. Misprint is when the print of the fabric does not match your specified design. This is usually displayed in one of the following ways:•Colors and/or patterns are completely or partially missing•Colors and patterns are incorrectly positioned relative to each otherCauses and prevention of misprintingMisprints are most often the result of:•Wrong dyeing recipe•Wrong leveling agent•Incorrect dye combinations in lots•Improper scouring of grey fabricImplementing uniform dyeing, leveling and scouring processes can help prevent misprinting.If you’re sourcing a printed fabric, make sure to provide clear specifications regardi ng the colors and patterns of your printed fabric to your factory. Consider providing pantone color numbers and design files as a guide for your supplier.7.C R E A S E M AR K S褶皱/折痕A crease mark is a visible deformation in fabric. A crease mark differs from a crease streak, as it’s unlikely to appear for an entire roll. Rather, it appears in just one spot on the fabric.If final pressing cannot restore fabric to the original condition, a crease mark will be left on the final product. Discoloration can also be a problem associated with this fabric defect.Causes and prevention of crease markCrease marks often happen when fabric passes through squeeze rollers in the dyeing process. Creasing is inevitable as fabric is fed through machines in rope form. But if properly handled, crease marks should not be permanent.Crease marks can be caused by:•Inadequate preparation, relaxation or bulking of fabric•Poor quality of fabric: a tight construction, high twist yarns or dense weight•Poor suitability of machine: not moving folds properly•Incorrect loading of fabric into machine, resulting in twisted or knotted rope•Excessively rapid heating or cooling ratesAlong with rectifying these issues, using anti-crease agents during the scouring process prior to dyeing can help prevent crease marks.8.B A R R E横档A barre is an unintentional, repetitive visual pattern of continuous bars and stripes.Barre will typically appear as a horizontal streak of light or dark bars running the width of the fabric. The bars must appear in a repetitive pattern to be considered barre. Barre is typically found parallel to the filling of woven fabric or to the courses of circular knit fabric.Barre is usually not detected until after the processing of fabric at the end of production. Causes and prevention of barreBarre is a result of physical, optical or dye differences in yarns or geometric differences in fabric structure. Any combination of these differences can cause this fabric defect.Like many fabric defects, it’s easier to prevent barre than to try and rectify it after production. Consistency in raw material organization and labeling can help prevent mix-ups leading to barre, as well as continual equipment maintenance. Following a First In First Out (FIFO) inventory system can help ensure consistent material flow and usage.9.N E P S/K N O T S棉(纱)结/结头Neps are small, tightly tangled knot-like masses of unorganized fibers that form a pinhead shape. These knots are usually comprised of dead or immature fibers.Neps can be categorized into three types:•Biological: Found in raw materials, these neps contain foreign material such as seed coat fragments, leaf or stem materials. The manufacturer can usually remove themthrough wet processing.•Mechanical: Found in ginned lint, card web, yams and cloth, these neps are largely a result of mechanical processing.•White speck neps: Generally not visible until dyeing, white speck neps contain immature clusters of fibers and are considered the most severe type of neps.Causes and prevention of nepsNeps are caused when spools of yarn are tied together. This might be a result of:•Accumulation of fly and fluff on machinery•Poor lint cleaning•Poor carding and incomplete removal of neps before processingTo prevent neps and knots, ensure proper maintenance and cleaning of machinery and roller clearers. Neps can be removed through combing before processing, so early detection of neps is critical to preventing neps in finished fabrics.10.AB R A S I O N M A R K S磨损痕An abrasion mark is a discolored area damaged by friction or rubbing. Abrasion marks are sometimes also referred to as chafe marks or bruised places.Causes and prevention of abrasion marksChafing or impact with a hard or rough surface usually causes abrasion marks. For instance, scratches on the breast beam of the loom might cause chafing.Abrasion resistance is the ability of a fabric to withstand surface wear and rubbing. Fiber, yarn and fabric properties and finishing processes are the main factors that determine abrasion resistance.Using fabrics that are more abrasion resistant can help reduce abrasion marks. Nylon is generally regarded as having the best abrasion resistance, followed by polyester.11.S P L I C I N G驳布位(接头)Splicing is the overlapping of the cut ends of two pieces of fabric (the end of one length of fabric and the beginning of another) to ensure continuous spreading. Splicing is necessary as one roll of fabric finishes and the next is taken into use.But these overlapping ends of fabric produce a waste material in manufacturing. Splicing losses can vary up to five percent of total fabric usage. Importers can ensure greater manufacturing efficiency by minimizing splicing in their fabric.Many importers assign four penalty points under the 4-point system for each splice found during fabric inspection.Causes and prevention of splicingThe position of the splice in a roll of fabric often depends on the overall fabric quality. Splicing is often used to compensate for other fabric defects, like stains or holes, by removing these from the final roll.So improving overall fabric quality and preventing other fabric defects can often help to minimize splicing losses.Setting a maximum length tolerance for splicing in each roll of fabric with your supplier can help to clarify your expectations (e.g. no more than one splice every 30 meters). Be sure to consult your supplier on this tolerance before production to ensure it is achievable.12.H O L E S破洞A hole is an imperfection where one or more yarns are sufficiently damaged to create an opening in the fabric.Holes are typically treated as a major defect in the fabric and are assigned either two or four penalty points during fabric inspection, depending on their size.Causes and prevention of holeHoles are usually caused by an accidental cut or tear to the fabric. Broken needles or rough mechanical parts are common culprits for fabric tearing during manufacturing.Prevent future holes by ensuring your supplier has procedures in place to regularly check needles and machinery prior to production.13.D E F E C T I V E S E L V AG E(C U T,W A V E D O R C R E A S E D)残边(剪裁、波浪或折痕)Selvage is the densely woven edge of a piece of fabric. Most often used in reference to woven fabrics, the selvage is supposed to keep the fabric from unraveling or fraying.Selvage can be defective in a number of ways, including cut, waved or creased. Cut selvage might also be referred to as broken selvage or ripped selvage.Causes and prevention of defective selvageThere are two main culprits for defective selvage:•An incorrect loom adjustment during weaving•Improper edge constructionCorrectly adjusting the loom and properly constructing the edges of the fabric should prevent this defect.14.S N A G S抽丝A snag is a part of the yarn that is accidentally pulled or plucked from the surface. Usually it appears as a large loop of yarn above the surface of the fabric.In warp knits, the snag occurs in the wale direction. In weft knits, the snag occurs in the course direction.Causes and prevention of snagIn the case of continuous filament yarns, snagging is typically caused by mechanicalstrain during knitting. Sharp points and objects can cause the fabric snag at any time. Inspect the fabric contact points on all the processing machines to identify and fix any sharp points.Some fabrics are more prone to snagging than others due to their composition. You can conduct a mace snag test to determine a fabric’s resistance to snagging. During this test, a miniature mace (a spiked ball) will track randomly across a fabric sample to predict actual wear and snagging.15.T H I C K P L A C E/T H I N P L AC E厚/薄位These are unintentional changes in fabric appearance as compared to adjacent construction. If the thick or thin place is more than one inch wide, it is typically classified as a major defect in fabric inspection.A thick place will appear as a small area of more closely spaced yarns or by a congregation of thick yarns. A thin place is the opposite, as the fabric will appear to have loosely spaced yarns or a congregation of thin yarns.Causes and prevention of thick place/thin placeMain causes of thick and thin places include:•Irregular let-off•Incorrect setting of holding and releasing pawls on the ratchet wheel of take-up motion•Gears of take-up motion not meshing properly•Gear wheel teeth worn out or brokenEnsuring proper training of factory personnel to set the let-off and/or take-up motion properly can help prevent this fabric defect.16.B O W I N G AN D S K E W I N G纬斜(弓)Bowing is a condition in woven textiles where filling yarns are displaced from a line perpendicular to the selvages and lie in an arc across the width of the fabric. Bowing appears as rows of courses or yarn-dyed stripes forming a bow shaped curvature along the fabric width.Skewing is a similar condition in which filling yarns are angularly displaced from a line perpendicular to the edge or side of the fabric.Bowing and skewing affects striped or patterned fabric quality more than for solid color fabrics, as the greater contrast in patterns makes the distortion more prominent.Causes and prevention of bowing and skewingBowing and skewing can be caused by an uneven distribution of tension across the fabric width during dyeing or finishing processes. Improper stretching during scouring, dyeing or finishing might also cause bowing or skewing.Correcting the tension settings on processing machines should rectify these defects. You can also ask your supplier to fix bowing and skewing found during fabric inspection by reprocessing the fabric through a compactor or straightening machine.17.N E E D L E L I N E S针线Needle lines appear in weft knit fabrics, and appear as prominent vertical streaks or lines in the fabric.Causes and prevention of needle linesDefective needles are a direct cause for needle lines. Needle latches, hooks or stems might be:•Mixed•New•Dirty or contaminated with lint•Bent•WornIf needle lines occur individually, you’ll likely only need to trace the needle line to the associated defective needle and replace it to prevent further needle lines. If needle lines appear in a band, you’ll likely need to replace multiple defective needles.An improper dial or cylinder condition with the machine might also cause needle lines. Verify that your supplier has established and maintained proper maintenance and cleaning policies to prevent future issues with needles and equipment.18.C O A R S E P I C K粗纬(粗纱)A coarse pick is where the filling yarn used in the fabric is unusually large in diameter. This defect is also known as coarse filling or thick filling.Coarse pick is usually classified as a major defect during fabric inspection.Causes and prevention of coarse pickProbable causes for coarse pick include:•Lashing of broken end with adjoining end at roving frame•Disturbed weight of back-top rollers at roving frame and ring frame cause the material to slip under the back-top roller and crease a coarse yarn19.C O A R S E E N D粗经(粗纱)Coarse end appears in fabric with warp yarn.Also known as heavy end, this is when the warp end is larger than normal in diameter, even sometimes double in size. The opposite is a fine end, when the warp end is smaller in diameter than normal.The diameter of the yarn is too large, irregular or contains foreign material, which inhibits a smooth, even fabric.Causes and prevention of coarse endCoarse end is caused when two bobbins of roving (wool that has been run through a mill on a carding machine) are running together during spinning. The process of running two bobbins together during spinning is commonly referred to as doubling and is used to remove variations in thickness.To prevent coarse ends, ensure there are no knots, irregularities or foreign materials in the roving prior to doubling.20.B R O K E N P I C K断纬This defect appears as a broken filling yarn in the fabric weaving. It appears as a sharp discontinuity in the weave pattern over the pick length.Causes and prevention of broken pickA broken pick is the result of a break or cut in filling yarn, which results in the insertion of a partial pick in the fabric. This can happen after weft break, weft exhaustion or a faulty weft fork mechanism. Correcting weft stop motion will ensure broken picks are detected before they’re inserted into the fabric.Ensuring weaving personnel are trained to identify and replace a broken pick during production can also help prevent the appearance of this defect in the finished goods.21.B R O K E N E N D断经A broken end appears as a broken, untied warp end of a fabric. The yarn is usually broken during weaving or finishing. Broken ends appear as equidistant horizontal lines along the fabric width.Causes and prevention of broken endThis defect is caused by yarn breakage. When the yarn breaks during weaving or finishing and is then woven into fabric the result is a broken end.Some possible causes for broken ends include:•Poor preparation•Weak or irregular yarn•Excessive warp tension22.M I S S I N G E N D/E N D O U T缺经This defect will appear in fabric as a fine warp-way crack until the weaver rectifies it.A missing end typically appears at the selvage of the fabric. Missing end is also known as “end out” and is typically classified as a major defect during fabric inspection.Causes and prevention of missing endA missing end occurs when an extra piece of filling yarn is jerked into the fabric by the shuttle. This happens when a warp yarn is broken or missing during weaving.Your fabric may end up with missing ends if a weaver improperly draws broken ends in place or the warp stop motion isn’t properly functioning. Weaving should stop immediately when a yarn breaks to prevent introducing missing ends into the fabric.23.F I L L I N G B AR纬档(条)A filling bar, also known as a weft bar, is a visual band or bar across the full width offabric. The area will contain less than the normal number of picks, appearing different from the rest of the fabric.Causes and prevention of filling barThere are three main causes of a filling bar:•Defective spinning processes that lead to a variation in the count of weft yarn•Mixing of different counts or different twist yarns•Faulty take up motion on the loomsEnsure your supplier has proper controls and organizational processes to eliminate mix-ups and segregate yarn to prevent this fabric defect. In addition, ensure proper operation of spinning and loom machinery to eliminate mechanical causes.。



(一)原料纺织原料textile raw materials天然纤维natural fibre化学纤维chemical fibre植物纤维vegetable fibre纺织纤维textile fibre人造纤维man made fibre动物纤维animal fibre(二)面料1。

机织物服装面料平纹布plain cloth牛津布oxford斜纹布drill线卡ply—yarn drill哔叽serge灯芯绒corduroy起绒布fleece泡泡纱seersucker麻纱hair cords亚麻布linen cloth绸silk粗纺毛织物woolen cloth全毛单面华达呢woolen one—side gabardine 凡立丁valitine啥味呢twill coating精纺花呢worsted fany suiting法兰绒flannel大衣呢overcoat suiting交织物mixed fabric府绸poplin青年布chambray纱卡single yarn drill华达呢gabardine牛仔布denim平绒velveteen绉布crepe巴厘纱voile苎麻布ramie fabric电力纺habotai精纺毛织物worsted fabric全毛华达呢pure wool gabardine驼丝锦doeskin女士呢ladies cloth粗花呢tweed2.针织物面料纬编针织物weft—knitted fabric单面针织物single knit fabric纬平针织物plain knit fabric双罗纹针织物interlock fabric起绒针织物interlock fabric毛圈针织物terry knitted fabric双梳栉经编针织物two—bar fabric经编针织物warp-knitted fabric双面针织物double knit fabric罗纹针织物rib knit fabric双反面针织物purl fabric长毛绒针织物high pile knitted fabric提花针织物jacquard knitted fabric多梳栉经编针织物multi—bar fabric(三)辅料1.衬树脂衬resin interlining麻布胸衬breast canvas树脂领衬resin collar interlining绒布胸衬breast fleece热熔衬fusible interlining粘合衬adhesive—bonded interlining双面粘合衬double—faced adhesive interlining 无纺布衬non-woven interlining无纺粘合衬non—woven adhesive interlining 有纺粘合衬adhesive woreninterlinging黑炭衬hair interlining马尾衬horsehair interlining化纤衬chemical fibre interlining针织衬knitted interlining2.填料棉花cotton人造棉artificial cotton喷胶棉polyester wadding丝棉silk wadding腈纶棉acrylic staple fibre羽绒down3。



纺织英语产品疵点方面纺织英语产品疵点方面000产品疵点方面:疵点: defect/fault 经柳: streaky warp 断经: broken end急经: right end 粗纬: coarse picks 粗经: coarse end断纬: broken picks 纬斜: skewing/slope 横档: filling bar污迹: stain/dirt 异型丝: goat/foreing yarn 破洞: hole色花: shade variation/color difference/color diviation色柳: color stripe 渗色: color bleeding褪色: color fading/discolor 擦伤: scratch/barasion/winch mark松板印: moire effects 折痕: crease mark验货用语资料成品检验checking of finished products检验,检查inspection, check商检commodity inspection领面松wrinkles at top collar领面紧top collar appears tight领面起泡crumples at top collar领外口松collar edge appears loose领外口紧collar edge appears tight底领伸出collar band is longer than collar底领缩进collar band is shorter than collar底领里起皱wrinkles at collar band facing底领外露collar band lean out of collar倘领偏斜collar deviates from front center line 领窝不平creases below neckline后领窝起涌bunches below back neckline驳头起皱wrinkles at top lapel驳头反翘top lapel appears tight驳头外口松lapel edge appears loose驳头外口紧lapel edge appears tight驳口不直lapel roll line is uneven串口不直gorge line is uneven领卡脖tight neckline领离脖collar stand away from neck小肩起皱puckers at shoulders塌肩wrinkles at shoulder袖隆起皱creases at underarm袖隆缝起皱puckers at underarm seam塌胸lack of fullness at chest省尖起泡crumples at dart point拉链起皱wrinkles at zip fly止口不直front edge is uneven止口缩角front edge is out of square止口反翘front edge is upturned止口反吐facing leans out of front edge 止口豁split at front edge止口下部搭叠过多crossing at front edge 底边起皱wrinkles at hem后身起吊back of coat rides up背衩豁开split at back vent背衩搭叠过多crossing at back vent绗棉起皱puckers at quilting絮棉不均padded cotton is uneven边缘缺棉empty hem绱袖不圆顺diagonal wrinkles at sleeve cap袖子偏前sleeve leans to front袖子偏后sleeve leans to back前袖缝外翻inseam leans to front袖口起皱wrinkles at sleeve opening袖里拧diagonal wrinkles at sleeve lining袋盖反翘top flap appears tight袋盖反吐flap lining leans out of edge袋盖不直flap edge is uneven袋口角起皱creases on two ends of pocket mouth 袋口裂split at pocket mouth腰头探出end of waistband is uneven腰缝起皱wrinkles at waistband facing里襟里起皱creases at right fly夹裆tight crotch短裆short seat后裆下垂slack seat前浪不平wrinkles at front rise裆缝断线bursting of crotch seam裤脚前后two legs are uneven脚口不齐leg opening is uneven吊脚pulling at outseam or inseam烫迹线外撇crease line leans to outside 烫迹线内撇crease line leans to inside 腰缝下口涌bunches below waistline seam 裙裥豁开 split at lower part of skirt 裙身吊split hem line rides up裙浪不匀skirt flare is uneven线路偏移stitch seam leans out line双轨接线 stitch seam is uneven跳针 skipping尺码不符 off size缝制不良stitching quality is not good 洗水不良washing quality is not good熨烫不良pressing quality is not good 极光iron-shine水渍water stain锈迹rust污渍spot色差color shade, off shade, color deviation褪色fading, fugitive color线头thread residue毛头raw edge leans out of seam绣花不良embroidery design out line is uncovered 织疵的英文表达梭织 wovenballing up 起球lint ball起球pilling 起球ballooning 布面小圈flaw 织疵、疵点flying threads 布面拖纱float loop蛛网entering draft 蛛网excessive lift 多起bore 破洞duck eye 小洞(针织疵点)holes 破洞、破孔cut across 开匹(疵布)curling selvedge 卷边rolled selvedge卷边baggy selvedge 松边loose edge/ selvedge松边tight list/selvedge 紧边dog-legged selvedge 弯曲布边(由纬纱退绕张力引起)cut listing/ selvedge 破边broken selvedge 破边ripped selvedge 破边torn selvedge 破边edge end break 坏边pilled-in selvedge 缩边uneven selvedge 宽窄不匀布边rough selvedge 毛边hang pick 三角形破洞narrow width 布幅不足uneven cover 布面不匀rowdy布面不匀wavy face 波浪形布面thick and thin places 厚薄段thick filling 粗经thread out 断经tight end/thread紧经、急经tight filling/pick 紧纬、急经ridgy cloth 起伏不平的布slack selvedge 起伏不平的布边selvedge float 布边浮经丝 silkgum knots 胶着类(生丝疵点)gummed books 丝把发硬gummed skeins 丝胶发硬double flat 双经/纬(生丝疵点)double skeins 双片丝(生丝疵点)break-mark 灰点(绸缎疵点)broken course 断纬(丝)cut ends 切丝corkscrews 螺旋类(生丝疵点)corkscrew twist 螺旋疵(捻丝疵点)corkscrews yarn 螺旋线(并线疵点)hairiness 毛羽类heavy end 粗经heavy filling/pick 粗纬improper making of book 打把不正improper skein lacking 扣丝失当improper skein twisting 打绞不正irregular pick 纬疵irregular pile bar 长短绒档irregular skeins 丝绞不正irregular traverse 络交不正irregular twist streak 松紧捻档knots 长结knub 缫丝下脚,小糙疵loops 环结marriages 双丝nap 绒毛、拉绒pin hole 针洞raised threads 浮丝其它 othersfrosting 霜白疵、起霜花(印染引起)blur 剪毛不良barring 条痕、条花bare cloth 稀布broken figures 错花crack 稀弄cracked ends 筘痕defective lift 夹起darts and steels 刀线decating mark 布头纬向皱横duvet 小环结fag 粗粒facing 拖浆、罩色(印花疵点)felter 跳花、跳纱harness skip跳花、跳纱gout 飞花织入loom fly飞花织入hard size 浆斑joining stencil mark 搭头印(手工印花疵点)keel 红印色marking off 搭色mildew 霉、生霉minor defects 普通瑕疵、中类major defects次要瑕疵、大类super major defects 主要瑕疵、特大类mispick 错纬weaving under 花纹少织(多梭箱织机的换纬运动不良造成)starch lump 浆斑start-up marks 开车痕stripy defects 条花疵点reed mark 筘痕shuttle mark 局部纹路不明(主要由于开口运动或投梭失常所致)snap/snappers 拖浆stain warp 渍经staining 斑点染色、染斑1. 纱yarn1. 纱节slubs2. 横档barre3. 粗细纱uneven yarn (thick & thin)4. 飞纱yarn contamination(foreign substance)5. 僵棉dead cotton2. 结构construction1. 漏纱missing line2. 洞holes3. 筘痕reed mark4. 直横条streaks5. 停车横条stop mark6. 结knots7. 错织miss-weave / mis knit pattern3. 染色1. 色差shading ( color variation within width and length)2. 色点dye spots / dye streaks3. 色花color tone4. finishing1. 手感 hand / feel2. 经纬斜 bowing3. 歪斜 skewing4. 皱褶 wrinkles / fold marks / creases5. 针眼 pin holes6. 摺痕 stop marks7. 门幅 uneven width8. 起球 pilling5. cleanliness1. 污渍 stains2. 油渍 oil / grease spots3. 脏污 dirt / soil4. 水痕 water marks印花厂自动印花机 auto-printing m/c印花烘干机 dryer手动印花机 manual printing m/c洗网机 net washer machine晒网机 blue print machine干网机 net dryer machine刨刮机 squeege sharpener熨画机 ironing drawing洗水厂工业洗衣机 industry washer工业脱水机 industry spin-dryer工业染色办机 industry coloring m/c 震动机 shaking m/c大货洗衣机 bulk washer常用包装物料和车缝物料注意卡: attention card铁扣: buckle胶蝴蝶,胶托: plastic butterfly 钮模: button mould内箱: boxes外箱: carton内箱: inner carton / inner boxes 内插筒: division pad箱贴纸: carton tag胶夹: plastic clips胶领圈: plastic collar support纸领条: paper collar stripe插竹: collar stay棉绳: drawstring细橡筋: elastic band绣花章: embroidery patch平橡根: cum tape人字带: herringbone tape胶衣架: plastic hangers挂卡: hang tag丝带,花边: lace内盒贴纸: box end label成份唛: content label皮牌: leather disc旗唛: exterior label旗唛,皮士唛: flag label主唛: main label成份/洗水/西士唛:content/wc/sz label领唛: neck label产地唛: country origin label袋唛/旗唛: pocket/placket label 西士唛: size label洗水唛: wash care label担干唛: yoke label叉字铁夹: metal clip魔术贴: magic sticker尼龙捆条: nylon loop尼龙绳: nylon string纸腰带: paper belt针: pins牛皮纸: cowhide pager纸牌: paper tag价钱牌: price ticket (ocr)丝带: ribbon方型胶夹: rectangle clip铆钉: rivet胶袋贴纸: polybag sticker外箱贴纸: carton sticker杂物: sundries扣针: safety pins扁带: shoulder tape内盒纸箱: inner box sticker 挂卡贴纸: hang tag sticker 胶领条: plastic shirt band 纸领条: paper shirt band纸板: shirt board西士贴纸: size sticker胶贴纸: plastic sticker 胶: glee缎带: silicon wappes转移印花: heat transfer枪针: tag tin斜纹带: twill tape腰牌: waist tag胶夹: plastic clip胶袋: plastic bag / polybag衬纸: tissue paper领蝴蝶: collar butterflies 领胶条: collar stripe纸箱: paper carton贴纸: sticker辅料accessory 辅料belt 腰带binding tape 捆条(包边)bow 蝴蝶bow-tie 蝴蝶结buckle loop 钮圈button 钮扣care label 洗水唛collar rab 领袢collar stay 领插竹conceal zipper 隐形拉链content label 成分唛contrast color stitches 撞色线cotton string 棉绳elastic 橡筋epaulet 肩章eyelet 鸡眼eyes & hooks 乌蝇扣, 钩棒扣frills 荷叶边fusible-interlining 粘朴godet 三角形布gusset 三角形插布half moon patch 半月形龟背handing loop 吊袢interlining 衬,朴lace 花边lining 里布main label/brand label 主唛non-fusible-interlining 非粘朴, 生朴plastic string 胶针ribbing 罗纹rivet 撞钉, 包头钉rubber string 橡筋shank (钮扣)绕脚线shoulder pad 肩棉, 肩垫size label 尺码唛smocking (装饰用的)缩褶snap 急钮, 按钮, 揿钮sticker 贴纸stripe 带条, 绳子thread 线triangle gusset 三角脚贴velcro 魔术贴zipper 拉链zipper puller 拉链头zipper stopperfly width 钮牌阔fly length 钮牌长beltloop 裤耳色相(hue)缩写词r.(red)红o.(orange)橙y.(yellow)黄g.(green)绿b.(blue)蓝p.(purple)紫yg.(yellow green)黄绿bg.(blue green)蓝绿pb.(purple blue)蓝紫rp.(red purple)红紫pr.(purplish red)紫调红yr.(yellowish red)黄调红ro.(reddish orange)红调橙yo.(yellowish orange)黄调橙ry.(reddish yellow)红调黄gy.(greenish yellow)绿调黄yg.(yellowish green)黄调绿bg.(blueish green)蓝调绿gb.(greenish blue)绿调蓝pb.(purplish blue) 紫调蓝色调(tone)缩写词l.(light)浅的p.(pale)淡的b.(bright)明亮的d.(dull)浊的s.(strong)强烈的v.(vivid)鲜艳的g.(grayish)灰调的dk.(dark)暗的dp.(deep)深的lg.(light grayish)明灰调的dg.(dark grayish)暗灰调的颜色丈青:navy玉:jade银:silver沙子色:sand青铜色:gunmetal浅橄榄灰色:stone米灰色:d/melange 米黄色:cream咖啡色:coffee酒红色:wine金:gold黄色:yellow黑色:black橄榄色:olive粉红色:pink古铜色:anti gold 自然色:natural 桃色:peach水仙黄:daffod珊瑚色:coral青铜色:gilt蓝灰色:pewter湖水蓝:turq红古铜色:bronze 粉玫色:fuchsia淡黄绿色:pistac彩虹色:rainbow憬红色:shocking red pink 粉红色salmon pink 橙红色baby pink 浅粉红色shocking pink 鲜粉红色brown 褐色, 茶色beige 灰褐色chocolate 红褐色, 赭石色sandy beige 浅褐色camel 驼色amber 琥珀色khaki 卡其色maroon 褐红色green 绿色moss green 苔绿色emerald green 鲜绿色olive green 橄榄绿turquoise blue 土耳其玉色cobalt blue 钴蓝色, 艳蓝色navy blue 藏青色, 深蓝色, 天蓝色aquamarine blue 蓝绿色red 红色scarlet 绯红, 猩红mauve 紫红wine red 葡萄酒红purple, violet 紫色lavender 淡紫色lilac 浅紫色antique violet 古紫色pansy 紫罗兰色white 白色off-white 灰白色ivory 象牙色snowy white 雪白色oyster white 乳白色charcoal gray 炭灰色smoky gray 烟灰色misty gray 雾灰色baby blue 浅蓝tigerlily 橘红storm 雾灰winter sky 天蓝vapor blue 烟灰oyster grey 米灰jester red 大红candy pink 粉红jaffa orange 橘黄pale taupe 浅灰褐色cracker khaki 杏色tulip yellow 黄色thirsty blue 浅蓝色green mint 浅绿banana cream 香蕉黄acid blue 湖色amber 琥珀色amethyst 紫水晶色antique 古紫色apple green 苹果绿apricot 杏黄aqua green 水绿色aquamarine blue 蓝绿色auburn 赤褐色azure green 碧绿色bay 枣色baby blue 浅蓝色baby pink 浅粉红色beige 灰棕色benzo blue 靛蓝色black 黑色blue 蓝色blue green 竹青色blue grey 蓝灰色bluish white 青白色bluish yellow 青黄色brick red 青莲色bronze black 射光黑色bronze blue 射光绀蓝bronze violet 射光紫蓝brown 棕色buff 浅黄色calamine blue 淡蓝色caramel 酱色cardinal 深红色carmine 紫红色carnation 肉色celeste 天青色chalky 白垩charcoal grey 炭灰色cherry 樱桃红chestnut 栗褐色citrine 柠檬黄cobalt blue 钴蓝色cochineal 胭脂红coco 黄棕色contrast colot 衬色copper red 铜色coral 珊瑚色cream 米色crystal cream 奶油白dark green 深绿色dark grey 深灰色delicate color 娇色deep green 墨绿色deep yellow 深黄色dun 焦茶色emerald green 鲜绿色florid 鲜红french rose 法国红garnet 暗红geranium 原色红gold 金golden yellow 金黄色green 绿色grey 灰hazel 赤褐色hepatic 猪肝色hyacinth 紫蓝色indigo 靛青色ivory 象牙黄jade green 翠绿色lavender 藕色lias 淡紫色light grey 淡灰色lyons blue 蓝紫色mandarin blue 深蓝marine green 海水绿maroon 枣红;茶色medium blue 中蓝色medium yellow 中黄色milk white 乳白色ming blue 藏青色moss green 苔绿色navy blue 海水蓝nimbus grey 雨云灰色ocher 赭色off white 灰白olive 橄榄色olive green 草绿色;橄榄绿opaque 不透明orange 橘黄色oriental ted 大红peach 桃红色peacock blue 孔雀蓝pea green 豆绿色pied 杂色pink 粉红色pitch black 深黑色protective color 保护色prussian blue 普鲁士蓝purple 紫色purple bronze 紫铜色red 红reddish 淡红reddish yellow 浓黄rich color 浓色rose 玫瑰红royal blue 宝蓝色rust brown 鼻烟色sallow 苍黄salmon 橙红sandy 淡茶色sap green 暗绿色scarlet 绯色sepia 棕黑色shade 颜色深浅shocking pink 鲜粉红silver 银色sky blue 天蓝slate grey 鼠灰色smoky grey 雾灰色snow white 雪白soft color 嫩色sorrel 红棕色tan 浅棕色tapestry red 咖啡色tawny 黄褐色translucent 半透明transparent 透明turquoise 蓝绿色turquoise blue 土耳其玉色ultramarine 青蓝色ultramarine blue 群青umber 浓茶色verdigris color 铜绿色vermilion 桔红;朱砂红violet 紫罗兰色white 白色wine red 葡萄红yellow 黄色york yellow 蛋黄色amber 琥珀色antique violet 古紫色antiquewhite 古董白aqua 浅绿色aquamarine 碧绿色azure 天蓝色baby pink 浅粉红色beige 米色bisque 橘黄色black 黑色blanchedalmond 白杏色blue 蓝色blueviolet 紫罗兰色brown 棕色burlywood 实木色cadetblue 军蓝色camel 驼色charcoal gray 炭灰色chartreuse 黄绿色chocolate 巧克力色cobalt blue 艳蓝色coral 珊瑚色cornflowerblue 菊蓝色cornsilk 米绸色crimson 暗深红色cyan 青色magenta 洋红色maroon 栗色mauve 紫红mediumaquamarine 间绿色mediumblue 间蓝色mediumorchid 间紫色mediumpurple 间紫色mediumseagreen 间海蓝色mediumslateblue 间暗蓝色mediumspringgreen 间春绿色mediumturquoise 间绿宝石色mediumvioletred 间紫罗兰色midnightblue 中灰蓝色mintcream 薄荷色misty gray 雾灰色mistyrose 浅玫瑰色moccasin 鹿皮色moss green 苔绿色navajowhite 纳瓦白navy 藏青off-white 灰白oldlace 老花色olive 橄榄色olivedrab 深绿褐色orange 橙色orangered 橙红色orchid 淡紫色oyster white 乳白色palegoldenrod 苍麒麟色palegreen 苍绿色paleturquoise 苍绿色palevioletred 苍紫罗蓝色pansy 紫罗兰色papayawhip 番木色peachpuff 桃色peru 秘鲁色pink 粉红plum 杨李色powderblue 粉蓝色purple 紫色red 红色rosybrown 褐玫瑰红royalblue 宝蓝色rubine 宝石红saddlebrown 重褐色salmon 鲜肉色salmon pink 橙红色sandy beige 浅褐色sandybrown 沙褐色sapphire 宝石蓝scarlet 猩红色seagreen 海绿色seashell 海贝色shocking pink 鲜粉红色sienna 赭色silver 银白色skyblue 天蓝色slateblue 石蓝色slategray 灰石色smoky gray 烟灰色snow 雪白色springgreen 春绿色steelblue 钢蓝色stone 石色tan 茶色teal 水鸭色thistle 蓟色tomato 番茄色turquoise 青绿色turquoise blue 翠蓝色violet 紫色wheat 浅黄色white 白色whitesmoke 烟白色winered 葡萄酒红yellow 黄色yellowgreen 黄绿色darkblue 暗蓝色darkcyan 暗青色darkgoldenrod 暗金黄色darkgray 暗灰色darkgreen 暗绿色darkkhaki 暗卡其色darkmagenta 暗洋红色darkolivegreen 暗橄榄绿色darkorange 暗桔色darkorchid 暗紫色darkred 暗红色darksalmon 暗肉色darkseagreen 暗海蓝色darkslateblue 暗灰蓝色darkslategray 墨绿色darkturquoise 暗宝石绿darkviolet 暗紫色deeppink 深粉色deepskyblue 深天蓝色dimgray 暗灰色dodgerblue 闪蓝色emerald green 艳绿色firebrick 火砖色floralwhite 花白色forestgreen 森林绿fuchsia 紫红色gainsboro 淡灰色ghostwhite 幽灵白gold 金黄色goldenrod 金麒麟色gray 灰色green 绿色greenyellow 黄绿色honeydew 蜜色hotpink 艳粉色indianred 印第安红indigo 靛蓝色ivory 象牙色khaki 卡其色lavender 淡紫色lavenderblush 淡紫红lawngreen 草绿色lemonchiffon 柠檬绸色lightblue 浅蓝色lightcoral 浅珊瑚色lightcyan 浅青色lightgoldenrodyellow 浅金黄色lightgreen 浅绿色lightgrey 浅灰色lightpink 浅粉色lightsalmon 浅肉色lightseagreen 浅海蓝色lightskyblue 浅天蓝色lightslategray 浅蓝灰色lightsteelblue 浅钢蓝色lightyellow 浅黄色lilac 浅紫色lime 酸橙色limegreen 橙绿色linen 亚麻色增白: white / snow white 特黑: black / jet black奶白: ivory/ecru/off white/cream 大红: red紫红: bordeaux/wine 紫色: burgundy/plum/violet/purple绿色: green 灰色: grey 玉色: oyster/peach 黄色: yellow卡其: kahki 雪青: lilac 古铜色: brown 梅红: fuschia墨绿: charcoal 豆绿: olive 藏青: navy/blue 天蓝: sky blue粉红: pink 米色: beige 橘黄: orange 驼色: camel产品包装方面卷杆: rilling/winding 散装: loose packing 编织袋: weaving bag纸箱: carton 木箱: woden case 中性包装: neutral packing单幅卷杆: rolled on tubes in open width双幅卷杆: double folded on rolls双幅折板: double folded on board 腰封: paper tapes纸管: tube 吊牌: lable / hang tag 唛头: shipping mark船样: shipping sample 塑料袋: poly bag 匹长: roll length拼匹: roll with sewing / roll with join 拼箱: lcl 整箱:fcl出口包装: export packing特别声明:1:资料来源于互联网,版权归属原作者2:资料内容属于网络意见,与本账号立场无关3:如有侵权,请告知,立即删除。





1横裆疵 (Barre) - 对针织织物而言,这种缺陷的特点是在织物横列或在织物横向上通常会出现一些不均匀的花纹图案。


2坏地 (Bad Place) - 对于那些难以用语言来描述的织物缺陷而言,这是一个十分方便的术语。


3斜纹疵 (Bias) (参考纬斜) - 对梭织织物而言,这种缺陷指的是纬纱与经纱发生尺寸偏斜的地方;对针织织物而言,这种情况指的是织物横列与织物纵行发生尺寸偏斜的地方。

4、鸟眼花纹疵 (BirdseyeDefect) - 对针织织物而言,这种情况指的是偶尔无规律出现的与织物设计相反的集圈组织。

5弓弧 (Bow) - 对梭织织物而言,这种情况指的是纬纱以弧线方式位于织物的宽度方向上;对针织织物而言,这种情况指的是线圈横列以弧线方式位于织物的宽度方向上。

6、断头疵 (Broken End) - 这种缺陷指的是经纱断裂后并经过修补的地方,它的常见特点是可以看见织到织物当中的断头。

7、花纹错色疵 (Broken ColorPattern) - 对梭织织物而言,这种情况指的是花纹的不连续性,在用织布机通丝描绘彩色图案时产生错误或者在纬纱断裂时对织布机进行维修以后对图像填充链的重新设置不正确都可能会导致这种缺陷的产生;对针织织物而言,这种情况是由梭换筒错误而产生的。

8、断纬疵 (Broken pick) - 这种情况指的是,由于纬纱断裂而导致在织物的部分宽度上缺少纬纱。

9、擦伤疵 (Bruise) - (参考边撑疵) - 这种情况指的是:由于正在进行编织的纱线或者已经编织完毕的织物受到磨损,从而导致纤维失去方向感并导致织物外观失真。



纺织机械专业术语大全及中英文对照,很有用!导读本文由钱苹生先生整理编辑,再次表示感谢!如需转载,请注明作者及来源,谢谢!一、纺纱类机械:1. 棉纺前纺机械Preparatory machinery for cotton spinningsystems2. 轧花机Gins3. 打包机Baling presses4. 拆包机及抓包机Bale breakers, bale pluckers5. 清花间用机械Blow room machinery6.混棉箱Blending hoppers7. 梳棉机自动喂棉机Automatic feeding devices for cardingmachines8. 梳棉机Carding machines9. 并条机Drawing frames10. 条卷机Sliver lap machines11. 精梳机Combing machines12. 粗纱机Speed frames13. 包纱机Covering machines14. 精梳毛纺、半精梳毛纺、毛纺前纺机械Preparatory machinery for worsted,semi-worsted or woolen spinning systems15. 羊毛开包机Wool bale brokers16. 洗毛生产机Wool washing lines17. 开松除杂机、和毛机、弹毛机willowingmachinery and teasers, garnet machines18. 废毛利用生产机Waste reclamation19. 梳毛机Carding machines20. 自动喂毛机Auto-feeder21. 并条机Draw frames22.精梳机Combing machines23. 毛条复洗机Back washing machines24. 精梳纱线用翼锭机Flyer frames for worsted yarn25. 麻纤维前纺机械Preparatory machinery for bastefibersspinning systems26. 预梳机preparing machines27. 梳麻机Carding machines28.并条机Draw frames29. 纤维长丝、短纤维生产机械、长丝处理机Machinery for the production for man-made filamentsand for filaments treatment30. 挤压机Extruders31. 卷绕头及卷取装置Winding on or take up units32. 拉伸加捻机Draw twisters33. 短纤维切断机Staple fiber cutting machines34. 直接成条机Converters35. 合成扁丝生产线Synthetic tape producing machines36. 聚合物过滤器/部件/滤芯Ploymerfiter/elements/fibermets37. 纺纱机Spinning machinery38. 棉纺用环锭纺纱机Ring-spinning frames for cotton spinningsystem39. 精梳毛用环锭纺纱机Ring-spinning frames for worsted spinningsystem40. 半精梳毛用环锭纺纱机Ring-spinning frames forsemi-worstedspinning system41. 毛纺用环锭纺纱机Ring-spinning frames for woolen spinning system42. 麻纤维用环锭纺纱机Ring-spinning frames for bast fibersspinning43. 丝束直接纺纱用环锭纺纱机Ring-spinning frames for direct spinning44. 气流纺纱机Rotor spinning frames45. 翼锭纺纱机Flyer spinning frames46. 摩擦纺纱机Friction spinning frames47.空心锭子纺纱机Hollow spindle spinning machines48.花式纺纱机Fancy yarn spinning machines49. 喷气纺纱机Air jet spinning machines50. 络筒机、摇纱机Winding and reeling machinery51. 宝塔形和扁柱形筒子络筒机Cone and cheese winders52. 宝塔形和扁柱形筒子精密络筒机Precision cone and cheese winders53.卷纬机Pirnwinders54. 空心纡子卷纬机Winding machines for tubular cops55. 络并机Doubling winders56. 卡片绕纱机Card winding machines57.其他络筒机、摇纱机、包纱机Other reeling machines58. 变形机Texturing machines59. 假捻变形机False twisting machines60. 空气变形机Air texturing machines61. 膨化和卷曲机Bulking and crimping machines62. 并捻联合机Doubling and twisting machines63. 环锭并捻机Ring doubling and twisting frames64. 倍捻机Double twist frames65. 上行式捻线机Up-twisters66. 花式捻线机Novelty twisters67. 复合一步法捻线机Multi-steps twisting machines68.倍捻机配件Double twist parts & accessories69. 搓绳和制绳机Cordage and rope making machinery70. 填絮、缩绒、制帽、针刺制毡和无纺织物机械Machinery for wadding, felting, hat-making,needle-felting and non-woven fabric71. 填絮机Wadding machinery72. 缩绒机Felting machinery73. 卷板机Lapping machines74.针刺制毡机Needle felt looms75. 无纺织物生产线(干法)Non-woven fabric lines(dry process)76. 无纺织物生产线(湿法)Non-woven fabric lines(wet process)77. 纺纱厂辅助机械Auxiliary machinery for spinning mills78. 自动落纱装置Automatic doffing devices79. 纱布机金属针布Card clothing and metallic card80. 包针布机Wire mounting machines81. 磨针布机Card grinding machines82. 拉伸辊研磨和包覆机Drafting roller grinding and coveringmachines83. 纱线称重、包装、加标机Machines for weighting, packaging, labelingof yarns二、织造类机械:84. 纱线汽蒸机steaming machines for yarns85. 织造准备机、织造机、簇绒机Weaving preparatory machinery, weavingmachinery, tufting machinery86. 织造准备辅助机Weaving preparatory and auxiliary machinery87. 筒子架Creels88. 分条整经机Sectional warpingmachines89. 轴经整经机Beam warping machines90. 整经机Beaming machines91. 浆纱机Sizing machines92. 穿经机Drawing-in machines93. 结经机Warp tying machines94. 织机Loom95. 片梭织机Looms with projectile96. 喷气织机Air jetlooms97. 喷水织机Water jet looms98. 剑杆织机Rapier looms99. 多相织机Multiphase looms100. 有梭织机Looms with shuttles101. 有梭织带机Ribbon looms with shuttles102. 无梭织带机Shuttle-less ribbon looms103. 轻薄织物织机Looms for light fabrics104.中厚织物织机Looms for medium-heavy fabrics105. 特种织机Looms for special purposes106. 毛布、滤布、帆布、呢绒、机织带、机织传送带织机Looms for felts, filter, sail, cloth, woven,belting, woven convey or belting107. 长毛绒、丝绒织机Looms for plush, velvet108. 割绒地毯织机Looms for moquettes and carpet109. 黄麻、椰壳纤维等韧皮纤维用织机Looms for jute, coir and other bastfibre110. 毛圈织物织机Looms for terry weaving111. 丝织机Looms for silk and rayon fabric112. 帘子布织机Looms for type cord weaving113. 弹性织物织机Looms for elastic fabrics114. 试样机Looms for sample weaving115. 提花标签织机Jacquard label weavingmachine116. 开口机械和辅助机械Shedding machinery and Auxiliary machinery117. 凸轮(开口)装置Cam (opening) device118 .多臂机Dobbies119. 提花机Jacquards120. 提花纹板打孔、复制、串连机连计算器辅助装置Jacquards-card punching, repeating and lacingmachines including computer aided devices121. 织机商标名称布边机假边织造装置Devices for woven name selvedges and falseselvedges122. 提花机龙头Jacquard faucet123. 织造辅助机械及附加装置Weaving auxiliary machinery and additionaldevices124. 存纬机Weft accumulators125. 筒脚清除机Bobbins strippers126.织机自动化设备Equipment for loom automation127.簇绒机Tufting machinery128. 台用样机和手动簇绒机Table model and hand tufting machines129. 针织机和织袜机Knitting & Hosiery machines130. 针织织袜用准备机Preparatory machinery for knitting andhosiery131. 整经机Warping machines132. 分条整经机Sectional warping machines133. 针织辅助机Auxiliary machines for knitting134. 圆针织机Circular knittingmachinery135. 直径165毫米以下的单针筒圆形针织机Single cylinder knitting machines, up to165mm diameter136. 直径165毫米以下的双针筒圆形针织机Double cylinderknitting machines, up to165mm diameter137. 直径165毫米以上的圆形针织机knitting machines, above 165mm diameter138. 横机及经编机、钩编机Flat and warp knitting, Crochet machinery139. 电脑横机Computerized flat knitting machines140. 横机Flat knitting machines141. 手摇横机Hand-operated flat knitting machines142. 平型经编机Flat warp knitting machines143. 拉舍尔经编机Raschellooms144. 钩编机Crochet machine145. 其他针织机及袜机Other knitting & hosiery machines三、染色机械:146. 洗涤、漂白、染色、印花、整理机包装机械Washing, Bleaching, Dyeing, Printing,Finishing and Make-up Machinery147. 洗涤、漂白及湿处理机Washing, Bleaching and Wet treatmentmachinery148. 煮呢机Crabbing machines, Kier149. 去浆机Desizingmachines150. 非连续式漂白装置及机械Bleaching apparatus and machines,discontinuous151. 连续式漂白设备Bleaching plant for continuousoperation152. 纱线洗涤机Washing machines foryarn153. 开幅洗涤机Full-width washing machines154. 缩呢机Fulling machines155. 织物碳化机Carbonizingmachines for fabric156. 纱线丝光机Mercerizing machines for yarns157. 织物丝光机Mercerizing machines for fabrics158. 染色机及装置Dyeing machinery and apparatus159. 高温染色高压釜High temperature dyeing autoclaves160. 常压染色装置Dyeing apparatus under atmospheric pressure161. 喷射染色机Jet dyeing machines162. 染色池Dyeingtanks163. 轧染机Padding mangles164. 卷染机Dyeing jiggers165. 针织品染色机Dyeing machines for hosiery166. 连续染色设备Continuous dyeing plant 四、印花机械:167. 印花机械Printing machinery168. 套色印花机Top printing machines169. 纱线印花机连间隔染色Yarn printing machines including space dyeing170. 平板筛网印花机Flat screen printing machines171. 圆网印花机Rotary screen printing machines172. 热转移印花机Heat transfer printing machines173. 滚筒印花机Roller printing machines174. 自动筛网印花机Automated screen printing carriages175. 转移印花机Transfer printing calendars176 .织物喷色印花机Ink jet printing machines for fabrics(for inkjet printing machines, for garments and finished products)177. 数码印花机Digitalprinting machine五、后整理机械:178. 脱水机Water extraction machinery179. 滚筒轧水机Roller squeezers180. 抽吸脱水机Suction extractors181. 脱水器Hydro-extractors182. 拉幅干燥机Tenteringand drying machinery183. 拉幅机Tenteringand stentering machines184. 热定型机Thermo-fixing machines185. 滚筒烘燥机Cylinder drying machines186. 呢毯轧光机Felt calendars187.隧道式干燥机及箱Tunnel dryers and drying chambers188. 履带式干燥机Drying conveyors189. 长环悬挂烘燥机Festoon dryers190. 热风烘干机Hot flues191. 无张力干燥机Tensionless dryers192. 卷装快速干燥机Rapid package dryers193. 抽吸式转筒烘燥机Suction drum dryers194. 红外线干燥机Infrared dryers195. 高频干燥机High frequency dryers196. 整理机Finishing machinery197. 给湿机Damping machines198. 蒸化机Agers, Steaming machines and apparatus199. 蒸呢机Decatisingmachines200. 起绒机Raising machines201. 剪毛机Shearing machines202. “鹿皮”整理机“Suede”finishing machines203. 刷布机Cloth brushing machines204. 绒头整理机Pile finishing machines205. 揉布整理机Finish breaking machines206. 轧光机Calenders207. 织物烧毛机Singeing machines for fabric208. 滚筒烫平机Roller presses209. 织物整理熨烫机Cloth finishing presses210. 针织品整理机Finishing machines for knitwear211. 收缩整理机/预缩整理机Machinery for shrinking and for compressiveshrinking212. 高温焙烘机、聚合机Polymerizers213. 打底机、浸轧机Padding and impregnating machines214. 涂层机、胶合机和层压机Coating machines, Combing machines andLaminating machines215. 洗毛脱脂和干洗机Degreasing anddry-cleaning machines216. 检验机包装机械Inspecting and Make-up machinery六、检验及包装机械:217. 针织物检验、折布、卷布和测长机Inspecting, folding, rolling and measuringmachines for knittedfabrics218. 织物检验、折布、卷布和测长机Inspecting, folding, rolling and measuringmachines for fabrics219. 辅助整理机械及器件Auxiliary machinery and devices for finishing220. 调色机、滤色浆机、乳化机Color mixing machines, Color strainingmachines, Emulsifyingmachines221. 花筒雕刻机Roller engravingmachines222. 剪毛机、剪毛刀筒用研磨机Grindingmachines for shearing-blades &shearing-cylinders223. 布边修剪机Trimming machines224. 几编织袋机Crochet galloon machines225. 网眼机、鱼网机Fishnet machines226. 飞梭刺绣机Shuttle head embroidery machines七、纺机附件:227. 纺织机械附件Accessories for textile machinery228. 纺机附件Accessories for spinning machinery229. 锭子及零件Spindles and parts230. 纺纱用销(针)Pins for spinning processes231. 针辊、盖板、锡林Needle rollers, flats, Cylinder234. 针帘、帘棒Spiked lattices235. 弹性针布Flexible card clothing236. 金属梳理针布Metallic card wire237. 平皮带及输送带Flat belt andconveyor238. 罗拉Roller239. 胶辊、皮圈Cots, Aprons240. 环锭纺和环锭捻线机钢领Rings forring-spinning and ring-doublingframes241. 钢丝圈及其装卸工具Bead and other handing tools242. 棉条筒Sliver tube243. 金属嘈筒Noisy metal tube244. 纱管、筒管Yarn and bobbin245. 锭带、龙带Tapes and hoses246. 牵伸装置Drafting system247. 喷丝板Spinnerets248. 导辊Godets249. 纺丝泵Spinning pumps250. 同步带(轮)Timing belt (rollers)八、梭织机械附件:252. 综片(丝、绒)、综Healds(wire, velvet)253. 钢筘Reeds254. 综框、通丝Healdframes, hardnesses255. 边撑、伸缩器Temples256. 断经自停装置Warp stop motions257. 停经片Drop wires258. 断纬自停装置Weft stop motion259. 探纬器Weft feelers260. 皮结合肚档皮带Pickers and lug straps261. 剑杆带、剑杆头Rapier belt, head262. 梭子Shuttle263. 喷嘴Nozzle264. 喷嘴测试仪Nozzle tester265. 经轴、织轴Axis, texture axis266. 储纬器Weft feeders267. 卷布辊winding rollers268. 打结机Knotting machines269. 空气捻接器Air speicer270. 穿筘机(架)Reedingmachine (rack)271. 电磁阀Soledoidvalve272. 提花机纸板和其他织造用工业纸Jacquard cards and other technical papers forweaving273. 投梭计数器Pick counters274.验布机Inspection machines275. 大卷装机外卷Large outside volume276. 各种运输车辆Transportation vehicles九、针织机械附件:277. 针织机附件Accessories for knitting and hosierymachinery278. 织针Needle279. 针筒Syringes280. 分条经轴Sectional beams281. 喂经轮装置Feed wheel units282. 提花设备Patterning device 十、染色、印花及后整理附件:283. 整理机附件Accessories for finishing machinery284. 刮剪刀片Shearing blades285. 染色锭、染色管及锥形管Dyeing spindles, dyeing tubes and cones286. 染色经轴Dye beams287. 拉幅机布铗和针Tenterclips and pins288. 转移印花纸Papers for transfer printing289 .印花辊Stretching rollers290. 起绒机针布Card clothing for raising machines291. 拉幅辊Stretching rollers292. 整纬器Weft straightening devices293. 簇绒针刀Needles and knives for tufting machines294. 花边织机筒管Lace machines bobbins295. 导纱器Thread-guides296. 清纱器Slubcatchers297. 纺纱机用陶瓷附件Porcelain accessories for textile machines298.皮辊套壳Rollers cots299. 纺织机用毛毡或布料附件Felt or fabric accessories for textilemachines300. 纺织机用皮带Leather strip for textile machines十一、服装工业机械:301. 服装工业机械Machinery for making-upindustry302. 裁剪机Cutting machines303. 缝纫机Sewing machines304. 粘合机Fusing machines305.绗缝机Quilting machines306. 缝盘机Linkingmachines307. 打标机Marking machines308. 雕花机Sculpturing machines309. 熨烫机Pressing machines310. 商标机Label machines311. 编织机Knitting machines312. 滚边机Piping machines313. 飞梭刺绣机Shuttle embroidery machines314. 单头及多头绣花机Single and multi-head embroidery machines315. 特种绣花机Special embroidery machines316. 超声波服装机械Ultrasonic apparel machines317. 缝纫机针Sewing needles318. 刺针Needle十二、纺织实验室机械:319. 纺织品测试及计测设备Textile testing and measuring equipment320. 实验室用调温湿设备Conditioning apparatus for laboratory321. 温度计Hand hygroscopes322. 测色设备Color measuring instrument323. 纺织工业实验室设备Laboratory equipment for textile technology324. 纺织化学实验室设备Laboratory equipment for textile chemistry325. 异性纤维分拣机Profiled fiber sorter转自染整百科【活动预告】。



匙扣款:Key-chain 硬币包:Coinpurse 笔盒:PencilCase 背包:Backpack 手袋:HandBag 枕头:Cushion 拖鞋:Slipper 毛巾挂件款:TowelHanger 围巾:Scarf 头饰(马尾)款: Hairset(Ponytail) 帽子款:Hat,Cap 手套:Gloves 书套:BookCovers
MainMateriaI(主料类) 1)A纱:BoA 2)边伦布:Nylex,tricot 3)T/C布:T/C 4)牛仔布:Jean 5)尼龙布:Nylon 6)长毛绒:Hi-pile 7)针织布:Meryas 8)格织布:Checker 9)绸布:Trilobal 10)剪毛布:Velboa PU皮革:PULeather V纱:Vonnel





Scallops 门幅布的有效宽度。

Fabric Width门幅小实际布封比要求的布封小。

Narrow Width磨毛痕布面因坯布时已经有针路在磨毛时使针路更加明显。

Sand Mark 起毛织物在实际穿用与洗涤过程中,不断经受摩擦,使织物表面的纤维端露出于织物,在织物表面呈现许多令人讨厌的毛茸,即为起毛。


Pilling 树脂印过树脂的布在过树脂时产生的印记。

Resin Mark停车痕定型工艺中停机造成,类似色档 Stop Mark纬斜布面纬向纹路与水平方向不一致,形成一定角度的倾斜。

Slanting 循环大循环比订单要求的数值大。

Repeat Bigger油污机器上的油或空中飘浮的灰尘污染布面所导致的黑色油点为油污 Oil 预缩痕由于预缩调节的张力太松,而导致布在进入橡胶辊之前打槢在经过辊压后形成的预缩痕。

Compact Mark抓毛痕抓毛时出现痕迹。

Brush Mark软油印工艺中用了柔软迹定型过程中泛于布面类似油污 Softener 纬斜布面纬向纹路与水平方向不一致,形成一定角度的倾斜。

Skewing 错花织布时穿错纱,造成织物花型错误的情况。

Pattern Error 错纱换纱时上错纱 Missing Yarn错组织调试过程中工艺错误,使得织出的坯布组织同要求的不一致 Wrong Construction 断拉架 LYCRA在生产过程中被拉断。

Broken Lycra 断纱生产过程中纱线被拉断,在布面上呈现为沿纬向纹路裂开。

Broken Yarn 断针在布面上呈现为沿经向纹路裂开一般在末端形成一个破洞。

Broken Needle 反拉架 lycra在编织过程中同棉纱的位置翻转,表面形成一段段的横纹效果 Reverse Lycra 飞花织布过程中不同颜色的纤维被织进织物中。

纺织品 缺陷名称 中英文对照

纺织品 缺陷名称 中英文对照

纺织品缺陷名称中英文对照Title: Textile Defects: A Comprehensive Guide to Common Names and Their English-Chinese CorrespondencesTextiles play a pivotal role in our daily lives, serving as the foundation for clothing, home furnishings, and industrial applications. However, even the finest textiles can be marred by defects that compromise their quality and appearance. This article aims to provide a comprehensive overview of common textile defects, along with their corresponding English and Chinese names, enabling textile manufacturers, retailers, and consumers to better understand and identify these imperfections.1. $$Yarn Defects$$* **Slub/Nep (粗节/纱结)**: A localized thickening of yarn caused by trapped fibers or knots in the yarn structure. * **Thin Place (细节)**: A section of yarn thinner than the surrounding areas, often caused by insufficient fiber supply during yarn formation. * **Yarn Breakage (断纱)**: Complete separation of yarn, resulting in a gap or hole in the fabric.2. **Weave Defects*** **Float/Float Yarn (浮经/浮纬)**: A yarn that passes over or under more warp or weft yarns than normal, creating a visible protrusion on the fabric surface. ***Mispick/Picked Yarn (错纬/跳纱)**: Yarn that is inserted incorrectly during weaving, causing a visible irregularity in the fabric pattern. * **Reed Mark/Reed Line (筘路)**: Visible lines or marks on the fabric caused by imperfections in the reed used during weaving.3. **Dyeing and Finishing Defects*** **Color Unevenness/Color Streak (色差/色条)**: Variation in color shade or intensity across the fabric, often due to uneven dye application or fixation. * **Dye Spot/Stain (色斑/污渍)**: Localized discoloration or staining on the fabric surface, caused by impurities, excessive dye, or improper dyeing techniques. * **Crease Mark/Press Mark (折痕/压痕)**: Visible marks or creases on the fabric resulting from improper handling or finishing processes.4. **Fabric Appearance Defects*** **Pilling/Fuzzing (起毛/起球)**: Formation of small balls or fuzz on the fabric surface, often due to abrasion or friction. * **Snagging/Hooking (勾丝/起钩)**: Yarn loops or threads that are caught or pulled out of the fabric, often caused by sharp objects or rough handling. ***Wave/Wavy Effect (波浪纹)**: Undulations or waviness in the fabric, caused by tension variations during weaving or finishing.5. **Fabric Structure Defects*** **Skewing/Skew (歪斜)**: Fabric that is not aligned or straight, often due to improper tension or alignment during weaving. * **Loose Weave/Loose Construction (稀松织造)**: Fabric with loose or uneven yarn spacing, resulting in a less dense and less durable structure. * **Tight Weave/Tight Construction (紧密织造)**: Fabric with excessively tight yarn spacing, which can restrict movement and comfort.It is important to note that textile defects can vary significantly depending on the type of fabric, the manufacturing process, and the intended use of the textile. Manufacturers and quality control personnel must bevigilant in identifying and addressing these defects to ensure the highest quality products reach the market. Consumers should also be aware of common defects and their corresponding names to make informed purchasing decisions. By understanding and recognizing these textile defects and their English-Chinese correspondences, we can ensure the continued improvement of textile quality and satisfaction for all stakeholders involved in the textile industry.。






Fabric Width门幅小实际布封比要求的布封小。

Narrow Width磨毛痕布面因坯布时已经有针路在磨毛时使针路更加明显。

Sand Mark起毛织物在实际穿用与洗涤过程中,不断经受摩擦,使织物表面的纤维端露出于织物,在织物表面呈现许多令人讨厌的毛茸,即为起毛。


Pilling 树脂印过树脂的布在过树脂时产生的印记。

Resin Mark停车痕定型工艺中停机造成,类似色档Stop Mark纬斜布面纬向纹路与水平方向不一致,形成一定角度的倾斜。


Repeat Bigger油污机器上的油或空中飘浮的灰尘污染布面所导致的黑色油点为油污Oil预缩痕由于预缩调节的张力太松,而导致布在进入橡胶辊之前打槢在经过辊压后形成的预缩痕。

Compact Mark抓毛痕抓毛时出现痕迹。

Brush Mark软油印工艺中用了柔软迹定型过程中泛于布面类似油污Softener纬斜布面纬向纹路与水平方向不一致,形成一定角度的倾斜。


Pattern Error错纱换纱时上错纱Missing Yarn错组织调试过程中工艺错误,使得织出的坯布组织同要求的不一致Wrong Construction断拉架LYCRA在生产过程中被拉断。

Broken Lycra断纱生产过程中纱线被拉断,在布面上呈现为沿纬向纹路裂开。

Broken Yarn断针在布面上呈现为沿经向纹路裂开一般在末端形成一个破洞。

Broken Needle反拉架lycra在编织过程中同棉纱的位置翻转,表面形成一段段的横纹效果Reverse Lycra飞花织布过程中不同颜色的纤维被织进织物中。



纺织品专业词汇翻译中英文对照表纺织品braided fabric编织物deformation变形;走样fast colours不褪色;色泽牢固punch work抽绣embroidery刺绣品acetate fibre醋酯纤维hemp大麻damp proof防潮sanforizing, pre-shrunk防缩textiles纺织品crochet钩编编织物gloss, lustre光泽synthetic fibre合成纤维chemical fibre化学纤维jute黄麻gunny cloth (bag黄麻布(袋)mixture fabric, blend fabric 混纺织物woven fabric机织织物spun silk绢丝linen麻织物woolen fabrics毛织物(品)cotton textiles棉纺织品cotton velvet棉绒cotton fabrics棉织物(品)non—crushable耐绉的viscose acetal fibre黏胶纤维matching, colour combinations 配色rayon fabrics人造丝织物artificial fibre人造纤维crewel work绒线刺绣mulberry silk桑蚕丝,家蚕丝silk fabrics丝织物silk spinning丝纺linen cambric手帕亚麻纱plain素色figured silk提花丝织物jacquard提花织物applique embroidery贴花刺绣discolourization褪色mesh fabric网眼织物bondedfibre fabric无纺织物embroidered fabric绣花织物flax亚麻冷水洗 Cold Wash 温水洗 Warm Wash 热水洗 Hot Wash 不可水煮 Do not Boil 少洗衣量 Small Load温和洗衣程序 Delicate/Gentle Cycle持久压力程序 Durable Press Cycle /Permanent 分开洗涤 Wash Separately可与类似色衣物同时洗涤 With Like Color与深色衣物分开洗涤 Wash Dark Color Separetely 翻出底面洗涤 Wash Inside Out 不可拧干 No Wring/ Do not Wring 不可拧绞 No Twist/ Do not Twist 温水清洗 Warm Rinse 冷水清洗 Cold Rinse彻底清洗 Rinse Thoroughly 不可脱水 No Spin/ Do not Spin 普通旋转速度脱水Normal Spin 较短较慢程序脱水 Reduced Spin 不可浸泡 Do not Soak只可用皂片 Use Pure Soap Flake only 只可抹洗或擦洗 Damp Wipe only 三、漂白Bleaching需要时漂白 Bleaching when Needed 不可漂白 No bleach / Do not Bleach只可用非氯性漂白剂 Only Non—Chlorine Bleach 四、干衣 Drying 滴干 Drip Dry 挂干 Line Dry荫凉挂干 Line Dry in Shade避热挂干 Line Dry away from Heat 用烘干机烘干 Tumble Dry用烘干机中温烘干 Tumble Warm 用烘干机低温烘干 Tumble Cool 平铺晒干 Flat Dry 定位干衣 Block to Dry 用蒸汽烘干 Steam Dry不用蒸汽 No Steam / Do not Steam 风柜吹干 Cabinet Dry Cool 五、熨烫 Ironing and Pressing 热烫 Hot Iron 温烫 Warm Iron 低温烫 Cold Iron 不可熨 Do not Iron反面熨 Iron on Wrong Side 用蒸汽熨烫 Steam Press/Iron 在湿润时熨烫 Iron Damp用布间隔熨烫 Use Press Cloth 外包装 bale 箱 carton 件 package色号 colour number 花号 design number 批号 lot number 唛头 marks装箱单 packing list漏验 omisson of examination漏验率 percentage of omisson of examination 复验 re—inspection 索赔 claim indemnity 毛重 gross weight 净重 net weight外观质量 appearance quality 内在质量 inherent quality 外观疵点 appearance技术要求 technical requirement 感观检验 subjective inspection 取样 samoling品质检验单 inspection certificate for quality 检验证书 inspection certificate 织物重量fabric weight断裂强力 breaking strength 断裂强度 breaking tenacity 缝纫强力 seam strength 染色牢度 colour fasteness耐日晒色牢度 colour fasteness to sunlight 耐磨擦色牢度 colour fasteness to rubbing 汁渍色牢度 colour fasteness to perspiration 耐熨烫色牢度 colour fasteness to ironing耐干洗色牢度 colour fasteness to dry cleaning 灰色样卡 grey scale沾色样卡 grey scale for staining 纤维含量 fibre content释放甲醛含量 releasable for maldehyde content 防蛀性 insect resistance 防污性 soil resistance 防雨性 rain proofness 织物厚度 fabric thickness透气性 air permeability色差 chromatic difference 服装专业词汇(2)[分享](一)原料纺织原料 textile raw materials 天然纤维 natural fibre 化学纤维 chemical fibre 植物纤维 vegetable fibre 纺织纤维 textile fibre人造纤维 man made fibre 动物纤维 animal fibre (二)面料1.机织物服装面料平纹布 plain cloth 牛津布 oxford 斜纹布 drill线卡 ply—yarn drill 哔叽 serge灯芯绒 corduroy 起绒布 fleece泡泡纱 seersucker 麻纱 hair cords 亚麻布 linen cloth 绸 silk粗纺毛织物 woolen cloth全毛单面华达呢 woolen one-side gabardine 凡立丁 valitine啥味呢 twill coating精纺花呢 worsted fany suiting 法兰绒 flannel大衣呢 overcoat suiting 交织物 mixed fabric 府绸 poplin青年布 chambray 纱卡 single yarn drill 华达呢 gabardine 牛仔布 denim 平绒 velveteen 绉布 crepe 巴厘纱 voile苎麻布 ramie fabric 电力纺 habotai精纺毛织物 worsted fabric全毛华达呢 pure wool gabardine 驼丝锦 doeskin女士呢 ladies cloth 粗花呢 tweed 2。

纺织品专业词汇翻译中英文对照表 纺织品.doc

纺织品专业词汇翻译中英文对照表 纺织品.doc

纺织品专业词汇翻译中英文对照表纺织品[转]纺织品专业词汇翻译中英文对照表纺织品braided fabric 编织物deformation 变形;走样fast colours 不褪色;色泽牢固punch work 抽绣embroidery 刺绣品acetate fibre 醋酯纤维hemp 大麻damp proof 防潮sanforizing, pre-shrunk 防缩textiles 纺织品crochet 钩编编织物gloss, lustre 光泽synthetic fibre 合成纤维chemical fibre 化学纤维jute 黄麻gunny cloth (bag) 黄麻布(袋)mixture fabric, blend fabric 混纺织物woven fabric 机织织物spun silk 绢丝linen 麻织物woolen fabrics 毛织物(品)cotton textiles 棉纺织品cotton velvet 棉绒cotton fabrics 棉织物(品)non-crushable 耐绉的viscose acetal fibre 黏胶纤维matching, colour combinations 配色rayon fabrics 人造丝织物artificial fibre 人造纤维crewel work 绒线刺绣mulberry silk 桑蚕丝, 家蚕丝silk fabrics 丝织物silk spinning 丝纺linen cambric 手帕亚麻纱plain 素色figured silk 提花丝织物jacquard 提花织物applique embroidery 贴花刺绣discolourization 褪色mesh fabric 网眼织物bondedfibre fabric 无纺织物embroidered fabric 绣花织物flax 亚麻linen yarn 亚麻纱knitting 针织knitwear 针织品hosiery 针织物textile fabric 织物ramee, ramie 苎麻tussah silk 柞蚕丝服装---clothes 衣服,服装wardrobe 服装clothing 服装habit 个人依习惯.身份而着的服装ready-made clothes, ready-to-wear clothes 成衣garments 外衣town clothes 外衣double-breasted suit 双排扣外衣suit 男外衣dress 女服tailored suit 女式西服everyday clothes 便服three-piece suit 三件套trousseau 嫁妆layette 婴儿的全套服装uniform 制服overalls 工装裤rompers 连背心的背带裤formal dress 礼服tailcoat, morning coat 大礼服evening dress 夜礼服dress coat, tails 燕尾服,礼服nightshirt 男式晚礼服dinner jacket 无尾礼服(美作:tuxedo)full dress uniform 礼服制服frock coat 双排扣长礼服gown, robe 礼袍tunic 长袍overcoat 男式大衣coat 女大衣topcoat 夹大衣fur coat 皮大衣three-quarter coat 中长大衣dust coat 风衣mantle, cloak 斗篷poncho 篷却(南美人的一种斗篷)sheepskin jacket 羊皮夹克pelisse 皮上衣jacket 短外衣夹克anorak, duffle coat 带兜帽的夹克,带风帽的粗呢大衣hood 风帽scarf, muffler 围巾shawl 大披巾knitted shawl 头巾,编织的头巾fur stole 毛皮长围巾muff 皮手筒housecoat, dressing gown 晨衣(美作:duster) short dressing gown 短晨衣bathrobe 浴衣nightgown, nightdress 女睡衣pyjamas 睡衣裤(美作ajamas)pocket 衣袋lapel (上衣)翻领detachable collar 假领,活领wing collar 硬翻领,上浆翻领V-neck V型领sleeve 袖子cuff 袖口buttonhole 钮扣孔shirt 衬衫blouse 紧身女衫T-shirt 短袖圆领衫,体恤衫vest 汗衫(美作:undershirt)polo shirt 球衣middy blouse 水手衫sweater 运动衫short-sleeved sweater 短袖运动衫roll-neck sweater 高翻领运动衫round-neck sweater 圆领运动衫suit, outfit, ensemble 套服twinset 两件套,运动衫裤jerkin 猎装kimono 和服ulster 一种长而宽松的外套jellaba, djellaba, jelab 带风帽的外衣cardigan 开襟毛衣mac, mackintosh, raincoat 橡胶雨衣trousers 裤子jeans 牛仔裤short trousers 短裤knickers 儿童灯笼短裤knickerbockers 灯笼裤plus fours 高尔夫球裤,半长裤braces 裤子背带(美作:suspenders)turnup 裤角折边,挽脚breeches 马裤belt 裤带skirt 裙子divided skirt, split skirt 裙裤underskirt 内衣underwear, underclothes 内衣裤underpants, pants 内衣裤(美作:shorts)briefs 短内裤,三角裤panties 女短内裤knickers 女半短内裤,男用灯笼短裤brassiere, bra 乳罩corselet 紧身胸衣stays, corset 束腰,胸衣waistcoat 背心slip, petticoat 衬裙girdle 腰带stockings 长袜suspenders 袜带(美作:garters)suspender belt 吊袜腰带(美作:garter belt) socks 短袜tights, leotard 紧身衣裤handkerchief 手帕bathing trunks 游泳裤bathing costume, swimsuit, bathing suit 游泳衣bikini 比基尼泳衣apron 围裙pinafore (带护胸)围裙shoe 鞋sole 鞋底heel 鞋后跟lace 鞋带moccasin 鹿皮鞋patent leather shoes 黑漆皮鞋boot 靴子slippers 便鞋sandal 凉鞋canvas shoes, rope soled shoes 帆布鞋clog 木拖鞋galosh, overshoe 套鞋glove 手套tie 领带(美作:necktie)bow tie 蝶形领带cravat 领巾cap 便帽hat 带沿的帽子bowler hat 圆顶硬礼帽top hat 高顶丝质礼帽Panama hat 巴拿马草帽beret 贝蕾帽peaked cap, cap with a visor 尖顶帽broad-brimmed straw hat 宽边草帽headdress 头饰turban 头巾natural fabric 天然纤维cotton 棉silk 丝wool 毛料linen 麻synthetic fabric 混合纤维acryl 压克力polyester 伸缩尼龙nylon 尼龙worsted 呢料cashmere 羊毛patterns 花样tartan plaid 格子花(美作:tartan) dot 圆点花stripe 条纹flower pattern 花纹花样veil 面纱颜色---pink 粉红色salmon pink 橙红色baby pink 浅粉红色shocking pink 鲜粉红色brown 褐色, 茶色beige 灰褐色chocolate 红褐色, 赭石色sandy beige 浅褐色camel 驼色amber 琥珀色khaki 卡其色maroon 褐红色green 绿色moss green 苔绿色emerald green 鲜绿色olive green 橄榄绿blue 蓝色turquoise blue 土耳其玉色cobalt blue 钴蓝色, 艳蓝色navy blue 藏青色, 深蓝色, 天蓝色aquamarine blue 蓝绿色red 红色scarlet 绯红, 猩红mauve 紫红wine red 葡萄酒红purple, violet 紫色lavender 淡紫色lilac 浅紫色antique violet 古紫色pansy 紫罗兰色white 白色off-white 灰白色ivory 象牙色snowy white 雪白色oyster white 乳白色gray 灰色charcoal gray 炭灰色smoky gray 烟灰色misty gray 雾灰色End==wedoliya提供==End++感谢:Handson提供++Begin==Handson提供==Begin 服装专业词汇[分享] 服装专业词汇A 色牢度试验项目COLOUR FASTNESS TESTS皂洗牢度washing摩擦牢度rubbing/crocking汗渍牢度perspiration干洗牢度drycleaning光照牢度light水渍牢度water氯漂白chlorine bleach spotting非氯漂白non-chlorine bleach漂白bleaching实际洗涤(水洗一次)actual laundering (one wash)氯化水chlorinated water含氯泳池水chlorinated pool water海水sea-water酸斑acid spotting碱斑alkaline spotting水斑water spotting有机溶剂organic solvent煮呢potting湿态光牢度wet light染料转移dye transfer热(干态)dry heat热压hot pressing印花牢度print durability臭氧ozone烟熏burnt gas fumes由酚类引起的黄化phenolic yellowing唾液及汗液saliva and perspiration B 尺寸稳定性(缩水率)及有关试验项目(织物和成衣)DIMENSIONAL STABILITY (SHRINKAGE) AND RELATED TESTS (FABRIC & GARMENT)皂洗尺寸稳定性dimensional stability to washing (washing shrinkage) 洗涤/手洗后的外观appearance after laundering / hand wash热尺寸稳定性dimensional stability to heating熨烫后外观appearance after ironing商业干洗稳定性dimensional stability to commercial drycleaning (drycleaning shrinkage)商业干洗后外观(外观保持性)appearance after commercial drycleaning (appearance retention)蒸汽尺寸稳定性dimensional stability to steaming松弛及毡化dimensional stabilty to relaxation and felting缝纫线形稳定性dimensional stability for sewing thread C 强力试验项目STRENGTH TESTS拉伸强力tensile strength撕破强力tear strength顶破强力bursting strength接缝性能seam properties双层织物的结合强力bonding strength of laminated fabric涂层织物的粘合强力adhesion strength of coated fabric单纱强力single thread strength缕纱强力lea strength钩接强力loop strength纤维和纱的韧性tenacity of fibres and yarn D 织物机构测试项目FABRIC CONSTRUCTION TESTS织物密度(机织物) threads per unit length (woven fabric construction) 织物密度(针织物) stitch density (knittted fabric)纱线支数counts of yarn纱线纤度(原样)denier counts as received织物幅宽fabric width织物克重fabric weight针织物线圈长度loop length of knitted fabric纱线卷曲或织缩率crimp or take-up of yarn割绒种类type of cut pile织造种类type of weave梭织物纬向歪斜度distortion in bowed and skewed fabrics (report as received and after one wash)圈长比terry to ground ratio织物厚度fabric thickness E 成分和其他分析试验项目COMPOSITION AND OTHER ANALYTICAL TESTS纤维成分fibre composition染料识别dyestuff identification靛蓝染料纯度purity of indigo含水率moisture content可萃取物质extractable matter填充料和杂质含量filling and foreign matter content淀粉含量starch content甲醛含量formaldehyde content甲醛树脂presence of formaldehyde resin棉丝光度mercerisation in cottonPH值PH value水能性absorbance F 可燃性试验项目FLAMMABILITY TESTS普通织物的燃烧性能flammability of general clothing textiles布料的燃烧速率(45。




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胚检机gary fabric inspecting machine
自动接布机automatic fabric joining machine
松式退浆机loose desizing machine
紧式退浆机tight desizing machine
喷染机jet dyeing machine
轴染机beam dyeing machine
卷染机jig dyeing machine
梭织开幅机plain scutcher
松式烘干机loose dryer
水洗烘干机washing dryer
中检机inspecting machine
针织定型机knitting setting machine
梭织定型机plain setting machine
刷毛机brushing machine
针织码布机knitting folding machine
梭织包装机plain packing machine
针织包装机knitting packing machine
钢丝起毛机card raising machine
恒张力卷毛机constant tension dye jigger
小批量连续轧染机small batch continous pad dye range
红外线打底机infrared rey padding and drying range
半接触式培烧机send-contract curing machine
正幅显色皂洗机open width developing and scaping range 热风拉幅机hot hue stener
浆染联合机indigs sizing and dyeing mad
轧水烘燥机squeezing and dry range
风浆烘干联合机squeezing sizing dry range
平幅皂洗机open width soaping range
开幅轧水烘燥机open squsszing and dyeing range
胚准grey preparation
接布fabrie joining
开幅open width
中检middle inspertion
成检finish inspection
轴染beam dyeing
喷染jet dyeing
断经broken warp
断纬broking weft
密路close weft
并纬double weft
异经纱wrong warp
纬丝不均wrong weft
结纱weft knot
经纱条痕warp stripe
纬纱条痕weft stripe
折痕crease,reed mark
染花uneven dye
孔痕hole defect
破边bad selvage
脱针free pin
深针pin drift
油污oil stain
助剂斑chemical stain
起毛不均uneven raising 剪毛不均uneven shearing 剪毛痕shearing mark
毛羽凌乱raising confusion
剪毛破裂shearing rent
剪毛缺点shearing defect
起毛缺点raising defect
缩呢不均uneven milling
压光异常calender mark
压烫不均uneven pressing
上胶不良imperfect gumming 接缝痕sewing mark
针孔pinning defect
布铁器轧痕clip mark
手感不均uneven handing
加工折痕crease due to finishing 树脂污染resin stain
热变色heat fading
树脂变色fading by resin finish 油剂黄化oil oxidyed,yellowing 烧毛不均uneven singeing
烧毛破洞hole due to singeing 退浆不均uneven desizing
精练不均uneven scouring
精练不足imperfect scouring
精练引发皱缩slippage scouring 松弛折痕crease by relaxing
漂白不均uneven bleaching
漂白褪色fading of bleach
漂白折痕crease in bleaching
荧光不均uneven fluorescent whitening 丝光不均uneven mercerizing
皱度不良imperfect craping
皱度不均uneven craping
布边褪色discolouration of selvage
色殷barry dyeing
浸透不良imperfect penetration of dye 云斑mist
染料飞溅dye spot
导染剂斑点carrier spots
接缝痕seam mark
染色横条filing band
绳状染色痕rope mark by dyeing
毛羽nep irregular fuzz
松经loose warp
紧经tight end
吊经stretched warp
摩擦痕friction marks
张力不均uneven tension
断丝broken end
筘片条纹reed streak
钢筘擦痕reed friction mark
裂缝split end
启动痕starting mark
织口不合close set mark
色段filling band in shade
纬痕pirn barre
凌箱痕shuttle mark
纬丝异常abnormal filling
纬丝擦痕friction mark
纬管受伤sloughing off
打纬瑕疵beating motion defect
不褪色fast colour
车缝处裂纱严重trouble at sewing 色段color bleeding
布种不一dewfferent fabric
双经double warp
双纬double weft
空缝float stitching
停机痕machine stop mark
霉斑mildew stain
油经oil warp
油纬oil weft
筘痕reed mark
锈污rust dirt
稀弄thin weft
纬结weft knot
纬污weft spot
异纬纱wrong weft
蚂蚁斑ant mark
匹差lot color different
勾纱hoot yarn
压伤pressed mark
水渍斑water mark
色差color different
色污color dirt
色点color spot
染色条纹dye stripes
荧光斑optic mark
退浆不良uneven size
皱纹(鸡爪纹) wrinkled
割布线不良cut selvedge
牢度不佳bad fastness
撕裂强度不佳low tearing strength 手感硬handling hard
手感软handling soft
深针nail enter
减量斑reduce stain
幅宽不一unequal width
布边不一uneven selvedge
纬斜unparallel weft
磨毛斑unsanding mark
磨毛不均uneven sanding
刷毛不均uneven brushing
刷毛斑brushing mark
布边白斑selvedge white mark。
