植物生物化学与分子生物学(中文版)(Plant Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

中文名: 植物生物化学与分子生物学(中文版)原名: Plant Biochemistry and Molecular Biology资源格式: PDF发行时间: 2004年地区: 大陆语言: 简体中文简介:作者:(美)B.B.布坎南(BobB.Buchanan)出版社:科学出版社出版日期:2004年2月版次:ISBN:703012013 页数:1090开本:大16开包装:价格:¥260.0本书简介本书英文版由国际杰出植物生物学家编写,美国植物生物学家学会出版,是植物生物学领域的重要著作。
目录:第1篇区室结构1 膜结构和被膜细胞器导言1.1 细胞膜的共性和遗传性1.2 膜的流动镶嵌模型1.3 质膜1.4 内质网1.5 高尔基体1.6 胞吐和内吞1.7 液泡1.8 细胞核1.9 过氧化物酶体1.10 质体1.11 线粒体小结相关文献2 细胞壁导言2.1 糖:组成细胞壁的基本单位2.2 组成细胞壁的大分子2.3 细胞壁构架2.4 细胞壁的生物合成和装配2.5 生长与细胞壁2.6 细胞分化2.7 可用作食物、饲料和纤维的细胞壁小结相关文献3 膜转运导言3.1 膜运输概述3.2 植物膜上运输的组织构成3.3 泵3.4 载体蛋白3.5 离子通道的一般特性3.6 运转中的离子通道3.7 通过水通道蛋白运输水小结相关文献4 蛋白质分选和囊泡运输导言4.1 蛋白质分选的机制4.2 将蛋白质定位到质体中4.3 转运进入线粒体和过氧化物酶体4.4 细胞核的内向和外向转运4.5 内质网在蛋白质分选和组装中的作用4.6 液泡定位和分泌4.7 高尔基体中的蛋白质修饰4.8 内吞作用小结相关文献5 细胞骨架导言5.1 细胞骨架概述5.2 中间纤维5.3 肌动蛋白与微管蛋白家族5.4 肌动蛋白与微管蛋白的聚合5.5 肌动蛋白与微管蛋白的特性5.6 细胞骨架结合蛋白5.7 肌动蛋白纤维在胞内定向运动中的作用5.8 皮层微管与细胞扩展5.9 观察细胞骨架的动力学5.10 细胞骨架与信号转导5.11 细胞骨架与有丝分裂5.12 细胞骨架与胞质分裂小结相关文献第2篇细胞的繁衍6 核酸导言6.1 核酸的组成与核苷酸的合成6.2 细胞核DNA的复制6.3 DNA修复6.4 DNA重组6.5 细胞器DNA6.6 DNA转录6.7 RNA的特征和功能6.8 RNA加工小结相关文献7 基因组的组织结构与表达导言7.1 基因与染色体7.2 核基因组的组织结构7.3 转座因子7.4 基因表达7.5 染色质在染色体组织和基因表达中的作用7.6 基因调控的后生遗传机制小结相关文献8 氨基酸导言8.1 植物体内氨基酸的生物合成:研究现状与前景8.2 无机氮同化进N-转运氨基酸8.3 芳香族氨基酸的合成8.4 天冬氨酸衍生氨基酸的生物合成8.5 支链氨基酸8.6 脯氨酸代谢:耐胁迫代谢工程的靶标小结相关文献9 蛋白质的合成、装配和降解导言9.1 从RNA到蛋白质9.2 真核生物细胞质蛋白质生物合成的调控9.3 叶绿体中蛋白质的合成9.4 蛋白质的翻译后修饰9.5 蛋白质降解相关文献10 脂类导言10.1 脂类的结构与功能10.2 脂肪酸的生物合成10.3 乙酰辅酶A羧化酶10.4 脂肪酸合酶10.5 C16 和C18 脂肪酸的去饱和及其延长10.6 特殊脂肪酸的合成10.7 膜脂的合成10.8 膜脂的功能10.9 结构脂类的合成与功能10.10 贮藏性脂类的合成与分解代谢10.11 脂类的基因工程小结相关文献11 细胞分裂的调控导言11.1 动植物细胞及其细胞周期11.2 细胞周期研究的历史回顾11.3 DNA复制11.4 有丝分裂11.5 细胞周期的调控机制11.6 细胞周期的调控逻辑11.7 多细胞生物的细胞周期调控11.8 植物生长发育中的细胞周期调控小结相关文献第3篇能量流12 光合作用导言12.1 光合作用总论12.2 光吸收与能量转换12.3 反应中心复合体12.4 光系统12.5 类囊体膜的组成12.6 叶绿体膜的电子转移途径12.7 叶绿体中的A TP合成12.8 C3植物中的碳反应12.9 CO2固定机制的差异小结相关文献13 糖代谢13.1 磷酸己糖库13.2 利用磷酸己糖的生物合成途径:蔗糖和淀粉的合成13.3 产生磷酸己糖的分解代谢途径:蔗糖和淀粉的降解13.4 磷酸丙糖/磷酸戊糖代谢产物库13.5 磷酸己糖和磷酸戊糖/磷酸丙糖代谢产物库之间的相互作用13.6 淀粉与蔗糖合成:细胞对代谢总调控的范例13.7 糖类对基因表达的调控13.8 糖酵解中的贮能反应13.9 为生物合成反应提供能量和还原力小结相关文献14 呼吸与光呼吸导言14.1 呼吸概论14.2 柠檬酸(三羧酸)循环14.3 植物线粒体的电子传递14.4 植物线粒体的ATP合成14.5 线粒体呼吸作用的调节14.6 线粒体与细胞其他区域的相互关系14.7 光呼吸的生化基础14.8 光呼吸途径14.9 植物中光呼吸的规律小结相关文献第4篇代谢与发育的整合15 长距离运输导言15.1 植物体内物质的扩散与径流15.2 通道大小在确定质外体和共质体运输特征中有重要作用15.3 木质部和韧皮部物质运输的比较15.4 木质部中水分的蒸腾运动15.5 胞间连丝介导的共质体运输15.6 韧皮部运输15.7 植物内源大分子的细胞间运输小结相关文献16 氮和硫导言16.1 生物圈和植物中氮素概况16.2 固氮概论16.3 氮固定中的酶学16.4 共生固氮16.5 氨的吸收和运输16.6 硝酸盐的吸收和还原概述16.7 硝酸盐的还原16.8 亚硝酸盐的还原16.9 硝酸盐同化和碳代谢间的相互作用16.10 硫酸盐同化概述16.11 硫的化学性质及功能16.12 硫的吸收及运输16.13 还原硫的同化途径16.14 谷胱甘肽及其衍生物的合成及功能小结相关文献17 植物激素与诱激物分子的生物合成导言17.1 赤霉素17.2 脱落酸17.3 细胞分裂素17.4 吲哚-3-乙酸17.5 乙烯17.6 油菜素类固醇17.7 多胺17.8 茉莉酮酸17.9 水杨酸17.10 展望小结相关文献18 信号感受和转导导言18.1 信号转导概述18.2 受体18.3 植物受体的特殊例子18.4 G蛋白和磷脂信号系统18.5 环状核苷酸18.6 钙18.7 蛋白激酶:信号转导中的基本组分18.8 植物生长调节因子参与特殊的信号转导途径18.9 植物细胞信号转导研究的展望小结相关文献19 生殖发育导言19.1 开花诱导19.2 花的发育19.3 花发育的遗传和分子分析19.4 配子的形成19.5 影响配子体发育的突变19.6 花粉的萌发19.7 自交不亲和19.8 受精作用19.9 种子形成19.10 种子发育过程中贮藏物质的积累19.11 胚胎的成熟和脱水19.12 萌发小结相关文献20 衰老与程序性细胞死亡导言20.1 动物及植物中观察到的细胞死亡的类型20.2 植物生活周期中的PCD20.3 衰老概述20.4 衰老过程中的色素代谢20.5 衰老过程中的蛋白质代谢20.6 衰老对光合作用的影响20.7 衰老对氧化代谢的影响20.8 衰老过程中的核酸降解20.9 衰老细胞中代谢活性的调节20.10 内源植物生长调节因子与衰老20.11 环境对衰老的影响20.12 植物发育性PCD的例子:管状分子的形成和禾本科植物内胚乳的转移20.13 PCD作为植物胁迫应答的例子:通气组织的形成和超敏反应20.14 PCD研究的未来方向以及面临的更多问题小结相关文献第5篇植物的环境与农业21 植物对病原体的反应导言21.1 植物病原体的致病机理21.2 植物防御系统21.3 植物-病原体相互作用的遗传基础21.4 R基因与R基因介导的植物抗病性21.5 植物防御反应的生化原理21.6 系统性植物防御反应21.7 利用基因工程控制植物病原体小结相关文献22 植物对非生物胁迫的反应导言22.1 植物对非生物胁迫的反应22.2 与缺水相关的胁迫22.3 渗透调节及其在耐旱耐盐中的作用22.4 缺水和盐分对跨膜转运的影响22.5 水分胁迫诱导的其他基因22.6 冰冻胁迫22.7 水涝和缺氧22.8 氧化胁迫22.9 热胁迫小结相关文献23 矿质营养吸收、转运及利用的分子生理学导言23.1 必需矿质元素概论23.2 植物K+转运机制与调节23.3 磷的营养与转运23.4 微量营养吸收的分子生理学23.5 植物对矿质毒性的反应小结相关文献24 天然产物(次生代谢物)导言24.1 萜类化合物24.2 IPP的生物合成24.3 异戊烯转移酶与萜类合酶参与的反应24.4 萜类化合物骨架的修饰24.5 转基因萜类产物24.6 生物碱24.7 生物碱的生物合成24.8 生物技术在生物碱生物合成研究中的应用24.9 苯丙烷类化合物和苯丙烷类-乙酸酯途径的代谢产物24.10 苯丙烷类化合物和苯丙烷类-乙酸酯的生物合成24.11 木脂体、木质素的生物合成和栓化作用24.12 黄酮类化合物24.13 香豆素、芪、苯乙烯吡喃酮和芳基吡喃酮类化合物24.14 苯丙烷类产物的代谢工程:改善纤维、色素、药物和调味剂的可能途径小结相关文献索引。

基因转录是由RNA聚合酶(RNA polymerase)复制DNA时合成RNA分子的过程,RNA聚合酶会在DNA串内扫描,寻找一段特定的DNA序列,其通常以一个起始站点开始,称为启动子。
第一部分是TATA盒(TATA box),它告诉RNA聚合酶在哪里开始转录。
分子生物学词汇(中英文对照表 )

第一页A band|A带A chromosome|A染色体[二倍体染色体组中的正常染色体(不同于B染色体)] A site|[核糖体]A部位ABA|脱落酸abasic site|脱碱基位点,无碱基位点abaxial|远轴的abequose|阿比可糖,beta脱氧岩藻糖aberrant splicing|异常剪接aberration|象差;畸变;失常abiogenesis|自然发生论,无生源论ablastin|抑殖素(抑制微生物细胞分裂或生殖的一种抗体)abnormal distrbution|非正态分布abnormality|异常,失常;畸形,畸变ABO blood group system|ABO血型系统aboriginal mouse|原生鼠abortin|流产素abortion|流产,败育abortive egg|败育卵abortive infection|流产(性)感染abortive transduction|流产(性)转导ABP|肌动蛋白结合蛋白abrin|相思豆毒蛋白abscisic acid|脱落酸abscission|脱落absolute|绝对的absolute configuration|绝对构型absolute counting|绝对测量absolute deviation|绝对偏差absolute error|绝对误差absorbance|吸收,吸光度absorbed dose|吸收剂量absorbent|吸收剂absorptiometer|吸光计absorptiometry|吸光测定法absorption|吸收absorption band|吸收谱带absorption cell|吸收池absorption coefficient|吸收系数absorption spectroscopy|吸收光谱法absorption spectrum|吸收光谱;吸收谱absorptive endocytosis|吸收(型)胞吞(作用) absorptive pinocytosis|吸收(型)胞饮(作用) absorptivity|吸光系数;吸收性abundance|丰度abundant|丰富的,高丰度的abundant mRNAs|高丰度mRNAabzyme|抗体酶acaricidin|杀螨剂accedent variation|偶然变异accelerated flow method|加速流动法accepting arm|[tRNA的]接纳臂acceptor|接纳体,(接)受体acceptor site|接纳位点,接受位点acceptor splicing site|剪接受体acceptor stem|[tRNA的]接纳茎accessible|可及的accessible promoter|可及启动子accessible surface|可及表面accessory|零件,附件;辅助的accessory cell|佐细胞accessory chromosome|副染色体accessory factor|辅助因子accessory nucleus|副核accessory pigment|辅助色素accessory protein|辅助蛋白(质)accommodation|顺应accumulation|积累,累积accuracy|准确度acenaphthene|二氢苊acene|并苯acentric|无着丝粒的acentric fragment|无着丝粒断片acentric ring|无着丝粒环acetal|缩醛acetaldehyde|乙醛acetalresin|缩醛树脂acetamidase|乙酰胺酶acetamide|乙酰胺acetate|乙酸盐acetic acid|乙酸,醋酸acetic acid bacteria|乙酸菌,醋酸菌acetic anhydride|乙酸酐acetification|乙酸化作用,醋化作用acetin|乙酸甘油酯,三乙酰甘油酯acetoacetic acid|乙酰乙酸Acetobacter|醋杆菌属acetogen|产乙酸菌acetogenic bacteria|产乙酸菌acetome body|酮体acetome powder|丙酮制粉[在-30度以下加丙酮制成的蛋白质匀浆物] acetomitrile|乙腈acetone|丙酮acetyl|乙酰基acetyl coenzyme A|乙酰辅酶Aacetylcholine|乙酰胆碱acetylcholine agonist|乙酰胆碱拮抗剂acetylcholine receptor|乙酰胆碱受体acetylcholinesterase|乙酰胆碱酯酶acetylene|乙炔acetylene reduction test|乙炔还原试验[检查生物体的固氮能力] acetylglucosaminidase|乙酰葡糖胺糖苷酶acetylglutamate synthetase|乙酰谷氨酸合成酶acetylsalicylate|乙酰水杨酸;乙酰水杨酸盐、酯、根acetylsalicylic acid|乙酰水杨酸acetylspiramycin|乙酰螺旋霉素AchE|乙酰胆碱酯酶achiral|非手性的acholeplasma|无胆甾原体AchR|乙酰胆碱受体achromatic|消色的;消色差的achromatic color|无色achromatic lens|消色差透镜achromatin|非染色质acid catalysis|酸催化acid fibroblast growth factor|酸性成纤维细胞生长因子acid fuchsin|酸性品红acid glycoprotein|酸性糖蛋白acid hydrolyzed casein|酸水解酪蛋白acid medium|酸性培养基acid mucopolysaccharide|酸性粘多糖acid phosphatase|酸性磷酸酶acid protease|酸性蛋白酶acid solvent|酸性溶剂acidic|酸性的acidic amino acid|酸性氨基酸acidic protein|酸性蛋白质[有时特指非组蛋白]acidic transactivator|酸性反式激活蛋白acidic transcription activator|酸性转录激活蛋白 acidification|酸化(作用)acidifying|酸化(作用)acidolysis|酸解acidophilia|嗜酸性acidophilic bacteria|嗜酸菌acidophilous milk|酸奶aclacinomycin|阿克拉霉素acoelomata|无体腔动物acomitic acid|乌头酸aconitase|顺乌头酸酶aconitate|乌头酸;乌头酸盐、酯、根aconitine|乌头碱aconitum alkaloid|乌头属生物碱ACP|酰基载体蛋白acquired character|获得性状acquired immunity|获得性免疫acridine|吖啶acridine alkaloid|吖啶(类)生物碱acridine dye|吖啶燃料acridine orange|吖啶橙acridine yellow|吖啶黄acriflavine|吖啶黄素acroblast|原顶体acrocentric chromosome|近端着丝染色体acrolein|丙烯醛acrolein polymer|丙烯醛类聚合物acrolein resin|丙烯醛树脂acropetal translocation|向顶运输acrosin|顶体蛋白acrosomal protease|顶体蛋白酶acrosomal reaction|顶体反应acrosome|顶体acrosome reaction|顶体反应acrosomic granule|原顶体acrosyndesis|端部联会acrylamide|丙烯酰胺acrylate|丙烯酸酯、盐acrylic acid|丙烯酸acrylic polymer|丙烯酸(酯)类聚合物acrylic resin|丙烯酸(酯)类树脂acrylketone|丙烯酮acrylonitrile|丙烯腈actidione|放线(菌)酮[即环己酰亚胺]actin|肌动蛋白actin filament|肌动蛋白丝actinin|辅肌动蛋白[分为alfa、beta两种,beta蛋白即加帽蛋白] actinmicrofilament|肌动蛋白微丝actinometer|化学光度计actinomorphy|辐射对称[用于描述植物的花]actinomycetes|放线菌actinomycin D|放线菌素Dactinospectacin|放线壮观素,壮观霉素,奇霉素action|作用action current|动作电流action potential|动作电位action spectrum|动作光谱activated sludge|活性污泥activated support|活化支持体activating group|活化基团activating transcription factor|转录激活因子activation|激活;活化activation analysis|活化分析activation energy|活化能activator|激活物,激活剂,激活蛋白activator protein|激活蛋白active absorption|主动吸收active biomass|活生物质active carbon|活性碳active center|活性中心active chromatin|活性染色质active dry yeast|活性干酵母active dydrogen compounds|活性氢化合物active ester of amino acid|氨基酸的活化酯active hydrogen|活性氢active immunity|主动免疫active oxygen|活性氧active site|活性部位,活性中心active transport|主动转运active uptake|主动吸收activin|活化素[由垂体合成并由睾丸和卵巢分泌的性激素]activity|活性,活度,(放射性)活度actomyosin|肌动球蛋白actophorin|载肌动蛋白[一种肌动蛋白结合蛋白]acute|急性的acute infection|急性感染acute phase|急性期acute phase protein|急性期蛋白,急相蛋白acute phase reaction|急性期反应,急相反应[炎症反应急性期机体的防御反应] acute phase reactive protein|急性期反应蛋白,急相反应蛋白acute phase response|急性期反应,急相反应acute toxicity|急性毒性ACV|无环鸟苷acyclic nucleotide|无环核苷酸acycloguanosine|无环鸟苷,9-(2-羟乙氧甲基)鸟嘌呤acyclovir|无环鸟苷acyl|酰基acyl carrier protein|酰基载体蛋白acyl cation|酰(基)正离子acyl chloride|酰氯acyl CoA|脂酰辅酶Aacyl coenzyem A|脂酰辅酶Aacyl fluoride|酰氟acyl halide|酰卤acylamino acid|酰基氨基酸acylase|酰基转移酶acylating agent|酰化剂acylation|酰化acylazide|酰叠氮acylbromide|酰溴acyloin|偶姻acyltransferase|酰基转移酶adamantanamine|金刚烷胺[曾用作抗病毒剂]adamantane|金刚烷adaptability|适应性adaptation|适应adapter|衔接头;衔接子adapter protein|衔接蛋白质adaptin|衔接蛋白[衔接网格蛋白与其他蛋白的胞质区]adaptive behavior|适应性行为adaptive enzyme|适应酶adaptive molecule|衔接分子adaptive response|适应反应[大肠杆菌中的DNA修复系统]adaptor|衔接头;衔接子adaxial|近轴的addition|加成addition compound|加成化合物addition haploid|附加单倍体addition line|附加系additive|添加物,添加剂additive effect|加性效应additive genetic variance|加性遗传方差additive recombination|插入重组,加插重组[因DNA插入而引起的基因重组] addressin|地址素[选择蛋白(selectin)的寡糖配体,与淋巴细胞归巢有关]adducin|内收蛋白[一种细胞膜骨架蛋白,可与钙调蛋白结合]adduct|加合物,加成化合物adduct ion|加合离子adenine|腺嘌呤adenine arabinoside|啊糖腺苷adenine phosphoribosyltransferase|腺嘌呤磷酸核糖转移酶adenoma|腺瘤adenosine|腺嘌呤核苷,腺苷adenosine deaminase|腺苷脱氨酶adenosine diphoshate|腺苷二磷酸adenosine monophosphate|腺苷(一磷)酸adenosine phosphosulfate|腺苷酰硫酸adenosine triphosphatase|腺苷三磷酸酶adenosine triphosphate|腺苷三磷酸adenovirus|腺病毒adenylate|腺苷酸;腺苷酸盐、酯、根adenylate cyclase|腺苷酸环化酶adenylate energy charge|腺苷酸能荷adenylate kinase|腺苷酸激酶adenylic acid|腺苷酸adenylyl cyclase|腺苷酸环化酶adenylylation|腺苷酰化adherence|粘着,粘附,粘连;贴壁adherent cell|贴壁赴 徽匙牛ㄐ裕┫赴 掣剑ㄐ裕┫赴?/P>adherent culture|贴壁培养adhering junction|粘着连接adhesin|粘附素[如见于大肠杆菌]adhesion|吸附,结合,粘合;粘着,粘附,粘连adhesion factor|粘着因子,粘附因子adhesion molecule|粘着分子,粘附分子adhesion plaque|粘着斑adhesion protein|粘着蛋白,吸附蛋白adhesion receptor|粘着受体adhesion zone|粘着带[如见于细菌壁膜之间]adhesive|粘合剂,胶粘剂adhesive glycoprotein|粘着糖蛋白adipic acid|己二酸,肥酸adipocyte|脂肪细胞adipokinetic hormone|脂动激素[见于昆虫]adipose tissue|脂肪组织adjust|[动]调节,调整;修正adjustable|可调的adjustable miropipettor|可调微量移液管adjustable spanner|活动扳手adjusted retention time|调整保留时间adjusted retention volume|调整保留体积adjuvant|佐剂adjuvant cytokine|佐剂细胞因子adjuvant peptide|佐剂肽adjuvanticity|佐剂(活)性adoptive immunity|过继免疫adoptive transfer|过继转移ADP ribosylation|ADP核糖基化ADP ribosylation factor|ADP核糖基化因子ADP ribosyltransferase|ADP核糖基转移酶adrenal cortical hormone|肾上腺皮质(激)素adrenaline|肾上腺素adrenergic receptor|肾上腺素能受体adrenocepter|肾上腺素受体adrenocorticotropic hormone|促肾上腺皮质(激)素adrenodoxin|肾上腺皮质铁氧还蛋白adriamycin|阿霉素,亚德里亚霉素adsorbent|吸附剂adsorption|吸附adsorption catalysis|吸附催化adsorption center|吸附中心adsorption chromatography|吸附层析adsorption film|吸附膜adsorption isobar|吸附等压线adsorption isotherm|吸附等温线adsorption layer|吸附层adsorption potential|吸附电势adsorption precipitation|吸附沉淀adsorption quantity|吸附量adult diarrhea rotavirus|成人腹泻轮状病毒advanced glycosylation|高级糖基化advanced glycosylation end product|高级糖基化终产物 adventitious|不定的,无定形的adverse effect|反效果,副作用aecidiospore|锈孢子,春孢子aeciospore|锈孢子,春孢子aequorin|水母蛋白,水母素aeration|通气aerator|加气仪,加气装置aerial mycelium|气生菌丝体aerobe|需氧菌[利用分子氧进行呼吸产能并维持正常生长繁殖的细菌] aerobic|需氧的aerobic bacteria|需氧(细)菌aerobic cultivation|需氧培养aerobic glycolysis|有氧酵解aerobic metabolism|有氧代谢aerobic respiration|需氧呼吸aerobic waste treatment|需氧废物处理aerobiosis|需氧生活aerogel|气凝胶aerogen|产气菌aerolysin|气单胞菌溶素Aeromonas|气单胞菌属aerosol|气溶胶aerosol gene delivery|气溶胶基因送递aerospray ionization|气喷射离子化作用aerotaxis|趋氧性[(细胞)随环境中氧浓度梯度进行定向运动]aerotolerant bacteria|耐氧菌[不受氧毒害的厌氧菌]aerotropism|向氧性aesculin|七叶苷,七叶灵aetiology|病原学B cell|B细胞B cell antigen receptor|B细胞抗原受体B cell differentiation factor|B细胞分化因子B cell growth factor|B细胞生长因子B cell proliferation|B细胞增殖B cell receptor|B细胞受体B cell transformation|B细胞转化B chromosome|B染色体[许多生物(如玉米)所具有的异染质染色体] B to Z transition|B-Z转换[B型DNA向Z型DNA转换]Bacillariophyta|硅藻门Bacillus|芽胞杆菌属Bacillus anthracis|炭疽杆菌属Bacillus subtillis|枯草芽胞杆菌bacitracin|杆菌肽back donation|反馈作用back flushing|反吹,反冲洗back mutation|回复突变[突变基因又突变为原由状态]backbone|主链;骨架backbone hydrogen bond|主链氢键backbone wire model|主链金属丝模型[主要反应主链走向的实体模型]backcross|回交backflushing chromatography|反吹层析,反冲层析background|背景,本底background absorption|背景吸收background absorption correction|背景吸收校正background correction|背景校正background gactor|背景因子background genotype|背景基因型[与所研究的表型直接相关的基因以外的全部基因]background hybridization|背景杂交background radiation|背景辐射,本底辐射backmixing|反向混合backside attack|背面进攻backward reaction|逆向反应backwashing|反洗bacmid|杆粒[带有杆状病毒基因组的质粒,可在细菌和昆虫细胞之间穿梭]bacteremia|菌血症bacteria|(复)细菌bacteria rhodopsin|细菌视紫红质bacterial adhesion|细菌粘附bacterial alkaline phosphatase|细菌碱性磷酸酶bacterial artificial chromosome|细菌人工染色体bacterial colony|(细菌)菌落bacterial colony counter|菌落计数器bacterial conjugation|细菌接合bacterial filter|滤菌器bacterial invasion|细菌浸染bacterial motility|细菌运动性bacterial rgodopsin|细菌视紫红质,细菌紫膜质bacterial vaccine|菌苗bacterial virulence|细菌毒力bactericidal reaction|杀(细)菌反应bactericide|杀(细)菌剂bactericidin|杀(细)菌素bactericin|杀(细)菌素bacteriochlorophyll|细菌叶绿素bacteriochlorophyll protein|细菌叶绿素蛋白bacteriocide|杀(细)菌剂bacteriocin|细菌素bacteriocin typing|细菌素分型[利用细菌素对细胞进行分型]bacterioerythrin|菌红素bacteriofluorescein|细菌荧光素bacteriology|细菌学bacteriolysin|溶菌素bacteriolysis|溶菌(作用)bacteriolytic reaction|溶菌反应bacteriophaeophytin|细菌叶褐素bacteriophage|噬菌体bacteriophage arm|噬菌体臂bacteriophage conversion|噬菌体转变bacteriophage head|噬菌体头部bacteriophage surface expression system|噬菌体表面表达系统bacteriophage tail|噬菌体尾部bacteriophage typing|噬菌体分型bacteriophagology|噬菌体学bacteriopurpurin|菌紫素bacteriorhodopsin|细菌视紫红质bacteriosome|细菌小体[昆虫体内一种含有细菌的结构]bacteriostasis|抑菌(作用)bacteriostat|抑菌剂bacteriotoxin|细菌毒素bacteriotropin|亲菌素bacterium|细菌bacteroid|类菌体baculovirus|杆状病毒bag sealer|封边机baking soda|小苏打BAL 31 nuclease|BAL 31核酸酶balance|天平balanced heterokaryon|平衡异核体balanced lethal|平衡致死balanced lethal gene|平衡致死基因balanced linkage|平衡连锁balanced pathogenicity|平衡致病性balanced polymorphism|平衡多态性balanced salt solution|平衡盐溶液balanced solution|平衡溶液balanced translocation|平衡易位balbaini ring|巴尔比亚尼环[由于RNA大量合成而显示特别膨大的胀泡,在多线染色体中形成独特的环]Balbiani chromosome|巴尔比亚尼染色体[具有染色带的多线染色体,1881年首先发现于双翅目摇蚊幼虫]ball mill|球磨ball mill pulverizer|球磨粉碎机ball milling|球磨研磨balloon catheter|气囊导管[可用于基因送递,如将DNA导入血管壁]banana bond|香蕉键band|条带,带[见于电泳、离心等]band broadening|条带加宽band sharpening|条带变细,条带锐化band width|带宽banding pattern|带型banding technique|显带技术,分带技术barbiturate|巴比妥酸盐barium|钡barly strip mosaic virus|大麦条纹花叶病毒barly yellow dwarf virus|大麦黄矮病毒barnase|芽胞杆菌RNA酶[见于解淀粉芽胞杆菌]barophilic baceria|嗜压菌baroreceptor|压力感受器barotaxis|趋压性barotropism|向压性barr body|巴氏小体barrel|桶,圆筒[可用于描述蛋白质立体结构,如beta折叠桶]barrier|屏障,垒barstar|芽胞杆菌RNA酶抑制剂[见于解淀粉芽胞杆菌]basal|基础的,基本的basal body|基粒basal body temperature|基础体温basal component|基本成分,基本组分basal expression|基础表达,基态表达basal granule|基粒basal heat producing rate|基础产热率basal lamina|基膜,基板basal level|基础水平,基态水平basal medium|基本培养基,基础培养基basal medium Eagle|Eagle基本培养基basal metabolic rate|基础代谢率basal metabolism|基础代谢basal promoter element|启动子基本元件basal transcription|基础转录,基态转录basal transcription factor|基础转录因子base|碱基;碱base analog|碱基类似物,类碱基base catalysis|碱基催化base composition|碱基组成base pairing|碱基配对base pairing rules|碱基配对法则,碱基配对规则base peak|基峰base pire|碱基对base ratio|碱基比base stacking|碱基堆积base substitution|碱基置换baseline|基线baseline drift|基线漂移baseline noise|基线噪声basement membrane|基底膜basement membrane link protein|基底膜连接蛋白basic amino acid|碱性氨基酸basic fibroblast growth factor|碱性成纤维细胞生长因子basic fuchsin|碱性品红basic medium|基础培养基basic number of chromosome|染色体基数basic protein|碱性蛋白质basic solvent|碱性溶剂basic taste sensation|基本味觉basidiocarp|担子果basidiomycetes|担子菌basidium|担子basipetal translocation|向基运输basket centrifuge|(吊)篮式离心机basket drier|篮式干燥机basket type evaporator|篮式蒸发器basonuclin|碱(性)核蛋白[见于角质形成细胞,含有多对锌指结构] basophil|嗜碱性细胞basophil degranulation|嗜碱性细胞脱粒basophilia|嗜碱性batch|分批;批,一批batch cultivation|分批培养batch culture|分批培养物batch digestor|分批消化器batch extraction|分批抽提,分批提取batch fermentation|分批发酵,(罐)批发酵batch filtration|分批过滤batch operation|分批操作batch process|分批工艺,分批法batch reactor|间歇反应器,分批反应器batch recycle cultivation|分批再循环培养batch recycle culture|分批再循环培养(物)bathochrome|向红基bathochromic shift|红移bathorhodopsin|红光视紫红质,前光视紫红质batrachotoxin|树蛙毒素[固醇类生物碱,作用于钠通道] baytex|倍硫磷BCG vaccine|卡介苗bead mill|玻珠研磨机bead mill homogenizer|玻珠研磨匀浆机bean sprouts medium|豆芽汁培养基beauvericin|白僵菌素becquerel|贝可(勒尔)bed volume|(柱)床体积bee venom|蜂毒beef broth|牛肉汁beef extract|牛肉膏,牛肉提取物beet yellows virus|甜菜黄化病毒Beggiatoa|贝日阿托菌属[属于硫细菌]behavior|行为;性质,性能behavioral control|行为控制behavioral isolation|行为隔离behavioral thermoregulation|行为性体温调节behenic acid|山yu酸,二十二(烷)酸belt desmosome|带状桥粒belt press|压带机belt press filter|压带(式)滤器bench scale|桌面规模,小试规模benchtop bioprocessing|桌面生物工艺[小试规模]benchtop microcentrifuge|台式微量离心机bend|弯曲;弯管;转折bending|弯曲;转折,回折beneficial element|有益元素bent bond|弯键bent DNA|弯曲DNA,转折DNAbenzene|苯benzhydrylamine resin|二苯甲基胺树脂benzidine|联苯胺benzilate|三苯乙醇酸(或盐或酯)benzimidazole|苯并咪唑benzodiazine|苯并二嗪,酞嗪benzoin|苯偶姻,安息香benzophenanthrene|苯并菲benzopyrene|苯并芘benzoyl|苯甲酰基benzoylglycine|苯甲酰甘氨酸benzyl|苄基benzyladenine|苄基腺嘌呤benzylaminopurine|苄基氨基嘌呤benzylisoquinoline|苄基异喹啉benzylisoquinoline alkaloid|苄基异喹啉(类)生物碱benzylpenicillin|苄基青霉素berberine|小檗碱Bertrand rule|贝特朗法则bestatin|苯丁抑制素[可抑制亮氨酸氨肽酶的一种亮氨酸类似物]C value|C值[单倍基因组DNA的量]C value paradox|C值悖理[物种的C值和它的进化复杂性之间无严格对应关系]C4 dicarboxylic acid cycle|C4二羧酸循环cachectin|恶液质素[即alfa肿瘤坏死因子]cadaverine|尸胺cadherin|钙粘着蛋白[介导依赖(于)钙的细胞间粘着作用的一类跨膜蛋白质,分为E-,N-,P-等若干种,E表示上皮(epithelia),N表示神经(neural),P表示胎盘(placental)] cadmium|镉caerulin|雨蛙肽cage|笼cage compound|笼形化合物cage coordination compound|笼形配合物cage effect|笼效应cage structure|笼形结构[非极性分子周围的水分子所形成的有序结构]calbindin|钙结合蛋白calciferol|麦角钙化(固)醇calcimedin|钙介蛋白[钙调蛋白拮抗剂]calcineurin|钙调磷酸酶[依赖于钙调蛋白的丝氨酸—苏氨酸磷酸酶]calcionin|降钙素calcium binding protein|钙结合蛋白(质)calcium binding site|钙结合部位calcium channel|钙通道calcium chloride|氯化钙calcium influx|钙流入calcium mediatory protein|钙中介蛋白(质)calcium phosphate|磷酸钙calcium phosphate precipitation|磷酸盐沉淀calcium pump|钙泵calcium sensor protein|钙传感蛋白(质)calcium sequestration|集钙(作用)calcyclin|钙(细胞)周边蛋白calcyphosine|钙磷蛋白[是依赖于cAMP的蛋白激酶的磷酸化底物]caldesmon|钙调(蛋白)结合蛋白[主要见于平滑肌,可与钙调蛋白及肌动蛋白结合] calelectrin|钙电蛋白[最初发现于鳗鱼电器官的一种钙结合蛋白]calf intestinal alkaline phosphatase|(小)牛小肠碱性磷酸酶calf serum|小牛血清calf thymus|小牛胸腺calgranulin|钙粒蛋白calibration|校准,标准calibration curve|校正曲线calibration filter|校准滤光片calibration protein|校准蛋白calicheamycin|刺孢霉素[来自刺孢小单胞菌的抗肿瘤抗生素,带有二炔烯官能团] calicivirus|杯状病毒calli|(复)胼胝体,愈伤组织[用于植物];胼胝[见于动物皮肤]callose|胼胝质,愈伤葡聚糖callose synthetase|愈伤葡聚糖合成酶callus|胼胝体,愈伤组织[用于植物];胼胝[见于动物皮肤]callus culture|愈伤组织培养calmodulin|钙调蛋白calnexin|钙联结蛋白[内质网的一种磷酸化的钙结合蛋白]calomel|甘汞calomel electrode|甘汞电极calorie|卡calpactin|依钙(结合)蛋白[全称为“依赖于钙的磷脂及肌动蛋白结合蛋白”]calpain|(需)钙蛋白酶calpain inhibitor|(需)钙蛋白酶抑制剂calpastatin|(需)钙蛋白酶抑制蛋白calphobindin|钙磷脂结合蛋白calphotin|钙感光蛋白[感光细胞的一种钙结合蛋白]calprotectin|(肌)钙网蛋白[骨骼肌肌质网膜上的钙结合蛋白]calretinin|钙(视)网膜蛋白calsequestrin|(肌)集钙蛋白calspectin|钙影蛋白calspermin|钙精蛋白[睾丸的一种钙调蛋白结合蛋白]caltractin|钙牵蛋白[一种与基粒相关的钙结合蛋白]Calvin cycle|卡尔文循环,光合碳还原环calyculin|花萼海绵诱癌素[取自花萼盘皮海绵的磷酸酶抑制剂]calyptra|根冠calyx|花萼cambium|形成层[见于植物]cAMP binding protein|cAMP结合蛋白cAMP receptor protein|cAMP受体蛋白cAMP response element|cAMP效应元件cAMP response element binding protein|cAMP效应元件结合蛋白Campbell model|坎贝尔模型camphane|莰烷camphane derivative|莰烷衍生物camphore|樟脑camptothecin|喜树碱Campylobacter|弯曲菌属Campylobacter fetus|胎儿弯曲菌属Canada balsam|加拿大香脂,枞香脂canaline|副刀豆氨酸canalization|[表型]限渠道化,发育稳态[尽管有遗传因素和环境条件的干扰,表型仍保持正常]canavanine|刀豆氨酸cancer|癌症cancer metastasis|癌症转移cancer suppressor gene|抑癌基因cancer suppressor protein|抑癌基因产物,抑癌蛋白(质)candicidin|杀假丝菌素candida|念珠菌属Candida albicans|白色念珠菌candle jar|烛罐cannabin|大麻苷;大麻碱canonical base|规范碱基canonical molecular orbital|正则分子轨道canonical partition function|正则配分函数canonical sequence|规范序列cantharidin|斑蝥素canthaxanthin|角黄素canyon|峡谷[常用于比喻某些生物大分子的主体结构特征]cap|帽,帽(结构)cap binding protein|帽结合蛋白cap site|加帽位点capacitation|获能[特指镜子在雌性生殖道中停留后获得使卵子受精的能力]capacity|容量capacity factor|容量因子capillarity|毛细现象capillary|毛细管;毛细血管capillary absorption|毛细吸收capillary action|毛细管作用capillary attraction|毛细吸力capillary column|毛细管柱capillary culture|毛细管培养capillary electrode|毛细管电极capillary electrophoresis|毛细管电泳capillary free electrophoresis|毛细管自由流动电泳capillary gas chromatography|毛细管气相层析capillary isoelectric focusing|毛细管等电聚焦capillary isotachophoresis|毛细管等速电泳capillary membrane module|毛细管膜包capillary transfer|毛细管转移[通过毛细管作用进行核酸的印迹转移] capillary tube|毛细管capillary tubing|毛细管capillary zone electrophoresis|毛细管区带电泳capillovirus|毛状病毒组capping|加帽,加帽反应;封闭反应;帽化,成帽capping enzyme|加帽酶capping protein|[肌动蛋白]加帽蛋白caprin|癸酸甘油酯caproin|己酸甘油酯capromycin|卷曲霉素,缠霉素caproyl|己酸基caprylin|辛酸甘油酯capsid|(病毒)衣壳,(病毒)壳体capsid protein|衣壳蛋白capsidation|衣壳化capsomer|(病毒)壳粒capsular polysaccharide|荚膜多糖capsulation|包囊化(作用),胶囊化(作用)capsule|荚膜capsule swelling reaction|荚膜肿胀反应capture|捕捉,俘获capture antigen|捕捉抗原[酶免疫测定中用于捕捉抗体的抗原]capture assay|捕捉试验carbamyl|氨甲酰基carbamyl ornithine|氨甲酰鸟氨酸carbamyl phosphate|氨甲酰磷酸carbamyl phosphate synthetase|氨甲酰磷酸合成酶carbamyl transferase|氨甲酰(基)转移酶carbamylation|氨甲酰化carbanion|碳负离子carbanyl group|羰基carbene|卡宾carbenicillin|羧苄青霉素carbenoid|卡宾体carbocation|碳正离子carbodiimide|碳二亚胺carbohydrate|糖类,碳水化合物carbohydrate fingerprinting|糖指纹分析carbohydrate mapping|糖作图,糖定位carbohydrate sequencing|糖测序carbol fuchsin|石炭酸品红carboline|咔啉,二氮芴carbon assimilation|碳同化carbon balance|碳平衡carbon cycling|碳循环carbon dioxide|二氧化碳carbon dioxide compensation|二氧化碳补偿点carbon dioxide fertilization|二氧化碳施肥carbon dioxide fixation|二氧化碳固定carbon dioxide tension|二氧化碳张力carbon fiber|碳纤维carbon fixation|碳固定carbon isotope|碳同位素carbon isotope analysis|碳同位素分析carbon isotope composition|碳同位素组成carbon monoxide|一氧化碳carbon source|碳源carbonate|碳酸盐,碳酸酯carbonate plant|碳化植物carbonic anhydrase|碳酸酐酶carbonium ion|碳正离子carbonyl|羰基carbonylation|羰基化carboxydismutase|羰基岐化酶,核酮糖二磷酸羧化酶 carboxydotrophic bacteria|一氧化碳营养菌carboxyglutamic acid|羧基谷氨酸carboxyl|羧基carboxyl protease|羧基蛋白酶carboxyl terminal|羧基端carboxyl transferase|羧基转移酶carboxylase|羧化酶carboxylation|羧(基)化carboxylic acid|羧酶carboxymethyl|羧甲基carboxymethyl cellulose|羧甲基纤维素carboxypeptidase|羧肽酶[包括羧肽酶A、B、N等]carcinogen|致癌剂carcinogenesis|致癌,癌的发生carcinogenicity|致癌性carcinoma|癌carcinostatin|制癌菌素cardenolide|强心苷cardiac aglycone|强心苷配基,强心苷元cardiac cycle|心动周期cardiac glycoside|强心苷cardiac receptor|心脏感受器cardiohepatid toxin|心肝毒素[如来自链球菌]cardiolipin|心磷脂cardiotoxin|心脏毒素cardiovascular center|心血管中枢cardiovascular disease|心血管疾病cardiovirus|心病毒属[模式成员是脑心肌炎病毒]carlavirus|香石竹潜病毒组carmine|洋红carminomycin|洋红霉素carmovirus|香石竹斑驳病毒组carnation latent virus|香石竹潜病毒carnation mottle virus|香石竹斑驳病毒carnation ringspot virus|香石竹环斑病毒carnitine|肉碱carnitine acyl transferase|肉碱脂酰转移酶carnosine|肌肽[即beta丙氨酰组氨酸]carotene|胡萝卜素carotene dioxygenase|胡萝卜素双加氧酶carotenoid|类胡萝卜素carotenoprotein|胡萝卜素蛋白carpel|[植物]心皮carrageen|角叉菜,鹿角菜carrageenin|角叉菜胶carrier|载体,运载体,携载体;携带者,带(病)毒者,带菌者 carrier ampholyte|载体两性电解质carrier catalysis|载体催化carrier coprecipitation|载体共沉淀carrier DNA|载体DNAcarrier free|无载体的carrier phage|载体噬菌体carrier precipitation|载体沉淀(作用)carrier state|携带状态carriomycin|腐霉素,开乐霉素cartridge|[萃取柱的]柱体;软片,胶卷;子弹,弹药筒casamino acid|(水解)酪蛋白氨基酸,酪蛋白水解物cascade|串联,级联,级联系统cascade amplification|级联放大cascade chromatography|级联层析cascade fermentation|级联发酵casein|酪蛋白,酪素casein kinase|酪蛋白激酶[分I、II两种]Casparian band|凯氏带[见于植物内表皮细胞]Casparian strip|凯氏带cassette|盒,弹夹[借指DNA序列组件]cassette mutagenesis|盒式诱变casting|铸,灌制CAT box|CAT框[真核生物结构基因上游的顺式作用元件]catabolism|分解代谢catabolite gene activator protein|分解代谢物基因激活蛋白 catabolite repression|分解代谢物阻抑,分解代谢产物阻遏catalase|过氧化氢酶catalytic active site|催化活性位catalytic activity|催化活性catalytic antibody|催化性抗体,具有催化活性的抗体catalytic constant|催化常数[符号Kcat]catalytic core|催化核心catalytic mechanism|催化机理catalytic RNA|催化性RNAcatalytic selectivity|催化选择性catalytic site|催化部位catalytic subunit|催化亚基cataphoresis|阳离子电泳cataract|白内障catechin|儿茶素catechol|儿茶酚,邻苯二酚catecholamine|儿茶酚胺catecholamine hormones|儿茶酚胺类激素catecholaminergic recptor|儿茶酚胺能受体catenane|连环(体),连锁,链条[如DNA连环体];索烃catenating|连环,连接catenation|连环,连锁,成链catenin|连环蛋白[一类细胞骨架蛋白,分alfa/beta/gama三种] catharanthus alkaloid|长春花属生物碱cathepsin|组织蛋白酶[分为A、B、C、D、E…H、L等多种]catheter|导管cathode layer enrichment method|阴极区富集法cathode ray polarograph|阴极射线极谱仪cation acid|阳离子酸cationic acid|阳离子酸cationic catalyst|正离子催化剂cationic detergent|阳离子(型)去污剂cationic initiator|正离子引发剂cationic polymerization|正离子聚合,阳离子聚合 cationic surfactant|阳离子(型)表面活性剂cationization|阳离子化cauliflower mosaic virus|花椰菜花叶病毒caulimovirus|花椰菜花叶病毒组caulobacteria|柄病毒Cavendish laboratory|(英国)卡文迪什实验室caveola|小窝,小凹caveolae|(复)小窝,小凹caveolin|小窝蛋白cavitation|空腔化(作用)cavity|沟槽,模槽,空腔dammarane|达玛烷dammarane type|达玛烷型Dane particle|丹氏粒[乙型肝炎病毒的完整毒粒]dansyl|丹(磺)酰,1-二甲氨基萘-5-磺酰dansyl chloride|丹磺酰氯dansyl method|丹磺酰法dantrolene|硝苯呋海因[肌肉松弛剂]dark current|暗电流dark field|暗视野,暗视场dark field microscope|暗视野显微镜,暗视场显微镜 dark field microscopy|暗视野显微术,暗视场显微术 dark reaction|暗反应dark repair|暗修复dark respiration|暗呼吸dark room|暗室,暗房dark seed|需暗种子data accumulation|数据积累data acquisition|数据获取data analysis|数据分析data bank|数据库data base|数据库data handling|数据处理data logger|数据记录器data logging|数据记录data output|数据输出data processing|数据处理data recording|数据记录dauermodification|持续饰变daughter cell|子代细胞daughter chromatid|子染色单体daughter chromosome|子染色体daughter colony|子菌落[由原生菌落续发生长的小菌落]daunomycin|道诺霉素daunorubicin|道诺红菌素de novo sequencing|从头测序de novo synthesis|从头合成deactivation|去活化(作用),失活(作用),钝化deacylated tRNA|脱酰tRNAdead time|死时间dead volume|死体积deadenylation|脱腺苷化DEAE Sephacel|[商]DEAE-葡聚糖纤维素,二乙氨乙基葡聚糖纤维素 dealkylation|脱烷基化deaminase|脱氨酶deamination|脱氨(基)death phase|死亡期[如见于细胞生长曲线]death point|死点deblocking|去封闭debranching enzyme|脱支酶,支链淀粉酶debris|碎片,残渣decahedron|十面体decane|癸烷decantation|倾析decanting|倾析decapacitation|去(获)能decarboxylase|脱羧酶decarboxylation|脱羧(作用)decay|原因不明腐败decay accelerating factor|衰变加速因子decay constant|衰变常数deceleration phase|减速期[如见于细胞生长曲线]dechlorination|脱氯作用deciduous leaf|落叶decline phase|[细胞生长曲线的]衰亡期decoagulant|抗凝剂decoding|译码,解码decomposer|分解者[可指具有分解动植物残体或其排泄物能力的微生物] decompression|降压,减压decondensation|解凝(聚)decontaminant|净化剂,去污剂decontaminating agent|净化剂,去污剂decontamination|净化,去污decorin|核心蛋白聚糖[一种基质蛋白聚糖,又称为PG-40]dedifferentiation|去分化,脱分化deep colony|深层菌落deep etching|深度蚀刻deep jet fermentor|深部喷注发酵罐deep refrigeration|深度冷冻deep shaft system|深井系统[如用于污水处理]defasciculation factor|解束因子[取自水蛭,可破坏神经束]defective|缺损的,缺陷的defective interfering|缺损干扰defective interfering particle|缺损干扰颗粒,干扰缺损颗粒defective interfering RNA|缺损干扰RNAdefective interfering virus|缺损干扰病毒defective mutant|缺损突变体,缺陷突变型,缺陷突变株defective phage|缺损噬菌体,缺陷噬菌体defective virus|缺损病毒,缺陷病毒defense|防御,防卫defense peptide|防卫肽defense response|防御反应,防卫反应defensin|防卫素[动物细胞的内源性抗菌肽]deficiency|缺乏,缺损,缺陷deficient|缺少的,缺损的,缺陷的defined|确定的defined medium|确定成分培养基,已知成分培养液defintion|定义defoliating agent|脱叶剂defoliation|脱叶deformylase|去甲酰酶[见于原核细胞,作用于甲酰甲硫氨酸]degasser|脱气装置degassing|脱气,除气degeneracy|简并;简并性,简并度degenerate|简并的degenerate codon|简并密码子degenerate oligonucleotide|简并寡核苷酸degenerate primer|简并引物degenerate sequence|简并序列degeneration|退化,变性degenerin|退化蛋白[与某些感觉神经元的退化有关]deglycosylation|去糖基化degradable polymer|降解性高分子degradation|降解degranulation|脱(颗)粒(作用)degree of acidity|酸度degree of dominance|显性度degree of polymerization|聚合度degron|降解决定子[决定某一蛋白发生降解或部分降解的序列要素] deguelin|鱼藤素dehalogenation|脱卤(作用)dehardening|解除锻炼dehumidifier|除湿器dehydratase|脱水酶dehydrated medium|干燥培养基dehydration|脱水(作用)dehydroepiandrosterone|脱氢表雄酮dehydrogenase|脱氢酶dehydrogenation|脱氢(作用)dehydroluciferin|脱氢萤光素deionization|去离子(作用)deionized|去离子的deionized water|去离子水deionizing|去离子(处理)delayed early transcription|(延)迟早期转录[可特指病毒]delayed fluorescence|延迟荧光delayed heat|延迟热delayed hypersensitivity|延迟(型)超敏反应delayed ingeritance|延迟遗传delayed type hypersensitivity|迟发型超敏反应deletant|缺失体deletion|缺失deletion mapping|缺失定位,缺失作图deletion mutagenesis|缺失诱变deletion mutant|缺失突变体deletion mutantion|缺失突变deletional recombination|缺失重组delignification|脱木质化(作用)deliquescence|潮解delivery flask|分液瓶delocalized bond|离域键。

转录过程的主要步骤如下:1. 启动子序列的结合:RNA聚合酶必须与某种DNA序列结合才能启动合成RNA的过程。
2. 开链:RNA酶从DNA双链中打开某一区段,从而产生一个开放的DNA单链。
3. 合成RNA:RNA聚合酶沿着单链DNA向前移动,并利用进入口处的核苷酸再合成一个反义核苷酸链的RNA分子。

定向改造某些生物的基因组结构、使它们所具 有的特殊经济价值或功能得以成百上千倍地提 高。
蛋白质分子控制了细胞的一切代谢活动,而 决定蛋白质结构和合成时序的信息都由核酸 (主要是脱氧核糖核酸)分子编码,所以, 基因表达实质上就是遗传信息的转录和翻译 过程。
1.构成生物体有机大分子的单体在不同生物 中都是相同的;
2.生物体内一切有机大分子的建成都遵循着 各自特定的规则;
3.某一特定生物体所拥有的核酸及蛋白质分 子决定了它的属性。
是20世纪70年代初兴起的技术科学,目的是将 不同DNA片段(基因或基因的一部分)按照人 们的设计定向连接起来,在特定的受体细胞中 与载体同时复制并得到表达,产生影响受体细 胞的新的遗传性状。
DNA重组技术是核酸化学、蛋白质化学、酶工 程及微生物学、遗传学、细胞学长期深入研究 的结晶,而限制性内切酶DNA连接酶及其他工 具酶的发现与应用则是这一技术得以建立的关 键。
通过DNA连接酶把不同的DNA片段连接成一个整体。a. DNA的 粘性末端; b. DNA的平末端; c. 化学合成的具有EcoRI粘性末端的 DNA片段。
2.在它发挥生物学功能的过程中必定存在着 结构和构象的变化。
2001年2月,Nature 和Science同时发表了人类基因组 全序列。
测定基因组序列只是了解基因的第一步,在基因组计 划的基础上提出了蛋白质组计划(又称后基因组计划 或功能基因组计划),旨在快速、高效、大规模鉴定 基因的产物和功能。

专业英语翻译:分子生物学词汇convalescent phase serum 恢复期血清convallamarin 铃兰苦苷convallaria cardiac glycoside 铃兰(类)强心苷convallarin 铃兰苷convective mass transfer 对流传质convective transfer 对流传递conventional mouse 常规小鼠convergence 会聚[用于神经系统];趋同convergent evolution 趋同进化convergent synthesis 汇集合成conversion (基因)转变cooked meat medium 庖肉培养基cooling 冷却cooling air 冷却空气cooling bath 冷却水浴cooling coil 冷却旋管cooling jacket 冷却套管,冷却夹套cooling system 冷却系统cooling tower 冷却塔cooling tube 冷却管cooling water 冷却水cooling water circulation 冷却水循环coomassie blue [商]考马斯蓝coomassie brilliant blue [商]考马斯亮蓝cooperation 协同(作用)cooperative 协同的cooperative effect 协同效应,合作效应cooperative feedback inhibition 协同反馈抑制cooperative site 协同部位,协同位点cooperativity 协同性coordinate 坐标coordinate axis 坐标轴coordinate bond 配位键coordinate regulation 协同调节coordination 配位(作用);协同(作用),协调(作用)coordination agent 配位剂coordination anion 配(位)阴离子coordination bond 配位键coordination catalysis 配位催化coordination cation 配(位)阳离子coordination compound 配位化合物,配合物coordination ion 配离子coordination isomerism 配位异构coordination number 配位数coordination site 配位点coordination sphere 配位层copolycondensation 共缩聚copolymer (二元)共聚物copolymerization 共聚合(反应)copper grid 铜载网copper protein 铜蛋白[共包括i,ii、iii型,i型即铜蓝蛋白] coprecipitation 共沉淀coprinin 鬼伞菌素coproporphyrin 粪卟啉coproprophyrinogen 粪卟啉原coprosterol 粪固醇,粪甾醇copurification 共纯化copy error 复制错误copy number 拷贝数cord factor 索状因子[如见于白喉杆菌]cordycepin 3'-脱氧腺苷;蛹虫草菌素。

各专业课程英⽂翻译各专业课程英⽂翻译(精⼼整理)⽣物及医学专业课程汉英对照表细胞⽣物学和分⼦⽣物学 Celluar and Molecular Biology 精神病护理学 Psychiatric Nursing⼒学专业⾼等代数与⼏何 Advanced Algebra and Geometry 数学物理⽅法 Methods in Mathematical Physics理论⼒学 Theoretical Mechanics 弹性⼒学 Elasticity⼒学实验 Experiments in Solid Mechanics ⼒学概论Introduction to Mechanics 计算流体⼒学 Computational Fluid Mechanics 粘性流体⼒学Viscous Fluid Flow弹性⼒学变分原理 Variational Principles inElasticity有限元法 Finite Element Method进化⽣物学 Evolutionary Biology ⼝腔外科学 Oral Surgery海洋⽣物学 Marine Biology ⼝腔 / ⽛科科学 Oral/Dental Sciences 微⽣物学 Microbiology⾻科医学 Osteopathic Medicine 分⼦⽣物学 Molecular Biology ⽿科学 Otology医学微⽣物学 Medical Microbiology 理疗学 Physical Therapy ⼝腔⽣物学 Oral Biology ⾜病医学Podiatric Medicine寄⽣物学 Parasutology眼科学 Ophthalmology 植物⽣物学 Plant Physiology 预防医学Preventive Medicine ⼼理⽣物学 Psychobiology 放射学 Radiology放射⽣物学 Radiation Biology 康复咨询学 Rehabilitation Counseling 理论⽣物学 Theoretical Biology 康复护理学Rehabilitation Nursing 野⽣⽣物学 Wildlife Biology 外科护理学 Surgical Nursing 环境⽣物学 Environmental Biology 治疗学Therapeutics 运动⽣物学 Exercise Physiology 畸形学 Teratology有机体⽣物学 Organismal Biology 兽医学 Veterinary Sciences ⽣物统计学 Biometrics ⽛科卫⽣学 Dental Sciences ⽣物物理学 Biophysics ⽛科科学 Dentistry ⽣物⼼理学 Biopsychology ⽪肤学 Dermatology ⽣物统计学 Biostatistics 内分泌学Endocrinology ⽣物⼯艺学 Biotechnology 遗传学 Genetics ⽣物化学 Biological Chemistry解剖学 Anatomy⽣物⼯程学 Biological Engineering ⿇醉学 Anesthesia ⽣物数学 Biomathematics临床科学 Clinical Science应⽤⽣物学 Applied Biology 细胞⽣物学 Cell Biology ⽣物学 Biology⽣物医学科学 Biomedical Science临床⼼理学 Clinical Psychology 医学技术 Medical Technology 医学 Medicine护理⿇醉学 Nurse Anesthesia 数学分析 Mathematical Analysis 常微分⽅程 Ordinary Differential Equation 计算⽅法Numerical Methods 材料⼒学 Mechanics of Materials 流体⼒学Fluid Mechanics 机械制图 Machining Drawing ⽓体⼒学 Gas Dynamics 弹性板理论 Theory of Elastic Plates塑性⼒学Introduction of Plasticity经典⼒学中的数学⽅法 Mathematical Methods of ClassicalMechanics机器⼈动⼒学 Dynamics of Robots ⾃动控制原理 Principles of Automatic Control优化计算与最化控制 Optimization and OptimalControl计算机图形学 Computer Graphics 概率与统计 Probability and Statistics 专业英语 English for Mechanics 振动理论 Theory of Vibration 程序设计⽅法 (C 和 FORTRAN) Programming in C & FORTRAN ⽔动⼒学 Hydrodynamics 计算机图象处理 Image Processing 光测⼒学 Photo Mechanics断裂⼒学 Fracture Mechanics⾼等动⼒学 Advanced Dynamics 摄动⽅法 Perturbation Methods 机械设计与 Auto CADMachinery Designing and AutoCAD 信息显⽰ (可视化 ) Visualization 微机原理 Principles of Personal Computer 复变函数Complex Function企业管理专业微观经济学 Microeconomics管理信息系统 Systems of Management Information 财务管理 Financial Management 战略管理 Strategic Management 国际商务谈判 Negotiation on BusinessAffairs跨国公司专题研究 Special Researchof multinational corporation国际贸易 InternationalTrade 国际营销研究 International Marketing Research 公司组织与管理 Organization and Managementof Corporate信息管理概论 Introduction to InformationManagement信息经济学 Information Economics 企业信息化⼯程管理学原理 Principles of Management 信息政策与法规 Information Policy and Law 管理信息系统 Management Information System 线性代数 Linear Algebra决策分析 Policy Making 离散数学 Discrete Mathematics概率统计 Statistics and ProbabilityTheory ⽣产与运作管理 Production Management 电⼦商务Electronic Commerce 信息系统安全与保密 Information System Security政府信息化⼯程 Government Informationalization ⼴告实务 Practice of Advertisement 操作系统 Operating System 信息科学基础Foundations of InformationScience 经济信息管理 Economic Information Management 专业英语 Specialty English 微机基础Principles of Microcomputers ⽂献计量学 Bibliometrics电⼦出版技术 Electronic Publishing ⼴告概论 Introduction to Advertisement管理学 Principles of Management 宏观经济学 Macroeconomics 产业经济学 Industrial Economics 项⽬评估 Projects Appraisal 管理沟通Management Negotiation战略管理 Strategic Management ⽣产管理研究 Operation Management 企业伦理 Enterprise Ethics 运筹学 Operational Research 信息管理专业⾼等数学 Higher Mathematics数据库系统 Database 组织⾏为学 Organizational Behavior⼈⼒资源管理 Human Resource Management信息存储与检索信息服务与Information Retrieval andStorage information Service and UserStudy社会实践 Practical Work信息分析与决策 Information Analysis andPolicy Making Enterprise Informationalization 信息组织 Information Organization 计算机⽹络 Computer Networks 多媒体技术 Multimedia信息环境论 Information Environments 传播学原理 Principles of CommunicationTheory 知识产权法学 Law of Intelligence Property 组织⾏为学 Studies of Organization 货币银⾏学专业货币银⾏学 Money and Banking 宏观经济学 Macroeconomics 策略管理 Strategic Management 银⾏会计 Bank Accounting 运筹学 Operational Research 财务管理Financial Management 租赁与信托 Hiring and Affiancing 商业银⾏实务 Practice of Business Bank项⽬评估 Projects Appraisal ⾦融市场学⼈⼒资源管理 Human ResourceManagement 财务报告分析 A nalysis of Financial Statement财务案例分析 Case Analysis of FinancialManagement物理专业热学 Thermodynamics ⼒学 Mechanics光学 Optics电磁学 Electromagnetism计算概论 Computing Generality 普通物理实验 General Physics Laboratory固体磁性及应⽤基础 Magnetism of the Solid Stateand its Application衍射物理(固体结构分析)Diffraction Physics (Structureof Solid Analysis)科研实⽤软件 Utility Software for ScientificResearch 计算机模拟⽅法 Computer SimulationMethods 激光原理、技术与应⽤ The Principle, Techniqueand Application of Laser材料物理 Materials Physics 近代光学和光电⼦学 Modern Optics and Optoelectronics现代固体物理 Modern Solid State Physics粒⼦物理 Particle Physics 物理宇宙学基础 Elements of Cosmology Physics 固体物理 Solid State Physics 原⼦物理 Atomic Physics量⼦⼒学 Quantum Mechanics 理论⼒学 Theoretical Mechanics电动⼒学 Electrodynamics普通物理综合实验 Synthetical Experiments ofGeneral Physics市场营销学专业营销管理 Marketing Management 公共关系 Public Relationship 国际贸易 International Trade 消费者⾏为 Consumer Behavior 管理信息系统 Systems of Management Information 营销调研Marketing Research 推销学 Sales Strategies 国际⾦融 International Finance 营销预测与规划 Marketing Forecasting andPlanning 销售渠道管理 ales Channels Management 管理学 Principles of Management 国际市场营销 International Marketing 商业谈判 Business Negotiation ⼴告管理 Advertising Management 营销案例分析 Case Studies of Marketing 国际贸易实务 Practice of InternationalTrade 服务业营销 Service Industry Marketing企业伦理 Enterprise Ethics 新产品开发 New Products Development管理信息系统 System of Management Information 运筹学 Operational Research 保险学 Insurance管理会计 Managerial Accounting 国际贸易 International Trade国际⾦融 International Finance证券投资学 Security Analysis and Investment 国际结算 International BalanceFinancial Marketing证券投资学Security Analysis and Investment 财务学专业财务报告分析Analysis of Financial Statement 国际⾦融International Finance保险学Insurance 财务案例分析Case Analysis of FinanceManagement 国际财务管理International Financial Management 资产评估Assets Appraisal项⽬评估Projects Appraisal 财务管理Financial Management 运筹学Operational Research 管理会计Managerial Accounting 管理学Principles of Management 统计学Principles of Statistics宏观经济学Macroeconomics管理信息系统Systems of Management Information 策略管理Strategic Management 微观经济学Microeconomics 微积分Calculus会计专业会计学Accounting Principles 管理会计Managerial Accounting 会计信息系统Accounting Information Systems 财务管理Financial Management 财务报告分析Analysis of Financial Statement 国际会计International Accounting成本会计Cost Accounting 审计学Auditing Principles 投资学Investment Principles 货币银⾏学Money and Banking国际⾦融International Finance 统计学Principle of Stat财税法规与税务会计Laws and Regulations of Financeand Taxes预算会计Budget Accounting 会计研究⽅法Accounting Research Methods 内部审计与政府审计Internal Auditing and GovernmentAuditing会计审计实务Accounting and Auditing Practice 经济计量学Economic Metrology会计职业道德与责任Accounting Ethics and Responsibilities国际会计专题International AccountingSpecial Subject 微观经济学Microeconomics 货币银⾏学Money and Banking。

各专业课程英文翻译(精心整理)生物及医学专业课程汉英对照表应用生物学 Applied Biology 医学技术 Medical Technology细胞生物学 Cell Biology 医学 Medicine生物学 Biology 护理麻醉学 Nurse Anesthesia进化生物学 Evolutionary Biology 口腔外科学 Oral Surgery海洋生物学 Marine Biology 口腔/牙科科学 Oral/Dental Sciences微生物学 Microbiology 骨科医学 Osteopathic Medicine分子生物学 Molecular Biology 耳科学 Otology医学微生物学 Medical Microbiology 理疗学 Physical Therapy口腔生物学 Oral Biology 足病医学 Podiatric Medicine寄生物学 Parasutology 眼科学 Ophthalmology植物生物学 Plant Physiology 预防医学 Preventive Medicine心理生物学 Psychobiology 放射学 Radiology放射生物学 Radiation Biology 康复咨询学 Rehabilitation Counseling理论生物学 Theoretical Biology 康复护理学 Rehabilitation Nursing野生生物学 Wildlife Biology 外科护理学 Surgical Nursing环境生物学 Environmental Biology 治疗学 Therapeutics运动生物学 Exercise Physiology 畸形学 Teratology有机体生物学 Organismal Biology 兽医学 V eterinary Sciences生物统计学 Biometrics 牙科卫生学 Dental Sciences生物物理学 Biophysics 牙科科学 Dentistry生物心理学 Biopsychology 皮肤学 Dermatology生物统计学 Biostatistics 内分泌学 Endocrinology生物工艺学 Biotechnology 遗传学 Genetics生物化学 Biological Chemistry 解剖学 Anatomy生物工程学 Biological Engineering 麻醉学 Anesthesia生物数学 Biomathematics 临床科学 Clinical Science生物医学科学 Biomedical Science 临床心理学 Clinical Psychology细胞生物学和分子生物学 Celluar and Molecular Biology精神病护理学 Psychiatric Nursing力学专业数学分析 Mathematical Analysis 高等代数与几何 Advanced Algebra and Geometry 常微分方程 Ordinary Differential Equation 数学物理方法 Methods in Mathematical Physics 计算方法 Numerical Methods 理论力学 Theoretical Mechanics材料力学 Mechanics of Materials 弹性力学 Elasticity流体力学 Fluid Mechanics 力学实验 Experiments in Solid Mechanics机械制图 Machining Drawing 力学概论 Introduction to Mechanics气体力学 Gas Dynamics 计算流体力学 Computational Fluid Mechanics 弹性板理论 Theory of Elastic Plates 粘性流体力学 V iscous Fluid Flow弹性力学变分原理 V ariational Principles inElasticity 有限元法 Finite Element Method 塑性力学 Introduction of Plasticity经典力学中的数学方法 Mathematical Methods of ClassicalMechanics机器人动力学 Dynamics of Robots 自动控制原理 Principles of Automatic Control 优化计算与最化控制 Optimization and OptimalControl计算机图形学 Computer Graphics 概率与统计 Probability and Statistics专业英语 English for Mechanics 振动理论 Theory of V ibration程序设计方法(C和FORTRAN) Programming in C & FORTRAN水动力学 Hydrodynamics 计算机图象处理 Image Processing光测力学 Photo Mechanics 断裂力学 Fracture Mechanics高等动力学 Advanced Dynamics 摄动方法 Perturbation Methods机械设计与Auto CAD Machinery Designing and AutoCAD信息显示(可视化) V isualization微机原理 Principles of Personal Computer 复变函数 Complex Function企业管理专业管理学 Principles of Management 微观经济学 Microeconomics宏观经济学 Macroeconomics 管理信息系统 Systems of Management Information 产业经济学 Industrial Economics 财务管理 Financial Management项目评估 Projects Appraisal 战略管理 Strategic Management管理沟通 Management Negotiation 国际商务谈判 Negotiation on Business Affairs跨国公司专题研究 Special Researchof multinational corporation国际贸易 InternationalTrade 国际营销研究 International Marketing Research公司组织与管理 Organization and Managementof Corporate战略管理 Strategic Management 生产管理研究 Operation Management企业伦理 Enterprise Ethics 组织行为学 Organizational Behavior运筹学 Operational Research 人力资源管理 Human Resource Management信息管理专业高等数学 Higher Mathematics 信息存储与检索 Information Retrieval andStorage数据库系统 Database 信息服务与用户 information Service and UserStudy 信息管理概论 Introduction to InformationManagement信息经济学 Information Economics 企业信息化工程 Enterprise Informationalization社会实践 Practical Work 信息分析与决策Information Analysis andPolicy Making 管理学原理 Principles of Management 信息政策与法规 Information Policy and Law信息组织 Information Organization 计算机网络 Computer Networks管理信息系统 Management Information System 线性代数 Linear Algebra决策分析 Policy Making 离散数学 Discrete Mathematics概率统计 Statistics and ProbabilityTheory 生产与运作管理 Production Management 电子商务 Electronic Commerce 信息系统安全与保密 Information System Security 政府信息化工程 Government Informationalization广告实务 Practice of Advertisement 多媒体技术 Multimedia操作系统 Operating System 信息科学基础 Foundations of InformationScience 经济信息管理 Economic Information Management 专业英语 Specialty English微机基础 Principles of Microcomputers 文献计量学 Bibliometrics电子出版技术 Electronic Publishing 广告概论 Introduction to Advertisement信息环境论 Information Environments 传播学原理 Principles of CommunicationTheory 知识产权法学 Law of Intelligence Property 组织行为学 Studies of Organization货币银行学专业货币银行学 Money and Banking 管理信息系统 System of Management Information 宏观经济学 Macroeconomics 运筹学 Operational Research策略管理 Strategic Management 保险学 Insurance银行会计 Bank Accounting 管理会计 Managerial Accounting运筹学 Operational Research 国际贸易 International Trade财务管理 Financial Management 国际金融 International Finance租赁与信托 Hiring and Affiancing 证券投资学 Security Analysis and Investment商业银行实务 Practice of Business Bank 国际结算 International Balance项目评估 Projects Appraisal 金融市场学 Financial Marketing人力资源管理 Human Resource Management财务报告分析 Analysis of Financial Statement财务案例分析 Case Analysis of FinancialManagement物理专业热学 Thermodynamics 力学 Mechanics光学 Optics 电磁学 Electromagnetism计算概论 Computing Generality 普通物理实验 General Physics Laboratory固体磁性及应用基础 Magnetism of the Solid Stateand its Application衍射物理(固体结构分析) Diffraction Physics (Structureof Solid Analysis)科研实用软件 Utility Software for ScientificResearch计算机模拟方法 Computer Simulation Methods激光原理、技术与应用 The Principle, Techniqueand Application of Laser材料物理 Materials Physics 近代光学和光电子学 Modern Optics and Optoelectronics 现代固体物理 Modern Solid State Physics 粒子物理 Particle Physics物理宇宙学基础 Elements of Cosmology Physics 固体物理 Solid State Physics原子物理 Atomic Physics 量子力学 Quantum Mechanics理论力学 Theoretical Mechanics 电动力学 Electrodynamics普通物理综合实验 Synthetical Experiments ofGeneral Physics市场营销学专业营销管理 Marketing Management 公共关系 Public Relationship国际贸易 International Trade 消费者行为 Consumer Behavior管理信息系统 Systems of Management Information 营销调研 Marketing Research推销学 Sales Strategies 国际金融 International Finance营销预测与规划 Marketing Forecasting andPlanning销售渠道管理 ales Channels Management 管理学 Principles of Management国际市场营销 International Marketing 商业谈判 Business Negotiation广告管理 Advertising Management 营销案例分析 Case Studies of Marketing国际贸易实务 Practice of InternationalTrade 服务业营销 Service Industry Marketing企业伦理 Enterprise Ethics 新产品开发 New Products Development财务学专业货币银行学 Money and Banking 证券投资学 Security Analysis and Investment 财务报告分析 Analysis of Financial Statement 国际金融 International Finance保险学 Insurance 财务案例分析 Case Analysis of FinanceManagement 国际财务管理 International Financial Management 资产评估 Assets Appraisal项目评估 Projects Appraisal 宏观经济学 Macroeconomics财务管理 Financial Management 管理信息系统 Systems of Management Information 运筹学 Operational Research 策略管理 Strategic Management管理会计 Managerial Accounting 微观经济学 Microeconomics管理学 Principles of Management 微积分 Calculus统计学 Principles of Statistics会计专业会计学 Accounting Principles 成本会计 Cost Accounting管理会计 Managerial Accounting 审计学 Auditing Principles会计信息系统 Accounting Information Systems 投资学 Investment Principles财务管理 Financial Management 货币银行学 Money and Banking财务报告分析 Analysis of Financial Statement 国际金融 International Finance国际会计 International Accounting 统计学 Principle of Stat财税法规与税务会计 Laws and Regulations of Financeand Taxes预算会计 Budget Accounting 会计研究方法 Accounting Research Methods 内部审计与政府审计 Internal Auditing and GovernmentAuditing会计审计实务 Accounting and Auditing Practice 经济计量学 Economic Metrology会计职业道德与责任 Accounting Ethics and Responsibilities国际会计专题 International AccountingSpecial Subject 微观经济学 Microeconomics。

Chapter19Detection and Quantitative Analysis of Small RNAs by PCR Seungil Ro and Wei YanAbstractIncreasing lines of evidence indicate that small non-coding RNAs including miRNAs,piRNAs,rasiRNAs, 21U endo-siRNAs,and snoRNAs are involved in many critical biological processes.Functional studies of these small RNAs require a simple,sensitive,and reliable method for detecting and quantifying levels of small RNAs.Here,we describe such a method that has been widely used for the validation of cloned small RNAs and also for quantitative analyses of small RNAs in both tissues and cells.Key words:Small RNAs,miRNAs,piRNAs,expression,PCR.1.IntroductionThe past several years have witnessed the surprising discovery ofnumerous non-coding small RNAs species encoded by genomesof virtually all species(1–6),which include microRNAs(miR-NAs)(7–10),piwi-interacting RNAs(piRNAs)(11–14),repeat-associated siRNAs(rasiRNAs)(15–18),21U endo-siRNAs(19),and small nucleolar RNAs(snoRNAs)(20).These small RNAsare involved in all aspects of cellular functions through direct orindirect interactions with genomic DNAs,RNAs,and proteins.Functional studies on these small RNAs are just beginning,andsome preliminaryfindings have suggested that they are involvedin regulating genome stability,epigenetic marking,transcription,translation,and protein functions(5,21–23).An easy and sensi-tive method to detect and quantify levels of these small RNAs inorgans or cells during developmental courses,or under different M.Sioud(ed.),RNA Therapeutics,Methods in Molecular Biology629,DOI10.1007/978-1-60761-657-3_19,©Springer Science+Business Media,LLC2010295296Ro and Yanphysiological and pathophysiological conditions,is essential forfunctional studies.Quantitative analyses of small RNAs appear tobe challenging because of their small sizes[∼20nucleotides(nt)for miRNAs,∼30nt for piRNAs,and60–200nt for snoRNAs].Northern blot analysis has been the standard method for detec-tion and quantitative analyses of RNAs.But it requires a relativelylarge amount of starting material(10–20μg of total RNA or>5μg of small RNA fraction).It is also a labor-intensive pro-cedure involving the use of polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis,electrotransfer,radioisotope-labeled probes,and autoradiogra-phy.We have developed a simple and reliable PCR-based methodfor detection and quantification of all types of small non-codingRNAs.In this method,small RNA fractions are isolated and polyAtails are added to the3 ends by polyadenylation(Fig.19.1).Small RNA cDNAs(srcDNAs)are then generated by reverseFig.19.1.Overview of small RNA complementary DNA(srcDNA)library construction forPCR or qPCR analysis.Small RNAs are polyadenylated using a polyA polymerase.ThepolyA-tailed RNAs are reverse-transcribed using a primer miRTQ containing oligo dTsflanked by an adaptor sequence.RNAs are removed by RNase H from the srcDNA.ThesrcDNA is ready for PCR or qPCR to be carried out using a small RNA-specific primer(srSP)and a universal reverse primer,RTQ-UNIr.Quantitative Analysis of Small RNAs297transcription using a primer consisting of adaptor sequences atthe5 end and polyT at the3 end(miRTQ).Using the srcD-NAs,non-quantitative or quantitative PCR can then be per-formed using a small RNA-specific primer and the RTQ-UNIrprimer.This method has been utilized by investigators in numer-ous studies(18,24–38).Two recent technologies,454sequenc-ing and microarray(39,40)for high-throughput analyses of miR-NAs and other small RNAs,also need an independent method forvalidation.454sequencing,the next-generation sequencing tech-nology,allows virtually exhaustive sequencing of all small RNAspecies within a small RNA library.However,each of the clonednovel small RNAs needs to be validated by examining its expres-sion in organs or in cells.Microarray assays of miRNAs have beenavailable but only known or bioinformatically predicted miR-NAs are covered.Similar to mRNA microarray analyses,the up-or down-regulation of miRNA levels under different conditionsneeds to be further validated using conventional Northern blotanalyses or PCR-based methods like the one that we are describ-ing here.2.Materials2.1.Isolation of Small RNAs, Polyadenylation,and Purification 1.mirVana miRNA Isolation Kit(Ambion).2.Phosphate-buffered saline(PBS)buffer.3.Poly(A)polymerase.4.mirVana Probe and Marker Kit(Ambion).2.2.Reverse Transcription,PCR, and Quantitative PCR 1.Superscript III First-Strand Synthesis System for RT-PCR(Invitrogen).2.miRTQ primers(Table19.1).3.AmpliTaq Gold PCR Master Mix for PCR.4.SYBR Green PCR Master Mix for qPCR.5.A miRNA-specific primer(e.g.,let-7a)and RTQ-UNIr(Table19.1).6.Agarose and100bp DNA ladder.3.Methods3.1.Isolation of Small RNAs 1.Harvest tissue(≤250mg)or cells in a1.7-mL tube with500μL of cold PBS.T a b l e 19.1O l i g o n u c l e o t i d e s u s e dN a m eS e q u e n c e (5 –3 )N o t eU s a g em i R T QC G A A T T C T A G A G C T C G A G G C A G G C G A C A T G G C T G G C T A G T T A A G C T T G G T A C C G A G C T A G T C C T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T V N ∗R N a s e f r e e ,H P L CR e v e r s e t r a n s c r i p t i o nR T Q -U N I r C G A A T T C T A G A G C T C G A G G C A G GR e g u l a r d e s a l t i n gP C R /q P C Rl e t -7a T G A G G T A G T A G G T T G T A T A G R e g u l a r d e s a l t i n gP C R /q P C R∗V =A ,C ,o r G ;N =A ,C ,G ,o r TQuantitative Analysis of Small RNAs299 2.Centrifuge at∼5,000rpm for2min at room temperature(RT).3.Remove PBS as much as possible.For cells,remove PBScarefully without breaking the pellet,leave∼100μL of PBS,and resuspend cells by tapping gently.4.Add300–600μL of lysis/binding buffer(10volumes pertissue mass)on ice.When you start with frozen tissue or cells,immediately add lysis/binding buffer(10volumes per tissue mass)on ice.5.Cut tissue into small pieces using scissors and grind it usinga homogenizer.For cells,skip this step.6.Vortex for40s to mix.7.Add one-tenth volume of miRNA homogenate additive onice and mix well by vortexing.8.Leave the mixture on ice for10min.For tissue,mix it every2min.9.Add an equal volume(330–660μL)of acid-phenol:chloroform.Be sure to withdraw from the bottom phase(the upper phase is an aqueous buffer).10.Mix thoroughly by inverting the tubes several times.11.Centrifuge at10,000rpm for5min at RT.12.Recover the aqueous phase carefully without disrupting thelower phase and transfer it to a fresh tube.13.Measure the volume using a scale(1g=∼1mL)andnote it.14.Add one-third volume of100%ethanol at RT to the recov-ered aqueous phase.15.Mix thoroughly by inverting the tubes several times.16.Transfer up to700μL of the mixture into afilter cartridgewithin a collection bel thefilter as total RNA.When you have>700μL of the mixture,apply it in suc-cessive application to the samefilter.17.Centrifuge at10,000rpm for15s at RT.18.Collect thefiltrate(theflow-through).Save the cartridgefor total RNA isolation(go to Step24).19.Add two-third volume of100%ethanol at RT to theflow-through.20.Mix thoroughly by inverting the tubes several times.21.Transfer up to700μL of the mixture into a newfilterbel thefilter as small RNA.When you have >700μL of thefiltrate mixture,apply it in successive appli-cation to the samefilter.300Ro and Yan22.Centrifuge at10,000rpm for15s at RT.23.Discard theflow-through and repeat until all of thefiltratemixture is passed through thefilter.Reuse the collectiontube for the following washing steps.24.Apply700μL of miRNA wash solution1(working solu-tion mixed with ethanol)to thefilter.25.Centrifuge at10,000rpm for15s at RT.26.Discard theflow-through.27.Apply500μL of miRNA wash solution2/3(working solu-tion mixed with ethanol)to thefilter.28.Centrifuge at10,000rpm for15s at RT.29.Discard theflow-through and repeat Step27.30.Centrifuge at12,000rpm for1min at RT.31.Transfer thefilter cartridge to a new collection tube.32.Apply100μL of pre-heated(95◦C)elution solution orRNase-free water to the center of thefilter and close thecap.Aliquot a desired amount of elution solution intoa1.7-mL tube and heat it on a heat block at95◦C for∼15min.Open the cap carefully because it might splashdue to pressure buildup.33.Leave thefilter tube alone for1min at RT.34.Centrifuge at12,000rpm for1min at RT.35.Measure total RNA and small RNA concentrations usingNanoDrop or another spectrophotometer.36.Store it at–80◦C until used.3.2.Polyadenylation1.Set up a reaction mixture with a total volume of50μL in a0.5-mL tube containing0.1–2μg of small RNAs,10μL of5×E-PAP buffer,5μL of25mM MnCl2,5μL of10mMATP,1μL(2U)of Escherichia coli poly(A)polymerase I,and RNase-free water(up to50μL).When you have a lowconcentration of small RNAs,increase the total volume;5×E-PAP buffer,25mM MnCl2,and10mM ATP should beincreased accordingly.2.Mix well and spin the tube briefly.3.Incubate for1h at37◦C.3.3.Purification 1.Add an equal volume(50μL)of acid-phenol:chloroformto the polyadenylation reaction mixture.When you have>50μL of the mixture,increase acid-phenol:chloroformaccordingly.2.Mix thoroughly by tapping the tube.Quantitative Analysis of Small RNAs3013.Centrifuge at10,000rpm for5min at RT.4.Recover the aqueous phase carefully without disrupting thelower phase and transfer it to a fresh tube.5.Add12volumes(600μL)of binding/washing buffer tothe aqueous phase.When you have>50μL of the aqueous phase,increase binding/washing buffer accordingly.6.Transfer up to460μL of the mixture into a purificationcartridge within a collection tube.7.Centrifuge at10,000rpm for15s at RT.8.Discard thefiltrate(theflow-through)and repeat until allof the mixture is passed through the cartridge.Reuse the collection tube.9.Apply300μL of binding/washing buffer to the cartridge.10.Centrifuge at12,000rpm for1min at RT.11.Transfer the cartridge to a new collection tube.12.Apply25μL of pre-heated(95◦C)elution solution to thecenter of thefilter and close the cap.Aliquot a desired amount of elution solution into a1.7-mL tube and heat it on a heat block at95◦C for∼15min.Open the cap care-fully because it might be splash due to pressure buildup.13.Let thefilter tube stand for1min at RT.14.Centrifuge at12,000rpm for1min at RT.15.Repeat Steps12–14with a second aliquot of25μL ofpre-heated(95◦C)elution solution.16.Measure polyadenylated(tailed)RNA concentration usingNanoDrop or another spectrophotometer.17.Store it at–80◦C until used.After polyadenylation,RNAconcentration should increase up to5–10times of the start-ing concentration.3.4.Reverse Transcription 1.Mix2μg of tailed RNAs,1μL(1μg)of miRTQ,andRNase-free water(up to21μL)in a PCR tube.2.Incubate for10min at65◦C and for5min at4◦C.3.Add1μL of10mM dNTP mix,1μL of RNaseOUT,4μLof10×RT buffer,4μL of0.1M DTT,8μL of25mM MgCl2,and1μL of SuperScript III reverse transcriptase to the mixture.When you have a low concentration of lig-ated RNAs,increase the total volume;10×RT buffer,0.1M DTT,and25mM MgCl2should be increased accordingly.4.Mix well and spin the tube briefly.5.Incubate for60min at50◦C and for5min at85◦C toinactivate the reaction.302Ro and Yan6.Add1μL of RNase H to the mixture.7.Incubate for20min at37◦C.8.Add60μL of nuclease-free water.3.5.PCR and qPCR 1.Set up a reaction mixture with a total volume of25μL ina PCR tube containing1μL of small RNA cDNAs(srcD-NAs),1μL(5pmol of a miRNA-specific primer(srSP),1μL(5pmol)of RTQ-UNIr,12.5μL of AmpliTaq GoldPCR Master Mix,and9.5μL of nuclease-free water.ForqPCR,use SYBR Green PCR Master Mix instead of Ampli-Taq Gold PCR Master Mix.2.Mix well and spin the tube briefly.3.Start PCR or qPCR with the conditions:95◦C for10minand then40cycles at95◦C for15s,at48◦C for30s and at60◦C for1min.4.Adjust annealing Tm according to the Tm of your primer5.Run2μL of the PCR or qPCR products along with a100bpDNA ladder on a2%agarose gel.∼PCR products should be∼120–200bp depending on the small RNA species(e.g.,∼120–130bp for miRNAs and piRNAs).4.Notes1.This PCR method can be used for quantitative PCR(qPCR)or semi-quantitative PCR(semi-qPCR)on small RNAs suchas miRNAs,piRNAs,snoRNAs,small interfering RNAs(siRNAs),transfer RNAs(tRNAs),and ribosomal RNAs(rRNAs)(18,24–38).2.Design miRNA-specific primers to contain only the“coresequence”since our cloning method uses two degeneratenucleotides(VN)at the3 end to make small RNA cDNAs(srcDNAs)(see let-7a,Table19.1).3.For qPCR analysis,two miRNAs and a piRNA were quan-titated using the SYBR Green PCR Master Mix(41).Cyclethreshold(Ct)is the cycle number at which thefluorescencesignal reaches the threshold level above the background.ACt value for each miRNA tested was automatically calculatedby setting the threshold level to be0.1–0.3with auto base-line.All Ct values depend on the abundance of target miR-NAs.For example,average Ct values for let-7isoforms rangefrom17to20when25ng of each srcDNA sample from themultiple tissues was used(see(41).Quantitative Analysis of Small RNAs3034.This method amplifies over a broad dynamic range up to10orders of magnitude and has excellent sensitivity capable ofdetecting as little as0.001ng of the srcDNA in qPCR assays.5.For qPCR,each small RNA-specific primer should be testedalong with a known control primer(e.g.,let-7a)for PCRefficiency.Good efficiencies range from90%to110%calcu-lated from slopes between–3.1and–3.6.6.On an agarose gel,mature miRNAs and precursor miRNAs(pre-miRNAs)can be differentiated by their size.PCR prod-ucts containing miRNAs will be∼120bp long in size whileproducts containing pre-miRNAs will be∼170bp long.However,our PCR method preferentially amplifies maturemiRNAs(see Results and Discussion in(41)).We testedour PCR method to quantify over100miRNAs,but neverdetected pre-miRNAs(18,29–31,38). 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本文将以生物专业英语教材中的具体语句作为例子,阐述了中长复杂语句的名词性短语、被动时态、用It 引导的强调句和主语从句的转换翻译技巧,与倒置法、拆句法等在翻译过程与生物专业的巧妙结合。
【关键词】生物专业英语;翻译技巧;拆句法;倒置法【中图分类号】H319【文献标识码】B 【文章编号】2095-3089(2016)11-0040-01生物专业英语是在高等院校中由生命科学专业开展的一门专业选修课程,通常在学生学习完基础英语课程和相关专业课程后开展的。
一、以it 引导的强调句或主语从句的翻译it 引导的主语从句和强调句在生物英语专业中是非常常见的。
进行这种句子的翻译要注意汉语的语法规则与逻辑顺序:有it 引导的主语从句只用译出句子中的逻辑主语意思即可;由it 引导的强调句,主要是为了强调,需在译文中加上相应强调词,如“就是’“正是”等。

Chapter 3 Nucleic Acid1. Physical and chemical structure of DNA●Double-stranded helix● Major groove and minor groove● Base pairing● The two strands are antiparallel● G+C content (percent G+C)● Satellite DNASatellite DNA consists of highly repetitive DNA and is so called because repetitions of a short DNA sequence tend to produce a different frequency of the nucleotides adenine, cytosine, guanine and thymine, and thus have a different density from bulk DNA — such that they form a second or ’satellite’ band when genomic DNA is separated on a density gradient。
Alternate DNA structureTwo bases have been extruded from base stacking at the junction. The white line goes from phosphate to phosphate along the chain。
O is shown red, N blue, P yellow and C grey.3. Circular and superhelical DNADNA can also form a double-stranded, covalently-closed circle。

二十一世纪是分子生物学发展的世纪,生命科学将进 入一个新的时代——后基因组时代postgenomics
1.功能基因组学 functional genomics 依附于对DNA序列的了解,应用基因组学的知识和工具
去了解影响发育和整个生物体的特征序列表达 谱。 酿酒酵母16条染色体的全部序列于1996年完成 。
Renard 克隆牛诞生(体细胞→个体);
2000 ,6.26 中、美、日、德、法、英6国,宣布人类基 因组草图发表。
2000 ,10月 科学家宣布将于2001年3月完 成河豚鱼的基 因组测序。
2000,12月14日英美等国科学家宣布绘出拟南芥基因组 的完整图谱。
2003年4月14日六国科学家完成了人类基因组序列图的 绘制,实现了人类基因组计划的所有目标。
二十世纪是以核酸为研究核心,带动分子生 物学向纵深发展:
生命科学从宏观→微观→宏观;由分析→综 合的时代。
分子生物学常用参考书 目
第一章 绪 论
Instant Notes in Molecular Biology
---Turner et al.
Molecular biology seeks to explain the relationships between the structure and function of biological molecules and how these relationships contribute to the operation and control of biochemical processes.

2)43S小亚基前起始复 合物
含eIF3 需要GTP
43S起始前复合体识别5’帽结构,并通 过eIF3与eIF4F间的相互作用募集43S 起始前复合体到mRNA上
Cap-dependent小 亚基起始复合物的 形成
形成多种起始复合物 需要起始因子及一个特殊的起始tRNA;
•核糖体小亚基负责对模板mRNA进行序列特异性识别, •大亚基负责携带氨基酸及tRNA的功能,肽键的形成、AAtRNA、肽基-tRNA的结合等主要在大亚基上。
去氨酰-tRNA 肽基酰-tRNA 氨酰-tRNA
• A位点(aminoacyl site),新到来的氨酰-tRNA的结合位点; • P位点(peptidyl site),肽酰-tRNA结合位点; • E位点(Exit site), 释放去氨酰-tRNA的位点。 • 只有(f)Met-tRNAfMet能与第一个P位点相结合,其它所有 tRNA都必须通过A位点到达P位点,再由E位点离开核糖体。
mRNA进入 和离开的通道位 于小亚基
14 Angstroms
Location of tRNAs
Cate et al., Science 1999
• 每一个tRNA结合位点都横跨核糖体的两个亚基,位 于大、小亚基的交界面。
Channel for polypeptide chain exiting locates in the large subunit
A: Without mRNA. B: With capped and
polyadenylated luciferase mRNA. C–E: Higher magnification of c, d

• 翻译: 是蛋白质生物合成过程中的第一步。 翻译是根据遗传密码的中心法则,将成熟 的mRNA分子中碱基的排列顺序(核苷酸序 列)解码,并生成对应的特定氨基酸序列 的过程。但也有许多转录生成的RNA,如 tRNA、rRNA和snRNA等并不被翻译为氨基 酸序列。
• 翻译分作三个阶段:起始、延长、终止。
mRNA 5’
Direction of translation
图 6.2 翻译时RNA不能直接作为生产氨基酸模板
• 遗传密码是一组规则,将DNA或RNA序列 以三个核苷酸为一组的密码子翻译为蛋白 质的氨基酸序列,以用于蛋白质合成。几 乎所有的生物都使用同样的遗传密码,称 为标准遗传密码;即使是非细胞结构的病 毒,它们也是使用标准遗传密码。但是也 有少数生物使用一些稍微不同的遗传密码。
(L1 ~ L50)
S1 S2 S3
33 proteins of small subunit
(S1 ~ S33)
60S subunit 40S subunit
图 6.4 原核生物与真核生物核糖体的组成
70S prokaryotic ribosome
80S eukaryotic ribosome
6.2.1 起始
• 多聚核糖体:原核生物中带有很多核糖体 的mRNA称为多聚核糖体。
• 开放阅读框(Open Reading Frame) 就是直接翻译成蛋白质的那段DNA序列。 从atg开始到终止密码子结束,中间没有内 含子。
• 非翻译区(UnTranslated Regions) 转录产物开头和末尾不翻译成蛋白质的那 段序列。
分子生物学 翻译

fMet fMet
进 位
转 位
真核生物肽链合成的延长过程与原核 基本相似,但有不同的反应体系和延长因 子。
另外,真核细胞核蛋白体没有E位,转 位时卸载的tRNA直接从P位脱落。
当mRNA上终止密码出现后,多肽链 合成停止,肽链从肽酰-tRNA中释出, mRNA、核蛋白体等分离,这些过程称 为肽链合成终止。
胞浆 胞浆
28S,5400个核苷酸 18S,2100个核苷酸 5.8S,160个核苷酸 5S, 120个核苷酸
转运氨基酸 与密码子识别
构成核糖体 , 蛋白质合成场 所
S:沉降系数 (1S=10-13秒)
碱基数量:bp, Kb, Mb
原核生物16S rRNA的二级结构
• 核蛋白体大小亚基分离; • mRNA在小亚基定位结合; • 起始氨基酰-tRNA的结合; • 核蛋白体大亚基结合。
1. 核蛋白体大小亚基分离
IF-1 IF-3
2. mRNA在小亚基定位结合
在原核生物mRNA起始密码AUG上 游,存在4~9个富含嘌呤碱的一致性序列, 如-AGGAGG-,称为S-D序列。又称为核 蛋白体结合位点(ribosomal binding site,RBS)
氨基酸的活化形式:氨基酰-tRNA 氨基酸的活化部位:α-羧基 氨基酸与tRNA连接方式:酯键 氨基酸活化耗能:2个~P
cellular and molecular life sciences 参考文献格式

cellular and molecular life sciences参考文献格式标题:细胞与分子生命科学的综述引言概述:细胞与分子生命科学是一门研究生物体内细胞和分子层面的学科,涉及细胞结构、功能、分子生物学、遗传学等多个方面。
正文内容:1. 细胞结构1.1 细胞膜结构:细胞膜是细胞的外层,由磷脂双分子层和蛋白质组成。
1.2 细胞器结构:细胞器是细胞内的功能区域,包括核、线粒体、内质网等。
2. 细胞功能2.1 细胞分裂:细胞分裂是细胞生命周期中的重要过程,包括有丝分裂和无丝分裂。
2.2 细胞信号传导:细胞通过信号分子进行信息传递,调控细胞的生理功能。
2.3 细胞凋亡:细胞凋亡是细胞自我调控的一种方式,通过程序性死亡维持组织和器官的平衡。
3. 分子生物学3.1 DNA结构和功能:DNA是遗传信息的携带者,其双螺旋结构和碱基配对规律对于遗传信息的传递和复制具有重要意义。
3.2 RNA转录和翻译:RNA是DNA的转录产物,在蛋白质合成中起到重要作用。
3.3 蛋白质结构和功能:蛋白质是生物体内功能最为多样的分子,其结构和功能的研究对于理解细胞活动和生物学过程具有重要意义。
4. 遗传学4.1 遗传物质的传递:遗传物质通过遗传信息的传递维持物种的遗传稳定性。
4.2 基因调控:基因调控是遗传物质在细胞内的表达和调节过程,包括转录因子、表观遗传学等多个层面。
4.3 基因突变:基因突变是遗传信息发生变化的结果,对个体的遗传特征和疾病的发生有重要影响。

1.DNA Denaturation(变性) When duplex DNA molecules are subjected to conditions of pH ,temperature,or ionic strength that disrupt base-paring interactions, the DNA molecule has lost its’native conformation, and double helix DNA is separated to single strand DNA as individual randome coils.That is, the DNA is denatured.2.Renaturation(复性)Removing the denaturation factors slowly or in proper conditions, the denaturedDNA (ssDNA) restore native structure (dsDNA) and functions. This process is dependent on both DNA concentration and time.3.Hybridization (核酸分子杂交)when heterogeneous DNA or RNA are put together, they will become toheteroduplex via the base-pairing rules during renaturation if they are complementary in parts (not completely). This is called molecular hybridization.4.Hyperchromic effect (增色效应)The absorbance at 260 nm of a DNA solution increases when thedouble helix is separated into single strands because of the bases unstack.5.Ribozyme (核酶)are the RNA molecules with catalytic activity. The activity of these ribozymes ofteninvolves the cleavage of a nucleic acid.6.De novo synthesis (从头合成)De novo synthesis of nucleotides begins with their metabolic precursors:amino acids, ribose-5-phosphate, one carbon units, CO2. mostly in liver.7.Salvage pathways (补救合成)Salvage pathways recycle the free bases and nucleosides released fromnucleic acid breakdown. Mostly in brain and marrow.8.Semi-conservative replication (半保留复制)DNA is synthesized by separation of the strands of aparental duplex, each then acting as a template for synthesis of a complementary strand based on the base-paring rule. Each daughter molecule has one parental strand and one newly synthesized strand. 9.Telomere(端粒):Specialized structure at the end of a linear eukaryotic chromosome, which consists ofproteins and DNA, tandem repeats of a short G-rich sequence on the 3 ' ending strand and its complementary sequence on the 5' ending strand, allows replication of the extreme 5' ends of the DNAwithout loss of genetic information and maintains the stability of eukaryote chromosome.10.Telomerase(端粒酶)An RNA-containing reverse transcriptase that using the RNA as a template, addsnucleotides to the 3 ' ending strand and thus prevents progressive shortening of eukaryotic linear DNA molecules during replication.11.Reverse transcription (逆转录)Synthesis of a double-strand DNA from an RNA template.12.Reverse transcriptase (逆转录酶)A DNA polymerase that uses RNA as its template.activity: RNA-dependent DNA polymerase; RNAse H;DNA-dependent DNA polymerase13.The central dogma (中心法则)It described that the flow of genetic information is from DNA to RNA andthen to protein. According to the central dogma, DNA directs the synthesis of RNA, and RNA then directs the synthesis of proteins.14.asymmetric transcription(不对称转录)1..Transcription generally involves only short segments of aDNA molecule, and within those segments only one of the two DNA strands serves as a template.2.The template strand of different genes is not always on the same strand of DNA. That is, in anychromosome, different genes may use different strands as template.15.template strand (模板链)The DNA strand that serves as a template for transcription. (The relationshipbetween template and transcript is base paring and anti-parallel)16.non-template strand (or coding strand)(编码连)The DNA strand that opposites to the templatestrand.(Note that it has the same sequence as the synthesized RNA, except for the replacement of U with T )17.promoter i s the DNA sequence at which RNA polymerase binds to initiate transcription. It is alwayslocated on the upstream of a gene.18.Split genes (断裂基因)Split genes are those in which regions that are represented in mature mRNAs orstructural RNAs (exons) are separated by regions that are transcribed along with exons in the primary RNA products of genes, but are removed from within the primary RNA molecule during RNA processingsteps (introns).19.Exon(外显子) can be expressed in primary transcript and are the sequences that are represented inmature RNA molecules, it encompasses not only protein-coding genes but also the genes for various RNA (such as tRNAs or rRNAs)20.Intron(内含子)can be expressed and be the intervening nucleotide sequences that are removed fromthe primary transcript when it is processed into a mature RNA.21.Spliceosome(剪切体)A multicomponent complex contains proteins and snRNAs that are involved inmRNA splicing.22.Translation(翻译)The process of protein synthesis in which the genetic information present in anmRNA molecule (transcribed from DNA) determines the sequence of amino acids by the genetic codons.Translation occurs on ribosomes.23.genetic codon(密码子)The genetic code is a triplet code read continuously from a fixed starting pointin each mRNA, also called triplet. Genetic code defines the relationship between the base sequence of mRNA and the amino acid sequence of polypeptide.24.Degeneracy of code(密码子简并性)One codon encodes only one amino acid;More than 2 codons can encode the same amino acid;Most codons that encode the same amino acid have the difference in the third base of the codon.25.ORF(开放阅读框架)The nucleotideacids sequences in mRNA molecule from 5’AUG to 3’stop codon(UAA UAG UGA). It consists of a group of contiguous nonoverlapping genetic codons encoding a whole protein. Usually, it includes more than 500 genetic codons.26.Shine-Dalgarno sequence(SD)is a sequence upstream the start codon in prokaryotic mRNA that canbase pairs to a •UCCU•sequence at or very near the 3' end of 16S rRNA, thereby binding the mRNA and small ribosomal subunit by each other.27.Polyribosome(多聚核糖体)Ribosomes(10~100) are tandemly arranged on one mRNA and move in thedirection of 5’to 3’.Such a complex of one mRNA and a number ofribosomes is called polyribosome.28.signal peptide(信号肽)It is a short conservative amino terminal sequence (13~36AA) that exists ona newly synthesized secretory protein. It can direct this protein to a specific locationwithin the cell. It is subsequently cleaved away by signal peptidase; also called signal sequence and targeting sequence.29.Operon(操纵子): Bacteria have a simple general mechanism for coordinating the regulation of geneswhose products are involved in related processes: the genes are clustered on the chromosome and transcribed together. Most prokaryotic mRNAs are polycistronic. The single promoter requi red to initiate transcription of the cluster is the point where expression of all of the genes is regulated. The gene cluster, the promoter, and additional sequences that function in regulation are together called an operon. Operons that include 2 to 6 genes transcribed as a unit are common; some operons contain 20 or more genes.30.Housekeeping gene(管家基因)Genes that are expressed at a fairly consistent level throughout the cellcycle and from tissue to tissue. Usually involved in routine cellular metabolism. Often used for comparison when studying expression of other genes of interest.31.Trans-acting factors(反式作用因子):Usually considered to be proteins, that bind to the cis-actingsequences to control gene expression. The properties of different trans-acting factors:subunits of RNA polymerasebind to RNA Polymerase to stabilize the initiation complexbind to all promoters at specific sequences but not to RNA Polymerase (TFIID factor which binds to the TATA box)bind to a few promoters and are required for transcription initiation32.Cis-acting elements(顺式作用元件):DNA sequences in the vicinity of the structural portion of a genethat are required for gene expression. The properties of different cis-acting elements:contain short consensus sequencesmodules are related but not identicalnot fixed in location but usually within 200 bp upstream of the transcription start sitea single element is usually sufficient to confer a regulatory responsecan be located in a promoter or an enhancerassumed that a specific protein binds to the element and the presence of that protein is developmentally regulated33.Southern blotting:Genomic DNA (from tissues or cells) are cut by RE, separated by gelelectrophoresis and denatured in solution, then transferred to a nitrocellulose membrane for detecting specific DNA sequence by hybridization to a labeled probe. It can be used to quantitative and qualitative analyze genomic DNA, or analyze the recombinant plasmid and bacteriophage (screening DNA library).34.Northern blotting: RNA samples (from tissues or cells) are separated by gel electrophoresis anddenatured in solution, then transferred to a nitrocellulose membrane for detecting specific sequence by hybridization to a labeled probe. It can be used to detect the level of specific mRNA in some tissues (cells) and to compare the level of same gene expression in different tissues (cells) or at different development period.35.Western blotting:rotein samples are separated by PAGE electrophoresis, then electro-transferred to NCmembrane. The proteins on NC membrane hybridize with a specific antibody (1st antibody ), then the target protein binding with antibody is detected with a labeled secondary antibody (2nd antibody).Also called immunoblotting. It can be used to detect the specific protein, semi-quantify specific protein, etc.36.PBlotting technique(印迹):Transfer (blot) biological macromolecules separated in the gel and fix themto nitrocellulose/nylon membrane by diffusion, electro-transferring or vacuum absorption, then detectit.37.Nucleic acid probe(探针):DNA or RNA fragment labeled with radioisotope, biotin orfluorescent, is used to detect specific nucleic acid sequences by hybridization38.PCR: PCR is a technique for amplifying a specific DNA segment in vitro. The reaction system includeDNA template, T aq DNA pol, dNTP,short oligonucleotide primers, buffer containing Mg2+. The process including 3 steps: denature, annealing, extension39.DNA coloning(克隆):T o clone a piece of DNA, DNA is cut into fragments using restriction enzymes. Thefragments are pasted into vectors that have been cut by the same restriction enzyme to form recombinant DNA. The recombinant DNA are needed to transfer and maintain DNA in a host cell. This serial process and related technique are called DNA coloning or genetic engineering.40.Genomic DNA library(基因组DNA文库) A genomic library is a set of clones that together representsthe entire genome of a given organism. The number of clones that constitute a genomic library depends on (1) the size of the genome in question and (2) the insert size tolerated by the particular cloning vector system. For most practical purposes, the tissue source of the genomic DNA is unimportant because each cell of the body contains virtually identical DNA (with some exceptions).41.cDNA library(cDNA文库):A cDNA library represents a sample of the mRNA purified from a particularsource (either a collection of cells, a particular tissue, or an entire organism), which has been converted back to a DNA template by the use of the enzyme reverse transcriptase. It thus represents the genes that were being actively transcribed in that particular source under the physiological, developmental, or environmental conditions that existed when the mRNA was purified.42.α-complementation(α互补):Some plasmid vectors such as pUC19 carry the alpha fragment of the lacZ gene. The alpha fragment is the amino-terminus of the beta-galactosidase. Typically, the mutant E. coli host strain only carry the omega fragment, which is the carboxy-terminus of the protein. Either omegaor alpha fragment alone is nonfunctional. When the vector containing lac Z introduced into mutant E.coli, both the alpha and omega fragments are present there is an interaction and a functionally intact beta-galactosidase protein can be produced. This interaction is called alpha complementation.43.Secondary messenger(第二信使) are some small signal molecules that are generated in the cell inresponse to extracellular signals. They can activate many other downstream components. The most important second messengers are: Ca2+, cAMP, cGMP, DAG, IP3, Cer, AA and its derivatives, etc.44.Adaptor protein(衔接蛋白)A specialized protein that links protein components of the signalingpathway, These proteins tend to lack any intrinsic enzymatic activity themselves but instead mediate specific protein-protein interaction that drive the formation of protein complexes.45.Scaffolding protein(支架蛋白)A protein that assembles interacting signaling proteins intomultimolecular, it recruits downstream effectors in a pathway and enhances specificity of the signal. 46.Oncogene(癌基因)A gene whose product is involved either in transforming cells in culture or ininducing cancer in animals including virus oncogene(v-onc)and cellular-oncogene(c-onc )。

Mobile Genetic Elements 2:6, 267-271; November/December, 2012; © 2012 Landes BioscienceLETTER TO THE EDITORLETTER TO THE EDITORGAA repeats were shown to be the most unstable trinucleotide repeats in the pri-mates genome evolution by comparison of orthologous human and chimp loci.2 The instability of the GAA repeat in the first intron of the frataxin gene X25 is particu-larly well studied since it causes an inher-ited disorder, Friedreich ataxia (FRDA).3-6 I n Friedreich ataxia, once the length of the GAA repeat inside the frataxin gene (FXN GAA) reaches a certain threshold, the combined probability of its expan-sions and deletions in progeny of affected parents is about 85%.7 Deletions and con-tractions of the repeat in intergenerational transmissions can reach hundreds of base pairs.7 However, the FXN GAA repeat is much more stable in somatic cells.8 I t is relatively stable in blood, but shows some instability in dorsal root ganglia,9 which is responsible for some of the neurodegen-erative symptoms of Friedreich ataxia.5 GAA repeats were shown to be stable in FRDA fibroblasts cell lines and neuronal stem cells.10The question why the FXN GAA repeat is so much more stable in somatic cells than in intergenerational transmis-sions remains open. Recent studies in FRDA iPSCs that are closer to embryonic cells than somatic cells models, showed expansions of the GAA repeat with 100% probability.10,11 It is intriguing that all cells Complexes between two GAA repeats within DNA introduced into Cos-1 cellsMaria M. KrasilnikovaPennsylvania State University; University Park, PA USAKeywords: replication, GAA repeat, Friedreich ataxia, genome instability, chromatinCorrespondence to: Maria M. Krasilnikova; Email: muk19@ Submitted: 10/08/12; Revised: 12/09/12; Accepted: 12/10/12/10.4161/mge.23194in the iPSC cell lines that were analyzed were synchronously adding about two GAA repeats in each replication.The studies focused on the FXN GAA repeat provided many valuable insights; however, human genome contains many other GAA repeats: the human X chro-mosome, for instance, contains 44 GAA stretches with more than 100 repeats in each. About 30 GAA repeats were detected on the chromosome 4.12 GAA repeats mostly originated from the 3' end of the poly A associated with Alu elements.13I t is not known what makes repeats with the GAA motif most unstable com-pared with other trinucleotide repeats. It is possible that GAA repeats instability is caused by their ability to form non-B DNA structures. In vitro, GAA repeats can form triplexes,14,15 and sticky DNA structures.16 At the same time, hairpins 17 and paral-lel duplexes 18 have also been observed. When transcription is going through a GAA repeat, it can also form an R-loop, a DNA-RNA complex that leaves one of the complementary strands single-stranded.19 However, it is unclear whether these struc-tures indeed form in mammalian cells. If we assume that the instability of the GAA repeat is indeed associated with the struc-ture formation, it is still unclear why the structures would form in early embryo-genesis when the GAA expansion event in Friedriech ataxia is believed to occur,7 and do not form in somatic cells where the GAA repeat was shown to be more stable. I n our recent study, we hypothesize that the differences in chromatin structure are at least partially responsible for the differ-ences in the GAA repeats stability.1The propensity of GAA repeat to form a triplex structure may strongly depend on the structure of chromatin at the repeat and surrounding area.1 Consistent with other studies, we observed that formation of chromatin at an SV40-based plasmid introduced into mammalian cells occurs gradually: 8 h after transfection there are only occasional nucleosomes at the plas-mid, while by 72 h the nucleosome struc-ture is already regular.20 Our analysis of replication stalling at the repeat revealed that the repeat affects replication only in the first replication cycle, when chromatin is still at the formation stage. We believe that replication stalling at GAA is caused by a triplex structure that the GAA repeat adopts during transfection or inside the cell. In the subsequent replication cycles, replication was completely unaffected by the presence of the repeat, which is likely to be due to the inhibition of triplex for-mation by tight chromatin packaging.1Here we show the data that strengthen our previous observations and extend it to one more structure: a complex betweenWe have recently shown that GAA repeats severely impede replication elongation during the first replication cycle of transfected DNA wherein the chromatin is still at the formation stage.1 Here we extend this study by showing that two GAA repeats located within the same plasmid in the direct orientation can form complexes upon transient transfection of mammalian Cos-1 cells. However, these complexes do not form in DNA that went through several replication rounds in mammalian cells. We suggest that formation of such complexes in mammalian genomes can contribute to genomic instability.We studied replication of several SV40-based plasmids that contained two (GAA)57 repeats located at different posi-tions in Cos-1 cells (Figs. 1–3). I n each case, the cells were transiently transfected with 1 μg of each plasmid, and replication intermediates were isolated after about 30 h. This allowed us to observe replica-tion arcs that resulted from the plasmids that replicated for more than two rounds. However, some residual amount of the first replication cycle arcs can also be registered. Replication stalling at GAA repeats only occurs during the first repli-cation cycle of an SV40-based plasmid,1 hence we did not observe it in our system.For each of the plasmids, and for all patterns of restriction digests that we studied, we observed complexes between the two (GAA)57 repeats (indicated by red arrows in each of the figures). The migration of those complexes was differ-ent depending on the digest pattern, so the complexes were at different positions in 2D gel patterns, in agreement with our expectations based on their shapes.We did not observe replication stalling associated with these complexes. When this complex is formed, it migrates signifi-cantly slower on 2D gels; the replication of plasmids that contain such complexes should result in an extra replication arc originating from the complex position. However, the number of molecules that form this complex is significantly lower than the overall number of plasmids, and there may be not enough material to observe their replication.For the situation when the two GAA repeats were located in two different frag-ments upon PvuI digest (Fig. 1), we showed that the spot 3 (Fig. 1D ) (also indicated by an arrow in Fig. 1A ) con-tains both fragments: the spot hybridized to the probes corresponding to either of them (Fig. 1A and B ). However, the com-plex appears at the position that migrates slower than unreplicated plasmid in the second dimension upon AflI I I and ScaI digest when both repeats belong to the same fragment (Fig. 2). We suggest that this fragment contains a loop generated by the interaction between the two GAA repeats (Fig. 2C ) that slows it down in the second dimension, and has little effect on the mobility in the first dimension sinceThe method of two-dimensional elec-trophoresis 22,23 allowed us to analyze the replication progression through a DNA fragment containing two GAA repeats. In this method, the replication intermediates are isolated under non-denaturing condi-tions, digested by a restriction enzyme, and separated on two consecutive gel runs in perpendicular directions. The first direction runs in 0.4% agarose (that separates mostly by mass), and the second direction runs in 1% agarose (that sepa-rates by both mass and shape of a DNA molecule).two GAA stretches. Two GAA repeats has been shown to readily form complexes, such as “sticky DNA,” in vitro,16 but it is not obvious whether it can also form inside the mammalian cells. The sticky DNA requires more than one GAA stretch to form.21 We studied the interaction of two GAA repeats located within the same plas-mid, but since the human genome contains at least several hundreds of long GAA motif repeats,12,13 this structure can theoretically form in the genomic environment as well. However, more experiments are needed to detect its formation in genome.Figure 1. A complex between two (GAA)57 repeats within the same plasmid. Plasmid replication intermediates were isolated from Cos-1 cells 30 h after transient transfection. Intermediates were digested by restriction enzymes indicated in the plasmid maps, and separated by two-dimension-al neutral-neutral agarose gel electrophoresis as described previously.1 The gel was transferred to a nylon membrane and hybridized to one of the probes indicated in the plasmid maps as green lines. A position of the complex at the 2D gel pattern depends on the restriction digest of the replication intermediates (indicated by a red arrow). (A ) Two-dimensional electrophoresis of replication intermediates digested by PvuII that places each repeat within a separate fragment. The membrane was hybridized with probe 1 indicated in (C ). The names of the plasmids GAAGAA, GAACTT, etc., reflect the orientation of the GAA repeats within the plasmid (GAAGAA means that the two GAA stretches are in the direct orientation). (B ) The same membrane was stripped of probe 1, and re-hybridized with probe 2 (C ). (C ) The scheme of the plasmid that was used in the experiment in (A and B ). Two different fragments that resulted from the PvuII digest are shown in red and blue. The positions of GAA repeats are shown in black. They can be in the direct or the reverse orientations in this plasmid. (D ) The scheme of the 2D gel in (A ). Spot 1: unreplicated blue fragment, spot 2: unreplicated red fragment that appears because of the cross-contamination of probe 1 with probe 2 due to their preparation from the same plasmid with a restriction digest. Spot 3: a complex between the red and the blue fragments. Spikes 3-2 and 3-4 may result from double-stranded breaks in the plasmid during transfection that make one of the arms of the complex in spot 3 shorter.it has the same mass as the unreplicated fragment.The complexes formed only when the two GAA stretches were positioned on a plasmid as direct repeats (GAAGAA and CTTCTT in the plasmid names). The inverted repeats GAACTT and CTTGAA did not form complexes as shown in Figures 1 and 2. This is in agreement with the sticky DNA formation in supercoiled plasmids containing two GAA repeats that has been previously shown in vitro.16 In sticky DNA, the two GAA strands that are in the antiparallel orientation, and the CTT strand, form a stable complex stabilized by Mg2+-dependent reverse-Hoogsteen triads. However, the sticky DNA complex fell apart upon heating in the presence of EDTA, which removes the Mg2+ ions necessary for its stability,16 while we did not detect any changes in spot 3 upon heating the intermediates with EDTA (Fig. 3B). We suggest that in our case the complex may be different from the canonical sticky DNA. It may be based on Hoogsteen base pairing where the Mg2+ is not needed and a slightly acidic pH has a stabilizing effect.24 It has been shown that this type of structure forms within long GAA stretches in vitro even at a pH that is close to neutral.15 We also cannot exclude that the complexes are hemicatenated molecules connected at GAA repeats with Watson-Crick pairing.25The complexes between the two GAA repeats persisted only until the plasmids went through one replication round. DpnI restriction enzyme is a frequent-cutter that digests all DNA that contains strands syn-thesized in bacteria: it cleaves DNA that is methylated at GATC by dam methyl-ase, which is only present in bacteria, but not in mammalian cells. Extensive DpnI digest that we performed, cleaved the ini-tial DNA used in transfection, as well as the products of the first replication cycleA complex between the two repeats within the same fragment slow down its progres-sion in the second dimension of the 2D gel. The same plasmid as in the Figure 1 was used in this experiment, however, they were digested with different enzymes. (A) Replication intermediates were digested with AflIII and ScaI, placing both repeats within the same fragment. The complex of two GAA repeats results in a slowly migrating structure that is shown by a red arrow. (B) A map of the digest of the same plasmid as in Figure 1 with restriction enzymes ScaI and AflIII. Here both of the repeats are located within the same fragment shown in blue. (C) The scheme of the 2D gel in . Spots 1 and 2 are the same as in Figure 1D. Spot 3: a looped intermediate that resulted from the interaction of the two GAA repeats.A complex between the two GAA repeats does not form in plasmids that went through more than two replication rounds in mammaliancells. Two-dimensional gels of replication intermediates of a plasmid containing two (GAA)57 repeats were obtained as described in the Figure 1) Two-dimensional gel of replication intermediates digested by AflIII (placing the two repeats at two different fragments). A red arrow indi-cates the position of the complex between the two GAA-containing fragments. (B) The same replication intermediates were incubated at 80°C in the presence of 10 mM EDTA for 10 min; the pattern of the 2D gel did not change. (C) The same intermediates were additionally digested with10 units of DpnI for 2 h prior to loading. The spot at the position indicated by an arrow in Figure 1 A is not present in this picture. An additional spot that appeared in this pattern is likely not a part of the pattern, and is probably due to some contamination. (D) A map of the plasmid that was used inFigure 1A and B. Spot 1, unreplicated blue fragment; spot 2, unreplicated red fragment (which appeared due to contamination of probe 1 with other plasmid sequences). Spot 3, a complex between the blue and the red fragments. A very faint duplicate Y arc from replication of the second fragment originates from spot 2. The spikes originating from spot 3 can be interpreted the same way as11. Ku S, Soragni E, Campau E, Thomas EA, Altun G, Laurent LC, et al. Friedreich’s ataxia induced plu-ripotent stem cells model intergenerational GAA·TTC triplet repeat instability. Cell Stem Cell 2010; 7:631-7; PM I D:21040903; /10.1016/j.stem.2010.09.014.12. Siedlaczck I , Epplen C, Riess O, Epplen JT. Simple repetitive (GAA)n loci in the human genome. Electrophoresis 1993; 14:973-7; PM I D:7907288; /10.1002/elps.11501401155.13. Chauhan C, Dash D, Grover D, Rajamani J, MukerjiM. Origin and instability of GAA repeats: insights fromAlu elements. 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Reproduction 2003; 125:625-33; PM D:12713425; /10.1530/rep.0.1250625.because they contain one strand synthe-sized in bacteria.The replication intermediates digested with DpnI did not contain the spot 3, cor-responding to the complex between two GAA stretches (Fig. 3C ). We suggest that the absence of the complex is due to the chromatin coverage of the plasmid that accompanies replication. This is similar to our observation that GAA repeats only block replication during the first replica-tion round, until the chromatin is formed. The replication blockage that we have pre-viously observed is consistent with forma-tion of a triplex that occurs in transfected DNA only prior to nucleosome cover-age.1 Here, the complex between the two (GAA)57 repeats also occurred only with-out the chromatin structure. The absence of the complex in replicated DNA also shows that the complexes that we observe are not an artifact of the isolation and sub-sequent treatment of our intermediates, since then they would exist in at least some fraction of the replicated DNA as well.The question remains whether the non-B DNA structures can form within GAA repeats in mammalian cells since their formation requires DNA stretches that are not folded in chromatin. A win-dow when these complexes can form during development is the spermatogen-esis when the maturing sperm chromatin changes from nucleosome- to protamine-bound assembly.26 Another opportunity to form complexes comes when the chroma-tin of a sperm and an egg restructure after the fusion of the gamets.26,27 This is asso-ciated with degradation of protamines and nucleosome deposition, as the zygote DNA may lack a compact chromatin structure.28 It should be noted that the expansions in Friedreich ataxia were traced to the early divisions of the zygote.7An opportunity for the complexes to form may also exist in cancer cells. It is known that some regions of their genome are overmethylated and convert in hetero-chromatin, while other regions are under-methylated, which may promote a loose chromatin packaging.29,30It is not clear whether the two-repeats complexes would compete with triplex structure formation within each individ-ual (GAA)57 repeat. It is possible that both of them exist and contribute to overallgenomic instability. However, a separate study is necessary to determine whether these structures indeed have a biological role.Disclosure of Potential Conflicts of InterestNo potential conflicts of interest weredisclosed.Acknowledgments This study was supported by NI H grant GM087472, and research grant from Friedreich’s Ataxia Research Alliance toMMK.References 1. Chandok GS, Patel MP , Mirkin SM, Krasilnikova MM.Effects of Friedreich’s ataxia GAA repeats on DNAreplication in mammalian cells. Nucleic Acids Res2012; 40:3964-74; PM D:22262734; http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/nar/gks021.2. Kelkar YD, Tyekucheva S, Chiaromonte F , MakovaKD. The genome-wide determinants of humanand chimpanzee microsatellite evolution. GenomeRes 2008; 18:30-8; PMI D:18032720; http://dx.doi.org/10.1101/gr.7113408.3. Sharma R, Bhatti S, Gomez M, Clark RM, MurrayC, Ashizawa T, et al. 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weaver的分子生物学解释说明1. 引言1.1 概述分子生物学是研究生命体内分子结构、功能和相互关系的科学领域。
1.2 文章结构本文将按照以下顺序展开内容:首先介绍Weaver的分子生物学历史背景,包括他个人背景以及对这一领域做出的重要贡献。
然后,我们将详细解释Weaver 用于研究对象与方法,并探讨其在分子生物学方面取得的进展和成果。
1.3 目的本文的目的是通过对Weaver在分子生物学领域所做出的重要贡献进行全面解读和说明。
以上为文章“1. 引言”部分内容,请根据需要进行修改和调整。
2. Weaver的分子生物学2.1 Weaver的历史分子生物学家Weaver,全名约翰·T·韦弗,是20世纪下半叶最重要的分子生物学家之一。

Yamaguchi Shinozaki和Shinozaki(1994)从RD29A基因的启动子中鉴定出一个9bp(TACCGACAT)的DNA调控元件DRE(dehydration-responsive element),(Yamaguchi-Shinozak and Shinozal,1994).同年,从COR15基因的启动子中又鉴定出另一调控元件CRT(C-repeat,TGGCCGAC)(Tbata et al.,2000).这两个元件均含有CCGAC核心序列,即LTRE(low-temperature-responsive element)元件(Jiang et al.,1996).随后证明,CRT/DRE或其核心序列普遍存在于冷诱导和脱水诱导基因的启动子中,为这类基因的冷诱导和脱水诱导表达所必需.
冷调节基因(COR)的启动子区域含有具有5个碱基核心序列CCGAC的脱水反应元素DRE(Dehydration responsive element)做为顺式作用启动子元素,能在低温胁迫时激活COR基因的表达[3]。Masakazu H等将Cu2COR19转入烟草,和对照烟草植株相比较,转基因植株电渗值较低、发芽率较高、抗冻性有所提高口[4]。在这些基因表达的产物中,一些已证实是有己知酶活性的蛋白,它们可能对提高抗寒性有一定程度的作用,如拟南芥冷诱导基因中的fad8基因[5]和大麦中的blt4基因[6],它们分别编码脂肪酸去饱和酶和一种脂肪迁移蛋白,通过这种脂肪酸去饱和酶或脂肪迁移蛋白改变质膜的组成以提高膜的冷稳定性。
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在旱地土壤中产甲烷古菌活性对养牛业的影响维维安radl1,5,安德烈亚斯gattinger1,5,艾莉卡时ˇ一´可娃´2,3,安娜NEˇmcova´2,3,Jiri Cˇuhel2,3,米洛斯拉夫的ˇimek2,3,让查尔斯munch1,4,迈克尔schloter4和Dana elhottova´21土壤生态学,慕尼黑工业大学,上施莱斯海姆,慕尼黑,德国;2生物中心,土壤生物学研究所,Cˇ艾斯克´不得ˇjovice,捷克共和国;3生物科学,南波西米亚州大学,Cˇ艾斯克´不得ˇjovice,捷克共和国;4gsf国家研究中心环境与健康,土壤生态,Neuherberg学院,德国。
期刊名称(2007)1,443,452–;DOI: 10.1038/ismej.2007.60;网上公布19七月2007学科类别:微生物生态学和自然栖息地的功能多样性关键词:多样性;甲烷排放;甲基辅酶M还原酶引言农业对于在土壤和植物生物量的二氧化碳(OCA,2006)气体减排和系统隔离提供了巨大的潜力。
此外,踩踏可以使丰富的有机碳物质从粪便进入土壤,刺激微生物代谢,从而增加在较低的土壤深度氧的需求(Sˇimek 等人,2006)。
mcrA 基因的存在限制产甲烷古菌(thauer,1998);因此,它的数量作为一个土壤中的产甲烷生物量估算。
材料和方法试验场在南波西米亚捷克共和国(纬度481520 N,东经141130 E)对位于博罗瓦农场附近过冬的牛进行了调查。
使用惠普5890系列II气相色谱仪(休利特帕卡德,帕洛阿尔托,CA,USA)装备用2M Porapak N列在7501c,和火焰电离检测器进行甲烷数量的测定。
对样品进行核酸和磷脂的分析并立即分别存储在 801c和41。
由此产生的脂质材料分离成中性脂质,糖脂和在二氧化硅的磷脂键合(spe-si;Bond Elute,分析化学国际,美国)分别通过洗脱氯仿和丙酮甲醇。
在温和的碱性水解后,oravecz等人进行了详细描述(2004年),所得到的脂肪酸甲酯利用自动识别系统在毛细管气相色谱分离(Agilent 6850,氢火焰离子化检测器,tsba50,MIDI公司,纽瓦克,德,美国)。
另一部分的磷脂馏分相当于7.5克土壤干重采用PIEL法分析根据gattinger 等人的分析(2003年)。
PLFA / PLEL个别化合物数据(用1 nmol克土壤干重表示)被添加到获得的总磷脂浓度链,土壤中微生物总量(zelles,1999)。
实时定量PCR的mcrA基因实时定量PCR(qPCR)在ABI PRISM 7700序列检测系统进行(珀金埃尔默,福斯特市,CA,USA)。
反应混合物含有5毫升的qPCR ROX 和Go Green (qbiogene,伊尔基希,法国),1.5毫克牛血清蛋白(西格马-奥德里奇,德国),每种物质5mol(卢顿等人,2002),5%二甲基亚砜(西格马-奥德里奇,斯德海姆,德国),0.5毫升的DNA模板和水的最终体积25毫升。
由初始951度变性15 min和941度变性1min4放大到在721度和521度各 1分钟。
计算出的PCR扩增效率使用的数据来自标准曲线和下面的公式:[10( 1/slope)] 1。
反应中PCR产物中Ca 50纳克,缓冲液1毫升,2.5毫升的无菌蒸馏水,2毫升矢量(PCR 2.1)和T4连接酶1毫升。
白色的殖民地,包括插入,接种50 MLML 1卡那霉素Luria–金氏培养基,一夜之间长大和用于质粒分离(Qiagen质粒抽提试剂盒,QIAGEN,希尔登,德国)。