霍尼韦尔控制器 Excel 50
WEBs 600控制器介绍(600点位)
WEB-600控制器可扩展选配16点或34点IO模块 最多4个IO-16或2个IO-16和1个IO-34 IO-34-:34个I/O点 可提供24V AC/DC电源 (也可给其他设备供电) 16个UI 10个带继电器DO,8个AO IO-16:16个I/O点 8个UI(干接点,0-10V) 4个继电器输出DO,4个AO(0-10V)
用户都希望自己日益增多的子系统和受控设备都能集成到一个用户 平台上管理,为解决这样集成平台的问题,Honeywell公司推出了 WEBs系统,WEBs系统可以看做在原来EXCEL5000传统的Lon总线基 础上增加了一个TCP/IP或者Internet管理平台。而这个平台是对全球现 行所有的控制协议如Lonworks、BACnet、Modbus、CANopen等及数 据协议如OPC、SQL等都能兼容并集成管理,更因为其独有的web浏览 功能。因此其本身对多种Internet标准可以集成,并支持网络界面浏览 功能,这在监控安防的DVR系统的图像浏览十分重要。
最多4个IO-16 2个IO-16+1个IO-34
通用控制器广泛应 用于加热、制冷、通 风换热等AHU的各种 应用
•Lon通讯协议设备 •支持单机运行,也可 使用Lon通讯 •用Niagara编程,配 置 •自带时钟
优化启动 定制控制应用 需求限制 / 负载交替
Honeywell-XL50控制器操作说明1.可编程控制器和仪表可编程控制器XL20、XL50 (的核心元件,它在系统中起到重要作用:如检测各传感器的当前值,动态调整个比例阀的状态,显示系统各参数等;还提供了一些控制系统内部参数的调整和系统参数的设定方式,用户应对其操作方法和性能达到熟练的程度,才能实现空调系统的各种操作。
a)查看系统的输入、输出点状态(即查询新回风温度、露点温度、出口温湿度、风压及其各个阀门开度)♦ 重要说明:对DDC 控制器的操作只能单键进行,严禁同时按压键位,以避免不必要的误操作,以免程序被初始化或删除。
♦ 按下系统“参数”操作键,屏幕出现“请输入你的密码";密码输入才可以修改数据,比如压力等参数的设定等.用户只是查看的话就可以直接进入。
♦ 移动“光标移动"向上键,使光标停留在“****”上,再按下“输入键",通过使用“数据增/减键"和“输入键”逐个将4位密码输入,完毕后屏幕左下角出现‘更改change ’字符;光标移动到change 字符上可以修改进入DDC 修改数据的密码,默认为‘3333’,如更改了密码,用户须牢记更改后的密码,每次参数修改操作都需密码。
Excel 5000 Controller Offering V1.0 XP-002
ECC Asia Pacific Technical Assistance Center
7.1 Care
• Care ( Computer Aided Regulation Engineering ) EXCEL 5000 Care LonMark
Excel 5000 Controller Offering V1.0 XP-002
ECC Asia Pacific Technical Assistance Center
2.2 Panel I/O
ECC Asia Pacific Technical Assistance Center
6.3 FCU
W7754K,P,Q LonMark FCU (3 P,Q ) (1 10A )
W7754K(230VAC,2 W7754P(230VAC,4 W7754Q(24VAC,4 ) ) )
1 T7460,T7560
Excel 5000 Controller Offering V1.0 XP-002
ECC Asia Pacific Technical Assistance Center
7 Excel 5000
CARE SymmetrE
C-Bus, LonWorks, BACnet, Modbus OPC LonWorks IE
操作说明书一:控制器说明:EXCEL50控制器是Honeywell(霍尼韦尔)XBS楼宇自动化系统中的现场DDC控制单元,是替代EXCEL20控制器的最新产品,可应用与于单独的AHU就地控制,它内含通讯模块可与EXCEL 5000系统集成在一个网路中,同时提供ISDN和LON总线的通信方式,EXCEL50控制器采用Flash EPROM模块可自由编程适用于Honeywell的CARE编程软件包,控制器可根据需要提供不同的现场预制程序。
1)硬件部分硬件结构8路通用传感器输入----- Analog input4 路无源数字量输入-----Digital input6 路数字点输出-----Digital outputt4 路模拟点输出----- Analog output2)I/O点特性:通用输入:NTC热敏电阻、PT1000温度传感器、0~10VDC信号、4~20mA 信号、干接点;数字输入:无源干接点、逻辑电平、记数脉冲;通用输出:模拟输出0~10VDC;数字输出:TRAIC输出;3)技术规范工作电压24V AC工作频率50/60HZ输入分辨率0.1K/1MA电压调节信号0~10V查询速度和刷新时间1S继电器触点电压24~220V AC触点最大负载4A二:操作说明:1、基础操作键:“取消键”,退出上级菜单或取消已修改的参数或退出报警确认;“上行键”,移动光标至上一行;“下行键”,移动光标至下一行;“右行键”,移动光标至下一个参数栏;“左行键”,移动光标至上一个参数栏;“增加键”,增加一个修改的单位或切换数字量的一个状态;“减少键”,减少一个修改的单位或切换数字量的一个状态;“确认键”,确认已修改的参数或移动光标至下一个界面2、功能操作键:“PLANT键”,显示该现场DDC控制器的相关状态;“TIME 键”,显示该现场DDC控制器的时间控制程序;如:控制器当前时间、TIMESCHEDUL时间表等,该功能在本系统未使用“参数键”,显示该现场DDC控制器的所有数据、控制点的状态、设定点、DDC参数表等;“报警键”,显示该现场DDC控制器的所有报警状态、报警历史、已处于ALARM的数据点;三、高级操作:通电后,按,出现如下菜单SAT 08/17 10:27至: 24h ontoday next按菜单键,首先进入密码(3333)菜单后,先按键,进入以下菜单:进入密码按键进入以下菜单,Analog InputAnalog outputDigital InputNEXT选中“Analog Input”, 其中可以看到回风温度、回风湿度和压力。
® U.S. Registered TrademarkCopyright © 2006 Honeywell Inc. • All Rights ReservedEN0B-0088GE51 R0606Excel 50CONTROLLERHONEYWELL EXCEL 5000 OPEN SYSTEMSPECIFICATION DATAGENERALThe Excel 50 controller has built-in communication capability, allowing it to be integrated into a Honeywell EXCEL 5000® System or into an open LonWorks® network communicatingwith Excel 10 controllers as room/zone controllers or with 3rd-party products. It can also serve as a standalone controller. Typical areas of application include heating systems, district heating systems, and air conditioning plants for restaurants, shops, offices, and small branch government buildings.The Excel 50 supports standard LonMark™ Network Vari-ables according to the LonMark Interoperability Guidelines V.3.0. It can serve 22 integrated I/Os and supports peer-to-peer communication; thus, in the case of larger-scale ap-plications, several different controllers can be linked andaccessed. The system firmware is stored in EPROM or Flash EPROM, located in the application module (a separatemodule plugged into the controller housing). Flash EPROM allows easy upgrading of the operating system via download.The Excel 50 is available either as a• configurable controller with a separate applicationmodule for each group of applications (XD50FL-AH03-EN, XD50FCL-HT02-GE, etc.). In this case, a specific applica-tion is chosen using the Lizard ® application selector and then entered as a code number via the MMI or an external interface. The number of L ON M ARK NVs (typically about 60) is determined by the chosen application; or as a • freely programmable controller with an application module, engineered using Honeywell's CAREprogramming tool, and a maximum of 46 L ON M ARK NVs.FEATURES• Various state-of-the-art communication options: Open L ON W ORKS ® bus or C-bus communication; modem or ISDN terminal adapter at up to 38.4 Kbaud; wireless com-munication via GSM; dial-up through TCP/IP networks • Unique features in open L ON W ORKS ® networks: NV-Booster® reduces the number of required NVs and thus also the number of required controllers; NV bindings can be restored after controller reset (and thus need not be redone after exchanging controllers); 46 NVs supported for L ON W ORKS integration• Reduced engineering and start-up costs: Huge variety of pre-tested and fully documented applications, con-figured with the PC-based Lizard application selector • Easy and flexible installation: Screw terminals;mounting inside cabinet (DIN rail) or in cabinet front door • Hardware / software options: With or without: XI582AH operator interface; Excel Online (formerly XI584) operator and service software; MMI (for buswide access to other controllers)DESCRIPTIONThe Excel 50 controller is available in two housing versions, one with and one without a Man-Machine-Interface (MMI). The MMI version allows buswide access to other controllers. The XI582AH operator interface or the PC-based XI584 operator and service software can be used in conjunction with either version. The housing can be mounted inside a cabinet on a DIN-rail or in a cabinet front door.The Excel 50 has eight analog inputs, four analog outputs, four digital inputs (three of which can be used as totalizers), and six digital outputs. The digital outputs allow the direct drive of 3-position actuators (up to the max. load). The con-troller can be wired either with screw terminal blocks directly at the housing). Pre-wiring is possible in both cases, and a controller can be replaced without rewiring.The Excel 50 is available in two standalone versions (with oradapter can be connected to the serial port of all models equipped with Flash EPROM to allow remote access at up to 38.4 Kbaud. Connection to a Siemens M20 terminal permits wireless communication via GSM.All changeable parts or switches are accessible without opening the housing. Communication capabilities and memory are easily upgraded by replacing application modules.EXCEL 50 CONTROLLEREN0B-0088GE51 R0606 2SPECIFICATIONSVersionsHousingXL50-MMI (with Man-Machine Interface); XL50 (without MMI).Application ModulesThe application modules are available with configurable applications. Flash EPROM versions can be upgraded by direct firmware download via serial port or C-Bus. Contact your local Honeywell affiliate for more information on the available applications.Table 1. Module versionsmodule description XD50B-F same as XD50-F, plus: Chinese XD50B-F-TW same as XD50-F, plus: Taiwanese XD50B-FC same as XD50-FC XD50B-FL same as XD50-FL XD50B-FCL same as XD50-FCL, plus: Chinese XD50B-FCL-TW same as XD50- FCL, plus: TaiwaneseXD50-E standalone 1XD50-F standalone 2XD50-FC C-Bus 2XD50-FCS C-Bus/Meter-Bus 2XD50-FL L ON W ORKS ® B US 2XD50-FCL C-Bus/L ON W ORKS ® B US 2XD50-FLS L ON W ORKS ®/Meter-BusXD52-FC C-Bus 3XD52-FCS C-Bus / Meter-Bus 3164 KB EPROM (boot); 128 KB RAM; 512 KB EPROM (firmware and application) 264-KB EPROM (boot); 256 KB RAM; 1 MB Flash EPROM (firmware and application) 364 KB EPROM (boot); 640 KB RAM; 1 MB Flash EPROM (firmware and application)Mounting OptionsFront door mounted with sealing ring.Cabinet mounted on DIN-rail (rail clips shipped with device).I/O Terminal ConnectionScrew terminal blocks directly attached to housing.Input/Output Specificationstypecharacteristicseight analog inputs (universal) Voltage: 0...10 V (software-controlled switches for high impedance)Current:0...20 mA (via external 499 Ω resistor) Resolution: 10-bitSensor: NTC 20k Ω, -58...+302 °F (-50...150 °C)four digital inputsVoltage: max. 24 Vdc (≤ 2.5 V = logical status of0, ≥ 5 V = logical status of 1), 0...0.4 Hz (0...15 Hz for three of four inputs when used as totalizer, 4th input only for static parameter requirements)4 analog outputs (universal) Voltage: 0...10 V, max. 11 V, ±1 mA Resolution: 8-bit Relay: via MCE3 or MCD3 six digital outputsVoltage: 24 Vac per triac Current: max. 0.8 A, 2.4 A for all six triacstogetherAll inputs and outputs protected against overvoltage up to 24 Vac and 35 Vdc. Digital outputs protected against short circuits via a changeable fuse (built-in fuse, 5 x 20 mm, 4 A quickblow).Man-Machine-Interface (Optional)KeypadEight function keys, four fast-access keys.DisplayLCD, four lines, 16 characters per line, adjustable contrast, backlight.Bus and Port ConnectionsC-Bus ConnectionOptional; located on application module. Up to 76.8 Kbaud, switch provided for selectable termination.L ON W ORKS ® Bus ConnectionOptional; located on application module. 78 Kbaud, FTT-10A Free Topology Transceiver, using LonTalk® protocol.Controller Serial Port Connection9-pin Sub-D connector, RS 232, 9.6 Kbaud for XI582AH XI584, or with Flash EPROM versions up to 38.4 Kbaud for modem/ISDN terminal adapter connection.Meter-Bus ConnectionOptional; located on application module. RS232 serial link with RJ45 connector (PW3 Meter-Bus adapter also required).I/O ConnectorsI/O Connector A: 26-pin port, digital outputs and power. I/O Connector B: 34-pin port, analog and digital inputs, analog outputs.Power SupplyVoltage24 Vac, ±20 %, 50/60 Hz from external transformer.Current3 A (2 A if digital output current ≤ 1.5 A). In case of power failure, the super gold capacitor saves RAM content and real-time clock for 72 hours (thus, no problems disposing of dead batteries).Power ConsumptionMax. 10 VA without load at digital outputs.Environmental RatingsOperating temperature: 0...50 °C (32 to 122°F) Storage temperature: -20...+70 °C (-4 to 158°F) Relative humidity: 5...93% non-condensingProtection StandardsIP54 (when front-door mounted with MMI in a cabinetconforming to IP54 and use of ACC3 mounting clamps and sealing ring).IP30 (when cabinet-mounted: both with and without MMI). UL94-0: Flame-retardant class of housing material.EXCEL 50 CONTROLLER3 EN0B-0088GE51 R0606Certifications• CE• UL 916 and cUL• Meets FCC Part 15, Subpart J for Class A equipment.Application ModuleFirmwareFour versions for the different communication options, down-loadable via the PC-based XI584 operator and service soft-ware or C-Bus (not standalone version with EPROM).HousingPlug-in plastic module, fixed with screws.Fig. 1. Application modules (examples)Terminal BlocksFig. 2. Removable screw terminal blocksFig. 3. Terminal assignment of screw terminal blocksEXCEL 50 CONTROLLERManufactured for and on behalf of the Environmental and Combustion Controls Division of Honeywell Technologies Sàrl, Ecublens, Route du Bois 37, Switzerland by its Authorized Representative:Automation and Control Solutions Honeywell GmbH Böblinger Stra βe 17 D-71101 Schönaich GermanyEN0B-0088GE51 R0606 printed in Germany Subject to change without notice。
2.2. CARE 工具栏 快捷工具栏位于CARE窗口菜单栏的下面。这 些工具按钮提供了快速访问各种CARE功能的方 法。 • 为当前选中的设备启动原理图功能。 • 为当前选中的设备启动控制策略功能。 • 为当前选中的设备启动开关逻辑功能。 • 启动上传/下载软件。 • 启动XL Oline软件。 • 启动Live CARE仿真软件。 • 启动时间程序编辑器。 • 启动缺省文本编辑器。 • 启动编译器。 • 启动设备库。
1.2. CARE 概念
1.Projects——工程 • 一个项目就是一个工程,第一步就是定义一个工程。 2.Controller——控制器 • Excel5000控制器(如Excel10, 50, 80, 100, 500, 600,800 以及Excel Smart) 3.Plants——设备 • CARE 的所有功能都是基于设备的。一个设备是一个被控系统。 • 一个控制器可以包括多个设备,但不同的控制器不能包含相同的设备。 4.Plant Schematics——设备原理图 • 为每个设备创建一个原理图。 • CARE 提供了一个宏库,它有预定义的元件和设备。
• •
• • • • •
Print 打印设备报表,如工程信息、设备控制器分配、原 理图、控制回路、开关表等。 Import 提供两个下拉项:Controller和Element Library, 将控制器文件和元件文件复制至CARE数据库中。 Export 提供两个下拉项:Graphic和Element Library。导 出图片功能创建原理图、控制策略回路以及开关表的 Windows元文件(.WMF)。导出元件库功能创建可以导 入到其它CARE PC机元件库中的元件文件。 Backup和Restore 备份CARE数据库以备日后使用;恢 复CARE数据库。 Default Editor 自定义特定区域的缺省值。 Delete Project和Delete LNS Project显示对话框,列出数 据库中的工程,设备和控制器以供删除。 Default Editor 自定义特定区域的缺省值。 Exit 终止CARE程序。
Honeywell-XL50控制器操作说明1.可编程控制器和仪表可编程控制器XL20、XL50 (的核心元件,它在系统中起到重要作用:如检测各传感器的当前值,动态调整个比例阀的状态,显示系统各参数等;还提供了一些控制系统内部参数的调整和系统参数的设定方式,用户应对其操作方法和性能达到熟练的程度,才能实现空调系统的各种操作。
a)查看系统的输入、输出点状态(即查询新回风温度、露点温度、出口温湿度、风压及其各个阀门开度)♦ 重要说明:对DDC 控制器的操作只能单键进行,严禁同时按压键位,以避免不必要的误操作,以免程序被初始化或删除。
♦ 按下系统“参数”操作键,屏幕出现“请输入你的密码”;密码输入才可以修改数据,比如压力等参数的设定等。
♦ 移动“光标移动”向上键,使光标停留在“****”上,再按下“输入键”,通过使用“数据增/减键”和“输入键”逐个将4位密码输入,完毕后屏幕左下角出现‘更改change ’字符;光标移动到change 字符上可以修改进入DDC 修改数据的密码,默认为‘3333’,如更改了密码,用户须牢记更改后的密码,每次参数修改操作都需密码。
Excel 100C
Excel 10系列房间控制
Excel 5000 控制器接口
自 由 编 程 控 制 器 Excel Web
XL1000A500 / XL1000A1000
Excel Smart 500 XCL5010
Excel 500
Smart I/O Compact I/O
Controller Training 2006
分布式 IO模块
XSL513 XSL514
Controller Training 2006
描述 Lon 连接器
1、78Kbps Lon-Bus 通讯; 最多10个 2、快速连接滑动接头; I/O模块 3、24 VAC 提供所有模块供电
1、每个XFL521B或 XFL522B或XFL523B 模块配置一个XSL513 底座。每个XFL524配 置一个XSL514底座
2、若干个DIO模块( 最多10个)配置一个 XSL511LON总线连接 器。
3、每组模块可安装在 XSL511 不同的自控箱内。自 控箱分别安装在不同 位置的机房内。
C o n n e c to r M o d u le X S L 511
0% AUT O
1 0 A
1 0 A
Honeywell-XL50控制器操作说明1.可编程控制器和仪表可编程控制器XL20、XL50 (霍尼韦尔)可编程控制器是实现本系统控制策略的硬件构成,是控制系统的核心元件,它在系统中起到重要作用:如检测各传感器的当前值,动态调整个比例阀的状态,显示系统各参数等;还提供了一些控制系统内部参数的调整和系统参数的设定方式,用户应对其操作方法和性能达到熟练的程度,才能实现空调系统的各种操作。
上移键–移动指针到前面的行下移键–移动指针到下一行右移键–移动指针到当前位置的右边左移键–移动指针到当前位置的左边增加键 – 每按一次增加数值一个单位或改变数字状态值到与当前状态值相反的状态值减少键– 每按一次减少数值一个单位或改变数字状态值到与当前状态值相反的状态值确认键 – 确认已做的修改和进入下一个屏幕(指针在NEXT 前)对于KTF 空调系统的控制操作,主要是对系统参数的查看和更改(即对“系统参数操作键”的使用),该控制器的强大功能主要体现在:不但可以在线修改所有输入、输出点,而且也可以对控制系统的内部参数进行改变。
a) 查看系统的输入、输出点状态(即查询新回风温度、露点温度、出口温湿度、风压及其各个阀门开度)重要说明:对DDC 控制器的操作只能单键进行,严禁同时按压键位,以避免不必要的误操作,以免程序被初始化或删除。
移动“光标移动”向上键,使光标停留在“****”上,再按下“输入键”,通过使用“数据增/减键”和“输入键”逐个将4位密码输入,完毕后屏幕左下角出现‘更改change ’字符;光标移动到change 字符上可以修改进入DDC 修改数据的密码,默认为‘3333’,如更改了密码,用户须牢记更改后的密码,每次参数修改操作都需密码。
FEC series
IOMx710 Series
DX Series·
FX Series
① 监控平台软件(ADS\ADX\ADS-Lite) ②网络控制引擎(NAE\NCE) ③直接数字控制器(FEC\FX\DX\TEC\VMA )
⑴传感器(TE\HT) ⑵执行器(M9000系列执行器) ⑶ 电动开关\调节水阀(VG1000\VF6000)
BACtalk 系统架构
全局控制器(BCM/BTI) 1.每个BCM支持外接控制器通过4个BACnet MS/TP内部网(LANs)。
MS/TP 是一个简单的双绞线总线网络,能配置其通讯速率最高达76.8 Kbps。32位50MHz 高集成Motorola CPU。
1.每台BCM\BTI全局控制器的BACNET 现场控制网络最大可连接255个 BACNET现场控制器及协议转换器等设备 2.每台BCM全局控制器最大支持7条MS\TP现场总线 3.每台BTI全局控制器最大支持4条MS\TP现场总线 4.每条BACNET MS\TP现场控制总线最大可连接64个BACNET现场控制器
渠道产品 配套产品
霍尼韦尔公司是一家在技术和制造领域处于世界领先 地 位的多元化跨国公司,下辖4大业务集团-航空航天、自 动化 控制、特殊材料以及交通系统。
ECC与传感器自控产品部(S&C)、工业自控系统部( HPS)、生命安全产品部(HLS)、楼宇自控系统部( HBS)及安防产品部(HSG)等并属于霍尼韦尔自动化 控制系统集团(ACS),总部位于美国. ECC产品涵盖控制软件、控制器、传感器、控制阀门、 低压开关及插座、照明产品等,产品解决方案包括采暖 、通风、空调、制冷、室内空气质量、供水及水处理、 照明控制。
Honeywell楼宇控制系统简介1. 系统概述2. EBI系统的特点3. EBI系统的操作界面4. 数据报表5. 实时数据库6. 报警管理7. 趋势图8. EBI系统结构9. EBI系统和Excel 5000楼宇自控系统的关系10.Excel 5000楼宇自控系统的优点11. 现场控制器的特点Honeywell楼宇控制系统简介美国HONEYWELL公司在1975年开发的世界第一套集散控制系统TDC-2000,引起了自动控制领域的一场革命,集散系统已成为控制技术的主流。
HONEYWELL公司EXCEL5000建筑物自动化系统的控制总线(分站总线)就是这种结构,它与其他类型产品(大多采用所谓主从式的线路结构)有很大的不同,也可以说,HONEYWELL 公司建筑物自动化系统是符合中国国家标准规定的集散型控制系统。
EBI包含有功能强大的组件,它们是:楼宇控制管理系统(Building Automatic Control System)、生命保障(火灾报警)管理系统(Life &Safety Management System)、安保管理系统(Security Management System)。
Excel 50 ControllerUSER GUIDE Copyright © 1999 Honeywell Inc. • All Rights ReservedEN2B-137 GE51R0899EXCEL 50 USER GUIDEEN2B-137 2EXCEL 50 USER GUIDE3 EN2B-137CONTENTSREVISION OVERVIEW (5)ABOUT THIS USER GUIDE...........................................................................................................................5 OPERATOR'S TERMINAL ...........................................................................................................................7PASSWORD PROCEDURE (9)Modifying a Password........................................................................................ 10 PLANT KEY (11)TODAY Function (12)TIME PROGRAM KEY........................................................................................................................... 15 System Time...................................................................................................... 16 Setting Date and Time.................................................................................. 16 Daylight Saving............................................................................................. 17 Daily Program.................................................................................................... 18 Modifying a Daily Time Program................................................................... 19 Creating a New Daily Time Program............................................................. 20 Deleting a Daily Time Program..................................................................... 21 Copying a Daily Time Program..................................................................... 21 Weekly Program................................................................................................ 21 Annual Program................................................................................................. 22 DATA POINTS / PARAMETERS KEY........................................................................................................................... 25 Data Points........................................................................................................ 28 Data Points Sequence.................................................................................. 28 Hours Run..................................................................................................... 31 Manual Operation ......................................................................................... 32 Parameters........................................................................................................ 33 Point in Trend................................................................................................ 34 Parameter List .............................................................................................. 35 System Data................................................................................................. 35 M-Bus Configuration..................................................................................... 38 DDC Program Cycle Times........................................................................... 38 Buswide Access............................................................................................ 38 Trend Buffer.................................................................................................. 39 Flash EPROM.. (40)ALARMS KEY ........................................................................................................................... 41 START-UP SEQUENCE (43)Test Options...................................................................................................... 48 Adjustable Remote Trend Buffer (V2.03.x)........................................................ 50 OPERATOR ACCESS LEVELS (51)TIME PROGRAM DESCRIPTION (51)DATA POINTS / PARAMETERS DESCRIPTION (53)Data Point Attributes.......................................................................................... 54 Operating Mode............................................................................................ 55 Hours Run..................................................................................................... 55 Technical Address........................................................................................ 56 User Address................................................................................................ 56 Suppress Alarm............................................................................................ 56 ALARM DESCRIPTION (57)EXCEL 50 USER GUIDEEN2B-137 4EXCEL 50 USER GUIDE5 EN2B-137REVISION OVERVIEWThe following pages were changed relative to the previous release of this document:Page: Changes: 25-40 Revised Data Points/Parameters sequences. 43-50 Revised Start-up sequence and Test Options sequence. 50 Added Remote Trend Buffer section. 54 Added “Trend Log”, “Trend Hysteresis” and “Trend Cycle” to Data Points Attributes.ABOUT THIS USER GUIDEThis Excel 50 controller can be used in two different ways:1. The Excel 50 controller can be used with embedded applications.Preconfigured applications stored in memory in the Application Module are selected by entering a specific code via the MMI.2. The Excel 50 controller can also be used with standard or custom applicationscreated with the CARE software package and downloaded into the controller. Custom applications may have different screens and sequences than are shown in this document. The screens show here must be considered only as examples.Differences between these two uses of the Excel 50 are noted where appropriate.NOTE The format of the date is determined by the Engineering Units: — US - mm/dd/yyyy — Europe - dd.mm.yyyy The Start-up sequence is an exception to this - the date in the Start-upsequence must always be entered in the European format as shown above.EXCEL 50 USER GUIDEEN2B-137 6EXCEL 50 USER GUIDE7 EN2B-137OPERATOR'S TERMINALThe Excel 50 controller incorporates an operator's terminal with a keyboard and a display.Keyboard The keyboard has 8 basic function keys and 4 fast access keys. These 12 keysperform the following functions:Basic Function Keys FunctionCANCEL – Escapes to the previous screen, cancels incorrect entries (provided the 'ENTER' key has not confirmed the entry) or confirms alarm messages.ARROW UP – Moves the cursor to the previous line.ARROW DOWN – Moves the cursor to the next line.ARROW RIGHT – Moves the cursor to the next field of the current line.ARROW LEFT – Moves the cursor to the previous field of the current line.PLUS – Increases a numerical value by 1 each time the key is pressed or switches a digital status to the opposite status condition.MINUS – Decreases a numerical value by 1 each time the key is pressed or switches a digital status to the opposite status condition.ENTER – Confirms any changes made or moves to the next screen. Fast Access KeysFunctionPlant – Displays data about the plant's current status.Time program – Initially displays the password entry screen to provide access to edit time program settings: System clock (current date, time, daylight savings dates), Daily time programs, Weekly time programs, Annual time programs.Data points / parameters – Initially displays the password entry screen to provide access to information on: Physical, remote and pseudo user addresses, parameters, system data, DDCprogram cycle time, buswide access and Flash EPROM.OPERATOR’S TERMINALEXCEL 50 USER GUIDEEN2B-137 8Alarms – Displays alarm information on: Alarm history, points currently in an alarm condition, critical and noncriticalalarms.RESETA RESET can be achieved by pressing the following keys simultaneously:IMPORTANTAfter performing a RESET all data in the RAM and the configuration codes are lost.+ARROW DOWN and MINUS – Reboots the controller and starts the 'Start-up Sequence'A RESET can also be achieved by pressing the hardware RESET button at the rear of the controller housing under Terminal Block B.DisplayThe display shows 4 lines of alphanumeric text with 16 characters per line.A typical screen contains fields, either a cursor or a blinking character, 'up' and 'down' arrows and may look like the following example:The field name is sometimes shown in this User Guide to make a screen easier to understand. Field names are not visible on the Excel 50 display.NOTE The screens shown in this User Guide are examples and may differ slightlyfrom the screens visible on your Excel 50 controller.Cursor. Can be moved withthe arrow keys. Field name. In this User Guide it is shown in a differentfont and within arrowbrackets.Arrows indicate a list which can be scrolled with the ARROW UPand DOWN key.changed with the '+' and '–' keys. Specifies the number of pages the list will be scrolled when the ARROW RIGHT and LEFT key is pressed. Number can be changed with '+' and '–' keys.Places where the cursor can be moved to. Gray arrows not visible on real display.EXCEL 50 USER GUIDE9 EN2B-137PASSWORD PROCEDUREThe following fast access keys are not password-protected:Plant A password is required before the following fast access keys can be fully used:Time programsData points / parametersThe password allows access to sensitive data screens.NOTE The password procedure will not be repeated in the following sections.Refer back to this page for guidance on the password procedure. For more information about the access levels see section "Operator Access Levels".NOTE If no password or the level-2 password is entered, only those screens aredisplayed which the user may access at that operator access level.Entering the level-3 password enables to access all data screens and to change all values.IMPORTANTIf you have forgotten the password, please contact your local Honeywell branch.Please Enter Your Password>****>NEXTSelect the password field by moving the cursor with the arrow keys. Confirm with ENTER.Please Enter Your Password>3***>NEXTEnter the password by changing the number displayed using the '+' or '–' keys and by moving to the next digit using the ARROW RIGHT key (Underscored character is blinking in reality).For operator access level 1 no password has to be entered.Please Enter Your Password>***5>NEXTConfirm with ENTER.PASSWORD PROCEDURE EXCEL 50 USER GUIDEEN2B-137 10Please Enter Your Password>****>NEXTSelect the 'NEXT' field using the arrow keys. Confirm with ENTER to proceed to the next screen.Modifying a PasswordIf the level-3 password has been entered, the level-2 and level-3 passwords can be changed:Please Enter Your Password>****>CHANGE >NEXTMove the cursor to the 'CHANGE' field. Confirm with ENTER.Modify Password Level 2:>2222Level 3:>3333>NEXTSelect the password to be modified by moving the cursor with the arrow keys. Confirm with ENTER.Change the password using the '+' or '–' keys and by moving to the next digit using the ARROW RIGHT key. Confirm with ENTER.Modify Password Level 2:>1775Level 3:>3333>NEXTAfter selecting 'NEXT' the previous screen will be displayed.NOTE The default level-2 password is '2222'.The default level-3 password is '3333'.EXCEL 50 USER GUIDEPLANT KEY The 'Plant' procedure is used to choose the time program where changes should bemade to in the 'Time program' procedure and to make temporary changes to the daily time program. The first screen of the 'Plant' procedure is the start screen. It is the default screen and is always visible when no other screen has been selected. This start screen will also be displayed if there has been no keypress for a longtime.The screen displays the name of the first time program, the current day, the date and the time. The next switching time of the first user address of the time program with its current value/status is displayed below. Each time program can be assigned to more than one user address. Each application can have up to 20 different time programs.Press the 'Plant' fast access key to display the default screen.<1. time program>MON13.06.10:27to20:3020°C>TODAY>NEXTSelect- the 'NEXT' field using the arrow keys to display the next time program.- the 'TODAY' field using the arrow keys to make temporary changes to the actual time program.Confirm with ENTER.If 'NEXT' has been selected, the screen will now display the next time program with the switching point time of the first user address with its value/status and the current day, date and time.PLANT KEY EXCEL 50 USER GUIDE<2. time program>MON13.06.10:27to12:00ON>TODAY>NEXTMove the cursor to the 'NEXT' field. Confirm with ENTER.<3. time program>MON13.06.10:27to14:3018°C>TODAY>NEXTLike the previous screen this next screen displays the next time program with itsswitching point, value/status and current day, date and time.TODAY FunctionThe 'TODAY' function allows the user to make an immediate, temporary change tothe switching time point or the value/status without affecting the original timeprogram. When using the 'TODAY' function the data point must have value/statusand start and stop times assigned.ImportantThe new start time will be within 24 hours of the current time. That meansfor example, a start time of 10:00 a.m. entered at 10:27 a.m. will activatethe temporary changes the next morning. The edited fields are only validfor 24 hours; they are automatically deleted after the stop time has beenreached.If 'TODAY' has been selected, the screen will now display the password entryscreen.Please EnterYour password>****>NEXTNOTE Editing a switching time point requires level-2 or level-3 password.Enter the level-2 or level-3 password using the arrow keys and the '+' and '–' key.Confirm with ENTER.<time prg.>Today><user address>↑><user address>1><user address>↓Select the user address to be changed temporarily using the arrow keys. Confirmwith ENTER.EXCEL 50 USER GUIDEPLANT KEY<user address >>09:00to >12:00Value:>ON >SELECT >BACKEdit the time or value/status using the '+' or '–' keys as required and use the arrow keys to move from field to field. Confirm with ENTER.<user address >>10:00to >13:00Value:>ON >SELECT >BACKOnce editing is complete, select- SELECT to return to the selection list screen. - BACK to return to the default screen. Confirm with ENTER.ExampleA normal day cycle is shown below.Day cycle: 06:00 ON12:00 OFF 14:00 ON 20:00 OFFtSystime 10:27Screen displays:0000095aTo this day cycle a 'TODAY' entry from 10:00 to 13:00 with the status ON has been made. The time of the next change has changed temporarily from 12:00 to 13:00. See the following figure.PLANT KEY EXCEL 50 USER GUIDEEXCEL 50 USER GUIDETIME PROGRAM KEY Select the time program by pressing the 'Plant' fast access key and changing thescreens with the NEXT field until the time program name to be changed appears inthe first line of the screen.Press the 'Time program' fast access key to edit time program settings. The password entry screen will be displayed.Please EnterYour Password>****>NEXTTo edit the system time requires level-2 or level-3 password. Refer to the section'Password Procedure' for help with password entry.Enter the password. Confirm with ENTER.Move the cursor to the 'NEXT' field using the arrow keys. Confirm with ENTER.TIME PROGRAM KEY EXCEL 50 USER GUIDE System TimeThe 'System Time' procedure is used to make changes to the time and the date, theExcel 50 controller uses for its control programs. Use the 'Daylight saving' functioninstead of the 'Date / Time' function to change the time in spring and autumn.>System Time>Daily>Weekly>AnnualMove the cursor to the 'System Time' field using the arrow keys. Confirm withENTER.Setting Date and TimeSystem Time>Date/Time>Daylight SavingMove the cursor to the 'Date / Time' field using the arrow keys. Confirm withENTER.System TimeDate:>13.06.1997Time:>10:28>BACKMove the cursor to the 'Date' or 'Time' field using the arrow keys. Confirm withENTER.System TimeDate:>23.06.1997Time:>10:28>BACKIf 'Date' is selected:Set the date using the '+' or '–' keys. Use the arrow keys to move from field to field.Confirm with ENTER. Select BACK. Confirm with ENTER to return to the previousscreen.NOTE The date must be entered in the format determined by the EngineeringUnits: for example, 23. July 1997 must be entered as 23.07.1997 forEurope and 07/23/1997 for the US. Press the CANCEL key to abort theoperation or to cancel an incorrect entry before ENTER has been pressed.The value previously displayed will be restored.EXCEL 50 USER GUIDE TIME PROGRAM KEYSystem TimeDate:>23.06.1997Time:>12:30>BACKIf 'Time' is selected:Set the time using the '+' or '–' keys. Use the arrow keys to move from field to field.Confirm with ENTER. Use the CANCEL key to return to the previous screen.NOTE The time must be entered in the following format: HH:MM in 24 hour clockformat; for example: 9:30 a.m. must be 09:30 and 9:30 p.m. must be21:30. Press the CANCEL key to abort the operation or to cancel anincorrect entry before ENTER has been pressed. The value previouslydisplayed will be restored.Daylight SavingThe actual daylight saving start and end date has to be changed every year.System Time>Date/Time>Daylight SavingMove the cursor to the 'Daylight Saving' field using the arrow keys. Confirm withENTER.Daylight SavingStart:>25.03End:>26.09>BACKEnter the beginning and end dates of the daylight saving time using the '+' or '–'keys. Move from field to field using the arrow keys. Confirm with ENTER.NOTE Press the CANCEL key to abort the operation or to cancel an incorrectentry before ENTER has been pressed. The value previously displayed willbe restored.Daylight SavingStart:>27.03End:>26.09>BACKSelect BACK. Confirm with ENTER to return to the start screen of the time program.TIME PROGRAM KEY EXCEL 50 USER GUIDE Daily Program>System Time>Daily>Weekly>AnnualMove the cursor to the 'Daily' field in the main screen using the arrow keys. Confirmwith ENTER.NOTE The 'Daily' program contains daily time programs.EXCEL 50 USER GUIDE TIME PROGRAM KEYAHU1Daily>MODIFY>NEW>DELETE>COPYSelect- 'Modify' to modify the daily time programs.- 'New' to create a new daily time program.- 'Delete' to delete a daily time program.- 'Copy' to copy a daily time program to another.Confirm with ENTER.Modifying a Daily Time ProgramAHU1Modify>Workday↑>Weekend1>Shutdown↓Move the cursor to the daily time program to be modified and press ENTER.Creating a New Switching PointAHU1>NEW>06:00<user addr.>↑>06:00<user addr.>1=>06:30<user addr.>↓To create a new switching point select 'New'. Confirm with ENTER.AHU1Workday><user addr.>↑><user addr.>1><user addr.>↓Select the user address the new switching point should belong to.AHU1sp01>06:01>20.0°COpt:>OFF>OKModify the time, the value or the optimize flag of the new switching point using the'+' or '–' keys (The optimize flag can only be set to ON if the user address is suitablefor optimization).Use the arrow keys to move from field to field. Confirm with ENTER.Select OK and confirm with ENTER to add the new switching point to the actualtime program.TIME PROGRAM KEY EXCEL 50 USER GUIDEModifying or Deleting a Switching PointAHU1>NEW>06:00<user addr.>↑>06:00<user addr.>1=>06:00<user addr.>↓To modify or delete a switching point select the switching point. Confirm withENTER.AHU1<user addr.>>06:00>20.0°COpt:>OFF>DELETEModify the time, the value or the optimize flag of the switching point. Move thecursor to the field to be edited using the arrow keys. Confirm with ENTER.Use the '+' and '–' keys to change the field content. Select the 'Delete' field to deletethe switching point.AHU1<user addr.>Really deleteswitchp06:00?>YES>NOSelect 'YES' to delete the switching point or select 'NO' to escape to the previousscreen without deleting the switching point. Confirm with ENTER.Creating a New Daily Time ProgramSelect 'YES' to create a new daily time program. Confirm with ENTER.AHU1new daily prog.DP1>MODIFY>BACKThe newly created daily time program gets the name DP and the lowest numberwhich is not assigned to a daily time program.Select- 'MODIFY' to go to the 'Modify daily time program' sequence.- 'BACK' to go back to the 'Time program' menu screen.Confirm with ENTER.EXCEL 50 USER GUIDE TIME PROGRAM KEYDeleting a Daily Time ProgramAHU1Delete>Workday↑>Weekend1>Shutdown↓Select the daily time program to be deleted using the arrow keys. Confirm withENTER.AHU1Really deleteShutdown?>YES>NOSelect 'YES' to delete the daily time program or 'NO' to keep it. Confirm withENTER.Copying a Daily Time ProgramA daily time program can be copied in order to create a new daily time programwhich should be similar to an already existing daily time program.AHU1Copy>Workday↑>Weekend1>Shutdown↓Choose the daily time program to be copied using the arrow keys. Confirm withENTER.AHU1Weekendcopied toDP_2>BACKThe copy of the daily time program gets the name DP and the lowest number whichis not assigned to a daily time program.Weekly Program>System Time>Daily>Weekly>AnnualSelect the 'Weekly' field using the arrow keys. Confirm with ENTER.TIME PROGRAM KEY EXCEL 50 USER GUIDEAHU1Weekly>MON Workday↑>TUE Workday1>WED Workday↓A daily time program is assigned to each day of the week in the weekly timeprogram. To assign another daily time program to a day of the week select this day.Confirm with ENTER.AHU1MON>Workday↑>Weekend1>DP1↓Select the daily time program to be assigned to the day of the week displayed in theupper right corner. Confirm with ENTER.AHU1MONreally assignWeekend?>YES>NOSelect 'YES' to assign the daily time program to the weekday or 'NO' to escape fromthis screen without any changes. Confirm with ENTER.Annual ProgramSystem Time>Daily>Weekly>AnnualMove the cursor to the 'Annual' field using the arrow keys. Confirm with ENTER.AHU1Annualdisplay from>23.06.1997>NEXTThe annual program will be displayed from the date shown in this screen. Thedefault date is the current date. Move the cursor to the date field. Confirm withENTER.Use the '+' or '–' keys to change the date and move to the next digit using theARROW RIGHT key. Confirm with ENTER.Move the cursor to the 'NEXT' field using the arrow keys. Confirm with ENTER.AHU1WorkdayFrom:22.12.1997To:07.01.1998>CHANGE>NEXTEXCEL 50 USER GUIDE TIME PROGRAM KEYIn this screen the name of the daily time program which is assigned to the period isshown.If there is no daily time program assigned to the annual schedule, the followingscreen appears:AHU1********FRI16.05.1997FRI16.05.1997>CHANGE>NEXTFor both screens select- 'NEXT' to display the next period a daily time program is assigned to.- 'CHANGE' and confirm with ENTER to change the settings for the shownperiod.Confirm with ENTER.AHU1WorkdayFrom:>22.12.1997To:>07.01.1998>REMOVE>ASSIGNIf 'Change' has been selected this screen will be displayed. Move the cursor to thedate fields using the arrow keys to change the dates. Confirm with ENTER. Use the'+' and '–' keys to change the start and end dates.Select- ASSIGN to assign another daily time program to the period.- REMOVE to remove the daily time program shown in the first line of the screenfrom the period.Confirm with ENTER.AHU1SELECT:>Workday↑>Weekend1>DP4↓If 'ASSIGN' has been selected, this screen will show up. Select a daily time programto assign it to the previously entered period of time. Confirm with ENTER.AHU1really removeentry?>YES>NOIf 'REMOVE' has been selected this screen will show up. Select 'YES' to remove thedaily time program from the period. Confirm with ENTER.TIME PROGRAM KEY EXCEL 50 USER GUIDEEXCEL 50 USER GUIDEDATA POINTS / PARAMETERS KEYFast access key: Data Points / Parametersfor these screens.Separate overviewsfor data point screens.0000128bDATA POINTS / PARAMETERS KEYEXCEL 50 USER GUIDEData Points sequenceanalog points0000125aEXCEL 50 USER GUIDE DATA POINTS / PARAMETERS KEYData Points sequence digital and totalizer points0000126aData Points sequenceremote points0000127bPress the 'Data points / parameters' fast access key to get access to information on physical, remote and pseudo user addresses, parameters, system data and the DDC program cycle time.The password entry screen will be displayed.Please EnterYour Password>****>NEXTTo get access to information on user addresses, parameters, system data and the DDC program cycle time requires the level-2 or level-3 password. Refer to the section 'Password Procedure' for help with password entry.Enter the password. Confirm with ENTER.Move the cursor to the 'NEXT' field using the arrow keys. Confirm with ENTER.DATA POINTS / PARAMETERS KEY EXCEL 50 USER GUIDE Data Points>Analog Input>Analog Output>Digital Input>NEXTSelect- 'Analog Input', 'Analog Output' or 'Digital Input' to go into the 'Data points'sequence.- 'NEXT' to proceed to the next screen.Confirm with ENTER.>Digital Output>Totalizer>Hours Run>BACK>NEXTSelect- 'Digital Output' or 'Totalizer' to go into the 'Data points' sequence.- 'Hours run' to go to the 'Hours run' screen.- 'NEXT' to proceed to the next screen.- 'BACK' to go to previous screen.Confirm with ENTER.>M-Bus Data>Pseudo Analog>Pseudo Digital>BACK>NEXTSelect- 'M-Bus Data', 'Pseudo Analog' or 'Pseudo Digital' to go into the 'Data Points'sequence. M-Bus Data will only show special pseudo points related to the M-Bus. These special points also appear under the Pseudo Analog and PseudoDigital.- 'NEXT' to proceed to the next screen.- 'BACK' to go to previous screen.Confirm with ENTER.>Remote Analog>Remote Digital>Manual Operat.>BACK>NEXTSelect- 'Remote Analog' or 'Remote Digital' to go into the 'Remote points' sequence.- 'Manual Operat.' to go to the 'Manual operation' screen.- 'NEXT' to proceed to the next screen.Confirm with ENTER. The sequence proceeds to the Parameters sequencediscussed separately in a later section.Data Points SequenceThe Data Points sequence will change depending upon the type of data pointselected. Only the complete sequence for analog input points will be shown here asan example. Features unique to other data point types will be shown afterwards.。
浅淡霍尼韦尔Excel5000 在楼宇自动化系统中的应用Excel5000 是美国Honeywell( 霍尼韦尔)公司研制并开发成功的智能大厦楼宇自动化系统(BAS)的高科技产品。
这正是由于Excel5000 系统的结构和功能体现了Honeywell 公司追求技术领先和致力于楼宇自动化系统灵活、简单、经济实用的基本观念,再加上它在国际控制领域的地位,才使越来越多的建筑商开始青睐并使用它。
本文就笔者在日常学习和在电信调度大楼项目中遇到的工程实例,简要谈谈Excel5000 在楼宇自动化系统中的应用情况,以便和大家共同交流、探讨。
一、Excel5000 系统简介按照中华人民国国家标准规定:楼宇自动化系统的设计依据除相关的设计规外,还必须符合如下两点:★ 采用集散型控制系统(TDS);★ 采用局域网技术;从以上两点可直接反映出计算机控制和网络技术在智能大厦中的发展和应用。
而Excel5000 系统正是符合这两点的先进产品之一。
1.1 Excel5000 是一套分布式的集散型控制系统(TDS) 集散型控制系统是当代自控技术的主流,是信息时代发展的趋势。
它开放式的通信系统与管理信息紧密结合,向上能与Internet 接口,向下又支持现场总线,使得过程控制中的智能设备和仪表能够实现高可靠的实时全数字通信。
在Excel5000 中,中央站和所有分站都接在分站总线上,二者之间没有任何控制器之类的设备,从而保证了现场控制器的独立性,实现了集散系统的控制分散,提高了楼宇自动化系统的可靠性。
1.2 Excel5000 是开放式的计算机网络系统计算机网络是计算机技术与通信技术相结合的产物。
深圳市中航电脑智能系统有限公司霍尼韦尔XL50A-UMMIPCCBLON的详细说明霍尼韦尔XL50A-UMMIPCCBLON,XL50-MMI-FP,DDC控制器的详细说明是:XL50-MMI-FP可用于单独的不联网的就地控制,具有通讯功能,与Excel 5000系统集成在同一个网络上,它可代替Excel 20控制器,内含通讯模块,并可自由编程控制,Excel 50 有8个A1点,4个AO点,4个DI点和6个DO点。
Excel 50 带有结构化软件的HVAC控制器和可自由编程XL50A-UMMIPCCBLON适用于所有HVAC控制应用软件和楼宇自动化功能的EXCEL5000系统内的DDC控制器。
硬件输入信号* 传感器NTC20k, 0..10V, 0..20mA的8个输入信号* 无电势触点或24V的4个附加输入信号硬件输出信号* 4个模拟输出信号0..10V* 6个数字输出信号24Vac控制面板:同控制面板XI582AH相匹配的RS232端口。
本控制面板可用于调节设置点,警报限位,固定输入/输出信号,手动操作功能等(模块XL50-MMI已经安装了自己的控制面板) 管理应用软件:XBS或EBI系统可用做中央管理和其他楼宇的自动化功能。
独立运行:是安装:DIN导轨或配电柜前门防护等级:适用于安装在配电柜前门的带有XL50-ACC3的IP30, IP54接线柱类型:适用于XS50螺旋接线柱或XSP526/XSP534扁平电缆接线柱存储备份:用于72小时缓冲器的镀金电容器电源:24Vac | 10VA连接调制解调器:通过应用软件卡可直接连接连接通讯总线:通过应用软件卡可直接连接连接LonWorks(R):通过应用软件卡可直接连接附加说明:如果不需要可编程性,应用Honeywell的Lizard软件来为所需要的设备选者适当的控制软件。
需要提供46个网络变量以使所有设备在LonWorks(R)系统中协调运行基本配置:XL50-MMI-+ XD50-FCL+ XS50:带有LON通讯接口的XL50 XL50-MMI。
空调自控系统说明书苏州达实控制设备有限公司2011.12 一:控制器说明:XCEL50控制器是Honeywell(霍尼韦尔)XBS 楼宇自动化系统中的现场DDC控制单元,是替代EXCEL20控制器的最新产品,可应用与于单独的AHU就地控制,它内含通讯模块可与EXCEL 5000系统集成在一个网路中,同时提供ISDN和LON总线的通信方式,EXCEL50控制器采用Flash EPROM模块可自由编程适用于Honeywell的CARE编程软件包,控制器可根据需要提供不同的现场预制程序。
1)硬件部分硬件结构8路通用传感器输入----- Analog input4 路无源数字量输入-----Digital input6 路数字点输出 -----Digital outputt4 路模拟点输出 ----- Analog outputI/O点特性:通用输入: NTC热敏电阻、PT1000温度传感器、0~10VDC信号、4~20mA 信号、干接点;数字输入:无源干接点、逻辑电平、记数脉冲;通用输出:模拟输出0~10VDC;数字输出:TRAIC输出;2):技术规范工作电压 24VAC工作频率 50/60HZ输入分辨率 0.1K/1MA电压调节信号 0~10V查询速度和刷新时间 1s继电器触点电压 24~220VAC触点最大负载 4A二:控制原理:1):温度控制在使用时根据实际,选择冷热模式.夏季,由回风温度控制冷水阀,即当回风温度高于除湿设定值时开大冷水阀,冷水流量增加,制冷能力增加,当回风温度低于设定值时关小冷水阀,冷水流量减少, 制冷能力减少。
在冬季,由回风温度控制热水阀,即当回风温度低于加热设定值时打开热水阀.2):室内静压控制根据室内的静压控制新风阀和回风阀的开度.3):联锁控制1.空调系统与风机联锁, 当风机启动时, 控制系统正式启动,各个控制元件开始控制过程;2.风机与冷热水阀、电加热器、加湿器的联锁控制,当送风机停机时,相应设备全部关闭三:操作说明:1、基础操作键:“取消键”,退出上级菜单或取消已修改的参数或退出报警确认;“上行键”,移动光标至上一行;“下行键”,移动光标至下一行;“右行键”,移动光标至下一个参数栏;“左行键”,移动光标至上一个参数栏;“增加键”,增加一个修改的单位或切换数字量的一个状态;“减少键”,减少一个修改的单位或切换数字量的一个状态;“确认键”,确认已修改的参数或移动光标至下一个界面2、功能操作键:“PLANT键”,显示该现场DDC控制器的相关状态;“TIME 键”,显示该现场DDC控制器的时间控制程序;如:控制器当前时间、TIMESCHEDUL时间表等,该功能在本系统未使用“参数键”,显示该现场DDC控制器的所有数据、控制点的状态、设定点、DDC参数表等;“报警键”,显示该现场DDC控制器的所有报警状态、报警历史、已处于ALARM的数据点;3、高级操作:3.1通电后,按,出现如下菜单3.2按菜单键,首先进入密码菜单后,先按键,进入以下菜单:进入密码3333,按键进入以下菜单按键可选择进入相应选项,按键确认。
ComfortPoint 系列(即CP 8000)EXCEL5000系列WEBs系列系统结构图系统网络结构基于标准以太网/局域网架构。
系统采用两层网络结构:上层管理网通讯协议为BACnet TCP/IP,下层控制网通讯协议为MS-TP。
系统采用三层网络结构:上层管理网通讯协议为BACnet TCP/IP或Lonworks,中间层网络控制器,下层控制网通讯协议为BACnet MS-TP或LonWorks总线。
支持点到点通讯系统通讯协议网络支持 BACnet TCP/IP控制网络支持C-BUS, LonWorks协议;专用控制器支持LonWorks。
支持BACnet TCP/IP、Lonworks总线或Modubs中央管理软件EBI R410管理系统。
产地:澳大利亚可支持BACnet、Modbus、Lonworks、C-bus等总线协议,不支持SNMP,OBiX等网络信息通讯协议数据库系统复杂,维护困难,最大支持63000点,扩容增加点需要增加费用支持IE浏览器访问,需要安装ActiveX控件,安全风险高,最大在线用户数40个EBI R410或SymmetrE R410管理系统。
产地:澳大利亚可支持BACnet、Modbus、Lonworks、C-bus等总线协议,不支持SNMP,OBiX等网络信息通讯协议数据库系统复杂,维护困难,最大支持63000点,扩容增加点需要增加费用支持IE浏览器访问,需要安装ActiveX控件,安全风险高,最大在线用户数40个WEBs AX管理系统。
数据库系统稳定、维护简单,无点数限制(依据计算机CPU处理能力),扩容系统不需要增加额外费用,支持IE,谷歌,360,Opera等任何浏览器,无最大用户访问限制(依据网络带宽能力)网络控制器IPC控制器,166MHz 32位处理器,32M内存。
霍尼韦尔HoneywellHoneywell直接数位控制器(DDC):XL50A-UMMI-PC 小型DDC控制器(带人机界面和通讯功能)XL50A-UPC 小型DDC控制器(不带人机界面,带通讯功能)XL50A-MMI-EP 小型DDC控制器(带人机界面,不带通讯功能)XL50A-UMMIPCCBLON 小型DDC控制器(带人机界面和通讯功能、可扩展输入/输出点)99-XFR-2AC24-40 变压器Honeywell传感器、控制器R7428A1006 多回路温湿度控制器TB7980A1006 温度控制器50014157-001 温度传感器T9275A1002 单回路温度控制器L4064K1006B 高温断路器T6950A1018防冻开关T6961A1007 防冻开关LF20 风管插入式温度传感器T7415A风管插入式温度传感器VF20T 水管型插入式温度传感器T7413A水管型插入式温度传感器H7050B1018 风管插入式温湿度传感器H7080A 风管插入式温湿度传感器H7080B2103风管插入式温湿度传感器CTR21 室内温湿度传感器CHT 室内温湿度传感器H7030A1000 室内温湿度传感器T7460A1001 室内温度传感器NTC 20WFS-1001-H 水流开关P7620A1020 水压力传感器P906C水压差控制器P906C2004 压差控制器,输出4-20mA控制信号UEC24014 水压力开关DPS400 压差开关DP S200 压差开关DPTM1000D 压差传感器0-1000Pa, 带显示, 0-10VDC输出DPTM50 压差传感器+/-50Pa, 4-20 mA输出8550+2517 电磁流量计8550+2540 电磁流量计FFS-10A 水位开关液位开关AQS51 二氧化碳传感器AQS61 二氧化碳传感器GD250 一氧化碳传感器PW50 霍尼韦尔软水机PW60 软水机Honeywell二通阀组:V5011N1040 电动二通阀DN15(铜阀塞)V5011N1057 电动二通阀DN20V5011P1004 电动二通阀DN25V5011P1012 电动二通阀DN32V5011P1020 电动二通阀DN40V5011P1038 电动二通阀DN50V5211F1004 电动二通阀DN65(铜)V5211F1012 电动二通阀DN80(铜)V5328A1179 电动二通阀,DN65水阀,法兰连接V5328A1187 电动二通阀,DN80水阀,法兰连接V5088A1005 电动二通阀DN100V5088A1013 电动二通阀DN125V5088A1021 电动二通阀DN150ML7420A6033-E PI型电动执行器ML7421A1032-E PI型电动执行器ML7421B1023-E PI型电动执行器ML7425A3013-E PI型电动执行器Honeywell蒸汽阀组:V5011N2048 电动二通阀DN15(不锈钢阀塞)V5011N2055 电动二通蒸汽阀DN20V5011P2036 电动二通蒸汽阀DN25V5011P2002 电动二通蒸汽阀DN32V5011P2010 电动二通蒸汽阀DN40V5011P2028 电动二通蒸汽阀DN50V5211F1004 电动二通阀DN65V5211F1012电动二通阀DN80V5211F2002 电动二通蒸汽阀DN65V5211F2010 电动二通蒸汽阀DN80V5328A2011 电动二通阀,DN65蒸汽阀,法兰连接V5328A2029 电动二通阀,DN80蒸汽阀,法兰连接V5088A2003 电动二通阀,DN100蒸汽阀,法兰连接V5088A2011 电动二通阀,DN125蒸汽阀,法兰连接V5088A2029 电动二通阀,DN150蒸汽阀,法兰连接Honeywell三通阀组:V5013N1063 电动三通阀DN25V5013P1002 电动三通阀DN32V5013P1010 电动三通阀DN40V5013P1028 电动三通阀DN50V5329A2077 电动三通阀DN65V5329A2085 电动三通阀DN80V5050A2088 电动三通阀DN100V5050A2106 电动三通阀DN125V5050A2114 电动三通阀DN150Honeywell球阀风阀:CN6105A1011 风阀驱动器,5NM,浮点控制CN6110A1003 风阀驱动器,10NM,浮点控制CN6120A1002 风阀驱动器,20NM,浮点控制,24vac CN7505A2001 风阀驱动器,5NM,调节控制CN7510A2001 风阀驱动器,10NM,调节控制CN7220A2007 风阀驱动器,20NM,调节控制CN7234A2008 风阀驱动器,34NM,调节控制VBA216 电动球阀VBNHoneywell蝶阀组:V4ABFW16-100-012 电动蝶阀DN100V4ABFW16-125-012 电动蝶阀DN125V4ABFW16-150-012 电动蝶阀DN150V4ABFW16-200-012 电动蝶阀DN200V4ABFW16-250-012 电动蝶阀DN250V4ABFW16-300-012 电动蝶阀DN300V4ABFW16-350-012 电动蝶阀DN350V4ABFW16-100-112 电动蝶阀DN100,调节式V4ABFW16-125-112 电动蝶阀DN125,调节式V4ABFW16-150-112 电动蝶阀DN150,调节式V4ABFW16-200-112 电动蝶阀DN200,调节式V4ABFW16-250-112 电动蝶阀DN250,调节式V4ABFW16-300-112 电动蝶阀DN300,调节式V4ABFW16-350-112 电动蝶阀DN350,调节式V4ABFW16-400-112 电动蝶阀DN400,调节式Honeywel风机盘管温控器:Q6371A1006 三速开关T6373AC1108 风机盘管温控器, cool, 2-pipeT6373BC1130 风机盘管温控器,Heat or cool,, 2-pipeT6375B1153 风机盘管温控器,Heat and cool,4-pipeT6812DP08 数字式温控器,Heat or cool, 2-pipeT6818DP08 数字式温控器,Heat or cool, 2-pipeT6818DP04 数字式温控器,Heat and cool, 4-pipeT6800H2WN 数字式温控器(横款)T6800V2WN 数字式温控器(竖款)T6861H2BB 数字式温控器(蓝色,横款)T6861V2BB 数字式温控器(蓝色,竖款)T6861H2GG 数字式温控器(绿色,横款)T6861V2GG 数字式温控器(绿色,竖款)VC6013AJC1000 电动二通阀DN20,BSPP/240v/Cable,SPAT VC6013AP1000 电动二通阀DN25,BSPP/240v/CableVC6013MJ6000 电动三通阀DN20,BSPT/240v/CableVC4013AJ1000 电动二通阀DN20,BSPP/240v/Cable,SPSTV4043C1362B 电动二通阀DN20,弹簧复位型,BSPP/220v,50Hz Honeywell平衡阀:V5032Y0032 Kombi-2平衡阀,DN32,螺纹联接V5032Y0040 Kombi-2平衡阀,DN40,螺纹联接V5032Y0050 Kombi-2平衡阀,DN50,螺纹联接V4-BLC-GP16-G065 V4 Kombi-F静态平衡阀,DN65V4-BLC-GP16-G080 V4 Kombi-F静态平衡阀,DN80V4-BLC-GP16-G100 V4 Kombi-F静态平衡阀,DN100V4-BLC-GP16-G125 V4 Kombi-F静态平衡阀,DN125V4-BLC-GP16-G150 V4 Kombi-F静态平衡阀,DN150V4-BLC-GP16-G200 V4 Kombi-F静态平衡阀,DN200V4-BLC-GP16-G250 V4 Kombi-F静态平衡阀,DN250V4-BLC-GP16-G300 V4 Kombi-F静态平衡阀,DN300V4-BLC-GP16-G350 V4 Kombi-F静态平衡阀,DN350V2CF 动态流量平衡阀V5CF 动态流量平衡阀DPCV 动态压差平衡阀DPCV-80ADPCV-125ADPCV-80BDPCV-100BV5016 动态压差平衡阀V5011P1004/ML7420A6033-SBE025,动态平衡电动调节(一体)阀DN25 V5011P1012/ML7420A6033-SBE032,动态平衡电动调节(一体)阀DN32 V5011P1020/ML7420A6033-SBE040,动态平衡电动调节(一体)阀DN40 V5011P1038/ML7420A6033-SBE050,动态平衡电动调节(一体)阀DN50 V5328A1179/ML7420A6033-SBE065,动态平衡电动调节(一体)阀DN65 V5328A1187/ML7420A6033-SBE080,动态平衡电动调节(一体)阀DN80。