
高一英语必修一单词表(完整)▼▼目录▼▼Unit1Unit2Unit3Unit4Unit5英语基础差怎么补上来高一英语必修一完整单词表:Unit1△surveyn.调查;测验addup合计upsetadj.心烦意乱的;不安的;不适的vt.(upset,upset)使不安;使心烦ignorevt.不理睬;忽视calmvt.&vi.(使)平静;(使)镇定adj.平静的;镇静的;沉着的calm(…)down(使)平静下来;(使)镇定下来havegotto不得不;必须concernvt.(使)担忧;涉及;关系到n.担心;关注;(利害)关系beconcernedabout关心;挂念walkthedog遛狗looseadj.松的;松开的△vetn.兽医gothrough经历;经受△Amsterdamn.阿姆斯特丹(荷兰首都)Netherlandsn.荷兰(西欧国家)△Jewish犹太人的;犹太族的Germanadj.德国的;德国人的;德语的n.德国人;德语△Nazin.纳粹党人adj.纳粹党的setdown记下;放下;登记seriesn.连续;系列aseriesof一连串的;一系列;一套△Kittyn.基蒂(女名)outdoorsadv.在户外;在野外△spellbindvt.(spellbound,spellbound)迷住;迷惑onpurpose故意inorderto为了……duskn.黄昏;傍晚atdusk在黄昏时刻thundervi.打雷;雷鸣n.雷;雷声entireadj.整个的;完全的;全部的entirelyadv.完全地;全然地;整个地powern.能力;力量;权力facetoface面对面地curtainn.窗帘;门帘;幕布dustyadj.积满灰尘的nolonger/not…anylonger不再……partnern.伙伴;合作者;合伙人settlevi.安家;定居;停留vt.使定居;安排;解决suffervt.&vi.遭受;忍受;经历sufferfrom遭受;患病△lonelinessn.孤单;寂寞highwayn.公路;大路recovervi.&vt.痊愈;恢复;重新获得get/betiredof对……厌烦packvi.&vt.捆扎;包装;打行李n.小包;包裹pack(sth)up将(东西)装箱打包suitcasen.手提箱;衣箱△Margotn.玛戈(女名)Overcoatn.大衣;外套teenagern.十几岁的青少年getalongwith 与……相处;进展△gossipvi.&n.闲话;闲谈fallinlove相爱;爱上exactlyadv.确实如此;正是;确切地disagreevi.不同意gratefuladj.感激的;表示谢意的disliken.&vt.不喜欢;厌恶joinin参加;加入tipn.提示;技巧;尖;尖端;小费vt.倾斜;翻倒△secondlyadv.第二;其次swapvt.交换高一英语必修一完整单词表:Unit2△subwayn.地下人行道;<美>地铁elevatorn.电梯;升降机petroln.<英>汽油(=<美>gasoline)gasn.汽油;气体;煤气;毒气officialadj.官方的;正式的;公务的voyagen.航行;航海△conquervt.征服;占领becauseof因为;由于nativeadj.本国的;本地的n.本地人;本国人apartmentn.<美>公寓住宅;单元住宅actuallyadv.实际上;事实上AD公元basevt.以……为根据n.基部;基地;基础atpresent现在;目前gradualadj.逐渐的;逐步的graduallyadv.逐渐地;逐步地Danishn.丹麦语adj.丹麦的;丹麦人的;丹麦语的△enrichvt.使富裕;充实;改善vocabularyn.词汇;词汇量;词表△Shakespeare莎士比亚(英国剧作家,诗人)makeuseof利用;使用spellingn.拼写;拼法△SamuelJohnson塞缪尔?约翰逊(英国作家,批评家)△NoahWebster诺厄?韦伯斯特(美国词典编纂家)latteradj.较后的;后半的;(两者中)后者的identityn.本身;本体;身份fluentadj.流利的;流畅的fluentlyadv.流利地;流畅地Singaporen.新加坡(东南亚国家)Malaysian.马来西亚(东南亚国家);马来群岛△dialectn.方言expressionn.词语;表示;表达midwesternadj.中西部的有中西部特性的Africanadj.非洲的;非洲人的;非洲语言的Spanishadj.西班牙的;西班牙人的;西班牙语的n.西班牙人;西班牙语playapart(in)扮演一个角色;参与easternadj.东方的;东部的southeasternadj.东南方的;来自东南的morthwesternadj.西北方的;来自西北的recognizevt.辨认出;承认;公认lorryn.<英>卡车(=<美>truck)△Lorin.罗丽(女名)△Houstonn.休斯顿(美国城市)△Texasn.德克萨斯州(美国州名)accentn.口音;腔调;重音△Bufordn.布福德(姓氏;男名)△Lestern.莱斯特(姓错;男名)△catfishn.鲶鱼lightningn.闪电straightadv.直接;挺直adj.直的;笔直的;正直的blockn.街区;块;木块;石块cabn.出租车高一英语必修一完整单词表:Unit3journaln.;杂志;定期刊物transportn.运送;运输vt.运输;运送prefervt.更喜欢;选择某事物(而不选择其他事物)disadvantagen.不利条件;不便之处faren.费用△routen.路线;路途△Mekongn.湄公河flowvi.流动;流出n.流动;流量eversince从那以后persuadevt.说服;劝说cyclevi.骑自行车graduatevi.n.大学毕业生finallyadv.最后;终于schedulen.时间表;进度表vt.为某事安排时间careabout关心;忧虑;惦念△detailn.细节;详情△sourcen.来源;水源determinevt.决定;确定;下定决心determinedadj.坚决的;有决心的changeone’smind改变主意journeyn.旅行;旅程altituden.海拔高度;高处makeupone’smind下决心;决定givein投降;屈服;让步△atlasn.地图;地图集△glaciern.冰河;冰川△Tibetanadj.西藏的;藏族的;藏族人的n.(西)藏语;西藏人;藏族人△rapidsn.急流valleyn.(山)谷;流域△waterfalln.瀑布pacevi.缓慢而行;踱步n.一步;速度;步调bendn.弯;拐角vt.(bent,bent)使弯曲vi.弯身;弯腰△meandern.(指河流等)蜿蜒缓慢流动△deltan.三角洲attituden.态度;看法△Qomolangman.珠穆朗玛峰boilvi.(指液体)沸腾;(水)开forecastn.&vt.预测;预报parceln.小包;包裹insurancen.wooln.羊毛;毛织品asusual照常reliableadj.可信赖的;可靠的viewn.风景;视野;观点;见解vt.观看;注视;考虑△yakn.牦牛pillown.枕头;枕垫midnightn.午夜;子夜atmidnight在午夜flamen.火焰;光芒;热情beneathprep.在……下面△Laosn.老挝(东南亚国家)高一英语必修一完整单词表:Unit4earthquaken.地震quaken.地震rightaway立刻;马上welln.井△crackn.裂缝;噼啪声vt.&vi.(使)开裂;破裂△smellyadj.发臭的;有臭味的△farmyardn.农场;农家pipen.管;导管burstvi.(burst,burst)爆裂;爆发n.突然破裂;爆发millionn.百万eventn.事件;大事asif仿佛;好像atanend结束;终结nationn.民族;国家;国民canaln.运河;水道steamn.蒸汽;水汽dirtn.污垢;泥土ruinn.废墟;毁灭vt.毁灭;使破产inruins严重受损;破败不堪sufferingn.苦难;痛苦extremeadj.极度的injurevt.损害;伤害△survivorn.幸存者;生还者;残存物destroyvt.破坏;毁坏;消灭brickn.砖;砖块damn.水坝;堰堤trackn.轨道;足迹;痕迹uselessadj.无用的;无效的;无益的shockvt.&vi.(使)震惊;震动n.休克;打击;震惊rescuen.&vt.援救;营救trapvt.使陷入困境n.陷阱;困境electricityn.电;电流;电学disastern.灾难;灾祸digout掘出;发现buryvt.埋葬;掩埋;隐藏minen.矿;矿山;矿井minern.矿工sheltern.掩蔽;掩蔽处;避身处a(great)numberof许多;大量的titlen.标题;头衔;资格reportern.记者barn.条;棒;条状物damagen.&vt.损失;损害frightenvt.使惊吓;吓唬frightenedadj.受惊的;受恐吓的frighteningadj.令人恐惧的congratulationn.祝贺;(复数)贺词judgen.裁判员;法官vt.断定;判断;判决sincerelyadv.真诚地;真挚地expressvt.表示;表达n.快车;速递outlinen.要点;大纲;轮廓headlinen.报刊的大字标题cyclistn.骑自行车的人高一英语必修一完整单词表:Unit5△NelsonMandela纳尔逊?曼德拉(前南非共和国总统)qualityn.质量;品质;性质△warm-heartedadj.热心肠的meanadj.吝啬的;自私的;卑鄙的activeadj.积极的;活跃的generousadj.慷慨的;大方的△easy-goingadj.随和的温和宽容的selfn.自我;自身selfishadj.自私的selflessadj.无私的;忘我的selflesslyadv.无私地;忘我地devotevt.(与to连用)献身;专心于devotedadj.忠实的;深爱的△WilliamTyndale威廉?廷代尔(英国早期新教改革者)△Biblen.《圣经》△NormanBethune诺曼?白求恩(加拿大胸外科医师)△invadern.侵略者foundvt.建立;建设republicn.共和国;共和政体principlen.法则;原则;原理△nationalismn.民族主义;国家主义△livelihoodn.生计;谋生△MohandasGandhi莫罕达斯?甘地(印度国民大会党领袖)peacefuladj.和平的;平静的;安宁的△giantadj.巨大的;庞大的△leapn.飞跃;跳跃mankindn.人类△Eliasn.伊莱亚斯(男名)lawyern.律师guidancen.指导;领导legaladj.法律的;依照法律的feen.费(会费、学费等);酬金△passbookn.南非共和国有色人种的身份证△Johannesburgn.约翰内斯堡(南非城市)outofwork失业hopefuladj.怀有希望的;有希望的△ANC非国大;非洲人国民大会;非洲民族会议(AfricanNationalCongress)youthn.青年;青年时期league同盟;联盟;联合会YouthLeague青年团stagen.舞台;阶段;时期votevt.&vi.投票;选举n.投票;选票;表决attackvt.进攻;攻击;抨击violencen.暴力;暴行asamatteroffact事实上blowup使充气;爆炸equaladj.相等的;平等的introuble在危险、受罚、痛苦、忧虑等的处境中willingadj.乐意的;自愿的unfairadj.不公正的;不公平的turnto求助于;致力于△quoten.引用语;语录△releasevt.释放;发行loseheart丧失勇气或信心△RobbenIsland罗本岛escapevi.逃脱;逃走;泄露blanketn.毛毯;毯子educatevt.;训练begvi.请求;乞求relativen.亲戚;亲属terrorn.恐怖;可怕的人;恐怖时期;恐怖活动crueltyn.残忍;残酷rewardn.报酬;奖金vt.酬劳;奖赏△Transkein.特兰斯凯(南非东南部一地区)setup设立;建立sentencevt.判决;宣判besentencedto被判处……(徒刑)anti-[前缀]反;抗;阻anti-blackadj.反黑人的△CapeTown开普敦(南非立法首都)presidentn.总统;会长;校长;行长△NobelPeacePrize诺贝尔和平奖opinionn.意见;看法;主张英语基础差怎么补上来?英语试卷上的一篇阅读理解能看懂大概意思,但题目就是做不对,总是考在40到50分左右徘徊,要怎么学?这些困惑是很多英语成绩不好的同学存在的困扰。

今天小编在这给大家整理了高一英语必修一完整单词表,接下来随着小编一起来看看吧!●高一英语必修一完整单词表:Unit 1△survey n. 调查;测验add up 合计upset adj. 心烦意乱的;不安的;不适的vt. (upset, upset) 使不安;使心烦ignore vt. 不理睬;忽视calm vt. & vi. (使)平静;(使)镇定adj. 平静的;镇静的;沉着的calm(…)down (使)平静下来;(使)镇定下来have got to 不得不;必须concern vt. (使)担忧;涉及;关系到n. 担心;关注 ;(利害)关系be concerned about 关心;挂念walk the dog 遛狗loose adj. 松的;松开的△vet n. 兽医go through 经历;经受△Amsterdam n. 阿姆斯特丹(荷兰首都)Netherlands n. 荷兰(西欧国家)△Jewish 犹太人的;犹太族的German adj. 德国的;德国人的;德语的n. 德国人;德语△Nazi n. 纳粹党人adj. 纳粹党的set down 记下;放下;登记series n. 连续;系列a series of 一连串的;一系列;一套△Kitty n. 基蒂(女名)outdoors adv. 在户外;在野外△ spellbind vt. (spellbound, spellbound) 迷住;迷惑on purpose 故意in order to 为了……dusk n. 黄昏;傍晚at dusk 在黄昏时刻thunder vi. 打雷;雷鸣n.雷;雷声entire adj. 整个的;完全的;全部的entirely adv. 完全地;全然地;整个地power n. 能力;力量;权力face to face 面对面地curtain n. 窗帘;门帘;幕布dusty adj. 积满灰尘的no longer/not…any longer 不再……partner n. 伙伴;合作者;合伙人settle vi. 安家;定居;停留vt. 使定居;安排;解决suffer vt. & vi. 遭受;忍受;经历suffer from 遭受;患病△loneliness n. 孤单;寂寞highway n. 公路;大路recover vi. & vt. 痊愈;恢复;重新获得get/be tired of 对……厌烦pack vi. & vt. 捆扎;包装;打行李n. 小包;包裹pack (sth) up 将(东西)装箱打包suitcase n. 手提箱;衣箱△Margot n. 玛戈(女名)Overcoat n. 大衣;外套teenager n. 十几岁的青少年get along with 与……相处;进展△gossip vi. & n. 闲话;闲谈fall in love 相爱;爱上exactly adv. 确实如此;正是;确切地disagree vi. 不同意grateful adj. 感激的;表示谢意的dislike n. & vt. 不喜欢;厌恶join in 参加;加入tip n. 提示;技巧;尖;尖端;小费vt. 倾斜;翻倒△secondly adv. 第二;其次swap vt. 交换item n. 项目;条款高一英语必修一完整单词表:Unit 2 △subway n. 地下人行道;<美>地铁elevator n. 电梯;升降机petrol n. <英>汽油(=<美>gasoline) gas n. 汽油;气体;煤气;毒气official adj. 官方的;正式的;公务的voyage n. 航行;航海△conquer vt. 征服;占领because of 因为;由于native adj. 本国的;本地的n. 本地人;本国人△Amy n. 艾米(女名)come up 走近;上来;提出apartment n. <美> 公寓住宅;单元住宅actually adv. 实际上;事实上AD 公元base vt. 以……为根据n. 基部;基地;基础at present 现在;目前gradual adj. 逐渐的;逐步的gradually adv. 逐渐地;逐步地Danish n. 丹麦语adj. 丹麦的;丹麦人的;丹麦语的△enrich vt. 使富裕;充实;改善vocabulary n. 词汇;词汇量;词表△Shakespeare 莎士比亚(英国剧作家,诗人)make use of 利用;使用spelling n. 拼写;拼法△Samuel Johnson 塞缪尔?约翰逊(英国作家,批评家) △Noah Webster 诺厄?韦伯斯特(美国词典编纂家) latter adj. 较后的;后半的;(两者中)后者的identity n. 本身;本体;身份fluent adj. 流利的;流畅的fluently adv. 流利地;流畅地Singapore n. 新加坡(东南亚国家)Malaysia n. 马来西亚(东南亚国家);马来群岛such as 例如……;像这种的frequent adj. 频繁的;常见的frequently adv. 常常;频繁地usage n. 使用;用法;词语惯用法command n.& vt. 命令;指令;掌握request n. & vt. 请求;要求△dialect n. 方言expression n. 词语;表示;表达midwestern adj. 中西部的有中西部特性的African adj. 非洲的;非洲人的;非洲语言的Spanish adj. 西班牙的;西班牙人的;西班牙语的n.西班牙人;西班牙语play a part (in) 扮演一个角色;参与eastern adj. 东方的;东部的southeastern adj. 东南方的;来自东南的morthwestern adj. 西北方的;来自西北的recognize vt. 辨认出;承认;公认lorry n. <英>卡车(=<美>truck)△Lori n. 罗丽(女名)△Houston n. 休斯顿(美国城市)△Texas n. 德克萨斯州(美国州名)accent n. 口音;腔调;重音△Buford n. 布福德(姓氏;男名)△Lester n. 莱斯特(姓错;男名)△catfish n. 鲶鱼lightning n. 闪电straight adv. 直接;挺直adj. 直的;笔直的;正直的block n. 街区;块;木块;石块cab n. 出租车高一英语必修一完整单词表:Unit 3journal n. 日记;杂志;定期刊物transport n. 运送;运输vt. 运输;运送prefer vt. 更喜欢;选择某事物(而不选择其他事物) disadvantage n. 不利条件;不便之处fare n. 费用△route n. 路线;路途△Mekong n. 湄公河flow vi. 流动;流出n. 流动;流量ever since 从那以后persuade vt. 说服;劝说cycle vi. 骑自行车graduate vi. 毕业n. 大学毕业生finally adv. 最后;终于schedule n. 时间表;进度表vt. 为某事安排时间fond adj. 喜爱的;慈爱的;宠爱的be fond of 喜爱;喜欢shortcoming n. 缺点stubborn adj. 顽固的;固执的organize vt. 组织;成立care about 关心;忧虑;惦念△detail n. 细节;详情△source n. 来源;水源determine vt. 决定;确定;下定决心determined adj. 坚决的;有决心的change one’s mind 改变主意journey n. 旅行;旅程altitude n. 海拔高度;高处make up one’s mind 下决心;决定give in 投降;屈服;让步△atlas n. 地图;地图集△glacier n. 冰河;冰川△Tibetan adj. 西藏的;藏族的;藏族人的n. (西)藏语;西藏人;藏族人△rapids n. 急流valley n. (山)谷;流域△waterfall n. 瀑布pace vi. 缓慢而行;踱步n. 一步;速度;步调bend n. 弯;拐角vt. (bent, bent) 使弯曲vi. 弯身;弯腰△meander n. (指河流等)蜿蜒缓慢流动△delta n. 三角洲attitude n. 态度;看法△Qomolangma n. 珠穆朗玛峰boil vi. (指液体)沸腾;(水)开forecast n. & vt. 预测;预报parcel n. 小包;包裹insurance n. 保险wool n. 羊毛;毛织品as usual 照常reliable adj. 可信赖的;可靠的view n. 风景;视野;观点;见解vt. 观看;注视;考虑△yak n. 牦牛pillow n. 枕头;枕垫midnight n. 午夜;子夜at midnight 在午夜flame n. 火焰;光芒;热情beneath prep. 在……下面△Laos n. 老挝(东南亚国家)△Laotian n. 老挝人adj. 老挝(人)的temple n. 庙宇;寺庙cave n. 洞穴;地窖高一英语必修一完整单词表:Unit 4 earthquake n. 地震quake n. 地震right away 立刻;马上well n. 井△cra ck n. 裂缝;噼啪声vt. & vi. (使)开裂;破裂△smelly adj. 发臭的;有臭味的△farmyard n. 农场;农家pipe n. 管;导管burst vi. (burst, burst) 爆裂;爆发n. 突然破裂;爆发million n. 百万event n. 事件;大事as if 仿佛;好像at an end 结束;终结nation n. 民族;国家;国民canal n. 运河;水道steam n. 蒸汽;水汽dirt n. 污垢;泥土ruin n. 废墟;毁灭vt. 毁灭;使破产in ruins 严重受损;破败不堪suffering n. 苦难;痛苦extreme adj. 极度的injure vt. 损害;伤害△survivor n. 幸存者;生还者;残存物destroy vt. 破坏;毁坏;消灭brick n. 砖;砖块dam n. 水坝;堰堤track n. 轨道;足迹;痕迹useless adj. 无用的;无效的;无益的shock vt. & vi. (使)震惊;震动n. 休克;打击;震惊rescue n. & vt. 援救;营救trap vt. 使陷入困境n. 陷阱;困境electricity n. 电;电流;电学disaster n. 灾难;灾祸dig out 掘出;发现bury vt. 埋葬;掩埋;隐藏mine n. 矿;矿山;矿井miner n. 矿工shelter n. 掩蔽;掩蔽处;避身处a (great) number of 许多;大量的title n. 标题;头衔;资格reporter n. 记者bar n. 条;棒;条状物damage n. & vt. 损失;损害frighten vt. 使惊吓;吓唬frightened adj. 受惊的;受恐吓的frightening adj. 令人恐惧的congratulation n. 祝贺;(复数)贺词judge n. 裁判员;法官vt. 断定;判断;判决sincerely adv. 真诚地;真挚地express vt. 表示;表达n. 快车;速递outline n. 要点;大纲;轮廓headline n. 报刊的大字标题cyclist n. 骑自行车的人高一英语必修一完整单词表:Unit 5△Ne lson Mandela纳尔逊?曼德拉(前南非共和国总统)quality n. 质量;品质;性质△warm-hearted adj. 热心肠的mean adj. 吝啬的;自私的;卑鄙的active adj. 积极的;活跃的generous adj. 慷慨的;大方的△easy-going adj. 随和的温和宽容的self n. 自我;自身selfish adj. 自私的selfless adj. 无私的;忘我的selflessly adv. 无私地;忘我地devote vt. (与to连用)献身;专心于devoted adj. 忠实的;深爱的△William Tyndale 威廉?廷代尔(英国早期新教改革者)△Bible n. 《圣经》△Norman Bethune 诺曼?白求恩(加拿大胸外科医师)△invader n. 侵略者found vt. 建立;建设republic n. 共和国;共和政体principle n. 法则;原则;原理△nationalism n. 民族主义;国家主义△livelihood n. 生计;谋生△Mohandas Gandhi莫罕达斯?甘地(印度国民大会党领袖)peaceful adj. 和平的;平静的;安宁的△giant adj. 巨大的;庞大的△leap n. 飞跃;跳跃mankind n. 人类△Elias n. 伊莱亚斯(男名)lawyer n. 律师guidance n. 指导;领导legal adj. 法律的;依照法律的fee n. 费(会费、学费等);酬金△passbook n. 南非共和国有色人种的身份证△Johannesburg n. 约翰内斯堡(南非城市)out of work 失业hopeful adj. 怀有希望的;有希望的△ANC 非国大;非洲人国民大会;非洲民族会议(African National Congress)youth n. 青年;青年时期league 同盟;联盟;联合会Youth League 青年团stage n. 舞台;阶段;时期vote vt. & vi. 投票;选举n. 投票;选票;表决attack vt. 进攻;攻击;抨击violence n. 暴力;暴行as a matter of fact 事实上blow up 使充气;爆炸equal adj. 相等的;平等的in trouble 在危险、受罚、痛苦、忧虑等的处境中willing adj. 乐意的;自愿的unfair adj. 不公正的;不公平的turn to 求助于;致力于△ quote n. 引用语;语录△ release vt. 释放;发行lose heart 丧失勇气或信心△Robben Island 罗本岛escape vi. 逃脱;逃走;泄露blanket n. 毛毯;毯子educate vt. 教育;训练educated adj. 受过教育的;有教养的come to power 当权;上台beg vi. 请求;乞求relative n. 亲戚;亲属terror n. 恐怖;可怕的人;恐怖时期;恐怖活动cruelty n. 残忍;残酷reward n. 报酬;奖金vt. 酬劳;奖赏△Transkei n. 特兰斯凯(南非东南部一地区)set up 设立;建立sentence vt. 判决;宣判be sentenced to 被判处……(徒刑)anti-[前缀] 反;抗;阻anti-black adj. 反黑人的△Cap e T own 开普敦(南非立法首都)president n. 总统;会长;校长;行长△Nobel Peace Prize 诺贝尔和平奖opinion n. 意见;看法;主张英语基础差怎么补上来?英语试卷上的一篇阅读理解能看懂大概意思,但题目就是做不对,总是考在40到50分左右徘徊,要怎么学?这些困惑是很多英语成绩不好的同学存在的困扰。
综英 unit1-unit12 英译中 终结版

综英unit 1- unit 12英译中Unit11.But we must learn to be equally good at what is shot and sharp and what is long and tough但我们必须学会同样善于应付短暂而干脆与漫长而艰难的局面。
2.It is generally said that the British are better at the last.人们普遍认为英国人最终总是会胜出的3.Britain , other nations thought ,had drawn a sponge across the slate.其他国家认为英国输得一无所有了4.We stood all alone a year ago ,and to many countries it seemed that our account was closed.一年前,我们孤军作战,许多国家都以为我们被彻底打败了。
Unit 21.Manners ,it seems to me ,are about giving people space ,not stepping on toes ,granting people their private domain.在我看来,礼貌就是给别人以空间,不冒犯别人,允许别人有隐私。
2.personal space is mostly a public matter; we allow all kind of invasions of personal space in private.个人空间基本上是一个公众场合的问题;私底里,我们是允许对个人空间进行各种各样的侵犯的。
3.like the twelve-mile limit around our national shores, personal space is our individual border beyond which no stranger can penetrate withoutmaking us uneasy.就像我们国家拥有12海里领海权一样,个人空间就是我们的边界,只要有陌生人穿过这个边界就会使我们感到不安。
【综英I】Unit 1 Half a day (for sts)--sentence explanation

Lesson 1 – Half a Day
More examples
1. The moment I saw him, I recognized he
was the criminal the police were looking for. 2. The year I was born, my father was working towards a PhD degree. 3. The day Hans Christian Andersen
My mother stood at the window watching our slow and difficult movement towards the school, and I looked back at her frequently, hoping she would stop my father taking me to school.
Text Analysis
Detailed Analysis
Sentence Paraphrase
I did not believe there was really any good to be had in
tearing me away from my home and throwing me into
what he was driving at. 5. The words immediately set us
all laughing.
Text Analysis
Detailed Analysis
Part I: Words & Expressions
Words Phrases Sentence Pattern Grammar
unit 1 -综英3

② go somewhere by feeling the way with your hands because you cannot see grope your way along / across, etc. e.g. I was groping my way blindly through the trees.
clutch: to hold or grasp tightly; to try to grasp or seize. -The frightened woman ~ed her bags to her breast. - He ~ed at the rope we had thrown to him. Synonyms: seize, grasp e.g. She seized my arm as she fell. grasp the essence / main points
Language Points in paras.4-5
Crack Crack down on: 镇压 Anthology: 选集 Crisp ruled paper Break out: 不愉快事情的爆发 Assume:
scribble (down) = scrabble v. write sth. quickly and untidily e.g. I scribbled his phone number in my address book. He scribbled down our names.
5: …to assume the scientific pose of
a biology major, bending slightly forward, tensing my arms in preparation for furious note-taking, and cursing under my breath.

sb/sthtolerant adj.宽容的,容忍的;能耐···的be tolerant of/towards n.tolerance v.tolerate adj.intolerant liberty n.自由vitality n.生命力,活力,热情adj.vitaldistinguish v.区分,辨别;成为···的特征,使有别于;使出众~between A and B ~A from B representative adj.典型的,有代表性的.n.典型人物,代表性人物;代表v.represent be ~of sthfrost n.霜;霜冻,严寒天气cast vt.(cast,cast)投射;向···投以(视线、笑容等);投,抛;n.全体演员;投,抛~shadow/light/doubt owe vt.欠;归功于owe sth to sb/sth owing to debt n.人情债,情义,恩情;借款,欠款,债务be in debt fascinate vt.&vi.深深吸引,迷住*adj.fascinating n.fascinationentitle vt.(usually passive)给···命名;使享有权利,使符合资格be entitled to doblamevt.把···归咎于,责怪,指责.n.责任,责备,指责be to blame for sthblame sth on sbblame sb for sthallowancen.津贴,补助;限额;零花钱make allowance for 体谅;考虑到,估计到triumphn.巨大成功,重大成就,伟大胜利unforgivingadj.棘手的;不饶人的,不宽容的v.forgive蒲公英语。

Imitating Mini-Talks
1 Work in pairs. Practice the following mini-talks about greeting and introducing people.
Window on Key Words
1) Meeting People for the First Time A: Hello, Mr. David Green! I'm Lily Zhang. B: Hi, Miss Zhang! Nice to meet you. A: Nice to meet you, too. Mr. Green. B: Oh, please call me David.
_g_e_n_e_r_a_l _m__an__a_g_e_r _. Mr. Smith: And you may also know I'm a lover of Chinese food! 5 (给名片)
Unit | One
6 Imagine you are a new employee (雇员) at a joint venture (合资企业). Mr. Smith is the general manager there. You meet him for the first time at the company's canteen (餐厅). Fill in the blanks according to the clues (提示) given in the brackets. Then act it out with your partner.
My major is marketing. Mr. Smith: Very good. 3 (表示欢迎) _W__e_lc_o_m__e__to__o_u_r_c_o_m__p_a_n_y__.
新一代大学英语 综合教程1 单词表Units1-8 vocabulary

v. 增高,提高,加强
n. 监督器, 班长, 监听员, [计算机]显示器, 监视器 v. 监视, 监听, 监督
n. 开放,空旷,公开,直率,松脆
adj. 卑下的, 谦逊的, 粗陋的 vt. 使...卑下, 贬低
n. 阴影, 阴暗, 预兆, 跟踪盯梢的人 vt. 跟踪, 笼罩 vi. 投阴影于..., 使...忧沉,预示 adj. 影子内阁的, 阴暗的
adj. 分析的,解析的,善于解析的
n. 逻辑(学),逻辑性,合理的推理
n. [解]新(大脑) 皮质
n. 联合,合伙,国际财团
adj. 否定的,负的,消极的 n. 底片,负数,否定 vt. 否定
n. 冲击(力), 冲突, 影响(力) vt. 挤入, 压紧; 撞击; 对...发生影响
n. 视觉,先见之明,光景,视力,眼力,幻想,影像 vt. 幻想
n. 出席,在场者,举止
adj. 合理的,理性的,能推理的 n. 有理数
adj. 神秘的 adj. 神秘主义的 adj. 有心灵象征意义的
n. 幻觉,错觉,错误的信仰(或观念)
vt. 显示, 透露 n. (外墙与门或窗之间的)窗侧, 门侧 n. (汽车)窗框
n. 暗示,提示,小部分 vt. &vi. 暗示,示意

高一英语单词表(unit1~2)许多同学都对中学英语单词头痛不已,要怎么样才能提高背单词的效率呢?今日我在这给大家整理了高一英语单词表,接下来随着我一起来看看吧!高一英语单词表(unit1~2)UNIT 1honest adj.诚恳的5261;正直的brave adj.英勇的loyal adj.忠诚的4102;忠心的wise adj.英明的;明智的;聪1653明的handsome adj.英俊的;大方的;美观的smart adj.机灵的;美丽的;迅捷的argue vt.争辩;辩论solution n.解答;解决方法;解决方案classical adj.古典的;古典文学的Steve 史蒂夫(男子名)fond adj.宠爱的;多情的;喜爱的fond of 喜爱;爱好Sarah n.莎拉;萨拉(女子名)Joe 乔(男子名)match n.火柴mirror n.镜子fry vt.vi.油煎;油炸gun n.炮;枪hammer n.锤子;槌saw i.锯rope n.绳;索;绳索compass n.罗盘;指南针movie n.电影cast vt.vi.投掷;投射;抛Tom Hanks 汤姆·汉克斯(美国男影星) Chuck Noland 查克·诺兰德(男子名) survive vt.幸免于;从……中生还vi.幸存deserted adj.荒芜的;荒废的hunt vt.vi.n.打猎;猎取;搜寻hunt for 搜寻,追寻;找寻in order to 为了Wilson 威尔逊(男子名)share vt.vi.共享;共有;安排n.共享;份额sorrow n.悲惨;哀思care about 担忧;关怀feeling n.触觉;知觉;感觉;心情such as 例如airplane n.飞机parachute n.着陆伞lie n.谎话;谎话speech n.演说;讲话;语音adventure n.vt.vi.冒险;冒险经验notebook n.笔记本;笔记本式电脑scared adj.恐惊的e-pal n.网友South Carolina 南卡罗来纳州(美国州名) drop sb a line 给某人写信(通常指写短信〉formal adj.正式的;正规的error n.错误;过失UNIT2Nancy 南希(女子名)bathroom n.浴室;盥洗室;厕所make oneself at home 别客气towel n.毛巾landlady n.女房东;老板娘closet n.壁橱;贮存室Karen 卡伦(女子名)pronounce v.发音;宣告;断言Thompson 汤普森(姓氏)broad adj.宽的repeat vt.vi.重做;重复;复述n.重复;反复Dave 戴夫(男子名)ketchup n.蕃茄酱;蕃茄沙司majority n.多数;大半native adj.本土的;本地的n.本地人;本国人total n.总数;合计adj.总的;全部的;完全的in total 总共the United Kingdom 英国tongue n.舌头;语言;口语mother tongue 母语equal adj.相等的;胜任的vt.等于;比得上government n.政府;内阁situation n.情形;境遇;(建筑物等的)位置Pakistan n.巴基斯坦(南亚国家)Nigeria n.尼日利亚(非洲国家)the Philippines 菲律宾共和国;菲律宾群岛except for 除了……之外international adj.国际的;世界的organization n.组织;机构;团体trade n.贸易;商业tourism n.旅游;观光global adj.全球的;球形的communicate vi.交际;沟通;传达(感情、信息等) communication n.沟通;通讯;通信exchange vt.n.交换;沟通;兑换service n.效劳,效劳性工作signal n.信号movement n.运动;动作;运转△peg n.钉;栓;桩commander n.司令官;指挥官tidy vt.vi.整理:整理adj.整齐的;干净的stand n.台;看台;摊,摊位stay up.不睡,熬夜come about 发生independent adj.独立自主的fall n.秋天;瀑布expression n.短语;表情end up with …告终typhoon n.台风tornado n.旋风;龙卷风Spanish n.西班牙语;西班牙人adj.西班牙(人、语)的Noah Webster 诺厄·韦伯斯特(美国词典编纂家) publish vt.发表;出版;公布southern adj.南方的;南部的statement n.陈述;声明;综述president n.总统;校长;行长;会长European adj.欧洲的;欧洲人的bring in 引进;引来Florida 佛罗里达(美国州名)a great many 许很多多;极多howl vi.n.嚎叫;怒吼;嚎哭cookbook n.食谱compare vt.比拟replace vt.替换中学英语单词怎么背才高效首先,订正一个错误观点:一天背几个单词就好了,坚持背,单词量就会越来越多。
全新版大学进阶英语:综合教程Unit 1

Getting Prepared
Warm-up Video
After watching the video, discuss the following questions with your partner:
1. What is the girl’s identity?
A. a young employee B. a waitress
澳大利亚英语的词汇:虽然澳大利亚英语中大多数 的词汇与其他地区的英语相同,但在词义或用法上有显 著差异。澳大利亚英语词汇的来源有许多,包括英国英 语中的各种方言、盖尔语、澳大利亚的土著语以及波利 尼西亚语。
Getting Prepared
Warm-up Video
Canadian lingo “eh“: An interjection or prompt spoken by Canadians, equivalent to the American “huh?” or “right?”, usually used to prompt a person to respond to what was said or to indicate a lack of understanding. This usage is exclusive to Canadians, and is sometimes regarded as a part of their national identity. The use of “eh” by Canadians is occasionally mocked in other countries, and often joked about by Canadians themselves.

1.My plan was to keep my ears open and my mouth shut and hope no one would notice I was a freshman.I planned to keep silent and act in such a way that nobody would notice that I was a newcomer in college.2.For three days, I dined alone on nothing more than humiliation, shame and an assortment of junk food from a machine strategically placed outside my room.For three days,I had not been to cafeteria due to my feeling of humiliation and shame. Instead, I stayed alone in my room and ate junk food of various kinds from a vending machine which was in just the right place to aid me in avoiding others.3.Popularity was not so important; running with the crowd was no longer a law of survival.It didn’t matter whether or not you were widely accepted o r admired; you did not have to behave to the liking of everybody else.UNIT 21.He had no outside〝extracurricular interests,〞unless, of course, you think about a monthly golf game that way.He had dedicated all his time to his work and had no hobby at all, except that he played a golf game every month which cannot be taken as a hobby anyway.2.She had, according to her daughter, given up trying to compete with his work years ago, when the children were small.Their daughter said that, when they were still small, her father had become a company man and her mother had given up any attempt to keep him at home.UNIT 31.In the United States we have become so habituated to using the car for everything that itdoesn’t occur to us to unfurl our legs and see w hat those lower limbs can do. People in the Unite State tend to drive for every purpose, so much that they have forgotten that they still have legs and about what their legs can do.2.I confess it had not occurred to me how thoughtlessly deficient nature is in this regard.I admit that I had never realized how poorly equipped our bodies are in this respect.3.…but afterward I realized that I was possibly the only person ever to have entertained the notion of negotiating that intersection on foot.…maybe I was the only person who had ever attempted to cross that intersection on foot. UNIT 41.Somewhere along the line people got the modern ides that fun was there for the asking, that people deserved fun, that if we didn’t have little fun every day we woul d turn into ( sakes alive!) puritans.Nowadays, people believe that they can have fun whenever they want it, and that they should have fun, otherwise they would be leading dull and bitter life as a puritan.2.The god of mirth is paying us back for all those years of thinking fun was everywhere by refusing to come to our party.We have long assumed that fun was easy to have, but now we are paying a price for the shallow-mindedness, that is to say, our party is hardy as much fun as it is expected to be.1.What a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive.When we start to tell a lie, we have entered a very intricate situation, as a lie often requires other lies until the whole structure of lies becomes so complex, that it ensnares the liar. 2.Psychological barriers wear down; the ability to make more distinctions can coarsen; the liar’s perception of his chances of being caught may warp.One is less inhabited from lying, his ability to make moral right and wrong judgments is dulled, and he may become less cautious against being caught.3.The most understandable and forgivable lies are an exchange of what ethicists refer to as the principle of trust for the principle of caring.The most understandable and acceptable lies are those which are told for the sake of love and care at the expense of trust, according to the ethicists.UNIT 61.Good poets and poems are lost forever simply because there is no market for them, no people who write their own verse and seek out further inspiration from other bardsGood poets have stopped writing poems,because there are fewer and fewer readers and fellow poets.They cannot depend on poetry writing for a living,and there is no more poetic society from which they can draw inspiration and stimulation.2.Observe others’ emotions and experience your own —that’s what poetry is all about.The point of poetry is to express and record emotions.So when you read poems,you will observe the emotions of the poet and when you write your own poem,you need to observe and organize your own.UNIT 71.It is only when one is in a position to oblige that one can afford to be so confidential.Just because I am able to do you a favor, I feel safe telling you so much about my other medicines.2.“For indifference,”said the old man,“they substitute devotion. For scorn, adoration.”“They, the love potions,”said the old man,“will help change the girls’ attitude towards you. She will no longer hold you in contempt. Instead, she will begin to give you her deep-felt love and care.”UNIT 81.Even an end which it would be noble to pursue if it were attainable may be pursued unwisely if it is inherently impossible of achievement.It would be unwise to pursue a goal that is bound to fail, although it might be noble to do so.2.I think the essence of wisdom is emancipation, as far as possible, from the tyranny of the here and now.I think the essence of wisdom is to get one’s horizon free from the confinement of time and space.。
新一代大学英语 综合教程1 单词表Units1-8 vocabulary

inevitably vulnerability electrify current vulnerable fanatical involve akin flirt
naturally confront mesh
enlist heighten monitor
openness humble shadow
vt. 使具有个性,个别对待,具体化 n.总经理; 行政部门; [计算机]执行指令 adj.执行的; 管理的; 政府部门的 n. 赤字,不足,缺乏 v. 给与动机,刺激,提高...的学习欲望 n. 轻打, 水龙头, 电话窃听 vt. 从...放出液体, 自...某人处获取, 在...上装窃听器, 轻拍 vi. 轻拍 vt. 模仿,摹拟 n. 效颦者,模仿者;仿制品;小丑 n. 坚持(余辉,时间常数) adv. 特定地,明确地 n. 远景, 看法, 透视 adj. 透视的 n. 探索,寻求 vt.& vi. 寻找,追寻猎物 n. 属下,附属物 adj. 下级的,次要的,附属的 vt. 使居下位,使服从, 把...放在次要 adv. 自然地,天生地 vt. 面临, 对抗, 遭遇 n. 网孔,网丝,陷阱 vt. 以网捕捉,啮合,匹配 vi. 适合 [计算机] 网 络 v. 徵募, 参与, 支持 v. 增高,提高,加强 n. 监督器, 班长, 监听员, [计算机]显示器, 监视器 v. 监视, 监听, 监督 n. 开放,空旷,公开,直率,松脆
综英unit 1总知识点

Unit 1Never Say GoodbyeSection Two Global ReadingI. Main ideaWhat is the story narrated in the text about?The story told by the author is about how his grandfather, with his own life experience, helped him to overcome the sadness he felt when he was about to leave his old house, and opened his eyes to the truth of his advice that one should never say goodbye to those who were dear to him.II. Structural analysis1. How are the events of the essay arranged? List some words and phrases which indicate thechronological order.The story is related in a chronological order with a flashback in the middle part.Words and phrases which indicate a chronological order: when I was ten, When the final day came, I continued to, a year and half later, then, when it came to my turn, …Words and phrases which indicate a flashback: a long, long time ago, one day, …Section Three Detailed ReadingText INever Say Goodbye1When I was ten I was suddenly confronted with the anguish of moving from the only home I had ever known. My whole life, brief as it was, had been spent in that big old house, gracefully touched with the laughter and tears of four generations1.2When the final day came, I ran to the haven of the small back porch and sat alone, shuddering, as tears welled up from my heart. Suddenly I felt a hand rest on my shoulder2. I looked up to see my grandfather. “It isn’t easy, is it, Billy?” he said softly, sitting down on the steps beside me.3“Grandpa,” I replied through my tears, “how can I ever say goodbye to you and all my friends?”4For a moment he just stared off into the apple trees. “Goodbye is such a sad word,” he said. “It seems too final, too cold, for friends to use. We seem to have so many ways of saying goodbye and they all have one thing in common: sadness.”5I continued to look into his face. He gently took my hand in his. “Come with me, my friend,” he whispered.6We walked, hand in hand, to his favorite place in the front yard, where a huge red rosebush sat conspicuously alone.7“What do you see here,Billy?” He asked.8I looked at the flowers, not knowing what to say, and then answered, “I see something soft and beautiful, Grandpa.”9Kneeling, he pulled me close. “It isn’t just the roses that are beautiful, Billy. It’s that special place in your heart that makes them so.”10His eyes met mine again. “Billy, I planted these roses a long, long time ago —before your mother was even a dream3. I put them into the soil the day my first son was born. It was my way of saying thank you to God. That boy s name was Billy, just like yours. I used to watch him pick roses for his mother4.”11I saw my grandfather’s tears. I had never seen him cry before. His voice became hoarse. 12“One day a terrible war came, and my son, like so many sons, went away to fight a great evil. He and I walked to the train station together ... Three months later a telegram came. My son had died in some tiny village in Italy. All I could think of was that the last thing I said to him in this life was goodbye.”13Grandpa slowly stood up. “Don’t ever say goodbye, Billy. Don’t ever give in to the sadness and the loneliness of that word. I want you to remember instead the joy and the happiness of those times when you first said hello to a friend. Take that special hello and lock it away within you —in that place in your heart where summer is an always time5. Whenyou and your friends must part, I want you to reach deep within you and bring back that first hello.”14 A year and half later, my grandfather became gravely ill. When he returned from severalweeks in the hospital, he wanted his bed next to the window, where he could see his beloved rosebush.15Then the family was summoned and I returned to the old house. It was decided that the oldest grandchildren would be allowed to say their goodbyes.16When it came to my turn, I noted how tired he looked. His eyes were closed and his breathing was slow and hard.17I took his hand as gently as he had once taken mine.18“Hello, Grandpa,” I whispered. His eyes slowly opened.19“Hello, my friend,” he said, with a brief smile. His eyes clos ed again and I moved on.20I was standing by his rosebush when an uncle came to tell me that my grandfather had died. Remembering Grandpa's words, I reached deep within me for those special feelings that had made up our friendship6. Suddenly, and truly, I knew what he had meant about never saying goodbye — about refusing to give in to the sadness.Paragraphs 1-4Questions1) What do you k now about the author’s home? (Paragraph 1)The author’s home was a large old house, in which four generations had lived in harmony and experienced both happiness and sadness.2) Why did the author shudder and shed tears when the final day came? (Paragraph 2) Because he was extremely reluctant to leave and could not bear to say goodbye to his grandfather and his friends as well as to his big old house.3) Why did his grandfather advise him not to use the word “goodbye” to friends?(Paragraph 4) Because th e word “goodbye” seemed too final, too cold, for friends to use and it implied sadness.His grandfather wanted him to recall the joy and happy events of the life instead of feeling sad and miserable.Words and Expressions1. confront: vt.1) be faced with and have to deal withe.g. The actress was confronted by a large group of reporters as she left the stage door.Whenever we are confronted with any difficulties, we shouldn’t give up what we are doing.2) force to deal with or accept the truths of; bring face to face withe.g. When the police confronted her with the evidence, she confessed she was guilty. Collocations:be confronted withconfront sb. with sth.Synonyms:encounter, face2.anguish: n. very great pain and suffering, esp. of the minde.g.The old man died in anguish.这位老人在痛苦中死去。

Unit 1squarev。
to set straight or at approximate right angles使成方形discreetlyad。
carefully谨慎地,小心地reserven. self—restraint in expression; the habit of not showing one’s feelings or thoughts矜持,拘谨;寡言whereaboutsn。
the place where somebody or something is下落, 去向anthologyn。
a collection of literary pieces, such as poems, short stories, or plays (诗、文等的)选集gropev。
to search blindly or uncertainly暗中摸, 摸索tip offto give an advance warning or hint to暗示,警告,因倾斜而使掉下来goodyn. something attractive or delectable, especially something sweet to eat 特别吸引人的东西,美味的食品puddlen. a small pool of liquid水坑; (尤指道路上的)雨水坑ketchupn. a thick cold red sauce made from tomatoes, used for giving a pleasant taste to food番茄酱flailv. to (cause something to) wave or swing about wildly鞭打;抽打maneuvern. skillful or careful movement策略reara。
of the back part后面的;后部的n. a light open-sided shoe worn in warm weather凉鞋brigaden. a group of persons organized for a specific purpose 旅sneakv. to go or move in a quiet, stealthy way偷偷溜走junk food(informal and derogative) food (e.g., potato crisps) eaten as a snack and usually thought to be not good for one's health垃圾食品crunchya. making a crunching or cracking sound, as when chewed; crisp发嘎吱嘎吱声的,易碎的spaghettin. a type of pasta in long strings意大利面条somebody's heart goes out to somebodyused to say that someone feels a lot of sympathy towards another person 十分同情,怜悯claspn。

Unit 1
Adam Smith (16 June 1723 – 17 July 1790) was a Scottish moral philosopher, pioneer of political economy, and key Scottish Enlightenment figure.
What is EAP?
English for Academic Purposes/EAP
内容:教材分为《学术英语》综合、 人文、理工、社科等。我们的课程 分为读学科主题文章、听专业相关 讲座、练学术口语、写学科专业论 文以及做学科相关研究等环节。
目标:训练对信息的获取、分析、整 合、利用能力;提高学生撰写学期论 文及学术论文的技能;帮助学生过度 到专业双语课程及全英课程学习;全 面培养学生的学业能力、思辨创新能 力和解决实际问题的学术研究能力。
5. Writing • Understand what kind of topic is suitable
and manageable for a term paper
Unit 1
Unit Objectives
6. Researching • Independently locate and study a variety
Unit 1
Text A Overview
1. Summarize the main ideas of Text A. 2. Do Task 1/Critical reading and thinking.
Use the labor and skills behind the Thanksgiving weekend as examples to illustrate the concept of “the invisible hand”

八年级上册英单词表,人教版Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation?1. anyone ['eniwʌn] pron. 任何人。
2. anywhere ['eniweə(r)] adv. 在任何地方。
3. wonderful ['wʌndəfl] adj. 精彩的;绝妙的。
4. few [fjuː] adj. & pron. 不多;很少。
5. quite a few 相当多;不少。
6. most [məʊst] adj., adv. & pron. 最多;大多数。
7. something ['sʌmθɪŋ] pron. 某事;某物。
8. nothing ['nʌθɪŋ] pron. 没有什么;没有一件东西。
9. everyone ['evriwʌn] pron. 每人;人人;所有人。
10. of course [ɒv kɔːs] 当然;自然。
11. myself [maɪ'self] pron. 我自己;我本人。
12. yourself [jɔː'self] pron. 你自己;您自己。
13. hen [hen] n. 母鸡。
14. pig [pɪg] n. 猪。
15. seem [siːm] v. 好像;似乎;看来。
16. bored [bɔːd] adj. 厌倦的;烦闷的。
17. someone ['sʌmwʌn] pron. 某人。
18. diary ['daɪəri] n. 日记;记事簿。
19. activity [æk'tɪvəti] n. 活动。
20. decide [dɪ'saɪd] v. 决定;选定。
21. try [traɪ] v. & n. 尝试;设法;努力。
22. paragliding ['pærəɡlaɪdɪŋ] n. 滑翔伞运动。

• 英 [flɪntʃ] 美 [flɪntʃ] • vi. 退缩;畏惧 • The sharp surface of the rock caught at her skin, making her flinch. 岩石尖尖的 表面剐到了她的皮肤,令她后缩了一 下。
• • • •
• • • • • • • • • • • • • 英 [lʌl] 美 [lʌl] vt. 使平静;使安静;哄骗 vi. 平息;减弱;停止 n. 间歇;暂停;暂时平静 n. (Lull)人名;(英)勒尔 短语 Lull Animal 安抚动物 wind lull 风暂停 James Lull 詹姆斯· 罗尔 For the past year, Israelis and Palestinians have experience a lull in violence. 在过去的几年里,巴以之间经历了一段稍有平息的生活。 There is a lull in the Arabic, and I can hear a child singing in Spanish from across the aisle. 这时几个阿拉伯人暂时安静了下来,我听到过道里有一个孩子用西班牙语唱 歌。
• 英 [ɪm'pɒstə(r)] 美 [ɪmˌp ɑstɚ] • n. 冒名顶替者,骗子 • This is not Doctor Malcolm, he is an impostor. 这不是马尔科姆医生,他是 骗子。
unit 1.等综英翻译

1.For some, it was a matter of geography-not just which tower they worked in or on which floor, but in which corner of the building.对有些人来说,生死攸关的是此时此刻他们所在的位置——不仅是哪幢楼,哪一层,更重要的是大楼的哪个角落。
2.In the noise, smoke and sparks, Mayblum didn’t realize that his friend Hong Zhu was behind him in the stairwell the whole time.周围噪声震耳,烟雾弥漫,梅布勒姆没有意识到,他的朋友朱虹始终就在他身后的楼梯井里.3.Piece by piece, she developed a picture of his escape. Harry was on 87 when the plane hit. 她一点一点地拼出了哈里逃生的场景:飞机撞击时,他正在第87层楼。
4.But as hard as she tried, as many questions as she asked, the picture began to fade on the 36th floor.但是,尽管她绞尽了脑汁,问了无数问题,她拼出的场景还是在第36层上逐渐模糊了。
(illusion)with advanced technology, that movie about ancient war give the audiences an illusion of being present.6.在那场大火中,整个古城毁于一旦,但是这块石碑去幸运的保存了下(devastate)That ancient city was devastated by the fire, but fortunately the stone table survived.7.他们看了那段录像,听了那位妇女的讲述,心中充满了对那位地震孤儿的同情。

Unit 1(一)honest adj 诚实的;正直的brave adj 勇敢的Loyal adj 忠诚的;忠心的wise adj 英明的;明智的;聪明的handsome adj 英俊的;大方的;美观的smart adj 聪明的;漂亮的;敏捷的argue vt 争论;辩论△solution n 解答;解决办法;解决方案classical adj 古典的;古典文学的△Steve 史蒂夫(男子名)fond adj 喜爱的;多情的;喜欢的fond of 喜欢;爱好△Sarah n 莎拉;萨拉(女子名)△Joe 乔(男子名)match n 火柴mirror n 镜子fry vt&vi 油煎;油炸gun n 炮;枪hammer n 锤子;槌saw n&vt&vi 锯rope n 绳;索;绳索△compass n 罗盘;指南针movie n 电影cast vt&vi 投掷;投射;抛△Tom Hanks 汤姆·汉克斯(男影星)△Chuck Noland 查克·诺兰德(男子名)△survive vt 幸免于;从……中生还vi 幸存deserted adj 荒芜的;荒废的hunt vt&vi&n 打猎;猎取;搜寻hunt for 搜索,追寻;寻找in order to 为了△Wilson 威尔逊(男子名)share vt&vi 分享;共有;分配n 共享;份额sorrow n 悲哀;悲痛care about 担心;关心feeling n.触觉;知觉;感觉;情绪such as 例如airplane n 飞机△parachute n 降落伞lie n 谎话;谎言speech n 演说;讲话;语音notebook n 笔记本;笔记本式电脑△scared adj 恐惧的△e-pal n 网友△South Carolina 南卡罗来纳州(州名)drop sb a line 给某人写信(通常指写短信〉△formal adj 正式的;正规的error n 错误;差错Unit 2△Nancy 南希(女子名)bathroom n 浴室;盥洗室;厕所make oneself at home 别客气towel n 毛巾△landlady n 女房东;老板娘closet n 壁橱;储藏室△Karen 卡伦(女子名)pronounce v 发音;宣告;断言△Thompson 汤普森(姓氏)broad adj 宽的repeat vt&vi 重做;重复;复述n 重复;反复△Dave 戴夫(男子名)△ketchup n 蕃茄酱;蕃茄沙司majority n 多数;大半native adj 本国的;本地的n 本地人;本国人total n 总数;合计adj 总的;全部的;整个的in total 总共△the United Kingdom 英国tongue n 舌头;语言;口语△mother tongue 母语equal adj 相等的;胜任的vt 等于;比得上government n 政府;内阁situation n 情形;境遇;(建筑物等的)位置△Pakistan n 巴基斯坦(南亚国家)△Nigeria n 尼日利亚(非洲国家)△the Philippines 菲律宾;菲律宾群岛except for 除了……之外international adj 国际的;世界的organization n 组织;机构;团体trade n 贸易;商业tourism n 旅游;观光global adj 全球的;球形的communication n 交流;通讯;通信exchange vt&n 交换;交流;兑换service n 服务,服务性工作signal n 信号movement n 运动;动作;运转△peg n 钉;栓;桩commander n 司令官;指挥官tidy vt&vi 整理:收拾adj 整齐的;整洁的stand n 台;看台;摊,摊位stay up 不睡,熬夜come about 发生independent adj 自主的fall n 秋天;瀑布expression n 短语;表情end up with …告终typhoon n 台风△tornado n 旋风;龙卷风△Spanish n 西班牙语;西班牙人adj 西班牙(人、语)的△Noah Webster 诺厄·韦伯斯特(词典编纂家)publish vt 发表;;公布southern adj 南方的;南部的△statement n 陈述;声明;综述president n 总统;校长;行长;会长European adj 欧洲的;欧洲人的bring in 引进;引来△Florida 佛罗里达(州名)a great many 许许多多;极多howl vi&n 嚎叫;怒吼;嚎哭cookbook n 食谱compare vt 比较replace vt 替换Unit 3consider vt 考虑;照顾;认为means n 手段;方法transportation n 运输;运送board n 上(船、飞机等)△destination n 目的地experience vt&n 体验;经历;经验simply adv 仅仅;只不过;简单地;完全;简直get away from 逃离△raft vi 乘筏n 木筏nature n 自然;自然界;本性basic adj 基本的n 基本;要素equipment n 装备;设备simple adj 简单的△backpack n 背包tip n 指点;忠告;尖端;小费watch out 注意;当心△spider n 蜘蛛poisonous adj 有毒的;有害的;恶毒的protect sb/sth from 保护、保卫某人(某事物)△cellphone n 手机paddle vi 划桨;涉水。
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TuckVerb1.draw together into folds or puckersSynonym: gather pucker2. fit snugly intoe.g. insert your ticket into the slot tuck your shirttail inSynonym: insert3. make a tuck or several folds ine.g. tuck the fabricVerdantAdj1.characterized by abundance of verdure SpectacularlyAdv1. in a spectacular mannerE.g. the area was spectacularly scenicSynonym: stunninglyAwe-inspiringAdj1. inspiring awe or admiration or wonderE.g. New York is an amazing citySynonym: Amazing awesome awful awingLushAdj1. Produced or growing in extreme abundancee.g. their riotous blooming2. full of juicee.g. lush fruits3. characterized by extravagance and profusione.g. a lavish buffetSynonym: lavishQuintessentiallyAdv. representing a perfect or typical example of something. CompactAdj1. Closely and firmly united or packed togethere.g. compact soilcompact clusters of flowers2. briefly giving the gist of somethinge.g. a short and compendious book a compact style is brief and pithy3. having a short and solid form or statureE.g. a wrestler of compact buildSynonym: HeavysetVerb1. Squeeze or press togetherE.g. she compressed her lips the spasm contracted the muscle2. make more compact by or as if by pressingE.g. compress the dataSynonym: Compress pack together3. Compress into a wadE.g. wad paper into the box4. Have the property of being packable or of compacting easilyE.g. this powder compacts easilySuch odd-shaped items do not pack wellSynonym: packStrideVerb1. Cover or traverse by taking long stepsE.g. She strode several miles towards the woods2. Walk with long stepse.g. He strode confidently across the hallIdyllicAdj1.excellent and delightful in all respects2. suggestive of an idyll, charmingly simple and serene PedigreeNoun1. ancestry of a purebred animalSynonym: bloodline2. line of descent of a purebred animal3. The descendants of one individuale.g. His entire lineage has been warriorsSynonym: Lineage lineCraggyAdj1. Having hills and cragsE.g. hilly terrainSynonym: mountainousCrumpledAdj1. of metal e.g.e.g. Bent nailsSynonym: BentGlacialAdj1. Extremely coldE.g.an arctic climateSynonym: icyEvocativeAdj1. Serving to bring to mindSynonym: redolent remindfulTinklingAdj1. like the short high ringing sound of a small bellMedievalAdj1. As if belonging to the Middle Ages ,old-fashioned and unenlightenedSynonym: Mediaeval gothic2. Characteristic of the time of chivalry and knighthood in the Middle Ages3. Relating to or belonging to the middle AgesPerchNoun1.any of numerous spiny-finned fishes of various families of theorder2. Spiny-finned freshwater food and game fishes3. Support consisting of a branch or rod that serves as a resting place (especially for a bird)ChimeNoun1. A percussion instrument consisting of a set of tuned bells that are struck with a hammer, used as an orchestral instrumentSynonym: Bell gongVerb1. Emit a soundE.g. bells and gongs chimedPatchNoun1. a piece of soft material that covers and protects an injured part of thebodySynonym: bandage2. A protective cloth covering for an injured eyeSynonym: Eye patch3. Sewing that repairs a worn or torn hole (especially in a garment)E.g. her stockings had several mendsSynonym: Mend darn4. a piece of cloth used as decoration or to mend or cover a hole5. a connection intended to be used for a limited timeSynonym: temporary hookupAttestVerb1. Authenticate, affirm to be true, genuine, or correct, as in an official capacitye.g. I attest this signature2 .establish or verify the usage ofE.g. this word is not attested until 19933. Provide evidence for, stand as proof of, show by one's behavior, attitude, or external attributesSynonym: certifyStunningAdj1. Strikingly beautiful or attractive2 .commanding attentionSynonym: arrestingSimplicityNoun1. Lack of ornamentatione.g. The room was simply decorated with great restraint2. Freedom from difficulty or hardship or effortSynonym: Ease easiness3 .the quality of being simple or uncompoundedE.g. the simplicity of a crystalScribbleNoun1. An aimless drawingSynonym: Scrabble doodle2 .poor handwritingSynonym: Scratch scrawl cacographyVerb1.write down quickly without much attention to detailSynonym: scrabble2.write carelesslyTiptoeNoun1.the tip of a toeVerb1.walk on one's toesSynonym: TipAdj1. Walking on the tips of one’s toes so as to make no noiseE.g. moving with tiptoe stepsIllustrationNoun1. a visual representation (a picture or diagram) that is used make somesubject more pleasing or easier to understand2. An item of information that is typical of a class or groupE.g. this patient provides a typical example of the syndromeSynonym: Example instance representative2.showing by exampleSynonym: exemplification3.Artwork that helps make something clear or attractive GrandeurNoun1. The quality of being magnificent or splendid or grandE.g. for magnificence and personal service there is the Queen's hotelSynonym: Magnificence brilliance splendor grandness2.the quality of elevation of mind and exaltation of character or ideals orconductSynonym: nobilityBearerNoun1. Someone whose employment involves carrying somethinge.g. The bonds were transmitted by carrierSynonym: CarrierExhilaratingAdj1.making lively and joyfulSynonym: elating2. making lively and cheerfulE.g. the exhilarating effect of mountain airSynonym: stimulatingSiblingNoun1. a person's brother or sisterSynonym: sibCrustyAdj1. Brusque and surly and forbiddinge.g. Crusty remarksA crusty old manSynonym: Curmudgeonly gruff ill-humored2.having a hardened crust as a coveringSynonym: crustedBreweryNoun1. A plant where beer is brewed by fermentationMortifiedAdj1. Made to feel uncomfortable because of shame or wounded prideE.g. too embarrassed to say hello to his drunken father on the streetSynonym: Embarrassed humiliated2. Suffering from tissue deathSynonym: gangrenousBarrelNoun1. A cylindrical container that holds liquidsSynonym: cask2. A tube through which a bullet travels when a gun is fired3. Any of various units of capacityE.g. a barrel of beer is 31 gallons and a barrel of oil is 42 gallons JerseyNoun1. a slightly elastic machine-knit fabric2. a close-fitting pullover shirtSynonym: T-shirtKnittedAdj1. Made by intertwining threads in a series of connected loops rather than by weavingE.g. knitted garments a hand-knitted sweaterVistasNounA view from a particular place, especially a beautiful view from a high place。