大学生成功之道-HW2 (2)
成功之道成功之道成功是什么?多元化的成功:高低名利多元化的成功:做有价值的人多元化的成功:做最好的你自己成功的关键:做个完整的人管理能力执行能力商业能力经验创意基础知识专业知识技能兴趣态度价值观:道德理想执行人际成功的关键?多元化的成功:做个完整的人兴趣态度价值观理想执行人际What is right?诚信、正直、责任What do you want in life?人生目标、志向How to get what you want + love?计划、自律How to do things?勇气、自信、积极、毅力、自省、胸怀What do you love?兴趣、激情How to work with others?情商、沟通、团队理想目标理想、志向希望有前辈告诉我,鼓励我去追求自己的理想追逐兴趣激情兴趣“我和你没有什么差别。
如果你一定要找一个差别,那可能就是我每天有机会做我最爱计划1.自律计划NOT URGENTURGENTIMPORTANTNOTIMPORTANTIIII IVII20-25%65-80%>1%15%态度积极自信胸怀自省勇气毅力态度积极态度For the first time, people will have achoice.勇气态度自信态度自省态度态度态度胸怀态度以责人之心责己,以恕己之心恕人原则与人相处我怎样对待别人别人就怎样对待我想他人理解我我要先理解人我不能修正别人我只能修正自己信任你很真诚→你在乎我→你重视我→你理解我→我信任你人际情商沟通团队技巧人际关系直接沟通团队合作与人相处价值观价值观没有价值观的成功:甘地的“七件会毁灭一个人的事”:Wealth without workPleasure without conscienceKnowledge without characterCommerce without moralityScience without humanityWorship without sacrificePolitics without principle什么是平衡的人?兴趣态度价值观理想执行人际我不同意老板,该发言吗?兴趣态度价值观理想执行人际别人说我犯错了。
1. 制定明确的学习计划制定一个明确的学习计划是成功之道的第一步。
2. 运用时间管理技巧时间管理是成功之道的关键。
3. 多样化的学习方式采用多样化的学习方式是成功之道的重要组成部分。
4. 制作学习笔记和思维导图制作学习笔记和思维导图是成功之道大学生普遍采用的学习方法之一。
5. 坚持锻炼和保持良好的生活习惯良好的生活习惯是成功之道的基础。
6. 寻求帮助和交流成功之道大学生懂得寻求帮助和与他人交流。
成功之道(The,way,to,success)篇一:the way to success 成功的方法The way to successThere is no doubt that everyone wants to be successful in our life. However, as regards the way to success, people vary from one another in their opinions, Some people hold the view that hard work and determination are more important than all other factors while some others maintain that money and personal appearance are crucial.There are someone who insists that hard work and determination plays a vital role in the process of achieving success. Albert Einstein, one of the greatest scientists in American science history, remarked The genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration . From these words, it may safely be concluded that he paid much attention to hard work and diligence, Just as the Chinese saying No pains, no gains , which e_press the same meanings with his words. Both attach most importance to diligence. As far as college students are concerned, we should be down-to-earth and study hard for future success in the highly-competitive society. We are supposed to get ourselves ready all the time, not only academically but also mentally, try our best to make our dream come true and to success. Only in this way can we face the difficulty calmly and finally be on road to our success.篇二:The way to Success成功的方式The way to SuccessWhen it comes to the question how to gain success people vary in their opinions and every one has his own way.As far as I am concerned that triumphing need to accumulate . In other words it depend on time and full of preparation.Abraham Lin coln,one of the greatest presidents in American history , remarked , give me si_ hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the a_e .from these words ,it may safely concluded that he laid emphasis on preparation before setting out .As far as college students are concerned ,we should make an effort learn professional courses .Forthermore it is crucial for them to develop skills of other aspect . For instance ,we ought to use the operation sequence of the computer and software skillfully. building up our confidence is indispensable on the road to our success.Only in this way can we face potential tough sotuations calmly and finally come to the top .篇三:The way to success 成功之路The way to successThere is no dobut that everybody wants to achieve success. Me either. To accomplish your goal, the most important thing is outstanding willpower rather than the method. Liyang kept practising his oral english and spoke out loudly 1 hour every day in the ninth floor of his working site to improve his english profiency. Mr.Zhongdaolong insisted on dictation along with the tape on _ pieces of A4 paper everyday to pursuing success. Moreever, those giants who made miracles in career are having much more determination and willpower than that of common guys. To make his dream of〝 The Happiest Place on Earth@ Come true, Volt Disney was refused more than 3_ times during his financing from the bank but finally he made it. The founder of KFC started his business when he was at his 65. He got peopples commentof 〞YES after he was rejected by 1_9 times. There are too many e_amples proved that willpowers and persistence are much more important than the method.Therefore, in my unstanding, If you want to make some success in specific filed, you have to firstly cultiviate kind of spirit of willpower. This is the first stop to approch success and also the only way lead tosuccess.[作文题目]Direction: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled The Way to Success by commenting on Abraham Lincoln s famous remark, Give me si_ hours to chop down a tree, and I will spend the first four sharpening the a_e. You should write at least words but no more than words.[精彩范文1]The Way to Success (1)大家网名师钱坤强教授There are many ways that lead to success, such as an intelligent mind, a strong will or a passionate heart. For Abraham Lincoln, his way of success is to make full preparations. He would spend 2/3 of his time 〝sharpening his a_e〞, which is truly phenomenal.Lincoln s famous remark embodies great wisdom, carrying at least two important implications. Success never comes to us accidentally, but as a result of continuous and patient planning and preparing. Having defined our goal, we must have a clear idea about the means to attain the goal. Without sufficient preparations, many of our efforts would be random and we would most probably end up in failure.Another crucial implication is that, in order to succeed, we must keep 〝sharpening our a_e〞. Ours is a technology-dominated world and our social progress is ine_tricably connected with technological advances. It is perhaps because of Lincoln’s wisdom that the United States lays special emphasis on developing technologies and has become the world’s most technologically developed country.Keeping Lincoln’s wisdom in mind, we should be well prepared in everything we do. Moreover, we should never stop where we are and keep searching for more effective means to reach our objectives.(_ words)[精彩范文2]The Way to Success (2)大家网名师钱坤强教授Give me si_ hours to chop down a tree, and I will spend the first four sharpening the a_e. This philosophical wisdom by Abraham Lincoln, one of the greatest presidents in American history, is equivalent to the Chinese traditional wisdom that 〝工欲善其事, 必先利其器〞 (A handy tool makes a handy workman).The surprising similarity between American and Chinese wisdom fully testifies to the paramount importance of having effective instruments and methods as prerequisites for e_ecuting a successful job. The fact that Abraham Lincoln accomplished great deeds in American history can largely be attributed to his well-preparedness and effective measures in undertaking major social changes. He should set a wonderful e_ample for us to follow.As university students, many of us have set lofty ideals or objectives, but we had better start by asking ourselves whether we are prepared to face reality, take concrete actions, and proceed with the very fundamentals. There’s nothing wrong about dreaming of becoming the CEO of a multinational firm, but first and foremost one must grasp the knowledge and skills necessary for undertaking such a great job. Perhaps we all should learn from Abraham Lincoln.。
还有一节令我印象深刻的课就是给我们讲信任的那节课,课上老师讲述了他的真实经历,那是他担任亚洲总裁后的一件事,由于中国区的内部整理,使得公司经营严重下滑,他的老板就调任他去当中国区的总裁,老师问了老板一个问题:‘‘Dou you trust me?’’老板的回答是yes,他说刚进公司的时候,老板让他喝酒,他拒绝了,说自己不喝酒,在与老板工作的这些年里他一直保持着没有喝酒,这使得老板非常的信任他,认为他是一个可靠的人,所以会选择他担任中国区的总裁。
第七章 成功之道
养殖场出租协议范文5篇第1篇示例:养殖场出租协议范文甲方:(出租方)鉴于甲方是一家拥有充足养殖场资源的企业,有意出租养殖场给乙方进行生产经营活动,经双方友好协商,达成如下协议:一、租赁物品及地点1. 甲方同意将位于(详细地址)的养殖场出租给乙方使用,作为乙方的生产经营基地。
2. 养殖场的面积、设施等具体情况由双方共同确认,并一并载入本协议附件。
二、租赁期限1. 本协议自双方签订之日起生效,租赁期限为(具体日期),到期后如需续租需提前(具体时间)向甲方提出书面申请,经甲方同意后方可续租。
2. 若乙方未经甲方同意擅自继续使用养殖场,视为违约,甲方有权追究乙方的法律责任。
三、租金及支付方式1. 租金总额为(具体金额)/年,乙方需在每(具体时间)前将全部租金支付给甲方。
2. 乙方支付租金的方式为(具体方式),甲方应提供相应的发票和收据以证明支付事实。
四、使用规定1. 乙方承诺按照相关法律法规和甲方要求,合法、合理地使用养殖场,不得从事违法活动。
2. 乙方需保持养殖场的清洁整洁,不得在养殖场内私自搭建、改造或转租给他人使用。
3. 如有违反使用规定的行为,甲方有权解除协议并要求乙方承担相应违约责任。
五、维护责任1. 乙方在使用过程中因操作不当或其他原因损坏养殖场设施设备,应承担维修费用。
2. 若因乙方过错导致养殖场发生意外事故,乙方应承担相应的赔偿责任。
六、保密条款1. 双方应对协议中的商业秘密和技术资料等保密,不得向第三方透露。
2. 在协议终止后,双方仍应继续履行保密义务。
七、其他约定1. 本协议一式两份,双方各执一份,自双方签字盖章后生效。
2. 本协议未尽事宜,双方可另行协商,一致达成后签订补充协议。
第2篇示例:养殖场出租协议范文甲方(出租方):______________,统一社会信用代码:______________,地址:______________乙方(承租方):______________,统一社会信用代码:______________,地址:______________鉴于甲方拥有一处位于______________地区的养殖场,现有出租需求,乙方愿意承租该养殖场,双方在友好协商后达成如下协议:第一条租赁物及交付1. 甲方同意将其名下位于______________的养殖场出租给乙方使用,作为乙方养殖业务的经营场所。
拿老本儿去搏一个陌生的行业,值吗? 很多人替他们捏了一把汗。
大不了公司破产,我们一无所有了,然后从头再来! 双胞胎的默契在那一刻显现。
走过小作坊时代在摆满展架的公司走廊上,大双指着一件颜色鲜艳的样品问道:这种面料在下水后会不会褪色? 小双则指着一件漂亮的样品挑刺儿:公司的logo应该设计得再突出一些,做工也要再细腻一些。
ge Excellence
Proje ct
Loadi ng
Addition al
Headco unt
Require d
公司整体利益和最终业务目 标;业务全流程视野
委员 会
方向上的务虚,不陷入日常 事务审批
业务流程范围内 强相关的实体组 织角色代表
负责委员会的 相关决议贯彻 落实
全局角度代表 本业务领域发 表意见
直接与市场份 额驱动相结合
客户需求 购买影响因素 质量方案
价格($ Price) 可获得性(Availability) 包装(Packaging) 性能(Performance) 易用性(Ease of Use) 保证性(Assurances) 生命周期成本(Life Cycle) 社会接受程度(Social Acceptance)
IPD(Integrated Product Development)集成产品开发
源于PACE(Product And Cycle-time Excellence ,产品及生命周期优化法)理论,这个理论是由业界 最佳产品开发模式提炼而成的,再经过IBM的实践 和整理,IPD现在已经成为一套产品开发的方法论。
第二章:成功的基本原则1. 目标设定: 成功的第一步是设定明确的目标。
2. 勤奋努力: 成功离不开勤奋努力。
3. 自信心: 成功的人通常都有很强的自信心。
4. 持久耐心: 光靠一时的努力是不够的,成功需要持久的耐心。
第三章:达成目标的策略1. 制定计划: 实现目标需要有明确的计划。
2. 坚持行动: 计划好了,就要坚持行动。
3. 不断学习: 成功的人不断学习,不断提升自己。
4. 善于沟通: 沟通是成功的必备技能。
第四章:成功的心态1. 积极乐观: 积极乐观的心态是成功的关键。
2. 客观对待失败: 失败不可怕,重要的是要客观对待失败。
3. 心怀感恩: 成功的人通常心怀感恩。
4. 拥有强大的意志力: 意志力可以让人坚定信念,不屈不挠地追求目标。
1. 树立明确的目标学生要想取得成功,首先需要树立明确的目标。
2. 追求卓越而非完美成功的学生明白,追求卓越比追求完美更重要。
3. 建立良好的学习习惯良好的学习习惯是学生成功的基石。
学生们可以通过以下方法来培养良好的学习习惯:- 制定合理的学习计划:学生们可以根据自己的学习进度和时间分配,制定合理的学习计划。
- 养成定期复习的习惯:复习是巩固知识的重要方式。
- 坚持独立学习:学生们不仅要在学校上课时认真听讲,更要在课下进行独立学习。
4. 寻求帮助和支持成功的学生懂得寻求帮助和支持,并能够主动与他人交流和合作。
5. 培养积极的心态积极的心态是成功的学生的共同特点。
1. Answer the question, “Why am I going to college?”Many college students really don’t have a clear reason for being there other than t he fact that they don’t know what else to do yet. They inher it goals from family an d peers which aren’t truly their own. That was how I started college. Is this you as well?As I’ve stated previously on this blog, the three-semester deal wasn’t my first time at college. I had previously gone to college when I wasn’t in the right frame of mi nd to be there. In high school I was a straight-A honors student, President of the math club, and captain of the Academic Decathlon team. That momentum carried m e forward, and without really ever deciding if it was what I wanted, I found myself with four more years of school ahead of me. It seemed like a good idea at the ti me, but my heart just wasn’t in it. Consequently, I sabotaged myself in a big way.I blew off my classes and got an education in parties and alcohol. Apparently som e administrator was biased against students whose GPA starts with a decimal point, so I was soon expelled.That experience sent me into a bit of a tailspin. I was in a funk for about six mon ths, mostly just playing video games. Finally in an attempt to re-ground myself, I g ot a retail sales job and tried to stay under the radar while taking some time to “fi nd myself.” That was the time I began developing an interest in personal developm ent, and boy did it pay off. A year later I was ready to go back to college, and I started over as a freshman. But this time I knew why I was there. I wanted to be a programmer, and I wanted to earn my Computer Science degree (I later added the Math degree). But it was more than that. I knew I was capable of a lot more, and I wanted to push myself. I wanted to create the richest experience I could. F or me that meant a really dense schedule.Your goals for college will likely be different than mine. What are they? Why are yo u there? If you don’t know —and I mean really know it in your gut —then you h ave no focal point for your experience. You may as well not even be there. What i s it about your experience that resonates as true for you? What are you there to l earn? What do you want to experience?2. Imagine your ideal college experience.Once you know why you’re going to college, imagine your ideal outcome. Let it flo w outward from the reason you’re there. Whether you’ve already started college or not, stop and simply write down some attributes of your ideal experience. Describe it in as much detail as you can.Before I returned to school, I spent hours visualizing the kind of experience I want ed to have. I saw myself being challenged but managing it easily and without stres s. I saw myself making new friends. I saw myself having a really great time. Most of all I imagined a very balanced experience —a blend of academics, activities, soc ialization, and fun. The keyword I used was “richness.”This was a really important step. I didn’t understand the mechanism at the time, b ut I was pre-programming myself to succeed. Whenever I encountered obstacles, m y ideal vision was so much more compelling that I was always able to find a way t o get what I wanted. I became a co-creator of my experience instead of a passive victim of it.Visual ization allows you to make mistakes in advance. If you can’t get a clear visual ization, your experience is likely to be just as fuzzy. Debug your visualization until it inspires you.Real life will of course turn out differently than you visualize. The point of visualizat ion isn’t to predict the future or to restrict your freedom to decide later. The point is to give you more clarity for making decisions right now. Your ideal scene serves as a map that can guide you through the quagmire of options.3. Take at least one extra class each semester.Students are taught that 12-15 semester units (3-5 classes) is a “full” schedule. But a schedule that light is hardly full. A person with a full-time job will put in a good 40+ hours per week, and students enjoy every possible vacation day plus spring b reak, winter break, and summer vacation. If you want to spend four or more years in college, add more degrees or get a job on the side. Don’t feel you have to go at a snail’s pace just because everyone else does.Now you might be thinking that 12-15 units are supposed to equate to a 40-hour week with all the outside homework and studying, but that’s only going to happen i f you do things very inefficiently (which sadly is what most people do). If you follo w some of the time-saving tips later in this article, then 15 units should only requir e a few additional hours outside of class to complete assignments. Obviously I coul dn’t have taken 31-39 units per semester if it meant doing double those hours in o utside homework. I didn’t succeed by overworking myself.If you’re an above average student, you can certainly handle an above average sch edule. Sometimes we don’t know what we can handle until we push ourselves a litt le. If you think you can handle 15 units, take 18 or 21. You can easily shave a ye ar off your schedule. Or you may be able to add a minor or a double major. What about prerequisites? For the most part I simply ignored them, and fortunately at my school they weren’t enforced too well. I found that most of the time a prerequisite is listed, it’s geared towards below average students. Don’t let pointless bur eaucracy slow you down if you want to graduate sooner. There’s always a way aro und it —it’s usually just a matter of getting some random form signed by someon e who’s too bored to care either way. A smile and a compliment go a long w ay.By the law of forced efficiency, if you put more things on your plate, you’ll find a way to get them done with the time you have available. So if you don’t challenge yourself a little, that extra time will slip through your fingers.I think the real be nefit to a dense schedule isn’t that you’ll graduate sooner. The r eal benefit is that you’ll enjoy a richer experience. Taking five classes instead of fo ur means more learning, more achievement, and more friends. And what employer wouldn’t be attracted to a student who graduated more quickly than his/her peers? This sort of thing sure looks great on a resume.4. Set clear goals for each class.Decide what you want out of each specific class. Is this a subject you’re eager to l earn? Do you want to target this teacher for a letter of recommendation? Is this a required class you must take but which doesn’t otherwise interest you?My goals for each class determined how often I would show up, whether I’d sit in the front or the back, how actively I’d participate,and what kind of relationship I’d seek to establish with the teacher.For some classes I wanted to master the material. For others I just wanted an A g rade. And for others I wanted to set myself up for glowing letters of recommendati ons from enthusiastic teachers whose native language was English (so the letters w ould be highly readable and positive).My mom has been a college math professor for decades. At home she’d comment about students she barely knew who’d ask her for letters of recommendation. Many times she had to turn them down because she just didn’t have anything positive t o say in the letter. On the other hand, she was happy to support those students w ho put in a serious effort. Most teachers want to help you, but you have to let the m see your s trengths. Even if you don’t get an A in a particular class, you can still give a teacher plenty of material for a great letter of recommendation if you partic ipate actively and show respect toward the teacher.This is not about manipulating your professors into lying on your behalf. The simple truth is that the quality of a letter of recommendation ultimately comes down to h ow much a teacher respects you. Don’t put yourself in the desperate situation of h aving to request a letter of recommendation from a te acher who doesn’t even reme mber you —or worse, one who thinks poorly of you. Set yourself up for success in advance.One of my professors learned about my packed academic schedule and expressed i nterest in learning how I was managing it. We had a very nice conversation about time management techniques. I had several programming classes with this professor and aced them all. I happened to think he was an excellent teacher, I had great r espect for him, and I quite enjoyed his classes. When it came time to ask him for a letter of recommendation, he wrote one of the most glowing letters imaginable (”best student I’ve encountered in my career,” etc.).On the other hand, I had certain teachers who were downright lousy. I ditched thei r classes often and learned th e material from the textbook. Obviously I didn’t seek out their assistance down the road.Sometimes you’ll achieve your goals; sometimes you won’t. Even if you do your bes t, you may still fall short. You may encounter teachers that are unfair, lazy, sexist, racist, or otherwise incompetent. My wife had an overtly sexist professor who would never give a female student a grade higher than a B, no matter how well she did. He would say things like, “If you’re a male, you’ll have to work hard in this class. If y ou’re a female, just come by my office after hours.” Eventually sexual harrassm ent charges were filed against him. You’ll have to pick your battles. Some are wort h fighting; others are best ignored. Having clear goals will help you decide which is which.5. Triage ruthlessly.You don’t need to put an equal amount of effort into every class. Inject extra effor t when it’s important to you, but feel free to back off a little from classes that are a low priority based on your specific goals. For me this was an important way to conserve energy. I couldn’t play full out in every class, or I’d burn out, so I investe d my energy where it mattered most.In every student’s schedule, some classes are critical while others are almost trivial. In a typical week, I’d usually ditch around 40% of my classes because I just didn’t need to be there. For some classes attendance was necessary, but for others it di dn’t make much difference. I could simply get the notes from another student if ne eded, or I could learn the material f rom the textbook. If it wasn’t necessary for me to attend a particular class (based on my goals for that class), I usually ditched it. That saved me a lot of time and kept me from having to sit in class all day long. Sometimes I’d just grab some food with friends to give myself an extra break.I would also triage individual assignments. If I felt an assignment was lame, pointle ss, or unnecessarily tedious, and if it wouldn’t have too negative an impact on my grade, I would actually decline to do it. One time I was assigned a tedious paper t hat represented 10% of my grade. I really didn’t want to do it, and it required a l ot more hours than I felt it was worth. I was headed for an A in the class, and if I didn’t do this assignment, I’d drop to an A-. So I respectfully told the professor Iwas declining the assignment and that I thought it was a fair trade to receive an A- in order to reinvest those hours elsewhere. He already knew me and understood my reasons. He gave me an A-, and I was fine with that. It was indeed a fair tra de. In fact, looking back I wish I’d done this sort of thing more often.Sometimes teachers get a little too homework happy and dole out assignments that really don’t justify the effort. You’re in charge of your academic experience though, not your teachers. Don’t feel you must do every assignment just because the teac her feels it’s a good idea. You be the judge in accordance with your own reasons f or being there. Just be sure to consider the consequences of your decision.By stealing time from low priority assignments, I was able to invest more time in t he real gems. Some creative assignments taught me a great deal. I usually hated g roup projects with a passion, but there was one particular group project where the team really gelled. I enjoyed it tremendously and learned a lot from it.A cool triage technique I used was timeboxing. I would decide how much time an assignment warranted, and then I’d do the best job I could within the allotted time. So if I had to write a 10-page research page on European history, I might devote 8 hours to it total. I’d slice up the 8 hours into topic selection, planning, library re search, outlining, writing, and editing, and then I’d do my best to stay within those times. This was a great way to keep me from overengineering an assignment that didn’t need it.In a way this was my own method of academic load balancing. Some of your assig nments will be unbalanced in the sense that they seem to require an unreasonable amount of effort compared to how much of your grade they represent or how muc h you expect to benefit from completing them. Sometimes I would decide that the effort to write an A-paper just wasn’t warranted. Maybe I’d estimate it would take me 20 hours to do an A job but only 10 hours to do a B job. And if the assignme nt was only 10% of my grade, perhaps I could accept a B there. I often thought i n this Machiavellian fashion back then, and often to my surprise I found that my B-quality papers would come back with As anyway.6. Get an early start to each day.I’ve written previously about the benefits of becoming an early riser. I wasn’t gettin g up at 5am when I was in college, but I’d usually get up around 6-7am. I found that getting an early start each day helped me get a lot more done, not just in th e morning but throughout the day. I began each day with a 25-minute run followe d by a shower and breakfast. This simple morning routine got me out the door feel ing alert and energized.I’d be lying if I said I got up early because I wanted to. It was really o ut of neces sity. I had many morning classes, including 7:30am classes one semester. But I’m glad I did that because if I didn’t have those morning classes, I just would have sle pt more than I needed to. Even if you hate morning classes, you may find as I did that you’re a lot more productive if you schedule them anyway.7. Reclaim wasted time during your classes.Let’s face it. Not every class is going to require your utmost concentration. Sometim es teachers babble. Sometimes they reiterate what you already know. What percent age of class time requires your complete, focused attention? For some classes it’s 9 0%. For others it’s 20%. If you aren’t actively learning during class, you’re wasting time. If a class is really challenging, sit in the front and soak up every word. But if a class isn’t challenging you, then sit in the back, do homework for other classes, and pop your head up every once in a while to see if there’s anything worth jotti ng down. Always have a book open, so when your hippie professor goes off on yet another nostalgia trip about the 60s, you’ll have something productive to do.This was a surprisingly great cure for boredom. If the professor was droning on an d putting everyone to sleep, I’d be working on programming assignments. I used to write them out on paper and then go to the computer lab between classes and ty pe them up. That way I didn’t have to spend much time outside class in the lab, s ometimes just 10-15 minutes if my program worked the first time.You’ll be amazed at how much time yo u can free up using this method. I was able to complete the bulk of my assignments in class (but usually not in the classes in which the tasks were assigned). If you’re in school right now, I challenge you to s ee how much extra homework you can complete during your normal class time tod ay. Then estimate how many hours you’ll save every week from this practice. It rea lly adds up.You can’t concentrate at peak efficiency continuously, so be sure to take breaks. W hen you need a break though, take a real break. I used to meditate or nap on the grass between classes in order to recharge myself. I’d use my wristwatch alarm to signal when it was time to get up and go again. Those breaks were very restorati ve, and I could go to the next class and work full out once again. I never worked flat out all day long. I worked in waves between total concentration and total relax ation, cycling many times per day.8. Learn material the very first time it’s presented.One of the biggest time wasters in school is having to relear n something you didn’t learn properly the first time. When students say they’re studying, most of the time they’re making up for a previous failure to learn the material.In software development it’s well known that bugs should be fixed as soon as possi ble after they’re introduced. Waiting to fix a bug near the end of a project can take 50x as much effort as it would take to fix the bug the first time it was noticed. Failing to learn what you’re supposedly taught each day is a serious bug. Don’t try to pile new material on top of an unstable foundation, since it will take even more time to rebuild it later.If you don’t understand something you were taught in class today, treat it as a bu g that must be fixed ASAP. Do not put it off. Do not pile new material on top of it. If you don’t understand a word, a concept, or a lesson, then drop everything and do whatever it takes to learn it before you continue on. Ask questions in class, get a fellow student to explain it to you, read and re-read the textbook, and/or visit t he professor during office hours, but learn it no matter what.I was normally an ace in math, perhaps because my mother is a college math prof essor who was taking calculus classes while I was in the womb. Plus my father wa s an aerospace engineer, s o I’ve certainly got the genes for it. But there were a co uple topics I found incomprehensible when they were first introduced: eigenvalues a nd eigenvectors. I’m a highly visual learner, which is normally a strength academical ly, but I found these abstract concepts difficult to visualize. Many of my classmates found them confusing too. I invested the extra effort required to grasp these conc epts and earned an A in the class because I treated my confusion as a bug that h ad to be fixed immediately. Those students who allowed their confusion to linger fo und themselves becoming more and more lost as the course progressed, and cram ming at the end couldn’t bestow complete comprehension. Just like programming bu gs, confusion multiplies if left untreated, so stamp it out as early as possible. If yo u’re confused about anything you’re being taught, you’ve got a bug that needs fixin g. Don’t move on until you can honestly say to yourself, “Yes, I understand that… what’s next?”Ideally there should be no need to study outside of class, at least in the sense of r elearning material you didn’t learn the first time. You can review old material to ref resh your memory, but you shouldn’t have to devote a minute of your time to lear ning something that was taught a month or two earlier.During finals I was probably the least-stressed student of all. I didn’t have to study because by the time the final exam came up, in my mind the course was already over. The test was just a formality. While everyone else was cramming, I’d be at t he arcade playing video games. I’d already learned the material and completed all t he assignments (at least the ones I was going to complete). At most I’d just spend some time reviewing my notes to refresh the material the night before the test. Is n’t this how academic learning is supposed to work? Otherwise what’s the point of showing up to class for an entire semester?During each semester ask yourself this question: Am I ready to be tested right now on everything that has been taught up to this point? If yo ur answer is ever “no,” then you know you’re falling behind, and you need to catch up immediately. Ideallyyou should be able to answer “yes” to this question at least once a week for ever y subject.Falling behind even a little is an enormous stressor and time waster. First, you hav e to go back and re-learn the old material when the rest of the class has already moved on. Secondly, you may not learn the new material as well if it builds on the old material because you lack a solid foundation, so you just end up falling further and further behind. Then when you come to the end of the semester, you end up having to re-learn everything you were supposed to learn. But because you cram at the last minute, after finals you forget everything anyway. What’s the poin t of th at silliness? It’s like overspending on a credit card that charges you 25% interest. E ventually you’ll have to pay up, and it will cost you a lot more time in the long ru n.Put in the effort to learn your material well enough to get As in all your classes. It will pay off. Much of the material you learn will build on earlier material. If you g et As in your freshman courses, you’ll be well prepared to pile on new material in your sophomore year. But if you get Cs that first year, you’re already going into yo ur second year with an unstable foundation, making it that much harder to bring y our grades up and really master the material. Make straight As your goal every se mester. In the long run, it’s much easier. I found that C students tended to work a lot harder than I did, especially in their junior and senior years, because they wer e always playing catch up. Despite my packed schedule, it wasn’t stressful for me b ecause I kept on top of every subject. Consequently, I had plenty of time for fun while other students experienced lots of stress because they constantly felt unprepar ed.9. Master advanced memory techniques.One of the keys to learning material the first time it’s taught is to train yourself in advanced memory techniques. I used them often in classes that required rote mem orization of certain facts, including names, dates, and mathematical formulas. If a t eacher wrote something on the board that had to be memorized verbatim for an u pcoming exam, I’d memorize it then and there. Then I wouldn’t hav e to go back a nd study it later.I’m sure you’ve encountered simple mnemonic techniques such as using the phrase “Every good boy does fine” to memorize the musical notes E, G, B, D, and F. Thos e kinds of tricks work well in certain situations, but they’re so grammar school. The re are far more efficient visual techniques. The two I relied on most in school were chaining and pegging.It’s beyond the scope of this article to explain these techniques in detail, but you c an simply visit this site to learn all about them. Or you can pick up a book on memory improvement, such as The Memory Book by Harry Lorayne. I recommend lear ning from a book because then you’ll build a solid foundation step by step.These techniques will allow you to memorize information very rapidly. For example, with pegging I could usually memorize a list of 20 items in about 90 seconds with perfect recall even weeks later. Experts at this are faster. Anyone can do it —it’s j ust a matter of training yourself.I still use these techniques today. Chaining allows me to memorize my speeches vis ually. When I give a speech, my imagination runs through the visual movie I’ve cre ated while I select words on the fly to fit the images. It’s like narrating a movie. M y speech isn’t memorized word for word,so it sounds natural and spontaneous and can be adapted on the fly to fit the situation. Memorizing visually is much faster a nd more robust than trying to memorize words. If you memorize a speech word for word and forget a line, it can really throw you of f. But with a series of images, it’s easier to jump ahead to the next frame if you make a mistake. Our brains are b etter suited to visualize memorization than phonetic memorization.I don’t recommend memorizing by repetition because it’s way too slow. Pegg ing an d chaining do not require repetition —they allow you to imbed strong memories on a single pass, usually in seconds. The downside is that pegging and chaining requi re a lot of up-front practice to master, but once you learn them, these are valuable s kills you’ll have for life. I also found that learning these techniques seemed to im prove my memory as a whole, even when I’m not actively trying to memorize. I thi nk this practice trained my subconscious to store and recall information more effecti vely.I t’s a shame these techniques aren’t normally taught in school. They would save st udents an enormous amount of time. Do yourself a favor and learn them while you’re young. They have a lot of practical applications, including remembering people’s names.10. Have some serious fun!Challenge yourself academically, but give yourself plenty of time for fun as well. Do n’t squander your leisure time hanging around doing nothing. Go out and do somet hing active that will blow off steam and increase your energy.One of my favorite college leisure activities was frisbee golf (also called disc golf). I used to play for hours at night with a couple friends, sometimes until my fingers became blistered… or until campus security gave us the boot for hitting one too ma ny non-player students. :)While playing frisbee golf, we would often have to scavenge through bushes, wade through fountains, and climb over various hazards trying to recover errant frisbees.It was always lots of fun, and we’d usually “play through” these obsta cles. Several hours of frisbee golf served as a delightful reward at the end of a challenging wee k. I still remember an incredible “hole in one” shot I made from a second-story bal cony to hit a light post at the edge of a soccer field.My biggest regret ab out college is that I didn’t have a girlfriend during that time. If I had it to do all over again, I probably would have added an extra semester and taken fewer classes to make time for that someone special. I had the opportunity, but I had to pass it up because my schedule was too packed. Girlfriends can be a lot of fun, but most aren’t very efficient. ;)This article’s advice centers on making your college experience as rich and memora ble as possible. Get your school work done quickly and efficiently, so you have plen ty of time for the variety of activities college can offer. Join clubs. Play frisbee golf. Get a boyfriend or girlfriend. The worst thing you can do is spend your time fallin g behind academically due to poor habits, feeling stressed and unprepared all the ti me, and then playing catch up. Squeeze as much juice out of college as you can, and let it serve as a springboard to a lifetime of fulfillment.People often assume my aggressive schedule must have been stressful and exhausti ng, but the irony is that it was just the opposite. I seemed to have an easier, mor e enjoyable experience than my peers. Students with lighter schedules slacked off a nd fell behind because they convinced themselves they could make up for it later. But I couldn’t afford to do that because it would have been impossible for me to c atch up on a dozen different classes… and way too stressful to even think about it. If I fell even a week behind, I’d be in serious trouble. So I was compelled to dev elop good habits that kept me perpetually relaxed, focused, and energized. Many of the habits discussed above were simply the result of setting the goal to graduate i n three semesters. That goal dictated the process. I’m very grateful for the experie nce because it showed me just how much more effective we can be when we push ourselves beyond our comfort zones. It taught me to keep setting goals beyond w hat I feel certain I can accomplish. Many times what we assume to be impossible j ust isn’t. We only think it is.1.回答自己这样一个问题:“我为什么要上大学?”许多大学生朋友们对于自己为什么上大学心中都没有一个很明确的概念而不是说不知道自己到底应该做什么。
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“TheWay To Success.”这个是在大学生成功之道这门课程中学到的第一个词组,尽管词组很简单易懂,但是纵观一学期的教学安排可谓是蕴涵丰富。
在斯蒂芬P·罗宾斯的论述中仆人式领袖做到了大学生成功之道中所说的“Love Others as Yourself”,而这种思想想和儒家倡导的“仁爱”是一致的。
“A vision is a clear mental picture of a better tomorrow which moves a person to believe that it not only could be done ,but it should be done. ”作为第一堂课中引出