
对于法律词汇而言: 首先,法律英语中包含了大量的外来词汇,尤其是在英美法系国家法官的推理和判决中,经常出现拉丁文和法语,如de facto ( 事实上) ,de jure ( 法律上) ,pari passu ( 按同样比例) ,prima facie ( 据表面所见、初步) 。
例如,dissolution 一词在普通英汉字典上有“解体、终止、结束”的意思,在公司法上专门表示公司的解散。
第四,法律英语中经常出现古英语,如here,there,where与介词的结合形成了hereinafter,thereof,whereby 等,使句子更为复杂、难懂。
如bankruptcy 一词在美国既包括法人破产,也包括自然人破产。
而在英国,bankruptcy 在成文法上仅表示自然人破产,法人破产用corporate insolvency。
再如,表达公司清算时,美国联邦破产法典上用Liquidation,英联邦国家用Windingup 时较多。
而在句法上,法律英语的突出特点便是句子长且句型结构复杂,读者( 尤其是非英语为母语的读者) 很难断句并理清一个长句的主谓,及其修、限定成分等。

练习题一:请解释以下法律术语的含义:1. Tort2. Plaintiff3. Defendant4. Liability5. Jurisdiction答案一:1. Tort:指的是民事侵权行为,即一方在未经对方同意的情况下,通过自己的行为或不作为,侵犯了对方的合法权益,给对方造成了损害。
2. Plaintiff:原告,指的是在民事诉讼中提起诉讼的一方,即受到侵权行为损害的一方。
3. Defendant:被告,指的是在民事诉讼中被控告的一方,即被指控犯有侵权行为的一方。
4. Liability:责任,指的是法律上的义务或责任。
5. Jurisdiction:管辖权,指的是法院对案件的审理权限。
练习题二:请将以下英文法律名词翻译成中文:1. Contract2. Arbitration3. Injunction4. Intellectual property5. Negligence答案二:1. 合同2. 仲裁3. 禁令4. 知识产权5. 过失练习题三:请解释以下法律原则的含义:1. Presumption of innocence2. Due process3. Burden of proof4. Reasonable doubt5. Double jeopardy答案三:1. Presumption of innocence:无罪推定,指的是在刑事诉讼中,被告在未被证明有罪之前,应被认定为无罪。

练习题1What is the difference between litigation and arbitration?答案Litigation involves a lawsuit in a court of law, where a judge or a jury decides the outcome of the dispute. Arbitration, on the other hand, is a process in which two parties agree to have a neutral third party hear their dispute and render a decision. The decision is binding and may not be appealed.练习题2What is a contract?答案A contract is a legally binding agreement between two or moreparties that creates obligations that are enforceable by law. Each party in a contract agrees to perform certn obligations in exchange for some form of consideration.练习题3What is a tort?A tort is a civil wrong that causes harm or injury to another person or property. Examples of torts include negligence, defamation, invasion of privacy, and intentional infliction of emotional distress.练习题4What is intellectual property?答案Intellectual property refers to creations of the mind, such as inventions, literary and artistic works, designs, symbols, and names used in commerce. The law protects intellectual property through patents, trademarks, and copyrights.练习题5What is a trademark?答案A trademark is a symbol, word, phrase, or design that identifies and distinguishes the goods or services of one party from those of another. Trademarks are protected by law and can be registered with the government.练习题6What is the difference between a felony and a misdemeanor?A felony is a serious crime that is punishable by imprisonment in a state or federal prison for more than a year. Examples of felonies include murder, robbery, and drug trafficking. A misdemeanor, on the other hand, is a less serious crime that is punishable by a fine or imprisonment in a local jl for up to a year. Examples of misdemeanors include traffic violations, disorderly conduct, and petty theft.以上是本文的6道法律英语练习题及答案,希望对您的法律英语学习有所帮助。

法律英语课后问答题第一单元1.How was the common law established?答:The common law tradition originated in england, when william conquered england. He did not abolish the local law and the local court,Besides that, he established roaly courts,whose decisions developed common law. The main tradition of common law is stare decisis. Commom law spreaded all over the world ,following the english’s coloney. After the world war two ,the hegemomy of the US also contributed the expansion of the common law. In today’s world common law exisits in Englao and US ,Austrilia Canada, Hk ,etc.2. what does the common law tradition include?答:The main traditional source of the common law is case, not legislation. When the common law evolved into an unfair set of rigid and formal procedural rules. The king created a new court rather than to amend the law. However there were so many petitions that the court of Chancery , which could grant a discretionary relief to correct the common law. The decision of this court gave birth to a body of equlity. Both law and equlity are part of the tradition of common law.3. how does the cilvil law estalished ?答:The origins of the civil law can be traced to Twelve T ables of the Republic of Rome, the law of the city of Rome. After the fall of the western Rome Empire, the so –called barbarians brought their law to Rome., which trigged the process of the vulgraized Rome law. In this time, only canon law kept intact many elements of the Rome law. Howerve , in 529-534year, the eastern Rome Empreor Justinian published the corpus Juris Civilis. At the end of 17th century, the university of Bologna started to teaching Roman law., more spcifically the corpus Juris Civilis. Many other universities followed. The French and German codes are two main civil law models.4.Legal methods in two system ?答:As to the students, in common law, rinc method classes start with the study of the case, because that cases are considered to be the primary source of the law. In civil law, things are diffrernt, cases are not as important as that in common law. Therefore ,the study mainly is the legislation.As to the jurists, in common law rinciple on, the court has a rincipl to interpret legislation more strictly. Legislation are considered to be an exception to the case law. Both of them will not tend to use abstract trems or to enunciate general rinciple.5. How is the case law created ?答:The decision of judges ,or of other officials empowered by the constitution or laws of a political entitiy to hear or decide controversies, creat case law, which is generated by a particular decision, or a collection of the particular decision6. What does a particular decision mean to the parties ? to a lawsuit ? to the lawyers ,judges, and the law studdents ?答:To the parties to lawsuit, a particular decision is the udges te outcome. The result the tribunal reaches in their cases. To the lawyes, udges and the law students, it means a possible source of general applicable case law. In other word, it becames authority for deterring the following controversies.7.According to the prof. Liwellyn , what creat a legal system of the precendent? When and why?答:Case law in some form and to some extend is found wherever there is law. A more serial ofindividual case dose not of course constitutes a system of law. But in any judicial system, rules of law arises sooner or later out of such decision of cases. Generalization contained in or built upon past decisions, when taken as normatives for future disputes, creat a legal system of precedent. 8. What might happened if a court follows the precedent mechancially ?答:At time ,it will perpetuate legal rules and concepts that have outlived their usefulness and maintain an acceptable accommodation of competing values of stabilty in a law.9.What is the problem remaining in the legal system recognizaing put decisions as authortitative sources of law for future cases?A:10.Explain two latin trems :stare decisis and res judicates?答:Stare decisis , for the impact of the decision as precedent.Res judicates ,for its effect as a resolution of the immediate ontroversy11. What doctrine bars a person from suing on the same claim?答:Res judicate12.Can you explain the difference between the binding precedents and persuasive precedents?答:The difference is much like the difference between the holding of a case and dictum in a judicial opinon, the holding being filly authoritative and generally binding and the ictum only ,again persuasive authority.13. How does a court of last resort in one state usually make use of outstate decision ?答:Such outstates decisions are not full-fledged precedents, but they are ccorded the status and weight of persuasive authority, which means that they are not binding in any sense but have , often very great influence, in cases where is no local precedent or local precedents are conflicting and unclear .14.Why does the case law process in American court thus have a considerable comparative-law ingredient?答:A court of last resort in one state does not consider itself bound to follow anotherr state’s case law rules , but it will carefullly consider the outstate’s ddecisions ,if it finds their reasoning persuasive ,make use of them as sources of guidance and justification. This activity is not suprising . The “reception” of the common law in the US means that all the case law decision of each state reflect common law principle第二单元第四单元1.List some of typical forms of punishment mentioned in the text. Do you know any otherforms of punishment used in the U.S.?答:Typical forms of punishment include death, imprisonment, fine, removal from public office or disqualification from holding public office, probation, and restitution.2.What are the differences between civil and criminal law?答:A crime is considered to be wrong against all of society, whereas a tort is considered to be a private matter between the parties directly involved. The second distinction involves the personswho actually prosecute the case. Third, although one who commits a crime may be required to provide some forms of monetary restitution to society or to the victim, additional punishments are also readily available. Rather, tort restitution relies primarily on monetary compensation. Finally, compensation paid individuals who have sued others in civil courts is called damages. Although it is extremely rare, civil courts occasionally award what was known as punitive or exemplary damages to a harmed party.3.How are civil damages categorized? When do they apply?答:General damages compensate for any specific and demonstrable harm that has been caused. Special damages involve compensation for “conscious pain and suffering.” Punitive damages are awarded at the discretion of the jury, or as required by statute, if it is found that the behavior of the actor was the result of an intentional disregard for the safety or well-being of others.4.What are the differences between substantive law and Procedural law?答:Substantive criminal law defines crimes and establishes punishments. Criminal procedural law outlines the procedures that must be followed during the investigation of crimes , in the apprehension of offenders, and in the determination of the individual’s innocence or guilt. Thus, substantive law informs society as to what behavior is acceptable or unacceptable, whereas procedural law directs the state as to the proper methods for apprehension and adjudication.5.What kinds of legal rights the police must advise the suspect of before any interrogation?What is the significance of the case Miranda v. Arizona?答:The so-called Miranda warnings represent procedural law because the police have been directed by that famous U.S. Supreme Court case to advise the suspect of a variety of legal rights that he or she has. Until the Miranda warnings have been given, however, an individual cannot be lawfully arrested unless the police have probable cause to believe a crime has been or is being committed : That is, a particular substantive law must first be violated before the state will begin its investigation.6.How are the crimes classified?答:Felonies, Misdemeanors, and Infractions.7.How are felonies distinguished from misdemeanors?答:Any crime generally punishable by more than six months in prison is considered to be a felony, whereas a crime requiring punishment of less than six months is a misdemeanor. Another way to distinguish felonies from misdemeanors is by the so-called in presence rule.8.Are motive and intent the same? If not, what are the differences between them?答:Motive and intent have completely different legal meanings. Motive is defined as the “cause or reason that moves the will and induces action.”Intent relates to state of mind at the timeof commission of the unlawful act.9.What are the elements establishing the criminal liability?答:It is generally recognized that three legal elements must be proved before one is declared to have committed a crime. These elements are referred to as (1) mens rea, (2)actus reus, and (3)causation.10.Explain the significance of mens rea, actus reus, and causation.答:The intent is inferred from the grossly negligent behavior of the accused. The actus reus element relates to the “doing” part of the crime. Finally, causation is considered to be the logical coming together of the mens rea and actus reus, resulting in a criminal wrong.第五单元1.Do you agree with the statement that “it is better to free guilty persons than to convictinnocent ones”?答:It often has been stated that it is better to free guilty persons than to convict innocent ones. 2.Who files the bills of information, the prosecutor or the grand jury? How does a grandjury decide whether or not to return a “true bill”?答:Prosecutor may file what are called bill of information. If a majority of the members believe a crime has been committed, then a “true bill” is returned, and the accused is bound over for trial. If the majority believes no crime has occurred, then a “no bill”is returned, and the matter is terminated.3.When does an arrest occur? What does it result from?答:An arrest occurs when a peace or police officer takes a suspect into custody for the purposes of charging the individual with a crime. The arrest may result from the police officer’s own perception that a crime has been or is about to be committed. Arrests may also occur after an official arrest warrant has been issued by a magistrate or judge.4.What factors may affect the decision to prosecute, according to the passage?答:A variety of other factors also affect the decision, including: (1) attitude of the victim, (2)cost to the system, (3) harm to the suspect, (4) adequate alternate procedure available, (5)suspect’s willingness to cooperate with law enforcement.5.Who conduct a preliminary hearing? What must they decide after the presentation ofthe case?答:In all state jurisdictions the accused is granted either a preliminary hearing or a grand jury hearing, and in a few states defendants are guaranteed both proceeding. After the presentation of the prosecutor’s case the accused has the right to cross-examine witnesses and produce favorable evidence.6.Why is the arraignment important?答:The arraignment is important also because the defendant is again informed of the charges, counsel is appointed (if the defendant is indigent), and bail is established.7.What is the function of voir dire? Do you know the difference between peremptorychallenge and the challenge for cause?答:The voir dire is the process used to select a jury. The first, called the peremptory challenge, allows either side to have prospective jurors excused without having to specify a particular reason. The second method, called the challenge for cause, allows for the exclusion of a juror only if the excluding party demonstrates that the individual cannot be impartial or cannot otherwise handle the responsibility of making a rational decision.8.Why are the “form” instructions designed to be simple?答:These instructions are designed to be simple enough for the average juror to understand yet complete enough to avoid any potential reversible errors on appeal.9.What would happen if a mistrial occurs?答:If a mistrial occurs, the defendant may be required to go through the entire process again ,sincea retrial resulting from a mistrial does not constitute double jeopardy.10.What kinds of sentences may be imposed if the accused is found guilty?答:Sentences may be suspension, probation, jail term, fine, disqualification to hold public office or even capital punishment.第二单元1.What kind of cases do the inferior courts deal with? What are some of the limits that areimposed on them?答:The inferior courts deal with civil suits involving relatively small amounts of money and minor violations of the criminal law.2.What kinds of cases are the trial courts of general jurisdiction empowered to try?答:A court empowered to try all kinds of cases, without monetary or subject matter limitation. 3.What is the function of the “court of last resort” of each state?答:To review the action of the lower judicial tribunals of the.4.Why are appeals to the courts of last resort limited? What does the “screening out”function refer to?答:Because most states have created intermediate appellate courts, empowered to strain out and finally dispose of the bulk of appellate litigation. The “screening out” function refer to5.What is the significance of the statute passed by the first Congress on September 24,1789,according to the author?答:This statute, entitled “An Act to establish the Judicial Courts of the United States,” embodied the first Congress’s decision on the issue that the Constitution itself had not resolved.6.What is the number of judges presiding over the trials in a District Court?答:Trials in a District Court are normally presided over by a single judge and in a few situations, a three-judge court must be convened.7.What must be the jurisdiction of a District Court based upon? What does the workloadof the District Court make up?答:It must be based either on the character of controversy or on the character of parties to the controversy. Most of the cases which make up the workload of the District Courts are within one or another of three categories: (1)cases to which the United States is a party; (2)cases involving a “federal question,” (3)cases involving “diversity of citizenship”.8.Which court has jurisdiction over “diversity of citizenship” cases, a federal court, or astate court? Why?答:9.How can people get their appeals reviewed by the U.S. Supreme Court?答:It can be secured only by a “petition for a writ of certiorari”.10.What is the policy underlying the discretionary nature of the Supreme Court appellatejurisdiction?答:。

《法律英语》课后“汉翻英”答案 (完整版)Lesson One1)Common law is the law developed by judges through decisions of courts and similar tribunals.2) Equity is a type of law that developed in parallel with common law since the end of the 14th century, which applies to civil cases and is one of the sources of the common-law system.3) In the U.S., one of the functions of the federal courts is to interpret federal statutes and the constitution.4) The civil-law system mainly prevails in continental Europe as well as other countries and regions heavily influenced by continental European countries.5) Before the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure was promulgated in 1938, the federal courts of the United States procedurally separated law and equity. Lesson Two1) Private law regulates the relationship between individuals whiles public law concerns the relationship between person (including natural persons and artificial persons) and the state.2) Codification is not the essential difference between the civil-law system and the common-law system.3) In many civil-law jurisdictions, precedents are not considered as binding.4) Domestic law is different from international law in that domestic law refers to the laws within a given state which regulates the acts of individuals and other legal entities within its jurisdiction.5) Substantial law refers to laws that define and recognize rights and obligations as well as duties and responsibilities while procedural law refers to laws that provides for the mechanism for the realization or performance of rights and duties as well as duties and responsibilities.Lesson Three1) In some countries alcoholic beverages are prohibited from being sold to children.2) Since the 1980s, China has set up and improved the employment service system, which includes employment introduction, employment training, unemployment insurance and employment services.3) Various forms of resistance to desegregation were prevailing in those years.4) It is unjust and unlawful to discriminate against people of other races.5) Just as individuals in a democratic country have equal voting rights regardless of whether they are rich or poor, powerful or weak, all countries in the General Assembly have the same voting rights.Lesson Four1) A crime is an act which may lead to the imposition of punishment.2) Some reports accused BP of criminal negligence in the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.3) Modern U.S. criminal law provides that there must be clear definition for all the constituting elements of each and every crime.4) Generally those who provide assistance to people in their criminal act are punishable as accessories or accomplices.5) Failure to act may be punished where the person is under a duty to act. Lesson Five1) Parties to a contract shall fully perform their obligations in accordance with the stipulations of the contract.2) A contract is an agreement between parties which creates, modifies or terminates a civil relationship. A contract established in accordance with law is protected by law.3) A citizen or a legal person shall bear civil liabilities for his failure to fulfill his contractual or other obligations.4) No modification or revocation of a contract may prejudice the parties’claims for damages.5) For a party’s non-performance or his performance unfaithful to the contractual stipulations, the other party to a contract is entitled to demand specific performance or other remedies, and also, compensation for the resulted losses.Lesson Seven1) One who is at fault for infringing upon the civil right or interest of another person shall be subject to the tort liability.2) Where a defective product causes any harm to another person, the manufacturer shall assume the tort liability.3) One who shall assume the tort liability for infringing upon the civil right or interest of another person, whether at fault or not, as provided for by law, shall be subject to the legal provisions in the tort law.4) Where a tort endangers the personal or property safety of another person, the victim of the tort may require the tortfeasor to assume the tort liability such as cessation of infringement, removal of obstruction and elimination ofdanger.5) A network user or network service provider who infringes upon the civil right or interest of another person through network shall assume the tort liability.Lesson Seventeen1) Before the judgment what is to be done is to dispose of the case, while after the judgment is rendered, all that remains to be done is to enforce it.2) If the matter involved in the appeal is of great importance, it ought to be submitted for review.3) There are exemptions from jury service for members of the legal profession, the police force, etc.4) Judges often require that the parties agree upon a schedule of issues so as to accelerate the trial process.5) In the High Court an official shorthand note is, unless the judge otherwise directs, taken of any evidence given orally in Court and of the summing up by the judge. Upon payment of the prescribed fee, a transcript can be made available.Lesson Eighteen1) The arbitration award shall be final and binding on both parties.2) The dispute shall be submitted for arbitration by a mutually nominated arbitrator.3) Where no settlement can be reached, the dispute shall be submitted for arbitration.4) Each party may also directly apply for arbitration to the Personnel Dispute Arbitration Commission.5) Traditionally, our contracts did not contain provisions for arbitration in a third country.。
法律英语课后练习题含答案 (2)

法律英语课后练习题含答案第一部分词汇练习1.Defendant (被告人)是指一名被控犯罪的人。
2.Accomplice (同谋者)是指协助犯罪的人。
3.Conspiracy (阴谋)是指两个或两个以上的人为了进行非法行为而达成的协议。
4.Indictment (起诉书)是指检察官起诉犯罪嫌疑人的文件。
5.Arrgnment (传讯)是指被告人在法庭上听取指控并回答是否有罪的过程。
6.Plea bargn (认罪协议)是指被告人同意认罪以换取更轻的刑罚的协议。
7.Verdict (判决)是指陪审团对案件的结论。
8.Appeal (上诉)是指对一项判决不满意并请求更高级别法院重新审判的过程。
第二部分语法练习1.使用适当的时态填空:a.The defendant was being questioned by the police when hislawyer arrived.b.The prosecution will present its case tomorrow.c.The judge has already made his decision in this case.2.使用适当的介词填空:a.The lawyer was confident in his client’s innocence.b.The defendant was charged with murder.c.The prosecution presented strong evidence agnst thedefendant.3.选择合适的词填空:a.The defense attorney argued that the prosecution did nothave ____ (sufficient / efficient) evidence to prove their case.b.The judge declared a ____ (mistrial / mistrust) due to jurymisconduct.c.The defendant decided to plead guilty in exchange for a ____(lighter / lighter) sentence.第三部分阅读理解For many years, a defendant’s right to a speedy trial has been an important part of the American legal system. This right is guaranteed by the Sixth Amendment to the Constitution, which states that。

Exercise I略Exercise II1. D2. A3. C4. B5. D6. A7. C8. B9. B 10. AExercise III1. exception2. supersede3. torts4. precedent5. statutory6. reasoning7. equity 8. codification 9. opinions 10. pluralisticExercise IV1. The main sources of law in the United Kingdom are common law, statute law, law emanating from the European Union and international law, etc.2. Common law refers to the legal rules which have evolvedover many centuries from judges’ decisions in court cases.3. A judgment consists of two parts: the ratio decidendi and obiter dicta. The ratio decidendi means the reason for the decision. This is the principle of law on which the decision is made and can become a binding precedent.4. The common law includes both civil and criminal law. The former refers to the law of contract and tort. The latter refers to the law of crime。
法律英语教程 齐筠 课后答案

Unit One Legal SystemListeningI. c a d a bII. statutes, constitutions, cite, interpreted, civil, cases, liability, created, modified, repealedText A.Building up your vocabularyI. Match the items in the following two columnsA-civil law b-code c-validity d-jurisdiction e-clusterf-decree g-codification h-statute i-parliament j-legislatureII. Fill in the blanks:1. subdivision2. maxim3. federal4. enforcement5. statutes6. precedent7. Legislation8.Stare decisis9. legal ,legal 10. judicial , judicialClozeDocuments lawsuit trial attorneys advisors,Clients juries alternative practice representationTranslation1. 根据美国宪法,联邦政府分为行政、立法和司法三大部门,每个部门都被认为是独立的,并且能够相互制衡。
2. 通常有三类案件可以到达最高法院,即:牵涉到诉讼当事人分属不同的州的案件,牵涉到解释联邦法案的案件和解释美国宪法的案件。
3. 大律师事务所的律师平均收入最高;他们常常代理那些最有钱且最有社会地位的当事人;而且同高层次的法官和政府官员有着密切的联系。

第一节:法律英语词汇1. What is the difference between "plaintiff" and "defendant" in a legal case?In a legal case, the plaintiff is the party who brings a lawsuit against another party, known as the defendant. The plaintiff is the one who accuses the defendant of wrongdoing and seeks legal remedies or damages. The defendant, on the other hand, is the party against whom the lawsuit is filed and is required to defend themselves against the allegations made by the plaintiff.2. Explain the meaning of the term "tort" in legal terminology.In legal terminology, a tort refers to a civil wrong or injury caused by one person to another, resulting in legal liability for the person who committed the wrongful act. It can include actions such as negligence, defamation, or intentional infliction of harm. Tort law allows the injured party to seek compensation for damages or other remedies through a civil lawsuit.第二节:法律英语语法1. Rewrite the following sentence using the passive voice: "The judge dismissed the case."The case was dismissed by the judge.2. Fill in the blank with the appropriate preposition: "The suspect was charged___ murder."The suspect was charged with murder.第三节:法律英语阅读理解Read the following passage and answer the questions:"Intellectual property rights (IPR) refer to the legal rights granted to individuals or organizations for their creations or inventions. These rights include copyright, patents, trademarks, and trade secrets. IPR provides protection for original works of authorship, inventions, and distinctive signs used in commerce."1. What does IPR stand for?IPR stands for Intellectual Property Rights.2. What are some examples of IPR?Some examples of IPR include copyright, patents, trademarks, and trade secrets. 第四节:法律英语写作Write a short paragraph explaining the concept of "due process" in the legal system.Due process is a fundamental principle in the legal system that ensures fair treatment and protection of individuals' rights. It guarantees that every person is entitled to a fair and impartial hearing before any decision or action that may affect their life, liberty, or property is made. Due process includes the right to notice of the charges or claims against them, the right to present evidence and arguments, the right to confront witnesses, and the right to a decision based onthe law and the facts presented. It is a cornerstone of justice and ensures that individuals are treated fairly and equitably under the law.总结:大学法律英语课后习题是提高学生法律英语能力的重要方式之一。

法律英语第二版课后练习题含答案题目1Translate the following legal terms into Chinese:1.Jurisdiction2.Liability3.Plntiff4.Defendant5.Tort答案1.管辖权2.责任3.原告4.被告5.侵权行为题目2Translate the following legal terms into English:1.债权2.刑事责任3.知识产权4.证据5.公正答案1.Debt rights2.Criminal liability3.Intellectual property rights4.Evidence5.Frness题目3Choose the appropriate legal term to complete the sentence: The ___________ is the person who is accused of a crime.1.Plntiff2.Defendant3.Jurisdiction4.Liability5.Tortfeasor答案2.Defendant题目4Choose the appropriate legal term to complete the sentence:A ____________ is a legal document that gives a person the right to perform a specific action.1.Liability2.Jurisdiction3.Power of Attorney4.Plntiff5.Defendant答案3.Power of Attorney题目5Match the following legal terms with their definitions:1.Tort2.Liability3.Jurisdiction4.Plntiff5.Defendanta.A civil wrong that causes harm or injury to someoneb.The legal responsibility for one’s actionsc.The power or authority of a court to hear anddecide a cased.The person who initiates a lawsuite.The person who is accused of a crime or sued in acivil lawsuit答案1.a2.b3.c4.d5.e题目6Translate the following sentence into English:根据法律,契约是双方当事人自愿达成的双方都必须履行的协议。

21世纪法律英语第三版上册课后答案1、——Can you come on Monday or Tuesday? ——Im afraid()of them is possible. [单选题] *A.neither(正确答案)B. eitherC. noneD.both2、He was very excited to read the news _____ Mo Yan had won the Nobel Prize for literature [单选题] *A. whichB. whatC. howD. that(正确答案)3、2.The villagers want to have a bridge. Can this dream ________? [单选题] *A.come outB.get awayC.come true(正确答案)D.get out4、I have worked all day. I'm so tired that I need _____ . [单选题] *A. a night restB. rest of nightC. a night's rest(正确答案)D. a rest of night5、He gathered his courage and went on writing music. [单选题] *A. 从事B. 靠······谋生C. 继续(正确答案)D. 致力于6、What’s the price and what sort of _______ do you offer? [单选题] *A. advantageB. accountC. displayD. discount(正确答案)7、The yellow bag _______ me. [单选题] *A. belong toB. belongs to(正确答案)C. belongD. belongs8、You should _______ fighting with your parents although you may have different ideas from time to time. [单选题] *A. suggestB. enjoyC. avoid(正确答案)D. practice9、He was?very tired,so he stopped?_____ a rest. [单选题] *A. to have(正确答案)B. havingC. haveD. had10、--What are the young people doing there?--They are discussing how to _______?the pollution in the river. [单选题] *A. come up withB. talk withC. deal with(正确答案)D. get on with11、38.These workers ___________ this bridge since one year ago. [单选题] * A.buildB.are buildingC.have built (正确答案)D.built12、The rain is very heavy _______ we have to stay at home. [单选题] *A. butB. becauseC. so(正确答案)D. and13、63.There will be? ? ? ? ??? water on the road after the heavy rain. [单选题] * A.too much(正确答案)B.much tooC.too manyD.many too14、There are about eight ______ students in my school.()[单选题] *A. hundred(正确答案)B. hundredsC. hundred ofD. hundreds of15、Tom and Mary's house bought last year is()Lucy, s. [单选题] *A. the three size ofB. three times the size of(正确答案)C. as three times large asD. three times as larger as16、Many people prefer the bowls made of steel to the _____ made of plastic. [单选题] *A. itB. ones(正确答案)C. oneD. them17、Finally he had to break his promise. [单选题] *A. 计划B. 花瓶C. 习惯D. 诺言(正确答案)18、Becky is having a great time ______ her aunt in Shanghai. ()[单选题] *A. to visitB. visitedC. visitsD. visiting(正确答案)19、25.—I ______ Beijing for a holiday.—________. [单选题] *A.will go;GoodbyeB.will go;Have a good time(正确答案)C.will go to;Have a good timeD.am going to;Have a fun20、—Can you play tennis?—______. But I can play basketball.()[单选题] *A. Yes, I canB. Yes, I doC. No. I can’t(正确答案)D. No, I don’t21、78.—Welcome to China. I hope you'll enjoy the ________.—Thank you. [单选题] *A.tour(正确答案)B.sizeC.nameD.colour22、His mother’s _______ was a great blow to him. [单选题] *A. diedB. deadC. death(正确答案)D. die23、In crowded places like airports and railway stations, you___ take care of your luggage. [单选题] *A. canB. mayC. must(正确答案)D. will24、—Do you like to watch Hero?—Yes. I enjoy ______ action movies. ()[单选题] *A. watchB. watching(正确答案)C. to watchD. watches25、2.I think Game of Thrones is ________ TV series of the year. [单选题] *A.excitingB.more excitingC.most excitingD.the most exciting (正确答案)26、—Whose book is it? Is it yours?—No, ask John. Maybe it’s ______.()[单选题] *A. hersB. his(正确答案)C. he’sD. her27、74.No person ()carry a mobile phone into the examination room during the national college Entrance Examinations.[单选题] *A.shall(正确答案)B.mustC.canD.need28、19.Students will have computers on their desks ________ . [单选题] *A.in the future(正确答案)B.on the futureC.at the momentD.in the past29、Though my best friend Jack doesn’t get()education, he is knowledgeable. [单选题] *A. ManyB. littleC. fewD. much(正确答案)30、The huntsman caught only a()of the deer before it ran into the woods. [单选题] *A. gazeB. glareC. glimpse(正确答案)D. stare。

法律英语精读课后答案lesson4Answers:I. 略II. Choose the most appropriate words to complete the following sentences.1. C. negligence2. C. trespass3. D. slander4. D. assault5. D. liability6. C. blameworthy7. C. breach8. D.litigation 9.D. privacy 10. D. punitiveIII. Fill in the blanks with proper forms of the following words. Each can be used only once. 1. interference 2. statutory 3. antitrust 4. liability 5. plaintiff6. competition7. criminal8. contract9. victim 10. compensatedIV. Translate the following sentences into English.1.Tort law aspires to an intelligible connection between the existence of a particular controversy and its resolution.2. The basic tort remedy is to require the tortfeasor to pay the victim the sum of the costs named “compensatory damages”.3. One of the functions of tort law is to prevent future torts by regulating human behavior.4. Not all violations of legal duties are torts.5. Any definition which is sufficiently comprehensive to encompass all torts is so general as to be almost meaningless.V. Translate the follow passage into Chinese.侵权行为法该理解为内在规则还是约定规则呢?即使我们以前没有注意到这一点,但当我们把侵权行为法视为规制方式时,我们实际上是认为它是内在规则。

法律英语课后练习题含答案1. 填空题1.The plntiff has to _____________ the burden ofproof.Answer: bear2.The _______________ of the court is final andbinding.Answer: judgement3.The _______________ holds the power to make laws. Answer: legislature4.The _______________ is the legal document thatoutlines the terms of an agreement.Answer: contract5.The _______________ is responsible for theprosecution in a criminal case.Answer: prosecutor6.A _______________ is a person who is accused of acrime.Answer: defendant7.The _______________ is a court order that prohibitsa certn action.Answer: injunction8.The _______________ is the legal process ofresolving a dispute between parties outside of court. Answer: arbitration9.The _______________ is a legal principle thatstates that an accused person is innocent until proven guilty.Answer: presumption10.The _______________ is the process ofselecting a jury for a trial.Answer: voir dire2. 选择题1.Which of the following is not a type of law?A. Criminal lawB. Civil lawC. Natural lawD. International lawAnswer: C2.Which type of law involves disputes betweenindividuals or organizations?A. Criminal lawB. Civil lawC. Constitutional lawD. Administrative lawAnswer: B3.Which of the following is not a right protected bythe First Amendment of the United States Constitution?A. Freedom of speechB. Freedom of religionC. Right to bear armsD. Freedom of the pressAnswer: C4.Which branch of government is responsible forinterpreting the law?A. Executive branchB. Legislative branchC. Judicial branchD. Administrative branchAnswer: C5.What is the purpose of the Miranda warning?A. To inform defendants of their right to remn silent and their right to an attorneyB. To inform defendants of the charges agnst themC. To inform defendants of their sentencing optionsD. To inform defendants of their right to a speedy trialAnswer: A3. 简答题1.What is the difference between civil law andcriminal law?Answer: Civil law deals with disputes between individuals or organizations, while criminal law deals with crimes committed agnst society.2.What is a contract?Answer: A contract is a legal document that outlines the terms of an agreement between two or more parties.3.What is the role of a prosecutor in a criminaltrial?Answer: The prosecutor is responsible for presenting the case agnst the defendant in a criminal trial and trying to prove that the defendant is guilty.4.What is the purpose of an injunction?Answer: An injunction is a court order that prohibits a certn action, usually in order to prevent harm to an individual or organization.5.What is the presumption of innocence?Answer: The presumption of innocence is a legal principle that states that an accused person is innocent until proven guilty.。

第1篇一、背景介绍在英国合同法中,先履行抗辩权(right of set-off)是一种重要的合同救济手段。
问:先履行抗辩权的法律依据是什么?答:在英国合同法中,先履行抗辩权的法律依据主要来源于《合同法》(Contract Law)和《合同法改革法》(Contract Law Reform Act 1999)。
问:ABC公司能否行使先履行抗辩权?答:根据合同法的规定,ABC公司能否行使先履行抗辩权取决于以下几个条件:1. 存在两个或多个相互独立的合同关系;2. 合同双方之间存在相互的债权债务关系;3. 对方的合同义务尚未履行或未适当履行;4. 双方合同的目的和性质允许先履行抗辩权的适用。

法律英语课后问题整理第一单元:LEGAL SYSYTEM主课文:1.The common law tradition originated in England. The decisions of theroyal courts became the law common to the whole kingdom, the common law.2.Both law and equity are part of what is called the common law.3.Louisiana: civil law, the others: common law4.The expression “civil law”, in Latin jus civilis, literally means the law ofthe citizens of Rome. Now the civilian jurists refer to what we call pr ivate law simply as “the civil law”( persons, property and obligations)5.In common law countries ,cases are usually considered to be theprimary source of law. In civil law countries, cases are not a source of law.6.Civil law jurists will consider the civil code as an all encompassingdocument. On the contrary in common law jurisdictions legislation tends to be considered as an exception to the case law.7.American legal education is very original and in many respects unique.The case method or Socratic method is peculiar to this country.8.No, only through the postgraduate degree.9.The case method is important in America, in othercountries, theteaching style is magisterial—the professor express the law to his orher students, who take notes and do not intervene in class.10.The professors play an important role in defining the law in civil lawsystem, while the judges in the common law system.副课文:1.The decisions of judges ,or of other officials empowered by the constitution or laws of a political entity to hear and decide controversies ,create case law. As the name “case law”suggests, a particular decision ,or a collection of particular decisions ,generate law-that is ,rules of general application.2.From the point of view of parties to a lawsuit or other contested controversy , what matters is the immediate outcome ,the result the tribual reaches in their case .The decision has immediate and special significance. In the view of judges ,lawyers and law students ,however ,the decision takes on broader perspective .The decision becomes a possible source of general applicable case law. 3. In any judicial system rules of law arise sooner or later out of such decisions of cases , as rules of action arise out of the solution of particular problems .These generalizations contained in , or built upon, past decisions ,when taken as normative for future disputes ,create a legal system of precedent……..4.A court that follows precedent mechanically or too strictly will at timesperpetuate legal rules and concepts that have outlived their usefulness.5.The problem is how to maintain an acceptableaccommodation of the competing values of stability in a law ,served by adherence to precedent ,and responsiveness to social change ,which may call for the abandonment of an outworn legal doctrine. this problem of stability versus change will be a recurring theme in the casebook6.stare decisis:doctrine of precedent ,as a precedent ,or potential precedent ,for future cases.Res judicata:as an authoritative settlement of a particular controversy then before the court.7.res judicata8.A court of last resort in one state does not consider itself bound to follow another state’s case law rules ,but it will carefully consider the outstate decisions and ,if it finds their reasoning persuasive ,make use of them as sources of guidance and justification.9.However hospitable a court of last resort may be to persuasive authority from other jurisdictions ,an outstate case is not as authoritative and should not be assigned the same force as a true “precedent”.10. The difference in degree of influence is much like the difference between the holding of a case and dictum in a judicial opinion, the“holding”being fully authoritative and generally binding and the “dictum” only ,again ,persuasive a uthority.第二单元COURT SYSYTEM主课文:1.limited to civil suits involving relatively small amounts of money andto minor violations of the criminal law.2.A court empowered to try all kinds of cases ,withoutmonetary orsubject matter limitation.3.To review the action of the lower judicial tribunals of the state. This isthe exercise of appellate jurisdiction.4.(1)a vast increase in appellate litigation which , particularly in themore populous states , soon led to hopeless congestion of the dockets of the state courts of last resort.(2) empowered to strain out and finally dispose of the bulk ofappellate litigation-cases.5. The landmark statute in the evolution of the federal judicial system.6 .Normally presided over by a single judge , although there are a few situations ,chiefly cases in which injunctions are sought on federal constitutional grounds against the enforcement of state or federal statutes, in which a three-judge court must be convened.7.(1)the jurisdiction of a District Court of the United States must be based either on the character of the controversy or on the character ofparties to the controversy.(2)within one or another of three categories: cases to which the United States is a party, which includes both civil cases in which the United States is plaintiff or defendant and all prosecutions for violation of federal criminal statutes: cases involving a “federal question” ,which means a question involving the interpretation or effect of a provision of the Constitution or of a federal statute or regulation: cases involving“diversity of citizenship”, that is ,suits between citizens of different states of United States.8.federal court: The historical origins of “diversity of cit izenship”jurisdiction derive from a concern of former times that a citizen of one state might not be fairly treated in the courts of the state of his adversary’s residence ,and even this old concern is inapplicable when the defendant is ,so to speak, sued on his own home grounds.9.can be secured only by a :petition for a writ of certiorari ”.As a matter of Supreme Court practice ,if four or more of the nine justices vote to take the case, that is , to hear and decide it on its merits, the Court will “grant certiorari.”10. If appeals to the supreme court were available in all cases ,the court would be swamped with ordinary appeals and unable to give full and deliberate consideration to the great cases it must decide with finality as umpire of the federal system, authoritative guardian of theconstitutional liberties and final overseer of the consistency and substantial justice of the general law administered in the courts of the United States.第三单元:CONSTITUTIONAL LAW副课文:1.(1)every court ,federal and state(2)The USA Supreme Court has the final say2.NO. these provisions are organizational and jurisdictional. They create the Supreme Court ,but “supreme” means only “highest”, designating a place ih the hierarchy but not the Court’s authority.3.The power of judicial of review was established by the Court’s decision in the 1803 case of Marbuary v. Madison.4.The constitution is law , Courts interpret law. Therefore courts interpret the Constitution.5.In adopting the Constitution the states had ceded some of their sovereignty to the federal government.第四单元:CRIMINAL LAW主课文:1.Typical forms of punishment include death ,imprisonment , fine ,removal from public office or disqualification from holding public office ,probation ,and restitution.2.(1)Civil violations are often referred to as torts. A society isconsidered to be a wrong against all of society ,whereas a tort is considered to be a private matter between the parties directly involved.(2)The second distinction involves the persons who actually prosecutethe case. A specially designated state prosecutor or federal official directs the proceedings when crimes are involved .However, in tort action the individual against whom the wrong has been commited generally hires an attorney to process the claim.(3)Third, although one who commits a crime may be required toprovide some forms of monetary restitution to society or to the victim, additional punishments are also available. Only fines are available in tort law. Rather, tort restitution relies primarily on monetary compensation.(4)Finally,compensation paid individuals who have sued others incivil courts is called damages.3.Civil damages are categorized as general , special ,and punitive.General damages compensate for any specific and demonstrable harm that has been caused .Special damages involve compensationfor “conscious pain and suffering.”Finally, punitive damages are awarded at the discretion of the jury, or as required by statute, if it is found that the behavior of the actor was the result of an intentional disregarded for the safety or well-being of others.4.Substantive criminal law defines crimes and established publishments. Criminal procedural law outlines the procedures that must be followed. Thus, substantive law informs society as to what behavior is acceptable or unacceptable ,whereas procedural law directs the state as to the proper methods for apprehension and adjudication.5.Miranda warnings. Until the Miranda warnings have been given, however , an individual cannot be lawfully arrested unless the police have probable cause to believe a crime has been or is being commited: That is ,a particular substantive law must first be violated before the state will begin its investigation.6.Felonies , misdemeanors and infractions7.The length or place of punishment often distinguishes a felony froma misdemeanor. Another way to distinguish felonies from misdemeanors is by the so-called in presence rule.8.They are not same, motives is defined as the “cause or reason that moves the will and induces a ction”. Intent relates to the state of mind at the time of the commission of the unlawful act. Failure to establishan unlawful intent must result in acquittal.9.mens rea , actus reus and causation10.(1)the mere fact that a harm occurs does not necessarily mean a crime has been committed.(2)if a person does not have a legal duty to act and in fact does not act, then that person cannot be held legally accountable for the unlawful acts of others.(3)causation is considered to be the logical coming together of the mens rea and actus reus,resulting in a criminal wrong.第五单元:CRIMINAL PROCEDURE副课文:1.Yes. first the human rights. second, convict innocent means thatyou just do two wrong things.2.The prosecutors. At the end of the presentation of the state’sevidence .the grand jury members vote. Majority rule prevails.3.An arrest occurs when a peace or police officer takes a suspectinto custody for the purposes of charging the individual with a crime. Arrests may also occur after an official arrest warrant has been issued by a magistrate or judge. The arrest may result from the police officer’s own perception that a crime has been or is about to be committed .In order to get a warrant ,the official must convince the court that criminal activity has been or is being committed ,since courts may not issue warrants unless there is probable cause that criminal activity is afoot.4.The decision to prosecute largely depends on the strength of thestate’s case against the accused. others:(1)attitude of the victim(2)cost to the system(3)harm to the suspect(4)adequatealternate procedure available and (5)suspect’s willingness to cooperate with law enforcement.5.The magistrate or the preliminary hearing jury. Decide whetherthe state had probable cause to arrest the accused.6.At the arraignment, the accused must make a plea. Thearraignment is important also because the defendant is again informed of the charges , counsel is appointed (if the defendant is indigent), and bail is established.7.The voir dire is the process used to select a jury. The peremptorychallenge ,allows either side to have prospective jurors excused without having to specify a particular reason. The challenge for cause , allows for the exclusion of a juror only if the excluding party (defense or prosecution)demonstrates that the individual cannot be impartial or cannot otherwise handle the responsibility of making a rational decision.8.Typically ,jury instructions are not formulated by the judge ,prosecution, or defense . Rather , “form”instruc tions are taken from standard jury instruction forms that have met the particular state’s basic requirements .These instructions are designed to be simple enough for the average juror to understand yet complete enough to avoid any potential reversible errors on appeal.9.If a mistrial occurs, the defendant may be required to go throughthe entire process again, since a retrial resulting from a mistrial does not constitute double jeopardy.10.Possible sentences are outlined in the stage statues and areoccasionally determined by the jury but usually by the judge.Sentences may be suspension, probation, jail term, fine, disqualification to hold public office or even capital punishment.第六单元:CIVIL PROCEDURE副课文:1.The lawyer’s first task is to ascertain “the facts”. The facts yourclients alleges can be proved, and that they make a legal violation, you will now have to determine in what court you will “bring your action.”----what court has the jurisdiction.2.(1)do nothing.(2)serve(and/or file in court) a motion to dismissfor failure to state a claim.(3)serve (and/or file) an answer(4)serve(and/or file) an affirmative defense.3.If it is granted , usually the plaintiff will be given an opportunityto “replead”. If the motion to dismiss is denied , and the defendant has, in addition to moving to dismiss, controverted the plaintiffs’ allegations of fact, the case will go to trail. If she does not dispute the facts, there is no need for a trial .The case proceeds directly to judgment , on the law, which may be reviewed on appeal.4.You may have “objections” to the introduction of evidence , forexample , on the ground that the evidence is inadmissible as hear say. If the court, after the defendant’s objection , lets the evidence in, defendant will “except”to the ruli ng and so preserve her right to challenge the ruling on appeal if the jury verdict goes against her.5.The judge gives her instructions to the jury as to theapplicablelaw of the case. What usually happens is that each side draws up draft instructions and submits them to the judge. The judge then looks at the draft instructions submitted by both sides and decides which ones to give to the jury. Each side in the litigation may: (1)except, i.e. , record objections ,to any instruction or part thereof , which he believes is an erroneousstatement of the law; or (2)except to the refusal of the judge to give his instruction.6.Most jury verdicts are general ,a statement of result in somesuch form as “ We, the jury , find for the plaintiff in the sum of $5000”.So-called “special” verdicts , by which the jury answers specific questions of fact submitted to it by the judge ,are becoming more frequent.7.The answer is that we require as a matter of law a minimumamount of evidence to support the jury verdict.8.The usual rule is that a losing party cannot appeal any errors ofthe trial court which he did not call to the trial court’s attention by filing a motion for a new trial.9.Before initiating an action it is important to assess whether thedefendant has the resources ,and the compliance, to satisfya judgment.10.The focus of the appellate court’s scrutiny is on the correctnessof the rulings of the trial court.第九单元:CONTRACT LAW主课文:1. A contract is promise between two or more personsinvolving the exchange of some goods or service. The resources of America is the case law and the UCC2.In order to prevent fraud on the part of either party in theexchange.3.The Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) is the main body oflaw that governs transactions involving goods.4.The “void contract” is a contract held to be void does notexist under law . In other words, although two parties may have come to an agreement , it is not recognized as a legal contract. Voidable contracts are contracts that may be canceled by one of the two parties involved .5. A “quasi-contract”is not an actual contract; it is anon-binding legal mechanism used in special circumstances to prevent one party from being severely harmed or unjustly enriched by an implicit arrangement.6.不当得利7.The essential feature defining these requirements are:“capacity,” “mutual assent”“consideration”8.Persons who are deemed incompetent due to physical ormental illness lack capacity to enter into contracts.9.Mutual assent is demonstrated by “offer” and “acceptance”.10.The essence of consideration is that a party receives somekind of benefit in return for his promise. No consideration ,no valid contract.。

Lesson Six Civil Procedures LawKeys:II. Choose the most appropriate words to complete the following sentences.1. C2. D3. B4. C5. D6. B7. A8. C9. A 10. BIII. Choose the most appropriate word from the listed words below to finish the following passage. Change the form if necessary.1. burden of proof2. produce3. affirmative4. consideration5. legally6. summary7. convince8. withdraw9. defendant 10. voluntary IV. Translate the following sentences into English.1. The jury returned a verdict of guilty, and the judge will pass sentence next week2. Upon pronouncement of a judgment, the parties concerned must be informed of their right tofile an appeal, the time limit for appeal and the court to which they may appeal.3. The panel is selected at random, and any party to the proceedings can inspect the panel fromwhich the jurors will be chosen.4. The judicial process deals not with abstract questions or hypothetical situations but with actualcontroversies between real parties.5. At the very outset of a trial the lawyers are permitted to make opening statements to the jurythat they have just selected. These are not arguments; argumentation must await the end of the trial.V. Translate the following passage into Chinese.在民事审判中,决定评审团审判的权限可能从三种途径之一分离出来。

法律英语翻译第一课1、The Federal courts and many state courts of original jurisdiction hear both civil and criminalcases.2、In appellate courts, attorneys are confined to the role of discussing disputed points of law bymeans of written briefs and limited oral arguments.3、If you were to start a lawsuit in a court, you would have to see that the defendant or hisproperty must be found within the jurisdiction of the court.4、In the civil suits, the purpose of the pleadings to frame an issue filled by the litigants is forfair and just trial.5、If the case is tried by a jury, the issues of fact are settled, within limits determined by thejudge, by the jury’s verdict.第二课1、A corporation is a legal entity created by law, with an identify distinct from that of itsmembers or organizers, and endowed with certain powers to be exercised in its designated corporate name.2、A corporation is a fictitious person existing in contemplation of law. One of its distinctiveattributes is its capacity of perpetual succession, or stockholders.3、The earliest types of corporations in England were not business corporations and were notthe kind of organizations with which we are presently concerned. The earliest chartered English trading or business companies were joint-stock companies, such as the East India Company and the Houdon’s Bay Company.4、Corporations are variously classified according to different bases. Under one basis ofclassification, corporations are either aggregate(the usual form) or sole. They are either public or private. And private corporations are either profit(the ordinary business corporation) or nonprofit(the charitable corporation). In addition to the foregoing classifications, the term “holding company” is frequently applied to a corporation whose sole or principal business is holding the stock of one or more other corporations.5、By definition, a corporation is an entity distinct from its individual members orstockholders,and is vested in the corporation itself, and not in the stockholders; and neither is ordinarily charged with the debts or obligations of the other.第三课The Nature of Contract of LawA contract, in the simplest definition, is a promise enforceable by law. The promise may be t o do something or to refrain from doing something. The making of a contract requires the mutual assent of two or more persons, one of them ordinarily making an offer and another accepting. If one of the parties fails to keep the promise, the other is entitled to legal recourse. The law of contracts considers such questions as whether a contract exists, what the meaning of it is, whether a contract has been broken, and what compensation is due the injured party.第四课1、Joint venture is two or more investors for the purpose of gaining profit, forming a companywith limited liability, usually in the country of one of the investors in accordance with the laws and regulations of that country.。
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第一单元:LEGAL SYSYTEM主课文:1.The common law tradition originated in England. The decisions of theroyal courts became the law common to the whole kingdom, the common law.2.Both law and equity are part of what is called the common law.3.Louisiana: civil law, the others: common law4.The expression “civil law”, in Latin jus civilis, literally means the law ofthe citizens of Rome. Now the civilian jurists refer to what we call private law simply as “the civil law”( persons, property and obligations)5.In common law countries ,cases are usually considered to be theprimary source of law. In civil law countries, cases are not a source of law.6.Civil law jurists will consider the civil code as an all encompassingdocument. On the contrary in common law jurisdictions legislation tends to be considered as an exception to the case law.7.American legal education is very original and in many respects unique.The case method or Socratic method is peculiar to this country.8.No, only through the postgraduate degree.9.The case method is important in America, in other countries, theteaching style is magisterial—the professor express the law to his orher students, who take notes and do not intervene in class.10.The professors play an important role in defining the law in civil lawsystem, while the judges in the common law system.副课文:1.The decisions of judges ,or of other officials empowered by the constitution or laws of a political entity to hear and decide controversies ,create case law. As the name “case law”suggests, a particular decision ,or a collection of particular decisions ,generate law-that is ,rules of general application.2.From the point of view of parties to a lawsuit or other contested controversy , what matters is the immediate outcome ,the result the tribual reaches in their case .The decision has immediate and special significance. In the view of judges ,lawyers and law students ,however ,the decision takes on broader perspective .The decision becomes a possible source of general applicable case law. 3. In any judicial system rules of law arise sooner or later out of such decisions of cases , as rules of action arise out of the solution of particular problems .These generalizations contained in , or built upon, past decisions ,when taken as normative for future disputes ,create a legal system of precedent……..4.A court that follows precedent mechanically or too strictly will at timesperpetuate legal rules and concepts that have outlived their usefulness.5.The problem is how to maintain an acceptable accommodation of the competing values of stability in a law ,served by adherence to precedent ,and responsiveness to social change ,which may call for the abandonment of an outworn legal doctrine. this problem of stability versus change will be a recurring theme in the casebook6.stare decisis:doctrine of precedent ,as a precedent ,or potential precedent ,for future cases.Res judicata:as an authoritative settlement of a particular controversy then before the court.7.res judicata8.A court of last resort in one state does not consider itself bound to follow another state’s case law rules ,but it will carefully consider the outstate decisions and ,if it finds their reasoning persuasive ,make use of them as sources of guidance and justification.9.However hospitable a court of last resort may be to persuasive authority from other jurisdictions ,an outstate case is not as authoritative and should not be assigned the same force as a true “precedent”.10. The difference in degree of influence is much like the difference between the holding of a case and dictum in a judicial opinion, the“holding”being fully authoritative and generally binding and the “dictum” only ,again ,persuasive authority.第二单元COURT SYSYTEM主课文:1.limited to civil suits involving relatively small amounts of money andto minor violations of the criminal law.2.A court empowered to try all kinds of cases ,without monetary orsubject matter limitation.3.To review the action of the lower judicial tribunals of the state. This isthe exercise of appellate jurisdiction.4.(1)a vast increase in appellate litigation which , particularly in themore populous states , soon led to hopeless congestion of the dockets of the state courts of last resort.(2) empowered to strain out and finally dispose of the bulk ofappellate litigation-cases.5. The landmark statute in the evolution of the federal judicial system.6 .Normally presided over by a single judge , although there are a few situations ,chiefly cases in which injunctions are sought on federal constitutional grounds against the enforcement of state or federal statutes, in which a three-judge court must be convened.7.(1)the jurisdiction of a District Court of the United States must be based either on the character of the controversy or on the character ofparties to the controversy.(2)within one or another of three categories: cases to which the United States is a party, which includes both civil cases in which the United States is plaintiff or defendant and all prosecutions for violation of federal criminal statutes: cases involving a “federal question” ,which means a question involving the interpretation or effect of a provision of the Constitution or of a federal statute or regulation: cases involving “diversity of citizenship”, that is ,suits between citizens of different states of United States.8.federal court: The historical origins of “diversity of citizenship”jurisdiction derive from a concern of former times that a citizen of one state might not be fairly treated in the courts of the state of his adversary’s residence ,and even this old concern is inapplicable when the defendant is ,so to speak, sued on his own home grounds.9.can be secured only by a :petition for a writ of certiorari ”.As a matter of Supreme Court practice ,if four or more of the nine justices vote to take the case, that is , to hear and decide it on its merits, the Court will “grant certiorari.”10. If appeals to the supreme court were available in all cases ,the court would be swamped with ordinary appeals and unable to give full and deliberate consideration to the great cases it must decide with finality as umpire of the federal system, authoritative guardian of theconstitutional liberties and final overseer of the consistency and substantial justice of the general law administered in the courts of the United States.第三单元:CONSTITUTIONAL LAW副课文:1.(1)every court ,federal and state(2)The USA Supreme Court has the final say2.NO. these provisions are organizational and jurisdictional. They create the Supreme Court ,but “supreme” means only “highest”, designating a place ih the hierarchy but not the Court’s authority.3.The power of judicial of review was established by the Court’s decision in the 1803 case of Marbuary v. Madison.4.The constitution is law , Courts interpret law. Therefore courts interpret the Constitution.5.In adopting the Constitution the states had ceded some of their sovereignty to the federal government.第四单元:CRIMINAL LAW主课文:1.Typical forms of punishment include death ,imprisonment , fine ,removal from public office or disqualification from holding public office ,probation ,and restitution.2.(1)Civil violations are often referred to as torts. A society isconsidered to be a wrong against all of society ,whereas a tort is considered to be a private matter between the parties directly involved.(2)The second distinction involves the persons who actually prosecutethe case. A specially designated state prosecutor or federal official directs the proceedings when crimes are involved .However, in tort action the individual against whom the wrong has been commited generally hires an attorney to process the claim.(3)Third, although one who commits a crime may be required toprovide some forms of monetary restitution to society or to the victim, additional punishments are also available. Only fines are available in tort law. Rather, tort restitution relies primarily on monetary compensation.(4)Finally,compensation paid individuals who have sued others incivil courts is called damages.3.Civil damages are categorized as general , special ,and punitive.General damages compensate for any specific and demonstrable harm that has been caused .Special damages involve compensationfor “conscious pain and suffering.”Finally, punitive damages are awarded at the discretion of the jury, or as required by statute, if it is found that the behavior of the actor was the result of an intentional disregarded for the safety or well-being of others.4.Substantive criminal law defines crimes and established publishments. Criminal procedural law outlines the procedures that must be followed. Thus, substantive law informs society as to what behavior is acceptable or unacceptable ,whereas procedural law directs the state as to the proper methods for apprehension and adjudication.5.Miranda warnings. Until the Miranda warnings have been given, however , an individual cannot be lawfully arrested unless the police have probable cause to believe a crime has been or is being commited: That is ,a particular substantive law must first be violated before the state will begin its investigation.6.Felonies , misdemeanors and infractions7.The length or place of punishment often distinguishes a felony froma misdemeanor. Another way to distinguish felonies from misdemeanors is by the so-called in presence rule.8.They are not same, motives is defined as the “cause or reason that moves the will and induces action”. Intent relates to the state of mind at the time of the commission of the unlawful act. Failure to establishan unlawful intent must result in acquittal.9.mens rea , actus reus and causation10.(1)the mere fact that a harm occurs does not necessarily mean a crime has been committed.(2)if a person does not have a legal duty to act and in fact does not act, then that person cannot be held legally accountable for the unlawful acts of others.(3)causation is considered to be the logical coming together of the mens rea and actus reus,resulting in a criminal wrong.第五单元:CRIMINAL PROCEDURE副课文:1.Yes. first the human rights. second, convict innocent means thatyou just do two wrong things.2.The prosecutors. At the end of the presentation of the state’sevidence .the grand jury members vote. Majority rule prevails. 3.An arrest occurs when a peace or police officer takes a suspectinto custody for the purposes of charging the individual with a crime. Arrests may also occur after an official arrest warrant has been issued by a magistrate or judge. The arrest may result from the police officer’s own perception that a crime has been or isabout to be committed .In order to get a warrant ,the official must convince the court that criminal activity has been or is being committed ,since courts may not issue warrants unless there is probable cause that criminal activity is afoot.4.The decision to prosecute largely depends on the strength of thestate’s case against the accused. others:(1)attitude of the victim(2)cost to the system(3)harm to the suspect(4)adequate alternate procedure available and (5)suspect’s willingness to cooperate with law enforcement.5.The magistrate or the preliminary hearing jury. Decide whetherthe state had probable cause to arrest the accused.6.At the arraignment, the accused must make a plea. Thearraignment is important also because the defendant is again informed of the charges , counsel is appointed (if the defendant is indigent), and bail is established.7.The voir dire is the process used to select a jury. The peremptorychallenge ,allows either side to have prospective jurors excused without having to specify a particular reason. The challenge for cause , allows for the exclusion of a juror only if the excluding party (defense or prosecution)demonstrates that the individual cannot be impartial or cannot otherwise handle the responsibility of making a rational decision.8.Typically ,jury instructions are not formulated by the judge ,prosecution, or defense . Rather , “form”instructions are taken from standard jury instruction forms that have met the particular state’s basic requirements .These instructions are designed to be simple enough for the average juror to understand yet complete enough to avoid any potential reversible errors on appeal.9.If a mistrial occurs, the defendant may be required to go throughthe entire process again, since a retrial resulting from a mistrial does not constitute double jeopardy.10.Possible sentences are outlined in the stage statues and areoccasionally determined by the jury but usually by the judge.Sentences may be suspension, probation, jail term, fine, disqualification to hold public office or even capital punishment.第六单元:CIVIL PROCEDURE副课文:1.The lawyer’s first task is to ascertain “the facts”. The facts yourclients alleges can be proved, and that they make a legal violation, you will now have to determine in what court you will “bring your action.”----what court has the jurisdiction.2.(1)do nothing.(2)serve(and/or file in court) a motion to dismissfor failure to state a claim.(3)serve (and/or file) an answer(4)serve(and/or file) an affirmative defense.3.If it is granted , usually the plaintiff will be given an opportunityto “replead”. If the motion to dismiss is denied , and the defendant has, in addition to moving to dismiss, controverted the plaintiffs’ allegations of fact, the case will go to trail. If she does not dispute the facts, there is no need for a trial .The case proceeds directly to judgment , on the law, which may be reviewed on appeal.4.You may have “objections” to the introduction of evidence , forexample , on the ground that the evidence is inadmissible as hear say. If the court, after the defendant’s objection , lets the evidence in, defendant will “except”to the ruling and so preserve her right to challenge the ruling on appeal if the jury verdict goes against her.5.The judge gives her instructions to the jury as to the applicablelaw of the case. What usually happens is that each side draws up draft instructions and submits them to the judge. The judge then looks at the draft instructions submitted by both sides and decides which ones to give to the jury. Each side in the litigation may: (1)except, i.e. , record objections ,to any instruction or part thereof , which he believes is an erroneousstatement of the law; or (2)except to the refusal of the judge to give his instruction.6.Most jury verdicts are general ,a statement of result in somesuch form as “ We, the jury , find for the plaintiff in the sum of $5000”.So-called “special” verdicts , by which the jury answers specific questions of fact submitted to it by the judge ,are becoming more frequent.7.The answer is that we require as a matter of law a minimumamount of evidence to support the jury verdict.8.The usual rule is that a losing party cannot appeal any errors ofthe trial court which he did not call to the trial court’s attention by filing a motion for a new trial.9.Before initiating an action it is important to assess whether thedefendant has the resources ,and the compliance, to satisfy a judgment.10.The focus of the appellate court’s scrutiny is on the correctnessof the rulings of the trial court.第九单元:CONTRACT LAW主课文:1. A contract is promise between two or more personsinvolving the exchange of some goods or service. The resources of America is the case law and the UCC2.In order to prevent fraud on the part of either party in theexchange.3.The Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) is the main body oflaw that governs transactions involving goods.4.The “void contract” is a contract held to be void does notexist under law . In other words, although two parties may have come to an agreement , it is not recognized as a legal contract. Voidable contracts are contracts that may be canceled by one of the two parties involved .5. A “quasi-contract”is not an actual contract; it is anon-binding legal mechanism used in special circumstances to prevent one party from being severely harmed or unjustly enriched by an implicit arrangement.6.不当得利7.The essential feature defining these requirements are:“capacity,” “mutual assent”“consideration”8.Persons who are deemed incompetent due to physical ormental illness lack capacity to enter into contracts.9.Mutual assent is demonstrated by “offer” and “acceptance”.10.The essence of consideration is that a party receives somekind of benefit in return for his promise. No consideration ,no valid contract.。