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四年级上学期朗文 1-4 课复习题

班级_______________ 姓名________________

1.Look and write.看图写单词。

____________ ____________ _______________

____________ ____________ _______________

2.Choose the correct answers.选择填空。

1. ( ) _____ did people pay for things? They paid with silver.

A: How B: What C: Where

2. ( ) _______ did people live? They lived in villages.

A: How B: What C: Where

3. ( ) _____ did people travel? They traveled by sedan chair.

A: How B: What C: Where

4. ( ) ___did people go to school? They went to school on foot.

A: How B: What C: Where

5. ( ) _______ did people wear?

A: How B: What C: Where

3.Choose and write. 根据下列解释,把单词序号填在括号内。

A: firewood B: trainers C: letter

D: camera E: credit card F: rickshaw

1. ( )We use it to take photos.

2. ( )People cooked with it five hundred years ago.

3. ( )We use it like money to buy things.

4. ( )They are in pairs. We wear them when we go jogging.

5. ( )People write it and send it to our friends by post.

6. ( ) People rode in it.

4.Ask and answer the questions.选择正确的疑问词填空,并回答。

What where how 1.______ did people wear?

Most people _______ cotton clothes. Some people _______ silk clothes.

2._______ did people ________?

Most people traveled by bus. Some people ______ by car. 3.________ did people ________?

Most people lived in villages. Some people lived in towns.

4.______ _______ people pay for things?

Most people paid with silver and gold. Some people _____ with money.

5.______ _______they ______?

They ate rice and meat.

6.______ did people go to school?

They _______ to school on foot.

5.Write the past form of the verbs.写出下列动词过去式。1.fall _______ 2. tell________ 3. wake ________

4. lose_______

5. eat _______

6. buy ________

7. cook ________ 8. send _______ 9. take ______

10. pay _______ 11. travel _______ 12. live ________ 13. wear ______ 14. go ________ 15. walk ________ 16. make _______

6. Look and choose.根据问句写答句。

A: No, they didn’t. They celebrate Chinese New Year.

B: They ate congee and vegetables.

C: They cooked with firewood.

D: They lived in Beijing.

E: They wore cotton clothes.

( )1. What did they eat?

( )2. Did they celebrate Christmas?

( )3. What did they wear?

( )4. How did they cook?

( )5. Where did they live?

7.Write the correct sentences.连词成句。

1. go last week Did to you the museum?

________________________________________________ 2. wear What people did?

________________________________________________ 3. Most cotton people wore clothes.

________________________________________________ 4. travel people did How?

________________________________________________ 5. didn’t radio listen to People the.

________________________________________________ 8.Circle the mistakes and correct it.圈出句子里的错误,并在后面横线上订正。

1.Did you went to the museum. _________

2.What did people wore? __________

3.What did people pay? They paid with silver and gold.


4.Did people cook with gas? Yes, they didn’t. __________

5.There weren’t any cola. ___________

6.I come to school on bus. __________

8.Read the following passage and answer the questions.读下列短文,并回答问题。

A good breakfast is important. We can easily understand why. We have not eaten anything for about twelve hours by breakfast time. Our bodies need food for morning activities.

One good breakfast should be rice or bread, an egg, milk and fruit. on a cold morning a cup of hot drink is necessary.

We must get up early to have plenty of time to eat breakfast.

A good breakfast helps us to smile more easily. It helps us to be more friendly and also to work better and play more happily. Answer the questions about the story.

1.What is this story talk about?

It talks about why a good


2.Why is the food needed in the morning?

Because we have ________ for about twelve hours by breakfast time.

3.What is necessary on a cold morning?

______ ______ ______ _______ _______ is necessary on

a cold morning.

4.Do you always have a good breakfast?


9.Put the sentences in the correct order.用1,2,3给句子排序( ) Tommy doesn’t sleep in his bedroom.

( )Because he likes the sofa more than his bed!

( )Tommy has his own bedroom.

( )He likes to sleep in the living room every night. Do you know why?

( )In the bedroom there is a big cupboard. There is a big bed too.


1.What _______ you ______ last night? I wore black jacket.

2.__________you find my cats? I _______ them in the tree.

3.How ______ you go to school yesterday? I _______ by taxi.

4.______ you go to the post office yesterday? Yes, I _______.

5.Where _______ you go yesterday? I _______ to the zoo.

6.How ________ people pay for things? They _______ for

things with silver and gold.
