Subject Project Management Assignment 3




说明: 以下教学计划若有变动,以教师课堂陈述为准,敬请各位谅解。






三、教材和参考书:教材:Project Management: A Managerial Approach, 4e Meredith and Mantel John Wiley & Son, Inc参考书:Successful Project Management, Jack Gido P & James P.Clementsand,成功的项目管理杰克.吉多等A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge, PMI, 项目管理知识体系指南四、应用软件:Microsoft Projec t五、考试方式1. 上课出席10%2. 个人演示20%3. 小组项目和演示30%4. 经验总结和自我评估10%5. 期末考试30%预修课程 PREREQUISITES: MBA基础核心课程MBA basic core作业:本课程的作业主要是阅读相关资料,准备个人演示和小组项目。



Management of Organization Assignment GuidelineTasksStudents are required to conduct a management project. The project is to breakdown into group work and individual work components:Group Presentation (10%)• A Group PowerPoint Presentation by all group members at the last 2 lectures. Individual Reports (15%)•An individual report by every student to be submitted on the 12th lecture (2 December 2010)Group W ork• 4 to 6 students are required to form a project group.•All the members are required to work together for a common project (see indicative guidance).•Every student must have a contribution to the project, and the role must be clearly defined.• A list of group members and the intended project topic must be submitted to the lecturer by the 4th lecture.•The group has to draw lots with other groups to determine the order of presentation in the last 2 lectures (2 December and 9 December).Individual W ork•Each student is required to write a report for 15% assessment.•The report will have 7 to 10 A4 pages, covering the following parts:1.Background of a Hong Kong based company.2.Description of the company’s mission, objectives and organizationalstructure.3.Conduct a external and internal analysis of the company, and conclude witha SWOT analysis.4.Review of the company’s current corporate and business level strategies,and evaluate whether the company’s strategic management is effective.ment on whether the company’s organizational structure is suitable forits strategies and environment.6.Suggest what is needed to change in strategies and structure.Content Guidance1.To make your information and data collection easier, you are suggested to focuson one of the Hong Kong based companies. Examples of companies used by students in the past:•The I.T. Group (fashion)•Giordano•Bossini•Moiselle•G2000•Café de Coral•Fairwood•KMB•MTRC•Cathay Pacific•Ocean Park•Park n Shop•Bank of East Asia• 32.Most of the information required by the project can be either found from thecompany annual reports and/or the company’s corporate website.3.Although you work together for your presentation, you must write your ownindividual project report, with your own analysis and conclusion.。

project management

project management

His aim will be to establish the time/ cost/quality/function equation at the outset and to maintain its balance throughout — always with the client's interests paramount. The science of project management involves establishing and implementing reliable means of gathering information as well as planning and measurement as an aid to control, organisation and communication. The art lies in defining the essential objectives of the project, applying the science and analysing the information skilfully and using foresight and perception, energy and enthusiasm, resourcefulness and diplomacy to guide others through an ever-changing situation to achieve those objectives. The project manager must understand and be able to communicate the why of a project and to plan who does what, when and where, for how long and for how much. While he will be able to take advantage of modern technology in the form of computerised systems for planning and analysis, he will recognise that objectives are achieved by people and that people are not a resource that can be finitely planned and analysed. He must, therefore, understand the how aspect of others' tasks and be able to act both as a monitor and as a catalyst, aiming to get the most out of most of them most of the time.



项目管理基础英语词汇一、项目管理基础术语项目(Project)运营、操作(Operation)一般管理(General Management)项目管理(Project Management)大型项目(Program)子项目(Subproject)项目阶段(Project Phase)项目生命周期(Project Life Cycle)阶段出口或终止点(Phase exit or kill point)项目利益相关者/项目干系人(Stakeholder)过程(Process)控制(Control)PDCA(P—Plan,计划;D—Do,执行;C—Check,检查;A—Act,处理)项目管理知识体系(Project Management Body Of Knowledge,PMBOK)二、项目整体管理变更控制委员会(Change Control Board,CCB)综合变更控制(Integrated Change Control)配置管理(Configuration Management)经验教训(Lessons Learned)三、项目范围管理可交付成果(Deliverable)项目章程(Project Charter)产品描述(Product Description)约束(Constraint)假设(Assumptions)项目范围(Project Scope)范围变更(Scope Change)范围定义( Scope Definition)范围规划(Scope Planning)范围核实(Scope Verification)范围说明书(Scope Statement)工作分解结构(Work Breakdown Structure,WBS)工作包(Work Package)WBS 字典(WBS Dictionary)三、项目时间管理活动(Activity)虚活动(Activity Description, AD)工期(Duration, DU)项目网络图(Network Diagramming)顺序图法(Precedence Diagramming Method,PDM)箭线图法(Arrow Diagramming Method,ADM)计划评审技术(Program Evaluation and Review Technique,PERT)关键路径法(Critical Path Method,CPM)里程碑(Milestone)最早开始日期(Early Start Date,ES)最早完成日期(Early Finish Date,EF)最晚开始日期(Late Start Date,LS )最晚完成日期(Late Finish Date,LF )浮动时间(Float)资源平衡(Resource Leveling)四、项目人力资源管理组织规划(Organizational Planning)项目经理(Project Manager)项目团队(Project Team)项目型组织(Projectized Organization )项目管理办公室(Project Management Office,PMO)人员招募(Staff Acquisition)团队开发(Team Development)组织分解结构(Organizational Breakdown Structure,OBS)人员管理计划(Staffing Management Plan)权力(Power)责任分配矩阵(Responsibility Assignment Matrix,RAM)存在/相互关系/成长发展(Existence/Relatedness/Growth,ERG)五、项目成本管理净现值(Net Present Value,NPV)净现值率(Net Present Value Ratio,NPVR)资源计划(Resource Planning)成本估算(Cost Estimating)成本预算(Cost Budgets)类比估算(Analogous Estimating)应急储备(Contingency Reserve)S 曲线(S-Curve)挣值(Earned Value, EV)挣值管理(Earned Value Management,EVM)计划工作量的预算成本(Budgeted Cost for Work Scheduled,BCWS)已完成工作量的实际成本(Actual Cost for Work Performed,ACWP)已完工作量的预算成本(Budgeted Cost of Work Performed,BCWP)成本执行指数(Cost Performed Index,CPI)成本偏差(Cost Variance,CV)进度执行指数(Schedule Performed Index,SPI)进度偏差(Schedule Variance,SV)竣工预算(Budget At Completion,BAC)完工尚需估算(Estimate to Completion,ETC)完工时估算(Estimate at Completion,EAC)六、项目采购管理合同(Contract)违约(Breach)终止(Termination)询价(Solicitation)工作说明书(Statement Of Work,SOW)方案邀请书(Request for Proposal,RFP)报价邀请书(request for quotation,RFQ)七、项目质量管理项目质量管理(Project Quality Manager,PQM)质量规划(Quality Planning)质量保障(Quality Assurance)质量控制(Quality Control)返工(Rework)质量功能展开(Quality Function Deployment,QFD)过程决策程序图法(Process Decision Program Chart,PDPC)上控制界限(Upper Control Limit,UCL)下控制界限(Lower Control Limit,LCL)中心线(Central Line,CL)八、项目风险管理风险(Risk)风险识别(Risk Identification)敏感性分析(Sensitivity Analysis)蒙特卡罗分析(Monte Carlo Analysis)应急规划(Contingency Planning)风险回避(Risk Avoidance)风险转移(Risk Transference)竞争优势/竞争劣势/机会/威胁(Strength/Weakness/Opportunity/Threat,SWOT)期望货币值(Expected Money Value,EMV)九、项目沟通管理沟通规划(Communication Planning)信息发布(Information Distribution)绩效报告(Performance Reporting)管理收尾(Administrative Closure)绩效测量基准(Performance Measurement Baseline)沟通障碍(Barriers)请注意,以上列出的仅为部分英文术语,仅供参考。



1、项目管理基础和框架-关键术语项目(Project)运营(Operation)一般管理(General Management)项目管理(Project Management)大型项目(Program)子项目(Subproject)项目阶段(Project Phase)项目生命周期(Project Life Cycle)阶段出口或终止点(Phase exit or kill point)2、项目利益相关者项目干系人(Stakeholder)过程(Process)控制(Control)可交付成果(Deliverable)项目经理(Project Manager)项目团队(Project Team)项目型组织(Projectized Organization)3、项目整体管理挣值管理(Earned Value Management, EVM)变更控制委员会(Change Control Board)综合变更控制(Integrated Change Control)配置管理(Configuration Management)经验教训(Lessons Learned)4、项目范围管理项目章程(Project Charter)产品描述(Product Description)约束(Constraint)假设(Assumptions)项目范围(Project Scope)范围变更(Scope Change)范围定义(Scope Definition)范围规划(Scope Planning)范围核实(Scope Verification)范围说明书(Scope Statement)工作分解结构(Work Breakdown Structure, WBS)工作包(Work Package)WBS 字典(WBS Dictionary)工作责任分配矩阵(RAM Responsibility Assignment Matrix)活动(Activity)虚活动(dummy Activity)工期(Duration, DU)项目网络图(Network Diagramming)顺序图法(Precedence Diagramming Method, PDM)箭线图法(Arrow Diagramming Method, ADM)计划评审技术(Program Evaluation and Review Technique, PERT)关键路径法(Critical Path Method, CPM)里程碑(Milestone)最早开始日期(Early Start Date,ES)最早完成日期(Early Finish Date,EF)最晚开始日期(Late Start Date,LS)最晚完成日期(Late Finish Date, LF)浮动时间(Float)资源平衡(Resource Leveling)6、项目成本管理资源计划(Resource Planning)成本估算(Cost Estimating)成本预算(Cost Budgets)类比估算(Analogous Estimating)应急储备(Contingency Reserve)S 曲线(S-Curve)挣值(Earned Value, EV)7、项目人力资源管理组织规划(Organizational Planning)人员招募(Staff Acquisition)团队开发(Team Development)组织分解结构(Organizational Breakdown Structure, OBS)人员管理计划(Staffing Management Plan)权力(Power)8、项目采购管理合同(Contract)违约(Breach)终止(Termination)询价(Solicitation)项目质量管理(PQM)质量规划(Quality Planning)质量保障(Quality Assurance)质量控制(Quality Control)返工(Rework)10、项目沟通管理沟通规划(Communication Planning)信息发布(Information Distribution)绩效报告(Performance Reporting)管理收尾(Administrative Closure)绩效测量基准(Performance Measurement Baseline)沟通障碍(Barriers)11、项目风险管理风险(Risk)风险识别(Risk Identification)敏感性分析(Sensitivity Analysis)蒙特卡罗分析(Monte Carlo Analysis)应急规划(Contingency Planning)风险回避(Risk Avoidance)风险转移(Risk Transference)。



Project Location 项目地点Project Log 项目日志Project Logic 项目逻辑关系Project Logic Drawing 项目逻辑图Project Maker 项目制造者Project Management ("PM") 项目管理Project Management 项目管理Project Management Competence 项目管理能力Project Management Elements 项目管理要素Project Management Information System 项目管理信息系统Project Management Integration 项目管理整合Project Management Manual 项目管理手册Project Management Office ("PMO") 项目管理办公室Project Management Plan 项目管理计划Project Management Process 项目管理过程Project Management Professional ("PMP"?) 项目管理专业人员Project Management Software 项目管理软件Project Management Team 项目管理团队Project Manager ("PM") 项目经理Project Manual 项目手册Project Policies/ProceduresProject Matrix 项目矩阵组织Project Milestone 项目里程碑Project Mission Statement 项目使命说明书Project Monitoring 项目监测Project Network Diagram 项目网络图Project Network Techniques 项目网络技术Project Objective 项目目标Project Objectives 项目目标Project Office 项目办公室Project Organization 项目组织Project Output 项目输出Project Performance 项目绩效Project Personnel 项目人员Project Phase 项目阶段Project Plan 项目计划Project Plan Development 项目计划制定Project Plan Execution 项目计划执行Project Planning 项目计划编制Project Policies 项目方针Project Portfolio 项目组合Project Portfolio Management 项目组合管理Project Portfolio Plan 项目组合计划Project Pre-Selection Meetings 项目初选会议Project Priorities 项目优先权项目优先次序Project Priority Class 项目优先等级Project Problem 项目问题Project Procedures Manual 项目流程手册Project Processes 项目过程Project Procurement Management 项目采购管理Project Procurement Strategy 项目采购策略Project Products List ("PPL") 项目产品清单Project Products List Fact Sheets 项目产品清单情况说明书Project Progress Report 项目进展报告Project Quality Management 项目质量管理Project Records Management 项目记录管理Project Reporting 项目报告项目汇报Project Resource Plan 项目资源计划Project Responsibility 项目责任Project Review 项目评审Project Review Calendar 项目评审日程表Project Risk 项目风险Project Risk Analysis 项目风险分析Project Risk Characterization 项目风险鉴定Project Risk Management 项目风险管理Project Risks 项目风险Project Schedule 项目进度Project Schedules 项目进度表Project Scope 项目范围Project Scope Management 项目范围管理Project Segments 项目组成部分Project Services 项目服务Project Sponsor 项目发起人项目赞助者Project Sponsor, Sponsoring Team 项目发起人发起组Project Stage 项目小阶段子阶段Project Stakeholder 项目干系人项目利益相关者Project Stakeholders 项目干系人Project Standard 项目标准Project Start Date/Schedule 项目开始日期/进度Project Startup 项目启动Project Status Report 项目状态报告Project Strategy 项目策略Project Structure 项目结构Project Success 项目成功Project Success Criteria 项目成功标准Project Success/Failure Criteria 项目成功/失败标准Project Support Office 项目支持办公室Project Task Force 项目特别工作组Project Team 项目团队Project Team Members 项目团队成员Project Teamwork 项目团队协作Project Technical Plan 团队技术计划Project Termination 项目终止Project Time Frame 项目时间框架Project Time Management 项目时间管理Project Users 项目用户Project Visibility 项目可见性Project Vision 项目远景Project Vision Statement 项目远景说明书Project Web Site 项目网站Project/Program Methodology 项目方法论Project-Based Management 基于项目的管理Enterprise Project ManagementProjectized 项目化Projectized Organization 项目型组织Proposal 建议书Proposal Form 建议书格式Proposal Project Plan 建议书项目计划Proprietary Information 所有者信息产权信息Prorated Cost 比例成本Prospectus 计划书说明书Protection 保护Prototype 原型Prototype Model 原型模型Prototype, software 软件原型Prototyping 原型制作Provisional Sum 补贴总额补助金PRTProduct Realization TeamPSPlanned Start DatePSAProfessional Services Agreement PSOProgram Support OfficePSPProfessional Services Provider Public 公众Public Relations 公共关系Public Sources 公共资源Public Speaking 公众演讲技巧Publications 出版物Published Model [MOF] 已发布的模型Punch List 剩余工作清单Punishment of the Innocent 无辜受罚Purchase 购买采购Purchase Order 采购订单Purchasing 采购Purchasing Strategy 采购策略Pure Risk 纯风险Insurable RiskPurpose 意图Price VariancePVWAPlanned value for Work Accomplished PVWSPlanned value for Work Scheduled QAQuality AssuranceQCQuality ControlQualification 合格证明Qualifications: Contractor 承包商资格证明Qualified Product 合格产品Qualified Product List ("OPL") 合格产品清单Qualitative 定性的Qualitative Risk Analysis 定性风险分析Quality 质量Quality Assurance 质量保证质量保证部门Quality Assurance Plan 质量保证计划Quality Assurance Policy 质量保证方针Quality Assurance Program 质量保证程序Quality Assurance Representative ("OAR") 质量保证代表Quality Assurance) ("QA") 质量保证Quality Audit 质量审核Quality Conformance 质量合格Quality Control ("QC") 质量控制质量控制部门Quality Criteria 质量准则Quality Evaluation Methods 质量评估方法Quality File 质量文件Quality Function Deployment 质量功能部署Quality Grade 质量等级Quality Guide 质量指南Quality Improvement 质量改进Quality Improvement Program 质量改进计划Quality Inspection 质量检查Quality Inspection Procedures 质量检查程序Quality Loop; Quality Spiral 质量环质量螺旋线Quality Management 质量管理Quality Management Function 质量管理职能Quality Plan 质量计划Quality Planning 质量计划编制Quality Policy 质量方针Quality Process Review 质量过程评审Quality Program Requirement 质量计划需求Quality Review 质量评审Quality Standards 质量标准Quality Surveillance 质量监督Quality System 质量体系Quality System Review 质量体系评审Quantitative 定量的Quantity Take-Off 工料估算Quantum 定额Queue 排队等待Quick Reaction Capability 快速反应能力RAMResponsibility/Accountability MatrixResponsibility Assignment MatrixRAMPRisk Analysis and Management for Projects Random Observation 随机抽样观察Random Sample 随机抽样Range 范围Rank 等级Ranked Positional Weight Method ("RPWM") 重要位置排序法Ranking 排序Rapid Implementation 快速实施Fast TrackingRationale 原理说明RBSResource Breakdown StructureRDBMSRelational DataBase Management System Readiness Assessment 准备情况评估Real Property 地产房地产Real Time 实时Real World 现实世界Realization 实现Re-baseline 重定基线Rebaselining 重定基线Re_BaseliningRe-baselining 重定基线Recognized Profession 公认职业Recommend 推荐(动词) 建议Recommendation 推荐(名词) 建议Reconditioned 再修复Record 记录Record Drawings 图纸记录Record Retention 记录保留Recording Facts 记录事实Records 记录Records Management 记录管理Recruitment, Selection and Job Placement 招聘挑选和工作安排Recurring Costs 复发性费用Recurring Task 复发性任务周期性任务Reduced Inspection 精简检查Reduction in Force 缩编Redundancy 冗余多余人员Reengineering 重组再设计Reference Group 咨询小组Referent Power 威望权力Refinement, Schedule Refinement 改善进度改善Regression Analysis 回归分析Regulations 规则Regulatory 调整Regulatory Personnel 纪检人员Reimbursable Expenditure 可退还经费Reinforcement Theory 强化理论Rejected 被拒绝Rejection Number 遭拒底数Related Base 关联基Relationship 关系Relationship Float 关系浮动时间Release 发布发布版本Release Claims 发布声明Release Manager 发布经理Reliability 可靠性Reliability Assurance 可靠性保证Remaining Available Resource 剩余可用资源Remaining Duration 剩余工期Remaining Float ("RF") 剩余浮动时间Re-measurement 再测量Repetitive Work Sequence 重复工作系列Replacement Theory 替代理论重置理论Replacement value重置价值Replan 再计划Replanning 再次制定计划Report 汇报报告Report Specification File 报告规范文件Reporting 报告编写报告Reporting by Responsibility 根据职责汇报Repository 储存库Re-profiling 重新规划Reprogramming 重新计划Reputation 名誉Request for Appropriation ("RFA") 经费申请Capital Appropriation RequestRequest for Change ("RFC") 变更申请Request for Information 信息申请Request for Proposal 建议书邀请函征求建议书Request for Proposals 建议书邀请函征求建议书Request for Quotation 报价邀请函Request for Quotations 报价邀请函Requirement 需求Requirement Attribute 需求特征Requirement Specification 需求规范Requirement Type 需求类型Requirements 需求Requirements Definition 需求定义Requirements Flowdown 需求分解Requirements Management 需求管理Requirements of Society 社会需求Requirements Traceability 需求的可追溯性Requirements Traceability Matrix 需求的追溯模型Requirements Tracing 需求跟踪Requirements Workflow 需求工作流Reschedule 重定进度Rescheduling 重定进度Research 研究Research and Development 研究和开发Reserve 储备金Reserve For Scope Changes 范围变更储备金Residential Construction 民用建筑住宅建设Residual Risks 剩余风险Residual value残值Residue File 剩余资源文件Resolution 解决Resource 资源Resource Accumulation 资源累计Resource Aggregation 资源总和Resource Allocation 资源分配Resource Allocation Process 资源分配过程Resource Analysis 资源分析Resource Assignment 资源分配Resource Availability 资源可用性Resource Availability Date 资源可用日期Resource Availability Pool 资源可用库Resource Breakdown Structure ("RBS") 资源分解结构Resource Calendar 资源日历Resource Category 资源目录Resource Code 资源代码Resource Constraint 资源制约条件(约束) Resource De script ion 资源描述Resource Driven Task Durations 资源驱动的任务工期Resource Effort 资源工作量Resource Group 资源工作组Resource Histogram 资源柱状图Resource Identification 资源鉴别Resource Level 资源水平Resource Leveling 资源平衡Resource AllocationResource Limited Scheduling 资源受限的进度规划Resource LevelingResource List 资源清单Resource Management 资源管理Resource Needs 资源需求Resource Offset 资源偏移量资源互补Resource Optimization 资源优化Resource Period 资源持续时间Resource Plan 资源计划Resource Planning 资源计划安排Resource Plots 资源图表Resource Pool 资源库Resource Profile 资源量变曲线Resource Scheduling 资源进度计划Resource Smoothing 资源平滑Resource Thresholds 资源阀值Resource Total 资源总和Resource Unit 资源单元Resource-Based Duration 基于资源的工期Resource-Limited Planning 资源受限的计划Resource-Limited Resource Scheduling 资源受限的资源进度计划Resources 资源Resourcing Plan 资源计划Response Planning 响应计划编制Response System 响应系统Response Time 响应时间Responsibility 职责Responsibility Assignment Matrix ("RAM") 责任分配矩阵( RAM ) Responsibility Chart 职责表Responsibility/Accountability MatrixResponsibility Charting 职责表制作Responsibility Matrix 责任矩阵Responsibility Assignment Matrix.Responsibility/Accountability Matrix ("RAM") 责任矩阵( RAM ) Responsible Organization 责任组织Restraint 制约因素Restructuring 重组Resubmitted Lot 再次提交的组(批次)Result 结果Results 结果Retainage 定金Retention 保留金Return on Investment ("ROI") 投资回报Reuse 复用Revamp 改进Revenue 收入Revenue Cost 收入成本收益成本Review 评审Reviewers 评审员Revision 修订Reward 奖赏Reward Power 奖赏权力Rework 返工RF 剩余浮动时间Remaining FloatRFA 经费申请Request for Appropriation RFC 变更申请Request for ChangeRFP 建议书邀请函Request for ProposalRFQ 报价邀请函Request for QuotationRisk 风险Risk & Readiness Assessment 风险和准备情况评估Risk Analysis 风险分析Risk Analysis and Management for Projects ("RAMP")项目的风险分析和管理( RAMP )Risk Analyst 风险分析员Risk and Contingency Management 风险和应急管理Risk Assessment 风险评估Risk Assessment Tables 风险评估表Risk Assumption 风险假设条件Risk Avoidance 风险回避Risk Brainstorming 风险头脑风暴Risk Custodian 风险监督人Risk Data Applications 风险数据应用Risk Deflection 风险转移Risk Diary 风险日志Risk Evaluation 风险评价Risk Event 风险事件Risk Event Status 风险事件状态Risk Factor 风险因素Risk Identification 风险识别Risk Management 风险管理Risk Management Budget ("RMB")风险管理预算( RMB ) Risk Management Plan 风险管理计划Risk Matrix 风险矩阵Risk Mitigation 风险减轻Risk Mitigation Strategy 风险减轻战略Risk Prioritizing 风险排序Risk Probability 风险概率Risk Process Manager 风险过程经理Risk Quantification 风险量化Risk Ranking 风险分级Risk Reduction 风险降低Risk Response 风险响应Risk Response Control 风险响应控制Risk Response Development 风险响应计划制定Risk Response Plan 风险响应计划Risk Response Planning 风险响应计划编制Risk Response System 风险响应系统Risk Review 风险评审Risk Sharing 风险共担Risk Transfer 风险转移Risk Treatment 风险处理Risk value风险值Risk, close-down report 风险结束报告Risk, process plan 风险过程计划Risk, project risk 风险项目风险Risks 风险Role 角色workerRoles 角色Roll Up 总成Rolling Wave 滚动计划Rolling Wave Concept 滚动计划概念Rolling Wave Planning 滚动计划规划Rough Order of Magnitude Estimate ("ROM") 粗数量级估计( ROM ) Royalties 特许使用费版税Rubber Baselining 橡皮基线Rule of Thumb 经验法则Rules 规则Rules of Evidence 证据规则Run Time 运行时间Runaway Project 失控项目S Curve S 曲线S Curve Tracking S 曲线跟踪Safety 安全措施Safety Plan 安全计划Salary Administration 薪酬管理Sales 销售Salvage 残值Sample 样品Sample Plan, Multiple 多次抽样计划Sample Size 抽样规模Sample Unit 抽样单元Sample, Representative 典型抽样Sampling 抽样Sampling Frequency ("f") 抽样频率Sampling Plan 抽样计划Sampling Plan, double 二次抽样计划Sampling Plan, multi-level 多层次抽样计划Sampling Plan, sequential 顺序抽样计划Sampling Plan, single 单次抽样计划Sampling Plan, single-level 单层次抽样计划Sampling, biased 有歧视性抽样SARSubsequent Application Review Satisfaction 满意SCScheduled CostScanning 扫描式检查Scenario 情景Scenario Planning 情景规划Schedule 进度表进度计划Project ScheduleNetwork AnalysisSchedule Compression 进度压缩Duration CompressionSchedule Control 进度控制Schedule Dates 进度日期Schedule Development 进度安排Schedule Management 进度管理Schedule Performance Index ("SPI") 进度绩效指数Schedule Refinement 进度调整Schedule Revision 进度修正Schedule Status 进度状态Scope ReportingSchedule Update 进度更新Schedule Variance ("SV") 进度偏差("SV") Schedule Work Unit 进度工作单元Scheduled Cost ("SC") 计划成本Scheduled Cost of Work 工作的计划成本Budgeted Cost of Work ScheduledScheduled Finish ("SF") 计划完成点("SF") Scheduled Finish Date ("SF") 计划完成日期("SF")Scheduled Network 时间表/进度网络图Scheduled Performance Indicator ("SPI") 进度绩效指数Scheduled Performance Ratio ("SPR") 进度绩效比Scheduled Performance IndicatorScheduled Start ("SS") 计划开始点Scheduled Start Date ("SSD") 计划开始日期Scheduling 进度安排Scheduling Techniques 进度安排技巧Scientific Wild Anatomical Guess ("SWAG") 科学粗略剖析性猜测Scope 范围Scope Allowance 范围允许量Scope Baseline 范围基线另BaselineScope Baseline Approval 范围基线核准Scope Boundaries 范围边界Scope Change 范围变更Scope Change Control 范围变更控制Scope Changes 范围变更Scope Constraints 范围约束Scope Cost 范围成本Scope Creep 范围蔓延Scope Criteria 范围标准Scope Definition 范围定义Scope De script ion 范围描述Scope Interfaces 范围界面Scope Management 范围管理Scope of Work 工作范围Scope Performance/Quality 范围性能/质量Scope Quality 范围质量Scope Reporting 范围报告Scope Risk 范围风险Scope Risk Limits 范围风险限度Scope Schedule 范围进度Scope Statement 范围说明Scope Verification 范围验证范围确认Score 评分Scoring a Project's Contribution 项目贡献评分Scoring Plan 评分计划SCR 系统概念评审System Concept ReviewScrap 废料Screening 筛选法Screening Inspection 筛选检查SDL 软件开发库Software Development Library SDR 系统设计评审System Design ReviewSDWT 自我指导工作团队Self Directed Work Teams Sealed Bidding 封标Second Source 第二货源Secondary Float ("SF") 次要浮动时间Secondary Risk 次级风险Secondary Risks 次级风险Secondment Matrix 借调矩阵型Sector 部分扇区Sectors 部门Security 安全Security Acceptance Letter 安全许可证/函Security Plan 安全计划Segment 部分Selection 选择Self Directed Work Teams ("SDWT") 自我指导工作团队Self-Inspection 自检Self-Insurance 自我保险Seller 卖方Seller's Market 卖方市场Selling 销售Semantics 语义学Semi-Time-Scaled Logic Drawing 半时标逻辑图Senior Technical 高级技术人员Senior User 高级用户Sensitivity 敏感性Sensitivity Analysis 敏感性分析Sequence 序列Service and Support Personnel 服务和支持人员Service Contract 服务合同Service Liability 服务责任Product LiabilityServices 服务Setup 安装SFLevel Finish/Schedule Scheduled Finish Secondary Float Scheduled Finish DateShall 必须Shareholders 股东Shipment 发货Shop Drawings 施工图, 制造图Shop Inspection 出厂检验Short Term 短期Short Term Plan 短期计划Short Term Schedule 短期进度Short Term PlanShould-Cost Estimate 应该成本估算Show Stopper 项目障碍物Sign-Off 签署同意Simulation 模拟Computer ModelingSimultaneous Engineering/Design 并行工程/设计Concurrent EngineeringSite 现场Site Instruction 现场指导Field ClarificationSite Layout 现场布局图Site Preparation 现场准备Site Works 现场工作Situation Analysis 形势分析Situation Planning 形势计划制定Situational 情形的Sizing Estimate 分/量级估算Estimate Class CSkill 技能Skill Groups 技能组Skills 专门技术技能Skunk Works 特殊团队Quick Reaction Capability Slack 时差浮动时间FloatSlack Time 时差/浮动时间Slip Chart 趋势图Slippage 偏移SLVAR 差异分析报告汇总Summary Level Variance Analysis Reporting Smoothing 缓和平滑Social 社交的社会的Social Factors 社会因素Social Loafing 懒散地工作Socioeconomic 社会经济学的Soft Project 软项目Soft Skills 软技能Software 软件Computer SoftwareSoftware Architecture 软件构架Software Development 软件开发Software Development Library ("SDL") 软件开发库Software Development Plan 软件开发计划Software Engineering 软件工程Software Product Specification 软件产品规范Software Project 软件项目Software Quality Assurance 软件质量保证Software Specification Review 软件规范评审Sole Source 唯一供方Sole Sourcing 唯一供方的采购Solicitation 询价Solicitation Planning 询价计划制定Solution Selection 方案选择Solving 解决Source 来源Source Code 源代码Source List 供方目录Source Selection 供方选择Source Selection, in procurement 供方选择, 在采购过程中Sourcing 决定供方SOW 工作说明书Statement of WorkSpan Activity。



项目管理里面的术语术语解释Accountability Matrix 职责矩阵Activity 活动Activity Definition 活动定义Activity Description-AD 活动描述Activity Duration Estimating 活动历时估算Activity On Arrow-AOA 双代号网络图,即箭线图法-ADM Activity On Node-AON 单代号网络图,即前导图法-PDM Activity Sequencing 活动排序Actual Cost of Work Performed-ACWP 已完成工作实际成本Actual Cost-AC 真实成本Actual Finish Date-AF 实际完成日期Actual Start Date-AS 实际开始日期Administrative Closure 行政收尾Application Area 应用领域Arrow 箭线Arrow Diagramming Method-ADM 箭线图法,即双代号网络图-AOAAs of Date 截至日期Assumptions 假设Assumptions analysis 假设分析Backward Pass 逆推法Bar Chart 逆推法,即甘特图GanttBaseline 基准计划Baseline Finish Date 基准计划完成时间Baseline Start Date 基准计划开始时间Brainstorming 头脑风暴法Budget At Completion-BAC 完工预算Budget Estimate 预算估算Budgeted Cost of Work Performed-BCWP 已完成工作预算成本Budgeted Cost of Work Scheduled-BCWS 计划工作预算成本(计划投资额)Buffer 缓冲物Calendar Unit 日立单位Change Control Board-CCB 变更控制委员会Chart 章程Chart of Accounts 会计科目表Checklist 检查表Code of Accounts 帐目编码Communications Planning 沟通计划编制Component 要素Constraint 约束Contingencies 应急费用(不可预见费)Contingency Allowance 应急费用Contingency Planning 应急计划编制Contingency Reserver 应急储备Contract 合同Contract Administration 合同管理Contract Close out 合同收尾Control 控制Control Account Plan-CAP 控制核算计划Control Charts 控制图Corrective Charts 纠正措施Cost Budgeting 成本预算Cost Control 成本控制Cost Estimating 成本估算Cost of Quality 质量成本Cost Performance Index-CPI 成本执行指数Cost Plus Fixed Fee-CPFF 成本加固定费Cost Plus Incentive Fee-CPIF 成本加奖励Cost Variance-CV 成本偏差Crashing 赶工Critical Activity 关键活动Critical Path 关键路径Critical Path Method-CPM 关键路径法Current Finish Date 当前完成日期Current Start Date 当前开始日期Data Date-DD 数据日期Decision Tree Analysis 决策树分析Definitive Estimate 限定性估算Deliverable 可交付成果Dependency 依赖关系Dummy Activity 虚拟活动Duration 历时或工期Duration Compression 历时/工期压缩Early Finish Date-EF 最早完成日期Early Start Date-ES 最早开始日期Earned Value Management 挣值管理Earned Value-EV 挣值Effort 人工量Element 元素Estimate 估算Estimate At Completion-EAC 完工估算Estimate To Complete-ETC 完工尚需估算Event on Node 节点图Exception Report 例外计划报告Fast Tracking 快速跟进Finish Date 完成日期Finish To Finish-FF 完成-完成逻辑关系Finish To Start-FS 完成-开始逻辑关系Firm Fixed Price-FFP 固定总价Fixed Price Contract-FFP 固定总价合同Fixed Price Incentive Fee Contract-FOIF 固定总价加奖励费合同Float 浮动时间Forecast Final Cost 预计最终成本Forward Pass 正推法Fragnet 子网络Free Float-FF 自由浮动时间Functional Manager 职能经理Functional Organization 职能组织Gantt Chart 甘特图(横道图)Grade 等级Graphical Evaluation and Review Technique-GERT 图形评审技术Hammock 集体活动Hanger 铛锒儿,网络路径中的意外中断Information Distribution 信息发布Initiation 启动Integrated Change Control 综合变更控制Integrated Cost Schedule Reporting 综合成本/进度报告Invitation for Bid-IFB 投标邀请书Key Event Schedule 关键时间进度计划Lag 滞后Late Finish Date-LF 最完完成日期Late Start Date-LS 最完开始日期Lead 超前Lessons Learned 取得的教训Level of Effort-LOE 投入水平Leveling 平衡Life circle Costing 全寿命期成本计算Line Manager 直线经理Link 联系Logic 逻辑Logic Diagram 逻辑图Logic Relationship 逻辑关系Loop 回路Master Schedule 主进度计划Mathematical Analysis 数学分析Matrix Organization 矩阵组织Milestone 里程碑Milestone Schedule 里程碑进度计划Mitigation 减轻风险Monitoring 监测Monte Carlo Analysis 蒙特卡罗分析,估计进度风险的一种技术Near Critical Activity 次关键活动Network 网络Network Analysis 网络分析Network Logic 网络逻辑Network Pass 网络路径Node 节点Order of Magnitude Estimation 数量级估算Organizational Breakdown Structure-OBS 组织分解结构Organizational Planning 组织计划编制Overlap 重叠Parametric Estimating 参数估算编制Pareto Diagram 帕雷托图Path 路径Path Convergence 路径趋同Path Float 路径时差Percent Complete-PC 完成百分比Performance Measurement Baseline 绩效测量原始计划Performance Reporting 执行报告Performing Organization 执行机构PERT Chart PERT图Phase 阶段Planned Finish Date 计划完成日期Planned Start Date 计划开始日期Planned Value-PV 计划值Precedence Diagramming Method-PDM 前导图法Precedence Relationship 前导关系Predecessor Activity 前导活动Probability and Impact Matrix 概率与影响矩阵Procurement Planning 采购计划编制Product Scope 产品范围Program 大型项目Program Evaluation and Review Technique-PERT 计划评审技术Project 项目Project Charter 项目章程Project Communication Management 项目沟通管理Project Cost management 项目成本管理Project Human Resource management 项目人力资源管理Project Integration Management 项目综合管理Project Life Cycle 项目生命周期Project Management 项目管理Project Management Body of Knowledge-PMBOK 项目管理知识体系Project Management Professional-PMP 项目管理专业人员Project Management Software 项目管理软件Project Management Team 项目管理班子Project Manager 项目经理Project Network Diagram 项目网络图Project Phase 项目阶段Project Plan 项目计划Project Plan Development 项目计划制定Project Plan Execution 项目计划实施Project Planning 项目计划编制Project Procurement Management 项目采购管理Project Quality Management 项目质量管理Project Risk Management 项目风险管理Project Schedule 项目进度Project Scope 项目范围Project Scope Management 项目范围管理Project Team Members 项目队伍成员Project Time Management 项目时间管理Projectized Organization 项目型组织Qualitative Risk Analysis 定性风险分析Quality Assurance-QA 质量保证Quality Control-QC 质量控制Quality Planning 质量计划编制Quantitative Risk Analysis 定量风险分析Remaining Duration 剩余历时Request for Proposal-RFP 邀请提交建议书Request for Quotation-RFQ 邀请报价Reserve 储备金Residual Risk 残留风险Resource Leveling 资源平衡Resource Limited Schedule 有限资源进度计划Resource Planning 资源计划编制Responsibility Assignment Matrix-RAM 责任分配矩阵Responsibility Chart 职责表Responsibility Matrix 职责矩阵Retainage 保留金Rework 返工Risk 风险Risk Acceptance 风险接收Risk Avoidance 风险规避Risk Category 风险分类Risk Database 风险数据库Risk Event 风险事件Risk Identification 风险识别Risk Management Plan 风险管理计划Risk Management Planning 风险管理计划编制Risk Mitigation 风险转移Risk Monitoring and Control 风险监控Risk Register 风险记录Risk Response Plan 风险应对计划Risk Response Planning 风险应对计划编制Risk Transference 风险传递S Curve S曲线Schedule 进度Schedule Analysis 进度分析Schedule Compression 进度压缩Schedule Control 进度计划控制Schedule Development 进度计划编制Schedule Finish Date 进度完成日期Schedule Performance Index-SPI 进度计划执行指数Schedule Variance-SV 进度偏差Scope 范围Scope Baseline 范围基准计划Scope Change 范围变更Scope Change Control 范围变更控制Scope Definition 范围定义Scope Planning 范围计划编制Scope Statement 范围说明Scope Verification 范围核实Secondary Risk 间接风险Seller 卖主Should Cost Budget 应该成本预算Should Cost Estimate 应该成本估算Simulation 仿真Slack 时差Solicitation 询价Solicitation Planning 询价计划编制Source Selection 供方选择Staff Acquisition 人员招募Stakeholder 项目干系人Start Date 开始日期Start To Finish 开始-完成逻辑关系Start To Start 开始-开始逻辑关系Statement of Work-SOW 工作说明Subnet 子网络Subnetwork 子网络Subproject 子项目Successor Activity 后续活动Target Completion Date-TC 目标完成日期Target Finish Date-TF 目标完成日期Target Schedule 目标进度计划Target Start Date-TS 目标开始日期Task 任务Team Development 队伍组建Team Members 队伍成员Technical Performance Measurement 技术绩效测量Time Scaled Network Diagram 时标网络图Total Float 总时差Total Quality Management-TQM 全面质量管理Transference 传递Triggers 触发器Value Engineering-VE 价值工程Work Breakdown Structure-WBS 工作分解结构Work Item 工作项Work Package 工作包Workaround 权变措施。



第24章项目管理英语知识24.1 项目管理英语词汇24.1.1 考点梳理⏹常用的项目管理英语词汇➢Projects——项目。

➢PMBOK—— Project Management Body Of Knowledge,项目管理知识体系。




➢Activity Description——活动描述。

➢Activity Definition——活动定义。

➢Activity Description——活动描述/说明。

➢Activity List——活动清单。



➢Product Life Cycle——产品生命周期。

➢PMO——Project Management Office,项目管理办公室。

➢Project Charter——项目章程。

➢Project Manager——项目经理。

➢Project Sponsor——项目发起人。

➢Project Stakeholder——项目干系人。

➢Project Management Plan——项目管理计划。

➢Project Team——项目团队。

➢Functional Organization——职能组织。

➢Matrix Organization——矩阵型组织。

➢Project Organization——项目型组织。

➢PMIS——-Project Management Information System,项目管理信息系统。

➢Project Management Process Group——项目管理过程组。

➢Initiating Process——-启动过程组。

➢Planning Process——-计划过程组。

➢Executing Process——执行过程组。

➢Controlling Process——控制过程组。

➢Closing Process——收尾过程组。

Project Management-PDF

Project Management-PDF

@task Product TourManagementProject Management@task will help your organization get more projects doneScheduling and executing projects in @task is easy and intuitive. @task provides a feature-rich Gantt chart, powerful real-time reporting, and custom project dashboards and views that give you complete visibility throughout your entire project. @task also allows you to seamlessly import and export MS Project files.@task helps industry leaders get more projects done.Welcome Screen@task makes it easy to get go ing on your projects whether you're new to project management or have been managing projects for years.My Projects@task’s customizable project dashboards, portal profiles, groups, views, filters, and user-friendly design give you the tools to mana ge your projects successfully—all in real-time.Project Reports@task's powerful reporting allows users to view real-time project status through dynamic reports. Users can also customize project reports specific to their business.Team UtilizationIt's easy for project managers to work with their teams when they can see exactly who is working on each task and how big their workload is.An Extremely Versatile and Functional Gantt Chart@task's Gantt allows users to plan and manage projects in a vi sual environment. Users can drag and drop roles, tasks, and milestones onto the project timeline, making planning projects easy.Gantt ChartThe powerful interactive Gantt chart makes planning and managing your projects easier than ever beforeIf you've never used a Gantt to manage your projects, now is a good time to start. If you have, get ready for project management at the next level.@task's Gantt chart is built with a drag-and-drop interface that makes it easier than ever to build a project and man age it to completion.Gantt ChartThe Gantt is laid out over a spreadsheet-like worksheet and includes useful detail panes on the right. Simply drag and drop users, job roles or milestones from these panes right into your project.Zoom to the Right ScaleAdvanced tools let you zoom in on any section, or click and drag in the calendar bar to adjust your scale.Edit Task on the GanttClick and drag to create tasks. Right click to edit them, or click and drag to update status or add predecessor relationships.Task WorksheetThe Gantt is laid out over a spreadsheet-like task worksheet. If you prefer, you can peel back the Gantt and work directly in the worksheet.Print any SizeMany organizations work with printed Gantt charts. With @task yo u can print Gannts in any size.Advanced Team BuildingChoose the right team members for each taskQuickly see which team members are available to be assigned to a task according to their scheduled workload and job role. Review all team members with the same role and evaluate substitutions to optimize your utilization.Available UsersHere we have selected a task and @task is showing us which users are available to do the task based on their availability and their job role.Drag and Drop AssignmentsTo make an assignment, simply drag it onto the user; or drag the user onto an assignment.Appropriate TasksSelect a user to see which tasks that user could perform. This is also based on job roles.Filter Potential Team MembersThe users can be filtered by job role, user group, or they can be displayed for the entire organization.Drag and Drop Multiple Users or TasksBy selecting multiple tasks, a user can be assigned to all of them at once. Likewise, by selecting multiple users, you can assign them all to one task.Portfolio Management@task gives you visibility across your entire portfolio of projects@task is great for PMOs and executives who need to understand and administer the strategic direction of their portfolios. @task offer s tools to help prioritize projects, view portfolio status, and align teams with strategic decisions.Boardroom reports can be presented in real-time instead of assembled over weeks. Collect all the details you need to track costs and revenues or apply models like Earned Value Management to your projects.Portfolio Scorecard@task allows companies to generate scorecards specific to their portfolios.Real-time Portfolio StatusQuickly understand the status and health of your portfolio in real-time with a click of a button. No more lengthy computing.Portfolio—Strategic Planning@task allows users to make strategic portfolio decisions with tools like a capacity planner.Portfolio Risk-Benefit ChartCompare projects in your portfolios on four dimensions: Risk, Benefit, Alignment and Cost.Portfolio Report CardsGenerate portfolio report cards to quickly view the overall health of your portfolios and their projects.Visibility@task gives you unmatched reporting capability@task allows you to select from a library of common reports, or custom build your own. Reports can be saved as favorites, mounted to your dashboard, and exported to Excel, CSV or PDF. With @task, it's easy to represent your data in the way that's the best for you.@task takes reporting one step further by making it available inline--from practically any area of the application--with filters, views and groups. Nobody makes your data more accessible than @task.Inline Report Filters, Views, and GroupsVisibility in @task means that you get reporting functionality throughout the application as well as in our reporting area.Unmatched ReportingAt a glance you can see the status of your projects. Increa sed organizational transparency translated into increased accountability from managers and team members.Custom Views@task Smart Reports add visibility to custom report views without the need to learn a reporting language or use a third-party tool.Custom ReportsBuild custom reports specific to your business that allows users to make data-driven not decibel-driven decisions.Expenses & Revenues@task offers financial management tools to track expenses associated with your projectsTrack line item expenses on projects or tasks and summarize your costs and revenues in a billing record. Compare estimates with actual expenses and mark which items are billable on the project. Customize expense and revenue fields to match your business.Editing Line Item Expenses@task lets you define how you track expenses and evaluate how your actual expenses match up against your estimates. You can attach line items to projects or tasks.Expense types are fully customizable to your organizat ion. Expenses can then be displayed or grouped by type for easy tracking.Expenses by TaskEasily see which tasks have the highest associated expenses and compare expenses across tasks.You can group expenses by periods of time. Thi s is especially helpful if you need to bill for expenses with your monthly billing cycle.Billing Record EntryBilling records let you finalize expenses and revenues prior to exporting the data.Billing Record ViewThe final billing record makes it easy to track expenses over time and can be exported into accounting software or integrated with other applications.Earned Value Management (EVM)@task supports the EVM approach to project managementIf you use EVM, @task is the solution for you. @task's Earned Value Management support offers tools to track performance, schedules and costs that meet EVM standards.Earned Value Management ViewEVM values are automatically calculated and built-in to @task's "Earned Value" view. This view allows you t o monitor project schedule and cost variances in a constant and structured manner.Earned Value Management Baselines@task's Earned Value baseline report lets you track Estimate at Completion (EAC), Cost Schedule Index (CSI), Cost Performance Index (CP I), and Schedule Performance Index (SPI) across the life of a project by measuring these values at various "baseline" points in time.Demand Management@task includes tools to evaluate and accept demands on your resourcesAnyone from team members to out side vendors can submit project requests. Managing how these demands impact limited resources is easy in @task.@task's powerful demand management tools allow users to evaluate the impact of requests on the current plans. Then requests are either accepted into the workflow or rejected/modified as needed.Full-featured built-in help desk and issue management tools make @task the natural choice for IT departments. Notifications are sent to the appropriate team members as issues are resolved.Submit IssuesProjects can be set up as queues where new issues can be added for review. As these requests come in, @task delivers the visibility to evaluate and resolve them.Evaluate Project Requests@task gives you tools like the Risk-Benefit bubble chart to evalua te which project requests you want to plan and execute.View Projects by PriorityViewing projects by priority helps executives determine the right projects to work on.Resource ManagementGain executive insight into the people who do the work@task lets you organize your people into resource pools to better understand what capabilities you have in each area of the organization. See when your teams are under- or over-utilized. Take advantage of an interactive Resource Grid where you can view and edi t how your resources are allocated and scheduled on projects, tasks and issues. Schedules automatically adjust for time off. Assign tasks and issues to job roles instead of individuals when you need to plan, but don’t know who will take a particular assignment.Users are assigned to access levels which both helps them see information most useful to their job role and provides security. For example, an executive user could view financials that a team member could not.Resource PoolsYou can organize resources across your organization into resource pools, complete with information about how many of each resource type is available in the pool.The Resource Utilization GridThe Resource Grid lets you see in a calendar where your team is over- or under-utilized and where each team member is allocated.View Users and Job Roles@task lets you make assignments to individual users or job roles that you define.Review Resource Assignments and SchedulesTrack the progress of each user on assigned tasks and g ain insight into the availability and utilization of everyone on the team.Work Required by Job RoleSee how each Job Role stacks up and how much is required over time. Forecast your human resource needs based on your previous trend.Capacity PlanningYour strategic decisions automatically cascade through your organizationWhich projects can I do? How will the new project affect my current plan? Which projects are the best for us to do?@task allows executives to drag initiatives around a timeline and get real-time feedback on how other current or planned projects will be affected. When everything fits, your plan delivers full utilization. Project Managers are notified and able to reconcile their teams with strategic decisions.Select a List of ProjectsSelect the projects for import to the Capacity Planner. @task lets you compile this list from many criteria so your plans are right on target.Planning with the Capacity PlannerThe Capacity Planner lets you see the impact of adding to or ch anging your current plan. Here, the "Great Idea" project has caused a disruption in the two projects below it. You can adjust the schedule or the resource budget here and push your changes "downstream" to your project managers.Reconcile With Strategic Plan@task gives your project managers tools to reconcile schedules and resource budgets with your plan so the entire organization is quickly up to speed. Resources are dedicated to working on projects aligned with your strategic decisions making your organ ization agile enough to accept new priorities with the least waste.Time Management@task integrates timesheets so you know which hours go on which projects@task has a built-in timesheet management portal, which allows you to create and search timesheets for anyone on your team. Timesheets are designed to capture hours for projects, tasks and issues.TimesheetsUsers can clock in and out, as well as assign hours of their work to individual projects, tasks and issues.View Hours by User@task gives you many ways to review who on your team is over- or under-utilized.Combined CalendarA useful look at how your users and schedule lines up with the calendar.Personal CalendarsTrack holidays, sick days and vacation so you can see how days off affe ct the available resources on the team.Process Improvement@task allows you to analyze your projects in post-mortem retrospectivesBusiness Process Improvement requires that you analyze and understand your past performance. Whether you use Six Sigma o r just want better performance, @task gives you powerful tools to autopsy your projects and discover areas for improvement.Project templates can be updated with improved processes in retrospect so you have built-in improvements from the moment you start t he new project.Process Improvement WorksheetProject templates can be reviewed and improved. @task allows you to compare plans against the actual time it took to complete the tasks in the past. It even allows you to average past performance over projec ts that meet your sorting criteria.Planned vs. Actual ReportingWhen reviewing your project performance, @task gives you tools to compare your estimates to how you actually performed.AuditingGovernance is built-in to every area of @task by design.@task keeps track of every step its users make. Audit trails can include notes, documents, status changes, and more. User profiles are built with customizable access levels. Users are given access to view and edit projects as required.Job RolesCosts can be assigned to job roles. So, when it comes time to audit labor costs or review the hourly billable rate for your organization, @task provides all the info required.Access LevelsBy establishing access levels and using @task's built-in controls, you can manage your project in a central location and remain fully SOX compliant.Audit Trails@task automatically tracks audit trails that include notes, documents, status changes, and more. Making your projects SOX compliant.Save Project-Critical FormulasProject critical formulas are automatically saved as part of the project record, keeping you SOX compliant.CollaborateTask ManagementNothing beats @task when it comes to managing tasks and executing your projects@task allows you to add and edit tasks in w ays that are easy and intuitive, from a spreadsheet-like task worksheet to the powerful Gantt chart. You can even bulk-edit tasks to quickly update multiple tasks. Team members can quickly up date task status, attach documents, collaborate via notifications, and add notes and discussions.Tasks by StatusProject views allow you to quickly see the team's progress on individual tasks.Task WorksheetAn intuitive worksheet allows for quick crea tion and editing of tasks, including things like predecessors, constraints, duration, order, assignments and more.Pie Chart@task includes a full suite of reporting capabilities and inline reporting so you can keep your finger on the pulse of your organ ization.Bulk Edit TasksProject managers frequently need to make changes to many tasks at once. @task makes this easy whether you're editing five tasks or 100.Reports & Dashboards@task's industry-leading reports provide information for making critical decisions.@task is unique in the industry with its powerful and comprehensive reporting capability. Dashboards can be customized to include reports that update in real-time. @task also adds the ability to pull reports and Smart views from within the application, so you see what you need, when you need to see it.If you use a third-party reporting software, like Crystal Reports or Cognos, no problem—@task will seamlessly integrate with your current software.Over 50 Standard ReportsWith 50+ standard reports and unlimited custom reports, @task lets you see what you need, when and where you need it. You'll find that you are able to use real data to make decisions and manage your projects like never before.Full-Featured Customizable Reports@task provides unmatched reporting capability. True business intelligence allows you to see exactly what you want to see without the use of third-party tools.Customized DashboardsQuickly customize your dashboard with reports and other business-specific information you need to make decisions and get work done.Smart Reports- Customizable Views Use colors and styles to make your data easy to digest.@task Smart Reports add intelligence to your custom-built @task report views without the need to learn a reporting language or use a third-party tool. Smart Reports allows customization of report views using logic definitions for custom values, background colors, text colors, and CSS support.Building a Custom Report ViewAdd colors and styles based on your custom values.View a Sample Custom Report ViewHighlight information to make important daily decisions.Custom Chart ViewsBuild custom chart views specific to your business.Smart Reports- CSS SupportAdvanced Views in Smart ReportsThe creation of advanced views in Smart Reports allows report customization with full CSS scripting. The power of viewing your reports, your way, is at your fingertips.CSS SupportBuild custom views with f ull CSS scripting.Real-time Projections@task helps you bring your projects in on time.Getting work done on time is easy as @task automatically calculates adjustments in everything from the schedule to the amount of time your team members are availabl e to work on their tasks.Milestone Path StatusWith @task, it is easy to see your progress and forecast that to accurately project when your projects will be complete.Baseline Snapshots@task allows users to take snapshots of projects in process and compare progress to a predetermined projection.Document ManagementFull featured document management is built-in to @task.With @task, you can attach documents to projects, tasks and issues.Version control lets you track changes and you can even drag and drop documents right from your desktop using WebDA V technology.Multiple documents can be exported as a ZIP file and ZIP files can be imported and automatically expanded.Upload DocumentsDocuments in any format can be uploaded to projects, tasks, issues and users in @task. Version control and check-in/check-out makes collaboration easy and effective.View Document ThumbnailsAttached documents can be previewed as thumbnails.Status UpdatesSee status of completion, approval, assignment and more in real-time.Collaboration between team members is easy when status is updated in real-time. If an employee updates a task in China, it will be immediately included in the reports pulled at the home office in New York.Project Status Reports@task allows users to view project status in real-time with +50 standard reports and unlimited custom status reports.Total VisiblityWith @task users can update in real-time the status of projects, tasks, and issues. Also they can submit hours and notes, giving visibility to the entire team.Real-Time Status ViewsWith @task individuals can view the status of all their tasks on all their projects in real-time. Making collaboration on multiple projects with different team members easy.NotificationsWith @task you can be notified of changes automatically@task allows you to setup and activate e-mail notifications which alert team members of status changes and new issues. Notifications can be triggered manually or automatically and create a central place for communication and collaboration on your projects. Notes can be attached to projects, tasks, issues or even documents.Notify Team MembersQuickly notify team members of progress on projects, tasks, issues, and more. Cut down on status meetings with @task real-time notifications.Email Notification Alerts@task allows you to setup and activate e-mail notifications which alert team members on new issues, tasks, and project status.。

Project management 项目管理毕业论文

Project management 项目管理毕业论文

BSc (Hons) Engineering ManagementModule Number: 3122FModule Title: Project ManagementContents1. Executive Summary (2)2. Introduction of Project and Project management (3)2.1 What project it is (3)2.2 What project management it is (3)3. Feasibility Study of Eco Resort Development (4)3.1 Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) (5)3.2 Project Organization (7)3.3 Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM) (8)3.4 Gantt Chart (9)3.5 Scheduling is Critical (10)6. Conclusion (18)7. Reference (19)1. Executive SummaryThis assignment is to plan economic benefits and feasibility study on eco resort to WRM as well as to start the company’s involvement in Singapore’s eco-tourism segment. And discuss how to handle a project and use the MS project to solve the project.2. Introduction of Project and Project management2.1 What project it isA Project is a temporary endeavour undertaken to create a unique product, service orresult. (PMBOK Guide, 3rd Edition, 2004) Project Management Body of Knowledge(PMBOK) is a project management standard developed by the Project ManagementInstitute (PMI).2.2 What project management it isProject Management is the application of knowledge, skills, and techniques to projectactivities in order to meet or exceed stakeholder needs and expectations of a project.It is a holistic management approach to implement change and create newproduct/service/results. And necessity of project management is➢ Expansion of knowledge➢ Demand for new products➢ Worldwide markets➢ Competition – faster, cheaper, better➢ Expanding size of projects, etc.Project Management is effective in accomplishing task that cannot (or very difficult)be done by traditional (product-based) structure and accomplishing one-off activitieswith minimum disruption to routine business and providing a way of controllingresources.3. Feasibility Study of Eco Resort Development❖Green technology used in the resort and amenities need to be understood in terms of its challenges and cost specific for this project.➢The challenges and obstacles in building eco resort➢Building materials will need to be look at as there are specific requirements for eco-constructions.➢Eco designs will need to be incorporated into overall resort amenities.➢Conduct cost benefit studies on the project➢Generate a report on the feasibility study❖Operational readiness➢Criteria and requirement in staff hiring➢Training procedure for staff➢Waste handling procedure and recycling➢Report writing❖Certification for Green Accreditation➢Selection of green accreditation bodies➢Liaising with accreditation body➢Information gathering on accreditation procedureFinally a mock-up model of the eco chalets needs to be constructed for the final presentation.3.1 Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)WBS is a deliverable-oriented hierarchical decomposition of the work to be executed by the project team to accomplish the project objectives. And it organizes and defines the total scope of the projectDecomposition Process of WBS:➢Subdivide the major project deliverables into smaller, more manageable components➢Decompose until each item can be appropriately scheduled & budgeted & assigned to a specific organizational unit3.1.1 Indentation Type WBS1 Eco Resort1.1 Feasibility Studies on Eco Resort1.1.1 Challenges1.1.2 Construction Materials1.1.3 Eco Resort Design Concept1.1.4 Cost Benefit Studies1.2 Operational Readiness1.2.1 Requirement for staff hiring1.2.2 Training procedure for staff1.2.3 Waste handling study1.3 Certification process for Green Accreditation1.3.1 Selecting Green Accreditation body1.3.2 Liaise with accreditation body1.4 Mock up presentation1.4.1 Mock up model1.4.2 Final Report1.4.3 Presentation to WRM management 3.1.1 Organization Type WBS3.2 Project Organization➢Each project team is a self-contained unit consisting of members with the required skills➢Members report solely to project leaders, with no functional responsibilities ➢Objective to develop breakthrough initiative & leader acts like entrepreneur starting up a new business➢Suited for developing radically new products3.2.1 Strengths and weaknesses of project organization3.2.2 Project Team Organization3.3 Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM)Defines the project organization, key individuals as well as their responsibilities ➢Identifies who will be responsible for completing each of the work packages in the WBS➢Usually only one person or party is assigned the primary responsibility and accountability3.4 Gantt ChartA graphical representation of the duration of tasks against the progression of time.➢Contains Work Breakdown Structure➢Overall schedule – allows you to assess how long a project would take ➢Detailed schedule & sequence – Lays out the order in which tasks need be carried out➢List resources needed➢Progress monitoring tool – can immediately see what should have been achieved at a point in time3.4.1 Gantt Chart (from MS Project)3.5 Scheduling is Critical3.5.1 Establish precedence relationships & Estimate activity duration3.5.2 Activity-on-Node (AON) Diagram✓Nodes represent activities (unit of work defined at any level of WBS). An activity is something that requires time and utilizes resources.✓Arrows represent events and the direction establishes precedence relationships✓ Activities can be sequential or parallel3.5.3 Critical Path Method(CPM)CPM was developed by DuPont in 1957 for chemical plants and it uses a single time estimate for each activity.Analysis of:➢Activities’ earliest & latest start times➢Activities’ earliest & latest finish times➢Activities’ slack➢Critical path3.5.3.1 Earliest & latest start timesBegin at starting event & perform a forward passES is the earliest start time; EF is the earliest finish timeES = 0 for starting activitiesEF = ES + Activity durationES = Maximum EF of all predecessors for non-starting activities3.5.3.2 Earliest & latest finish timesBegin at ending event & perform a backward passLF is the latest finish time; LS is the latest start timeLF = Maximum EF for ending activitiesLS = LF - Activity durationLF = Minimum LS of all successors for non-ending activities Note LF for ending event is the project completion timeTotal Slack (or, Total Float)Amount of time an activity can be delayed without delaying project completion date, assuming no other delays are taking place in the project.Total Slack = LS - ES or LF - EFFree Slack (or, Free Float)Amount of time an activity can be delayed without delaying the early start time of any of its successor activities (tasks immediately following this activity)Free Slack = ES (earliest successor) – EFSet of activities with minimum slack, connecting the START node with the FINISH node.Sum of the completion times for the activities on the critical path is the minimal completion time of the project.The critical path is also the longest path – there can be more than one critical path for the project. MS Project schedule6. ConclusionProject management is obvious from the above discussion that a project manager does have options to control a project during its execution. Project managers must be willing to control minor trade-offs as well as major ones. However, the availability of specific options is a function of the particular project environment. Probably the greatest contribution a project manager makes to a project team organization is stability in adverse conditions. Interpersonal relationships have a great deal to do with the alternatives available and their probability of success since team performance will be required. Through a combination of management skill and sensitivity, project managers can make the trade-offs, encourage the team members, and reassure the project sponsor in order to produce a satisfactory project.7. Reference/wiki/Project_management assessed on 12 Jan 2012/Pages/WhatisProjectManagement.aspx assessed on 12 Jan 2012Erik W. Larson, Clifford F. Gray, (2010) Project Management: The Managerial ProcessCynthia Snyder Stackpol (2004) PMBOK Guide, 3rd Edition.Mike Field, Laurie S. Keller(1998), Project Management。




PMBOK—— Project Management Body Of Knowledge,项目管理知识体系。




Activity Description——活动描述。

Activity Definition——活动定义。

Activity Description——活动描述/说明。

Activity List——活动清单。



Product Life Cycle——产品生命周期。

PMO——Project Management Office,项目管理办公室。

Project Charter——项目章程。

Project Manager——项目经理。

Project Sponsor——项目发起人。

Project Stakeholder——项目干系人。

Project Management Plan——项目管理计划。

Project Team——项目团队。

Functional Organization——职能组织。

Matrix Organization——矩阵型组织。

Project Organization——项目型组织。

PMIS——-Project Management Information System,项目管理信息系统。

Project Management Process Group——项目管理过程组。

Initiating Process——-启动过程组。

Planning Process——-计划过程组。

Executing Process——执行过程组。

Controlling Process——控制过程组。

Closing Process——收尾过程组。


Rolling Wave Plan——滚动式计划。



项目管理专用中英文术语词汇(轉貼)项目管理专用中英文术语词汇1、活动,Activity2、活动定义,Activity Definition3、活动描述/说明,AD=Activity Description4、活动历时估算,Activity Duration Estimating5、箭线网络图(双代号网络图),AOA=Activity-On-Arrow6、节点式网络图(单代号网络图),AON=Activity-on-Node7、已执行工作实际成本,ACWP=Actual Cost of Work Performed8、实际完成日期,AF=Actual Finish Date9、实际开始日期,AS=Actual Start Date10、行政收尾,Administrative Closure11、箭线,Arrow12、箭线图示法,ADM=Arrow Diagramming Method13、逆推计算法,Backward Pass14、横道图,Bar Chart15、基准计划,Baseline16、完工预算,BAC=Budget At Completion17、概算,Budget Estimate18、已执行预算成本,BCWP=Budgeted Cost of Work Performed19、计划执行预算成本,BCWS= Budgeted Cost of Scheduled20、日历单位,Calendar Unit21、变更控制委员会,CCB=Chang Control Board22、沟通规划,Communications Planning23、并行工程, Concurrent Engineering24、意外费用,Contingencies25、意外准备金,contingency Allowance26、意外规划,Contingency Planning27、意外储备,Contingency Reserve28、合同,Contract29、合同管理,Contract Administration30、合同收尾,Contract Close-out31、控制,Control32、控制图,Control Chart33、纠正措施,Corrective Action34、费用预算,Cost Budgeting35、费用控制,Cost Control36、费用做算,Cost Estimating37、质量成本,Cost of Quality38、费用绩效指数,CPI=Cost Performance Index39、费用偏差,CV=Cost Variance40、赶工,Crashing41、关键工序,Critical Activity42、关键路线,Critical Path43、关键路线法,CPM=Critical Path Method44、当前完成日期,Current Finish Date45、当前开始日期,Current Start Date46、数据日期,DD=Data Date47、交付物,Deliverable48、依赖关系,Dependency49、虚活动,Dummy Activity50、延续时间,DU=Duration51、延续时间压缩,Duration Compression52、最早完工日期,EF=Early Finish Date53、最早开始日期,ES=Early Start Date54、挣值法,EV=Earned Value55、挣值分析,Earned Value Analysis56、人工量,Effort57、估算,概算,Estimate58、在完成时的费用估算,EAC=Estimate At Completion59、到完成时的估算,ETC=Estimate To Complete60、单节点事件图,Event-on-Node61、例外报告,Exception Report62、完成日期,Finish Date63、完成到完成关系,FF=Finish-to-Finish64、完成到开始关系,FS=Finish-to-Start65、时差,机动时间,浮动时间,Float66、顺推计算法,Forward Pass67、自由时差,FF=Free Float68、职能经理,Functional Manager69、职能组织,Functional Organization70、甘特图,Gantt Chart71、图解评审技术,GERT=Graphical Evaluation and Review Technique72、集合工作,Hammock73、悬摆,Hanger74、信息分发,Information Distribution75、立项,Initiation76、成本/进度综合报告,Integrated Cost/Schedule Reporting77、邀标,IFB= Invitation for Bid78、关键事件进度计划,Key Event Schedule79、滞后量,Lag80、最晚完成日期,LF=Late Finish Date81、最晚开始日期,LS=Late Start Date82、提前量,Lead83、全生命期成本估算,Life-cycle Costing84、产品经理,Line Manager85、逻辑图,Logic Diagram86、逻辑关系,Logical Relationship87、回路,Loop88、管理储备量,Management Reserve89、主进度计划,Master Schedule90、矩阵型组织,Matrix Organization91、里程碑,Milestone92、里程碑进度计划,Milestone Schedule93、现代项目管理,MPM=Modern Project Management94、监控,Monitoring95、蒙托卡罗分析,Monte Carlo Analysis96、次关键工作,Near-Critical Activity97、网络,Network98、网络分析,Network Analysis99、网络逻辑,Network Logic100、网络路线,Network Path101、节点,Node102、组织分解结构,OBS=Organizational Breakdown Structure103、组织规划,Organizational Planning104、整体变更控制,Overall Change Control105、重叠,Overlap106、参数估算法,Parametric Estimating107、线路,Path108、线路时差,Path Float109、完成百分比,PC=Percent Complete110、执行报告,Performance Reporting111、执行机构,Performing organization112、计划评审技术图,PERT Chart113、计划的完成日期,PF=Planned Finish Date114、计划的开始日期,PS=Planned Start Date115、优先图示法,PDM=Precedence Diagramming Method116、优先关系,Precedence Relationship117、紧前工作,Predecessor Activity118、采购规划,Procurement Planning119、工程,Program120、计划评审技术,PERT=Program Evaluation and Review Technique 121、项目,Project122、项目许可证,Project Charter123、项目沟通管理,Project Communication Management124、项目费用管理,Project Cost Management125、项目人力资源管理,Project Human Resource Management126、项目综合管理,Project Integration Management127、项目生命周期,Project Life Cycle128、项目管理,PM=Project Management129、项目管理知识体系,PMBOK=Project Management Body of Knowledge130、项目管理软件,Project Management Software131、项目管理团队,Project Management Team132、项目经理,PM=Project Manager133、项目网络图,Project Network Diagram134、项目阶段,Project Phase135、项目计划,Project Plan136、项目计划开发,Project Plan Development137、项目计划实施,Project Plan Execution138、项目规划,Project Planning139、项目采购管理,Project Procurement Management140、项目质量管理,Project Quality Management141、项目风险管理,Project Risk Management142、项目进度计划,Project Schedule143、项目范围管理,Project Scope Management144、项目团队成员,Project Team Member145、项目时间管理,Project Time Management146、项目型组织,Project Organization147、质量保证,QA=Quality Assurance148、质量控制,QC=Quality Control149、质量规划,Quality Planning150、剩余持续时间,RDU=Remaining Duration151、请求建议书,RFP=Request for Proposal152、请求报价单,RFQ=Request for Quotation153、储备量,Reserve154、资源平衡,Resource Leveling155、资源约束进度计划,Resource-Limited Schedule156、资源规划,Resource Planning157、责任分配矩阵,RAM=Responsibility Assignment Matrix 158、责任图,Responsibility Chart159、责任矩阵,Responsibility Matrix160、保留金,Retain age161、突发事件,Risk Event162、风险识别,Risk Identification163、风险应对控制,Risk Response Control164、风险应对开发,Risk Response Development165、 S曲线,S-Curve166、进度计划,Schedule167、进度计划分析,Schedule Analysis168、进度计划压缩,Schedule Compression169、进度计划控制,Schedule Control170、进度执行指数,SPI=Schedule Performance Index171、进度偏差,SV=Schedule Variance172、计划完成日期,SF=Scheduled Finish Date173、计划开始日期,SS=Scheduled Start Date174、范围,Scope175、范围基准计划,Scope Baseline176、范围变更,Scope Change177、范围变更控制,Scope Change Control178、范围定义,Scope Definition179、范围规划,Scope Planning180、范围验证,Scope Verification181、时差,Slack182、询价,Solicitation183、询价规划,Solicitation184、工作人员招募,Staff Acquisition185、项目相关者,Stakeholder186、开始日期,Start Date187、开始到完成关系,Start-to-Finish188、开始到开始关系,Start-to-Start189、工作说明,SOW=Statement of Work190、子网,Subnet191、子网络,Subnet Work192、后续工作,Successor Activity193、目标完成日期,TC=Target Completion Date 194、目标时度计划,Target Schedule195、任务,Task196、团队建设,Team Development197、团队成员,Team members198、时标网络图,Time-Scaled Network Diagram 199、目标完成日期,TF=Target Finish Date200、目标开始日期,Ts=Target Start Date201、总时差,TF=Total Float202、全面质量管理,TQM=Total Quality Management 203、权变措施,Workaround204、工作分解结构,WBS=Work Breakdown Structure 205、工作包,Work Package。



工程项目管理常用词汇英汉对照“戴明环”Plan - Do - Check - Action, PDCA“交钥匙”承包Turn - key Contract“三时”估计法Three - Time - EstimateS曲线S - Curve按费用设计Design - to - Cost保留金Retention Money保险Insurance保证金Retainage报表Statement报告关系Reporting Relationship报价邀请Requestfor Quotation, RFQ变更指令Variation Order, Change Order标前会议Pre - Bid Meeting补充资料表Schedule of Supplementary lnformation 不可接受风险Unacceptable Risk不可抗力Force Majeure不可预见Unforeseeable不平等条款Unequal Term平衡报价法Unbalanced Bids材料Materials材料费Material Cost财产风险Probable Risk留风险Residual Risk层次分析法Analytic Hierarchy Process产品Product超前Lead成本预算Cost Budgeting承包方Contractor承包商代表Contractor's Representative承包商人员Contractor's Personnel承包商设备Contracto’s Equipment承包商文件Contractor's Documents承发包方式Contract Approach承诺Acceptance诚实信用原则In Good Faith触发器Triggers纯粹风险Pare Risk次关键路线Near - Critical Path大型项目Program代理型CM, 非代理型CM CM/Agency, CM/Non Agency 单代号搭接网络图Multi - Dependency Network单代号网络图Activity - on - Network, AON单价合同Unit Price Contract单时估计法Single - Time - Estimate担保Guarantee当地货币Local Currency当事方(一方) Party到岸价格Cost lnsurance and Freight, CIF 道义索赔Ex - Gratia Claims德尔裴法Delphi调整Updating, Adjustment定额Quota动员预付款Pre - Payment二次风险Secondary Risk法律Laws反义居先原则Contra Preferential返工Rework方差Variance非工作时间Idle Time费用计划Cost Planning费用索赔Claims for Lossand Expense分包商Sub - Contractor分项工程Section分支网络Fragnet风险Risk风险定量分析Quantitative Risk Analysis风险定性分析Qualitative Risk Analysis风险规避Risk Avoidance风险监控Risk Monitoring and Control风险减轻Risk Mitigation风险接受Risk Acceptance风险类别Risk Category风险评审技术Venture Evaluation and Review Technique, VERT 风险识别Risk Identification风险应对Risk期Response风险转移Risk Transference付款证书Payment Certificate概率与影响矩阵Probability and Impact Matrix赶工Crashing个人间的联系Interpersonal Interfaces工程变更Variation, Change工程量表Bill of Quantities工程师The Engineer, Consultant工程现场勘测Site Visit工程项目采购Proiect Procurement工程项目分解Project Decomposition工程项目沟通管理Project Communication Management工程项目简介Project Brief工程项目建设模式Proiect Construction Approach工程项目决策Decision to Project工程项目人力资源管理Project Human Resource Management工程项目审计Project Audit工程项目收尾阶段Project Closure工程项目投产准备Preparation for Proiect Operation工程项目团队Project Team工程项目质量Projectoualitv工程项目质量控制Proiect Quality Control工程项目组织方式Project Organization Approach工期Proiect Duration工期压缩Duration Compression工艺关系Process Relation工作规范Specification of Work工作说明Statement of Work, SOW公开招标Open Tenderine/Public Invitation沟通Communications购买—建设—经营Buy - Build - Operate, BBO顾客Customer雇主Employer雇主人员Employer's Personnel雇主设备Employer's Equipment关键活动Critical Activity关键路线Critical Path关键线路法Critical Path Method, CPM国际标准化组织International Standard Organization, ISO国际项目管理协会International Project Management Association, IPMA 国际咨询工程师联合会 Federation Internationate Des Ingenieurs-Conseils, FIDIC 国家私人合作模式Public - Private Partnership, PPP合同Contract合同工期Duration of Contract合同管理Contract Administration合同价格Contract Price合同内索赔Contractual Claims合同条件Conditions of Contract合同外索赔Non - Contractual Claims合同协议书Contract Agreement合资公司Joint Enterprise横道图Gantt Charts环境管理体系Environmental Management System, EMS环境绩效Environmental Performance环境指标Environmental Target回路Logical Loop混合型合同Mixed Contract活动持续时间估计Activity Duration Estimation活动范围Scope活动逻辑关系Activity Logical Relations活动描述Activity Description, AD活动排序Activity Sequencing活动清单Activity List伙伴模式Partnering货物采购Goods Procurement基准计划Baseline基准日期Base Date绩效评估与激励Performance Appraisaland Reward计划工期Planned Project Duration计划评审技术Program Evaluation Review Technique, PERT 计日工作计划Daywork Schedule计算工期Calculated Project Duration技术规范Technical Specifications技术联系Technical Interfaces价值工程Value Engineering, VE间接费Indirect Cost监理工程师The Engineer, Supervision Engineer监视Monitoring检查表Checklist建设工期Durationof Project Construction建设—经营—拥有—转让Build - Operate - Own - Transfer, BOOT建设—经营—转让Build - Operate - Transfer, BOT建设实施Construction建设—拥有—经营Build - Own - Operate, BOO建设—转让—运营Build - Transfer - Operate, BTO建设准备Construction Preparation建议书邀请Request for Proposal, RFP建筑师Architect接收证书Taking - Over Certificate节点Node节点编号Node Number结束到结束Finishto Finish, FTF结束到开始Finishto Start, FTS截止日期As - of Date紧后活动Back Closely Activity 紧前活动Front Closely Activity 进度报告Progress Reports进度偏差Schedule Variance, SV 纠正措施Corrective Action矩阵型组织结构Matrix Organization决策树分析Decision Tree Analysis 决策网络计划法Decision Network, DN 竣工时间Time for Completion 竣工试验Tests on Completion竣工验收Project Acceptance开工日期Commencement Date 开始到结束Start to Finish, STF开始到开始Start to Start, STS可交付成果Deliverable可接受风险Acceptable Risk可原谅的延误Excusable Delay控制Control控制图Control Charts快速路径法Fast Track类比估计Analogous Estimating 离岸价格Free on Board, FOB里程碑Milestone历史数据Historical Results利润Profit例外计划报告Exception Report联合集团Consortium联营体Joint Venture临时工程Temporm. Works流程图Flow Diagram路径会聚Path Convergence履约保函Performance Guarantee 履约保证Performance Security 履约证书Performance Certificate卖方Seller蒙特卡罗分析Monte Carlo Analysis敏感性分析Sensitive Analysis模糊数学法Fuzzy Set拟完工程计划费用Budgeted Cost of Work Scheduled, BCWS 逆推法Backward Pass欧洲发展基金会European Development Fund, EDF排列图, 巴雷托图Pareto Diagrams偏差变量Cost Variance, CV评标Bid Evaluation期望值Expectation期中付款证书Interim Payment Certificate启动Initiation起始节点Start Node潜在的损失值Risk Event Value曲线法, 赢得值法Earned Value全面质量控制Total Quality Control, TQC权变措施Workoround缺陷通知期限Defects Notification Period确凿证据优先Prima Facie人工费Labor Cost人工量Effort人力资源Human Resource人身风险Life Risk人为风险Personal Risk人员配备要求Staffing Requirements任务Task上控制线Upper Control Limit, UCL设计方Designer设计一建造方式Design - Build, DB设计图纸Drawings生产设备Plant生命周期成本计算Life - circle Costing剩余工期Remaining Duration施工合同Construction Contract施工合同分包Subcontract施工合同转让Assignment施工机械使用费Expensesof Using Construction Machinery施工进度计划Construction Schedule施工组织设计Construction Planning时距Time Difference实际成本Actual Cost实际成本加百分比合同Cost Plus Percentage - of - Cost Contract实际成本加固定费用合同Cost Plus Fixed - Fee (CPFF) Contract实际成本加奖金合同Cost Plus Incentive - Fee (CPIF) Contract实际开始日期Actual Start Date, AS实际完成日期Actual Finish Date, AF世界银行The World Bank事件Event受资源约束的进度计划 Resource - Limited Schedule授予合同Award of Contract书面文字优先原则Written Word Prevail数据日期Data Date双代号时标网络法Time - Coordinate Network, Time Scale Network 双代号网络图Activity - on - Arrow Network, AOA税金Tax私人主动融资Project Finance Initiative, PFI松弛时间Slack索赔Claims条形图Bar Chart通货膨胀Currency Inflation统计和概率法Statistics投标Bidding投标保证Bid Security投标报价Bid Price投标函Letter of Tender投标决策Decision to Bid投标人Bidder投标人须知Instruction to Bidders投标书Tender投标书附录Appendix to Tender投标文件的递送Submission of Bids投标邀请书Initiation to Bids投标有效期Bid Validity投机风险Speculative Risk投资方Investor投资估算Cost Estimating投资回报期Investment Recovery Period图示评审技术Graphical Evaluation Review Technique, GERT 团队成员Team Member退却计划Fallback Plan外币Foreign Currency完成百分比Percent Complete (PC)完工估算Estimate at Completion, EAC完工尚需估算Estimate to Complete, ETC完工预算Budget at Completion, BAC五条件Unconditional, no Demand无限竞争性招标Unlimited Competitive Tendering下控制线Lower Control Limit, LCL现场Site线路Path限定性估算Definitive Estimate项目Project项目报告Project Report, PR项目档案Project Files项目的执行与监督Project Executionand Supervision项目定义Project Defining项目风险Project Risk项目干系人Stakeholder项目管理班子Project Management Team项目管理班子的偏好Preferences of the Project Management Team 项目管理承包型Project Management Contract, PMC项目管理模式Project Management Approach项目管理软件Project Management Software项目管理协会Project Management Institute, PMI项目管理知识体系Project Management Body of Knowledge, PMBOK 项目管理咨询型Project Management, PM项目后评价Project Post - evaluation项目计划Project Planning项目结构分解Project Breakdown Structure项目结束project Closing项目界面, 项目内在联系Project Interfaces项目进度计划Project Schedule项目经理, 项目负责人Project Manager项目可行性研究Project Feasibility Study项目控制Project Controlling项目评估Project Appraisal项目设计Project Design项目谈判project Negotiation项目型组织Projectized Organization项目选定Project Identification项目业主Owner项目预评估Project Pre - Appraisal项目章程Project Charter项目执行Project Executing项目周期Project Cycle项目准备Project Preparation项目综合管Project Integration Management信息技术Information Technology, IT虚活动Dummy Activity询价Solicitation亚洲开发银行Asian Development Bank, ADB延长工期索赔Claims for Extensionof Time, Claims for EOT邀请招标SelectiveTenderin6/InvitedBidding要约Offer已完工程计划费用Budgeted Costof Work Performed, BCWP已完工程实际费用Actual Cost of Work Performed, ACWP 因果分析图Cause - and - Effect Diagram银行保函Bank Guarantee应急储备Contingency Reserve应急费Contingency Allowance英国土木工程师学会Institute of Civil Engineer, ICE营运Operation影响图Influence Diagram永久工程Permanent works优化Optimization有条件Conditional有限竞争性招标Limited Competitive Tendering预可行性研究Pre - Feasibility Study运费在内价Cost and Freight, CFR暂定金Provisional Sum责任风险Liability Risk招标Bid Invitation/Tendering招标人拒绝投标书的权利Right to Reiiect Any or All Bids招标准备Tendering Preparation争端裁决委员会Dispute Adiudication Board, DAB 正推法Forward Pass直方图Histogram直线型组织结构Line Organization直线一职能型组织结构Line - Functional Organization职能型组织Functional Organization职业健康安全Occupational Healthand Safety, OHS 制约和限制Constraintsand Limitations质量Ouality质量保证Quality Assurance质量成本Cost of Quality质量环Quality Loop滞后Lag中标函Letter of Acceptance中标合同金额Accepted Contract Amount中介人Intermediary中心线Center Limit, CL终止节点End Node重叠Overlap主导语言Ruling Language专家谈判估计Expert Judgement咨询方Consulter资料表Schedules资源计划Resource Planning资源配置Resource Requirements资源平衡Resource Leveling资源效果Resource Capabilities子网络Subnetwork子项目Subpmject自然风险Natural Risk自由时差Free Float, FF总承包商General Contractor总价合同Lump Sum Contract总时差Total Float, TF租赁一建设一经营Lease - Build - Operate, LBO组织关系Organizational Relation组织规划设计Organizational Planning组织机构Organization Structure组织结构分解Organizational Breakdown Structure, OBS 组织联系Organizational Interfaces最悲观时间Most Pessimistic Time最迟结束时间Latest Finish Date, LP最迟开始时间Latest Start Date, I5最可能时间Most Probable Time最乐观时间Most Optimistic Time最早结束时间Earliest Finish Date, EF最早开始时间Earliest Start Date, ES最终报表Final Statement最终付款证书Pinsl Payment Certificate。

项目管理(全英文)试题 - 有翻译

项目管理(全英文)试题 - 有翻译

一、名词解释(5*2=10)PMI, Project Management Institute, 美国项目管理学会PMP, Project Management Professional, 项目管理专业人员认证PMBOK, Project Management Body of Knowledge, 项目管理知识体系PLC, project life cycle, 项目生命周期RFP, Request for proposal, 需求建议书WBS, Work Breakdown Structure, 工作分解结构CPM, Critical path method, 关键路径法PERT, Project Evaluation and Review Technique, 计划评审技术AOA, Activity-On-Arrow, 双代号网络图法AON, Activity-on-node, 单代号网络图CPI, Cost Performance Index,成本绩效指数 (挣值(EV)/实际成本(AC))RAM, Responsibility Assignment Matrix,职责分配矩阵P&L, Profit and loss损益VAT,value-added tax, 加值税、增值税QA, Quality Assurance, 质量保障二、填空题(5*2=10)。

1. A project is an endeavour to accomplish a specific objective through a unique set of interrelated tasks and the effective utilization of resources. 1.项目是努力完成一个特定的目标,通过一套独特的相互关联的任务和资源的有效利用。

2. A project manager is responsible for planning the work and then work the plan.项目经理负责规划工作,然后工作计划。



PRE-COURSE ASSIGNMENTIntroductionYou have been selected to attend RA Project Management training based on PwC’s Programme and Project Management (PPM) methodology from 15-19 July 2002.This brief contains details of the work you need to do BEFORE attending the course.The deliverables from this pre-course work will be used during the classroom-based section of the course. Therefore, you need to allow yourself time to complete the deliverables if you are to take full advantage of your own participation in the course, and if you are to support the learning of the other participants, particularly the team to which you are assigned.Aims and ObjectivesThe overall aim of this course is to enable you to understand the principles, skills, tools, and techniques that will enable you to succeed in your role as a consultant Project Manager.As you progress from being a Team Leader to a Project Manager, you will need to manage all the 7 Keys of Project Management, not just a selection of them. You will take on increasing responsibility for the client relationship and the RA’s profitability for the assignment. You will have to take a more thorough view of risk and scope management. You will be dealing with stakeholders who can influence your project in positive and negative ways. You will need to manage increasing complexity – be that in the number of work streams you manage, the complexity of the deliverables, or the diversity of the team (client and RA). Above all, you will be expected to exercise increasing creativity and judgement in the approach you take to successfully completing a project.This course will enable you to learn more about the tools and techniques in the PPM method that will be useful to you. It will also enable you to practice your new skills in a safe environment, before you are expected to practice them for real with a client.Specifically, this course will allow you to:•Experience the role of a Project Manager through each stage of the PPM method•Gain an appreciation of the complexities and skill involved in juggling the 7 Keys to project management success•Learn about and practice a number of PwC’s project management techniques that will help you in your Project Manager roleIntroducing PwC’s “7 Keys”We recognise that while some of you w ill be familiar with PwC “7 Keys” approach to Programme and Project management, others will not be so familiar. Well, we will spend five days learning about how to use PPM. However, to help you complete this pre-course assignment we have provided a brief overview of the 7 Keys and what they mean in the context of managing a consulting project.Where do you want to get to?Hopefully, you want to develop to be a really good project manager. Completion of this pre-course work will enable you to get the most out of the classroom-based sessions. Taking the course will then equip you with the skills and knowledge you need to become an excellent project manager. Hopefully you want to get to the top – for yourself, your colleagues and your clients. This course for new project managers will help you scale the heights.In designing this course, you will work through a project scenario, in all its stages, and examine many real life complications and challenges. The theme of ‘getting to the top’ and ‘scaling the heights’ inspired us. So on this course you will be performing as the project management team leading a commercial expedition to Mount Everest. Such teams have to:•Draw up and agree contracts with their clients and suppliers about the scope, nature and timing of deliverables (the ascent date, oxygen supply, etc.)•Set up and manage a diverse project and team infrastructure•Ensure reasonable milestones are set, and project plans adhered to•Ensure they meet a budget as well as getting the clients safely up and down the mountain•Meet or manage the needs of all interested parties•Minimise the risks associated with climbing Everest.This aligns closely with the core project management method we use in PwC. It covers the core concepts we too have to manage in our projects.We are not going to teach you how to climb mountains. We are, however, going to examine project management with mountains in mind.To get the most from the course, you will find it useful, as well as fascinating (some people have been so gripped by this they have sat up all night reading particular accounts) to read a little about the project management challenges of climbing Everest. On Everest, failure to manage one of the 7 Keys or project management s tages may not just result in a decrease in profit, but may lead to someone’s death.What we want you to do BEFORE attending RA Project Management Training.Consulting Ethics as part of professional Project ManagementAs you take a greater lead as a project manager, you will be taking greater control of all aspects of the project. If you decide to read the remainder of Krakauer’s book, you will find that the survivors faced a number of ethical dilemmas up on the mountain, deciding:•who to save and who not to;•whether or not to save yourself and leave others to die;•to abandon potential survivors on the mountain, although you knew they were alive at the time, because they would not manage the descent;•to lead novices up the mountain in the first place.Being part of a wide-ranging professional services firm does present us with our own unique dilemmas, however. There are a number of key ethical themes common for the RAs.RESPONSIBILITY TO OUR CLIENTS•Serving Our Clients•Maintaining Independence•Use and Protection of Client Information•Insider Information and Trading•Avoiding Conflicts of Interest•Professional Standards and Performance-Continuing Professional Education-Professional Performance•Respecting Client Practices and PropertyRESPONSIBILITY TO OUR PEOPLE•Treating Each Other Respectfully, Courteously and with Dignity•Respecting Employee Privacy•Work-Life Quality•Diversity•Equal Employment Opportunity and Non-discrimination•Sexual and Other Forms of Harassment•Appropriate Use of Communications Tools•Family and Personal Relationships•Maintaining Safety in the Workplace•Protecting the Environment.RESPONSIBILITY TO OUR ORGANIZATION•Protecting RA Assets-Intellectual Property and Proprietary and Confidential Information -Computers, Other Equipment, and Network Security-Guarding Against Industrial Espionage and Sabotage •Obligations Relating to Prior or Subsequent Employment •Managing Client-Related Risk-Client Acceptance and Continuance-Risks Identified During Engagement•Outside Activities-Outside Employment or Business Pursuits-Political Activity-Professional Organizations-Charities and Community Service•Firm Reports and Firm Time•Public Image and Public Communications•Contracting and Signing on Behalf of the Firm•Legal Procedures-Document Retention-Communications with Outside CounselCOMPETITIVE PRACTICES•Fair Competition-Gathering Competitive Information-Confidentiality and Exclusivity Agreements•Gifts, Entertainment and Gratuities•Protecting the Intellectual Property Rights of OthersGetting to Base CampAs with all good mountain climbing (or consulting) teams, you will need to get to know your fellow mountaineers before you arrive at Base Camp. You will be working in teams during the ascent, and it is important that you know each other well. You will have received a list of the participant teams with your pre-course assignment and reading which will enable you to complete activity two.Thank you for completing your pre-course work. It will give you valuable insights into the course materials, and will be used throughout the week.We look forward to seeing you on the RA Project Management Training Programme.。



As a high school student, Ive always been fascinated by the art of planning. Its not just about ticking off tasks from a todo list its about setting goals, organizing time, and ensuring that every effort counts towards personal growth and academic success. Heres how I approach planning for my studies and other activities.Setting Clear GoalsThe first step in my planning process is setting clear, achievable goals. I believe that without a clear vision of what you want to achieve, its easy to lose focus and direction. I start by identifying my longterm objectives, such as getting into a top university or mastering a particular subject. Then, I break these down into smaller, more manageable goals that I can work towards on a daily or weekly basis.Prioritizing TasksOnce I have my goals in place, the next step is to prioritize my tasks. I categorize my tasks into three groups: urgent, important, and canwait. Urgent tasks are those that need immediate attention, like submitting a homework assignment due the next day. Important tasks are those that contribute to my longterm goals, such as studying for an upcoming exam. Tasks that can wait are those that, while still important, can be postponed without significant consequences.Creating a ScheduleWith my tasks prioritized, I create a detailed schedule. I use a planner where I allocate specific time slots for each task. This helps me visualize how my day or week will unfold and ensures that I allocate enough time to each activity. I also make sure to include breaks in my schedule to prevent burnout and maintain a healthy balance between work and rest.Flexibility and AdaptabilityIve learned that no plan is perfect, and unexpected events can always disrupt the bestlaid plans. Thats why I build flexibility into my planning. I leave some free time in my schedule for unexpected tasks or to revisit tasks that didnt go as planned. This approach allows me to adapt to changes without feeling overwhelmed.Accountability and ReflectionTo ensure that my planning is effective, I hold myself accountable for my actions. I track my progress regularly and reflect on what worked and what didnt. If I find that Im consistently falling behind in a particular area, I reassess my approach and make necessary adjustments.Incorporating TechnologyIn todays digital age, technology plays a significant role in my planning process. I use apps and online tools to help me stay organized and on track. For example, I use a digital calendar to keep track of deadlines and appointments, and I use project management tools to break down largetasks into smaller steps.Seeking SupportLastly, I dont hesitate to seek support when I need it. Whether its asking a teacher for clarification on a complex topic or seeking advice from a peer on effective study techniques, I believe that collaboration and communication are key to successful planning.In conclusion, planning is a dynamic process that requires goalsetting, prioritization, scheduling, flexibility, accountability, and the use of technology. By incorporating these elements into my planning, Ive found that I can achieve a greater sense of control over my academic life and personal growth. Its not always easy, but the rewards of a wellplanned life are well worth the effort.。



When you are doing your homework and speaking,you might be using English in a casual or conversational manner.Here are some phrases and expressions that you could use in such a situation:1.Im working on my assignment right now.This is a straightforward way to say youre currently doing your homework.2.Ive got a lot of homework to finish.This indicates that you have a significant amount of work to complete.3.Can you give me a hand with this math problem?Asking for help with a specific task.4.Im stuck on this question.Expressing that youre having difficulty with a particular part of your homework.5.I need to concentrate on my English essay.Mentioning the subject you are currently focusing on.6.Lets discuss this after Im done with my homework.Politely postponing a conversation until youve finished your work.7.Im trying to finish up my history report.Specifying the subject of your current assignment.8.Im almost done with my science project.Indicating progress on a particular task.9.I have to study for my upcoming test.Mentioning the reason for doing your homework.10.Im multitasking by doing my homework and chatting with you.If youre trying to do your work while also engaging in conversation.11.I cant wait to be done with this homework.Expressing a desire to complete your tasks.12.Im taking a short break before I continue with my homework.Mentioning that youre taking a pause in your work.13.Im using online resources to help with my homework.If youre utilizing the internet for assistance.14.Im organizing my notes for better understanding.Describing how youre preparing for your work.15.Im trying to meet the deadline for my homework.If theres a specific time by which you need to complete your work.Remember,while its okay to speak while doing your homework,its also important to focus and give your full attention to your tasks to ensure you complete them effectively and accurately.。



[Your Name][Your Address][City, State, ZIP Code][Email Address][Phone Number][Date][Recipient's Name][Recipient's Title][Company Name][Company Address][City, State, ZIP Code]Subject: Technical Assignment AgreementDear [Recipient's Name],I, [Your Name], hereby confirm the technical assignment agreement between [Your Company Name] and [Recipient's Company Name]. This letter serves as a formal document outlining the terms and conditions of the assignment, as well as the responsibilities and expectations of both parties involved.1. Scope of Work:[Your Company Name] hereby assigns [Recipient's Company Name] the responsibility of performing the following technical services:a. [List of technical services to be provided, e.g. software development, system integration, hardware installation, etc.]b. [Specify any specific requirements or deliverables, e.g. completion date, quality standards, etc.]2. Project Duration:The technical assignment shall commence on [Start Date] and is expected to be completed by [End Date]. The project duration may be extended by mutual agreement between both parties, provided that all additionalcosts are clearly communicated and agreed upon.3. Responsibilities of [Your Company Name]:a. Provide [Recipient's Company Name] with all necessary documentation, resources, and access required to complete the technical assignment.b. Ensure that the assigned team members have the required skills and expertise to fulfill the project requirements.c. Provide guidance, support, and feedback to [Recipient's Company Name] during the course of the project.d. Monitor the progress of the project and provide regular updates to [Your Company Name]'s management team.4. Responsibilities of [Recipient's Company Name]:a. Assign a dedicated project manager to oversee the technical assignment and ensure the timely completion of tasks.b. Provide [Your Company Name] with all necessary information, resources, and support required to complete the technical assignment.c. Comply with all project requirements, including quality standards, timelines, and deliverables.d. Communicate any potential issues or delays to [Your Company Name] in a timely manner.5. Payment Terms:[Your Company Name] agrees to pay [Recipient's Company Name] a total of [Amount] for the completion of the technical assignment, as outlined in the attached invoice. Payment will be made in accordance with the following terms:a. [Percentage] of the total amount will be paid upon the signing ofthis agreement.b. [Percentage] of the total amount will be paid upon the successful completion of the project.c. The remaining [Percentage] of the total amount will be paid upon the final acceptance of the deliverables by [Your Company Name].6. Confidentiality:Both parties agree to maintain the confidentiality of all information, including technical specifications, data, and other sensitive information exchanged during the course of this assignment. Any confidential information shall not be disclosed to any third party without prior written consent from the other party.7. Governing Law:This technical assignment agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [State/Country].8. Dispute Resolution:In the event of any disputes or disagreements arising from this agreement, both parties agree to negotiate in good faith to resolve the matter. If the dispute cannot be resolved through negotiation, it shall be submitted to arbitration in accordance with the rules of [Arbitration Institution].By signing below, both parties acknowledge that they have read, understood, and agreed to the terms and conditions outlined in this technical assignment letter.[Your Name][Your Title][Your Company Name][Recipient's Name][Recipient's Title][Recipient's Company Name][Signature][Date]Enclosures:1. Technical Assignment Agreement2. InvoicePlease retain a copy of this letter for your records.。

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Subject: Project ManagementAssignment 3Question - “A case history of a project in which the author has been a participant, outlining: the processes it followed; the issues that arose and how they were resolved, and the lessons learned. On what basis would you determine the success or failure of this project?”M A WilliamsI declare that this assignment is based on my own work and that all material previously written or published in any source by any other person has been duly acknowledged in the assignment.(Signed)………………………………………….M A WilliamsAbstractThis paper looks at the processes, issues and lessons learned from the implementation of a global web and intranet into a large financial services organisation. During this project, the author’s role was as a project manager responsible for discrete projects, as well as being part of the team which addressed the necessary organisational changes brought about by the project. The paper concludes with a review as to whether the project could reasonably be determined a success or failure.1. Outline of projectThe project objective was the implementation of a global web and intranet into a large financial services organisation, with approximately 1,800 employees located over sites across the world. The Head Office was based in the UK, but the organisation had more than 50% of its staff in Australia, and across 15 plus further offices in Continental Europe, North America, and South East Asia. There were strategic plans to further expand the operations of the firm in European and Asian markets.The organisation’s strategic direction was towards becoming a truly global business, and the implementation of a global web and intranet project on which this paper is based was a significant part of this overarching strategy. It involved the design, development and implementation of web presences for internal and external audiences. These new environments were to provide the organisation with a marketing presence for clients and partners on the internet, and, more critically, create a global intranet to facilitate communication and information sharing between staff centres across all regions and offices.The emphasis of investment and effort on the project was heavily biased towards the intranet element, as the scope for using the internet as a medium for the selling of institutional funds management services was even at the outset of the project recognised as extremely limited. The emphasis on the intranet element also reflecting the high value which the organisation placed upon its own intellectual property, and its desire to harness and capitalise on that value across international and functional frontiers.However, the success of the intranet project, and therefore the project as a whole, depended as much upon the desire of individuals within the organisation being willing to share their ideas outside of their functional, regional or national cells, as it did upon the successful provision of tools facilitating their doing so. Such a desire would represent a major cultural shift within an organisation where the cult of individual was strong.The author’s role was as a project manager responsible for discrete projects, as well as being part of the team which endeavoured to address the necessary cultural shift towards knowledge sharing.2. The processes followedThe project was jointly resourced by employees of the organisation who were seconded to the project, and management consultants from one of the large management consulting firms. The teams were completely integrated and followed the project management methodology of the consulting firm. This methodology was similar in many respects to the standard approach put forward by the Project Management Institute in its Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge.1 Where it differed was in detail (forms, schedules) and emphasis (change management was a significant workstream on the project).The project was run on an 18 month change programme with a series of staged releases (three in total) planned. The initial plan was to break the project up into three key releases:•Release 1 – Foundation of a global network, global web presence, and intranet, featuring static content and simple interactive functionality to targeted audiences •Release 2 – More sophisticated interactive functionality within the intranet product and greater depth and breadth of implementation across business units and regional centres•Release 3 – Full interactive and integrated functionality extensively implemented across the organisation as a wholeThese releases corresponded to the three-phase approach adopted by the project’s management: “Think Big; Start Small/Smart; and Scale Rapidly”. Each release wasto run over a period of 90 – 120 days to enable the rapid delivery of business needs, and running through each of the phases was a project management, change management and communication programme.Releases 1 and 2 where both achieved on target. However, at about the time Release 3 was being planned, global financial markets took a downturn and funding for the project was drastically cut. This affected the approach adopted by the project, and led to swingeing cuts being made to the project’s budget (particularly in the change management workstream). Thereafter, emphasis was placed on a series of small rolling releases as the project transitioned in Business As Usual.Included in the project was the use of ePMO (electronic Project Management Office), a tool designed to facilitate document sharing and collaboration amongst the global team. It was to provide:•Information (Newsletters, training & workshops)•Project Management (schedule, project plan etc)•Communications•Resource management (Utilisation, procedures)•Financial planning (budget analysis)•Issues and Risk Management (Escalation & resolution)3. Issues resolutionThe process adopted by the project for issues resolution was for issues to be raised orally at a weekly global meeting. They were added to the issues list and were monitored at future meetings.In the IT Toolkits article “Don’t leave project status to chance”2 the importance of behavioural factors which influence the reporting process is noted. The author would concur with this as a major influencing factor on the project with project managers always keen to report good news on their projects with not all being willing to raise issues in a global meeting. However, to mitigate the effects of this, written status1 Project Management Institute, A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge, 2000 Edition, Project Management Insatiate2 Author unknown, Don’t leave project status to chance, May 2000, quoted in the ACS Certification Program Study Guidereports were required on a weekly basis which had to classify the projects into one of three stages:•Red – significant issues affecting progress•Amber – issues arising that are likely to affect key deliverables•Green – on targetAny projects with a red or amber status were automatically tabled for discussion at the global meeting. This had the effect of combining reporting methods to provide a blend of meetings and written status reports – one of the recommendations of the IT Toolkits article.The management of risks and the resolution of issues that did arise on the project was a key part of the management process. Unlike US based projects3 the programme office did not have the luxury of insuring against risks by taking out liability insurance to hedge against the occurrence of major issues. Instead risks were monitored on a risk log – any new risk was logged onto the schedule. Once logged on the schedule the risks where categorised according to magnitude and likelihood (high, medium and low). Responsibility for risk mitigation and review was allocated to a team member and progress was regularly monitored at the global meetings.4. Lessons learned4.1 Project Implementation ReviewTo the best of the author’s knowledge no formal post- project implementation review (PIR) was undertaken although many of the individual project managers (the author included) undertook individual reviews on their particular projects. This is in line with anecdotal evidence which suggests that few organisations undertake PIRs4. Cost may have been a factor as research has shown that a PIR can cost upto 10% of the systems original cost5. At the time the project was transferring to Business As Usual (BAU), the financial markets were experiencing a significant downturn and funding for new enhancements (or PIR’s) was limited. In any case the changing project requirements – much had changed in the organisation since the project had been3 Lauren Gibbons Paul, Risk Management, Highwire Acts, June 1998, , quoted in the ACS Certification Program Study Guide4 Grant Butler, Post-natal dissection, February 2001, , quoted in the ACS Certification Program Study Guide5 Grant Butler, Post-natal dissection, February 2001, , quoted in the ACS Certification Program Study Guideinitiated and the project had changed as a result – would have made any review against the initial business case difficult.4.2 Lessons Learned – What Went WellIn the authors experience, IT project managers traditionally focus on the hard skills skills (structured management processes) rather than the soft skills (interpersonal skills such as communication). This view is supported by the work of Robert Butterick whose book The Interactive Project Workout6, focuses mainly on the softer skills required to successfully deliver projects.This is further supported by Keil et al in their article “A framework for identifying software project risks”7 which identifies the key risks associated with projects. In line with Butterick’s view that there should be a greater focus on the softer skills, only one of the 11 risk factors identified by the participants in the study involved a hard skill (the introduction of new technology), the others were seen as more “soft” – the top three were:•Lack of top management commitment to the project•Failure to gain user commitment•Misunderstanding the requirementsThe project initially performed well against this set of criteria, as shown below.4.2.1 Top management commitmentIn the authors view none of the key risks outlined by Keil et al were a major issue for the project under review. This is particularly the case for the issue of sponsorship, where there was a high degree of top management commitment - the CEO acted as Project Sponsor and frequently espoused the benefits of the project at management meetings and group forums.4.2.2 User commitmentPartly as a result of the high level of sponsorship there was strong user commitment. This was harnessed by the project team through the development of a user group known as the eBusiness Champions. These were senior employees who were6 Robert Buttrick, The Interactive Project Workout, Second edition 2000, Pearson Educationselected to be project champions within their business units, providing other users with up to date information on the progress of the project and giving the project a tangible profile amongst the user community.4.2.3 Misunderstanding the requirementsThe eBusiness Champions where also responsible for helping gather business requirements (for Phases 2 & 3), ensuring that the project team was able to fully understand and prioritise user requirements.4.3 Lessons Learned – What to leave behindIn their article, Keil et al go on to explore other issues which the authors believe had an influence on the project, most noticeably the failure to manage end user expectations. Although top management was committed to the project goals, and communications were initially carefully managed, budget cuts in the change management workstream in the later stages of the project’s life meant thatthere was a lack of communication surrounding some of the key deliverables, resulting in some of the project’s proponents becoming disenchanted.The eBusiness champions / end users had been closely involved in the requirements gathering process but as Weinberg states in his article It’s the expectations, stupid “Requirements ain’t expectations”8. As the budget for the change management programme was cut, information was no longer passed to the business in a streamlined fashion and just as the project began to focus on business benefits and creative solutions for individual business units so the project’s management of overall expectations failed to deliver.In the author’s view, change management could be seen as the single most important factor in managing user expectations. Although a programme of change was initiated it was never fully implemented and the handover to the business at the conclusion of the project (Business As Usual) was only partially completed. Research has shown that IT projects rarely place sufficient resources and emphasis on the people issues9. This is not the case in the early stages of the project under7 Keil et al, A framework for identifying software project risks, November 1998, Communications of the ACM, quoted in the ACS Certification Program Study Guide8 Gerry Weinberg, It’s the expectations, stupid, July 1997, .au, quoted in the ACS Certification Program Study Guide9 Richard T Houston, The human side of IT, July 2000, , quoted in the ACS Certification Program Study Guidereview where significant resources were devoted to the change issues inherent in the project. Unfortunately, due to falls in the financial markets and subsequent budget cutbacks, much of the emphasis on change management occurred in the early stages of the project, when user perception was that relatively little was being delivered (in actual fact a mistaken view, this being a period when global infrastructure was being installed, and core applications developed, upon which future applications depended).In their paper “An integrated framework for managing change in the new competitive landscape” (Prastacos et al, 2001)10, the authors outline an approach for managing change in the new competitive landscape. The paper provides an integrated framework for approaching organisational change and provides a useful basis for examining why the change management process broke down on this project. The Prastacos paper draws on many existing models and concepts that attempt to provide a framework for the management of change.The programme described above followed the majority of the precepts of Prastacoes et al, in principle at least. However, some important areas were neglected, or badly managed, generally as a consequence of the circumstances in which the senior management of the programme found themselves. For instance, the programme was required to build a global network infrastructure, scope and implement a host of applications which were to sit upon it, and develop the control mechanisms which would govern its management once it had been integrated into the business, all in an extremely short timeframe. Achieving these goals required an autocratic management style, which resulted in communication being poorly managed, even in the project team itself. Also, aspects of business handover were not managed as thoroughly as they ought to have been.Another external influence which could not have been anticipated was the global markets downturn. This resulted in a need for significant cost saving, and meant that the integrated framework of change management which was planned could not be implemented once the project was up and running, and the need for the technology outputs of the project becoming embedded within the organisation was at its greatest.10 Prastacos et al , An integrated framework for managing change in the new competitive landscape, 2001Whatever the reasons for its non-implementation, the programme highlights the critical importance of following through programmes of change management once the technological aspects of the programme have been implemented.4.4 Lessons Learned – the authors viewOther lessons which the author’s own Post Implementation Review identified and which might be applied to the programme as a whole included:•The use of the project management tool: ePMO•Meeting fatigue•Benefits realisation•Group planning sessionsThese are explored in more detail below.4.4.1 ePMOA key lesson was the use of the web based project management tool ePMO. As outlined above, this was to have provided significant benefits to the project in terms of global accessibility to information. Indeed, George Sifri, in his article “Web-Based Project Management11, states that “web based project management is the key to successful project management in today’s global business environment.” However there were significant issues with the tool adopted for use by the project team members, which was poorly designed and compromised by significant bugs. Far from facilitating communication, it actually made global communication difficult, leading to mis-understandings and misinformation which took time and effort to correct. However, the main reason for the ePMO’s lack of effective use was a result of performance issues experience by project team members when overseas. This had a knock-on effect with problems identified by Sifri in the above article: •Refusal to use the system – stemming in part from a lack of confidence in the tool due to performance problems experienced by teams overseas•Difficult to use interface – although not overly user friendly the interface issues could have been overcome with increased user involvement in the setting up of the tool and more in-depth user training. However, the major contributory fact were the performance issues outlined above11 George Sifri, Web-Based Project Management, Working Side-by-Side Worldwide, August 2000, , quoted in the ACS Certification Program Study Guide•Resistance from different types of users – some users were reluctant to share information with the external consultants and would not therefore update theePMO with relevant information. This could have been overcome with effective change management processes had the performance issues not played such a major role in discrediting the tool.4.4.2 Meeting fatigueThe global nature of the project meant that managing communication on a global level was impaired by the time differences of the different locations. In order to effectively manage communication the programme was broken into two regions: •Northern Hemisphere – UK and North America•Southern Hemisphere – Australia and New ZealandRegular weekly meetings were held between the UK and Australia with updates provided to the North American and New Zealand teams by the relevant geographies. This was further complicated in Phase 2 of the project when Hong Kong, Singapore and Japan came on-line. As such there was no single time which all geographies could reasonably be expected to be represented at the “global” meetings. This led to a proliferation of additional meetings in order to keep team members upto date with the latest key decisions and progress reports.The meetings themselves generally followed best practice procedure12 which included: keeping time schedules; providing agendas and follow up minutes (objectives and outcomes); accountability for outcomes – although unlike Sandy Damashek’s advocacy of “Koosh balls and silly putty”13 no toys ever appeared in the meeting rooms!4.4.3 Benefits realisationDeveloping a benefits realisation register for each of the projects was critical to being able to monitor the success or otherwise of the implementation. However, many of the projects did not undertake a critical analysis of the benefits realised at the conclusion of the projects.12 Christopher M Avery, Guides to Great Meetings, February 2001, , quoted in the ACS Certification Program Study Guide13 Sandy Damashek, Koosh Balls and Silly Putty, February 2001, , quoted in the ACS Certification Program Study Guide4.4.4 Group planning sessionsWhen creating the project plans for the individual projects on which the author worked it was apparent that those with the most accurate plans were the result of a collaborative approach to project planning. This is in-line with best practice advice14 which advocates avoiding single person estimates.5. Two years on: success or failure?In their article Looking back, Looking ahead, Karl Weigers and Johanna Rothman explore how an examination of the last project can improve the next one.15 As shown from the above, there are many lessons too be learned from the case study under reivew. However, in trying to gauge the success or otherwise of the project it is important to review the substantial benefits brought about from the implementation of the global web and intranet. Today much of the functionality provided by the system seems commonplace and without the structured approach of the formal Post Implementation Review and the revisiting of the business benefits it is sometimes difficult to remember quite how far the organisation has come towards its original objectives.In his article Project Termination Doesn’t Equal Project failure16 Boehm explores the reasons for project “failure” or closure. In the case study under review the organisation has substantially reviewed its strategic objectives and is in fact de-merging its operations back into regional divisions. As a consequence, the requirement for a global network is no longer appropriate. Does this mean the project was a failure? The author thinks not, as it met its strategic objectives and although more could have been done to drive the change home and increase the overall business benefits, its sponsors and management could in no way have foreseen the changes that have lead to its termination.14 ACS Certification Program Study Guide, PM1 Module 7 Time Management, ACS 200115 Wiegers and Rothman Looking Back, Looking Ahead February 2001 quoted in the ACS Certification Program Study Guide16 Boehm, Project termination doesn’t equal project failure, September 2000, Computer, quoted in the ACS Certification Program Study GuideAppendix 1Bibliography1. Project Management Institute, A Guide to the Project Management Body ofKnowledge, 2000 Edition, Project Management Insatiate2. Author unknown, Don’t leave project status to chance, May 2000, quoted in theACS Certification Program Study Guide3. Lauren Gibbons Paul, Risk Management, Highwire Acts, June 1998,, quoted in the ACS Certification Program Study Guide4. Grant Butler, Post-natal dissection, February 2001, , quoted inthe ACS Certification Program Study Guide5. Grant Butler, Post-natal dissection, February 2001, , quoted inthe ACS Certification Program Study Guide6. Robert Buttrick, The Interactive Project Workout, Second edition 2000, PearsonEducation7. Keil et al, A framework for identifying software project risks, November 1998,Communications of the ACM, quoted in the ACS Certification Program StudyGuide8. Gerry Weinberg, It’s the expectations, stupid, July 1997, .au,quoted in the ACS Certification Program Study Guide9. Richard T Houston, The human side of IT, July 2000, , quotedin the ACS Certification Program Study Guide10. Prastacos et al , An integrated framework for managing change in the newcompetitive landscape, 200111. George Sifri, Web-Based Project Management, Working Side-by-Side Worldwide,August 2000, , quoted in the ACS Certification Program Study Guide12. Christopher M Avery, Guides to Great Meetings, February 2001, ,quoted in the ACS Certification Program Study Guide13. Sandy Damashek, Koosh Balls and Silly Putty, February 2001,, quoted in the ACS Certification Program Study Guide14. ACS Certification Program Study Guide, PM1 Module 7 Time Management, ACS200115. Wiegers and Rothman Looking Back, Looking Ahead February 2001 quoted in the ACS Certification Program Study Guide 16. Boehm, Project termination doesn’t equal project failure, September 2000,Computer, quoted in the ACS Certification Program Study Guide。
