Chin. Phys. B Vol. 22, No. 4 (2013) 044206




1. Introduction
Laser cleaning is an environment friendly cleaning technique and has attracted more attention in industry. Due to its superior characteristics,[1] laser cleaning have proved to be very successful in the cleaning of polymer,[2] rubber tire molds,[3,4] large mirror,[5] magnetic head sliders,[6] artworks, and historical heritages,[7] and semiconductor chips with surface particles.[8−11] However, in the early applications laser cleaning techniques had relatively low cleaning efficiency. Although successful application for removal painting from metal surface is present, the technique has its disadvantages. For example the speed of the cleaning is relatively slow due to the small cleaned area, owing to small laser spot size. In addition, overexposure of the Gaussian laser pulses may result in substrate damage due to its high energy density beam. Therefore, a more effective laser cleaning technique requires not only high cleaning efficiency but also no damage to substrate. Chen et al.[12] found



高温预生长对图形化蓝宝石衬底GaN薄膜质量的提高黄华茂;杨光;王洪;章熙春;陈科;邵英华【摘要】在图形化蓝宝石衬底生长低温缓冲层之前,通入少量三甲基镓(TMGa)和大量氨气进行短时间的高温预生长,通过改变TMGa流量制备了4个蓝光LED样品.MOCVD外延生长时使用激光干涉仪实时监测薄膜反射率,外延片使用高分辨率X射线衍射(002)面和(102)面摇摆曲线估算位错密度,并使用光致发光谱表征发光性能,制备成芯片后测试了正向电压和输出光功率.结果表明,高温预生长可促进薄膜的横向外延,使得三维岛状GaN晶粒在较小的薄膜厚度内实现岛间合并,有利于降低位错密度,提高外延薄膜质量,LED芯片的输出光功率的增强幅度达29.1%,而电学性能无恶化迹象;但高温预生长工艺中TMGa的流量应适当控制,过量的TMGa导致GaN晶粒过大,将延长岛间合并时间,降低晶体质量.【期刊名称】《发光学报》【年(卷),期】2014(035)008【总页数】6页(P980-985)【关键词】LED;GaN;图形化蓝宝石衬底;高温预生长【作者】黄华茂;杨光;王洪;章熙春;陈科;邵英华【作者单位】华南理工大学理学院物理系广东省光电工程技术研究开发中心,广东广州510640;华南理工大学理学院物理系广东省光电工程技术研究开发中心,广东广州510640;华南理工大学理学院物理系广东省光电工程技术研究开发中心,广东广州510640;华南理工大学理学院物理系广东省光电工程技术研究开发中心,广东广州510640;鹤山丽得电子实业有限公司,广东鹤山529728;鹤山丽得电子实业有限公司,广东鹤山529728【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TN303;TN3041 引言第三代半导体材料氮化镓(GaN)具有直接带隙、禁带宽度宽、化学稳定性和热稳定性好等优点,在光电子和微电子领域有巨大的应用价值。







做为纳米材料的成员之一,纳米线因其优异的光学性能、电学性能及力学性能等特性而引起了凝聚态物理界化学界及材料科学界科学家们的关注, 利用物理和化学方法组装纳米线近年来也成为纳米材料研究的热点[2]。


高分子有机薄膜在经过高能离子辐照以后,会在薄膜中形成直径从几纳米到几十纳米的柱状损伤区域,这些损伤区域称作离子的潜径迹(latent track)。






2、核孔模的制备(1) 重离子辐照核孔膜所用高分子有机膜多为聚酯(PET)和聚碳酸酯(PC)膜,高能重离子在通过聚合物时损失能量,并引起靶原子的激发和电离,在许多固体中,导致永久的辐照损伤。






【关键词】放大器低功耗抗辐照 SOI工艺随着个人通讯的迅速发展,尤其是笔记本电脑、移动通信等便携式设计的广泛使用,低功耗成为电子产品,尤其是便携式电子产品的主要竞争指标。









1 电路设计本文设计的低功耗放大器从功能上可以划分为差分输入级、中问增益级、缓冲输出级以及偏置电路四部分。







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Minority Carrier Lifetime in As-Grown Germanium Doped Czochralski Silicon

Minority Carrier Lifetime in As-Grown Germanium Doped Czochralski Silicon

CHIN.PHYS.LETT.Vol.25,No.2(2008)651 Minority Carrier Lifetime in As-Grown Germanium Doped Czochralski Silicon∗ZHU Xin(朱鑫),YANG De-Ren(杨德仁)∗∗,LI Ming(李明),CHEN Tao(陈涛),WANG Lei(汪雷),QUE Duan-Lin(阙端麟)State Key Laboratory of Silicon Materials and Department of Material Science and Engineering,Zhejiang University,Hangzhou310027(Received11October2007)The minority carrier lifetime of as-grown germanium-doped Czochralski(GCZ)silicon wafers doped with germa-nium concentrations[Ge]=1016–1018cm−3is investigated in comparison with conventional CZ silicon samples.It is found that the lifetime distribution along the ingot changes with the variation of[Ge].There is a critical value of[Ge]=1016cm−3beyond which Ge can obviously influence the lifetime of as-grown ingots.This phenomenon is considered to be associated with the competition or combination between the oxygen related thermal donors (TDs)and electrically active Ge-related complexes.The related formation mechanisms and distributions are also discussed.PACS:,61.72.Yx,Germanium doping in silicon can suppress crystal-oriented particles,[1]enhance oxygen precipitations (OPs),[2,3]and improve the mechanical strength of wafers.[4]Various complexes have been proposed to ex-plain the phenomena related.However,the complexes existing in germanium-doped Czochralski(GCZ)sil-icon at high temperatures have not yet been verified due to their inactive properties or tiny density.Mean-while,minority carrier lifetime has been widely uti-lized to monitor the processes of semiconductor due to its sensitivity to trace impurities and defects with a detective limit even down to109cm−3levels.[5]Up to now,there are few reports on the lifetime in GCZ silicon.In this Letter,we investigate the effects of Ge on the lifetime in the as-grown CZ silicon ingot with the microwave photo-conductance decay(MW-PCD) and low temperature infrared(LT-IR)spectra tech-niques.Four 100 oriented P-type silicon ingots with5-inch diameter doped with and without Ge were grown under the same conditions by the Czochralski method. The densities[Ge]in Ge-doped silicon are calculated to be,respectively,1016cm−3(GCZ1),1017cm−3 (GCZ2),and1018cm−3(GCZ3)at the head end us-ing the effective segregation coefficient k=0.33.[Ge] at80%axial position is roughly3times of that at 20%axial position.For simplification,[Ge]in the fol-lowing descriptions is just assigned to the density at the head end of the ingots.Wafers with the same thickness of800µm were picked out from the position 20%,50%and80%lengths of ingot.The resistiv-ity was between8Ω·cm and10Ω·cm.The concen-tration of interstitial oxygen was between0.8×1018–01×1018cm−3,and the density of carbon was lower than5×1015cm−3.Wafers were chemical polished and immediately processed to grow80nm SiN x layers on both sides of a plasma-enhanced chemical vapour deposition(PECVD)system with a substrate temper-ature of300◦C.Then the effective minority carrier life-time of the samples was tested by a Semilab WT2000 MW-PCD system.The average lifetime of the central 1×1cm2area in the map was used.Figure1shows the dependence of lifetime on the axial position of ingot.It can be seen that the lifetime of the GCZ ingots are in the range of100–900µs.Fur-thermore,the lifetime in the GCZ1silicon increases along the ingot,which is similar to the ingot without Ge doping.However,the lifetimes in the GCZ2and GCZ3silicon appear a V-shaped distribution and a decreasing tendency,respectively.With the excellent passivation of SiN x layers,[6] the lifetime tested is the bulk SRH lifetime,[7]which mainly reflects the recombination behaviour of defects. Because absolute capture cross sections of the defects are unknown,the relation between defect density and lifetime is expressed by an effective defect density N∗t, i.e.N∗t=1τ=ii=1v thσn,i N t,i,(1)whereτis the lifetime from tests.In a p-type silicon, it is related to the electron capture cross sectionsσn,i of the combination centres,their density N t,i,and the carrier thermal velocities v th.N∗t can be used for com-parisons among the samples even through the values should be taken care of.Figure2shows the relationship between N∗t and the Ge content,respectively,at the head,the middle∗Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No50572094,the Programme for Cheung Kong Scholars and Innovative Research Team in University(PCSIRT),and Key Project of Science and Technology Department of Zhejiang Province under Grant No2006C11275.∗∗Email:mseyang@c 2008Chinese Physical Society and IOP Publishing Ltd652ZHU Xin et al.Vol.25and the tail of the silicon ingots.It illustrates that N ∗t decreases with [Ge]in the head end of ingot,while it increases slowly in the middle and fast in the tail end of the ingots.It obviously shows an inhibition of Ge on the defects at the head end of the ingot,but a promotion in tail end of the ingot.Fig.1.Lifetime distributions along the growth direction of the silicon ingots doped with and without germanium.The Ge densities at the head end of the GCZ1,GCZ2and GCZ3silicon ingots are about 1016,1017and 1018cm −3,respectively.Fig.2.Effective density N ∗tof the trap levels versus [Ge]of the samples.N ∗tis calculated as the inverse of lifetime data from Fig.1.The tendency of N ∗t in the head end is consistent with the dependence of the TDs on [Ge],as shown in Fig.3,suggesting strongly a TDs dominating be-haviour.The relationship between the concentration of TDs ([TD])and [Ge]is in agreement with the re-ported results.[8,9]Figure 3shows the LT-IR spectra of the samples with [Ge]=1016,1017and 1018cm −3,respectively.The peaks are assigned to the thermal double donors (TDDs)by Wagner and Hage.[10]The samples were annealed at 450◦C to simulate a pro-longed process of cooling,and a 650◦C/30min pre-treatment was used to remove the grow-in TDs.The total concentration of TDs was calculated according to ASTM F723-88with the resistivity before and af-ter the annealing at 450◦C.Fig.3.LT-IR spectra of the samples GCZ1,GCZ2and GCZ3,respectively.All the samples are treated at 650◦C/30min +450◦C/6h annealing.Inset:the total donor concentration [TD]versus [Ge].Meanwhile,the complexes formed at high temper-ature during the cooling of the ingot are responsible for the lifetime in the tail end.When [Ge]gets up to 1018cm −3,the lifetime of ingot is totally dominated by the Ge-related complexes,which is attributed to the most elementary and electrically active Ge-vacancyNo.2ZHU Xin et al.653(GeV)[11,12]and GeVO (GeV with an additional oxy-gen atom).[13]In fact,Ge-related complexes are always changing during the cooling of ingot.Yang et al .[14]have,based on their experiments,pointed out that the Ge atom can firstly capture a mono-vacancy forming GeV com-plex typically beyond 1100◦C,and then the interstitial oxygen atoms to form GeVO or even larger complexes GeVO n (n ≥2),which can act as the nuclei of the OPs [15]and are supposed to be electrically inactive.Even at lower temperature for the formation of TDs,GeV is supposed to capture oxygen dimer,the precur-sor of the TDs,[16]to form GeVO 2and thus to inhibit the formation of TDs.[17]Consequently,electrically ac-tive complexes increase along the axis of GCZ3ingot doped with [Ge]=1018cm −3,which results in the decreasing lifetime distribution.Unfortunately,the grown-in Ge-related complexes are failed to be de-tected by DLTS in the as-grown silicon wafers mostlydue to their tiny absolute density.It should be noted that the grow-in tiny oxy-gen precipitates (OPs)[18]are not enough to induce extended defects,so they have little gettering abil-ity.As a result,they trend to perform electrical neutrality.[19]Furthermore,they have a positive de-pendence on [Ge],[8]which is opposite to the tendency of N ∗t .Thus the grow-in OPs are excluded from the dominating factors.Based on the above discussions,the effects of TDs and Ge-related complexes on the distribution of N ∗t is schematically shown in Fig.4.It can be seen that in all Ge-doped ingots,the TD-related levels decrease by the axial position of ingot,while the Ge-related levels increase.Their relative densities could be con-trolled by the level of Ge-doping,and the competing results between them would determine the tendency of lifetime along the ingot.Fig.4.Schematic diagram on the distribution of effective traps (line with symbol)with the contributions of both TDs (dashed)and the Ge-related complexes (dot-dashed).In summary,Ge doping could have strong effects on the lifetime of as-grown silicon ingot.Apparently 1016cm −3is a critical value of [Ge]beyond which Ge can obviously influence on the lifetime of as-grown in-got.The effects of Ge-doping on lifetime involve both oxygen atoms and vacancies.[TD]decreases by the axial position of ingot,which plays a major role in both Ge-clean and lightly Ge-doped as-grown CZ sil-icon ingot.Meanwhile,electrically active Ge-related complexes involving vacancies act as the recombina-tion levels with an increasing density by the axial po-sition of ingot.The effects on lifetime of such two kinds of levels are comparable to each other within the range of [Ge]=1016–1018cm −3.As a result,it is apparent that the lifetime of ingots distributes highly sensitive to the level of Ge-doping.References[1]Carbonaro C M,Fiorentini V and Bernardini F 2002Phys.Rev.B 66233201[2]Yu X et al 2003J.Cryst.Growth 250359[3]Yang D et al 2002J.Cryst.Growth 243371[4]Taishi T,Huang X,Yonenaga I and Hoshikawa K 2003Mater.Sci.Semicond.Proc.5409[5]Palais O,Yakimov E and Martinuzzi S 2002Mater.Sci.Engin.B 91/92216[6]Touˇs ka J et al 2006J.Appl.Phys 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相关论文:Chin. Phys. Lett. 21, 393 (2004 Feb.) J. Appl. Phys. 95, 755 (2004 Jan.)
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Optics Letters, 23, 485(1998) Applied Optics, 38, 3399(1999) 侵权事实:CPL论文的主要实验结果系抄袭自OE论文,不少 文字叙述也抄袭自以上三篇论文,未引用。
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而量子信息学中有一个基本定理,即:量子不可克隆定理③Wootters W K,Zurek W H,"A single quantum cannot be cloned",Nature(London),1982,299,pp.802-803.,它指出:未知量子态不能被精确的复制。














(1) 起始阶段。









Chin. Phys. B Vol. 23, No. 9 (2014) 097702
Transport properties and anomalous fatigue effect of Ag/Bi0.9La0.1FeO3 /La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 heterostructures∗
Gao Rong-Li(高荣礼)a)b) † , Fu Chun-Lin(符春林)a) , Cai Wei(蔡 苇)a) , Chen Gang(陈 刚)a) Deng Xiao-Ling(邓小玲)a) , Yang Huai-Wen(杨怀文)b) , Sun Ji-Rong(孙继荣)b) , and Shen Bao-Gen(沈保根)b)
a) School of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering, Chongqing University of Science and Technology, Chongqing 401331, China b) Beijing National Laboratory for Condensed Matter Physics and Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China (Received 2 May 2014; revised manuscript received 14 May 2014; published online 23 July 2014)
∗ Project
suppoห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ted by the Knowledge Innovation Project of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Beijing Municipal Natural Science Foundation, the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 51102288 and 51372283), the Natural Science Foundation Project of Chongqing, China (Grant No. CSTC2012jjA50017), and the Cooperative Project of Academician Workstation of Chongqing University of Science & Technology, China (Grant Nos. CKYS2014Z01 and CKYS2014Y04). † Corresponding author. E-mail: gaorongli2008@ © 2014 Chinese Physical Society and IOP Publishing Ltd /cpb



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Magnetocaloric effects in RTX intermetallic compounds (R=Gd-Tm, T=Fe-Cu and Pd, X=Al and Si)

Magnetocaloric effects in RTX intermetallic compounds (R=Gd-Tm, T=Fe-Cu and Pd, X=Al and Si)

TOPICAL REVIEW—Magnetism,magnetic materials and interdisplinary researchMagnetocaloric effects in RT X intermetallic compounds (R=Gd–Tm,T=Fe–Cu and Pd,X=Al and Si)Zhang Hu(张虎)a)b)†and Shen Bao-Gen(沈保根)b)‡a)School of Materials Science and Engineering,University of Science and Technology of Beijing,Beijing100083,Chinab)State Key Laboratory for Magnetism,Institute of Physics,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing100190,China(Received11October2015;revised manuscript received20October2015;published online10November2015) The magnetocaloric effect(MCE)of RT Si and RT Al systems with R=Gd–Tm,T=Fe–Cu and Pd,which have been widely investigated in recent years,is reviewed.It is found that these RT X compounds exhibit various crystal structures and magnetic properties,which then result in different rge MCE has been observed not only in the typical fer-romagnetic materials but also in the antiferromagnetic materials.The magnetic properties have been studied in detail to discuss the physical mechanism of large MCE in RT X compounds.Particularly,some RT X compounds such as ErFeSi, HoCuSi,HoCuAl exhibit large reversible MCE under low magneticfield change,which suggests that these compounds could be promising materials for magnetic refrigeration in a low temperature range.Keywords:rare-earth compounds,magnetocaloric effect,magnetic entropy change,magnetic propertyPACS:75.30.Sg,,75.50.Ee DOI:10.1088/1674-1056/24/12/1275041.IntroductionNowadays,magnetic materials have been widely used and impact almost every aspect in our society from household ap-pliances to aerospace sciences.The functional magnetic ma-terials,in particular,such as permanent magnets,soft mag-nets,and magnetic shape memory alloys,have played an es-sential role in the development of modern society.In recent years,magnetic refrigeration based on the magnetocaloric ef-fect(MCE)has been demonstrated to be a novel application of functional magnetic pared with conventional gas compression-expansion refrigeration,magnetic refrigera-tion has attracted considerable attention due to its great advan-tages in many aspects such as energy saving and environmen-tal friendliness.[1–3]As the core part of magnetic refrigeration technique,the magnetocaloric properties of magnetic materi-als greatly affect the performance of a magnetic refrigerator, and thus,it is important to develop magnetic refrigerants with large MCE.Since the discovery of giant MCE in Gd5(Si1−x Gex)4,[4] a great deal of effort has been made tofind suitable refrig-erants for room temperature magnetic refrigeration.[5–13]On the other hand,it is also significant to search for suitable materials exhibiting large MCE at low temperature,due to their potential applications in gas liquefaction and scientific research.[2,14]Usually,the magnitude of MCE can be charac-terized by magnetic entropy change(∆S M)and/or adiabatic temperature change(∆T ad)upon the variation of magnetic field.Thermodynamic analysis reveals that the maximum magnetic entropy value(S M)per mole of magnetic ions is equal to S M=R ln(2J+1),where R is the universal gas con-stant and J is the total angular momentum of a magnetic ion.[1] Therefore,a large∆S M can be usually expected in the heavy rare earth-based materials due to the high magnetic moments of heavy rare-earth atoms.In the past few years,many different rare earth(R)—transition metal(T)intermetallic systems have been reported to exhibit large MCE in a wide temperature range.[14–16] Among them,the ternary intermetallic RT X compounds(R =rare earth,T=transitional metal,X=p-block metal)have been studied extensively due to their interesting physical prop-erties and large MCE.It has been found that the magnetic mo-ments of RT X compounds are mainly contributed by the rare earth atoms,while the T and X atoms hardly contribute to the magnetic moments due to the hybridization between d states of T and p states of X atoms.However,the crystallographic structure would change with the variation of either T or X atoms,thus also affecting the magnetic properties and MCE of RT X compounds.Very recently,Gupta et al.[17]reviewed the magnetic and related properties of RT X compounds,and briefly discussed the MCE.In the present paper,we give a comprehensive overview of the studies on the MCE of RT X intermetallic compounds(R=Gd–Tm,T=Fe–Cu and Pd,X =Al and Si),and this would be highly beneficial for the future research on the MCE of RT X compounds.∗Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant Nos.51371026,11274357,and51327806)and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities(Grant Nos.FRF-TP-14-011A2and FRF-TP-15-002A3).†Corresponding author.E-mail:zhanghu@‡Corresponding author.E-mail:shenbg@©2015Chinese Physical Society and IOP Publishing Ltd /cpb 2.MCE in RT Si compoundsTable1lists the nature of magnetic ground state,the or-dering temperature T ord,and the magnetocaloric properties for RT Si(R=Gd–Er,T=Fe–Cu)compounds.It is seen that the R FeSi and R CoSi compounds order ferromagnetically except HoFeSi,while the R NiSi and R CuSi compounds exhibit anti-ferromagnetic(AFM)ground state.The ordering temperature T ord decreases with the rare earth atom sweeping from Gd to Er.In contrast,the MCE increases greatly with the variation of rare earth atom from Gd to Er.It is interesting that large MCE can be observed not only in ferromagnetic(FM)RT Si but also in AFM RT Si compounds,which showfield-induced metamagneic transition from AFM to FM states.Table1.Magnetocaloric properties of RT Si(R=Gd–Er,T=Fe–Cu)compounds.Materials Ground state T ord/K −∆S M(J/kg·K)T ad/K RC/(J/kg)Refs. 2T5T2T5T5TGdFeSi FM130 6.011.3––373this work TbFeSi FM1109.817.5 4.18.2311[21] DyFeSi FM709.217.4 3.47.1308[21] HoFeSi FM+297.116.2––309[22] AFM/FIM20–5.6–6.0–––50[22] ErFeSi FM2214.223.1 2.9 5.7365[14] HoCoSi FM141320.5 3.1–410[33] ErCoSi FM 5.518.725.0––372[32] TbNiSi AFM14.8 1.79.4––182this work DyNiSi AFM8.812.122.9––434[37] HoNiSi AFM 3.817.526.0 4.58.5471[36] ErNiSi AFM 3.28.819.0 2.5[38]–309this work GdCuSi AFM14 2.69.2––194a[54] TbCuSi AFM11 2.710.0––246a[54] DyCuSi AFM1010.524.0––381[53] HoCuSi AFM716.733.1––385[15] ErCuSi AFM714.523.1–-471a[54]a The RC values were estimated from the temperature dependence of∆S M in the referenced literature.In the following sections,the magnetocaloric properties of RT Si compounds,especially the ones with large MCE,will be discussed in detail.2.1.R FeSi compoundsThe crystal structure of CeFeSi and related compounds wasfirst investigated by Bodak et al.in1970,[18]and they found that these compounds crystallize in the tetragonal CeFeSi-type structure(space group P4/nmm).In1992,Welter et al.[19]studied the magnetic properties of R FeSi(R=La–Sm, Gd–Dy)compounds by susceptibility measurements and neu-tron diffraction studies.It was found that the R FeSi(R=Gd, Tb,and Dy)exhibit the FM state below their respective T C. Later,Napoletano et al.[20]reported that GdFeSi undergoes a FM-paramagnetic(PM)transition around118K and presents a large–∆S M of22.3J/kg·K and∆T ad of4.5K for a highfield change of9T.Especially,it shows a giant refrigerant capacity (RC)value of1940J/kg in the10K–160K temperature range for afield change of9T.Recently,Zhang et al.[14,21,22]inves-tigated the magnetic properties and MCE of R FeSi(R=Gd–Er)compounds systematically.The maximum–∆S M values of GdFeSi are6.0J/kg·K and11.3J/kg·K for thefield changes of2T and5T,respectively.In addition,the RC value,cal-culated by integrating numerically the area under the∆S M–T curve with defining the temperatures at half maximum of peak as the integration limits,[23]is obtained to be373J/kg for a field change of5T.T KT KM(A.m2/kg)M(A.m2/kg)030609012015080120160200 35302520151054321GdFeSiTbFeSiDyFeSiHoFeSiErFeSiµ0H/ TTbFeSiDyFeSiFig.1.(color online)Temperature dependence of ZFC and FC magne-tizations under0.05T for R FeSi(R=Gd–Er)compounds.The inset shows a close view of the M–T curves of TbFeSi and DyFeSi in the PM state.[14,21,22]Figure1shows the temperature(T)dependence of zero-field-cooling(ZFC)andfield-cooling(FC)magnetizations (M)under0.05T for R FeSi(R=Gd-Er)compounds.[14,21,22] An obvious difference between ZFC and FC curves appears below the ordering temperature for R FeSi compounds exceptGdFeSi,which may be due to the domain-wall-pinning ef-fect as usually observed in materials with low ordering tem-perature and high anisotropy.[14,24]The R FeSi (R =Tb and Dy)compounds experience a second-order FM–PM transition around the respective T C of 110K and 70K for TbFeSi and DyFeSi,which are quite close to the liquefaction tempera-tures of natural gas (111K)and nitrogen (77K).[21]In ad-dition,an unusual discrepancy between ZFC and FC curves can be observed in PM state of R FeSi (R =Tb and Dy)com-pounds,suggesting the existence of short-range FM correla-tions just above T C .[25]The magnetic entropy change S M of R FeSi (R =Tb and Dy)was calculated from the magnetiza-tion isotherms by using the Maxwell relation ∆S M (T ,H )=µ0H 0(∂M /∂T )H d H ,[26]and the temperature dependence of ∆S M for TbFeSi and DyFeSi under different magnetic field changes are shown in Fig.2(a).[21]It can be seen that TbFeSi and DyFeSi present large −∆S M values of 5.3J/kg ·K and 4.8J/kg ·K for a low field change of 1T,respectively.This large MCE under a low field change is favorable to practical applications since the maximum field of permanent magnets in market is usually lower than 2T.In addition,it is worth not-ing that the magnitude of MCE is nearly same for TbFeSi and DyFeSi.Therefore,a series of (Tb 1−x Dy x )FeSi compounds can be predicted theoretically to exhibit continuous ordering temperatures with similar magnitude of MCE.T K6080100120T K60801001201401815129630-D S M (J /k g .K )654321-D S M (J /k g .K )DyFeSi TbFeSi1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T (a)(b)(Tb x Dy x )FeSicompositex/x/ D x/D 1 T µ0H/Fig.2.(color online)(a)Temperature dependence of ∆S M for R FeSi (R =Tb and Dy)under different magnetic field changes up to 5T.(b)Tem-perature dependence of calculated ∆S M for (Tb 1−x Dy x )FeSi (x =0–1)compounds and the composite material under a magnetic field change of 1T.[21]Figure 2(b)shows the temperature dependence of calcu-lated ∆S M of (Tb 1−x Dy x )FeSi compounds for a field change of 1T.[21]Furthermore,a composite material can be formed based on this series of (Tb 1−x Dy x )FeSi compounds and the op-timum mass ratio y i of each component,determined by using a numerical method,[27]is as follows:y 1=19.43wt%,y 2=13.32wt%,y 3=13.47wt%,y 4=13.74wt%,y 5=15.08wt%,and y 6=24.96wt%for x =0,0.2,0.4,0.6,0.8,and 1.0,re-spectively.The ∆S M of this composite is estimated by usingthe equation ∆S com =∑6i =1y i ∆S i and is shown in Fig.2(b).[21]The composite exhibits a constant −∆S com of ∼1.4J/kg ·K in a wide temperature range,thus resulting in a large RC of 64J/kg for a field change of 1T,which is 49%and 64%higher than those of TbFeSi (43J/kg)and DyFeSi (39J/kg).Thermody-namic analysis indicates that a magnetic refrigeration system based on an ideal Ericsson cycle requires constant ∆S M over a wide temperature range.[1]Therefore,the above result sug-gests that the composite of (Tb 1−x Dy x )FeSi can be a good can-didate for magnetic refrigerants for the Ericsson cycle over the liquefaction temperatures of nitrogen and natural rge reversible MCE for a relatively low magnetic field change has also been observed in ErFeSi compound.[14]010203040506070T K102030405060T K2520151050-D S (J /k g .K )1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T (a)(b)ErFeSiErFeSi6543210D T a d K2 T 5 TFig.3.(color online)Temperature dependence of (a)∆S M and (b)∆T ad for ErFeSi under different magnetic field changes.[14]Figure 3shows the temperature dependence of ∆S M and ∆T ad of ErFeSi for different magnetic field changes.[14]Here,the ∆T ad was calculated from the heat capacity (C P )curves by using the equation ∆T ad (∆H ,T )=[T (S )H −T (S )0]S .[26]For a magnetic field change of 5T,the maximum values of −∆S M and ∆T ad around the T C =22K are 23.1J/kg ·K and 5.7K,re-spectively.Particularly,the −∆S M and RC reach as high as14.2J/kg ·K and 130J/kg,respectively,for a relatively low field change of 2T.This large MCE around liquid hydrogen temperature (20.3K)indicates that ErFeSi could be a promis-ing material for magnetic refrigeration of hydrogen liquefac-tion.Unlike other R FeSi compounds with FM ground state,HoFeSi exhibits a complex magnetic structure with FM and AFM/ferrimagnetic (FIM)moments at low temperatures.With the decrease of temperature,HoFeSi undergoes a PM–FM transition at T C =29K.Besides,another anomaly is found at T t =20K,which indicates that some magnetic moments in HoFeSi may experience an FM–AFM/FIM transition around T t .[22]10203040506070T K123456T KK K K K K K 200160120804001612840-4-81009080M (A .m 2/k g )(a)T T T T T (b)812162024P e r c e n t a g e o f F M p h a s e-D S M (J /k g .K )µ0H TFig.4.(color online)(a)Magnetization isotherms of HoFeSi compound in the temperature range of 8K–24K.The inset shows the fraction of FM phase as a function of temperature estimated from magnetization isotherms.(b)Temperature dependence of magnetic entropy change ∆S M for HoFeSi compound under different magnetic field changes up to 5T.[22]Figure 4(a)shows the magnetization isotherms of HoFeSi in the temperature range of 8K–24K.[22]It is seen that the magnetization below 20K increases greatly at first with in-creasing magnetic field,corresponding to the typical FM be-havior.A field-induced metamagnetic transition occurs at crit-ical field with further increase of field,suggesting the possi-ble presence of AFM or FIM components at low temperatures in HoFeSi compound.The fraction of FM components,es-timated by extrapolating the plateau of FM state to 5T,is about 79%at 8K and reaches nearly 100%when tempera-ture increases to 24K (see inset of Fig.4(a)).The tempera-ture dependence of ∆S M for HoFeSi under different magneticfield changes is shown in Fig.4(b).[22]It is noted that HoFeSi presents negative ∆S M peak (normal MCE)around T C as well as positive ∆S M (inverse MCE)around T t .For a relatively low field change of 2T,the ∆S M values are 5.6J/kg ·K at T t and −7.1J/kg ·K at T C ,respectively.This special feature of succes-sive inverse and normal MCE in HoFeSi could be applied in some refrigerators with special designs and functions,which other materials with only normal MCE cannot satisfy.[28]2.2.R CoSi compoundsThe crystal structures and magnetic properties of R CoSi compounds vary with the rare earth elements.Neutron diffrac-tion studies reveal that R CoSi (R =Gd and Tb)crystallize in the tetragonal structure of CeFeSi-type (space group P 4/nmm )and order antiferromagnetically below T N of 175K and 140K for R =Gd and Tb,respectively.[29]However,R CoSi (R =Dy,Ho,and Er)compounds have been reported to crystallize in the orthorhombic TiNiSi-type crystal structure and exhibit PM–FM transition at low temperatures.[30–32]Leciejewicz et al.[31]investigated the magnetic structure of HoCoSi by neu-tron diffraction and found that the magnetic moments order ferromagnetically below T C =13K.Besides,the magnetic moments of Ho atoms form a conical spiral at 1.7K,leading to the coexistence of the collinear FM structure and helicoidal structure.0102030405060T K120100806040200C P (J /k g .K )1284001020304050T KM (A .m 2/k g )T t / KT C / KZFC FC T0 T 1 T 2 T 5 THoCoSiFig.5.(color online)Heat capacity (C P )curves for HoCoSi under differ-ent magnetic fields.The inset shows the temperature dependence of ZFC and FC curves for HoCoSi under the magnetic field of 0.01T.[32]In 2012,Xu et al.[32]further investigated the MCE of HoCoSi compound systematically by magnetization and heat capacity measurements.Figure 5displays the heat capacity (C P )curves for HoCoSi under different magnetic fields.[32]A distinct λ-type peak is observed around 11.2K in zero field,corresponding to the second-order FM–PM transition.In addition,another anomaly is observed at T t =4K in the thermomagnetic curve (inset of Fig.5),corresponding to the critical temperature of the coexistence of the collinear FM structure and helicoidal structure.With the increase of mag-netic field,the peak gradually becomes broader and lowerwhile it also moves to a slightly higher temperature,sug-gesting the typical characteristic of ferromagnet.[1]Based on the theory of thermodynamics,the ∆S M and ∆T ad val-ues can be calculated from the C P curves by using the fol-lowing equations ∆S M (T )=T 0[C H (T )−C 0(T )]/T d T and ∆T ad (∆H ,T )=[T (S )H −T (S )0]S ,respectively.Figure 6shows the temperature dependence of ∆S M and ∆T ad for Ho-CoSi under different magnetic field changes.[32]It is found that the −∆S M and ∆T ad reach as high as 26.3J/kg ·K and 11.0K for a magnetic field change of 5T.Moreover,for a relatively low field change of 2T,HoCoSi compound exhibits a giant MCE around T C =15K with the maximum −∆S M of 17.3J/kg ·K and T ad of 6.2K.Very recently,Gupta et al.[33]also reported the MCE of HoCoSi compound and observed a large MCE without hysteresis loss around the T C of 14K.For a magnetic field change of 5T,the maximum −∆S M and RC values of HoCoSi are 20.5J/kg ·K and 410J/kg,respectively.1020304050T K2824201612840121086420-D S M (J /k g .K )D T a d K1 T2 T 5 T 1 T 2 T 5 T HoCoSiHoCoSiFig.6.(color online)Temperature dependence of (a)∆S M and (b)∆T ad for HoCoSi under different magnetic field changes.[32]Xu et al.[32]further studied the effect of Er substi-tution on the magnetic and magnetocaloric properties in (Ho 1−x Er x )CoSi compounds.Figure 7shows the tempera-ture dependence of ZFC and FC magnetizations under 0.01T for (Ho 1−x Er x )CoSi compounds.[32]In addition to the FM–PM transition around T C ,all (Ho 1−x Er x )CoSi compounds ex-cept ErCoSi exhibit another anomaly at lower temperature T t ,which is related to the presence of magnetic helicoidal struc-ture.It is clearly seen that the transition temperatures de-crease linearly with the Er content increasing from 0to 1(in-set of Fig.7).Figure 8shows the temperature dependence of∆S M for (Ho 1−x Er x )CoSi compounds under a field change of 2T.[32]For a field change of 2T,the maximum −∆S M values are 17.9,17.9,18.2,18.0,18.5,and 18.7J/kg ·K for x =0,0.2,0.4,0.6,0.8,and 1,respectively.It can be seen that (Ho 1−x Er x )CoSi compounds exhibit nearly the same magni-tude of MCE with increasing Er content.Meanwhile,the T C decreases from 15K to 5.5K with the variation of x from 0to 1.Therefore,a composite material can be constructed based on this series of (Ho 1−x Er x )CoSi compounds and ex-hibits a constant ∆S M in the temperature range of 5.5K–15K,satisfying the requirement of Ericsson-cycle magnetic refrigeration.Similar research has also been carried out in (Ho 1−x Dy x )CoSi compounds.[32]However,single phase with tetragonal CeFeSi-type structure can not be obtained when Dy content is higher than 0.4,due to the presence of DyCo 2Si 2phase impurity.It is found that the T C decreases from 15K for x =0to 5K for x =0.4in (Ho 1−x Dy x )CoSi compounds.010200.51.0303020101612844050T KT K M (A .m 2/k g )FC ZFCxT CT tµ0H/ T Ho x Er x CoSix/ x/ x/ x/ x/ x/Fig.7.(color online)Temperature dependence of ZFC and FC magnetiza-tions under 0.01T for (Ho 1−x Er x )CoSi compounds.The inset shows the transition temperatures as a function of as a function of x .[32]102030T K20151050-D S M (J /k g .K )D µ0H/ THo x Er x CoSix/ x/ x/ x/ x/ x/Fig.8.(color online)The temperature dependence of ∆S M for (Ho 1−x Er x )CoSi compounds under a magnetic field change of 2T.[32]Figure 9shows the temperature dependence of ∆S M for Ho 0.8Dy 0.2CoSi compound under different magnetic field changes.[32]For a magnetic field change of 5T,Ho 0.8Dy 0.2CoSi exhibits a maximum −∆S M value of 20.2J/kg ·K around T C =12K.The reduction of MCE is dueto the fact that the introduction of Dy atoms would result in the competition of FM coupling of Ho moments and AFM coupling of Dy moments,thus lowering the saturation mag-netization and MCE of (Ho 1−x Dy x )CoSi compounds.102030405060T K201612840-D S M (J /k g .K )Ho Dy CoSiT T T T TFig.9.(color online)Temperature dependence of ∆S M for Ho 0.8Dy 0.2CoSi under different magnetic field changes.[32]2.3.R NiSi compoundsIn 1974,Bodak et al.[34]reported that all R NiSi (R =Gd–Lu)compounds crystallize in the orthorhombic TiNiSi-type crystal structure.In 1999,Szytula et al.[35]further investigated the magnetic properties of R NiSi (R =Tb–Er)compounds by neutron diffraction and magnetometric measurement studies.It was found that all R NiSi (R =Tb–Er)compounds show AFM ordering with strong magnetocrystalline anisotropy at low temperatures.In addition,the neutron diffraction studies reveal that another ordering change of magnetic moments from sine to square-modulated structure occurs below T N .Very recently,the MCE of R NiSi (R =Tb–Er)compounds have been investigated by different researchers.[36–38]Among these materials,HoNiSi exhibits the largest MCE due to the field-induced metamagnetic transition.[36]Zhang et al.[37]recently reported giant rotating MCE in textured DyNiSi polycrystalline material that is larger than those of most rotating magnetic refrigerants reported so far.Figure 10shows the temperature dependence of ZFC and FC magnetizations for DyNiSi at 0.05T along the parallel and per-pendicular directions,respectively.[37]It is seen that both ther-momagnetic curves show similar trend but with different mag-netizations.With the decrease of temperature,DyNiSi under-goes a PM–AFM transition at T N of 8.8K.In addition,another anomaly is found around the transition temperature T t =4K,which is likely attributable to the ordering change of magnetic moments from sine to square-modulated structure,based on neutron diffraction studies.[35]The magnetization was mea-sured by rotating the DyNiSi sample in the magnetic field of 0.05T as shown in the inset of Fig.10.Here,the rotation angle θis defined as 0◦when the longitudinal direction of columnar grains is parallel to the magnetic field.It can beclearly seen that the magnetization decreases gradually by ro-tating the sample from parallel to perpendicular direction,in-dicating that the easy magnetization axis is consistent with the preferred crystalline orientation.010432120304050602. KM (A .m 2/k g )s i n e -A F Ms q u a r e -A F MPMT N / KT t / K HHu Hu Hµ0H/ Tµ0H/ TZFC FCθ/(Ο)M (A .m 2/k g )20 KFig.10.(color online)Temperature dependence of ZFC and FC magne-tizations for DyNiSi at 0.05T along the parallel and perpendicular direc-tions,respectively.The inset shows the magnetization as a function of rotation angle at 20K under 0.05T.[37]1020304050T K1020304050T K242016128406543210-D S (J /k g .K )-D S (J /k g .K )Hu HT T T T T T T T T T (a)(b)T T T T T (c)1612840-D S d i f f (J /k g .K )Fig.11.(color online)Temperature dependence of ∆S for DyNiSi for different magnetic field changes along (a)parallel and (b)perpendicular directions,respectively.(c)The difference of ∆S for DyNiSi between dif-ferent directions as a function of temperature for different magnetic field changes.[37]Figures 11(a)and 11(b)show the temperature dependence of ∆S for DyNiSi for different magnetic field changes along parallel and perpendicular directions,respectively.[37]It can be seen that DyNiSi exhibits a giant anisotropic MCE,e.g.,the maximum −∆S values are 22.9J/kg ·K and 5.9J/kg ·K for a field change of 5T along parallel and perpendicular direc-tions,respectively.A small negative −∆S value (inverse MCE)is observed below T N at 1T along the parallel direction be-cause of the presence of the AFM state,while it becomes pos-itive with the increase of magnetic field.Such a sign change of −∆S is due to the field-induced AFM–FM metamagnetic transition.[39]In addition,another −∆S peak is found around T t for both directions.It is speculated that the transition from sine to square-modulated structure may lead to some unstable moments below T t .Therefore,an applied magnetic field will turn these AFM components into FM ordering,which exhibits a magnetically more ordered configuration,and then result in a positive −∆S peak.Figure 11(c)shows the difference of ∆S for DyNiSi between different directions as a function of tem-perature for different magnetic field changes.[37]For the field changes of 2T and 5T,the −∆S diff peak reaches as high as 11.1J/kg ·K at 8.5K and 17.6J/kg ·K at 13K due to the giantanisotropy of MCE.This result indicates that a large rotating MCE can be obtained by rotating the sample from perpendic-ular to parallel.θ/(Ο)0152 T1.5 T1 TT/ K30456075908642-D S R (θ) (J /k g .K )Hu HSNFig.12.(color online)The ∆S R (θ)of DyNiSi as a function of rotation angle for different magnetic field changes.The inset describes the rotation of sample from perpendicular (90◦)to parallel (0◦)direction in magnetic field.[37]Furthermore,the isothermal magnetization curves at 8K and 9K were measured for DyNiSi under applied fields up to 2T by rotating the sample from perpendicular (90◦)to paral-lel (0◦)with a step of10◦as shown in the inset of Fig.12.[37]By defining the rotating entropy change∆S R (90◦)as zero,the∆S R (θ)value at 8.5K can be obtained based on the magneti-zation curves by using the following equation:∆S R (θ)=∆S (θ)−∆S (90◦)=µ0 H 0∂M (θ)∂T Hd H−µ0 H 0∂M (90◦)∂T Hd H .(1)Figure 12shows the ∆S R (θ)as a function of rotation an-gle for different magnetic field changes.[37]It is noted thatsmall negative −∆S R (θ)value is observed under relatively low fields near the perpendicular direction.This can be un-derstood that the disordering of magnetic moments in AFM sublattice is enhanced under low fields when the rotation just starts,and thus it leads to a positive entropy change.Further rotating the sample closer to parallel,the majority of spins in the AFM sublattice could orient along the field direction,which then increases the spin ordering and results in the pos-itive −∆S R (θ)value.Under the magnetic field of 2T,the −∆S R (θ)value increases gradually and reaches a maximum value of 7.9J/kg ·K as the sample is rotated from perpendicu-lar to parallel.10864220016012080400M (A .m 2/k g ) (A .m 2/k g )010203040506070HoNiSiT K10203040506070T K1020304050T K01020304050T KM (A .m 2/k g )1601208040M (A .m 2/k g )T T T T TT T T T TZFC FCµ0H/ T ErNiSiZFC FC µ0H/ T (a)(b)T T T T TT T T T T Fig.13.(color online)Temperature dependence of ZFC and FC magne-tizations for (a)HoNiSi [36]and (b)ErNiSi under 0.05T.Inset shows the temperature dependence of magnetization in various magnetic fields for HoNiSi [36]and ErNiSi,respectively.。


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2010年SCI收录中国期刊序号中文刊名英文刊名国际刊号影响因子1地球科学(英文版)J CHINA UNIV GEOSCI1002-07050.703 2地质幕(英文版)EPISODES0705-3797 2.041 3地质学报(英文版)ACTA GEOL SIN-ENGL1000-9515 1.408 4地理学报(英文版)J GEOGR SCI1009-637X0.673 5地球科学学刊J EARTH SCI-CHINA1674-487X0.286 6地球物理学报CHINESE J GEOPHYS-CH0001-57330.832 7地震工程与工程振动(英文版)EARTHQ ENG ENG VIB1671-36640.888海洋学报(英文版)ACTA OCEANOL SIN0253-505X0.476 9环境科学学报(英文版)J ENVIRON SCI-CHINA1001-0742 1.513 10材料科学技术(英文版)J MATER SCI TECHNOL1005-03020.759 11石油科学(英文版)PETROL SCI1672-51070.432 12水动力学研究与进展(英文版)J HYDRODYN1001-6058 1.47513岩石学报ACTA PETROLOGICASINICA1000-056914应用地球物理(英文版)APPL GEOPHYS1672-79750.387 15土壤圈(英文版)PEDOSPHERE1002-01600.978 16中国科学(A辑数学,英文版)SCI CHINA SER A1006-92830.526 17中国科学(B辑化学,英文版)SCI CHINA SER B1006-9291 1.04218中国科学(C辑生命科学,英文版)SCI CHINA SER C1006-9305 1.34519中国科学(D辑地球科学,英文版)SCI CHINA SER D1006-9313 1.27120中国科学(E辑技术科学,英文版)SCI CHINA SER E1006-93210.72921中国科学(F辑信息科学,英文版)SCI CHINA SER F1009-27570.64222中国科学(G辑物理、数学、天文,英文版)SCI CHINA SER G1672-1799 1.19523中国炼油与石油化工(英文版)CHINA PET PROCESS PE1008-62340.08824矿物冶金与材料学报/北京科技大学学报(英文版)INT J MIN MET MATER1674-47990.32225北京科技大学学报(英文版)J UNIV SCI TECHNOL B1005-88500.919 26催化学报CHINESE J CATAL0253-98370.752 27大气科学进展(英文版)ADV ATMOS SCI0256-15300.925 28代数集刊(英文版)ALGEBR COLLOQ1005-38670.305 29等离子体科学与技术(英文版)PLASMA SCI TECHNOL1009-06300.553 30电子学报(英文版)CHINESE J ELECTRON1022-46530.135 31仿生工程学报(英文版)J BIONIC ENG1672-6529 1.03232分析化学CHINESE J ANAL CHEM0253-38200.798 33分子细胞生物学报(英文版)J MOL CELL BIOL1674-278813.4 34分子植物MOL PLANT1674-2052 4.296 35钢结构进展ADV STEEL CONSTR1816-112X0.296 36钢铁研究学报(英文版)J IRON STEEL RES INT1006-706X0.14 37高等学校化学学报CHEM J CHINESE U0251-07900.656 38高等学校化学研究(英文版)CHEM RES CHINESE U1005-90400.4639高等学校计算数学学报(英文版)NUMER MATH-THEORYME1004-89790.71440高分子科学(英文版)CHINESE J POLYM SCI0256-76790.478 41高分子学报ACTA POLYM SIN1000-33040.48142高校应用数学学报B辑(英文版)APPL MATH SER B1005-10310.14443固体力学学报(英文版)ACTA MECH SOLIDA SIN0894-91660.543 44国际肝胆胰疾病杂志(英文版)HEPATOB PANCREA T DIS1499-3872 1.514 45国际口腔科学杂志INT J ORAL SCI1674-28180.815 46国际泥沙研究(英文版)INT J SEDIMENT RES1001-6279 1.70847国际数字地球杂志INTERNATIONALJOURNAL OF DIGITALEARTH1753-8947 1.45348国际眼科杂志INT J OPHTHALMOL-CHI1672-51230 49核技术(英文版)NUCL SCI TECH1001-80420.204 50红外与毫米波学报J INFRARED MILLIM W1001-90140.45251华中科技大学学报(医学,英德文版)J HUAZHONG U SCI-MED1672-07330.40552化学进展PROG CHEM1005-281X0.56 53化学学报ACTA CHIM SINICA0567-73510.611 54机械工程学报(英文版)CHIN J MECH ENG-EN1000-93450.194 55计算机辅助工程ADV APPL MATH MECH2070-07330.51 56计算机科学技术学报(英文版)J COMPUT SCI TECH-CH1000-90000.142 57计算流体力学工程应用ENG APPL COMP FLUID1994-20600.36 58计算数学(英文版)J COMPUT MATH0254-94090.76 59计算物理通讯-英COMMUN COMPUT PHYS1815-2406 1.835 60交通运输计量(英文版)TRANSPORTMETRICA1812-86020.808 61结构化学(中+英文版)CHINESE J STRUC CHEM0254-58610.624 62金属学报ACTA METALL SIN0412-19610.477 63科学通报(英文版)CHINESE SCI BULL1001-6538 1.087 64颗粒学报PARTICUOLOGY1674-2001 1.317 65昆虫科学(英文版)INSECT SCI1672-9609 1.129 66理论物理通讯(英文版)COMMUN THEOR PHYS0253-61020.488 67力学学报(英文版)ACTA MECH SINICA-PRC0567-77180.74968纳米研究NANO RES1998-0124 5.071 69气象学报(英文版)ACTA METEOROL SIN0894-05250.704 70热带气象学报(英文版)J TROP METEOROL1006-87750.38 71热科学学报(英文版)J THERM SCI1003-21690.212 72山地科学学报(英文版)J MT SCI-ENGL1672-63160.632 73生命科学杂志LIFE SCI J1097-81350.158 74生物化学与生物物理进展PROG BIOCHEM BIOPHYS1000-32820.23675生物化学与生物物理学报(英文版)ACTA BIOCH BIOPH SIN1672-9145 1.54776生物医学与环境科学(英文版)BIOMEDICAL ANDENVIRONMENTALSCIENCES0895-3988 1.06377世界儿科杂志(英文版)WORLD J PEDIATR1708-85690.945 78世界胃肠病学杂志(英文版)WORLD J GASTROENTERO1007-9327 2.24 79数学年刊(B辑,英文版)CHINESE ANN MA TH B0252-95990.452 80数学物理学报(英文版)ACTA MATH SCI0252-96020.213 81数学学报(新辑,英文版)ACTA MATH SIN1439-85160.54 82天然气化学(英文版)J NAT GAS CHEM1003-9953 1.34583天文和天体物理学研究(英文版)RES ASTRON ASTROPHYS1674-45270.85684无机材料学报J INORG MATER1000-324X0.397 85无机化学学报CHINESE J INORG CHEM1001-48610.6786武汉理工大学学报(材料科学,英文版)J WUHAN UNIV TECHNOL1000-24130.38387物理化学学报ACTA PHYS-CHIM SIN1000-68180.734 88物理学报ACTA PHYS SIN-CH ED1000-3290 1.259 89稀土学报(英文版)J RARE EARTH1002-0721 1.086 90稀有金属(英文版)RARE METALS1001-05210.643 91稀有金属材料与工程RARE METAL MAT ENG1002-185X0.139 92系统工程与电子技术(英文版)J SYST ENG ELECTRON1004-41320.21193系统科学与复杂性学报(英文版)J SYST SCI COMPLEX1009-61240.56494细胞研究(英文版)CELL RES1001-06029.417 95香港儿科杂志HONG KONG J PAEDIATR1013-99230.211 96香港急诊医学杂志HONG KONG J EMERG ME1024-90790.167 97香港皮肤科学杂志HONG KONG J DERMATOL1814-74530.059 98香港职业治疗杂志(英文版)HONG KONG J OCCUP TH1569-18610.14399消化病杂志(英文版)JOURNAL OF DIGESTIVEDISEASES1751-2972 1.87100新型炭材料NEW CARBON MA TER1007-88270.888 101亚太医药杂志(英文版)ASIAN PAC J TROP MED1995-76450.172102亚洲男科学杂志(英文版)ASIAN J ANDROL1008-682X 1.549103亚洲天然产物研究杂志(英文版)JOURNAL OF ASIANNATURAL PRODUCTSRESEARCH1028-60200.706104亚洲外科杂志(英文版)ASIAN J SURG1015-95840.652 105遗传学报(英文版)J GENET GENOMICS1673-8527 1.494 106应用数学和力学(英文版)APPL MATH MECH-ENGL0253-48270.514 107应用数学学报(英文版)ACTA MATH APPL SIN-E0168-96730.371 108有机化学CHINESE J ORG CHEM0253-27860.555 109运动科学杂志((英文版)J EXERC SCI FIT1728-869X0.421110浙江大学学报(A 应用物理与工程,英文版)J ZHEJIANG UNIV-SC A1673-565X0.322111浙江大学学报(B 生物医学,生物化学与生物技术,英文版)J ZHEJIANG UNIV-SC B1673-1581 1.027112真菌多样性(英文版)FUNGAL DIVERS1560-2745 5.074 113整合动物学INTEGRATIVE ZOOLOGY1749-48771 114植物分类学报J SYST EVOL1674-4918 1.295115植物学报(英文版)JOURNAL OFINTEGRATIVE PLANTBIOLOG1672-9072 1.603116中国癌症研究(英文版)CHINESE J CANCER RES1000-96040.252 117中国地理科学(英文版)CHINESE GEOGR SCI1002-00630.656 118中国光学快报(英文版)CHIN OPT LETT1671-76940.692 119中国海洋工程(英文版)CHINA OCEAN ENG0890-54870.302 120中国海洋湖沼学报(英文版)CHIN J OCEANOL LIMN0254-40590.325 121中国航空学报(英文版)CHINESE J AERONAUT1000-93610.301 122中国化学(英文版)CHINESE J CHEN1001-604X0.773 123中国化学(英文版) CHINESE J CHEM PHYS1674-00680.642 124中国化学工程学报(英文版)CHINESE J CHEM ENG1004-95410.901 125中国化学快报(英文版)CHINESE CHEM LETT1001-84170.775 126中国结合医学杂志(英文版)CHIN J INTEGR MED1672-04150.578 127中国免疫学杂志(英文版)CELL MOL IMMUNOL1672-7681 2.026128中国农业经济评论CHINA AGRICULTURALECONOMIC REVIEW1756-137X0.167129中国神经再生研究(英文版)NEURAL REGEN RES1673-53740.18 130中国数学前沿FRONT MATH CHINA1673-34520.494131中国天文和天体物理学报(英文版)CHINESE J ASTRON AST1009-92710.849132中国通讯(英文版)CHINA COMMUN1673-54470.058133中国物理(物理学报-海外B版)CHINESE PHYS B1674-1056 1.63134中国物理(物理学报-海外C版)CHINESE PHYS C1674-11370.266135中国物理快报(英文版)CHINESE PHYS LETT0256-307X 1.077 136中国物理前沿FRONT PHYS CHINA1673-34870.581 137中国药理学报(英文版)ACTA PHARMACOL SIN1671-4083 1.909138中国有色金属学会会刊(英文版)T NONFERR METAL SOC1003-63260.676139中国铸造(英文版)CHINA FOUNDRY1672-64210.204 140中华医学杂志(英文版)CHINESE MED J-PEKING0366-69990.983 141中南工业大学学报(英文版)J CENT SOUTH UNIV T1005-97840.329 142自然科学进展(英文版)PROG NAT SCI1002-00710.832。

Economic development and carbon dioxide emissions in China

Economic development and carbon dioxide emissions in China

Abstract: This paper investigates the driving forces, emission trends and reduction potential of China’s carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions based on a provincial panel data set covering the years 1995 to 2009. A series of static and dynamic panel data models are estimated, and then an optimal forecasting model selected by out-of-sample criteria is used to forecast the emission trend and reduction potential up to 2020. The estimation results show that economic development, technology progress and industry structure are the most important
specific effect term in the regression model, thus improving the estimation performance (Hsiao, 2003; Baltagi, 2005). A number of previous studies on international CO2 emissions based on cross-country panel data models have taken advantage of panel data econometric models, such as Holtz-Eakin and Selden (1995), Tucker (1995), Schmalensee et al. (1998), Lantz and Feng (2006), Maddison (2006), Aldy (2007). Most recently, Auffhammer and Carson (2008) attempt to forecast China’s CO2 emissions path for the foreseeable future by using provincial panel data models, and they find evidence of underestimation in previous studies which are conducted based on time series or cross-sectional data. Their estimation results, however, are not based on panel data set of CO2 emissions but waste gas emissions.
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The polarization characteristics of single shot nanosecond laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy of Al∗Liu Jia(刘佳),Tao Hai-Yan(陶海岩),Gao Xun(高勋),Hao Zuo-Qiang(郝作强),and Lin Jing-Quan(林景全)†Changchun University of Science and Technology,Changchun130022,China(Received5July2012;revised manuscript received27September2012)The polarization-resolved laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy(PRLIBS)technique,which can significantly reduce the polarized emission from laser plasma by placing a polarizer in front of the detector,is a powerful tool to improve the line-to-continuum ratio in LIBS applications.It is shown that the continuum emission from the plasma produced through ablating an Al sample by nanosecond laser pulses is much more polarized than the discrete line emission with the single-pulse PRLIBS technique.The effects of laserfluence and detection angle on the Al polarization spectrum are systematically explored experimentally.The calculated result of the polarization spectrum as a function of laserfluence shows that it is in agreement with the experimental observations.Keywords:polarization-resolved laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy,laser plasma,S/N ratioPACS:42.62.Fi,52.38.Mf DOI:10.1088/1674-1056/22/4/0442061.IntroductionLaser-induced breakdown spectroscopy(LIBS)is one of the most promising options for the rapid,quasi-nondestructive,and standoff determination of the elemental composition of materials in numerous applications such as environment monitoring,[1–4]explosive residue detection,[5,6] biomedicine,[7–9]and space exploration.[10,11]This technique is based on the observation of emission from excited atomic, ionic,and other particles produced in plasma formed by the focused laser irradiation on a sample.It is well known that a typical laser induced plasma spectrum consists of a series of discrete lines covered by a broadband continuum.Although LIBS has been applied to variousfields,it is still lacking in sensitivity,reliability,precision,and accuracy compared with other analytical techniques.One of the major reasons for that is the presence of strong continuum background radiation at the early stage of plasma evolution.[12–16]In order to improve the LIBS technique,different meth-ods have been introduced to suppress the continuum emission or enhance the line intensity.Time-resolved laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy is the most well-known technique to reduce the effect of the continuum by using an expensive intensified charge-coupled device(ICCD)camera and a ap-propriate delay time before each measurement.[17,18]Another technique usually used is dual pulse LIBS which can enhance the intensities of discrete lines,but this technique is also highly dependent on experimental conditions.[19,20]Recently,a new technique called polarization-resolved laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy(PRLIBS)has emerged,which can significantlyfilter out the continuous background and increase line-to-continuum ratio by placing a polarizer in front of the detector of a non-gated CCD cam-era.Liu et al.[21]and Penczak et al.[22]have systematically investigated the dependence of polarization of plasma emis-sion of an Al sample on experimental parameters such as laser pulse energy,focal position,incident angle,detection angle, and laser polarization with a femtosecond laser,and found that continuum emission is much more polarized than dis-crete line emission from the plasma.In addition,they also studied the effects of laser pulse energy and laser focus po-sition on polarization spectrum by using nanosecond laser pulses.[23]However,Asgill et al.[24]found that there is no sig-nificant polarization difference between the continuum and discrete emission from N2,steel,and Cu samples.This ap-parent discrepancy could be reduced when laserfluence and polarization are taken into account.[22]The polarization of the plasma needs more detailed investigations,which is important for the optimal design of the detection system of a practical LIBS instrument based on the discrimination of the continuum obtained using the technique.In the present paper,we focus on the polarization characteristics of optical emission from the single nanosecond pulse ablation of Al samples at relatively low laser energy,and systematically investigate the influences of laser pulse energy and detection angle on the polarization characteristic.The experimental results are compared with the calculated results using an established theoretical model of continuum emission from plasma.The underlying mecha-nism of the polarization spectrum as a function of laserfluence∗Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant Nos.60978014,11074027,61178022,11274053,and11211120156),the Funds from Science and Technology Department of Jilin Province,China(Grant Nos.20090523,20100521,20100168,and20111812),and Funds from Education Department of Jilin Province.†Corresponding author.E-mail:linjingquan@©2013Chinese Physical Society and IOP Publishing Ltd /cpb which is in agreement with the experimental observations is analyzed.2.Experimental setupThe experimental setup used in this work is sketched in Fig.1.A single pulse of8-ns duration at wavelength of 1064nm from the YAG laser is focused on the sample sur-face by a convex lens(L1,f=25mm).A half-wave plate (HWP1)and a Glan–Taylor polarizer(P1)are employed to adjust the pulse energy.Another half-wave plate(HWP2)is used to change the polarization of the incident laser.Polished aluminum alloy samples are mounted on a computer-driven three-dimensional(3D)stage(Sigma,Inc.)which can supply a fresh surface for each laser shot.The incident laser beam is horizontally polarized and perpendicular to the sample sur-face.Our detection system is also in the horizontal plane(x–y plane in Fig.1).Emission from the plasma is focused onto an opticalfiber by a pair of lens(L2and L3)with focal lengths of75mm and35mm respectively.A Glan–Thompson polar-izer(P2)is installed between the two collecting lens to reduce polarized optical emission from the plasma.The intensity of transmitted spectrum after the polarizer depends on the angle of the polarizer.We continuously rotate the polarizer in steps of20◦and take15spectra at each polarizer angle.We use afil-ter bank to eliminate the possible influence from fundamental laser light.The optical emission from the laser induced plasma passes through a spectrograph(SpectraPro2500i,Princeton Instruments,Inc.)with a150-groove grating blazed at550nm and a non-gated CCD camera(Princeton Instruments Inc.)is used to record the spectra.The exposure time of200ms is used in our experiment.targetL1HWP1HWP2P1zyxP2L3fliterfiberL2spectrographCCDcomputer αFig.1.(color online)Schematic plot of the experimental setup.The intensity of spectrum depends on the angle of the po-larizer.The magnitude of the polarization P at each wave-length is determined by P=(I MAX−I MIN)/(I MAX+I MIN). The P is calculated by choosing the minimal spectral intensity denoted as I MIN and maximal represented as I MAX from among 18polarizer angle settings.Each spectrum is an average of15 spectra.3.Experimental resultsparision of emission intensities with LIBS andPRLIBSFigure2shows LIBS and PRLIBS spectra taking with Al target for horizontally polarized single laser shot at45◦of de-tection angle with laserfluence of10J/cm2.Figure2(a)shows conventional LIBS spectrum obtained without the polarizer. The spectrum contains a strong and broad continuum,espe-cially in a wavelength range of400nm–580nm.Figure2(b) shows a typical PRLIBS spectrum at minimum transmission angle of the polarizer.In this case,most of the continuum is suppressed by the polarizer and it is interesting to note that some weak peaks which are submerged in the continuum like Al II at443.28nm and Cu II at455.59nm become distin-guishable.From Fig.2we can see a comparison made in terms of the improvement of the signal-to-noise ratio(S/N) and the signal-to-background ratio(S/B).This enhancement is particularly evident from the Al II peak at422.80nm.In the case of conventional LIBS,the S/N and S/B are52.5and 1.08whereas in the case of PRLIBS,they are112.5and3.13, respectively.The S/N and S/B of PRLIBS spectrum are nearly 2and3times higher than those of LIBS spectrum,respec-tively.The polarization spectrum which is used to determine P in0.25-nm interval is shown in Fig.2(c).It clearly shows129634. online)Typical spectra of PRLIBS and polarization spec-tra,the spectra of Al plasma are taken at45◦of detection angle with laserfluence of10J/cm2.The spectra are taken without the polarizer(a),and with polarizer(b).The polarization spectra are calculated by15spectra for each wavelength.A PRLIBS spectrum is plotted in panel(c)for comparison.that the continuum emission is strongly polarized with the po-larization almost exceeding 80%in the detection region but the discrete lines are much less polarized.All the peaks in the PRLIBS spectra correspond to dips in the polarization spec-trum as shown in Fig.2(c).3.2.Dependence of the emission intensity in PRLIBS onlaser parameters Figure 3shows the dependences of the emission inten-sities for LIBS (Fig.3(a))and PRLIBS (Fig.3(b))on laser fluence at detection angle of α=45◦with horizontally po-larized single laser shot,and polarization spectra (Fig.3(c))calculated based on Fig.3(b).We can see clearly that the LIBS spectra are dominated by the strong and broadband continuum with laser fluences of 10J/cm 2,20J/cm 2,and 40J/cm 2re-spectively,and the intensities of continuum and discrete lines both increase with laser fluence increasing.After the polarizer is used,the continuous emission is effectively suppressed as shown in the PRLIBS spectra,which has also been demon-strated by other groups.[21]In both cases,the intensity vari-ations of continuum and discrete lines have the same trend with the increase of laser fluence.This behavior may be ex-plained by the fact that an increase in laser fluence produces a larger ablation rate [23–25]and larger number density of excited species.However,there are noticeable differences between the two cases.For example,some line emission in a wavelength range of 400nm–470nm cannot be well distinguished in theP o l a r i z a t i onI n t e n s i t y /103I n t e n s i t y /1031510508. J/cm 220 J/cm 240 J/cm 2Fig.3.(color online)Effect of laser fluence:LIBS spectra (a)and PRLIBS spectra (b)taken at 45◦detection angle with laser fluences of 10J/cm 2,20J/cm 2,and 40J/cm 2;(c)polarization spectra.LIBS spectra,while they become prominent in the PRLIBS spectra.The calculated polarizations of PRLIBS spectra at different laser fluences are plotted in Fig.3(c).We can clearly see that the value of polarization decreases with laser fluence increasing.At the lowest laser fluence,the polarization of the continuum is above 0.8nearly in the whole detection range,while the polarizations of discrete lines are much lower than the polarizations of adjacent continuum emission.Therefore we observe the discrete lines as dips in the polarization spec-trum.With the increase of laser fluence,the polarizations of continuum and discrete lines decrease and the difference of the polarizations between continuum and discrete lines becomes smaller.It indicates that an increasing temperature of elec-tron,owing to the enhancement of laser fluence,affects the polarization.P o l a r i z a t i o nI n t e n s i t y /103I n t e n s i t y /103128405. 45O 60O(a)(b)(c)400500600700Wavelength/nmFig.4.(color online)Effects of detection angles;(a)PRLIBS spec-tra taken with laser fluence of 10J/cm 2at 30◦,45◦,and 60◦detection angles;(b)polarization spectra.The effects of detection angle on the emission intensi-ties in PRLIBS and polarization spectra are also investigated.Figure 4shows the dependences of PRLIBS and polarization spectra at laser fluence of 10J/cm 2on detection angles of α=30◦,45◦,and 60◦with horizontally polarized single laser shot respectively.In Fig.4(a),PRLIBS spectra at minimum transmission of the polarizer are shown.It is found that,at 45◦detection angle,the peaks are more noticeable than those at the other two angles.Figure 4(b)shows the polarization spectra at different detection angles.We can see that the polarization spectra are strongly influenced by the detection angle,more-over,the effect of detection angle on polarization is more sig-nificant at longer wavelengths than at shorter wavelengths.Asshown in Fig.4(b),atα=45◦detection angle,the polariza-tions of continuum are above0.85in the whole detection range and the polarizations of discrete lines are quite low.There are slight differences in polarization at shorter wavelength among the three detection angles,whereas at longer wavelengths the differences are much more obvious.At45◦,the polarization is relatively stable,and at30◦detection angle,the polariza-tion declines slightly with wavelength increasing,whereas un-der the condition of60◦detection angle,the polarizations fall down dramatically,particularly at longer wavelengths.4.DiscussionThe underlying physics responsible for the effect of laser polarization has been discussed in previous studies,[22,26] while the effect of laserfluence has not been discussed the-oretically yet.Some theoretical and experimental studies demonstrated that the bremsstrahlung[22,27–30]and recombi-nation radiation[31,32]are linearly chberg and Weisheit[33]investigated the polarization of recombination ra-diation by using the differential cross section for recombina-tion and the anisotropy of the electron velocity distribution with a net drift u DP(ω)=3βΓcos2ρsin2αf220f0+βΓf2(3sin2α−2)(1)whereωis the frequency of a photon from recombination ra-diation,βΓis the anisotropy parameter in excited stateΓ,ρis the angle between the coordinate system of measurement and the coordinate system of the line of sight,and the angle is0here,αis the angle between symmetry axis of the plasma and the direction of detection,f0and f2are the monopole and quadrupole moments of the distribution,respectively,which can be expressed with the same proportionality constant ac-cording to the result of Milchberg and Weisheit[33]f0∝S(η,ξ),f2∝−52S(η,ξ)+152∂2S(η,ξ)∂η.(2) The expression of S(η,ξ)can be given asS(η,ξ)=2∞∑n=0(−ξ)nn!d2ndη2nsinhηη,(3) which is characterized by two dimensionless quantitiesη=[2m e(¯hω−χΓ)]1/2u Dk B T(4) andξ=¯hω−χΓk B T(1−T /T⊥),(5) where T and T⊥are the electron thermal motions parallel and perpendicular to a symmetry axis,respectively;m e is the elec-tron mass,χΓis the binding energy of stateΓ,and k B is the Boltzmann constant.In the limitξ→0,the degree of polarization atα=π/4 detection angle isP(η)=3βΓ3ηcoshη−(3+η2)sinhη4(βΓ−2)η2sinhη+3βΓ[(1−η2)sinhη−ηcoshη].(6)In the case of limitη→0,the polarization P of recombi-nation radiation atα=π/4can be expressed asP(ξ)=3βΓ∞∑n=0(−ξ)n n/(2n+1)(2n+3)n!∞∑n=04−βΓn2n+3(−ξ)n(2n+1)n!.(7)The expressions of P as functions ofηandξfor the spe-cial caseβΓ=2(K-shell capture)are plotted in Figs.5and 6,respectively.For simplicityβΓ=2is chosen,which does not affect the calculation results.One of reasons responsi-ble for the polarization of line emission is anisotropic velocity distribution,which arises from Maxwellian distributions with different temperatures in different directions in a nanosecond plasma.[34]Other possible mechanisms leading to polarization have been proposed,such as heavy particle collision,recom-bination mechanism,forbidden line emission due to electric field,self-alignment due to radiation trapping,etc.[35]For thefirst case as shown in Fig.5,only the electron tem-perature is considered,which rises in a certain range with the increase of laserfluence because the effect of laserfield varia-tion on net drift u D can be neglected.According to Eq.(4),ηdecreases with temperature increasing.As shown in Fig.5,the decreasing ofηleads to a lower value of P.Therefore,P(η) decreases with laser frequency increasing in this case.In the second case as shown in Fig.6,the value of T /T⊥keeps constant with the increase of temperature for a given ve-locity direction.[36]According to Eq.(5),if T /T⊥≥1,then ξ≤0andξapproaches to zero with the increase of tempera-ture;If T /T⊥<1,thenξ>0andξalso approaches to zero with the increase of temperature.Furthermore,the P(ξ)also approaches to zero whenξapproaches to zero as shown in Fig.6.Therefore,polarization decreases with laserfluence increasing.ηβΓ=2P (η)Fig.5.(color online)Degree of polarization as a function of η.ξP (ξ)0.80.40-0.4-10-50510βΓ=2Fig.6.(color online)Degree of polarization as a function of ξ.Based on the above analysis,the value of P always de-creases with laser fluences increasing for both cases.This simulation results are in qualitative agreement with the exper-imental observations as shown in Fig.3(c).5.ConclusionA nanosecond single-pulse PRLIBS technique is system-atically studied in this paper.We observed that the continuum emission of laser induced plasma is strongly polarized but the discrete line emission is weakly polarized.The experimental results demonstrate that the polarization is very sensitive to the laser fluence and detection angle.The experimental results clearly show a considerable difference in polarization char-acteristic between the continuum emission and discrete line emission,which should be related to the different generation mechanisms of the continuum and discrete line emissions.Our experimental results suggest that the use of a polarizer is an effective way to filter out the background,thereby improving the S/N and S/B ratios of the discrete line spectrum.Our cal-culated results could be used to explain the polarization char-acteristics of the emission from a laser induced plasma to a certain extent.However,further investigations are needed to explore the underlying mechanism.References[1]Ferreira E C,Anzano J M,Milori D M B P,Ferreira E J,Lasheras R J,Bonilla B,Montull-Ibor B,Casas J and Neto L M 2009Appl.Spectrosc.631081[2]Essington M E,Melnichenko G V ,Stewart M A and Hull R A 2009Soil.Sci.Soc.Am.J.731469[3]Myriam B,Hao Z Q,Matthieu B,Yu J,Zhang Z and Zhang J 2007Chin.Phys.Lett.243466[4]Koch S,Garen W,M¨u ller M and Neu W 2004Appl.Phys.A 791071[5]Lucia F C D,Gottfried J L and Miziolek A W 2009Opt.Express 17419[6]Stearns J A,McElman S E and 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