

2010~2011学年度第一学期期末考试初 三 物 理 试 卷

2010~2011学年度第一学期期末考试初 三 物 理 试 卷

2010~2011学年度第一学期期末考试初 三 物 理 试 卷(考试范围:九下15章止 试卷满分:100分 考试时间:90分钟 )一、选择题(每小题2分,共24分)1、如图所示的工具中,属于费力杠杆的是( )2、体重之比为9:10的甲、乙两位同学比赛爬山,从同一地点到同一目标,所用的时间比为6:5,他们爬山时的功率之比是( ) A .3:4B .4:3C .25:27D .27:253、某滑轮组的机械效率提高后,仍将原物体提高到相同的高度,则下列说法正确的是( ) A .有用功减少了 B .总功减少了 C .总功增加了 D .有用功增加了4、下列加点的物体中,具有弹性势能的是( ) A .弓.开如满月 B .箭.去似流星 C .云.来云又往 D .蜻蜓..立杆头5、关于温度、热量和内能,下列说法正确的是( ) A .温度高的物体内能一定大,温度低的物体内能一定小B .物体的内能与温度有关,只要温度不变,物体的内能就一定不变C .内能小的物体也可能将热量传递给内能大的物体D .物体的温度越高,所含热量越多6、汽油机是由四个冲程不断循环而工作的,图中表示压缩冲程是( )7、为保证司乘人员的安全,轿车上设有安全带未系提示系统。

当乘客坐在座椅上时,座椅下的开关S 1闭合,若未系安全带(安全带控制开关S 2断开)仪表盘上的指示灯将亮起,当系上安全带时,安全带控制开关S 2闭合,指示灯熄灭。

下列电路图设计最合理的是( )A. 钢丝钳B. 起子C.羊角锤.D.镊子第1题图A .B .C .D .8、如图所示,电源电压不变,闭合开关后,当滑片P 向左滑动时,则( )A .电流表的示数增大,电压表的示数减小B .电流表的示数变小,电压表的示数变大C .电流表的示数增大,电压表的示数变大D .电流表的示数变小,电压表的示数变小9、 家用的手电筒,用干电池作电源,正常发光时电流为0.32A ,小灯泡的电功率接近( ) A .0.1W B .1W C .10W D .100 W 10、下列做法中符合家庭安全用电要求的是( ) A .家用电器的金属外壳不接地 B .用湿布擦抹电器 C .用铜丝代替保险丝 D .照明灯的开关装在火线上11、在如图所示的电路中,电源电压为6V 。

基础会计 自检自测题及参考答案(第3套)

基础会计 自检自测题及参考答案(第3套)


多选、错选、不选均不得分)1.( )是指按照一定的步骤反复运行的会计程序。

A.会计循环B.会计核算C.会计监督D.会计审核2.会计科目按提供信息详细程度及其统驭关系分类,分为总分类科目和( )。

A.资产类科目B.负债类科目C.明细分类科目D.所有者权益类科目3.下列经济业务,( )属于资产内部一个项目增加,另一个项目减少的业务。

A.从银行提取现金B.以银行存款归还借款C.借入短期借款存人银行D.购买材料款项尚未支付4.如果某一账户的左边登记增加,右边登记减少,期初余额在左方,而期末余额在右方,则表明( )。

A.本期增加发生额低于本期减少发生额的差额小于期初余额B.本期增加发生额低于本期减少发生额的差额大于期初余额C.本期增加发生额超过本期减少发生额的差额大于期初余额D.本期增加发生额超过本期减少发生额的差额小于期初余额5.复式记账法的基本理论依据是( )。

A.期初余额+本期增加数-本期减少数=期末余额B.收入-费用=利润C.本期借方发生额合计=本期贷方发生额合计D.资产=负债+所有者权益6.库存现金日记账一般采用( )账簿。

A.活页式B.卡片式C.订本式D.任意一种7.在记账后.如果发现记账凭证中科目正确,但所记金额大于应记金额,应采用( )方法更正。


贷方登记增加的是( )。

A.预收账款B.制造费用C.销售费用D.税金及附加9.我国企业的资产负债表采用的格式是( )。

A.多步式B.报告式C.单步式D.账户式10.( )和未分配利润合称为留存收益。

A.盈余公积B.实收资本C.资本公积D.股本11.甲企业一笔4000元的应收账款无法收回,经批准确认为坏账,甲企业应编制的会计分录为( )。

A.借:管理费用4000贷:应收账款4000B.借:资产减值损失4000贷:坏账准备4000C.借:坏账准备4000贷:应收账款4000D.借:坏账准备4000贷:管理费用400012.接收外单位投资的材料一批,应填制( )。


2.在语言的谱系分类上,汉语属于 汉藏 语系,和我国境内的
苗语、瑶语 等、境外的 泰语、缅甸语 等为亲属语言。





中国工程院院士袁隆平说,这标志着我国此项技术在世界继续保持领先地位A. 科技水稻B.杂交水稻C.超级杂交水稻D.创新水稻2.中国共产党()中央委员会第六次全体会议于10月15日至18日在北京举行。



A. 第十五届,社会主义法律B.第十五届,社会主义文化C.第十七届,社会主义文化D.第十七届,社会主义法律3. 日本新内阁成员名单9月2日上午发布,()当选为日本新一届首相。







”以下建议中,你认为不正确的是()A.要尽快适应老师的讲课方法,注重预习,注意听讲 B.尽快熟悉你的班级,熟悉你的同学 C.随遇而安,小学时怎么学现在还怎么学 D.要主动和周围的同学搭话,热情地为新集体做事情6.“如果你有一个苹果,我有一个苹果,彼此交换,我们每个人仍只有一个苹果;如果你有一种思想,我有一种思想,彼此交换,我们每个人就有两种思想。



南充2024年11版小学五年级上册英语第三单元自测题[含答案]考试时间:80分钟(总分:110)B卷考试人:_________题号一二三四五总分得分一、综合题(共计100题共100分)1. 听力题:The __________ is a region known for its farming communities.2. 填空题:A cat has excellent ______ (视力) at night.3. 选择题:What do we wear on our feet?A. HatsB. GlovesC. ShoesD. Scarves答案: C4. 选择题:What is the primary language spoken in the United States?A. SpanishB. FrenchC. EnglishD. German答案:C5. 填空题:The __________ (历史的多样性视角) enrich discussions.6. 填空题:The ________ (创新方案) address challenges.7. 听力题:I write with a ________ (pen).What is the chemical symbol for gold?A. AuB. AgC. PbD. Fe9. 选择题:What do we use to protect our eyes from the sun?A. HatB. ScarfC. SunglassesD. Goggles10. 听力题:The _____ (toy) is on the floor.11. 听力题:We had a _____ (party/picnic) last weekend.12. 选择题:Which fruit is yellow and curved?A. AppleB. BananaC. PearD. Orange答案:B13. (Sphinx) is a famous statue in Egypt with the body of a lion. 填空题:The ____14. 填空题:I have a best friend named ______ (小明). We play together and share our ______ (秘密).15. 选择题:What is the capital of Tuvalu?A. FunafutiB. NukufetauC. NuiD. Nanumea答案:A16. 听力填空题:I love going hiking during the __________.Which bird is known for its colorful feathers?A. SparrowB. PeacockC. PenguinD. Crow答案: B18. 听力题:A chemical equation shows the ______ of reactants and products.19. 选择题:Which animal is known to be very slow?A. CheetahB. SlothC. RabbitD. Deer答案:B20. 填空题:The sunflowers face the _______ all day long.21. 听力题:An oxidizing agent is a substance that ________ electrons.22. 听力题:The main gas that contributes to air pollution is __________.23. 听力题:The capital of Tanzania is __________.24. 选择题:What do we call a person who studies the structure of the universe?A. AstronomerB. GeologistC. BiologistD. Physicist答案: A25. 听力题:The ______ is a predator of many small animals.26. 填空题:My brother and I like to ____.A __________ is a geological feature shaped by the action of glaciers.28. 填空题:The _____ (花木) provides habitat for many species.29. 听力题:The chemical symbol for gold is ______.30. 选择题:What do we call the layer of air surrounding the Earth?A. AtmosphereB. HydrosphereC. LithosphereD. Biosphere答案: A. Atmosphere31. 填空题:I have a ________ that dances.32. 听力题:The ability of a substance to dissolve is known as its _____.33. 听力题:The _______ of a wave can change when it travels through different media.34. 选择题:What is the name for a giant cloud of gas and dust in space?A. GalaxyB. StarC. NebulaD. Planet35. 选择题:What is 16 - 8?A. 5B. 6C. 7D. 836. 听力题:The chemical symbol for barium is _______.37. 填空题:A ________ (老虎) is a powerful animal that lives in the jungle.Planting in layers can create a ______ (多层次) garden.39. 选择题:How many continents are there in the world?A. FiveB. SixC. SevenD. Eight答案:C40. 填空题:The __________ (历史的镜子) reflects society.41. 选择题:What is the opposite of "easy"?A. SimpleB. DifficultC. HardD. Tough42. 听力题:The stars are ______ (bright) in the night sky.43. 填空题:I enjoy _______ (洗碗) after dinner.44. 填空题:_____ (植物繁殖) is necessary for creating new varieties.45. 听力题:A compound that can act as both an acid and a base is called an ______.46. a ________ (信) to her friend. 填空题:Small pl47. 填空题:The ______ (驴) is known for its hard work on farms.48. 填空题:My favorite sport is ______ (滑冰).49. 听力题:We have _____ (很多) toys to play with.Each ________ (季节) brings new plant life.51. 填空题:I build things with my ________ (玩具名称).52. 填空题:A ____(food desert) lacks access to fresh food.53. 选择题:What is the first letter of the English alphabet?A. AB. BC. CD. D答案:A54. 选择题:What do you call the center of an atom?A. NucleusB. ElectronC. ProtonD. Neutron55. 选择题:What do we call a young otter?A. PupB. KitC. CalfD. Chick答案:B. Kit56. 填空题:My mom is a great __________ (母亲).57. 选择题:What do you call the person who teaches in school?A. DoctorB. TeacherC. ChefD. Driver58. 填空题:The tiger is a powerful _______ (捕食者).What do we call the time when the sun sets?A. DawnB. DuskC. NoonD. Midnight60. 听力题:The _______ can be a source of inspiration for your artwork.61. 选择题:What do we call the process by which plants release oxygen?A. PhotosynthesisB. RespirationC. TranspirationD. Germination答案: A62. 选择题:What is the term for a baby rabbit?A. KitB. PupC. CalfD. Chick答案:A63. 选择题:What do you call the story of someone's life?A. BiographyB. NovelC. PoemD. Article答案:A64. 听力题:Metals are usually _____ at room temperature.65. 听力题:The stars twinkle in the ______ (night) sky.66. 听力题:The process of sublimation converts solid to ______.67. 选择题:What is the capital of Singapore?A. Kuala LumpurC. ManilaD. Singapore答案: D68. 填空题:The ______ (潜力) of plants for healing is still being researched.69. 听力题:The _______ provides a habitat for many insects.70. 选择题:What is the main purpose of a map?A. To tell timeB. To show locationsC. To measure distanceD. To display pictures71. 选择题:What is the capital of Peru?A. LimaB. CuscoC. ArequipaD. Trujillo答案:A72. 听力题:The first successful flight of a hot air balloon was in _______.73. 选择题:What do you call the part of the plant that absorbs water?A. LeafB. RootC. StemD. Flower答案: B74. 填空题:The __________ (空气质量) can be improved with more plants.75. 选择题:What is the term for a baby chicken?A. PigletB. CalfC. Chick答案:C76. 听力题:The boy likes to play ________.77. wind erosion) affects desert landscapes. 填空题:The ____78. 选择题:What is the opposite of "speak"?A. TalkB. WhisperC. SilenceD. Shout答案: C79. 选择题:Which one is a mode of transportation?A. HatB. CarC. TableD. Shoe答案:B80. 听力题:The chemical formula for sodium sulfate is _______.81. 听力题:The puppy is very ___. (cute)82. 听力题:The ______ can be found in almost every habitat.83. 听力题:The capital of Haiti is __________.84. 填空题:Planting in containers allows for ______ arrangement of flowers.(在容器中种植允许灵活布置花卉。




1.下列说法正确..的是( ) A .在统计中,把组成总体的每一个考察对象叫做样本容量 B .为了解全国中学生的心理健康情况,应该采用普查的方式 C .一组数据6,8,7,8,8,9,10的众数和中位数都是8 D .一组数据52,76,80,78,71,92,60的极差是32 2. 下列图形中不能折成立方体的是( )A、 B、 C、 D、3、如果点P 在第二象限内,点P 到x 轴的距离是4,到y 轴的距离是3,那么点P 的坐标为( ) A.(-4,3) B.(-4,-3) C.(-3,4) D.(-3,-4) 4.已知ΔABC 是等腰三角形,BC 边上的高恰好等于BC 的一半,则∠BAC 的度数是 A.75B. 900或750或25C.750或150D.900或750或1505.已知长方体容器的底面是边长为2cm 的正方形(高度不限),容器内盛有10cm 高的水,现将底面边长为1cm 的正方形、高是xcm 的长方体铁块竖直放入容器内,容器内的水高y 关于x 的函数关系式为1041+=x y ,则x 的取值范围是 ( )A .x >0B . 0<x ≤cm 340C .0<x ≤10cmD .以上均错 6.如图,AA ′,BB ′分别是∠EAB ,∠DBC 的平分线.若AA ′= BB ′=AB ,则∠BAC 的度数为( ) A .25º B .30º C .12º D .18º 7、某旅游景点的普通门票是每人10元,20人以上(包括20人)的团体票8折优惠,现有一批游客不足20人,买20人的团体票比每人各自买普通门票要便宜.这批游客至少有 ( ) A .16人 B .17人 C .18人 D .19人)8、如图,在△ABC 中,∠BAC =90o,AB =AC ,∠ABC 的平分线交AC 于D ,过C 作BD 垂线交BD 的延长线于E ,交BA 的延长线于F ,那么 ①BD=FC ; ②∠A BD =∠FCA ; ③BC =2CE ;④CE=FE 。



新世纪高等院校英语专业本科生系列教材综合教程第二册2011年春季学期综合教程第二册期末考试模拟自测题Unit 1II.1. The new recruits had to get used to a ________ ( demand ) schedule of training and study.2. There have been several ________ ( alarm ) incidents where planes have almost crashed.3. Once we have received a cheque for the fees your _______ ( enroll ) will be complete.4. The advertisement, which was considered offensive to women, was removed at the __________ ( insist ) of the Advertising Standards Authority.5. The miners are complaining that they are under constant ________ ( press ) to produce more and more coal, and that safety regulations are being ignored.III.1. I strongly ___of any one who goes out at night and leaves his her children alone.A. disapproveB. disproveC. objectD. appose2. They said the problem was in the engine, which was just what I had ____.A. suggestedB. suspectedC. sustainedD. suspended3. The old man always ____ his young sun as a model of hard work.A .held backB .held on C. held out D. held up4. I hate all this travel; I want to get married and ____.A. settle inB. settle down.C. settle upD. settle off5. You should look prettier if you bought some ___more clothes and grew your hair longer.A. femaleB. famineC. faminineD. masculineIV.tickle subsequent marry missionannounce settle unsettling shriek1. The general was immediately sent to Paris. His ________ was to negotiate a ceasefire.2. I must ________ all my affairs before going away for the Christmas vacation.3. These skills were then handed down to ________generation of craftsmen.4. It was starting to get cold and she _________ her hands into the pockets.5. The Minister made a dramatic appearance on nationwide television to _______ plans for a fresh peace negotiation.Unit 2II.1. He peeped_______ into the drawer when the host was out of the room. (inquisitive)2. The Morocan runner’s _______ gives Elliot a real chance of winning the gold medal. ( withdraw )3. “ I think you are doing very well indeed,”he added by a way of ________. ( encourage)4. I got a totally different ________ from him than what I had expected. ( respond )5. I approached the animal carefully after Jim’s _______ that it could do me no harm. ( assure )IV.take delight in withdraw wonder tell a liePay attention to be in for affect focus on1. I felt awful, and realized I ________an attact of malaria.2. After injuring her ankle in training she was forced to ________ from the race.3. You must ___ pay attention the teacher. Don’t let your attention wander.4. If there is any hard work to be done, I ________ you won’t come.5. People used to ____________ watching public hangings.Unit 3II.1. The principal would be less ________ (insist) on kids wearing school uniforms if the school had to pay for them.2. It’s so __________ (depress) that no one seems to care what’s happening to this country.3. I really missed my mother. My only _________ (console) is that her suffering was not prolonged.4. The 1911 strike was __________ (inquire) by the revolutionary ideas flooding out of Europe at that time.5. These people were killed in a head-on ______ (collide) between a bus and a car.IVundergo wrap up slip inspire fatalstretch out feel guilty deal with fluent console1. When we first get there, we were totally _____ in ourselves and lost touch a lot of friends.2. A student shock could be _______ to anyone with a delicate heart condition.3. Danielle is ______ in several languages, including Thai and Chinese.4. Since the death of his wife he ________ profound change his out look on life.5. At the end of a hard day, she likes to go home and ______in her favorite armchair in front of the fire.each of blame of head of lump of piece of flash of1. The teacher wrote the words with a ______ chalk.2. I need a ______ sugar for my coffee.3. There wasn’t a(n) ______ corn left in the vegetable garden..4. Last night we saw a ______ lightening in the sky.5. She cut up a ______ lettuce for the salad.6. He pulled out a ______ grass from the garden.Unit 5II.1. Health office are working hard on the ______ ( identify ) of the source of the food poisoning.2. The manager wasn’t very helpful, but I told her clearly that should take ______ (responsible ) for her stuff’s actions.3. At first she described the accident _____ ( emotional ), but later burst into tears.4. In the UK, divorced people have a _____ ( tend ) to live with new partners rather than marry again.5. During police interrogation, Rogers denied any _____ ( involve ) in the robbery.IV.afire transient patronizing straighten out desperatelydisclosure intimacy reveal rank as play a role1.Their air force is ________ short of spare parts for its aging Mig 21s.2. Investors were shocked by the _______ that the company director had been spending millions on luxury yachts and villas.3. His claim to be on terms of ______ with the President are somewhat exaggerated4. I appreciate his offer of help, but I can’t stand his _____ manner.5. His business affairs are in a terrible mess; they’ll take ages to ________.Unit 6II.1. With a growing sense of ______ ( panic ), Chris emptied the bag onto the table and searched frantically for the tickets.2. The spacecraft ______ ( decent ) through the atmosphere at a speed of 17,000 mph.3. Good teachers try to make their lessons more ________ ( enjoy ) by using varied activities.4. For years we were living with our suitcases packed in constant _______ ( expect ) of becoming given permission to leave the country.5. There was a lot of public debate about the ______ ( moral ) of the invasion.IV.scoff collapse pandemonium urgedilemma reassure glance at swayoff and on find one’s way1. A hundred years ago people ________ at the idea that man would ever fly.2. She was in a _______ as to whether to marry Paul, who was poor, or Charles, who was ugly.3. Isabel appeared to be momentarily overcome by the heart and ______ into the nearest chair.4. There was a sheer _________in the dance hall when someone shouted“Fire!”5. The doctor laid a ______ hand on Steven’s arm, “There is nothing to worry about!” he saidUnit 7II.1. She has got this ______ ( obsess ) fear of losing control so she never shows her emotions.2. People under a lot of stress at work will often experience _______ ( mood ), irritability anda loss of confidence.3.They wanted a ______ ( torarate ) existence —more food, better shelter and peace.4. In the end, the company and its investors came to mutually ________ ( benefit ) arrangement.5. Working with the mentally handicapped can be a _______ ( satisfy ) and rewarding experience.IV.delay take up with façade feverishlyconfront dread hold out premiseRecent automatically1. I_____ answering you because of pressure of work.2.______he set to work, and by the end of the day he had completed the whole concerto.3. Although they put up a ________ of honesty, I knew they were involved in various criminal activities.4. On my first day at work I was______ with the task of chairing a meeting.5. British and American justice works on the______ that an accused person is innocent until he’s proved guilty.III.1. I have meant to write you a long letter since Christmas, but there are such___ old jobs to do that___ time just flies.A. a lot of, /B. /, theC. a great deal of, theD. a great many, a2. The shop stored____ goods for as Christmas drew near.A. a great amount ofB. plenty ofC. a great deal ofD. much3. I have found____ pleasure in collecting ____ antiques.A much, the B. many, / C. /, a little D. a great deal of, /4. If we have nothing to do,_____ worries will likely dominate our thoughts.A. manyB. a lot ofC. /D. much5. I made______ friends at college.A. a good manyB. many aC. a good deal ofD. much6. Did you have ______ last year.A. many snowsB. a lot of snowC. many a snowD. a lot of snowsUnit 8II.1. You always follow your own _____ ( incline ) instesd of thinking of our feeling.2. The men stood in front the bar, _____ ( different ) to the argument that was going on across the raod.3. The company has had a successful first year at home but its______( penetrate ) of the international market has been slow.4. We gadn’t seen her for many years and were very shocked by her ______ ( trail ).5. He does not consider his deafness an _______ ( afflict ).IV.make a living hold on to be inclined to to a degreecare for leap up follow one’ example tiltjack up fumble1. The table top suddenly ______ and all the plates and glasses crashed onto the floor.2. In order to understand the commitees’s decision it is necessary to examine the press that_______ it.3. We were thinking of selling this old furniture, but we’ve decided to ________ it. It might be valuable.4.Sister Mary remained constantly at the doctor’s side, helping him______ the sick and wounded.5. If she sees clothes that she likes, she_______ buy them immediately.Unit 9II.1. The collar of his jacket had been ______ ( stiff ) with an extra layer cloth.2. An interpreter’s job is such a responsible one that they can’t afford any______.( err)3. Opening my letter was an inexcusable______ ( invade) of privacy.4. Don’t rely on the information she gave you —it’s pure_____ ( assume ) on her part.5. He protested his ______( innocent ) loudly as they dragged him off to prison.IV.take precautions doom with an air of enragemake a difference inspect scoop up tuckrun spot1. Several people shouted at the chairman; feelings were_______ high.2. He_______ the children up in bed and said goodnight.3. The building is regularly________ by a fire-safety officer.4. The accident would never have occurred if they’d _________.5. The autumn, Sally announced _______ finally, “There is nothing we more we can do. We might as well all go home.”Unit 11III.1. When the ground shakes and the building tips forward, the computer would force the building to ___ in the opposite direction.A. completeB. removeC. shiftD. end2. This company is in trouble and the latest plan for its_____ has few supporters.A. salvationB. protectionC. preservationD. defense3. It is said in the job ad that those who apply for the vacancy should have___ in at least two languages.A. efficiencyB. proficiencyC. experienceD. practice4. Don’t rely on the information she gave you-- it’s pure ____ on her part.A. influenceB. considerationC. assumptionD. domination5. The power a political party is allowed to exercise should ___ closely to the proportion of votes it receives.A correspond B. conform C. adhere D. submitIV.irrelevant go around mak a point of doing…with the resultcorrespond to rather be apt to flunkdefine1. We may therefore _______ an extrovert personality as one whose interests are mainly directed outwards to the external environment rather than inwards to the thoughts and feelings of the self.2. To recognize them is to recognize that social labels are basically _____ and misleading.3. Your performance is generally assumed to ______ the knowledge you have acquired and will retain.4. Oddly enough, the men whom he _______ did not resent it.5. Carnegie considered that the distribution of wealth for the benefit of society must never be in the form of free charity but _______ must be as a support to the community’s responsibility for its own people.Unit 12II1. It’s really good _______ ( relax ) after a hard day at work..2. A particularly _______ ( argument ) section of the committee kept raising objections to the proposal.3. Economic theory would predict that a fall in the price of a commodity would lead to an incease in __________ ( consume )4. She has a quiet, __________ ( contemplate ) nature.5. It is _________ ( encourage ) that so many young players are coming into the team.IV.pretend easygoing attitude take it easyill at ease shut down on average dedicate tocarry on compare1. In order to change _______ towards employing women, the government is bringing in new laws.2. Our teacher is very ________; she doesn’t mind if we turn up late.3. He is working very hard at the moment, so he tends to ______ at the weekend.4. Johnson had never been to a big party before and he was ________.5. Lilly ____to be thrilled with her new life but I know she misses her old friends.新世纪高等院校英语专业本科生系列教材综合教程第二册。







A.实践活动符合于计划B.计划接近实际活动C.实践活动具有指标约束D.计划得以严格执行6. 当管理者接待来访者、参加剪彩仪式等社会活动时,他行使的是()的角色。










2011秋季CRE 期中考试自测题一、填空题(20 Points )1.化学反应器按操作方式分类,分为______、______、______。

(间歇反应器,连续反应器,半间歇反应器)2. 化学反应器按传热条件分类,分为______、______、______。

(等温反应器,绝热反应器,非等温、非绝热反应器)3温度升高10K 反应速率增加一倍的经验规则(the rule of thumb) 只适用于对给定的活化能在特定的温度条件。

经验规则成立时活化能与温度之间的关系为___________ (写成E=f(T)的形式)。


(.4.着眼关键反应组分A 的转化率的定义式为_______。

(00AA A A N N N X -=)5.当计量方程中计量系数的代数和等于零时,这种反应称为_______,否则称为_______。

(等分子反应,非等分子反应)6. 气态等分子转化,或液相反应中,溶剂占主要体积,溶质反应对溶液的密度影响不明显,反应进行时反应体系的体积可看成不变,则该系统称为_______(恒容或恒密度系统)。


(拟平衡常态)8. 活化能的大小直接反映了______________对温度的敏感程度。

(反应速率) 9.生成主产物的反应称为_______,其它的均为_______。



11. 如果平行反应)()(副主S A P A →→均为一级不可逆反应,若主E >副E ,提高选择性P S 应_____。

(提高温度) 12. 一级连串反应A S P在平推流反应器中,为提高目的产物P 的收率,应______21k k 的值。



成本会计试卷---- 3一、单项选择题(20分)1、决定成本计算对象的因素是生产特点和()。


A、本车间或本生产步骤正在加工中的产品B、需要继续加工的半成品C、不可修复的废品D、等待返修的废品3、假定甲企业A产品本月完工250件,月末在产品160件,在产品完工程序40%,月初和本月发生的原材料费用共56 520元(随加工进度陆续投料),则完工产品和月末在产品的原材料费用分别是()。

A、45 000和11 250B、40 000和16 250C、34 298和21 952D、45 000和11 5204、按计划成本综合结转半成品所应具备的条件是()。




A、分步法 B.分批法 C.分类法 D.定额法8、采用平行结转分步法()。


A、各种产品生产的机械化程度相差悬殊B、不考虑产品生产的机械化程度C、产品生产的机械化程度较高D、产品生产的机械化程度相差不多10、某产品由三个生产步骤完成,采用逐步结转分步法计算成本,本月第一步骤转入第二步骤的生产费用为2 300元,第二步骤转入第三步骤的生产费用为4 100元,本月第三步骤发生的费用为2 500元(不包括上一步骤转入的费用),第三步骤月初在产品费用为800元,月末在产品费用为600元,本月该种产品的产成品成本为()元。

















2011 模三

2011 模三


每小题的选项中只有一个是正确的,不选、多题号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 答案1、下列估测合理的是A、一只鸭蛋的质量约为600gB、一盏教室内的日光灯正常工作时的功率约为40WC、一名中学生ls心跳约为70次D、一张报纸的厚度约为75mm2、利用电流的热效应工作的家用电器是A、电饭煲B、洗衣机C、电冰箱D、电视机3、自行车设计和使用过程中,有许多增大或减小摩擦力的地方,以下有关事实,属于减小摩擦力的是A、刹车时需用力捏车刹B、向车转轴处加润滑油C、手把和轮胎印有花纹D、脚蹬刻有很深的凹槽4、下列能源中,都属于不.可再生能源的是A、石油、煤B、风能、天然气C、潮汐能、太阳能D、风能、水能5、生活中,下列措施不符合...安全用电的是A、家用电器的金属外壳要接地B、开关必须接在火线上C、发现家用电器或导线失火时,必须先切断电源,然后再救火D、发现有人触电时,应该立刻用手将触电人拉开6、如图1所示四个演示实验中,能够说明电磁感应现象的是图17、2007年4月18日零时起、我国铁路开始了第六次大提速、“和谐号”动车组高速列车经过时,若人离铁轨太近容易被吸进铁轨,应特别注意安全、从物理学的角度看,这是因为高速行驶的列车与人之间的A 、空气流速增大,压强增大B 、空气流速增大,压强减小C 、空气流速减小,压强增大D 、空气流速减小,压强减小8、惯性有时要利用,有时要防止其危害、下列事例中属于防止..惯性带来危害的是A 、拍打衣服,把灰尘拍去??? ?B 、将足球射入球门C 、公路上的汽车限速行驶??? ?D 、跳远时快速助跑9、如图2所示的自动控制电路中,当开关S 闭合时,工作电路的情况是A 、灯亮,电动机不转动,电铃响B 、灯亮,电动机转动,电铃响C 、灯不亮,电动机转动,电铃响D 、灯不亮,电动机不转动,电铃响10、下列叙述中的“影”,属于光的反射现象的是A 、立竿见“影”B 、毕业合“影”C 、湖光倒“影”D 、形“影”不离11、一个边长为a 的立方体铁块从图3(甲)所示的实线位置(此时该立方体的下表面恰与水面齐平)下降至图中的虚线位置,则图(乙)中能正确反映铁块所受水的浮力的大小F 和铁块浸入水中的深度(以下表面)h 关系的图像是12、如图4所示电路中,电源电压恒定。



五、选择正确的答案填在括号内: 1. 下列化合物中只有p-π共轭的是( ),只有σ-π共轭的是( ), 只有π-π共轭的是( )。 —CH3 D. A. —OH C. —CH CH —Cl B.
2. 下列化合物中具有芳香性的是( A. B. C. D.
)。 E. Cl
Cl F.
)。 —Cl
3. 由易→难排列下列化合物起亲电取代反应的顺序( A. B. —CH3 C. —OH D.
—NO2 E. )。
4. 下列卤代烃中X原子被取代,最活泼的化合物是( A. CH3CH CHX C. (CH3)2C CHCH2X B. CH3CH2CH2X
六、完成下列反应式: 1. (CH3)2C CH—CH CH2+H2SO4 OCH3 2. COOH 3. 4. —CH3
饱和烃与不饱和烃 一、将下列化合物命名或写出结构式:
CH3 1. CH3CH2CH-CH2-C-C2H5 CH-CH3 CH3 CH3 CH(CH3)2 C2H5 CH3 C(CH3)3 CH3 5 . HH CH2 2. C2H5 CH3 C C CH(CH3)2 CH2CH(CH3)2
3 .H
4 .
C=C C2H5
6 . H
9. 反―1.2―二甲基环已
10. 顺―1―甲基―4―叔丁



《管理学基础》自测题库第一章管理概述一、选择题:(1-3为单选,4-6为多选)1、管理是一种艺术,是强调管理的 ( )A.精确性 B.沿续性 C.随意性 D.实践性2、管理的四大基本职能是( )A.计划、组织、领导、控制 B.计划、组织、指导与领导、控制C. 计划、组织、人员配备、控制 D.计划、人员配备、领导、控制3、对于基层管理者而言,最重要的是()A.技术技能 B、人际技能 C、概念技能4、作为一种管理人员,应该具备的管理技能包括()A.技术技能 B、人际技能 C、概念技能 D、学习技能5、管理的客体是 ( )A.人 B.信息 C.物 D.目的6、学习和研究管理学的具体方法有 ( )A.调查研究法 B.比较研究法 C.案例研究法 D.历史研究法选择题答案:1、D 2、A 3、A 4、ABC 5、ABC 6、ABCD名词解释:管理经纪人假设社会人假设二、简答题1、管理的职能包括哪些。


A.生理需求、安全需求、尊重需求、社交需求、自我实现需求B.生理需求、安全需求、社交需求、尊重需求、自我实现需求C.生理需求、尊重需求、安全需求、社交需求、自我实现需求D.生理需求、安全需求、尊重需求、自我实现需求、社交需求2.马斯洛关于自我实现的需要是指()A.个人追求安全、舒适、免于恐俱B.谋求自由与独立,得到别人的重视或赞赏C.充分展现潜能与天赋,完成与自己能力相称的一切D.希望归属于某个群体,在所处的群体中占有一个位置与他人交流并得到关心与爱护E.人们追求秩序与美感,展现人性中富有创造性的一面3、请问按照双因素理论,下述哪一种因素属于激励因素()A. 奖金B. 上下级关系C. 工作内容的吸引力D. 工作的保障4、关于管理中的例外原则,以下哪种理解最为合适?()A.上级将一般日常事务授权给下级去处理,自己只从事重大的、非程序化问题的决策B.上级只接受下级关于超出标准的例外情况的报告C.上级将一般的日常事务全权交由下级处理,自己只保留对例外事项的决定和监督权D.上级在授予下级日常事务处理权的同时,保留对其执行结果的监督权,并集中精力处理例外事件5、管理学形成的标志是19世纪末20世纪初出现的()A.一般管理理论B.科学管理理论C.管理组织理论D.人际关系理论答案:1.B 2.C 3.C 4.D 5.B二、多选1、泰罗在工作中发现,当时劳动生产率不高的主要原因是()A.劳动工具落后B.工作分配不合理C.劳动方法不正确D.工人不愿干E.生产组织与管理不科学2、下列结论中,通过霍桑实验可以得出的有()A.工人是社会人而不是经济人B.在组织中存在大量的非正式组织C.工人的积极性仅受报酬的驱动D.企业的领导可以通过提高工人的满足度来提高工人的士气,从而达到提高效率的目的3、古典管理理论主要是指()A.一般管理理论B.科学管理理论C.行政组织理论D.X、Y理论4、需求层次理论认为:人类有一系列复杂的需求,可以分为()A.生理的需求B.安全的需求C.社交的需求D.尊重的需求E.自我实现的需求5、双因素理论包括()A.满意因素B.不满意因素C.激励因素D.保健因素答案:1.BCDE 2.ABD 3.ABC 4.ABCDE 5.CD三、简答题1、科学管理理论的主要思想及主要内容是什么?主要思想:P26三点主要内容:P27-28六点2、一般管理理论的14条管理原则:P30-313、人际关系理论的主要观点是什么?P354、什么是保健因素和激励因素?P41第三章计划一、单项选择题1.管理各项职能中的首要职能是()。



自测题3一.选择题:(共30分)1. 一火箭的固有长度为L ,相对于地面作匀速直线运动的速度为1v ,火箭上有一个人从火箭后端向前端上的一个靶子发射了一颗子弹,子弹相对于火箭的速度为2v ,则在火箭上测得子弹从射出到击中靶的时间间隔为 ( C )(A )12L v v +. (B) 21Lv v -.(C )2L v分析:在火箭上测量(静止系),子弹相对于火箭的速度为2v ,子弹飞行的距离为L ,故选(C )。

2.宇宙飞船相对于地面以速度v 作匀速直线运动,某一个时刻飞船头部的宇航员向飞船的尾部发出一个光信号,经过t ∆(飞船上的钟)时间后,被尾部的接收器收到,则飞船的固有长度为: ( B )(A )v t ∆. (B )c t ∆ .(C)c ∆ . (D分析:相对于飞船静止的观测者测出的飞船的长度即为飞船的固有长度。

故选(B )。

3. (1)设'S 系相对S 系以速度u 沿着x 正方向运动,今有两事件对S 系来说是同时同地发生的,它们对'S 系是否同时发生?(2)在某一惯性系中发生于同一时刻、不同地点的两个事件,它们在其他惯性系中是否同时发生? ( B )( A ) (1) 不同时,(2)同时. ( B )(1) 同时,(2)不同时. ( C ) (1) 同时,(2)同时. ( D )(1) 不同时,(2)不同时. 分析:由相对论时空观:“同时同地发生的两事件,其同时具有绝对性;而同时异地发生的两事件,其同时只具有相对性”。

故选(B )。

4.一粒子在惯性系S 中沿Y 轴正方向以光速c 运动,当S 系中的观察者以速度v 沿X 轴正方向运动时,他测得粒子的速度为( B )。

(A(B )c . (C(D )c/2分析:“光速不变原理”是狭义相对论的基本原理之一。

故选(B )。

5.两个静止质量为0m 的粒子分别以速度v 沿同一直线相对运动,相碰后合在一起成为一个粒子,则其质量为:( D ) (A )02m . (B(C)2m (D分析:相对论动量p mv =;能量2E mc =,动质量与静质量的关系即质速关系为m =动量守恒与能量守恒定律在相对论物理中仍然成立。

《中国古代文学史》课程 习题(自测试题)及参考答案 第三部分 名词解释题

《中国古代文学史》课程 习题(自测试题)及参考答案 第三部分 名词解释题

第三部分名词解释题1. 《诗经》2. “六义”3. 《春秋》4. “春秋三传”5.《论语》6.楚辞7.散体大赋8.抒情小赋9.汉乐府10.《史记》11.《古诗十九首》12.《孔雀东南飞》13.建安风骨14.新体诗15.骈文16.志怪小说17.游仙诗18.玄言诗19.吴歌20.西曲21.宫体诗22.初唐四杰23.上宫体24.王孟25.高岑26.新乐府运动27.唐传奇28.花间派29.温韦30.西昆体31.诗文革新运动32.江西诗派33.诚斋体34.苏辛词派35.稼轩体36.辛派词人37.永嘉四灵38.江湖派39.诸宫调40.元杂剧41.散曲42.元曲四大家43.元诗四家44.铁崖体45.话本46.南戏47.平话48.荆、刘、拜、杀49.台阁体50.前七子51.后七子52.唐宋派53.公安三衰54.竟陵派55.明代传奇56.吴江派57.玉茗堂四梦58.小品59.四大奇书60.章回小说61.神韵说62.格调说63.肌理说64.性灵说65.浙西词派66.常州词派67.桐城派68.阳湖派69.南洪北孔70.诗界革命71.南社72.谴责小说参考答案三、名词解释1. 《诗经》我国古代第一部诗歌总集,全书共305篇,按音乐的不同划分为风、雅、颂三大部分,成书于春秋中期,反映了从西周初年到春秋中期将近500年的社会状况。


2. “六义”(或"六诗”)指风、雅、颂、赋、比、兴。


3. 《春秋》是鲁国的编年史,经过了孔子的修订。


4. 指左丘明的《春秋左氏传》(又称《左传》)、公羊高的《春秋公羊传》(又称为《公羊传》)和谷梁赤的《春秋谷梁传》(又称《谷梁传》)。

5. 中国古代“四书”之一,是孔子去世之后,由孔子弟子及门人编订而成的,是专门记录孔子与时人言行的一部书,为语录体著作。



新世纪高等院校英语专业本科生系列教材综合教程第二册2011年春季学期综合教程第二册期末考试模拟自测题Unit 1II.1. The new recruits had to get used to a ________ ( demand ) schedule of training and study.2. There have been several ________ ( alarm ) incidents where planes have almost crashed.3. Once we have received a cheque for the fees your _______ ( enroll ) will be complete.4. The advertisement, which was considered offensive to women, was removed at the __________ ( insist ) of the Advertising Standards Authority.5. The miners are complaining that they are under constant ________ ( press ) to produce more and more coal, and that safety regulations are being ignored.III.1. I strongly ___of any one who goes out at night and leaves his her children alone.A. disapproveB. disproveC. objectD. appose2. They said the problem was in the engine, which was just what I had ____.A. suggestedB. suspectedC. sustainedD. suspended3. The old man always ____ his young sun as a model of hard work.A .held backB .held on C. held out D. held up4. I hate all this travel; I want to get married and ____.A. settle inB. settle down.C. settle upD. settle off5. You should look prettier if you bought some ___more clothes and grew your hair longer.A. femaleB. famineC. faminineD. masculineIV.tickle subsequent marry missionannounce settle unsettling shriek1. The general was immediately sent to Paris. His ________ was to negotiate a ceasefire.2. I must ________ all my affairs before going away for the Christmas vacation.3. These skills were then handed down to ________generation of craftsmen.4. It was starting to get cold and she _________ her hands into the pockets.5. The Minister made a dramatic appearance on nationwide television to _______ plans for a fresh peace negotiation.Unit 2II.1. He peeped_______ into the drawer when the host was out of the room. (inquisitive)2. The Morocan runner’s _______ gives Elliot a real chance of winning the gold medal. ( withdraw )3. “ I think you are doing very well indeed,”he added by a way of ________. ( encourage)4. I got a totally different ________ from him than what I had expected. ( respond )5. I approached the animal carefully after Jim’s _______ that it could do me no harm. ( assure )IV.take delight in withdraw wonder tell a liePay attention to be in for affect focus on1. I felt awful, and realized I ________an attact of malaria.2. After injuring her ankle in training she was forced to ________ from the race.3. You must ___ pay attention the teacher. Don’t let your attention wander.4. If there is any hard work to be done, I ________ you won’t come.5. People used to ____________ watching public hangings.Unit 3II.1. The principal would be less ________ (insist) on kids wearing school uniforms if the school had to pay for them.2. It’s so __________ (depress) that no one seems to care what’s happening to this country.3. I really missed my mother. My only _________ (console) is that her suffering was not prolonged.4. The 1911 strike was __________ (inquire) by the revolutionary ideas flooding out of Europe at that time.5. These people were killed in a head-on ______ (collide) between a bus and a car.IVundergo wrap up slip inspire fatalstretch out feel guilty deal with fluent console1. When we first get there, we were totally _____ in ourselves and lost touch a lot of friends.2. A student shock could be _______ to anyone with a delicate heart condition.3. Danielle is ______ in several languages, including Thai and Chinese.4. Since the death of his wife he ________ profound change his out look on life.5. At the end of a hard day, she likes to go home and ______in her favorite armchair in front of the fire.each of blame of head of lump of piece of flash of1. The teacher wrote the words with a ______ chalk.2. I need a ______ sugar for my coffee.3. There wasn’t a(n) ______ corn left in the vegetable garden..4. Last night we saw a ______ lightening in the sky.5. She cut up a ______ lettuce for the salad.6. He pulled out a ______ grass from the garden.Unit 5II.1. Health office are working hard on the ______ ( identify ) of the source of the food poisoning.2. The manager wasn’t very helpful, but I told her clearly that should take ______ (responsible ) for her stuff’s actions.3. At first she described the accident _____ ( emotional ), but later burst into tears.4. In the UK, divorced people have a _____ ( tend ) to live with new partners rather than marry again.5. During police interrogation, Rogers denied any _____ ( involve ) in the robbery.IV.afire transient patronizing straighten out desperatelydisclosure intimacy reveal rank as play a role1.Their air force is ________ short of spare parts for its aging Mig 21s.2. Investors were shocked by the _______ that the company director had been spending millions on luxury yachts and villas.3. His claim to be on terms of ______ with the President are somewhat exaggerated4. I appreciate his offer of help, but I can’t stand his _____ manner.5. His business affairs are in a terrible mess; they’ll take ages to ________.Unit 6II.1. With a growing sense of ______ ( panic ), Chris emptied the bag onto the table and searched frantically for the tickets.2. The spacecraft ______ ( decent ) through the atmosphere at a speed of 17,000 mph.3. Good teachers try to make their lessons more ________ ( enjoy ) by using varied activities.4. For years we were living with our suitcases packed in constant _______ ( expect ) of becoming given permission to leave the country.5. There was a lot of public debate about the ______ ( moral ) of the invasion.IV.scoff collapse pandemonium urgedilemma reassure glance at swayoff and on find one’s way1. A hundred years ago people ________ at the idea that man would ever fly.2. She was in a _______ as to whether to marry Paul, who was poor, or Charles, who was ugly.3. Isabel appeared to be momentarily overcome by the heart and ______ into the nearest chair.4. There was a sheer _________in the dance hall when someone shouted“Fire!”5. The doctor laid a ______ hand on Steven’s arm, “There is nothing to worry about!” he saidUnit 7II.1. She has got this ______ ( obsess ) fear of losing control so she never shows her emotions.2. People under a lot of stress at work will often experience _______ ( mood ), irritability anda loss of confidence.3.They wanted a ______ ( torarate ) existence —more food, better shelter and peace.4. In the end, the company and its investors came to mutually ________ ( benefit ) arrangement.5. Working with the mentally handicapped can be a _______ ( satisfy ) and rewarding experience.IV.delay take up with façade feverishlyconfront dread hold out premiseRecent automatically1. I_____ answering you because of pressure of work.2.______he set to work, and by the end of the day he had completed the whole concerto.3. Although they put up a ________ of honesty, I knew they were involved in various criminal activities.4. On my first day at work I was______ with the task of chairing a meeting.5. British and American justice works on the______ that an accused person is innocent until he’s proved guilty.III.1. I have meant to write you a long letter since Christmas, but there are such___ old jobs to do that___ time just flies.A. a lot of, /B. /, theC. a great deal of, theD. a great many, a2. The shop stored____ goods for as Christmas drew near.A. a great amount ofB. plenty ofC. a great deal ofD. much3. I have found____ pleasure in collecting ____ antiques.A much, the B. many, / C. /, a little D. a great deal of, /4. If we have nothing to do,_____ worries will likely dominate our thoughts.A. manyB. a lot ofC. /D. much5. I made______ friends at college.A. a good manyB. many aC. a good deal ofD. much6. Did you have ______ last year.A. many snowsB. a lot of snowC. many a snowD. a lot of snowsUnit 8II.1. You always follow your own _____ ( incline ) instesd of thinking of our feeling.2. The men stood in front the bar, _____ ( different ) to the argument that was going on across the raod.3. The company has had a successful first year at home but its______( penetrate ) of the international market has been slow.4. We gadn’t seen her for many years and were very shocked by her ______ ( trail ).5. He does not consider his deafness an _______ ( afflict ).IV.make a living hold on to be inclined to to a degreecare for leap up follow one’ example tiltjack up fumble1. The table top suddenly ______ and all the plates and glasses crashed onto the floor.2. In order to understand the commitees’s decision it is necessary to examine the press that_______ it.3. We were thinking of selling this old furniture, but we’ve decided to ________ it. It might be valuable.4.Sister Mary remained constantly at the doctor’s side, helping him______ the sick and wounded.5. If she sees clothes that she likes, she_______ buy them immediately.Unit 9II.1. The collar of his jacket had been ______ ( stiff ) with an extra layer cloth.2. An interpreter’s job is such a responsible one that they can’t afford any______.( err)3. Opening my letter was an inexcusable______ ( invade) of privacy.4. Don’t rely on the information she gave you —it’s pure_____ ( assume ) on her part.5. He protested his ______( innocent ) loudly as they dragged him off to prison.IV.take precautions doom with an air of enragemake a difference inspect scoop up tuckrun spot1. Several people shouted at the chairman; feelings were_______ high.2. He_______ the children up in bed and said goodnight.3. The building is regularly________ by a fire-safety officer.4. The accident would never have occurred if they’d _________.5. The autumn, Sally announced _______ finally, “There is nothing we more we can do. We might as well all go home.”Unit 11III.1. When the ground shakes and the building tips forward, the computer would force the building to ___ in the opposite direction.A. completeB. removeC. shiftD. end2. This company is in trouble and the latest plan for its_____ has few supporters.A. salvationB. protectionC. preservationD. defense3. It is said in the job ad that those who apply for the vacancy should have___ in at least two languages.A. efficiencyB. proficiencyC. experienceD. practice4. Don’t rely on the information she gave you-- it’s pure ____ on her part.A. influenceB. considerationC. assumptionD. domination5. The power a political party is allowed to exercise should ___ closely to the proportion of votes it receives.A correspond B. conform C. adhere D. submitIV.irrelevant go around mak a point of doing…with the resultcorrespond to rather be apt to flunkdefine1. We may therefore _______ an extrovert personality as one whose interests are mainly directed outwards to the external environment rather than inwards to the thoughts and feelings of the self.2. To recognize them is to recognize that social labels are basically _____ and misleading.3. Your performance is generally assumed to ______ the knowledge you have acquired and will retain.4. Oddly enough, the men whom he _______ did not resent it.5. Carnegie considered that the distribution of wealth for the benefit of society must never be in the form of free charity but _______ must be as a support to the community’s responsibility for its own people.Unit 12II1. It’s really good _______ ( relax ) after a hard day at work..2. A particularly _______ ( argument ) section of the committee kept raising objections to the proposal.3. Economic theory would predict that a fall in the price of a commodity would lead to an incease in __________ ( consume )4. She has a quiet, __________ ( contemplate ) nature.5. It is _________ ( encourage ) that so many young players are coming into the team.IV.pretend easygoing attitude take it easyill at ease shut down on average dedicate tocarry on compare1. In order to change _______ towards employing women, the government is bringing in new laws.2. Our teacher is very ________; she doesn’t mind if we turn up late.3. He is working very hard at the moment, so he tends to ______ at the weekend.4. Johnson had never been to a big party before and he was ________.5. Lilly ____to be thrilled with her new life but I know she misses her old friends.新世纪高等院校英语专业本科生系列教材综合教程第二册。



合肥“PEP”2024年11版小学3年级上册英语第四单元自测题考试时间:90分钟(总分:120)A卷考试人:_________题号一二三总分得分一、选择题(共计20题,共40分)1、What is the name of the first country to send a human into space?A, USAB, RussiaC, ChinaD, India2、What do we call the first letter of a name?A, InitialB, Last NameC, Middle NameD, Surname3、What is the main purpose of a compass?A, Measure temperatureB, Find directionC, Tell timeD, Check altitude4、What is the largest continent?A, AfricaB, AsiaC, North AmericaD, South America5、What do we call a piece of furniture you sit on?A, TableB, DeskC, ChairD, Bed6、What is the weather like when it rains?A, SunnyB, CloudyC, WindyD, Snowy7、Which fruit is yellow?A, AppleB, BananaC, CherryD, Grape8、What is the largest mammal in the world?A, ElephantB, Blue whaleC, GiraffeD, Hippo9、What do we call a group of lions?A, PackB, PodC, PrideD, Flock10、What is the largest land animal?A, GiraffeB, ElephantC, RhinoD, Hippo11、What do you call an animal that eats both plants and meat?A, HerbivoreB, CarnivoreC, OmnivoreD, Insectivore12、What is the name of the first human-made object to reach interstellar space? A, Voyager 1B, Pioneer 10C, New HorizonsD, Cassini13、What is the capital of Libya?A, TripoliB, BenghaziC, MisrataD, Sabha14、What is the chemical symbol for water?A, O2B, H2OC, CO2D, NaCl15、What is the opposite of "cold"?A, WarmB, CoolC, ChillyD, Ice16、What do we call the place where we can see animals?A, ZooB, AquariumC, FarmD, Garden17、What is the name of the famous French landmark known for its iron lattice structure?A, Eiffel TowerB, Louvre MuseumC, Arc de TriompheD, Notre-Dame Cathedral18、What is the name of the animal that can jump and has a pouch?A, KangarooB, PandaC, LionD, Koala19、What do you call the person who teaches in school?A, DoctorB, TeacherC, ChefD, Driver20、What do you call a collection of poems?A, AnthologyB, CollectionC, CompilationD, All of the above二、听力题(共计20题,共40分)We will _______ (watch) the parade tomorrow.2、听力题:The atomic number tells you the number of ______ in an atom.3、听力题:The chemical symbol for gallium is _______.4、听力题:The capital of the Cayman Islands is __________.5、听力题:The bed is very ___ (comfortable).6、听力题:The candy is ___. (sweet)7、听力题:My favorite fruit is ________.8、听力题:A __________ can be classified as an acid, base, or neutral.9、听力题:They are _______ (friends).10、听力题:We drink ___ (milk) for breakfast.11、听力题:The ________ (bridge) connects two sides.12、听力题:I have a _____ of chocolate in my bag. (bar)13、听力题:The dog is _____ (chasing/playing) its tail.14、听力题:The process of fermentation converts sugars into __________.15、听力题:Filtration separates solids from liquids using a ______.I have a ___ (dog).17、听力题:We like to go to the ___. (library)18、听力题:_______ can be used to make paper.19、听力题:The temperature at which a solid melts is called its ______ point.20、听力题:Minerals can form from the cooling of ______.三、填空题(共计20题,共10分)1、填空题:My cousin wants to be a __________ (科学家) like his dad.2、填空题:The ______ of a plant helps it absorb water and nutrients from the soil. (根部帮助植物从土壤中吸收水分和养分。

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