北京万维盈创 W5100HBII 环保数据采集仪 说明书
专业、专注、专心铸就一流产品专业无线DTU/RTU生产商--------万维科技W5100HBII环保数据采集仪使用说明书北京万维盈创科技发展有限公司目录1 前言..................................................................................................................................................31.1 概述..........................................................................................................................................31.2 功能特点..................................................................................................................................31.3 技术指标..................................................................................................................................32 安装和接线说明..............................................................................................................................42.1 W5100HBII数据采集仪结构....................................................................................................42.2 接线图.......................................................................................................................................53 W5100HBII数据采集仪设置..........................................................................................................63.1 用设置软件设置................................................................................................................63.1.1 设置前准备.................................................................................................................63.1.2 修改设置参数.............................................................................................................63.2 用显示屏设置....................................................................................................................7W5100HBII数采仪测试说明4....................................................................................................104.1 本地测试........................................................................................................................104.1.1 测试前准备.............................................................................................................104.1.2 测试功能.................................................................................................................114.2 远程测试........................................................................................................................114.2.1 测试前准备.............................................................................................................114.2.2 测试功能.................................................................................................................12W5100HBII数采仪升级说明5......................................................................................................135.1.1 升级操作.................................................................................................................135.1.2 升级注意事项.........................................................................................................141 前言1.1 概述W5100系列环保专用采集仪是完全按照工业级标准设计和生产的,符合HJ/T212-2005《污染源在线自动监测(监控)系统数据传输标准》和IEC-104规约。
(Call setup)
(Pre Message)
向发送方发送性能标识信号DIS 发送数字命令信号DCS 训练信号:确认发送速度,同步信号
Digital Identification Signal Digital Command Signal
8 / 14
III. 基本术语解释
(f)报文后命令: 发送机到接收机 X111 XXXX。 EOM:X111 0001 报文结束,表示一完整页结束,并返回到B阶段。 MPS:X111 0010 多页信号,表示一完整页结束,并在受到证实后返回C阶段。 EOP:X111 0100 过程结束,表示一完整页结束,并在受到证实后返回E阶段。 PRI-EOM:X111 1001 过程中断-报文结束,在EOM上增加请求操作员介入。 PRI-MPS:X111 1010 过程中断-多业信号,在MPS上增加请求操作员介入。 PRI-EOP:X111 1100 过程中断-过程结束,在EOP上增加请求操作员介入。 EOS:选择结束 X111 1000 对应SEP的页结束信号,并返回到B阶段。 PPS:部分页信号,用于误码旧错方式。 EOR:从新传输结束,用于误码旧错方式。 RR: 准备好接受,用于误码旧错方式。 (g)报文后响应: 接收机到发送机 X011 XXXX。 MCF:X011 0001 报文证实,已经满意收到报文,可以继续接收报文。 RTP:X011 0011 收报证实及从新训练,已经满意收到报文,重新训练证实后可以继续接收报文。
High Frequency Group Low Frequency Group 697Hz 770Hz 852Hz 941Hz 1029Hz 1 4 7 * 1336Hz 2 5 8 0 1477Hz 3 6 9 # 1622Hz A B C D
Bronze Tech青铜剑IGBT驱动器产品手册特许专业代理商二极管?晶闸管/SCR ? 电源模块?光电子WESTPAC ELECTRONICS LIMITED 威柏电子香港威柏深圳威柏上海威柏北京威柏青岛威柏成都威柏香港威柏深圳威柏上海威柏北京威柏青岛威柏成都威柏(852)2763 5991 0755-8826 7606 021-5489 1460 010-6750 64890532-8823 1566 028-8554 0368(852)2763 5991 0755-8826 7606 021-5489 1460 010-6750 64890532-8823 1566 028-8554 0368(852)2343 6979 0755-8826 7406 021-5425 9682 010-6750 64890532-8580 7948 028-8554 0368(852)2343 6979 0755-8826 7406 021-5425 9682 010-6750 64890532-8580 7948 028-8554 0368特许专业代理商二极管?晶闸管/SCR ? 电源模块?光电子WESTPAC ELECTRONICS LIMITED 威柏电子特许专业代理商二极管?晶闸管/SCR ? 电源模块?光电子WESTPAC ELECTRONICS LIMITED 威柏电子香港威柏深圳威柏上海威柏北京威柏青岛威柏成都威柏香港威柏深圳威柏上海威柏北京威柏青岛威柏成都威柏(852)2763 5991 0755-8826 7606 021-5489 1460 010-6750 6489 0532-8823 1566 028-8554 0368(852)2763 5991 0755-8826 7606 021-5489 1460 010-6750 6489 0532-8823 1566 028-8554 0368(852)2343 6979 0755-8826 7406 021-5425 9682 010-6750 6489 0532-8580 7948 028-8554 0368(852)2343 6979 0755-8826 7406 021-5425 9682 010-6750 6489 0532-8580 7948 028-8554 0368特许专业代理商二极管?晶闸管/SCR ? 电源模块?光电子WESTPAC ELECTRONICS LIMITED 威柏电子特许专业代理商二极管?晶闸管/SCR ? 电源模块?光电子WESTPAC ELECTRONICS LIMITED 威柏电子香港威柏深圳威柏上海威柏北京威柏青岛威柏成都威柏香港威柏深圳威柏上海威柏北京威柏青岛威柏成都威柏0532-8823 1566 028-8554 0368(852)2763 5991 0755-8826 7606 021-5489 1460 010-6750 6489 0532-8823 1566 028-8554 0368(852)2343 6979 0755-8826 7406 021-5425 9682 010-6750 6489 0532-8580 7948 028-8554 0368(852)2343 6979 0755-8826 7406 021-5425 9682 010-6750 6489 0532-8580 7948 028-8554 0368特许专业代理商二极管?晶闸管/SCR ? 电源模块?光电子WESTPAC ELECTRONICS LIMITED 威柏电子特许专业代理商二极管?晶闸管/SCR ? 电源模块?光电子WESTPAC ELECTRONICS LIMITED 威柏电子香港威柏深圳威柏上海威柏北京威柏青岛威柏成都威柏香港威柏深圳威柏上海威柏北京威柏青岛威柏成都威柏(852)2763 5991 0755-8826 7606 021-5489 1460 010-6750 6489 0532-8823 1566 028-8554 0368(852)2763 5991 0755-8826 7606 021-5489 1460 010-6750 6489 0532-8823 1566 028-8554 0368(852)2343 6979 0755-8826 7406 021-5425 9682 010-6750 6489 0532-8580 7948 028-8554 03680532-8580 7948 028-8554 0368特许专业代理商二极管?晶闸管/SCR ? 电源模块?光电子WESTPAC ELECTRONICS LIMITED 威柏电子特许专业代理商二极管?晶闸管/SCR ? 电源模块?光电子WESTPAC ELECTRONICS LIMITED 威柏电子特许专业代理商二极管?晶闸管/SCR ? 电源模块?光电子WESTPAC ELECTRONICS LIMITED 威柏电子特许专业代理商二极管?晶闸管/SCR ? 电源模块?光电子WESTPAC ELECTRONICS LIMITED 威柏电子香港威柏深圳威柏上海威柏北京威柏青岛威柏成都威柏香港威柏深圳威柏上海威柏北京威柏青岛威柏成都威柏(852)2763 5991 0755-8826 7606 021-5489 1460 010-6750 6489 0532-8823 1566 028-8554 0368(852)2763 5991 0755-8826 7606 021-5489 1460 010-6750 6489 0532-8823 1566 028-8554 03680532-8580 7948 028-8554 0368(852)2343 6979 0755-8826 7406 021-5425 9682 010-6750 6489 0532-8580 7948 028-8554 0368特许专业代理商二极管?晶闸管/SCR ? 电源模块?光电子WESTPAC ELECTRONICS LIMITED 威柏电子特许专业代理商二极管?晶闸管/SCR ? 电源模块?光电子WESTPAC ELECTRONICS LIMITED 威柏电子香港威柏深圳威柏上海威柏北京威柏青岛威柏成都威柏香港威柏深圳威柏上海威柏北京威柏青岛威柏成都威柏(852)2763 5991 0755-8826 7606 021-5489 1460 010-6750 6489 0532-8823 1566 028-8554 0368(852)2763 5991 0755-8826 7606 021-5489 1460 010-6750 6489 0532-8823 1566 028-8554 0368(852)2343 6979 0755-8826 7406 021-5425 9682 010-6750 6489 0532-8580 7948 028-8554 0368(852)2343 6979 0755-8826 7406 021-5425 9682 010-6750 6489 0532-8580 7948 028-8554 0368特许专业代理商二极管?晶闸管/SCR ? 电源模块?光电子WESTPAC ELECTRONICS LIMITED 威柏电子特许专业代理商二极管?晶闸管/SCR ? 电源模块?光电子WESTPAC ELECTRONICS LIMITED 威柏电子香港威柏深圳威柏上海威柏北京威柏青岛威柏成都威柏香港威柏深圳威柏上海威柏北京威柏青岛威柏成都威柏(852)2763 5991 0755-8826 7606 021-5489 1460 010-67。
博创科技 UP-Star2410 开发板 硬件说明书
UP-Star2410开发板硬件说明书一、UP-Star2410硬件资源1.核心资源S3C2410 ARM CPU、32M SDRAM、64M NAND FLASH。
2. 100M网卡,DM9000AE。
6. LCD和触摸屏接口,外接专配液晶屏/触摸屏板。
从这点上看,无法从128M及以上容量的大块NandFlash引导,因为128M Flash的寻址方式和块页组织都有所变化。
UP-Star2410上将NCON接高电平,支持64M NandFlash引导。
3.K9F1208是三星公司的NandFlash芯片,而S3C2410内部具有Nand 控制器,所以K9F1208直接和S3C2410连接,并可以从NandFlash引导。
全球MAC地址分配(标准分配,不考虑自己修改的那些)0:0:1 SuperLAN-2U0:0:10 Hughes LAN Systems (formerly Sytek)0:0:11 Tektronix0:0:15 Datapoint Corporation0:0:18 Webster Computer Corporation Appletalk/Ethernet Gateway0:0:1a AMD (?)0:0:1b Novell (now Eagle Technology)0:0:1c JDR Microdevices generic, NE2000 drivers0:0:1d Cabletron0:0:1f Cryptall Communications Corp.0:0:2 BBN (was internal usage only, no longer used)0:0:20 DIAB (Data Intdustrier AB)0:0:21 SC&C (PAM Soft&Hardware also reported)0:0:22 Visual Technology0:0:23 ABB Automation AB, Dept. Q0:0:24 Olicom0:0:29 IMC0:0:2a TRW0:0:2c NRC - Network Resources Corporation - MultiGate Hub1+, Hub2, etc 0:0:32 GPT Limited (reassigned from GEC Computers Ltd)0:0:37 Oxford Metrics Ltd0:0:3b Hyundai/Axil Sun Sparc Station 2 clone0:0:3c Auspex0:0:3d AT&T0:0:3f Syntrex Inc0:0:44 Castelle0:0:46 ISC-Bunker Ramo, An Olivetti Company0:0:48 Epson0:0:49 Apricot Ltd.0:0:4b APT -ICL also reported0:0:4c NEC Corporation0:0:4f Logicraft 386-Ware P.C. Emulator0:0:51 Hob Electronic Gmbh & Co. KG0:0:52 Optical Data Systems0:0:55 AT&T0:0:58 Racore Computer Products Inc0:0:5a SK (Schneider & Koch in Europe and Syskonnect outside of Europe) 0:0:5a Xerox 806 (unregistered)0:0:5b Eltec0:0:5d RCE0:0:5e U.S. Department of Defense (IANA)0:0:5f Sumitomo0:0:61 Gateway Communications0:0:62 Honeywell0:0:63 Hewlett-Packard LanProbe0:0:64 Yokogawa Digital Computer Corp0:0:65 Network General0:0:66 Talaris0:0:68 Rosemount Controls0:0:69 Concord Communications, Inc (although someone said Silicon Graphics) 0:0:6b MIPS0:0:6d Case0:0:6e Artisoft, Inc.0:0:6f Madge Networks Ltd0:0:6f Madge Networks Ltd. Token-ring adapters0:0:73 DuPont0:0:75 Bell Northern Research (BNR)0:0:77 Interphase [Used in other systems, e.g. MIPS, Motorola]0:0:78 Labtam Australia0:0:79 Networth Incorporated [bought by Compaq, used in Netelligent series]0:0:7a Ardent0:0:7b Research Machines0:0:7d Cray Research Superservers,Inc [Also Harris (3M) (old)]0:0:7e NetFRAME multiprocessor network servers0:0:7f Linotype-Hell AG Linotronic typesetters0:0:80 Cray Communications (formerly Dowty Network Services) [Also shows as"Harris (3M) (new)" and/or "Imagen(?)" elsewhere]0:0:81 Synoptics0:0:83 Tadpole Technology [had Optical Data Systems which is wrong accordingto both]0:0:84 Aquila (?), ADI Systems Inc.(?)0:0:86 Gateway Communications Inc. (also Megahertz Corporation?)0:0:87 Hitachi0:0:89 Cayman Systems Gatorbox0:0:8a Datahouse Information Systems0:0:8e Solbourne(?), Jupiter(?) (I've had confirming mail on Solbourne)0:0:9 powerpipes?0:0:92 Unisys, Cogent (both reported)0:0:93 Proteon0:0:94 Asante MAC0:0:95 Sony/Tektronix0:0:97 Epoch0:0:98 Cross Com0:0:99 Memorex Telex Corporations0:0:9f Ameristar Technology0:0:a0 Sanyo Electronics0:0:a2 Wellfleet0:0:a3 Network Application Technology (NAT)0:0:a4 Acorn0:0:a5 Compatible Systems Corporation0:0:a6 Network General (internal assignment, not for products)0:0:a7 Network Computing Devices (NCD) X-terminals0:0:a8 Stratus Computer, Inc.0:0:a9 Network Systems0:0:aa Xerox Xerox machines0:0:ac Conware Netzpartner [had Apollo, claimed incorrect] 0:0:ae Dassault Automatismes et Telecommunications0:0:af Nuclear Data Acquisition Interface Modules (AIM) 0:0:b0 RND (RAD Network Devices)0:0:b1 Alpha Microsystems Inc.0:0:b3 CIMLinc0:0:b4 Edimax0:0:b5 Datability Terminal Servers0:0:b6 Micro-matic Research0:0:b7 Dove Fastnet0:0:bb TRI-DATA Systems Inc. Netway products, 3274 emulators 0:0:bc Allen-Bradley0:0:c Cisco0:0:c0 Western Digital now SMC (Std. Microsystems Corp.)0:0:c1 Olicom A/S0:0:c5 Farallon Computing Inc0:0:c6 HP Intelligent Networks Operation (formerly Eon Systems)0:0:c8 Altos0:0:c9 Emulex Terminal Servers, Print Servers0:0:ca LANcity Cable Modems (now owned by BayNetworks)0:0:cc Densan Co., Ltd.0:0:cd Industrial Research Limited0:0:d0 Develcon Electronics, Ltd.0:0:d1 Adaptec, Inc. "Nodem" product0:0:d2 SBE Inc0:0:d3 Wang Labs0:0:d4 PureData0:0:d7 Dartmouth College (NED Router)0:0:d8 old Novell NE1000's (before about 1987?) (also 3Com)0:0:dd Gould0:0:de Unigraph0:0:e Fujitsu0:0:e1 Hitachi (laptop built-in)0:0:e2 Acer Counterpoint0:0:e3 Integrated Micro Products Ltd0:0:e4 mips?0:0:e6 Aptor Produits De Comm Indust0:0:e8 Accton Technology Corporation0:0:e9 ISICAD, Inc.0:0:ed April0:0:ee Network Designers Limited [also KNX Ltd, a former division]0:0:ef Alantec0:0:f NeXT0:0:f0 Samsung0:0:f2 Spider Communications (Montreal, not Spider Systems)0:0:f3 Gandalf Data Ltd. - Canada0:0:f4 Allied Telesis, Inc.0:0:f6 A.M.C. (Applied Microsystems Corp.)0:0:f8 DEC0:0:fb Rechner zur Kommunikation0:0:fd High Level Hardware (Orion, UK)0:0:ff Camtec Electronics (UK) Ltd.0:10:11 Cisco Systems Cisco 75xx0:10:1f Cisco0:10:2f Cisco Cisco 50000:10:4b 3Com 3C905-TX PCI0:10:79 Cisco 5500 Router0:10:7a Ambicom (was Tandy?)0:10:f6 Cisco0:17:0 Kabel0:1:2 BBN (Bolt Beranek and Newman, Inc.) internal usage (not registered)0:1:43 IEEE 8020:1:63 NDC (National Datacomm Corporation)0:1:68 W&G (Wandel & Goltermann) [incorrect according to W&G] 0:1:c8 Thomas Conrad Corp.0:1:fa Compaq (PageMarq printers)0:20:0 Lexmark (Print Server)0:20:11 Canopus Co Ltd0:20:17 Orbotech0:20:18 Realtek0:20:1a Nbase0:20:25 Control Technology Inc (Industrial Controls and Network Interfaces) 0:20:28 Bloomberg0:20:2b ATML (Advanced Telecommunications Modules, Ltd.)0:20:35 IBM (International Business Machines) mainframes, Etherjetprinters0:20:36 BMC Software0:20:42 Datametrics Corp0:20:45 SolCom Systems Limited0:20:48 Fore Systems Inc0:20:4b Autocomputer Co Ltd0:20:4c Mitron Computer Pte Ltd0:20:56 Neoproducts0:20:61 Dynatech Communications Inc0:20:63 Wipro Infotech Ltd0:20:66 General Magic Inc0:20:67 Node Runner Inc0:20:6b Minolta Co., Ltd Network printers0:20:78 Runtop Inc0:20:8 Cable & Computer Technology0:20:85 3COM SuperStack II UPS management module0:20:8a Sonix Communications Ltd0:20:8b Focus Enhancements0:20:8c Galaxy Networks Inc0:20:94 Cubix Corporation0:20:a5 Newer Technology0:20:a6 Proxim Inc0:20:af 3COM Corporation0:20:b6 Agile Networks Inc0:20:b9 Metricom, Inc.0:20:c Adastra Systems Corp0:20:c5 Eagle NE20000:20:c6 NECTEC0:20:d0 Versalynx Corp. "The One Port" terminal server0:20:d2 RAD Data Communications Ltd0:20:d3 OST (Ouet Standard Telematique)0:20:d8 NetWave0:20:da Xylan0:20:dc Densitron Taiwan Ltd0:20:e0 PreMax PE-200 (PCMCIA NE2000-clone card, sold by InfoExpress) 0:20:e5 Apex Data0:20:ee Gtech Corporation0:20:f6 Net Tek & Karlnet Inc0:20:f8 Carrera Computers Inc0:2:16 ESI (Extended Systems, Inc) print servers0:2:4 Novell NE32000:2:5 Hamilton (Sparc Clones)0:2:88 Global Village (PCcard in Mac portable)0:3:c6 Morning Star Technologies Inc0:40:1 Zero One Technology Co Ltd (ZyXEL?)0:40:10 Sonic Mac Ethernet interfaces0:40:11 Facilities Andover Environmental Controllers0:40:13 NTT Data Communication Systems Corp0:40:14 Comsoft Gmbh0:40:15 Ascom0:40:17 XCd XJet - HP printer server card0:40:1c AST Pentium/90 PC (emulating AMD EISA card)0:40:1f Colorgraph Ltd0:40:20 Pilkington Communication0:40:23 Logic Corporation0:40:25 Molecular Dynamics0:40:26 Melco Inc0:40:27 SMC Massachusetts [Had:Sigma (?), maybe the "S"?] 0:40:28 Netcomm0:40:2a Canoga-Perkins0:40:2b TriGem0:40:2f Xlnt Designs Inc (XDI)0:40:30 GK Computer0:40:32 Digital Communications0:40:33 Addtron Technology Co., Ltd.0:40:36 TribeStar0:40:39 Optec Daiichi Denko Co Ltd0:40:3c Forks, Inc.0:40:41 Fujikura Ltd.0:40:43 Nokia Data Communications0:40:48 SMD Informatica S.A.0:40:4c Hypertec Pty Ltd.0:40:4d Telecomm Techniques0:40:4f Space & Naval Warfare Systems0:40:5 TRENDware International Inc.; Linksys; Simple Net; all three reported0:40:50 Ironics, Incorporated0:40:52 Star Technologies Inc0:40:54 Thinking Machines Corporation0:40:57 Lockheed-Sanders0:40:59 Yoshida Kogyo K.K.0:40:5b Funasset Limited0:40:5d Star-Tek Inc0:40:66 Hitachi Cable, Ltd.0:40:67 Omnibyte Corporation0:40:68 Extended Systems0:40:69 Lemcom Systems Inc0:40:6a Kentek Information Systems Inc0:40:6e Corollary, Inc.0:40:6f Sync Research Inc0:40:72 Applied Innovation0:40:74 Cable and Wireless0:40:76 AMP Incorporated0:40:78 Wearnes Automation Pte Ltd0:40:7f Agema Infrared Systems AB0:40:82 Laboratory Equipment Corp0:40:85 SAAB Instruments AB0:40:86 Michels & Kleberhoff Computer0:40:87 Ubitrex Corporation0:40:88 Mobuis NuBus (Mac) combination video/EtherTalk0:40:8a TPS Teleprocessing Sys. Gmbh0:40:8c Axis Communications AB0:40:8e CXR/Digilog0:40:8f WM-Data Minfo AB0:40:9 Tachibana Tectron Co Ltd0:40:90 Ansel Communications PC NE2000 compatible twisted-pair ethernet cards0:40:91 Procomp Industria Eletronica0:40:92 ASP Computer Products, Inc.0:40:94 Shographics Inc0:40:95 Eagle Technologies [UMC also reported]0:40:96 Telesystems SLW Inc0:40:9a Network Express Inc0:40:9c Transware0:40:9d DigiBoard Ethernet-ISDN bridges0:40:9e Concurrent Technologies Ltd.0:40:9f Lancast/Casat Technology Inc0:40:a4 Rose Electronics0:40:a6 Cray Research Inc.0:40:aa Valmet Automation Inc0:40:ad SMA Regelsysteme Gmbh0:40:ae Delta Controls, Inc.0:40:af Digital Products, Inc. (DPI).0:40:b Crescendo (now owned by Cisco)0:40:b4 3COM K.K.0:40:b5 Video Technology Computers Ltd0:40:b6 Computerm Corporation0:40:b9 MACQ Electronique SA0:40:bd Starlight Networks Inc0:40:c General Micro Systems, Inc.0:40:c1 Bizerba-Werke Wilheim Kraut0:40:c2 Applied Computing Devices0:40:c3 Fischer and Porter Co.0:40:c5 Micom Communications Corp.0:40:c6 Fibernet Research, Inc.0:40:c7 Danpex Corporation0:40:c8 Milan Technology Corp.0:40:cc Silcom Manufacturing Technology Inc0:40:cf Strawberry Tree Inc0:40:d LANNET Data Communications0:40:d2 Pagine Corporation0:40:d4 Gage Talker Corp.0:40:d7 Studio Gen Inc0:40:d8 Ocean Office Automation Ltd0:40:dc Tritec Electronic Gmbh0:40:df Digalog Systems, Inc.0:40:e1 Marner International Inc0:40:e2 Mesa Ridge Technologies Inc0:40:e3 Quin Systems Ltd0:40:e5 Sybus Corporation0:40:e7 Arnos Instruments & Computer0:40:e9 Accord Systems, Inc.0:40:ea PlainTree Systems Inc0:40:ed Network Controls International Inc0:40:f0 Micro Systems Inc0:40:f1 Chuo Electronics Co., Ltd.0:40:f4 Cameo Communications, Inc.0:40:f5 OEM Engines0:40:f6 Katron Computers Inc0:40:f9 Combinet0:40:fa Microboards Inc0:40:fb Cascade Communications Corp.0:40:fd LXE0:40:ff Telebit Corporation Personal NetBlazer0:4:0 Lexmark (Print Server)0:4:ac IBM PCMCIA Ethernet adapter.0:4f:49 Realtek0:4f:4b Pine Technology Ltd.0:50:4d Repotec Group0:50:4e UMC UM9008 NE2000-compatible ISA Card for PC 0:5:2 Apple (PCI bus Macs)0:5:9a PowerComputing (Mac clone)0:5:a8 PowerComputing Mac clones0:60:25 Active Imaging Inc.0:60:2f Cisco0:60:3e Cisco 100Mbps interface0:60:47 Cisco0:60:52 Realtek (RTL 8029 == PCI NE2000)0:60:5c Cisco0:60:67 Acer Lan0:60:70 Cisco routers (2524 and 4500)0:60:8 3Com Found in a 3Com PCI form factor 3C905 TX board0:60:83 Cisco Systems, Inc. 3620/3640 routers0:60:8c 3Com (1990 onwards)0:60:9 Cisco Catalyst 5000 Ethernet switch0:60:94 AMD PCNET PCI0:60:97 3Com0:60:b0 Hewlett-Packard0:6:29 IBM RISC6000 system0:6:7c Cisco0:6:c1 Cisco0:6:d Hewlett-Packard JetDirect token-ring interfaces0:7:1 Racal-Datacom0:7:d Cisco 2511 Token Ring0:80:0 Multitech Systems Inc0:80:1 Periphonics Corporation0:80:10 Commodore0:80:12 IMS Corp. IMS failure analysis tester0:80:13 Thomas Conrad Corp.0:80:15 Seiko Systems Inc0:80:16 Wandel & Goltermann0:80:17 PFU0:80:19 Dayna Communications "Etherprint" product0:80:1a Bell Atlantic0:80:1b Kodiak Technology0:80:1c Cisco0:80:21 Newbridge Networks Corporation0:80:23 Integrated Business Networks0:80:24 Kalpana0:80:26 Network Products Corporation0:80:29 Microdyne Corporation0:80:2a Test Systems & Simulations Inc0:80:2c The Sage Group PLC0:80:2d Xylogics, Inc. Annex terminal servers0:80:2e Plexcom, Inc.0:80:33 Formation (?)0:80:34 SMT-Goupil0:80:35 Technology Works0:80:37 Ericsson Business Comm.0:80:38 Data Research & Applications0:80:3b APT Communications, Inc.0:80:3d Surigiken Co Ltd0:80:3e Synernetics0:80:3f Hyundai Electronics0:80:4 Antlow Computers, Ltd.0:80:42 Force Computers0:80:43 Networld Inc0:80:45 Matsushita Electric Ind Co0:80:46 University of Toronto0:80:48 Compex, used by Commodore and DEC at least 0:80:49 Nissin Electric Co Ltd0:80:4c Contec Co., Ltd.0:80:4d Cyclone Microsystems, Inc.0:80:5 Cactus Computer Inc.0:80:51 ADC Fibermux0:80:52 Network Professor0:80:57 Adsoft Ltd0:80:5a Tulip Computers International BV0:80:5b Condor Systems, Inc.0:80:5c Agilis(?)0:80:5f Compaq Computer Corporation0:80:6 Compuadd Corporation0:80:60 Network Interface Corporation0:80:62 Interface Co.0:80:63 Richard Hirschmann Gmbh & Co0:80:64 Wyse0:80:67 Square D Company0:80:69 Computone Systems0:80:6a ERI (Empac Research Inc.)0:80:6b Schmid Telecommunication0:80:6c Cegelec Projects Ltd0:80:6d Century Systems Corp.0:80:6e Nippon Steel Corporation0:80:6f Onelan Ltd0:80:7 Dlog NC-Systeme0:80:71 SAI Technology0:80:72 Microplex Systems Ltd0:80:74 Fisher Controls0:80:79 Microbus Designs Ltd0:80:7b Artel Communications Corp.0:80:7c FiberCom0:80:7d Equinox Systems Inc0:80:82 PEP Modular Computers Gmbh0:80:86 Computer Generation Inc.0:80:87 Okidata0:80:8a Summit (?)0:80:8b Dacoll Limited0:80:8c Frontier Software Development0:80:8d Westcove Technology BV0:80:8e Radstone Technology0:80:9 Jupiter Systems (older MX-600 series machines)0:80:90 Microtek International Inc0:80:92 Japan Computer Industry, Inc.0:80:93 Xyron Corporation0:80:94 Sattcontrol AB0:80:96 HDS (Human Designed Systems) X terminals0:80:98 TDK Corporation0:80:9a Novus Networks Ltd0:80:9b Justsystem Corporation0:80:9d Datacraft Manufactur'g Pty Ltd0:80:9f Alcatel Business Systems0:80:a1 Microtest0:80:a3 Lantronix (see also 0800A3)0:80:a6 Republic Technology Inc0:80:a7 Measurex Corp0:80:ad CNet Technology Used by Telebit (among others) 0:80:ae Hughes Network Systems0:80:af Allumer Co., Ltd.0:80:b1 Softcom A/S0:80:b2 NET (Network Equipment Technologies)0:80:b6 Themis corporation0:80:ba Specialix (Asia) Pte Ltd0:80:c0 Penril Datability Networks0:80:c2 IEEE 802.1 Committee0:80:c6 Soho0:80:c7 Xircom, Inc.0:80:c8 D-Link (also Solectek Pocket Adapters, and LinkSys PCMCIA) 0:80:c9 Alberta Microelectronic Centre0:80:ce Broadcast Television Systems0:80:d V osswinkel FU0:80:d0 Computer Products International0:80:d3 Shiva Appletalk-Ethernet interface0:80:d4 Chase Limited0:80:d6 Apple Mac Portable(?)0:80:d7 Fantum Electronics0:80:d8 Network Peripherals0:80:da Bruel & Kjaer0:80:e0 XTP Systems Inc0:80:e3 Coral (?)0:80:e7 Lynwood Scientific Dev Ltd0:80:ea The Fiber Company0:80:f SMC (Standard Microsystem Corp.)0:80:f0 Kyushu Matsushita Electric Co0:80:f1 Opus0:80:f3 Sun Electronics Corp0:80:f4 Telemechanique Electrique0:80:f5 Quantel Ltd0:80:f7 Zenith Communications Products0:80:fb BVM Limited0:80:fe Azure Technologies Inc0:8:52 Technically Elite Concepts0:8:55 Fermilab0:8:c7 Compaq0:a0:0 Bay Networks Ethernet switch0:a0:24 3com0:a0:40 Apple (PCI Mac)0:a0:92 Intermate International [LAN printer interfaces]0:a0:c9 Intel (PRO100B cards)0:a0:cc MacSense 100Base-TX Adapter for Mac Also seen in PCs (?) 0:a0:d1 National Semiconductor [COMPAQ Docking Station]0:a0:d2 Allied Telesyn0:aa:0 Intel0:b0:d0 Computer Products International0:c0:0 Lanoptics Ltd0:c0:1 Diatek Patient Managment0:c0:11 Interactive Computing Devices0:c0:12 Netspan Corp0:c0:13 Netrix0:c0:14 Telematics Calabasas0:c0:15 New Media Corp0:c0:16 Electronic Theatre Controls0:c0:17 Fluke0:c0:18 Lanart Corp0:c0:1a Corometrics Medical Systems0:c0:1b Socket Communications0:c0:1c Interlink Communications Ltd.0:c0:1d Grand Junction Networks, Inc.0:c0:1f S.E.R.C.E.L.0:c0:2 Sercomm Corporation0:c0:20 Arco Electronic, Control Ltd.0:c0:21 Netexpress0:c0:23 Tutankhamon Electronics0:c0:24 Eden Sistemas De Computacao SA0:c0:25 Dataproducts Corporation0:c0:27 Cipher Systems, Inc.0:c0:28 Jasco Corporation0:c0:29 Kabel Rheydt AG0:c0:2a Ohkura Electric Co0:c0:2b Gerloff Gesellschaft Fur0:c0:2c Centrum Communications, Inc.0:c0:2d Fuji Photo Film Co., Ltd.0:c0:2e Netwiz0:c0:2f Okuma Corp0:c0:3 Globalnet Communications0:c0:30 Integrated Engineering B. V.0:c0:31 Design Research Systems, Inc.0:c0:32 I-Cubed Limited0:c0:33 Telebit Corporation0:c0:34 Dale Computer Corporation0:c0:35 Quintar Company0:c0:36 Raytech Electronic Corp0:c0:39 Silicon Systems0:c0:3b Multiaccess Computing Corp0:c0:3c Tower Tech S.R.L.0:c0:3d Wiesemann & Theis Gmbh0:c0:3e Fa. Gebr. Heller Gmbh0:c0:3f Stores Automated Systems Inc0:c0:4 Japan Business Computer Co.Ltd0:c0:40 ECCI0:c0:41 Digital Transmission Systems0:c0:42 Datalux Corp.0:c0:43 Stratacom0:c0:44 Emcom Corporation0:c0:45 Isolation Systems Inc0:c0:46 Kemitron Ltd0:c0:47 Unimicro Systems Inc0:c0:48 Bay Technical Associates0:c0:49 US Robotics Total Control (tm) NETServer Card0:c0:4d Mitec Ltd0:c0:4e Comtrol Corporation0:c0:4f Dell0:c0:5 Livingston Enterprises Inc Portmaster (OEMed by Cayman) 0:c0:50 Toyo Denki Seizo K.K.0:c0:51 Advanced Integration Research0:c0:55 Modular Computing Technologies0:c0:56 Somelec0:c0:57 Myco Electronics0:c0:58 Dataexpert Corp0:c0:59 Nippondenso Corp0:c0:5b Networks Northwest Inc0:c0:5c Elonex PLC0:c0:5d L&N Technologies0:c0:5e Vari-Lite Inc0:c0:6 Nippon Avionics Co Ltd0:c0:60 ID Scandinavia A/S0:c0:61 Solectek Corporation0:c0:63 Morning Star Technologies Inc May be miswrite of 0003C6 0:c0:64 General Datacomm Ind Inc0:c0:65 Scope Communications Inc0:c0:66 Docupoint, Inc.0:c0:67 United Barcode Industries0:c0:68 Philp Drake Electronics Ltd0:c0:69 California Microwave Inc0:c0:6a Zahner-Elektrik Gmbh & Co KG0:c0:6b OSI Plus Corporation0:c0:6c SVEC Computer Corp0:c0:6d Boca Research, Inc.0:c0:6f Komatsu Ltd0:c0:7 Pinnacle Data Systems Inc0:c0:70 Sectra Secure-Transmission AB0:c0:71 Areanex Communications, Inc.0:c0:72 KNX Ltd0:c0:73 Xedia Corporation0:c0:74 Toyoda Automatic Loom Works Ltd0:c0:75 Xante Corporation0:c0:76 I-Data International A-S0:c0:77 Daewoo Telecom Ltd0:c0:78 Computer Systems Engineering0:c0:79 Fonsys Co Ltd0:c0:7a Priva BV0:c0:7b Ascend Communications ISDN bridges/routers0:c0:7d RISC Developments Ltd0:c0:7f Nupon Computing Corp0:c0:8 Seco SRL0:c0:80 Netstar Inc0:c0:81 Metrodata Ltd0:c0:82 Moore Products Co0:c0:84 Data Link Corp Ltd0:c0:85 Canon0:c0:86 The Lynk Corporation0:c0:87 UUNET Technologies Inc0:c0:89 Telindus Distribution0:c0:8a Lauterbach Datentechnik Gmbh0:c0:8b RISQ Modular Systems Inc0:c0:8c Performance Technologies Inc0:c0:8d Tronix Product Development0:c0:8e Network Information Technology0:c0:8f Matsushita Electric Works, Ltd.0:c0:9 KT Technology (s) Pte Inc0:c0:90 Praim S.R.L.0:c0:91 Jabil Circuit, Inc.0:c0:92 Mennen Medical Inc0:c0:93 Alta Research Corp.0:c0:95 Znyx (Network Appliance box); Jupiter Systems (MX-700 series) 0:c0:96 Tamura Corporation0:c0:97 Archipel SA0:c0:98 Chuntex Electronic Co., Ltd.0:c0:9b Reliance Comm/Tec, R-Tec Systems Inc0:c0:9c TOA Electronic Ltd0:c0:9d Distributed Systems Int'l, Inc.0:c0:9f Quanta Computer Inc0:c0:a Micro Craft0:c0:a0 Advance Micro Research, Inc.0:c0:a1 Tokyo Denshi Sekei Co0:c0:a2 Intermedium A/S0:c0:a3 Dual Enterprises Corporation0:c0:a4 Unigraf OY0:c0:a7 SEEL Ltd0:c0:a8 GVC Corporation0:c0:a9 Barron McCann Ltd0:c0:aa Silicon Valley Computer0:c0:ab Jupiter Technology Inc0:c0:ac Gambit Computer Communications0:c0:ad Computer Communication Systems0:c0:ae Towercom Co Inc DBA PC House0:c0:b Norcontrol A.S.0:c0:b0 GCC Technologies,Inc.0:c0:b2 Norand Corporation0:c0:b3 Comstat Datacomm Corporation0:c0:b4 Myson Technology Inc0:c0:b5 Corporate Network Systems Inc0:c0:b6 Meridian Data Inc0:c0:b7 American Power Conversion Corp0:c0:b8 Fraser's Hill Ltd.0:c0:b9 Funk Software Inc0:c0:ba Netvantage0:c0:bb Forval Creative Inc0:c0:bd Inex Technologies, Inc.0:c0:be Alcatel - Sel0:c0:bf Technology Concepts Ltd0:c0:c ARK PC Technology, Inc.0:c0:c0 Shore Microsystems Inc0:c0:c1 Quad/Graphics Inc0:c0:c2 Infinite Networks Ltd.0:c0:c3 Acuson Computed Sonography0:c0:c4 Computer Operational0:c0:c5 SID Informatica0:c0:c6 Personal Media Corp0:c0:c8 Micro Byte Pty Ltd0:c0:c9 Bailey Controls Co0:c0:ca Alfa, Inc.0:c0:cb Control Technology Corporation0:c0:cd Comelta S.A.0:c0:d Advanced Logic Research Inc0:c0:d0 Ratoc System Inc0:c0:d1 Comtree Technology Corporation (EFA also reported) 0:c0:d2 Syntellect Inc0:c0:d4 Axon Networks Inc0:c0:d5 Quancom Electronic Gmbh0:c0:d6 J1 Systems, Inc.0:c0:d9 Quinte Network Confidentiality Equipment Inc0:c0:db IPC Corporation (Pte) Ltd0:c0:dc EOS Technologies, Inc.0:c0:de ZComm Inc0:c0:df Kye Systems Corp0:c0:e Psitech Inc0:c0:e1 Sonic Solutions0:c0:e2 Calcomp, Inc.0:c0:e3 Ositech Communications Inc0:c0:e4 Landis & Gyr Powers Inc0:c0:e5 GESPAC S.A.0:c0:e6 TXPORT0:c0:e7 Fiberdata AB0:c0:e8 Plexcom Inc0:c0:e9 Oak Solutions Ltd0:c0:ea Array Technology Ltd.0:c0:ec Dauphin Technology0:c0:ed US Army Electronic Proving Ground0:c0:ee Kyocera Corporation0:c0:ef Abit Corporation0:c0:f QNX Software Systems Ltd. [also Quantum Software Systems Ltd] 0:c0:f0 Kingston Technology Corporation0:c0:f1 Shinko Electric Co Ltd0:c0:f2 Transition Engineering Inc0:c0:f3 Network Communications Corp0:c0:f4 Interlink System Co., Ltd.0:c0:f5 Metacomp Inc0:c0:f6 Celan Technology Inc.0:c0:f7 Engage Communication, Inc.0:c0:f8 About Computing Inc.0:c0:fa Canary Communications Inc0:c0:fb Advanced Technology Labs0:c0:fc ASDG Incorporated0:c0:fd Prosum0:c0:ff Box Hill Systems Corporation0:dd:0 Ungermann-Bass IBM RT0:dd:1 Ungermann-Bass0:dd:8 Ungermann-Bass0:e0:11 Uniden Corporation0:e0:14 Cisco Ethernet switch0:e0:16 rapid-city (now a part of bay networks)0:e0:1e Cisco Lightstream 10100:e0:29 SMC EtherPower II 10/1000:e0:2c AST - built into 5166M PC motherboard (win95 id's as Intel)0:e0:34 Cisco0:e0:39 Paradyne 7112 T1 DSU/CSU0:e0:4f Cisco0:e0:83 Jato Technologies, Inc.0:e0:8f Cisco Systems Catalyst 29000:e0:98 Linksys PCMCIA card0:e0:a3 Cisco0:e0:b0 Cisco Systems Catalyst 2900/50000:e0:b8 AMD PCNet in a Gateway 20000:e0:c5 BCOM Electronics Inc.0:e0:f7 Cisco0:e0:f9 Cisco0:e0:fe Cisco10:0:5a IBM10:0:90 Hewlett-Packard Advisor products10:0:d4 DEC10:0:e0 Apple A/UX (modified addresses for licensing)2:4:6 BBN internal usage (not registered)2:60:60 3Com2:60:86 Satelcom MegaPac (UK)2:60:8c 3Com IBM PC; Imagen; Valid; Cisco;Macintosh2:7:1 Interlan [now Racal-InterLAN] DEC (UNIBUS or QBUS), Apollo, Cisco 2:7:1 Racal-Datacom2:aa:3c Olivetti2:cf:1f CMC Masscomp; Silicon Graphics; PrimeEXL2:e0:3b Prominet Corporation Gigabit Ethernet Switch2:e6:d3 BTI (Bus-Tech, Inc.) IBM Mainframes2e:2e:2e LAA (Locally Administered Address) for Meditech Systems3c:0:0 3Com dual function (V.34 modem +Ethernet)card40:0:3 Net Ware (?)44:45:53 Microsoft (Windows95 internal"adapters")44:46:49 DFI (Diamond Flower Industries)47:54:43 GTC (Not registered!) (This number is amulticast!)48:44:53 HDS ???48:4c:0 Network Solutions48:54:e8 winbond?4c:42:4c Information Modes software modified addresses (not registered?)52:54:4c Novell 200052:54:ab REALTEK (a Realtek 8029 based PCI Card)56:58:57 Aculab plc audio bridges80:0:10 AT&T [misrepresented as 080010? One source claims this is correct] 80:ad:0 CNET Technology Inc. (Probably an error, see instead 0080AD)8:0:1 Computer Vision8:0:10 AT&T [misrepresentation of 800010?]8:0:11 Tektronix, Inc.8:0:14 Excelan BBN Butterfly, Masscomp, SiliconGraphics8:0:17 National Semiconductor Corp. (used to have Network System Corp., wrongNSC)8:0:1a Tiara? (used to have Data General)8:0:1b Data General8:0:1e Apollo8:0:2 3Com (formerly Bridge)8:0:20 Sun8:0:22 NBI (Nothing But Initials)8:0:23 Matsushita Denso8:0:25 CDC8:0:26 Norsk Data (Nord)8:0:27 PCS Computer Systems GmbH8:0:28 TI Explorer8:0:2b DEC8:0:2e Metaphor8:0:2f Prime Computer Prime 50-Series LHC3008:0:3 ACC (Advanced Computer Communications)8:0:30 CERN8:0:32 Tigan8:0:36 Intergraph CAE stations8:0:37 Fuji Xerox8:0:38 Bull8:0:39 Spider Systems8:0:3b Torus Systems8:0:3d cadnetix8:0:3e Motorola VME bus processor modules8:0:41 DCA (Digital Comm. Assoc.)8:0:44 DSI (DA VID Systems, Inc.)8:0:45 ???? (maybe Xylogics, but they claim not to know this number)8:0:46 Sony8:0:47 Sequent8:0:48 Eurotherm Gauging Systems8:0:49 Univation8:0:4c Encore8:0:4e BICC [3com bought BICC, so may appear on 3com equipment as well] 8:0:5 Symbolics Symbolics LISP machines8:0:51 Experdata8:0:56 Stanford University8:0:57 Evans & Sutherland (?)8:0:58 ??? DECsystem-208:0:5a IBM8:0:6 Siemens Nixdorf PC clone8:0:66 AGFA printers, phototypesetters etc.8:0:67 Comdesign8:0:68 Ridge8:0:69 Silicon Graphics8:0:6a ATTst (?)8:0:6e Excelan8:0:70 Mitsubishi8:0:74 Casio8:0:75 DDE (Danish Data Elektronik A/S)8:0:77 TSL (now Retix)8:0:79 Silicon Graphics8:0:7c Vitalink TransLAN III8:0:8 BBN (Bolt Beranek and Newman, Inc.)8:0:80 XIOS8:0:81 Crosfield Electronics8:0:83 Seiko Denshi8:0:86 Imagen/QMS8:0:87 Xyplex terminal servers8:0:88 McDATA Corporation8:0:89 Kinetics AppleTalk-Ethernet interface8:0:8b Pyramid8:0:8d XyVision XyVision machines8:0:8e Tandem / Solbourne Computer ?8:0:8f Chipcom Corp.8:0:9 Hewlett-Packard8:0:90 Retix, Inc. Bridges8:0:a Nestar Systems8:0:b Unisys8:0:d ICL (International Computers, Ltd.)8:0:e NCR/AT&T8:0:f SMC (Standard Microsystems Corp.)9:0:6a AT&Taa:0:0 DEC obsoleteaa:0:1 DEC obsoleteaa:0:2 DEC obsoleteaa:0:3 DEC Global physical address for some DEC machinesaa:0:4 DEC Local logical address for DECNET systemsc0:0:0 Western Digital (may be reversed 00 00 C0?)ec:10:0 Enance Source Co., Ltd. PC clones(?)。
英国Protea Ltd.
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In sturme nt Co.,Ltd
楔式流量传感器(DHWM-F, DHWM- T型)
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日本株式会社索佳 拓普康
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010aWatanabe et al
AbstractShared pixel technology is most common in recent small pixel CMOS image sensors. In the case of vertically shared pixels, it has been observed horizontal line FPN with the period of shared pixels when highlight scene is imaged and integration period is reduced to very short time by electronic shuttering. We present here the reason of the phenomena and the technique for reducing it. As the results, the FPN reduced to below background level.'IntroductionPixel sharing becomes most common technology as pixel size of CMOS image sensors is highly scaled down [1]. Recently, 4-pixel sharing such as 4x1 [2,3,4] and 2x2 [5,6,7] are widely used. In particularly 4x1 sharing, it has been observed horizontal line FPN with the period of shared pixels when highlight scene is imaged and integration period is reduced to very short time by electronic shuttering. Figure 1 shows an example of captured image.We have analyzed the phenomena and attributed it to overflow mechanism from other pixels within shared pixels. To suppress this overflow mechanism, we introduced additional shutter operations before original shutter and after readout. Experimental results based on the suppressing method show that the overflow model is proved and the horizontal line FPN is clearly removed.'AnalysisIn 4x1 pixel sharing, pixel circuit is shown in Figure 2 and readout timing is shown in Figure 3. We consider the case that highlight scene is imaged and integration period is reduced to very short time around one horizontal line period (1H) by electronic shuttering. When first line of shared pixels is readout, only first readout photodiode (PD-1) is below saturation and others (PD-2,PD-3 and PD-4) are over saturation. Therefore, overflow current from three photodiodes are continuously injected to detection node (FD). In Figure 3, the overflow current accumulated in CDS period (Tcds) causes additional signal (Vfpn) on CDS output, which is the difference between reset output at Tr and signal output at Ts. Next, when second line of shared pixels is readout, first and second readout photodiodes (PD-1 and PD-2) are below saturation and others (PD-3 and PD-4) are over saturation, because PD-1 is just after the readout. Therefore, additional signal (Vfpn) of second line is smaller than that of first line. In the same way, additional signals of third and forth lines are smaller than that of first and second lines. As the results, horizontal line FPN with the period of shared pixels will appear. Figure 4 shows those phenomena schematically, where (A) is the case that shutter period is 1H and (B) is the case that the shutter period is 2H. When incident light is strong enough to saturate the photodiode below 3H period, overflow occurs soon after readout, which is shown as ∆2 in Figure 4. Figure 5 is a measured signal output along horizontal line numbers. Pixel size in thisHighlight Scene FPN on Shared Pixels and a Reduction T echniqueTakashi Watanabe, Katsuji Kimura, Masamitsu Taki, Kohji Horikawa, Mitsuru Homma, Shoko Daikoku, Tetsuya Fujimoto, and Kiyotoshi Misawa Imaging and Sensing Module Division, LSI Group, Sharp Corporation, Japan Phone: +81-743-65-0860, Fax: +81-743-65-4847, is 2.2um square. FPN indicated in Figure 4 is clearly observed.The FPN value is proportional to light intensity Vs, time ratio Tcds/Th and shutter period, where Vs is the signal at 1H integration period and Th is a horizontal line period. At 1H-shutter operation, Vfpn=2(Tcds/Th)(Vs)=2∆1. At 2H-shutter operation, Vfpn=(Tcds/Th)(Vs)=∆1. To reduce the FPN, it is effective to reduce the CDS period (Tcds). But reduction of CDS period brings increase of readout band width, which causes increase of readout noise [8]. A certain CDS period should be maintained.'FPN reduction methodTo suppress this overflow mechanism, we introduced additional shutter operations before original shutter and after readout. Figure 6 shows timing diagram of the operation and expected effect. Before normal shutter operations (S), additional shutter operations (S’) are added in all related lines. As the same manner, after normal readout operations (R), additional shutter operations (S’) are added in all related lines. By introducing additional shutter operations, signal charges in photodiodes before shutter and after readout operations are removed and overflow is ceased. As the results, the FPN disappears.'Results and discussionsFigure 7 shows captured image and Figure 8 shows measured signal pattern when the reduction method is applied. The FPN clearly disappears from captured image and signal waveforms. This also proves the overflow model.The improvement method shown in Figure 6 is easily realized in progressive readout mode, but in interlace or random access readout modes, it needs special care for constructing readout logic. In 2x2 pixel sharing architecture, similar overflow effect may occur (See Figure 9). As FPN is 2x2 mode, it may cause coloring effect in Bayer color filter array. The correcting method shown above is also applicable to this case.'ConclusionsIt was found that horizontal line FPN was observed in vertically shared pixels. The FPN was reduced to below background level by introducing additional shutter operation.References[1] R.D.McGrath, et al., “Shared pixels for CMOS image sensor arrays”, Proceeding of 2005 IEEE Workshop on CCD and AIS, R3,2005. [2] H.Takahashi et al., “A 3.9um pixel pitch VGA format 10b digital image sensor with 1.5-transistor/pixel”, ISSCC Dig. Tech. Papers, 6.1, 2004.[3] S.Y oshihara, et al., “A 1/1.8-inch 6.4 M pixel 60 frame/s CMOS image sensor with seamless mode change”, ISSCC Dig. Tech. Papers, 27.1, 2006[4] J.Kim, et al., “1/2.5” 8 mega-pixel CMOS image sensor with enhanced image quality for DSC application”, IEDM Proc., S5P3, 2006 [5] M.Mori, et al., “A 1/4in 2M pixel CMOS image sensor with 1.75 transistor/pixel”, ISSCC Dig. Tech. Papers, 6.2, 2004.[6] M.Cohen, et al., “Fully optimized Cu based process with dedicated cavity etch for 1.75um and 1.45um pixel pitch CMOS image sensors”, IEDM Proc., S5P3, 2006[7] K-B.Cho, et al., “A 1/2.5 inch 8.1M pixel CMOS image sensor for digital cameras”, ISSCC Dig. Tech. Papers, 28.5, 2007[8] L.J.Kozlowski, et al., “Performance limits in visible and infrared image sensors”, IEDM Proc., S36P1, 1999outFigure 1. FPN image at high light sceneFigure 7. Image with FPN reduction operationFigure 3. Timing diagram at readout phaseFigure 2. Pixel layout for 4x1 pixel sharing∆∆∆∆∆(A)Figure 6. FPN reduction timing. (A):1H-shutter, (B):2H-shutter. Figure 8. Waveform with FPN reduction(A)(B)Figure 5. Waveform without FPN reductionFigure 4. FPN caused by overflow current. (A):1H-shutter, (B):2H-shutter.(B)。
Paint Dealers in Chennai1) Ambhica Paint CompanyManufacturers of paints, putties, texture paint, granate paint and leak proof powders. Address: 783/3, T. H. Road Opposite Toll gate, Chennai - 600 081, IndiaPhone: +(91)-(44)-25980870 Fax: +(91)-(44)-259156122) Macromol PropductsManufacturers of all kinds of epoxy primer, pu thinners, hr al paints, staple pin adhesives etc.Address: 556 B, P H Road, Arumbakkam, Chennai - 600 040, IndiaPhone: +(91)-(44)-247684953) Tina The Art and Craft ShopManufacturing and supplying painting kits for embossed painting, sand painting, glass painting, stitch painting, pvc painting, flower making, nib painting, candle making and mould making. Also supply painting books and other craft materials.Address: No.11, TNHB Shopping Complex, 100ft Road, Vadapalani, Chennai - 600 026 Phone: +(91)-(44)-24800570 Fax: +(91)-(44)-281746454) Snow White Industrial CorporationManufacturers of cement paint, primers, exterior emulsion and interior emulsion. 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Dhanapalan B.E, A/39, Karthikeyan Salai, Periyar NagarChennai - 600 082; Tel : +(91)-(44)-25502024 / 25500739 / 25566055Fax : +(91)-(44)-25566055, Email : n_dhanapalan@10) Good Rite ProductsManufacturers and exporters of powder coating paints and plastisol inks made up of PVC resin, plasticizers, pigments, filler, stabilizers and modifiers.Address: Mr. P.L. Ramu, No. 86-E/2, South phase developed plot, Ambattur Industrial Estate, (opp to Gv exports), Chennai - 600 058; Telephone No: 0(44) – 42180894, Fax: 044) – 42060355, Mobile: 9840024530, Email: Roto Polymers and ChemicalsExporters and manufacturers of basic epoxy resins, formulated epoxy resins, phenolic resins, curing agents, epoxy polymers and hardeners used for painting and coating. Address: 63, Reddipalayam Road, Mugappair West, Chennai - 600 058; Phone: +(91)-(44)-26521664/26248365 Fax: +(91)-(44)-26252448/26248707, Website:/rotopolymers12) Gopi PaintsManufacturers and exporters of pvc solvent cements, water rubbing compounds, dauber applicators, liquid polish, car polish, car paints, pu thinners and polyster putty.Address: No. 4, Lotus Colony, Thattan Kullam, 2nd Main Road, Madhavaram, Chennai - 600 060; Phone: +(91)-(44)-25530300/25532200 Fax: +(91)-(44)-25515014, Website: /gopipaints13) EnamelsEngaged in supplying and manufacturing flat wall coatings, enamels coatings, decorative paints, protective paints and industrial coatings.Address: 32, Elango, M. M. D. A, Arumbakkam, Chennai - 600 106; Phone: +(91)-(44)-2363109814) SPIPLDeals in exporting and manufacturing thermo plastic paint, centerline marking paints and primers for concrete surface.Address: 44, B, Ganddi Street, Elangonagar, Menambedu, Chennai - 600 053; Phone:+(91)-(44)-2686262515) Texan PaperExporters of all kinds of paints.Address: F-36, Housing Board Complex Luz Church Road, Chennai - 600 004; Phone: +(91)-(44)-6564228916) Chemi IndiaManufacturers of Paints etc.Address: 10, Badriah Garden Street, Chennai - 600 003; Phone: +(91)-(44)-2535853517) Madras Hardware StoresManufacturers and exporters of asian paints, nerolac, ici paints etc.Address: 75, Ranganathan Street T. Nagar, Chennai - 600 017; Phone: +(91)-(44)-2434573518) Amutha HardwaresDeals into asian paints, berger paints, ici paints, shalimar paints and arocem cement paints.Address: A - 82, Anna Nagar, Chennai - 600 102; Phone: +(91)-(44)-2626444019) Executive Coach BuilderManufacturers of all kinds of paint guns.Address: 2/3, Mandapam Lane, Kilpauk, Chennai - 600 010; Phone: +(91)-(94)-43863370 Fax: +(91)-(4373)-25557020) Hitech Paints & ChemicalsTrading of paint and paint raw material and also providing consultancy for paint manufacturers.Address: 56, Ganesh Nagar, G. K. Industrial Estate, Alapakkam, Porur, Chennai - 600 116; Phone: +(91)-(44)-25375655/24762833/24761474 Fax: +(91)-(44)-24761474 21) Moonson IndustriesManufacturer and wholesale exporter of building cement paints.Address: No: 7, Peddunaicken Street, Kondithope, Chennai - 600 079; Phone: +(91)-(44)-25200004/25209330/25208197/56107226 Fax: +(91)-(44)-2520819722) Shri Jai Sarada TradingManufacturers of paint brushes, bristles, abrasives.Address: No. 25, 5th Street, Krishna Nagar, Virugambakkam, Chennai - 600 092; Phone: +(91)-(44)-2377440423) Danush Enterprises Private LimitedManufacturers and exporters of all types of paints.Address: #60, Old No. 146, Eldams Road, Teynampet, Chennai - 600 018; Phone: +(91)-(44)-24351860/24357418/24357867/24359022/24359024 Fax: +(91)-(44)-2435268524) Glossy & MattOffering consulting services such as aluminium powder coating service and powder liquid coating consultancy service.Address: 556, Poonamallee High Road, Arumbakkam, Chennai - 600 106; Phone: +(91)-(44)-26263670/26265483 Fax: +(91)-(44)-2626367025) Zion Paints Private Limited, ChennaiManufacturers of all kinds of paints.Address: 1-B, Krishna Apartments, 21, Temple Road, Kilpauk, Chennai - 600 010; Phone: +(91)-(44)-2642559626) Janata Paint IndustriesManufacturer of paints and allied items.Address: Plot No. 143, Sidco Industrial Estate, Ambattur, Chennai - 600 010; Phone:+(91)-(44)-26251770 Fax: +(91)-(44)-2625177027) S. D. M. EnterprisesManufacturers of friction dust powder, paints dust powder, rubber compounding dust powder, lamination dust powder and varnishes dust powder.Address: 78, East Mada Street Villivakkam, Chennai - 600 049; Phone: +(91)-(44)-2656566628) Karmen International (P) Ltd.Manufacturer of chemicals for the Paint and Abrasive industryAddress: 31A/20, NP, Sidco Industrial Estate, Chennai - 600 098; Phone: +(91)-(44)-26251831 Fax: +(91)-(44)-2625183129) DongivisionExporters of paints and paint allied products.Address: B-17, Post Box, Villipuram, Chennai - 600 049; Phone: +(91)-(44)-42144335 Fax: +(91)-(44)-4214433530) Pneumatic Atomising Mills Private LimitedManufacturing paint.Address: 29/2, Sembudoss Street, Chennai - 600 001; Phone: +(91)-(44)-25228886/25220021 Fax: +(91)-(44)-2522408731) MRF Limited Speciality Coatings DivisionManufacturers of coating materials & paints.Address: Tarapore Towers, 5th Floor, 826, Anna Salai, Chennai - 600 002; Phone: +(91)-(44)-28521033/28521351/28550297/28550298/28521779 Fax: +(91)-(44)-28520912 32) Surya Paints & Oil WorksManufacturers of synthetic enamel paints, synthetic wood primers, synthetic iron primer, stoving enamel paint, stoving primer, linseed oil etc.Address: 110, Rasappa Chetty Strret, Park Town, Chennai - 600 003; Phone: +(91)-(44)-25357985/25530637 Fax: +(91)-(44)-2535807133) Tex Stone PaintsManufactuers of stone paints.Address: 1, V. 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Colony, Second Main Road, Kodadbakam, Chennai - 600 024; Phone: +(91)-944423686034) Sevak Engineering And Trading AgencyExporters and suppliers of paints, paint sprays, paint thinner, paint remover, protective sealing, coatings, varnishes, coating accessories and related products.Address: Tarangini, AA-15, Alacrity Complex Near Mugapair West, Turminus, Chennai - 600 058; Phone: +(91)-(44)-26533600 Fax: +(91)-(44)-2653259635) Premium Coatings & Chemicals Private LimitedSpecialised in coating metals, woods, plastics and glass substrates.Address: A -3, Ashok Nandaki, 42, Mcnichols Road, Chetpet, Chennai - 600 001; Phone: +(91)-(44)-28248795/28216104 Fax: +(91)-(44)-2821520436) Nathan & Company, ChennaiExporters of nc thinner, lacquer, cashew nut shell liquid etc.Address: No. 281, Lingi Street, Parrys, Chennai - 600 003; Phone: +(91)-(44)-24861832 37) Spectra Paints and Chemicals Pvt Ltd.Manufacturer and exporter of decorative industrial coatings, oil based industrial coatings, industrial specialty coatings, decorative specialty coatings like enamel paint, acrylic enamel paint, red oxide primer etc.Address: No. 92-A, Lattice Bridge Road, Thiruvanmiyur, Chennai - 600 041; Phone:+(91)-(44)-24480347 Fax: +(91)-(44)-2445188638) Elecctra ColoursSellers of all types of paints.Address: 58, Pantheon Road, Egmore, Chennai - 600 008; Phone: +(91)-(44)-42148114 Fax: +(91)-(44)-4214811739) Spic Electronic & System LimitedLeading manufacturers of white ink thinner.Address: Spic Centre, 97, Mount Road, Guindy, Chennai - 600 032; Phone: +(91)-(44)-2350182/2352501 Fax: +(91)-(44)-2353165/235256840) Macer Tech Engineering Private LimitedManufacturers of different type of paints and surface coating.Address: 6, Bhoompathy Street, Chennai - 600 001; Phone: +(91)-(44)-5587669041) A. A. Chemical IndustriesDealer of metal polishes and floor polishes.Address: 45-G, Satsangam Street, Madipakam, Chennai - 600 091; Phone: +(91)-(44)-2247191642) Sarojini Spray SystemsManufacturers of paint application equipments.Address: 66/1 Railway Station Road, Korattur, Chennai - 600 080; Phone: +(91)-(44)-56107530/26523177 Fax: +(91)-(44)-2652317743) Seenivasa Painting WorksSuppliers of painting, powder coating hot & cold phosphating, galvanasing and sandblasting.Address: 27-D, Veerabagu Street, Karthikeyan Nagar, Maduravoiyal, Chennai - 602 102; Phone: +(91)-(44)-2378257444) Kamran International Spectrum Dye ChemicalsExporters of thinners.Address: 97, Thiruneermalai Road, Nagalkeni, Chromepet, Chennai - 600 044; Phone:+(91)-(44)-22386265 Fax: +(91)-(44)-2238626545) Perfect Engineering And TradingExporters of anti corrosive coating, epoxy coating, painting contractor etc.Address: 13/6, Daulath Khan Street, Ellis Road, Mount Road, Chennai - 600 002; Phone: +(91)-(44)-28602302 Fax: +(91)-(44)-2860056146) Solar PaintsManufacturer of paints.Address: #63, New Streeet, Kaladipet, Thiruvottiyur, Chennai - 600 019; Phone: +(91)-(44)-25974271/9840106725/984010672947) Sree Ganpathy Colour CompanyManufacturers of high quality plastic whitener and plastic paint.Address: 63, Devaraja Mudali Street, 2nd Floor, Chennai - 600 003; Phone: +(91)-(44)-25354247/25353174 Fax: +(91)-(44)-2535811148) Korea International Business CorporationDealing into free mastic solventless epoxy paint for anti corrosion.Address: B-15-A, Parsn Complex, 2nd Floor, Chennai - 600 006; Phone: +(91)-(44)-42144335/3535196349) Trinity Marketing Private LimitedSuppliers of paint, elastomeric weather barrier coat and pain brushes.Address: 16, Lamech Avenue, Spur Tank Road, Chetpet, Chennai - 625 002; Phone:+(91)-(44)-2826086650) Addisons Paints & Chemicals LimitedSellers Of Paints.Address: huzur gardens, sembiam, Chennai - 600 011; Phone: +(91)-(44)-25375887 Fax: +(91)-(44)-2537624051) Gautam Colour CompanyExporters of all kinds of powder coating.Address: 90, Govindappa Naicken Street, Chennai - 600 001; Phone: +(91)-(44)-25364826/25364827 Fax: +(91)-(44)-2536482852) Ya RahimSellers of paints.Address: 9/2, E. B. Office Road, Devloped Estate, Perungudi, Chennai - 600 018; Phone: +(91)-(44)-24990915 Fax: +(91)-(44)-2499195953) National Asphalt Products & Construction Co.Engaged in supplying and exporting synthetic surface products.Address: 480, Khivraj Complex II, Mount Road, Nandanam, Anna Salai, Chennai - 600 035; Phone: +(91)-(44) 24330585/24330063 Fax: +(91)-(44)-2434216054) Polymer ConsultantOffering technical services for manufacturing all types of alkyds, insulating varnishes, extreme flexible epoxy system and cost effective phenolic resins.Address: B3, Sree Ranga Lakshmi 78(New) 27(Old), 4th Trust Cross Street, Mandaveli, Chennai - 600 028; Phone: +(91)-(44)-2461681155) TansiManufacturers of paints.Address: Thiruvika Industrial Estate, Chennai - 600 032; Phone: +(91)-(44)-2322642/2322632 Fax: +(91)-(44)-232541156) Falcon Paints & ChemicalManufacturers of all kinds of paints.Address: 13, Sidco Industrial Estate, Thiruvallur, Chennai - 602 003; Phone: +(91)-(94)-4405350457) Special Paints LimitedEngaged in manufacturing of paint.Address: 17, Aziz Mulk,1st Street, 1000 Lights, Chennai - 600 006; Phone: +(91)-(44)-28292940 Fax: +(91)-(44)-2829167458) Ganpat Paints & ChemicalsManufacturer of acrylic paint, aerosol paint and industrial paint.Address: 73, Manickya Vinayagar, Koil Street, Chennai - 600 039; Phone: +(91)-(44)-2537934759) Life Herbals & Chemicals InternationalManufacturer of solar radiating paint powder.Address: I.P.S. Officers Colony, Manapakkam, Chennai – 600116; Phone: +(91)-(44)-936666602660) Bestsoft & TechDealer of paint raw material.Address: Old No.6, First Floor, Thoppu Street, Triplicane, Chennai - 600 005; Phone:+(91)-(44)-5529393461) Sphinax Chemical IndsManufacturing paints and allied products.Address: 57 Mc Nicholas Rd, Chetput, Chennai - 600 031; Phone: +(91)-(44)-26412556 Fax: +(91)-(44)-2642338062) Universal Corporation, ChennaiManufacture and export of paints, distempers, exterior emulsion, decorative coating and industrial coatings.Address: G-8, Vysarpadi Industrial Estate, Chennai - 600 039; Phone: +(91)-(44)-255201263) ElvinsSellers of conformal coatings, insulating varnishes etc.Address: Plot 35, Saravananagar, Perungudi, Chennai - 600 096; Phone: +(91)-(44)-24960382 Fax: +(91)-(44)-2496038264) Udayam ChemicalsManufacturers of paints.Address: 1, Arul Nagar, Lakshmipuram, Chennai - 600 099; Phone: +(91)-(44)-25569016 65) Decpro PaintsManufacturers of fine quaiity various types of powder paints and sythetic resins. Address: No. 9/4 A, 3rd Pillaiyar Kovil Street, Ambal Nagar, Chennai - 600 097; Phone: +(91)-(44)-22321729 Fax: +(91)-(40)-2784599466) Vulcan ElastolanExporters of raw materials for paints.Address: 15, Ekambaram Industrial Estate, Chennai - 600 116; Phone: +(91)-(44)-24766395 Fax: +(91)-(44)-5215253167) Ramic K-Tech Pvt. Ltd.Manufacturers of corrosion resistant materials, coating materials & paints.Address: 131 Luz Church Road, Mylapore, Chennai – 600004; Phone: +(91)-(44)-24990143 Fax: +(91)-(44)-2499738868) Sabhari ChemicalsSellers of special paints.Address: New No.8, 29/A & B, Palayakkara Street, Chennai - 600 116; Phone: +(91)-(44)-24828811 Fax: +(91)-(44)-2482858169) Shenoys Anit-Corrosive ProductsManufacturers and wholesalers of synthetic enamel paints.Address: 342, Walltax Road, Chennai - 600 079; Phone: +(91)-(44)-25270397 Source: /indianexporters/paint.html/indianexporters/。
AM1 结构的 DFT,SVP 单点能 计算(Turbomole)
聚类分析(能量和结构) BP-SVP 能量文件
气相 DFT TZVP 优化 (Turbomole)
* 用 COSMO 计算溶剂效应
* Mulliken 和 Lodin 电荷分析,布居分析,偶极矩、四极和八极极矩
自动生成 COSMO 和气液级的 COSMO-RS 相关异构体
COSMOconf: 概览
• 自动产生 COSMO 和气相级别的 COSMO-RS 相关构象异构体 • 使用 COSMOfrag 技术生成构象异构体 • 基于经验 AM1 计算方法,结合更加精确的密度泛函(DFT)方法处理 最重要的 AM1 构象异构体时
dashed line: experiment solid line: linear regression
- 潜在应用
·溶质穿透膜的渗透系数 ·确定如 Flory-Huggins 等的参数,可用 于作为宏观尺度如 DPD 计算的输入参数
experimental log KSDS-w Fig. 4. Calculated log KSDS-w against experimental
聚类分析(能量和结构) BP-TZVP 能量文件
DFT TZVP COSMO 优化 (Turbomole)
基于 COSMO-RS 理论,计算化学工程、化工环境分析及生命科学热力学数据
美国派利斯公司产品介绍—振动传感器系列美 国 派 利 斯 电 子 ( 北 京 ) 有 限 公 司北京朝阳区南磨房路37号华腾北搪商务大厦1905室邮编:100022电话:(010)5190-8800 传真:(010)5190-8761邮件: china@ 网址:1地震式探头选型指南美国派利斯公司产品介绍—振动传感器系列美 国 派 利 斯 电 子 ( 北 京 ) 有 限 公 司加速度传感器 TM0782A广泛应用于工业领域的压电晶体类型加速度传感器TM0782A-K 加速度传感器及套件由加速度探头和带5米电缆的接头组成。
TM0782A-K 加速度传感器及套件可以直接与派利斯公司的监测仪表连接,如DTM/TR 变送器、TM101变送保护表、PT580数字振动开关等,用于测量机壳振动,并输出加速度、速度、位移值。
技术参数电气指标灵敏度:100mV /g ±10%(25 oC ) 频响:0.5~10,000Hz (±3dB ) 最高振幅:50g 隔离:电路与外壳绝缘 噪声:0.0007g电源:2~10mA 恒流,18-30VDC 偏置电压:10 - 14VDC 共振频率:30kHz 最大传输距离:300米环境与物理指标温度区间:-50 oC ~+120 oC防护等级:IP67重量:90克 外壳材料:不锈钢 安装孔经:1/4-28UNF 安装力矩:29N*M 危险场合认证:ATEX : II 1 G, Ex ia IIC T4CSA : Class l, Div. 1, Groups A, B, C& D ,T4 PCEC :Ex ia IIC T4 GOST R: 0ExiallCT4X连接A :电源(红色电缆)B :公共端(白色电缆) COM :屏蔽层定货指南TM0782A-M加速度传感器(转接螺丝 1/4-28”→M6×1)TM0782A-E加速度传感器(转接螺丝 1/4-28” →1/4-28”)美国派利斯公司产品介绍—振动传感器系列美 国 派 利 斯 电 子 ( 北 京 ) 有 限 公 司北京朝阳区南磨房路37号华腾北搪商务大厦1905室邮编:100022电话:(010)5190-8800 传真:(010)5190-8761邮件: china@ 网址:3TM0782A-K-M加速度传感器套件包括: 9 TM0782A 加速度传感器 9转接螺丝(1/4-28” → M6×1) 9 TM0702-05TM0782A-K-E加速度传感器套件包括: 9 TM0782A 加速度传感器 9转接螺丝(1/4-28” →1/4-28”) 9 TM0702-05TM0782A-M-S9 加速度传感器(转接螺丝 1/4-28→M6×1) 9 本安防爆认证TM0782A-E-S9 加速度传感器(转接螺丝 1/4-28” →1/4-28”) 9 本安防爆认证TM0782A-K-M-S加速度传感器套件包括: 9 TM0782A 加速度传感器 9 转接螺丝(1/4-28″→M6×1)9TM0702-059 本安防爆认证 TM0782A-K-E-S加速度传感器套件包括: 9 TM0782A 加速度传感器9 转接螺丝(1/4-28″→1/4-28″)9TM0702-059 本安防爆认证.附件:(标准电缆长为 5 米, XX = 05) 建议选用 TM0702-XXTM0702-XX : MIL 铝插头, 带 XX 米电缆,直径7mm 。
PT6961LED Driver IC DESCRIPTIONPT6961 is an LED Controller driven on a 1/7 to 1/8duty factor. 11 segment output lines, 6 grid outputlines, 1 segment/grid output lines, one displaymemory, control circuit, key scan circuit are allincorporated into a single chip to build a highly reliableperipheral device for a single chip microcomputer.Serial data is fed to PT6961 via a four-line serialinterface. Housed in a 32-pin SOP, PT6961 pinassignments and application circuit are optimized foreasy PCB Layout and cost saving advantages.APPLICATIONS•Micro-computer Peripheral Device• VCR set• Combo setFEATURES• CMOS technology•Low power consumption•Multiple display modes (12 segments, 6 grids to 11segments, 7 grids)•Key scanning (10 x 3 Matrix)•8-Step dimming circuitry•Serial interface for Clock, Data Input, Data Output,Strobe Pins•Available in 32-pin, SOPBLOCK DIAGRAMAPPLICATION CIRCUITNotes:1. The capacitor (0.1µF) connected between the GND and the VDD pins must be located as close as possible to the PT6961 chip.2. It is strongly suggested that the NC pin (pins 13) be connected to the GND.3. The PT6961 power supply is separate from the application system power supply.COMMON CATHODE TYPE LED PANELORDER INFORMATIONValid Part Number Package Type Top Code PT6961 32pins, SOP, 300mil PT6961PIN DESCRIPTIONPIN DESCRIPTIONPin NameI/ODescriptionPin No. OSC IOscillator Input PinA resistor is connected to this pin to determine the oscillation frequency 1 DOUT OData Output Pin (N-Channel, Open-Drain)This pin outputs serial data at the falling edge of the shift clock. 2 DIN I Data Input PinThis pin inputs serial data at the rising edge of the shift clock (startingfrom the lower bit)3 CLK IClock Input Pin This pin reads serial data at the rising edge andoutputs data at the falling edge. 4 STB I Serial Interface Strobe PinThe data input after the STB has fallen is processed as a command.When this pin is “HIGH", CLK is ignored. 5K1 ~ K3 I Key Data Input PinsThe data sent to these pins are latched at the end of the displaycycle. (Internal Pull-Low Resistor)6, 7, 8VDD - Power Supply9, 25SG1/KS1 ~ SG10/KS10 OSegment Output Pins (p-channel, open drain)Also acts as the Key Source10 ~ 12 14 ~ 20NC - No Connection 13 SG11 O Segment Output pins (P-Channel, open drain) 21 SG12/GR7 O Segment / Grid Output Pins22 GR6 ~ GR1O Grid Output Pins 23, 24, 27, 28, 30, 31 GND-Ground Pin26, 29, 32INPUT/OUTPUT CONFIGURATIONSThe schematic diagrams of the input and output circuits of the logic section are shown below. INPUT PINS: CLK, STB & DINOUTPUT PINS: K1 TO K3OUTPUT PINS: DOUT, GR1 TO GR4OUTPUT PINS: SG1 TO SG11OUTPUT PINS: GR5, GR6 AND SG12/GR7FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONCOMMANDSA command is the first byte (b0 to b7) inputted to PT6961 via the DIN Pin after STB Pin has changed from HIGH to LOW State. If for some reason the STB Pin is set to HIGH while data or commands are being transmitted, the serial communication is initialized, and the data/commands being transmitted are considered invalid.COMMANDS 1: DISPLAY MODE SETTING COMMANDSPT6961 provides 2 display mode settings as shown in the diagram below: As stated earlier a command is the first one byte (b0 to b7) transmitted to PT6961 via the DIN Pin when STB is LOW. However, for these commands, the bit 3 & bit 8 (b2 to b7) are given a value of 0.The Display Mode Setting Commands determine the number of segments and grids to be used (12 to 11 segments, 6 to 7 grids). A display command ON must be executed in order to resume display. If the same mode setting is selected, no command execution is take place, therefore, nothing happens.When Power is turned ON, the 7-grid, 11-segment modes is selected.DisplaySettings:Modesegmentsdigits,12610:11segments7digits,11:COMMANDS 2: DATA SETTING COMMANDSThe Data Setting Commands executes the Data Write or Data Read Modes for PT6961. The dataSetting Command, the bits 5 and 6 (b4, b5) are given the value of 0, bit 7 (b6) is given the value of 1 while bit 8 (b7) is given the value of 0. Please refer to the diagram below.When power is turned ON, bit 4 to bit 1 (b3 to b0) are given the value of 0.ModeSettings:Read&DisplayModetoDataKey(DisplayMode):SettingsModebeenhasWrittenDataAddressafterModeOperationNormal0:Mode1:TestPT6961 KEY MATRIX & KEY INPUT DATA STORAGE RAMPT6961 Key Matrix consists of 10 x 3 array as shown below:Each data entered by each key is stored as follows and read by a READ Command, starting from the last significant bit. When the most significant bit of the data (b7) has been read, the least significant bit of the next data (b0) is read.K1…………………K3 K1…………………….K3ReadingSequenceSG1/KS1 SG2/KS2 x SG3/KS3 SG4/KS4 xSG5/KS5 SG6/KS6 xSG7/KS7 SG8/KS8 x SG9/KS9 SG10/KS10 x b0………………….b2 b3…………………….b5b6………………….b7Note: b6 and b7 do not care.COMMANDS 3: ADDRESS SETTING COMMANDSAddress Setting Commands are used to set the address of the display memory. The address is considered valid if it has a value of 00H to 0DH. If the address is set to 0EH or higher, the data is ignored until a valid address is set. When power is turned ON, the address is set at 00H.Please refer to the diagram below.DISPLAY MODE AND RAM ADDRESSData transmitted from an external device to PT6961 via the serial interface are stored in the Display RAM and are assigned addresses. The RAM addresses of PT6961 are given below in 8 bits unit.SG1 SG4 SG5 SG8 SG9 SG12SG13 SG1400HL 00HU 01HL 01HU DIG1 02HL 02HU 03HL 03HU DIG2 04HL 04HU 05HL 05HU DIG3 06HL 06HU 07HL 07HU DIG4 08HL 08HU 09HL 09HU DIG5 0AHL 0AHU 0BHL 0BHU DIG6 0CHL 0CHU 0DHL 0DHU DIG7b0 b3 b4 b7xxHL xxHU Lower 4 bits Higher 4 bitsCOMMAND 4: DISPLAY CONTROL COMMANDSThe Display Control Commands are used to turn ON or OFF a display. It also used to set the pulse width. Please refer to the diagram below. When the power is turned ON, a 1/16 pulse width is selected and the displayed is turned OFF (the key scanning is started).width =1/16 width = 2/16 width = 4/16 width = 10/16 width – 11/16 width =12/16 width = 13/16 width = 14/16 0: Display Off (Key Scan Continues) 1: Display OnSCANNING AND DISPLAY TIMINGSERIAL COMMUNICATION FORMATThe following diagram shows the PT6961 serial communication format. The DOUT Pin is an N-channel, open-drain output pin; therefore, it is highly recommended that an external pull-up resistor (1 KΩ to 10 KΩ) must be connected to DOUT.RECEPTION (DATA/COMMAND WRITE)TRANSMISSION (DATA READ)where: twait (waiting time) ≥ 1µsIt must be noted that when the data is read, the waiting time (twait) between the rising of the eighth clock that has set the command and the falling of the first clock that has read the data is greater or equal to 1µs.SWITCHING CHARACTERISTIC WAVEFORM PT6961 Switching Characteristics Waveform is given below.where:PW CLK (Clock Pulse Width) ≥400nsPW STB (Strobe Pulse Width) ≥ 1µst hold (Data Hold Time) ≥ 100nst setup (Data Setup Time) ≥100nst THZ (Fall Time) ≤ 10µst CLK-STB (Clock – Strobe Time) ≥1µst TZH (Rise Time) ≤ 1 µs t PZL (Propagation Delay Time) ≤ 100nsfosc = Oscillation Frequency t PLZ (Propagation Delay Time) ≤ 300nst TZL≤ 1µs t TLZ≤ 10 µsNote:Test Condition Undert THZ (Pull low resistor) = 10KΩ, Loading capacitor = 300pFt TLZ (Pull high resistor) = 10KΩ, Loading capacitor = 300pFAPPLICATIONSDisplay memory is updated by incrementing addresses. Please refer to the following diagram.where:Command 1: Display mode setting commandCommand 2: Data setting commandCommand 3: Address setting commandData 1 to n: Transfer display data (14 bytes max.)Command 4: Display control commandThe following diagram shows the waveforms when updating specific addresses.where:Command 2: Data setting commandCommand 3: Address setting commandData: Display dataRECOMMENDED SOFTWARE FLOWCHARTNotes:1. Command 1: Display Mode Commands2. Command 2: Data Setting Commands3. Command 3: Address Setting Commands4. Command 4: Display Control Commands5. When IC power is applied for the first time, the contents of the Display RAM are not defined; thus, it is strongly suggested that the contents of theDisplay RAM be cleared during the initial setting.SOP 32 (300MIL) THERMAL PERFORMANCE IN STILL AIR JUNCTION TEMPERATURE: 100°CABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(Unless otherwise specified, Ta=25℃, GND=0V)Parameter Symbol Ratings Unit Supply voltage VDD -0.5 to +7 V Logic input voltage VI -0.5 to VDD+0.5 VDriver output current IOLGR +250 mA IOHSG -50 mAMaximum driver output current/total ITOTAL 400 mA Operating temperature Topr -40 ~ +85 °C Storage temperature Tstg -65 ~ +150 °CRECOMMENDED OPERATING RANGE(Unless otherwise specified, Topr=25℃, GND=0V)Parameter Symbol Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit Logic supply voltage VDD VDD 3 5 5.5 V Dynamic current (see Note) IDDdyn VDD - - 5 mAHigh-level input voltage VIH VDD=5V 0.8VDD- VDDV VDD=3V 0.8VDD- VDDLow-level input voltage VILVDD=5V 0 - 0.3VDDV VDD=3V 0 - 0.3Note: Test Condition: Set Display Control Commands = 80H (Display Turn OFF State & under no load)ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(Unless otherwise stated, VDD =5V, GND=0V, Ta=25°C)Parameter Symbol Test Condition Min. Typ. Max. UnitHigh-level output currentIOHSG(1)VO= VDD -2VSG1 to SG11, SG12/GR7-20 -25 -40 mAIOHSG(2)VO= VDD -3VSG1 to SG11, SG12/GR7 -25 -30 -50 mALow-level output current IOLGRVO=0.3VGR1 to GR6, SG12/GR7100 140 - mA Low-level output current IOLDOUT VO =0.4V 4 - - mASegment high-leveloutput current tolerance ITOLSG VO= VDD -3V SG1 to SG11, SG12/GR7 - - ±5% High-level input voltage VIH - 0.8VDD - 5 V Low-level input voltage VIL - 0 - 0.3VDD V Oscillation frequencyfoscR=51K Ω350 500 650 KHz K1 to K3 pull down resistor RKN K1 to K3, VDD =5V 40-100K Ω(Unless otherwise stated, VDD =3V, GND=0V, Ta=25°C)Parameter Symbol Test Condition Min. Typ. Max. UnitHigh-level output currentIOHSG VO=VDD-2VSG1 to SG11, SG12/GR7-9 -12 -20 mALow-level output current IOLGRVO=0.3VGR1 to GR6, SG12/GR780 100 - mA Low-level output current IOLDOUT VO =0.4V 3 - - mA Segment high-level output current tolerance ITOLSG VO= VDD -2VSG1 to SG11, SG12/GR7 - - ±5% High-level input voltage VIH - 0.8VDD - VDD V Low-level input voltage VIL - 0 - 0.3 V Oscillation frequency fosc R=33K Ω350 500 650 KHz K1 to K3 pull down resistorRKNK1 to K3, VDD=3V90-180K ΩPACKAGE INFORMATION32 PINS, SOP, 300 MILSymbol Min. Typ. Max.A - - 2.65A1 0.10 - -b 0.31 - 0.51c 0.20 - 0.33BSC.e 1.27D 20.32 - 20.73E 7.40 - 7.60E1 10.00 - 10.65L 0.38 - 1.27θ 0 8 Notes:1. Refer to JEDEC MO-119 AC2. Unit: mmIMPORTANT NOTICEPrinceton Technology Corporation (PTC) reserves the right to make corrections, modifications, enhancements, improvements, and other changes to its products and to discontinue any product without notice at any time.PTC cannot assume responsibility for use of any circuitry other than circuitry entirely embodied in a PTC product. No circuit patent licenses are implied.Princeton Technology Corp.2F, 233-1, Baociao Road,Sindian, Taipei 23145, TaiwanTel: 886-2-66296288Fax: 886-2-29174598。
支持 VC 和 VB 两种标准的开发语言平台,提供的标准 DLL 也可方便使用在其它的通用开发 平台环境中,如 LabVIEW, CVI 等。 应用程序
应用程序的提供是为了帮助客户安装即可使用板卡,在应用不复杂的条件下,实现基本的通讯 操作功能,从而免去不必要的编程过程。以下为 AEC429 应用程序的主要操作界面。
ARINC 419 是各种航空总线的集合,它是第一个用在商用航空的数字通信规范,ARINC 419 有四种不同的接线:
并行: 每一位一根线 六线: 一对连时钟,一对连数据,一对连同步(3 对双绞线) 串行: 一对屏蔽双绞线 串行: 同轴电缆 这四种方式中,应用最多的是双绞线串行方式,即 ARINC575,它是 ARINC 429 的原型。
AEC429 系列产品的主要功能特性: 每个发送和接收通道配备大容量 FIFO FIFO 触发深度软件可设 标号过滤 添加时间标签 定时发送 波特率 12.5Kbps,48Kbps 或 100Kbps 可选 可设置发送帧间隔和字间隔 32 位或 25 位传输方式可选
AEC429 产品软件
PC/104 总线
PC104 ARINC-429 2 收 1 发…………………………………………AEC429-PC104-21
地址:北京市海淀区苏州街 18 号长远天地大厦 A2 座 1711 室 电话:010-82608660,82608782,82627695,82628606
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用户使用手册XP TAG独立而完整的视觉系统本手册提供准确可靠的信息。
北京科天健图像技术有限公司 RockeTech Technologies Ltd. Tel: +86-10-82780977 XP TAG 用户使用手册 © TATTILE S.r.l. 关于科天健图像科天健图像技术有限公司北京科天健图像技术有限公司是一家专门为科研、工业、军事用户提供工业相机高速相机和机器视觉系统、子系统全面解决方案的高科技公司,公司位于北京上地信息产业基地的留学人员发展园,是北京市科学技术委员会认定的高新技术企业。
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1992年国际非电离辐射防护委员会(ICNIRP) 年国际非电离辐射防护委员会( 年国际非电离辐射防护委员会 ) 推荐标准
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中国电磁辐射防护规定GB8702-88 中国电磁辐射防护规定
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中国电磁辐射防护规定GB8702-88 中国电磁辐射防护规定
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环境电磁波卫生标准GBGB 9175─88 环境电磁波卫生标准
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容许场强 一级(安全区) 〈10 〈5 〈10 二级(中间区) 〈25 〈12 〈40
频率范围 照射 类型 职业 照射 ~1Hz 1—4Hz 4 Hz—1K Hz 1—100K Hz 100K Hz—10M Hz 10M Hz—10GHz -1Hz 1.Hz 4Hz—1K Hz 1.100K Hz 100K Hz—10M Hz 10M Hz—10GHz 对头与躯干 的电流密度 (Mam-2) 40 40/f 10 f/100 f/100 — 8 8/f 2 f/500 f/500 — 全身平均SAR (WKg-1) — — — — 0.4 0. 4 — — — — 0.08 0.08 局部(头与 躯干)SAR (WKg-1) — — — — 10 10 — — — — 2 2 局部(肢) SAR (WKG-1) — — — — 20 20 — — — — 4 4
GN010 应用手册 GaN Systems EZDrive 驱动方案说明书
GN010 应用手册GaN Systems EZDrive®驱动方案2022年03月GaN Systems Inc.内容•背景介绍•两种GaN驱动方案的比较:“分立“还是”集成”•GaN Systems的方案: EZDrive电路•EZDrive实验验证•总结Vgs Level Shift + -Controller +DriverGND GaN12Vcc12V signal+6V-6VVgs•带驱动的控制芯片输出12V驱动电压•GaN器件需要+6V门极电压开通•需要额外的Vgs电平转换使用标准电路控制/驱动芯片驱动GaN器件Vgs Level Shift+-Controller+DriverGNDGaN12Vcc12V signal+6V -6VVgs单片集成驱动的GaN 方案GaN Systems GaN + EZDrive 驱动电路•内部稳压器将12V/0V 转换为+6V/0VPGNDQR Flyback ControllerFBV DS V V PWMREGCTD SGNDPGNDR带集成驱动的MOSFET 控制芯片带集成驱动的MOSFET 控制芯片两种GaN 驱动的解决方案: 集成或分立•电平转换电路[1]将12V/0V 转换为+6V/-6V•带驱动的控制芯片输出12V 驱动电压•GaN 器件需要+6V 门极电压开通•需要额外的Vgs 电平转换参考文献内容•背景简介•两种GaN驱动方案的比较:“分立“还是”集成”•GaN Systems的方案: EZDrive电路•EZDrive实验验证•总结GaN “分立驱动”对比“集成驱动”外围电路元件高压半桥自举控制芯片/驱动芯片GaN Systems 器件集成驱动GaN集成驱动的控制芯片多余的驱动电路和线性稳压电路集成驱动的控制芯片上管单片集成GaN下管单片集成GaN最少的电路模块+标准元器件(低成本:相同数量的无源元件,无需额外驱动)集成芯片= 2个额外的驱动+ 2个额外的线性稳压电路(更高的成本和复杂度)GaN 器件开通关断速度可控,负压关断(可优化EMI 和效率)仅能控制GaN 器件开通速度(不利于性能优化)GaN Systems EZDrive 方案单片集成方案上管GaN下管GaNT offT onV PWMV DSV BUSIncrese R OFF to decrease dv/dt R C ZD ZD R OFFR GD OFF GSSSDttIncrese R G to decrease dv/dtONOFFON12VDrain turn-on Drain turn-off GaN 分立设计对比集成设计——T ON /T OFF 控制1DSPWM V CCV DDD ZR DD T offT onV PWMV DSV BUSDrain turn-on falling edgettONOFFON单片集成GaN12V•漏极关断电压上升和开通电压下降速度可调•有利于EMI 和效率优化•漏极关断电压上升速度不可调整•设计灵活性受限分立的GaN 和EZDrive 电路内容•背景简介•两种GaN驱动方案的比较:“分立“还是”集成”•GaN Systems的方案: EZDrive电路•EZDrive实验验证•总结V GSV PWM-5.2V5.5V0V12V-6.4V-1VEZDrive CircuitGaN Systems 的EZDrive 电路可经济简便地实现GaN 器件驱动.•使12V 驱动芯片能够驱动+6V 开通的GaN 器件•由4个元器件构成电平转换电路•开通关断速率可由外部门电阻Rg 控制,以减少EMI•可应用于任何功率等级,任何频率,以及任何标准控制/驱动芯片•可应用于任何具有单,双或上管/下管驱动的控制芯片+V PWM -+V GS-EZDrive的工作模式V GS_下管=+6V; V GS_上管=-6V VGS_下管=-6V; V GS_上管=-6V模式1: C BOOT充电(上管GaN关断; 下管GaN开通)模式2: C BOOT充电(上管GaN关断; 下管GaN关断)模式3: C BOOT放电(上管GaN开通; 下管GaN关断)功率流向门极驱动电流C BOOT电流•EZDrive的操作模式在半桥应用中类似于传统非隔离自举上管/下管驱动•允许较大的控制芯片工作电压范围:9~18VEZDrive电路应用实例EZDrive的典型应用:•反激电路•半桥电路•升压PFC电路方案= 分立GaN器件+ EZDrive电路+ 控制芯片EZDrive 电路GaN Systems 器件EZDrive circuit GaN SystemsTransistorsEZDrive电路GaN Systems 器件EZDrive反激电路应用ControllerController•反激控制芯片的应用实例包括NCP1342和NCP1250•以下电路是EZDrive在反激电路里的典型应用,表格里提供了元器件的推荐值▪标有“可选电路”的部分与基于硅MOSFET的驱动电路设计类似,用于进一步优化效率和EMI。
M141500B M1410C M1420C M1430C M1450C M1475C
EVF9321-EV 0.37kW
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EVF9324-EV 3.0kW
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EVF9326-EV 11kW
EVF9327-EV 15kW
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美国AC TECH SCD系列变频器
SD203Y SD205Y SD210Y SD215Y SD220Y SD230Y SD250Y
SD210 SD215 SD220 SD230 SD250 SD275 SD2100
EVS9332-ES 75kW
SD5200 SD5250
美国AC TECH TCF系列变频器
TF205Y TF210Y TF215Y TF220Y TF230Y
TF210 TF215 TF220 TF230 TF250
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轴振动监测模块 轴位移监测模块 转速监测模块 键相输出模块
ProvibTech 电话: (010)5190-8800 ● 传真: (010)5190-8761 ● sales@ ● 1
FXX:缓冲输出 F00*: 无缓冲输出 F01: 有缓冲输出
GXX: 安装 G00*: 导轨安装
ProvibTech 电话: (010)5190-8800 ● 传真: (010)5190-8761 ● sales@ ● 3
汽轮机 压缩机 电动机 泵 风扇 鼓风机 离心机 发电机 涡轮压缩机
可与其他厂家的涡流探头系统兼容 内置前置器 4-20mA有源输出 测量径向轴振动、轴向位移、转速 全数字现场组态或出厂缺省组态 两级继电器报警输出(单刀双掷) LED灯指示系统状态: OK、报警、 联锁、旁路
BXX: 电源 B00*: +24VDC B03**: 90~250VAC
CXX:报警 C00: 环氧树脂继电器,锁定 C01: 无报警 C02*: 环氧树脂继电器,非锁定
DXX:输出 D00*: 4 ~ 20mA D01**:1 ~ 5V
EXX: 传感器类型 E00*: TM0180, 5m 电缆 E01: TM0180, 9m 电缆 E02: 8mm 探头, 3300, 5m 电缆 E03: 8mm 探头, 3300, 9m 电缆 E04: 8mm 探头, 7200, 5m 电缆 E05: 8mm 探头, 7200, 9m 电缆 E06: TM0105, 5m 电缆 E07: TM0105, 9m 电缆 E08: TM0110, 5m 电缆 E09: TM0110, 9m 电缆 E10: 11mm 探头, 3300, 5m 电缆 E11: 11mm 探头, 3300, 9m 电缆 E12: 11mm 探头, 7200, 5m 电缆 E13: 11mm 探头, 7200, 9m 电缆
有了表 50-2,要写出键盘译码电路的 VHDL 程序就非常容易了,尤其针对有表可以对照
的电路设计,只要使用 CASE-WHEN 或 WHNE-ELSE 语句,便可轻松完成设计。
表 50-2 键盘参数表
对应的 键盘译 按键功 按键 码输出 能
REG 10010 功能键
01100 字母 C
表 50-1 按键位置与数码关系
Beijing Techshine Technology Co.
SEL2~SEL0 000
KIN3~KIN0 1110 1101 1011
对应的按键 0 6
光靠矩阵键盘是无法正确地完成输入工作的,另外还需搭配以下几个电路模块: 1、 时钟产生电路
当一个系统中使用不同操作频率的脉冲波形时,最方便的方法就是利用一个自由计数器 来产生各种频率。本电路中就使用三种不同频率的工作脉冲波形。它们分别是:系统时钟(它 是系统内部所有时钟的提供者,频率最高)、弹跳消除取样信号、键盘扫描信号和七段显示器 扫描信号。在很多的电路设计中,键盘扫描信号和七段显示器扫描信号可以使用相同的时钟 信号,本设计也采用此方法。
Beijing Techshine Technology Co.
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特别是在CDMA 体制移动通信系统中,线性功率放大器已经是必不可少的重要部件。
2.1 AM/AM AM/PM失真
一个HPA的线性特征可以用AM/AM和AM/PM 曲线来表示. 输入的RF 信号可以表示为:
x(t)=R i(t)⨯cos[ω0t+θx(t)] (1)
y(t)=G[R i(f)] ⨯cos{ω0t+θx(t)+ψ[R i(f)]} (2)
其中G和ψ表示AM/AM 和AM/PM曲线,如图一。
图. 1 实测的放大器失真曲线
图. 2 理想的放大器AM/AM和AM/PM曲线
2.2 双音IMD 、IP3、P1dB
双音IMD ,在放大器输入端加入两个CW 信号,在放大器的输出端测量的3阶、5阶等信号大小,以dBc 表示。
IMD 、IP3及P 1dB 定义图示
2.3 ACPR
ACPR 主要应用在象CDMA 这样的宽频谱信号的研究上。
邻道功率(ACP )定义为当主信道加一信号时,紧邻主信道的两个信道内的功率大小。
ACPR 定义为ACP 功率与主信道功率的比值。
图3 邻道功率(ACP )定义
图4 器件非线性产生的邻道功率
对移动通信的CDMA 信号而言,其IM3(即ACPR )与IP3的关系可以通过一公式表示。
IP3=-5log[P IM3(f 1,f 2)B 3/P O [(3B-f 1)3-(3B-f 2)3]]+22.2 (dBm)
其中: P IM3(f 1,f 2) 表示要求的IM3的输出功率(W )
B 表示二分之一CDMA 信号带宽 (KHz )
f 1,f 2表示两个边带频率相对于中心频率的差值(KHz )
P O 表示输出功率(W )
2.4 级联线性功放的IM3计算
设功放由两级组成,第一级IM3表示为IM3D ,第二级IM3表示为IM3F ,则级联后的IM3表示为:
IM3=IM3F + 20log[1+10(IM3D-IM3F/20)]
恶化(dB)IM3F-IM3D (dB)
Fig.3 Amplifier with Adaptive Predistorte。