

伊顿 MTL5500 FSM 安全手册 模拟输入模块 A 型号 说明书

伊顿 MTL5500 FSM 安全手册 模拟输入模块 A 型号 说明书

FUNCTIONAL SAFETY MANAGEMENTThese products are for use as elements within a Safety System conforming to the requirements of IEC61508:2010 and enable a Safety Integrity Level of up to SIL 2 to be achieved for the instrument loop in asimplex architecture.Eaton Electric Ltd, Luton is a certified Functional Safety Management company meeting the requirementsof IEC61508:2010 Part 1, Clause 6.* Subject to special conditions for detection of out-of-range signal currents. Refer to content of this manual for details.2SM4541A/AS, 5541A/AS, 4544A/AS, 5544A/AS rev 2 This manual supports the application of the products in functional-safety related loops. It must be usedin conjunction with other supporting documents to achieve correct installation, commissioning andoperation. Specifically, the data sheet, instruction manual and applicable certificates for the particularproduct should be consulted, all of which are available on the MTL web site.In the interest of further technical developments, Eaton reserve the right to make design changes.Contents1 Introduction31.1 Applicationandfunction 31.2 Variantdescription 31.3 Product build revisions coveredbythismanual 42 System configuration52.1 Associated system components 63 Selection of product and implications 64 Assessment of functional safety64.1 HardwareSafetyI ntegrity 64.2 Systematic Safety Integrity 74.3 SIL Capability 74.4 Example of use in a safety function 74.5 EMC 84.6 Environmental 85 Installation86 M aintenance97 Appendices97.1 Appendix A: Summary of applicablestandards 97.2 Appendix B: Proof T est Procedure,MTLx541A/AS, MTLx544A/AS Modules 10 - 12 Analogue Input Modules with passive inputfor 4-wire transmitters† These modules have an inherent fault tolerance of 0.3SM4541A/AS, 5541A/AS, 4544A/AS, 5544A/AS rev 21 INTRODUCTION1.1 Application and functionThe Analogue Input module types MTLx541A/MTLx541AS (single channel) and MTLx544A/MTLx544AS (dual channel) are intrinsic safety isolators that interface with process measurement transmitters located in a hazardous area of a process plant. They are also designed and assessed according to IEC 61508 for use in safety instrumented systems up to SIL 2.The MTLx541A provides an input for a separately-powered 4/20mA transmitter located in a hazardousarea, and repeats the transmitter current into a load in the safe area. The MTLx544A supports two identical channels for use with two separate transmitters. The MTLx541AS and MTLx544AS versions act as a current sink for the safe area connection rather than driving the current into the load.All the modules allow bi–directional transmission of HART communication signals superimposed on the4/20mA loop current, so that the transmitter can be interrogated either from the operator station or by a hand-held communicator (HHC).There are no configuration switches or operator controls to be set on the modules. These modules are members of the MTL4500 and MTL5500 range of products.1.2 Variant DescriptionFunctionally the MTL4500 and MTL5500 range of modules are the same but differ in the following way:- the MTL4500 modules are designed for backplane mounted applications- the MTL5500 modules are designed for DIN-rail mounting.In both models the hazardous area field-wiring connections (terminals 1,2, and optionally 4,5) are made through the removable blue connectors, but the safe area and power connections for the MTL454xA/MTL454xAS modules are made through the connector on the base, while the MTL554xA/MTL554xAS modules use the removable grey connectors on the top and side of the module.Note that the safe-area connection terminal numbers differ between the backplane and the DIN-rail mounting models.The analogue input models covered by this manual are:Note: To avoid repetition, further use of MTLx54xA and MTLx54xAS in this document can be understood to include both DIN-rail and backplane models. Individual model numbers will be used only where there is a need to distinguish between them.All the module types described in this manual have the same connectivity for the field signals, supporting 4-wire process transmitters or currents sourced in the hazardous area. The connection of the repeated current signals into the input measurement channels for the safety logic system follows the arrangement shown in the following diagram. When the input channels of the Safety Instrumented System (SIS) are providing power for the loop, the ‘S’ variants of the isolator modules are used to ‘sink’ the measuring current.In the other cases the isolator modules ‘source’ the measuring current that flows into a load resistor inside theinput card of the Safety Instrumented System.4SM4541A/AS, 5541A/AS, 4544A/AS, 5544A/AS rev 22+1-Pwr (Safe area current source)B A 2+1-Pwr A BMTL5541A, MTL5541AS 1112current source (Safe area current sink) Figure 1.1 – Input and output connections 1.3 Product build revisions covered by this manual The information provided in this manual is valid for the product build revisions listed in the following table: The product build revision is identified by the field ‘CC’ in the module Product Identification Number that appears at the bottom left-hand corner of the side label: The CC field immediately precedes the 7-digit Serial Number field, DDDDDDD. Example:5SM4541A/AS, 5541A/AS, 4544A/AS, 5544A/AS rev 22 System configurationAn MTLx54x module may be used in single-channel (1oo1) safety functions up to SIL 2. The worked example in this manual is for a SIL 2 application.The figure below shows the system configuration and specifies detailed interfaces to the safety-related and non safety-related system components. It does not aim to show all details of the internal module structure, but is intended to support understanding for the application.Figure 2 – System ConfigurationThe MTLx54xA/MTLx54xAS modules are designed to receive an active 4-20mA signal from separatelypowered process transmitters in the hazardous area and to repeat the current flowing in the field loop to the safe-area load. The shaded area indicates the safety-related system connection, while the power supply con-nections are not safety-related. The term ‘Logic Solver’ has been used to denote the safety system performing the monitoring function of the process loop variable.Note: When using the MTLx544A/MTLx544AS dual-channel modules, it is not appropriate for both channels to be used in the same loop, or the same safety function, as this creates concerns regarding common-cause failures. Consideration must also be given to the effect of common-cause failures when both loops of a dual-channel module are used for different safety functions.2.1 Associated System ComponentsThere are many parallels between the loop components that must be assessed for intrinsic safety as well asfunctional safety. In both situations the contribution of each part is considered in relation to the whole.The MTLx54xA/MTLx54xAS modules are components in the signal path between safety-related process trans-mitters and safety-related control systems. The transmitter or other field device must be suitable for the processand have been assessed and independently verified for use in functional safety applications.The field instrument and Analogue input card of the Logic Solver shall have a normal operating range of 4-20mAbut be capable of working over an extended range of 3 to 22mA for under- and over-range. The Logic Solver shallhave the ability to detect and annunciate input currents higher than the threshold of 21mA and lower than thethreshold of 3.6mA to determine out-of-range conditions.Note that the transmission of HART data is not considered as part of the safety function and is excluded fromthis analysis. However, for HART data communication to take place, the input impedance of the receiving equip-ment must be at least 240R.3 Selection of product and implicationsThe safe area output signal from the MTLx541A/AS and MTLx544A/AS modules is within the operating range of4-20mA under normal conditions. If the field wiring to the transmitter or connection between the isolator and logicsolver is open-circuit then the loop current will fall to less than 3.6mA and close to zero. If the field wiring connectionbetween the transmitter and isolator is short-circuited, the loop current will also fall to below 3.6mA.For module types MTLx541A and MTLx544A that source the 4-20mA signal in the safe area circuit, then the currentseen by the logic solver will fall to less than 3.6mA and close to zero if the connection between the isolator and logicsolver is shorted.For module types MTLx541AS and MTLx544AS that sink the 4-20mA signal in the safe area circuit, then the currentseen by the logic solver will rise to a value greater than 21mA if the connection between the isolator and logic solveris shorted.In both cases, the fault condition must be detected by the logic solver in Functional Safety applications. This shouldalso include the detection of power supply failures which cause the output of the isolator to fall to zero mA.4 Assessment of Functional Safety4.1 Hardware Safety IntegrityThe hardware assessment shows that MTLx541A/MTLx541AS and MTLx544A/MTLx544AS modules:• have a hardware fault tolerance (HFT) of 0• are classified as Type A devices (“non-complex” component with well-defined failure modes)• have no internal diagnostic elementsThe failure rates of these modules at an ambient temperature of 45°C are as follows:*(FITs means failures per 109 hours or failures per thousand million hours)• Reliability data for this analysis is taken from IEC TR 62380:2004 Reliability Data Handbook.• Failure mode distributions are taken principally from IEC 62061:2005 Safety of Machinery.• Stated failure rates for dual-channel modules apply to a single channel.It is assumed that the module is powered from a nominal 24V dc supply and operating at a maximum ambienttemperature of 45°C.6SM4541A/AS, 5541A/AS, 4544A/AS, 5544A/AS rev 24.2 Systematic Safety IntegrityThe MTLx54x modules have a systematic safety integrity measure of SC 2. This has been established using,as described in IEC 61508-2: 2010, section c.compliance Route 1S4.3 SIL CapabilityConsidering both the hardware safety integrity and the systematic capability, this allows the modules to beused in safety functions up to SIL 2 in a simplex architecture (HFT=0), provided SFF ≥60% is the case for the,application. The hardware safety integrity assessment has been conducted according to compliance Route 1Has described in IEC 61508-2:2010, section 7.4.4. (See example below).Note:• Independent of hardware architecture and systematic capability considerations, the hardware probability offailure for the entire safety function needs to be calculated for the application to ensure the required PFH (for ahigh or continuous demand safety function) or PFD AVG (for a low demand safety function) for the SIL is met.4.4 Example of use in a safety functionIn this example, the application context is assumed to be:• the safety function is to repeat current within ±2%• the logic solver will diagnose currents above 21mA and below 3.6mA as faults and take appropriateactionThe failure modes shown above can then be defined as:The failure rates of the MTL4541A and MTL5541A for these categories are then (FITs):In this example, the safe failure fraction (SFF) is 84.4%.*ne is not used in the calculation of SFF. Defining the “output current correct within ±2%” failure mode asrepresents a conservative approach to the calculation of SFF. Interpreting this failure mode as su(safe,neundetected) may also be considered and yields an SFF value of 87.7%.Accordingly, the SFF of all module types described in this manual, when used in the same application,are as follows:SM4541A/AS, 5541A/AS, 4544A/AS, 5544A/AS rev 274.5 E M CThe MTL4500 and MTL5500 modules are designed for operation in normal industrial electromagnetic environ-ment but, to support good practice, modules should be mounted without being subjected to undue conductedor radiated interference, see Appendix A for applicable standards and levels.4.6 EnvironmentalThe MTL4500 and MTL5500 modules operate over the temperature range from -20°C to +60°C, and at up to95% non-condensing relative humidity.The modules are intended to be mounted in a normal industrial environment without excessive vibration, asspecified for the MTL4500 & MTL5500 product ranges. See Appendix A for applicable standards and levels.Continued reliable operation will be assured if the exposure to temperature and vibration are within the valuesgiven in the specification.5 InstallationThere are two particular aspects of safety that must be considered when installing the MTL4500 or MTL5500modules and these are:• Functional safety• Intrinsic safetyReference must be made to the relevant sections within the instruction manual for MTL4500 range (INM4500)or MTL5500 range (INM5500) which contain basic guides for the installation of the interface equipment tomeet the requirements of intrinsic safety. In many countries there are specific codes of practice, together withindustry guidelines, which must also be adhered to.Provided that these installation requirements are followed then there are no additional factors to meet theneeds of applying the products for functional safety use.To guard against the effects of dust and water the modules should be mounted in an enclosure providing atleast IP54 protection degree, or the location of mounting should provide equivalent protection such as inside anequipment cabinet.In applications using MTL4500 range, where the environment has a high humidity, the mounting backplanesshould be specified to include conformal coating.8SM4541A/AS, 5541A/AS, 4544A/AS, 5544A/AS rev 26 M aintenanceTo follow the guidelines pertaining to operation and maintenance of intrinsically safe equipment in a hazardousarea, yearly periodic audits of the installation are required by the various codes of practice. In addition, proof-testing of the loop operation to conform with functional safety requirements should be carried out at theintervals determined by safety case assessment.Proof testing must be carried out according to the application requirements, but it is recommended that this becarried out at least once every three years.Refer to Appendix B for the proof testing procedure of the MTLx541A/AS and MTLx544A/AS modules.Note that there may also be specific requirements laid down in the E/E/PE operational maintenance procedurefor the complete installation.If an MTLx541A/AS and MTLx544A/AS module is found to be faulty during commissioning or during the normallifetime of the product, then such failures should be reported to the local MTL office. When appropriate, a Cus-tomer Incident Report (CIR) will be notified by Eaton to enable the return of the unit to the factory for analysis.If the unit is within the warranty period then a replacement unit will be sent.Consideration should be given to the service lifetime for a device of this type, which is in the region of tenyears. Operating an MTLx541A/AS and MTLx544A/AS module for longer than this period could invalidate thefunctional safety analysis, meaning that the overall safety function no longer meets its target SIL. If high failurerates of the MTL modules are detected, indicating that they have entered the ‘end of life phase’ of their servicelife, then they should be replaced promptly.7 Appendices7.1 Appendix A: Summary of applicable standardsThis annex lists all standards referred to in the previous sections of this document:SM4541A/AS, 5541A/AS, 4544A/AS, 5544A/AS rev 2910SM4541A/AS, 5541A/AS, 4544A/AS, 5544A/AS rev 27.2 Appendix B: Proof T est Procedure, MTLx541A/AS, MTLx544A/AS ModulesConfirmation, through testing, that a safety function will operate as designed, is a necessary periodic activity to ensure that the probability of failure upon demand (PFDavg) is maintained.In some applications, the user may prefer to conduct a proof test on the overall safety instrumented function without dismantling or disconnecting the individual instrumentation components, in order to avoid disturbing the integrity of the installation.However, where it is deemed desirable to perform proof testing on the MTL modules individually, thefollowing procedure may be used. Proof tests of the other components of the loop must then be conducted in accordance with their manufacturers’ instructions, to maintain the integrity of the overall safety function. Alternative proof tests may be devised and applied, provided they give a similar level of test coverage that is appropriate to the safety function.The tests described here - see Figure 7.1 - compare the output current of the MTL isolator with the input current (A1) over the required range of operation, and measure the “error current” i.e. the difference between the two - as indicated on A2. The tests should be employed per channel, as appropriate.Figure 7.1 - Basic test arrangementAmmeter A2 must be capable of measuring currents of either polarity. If it is not an auto-ranging instrument, set it to a high range before switch on, and then adjust sensitivity to obtain the required reading.Proof T est ProcedureTest sequence:1. System - Normal operation test2. Input /Output characteristic functional safety test3. System - Normal operation test10k W10k W Modules types MTL4541A, MTL4544A,MTL5541A, MTL5544A Modules types MTL4541AS, MTL4544AS, MTL5541AS, MTL5544AS1 System - Normal operation testMake sure that the module to be tested is operating normally in the target system, without errors and in anenergised mode. If the module is in a faulty or de-energised loop, restore normal fault-free and energisedoperation before testing.2 Input/Output characteristic functional safety testObserve normal anti-static precautions when handling equipment during device testing. Remove the unit fromthe target system and connect it as shown in Figure 7.2. This figure shows the arrangement for the MTLx541A/AS single-channel modules; for equivalent connections for the MTLx544A/AS dual-channel modules, refer tothe relevant product data sheets. Note that it is acceptable to leave the unit in the target system but only afterensuring that the all the hazardous area input and safe area output terminals have been disconnected from thesystem and are available for test. Alternatively, for the backplane-mounted MTL4500 range modules, a separatebackplane can be used to provide access to the power and output connections.Note that the combination of the 24V power supply and variable resistor RV1 in the hazardous area connectioncan be provided by a suitable industrial current simulator, which is likely to be more readily available. Also,the 250R resistor does not need to be a precision type; any value in the range 200-300R is acceptable wouldsuffice, such as a standard value of 240R.Where a second power supply is introduced for testing the MTLx541AS or MTLx544AS module variants, notethat both power supplies must be floating and not share a common 0V connection.During testing, a 24V nominal system power supply in the range 20.0 to 35.0V should be connected betweenterminals 13 and 14 (+ve to terminal 14).Figure 7.2 - Connections for testing the MTL5541A/AS and MTL4541A/AS modulesSM4541A/AS, 5541A/AS, 4544A/AS, 5544A/AS rev 21112SM4541A/AS, 5541A/AS, 4544A/AS, 5544A/AS rev 2Channel 1Channel 2MeasurementsMake the following measurements. It is recommended to record the results in a table such as that shown on the next page. 1. Adjust resistor RV1 to vary the loop current (measured by Ammeter A1) through the range 4 to 20mA. (Tests 1 - 5 in table)2. The measured current imbalance (measured by Ammeter A2) over this range should not exceed ±50μA.3. Adjust RV1 to vary the current (A1) to 3.5mA and then 21.5mA (tests 6 & 7 in table).4. The measured current imbalance (A2) at these currents should not exceed ±200μA.5. Record the supply voltage Vs.If appropriate, repeat these measurements for Channel 2.3 System - Normal operation testDisconnect the test setup from the unit and reconnect the original system configuration. Make sure that the tested unit operates normally in the target system, as before, without errors and in energised mode.Date: ______/______/__________ Supply voltage Vs: ______________V dc Module type: _________________Serial No: ______________________________THIS PAGE IS LEFT INTENTIONALL Y BLANKSM4541A/AS, 5541A/AS, 4544A/AS, 5544A/AS rev 213THIS PAGE IS LEFT INTENTIONALL Y BLANK14SM4541A/AS, 5541A/AS, 4544A/AS, 5544A/AS rev 2THIS PAGE IS LEFT INTENTIONALL Y BLANKSM4541A/AS, 5541A/AS, 4544A/AS, 5544A/AS rev 215EUROPE (EMEA):+44 (0)1582 723633********************THE AMERICAS:+1 800 835 7075*********************ASIA-PACIFIC:+65 6 645 9888***********************The given data is only intended as a product description and should not be regarded as a legal warranty of properties or guarantee. In the interest of further technical developments, we reserve the right to make design changes.Eaton Electric Limited,Great Marlings, Butterfield, LutonBeds, LU2 8DL, UK.Tel: + 44 (0)1582 723633 Fax: + 44 (0)1582 422283 E-mail:********************© 2024 EatonAll Rights ReservedPublication No. SM4541A/AS, 5541A/AS, 4544A/AS,5544A/AS rev 2 160424 April 2024Connect with Eaton, MTL:AUSTRALIAEaton Electrical (Australia) Pty Ltd,10 Kent Road, Mascot, New South Wales, 2020, Australia Tel: +61 1300 308 374 Fax: +61 1300 308 463E-mail:*********************BeNeLuxMTL Instruments BVAmbacht 6, 5301 KW ZaltbommelThe NetherlandsTel: +31 (0)418 570290 Fax: +31 (0)418 541044E-mail:*********************CHINACooper Electric (Shanghai) Co. Ltd955 Shengli Road, Heqing Industrial ParkPudong New Area, Shanghai 201201Tel: +86 21 2899 3817 Fax: +86 21 2899 3992E-mail:****************FRANCEMTL Instruments sarl,7 rue des Rosiéristes, 69410 Champagne au Mont d’Or FranceTel: +33 (0)4 37 46 16 53 Fax: +33 (0)4 37 46 17 20E-mail:*******************GERMANYMTL Instruments GmbH,Heinrich-Hertz-Str. 12, 50170 Kerpen, GermanyTel: +49 (0)22 73 98 12 - 0 Fax: +49 (0)22 73 98 12 - 2 00E-mail:*******************INDIAMTL India,No.36, Nehru Street, Off Old Mahabalipuram Road Sholinganallur, Chennai - 600 119, IndiaTel: +91 (0) 44 24501660 /24501857 Fax: +91 (0) 44 24501463 E-mail:***********************ITAL YMTL Italia srl,Via San Bovio, 3, 20090 Segrate, Milano, ItalyTel: +39 02 959501 Fax: +39 02 95950759E-mail:******************JAPANCooper Crouse-Hinds Japan KK,MT Building 3F, 2-7-5 Shiba Daimon, Minato-ku,Tokyo, Japan 105-0012Tel: +81 (0)3 6430 3128 Fax: +81 (0)3 6430 3129E-mail:****************NORWA YNorex ASFekjan 7c, Postboks 147,N-1378 Nesbru, NorwayTel: +47 66 77 43 80 Fax: +47 66 84 55 33E-mail:*************RUSSIACooper Industries Russia LLCElektrozavodskaya Str 33Building 4Moscow 107076, RussiaTel: +7 (495) 981 3770 Fax: +7 (495) 981 3771E-mail:*******************SINGAPOREEaton Electric (Singapore) Pte Ltd100G Pasir Panjang RoadInterlocal Centre#07-08 Singapore 118523#02-09 to #02-12 (Warehouse and Workshop)Tel: +65 6 645 9888 ext 9864/9865Fax: +65 6 645 9811E-mail:***********************SOUTH KOREACooper Crouse-Hinds Korea7F. Parkland Building 237-11 Nonhyun-dong Gangnam-gu, Seoul 135-546, South Korea.Tel: +82 6380 4805 Fax: +82 6380 4839E-mail:*******************UNITED ARAB EMIRATESCooper Industries/Eaton CorporationOffice 205/206, 2nd Floor SJ Towers, off. Old Airport Road, Abu Dhabi, United Arab EmiratesTel: +971 2 44 66 840 Fax: +971 2 44 66 841E-mail:*****************UNITED KINGDOMEaton Electric Ltd,Great Marlings, Butterfield, LutonBeds LU2 8DLTel: +44 (0)1582 723633 Fax: +44 (0)1582 422283E-mail:********************AMERICASCooper Crouse-Hinds MTL Inc.3413 N. Sam Houston Parkway W.Suite 200, Houston TX 77086, USATel: +1 281-571-8065 Fax: +1 281-571-8069E-mail:*********************。

VC-01-Kit 规格书说明书

VC-01-Kit 规格书说明书

VC-01-Kit规格书V1.0.0VC- -Kit规格书版本V . .版权 ©文件履历表目录1.产品概述 (4)1.1.特性 (5)2.主要参数 (6)2.1.静电要求 (6)2.2.电气特性 (7)2.3.功耗 (7)3.外观尺寸 (8)4.指示灯及按键说明 (9).管脚定义 (10).原理图 (12).产品相关型号 (13)8.固件烧录方式说明 (13)9.产品包装信息 (14)10.联系我们 (14)免责申明和版权公告 (15)注意 (15)1.产品概述VC-01-Kit是针对VC-01模组设计的开发板,该底板与VC-02-Kit共用。




US516P6芯片采用32bit RSIC架构内核,并加入了专门针对信号处理和语音识别所需要的DSP指令集,支持浮点运算的FPU运算单元,以及FFT加速器。


图1US516P6芯片架构图1.1.特性内核32bit RISC内核,运行频率240MHz支持DSP指令集以及FPU浮点运算单元FFT加速器:最大支持1024点复数FFT/IFFT运算,或者是2048点的实数FFT/IFFT 运算云知声定制化语音算法算子存储内置242KB高速SRAM内置2MB FLASH音频输入输出灵活配置支持 . / . / . V IO支持1路模拟Mic输入,SNR≥94db支持双声道DAC输出支持中英文语音指令供电和时钟支持5V电源输入内置5V转3.3V,3.3V转1.2V LDO为芯片供电RC 12MHz时钟源和PLL锁相环时钟源内置POR(Power on Reset),低电压检测和看门狗外设所有GPIO均可配置为外部中断输入和唤醒源1个全双工UART最高速率3Mbps。

北京捷麦通信器材有限公司 R4050 开关量模块用户手册说明书

北京捷麦通信器材有限公司 R4050 开关量模块用户手册说明书

2013年10月北京捷麦通信器材有限公司R4050开关量模块用户手册 DATA ACQUISITION MODULES *************目录1概述 (3)1.1 特点 (3)1.2 外观和安装 (3)1.3 技术指标 (4)1.4指示灯状态 (4)2 电路连接 (5)2.1 输入电路连接 (5)2.2 输出电路连接 (6)2.3 通信电路的连接 (7)2.4 模块的输出值 (7)3 通用指令和模块的基本设置 (7)3.1 指令的基本格式 (7)3.2 设置模块配置-%AANNTTCCFF (9)3.3读配置信息-$AA2 (10)3.4读版本信息-$AAF (10)3.5 读复位状态-$AA5 (11)3.6 读模块名-$AAM (11)3.7写模块名-~AAO(数据) (12)4 采集和输出指令 (13)4.1同步采样-#** (13)4.2读同步数据-$AA4 (14)4.3数字输出-#AABBDD (14)4.4设置数字输出-@AA(数据) (15)4.5读数字输出/输入状态-$AA6 (16)4.6读数字输入/输出状态-@AA (16)4.7 读锁存状态-$AALS (17)4.8 清除锁存状态-$AAC (18)4.9 读入计数值-#AAN (19)4.10 清计数器-$AACN (19)5 遥控和报警指令及应用 (20)5.1 模式 (20)5.2读模块模式-#AAM (22)5.3设置模块模式-#AAMAB (23)5.4 读遥控目的地址-#AAR (24)5.5写遥控目的地址-#AAR(数据) (24)5.6读重发间隔时间-#AAT (25)5.7设置重发间隔时间-#AATDD (25)6 看门狗的使用和指令 (26)6.1 ~** (26)6.2 ~AA0 (27)6.3 ~AA1 (27)6.4~AA2 (28)6.5 ~AA3EVV (28)6.6 ~AA4V (29)6.7 ~AA5V (30)————————————————————————————————————————————————附件1:ASCII码对照表 (31)————————————————————————————————————————————————1概述1.1 特点R4050模块是R4000系列采集模块中的开关量输入输出模块,具有7路电压开关量输入,8路晶体管集电极开路输出。



股票代码:872374产品型号MODEL NO/DESCRIPTION产品名称蓝牙从模块产品型号MS50SFA1适用固件版本V2.4.x Version V1.0发布时间2020-05-26目录1. 产品概述 (3)2. 应用领域 (4)3. 模块尺寸图 (4)4. 电气参数 (5)5. 模块管脚图 (6)6. 引脚定义 (6)7. 模块使用操作说明 (8)8. 功耗参数 (17)9. PCB设计说明 (18)10. MCU参考代码 (19)11. 模块原理图 (22)12. 回流焊温度曲线图 (23)13. 支持设备 (23)14. 注意事项 (23)15. 包装信息 (24)16. 认证信息 (25)17. 质量保证 (25)附件:版本说明 (26)1.产品概述MS50SFA1串口从模块采用nRF52810 芯片,通过UART(串口)操作可以实现模块与手机(或其它主设备)之间数据传输。



产品特点产品效果图MS50SFA(V1.x)PCB天线产品反面★ 远距离:10-60米(空旷环境);★ BLE协议栈深度优化,睡眠功耗1uA以下;★ 传输速率最快可达11kB/s;★ 支持供电电压检测;★ 支持串口指令配置;★ 支持 Android 4.3+,iOS7.0+;★ 无需 MFi;★ 通过BQB认证(证书编号QDID:138541);★ 带屏蔽罩。

(默认单位:mm 默认公差:±0.1)3.模块尺寸图2.应用领域该模块主要用于短距离的数据无线传输领域。




FLW-801C 产品使用说明书

FLW-801C 产品使用说明书







目录第一章功能环境指标 (4)第二章功能 (4)第三章拼接单元框图 (6)第四章系统构成原理 (7)第五章屏幕墙拼接组成框图(2X2) (8)第六章常见故障处理 (8)第七章功能指标 (9)第八章实物图及其端口定义 (10)第九章尺寸定义 (13)第十章软件烧录 (13)第十一章PC软件使用说明 (16)第十二章主界面 (18)第十三章遥控说明 (50)第十四章安全注意事项 (58)第一章功能环境指标输入1路CVBS 接口为BNC 座子, 支持PAL/NTSC 全制式1路VGA 支持VGA 信号1920×1080 60Hz 以下的大部分60Hz 分辨率 1路DVI支持DVI 信号3840×2160P30Hz 信号以下的分辨率 2路HDMI 支持HDMI 3840×2160p30Hz 信号以下的分辨率 1路DP 支持HDMI 3840×2160p30Hz 信号以下的分辨率 1路USB 程序升级1路RJ45RS232控制信号环入端口、红外接入转换接口(接口类型为RJ45) 输出背光 背光控制信号输出LVDS 支持单双路LVDS ,最高可支持WUXGA (1920×1080)屏幕。

2路RJ45RS232控制信号环出端口第二章功能• 全硬件构架,无CPU 和操作系统; • 多总线并行处理,处理功能强大; • 无病毒感染风险,安全性好;• 集成多路视频信号源种类:DVI 、HDMI 、DP 、复合视频、VGA ; • 内嵌3D 视频亮色分离电路单元;• 内嵌3D 逐行处理及帧频归一转化电路单元; • 内嵌3D 数字信号降噪单元;• 单元可支持驱动到4K@30HZ(3840X2160)的液晶屏幕; • 可全天24小时持续工作;工程系统软件 拼接控制系统,RS232接口控制(1路环入,2路环出)工作温度 -15℃-65℃ 工作湿度 5~95%RH 电源电压 220V 交流供电功率消耗≤248W• 操作方便,配合FTM_CONTROL软件可以灵活的对系统进行操作;• 可开放底层通讯协议,便于用户灵活采用第三方中控系统;•RS232 串口远程控制;每单元支持RS232一路环入,两路环出;USB上电升级功能利用板卡自带的USB接口,以实现FLW-801C模块升级,只要在U盘内存入需升级软体,利用U盘连接到对应FLW-801C,然后重新上电后,FLW-801C检测到升级软体后便自动进入升级模块,对应电源指示灯闪烁提示升级,待指示灯停止闪烁后便升级完成。



产品规格书PRODUCT SPECIFICATION深圳云里物里科技股份有限公司VersionV4.1发布时间2018-04-25MODEL NO/DESCRIPTION 产品名称:蓝牙模块MS50SFA1C产品型号:MS50SFA1C版本说明目录版本说明 (2)1.概述 (4)2.应用领域 (5)3.电气参数 (5)4.模块尺寸图 (6)5.引脚定义 (6)6.模块配置 (7)6.1透传模块出厂默认值 (7)6.2蓝牙服务UUID (7)6.3UUID描述 (7)6.4工作模式 (7)6.5模块应用示意图 (8)7.透传数据【服务UUID:0xFFF0】(APP端) (8)8参数设置说明 (8)9.模块测试 (112)10.支持的设备 (14)11.PCB设计说明 (145)12.注意事项 (15)13.包装信息 (155)14.质量保证 (166)1.概述MS50SFA1C串口模块采用nRF52810芯片,通过UART(串口)操作可以实现模块与手机之间数据传输。






※健身器材设备,如跑步机,健身器等※医疗器械设备,如脉博测量计,心率计等※家用休闲设备,如遥控器,玩具等※办公用品设备,如打印机,扫描仪等※商业设备,如收银机,二维码扫描器等※手机外设配件,如手机防丢器等※汽车设备,如汽车维修仪等※其它人机交互设备3.电气参数参数测试值备注工作电压 1.8-3.6V直流工作频率2400-2483MHz可编程频率误差+/-20KHz Null发射功率-40~+4dBm可调整接收灵敏度-96dBm Null接收电流 4.6mA标准模式发射电流 4.6mA发射功率为0dBm时睡眠功耗1uA以下Null遥控距离10-60米BER<0.1%,空旷天线50ohm Null模块尺寸16*12*2mm Null存储大小192KB4.模块尺寸图5.引脚定义引脚名称引脚定义功能描述备注VCC 电源正极GND 电源负极P0.04BRX 串口(UART)接收蓝牙模块的RX P0.09BTX 串口(UART)发送蓝牙模块的TXP0.17SLP 睡眠/唤醒睡眠为高电平(或悬空),唤醒为低电平P0.11LED1指示灯低电平有效,睡眠状态(灭灯)、空闲状态(一秒闪烁一次)、工作状态(常亮)空闲状态:只广播;工作状态:连接P0.18BTDATA模块发送数据输入信号作为数据发送请求(用来唤醒模块)0:主机有数据发送,模块将等待接收来自主机的数据,此时模块不睡眠1:主机无数据发送,或主机数据发送完6.模块配置6.1透传模块出厂默认值模块角色:从模块模块名称:Minew_V4模块串口波特率:9600bps,8N1广播时间:1s最小连接周期:10ms;最大连接周期:1s发射功率:0dBm6.2蓝牙服务UUID透传服务UUID:FFF0透传接收UUID:FFF1透传发送UUID:FFF26.3UUID描述透传服务:蓝牙转串口透传服务透传接收:以notify方式转发串口输入的数据发送给主设备;透传发送:Write方式接收主设备发来的BLE数据。



目录目录第一章 安全信息◎仪表安全标准…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ◎警告……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ◎有限担保及其责任范围………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 第二章 仪表介绍◎特点……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ◎前面板说明……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ◎后面板说明……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ◎功能描述………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 第三章 操作方法◎交流伏特/分贝测量...................................................................................................................... ◎直流伏特/直流伏特+交流伏特测量................................................................................................. ◎直流毫伏/交流毫伏/直流毫伏+交流毫伏测量.................................................................................... ◎逻辑频率/占空比测量................................................................................................................... ◎二极管测量................................................................................................................................ ◎电阻/通断测量............................................................................................................................ ◎电容测量................................................................................................................................... ◎直流微安/交流微安/直流微安+交流微安测量.. (I)1 123 8 10 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 204目录◎直流毫安/交流毫安/直流毫安+交流毫安测量………………………………………………………………………… ◎直流安培/交流安培/直流安培+交流安培测量………………………………………………………………………… ◎线性频率测量………….…………………………………………………………………………………………..…….. ◎相对值测量………………………………………………………………………………………………………..……… ◎最大值/最小值/最大值 - 最小值测量…………………………………………………………………..……………. ◎数据保持…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..……… ◎数据存储与回放………………………………………………………………………………………………….……… ◎与计算机RS -232C 口的连接………………………………………………………………….……………………… 第四章 技术指标◎一般特性…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..……… ◎量程和精度………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 第五章 维护◎更换保险丝………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ◎仪表校准………………………………………………………………………………………………….………………. ◎其它……………………………………………………………………………………………………….……..………..II21 22 24 26 31 32 32 23 24 24 24 25 27第一章安全信息第一章仪表安全标准这款数字多用表是根据国际电工安全标准IEC1010-1对电子测试仪器和手持式数字多用表的安全要求而设计制造的。





















Ra-01SC 规格书说明书

Ra-01SC 规格书说明书











文件制定/修订/废止履历表版本日期制定/修订内容制定核准V1.02021.3.15首版邹胜锌关宁V1.12021.3.31更新邹胜锌关宁目录1产品概述 (5)1.1特性 (5)1.2主要参数 (6)2电气参数 (7)2.1电气特性 (7)2.2数字端口特性 (7)2.3SPI接口特性 (8)3外观尺寸 (9)4管脚定义 (10)5原理图 (11)6设计指导 (12)6.1应用电路 (12)6.2推荐模组封装设计尺寸 (12)6.3天线的安装 (13)6.4供电 (13)6.5GPIO口的使用 (14)6.6软件的编写 (14)7常见问题 (15)7.1影响传输距离因素 (15)7.2模块使用注意事项 (15)7.3对模块造成干扰的因素 (15)8回流焊曲线图 (16)9相关型号及天线指南 (17)9.1相关型号 (17)9.2天线推荐 (17)10包装信息 (18)11联系我们 (18)1产品概述安信可LoRa系列模块Ra-01SC由深圳市安信可科技有限公司设计开发的。



如何设置模拟量输入模板 SM 431-7KF00的温度补偿? 如何解决 SIMATIC BATCH 的 IL43基本设备上 hotfix 安装的问题? 如果通过 PCS7 V6.1 SP1 DVD 单独安装 SIMATIC BATCH Report 需要注意哪些设置? 为什么冗余模拟量输出模块的每个通道只有一半电流输出? 使用WinCC/Web Navigator V6.1 SP1需要什么样的操作系统和软件? 是否 COM PROFIBUS 可以使用所有版本的 GSD 文件? 如何在 WinCC flexible 中组态与S7 控制器的 Profinet 连接? 如何在操作面板上设定定时器时间, 同时如何输出定时器的剩余时间? 数据块初始值与实际值的含义 如何通过窗口对象滚动条步进调节过程值参数? 使用 SINAUT ST7 向电子邮箱接受方发送文本信息 SMS 需要做何设置? 可以使用CPU317-2PN/DP替代在iMap中组态的CPU315-2PN/DP吗? 什么情况下插入C-PLUG卡或者C-PLUG有什么作用? 通过一台PC,可以使用哪种方式访问与IWLAN/PB link PNIO或IE/PB link PNIO连接的PROFIBUS设备? 当在SINAUT网络中使用4线变压器应该注意哪些设置? 在 SINAUT 网络中,使用MD3拨号调制解调器作为专线调制解调器时,要进行哪些设置? 如何安装 DCF77 天线, 当选择 DCF77 天线时需要注意什么? 使用SINAUT ST7向传真机发送文本信息时,需要进行哪些设置? 在 SINAUT 项目中发送短消息必须进行哪些特殊服务的设置? 如何在S7-300 PN CPU和CP343-1之间建立一个open TCP 通讯连接,以及如何进行数据交换? 如何在两个S7-300 PN CPU之间建立一个open TCP 通讯连接,以及如何进行数据交换? 哪些控制系统可以成功与SINAUT ST7一起使用? 使用“零-Modem”电缆连接 TIM 模块应该注意什么? 当用 SINAUT 诊断工具的ST1协议进行诊断时,为什么TIM的状态不能显示? TIM 3V-IE 和 TIM 3V-IE Advanced 模块在以太网上通信时使用哪个端口号? 如何对没有接入网络的S7-200CPU编程? 掉电后,LOGO!的程序会丢失吗? 从 PCS7 V6.1 起,为什么没有分配任何 hierarchy (PH) 的 测量点(变量)通过编译不能在OS中自动创建相应的变量? 在SFC中,如何实现从一个 Sequencer 跳出后回到另一个 Sequencer 的某个固定位置并继续执行? 如何实现过程变量的平均值归档? 存储文件的目标路径和备份可选路径有何作用? WinCC变量归档中如何实现采集周期小于500ms的变量归档? 为什么在 OS 上会显示如下信息“时间跳变通知-永久切换为从站模式”? 在西门子A&D产品支持网站是否可以下载关于ET200M的手册? 在S7-400上怎样安装冗余电源? UDT改变后怎样更新使用UDT产生的数据块。 为什么在FB块中使用OUT变量赋值被调用FB块的IN变量时出现错误信息34:4469? 如何查看4-mation导入-导出错误 不能正确引导8212-1QU IBM/Lenovo M52 ThinkCentre 实时趋势更新缓慢的原因 如何保存变量名字典CSV文件的格式


深圳南京自动化研究所 深圳南瑞科技有限公司
ISA-301C 型通用微机通讯装置
实时数据,并可通过简单的菜单操作模拟间隔层装置各种事件以及后台命令,使 得在无后台监控条件下的调试更轻松方便。
6 主要技术指标
6.1 电源 直流工作电源:220V
2.3 网络架构 装置与站层后台监控采用以太网通讯,与间隔层 ISA 保护测控装置采用
CANBUS 网络方式通讯。与其他智能设备通讯则提供了标准的 RS232、RS422 或 RS485 接口。
2.4 通讯规约 装置具有完善的通讯规约库。与后台通讯采用 DL/T 634.5104–2002 传输规约,
国家电力公司电力自动化研究院 深圳南京自动化研究所 深圳南瑞科技有限公司 二ΟΟ四年三月
ISA-301C 型通用微机通讯装置
1 装置应用................................................................................................................1 2 装置特点................................................................................................................1 3 系统结构................................................................................................................2 4 装置硬件................................................................................................................2 5 装置软件................................................................................................................3 6 主要技术指标........................................................................................................4 7 操作说明................................................................................................................4 8 投运说明............................................................................................................. 19 9 订货须知............................................................................................................. 20 10 常见故障排除..................................................................................................... 20 【附录 1】 ISA-301C 正面布置图......................................................................... 22 【附录 2】 ISA-301C 后视图................................................................................. 22 【附录 3】 ISA-301C 端子定义图......................................................................... 23 【附录 4】 ISA-301C 接口板与 CPU 板串口对应关系 ...................................... 24 【附录 5】 ISA-301C 外形尺寸及机柜安装开孔图............................................. 25



SMA-C04 产品规格书版本V1.0版权© 2018关于本手册本手册介绍了SMA-C04模块产品特性、电气特性、管脚布局及定义、功能描述、射频指标、尺寸图,包含以下章节。

章标题内容第1章产品简介概述SMA-C04模块的特点和应用第2章产品展示展示实际产品图片及特性说明第3章电气特性列出产品的基本参数第4章管脚定义提供管脚布局、定义及管脚功能说明第5章功能描述模块功能描述及具体说明第6章射频指标提供模块射频特性表第7章尺寸图提供了模块的尺寸图发布说明日期标题发布说明编制审核2018.3.24 V1.0 首次发布张少茹武鹏飞1. 产品简介SMA-C04是一款基于ESP8285的超低功耗的Wi-Fi四通道开关模块,拥有业内极富竞争力的封装尺寸和超低能耗技术,专为移动设备和物联网应用设计,可将用户的物理设备连接到Wi-Fi无线网络上,进行互联网或局域网通信,实现联网功能。


既可以通过本地的按键控制,也可以通过连接APP (易微联)远程控制。


2. 产品展示图 1 SMA-C04正面展示图 2 SMA-C04反面展示产品特性● 3.3VDC供电,最大工作电流210mA;●内置32位MCU,可兼作应用处理器;●支持无线802.11 b/g/n 标准;●************,支持WPA/WPA2 安全模式;●802.11b 模式下+20.5dBm的输出功率;●四通道控制;●支持本地硬件开关控制;●支持Wi-Fi远程控制;●APP支持安卓、iOS系统;●主要应用领域:智能电网、智能交通、智能家居、手持设备及工控领域。

3. 电气特性3.1 额定参数条件:VDD=3.3V±10%,GND=0V;室温25°C下测试。

表 1 额定参数说明类型参数模块型号SMA-C04主芯片ESP8285硬件参数硬件接口UART,GPIO工作电压 2.7V~3.6VGPIO驱动能力Max:12mA工作电流平均电流:≈80mA最大工作电流:210mA待机:<200uA工作温度-40℃~125℃存储环境温度:<40℃,相对湿度:<90%RH 尺寸大小15mm×15mm×1.0mm软件参数无线网络类型STA/AP/STA+AP安全机制WEP/WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK 加密类型WEP64/WEP128/TKIP/AES 固件升级OTA远程升级3.2 Wi-Fi参数条件:VDD=3.3V±10%,GND=0V;室温25°C下测试。

LCM1-1276S 无线透传模块说明书

LCM1-1276S 无线透传模块说明书

LCM1-1276S无线透传模块说明书V1.1 LCM1-1276S无线透传模块说明书版本V1.1一、产品说明LCM1-1276是一款高性能、低功耗、远距离的微功率无线透传模块,内部自动扩频计算和前导CRC纠错处理,不改变用户的任何数据和协议,采用半双工透明传输机制,实现串口无线收发代替有线传输的功能,适合数据采集等低功耗应用。




模块采用双晶振方式,确保模块在恶劣环境下,也能正常工作!1.1产品外观图LCM1-1276S 无线透传模块说明书V1.11.2技术参数类别指标名称无线模块无线射频调制方式LoRaTM 扩频频率范围137-1020MHz 发射功率1dBm~20dBm 接收灵敏度-143dBm (50bps )传输速率扩频因子(SF )和带宽(BW )设置传输距离2500-4000米天线连接外置SMA 天线、弹簧天线、吸盘数据接口数据接口TTL 电平串口信号TxD,RxD 串口速率1200~115200bps 串口校验None,Even,Odd 数据位8功耗输入电压DC 3.3V 最大发射电流≤140mA(20dBm)最大接收电流<16mA休眠电流<1.5uA (不带LDO )工作环境工作温度-40℃~85℃外观尺寸长*宽*高34.2*18.4*4(mm )1.3外观尺寸图LCM1-1276S无线透传模块说明书V1.1 1.4模块引脚定义标识功能备注GND电源地VCC电源 3.3VEN预留RX TTL RX数据接收,接客户TXTX TTL TX数据发送,接客户RXAUX指示控制脚用来唤醒客户端。


IPAM-4050 数字量非隔离输入输出模块 用户手册

IPAM-4050 数字量非隔离输入输出模块 用户手册

5. 免责声明............................................................................................................ 24
Quanzhou Jinjiang Airport Electronic Intelligent Technology Co.,Ltd
4. IPAM-4050 命令简析.......................................................................................... 18
4.1 MODBUS 协议命令........................................................................................................ 18 4.2 Custom-ASCII 协议命令解析......................................................................................... 19 4.3 Custom-ASCII 协议结构................................................................................................. 19 4.3.1 协议命令集.......................................................................................................... 19 4.3.2 公共命令集.......................................................................................................... 19 4.3.3 数字量输入输出模块命令集.............................................................................. 22

Micrel MIC45116 DC-to-DC Power Module 说明文档说明书

Micrel MIC45116 DC-to-DC Power Module 说明文档说明书

MIC45116 Evaluation Board20V/6A/DC-to-DC Power ModuleGeneral DescriptionMicrel’s MIC45116 is a synchronous step-down regulatormodule, featuring a unique adaptive ON-time controlarchitecture. The singular module package includes a DC-to-DC controller, power MOSFETs, bootstrap diode,bootstrap capacitor, and an inductor; simplifying the designand layout process for the end user.This highly integrated solution expedites system designand improves product time-to-market. The internalMOSFETs and inductor have been optimized to achievehigh efficiency at a low output voltage. The fully optimizeddesign can deliver up to a 6A current under a wide inputvoltage range of 4.75V to 20V, without an additionalcooling requirement.The MIC45116-1 uses Micrel’s HyperLight Load®(HLL).MIC45116-2 uses Micrel’s Hyper Speed Control™architecture which enables ultra-fast load transientresponse and allows for a reduction of output capacitance.The MIC45116 offers 1% output accuracy that can beadjusted from 0.8V up to 85% of the input voltage with twoexternal resistors. Note the output capacitor Cb is onlyrated to 6.3V.The basic parameters of this evaluation board include a4.75V to 20V input, a 0.8V to 5V at 6A output.Datasheets and support documentation are available onMicrel’s web site at: .RequirementsThe MIC45116-1 and MIC45116-2 evaluation board’sminimum requirement is one power supply with at least 6Acurrent capability. No external linear regulator is requiredto power the internal biasing of the IC because theMIC45116 has an internal PVDD LDO. In the applicationswith VIN < +5.5V, PVDD should be tied to VIN to bypassthe internal linear regulator. The output load can either bea passive or an active load.PrecautionsThe MIC45116 evaluation board does not have reversepolarity protection. Applying a negative voltage to the VINand GND terminals may damage the device. Themaximum VIN of the board is rated at 20V. Exceeding 30Von the VIN could damage the device. The voltage rating ofthe output capacitor is 6.3V. The output capacitor shouldbe replaced with higher voltage rated one to set the outputvoltage above 5V.Getting Started1. VIN SupplyConnect a supply to the VIN (TP6) and GND (TP7)terminals, paying careful attention to the polarity andthe supply range (4.75V < VIN < 20V). Monitor IIN witha current meter and monitor input voltage at VIN andGND terminals with a voltmeter. Do not apply poweruntil Step 4.2. Connect Load and Monitor OutputConnect a load to the VOUT (TP8) and GND (TP9)terminals. The load can be either a passive (resistive)or an active (as in an electronic load) type. A currentmeter may be placed between the VOUT terminal andload to monitor the output current. Ensure the outputvoltage is monitored at the VOUT terminal.3. Enable InputThe EN pin has an on board 100kΩ pull-up resistor(R4) to VIN, which allows the output to be turned onwhen PVDD exceeds its UVLO threshold. An ENconnector (TP3) is provided on the evaluation boardfor users to easily access the enable feature. Applyingan external logic signal on the EN pin to pull it low orusing a jumper to short the EN pin to GND will shut offthe output of the MIC45116 evaluation board.4. Turn PowerTurn on the VIN supply and verify that the outputvoltage is regulated to 1.8V.5. Loop MeasurementControl loop frequency response can be measured byinjecting AC sweep signal and measuring voltageacross test points A and B. R3 should change to asmall resistor value in the range of 10Ω to 20Ω for theloop measurement.Ordering InformationPart Number DescriptionMIC45116-1YMP EV MIC45116-1 Evaluation BoardMIC45116-2YMP EV MIC45116-2 Evaluation BoardHyper LightLoad is a registered trademark of Micrel, Inc.FeaturesFeedback ResistorsThe output voltage on the MIC45116 evaluation board, which is preset to 1.8V, is determined by the feedback divider, as illustrated in Equation 1:+×=BOTTOM REF OUTR R511V VEq. 1where V REF = 0.8V, and R BOTTOM is the lower feedbackresistor.Leaving the R BOTTOM open by removing all jumpers on the feedback headers gives a 0.8V output voltage. All other voltages not listed above can be set by modifying R BOTTOM value according to Equation 2:REFOUT REF BOTTOM V V V R51R −×= Eq. 2Note that the output voltage should not be set to exceed 5V unless the output capacitor (C6) is replaced with a higher voltage rating.Table 1. Typical Values of Some Components V OUT VIN R51(Top Feedback Resistor)R(Bottom Feedback Resistor)C12 (C ff ) C OUT 1.0V 5V to 20V 10kΩ 40.2kΩ 1.0nF 100µF/6.3V 1.2V 5V to 20V 10kΩ 20.0kΩ 1.0nF 100µF/6.3V 1.5V 5V to 20V 10kΩ 11.5kΩ 1.0nF 100µF/6.3V 1.8V 5V to 20V 10kΩ 8.06kΩ 1.0nF 100µF/6.3V 2.5V 5V to 20V 10kΩ 4.75kΩ 1.0nF 100µF/6.3V 3.3V 5V to 20V 10kΩ 3.24kΩ 1.0nF 100µF/6.3V 5V7V to 20V10kΩ1.91kΩ 1.0nF100µF/6.3VSW NodeA test pad (SW) is placed close to the module for monitoring the switching waveform. It is one of the most critical waveforms for the converter.Current LimitThe MIC45116 uses the R DS(ON) of the low-side MOSFET and external resistor connected from the ILIM pin to the SW node to decide the current limit.VINFigure 1. MIC45116 Current-Limiting CircuitIn each switching cycle of the MIC45116, the inductor current is sensed by monitoring the low-side MOSFET in the OFF period. The sensed voltage (V (ILIM)) is compared with the power ground (PGND) after a blanking time of 150ns. In this way the drop voltage over the R26 resistor (V CL ) is compared with the drop over the bottom FET generating the short current limit. The small capacitor (C16) connected from ILIM pin to PGND filters the switching node ringing during the off-time allowing a better short-limit measurement. The time constant created by R26 and C16 should be much less than the minimum off time.The V CL drop allows programming of short limit through the value of the resistor (R26) if the absolute value of the voltage drop on the bottom FET is greater than V CL . In that case the V (ILIM) is lower than PGND and a short circuit event is triggered. A hiccup cycle to treat the short event is generated. The hiccup sequence including the soft-start reduces the stress on the switching FETs and protects the load and supply for severe short conditions.The short-circuit current limit can be programmed by using Equation 3:()CLCLDS(ON)PP L CLIM I V R 0.5)ΔI (I R26+××−=Eq. 3where:I CLIM = Desired current limitR DS(ON) = On-resistance of low-side power MOSFET, 16mΩ CL = Current-limit threshold (typical absolute value is = Current-limit source current (typical value is 80µA, L(PP) = Inductor current peak-to-peak, since the inductor Equation 4 to calculate the inductor Lf V )V (V V I sw IN(MAX)OUT IN(MAX)OUT L(PP)××−×=∆ Eq. 4The MIC45116 has 1.0µH inductor integrated into the module. In case of hard short, the short limit is folded down to allow an indefinite hard short on the output without any destructive effect. It is mandatory to make sure that the inductor current used to charge the output capacitance during soft start is under the folded short limit; otherwise the supply will go in hiccup mode and may not be finishing the soft start successfully.The MOSFET R DS(ON) varies 30% to 40% with temperature. Therefore, it is recommended to add a 50% margin to I CLIM in the above equation to avoid false current limiting due to increased MOSFET junction temperature rise. With R26 = 1.62k Ω and C16 = 15pF, the typical output current limit is about 8.2A.MIC45116 Evaluation Board SchematicFigure 2. Schematic of MIC45116 Evaluation BoardBill of MaterialsItem Part Number Manufacturer Description Qty. C4 B41125A5337M TDK(1)330µF/25V, ALE Capacitor (optional) 1 C2, C3, C7, C8,C9, C11, C17OpenC1 C3216X5R1E106M085AC TDK 10uF/25V, 1206, X5R, 20%, MLCC 1 C5, C10, C13,C14, C15GRM188R71H104KA93D Murata(2)0.1µF/50V, X7R, 0603, 10%, MLCC 5 C6 C3216X5R0J107M160AB TDK 100µF/6.3V, X5R, 1206, 20%, MLCC 1 C12 C1608C0G1H102J080AA TDK 1.0nF/50V, NP0, 0603, 5%, MLCC 1 C16 GRM1885C1H150JA01D Murata 15pF/50V, NP0, 0603, 5%, MLCC 1 CON1, CON2,CON3, CON48191Keystone(3)15A, 4-Prong Through-Hole Screw Terminal 4 J1 M50-3500742 Harwin(4)Header 2x7 1 J2, J3, TP3 −TP590120-0122 Molex(5)Header 2 5 R4 CRCW0603100K0FKEA Vishay Dale(6)100kΩ, 1%, 1/10W, 0603, Thick Film 1 R21, R1 OpenR55 CRCW060340K2FKEA Vishay Dale 40.2kΩ, 1%, 1/10W, 0603, Thick Film 1 R31, R50 CRCW06020K0FKEA Vishay Dale 20kΩ, 1%, 1/10W, 0603, Thick Film 2 R32 CRCW060311K5FKEA Vishay Dale 11.5kΩ, 1%, 1/10W, 0603, Thick Film 1 R49 CRCW06038K06FKEA Vishay Dale 8.06kΩ, 1%, 1/10W, 0603, Thick Film 1 R52 CRCW06034K75FKEA Vishay Dale 4.75kΩ, 1%, 1/10W, 0603, Thick Film 1 R53 CRCW06033K24FKEA Vishay Dale 3.24kΩ, 1%, 1/10W, 0603, Thick Film 1 R54 CRCW06031K91FKEA Vishay Dale 1.91kΩ, 1%, 1/10W, 0603, Thick Film 1 R2 CRCW060349K9FKEA Vishay Dale 49.9kΩ, 1%, 1/10W, 0603, Thick Film 1 R51 CRCW060310K0FKEA Vishay Dale 10kΩ, 1%, 1/10W, 0603, Thick Film 1 R26 CRCW06031K62FKEA Vishay Dale 1.62kΩ, 1%, 1/10W, 0603, Thick Film 1 R3, R12 RCG06030000Z0EA Vishay Dale 0Ω Resistor, 1%, 1/10W, 0603, Thick Film 2 TP6 − TP9, A, B 1502-2 Keystone Single-End, Through-Hole Terminal 6U1MIC45116-1YMPMicrel, Inc.(7)20V/6A DC-to-DC Power Module1 MIC45116-2YMPNotes:1. TDK: .2. Murata: .3. Keystone: .4. Harwin: 5. Molex: .6. Vishay-Dale: .7. Micrel: .PCB Layout RecommendationsMIC45116 Evaluation Board Top LayerMIC45116 Evaluation Board Copper Layer 2PCB Layout Recommendations (Continued)MIC45116 Evaluation Board Copper Layer 3MIC45116 Evaluation Board Bottom Layer。

470M 50mW LoRa 小尺寸贴片模块说明书

470M 50mW LoRa 小尺寸贴片模块说明书

LSD4RF-2F717N30产品规格书产品名称:470M50mW LoRa小尺寸贴片模块文件版本:Rev02最近更新:2017年07月10日文件修订历史产品名称470M50mW LoRa小尺寸贴片模块产品型号LSD4RF-2F717N30编制人刘建编制日期20170121序号修改日志修改人审核人文件版本修改日期1初始版本刘建毛樟梅Rev012017-01-21 2增加卷带包装说明钱诗晴毛樟梅Rev022017-07-10目录第1章概述 (4)1.1模块功能特点 (4)1.2应用场合 (4)第2章规格参数 (5)第3章硬件布局及接口说明 (6)第4章基本操作 (8)第5章应用说明 (8)5.1典型应用电路 (8)5.2附加说明 (9)第6章回流焊作业指导 (10)第7章包装 (11)7.1包装方式 (11)敬告用户 (13)联系方式 (13)第1章概述LSD4RF-2F717N30无线模块是基于SEMTECH射频集成芯片SX127X的射频模块,是一款高性能物联网无线收发器,其特殊的LoRa调试方式可大大增加通信距离,可广泛应用于各种场合的短距离物联网无线通信领域。


1.1模块功能特点工作电压:2.4~3.6V工作频段:401-510MHz(禁用频点见附加说明)发射功率:Max.19±1dBm超高接收灵敏度:-136±1dBm(@250bps)超远有效通讯距离:5Km@250bps(城市公路环境,非旷野环境)使用扩频技术通讯,同样的城市、工业应用环境,性能优于使用传统调制方式工作的射频产品,在恶劣的噪声环境下(电表中、电机旁等强干扰源附近,电梯井、矿井、地下室等天然屏蔽环境)优势尤为明显高保密性,采用LoRa调制方式,传统无线设备无法对其进行捕获、解析高隐蔽性,带内平均功率低于底噪时仍然可以正常通讯,无线监听设备无法监听到采用LoRa调制方式,同时兼容并支持FSK,GFSK,OOK传统调制方式支持硬件跳频(FHSS),与LoRa的扩频技术相结合,可实现超强的通讯隐蔽性和安全性低功耗:接收电流≤14mA;睡眠电流≤2uA;提供CAD功能,将计算与信号接收分离,进一步优化唤醒窗口功耗(计算电流约为接收电流的一半)SPI通信接口,可直接连接各种单片机使用,软件编程非常方便1.2应用场合楼宇自动集抄系统,特别适用于水表、气表、热表、电表等无线抄表场合对通讯距离要求较高的场合对通信安全、通讯隐蔽性、抗干扰性要求较高的场合家居无线安防、监控云台、机房电源、风机设备无线遥控报警系统有源RFID标签识别第2章规格参数表2-1模块极限参数表2-2模块工作参数@+25℃主要参数性能备注最小值典型值最大值工作电压(V ) 2.4 3.3 3.6在20dBm 配置下电压不能小于2.4V工作温度(℃)-40-+85工作频段(MHz)401-510可在程序中配置初始频偏(KHz )-50+5在25℃温度下功耗发射状态(mA)--100401MHz~510MHz ,17dBm 接收状态(mA)--14401MHz~510MHz ,LoRa 调制睡眠状态(uA)--2发射功率(dBm)1819-最大发射功率状态下,其他功率用户编程自定义可编程接收灵敏度(dBm)-135-136-137LoRa 调制,PER<1%;通信速率:250bps 通信速率OOK (kbps ) 1.2-32.768用户可编程自定义,推荐在低速率下(<5kbps )使用LoRa 调制方式LoRa (kbps )0.2-37.5调制方式LoRa\2-FSK\GFSK\OOK LoRa 调制下,可以获得优于传统调制性能优势接口类型邮票孔;2.0mm 间距通讯协议SPI 通讯距离5Km@250bps 测试条件为最大输出功率及空旷环境外形尺寸(mm)18.4×18.4×3.0GB/T1804-C 级,不含天线IO 接口选择建议见附件说明主要参数性能备注最小值最大值电源电压(V )-0.5+3.7最大射频输入功率(dBm )-+10工作温度(℃)-40+85第3章硬件布局及接口说明LSD4RF-2F717N30模块实物如图3-1所示:注:标签上的内容本图仅供参考,确切的以实际为准。

华为精密空调控制器 ACC V100R001C50 用户手册说明书

华为精密空调控制器 ACC V100R001C50 用户手册说明书

ACC 精密空调控制器 V100R001C50用户手册文档版本 Draft A 发布日期2014-12-26华为技术有限公司版权所有© 华为技术有限公司2015。









华为技术有限公司地址:深圳市龙岗区坂田华为总部办公楼邮编:518129网址:前言概述本文档主要包括ACC(Advanced Cooling Controller)精密空调控制器介绍,界面功能,上电调测,维护指南,FAQ和参数解释,方便读者系统的掌握控制器的使用。




●文档中界面截图对应软件版本为ACC V100R001C50B515,若后续界面有更新,请联系华为客户服务中心获取最新界面截图。






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成都英创的主要产品是采用ARM体系架构,预装Linux / WinCE的面向工业应用的嵌入式主板,和以这些主板为核心构建的工控整机平台。

●联系方式地址:成都市高新区高朋大道5号B404邮编:610041电话:86-28-86180660 86-28-85140028网址:邮箱:********************产品目录●关于英创 (2)●联系方式 (2)●工控主板 (4)ESM8000系列工控主板 (5)ESM7000系列工控主板 (6)ESM6802系列工控主板 (7)ESM335x系列工控主板 (8)ESM6800系列工控主板 (9)ESM928x系列工控主板 (10)ES6801系列工控主板 (11)ES9281系列工控主板 (12)●应用底板与工控机 (13)EMX2000系列工控机 (14)SBC870工控底板及整机 (15)SBC880工控底板及整机 (16)ETA830应用底板 (17)●配套软硬件模块 (18)LCD显示 (19)WiFi / 4G / GPRS无线通信 (23)通讯接口扩展 (25)数据采集与电源管理 (28)●底板定制服务 (29)底板定制服务 (30)●工控主板英创主板产品采用我们称之为的英创智能主板架构(Emtronix Smart Module Architecture,ESMARC)体系。

ESMARC 系列主板的基本特点是采用工业品质的ARM 核心系统加以面向工业应用的各类通讯接口,预装Linux / WinCE 两种操作系统及相应的文件系统工控主板ESM8000系列工控主板● NXP Cortex-A53 64位4核CPU i.MX8M ,1.6GHz / 1.4GHz 主频● 板载1GB / 2GB DDR4 + 4GB / 16GB eMMC ,预装Linux 操作系统,支持多种软件开发 ● 18-bit / 24-bit LVDS 显示接口,最高分辨率1366 x 768,双通道LVDS 可选● 1路千兆网, 1路百兆网,2路CAN ,12路UART 串口,1路I2C ,1路SPI ,32位GPIO ● 4路 / 3路 USB2.0主控接口,1路USB OTG ,SD 卡接口,2D/3D 图形加速器 ● 供电电压+5V ± 5%,工作温度-40℃至80℃(工业级) / 0℃至60℃(商业级)● ESMARC 架构,主板外形尺寸:74mm × 54mm ,2个66芯坚固IDC 三排排母(2mm 间距) ● ESMARC 系列主板(即所有ESM 开头的主板)管脚均相互兼容,可以直接互换标准串口 x6USB_HOST x2LVDS触摸屏接口2GB DDR4内存标准串口 x6GPIO x32CAN x2(CAN2.0 / CAN FD)I2C SPIUSB_HOST x2USB_OTG / PCIe 电源1000M x1 + 100M x1工控主板ESM7000系列工控主板● NXP Cortex-A7双核CPU iMX7D ,1GHz 主频● 板载1GB DDR3 + 4GB eMMC ,预装Linux / 正版WEC7操作系统,支持多种软件开发 ● 18-bit RGB / LVDS 显示接口,最高分辨率1376 × 768● 1路千兆网, 1路百兆网,2路CAN ,6路UART 串口,1路I2C ,1路SPI ,32位GPIO ● 4路 / 3路 USB2.0主控接口,1路USB OTG ,SD 卡接口,PCIe×1,精简ISA 总线 ● 供电电压+5V ± 5%,空载电流175mA ,工作温度-40℃至80℃● ESMARC 架构,主板外形尺寸:74mm × 54mm ,2个66芯坚固IDC 三排排母(2mm 间距) ● ESMARC 系列主板(即所有ESM 开头的主板)管脚均相互兼容,可以直接互换Cortex-A7双核CPU 1GHz(NXP i.MX7D)4GB eMMC1000M x1 + 100M x1电源USB_OTG / PCIe USB_HOST x2I2C SPICAN x2GPIO x321GB DDR3内存触摸屏接口RGB / LVDSUSB_HOST x2标准串口 x6精简ISA总线工控主板ESM6802系列工控主板● NXP Cortex-A9 双核CPU iMX6DL ,1GHz 主频● 板载1GB DDR3 + 4GB eMMC ,预装Linux / 正版WEC7操作系统,支持多种软件开发 ● 18-bit / 24-bit LVDS 显示接口,支持LVDS / HDMI 双屏显示,高性能VPU 视频处理单元 ● 1路千兆网, 1路百兆网,2路CAN ,6路UART 串口,1路I2C ,1路SPI ,32位GPIO ● 4路USB HOST ,1路USB OTG ,SD 卡接口,2D/3D 图形加速器,精简ISA 总线 ● 供电电压+5V ± 10%,工作温度-40℃至80℃(工业级) / -10℃至60℃(商业级)● ESMARC 架构,主板外形尺寸:74mm × 54mm ,2个66芯坚固IDC 三排排母(2mm 间距) ● ESMARC 系列主板(即所有ESM 开头的主板)管脚均相互兼容,可以直接互换标准串口 x6USB_HOST x2RGB / LVDS / HDMI触摸屏接口1GB 64bit DDR3 内存精简ISA总线 / PCIe x1总线GPIO x32CAN x2I2C SPI USB_HOST x2USB_OTG电源1000M x1 + 100M x1工控主板ESM335x 系列工控主板● TI Cortex-A8 CPU AM3352 / AM3354,600MHz / 1GHz 主频● 板载256MB / 512MB DDR3 + 256MB / 512MB FLASH ,预装Linux / 正版WEC7操作系统 ● 18-bit RGB / LVDS 显示接口,最高分辨率1024 x 768,硬件2D / 3D 图形加速 ● 2路百兆网,2路CAN ,5路UART 串口,1路I2C ,1路SPI ,32位GPIO ● 4路 USB HOST ,1路USB OTG ,板载SD 卡接口,精简ISA 总线● 供电电压+5V ± 10%,工作温度-40℃至80℃(工业级) / -10℃至60℃(商业级)● ESMARC 架构,主板外形尺寸:74mm × 54mm ,2个66芯坚固IDC 三排排母(2mm 间距) ● ESMARC 系列主板(即所有ESM 开头的主板)管脚均相互兼容,可以直接互换256MB NandFlash以太网USBSPII2C GPIO 精简ISA总线触摸屏接口TFT彩色LCD接口USB串口电源Cortex-A8 CPU,600MHz(TI AM3352) / 1GHz(TI AM3354)工控主板ESM6800系列工控主板● NXP Cortex-A7 CPU iMX6ULL ,528MHz / 792MHz 主频● 板载512MB DDR3 + 256MB FLASH / 4GB eMMC ,预装Linux 操作系统 ● 18-bit RGB 显示接口,最高分辨率1024 x 768● 2路百兆网,2路CAN ,12路UART 串口,1路I2C ,1路SPI ,32位GPIO ● 4路 USB HOST ,1路USB OTG ,SD 卡接口● 供电电压+5V ± 10%,工作温度-40℃至80℃(工业级) / 0℃至60℃(商业级)● ESMARC 架构,主板外形尺寸:74mm × 54mm ,2个66芯坚固IDC 三排排母(2mm 间距) ● ESMARC 系列主板(即所有ESM 开头的主板)管脚均相互兼容,可以直接互换USB_HOST串口TFT接口Cortex-A7 CPU, 528MHz / 792MHzGPIOUSB_HOST USB_OTG电源以太网256MB / 512MB DDR3内存电源管理模块256MB NandFlash / 4GB eMMC工控主板ESM928x 系列工控主板● NXP ARM926ES-J CPU iMX283 / iMX287,454MHz 主频● 板载128MB DDR2 + 256MB FLASH ,预装Linux / 正版WinCE 6.0操作系统 ● 18-bit RGB 显示接口,最高分辨率1024 x 768● 2路百兆网,2路CAN ,5路UART 串口,1路I2C ,1路SPI ,32位GPIO ● 4路 USB HOST ,1路USB OTG ,SD 卡接口● 供电电压+5V ± 10%,工作温度-40℃至80℃(工业级) / -10℃至60℃(商业级)● ESMARC 架构,主板外形尺寸:74mm × 54mm ,2个66芯坚固IDC 三排排母(2mm 间距) ● ESMARC 系列主板(即所有ESM 开头的主板)管脚均相互兼容,可以直接互换USB HUB256MB NandFlash以太网电源USB SPII2C GPIOARM926ES-J CPU,454MHz(NXP i.MX283 / i.MX287)触摸屏接口USB串口TFT彩色LCD接口128MB DDR2内存工控主板ES6801系列工控主板● NXP Cortex-A7 CPU iMX6ULL ,528MHz 主频● 板载512MB DDR3 + 256MB FLASH ,预装Linux 操作系统 ● 18-bit RGB 显示接口,最高分辨率1024 x 768● 1路百兆网,7路UART 串口,1路I2C ,1路SPI ,12位GPIO ● 1路 USB HOST ,1路USB OTG ,SD 卡接口● 供电电压+5V ± 5%,工作温度-40℃至80℃(工业级) / -10℃至60℃(商业级) ● 模块尺寸40mm × 50mm ,板到板高度5.5mm ,PCIe 模块尺寸,52芯金手指插件 ● 模块管脚与ES9281兼容,可用作ES9281的升级版(仅支持Linux 系统)LCD接口256MB FlashSD卡528MHz Cortex-A7 CPU i.MX6ULLGPIOUSB 串口以太网128MB DDR3内存工控主板ES9281系列工控主板● NXP ARM926ES-J CPU iMX283,454MHz 主频● 板载128MB DDR2 + 256MB FLASH ,预装Linux / 正版WinCE 6.0操作系统 ● 18-bit RGB 显示接口,最高分辨率1024 x 768● 1路百兆网,6路UART 串口,1路I2C ,1路SPI ,12位GPIO ● 1路 USB HOST ,1路USB OTG ,SD 卡接口● 供电电压+5V ± 5%,工作温度-40℃至80℃(工业级) / -10℃至60℃(商业级) ● 模块尺寸40mm × 50mm ,板到板高度5.5mm ,PCIe 模块尺寸,52芯金手指插件 ● 模块管脚与ES6801兼容454MHz ARM9 CPU iMX283LCD接口256MB FlashSD卡128MB DDR2内存GPIO USB 串口以太网●应用底板与工控机英创主板产品采用我们称之为的英创智能主板架构(Emtronix Smart Module Architecture,ESMARC)体系。

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产品规格书PRODUCT SPECIFICATION深圳云里物里科技股份有限公司VersionV4.1发布时间2018-04-25MODEL NO/DESCRIPTION 产品名称:蓝牙模块MS50SFA1C产品型号:MS50SFA1C版本说明目录版本说明 (2)1.概述 (4)2.应用领域 (5)3.电气参数 (5)4.模块尺寸图 (6)5.引脚定义 (6)6.模块配置 (7)6.1透传模块出厂默认值 (7)6.2蓝牙服务UUID (7)6.3UUID描述 (7)6.4工作模式 (7)6.5模块应用示意图 (8)7.透传数据【服务UUID:0xFFF0】(APP端) (8)8参数设置说明 (8)9.模块测试 (112)10.支持的设备 (14)11.PCB设计说明 (145)12.注意事项 (15)13.包装信息 (155)14.质量保证 (166)1.概述MS50SFA1C串口模块采用nRF52810芯片,通过UART(串口)操作可以实现模块与手机之间数据传输。






※健身器材设备,如跑步机,健身器等※医疗器械设备,如脉博测量计,心率计等※家用休闲设备,如遥控器,玩具等※办公用品设备,如打印机,扫描仪等※商业设备,如收银机,二维码扫描器等※手机外设配件,如手机防丢器等※汽车设备,如汽车维修仪等※其它人机交互设备3.电气参数参数测试值备注工作电压 1.8-3.6V直流工作频率2400-2483MHz可编程频率误差+/-20KHz Null发射功率-40~+4dBm可调整接收灵敏度-96dBm Null接收电流 4.6mA标准模式发射电流 4.6mA发射功率为0dBm时睡眠功耗1uA以下Null遥控距离10-60米BER<0.1%,空旷天线50ohm Null模块尺寸16*12*2mm Null存储大小192KB4.模块尺寸图5.引脚定义引脚名称引脚定义功能描述备注VCC 电源正极GND 电源负极P0.04BRX 串口(UART)接收蓝牙模块的RX P0.09BTX 串口(UART)发送蓝牙模块的TXP0.17SLP 睡眠/唤醒睡眠为高电平(或悬空),唤醒为低电平P0.11LED1指示灯低电平有效,睡眠状态(灭灯)、空闲状态(一秒闪烁一次)、工作状态(常亮)空闲状态:只广播;工作状态:连接P0.18BTDATA模块发送数据输入信号作为数据发送请求(用来唤醒模块)0:主机有数据发送,模块将等待接收来自主机的数据,此时模块不睡眠1:主机无数据发送,或主机数据发送完6.模块配置6.1透传模块出厂默认值模块角色:从模块模块名称:Minew_V4模块串口波特率:9600bps,8N1广播时间:1s最小连接周期:10ms;最大连接周期:1s发射功率:0dBm6.2蓝牙服务UUID透传服务UUID:FFF0透传接收UUID:FFF1透传发送UUID:FFF26.3UUID描述透传服务:蓝牙转串口透传服务透传接收:以notify方式转发串口输入的数据发送给主设备;透传发送:Write方式接收主设备发来的BLE数据。





6.5模块应用示意图7透传数据【服务UUID:0xFFF0】(APP端)特征值UUID 可执行的操作字节数默认值备注FFF1notify20无从串口收到输入的数据将会在此通道产生通知发给连接设备说明:串口输入转发到蓝牙输出。



(一次不能超过20个字节,否则会丢失数据) 8参数设置及注意事项说明(1)断开状态的字串会当成指令进行解析并执行,然后输出执行结果,"TTM:OK\r\n\0"或"TTM:ERP\r\n\0"等。














(如果没安装串口驱动,需先安装)第二步:打开串口助手软件第三步:选择对应的串口,如图1第四步:配置串口参数,如图2图1图2图3第五步:打开串口,如图3第六步:将模块串口使能(即BTDATA =0,SLP=0)。


9.2透传操作测试1、模块连接好上电后打开软件,如图42、搜索模块,如图53、连接模块,如图6图4图5图64、打开串口,向手机发数据,如图75、手机Minew 串口助手接收数据,如图8图7图86、手机Minew 串口助手向串口发数据,如图97、串口接收数据,如图10图9图1010.支持的设备支持设备系统支持设备型号iOS 7.0及以上iPhone 4S,iPhone 5,iPhone 5S,iphone 6,iPhone 6p,iPad 3,iPad mini,iPad air 等Android 4.3及以上Samsung Galaxy S III,Galaxy S IV,Galaxy Note II,Galaxy Note III and Motorola Razr,HTC One 等11.PCB 设计说明天线部分不能有金属布线,最好做镂空处理,或安置在PCB 板边缘。
