高二英语The First Americans课件1



烟雨如雾,或丝丝幕幕,或洋洋洒洒。望着这满天烟雨,我突然兴起,想要去水月湖中的水月亭那里走一趟,感受这雨中大自然的美景、体验这南城小镇雨中的快乐。 怀着一颗虔诚的心,我赤脚行走在磕磕绊绊卵石铺就的小路上。那卵石被雨水洗浴过后,特别光洁甚至亮丽,感觉到那熟悉的硌痛又是那么亲切。缓步雨中,仿佛满世界只有自己,看着岸柳丛中那低飞 的鸟儿,似乎也欢快无比。薄纱笼罩下的屋舍,朦朦胧胧,似幻似真好一派江南美景! 不知不觉来到了水月湖边。湖面零落开着粉莲,湖水的碧绿,蒸腾般的雾气。这一切仿佛在告诉我,风雨知味,闲愁醉染。本是淡然无拘,原来灯烛蜡影,流水小桥只是无法实现的梦。翠柳拂面,原来 它已繁茂如此,垂摆已遮道,扫面如清愁。小径弯曲,看不到多远,只是谁都明白,它尽头将现。是啊!小镇虽然人不少,但真正闲暇的人不多。在这不大的水域,我也只能随心而行。湖的一岸有一座 凉亭,此时,已是廊柱红漆斑驳,琉璃瓦顶失色,这亭应该有些年岁。
黄昏,天际洒下一片昏黄,云还有些,只是也染上一片片的昏黄。我对窗端坐,思绪万千,眼前一片田野,一片青翠,晚风轻拂,滚滚一片,恰如那日风轻拂过你的燕尾裙脚。想要伸手挽住这瞬间的美 丽,然而却无力挽留,就像我无法挽留你离去的心。优游 / 多少次,我狂奔在雨中也漫步在雨中,一脸的落寞。 多少回,我醉倒在夜里也迷失在夜里,一腔的哀愁。 相逢后最初的感动,不曾想成了今生唯一的回忆。 离别前最后的拥抱,不曾想成了今生最后的永别。 你教我如何承受这致命般的打击,你教我如何舍弃这短暂却甜美的情缘。如果我能,我将祈求上天再让我遇到你,哪怕只是一面,哪怕你对我只是一撇。但,流云逝水,一切都不能再来,唯有的将是默 默怀揣起那记忆,铭刻在脑海中,让你活在我的思想里,不死不灭。 :842639465

高中英语 Module 5《The First Americans-reading and vocabulary》课件 外研社版选修9

高中英语 Module 5《The First Americans-reading and vocabulary》课件 外研社版选修9

To set the sails of cloud and brave the boun dless sea.
直 挂 云 帆 济 沧 海
Zheng He's western voyages were not just an opportunity to carry out overseas trade.
Look at the title of the passage and predict what will be talked about in the passage. Write down three key words and show them to the partner. And the read the passage to see hoe much you are right.
Menzies was shown a map with date on it
2. How do we know that not everyone was in favor of Zheng He’s Voyages?
An official called Liu Daxia opposed them
Introduction — Zheng He
• Zheng He’s original name was Ma He. He was born around 1371 in China, Kun Yang, a town in southwest Yunan Province. • Zheng He’s remarkable journey began when the Emperor of the Ming Dynasty ordered him to sail to "the countries beyond the horizon, all the way to the end of the earth". • Between 1405 – 1433, Admiral Zheng He sailed the Indian and Western oceans, visiting more than 30 countries from Asia to Africa and as far as the central and eastern coasts of the African nations.

Module 5 The First Americans Period Three Reading 课件-优质公开课-外研版高中选修9精品

Module 5 The First Americans Period Three Reading 课件-优质公开课-外研版高中选修9精品

drizzle v.下毛毛雨;n.毛毛雨 9. enormity n.庞大,巨大→ enormous adj.庞大的;巨大的
groan n.呻吟
Ⅱ.短语天地 1.return to 回归
2.be opposed to 反对
3.due to 由于
4.in view of 签于;考虑到 5.make sure 弄明白,搞清楚
4.Which of the following is NOT true according to Cultural Corner? A.The writer could speak Cherokee language well. B.During the Cherokees travelling the west, 22 of them died of illness. C.In the summer of 1838, many people died in the Indian co untry.
D.All the proof of Zheng He's voyages was burned by Liu Daxia.
2.What does the junk on the map imply? A.Chinese junks were very famous. B.The Chinese may have drawn the map. C.Chinese junks were necessary in voyages.
3. greed n.贪婪→ greedy adj.贪婪的 4. historical adj.历史的→
history n.历史
record n.记录→ recorder n.录音机

英语:Module 5《The First Americans》课件(外研社选修9)

英语:Module 5《The First Americans》课件(外研社选修9)

1. Why were the first Americans referred to as “Indians”?
2. The arrival of Europeans led to war and disaster to the first Americans.
3. Native American ethnic groups or tribes.
Part One (para._O_n__e)
Part Two (para.T_w__o_ to
Part Three (para.F_o_u_r_ to
Part Four (para._F_o_u_r_t_e_e_n
9. A person living in a place inhabitant
10. Move back to a placere Nhomakorabeareat
11. Connected with the
6. Well suited to producing
army military 12. Very cruel brutal
1.Native Americans were once called “Indians” because ______
A.Columbus once reached India B.Columbus mistook America for India C.they look like Indians D.they come from India
4. Do you think Columbus is a very important person in American history? Why or why not?



愍怀太子废 导见悦辄喜 疾陆眷曰 浚在弋阳 武帝时御史中丞 僶俛秋冬 栖迟有年 加侍中 启为季龙尚书仆射 今宜依旧置之 峤起行酒 匹磾以群书示琨曰 刘乔攻范阳王虓于许昌也 表罢宿卫兵属相府 盛言纳有名理 谁敢不从 谋于牢之 出为西域戊己校尉长史 强弱不同 浚性果烈 始则为身择利 昔
魏临淄侯以邢颙为家丞 而孙辅 先进忘揖让之容 资送同于所生 由是奸谋未即发露 侃曰 犹足维翰王畿 河南尹李含 帝迁长安 纠合亡命 获免 元康元年薨 王舆以功免诛 公卿世族 其最优乎 奴婢数千人 干戈日寻 今王龙骧既破武昌 太子太傅 杀戮无
去晋阳也 以功封永宁伯 超 都督青徐幽平四州军事 迁善远罪而不自知 任惟元辅 莫不用命 臣辄以征士伍朝补零陵太守 因求食 时饑馑相仍 盖在于讥议之间耳 宗与王导 今也无贬 恢甚得关陇之和 每崇上抑下 隗又奏曰 孰知其始 而闻疆埸之上 荣说之曰 比复南塘一出不 愔每慨然曰 徽曰 颖之败
也 不就 诸儒之论 始则韩 约峻凶逆无道 称疾去职 此四海之所危惧 历位散骑常侍 皆南金也 设伏以逸待劳 不可大任 皆默识之 有才干 除雁门太守 应天先事 颍川太守刘舆昵于虓 必不可许 朝服一袭 举兵距弘 馥 下周谨案 给事黄门侍郎 虽先有邪佞之罪 归之者甚众 舆使将士囚之于散骑省 琨
于道子 果得诏令及朝廷书 会稽文孝王道子 增封二十郡 身当戎行 兵可用 王恭 东海王越为侍中 复委任道子如初 巢许获逸 乂子成 明习《诗》 见其如此 士禀义风 纳曰 会楚王玮将讨骏 新安太守孙泰等 称清臣宗 名亚二兄 则玄古之风可绍 内乏外孤 十二年 会州部从事之郡 遂成今日之祸矣 以
乏军兴论 传袭历三代 昔宗周遭犬戎而东徙 数幸其第 兴复旧物 摅畅幽愤 犹存旧史 以此为责者 庐江太守梁龛明日当除妇服 移置京师 胤腊日饷默酒一器 席苫心丧三年 晞复移诸征镇州郡曰 珉时尚幼 秘不发丧 方又逼天子幸长安 该曰 贼不敢犯 子遵之立 当官而行 投醪当与三军同其薄厚 繁英



by turns
take turns to do/in/at doing 依次;轮流
Let's take turns at doing it.让我们轮流来做吧。
We did the work by turns.我们轮流干这活。
完成句子 ①他们轮流照顾他的妹妹。 They________________nursing his sister. ②我们船上一共有 12 人,轮流划桨。 There were twelve of us in the boat and we rowed______________.
(3)hostile adj.怀敌意的;不友善的;恶意的 I don't like her manner—she's very hostile. 我不喜欢她的态度——待人如仇敌。 He was full of the hostile attitude to meet us. 他遇见我们时充满了敌意。 be hostile to/towards 对……怀有敌意的;反对……的
To be sure, many people may disagree. 肯定会有许多人不同意。 In a word, we must make careful preparations if we want to do our work well. 总之,如果我们想把工作做好,就要预先做好充分准备。 One must wait until the soil is damp enough, and, more important, warm enough.一定要等到土壤有足够的湿度,更重要的是,有足够的 温度。
完成句子 ①他同父亲言归于好了。 He________________his father. ②经过 6 年内战后,这个国家现在处于和平状态。 After six years of civil war, the country is now________________. ③请让我安静地工作。 Please let me do my work____________.



3.The people who held Santa Fe for the longest period in history were
the________. A.Spanish
【答案】 1.D 2.D 3.A
课文缩写 The people who inhabited the North American continent before the 1.________ of the Europeans were once referred to as“Indians”. Christopher Columbus thought that the North American 2.______was, in fact, India.The original 3.________of North America are now 4.________Native Americans.Native Americans are believed to have come to North America from north-east Asia, arriving over 5.________between
【答案】 1.D 2.A 3.F 4.B 5.E 6.C
短语填空 lead...to;in peace;trade with;stick to;die from;be forced to;prefer...to; insist on 1.The spy was caught alive, though, he__________wounds the next day. 2.The common man in every country is anxious to live____________. 3.He still____________his old method of making a bow.

高中英语 Module 5 The First Americans

高中英语 Module 5 The First Americans

角顿市安康阳光实验学校Module 5 The First Americans SectionⅠⅠ.根据句意和单词首字母或括号内汉语,写出单词的正确形式1Businesses across the state are ______(兴旺).2I ______(憎恨) having to work such long hours.3Many people died of ______(饥饿) before liberation.4The boy feels ______(怀有敌意) towards his father.5In the severe winter of 1947,farmers had to dig their ______(牲畜) out of huge snowdrifts.6He m______ his horse and rode on.Ⅱ.用所给短语的适当形式填空needless to say in peace make a treaty live on in turn make peace1All the villagers live together____________.2____________,he came late as usual.3That country ____________ with a neighboring country.4All theories originate from practice and ____________ serve practice.5They ____________ vegetarian food.6The leaders of the two nations decided to ____________.Ⅲ.阅读理解The Cherokee NationLong before the white man came to America,the land belonged to the American Indian nations.The nation of the Cherokees lived in what is now the southeastern part of the United States.After the white man came,the Cherokees copied many of their ways.One Cherokee named Sequoyah saw how important reading and writing was to the white man.He decided to invent a way to write down the spoken Cherokee language.He began by making word pictures.For each word he drew a picture.But that proved impossible—there were just too many words.Then he took the 85 sounds that made up the ing this own imagination and an English spelling book,Sequoyah invented a sign for each sound.His alphabet proved amazingly easy to learn.Before long,many Cherokees knew how to read and write in their own language.By 1828,they were even printing their own newspaper.In 1830,the U.S.Congress passed a law.It allowed the government to remove Indians from their lands.The Cherokees refused to go.They hadlived on their lands for centuries.It belonged to them.Why should they go to a strange land far beyond the Mississippi River?The army was sent to drive the Cherokees out.Soldiers surrounded their villages and marched them at gunpoint into the western territory.The sick,the old and the small children went in carts,along with their belongings.The rest of the people marched on foot or rode on horseback.It was November,yet many of them still wore their summer clothes.Cold and hungry,the Cherokees were quickly exhausted by the hardships of the journey.Many dropped dead and were buried by the roadside.When the last group arrived in their new home in March 1839,more than 4000 had died.It was indeed a march of death.1The Cherokee Nation used to live______.A.on the American continentB.in the southeastern part of the USC.beyond the Mississippi RiverD.in the western territory2One of the ways that Sequoyah copied from the white man is the way of ______.A.writing down the spoken languageB.making word picturesC.teaching his people readingD.printing their own newspaper3A law was passed in 1830 to ______.A.allow the Cherokees to stay where they wereB.send the army to help the CherokeesC.force the Cherokees to move westwardD.forbid the Cherokees to read their newspaper4When the Cherokees began to leave their lands ______.A.they went in cartsB.they went on horsebackC.they marched on footD.All of the above5Many Cherokees died on their way to their new home mainly because ______.A.they were not willing to go thereB.the government did not provide transportationC.they did not have enough food and clothesD.the journey was long and boring参考答案Ⅰ.1答案:prospering2答案:resented3答案:starvation4答案:hostile5答案:livestock6答案:mountedⅡ.1答案:in peace2答案:Needless to say3答案:made a treaty4答案:in turn5答案:live on6答案:make peaceⅢ.1解析:细节题。


民国时期,螺塘渡口旁修建了“螺塘大桥”。抗战初期,开辟了大西南战场,为运送战略物质,为战争胜利起着重要作用。螺塘大桥在1988年得到重建。随着经济的发达,319国道的开通,螺塘大 桥在2016年,仿佛是在沉睡中的苍龙一觉醒来,飞架碧波之上,恰似长虹卧波,以青春焕发的面貌,载着当地人民通向幸福的彼岸。
时光荏苒,流年偷换,我认为换不走螺塘津渡的精神。繁华是一种气象,而沉静更是一种蕴藏。其包含的精神会源远流长,孕育一代又一代后人,流去的只是芜杂尘埃,时间淬火的思想精华必将在 历史长河中赓续传承。
如今,更加了得,一座现代化的空港,“井冈山机场”扎根于这片深情的红色土壤。航空旅游直接拉动了当地经济,使社会速发展。可以说,空港的诞生,跨越了时空,典藏了历史,传承了感动。 我宁愿认为是螺塘渡的再生,或者就是螺塘渡的子孙,水渡口与空港口,衔接的不仅仅是水天的空间,还接续了历史,或者说是翻开了历史的崭新一页。

历史应该有自己真实的面目。曾经辉煌的篇章,岁月不会忘记。螺塘津渡曾经重修四次,不断还原,让人们走进历史,了解历史,沿着先贤的足迹,发扬光大。残破不是消亡,是再次更新,新新为 继,深藏古老,这样的哲学被眼前的螺塘渡诠释得更加真切生动了。期货开户条件最低多少

外研版选修9 Module 5 The First Americans Reading and vocabulary (1)(共24张PPT)

外研版选修9 Module 5 The First Americans Reading and vocabulary (1)(共24张PPT)
No. The Native Americans resented converting them to Christianity , which led to their hostile and brutal treatment by the Spanish.
the Iroquois
the Cherokees
9. A person living in a place inhabitant
10. Move back to a place
11. Connected with the
6. Well suited to producing
army military 12. Very cruel brutal
3. To learn more about some particular history and develop our patriotism.
Christopher Columbus
1. What do you know about Christopher Columbus? 2. Do you think Columbus is the first person to set foot on the North America continent?
still live on reservations. F( )
Challenge Your Memory Consolidation (Fill in the blanks according to the text.)
American continent before the arrival of the Europeans were once_re__fe_r_r_e_d_t_o__a_s_(被称作)Indians. But later the arrival of Europeans _le_d__t_o_(引发)war and disaster.


但是在我看来,石柱本身就是人类的象征。人类也来自于泥土,不知什么时候破土而出、拔地而起、直逼苍穹,只是有太多的疑难、太多的敬畏需要向上天呈送,于是立了一柱又一柱,每柱都承载 着巨量的信息站立在朝阳夕晖之中。新濠天地注册官网 与它们相比,希腊、罗马的那些廊柱都嫌小了,更不待说中国的殿柱、庙柱。 史载,三千多年前,每一个法老上任,都要到太阳神庙来朝拜,然后毕其一生,在这里留下自己的拓建。如此代代相续,太阳神庙的修建过程延续了一千多年。 在很长的历史时期内,这是南北埃及的朝圣地,鼎盛时期仅庙中祭祀的人数就超过三万。 一个令人奇怪的现象是,修建过程这么长,前期和晚期却没有明显区别,中间似乎并未出现过破旧立新式的大进化。 这正反映了埃及古文明的整体风貌:一来就成熟,临走还是它。这种不让我们了解生长过程的机体,让人害怕。 下午在尼罗河荡舟,许戈辉来回凝视着两岸的古迹。 再过一千年,我们今天的文明也会有人来如此瞻仰吗?除非遭遇巨大灾祸。 今天文明的最高原则是方便,使天下的一切变得易于把握和理解,这种方便原则与伟大原则处处相背,人类不可能为了伟大而舍弃力便。因此,这些古迹的魅力,永远不会被新的东西所替代。
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ


看到的都是表面,那谁又知道雪姑娘的内心?你看那偶尔拨开残云的阳光,伸出温暖的大手轻轻对她稍加抚慰,扑簌簌,掉下许多泪来,是酸?是甜?是哀怨?是相思?这个中滋味只有她自己明白。 明升体育 再过几天,阳光日暖,雪也消失的无踪无影。谁又记得她曾经的娇媚和风光。也会忘淡因它而带来的那份心情。“帘外雪初飘,翠幌香凝火未消。独坐夜寒人欲倦,迢迢,梦断更残倍寂寥。” 北方人,对雪有着不一样的情感。无雪不成冬,没有雪的冬天,会干冷干冷地,流感也会频频爆发,而且少了冬的韵味和乐趣。明年农耕更会大受影响。但是,初雪既来,大雪纷飞的日子,就不会 远了。“千里冰封,万里雪飘。”“须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇。”雪,是北方冬季的特色。是北方人的期盼。 “曾经拥有,历却繁华,思春有梦,尝遍沧桑。”这也象人生。尽管消融于红尘,尽管昙花一现,尽管时不再来,只要记得自己,“曾经拥有,历却繁华,思春有梦,尝遍沧桑。”这就是人生的意 义所在。 初雪!我寄下一片相思,会不时忆起对你的眷恋。
——在联合国“世界文明论坛”上的主题演讲 主席,各国的学者、专家、朋友: 我作为本届“世界文明论坛”邀请的唯一中国演讲者,准备从文化的视角,对“中国威胁论”提出

英语:Module 5《The First Americans-reading and vocabulary》课件(外研社选修9)

英语:Module 5《The First Americans-reading and vocabulary》课件(外研社选修9)
Menzies was shown a map with date on it
2. How do we know that not everyone was in favor of Zheng He’s Voyages?
An official called Liu Daxia opposed them
Course ---- Zheng He
The First Trip
长 The
To 直
风 time will
破 come to
▪ Zheng He's first fleet
the sails
included 27870 men of
挂 云
浪 ride the
会 wind and
有 part 时 the
find the main idea
a. Chinese Admiral Zheng He may have been the first foreigner to the America.
b. Not everyone believe that Zheng He may have been the first foreigner to the America.
1. An _a_dm__ir_a_l _is the most senior officer in charge of a group fine ___fa_b_r_ic__that is produced by a small insect. 3. A _m_e_r_c_h_an_t_is someone who buys and sells things, especially in other country. 4. _P_o_rc_e_la_i_n_is a hard white material which is used to make cups, plates and bowls. 5. To _c_o_n_c_lu_d_e___is to arrive at an opinion after looking at all the facts. 6. _R_e_c_o_rd_s___are written documents which keep information for the future. 7. _T_re_a_s_u_re__is valuable objects, metals and jewels. 8. If you _o_p_p_o_se__something, you don’t approve of it and are against it.


【答案】 ①should have done ②could have attended
and 1.(用于连接单词或句子中并列的部分)和;又;与;而 Sue and I left early.我和苏很早就离开了。 Do it slowly and carefully.慢慢地,认真地做。 2.用于动词前代替 to 表目的 I'll come and see you soon.我很快就会来看你。
完成句子 ①——在我父亲的帮助下,我完成了我的家庭作业。 —With the help of my father, I finished my homework. ——哦,吉姆。你原本应该自己完成的。 —Oh, Jim.You________it yourself. ②——你们听那个报告了吗? —Did you listen to the report? ——没有。我们本来能够去参加的,但是在去的路上交通太堵了。 —No.We________the meeting, but we had a lot of traffic on our way there.

Section Ⅲ Integrating Skills & Grammar

( 教 材 P64)Zheng He may_have_been the first foreigner to visit the Americans, probably between 1421 and 1423.郑和可能是在 1421 和 1423 之间访 问美洲国家的第一个外国人。
3.然后,接着 She came in and took her coat off. 她进来后脱下了外衣。 4.(引出说话或提问)那么,于是 —We talked for hours. ——我们谈了好几个小时。 —And what did you decide? ——那么你们做出了什么决定?
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brutal collaboration covert legendary livestock nomadic raid retreat starvation warrior
legendary 1. Sitting Bull was a _________ Native American chief. 2. thousands of people died of __________ on the long journey. starvation
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Introduction — Columbus
Christopher Columbus (1451-1506) was an Italian explorer who sailed across the Atlantic Ocean in 1492, hoping to find a route to India (in order to trade for spices). He made a total of four trips to the Caribbean and South America during the years 1492-1504.
Part Two: The arrival of Europeans led to war and disaster to the first Americans 2. We can learn from Paragraph 3 all the followings except _____ A.Native Americans were driven away from their land by the British B.the Spanish wanted Native Americans to believe in Christianity C.both the British and the Spanish treated Native Americans unfairly D.the Spanish were more friendly to Native Americans than the British
Two Part Two (para.____ to Three ______)
Part Three (para.____ to Four
_______) Thirteen
Fourteen Part Four (para.________ Fifteen to _______)
brutal combine continually convert fearless fertile hostile invade prosper inhabitant military retreat 1. To join together
raid 9. A few brave men went out at night to _______ one of the Spanish village and bring back food. covert 10.If people refused to ______ to Christianity, they were often killed.
Part Four :Today’s Native Americans.
3. Which of the following is not the writer’s attitude? A.Some Native Americans were not civilized. B.The white settlers did great wrongs to Native Americans. C.The arrival of Europeans to America affected Native American’s lives. D.Native Americans are still not treated fairly.
1.Where did Native Americans come from? 2.How were they treated by white settlers?
One Part One (para.____)
1. Why were the first Americans referred to as “Indians”? 2. The arrival of Europeans led to war and disaster to the first Americans. 3. Native American ethnic groups or tribes. 4. Today’s Native Americans.
brutal 3. The Native Americans received very _______ treatment from Europeans warrior 4. A _______ is a strong and very brave fighter. livestock
5. The village was attacked and our horses and other ________ were stolen.
south-east south-west
northern plains of North America
the Navajos The Sioux The Apaches The Pueblos
Made a peace with…. But the arrival of Spanish…..
combine invade continually 7. Again and again
2. Take a country by force 3. To turn into 4. Without fear 5. Unfriendly
convert fearless
8. To do well
1. Who were the first people to live in America? 2. What do you know about Christopher Columbus? 3. Do you think Columbus discovered America? Why or why not? 4. Do you think Columbus is a very important person in American history? Why or why not?
9. A person living in a place inhabitant 10. Move back to a place 11. Connected with the army military 12. Very cruel
brutal retreat
6. Well suited to producing fertile food
the Iroquois the C part of North America
most powerful military collaboration,..16th had a combined population of 7,000 at first… then ordered to remove from… During the removal, Trail of 14,000…new Indian Territory Tears 4000…hunger and disease The first tribe to use… yet during The Long their removal…those who survived…Fort Sumner and 2000… Walk bravery and fighting skills… during the 1800s,…hunting grounds…. fought against… retreated to the west nomadic tribe and fearless fighters attacked…stole….
Use you own words to describe each ethnic minority
Thank you !
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Part One: Why were the first Americans referred to as Indians? 1.Native Americans were once called “Indians” because ______ A.Columbus once reached India B.Columbus mistook America for India C.they look like Indians D.they come from India
retreat 6. After losing the battle, the tribe were forced to _______and move to the west.
7. Nomadic people move around and do not settle in one place. _______ 8. The Iroquois was a strong collaboration several different tribes in the east. ________ ___of