american slang

标准美国俚语SLANGSLANG●An informal non-standard variety of speech characterized by newly coined and rapidly changingwords and phrases.●informal language consisting of words and expressions that are not considered appropriate forformal occasionsCommon Slang●awesome:very good, interesting, or appealing●big deal:important event; may be used sarcastically to refer to something that is not important●blast or It’s going to be a blast!It’s going to be a lot of fun●blow it off:to ignore or avoid someone or something●blue or have the blues:feel depressed●bogus:1) nonexistent, fake●to book:to reserve a ticket to an event or on transportation●bounce a check:to overdraw a checking account●broke:having no money●buddy:friend●bummer:unpleasant experience●burned:rejected, insulted, or otherwise negatively treated●burned out:exhausted●busted:to be caught by anyone in authority while misbehaving, or by the police while using drugs●check out:1) to sign out materials from a library2) to try to find out something●check it out:to look over a situation●chill out:a command to stop what you are doing, relax●couch potato:a lazy person who spends a large amount of time (perhaps on a couch) watching television●cram:To study frantically the night before a test●crash:1) to stay overnight in someone else’s dwelling, usually without notice or formal arrangement2) to go to sleep after becoming extremely tired●cruising:Driving around for pleasure with no particular destination ●to have a crush on someone:To be extremely infatuated or attracted with someone●cut it out!Stop it!●dork:an unfashionable and awkward male●dorm:dormitory●dough:money●down in the dumps:depressed●drop in:to visit unexpectedly●dude:a man●fire up:to get excited about something; to motivate●fix up:to arrange a date for a friend●fed up or sick of:disgusted with; tired of●freak out:to lose control of oneself●geekunattractive, unstylish, socially inept person●get a kick out of someone/something:find someone or something amusing or enjoyable ●give someone a breakto stop criticizing or teasing●Give me a break!Expresses disbelief●Give someone a ringto call someone on the telephone●goofing offacting silly; doing something that has no particular purpose ●give upto quit●go bananasto be so excited that one loses control of oneself●grosssomething unpleasant●hang in therekeep trying; do not be discouraged●hang out1) to spend time leisurely2) a regular meeting place for friends●hit the roadto leave a place●hit the sackto go to bed●hitch a rideto get a ride from another person●IDidentification card●in a nutshellvery briefly and concisely●jerkperson who cannot do things correctly; a mildly mean/bad term most commonly for men●Knock it off!Stop doing that! Usually expressed when you are doingsomething annoying●Lighten up!Relax, don’t be so serious●loadedsomeone who has had too much to drink;someone who has a lot of money●Loosen up!Relax●lose itto lose control of oneself●luck out or get luckyto have something good happen due to luck or chance●Don’t mess with me!Leave me alone●Mind your own business!Do not ask questions or make statements about this matter; it is my concern and not yours●nerda strange or socially inept person●on the housefree, no cost●Oops!An exclamation used when a small mistake is made●to be opento be accepting of something or someone; to speak frankly about oneself●out of one’s mind (head)crazy; doing something ridiculous●palfriend●pop, soda pop, soda, or soft drinkcarbonated beverage (Coke, Pepsi, Sprite, et al)●psych upprepare oneself mentally or emotionally for something ●psyched upenthusiastic●pull someone’s l egto tease●put someone onto tease or try to fool●take a rain checkpostpone; accept the same invitation but for a later date●relationshipa close affiliation with someone; usually romantic●right-handan important and reliable assistant●rip offsteal, rob●Way to go!That’s very good!●What’s up? What’s happening? What’s going on? What event is taking place? What are you doing?●wimp:weakling●rowdynoisy, loud, obnoxious●scoopgossip, recent news●showtelevision program, movie, film, or theater performance●shush!Be quiet, don’t make so much noise●slaminsult a person●slob1) a lazy, fat person2) a person who is not dressed neatly3) an untidy person●stood upto be left waiting for someone who never arrives●to be crazy aboutto like someone or something very much●to be into somethingto be very interested in or concerned with something; “I can really get into this song.”●tough luckit’s too bad that happened to you●turn over a new leafadopt a better course of conduct; to be a better person●uptightworried, tense。
Some American Slang ( 较新的美国英语俚语)

Some American Slangs (I)(1) Boondoggle (n.)A business trip that, because of its fun or exciting location, seems more like a vacation. This term is sometimes used to mock the person taking the boondoggle, even if the trip is completely legitimate and perhaps even very busy. To hear the pronunciation, go to /search/boondoggle/ and click on the "play" symbol. Examples:"Your next conference is in Las Vegas? Geez, how'd you pull off that boondoggle?" "Financial audit in Miami---sure sounds like a boondoggle to me."***********************************(2) Dealbreaker (n.)A condition that eliminates any possibility of future negotiation. Often used in business but also in personal relationships.Examples:"If they ask for anything over $50,000, that's an automatic dealbreaker.""She's pretty, so I normally wouldn't mind asking her out on a date, but she smokes, and that's a dealbreaker for me.""I'm not saying that a person having a tattoo is a dealbreaker in a spouse, but it's pretty close."***********************************(3) Leadfoot (n.)A person who likes to drive cars quickly (as if lead [chemical symbol: Pb] weights were attached to his/her foot).(to) Floor it (v.) To accelerate a car quickly (as if pressing the gas pedal of one's car all the way down to the floor of the car).(Put the) Pedal to the metal (phrase) Similar to "floor it". As before, the visual image is that of someone pressing the gas pedal all the way down to the floor of the car. Examples:"Take it easy, leadfoot! I'd like to get to the supermarket without getting in a car accident, if you don't mind.""This criminal is going to get away if you don't floor it right now!""If you don't want her to have the baby in your car, you'd better put the pedal to the metal and get to the hospital as fast as you can."***********************************(4) Shoutout (n.)Positive recognition, usually preceded by "give a". Used in informal situations, like radio shows, and more by people in their 20s and 30s. Not used in formal situations, such as academic lectures.Examples:"I'd like to take this opportunity to give a shoutout to XYZ Company, for their time and contributions that make all of this possible.""Thanks for this award---I'd like give a shoutout to my family and friends for all their support."**********************************(5) True that (phrase)A phrase meaning "I agree." Used almost exclusively by teenagers and people in their 20s. Relatively new slang.Example:Person A: "That was a really good movie."Person B: "True that. It had a lot of action."。
American Slang

1. kick ass 了不起A: Wow, you fixed my computer in less than 10 minutes. You're good.A: 哇! 你不到十分钟就把我的计算机修好了呀! 你很棒!B: Yep. I just kick ass.B: 是的! 我就是厉害!"kick ass" 除了字面上的「踢屁股」外, 还有「厉害、打败」的意思。
当「踢屁股」时, 比如某人放你鸽子, 你很气, 就可以说: "I'm going to kick his ass." (我得踢他的屁股)。
当「厉害」用时, 就像上面例句一样用。
"kick ass" 还可作「打败某人的意思」。
比如某人一向在某方面比你强, 终于有一天你比他厉害了, 你就可以说:"Hahaha...I kicked your ass."。
觉得"ass" 太难听的人, 就用"butt" 吧!【不管ass,还是butt,都是屁股的意思。
黛西怎么老是写这些东东,真是庸俗不堪,社会主义精神文明的垃圾,我们新中国的有志青年可要擦亮眼睛,辩明是非啊!呵呵呵呵... 海泓注】2. kiss ass 拍马屁A: Mary, I'm sorry for cheating on you before. Do you see any chance that we can get back together?A: Mary, 我真的很抱歉对你不忠实。
你想我们可不可能重修旧好呢?B: I don't know, but you can kiss my ass.B: 不知道, 不过你可以亲我的屁屁(巴结我)。
「亲屁屁」好象不大卫生吧! 不过人家就是这样用, 就照着「亲」吧!"cheat" 除了作弊外, 还有「不忠实」的意思。

Hale Waihona Puke round the World Slang and idioms are used throughout the world, and many of our own common expressions have equivalents in other languages in other places. For example:
What is “Informal English?”
No living language is simply one set of words which can be used the same way in all situations.
This means is that there are many ways to say the same thing, depending on where you are, who you are talking to, and how you feel.
Specific Groups & Slang
Just below universal slang on the family tree are subcategories used by specific groups such as teens, rappers, surfers, different trades, economic groups, and racial groups; there is even regional slang. Many of these subcategories contain their own very colorful expressions. For example:
美国俚语slang 3

A: Wow, you fixed my computer in less than 10 minutes. You're good. B: Yep. I just kick ass!
“kick ass”直译过来是“踢屁股”, 美国俚语里表示轻而易举地战胜 某人,此人很“牛”。 给大家举个 例子:你即将参加一场篮球比赛, 你的朋友问你紧张不紧张,你可 以说:"They are going to get their asses kicked (他们就等着 被打个落花流水吧! )
•A: When I told my mom I would be •home around 2 am, she had a cow! A: 我跟我妈说我会到半夜二点才回家, B: Duh! 她气炸了。 B: 废话!(怎么会不生气?)
Don’t forget to make up a dialogue!
A: Richard 这个夏天真的去了意大利了吗? B: 哪有可能? 他只是跟你开玩笑的, 你还当 A:真啊? Did Richard really go to Italy this summer?
B: No way. He was only pulling your leg and you believed him?
American Slang 3
Example: 1
拍马屁, 巴结
A: Mary, I'm sorry for cheating on you before. Do you see any chance that we can get back together? B: I don‘t know, but you can kiss my ass.
动感英语 I 笔记(1-365)完整版

ACTION ENGLISH 1MOVIE DICTIONARY 电影词典sound engineer, a person who make sound better 录音师AMERICAN SLANG 美国俚语Rumo(u)r has it that…据说……;人们都说……例:Rumor has it that Andy is a nice guy.人们都说安迪是个棒小伙。
Rumor has it that he is a rather difficult sound engineer. 人们都说那个录音师很难相处.Rumour has it that Jean’s getting married again. 人们都说吉恩又要结婚了。
Rumors have it that there will be a change in the Cabinet. 谣传内阁将改组。
Rumour has it that he is going to resign. 据说他将辞职。
CLASSIC FILM CLIPS 经典对白(1)None of that matters. 无关紧要You matter to me.你对我很重要。
matter to you 对你重要. not matter to you.对你不重要例句:Your opinion really matters to me.你的意见对我很重要You matter to me .你对我很重要.It doesn't matter if Mark isn’t coming .Maybe he just doesn’t do hip-hop you know, so let’s go.(2)counterfeit watches genuine scars.(片中)counterfeit 假的。
counterfeit money 假币genuine 真的true真的(爱情) ,true love ;real真的(友情) real friendsgenuine true real 反义词: counterfeit(3)Just keep your mind open and suck in the experience, and if it hurts it's probably worth it. 只要你敞开心扉,即便是受到痛苦,也是值得的。

The Dominant Features and Social Function ofAmerican SlangAbstractAmerican slang belongs to colloquial speech generally used on informal occasions. In modern American society, every field has its own special slang words as well as different classes, vocations and races. The slang words account for one tenth of the vocabulary used by common people.Furthermore, language is the carrier of cultures, so it is practically important to study American slang. Without the understanding of slang, it is impossible to fully understand American cultures. Researches on American slang will contribute directly to colloquial communication, translation, education, even economic development and other aspects of social lives.Even though the current researches on slang are abundant, most of them have focused on classifying and explaining certain slang words without giving further linguistic analysis. This thesis will make a linguistic analysis by applying theoretical tools and linguistic study methods.There are five chapters in this thesis. The first chapter is an introduction, describing the research background and the significance of it, the research methods and theoretical tools used. The second chapter concerns the definitionof slang, origin of it, and the attitudes towards slang in different times. The third chapter talks about the common features like being vivid, creative, ephemeral and humorous. And it also concerns the linguistic features of American slang from two aspects of rhetoric and word-formation. Chapter Four discusses the general social functions of American slang. Chapter five is conclusion.This thesis is based on the full understanding of abundant research achievements by former scholars. Besides based on the existing theories, this thesis brings up a few new ideas and conclusions which still wait to be examined by further researches.Key words: American slang; linguistic features; social functionsContentsAbstract (I)Contents (III)Chapter1 Introduction (1)Chapter2 Literature Review (3)2.1 Definition of slang (3)2.2 The origin of slang (3)2.3 The attitudes towards slang in different times (4)Chapter3 Dominant Features of American Slang (6)3.1 Common features of American slang (6)3.1.1 Creativeness/vividness (6)3.1.2 Ephemeral/ humorous (7)3.2 Linguistic features of American slang (9)3.2.1 Rhetoric features of American slang (9)3.2.2 Word-formation (12)Chapter4 Social Function of American Slang (15)4.1 Showing the status of the speaker (15)4.2 Strengthening the relationship among members (15)4.3 Showing the personality and satisfying people‟s novelty (16)4.4 Informality effect (16)4.5 Humorous effect (18)Chapter 5 Conclusion (20)Bibliography (21)Acknowledgements (23)Chapter1 IntroductionSlang was not taken seriously as an academic subject for a long time in the past. Most introductions to the scientific study of language mention slang only very briefly. Bloomfield (1933), Hockett (1958), Gleason (1961) and Lehamnn (1976) all together devoted fewer than five pages to slang. The historical study of English language give slang a bit more attention. Y et some convey value judgment based on cultural attitudes rather than on linguistic evidence. Schlauch, calls slang expressions “aberrations (失常,越轨行为) from Standard English”(1959, 52). Charles Hockett writes, “We must not think of such uses of language as in any way inferior to its use in writing treaties on bacteriology or delivering lectures on civil law”(1958, 294). Baugh and Cable concede that “some use of slang is tolerated in the light conversation of most educated speaker” (1978, 314).Stuart Berg Flexner‟s preface to the “Dictionary of American Slang”, edited with Harold Wentworth and firstly published in 1960, has become a standard and has been reprinted in subsequent editions of the dictionary as well as in anthologies for linguists and slang learners. The best general discussion of American slang to date is Jonathan Lighter‟s twenty-seven-page introduction to volume 1 of his …Random House Historical Dictionary of American Slang‟. (1994)More and more scholars tend to study slang from many other aspectsnowadays because of its wide use in American society. Although the literatures concerning the research of slang are abundant inadequacies still exist. Most of the works focus on words classification and explanation without a further linguistic analysis. As a result, the study just stays on the surface so that the learners or foreigners can not get a fully understanding of American slang and also American cultures. The aim of the thesis is to do a serious linguistic study of American slang. By using the research methods of descriptive and social linguistics analysis, this thesis aims to provide a more complete picture of the definition, general features of American slang and social functions.Besides, throughout the thesis, the author puts emphasis on generating new ideas and theories. On the basis of fully understanding from the former research achievements, the author try to put forward some new ideas and conclusions which still wait to be testified by the future research.Chapter2 Literature ReviewAs stated by Papin: “The definition of a language can‟t be fully understood without tracking its origins” (Papin &Liliane, 1992:1253-65). In this chapter, we will summarize the definition and origin of slang on the basis of former conclusion, and also the different attitudes towards slang in different times.2.1 Definition of slangSlang is a kind of colloquial speech which is used on informal occasion. It generated by subculture groups who search for novelty, individuality and group solidarity. Slang is used by different social groups and in different social contexts. It is the most vivid form of language; it constantly renews itself, interacts with other colloquial speeches and plays different role at different time periods.2.2 The origin of slangA new slang term is usually widely used in a subculture before it appears in the dominant culture. After a new slang term was invented, if the other members of a group find that the new slang projects the emotio nal reaction of the group toward an idea, person, or social institution, the new slang will be accepted and continue to be used, or else the new expression will quickly disappear. Slang is originated because of its unique features rather than according to some scientific laws. The convenience, vivacity and intimacy provided by slang are indispensable and irreplaceable by other kind of speechand offer good reasons for its occurrence. Besides, one important reason for the creation of slang as a means of self-expression, slang connotes. Finally, the production of slang is for the individual‟s pursuing of novelty.Slang was generated because of two reasons. First, a personal reason: human‟s physical and psychological characteristics require a vivid language to describe it. Second, an external social reason: social pressures, different economic and geographical conditions give rise to a particular and varied language to manifest and to represent. As stated by Partridge “Whatever the source, personality and one‟s surroundings (social or occupational) are the two co-efficient, the two chief factors and the determining causes of the nature if slang.”(Eric Partridge, 1970:5)2.3 The attitude towards slang in different timesLinguists, authors, educators and literary critics who focus their attention on the use of language hold various attitudes towards slang. Ambrose Bierce, in his dictionary, called English slang …the grunt of human hog‟ Even The Oxford English Dictionary‟s 1989 edition defines English slang as the special vocabulary used by any set of persons of a low or disreputable character; language of a low and vulgar type. Others hold a more scientific and fairer opinion toward slang. The following examines the attitudes towards slang held by people who constantly deal with slang in their professions.Firstly, different theologians and linguists throughout the history held different opinions towards slang. Fowler and all the other early native students of thelanguage generally have a negative opinion concerning slang. He remarked: “In real life, slang is the great corrupting matter; it is perishable and infects what is round it” (Fowler, 1965).Second, the practicing authors of the country, like the linguists and theologians, have always shown a gingery and suspicious attitude towards slang while highly respect standard language. “We may say that in literary world, Standard English is the more conventional and dignified, more accurate and logical, sometimes the more beautiful and rhythmical; it is like evening dress, for important occasions”(Crystal, 1995:601).Finally, literature critics held different views about slang. Such critics as Hotten, Mencken, Niceforo and Gerald Parshal are almost genial in their attitude towards slang. Gerald Parshal in a 1994 article for U.S. News &World Report describes slang as proletarian poetry. Other critics are more scornful. As early as 1825, J.P.Thomas, in My Thought Book, inveighed thus: “The language of slang is the conversation of the fools. Men of discretion will not pervert language to the unprofitable purposes of conversational mimicry···The friends of literature will never adopt it, as it is actively opposed to pure and grammatical diction.”Chapter3 Dominant features of American slangAmerican slang used by Americans, occupies a large part of English slang. In the following parts of the thesis, we shall focus our study on American slang by firstly discussing its common features and then the new ideas about the linguistic features.3.1 common features of American slangLinguists Philosopher Wittgenstein: “Language is a city which could be studied in both a macro way and a micro way.”(Wittgenstein, 2005) In the following passage, we‟ll focus our study of American slang from a macro aspect.There are certain common features embodied in American slang.3.1.1 creativeness/vividnessOne distinguished feature of American slang is creativeness and vividness. “Slang is the most creative language in the world and new emerges every”(Cohen, Gerald Leonard, 1996). There are several ways that a new slang occurs. Sometimes a new slang form either replaces an earlier one or provides another synonym for a notion already named in slang, like ramped, ranked(from wasted), and toe(from torn) for …drunk‟; bogel and hang for …do nothing in particular‟; bumping and kegging for …exhilaration‟. Sometimes new slang extends to new areas of meaning, such as Tom(from totallyobedient moron) for …computer‟; dangling modifier for …a single, long, flashy earring‟; the five year program for …the time it takes to complete the undergraduate degree‟.American slang is pretty vivid. In American slang, people always use all kinds of metaphor measures to form a more distinct symbolization. Sometimes it is more vivid than Standard English, and it can express person‟s emotion better. For example, “the scandal of government officials” can be called Water Gate Event (原指“水门事件”) or Iran Gate Event(“伊朗门”). There are many expressions like that such as skyscraper(摩天大楼), foxtrot(狐步舞), pencil pusher(办事员), sawbones(医生), bottle washer(实验员), bellhop(闻铃而动,指在旅馆中听差的男侍),knockout(杰出人或物),apple-polishing(拍马屁). Those words evoke vivid pictures about the person or the object in listener‟s mind. They offer a better way for the listeners to understand or remember them.3.1.2 Ephemeral/ HumorousWe may also notice several features of American slang in its process of development. Firstly, American slang is ephemeral. We use only fifty of the five hundred words typical of Stanford in 1926: the place names, and a very few characteristic Stanford words such as …apple-polisher‟, …bawl out‟and …rough‟are the only words used as American slang now. Among the disappeared slang items, some will come back for a second and third life, the way that fashions do. For example, cram …study hard at the last minute‟was used now but disappeared in the 1980s. Dead soldier, which has been part ofmilitary slang since the eighteenth century when it meant …empty bottle‟, emerges again in 1987 with the more contemporary referent …empty beer can‟. Among the remaining American slang, some slang words maintained their form and meaning. For example, bummer …unpleasant experience‟; slide…easy course‟; and wheels…car‟. A few additional items altered slightly in form and meaning. For example, bomb out …fail‟and jam…make music, dance‟shift to mean also …perform well‟. When slang items remain in the language for years, they often lose their slang status. Some items may pass into the general vocabulary and bear little or no association with their earlier lives as slang, fro example, the noun rascal; the verb bluff, and the adjective flimsy.Another common feature of American slang is humor. Sometimes, we can‟t help laughing because of their frequency use of slang when we chat with them. So in a long travel, if the guide tells a story or joke by quoting a piece of slang, the atmosphere will be cheered up. For example,“What brand of cigarettes do you smoke?”“I smoke o. p.’s”(我吸别人的烟)“Put your John Hancock on the dotted line.”(用John Hancock 代替name 一词,语出美国独立宣言,当年,约翰·汉考克的签名最大)Give me some skin.(朋友,咱们握手吧。

ACTION ENGLISH 101MOVIE DICTIONARY电影词典reaction shot AMERICAN SLANG 美国俚语from<batman returns>no sweat it means no problem or is no trouble .e.g. It‘s no sweat for me to drive you to work . I‘m going in the same direction.“Thanks for helping me with my homework”. “no sweat”!CLASSIC FILM CLIPS 经典对白1. I‘ll take care of the squealing.take care of it means to take responsibility for something .e.g. Honey! Don‘t worry about the dishes. I‘ll take care of them.I‘ll go buy the movie tickets. You take care of the popcorn.2. pinhead it means someone who‘s stupid .e.g. I‘ve told you a million times what my address is , you pinhead !Don‘t listen to my litter brother.he is a pinhead!MOVIE TUNES 原声碟from 《曼哈顿女佣》‘I‘m coming out‘ The time has come for me to break out of the shellI have to shot I‘m coming out .# break out of the shellACTION ENGLISH 102MOVIE DICTIONARY电影词典Handheld shotAMERICAN SLANG美国俚语Jerk a foolish or rude person一般有三个意思:①笨蛋②很怪的人③不懂事,很粗鲁,很让人不舒服的人e.g. That guy is such a jerk. He told me I was fat.My boss is a jerk, he always make us work late every night and doesn‘t pay us for it.CLASSIC FILM CLIPS 经典对白1.I just couldn‘t live with with myselfe.g. If I ever got kicked out of university, I wouldn‘t be able to live with myself.I can‘t believe you swore at your dad. How can you live with yourself?2.Got enough in there to finish someone offfinish someone off 意思是kill somebody e.g. He had a horrible life, and when his wife died, it really finished him off.He had no bullets in his gun, so he couldn‘t finish you off. 3.One way to find out 这是发现真相的唯一办法,等于this is the only way to discover the truthe.g. ―I wonder what this letter says,‖―There‘s only one way to find out – open it!‖If you want to know if she‘ll go out with you, there‘s only one way to find out – you have to ask her.MOVIE TUNES原声碟ACTION ENGLISH 103MOVIE DICTIONARY电影词典Rating 美国电影的级:G-general PG-parental guidance etc.AMERICAN SLANG美国俚语like, chill out Scoopy Doo! chill oute.g. He‘s been working very hard the past couple of months so I think he just needs to go on holiday and chill out for a bit. I‘m sick of studying at weekends. I just want to chill out. CLASSIC FILM CLIPS经典对白1.Get up to speede.g. I really need to get up to speed on this project before I give my presentation next week.We‘ve only got one week of training, there‘s no way I can get up to speed with everything in that time.2.luge.g. If we go for a drink after work, I want to go home first so I don‘t have to lug my briefcase around all night.Last week we went shopping, I had to lug my wife‘s purchases all over Wangfujing.MOVIE TUNES 原声碟From << the wall >>― Another brick in the wall ―Pink FloyedSnapshot 快照ACTION ENGLISH 104MOVIE DICTIONARY电影词典FocusAMERICAN SLANG美国俚语I call dibs on its clues.e.g. I paid for the beer so I called dibs on the last bottle.I get carsick in the back seat so I call dibs on the front seat. CLASSIC FILM CLIPS经典对白1.Fishy 等于suspicious 可疑的e.g. That guy over there in the hat and dark glasses looks very fishy.I thought it was supposed to cost 100 kuai, but the guy charged me 50. Very fishy.2. Dos and Don‘tse.g. He always dressed badly. It‘s like he‘s got no idea about fashion dos and don‘ts.It‘s difficult traveling to new countries as it takes a while to learn all their cultural dos and don‘ts.MOVIE TUNES原声碟《the wall》comfortably numbACTION ENGLISH 105MOVIE DICTIONARY电影词典Spot lightAMERICAN SLANG美国俚语We have three suspects as to who‘s behind this evil hooty. behind being behind something or somebodye.g. At school I was behind starting a debating society. It was my idea and I developed it.There are a few shareholders behind this new investment but all the rest are opposed.CLASSIC FILM CLIPS 经典对白1.I have a sinking feeling. 有不祥的预感。

1. White man白人;带有好人的意思。
以往在黑白隔离的年代,当一位白人见到一位黑人做了一件好事,或是做一件在白人社会之间认为黑人做不到的事情,比如说是帮助一位行动不方便的老人家过马路,那白人会对那黑人说:“You are a white man !”,以表示那黑人做了一件白人做的事情,予以嘉许、并作鼓励。
所以后来这句话便慢慢变成了有“You are a good man !”的意思。
2. Black tea“Black”的英文单词翻译成中文是“黑色”的意思,令人万万没有想到的是,大家所熟知的“红茶”的英文翻译却是“Black tea”。
外国人自然而然就因外形特点而称呼它为“Black tea”了。
简言之:因为中国人对红茶的命名是来源于其茶叶泡开后茶水的红色,而欧洲人则是看到茶叶本身的黑色,所以命名为“black tea”。
还好我们中国地大物博,红茶就叫“Black tea”了。
那黑茶怎么称呼呢?“Dark tea”就是黑茶。
3. Green handgreen hand表示生手,缺乏经验;刚刚从事某一行的人的意思。

ACTION ENGLISH 101MOVIE DICTIONARY电影词典reaction shot 反应镜头AMERICAN SLANG 美国俚语from <batman returns>no sweat it means no problem or is no trouble . 没问题,别客气。
e.g. It‘s no sweat for me to drive you to work . I‘m going in the same direction.稍你一程不会耽误我太长时间的,我和你顺路啊。
“Thanks for helping me with my homework”. “no sweat”!谢谢你帮我辅导功课。
没关系啊!CLASSIC FILM CLIPS 经典对白1. I‘ll take care of the squealing.take care of it means to take responsibility for something . 处理某事e.g. Honey! Don‘t worry about the dishes. I‘ll take care of them.亲爱的!你别管那些盘子了。
I‘ll go buy the movie tickets. You take care of the popcorn.我去买电影票,你来买爆米花吧。
2. pinhead it means someone who‘s stupid . 傻帽,蠢。
e.g. I‘ve told you a million times what my address is , you pinhead !我可告诉你N多遍我家的住址了,傻哥们儿!Don‘t listen to my litter brother.he is a pinhead!你可别听我弟弟说的话,他就是个蠢蛋!MOVIE TUNES 原声碟from 《曼哈顿女佣》‘I‘m coming out‘我将一举成名The time has come for me to break out of the shell 时机已到,我即将脱颖而出I have to shot 我要大声呼喊 I‘m coming out . 我将一举成名# break out of the shell 脱颖而出ACTION ENGLISH 102MOVIE DICTIONARY电影词典Handheld shot 手持摄影AMERICAN SLANG美国俚语Jerk 意思是a foolish or rude person一般有三个意思:①笨蛋②很怪的人③不懂事,很粗鲁,很让人不舒服的人e.g. That guy is such a jerk. He told me I was fat. 那家伙太粗鲁了,他说我胖!My boss is a jerk, he always make us work late every night and doesn‘t pay us for it.我老板是个古怪的人,他总是让我们工作到很晚,还从来不给加班费。
有趣的英语俚语American Slang

American Slang: make outMeaning: to hug and kiss, possibly with some pettingFor example:1. Lots of couples were making out at the party, but there was no real sex going on.2. Mandy saw her boyfriend making out with another girl. She was very upset.Note: This term is used mostly among teenagers, and it usually means anything from lengthy kissing to what is sometimes called "heavy petting", meaning sexual activity that can involve genital stimulation and even oral sex, but the term "make out" is not usually used to mean penetrative sex.Variety:This slang is typically used in American English but may be used in other varieties of English too.Quick Quiz:Lee and Kim were making out for quite a while. They were ___________.a. having a discussionb. making some snacksc. kissing and cuddlingAnswer: cIdiom: make yourself at homeMeaning: If you make yourself at home, you relax and feel comfortable in someone else's home.For example:1. When we arrived at my apartment, I showed my guests the sofa and said, "Make yourself at home."2. Bill certainly knows how to make himself at home. Within five minutes of arriving he'd turned on my TV and helped himself to a beer from my fridge.Quick Quiz:I said "Make yourself at home" after ______________,a. inviting my friends insideb. arriving at my friend's housec. driving my friend to the airportAnswer: a。

Meaning: Never. If you say when pigs fly, you mean something will never happen. People sometimes say, "And pigs might fly" to mean something a person just said will never happen or is impossible.
俚语是他的使用者将他从运往 垃圾场的文学的垃圾桶中抢过 来的东西。--安布罗斯· 比尔斯
二、The Origin and Development of American Slang
In the ‘Westward Movement’ of 19 century, many Americans moved to the west which caused large-scale immigration. The American government pays less attention to the ‘standard English’ and standardizes the English. The history of America is not as long as other countries, so it has no traditional restriction to the people’s language form, which is different from British people who stress on the so-called ‘the king’s English’(纯正英 语). Therefore, the dialect and the jargon(行话) of each level are mixed together, and which spread quickly among the majority. Such dialect and jargon evolved the slang little by little for their wide usage.

▪ 要让你的口语更地道,英语水平更上一个 台阶,俚语显得非常有必要。),简称习语,惯用语, 是种固定的表达法,所以又叫做set phrases, 其真正意思往往不同于其组成部 分的每个单词;而俚语(slang)具有很大 的不确定性:它是一种非正式的习语,同 一句俚语往往因为地区、职业的不同,而 产生不同的意义。
▪ “hang out”是和朋友一起做一些事。看电影、 逛街、聊天都算,也不限指异性朋友。
▪ 5. click (两人)合得来
▪ I really like talking to her. I think we two really click. 我很喜欢和她说话。我觉得我 们两个蛮合得来的。
▪ click不一定只用在异性之间。朋友之间的 频率相同也可以用
like this. I've worked my butt off on this all day. 我不敢相信我的心血就这样丢掉了!我今天 整天辛辛苦苦都在搞这个!
▪ B:What happened? Computer crashed? 怎 么啦?计算机当了吗?
▪ 发现美语里不少口语都跟"butt"(屁屁)有关,像 "kick ass"、"kiss ass" 这里的"work one's butt off" 也是。还有一个"freeze one's butt off"(冷得把屁屁冻僵)也是。
▪ 2. kiss ass 拍马屁
▪ A:Mary, I'm sorry for cheating on you before. Do you see any chance that we can get back together? Mary,我真的很抱歉对你 不忠实。你想我们可不可能重修旧好呢?

American Slang Collection(1)返回俚语主页Slang is not so safe to use, but you'd better understand it.o airhead: stupid person.o"Believe it or not, he is really an airhead!"o amigo: friend (from Spanish).o"I met many amigos tonight."o ammunition: toilet paper.o"Help! We're completely out of ammunition!"o antifreeze: alcohol.o"I'm going to need a lot of antifreeze tonight!"o armpit: dirty, unappealing place.o"This cheap motel is an absolute armpit!"o ass [offensive] (1): backside.o"I fell on my ass on the ski slopes."o ass (2): an unworthy and hated person.o"I cannot be friends when you act like an ass."o awesome: great and impressive.o"It is truly awesome here!"o baby boomer: a person born from the end of the Second World War until the early 1960s.o"Bill Clinton was born in 1961, so he's considered a baby boomer."o ball (1): a fun time.o"I really had a ball in the party last night."o ball [offensive] (2): a testicle.o"After getting kicked in the balls, his voice seemed much higher."o bang (1): a very powerful thing.o"Disneyland is really a bang!"o bang (2): a powerful effect.o"Japanese sake really has a bang!"o barf (1): vomit.o"My dog barfed all over the carpet."o barf (2): vomit.o"Don't step on the barf!"o barf-out: a displeasing person or affair.o"That restaurant was a real barf-out."o bazillion: an infinite number of something.o"Has Dennis really taught a bazillion students?"o B-ball: basketball.o"Do you wanna play b-ball with me?"o beans: money.o"I've worked for this company for ten years, but I still don't have beans."o beat: tired.o"I'm really beat because I was awake all night."o beemer: a BMW.o"He wants to buy a beemer when he makes more money." o biggie: something important.o"I was hoping to get my homework completed, but it's no biggie. "o biker: a motorcycle rider.o"Mike used to be a biker until he got into a serious motorcycle accident."o bitch [offensive] (1): a very unpleasant woman.o"My boss can be such a bitch sometimes."o bitch [offensive] (2): complain.o"Stop bitching and finish your homework!"o bitchy [offensive]: moody.o"I like him, even though he can be really bitchy."o bod: body.o"Stalone has a great bod!"o bonkers; go bonkers: crazy.o"If you works too hard, you must go bonkers!"o booboo: a mistake.o"I made a booboo on the last question of the exam."o boob tube: television.o"Benjamin is always in front of the boob tube."o booze: alcohol.o"The party was fun, even though there wasn't any booze."o boss: excellent; great.o"He's always totally boss!"o bread: money.o"Can I borrow some bread?"o brew (1): coffee.o"Every morning I need a fresh cup of brew."o brew (2): beer.o"Do you want another brew, dude?"o brewski: beer.o"I love drinking brewskies!"o B.S.: bullshit; lies.o"I'm tired of listening to your B.S."o bull: bullshit; lie.o"That's a bunch of bull!"o bullshit [offensive]: lie; dishonesty.o"I don't like people that bullshit me"o buns [possibly offensive]: the rear end; buttocks. o"Don't stare at my buns!"o bushed: extremely tired.o"I'm completely bushed."o butt: the buttocks.o"Stop sitting on your butt and help me wash the dishes!"o catch some rays: get some sunshine.o"Let's go to the beach and catch some rays."o cheesy: cheap; outmoded.o"Why are you wearing such cheesy clothes?"o chicken: coward.o"Don't be such a chicken!"o cool: excellent; superb.o"He is no cool!"o cooler, the: jail.o"If you drink and drive, you'll end up spending time in the cooler."o couch potato: a person who watches too much television. o"Why did I have to marry such a couch potato?"o crap [offensive] (1): something worthless.o"My furniture is a bunch of cheap crap."o crap [offensive] (2): excrement.o"Yuck! I stepped on dog crap!"o crap [offensive] (3): falsehoods and lies.o"I've had enough of your crap."o deck: to hit someone.o"His wife almost decked him when he returned home with lipstick on his shirt."o dicey: unpredictable; risky.o"Gambling is a dicey occupation."o dinero: money (from Spanish).o"I wish I had more dinero!"o dirt: extremely bad person.o"My ex-boyfriend was dirt."o dirty: offensive; pornographic.o"Stop looking at the pictures in that dirty magazine!"o dorky: strange; peculiar.o"If you keep acting so dorky, you'll never get a girlfriend!"o dude: a male.o"That's really cool, dude!"o dynamite: powerful; excellent.o"The speaker gave a dynamite presentation."o dinosaur: something old fashioned or out of date.o"I'd love to surf the Net, but unfortunately my computer isa dinosaur."o el cheapo: something cheap.o"Since I don't make much money, I always purchase the el cheapo brand."o evil: great; excellent.o"Your car is really evil!"o eyeball: to stare long and hard at someone or something. o"Bartlett eyeballed his daughter's new boyfriend."o eyepopper: something or someone visibly astounding. o"Wow, that girl is truly an eyepopper!"o fab: fabulous.o"His claim is really fab!"o face-off: confrontation.o"I think it's time we had a face-off."o fart [offensive]: to expel intestinal gas.o"It's embarrassing to fart on the first date."o fender-bender: small accident.o"This morning I had a fender-bender on the Ventura Freeway."o flaky: unpredictable.o"I waited four hours for my flaky friend to show up."o flashback: sudden memory.o"In Little Tokyo I had a flashback to my days living in Japan."o flick: movie.o"Let's go out tonight and watch a flick."o fox: attractive, alluring person.o"Is it true that Marian is a fox?"o freebie: something that does not cost money.o"My trip to New York was a freebie."o French kiss [possibly offensive]: kissing with the tongue. o"Berea's dog is always trying to French kiss her!"o geek: someone who works too hard, is more intelligent than usual, and is slightly unattractive.o"Bill Gates is kind of a geek."o get it: to understand something.o"Sorry, but I just don't get it."o get naked [possibly offensive]: to completely relax and have a good time.o"Let's get naked tonight!"o glitch: flaw.o"There must be a glitch in this softwware."o go bananas: go slightly mad.o"This project is causing me to go bananas!"o gomer: a dumb person.o"Stop acting like a gomer!"o goof (1): a silly and foolish person.o"What a goof you are!"o goof (2): make a mistake.o I really goofed on the test today."o goof off (1): waste time.o"Stop goofing off and help me clean the house!"o goof-off (2): someone who wastes time and isn't serious. o"A goof-off never does well in school"o goof up: make a mistake.o"Oh no! I really goofed up!"o goofy: silly.o"Kids always make me feel goofy!"o grabbers: hands.o"Have you washed your grabbers, Benjamin?"o grand: one thousand dollars.o"He's making over a hundred grand a year!"o grass: marijuana.o"Have you ever smoked grass?"o grub: food.o"Where's the grub?!"o grubby: not clean.o"I always feel grubby in the morning."o grungy: unclean and stinky.o"He's always grungy!"o gut: a person's stomach; belly.o"Look at him, he must be getting a big gut!"o guts (1): courage.o"It took a lot of guts to ask his boss for a raise."o guts (2): the nature of something.o"Let's get to the guts of the program!"o hairy: difficult; dangerous.o"The steep and windy road was really hairy."o hang a left: make a left turn.o"Hang a left at the next corner."o hang a right: make a right turn.o"Hang a right at the next corner."o head: toilet.o"I really need to use the head!"o hep: sensible; informed.o"He is really the heppest man in this town."o hickey: a love bite on the skin.o"Wow! Is that a hickey on your neck?"o hip: sensible; informed.o"He really tries hard to be hip."o hooker [possibly offensive]: prostitute.o"You'll find a lot of hookers in the red light district."o horny [possibly offensive]: sexually stimulated; in the mood for sex.o"Red wine seems to make my boyfriend horny. "o hot (1): popular.o"Brad Pitt is really hot now."o hot (2): sexy.o"Wow! Cindy Crawford is really hot!"o humungous: really big.o"American supermarkets are humungous."o hungries, to have: be hungry.o"I don't know about you, but I've got the hungries."o hyper: overly excited.o"Children often get hyper when they are tired."o icky: unpleasant.o"The food is really icky in the school cafeteria."o I.D.: identification.o"If you want to order a beer, you'll need your I.D."o I'm outta here: I'm leaving; I'm departing.o"Sorry, but I'm outta here, dude."o in: fashionable.o"Ray-Ban sunglasses are really in now."o ivories: teeth.o"Tom Cruise has really beautiful ivories."o jack around [possibly offensive]: waste time.o"Will you please stop jacking around?"o jam, in a (1): trouble.o"If you're in a jam, I promise to help you."o jam (2): improvise (musically).o"I'd love to jam with Bon Jovi!"o jamming, to be : going well.o"The party is really jamming!"o jerk: stupid or annoying person.o"How could you go out with such a jerk?"o jillion: an immense number.o"Do you really have a jillion problems?"o jock: someone good at sports.o"I've never been much of a jock."o john: toilet.o"Where's the john?"o K (k): a thousand.o"I could retire with 100 K (k)!"o kick back: relax and enjoy.o"I wish I could kick back at the beach today."o kick off: die.o"My dog finally kicked off."o killer: something exceptional or great. o"Wow, your boyfriend is killer!"o knock: condemn.o"Don't knock it unless you've tried it."o knockout: beautiful woman; handsome man. o"Benjamin is already a knockout!"o kook: peculiar person.o"Stop acting like a kook!"o laid back: relaxed; calm.o"I always feel laid back at the beach."o lame: incompetent.o"He is totally lame in the bed."o lip: cheeky talk.o"My students are always giving me lip!"o loser: a bungling and worthless person.o"Why are you dating such a loser?"o love handles: excess fat around the waist.o"Is it possible for Marple to lose his love handles?"o luck out: to be lucky or fortunate.o"You really luck out by visiting Tom's home!"o make waves: cause problems.o"Teachers don't like students to make waves."o max, to the : maximum.o"I'm happy to the max."o mega: big.o"American restaurants serve mega portions of food."o megabucks: a large amount of money.o"It takes megabucks to live in Japan."o mellow: relaxed.o"I'm feeling very mellow this evening."o mickey-mouse: unimportant; time-wasting.o"I'm sick of this mickey-mouse job."o monkey bite: a kiss that leaves a mark on the skin. o"I don't want any monkey bites tonight, okay?"o munch out: to eat voraciously.o"Let's munch out on a large pizza!"o nada: nothing (from Spanish).o"I know nada about politics."o neat: cool; great.o"Isn't my new car neat?"o noid: someone that's paranoid.o"Why are you so noid?"o nuke (1): nuclear weapon.o"This world had too many nukes."o nuke (2): destroy; delete.o"Sorry, but I accidentally nuked your e-mail message."o nuke (3): cook something in the microwave oven. o"Can you nuke this frozen pizza for me?"o nut (1): odd or crazy person.o"Why are you always acting like a nut?"o nut (2): someone passionate about something.o"I'm a nut about computers."o nuts [offensive]: testicles.o"Kick he in the nuts!"o okay: decent.o"My boss is an okay person."o OK: decent.o"Tom is an okay person."o pad: someone's home.o"Can I sleep at your pad tonight?"o party: celebrate.o"Let's party tonight!"o party animal: someone that loves parties.o"Tom has been known to sometimes be a party animal."o paws: hands.o"Get your paws off me!"o peanuts: very little money.o"I love my job, but the pay is peanuts."o pee: to urinate.o"I always have to pee after drinking beer."o pickled: drunk.o"He got pickled on vodka."o pig out: eat too much.o"Tom is famous for pigging out on chocolate ice cream."o piss: to urinate.o"My dog pissed on me!"o pissed (off): angry; upset.o"I'm really pissed (off) at you."o plastered: drunk.o"Why does he always get plastered?"o pad: someone's home.o"Can I sleep at your pad tonight?"o poop, the (1): knowledge; information.o"What's the poop on Michael Jackson?"o poop [offensive] (2): defecation; shit.o"Be careful not to step on dog poop."o poop out: get tired and quit.o"I got pooped out after spending eight hours at Disneyland."o pot (1): toilet.o"Who's on the pot?"o pot (2): marijuana.o"It's easy to buy pot in the big city."o pro: someone who's good at something; professional. o"She's really a pro at golf."o psycho: crazy person.o"Stay away from that psycho!"o puke: vomit.o"Alcohol makes some people puke."o pumped (up): excited.o"I'm really pumped (up) about her!"o puss: the face.o"My girlfriend slapped me right on the puss."o quarterback: leader.o"Tom is the quarterback of Tom's Cafe."o quick and dirty: done fast, but not well.o"The mechanic did a quick and dirty repair on my car."o racket (1): noise.o"Small kids can make a lot of racket."o racket (2): something that's dishonest or deceptive. o"The Tobacco Industry is quite a racket."o racket (3): an occupation.o"I've been in the company racket for fourteen years."o rank: give someone a difficult time.o"She's always ranking her teacher."o rat: a despicable person.o"I thought I loved you, but now I know you're really a rat."o razz: annoy someone.o"Will you please stop razzing me?"o rear (end): buttocks.o"Tom fell on his rear (end)."o riot, a : something or someone very funny.o"Jim Carrey is a riot!"o rip off (1): stealing.o"Someone ripped off my car."o rip off (2): fraud.o"I paid $10,000 for my computer. What a rip off!"o rocking: great; excellent.o"Tom's party is really rocking!"o rubbish: nonsense; not true.o"That rumor is a bunch of rubbish."o rug rat: a child.o"Tom has a couple of rug rats at home."o runs, the: diarrhea.o"Oh no! I've got the runs!"o scarf: to eat.o"I can easily scarf an entire banana split."o screw up: to make a mistake.o"I screwed up on the driving test, so I didn't pass."o screw-up: a person who makes a mistake.o"Why are you such a screw-up?"o scum: a despicable individual.o"Don't hang around with that kind of scum."o shades: sunglasses.o"Those are really cool shades!"o shoot some hoops: play basketball.o"Let's shoot some hoops!"o silks: clothing.o"Those are really awesome silks!"o smarts: intelligence.o"It takes a lot of smarts to become a doctor."o smurfbrain: a dumb or stupid person.o"Stop acting like a smurfbrain!"o snookered: cheated.o"I got snookered into buying swamp land in Florida."o sofa spud: a person who watches too much television. o"I'm usually a sofa spud on Sunday."o solid (1): really good; cool.o"Tom's party is totally solid!"o solid (2): consecutive.o"It's been raining for seven solid days."o specs: eyeglasses.o"I didn't know that you wore specs."o split: to leave.o"Let's split from here now."o spunk: spirit.o"She might be small, but she's got a lot of spunk."o stoned (out): drunk from drugs or alcohol.o"I'm really stoned (out), dude!"o street smart: knowledgeable about city life.o"Since Tom is from Los Angeles, he's very street smart."o suck: to be bad and unacceptable.o"That song really sucks!"o technicolor yawn, to do a : vomit.o"My dog just did a technicolor yawn all over the carpet!"o thou: thousand.o"I need to borrow a hundred thou."o threads: clothing.o"My wife spent $900 on new threads."o ticker (1): the heart.o"My grandfather has a bad ticker."o ticker (2): a watch.o"Wow! That's a really cool ticker!"o tints: sunglasses.o"You have to wear tints in California."o totally: really; completely.o"That's totally awesome, dude!"o to the max: maximum.o"I studied to the max."o turkey (1): failure; flop.o"Thank goodness that his speech is not a turkey!"o turkey (2): dumb person.o"Turkeys are not allowed to work for this company."o turn-off: something that repulses a person.o"Bad breath is a real turn-off."o umpteen: many; countless.o"I've asked you umpteen times to show me the money!"o unlax: relax.o"Tom needs to definitely unlax with his family."o upchuck: vomit.o"She got sick and upchucked three times."o uptight: nervous; anxious.o"Why are you so uptight?"o vanilla (1): plain.o"She drives a vanilla car."o vanilla (2): Caucasian.o"The Midwest is too vanilla for me."o wad: roll of money.o"It's dangerous to carry a big wad in your pocket."o wasted: killed.o"A lot of people get wasted in the streets of New York."o wheels: car; motorcycle.o"If you want to live in Los Angeles, you've got to get some wheels"o whitebread: plain; boring.o"The movie is definitely not whitebread!"o whiz (1): someone who shows a special talent for something.o"Einstein was a whiz in Physics."o whiz [offensive] (2): to urinate.o"I really have to take a whiz."o wimpy: weak.o"Don't be so wimpy!"o winks, get some: sleep.o"I really need to get some winks"o wrongo: wrong.o"That is totally wrongo!"o yank (1): bother; harass.o"Stop yanking me, okay?"o Yank (2): a Yankee; an American.o"Tom is a Yank."o zero: an unimportant person.o"If you don't work hard, you'll end up a zero."o zip (1): nothing.o"I don't know zip about you."o zip (2): energy; vigor.o"I need something that will give me more zip. "o zit: pimple; acne.o"Teens often have a lot of zits."∙Document edited date: 1999/1/25∙__ End of the file __∙Copyright© by L.E.T. Workshop 1999。

美国东海岸五大独特俚语Thanks to a mix of different cultures and advancing technology, American slang has been rapidly evolving over the past years, with new expressions popping up and fading out regularly. The ease of communication in our digital age has allowed local coinages to spread more quickly than ever before. Many slang expressions are also developed on college campuses, which attract students from across the country – and indeed around the world – and therefore are not tied to a single geographic region.多亏了独特的多元文化和飞速发展的科技,过去几年,美国的俚语也光速进化着。
But even with this unprecedented ability to cross boundaries, there are still some expressions that are more common in certain parts of the country, and unknown in others. Below are five bits of East Coast slang that just aren’t as popular on the West Coast, traditionally seen as almost two different countries within the nation of America:但是即便跨边界的交流前所未有地便利,仍然有一些表达在美国的某些区域更为常见,在其他地方则鲜少听闻。

美国俚语大全(slang)1. clock in 打卡Don't forget to clock in,otherwise you won't get paid.别忘了打卡,否则领不到钱。
2. come on to 对...轻薄;吃豆腐Tanya slapped Bill after he came on to her.Tanya在Bill对她轻薄之后打了他一巴掌。
3. come easily 易如反掌Languages come easily to some people.语言学习对有些人来说易如反掌。
4. don't have a cow别大惊小怪Don't have a cow! I'll pay for the damages.别大惊小怪的!我会赔偿损失的。
5. push around 欺骗Don't try to push me around!别想耍我!1. keep one's shirt on保持冷静Keep your shirt on. He didn't mean to offend you. That's just the way he talks.保持冷静。
2. cool it冷静一点Cool it. You are making me mad.冷静一点。
3. joy ride兜风Let's go for a joy ride.让我们去兜兜风。
4. rap说唱乐Do you like rap music? I have trouble understanding the words.你喜欢说唱音乐吗?我听不太懂其中的歌词。
5. red-letter day大日子This is a red-letter day for Susan. She made her first sale to a very important client.今天是susan的大日子。
American Slang

日语1103乔羽AMERICAN bones about it. 直截了当,毫无顾忌2.chew the fat 坐着闲聊时光3. snazzy 时髦的,漂亮的,艳丽的4.big picture 主要部分,重点5.hush-hush 秘密地6.Call of nature 想去厕所7. a bay window 大肚皮8.throw weight around 仗势欺人9. a fair shot 相当大的希望10.get the drop on . 胜过某人,比某人领先一步。
11. out to lunch 神经病,神志不清12.go nuts 发疯13.nuts and bolts 具体细节14.break a leg 祝演出成功15.up one's alley 得心应手16,take a shine to 有好感17.rock the boat 找麻烦 time 拖延时间19.cold feet 担心,胆怯20.carry a torch for 无怨无悔地爱着21.drop a line 写信22.act up 胡闹,出毛病23.potluck 聚餐24.on a roll 顺利;手气、运气好25.Take a breather 休息片刻26.shut up and keep talking. 说重点27.have a cow=have kittens 很生气28.Give it a go 试一试,试一把。
29.a cold day in hell 不可能的事30.down in the dumps 垂头丧气31.have it bad for 狂恋32.sell someone on 以...说服某人33.dirty work 烂摊子34.not my day 运气不佳35.make a scene 出洋相36.get burnt 遭殃37.out cold 打瞌睡38.go dutch 各付各的39.carry the ball 身居要职 handles 游泳圈,胖的腰围41.rank and file 普通成员或民众,老百姓42.basket case 感觉毫无希望的人43.have someone’s number清楚某人的底细,看穿某人 number 新鲜、迷人的人或事务,尤物45.jump the gun 行动过早,操之过急46.up to here with sth 受够了 picnic 难以捱过48.jet lag 由不同地区的时间差所造成的身心不适49.think better of 改变主意50.have another think coming 大错特错。
American Slang I 俚语

American Slang I(edited from /)There are some sentences have not been translated into Chinese.We just grasp the meaning with the context.Go ahead!1.babe美人儿(名词)迷人的人Did you see that girl he was with?She was a real babe.看见他身边的女孩了吗,她真是个美人儿。
2.wigging out慌了(片语)失去镇定或自信,失去控制,惊慌When her date talked to another girl at the dance,she started wigging out.当她的约会对象在舞会上同另一个姑娘交谈的时候,她开始慌了。
3.psycho发疯(形容词)发疯或狂野When the band came on stage,the crowd went psycho.乐队上台的时候,观众都象发疯了一样。
4.brownie point欢心(名词)因做了好事而得到的认可或赞扬He's trying to score some brownie points with his wife by staying home and doing the dishes every night.他每天晚上呆在家里,并且洗碗,希望讨得妻子的欢心。
5.crash呼呼大睡(动词)睡觉I crashed on the sofa at his house last night.昨天晚上,我在他家沙发上呼呼大睡。
6.go postal发疯一样(片语)发疯,通常用暴力损坏财物或人身After he lost his job,he went postal-he returned to the office with a gun and shot the manager.失业后,他向发疯一样,拿着枪回到办公室,给了经理一枪。
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1. be on one's high horse 趾高气扬sentence: It seems to me that John is on his high horse these days.在我看来约翰这些天都非常趾高气扬(嚣张跋扈)2. have a high opinion of oneself 自负,自命不凡sentence: She is only having a high opinion of herself她非常自负3. play possum 装蒜/装负鼠(一种动物,这里做比喻装蒜)sentence: to play possum means to deceive,to hide the truth装蒜就意味着欺骗和隐瞒事实4.a jam traffic 交通堵塞sentence: This morning ,I had to go to school by walk for having a seriousjam traffic今天早上我不得不走路去学校,因为交通堵塞太严重了 wet behind the ears 乳臭未干,比喻“没有经验”sentence: You, who is wet behind the ears,how can you beat me down?你一个如臭未干的家伙,你怎能把我撂倒6.a fool for women 色鬼sentence: how hateful that fool for women is!真是一个讨厌的色鬼7.have a hard time 步履艰难日子难过sentence: we have had a hard time for many years这种艰难的日子我们已经过了很多年了8.cut one's own grass 自食其力sentence:when I was a boy,our teachers had told us how to cut our grass and how to stand on our own feet. 从小老师就告诉了我们这样自食其力,怎么样自主生活9.get cross with someone 生某人的气sentence: my mother is getting cross with me for my getting home late我妈妈正在生我的气,因为我回家太晚了10.know one's good 知道该怎么做sentence: She is so sensible that she is always to know her good.她一向很明智所以她总是知道该怎么做2nd Day, Turkey 开门见山也作谈火鸡sentence:Talking Turkey is one method in composition开门见山是写作方法之一 polishers 马屁精sentence: what a apple polisher he is !他真是一个马屁精!3.It is Greek 深懊难懂sentence: this literature comment is Greek for me这篇文学评论对于我来说太难了4.playful with words 玩弄文字sentence:I regard nit-pick on words as being playful with words我认为咬文嚼字是一种文字游戏.注明:nit-pick on words 咬文嚼字5.a catch phrase 妙语引人注意的话sentence:occasionally,this spokesman will sound a catch phrase.这位发言人偶尔会妙语连珠 culkolded 戴绿帽sentence: if you get married ,you must be sure to guarantee you won't be culkolded. 如果你们结婚的话,你务必要保证你不会戴绿帽子 girls 妓女sentence:these years ,call girls have been tend to occupationalize如今妓女已经倾向于职业化8.lick the boots of .... 拍.....的马屁sentence:flatterers are good at licking the boots of bosses.献魅者善于拍上司的马屁9.a bed of roses 安乐床完美无缺的事sentence:don't dream of always having a bed of roses in your life别把生活幻想得完美无缺10.a big apple of sb's eye 掌上明珠sentence:the princess is a big apple of this king 's eye.公主是这位国王的掌上明珠3rd Day,1.get in sb's hair (俚语)惹恼,惹怒某人...sentence:Be sure not to get in his hair,or you are going to eat dirt千万不要惹恼他,否则你会吃亏的注明:eat dirt 吃亏2.scoff at对....嗤之以鼻sentence:there are too many superstars scoffing at media in China.在中国有许多超级巨星对媒体嗤之以鼻3.marriage comes be destiny 姻缘命中注定sentence:this proverb,"marriage comes be destiny",are believed in by the most of feminie all the time大多数女性一直信奉姻缘命中注定这句话4.grim and bear it 逆来顺受sentence:when you are applying for a job,managers will ask some questions such as "how do you feel adversity".then someone will give a answer such as "grim and bear it"在求职中,经理人会问有些问题,比如你怎么样看待逆境.然后有些人会回答逆来顺受之类的答案.5.get in Dutch with sb 开罪某人,失欢于某人sentence:a advisible man always know how to avoid getting in Dutch with other people.聪明的人总是知道怎么样避免得罪别人6.give sb the pink slip 解雇某人sentence:if you don't want to be gived the pink slip,please concentrating on your job.如果你不想被解雇,那么请你专注于你的工作7.start from scratch 白手起家sentence:from long time ago,the most of tycoons have been to start from scratch.从很久以前开始,就有许多商业大亨是从白手起家的8.go to the dogs (俚)破产完蛋sentence:you are to blame for going to the dogs.你活该破产9.bite the bullet 咬紧牙关sentence:if you get involved with a jam,please sure be to bite the bullet,then you can just pass through it. 如果你陷入困境,千万要咬紧牙关,然后你就能度过难关.10.could bite sb's tongue off 追悔莫及sentence:if you miss the opportunity to work at the company ,you will could bite your tongue off如果你失去在那家公司工作的机会,你会后悔莫及的4th Day,1.settle accounts with 与...算帐sentence:he said that he has some old accouts to settle with his boss.他说他有些老帐要和他老板算2.boss the show 占上风出风头sentence : you do that for bossing the show?你那样做就是为了出风头?3.take with a pinch of salt 不轻信sentence:you should take what she says with pinch of salt不应该轻信她的话4.throw caution to the winds 不顾一切sentence:you cannot throw caution to the winds.there 's a lot of riskin doing that你不能不顾一切,因为那样做太危险了5.paly a role 起某种作用sentence:For success , diligence is important but intelligence also plays a role.对成功而言,勤奋非常重要但智慧也起到一定的作用 off the beans 不走正道sentence:make sure that kids are not off the beans务必不要让孩子走上邪路's only human 只是人之常情snetence:you should take account it 's only human.你应该考虑到这是人之常情8.have a bone to pick with 鸡蛋里面挑骨头. 和...有争端sentence:if you think like that,I don't have a bone to pick with如果你那样想的话,我不会和你争辩的 through the nose for 要买...得花特别多钱(比喻被敲竹竿)sentence:if you want to get this precious this antique,it has the possible to pay throug the nose for you. 如果你想买那件宝物,你很可能被敲竹竿10.cost an arm an a leg 需要花很多很多钱(比喻大出血)sentence:Tom cost an arm and a leg yesterday for buying that trousers.汤姆为了买那条裤子昨天大出血5th Day,1.give sb a push when he's down 落井下石sentence:I am so sad for being given a push by my closest friend when i was down我非常伤心,因为我最好的朋友在我困难的时候落井下石2.rude for a fall 自讨苦吃sentence:if you want to quit ,you just ride for a fall如果你想辞职,那么你就是在自讨苦吃3.measure other people by sb's onw bushel 以己度人sentence: please don't measure other people by you own bushel,because many people,many taste.请别以己度人,因为人人各有所好注:many people,many taste 各有所好(谚) in hot water 陷入困境sentence:he is in hot water,please help him.他正遇上麻烦,请帮助他5.hit sb below the belt 暗箭中伤sentence:in politics world,many celebrities had been hit below the belt在政界,许多名流都曾经被中伤过6.a lazy bone 懒虫sentence:I recognize i am lazy bone beyond questions我承认我毫无疑问是个懒虫 head over heels in love with sb 深深爱上...sentence:if you are head over heels in love with sb,you will feel how wonderful it is!如果你深深爱上一个人,你会感觉到那是多么美妙的事情 dirt 吃亏sentence :Parents should not be for fear that their children will eat dirt to protect them over父母不应该为了怕孩子吃亏而保护他们过度9.trickle sb pink 逗某人笑使某人开心sentence;parents should often trickle their baby pink in order that they become more healthy and clever in their early life.父母们应该常常逗小孩开心,以便在他们的早年生活中能够变得更健康聪明10.go from bad to worse 越来越糟每况愈下sentence:his mother's health go from bad to worse ,this make him worry about it so much.他妈妈的身体健康每况愈下,这令他非常担心6th Day,1.hate sb's guts 恨之入骨sentence:she hate Pip's guts,because she was given the air by the man ten years ago她对这个男人恨之入骨,因为10年前她被他抛弃了注:be given the air 被抛弃 back 顶嘴回嘴sentence:Tom likes to talk back when his mother teaches him lessons在妈妈教训汤姆的时候,他老喜欢回嘴3.give sb a cold shoulder 不理睬某人冷落某人sentence:when your friends .relatives and belove giye your a cold shoulder,you will feel despair如果你被朋友亲人爱人,你会感到很绝望 worried stiff 急得要死sentence:Kate,your Mom can't find you so as to be worried stiff,you'd better get home more quickly凯特你妈妈找不到你现在急得要死,你最好快点回去5.thank sb's lucky stars 感到万幸sentence:I thank my luckys stars for passing the exam this time.我这次能通过考试感到万幸 poor as a church' mouse 一贫如洗sentence:I am as poor as a church's mouse at the moment此刻我一贫如洗7.Adversity has few friends 人处逆境朋友稀sentence:As the proverb, "Adversity has few friends",I am in trouble ,and so basically there are not friends toknock at my door如果人处逆境朋友稀这句话,我现在陷入麻烦,基本上没有朋友来我家8.chew the fat 闲聊sentence:the chatrooom in the website is good places for chewwing the fat.网站的聊天室是闲聊的好地方9.a fair play 公平的交易sentence:it is a fair play,isn't it这是一笔公平交易不是吗10.tell sheep from goat 分清好人坏人sentence:parents should teach their children how to tell sheep from goat in childhood父母们应该从小教育孩子们怎么样分清好人坏人1.hit sb below the belt 暗箭中伤某人2.badmouth sb 说某人坏话sentence:you may badmouthe them ,and they may hit you below the belt你可能说某人坏话,他们也可能来中伤你3。