1. 断裂强度测试:安全带的断裂强度是指在承受最大力的情况下,安全带发生断裂前所承受的最大载荷。
2. 延伸测试:安全带延伸性能测试主要是测试安全带在承受拉力时的延伸程度。
3. 长时间使用试验:长时间使用试验主要是模拟安全带在实际使用中的情况,通过对安全带进行长时间负载测试,观察其是否产生疲劳断裂等情况。
4. 热处理试验:热处理试验主要是测试安全带在高温环境下的性能。
5. 耐化学试验:耐化学试验主要是测试安全带的耐化学性能,包括对一些常见的化学物质如酸、碱等的耐受性。
ece r44标准
ECE R44标准是欧洲经济委员会(Economic Commission for Europe,简称ECE)针对机动车儿童乘客安全系统的法规。
ECE R44标准主要涉及正面和后面碰撞测试。
其中,正面碰撞测试的试验速度为50 km/h,模拟装有儿童座椅的车辆以该速度撞上前车的情况;后面冲击测试的试验车速为30 km/h,模拟装有儿童座椅的车辆被候车以该速度撞上。
ECE R44标准是欧洲许多国家认可的儿童安全座椅标准,也是许多家长在购买儿童安全座椅时的重要参考标准之一。
需要注意的是,随着车辆速度的提高以及对于儿童乘客的保护,ECE R44标准的碰撞速度较低,因此欧洲在2020年9月起停止了主流组别的认证,推出了新的法规ECE R129(i-Size认证)。
二、安全带固定点力计算的方法1. 动力学方法动力学方法是通过分析乘员在交通事故发生时所受到的冲击力来计算安全带的固定点力。
2. 静力学方法静力学方法是通过分析安全带所受到的拉力来计算固定点力。
三、安全带固定点力计算的影响因素1. 乘员质量乘员的质量是影响固定点力的重要因素之一。
2. 事故速度事故速度是影响固定点力的另一个重要因素。
3. 安全带材料和结构安全带的材料和结构也会影响固定点力的大小。
四、安全带固定点力计算的应用1. 安全带设计和优化通过对安全带固定点力的计算,可以评估不同材料和结构的安全带在事故发生时的性能差异,从而指导安全带的设计和优化。
2. 安全带性能评估通过对事故模拟和实验数据的分析,可以计算出实际使用的安全带在事故发生时的固定点力,从而评估其性能是否符合相关标准和要求。
3. 安全带使用指导通过对安全带固定点力的计算,可以指导乘员在事故发生时正确使用安全带,以减少伤害。
编制日期:编者:版次:01 第页共页奇瑞汽车有限公司乘用车工程研究一院整车技术部总布置科法规指南编制:魏海英审核:批准:编制日期:编者:版次:01 第页共页1.简述此法规为相关部门或机构制订并确认的,是汽车设计必须遵守的准则,是汽车上市的前提条件,必须严格遵照执行。
2.法规的适用范围表一3. 安全带安装固定点的国标、欧标、美标对比3.1安全带安装固定点基本定义和位置法规对比表二3.2安全带安装固定点图片说明编制日期:编者:版次:01 第页共页A18安全带固定点。
编制日期:编者:版次:01 第页共页克莱斯勒前排安全带固定点,三点式固定示例,见图三:图三现代后排座椅中间安全带固定点,三点式固定示例见图四:图四编制日期:编者:版次:01 第页共页雪铁龙后排座椅中间安全带固定点,三点式固定示例见图四:图五现代前排安全带固定点,高度可调示例,见图六:图六3.3安全带安装固定点术语,符号法规对比3.3.1安全带安装固定点术语,符号的示意图说明:如图六所示,安全带上部固定点处有一滑轨,上部固定点高度可调。
编制日期: 编者:版次:01第 页 共 页安全带下部两个安装固定点图七安全带上部安装固定点图八3.3.2安全带安装固定点术语,符号法规对比表格L1L2α1 α2S>140450编制日期:编者:版次:01 第页共页表三3.4安全带安装固定点个数要求(了解内容)国标:按照三个固定点来考虑的,下部两个固定点,上部一个固定点。
目录1 SCOPE ·································································错误!未定义书签。
1 适用范围·······························································错误!未定义书签。
2 DEFINITIONS························································错误!未定义书签。
目录1 SCOPE (4)1 适用范围 (4)2 DEFINITIONS (4)2 定义 (4)3 APPLICATION FOR APPROV AL (9)3 认证申请 (9)4 APPROV AL (10)4 认证 (10)5 SPECIFICATIONS (12)5 技术要求 (12)6 TESTS (25)6 试验 (25)7 INSPECTION DURING AND AFTER THE STATIC TESTS (33)7 静态试验后 (33)8 MODIFICATIONS AND EXTENSION OF APPROV AL OF THE VEHICLE TYPE (35)8 车型的认证更改和认证扩展 (35)9 CONFORMITY OF PRODUCTION (36)9 生产一致性 (36)10 PENALTIES FOR NON-CONFORMITY OF PRODUCTION (37)10 生产不一致性的处罚 (37)11 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS (37)11 使用说明书 (37)12 PRODUCTION DEFINITELY DISCONTINUED (37)12 正式停产 (37)13 NAMES AND ADDRESSES OF TECHNICAL SERVICES RESPONSIBLE FOR CONDUCTING APPROV AL TESTS, AND OF ADMINISTRATIVE DEPARTMENTS (38)13 认证试验部门及行政管理部门的名称和地址 (38)14 TRANSITIONAL PROVISIONS (38)14 过渡法规 (38)ANNEX 1 COMMUNICATION (39)附录1 通知书 (39)ANNEX 2 ARRANGEMENTS OF THE APPROV AL MARK (43)附录2 认证标志的布置示例 (43)ANNEX 3 LOCATION OF EFFECTIVE BELT ANCHORAGES (44)附录3 安全带安装固定点的位置 (44)ANNEX 4 PROCEDURE FOR DETERMINING THE "H" POINT AND THE ACTUAL TORSO ANGLE FOR SEATING POSITIONS IN MOTOR VEHICLES (47)附录4 乘坐位置H点和实际靠背角的确定程序 (47)ANNEX 4-APPENDIX 1 DESCRIPTION OF THE THREE DIMENSIONAL "H" POINT MACHINE */ (3-D H MACHINE) (57)附录4-附件1 三维“H”点装置描述(1) (3-DH 装置) (57)ANNEX 4-APPENDIX 2 THREE-DIMENSIONAL REFERENCE SYSTEM (63)附录4-附件2 三维坐标系 (63)ANNEX 4-APPENDIX 3 REFERENCE DATA CONCERNING SEATING POSITIONS (64)附录4-附件3 有关座椅位置的基准数据 (64)ANNEX 5 TRACTION DEVICE (66)附录5 加载装置 (66)ANNEX 6 MINIMUM NUMBER OF ANCHORAGE POINTS AND LOCATION OF LOWER ANCHORAGES (69)附录6 安装固定点的最少数目以及下部安装固定点位置 (69)ANNEX 6-APPENDIX 1 LOCATION OF LOWER ANCHORAGES-ANGLE REQUIREMENTS ONLY (70)附录6-附件1 下部安装固定点位置-仅列出角度要求 (70)ANNEX 7 DYNAMIC TEST AS AN ALTERNATIVE TO THE SAFETY-BELT ANCHORAGES STATIC STRENGTH TEST (71)附录7 安全带安装固定点静态试验的备选动态试验 (71)ANNEX 8 DUMMY SPECIFICATIONS */ (75)附录8 人体模型的技术要求*/ (75)E/ECE/324 )E/ECE/TRANS/505 ) Rev.1/Add.13/Rev.2/Amend.32001 年7 月13 日联合国协议关于轮式车辆安装及/或用在轮式车辆上的装备及零部件采用统一的技术法规以及满足这些法规的认证相互认可的条件(*)(第2 版,包括1995 年10 月16 日开始生效的修正本)附录13:14 号法规第2 版-修正本305 系列修正本的附录1——2000 年11 月26 日生效关于汽车安全带安装固定点认证的统一规定Regulation No. 14第14 号法规UNIFORM PROVISIONS CONCERNING THE APPROVAL OF VEHICLES WITH REGARD TOSAFETY-BELT ANCHORAGES关于汽车安全带安装固定点认证的统一规定ANNEXES附录Annex 1 - Communication concerning the approval (or extension, or refusal, or withdrawal, or production definitely discontinued) of a vehicle type with regard to safety-belt anchorages, pursuant to Regulation No. 14.附录1 按照第14 号法规关于对车型安全带安装固定点的认证批准、认证扩展、认证拒绝、认证撤销或正式停产的通知书Annex 2 - Arrangements of the approval mark附录2 认证标志的布置示例Annex 3 - Location of effective belt anchorages附录3 安全带安装固定点位置Annex 4 - Procedure for determining the "H" point and the actual torso angle for seating positions in motor vehicles附录4 汽车乘坐位置H 点以及实际靠背角的确定程序Appendix 1 - Description of the three-dimensional "H" point machine Appendix 2 - Three-dimensional reference systemAppendix 3 - Reference data concerning seating positions附件1—三维H 点装置描述附件2—三维坐标系附件3—有关乘坐位置的基准数据Annex 5 - Traction device附录5 牵引装置Annex 6 - Minimum number of anchorage points and location of lower anchorages Appendix 1 - Location of lower anchorages – angle requirements only附录6 安装固定点的最少数目以及下部安装固定点位置Annex 7 - Dynamic test as an alternative to the safety-belt anchorages static strength test附录7 可替代安全带安装固定点静强度试验的动态试验Annex 8 - Dummy specifications附录8 人体模型规格1 SCOPE1 适用范围This Regulation applies to anchorages for safety-belts intended for adult occupants of forward-facing or rearward-facing seats in vehicles of categories M and N. 1/本法规适用于M 类和N 类车辆的前向和后向座椅用于成年乘员的安全带安装固定点(1)。
1. 试验设备:试验台、负载传感器、万能测试机等。
2. 试验样品:选择代表性的安全带固定点样品,样品数量应符合统计学要求。
3. 试验过程:
a. 将试验样品固定在试验台上,确保固定牢固。
b. 施加预定的静荷载,通常为试验样品的最大荷载能力的80%。
c. 在静荷载下保持一定时间(通常为1小时)。
d. 逐渐增加荷载,直到试验样品破坏或者达到设定的负载值。
e. 记录试验过程中的荷载值和位移。
4. 试验结果评定:
a. 评估试验样品是否出现破坏,如果有破坏,记录破坏位移
b. 如果试验样品没有破坏,记录试验结束时的最大荷载值。
5. 结果分析:根据试验结果,评估试验样品的固定点强度和稳定性,比较不同样品之间的差异。
主要包括以下几个方面:1. 承受静态载荷:安全带挂点必须能够承受乘车人员的静态负荷,即乘车人员的体重。
2. 承受动态载荷:安全带挂点在事故发生时会受到冲击力的作用,因此需要能够承受动态载荷。
3. 耐久性:安全带挂点需要具备良好的耐久性,能够承受长期使用和多次冲击的考验。
这些标准主要包括以下几个方面:1. 静态载荷测试:通过对安全带挂点施加静态载荷,测试其是否能够承受乘车人员的体重。
2. 动态载荷测试:通过模拟碰撞事故中的冲击力,测试安全带挂点是否能够承受动态载荷的作用。
3. 疲劳强度测试:通过对安全带挂点进行多次循环加载和卸载,测试其是否具备良好的耐久性。
4. 温度和湿度测试:通过对安全带挂点在不同温度和湿度条件下的测试,评估其在极端环境下的性能。
其中一些值得关注的技术包括:1. 材料优化:通过选择高强度、轻量化和耐腐蚀的材料,提高安全带挂点的强度和耐久性。
序号代号法规名称1ECE R1关于批准发射不对称近光和/或远光并装有R2/或HS1类灯丝灯泡的机动车前照灯的统一规定2ECE R2关于批准发射不对称近光和/或远光的前照灯用白炽电灯泡的统一规定3ECE R3关于批准机动车辆及其挂车回复反射装置的统一规定4ECE R4关于批准机动车辆(摩托车除外)及其挂车后牌照板照明装置的统一规定5ECE R5关于批准发射欧洲型不对称近光和/或远光机动车封闭式前照灯(SB)的统一规定6ECE R6关于批准机动车及其挂车转向指示器的统一规定7ECE R7关于批准机动车(不含摩托车)及其挂车前后位置(侧边)灯、制动灯和示廓灯的统一规定8ECE R8关于批准发射不对称近光和/或远光并装有卤素灯丝灯泡(H1、H2、H3、HB3、HB4、H7、H8、H9、HIR1、HIR2和/或H11)的机动车前照灯的统一规定9ECE R9关于就噪声方面批准L2、L4和L5类车辆的统一规定10ECE R10关于就电磁兼容性方面批准车辆的统一规定11ECE R11关于就门锁和车门保持件方面批准车辆的统一规定12ECE R12关于就碰撞中防止转向机构伤害驾驶员方面批准车辆的统一规定13ECE R13关于就制动方面批准M类、N类和O类车辆的统一规定14ECE R13--H关于就制动方面批准乘用车的统一规定(欧美日协调版)15ECE R14关于就安全带固定点方面批准车辆的统一规定16ECER15关于就发动机气体污染物排放方面批准装有点火式发动机或压燃式发动机的车辆的统一规定--点火式发动机的功率测量方法---车辆的油耗测量方法17ECE R16关于:1批准机动车成年乘客用安全带和约束系统;2批准装用安全带的车辆的统一规定18ECE R17关于就座椅、座椅固定点和头枕方面批准车辆的统一规定19ECE R18关于就防盗方面批准机动车的统一规定20ECE R19关于批准机动车前雾灯的统一规定21ECE R20关于批准发射非对称近光和/或远光并装有卤素灯丝灯泡(H4)的机动车前照灯的统一规定22ECE R21关于就内饰件方面批准车辆的统一规定23ECE R22关于批准摩托车轻便摩托车驾驶员及乘客用头盔和面罩的统一规定24ECE R23关于批准机动车辆及其挂车的倒车灯的统一规定25ECER24关于1.就可见污染物排放方面批准压燃式(C.I)发动机;2.就已获得型式批准的C.I.发动机的安装方面批准机动车;3.就发动机可见污染物排放方面批准装用C.I.发动机的车辆;4 .C.I.发动机的功率测量的统一规定26ECE R25关于批准与车辆座椅一体或非一体的头枕的统一规定27ECE R26关于就外部凸出物方面批准车辆的统一规定28ECE R27关于批准提前三角警告牌的统一规定29ECE R28关于就声响信号方面批准声报警装置和机动车辆的统一规定30ECE R29关于就商用车辆驾驶室乘员防护方面批准车辆的统一规定31ECE R30关于批准机动车及其挂车气压轮胎的统一规定32ECE R31关于批准发射非对称近光和/或远光的卤素封闭式(HSB)机动车前照灯的统一规定33ECE R32关于就追尾碰撞中被撞车辆的结构特性方面批准车辆的统一规定34ECE R33关于就正面冲撞中被撞的结构特性方面批准车辆的统一规定35ECE R34关于就火灾预防方面批准车辆的统一规定36ECE R35关于就脚控制件的布置方面批准车辆的统一规定37ECE R36关于就一般结构方面批准大型客车的统一规定38ECE R37关于批准用于已经批准的机动车和挂车灯具中的白炽灯的统一规定39ECE R38关于批准机动车和挂车后雾灯的统一规定41ECE R40关于就发动机气体污染物的排放方面批准装有点火式发动机的摩托车的统一规定42ECE R41关于就噪声方面批准摩托车的统一规定43ECE R42关于就车辆前、后保护装置(保险杠等)批准车辆的统一规定44ECE R43关于批准安全玻璃材料的统一规定45ECE R44关于批准机动车儿童乘客约束装置(儿童约束系统)的统一规定46ECE R45关于就前照灯清洗器方面批准机动车辆和批准前照灯清洗器的统一规定47ECE R46关于批准后视镜和就后视镜的安装方面批准机动车辆的统一规定48ECE R47关于就发动机的气体污染物排放方面批准装有点火发动机的轻便摩托车的统一规定49ECE R48关于就灯光和光信号装置的安装方面批准车辆的统一规定50ECE R49关于就发动机污染物排放方面批准压燃式发动机、天然气发动机和燃用液化石油气的点燃式发动机以及装有这些发动机的车辆的统一规定51ECER50关于批准轻便摩托车、摩托车及其类似车辆前后位置灯、制动灯、转向信号灯和后牌照板照明装置的统一规定52ECE R51关于就噪声排放方面批准四轮及四轮以上机动车的统一规定53ECE R52关于就一般结构方面批准小型公共运输车辆(M2、M3)的统一规定54ECE R53关于就灯光及光信号装置的安装方面批准L3类车辆(摩托车)的统一规定55ECE R54关于批准商用车辆及其挂车气压轮胎的统一规定56ECE R55关于批准汽车列车机械联结件的统一规定57ECE R56关于批准轻便摩托车以及类似车辆前照灯的统一规定58ECE R57关于批准摩托车以及类似车辆前照灯的统一规定59ECER58关于1.批准后下部防护装置;2.就已批准的后下部防护装置的安装方面批准车辆;3.就后下部防护装置方面批准车辆的统一规定60ECE R59关于批准备用消声系统的统一规定61ECE R60关于就驾驶员操纵的控制件,包括控制件、信号装置和指示器的识别方面批准两轮摩托车的统一规定62ECE R61关于就驾驶室后挡板之前的外部凸出物方面批准商用车的统一规定63ECE R62关于就防盗方面批准带有操纵把的机动车的统一规定64ECE R63关于就噪声方面批准两轮轻便摩托车的统一规定65ECE R64关于批准装有应急备用车轮/轮胎的车辆的统一规定66ECE R65关于批准机动车特别警告灯的统一规定67ECE R66关于就上部结构强度方面批准大型客车的统一规定68ECE R67关于:1批准在其驱动系统中使用液化石油气的机动车辆特殊装置;2在这一装置的安装方面批准装用使其驱动系统使用液化石油气的特殊装置的车辆的统一规定69ECE R68关于就最大车速的测量方面批准包括纯电动车辆在内的机动车的统一规定70ECE R69关于批准低速车辆及其挂车后标志牌的统一规定71ECE R70关于批准重,长型车辆后标志牌的统一规定72ECE R71关于就驾驶员视野方面批准农用拖拉机的统一规定73ECE R72关于批准发射非对称近光和远光并装有卤素灯(HS1灯)的摩托车前大灯统一规定74ECE R73关于就侧防护方面批准货车、挂车和半挂车的统一规定75ECE R74关于就灯光和光信号装置方面批准L1类车辆的统一规定76ECE R75关于批准摩托车和轻便摩托车气压轮胎的统一规定77ECE R76关于批准发射远光和近光的轻便摩托车前照灯的统一规定78ECE R77关于批准机动车驻车灯的统一规定79ECE R78关于就制动方面批准L类车辆的统一规定80ECE R79关于就转向装置方面批准车辆的统一规定81ECE R80关于就座椅及其固定点方面批准大型客车座椅和车辆的统一规定83ECE R82关于批准装有卤素灯丝灯泡(HS2)的轻便摩托车前照灯的统一规定84ECE R83关于根据发动机燃油要求就污染物排放方面批准车辆的统一规定85ECE R84关于就油耗测量方面批准装有内燃机的机动车的统一规定86ECE R85关于就净功率和最大30分钟电传动系功率的测量方面批准用于驱动M和N类机动车辆的内燃机或电传动系的统一规定87ECE R86关于就灯光和光信号装置的安装方面批准农林拖拉机的统一规定88ECE R87换向批准机动车白天行车灯的统一规定89ECE R88关于批准摩托车反光轮胎的统一规定90ECE R89关于1.就最高车速限制或其可调车速限制功能方面批准车辆;2.就已批准型式的最高车速限制装置或可调车速限制装置的安装方面批准车辆;3.批准车速限制装置或可调车速限制装置的统一规定91ECE R90关于批准机动车辆及其挂车用可更替制动衬片总成和鼓式制动器衬片的统一规定92ECE R91关于批准机动车及其挂车侧标志灯的统一规定93ECE R92关于批准摩托车、轻便摩托车和三轮车辆非原装可更换排气消声系统的统一规定94ECE R93关于1.批准前下部防护装置;2.就已批准型式的前下部防护装置的安装方面批准车辆;3.就前下部防护方面批准车辆的统一规定95ECE R94关于就前碰撞中乘员防护方面批准车辆的统一规定96ECE R95关于就侧碰撞中乘员防护方面批准车辆的统一规定97ECER96关于就发动机污染物排放方面批准农林拖拉机和非道路机动机械装用的压燃式发动机的统一规定98ECE R97关于批准车辆报警系统和就报警系统方面批准机动车辆的统一规定99ECE R98关于批准装用气体放电光源的机动车前照灯的统一规定100ECE R99关于批准用于已获得型式批准的机动车气体放电灯具的气体放电光源的统一规定101ECE R100关于就结构、功能安全性和氢排放的特殊要求方面批准蓄电池电动车辆的统一规定102ECER101关于就CO2排放和油耗的测量方面批准装用内燃机的乘用车和就电能消耗量和范围的测量方面批准装用电传动系的M1和N1类车辆的统一规定103ECE R102关于1.批准紧耦合装置;2.就已批准的紧耦合装置的安装方面批准车辆的统一规定。
1 范围
本标准规定了汽车安全带安装固定点的位置、 强度要求和试验方法。 本标准适用千本公司生产的M1类和N类汽车上前向和后向座椅成年乘员用安全带固定点。
2 规范性引用文件
下列文件对千本文件的应用是必不可少的。凡是注日期的引用文件,仅所注日期的版本适用千本文 件。 凡是不注日期的引用文件, 其最新版本(包括所有的修改单)适用千本文件。
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图1 如图2所示, 后排座椅安全带下有效固定点的角度: a) 对千M1类车辆的后排座椅, QI (非带扣侧)和a 2 C带扣一侧)应在30° �so 0 。 如果后排座 椅是可调的, 则在所有正常移动位置, 上述要求均有效; b) 对千N类车辆的长条座椅和带有调节机构且靠背小千 20° 的座椅, 以及正常使用位置上的其 他后排座椅, QI (非带扣侧)和a 2 C带扣一侧)允许在 20° �so 0 之间。
注4: CY 平面的定义:过 C 点的水平面为 CY 平面。 C 点位于 R 点垂直上方 450 mm 处, 即 CR=450 mm; 如果 s;,,:zso mm
时且用 BR= 260 mm+O. 8 XS 计算, 则 CR=500 mm。 注5: S 值是安全带上有效固定点至 P 平面的距离, S 值不得小千 140 mm。 注6: p平面的定义: P 平面是平行于车辆纵向中心平面的平面。 如果乘坐位置是由座椅的形状确定的, 则 P 平面为
二、国标与美标对比1.试验标准国标:我国安全带固定点强度试验标准主要参考GB 14166-2013《机动车乘员用安全带、儿童约束系统及固定点》。
美标:美国安全带固定点强度试验标准主要参考FMVSS 210《车辆安全带固定点》。
5184 15321 -599 9027
854 7450 7995
124352 -44523 -7127 -50583 17589 -45269 -24166
分析结果 (Analysis Results)
关键区域螺栓力(Bolt Force):
174172 174173
174171 174189
分析结果 (Analysis Results)
右侧下滑轨的应力应变图: Stress and Strain Plot for RH Lower Track
真实屈服应力 Yield Strength
真实极限应力 True UTS
真实极限塑性应变 True Plastic Strain
550MPa 760MPa
考察安装带固定点强度分析性能(To Assess Middle Safety-Belt Strength)
分析工况(Load Case)
基础模型的中排座椅安全带固定点强度分析(Middle Safety-Belt Strength Analysis for Base Model)
CAE 分析结果总结 (CAE Results Summary)
分析结果 (Analysis Results)
四个地脚的应力应变图: Stress and Strain Plot for RH Front Foot
真实屈服应力 Yield Strength
真实极限应力 True UTS
真实极限塑性应变 True Plastic Strain
550MPa 760MPa
我国安全带及儿童座椅固定点强度与美标法规对比研究李雪刚; 李真炎; 黄啸林; 欧阳小生【期刊名称】《《汽车实用技术》》【年(卷),期】2019(000)021【总页数】3页(P228-230)【关键词】白车身; 固定点; 强度; 美标; 国标【作者】李雪刚; 李真炎; 黄啸林; 欧阳小生【作者单位】广州汽车集团股份有限公司汽车工程研究院试验认证部广东广州511434【正文语种】中文【中图分类】T-652.1随着我国汽车工业近几年的迅猛发展,很多国产车开始逐渐走出国门,而美国汽车市场是个竞争很激烈、很成熟的市场,美国汽车安全认证与中国的汽车认证形式存在很大差异,其差别在于美国汽车安全认证实施的是“自我认证”,即汽车制造商按照美国交通运输部(缩写为DOT)颁布的美国联邦机动车安全标准(缩写为FMVSS)的要求进行自我检验申报,由政府实施监督的认证制度,因此为了确保车型能满足美国市场的需求,降低召回及其他法律处罚的风险,生产企业必须研究美国法规与中国法规的差异性。
我国现行的国家标准GB 14167-2003《汽车安全带安装固定点、ISOFIX固定点系统及上拉带固定点》参照了联合国欧洲经济委员会ECE R14法规,虽然对汽车安全带固定点及ISOFIX固定点的静态参数和强度提出了要求,但与美国安全法规相比,仍有一定的差异。
1.1.1 术语介绍安全带固定点(国标、美标):在车身、座椅或车辆其他部分的构件上用于安装、固定安全带总成的零部件。
1.1.2 安全带下固定点距离参数对比通过同一安全带的两个下有效固定点L1(非带扣侧)、L2(带扣侧),且平行于车辆纵向中心平面的两个垂直平面间的距离;国标要求下有效固定点到座椅对称面距离h1≥120mm,两下有效固定点距离h2≥350mm,对于中间座椅h2≥240mm,美标只要求下固定点到座椅对称面距离h1≥165mm。
ECE 法规和EC指令对照表
机动车辆及其挂车后牌照板的固定 及其安装空间
Steering equipment for motor vehicles and their trailers
机动车辆及其挂车的转向装置 ECE R79-01
Doors of motor vehicles and their trailers
(侧) 灯、后位置(侧) 灯、制动灯、
position (side) lamps, stop
lamps, daytime running lamps
and side marker lamps for
motor vehicles and their trailers
ECE R87-01,
25. Headlamps (including bulbs)
26. Front fog lamps 27. Towing hooks 28. Rear fog lamps 29. Reversing lamps 30. Parking lamps
31. Seat belts 32. Forward vision
ECE R18-03, ECE R97-01
Interior fittings of motor vehicles (the behaviour of the steering mechanism in the event of an impact)
机动车辆发生碰撞时转向机构的性 能
8. Indirect view
9. Braking 10. Suppression (radio)
11. Diesel smoke
12. Interior fittings 13. Anti-theft and immobiliser
安全带固定 点试验一般 要求
利用模拟肩带对上人体模块(见附录5 图2),加 载力为1350±20 daN; M1 和N1 类以外的车辆加 载力为 675 ± 20 daN ,此外 M3 和 N3 类车辆加载力 为450±20 daN。 连接在两个下部安装固定点的牵引装置上(见附 录 5 图 1 )应同时加载 1350 ± 20 daN 的力。 M1 和 N1 类以外的车辆加载力为 675 ± 20 daN ,此外 M3 和N3 类车辆加载力为450±20 daN。 上固定点无卷收器或带有卷收器的三点式安全带 固定点的试验 应对连接安全带上固定点及相应的下固定点的上 人体模块(见附录 5 图 2 )施加 13500 N ± 200 N 的试验载荷。如果上固定点带有卷收器,应连同 卷收器一起试验。对 M2 和 N2 类的车辆,试验载荷 应为 6750 N ± 200 N; 对于 M3 和 N3 车辆,试验载荷 为4500 N±200 N。 连接在下部安装固定点的牵引装置上(见附录 5 图1)应同时加载1350±20 daN 的力。M1 和N1类 以外的车辆加载力为 675 ± 20 daN ,此外 M3 和 N3 类车辆加载力为450±20 daN. 腰带试验 连接在下部安装固定点的牵引装置上(见附录 5 图1)应同时加载2225±20 daN 的力。M1 和N1类 以外的车辆加载力为1110 ±20daN,此外M3 和N3 类车辆加载力为740 ±20 daN. 安装固定点在座椅上或分别在座椅和车身结构上 的试验 适当采用 6.4.1 、 6.4..2 和 6.4.3 条所述的试验,给 每一座椅和一组座椅叠加下述加载力。 除 6.4.1 、 6.4.2 及 6.4.3 规定的载荷外,还应 施加一个相当于座椅总成质量 20倍的力。惯性载 荷应施加在座椅上或与相应的座椅的实际质量相 当的座椅相关部件上。追加的载荷及载荷的分布 应由制造商确定且经检验机构认可。 对 M2 和 N2 类车辆,载荷为座椅总成质量的10 倍; 对M3 和N3 类车辆,应为座椅总成质量的6.6 倍。 特殊类型安全带的试验 利用模拟肩带的装置,对连接到固定点上的上人 体模块(见附录 5 图 2 )施加 13 500 N ± 200N 的 试验载荷。 连接在两个下部安装固定点的牵引装置上(见附 录5 图3)应同时加载1350±20 daN 的力。 M1 和 N1 类以外的车辆加载力为 675 ± 20 daN ,此 外M3 和N3 类车辆加载力为450±20 daN。 后向座椅试验 适当采用6.4.1、6.4.2和6.4.3条所述对安装固定点 进行的试验,每种情形下应按照 M3 和 N3 类车辆 的加载力要求加载。 按照6.3 条的程序加载,加载方向相对于座椅位置 向前。
GB 14167-2006 汽车安全带安装固定点
GB 14167—2006(2006-09-01发布,2007-02-01实施) 代替 GB 14167—1993前 言本标准全部技术内容为强制性的。
本标准修改采用ECER Rl4 Rev.3/Amend.1《关于机动车安全带安装固定点认证的统一规定》(英文版)。
本标准代替GB l4167—1993《汽车安全带安装固定点》。
本标准根据ECE Rl4重新起草。
在附录F中列出了本标准章条编号与ECE Rl4法规章条编号的对照一览表。
考虑到我国国情,在采用ECE Rl4法规时,本标准做了一些修改。
本标准与ECE Rl4的技术性差异及其原因如下:——引用的符号改为相应的符合国家标准的符号,增加了标准的可操作性。
——删去ECE Rl4附录4“三维H点确定程序”的相关内容,标准中涉及到该方面的内容参照GBll551—2003附录C中的内容执行,避免了由于标准用语的差异在实际操作时产生误差。
——删除了ECE Rl4中第3、4章的内容,其原因是标准体系和法规体系的差别所致。
为便于使用,对于ECE Rl4法规还做了下列编辑性修改:——daN改为N;——tone改为kg;——“本法规”改为“本标准”;——增加资料性附录F。
ECE-R 14安全带安装固定点
ECE-R 14Safety-Belt Anchorages安全带安装固定点Deutscher Text: ECE-R 14 - SicherheitsgurtverankerungAdopted Proposals采纳的提案- Nov 2006 2006年11月(140th session)(第140届会议) Regulation No. 14第14条规定(Safety-belt anchorages安全带安装固定点) - Corr. 4 to 062006/111Regulation No. 14第14条规定(Safety-belt anchorages安全带安装固定点) - Suppl. 3 to 062006/1122006/112/Amend.1Contents目录1. Scope范围2. Definitions定义3. Application for approval申请许可4. Approval许可5. Specifications规格6. Tests 测试7. Inspection during and after the static tests for safety-belt anchorages安全带安装固定点静态测试期间和之后的检查8. Modifications and extension of approval of the vehicle type车辆类型许可的修改和延伸9. Conformity of production生产一致性10. Penalties for non-conformity of production生产非一致性的惩罚11. Operating instructions操作说明12. Production definitely discontinued明确废止的生产13. Names and addresses of technical services conducting approval tests, and ofadministrative departments进行许可测试的技术服务部门和管理部门的名称和地址14. Transitional provisions过渡期的规定ANNEX 1 - Communication concerning the approval (or extension, or refusal, or withdrawal, or production definitely discontinued) of a vehicle type with regard to safety-belt anchorages and ISOFIX anchorages systems and ISOFIX top tether anchorage if any pursuant to Regulation No. 14附件1-有关依照第14条规定的任何安全带安装固定点,ISOFIX安装固定点系统,和ISOFIX顶部铰链安装固定点的车辆类型许可(或扩充,或拒绝,或取消,或明确废止生产)的沟通ANNEX 2 - Arrangements of the approval mark附件2-许可标记排列ANNEX 3 - Location of effective belt anchorages附件3-有效的安全带安装固定点的定位ANNEX 4 - Procedure for determining the "H" point and the actual torso angle for seating positions in motor vehicles 附件4-确定机动车内“H”点和座椅位置实际躯干角的程序Appendix 1 - Description of the three-dimensional "H" point machine附录1-三维“H”点机构的描述Appendix 2 - Three-dimensional reference system附录2-三维参考系统Appendix 3 - Reference data concerning seating positions附件3-有关座椅位置的参考数据ANNEX 5 - Traction device附件5-牵引装置ANNEX 6 - Minimum number of anchorage points and location of lower anchorages 附件6-安装固定点的最小数量和下方安装固定点的位置Appendix 1 - Location of lower anchorages - angle requirements only附录1-下方安装固定点的位置-只有角度要求ANNEX 7 - Dynamic test as an alternative to the safety-belt anchorages static strength test 附件7-动态测试,作为安全带安装固定点静态强度测试的另一个选择ANNEX 8 - Dummy specifications附件8-模型规格ANNEX 9 - Isofix anchorages systems and isofix top tether anchorages附件9-Isofix安装固定点系统和ISOFIX顶部铰链安装固定点Modifications:修改:E/ECE/324-E/ECE/TRANS/505/Rev.1/Add.13/Rev.4 From: 18 April 2006 (already included) Paragraphs章节: 5.3.1; 5.3.9;Annex I 附件I- Title标题;ECE-R 14UNIFORM PROVISIONS CONCERNING THE APPROVAL OFVEHICLES WITH REGARD TO SAFETY-BELT ANCHORAGES,ISOFIX ANCHORAGES SYSTEMS AND ISOFIX TOP TETHERANCHORAGES关于安全带安装固定点,ISOFIX安装固定点系统,和ISOFIX顶部铰链安装固定点的车辆许可的统一规定E/ECE/324-E/ECE/TRANS/505/Rev.1/Add.13 Original version In force: 01.04.1970E/ECE/324-E/ECE/TRANS/505/Rev.1/Add.13/Amend.1 -- In force: 21.05.1971E/ECE/324-E/ECE/TRANS/505/Rev.1/Add.13/Rev.1 Amendment 01, Corr.1, Corr.2 and Corr.3 In force:28.04.1976E/ECE/324-E/ECE/TRANS/505/Rev.1/Add.13/-- Corr. 3 In force: 10.08.1979E/ECE/324-E/ECE/TRANS/505/Rev.1/Add.13/Amend.1 and Amend.1/Corr.1 Amendment 02 In force:22.11.1984E/ECE/324-E/ECE/TRANS/505/Rev.1/Add.13/Rev.2 Amendment 03 In force: 29.01.1992 E/ECE/324-E/ECE/TRANS/505/Rev.1/Add.13/Rev.2 Amendment 03, Corr. 1 In force: 11.09.1992 E/ECE/324-E/ECE/TRANS/505/Rev.1/Add.13/Rev.2 Amendment 02, Corr. 2 In force: 11.09.1992 E/ECE/324-E/ECE/TRANS/505/Rev.1/Add.13/Rev.2/Corr.1 Amendment 02, Corr. 3 In force:12.03.1993E/ECE/324-E/ECE/TRANS/505/Rev.1/Add.13/Rev.2/Amend.1 Amendment 04 In force: 18.01.1998 E/ECE/324-E/ECE/TRANS/505/Rev.1/Add.13/Rev.2/Amend.1 Amendment 04, Corr. 1 In force:23.06.1997E/ECE/324-E/ECE/TRANS/505/Rev.1/Add.13/Rev.2/Amend.2 Amendment 05 In force: 04.02.1999 E/ECE/324-E/ECE/TRANS/505/Rev.1/Add.13/Rev.2/Amend.3 Amendment 05, Supplement 1 In force:26.12.2000E/ECE/324-E/ECE/TRANS/505/Rev.1/Add.13/Rev.2/Amend.4 Amendment 05, Supplement 2 In force:08.09.2001E/ECE/324-E/ECE/TRANS/505/Rev.1/Add.13/Rev.2/Amend.4 Amendment 05, Corr. 1 to Supplement 2In force: 27.06.2001E/ECE/324-E/ECE/TRANS/505/Rev.1/Add.13/Rev.3 Amendment 05, Supplement 3 In force: 31.01.2003 E/ECE/324-E/ECE/TRANS/505/Rev.1/Add.13/Rev.3/Amend.1 Amendment 05 Supplement 4 In force:16.07.2003E/ECE/324-E/ECE/TRANS/505/Rev.1/Add.13/Rev.3/Amend.2 Amendment 06 In force: 26.02.2004 E/ECE/324-E/ECE/TRANS/505/Rev.1/Add.13/Rev.3/Amend.3 Amendment 05, Supplement 5 In force:12.08.2004E/ECE/324-E/ECE/TRANS/505/Rev.1/Add.13/Rev.3/Amend.1/Corr.1 Amendment 05, Corr.1 toSupplement 4 In force: 17.11.2004E/ECE/324-E/ECE/TRANS/505/Rev.1/Add.13/Rev.3/Amend.2/Corr.1 Amendment 06, Corr.1 In force:17.11.2004E/ECE/324-E/ECE/TRANS/505/Rev.1/Add.13/Rev.3/Amend.4 Amendment 06, Supplement 1 In force:23.06.2005E/ECE/324-E/ECE/TRANS/505/Rev.1/Add.13/Rev.3/Amend.2/Corr.2 Amendment 06, Corrigendum 2 Inforce: 14.10.2005E/ECE/324-E/ECE/TRANS/505/Rev.1/Add.13/Rev.4 In force: 18 April 20061. SCOPE范围TopThis Regulation applies to anchorages for safety-belts intended for adultoccupants of forward-facing or rearward-facing seats in vehicles of categories Mand N. 1)本规定适合于M and N. 1类型车辆里朝前或朝后的成人座位的安全带安装固定点。
GB14167安全带固定点强度法规规定,法规要求利用模拟织带的装置,对连接到固定点上的上 人体模块施加一个与X轴成15°的13500N的载荷。与此同时,对连接到固定点上的下人体模块 施加一个与X轴成15°的13500N的载荷。给座椅总成质量20倍的力。以尽可能快的速度加载值 规定值,并至少持续0.2s(其中红色代表约束位置,约束自由度123456)
C柱内板安装点处最大塑性应变0.066 小于材料DC03最大塑性应变0.300
安全带地板安装孔最大塑性应变0.168 小于材料DC04最大塑性应变0.295
Safety Belt Anchorages
2、强度要求 试验步骤: • 白车身的固定
白车身的固定不能对安全带固定点及其周围区域起到加强的作 用。要求固定装置应位于固定点前方不小于500mm,后方不小 于300mm。 • 调整座椅靠背角及座椅前后位置 按照厂家规定的设计值来调整座椅的靠背角,对于前排座椅, 一个调至最前端另一个调至最后端,以此来考核两种极限状况 下安全带固定点的强度。 • 安装假臀、假胸及绳索 绳索应平行于汽车纵向中心面并与水平面成10°±5°
Safety Belt Anchorages
Safety Belt Anchorages
安全带固定点 Safety Belt Anchorages
ECE R14/02
Safety Belt Anchorages 安全带固定点必须满足:
• 安装角度要求 • 强度要求
Safety Belt Anchorages
1、安装角度要求 安全带固定点的位置及与R点对应的角度必须符合标准要求。 对于M1类车 • 下固定点 前排下固定点:非带扣侧固定点与R点构成的角度ā1应在30~ 80度之间,带扣侧ā2的角度应在45~80度之间。 后排下固定点: ā1和ā2角应在30~80度之间 • 上固定点
Safety Belt Anchorages
2、强度要求 • 拉力的设定
对于三点式安全带的固定点,对胸块和臀块的拉力为 1350±20daN,如果安全带固定点位于座椅上,则需要对座 椅施加一个相当于座椅20倍重量的拉力。 对于后排中间两点式安全带的固定点,应对臀块施加 2225±20daN的拉力。同样,如果安全带固定点位于座椅 上,则好需要对座椅施加一个相当于座椅20倍重量的拉力。 • 试验过程中应同时对前排或后排施加拉力,试验完成后任何 安装固定点及其周围区域不能产生永久变形、部分断裂或损 坏即判定试验合格。
ISOFIX装置的测试需要做四次试验,其难度最大的是试验1,如表格所示(注:8kN 相当于800公斤的力)。
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E/ECE/324 )Rev.1/Add.13/Rev.3/Amend.2E/ECE/TRANS/505 )April 2, 2004UNITED NATIONSAGREEMENTCONCERNING THE ADOPTION OF UNIFORM TECHNICAL PRESCRIPTIONS FOR WHEELED VEHICLES, EQUIPMENT AND PARTS WHICH CAN BE FITTED AND/OR BE USED ON WHEELED VEHICLES AND THE CONDITIONS FOR RECIPROCAL RECOGNITION OF APPROVALS GRANTED ON THE BASIS OF THESE PRESCRIPTIONS (*) (Revision 2, including the amendments which entered into force on October 16, 1995)Addendum 13: Regulation No. 14Revision 3 − Amendment 206 series of amendments - Date of entry into force: February 26, 2004UNIFORM PROVISIONS CONCERNING THE APPROVAL OF VEHICLESWITH REGARD TO SAFETY-BELT ANCHORAGES, ISOFIX ANCHORAGESSYSTEMS AND ISOFIX TOP TETHER ANCHORAGES(*)Former title of the Agreement:Agreement Concerning the Adoption of Uniform Conditions of Approval and Reciprocal Recognition of Approval for Motor Vehicle Equipment and Parts, done at Geneva on March 20, 1958.REGULATION No. 14UNIFORM PROVISIONS CONCERNING THE APPROVAL OF VEHICLESWITH REGARD TO SAFETY-BELT ANCHORAGES, ISOFIX ANCHORAGESSYSTEMS AND ISOFIX TOP TETHER ANCHORAGESCONTENTSREGULATION1. Scope2. Definitions3. Application for approval4. Approval5. Specifications6. Tests7. Inspection during and after the static tests8. Modifications and extension of approval of the vehicle type9. Conformity of production10. Penalties for non-conformity of productioninstructions11. Operating12. Production definitely discontinued13. Names and addresses of technical services conducting approval tests, and of administrativedepartmentsprovisions14. TransitionalANNEXESAnnex 1— Communication concerning the approval (or extension, or refusal, or withdrawal, or production definitely discontinued) of a vehicle type with regard to safety-belt anchorages,pursuant to Regulation No. 14.Annex 2 — Arrangements of the approval mark.Annex 3 — Location of effective belt anchorages.Annex 4 — Procedure for determining the "H" Point and the actual torso angle for seating positions in motor vehiclesAppendix 1: Description of the three-dimensional "H" Point machineAppendix 2: Three-dimensional reference systemAppendix 3: Reference data concerning seating positionsAnnex 5 — Traction device.Annex 6 — Minimum number of anchorage points and location of lower anchorages.Appendix 1: Location of lower anchorages − angle requirements onlyAnnex 7 — Dynamic test as an alternative to the safety-belt anchorages static strength test.Annex 8 — Dummy specifications.Annex 9 — ISOFIX anchorages systems and ISOFIX top tether anchorages.REGULATION No. 14UNIFORM PROVISIONS CONCERNING THE APPROVAL OF VEHICLESWITH REGARD TO SAFETY-BELT ANCHORAGES, ISOFIX ANCHORAGESSYSTEMS AND ISOFIX TOP TETHER ANCHORAGES1.SCOPEThis Regulation applies to anchorages for safety-belts intended for adult occupants offorward-facing or rearward-facing seats in vehicles of Categories M and N. (1)It also applies to ISOFIX anchorages systems and ISOFIX top tether anchorages intended toISOFIX child restraint systems installed in vehicles of Category M1. N1 vehicles fitted withISOFIX anchorages have also to comply with the provisions of this Regulation.2.DEFINITIONSFor the purpose of this Regulation,2.1."approval of a vehicle" means the approval of a vehicle type equipped with anchorages forgiven types of safety-belts;2.2."vehicle type" means a category of power-driven vehicles which do not differ in suchessential respects as the dimensions, lines and materials of components of the vehiclestructure or seat structure to which the safety-belts anchorages and the ISOFIX anchoragessystems and ISOFIX top tether anchorages if any are attached and, if the anchoragesstrength is tested according to the dynamic test, the characteristics of any component of therestraint system, especially the load limiter function, having an influence on the forcesapplying to the safety-belt anchorages.2.3."belt anchorages" means the parts of the vehicle structure or the seat structure or any otherpart of the vehicle to which the safety-belt assemblies are to be secured.2.4."effective belt anchorage" means the point used to determine conventionally, as specifiedin Paragraph 5.4, the angle of each part of the safety-belt in relation to the wearer, that is, thepoint to which a strap would need to be attached to provide the same lie as the intended lie ofthe belt when worn, and which may or may not be the actual belt anchorage depending on theconfiguration of the safety-belt hardware at its attachment to the belt anchorage.2.4.1.For example, in the case2.4.1.1. where a safety-belt incorporates a rigid part which is attached to a lower belt anchorage andwhich is either fixed or free to swivel, the effective belt anchorage for all positions of seatadjustment is the point where the strap is attached to that rigid part; where a strap guide is used on the vehicle structure or on the seat structure, the middle pointof the guide at the place where the strap leaves the guide on the belt wearer's side, shall beconsidered as the effective belt anchorage; and(1)As defined in the Consolidated Resolution (R.E.3, Annex 7), document: TRANS/WP29/78/Rev.1/Amend. where the belt runs directly from the wearer to a retractor attached to the vehicle structure orthe seat structure without an intervening strap guide, the effective belt anchorage shall beconsidered as being the intersection of the axis of the reel for storing the strap with the planepassing through the centre line of the strap on the reel.2.5."floor" means the lower part of the vehicle body-work connecting the vehicle side walls. Inthis context it includes ribs, swages and possibly other reinforcements, even if they are belowthe floor, such as longitudinal and transverse members;2.6."seat" means a structure which may or may not be integral with the vehicle structurecomplete with trim, intended to seat one adult person. The term covers both an individualseat or part of a bench seat intended to seat one person.2.6.1."front passenger seat" means any seat where the "foremost H-Point" of the seat in questionis in or in front of the vertical transverse plane through the driver's R-Point;2.7."group of seats" means either a bench-type seat, or seats which are separate but side byside (i.e. with the foremost anchorages of one seat in line with or forward of the rearmostanchorages and in line with or behind the foremost anchorages of another seat) andaccommodate one or more seated adult person.2.8."bench seat" means a structure complete with trim, intended to seat more than one adultperson.2.9."folding seat" means an auxiliary seat intended for occasional use and which is normallyfolded:2.10."seat type" means a category of seats which do not differ in such essential respects as:2.10.1.the shape, dimensions and materials of the seat structure,2.10.2.the types and dimensions of the adjustment systems and all locking systems,2.10.3.the type and dimensions of the belt anchorages on the seat, of the seat anchorage and of theaffected parts of the vehicle structure;2.11."seat anchorage" means the system by which the seat assembly is secured to the vehiclestructure, including the affected parts of the vehicle structure.2.12."adjustment system" means the device by which the seat or its parts can be adjusted to aposition suited to the morphology of the seated occupant; this device may, in particular,permit of:2.12.1. longitudinaldisplacement;displacement;2.12.2. verticaldisplacement;2.12.3. angular2.13."displacement system" means a device enabling the seat or one of its parts to be displacedor rotated without a fixed intermediate position, to permit easy access to the space behind theseat concerned;2.14."locking system" means any device ensuring that the seat and its parts are maintained inany position of use and includes devices to lock both the seat back relative to the seat andthe seat relative to the vehicle.2.15."Reference zone" means the space between two vertical longitudinal planes, 400 mm apartand symmetrical with respect to the H-Point, and defined by rotation from vertical to horizontalof the head-form apparatus, as described in Regulation No. 21 Annex 1. The apparatus shallbe positioned as described in that Annex to Regulation No. 21 and set to the maximum lengthof 840 mm.2.16.Thorax load limiter function means any part of the safety-belt and/or the seat and/or thevehicle intended to limit the level of the restraint forces applying to the occupant thorax incase of a collision.2.17."ISOFIX" is a system for the connection of child restraint systems to vehicles which has twovehicle rigid anchorages, two corresponding rigid attachments on the child restraint systemand a means to limit the pitch rotation of the child restraint system.position" means a system which allows to install:2.18. "ISOFIXa) either an universal ISOFIX forward facing child restraint system as defined inRegulation No. 44,b) or a semi-universal ISOFIX forward facing child restraint system as defined inRegulation No. 44,c) or a semi-universal ISOFIX rearward facing child restraint system as defined inRegulation No. 44,d) or a semi-universal ISOFIX lateral facing position child restraint system as defined inRegulation No. 44,e) or a specific vehicle ISOFIX child restraint system as defined in Regulation No. 44.2.19."ISOFIX low anchorage" means one 6 mm diameter rigid round horizontal bar, extendingfrom vehicle or seat structure to accept and restrain an ISOFIX child restraint system withISOFIX attachments.2.20. "ISOFIX anchorages system" means a system made up of two ISOFIX low anchorageswhich is designed for attaching an ISOFIX child restraint system in conjunction with ananti-rotation device.2.21. "ISOFIXattachment" means one of the two connections, fulfilling the requirements of Regulation No. 44, extending from the ISOFIX child restraint system structure, andcompatible with an ISOFIX low anchorage.2.22. "ISOFIX child restraint system" means a child restraint system, fulfilling the requirements ofRegulation No. 44, which has to be attached to an ISOFIX anchorages system.2.23. "Static force application device (SFAD)" means a test fixture that engages the vehicleISOFIX anchorages systems and that is used to verify their strength and the ability of thevehicle or seat structure to limit the rotation in a static test. The test fixture is described in theFigures 1 and 2 of Annex 9.2.24. "Anti-rotationdevice"anti-rotation device for an ISOFIX universal child restraint system consists of the Ana)ISOFIX top-tether.b) An anti-rotation device for an ISOFIX semi-universal child restraint system consists ofeither a top tether, the vehicle dashboard or a support leg intended to limit the rotationof the restraint during a frontal impact.c) For ISOFIX, universal and semi-universal, child restraint systems the vehicle seat itselfdoes not constitute an anti-rotation device.2.25. "ISOFIX top tether anchorage" means a feature, such as a bar, located in a defined zone,designed to accept an ISOFIX top tether strap connector and transfer its restraint force to thevehicle structure.2.26. "ISOFIX top tether connector" means a device intended to be attached to an ISOFIX toptether anchorage.2.27. "ISOFIX top tether hook" means an ISOFIX top tether connector typically used to attach anISOFIX top tether strap to an ISOFIX top tether anchorage as defined in Figure 3 of Annex 9of this Regulation.2.28. "ISOFIX top tether strap" means a webbing strap (or equivalent) which extends from the topof an ISOFIX child restraint system to the ISOFIX top tether anchorage, and which isequipped with an adjustment device, a tension-relieving device, and an ISOFIX top tetherconnector.2.29. "A guidance device" is intended to help the person installing the ISOFIX child restraintsystem by physically guiding the ISOFIX attachments on the ISOFIX child restraint intocorrect alignment with the ISOFIX low anchorages to facilitate engagement.2.30 "ISOFIX marking fixture" means something that informs someone wishing to install anISOFIX child restraint system of the ISOFIX positions in the vehicle and the position of eachISOFIX corresponding ISOFIX anchorages systems.2.31. "A child restraint fixture" means a fixture according to one out of the seven ISOFIX sizeclasses defined in Paragraph 4 of Annex 17 – Appendix 2 of Regulation No. 16 andparticularly whose dimensions are given from Figure 1 to Figure 6 in the previous mentionedParagraph 4. Those child restraint fixtures (CRF) are used in Regulation No. 16, to checkwhat are the ISOFIX child restraint systems size classes which can be accommodated on thevehicle ISOFIX positions. Also one of the CRF, the so-called ISO/F2 (B) which is described inFigure 2 of the previous mentioned Paragraph 4, is used in this Regulation to check thelocation and the possibility of access to any ISOFIX anchorages system.3.APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL3.1.The application for approval of a vehicle type with regard to the belt anchorages, the ISOFIXanchorages systems and the ISOFIX top tether anchorages if any shall be submitted by thevehicle manufacturer or by his duly accredited representative.3.2.It shall be accompanied by the undermentioned documents in triplicate and by the followingparticulars:3.2.1.drawings of the general vehicle structure on an appropriate scale, showing the positions ofthe belt anchorages, of the effective belt anchorages (where appropriate), of the ISOFIXanchorages systems and of ISOFIX top tether anchorages if any and detailed drawings of thebelt anchorages, of the ISOFIX anchorages systems if any, of the ISOFIX top tetheranchorages if any, and of the point to which they are attached;3.2.2. a specification of the materials used which may affect the strength of the belt anchorages, ofthe ISOFIX anchorages systems and of ISOFIX top tether anchorages if any;3.2.3. a technical description of the belt anchorages, of the ISOFIX anchorages systems andISOFIX top tether anchorages if any; the case of belt anchorages, of the ISOFIX anchorages systems and of ISOFIX top tetheranchorages if any affixed to the seat structure; detailed description of the vehicle type with regard to the design of the seats, of the seatanchorages and of their adjustment and locking systems; drawings, on an appropriate scale and in sufficient detail, of the seats, of their anchorage tothe vehicle, and of their adjustment and locking systems.3.2.5.evidence that the safety-belt or the restraint system used in the anchorages approval testcomplies with Regulation No. 16, in the case where the car manufacturer chooses thealternative dynamic strength test.3.3.At the option of the manufacturer, a vehicle representative of the vehicle type to be approvedor the parts of the vehicle considered essential for the belt anchorage tests, for the ISOFIXanchorages systems and for ISOFIX top tether anchorages test if any, by the technicalservice conducting approval tests shall be submitted to the service.4.APPROVAL4.1.If the vehicle submitted for approval pursuant to this Regulation meets the relevantrequirements of this Regulation, approval for that vehicle type shall be granted.4.2.An approval number shall be assigned to each type approved. Its first two digits (at present06, corresponding to the 06 series of amendments) shall indicate the series of amendmentsincorporating the most recent major technical amendments made to the Regulation at thetime of issue of the approval. The same Contracting Party may not assign the same numberto another vehicle type as defined in Paragraph 2.2. above.4.3.Notice of approval or of extension or refusal or withdrawal of approval or production definitelydiscontinued of a vehicle type pursuant to this Regulation shall be communicated to theParties to the 1958 Agreement which apply this Regulation by means of a form conforming tothe model in Annex 1 to the Regulation.4.4.There shall be affixed, conspicuously and in a readily accessible place specified on theapproval form, to every vehicle conforming to a vehicle type approved under this Regulationan international approval mark consisting of:4.4.1. a circle surrounding the Letter "E" followed by the distinguishing number of the country whichhas granted approval; (1)4.4.2.the number of this Regulation, to the right of the circle prescribed in Paragraph Letter “E”, to the right of the number of this Regulation in the case of type approvalaccording to the dynamic test of Annex 7.4.5.If the vehicle conforms to a vehicle type approved, under one or more other Regulationsannexed to the Agreement, in the country which has granted approval under this Regulation,the symbol prescribed in Paragraph 4.4.1 need not be repeated; in such a case the additionalnumbers and symbols of all the Regulations under which approval has been granted in thecountry which has granted approval under this Regulation shall be placed in vertical columnsto the right of the symbol prescribed in Paragraph approval mark shall be clearly legible and be indelible.4.7.T he approval mark shall be placed close to or on the vehicle data plate affixed by themanufacturer.4.8.Annex 2 to this Regulation gives examples of arrangements of the approval mark.5.SPECIFICATIONS5.1.Definitions (See Annex 3)5.1.1.The H Point is a reference point as defined in Paragraph 2.3 of Annex 4 of this Regulation,which must be determined in accordance with the procedure set out in that Annex. Point H' is a reference point corresponding to H as defined in Paragraph 5.1.1 which shall bedetermined for every normal position in which the seat is used.T he R Point is the seating reference point defined in Paragraph 2.4 of Annex 4 of this for Germany,2 for France,3 for Italy,4 for the Netherlands,5 for Sweden,6 for Belgium,7 for Hungary,8 for the CzechRepublic, 9 for Spain, 10 for Serbia and Montenegro, 11 for the United Kingdom, 12 for Austria, 13 for Luxembourg, 14 for Switzerland, 15 (Vacant), 16 for Norway, 17 for Finland, 18 for Denmark, 19 for Romania, 20 for Poland, 21 for Portugal,22 for the Russian Federation, 23 for Greece, 24 for Ireland, 25 for Croatia, 26 for Slovenia, 27 for Slovakia, 28 for Belarus,29 for Estonia, 30 (vacant), 31 for Bosnia and Herzegovina, 32 for Latvia, 33 (vacant), 34 for Bulgaria, 35 (vacant), 36 forLithuania, 37 for Turkey, 38 (vacant), 39 for Azerbaijan, 40 for The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, 41 (vacant),42 for the European Community (Approvals are granted by its Member States using their respective ECE symbol), 43 forJapan, 44 (vacant), 45 for Australia, 46 for Ukraine, 47 for South Africa and 48 for New Zealand. Subsequent numbers shall be assigned to other countries in the chronological order in which they ratify or accede to the Agreement Concerning the Adoption of Uniform Technical Prescriptions for Wheeled Vehicles, Equipment and Parts which can be Fitted and/or be Used on Wheeled Vehicles and the Conditions for Reciprocal Recognition of Approvals Granted on the Basis of these Prescriptions, and the numbers thus assigned shall be communicated by the Secretary-General of the United Nations to the Contracting Parties to the Agreement.5.1.2.The three-dimensional reference system is defined in Appendix 2 of Annex 4 of thisRegulation.L1 and L2 are the lower effective belt anchorages.5.1.3. Points5.1.4.Point C is a point situated 450 mm vertically above the R Point. However, if the Distance Sas defined in Paragraph 5.1.6. is not less than 280 mm and if the alternative formulaBR = 260 mm + 0.8 S specified in Paragraph is chosen by the manufacturer, thevertical distance between C and R shall be 500 mm.anglesα1 and α2 are respectively the angles between a horizontal plane and planes 5.1.5. Theperpendicular to the median longitudinal plane of the vehicle and passing through thePoint H1 and the Points L1 and L2.5.1.6.S is the distance in millimetres of the effective upper belt anchorages from a referencePlane P parallel to the longitudinal median plane of the vehicle defined as follows: If the seating position is well-defined by the shape of the seat, the Plane P shall be themedian plane of this seat. In the absence of a well-defined position: The Plane P for the driver's seat is a vertical plane parallel to the median longitudinal plane ofthe vehicle which passes through the centre of the steering-wheel in the plane of thesteering-wheel rim when the steering-wheel, if adjustable, is in its central position. The Plane P for the front outboard passenger shall be symmetrical with that of the driver. The Plane P for the rear outboard seating position shall be that specified by the manufactureron condition the following limits for Distance A between the longitudinal median plane of thevehicle and Plane P are respected:A is equal or more than 200 mm if the bench seat has been designed to accommodate twopassengers only,A is equal or more than 300 mm if the bench seat has been designed to accommodate morethan two passengers.5.2.General Specifications5.2.1.Anchorages for safety-belts shall be so designed, made and situated as to: enable the installation of a suitable safety-belt. The belt anchorages of the front outboardpositions shall be suitable for safety-belts incorporating a retractor and pulley, taking intoconsideration in particular the strength characteristics of the belt anchorages, unless themanufacturer supplies the vehicle equipped with other types of safety-belts which incorporateretractors. If the anchorages are suitable only for particular types of safety-belts, these typesshall be stated on the form mentioned in Paragraph 4.3. above; reduce to a minimum the risk of the belt's slipping when worn correctly; reduce to a minimum the risk of strap damage due to contact with sharp rigid parts of thevehicle or seat structures; enable the vehicle, in normal use, to comply with the provisions of this Regulation; for anchorages which take up different positions to allow persons to enter the vehicle and torestrain the occupants, the specifications of this Regulation shall apply to the anchorages inthe effective restraint position.5.2.2.Any ISOFIX anchorages system and any ISOFIX top tether anchorage, installed or intendedto be installed, for ISOFIX child restraint systems shall be so designed, made and situated asto:anchorages system and any top tether anchorage shall enable the vehicle, in ISOFIX5.2.2.1. Anynormal use, to comply with the provisions of this Regulation.Any ISOFIX anchorages system and ISOFIX top tether anchorage which could be added onany vehicle shall also comply with the provisions of this Regulation. Consequently, suchanchorages shall be described on the application document for type approval.and ISOFIX top tether anchorage resistance are designed for anysystemanchorages5.2.2.2 ISOFIXISOFIX child restraint systems of group of mass 0; 0+; 1 as defined in Regulation No. anchorage systems, design and positioning: Any ISOFIX anchorages system shall be 6 mm ± 0.1 mm diameter transverse horizontal rigidbar(s) which cover(s) two zones of 25 mm minimum effective length located on the same axisas defined in Figure 4 of Annex Any ISOFIX anchorages system installed on a vehicle seating position shall be located notless than 120 mm behind the design H-Point as determined in Annex 4 to this Regulation,measured horizontally and up to the centre of the bar. For any ISOFIX anchorages system installed in the vehicle, it shall be verified the possibilityto attach the ISOFIX child restraint fixture "ISO/F2" (B) described in Regulation No. 16(Annex 17, Appendix 2, Figure 2). The bottom surface of the fixture "ISO/F2" (B) as defined in Regulation No. 16 (Annex 17,Appendix 2, Figure 2), shall have attitude angles within the following limits, angles measuredrelatively to the vehicle reference planes as defined in Annex 4 Appendix 2 to this Regulation: 15°± 10°,Pitch:0°± 5°,Roll:0°± 10°Yaw: ISOFIX anchorage systems shall be permanently in position or storable. In case of storableanchorages, the requirements relating to ISOFIX anchorages system shall be fulfilled in thedeployed position. Each ISOFIX low anchorage bar (when deployed for use) or each permanently installedguidance device shall be visible, without the compression of the seat cushion or seat back,when the bar or the guidance device is viewed, in a vertical longitudinal plane passingthrough the centre of the bar or of the guidance device, along a line making an upward angleof 30 degrees with a horizontal plane.As an alternative to the above requirement, the vehicle shall be permanently marked adjacentto each bar or guidance device. This marking shall consist in one of the following, at thechoice of the manufacturer." As a minimum, the symbol of Annex 9, Figure 12 consisting of a circle with a diameter ofminimum 13 mm and containing a pictogram, meeting the following conditions:a) the pictogram shall contrast with the background of the circle;b) the pictogram shall be located close to each bar of the system; The word "ISOFIX" in capital letters of at least 6 mm height.5.2.4.ISOFIX top tether anchorages, design and positioning:At the request of the car manufacturer, methods described in Paragraphs and be used alternatively.Method described in Paragraph can only be used if the ISOFIX position is located ona vehicle seat. Subject to Paragraph, the portion of each ISOFIX top tether anchorage that isdesigned to bind with an ISOFIX top tether connector shall be located not further than2000 mm far from the shoulder reference point and within the shaded zone - as shown inFigures 6 to 11 of Annex 9 - of the designated seating position for which it is installed, with thereference of a template described in SAE J 826 (July 1995) and shown in Figure 5 Annex 9,according to the following conditions: The "H" Point of the template is located at the unique design "H" Point of the full downwardand full rearward position of the seat, except that the template is located laterally midwaybetween the two ISOFIX lower anchorages;。