
2022年山东农业大学行政管理专业《管理学》科目期末试卷A(有答案)一、选择题1、以下哪一个不是激发组织创新力的因素?()A.结构因素 B.人力资源因素C.技术因素 D.文化因素2、罗宾斯(Stephen P.Robbins)概括了管理的四项职能,法约尔(Henri Fayol)则概括了管理的五项职能。
A.领导 B.协调 C.控制 D.组织3、关于计划的实际效果,许多管理学家都进行过仔细研究,其基本结论是()。
A.亨利·法约尔 B.马克斯·韦伯C.切斯特·巴纳德 D.埃尔顿·梅奥5、管理者在制定决策时,面临这样一种条件:在这种条件下,决策者能够估计出每一种备择方案的可能性或者结果。
A.确定性 B.不确定性 C.风险性 D.概率性6、在不确定情况下,除了有限信息的影响之外,另一个影响决策结果的因素是()。
A.风险性 B.环境的复杂性C.决策者心理定位 D.决策的时间压力7、某电器公司决定采取收购方式进入家用空调产业,以分散经营风险,从战略层次或类型的角度看,该战略属于()。
A.公司层战略 B.事业层战略 C.职能层战略 D.技术运作层战略8、科学管理的产生是管理从经验走向理论的标志,下面哪个选项不属于科学管理对管理发展的贡献?()A.组织设计优化 B.时间和动作的研究C.任务管理 D.作业人员与管理者的分工协调9、沸光广告公司是一家大型广告公司,业务包括广告策划、制作和发行。

1 .以甲苯为原料(其它试剂任选)合成3,5 –二硝基甲苯。
2. 以
OH 为原料(其它试剂任选)合成
O 。
一、单项选择题:1-15小题,每小题2分,共30分。 1. D 2. D 3. A 4. C 5. A 6. A 7. D 8. B 9. C 10. B 11. B 12. A 13. B 14. C 15. B 二、填空题:1-11 小题,,每空1分,共15分
CH3 13 .以下化合物与H OH
H A.
C2H5 CH3
A . 1 – 氯丁烷
B. 2 – 氯丁烷
C. 叔 丁基氯
D. 1 – 氯– 1 – 丁烯
3 . 以下化合物中,无芳香性是( 3 )
4 .羰基化合物与苯肼试剂作用后主要产物是( 4 ) A . 肟 B . 半缩醛 C . 苯腙 D . 腈
5 . 邻苯二甲酰亚胺是一个( 5 )
10 .和苯肼反应时,哪组能生成相同脎( 10)

山东农业大学2016-17-1概率统计_试卷A_参考答案与评分标准2016-2017 学年第1学期《概率统计》试卷A课程代码 BB103301 考试方式闭卷考试时长 100 分钟姓名学号教学班号专业级班题号一二三四五六七八合计满分15 15 10 20 10 10 10 10 100 得分阅卷人注:1. 考试期间试卷不允许拆开.2. 不允许使用计算器.3. 答题过程中,可能会用到下面附表标准正态分布数值表:(1.0)0.8413Φ=Φ=;(2)0.9772Φ=;(1.5)0.9332t 分布数值表: 0.025(36) 2.0281t =; 0.025(35) 2.0301t = ;0.05(35) 1.6896t =一、填空题(每小题3分,共15分)1. 已知5.0)(=A P ,()0.6P B =,(|)0.8P B A =,则()P A B =U ( 0.7 ).2. 在(0,1)里随机取两个数, 求两数之和小于6/5的概率为( 17/25= 0.68 ).3. 设随机变量X 服从参数为λ的泊松分布,且{1}{2}P X P X ===,则{1}P X ≥==( 21e -- ).4. 已知()25D X =,()36D Y =,0.4XY ρ=,则()D X Y += ( 85 ).5.在正态总体2~(,)X N μσ(其中2,μσ未知)中取一样本,容量为n ,样本均值为X ,样本方差为S 2,则置信的αμ-1区间为( 2 ()SX t nαm ).………………………………………3分二、单选题(每小题3分,共15分)1.对于任意二事件,A B ,有()P A B -=【 C 】.得分得分(A) ()()P A P B -; (B) ()()()P A P B P AB -+; (C) ()()P A P AB -; (D)()()P B P A -.2.设随机变量2~(,),(0)X N μσσ>,则随着σ的增大,概率{||}P X μσ-<的值【 C 】.(A) 单调增大; (B)单调减少; (C) 保持不变; (D) 增减不定.3.设随机变量,X Y 相互独立,且~(0,1),~(1,1)X N Y N ,则【 B 】.(A) 1{0}2P X Y +≤=;(B) 1{1}2P X Y +≤=; (C) 1{0}2P X Y -≤=; (D) 1{1}2P X Y -≤=. 4.已知随机变量,X Y 相互独立,且它们分别在区间[1,3]-和[2,4]服从均匀分布,则()E XY =【 A 】.()3;()6;()10;()12.A B C D5.设12(,)X X 是来自正态总体(,1)N μ的容量是2的样本,其中μ为未知参数,下面4个关于μ的无偏估计量,最有效的是【】.(A)121122X X +; (B);121344X X + (C) 122355X X +; (D) 123122X X -.三、(10分)某人去某地,乘火车、轮船、汽车、飞机的概率分别为0.3,0.2,0.1, 0.4,迟到的概率分别为 0.25, 0.3, 0.1, 0, (1)求他迟到的概率;(2) 已知他迟到了,求他乘火车来的概率.解:设1A = “他乘火车来”;2A = “他乘轮船来”;3A = “他乘汽车来”;4A = “他乘轮船来”;B =“他迟到了”.则(1)由全概率公式得:41()()(|)i i i P B P A P B A ==∑………6分(2)由贝叶斯公式得:121()(|)0.30.2515(|)0.517.()0.14529P A P B A P A B P B ?====………………………………10分四、(共20分)得分得分1.(12分)设随机变量X 的概率密度函数为2,01,(),12,0,,x x f x A x ?≤<其他求(1)常数A ;(2)3{0}2P X <<;(3)()E X .解(1)由于f (x )是一个密度函数,由()1f x +∞-∞=?得122011x dx A dx +=??.解得 23A =.…………………………………………………………4分则2,01,2(),12,30,,x x f x x ?≤<<=?31220123x dx dx =+??23= ………………………8分(3) ()()E X xf x dx +∞-∞=?123012534x dx xdx =+=??.…………………12分2.(8分)已知随机变量~(1,4)X N ,试求:(1){2}P X >-;(2){45}P X <<;(3)常数a ,使得{}0.5P X a ≤=.解:(1){2}P X >-1{2}P X =-≤-211()2--=-Φ 1( 1.5)=-Φ-(1.5)0.9332.=Φ=…………………………………3分(2){45}P X <<5141()()22--=Φ-Φ(2)(1.5)=Φ-Φ 0.97720.93320.044.=-=…………………………………………6分(3)由于10.5{}()2a P X a -=≤=Φ,所以102a -=,1a =.…………………8分五、(10分)已知随机变量X 和Y 的概率分布分别为01P XY ==且().(1)求X 与Y 的联合分布列;(2)求{0}P X Y +=.X-101p1/41/21/4Y 0 1p1/2 1/2得分解(1)因为且1}0{==XY P .所以{0}{1,1;1,1}P XY P X Y X Y ≠==-==={1,1}{1,1}0P X Y P X Y ==-=+===得{1,1}0,{1,1}0P X Y P X Y =-=====……………………………………………3分则X 与Y 的联合分布为Y X-1 0 1 i P ?114 0 14 0120 1212j P ?14 12 14………………………………………7分(2)因为113{1}{0,1}{1,0}.424P X Y P X Y P X Y +====+===+= 所以X 与Y 不相互独立.………………………………………………………10分得分六、(10分)设二维随机变量),(Y X 的概率密度为,0;(,)0,y e x y f x y -?<<=??其他,求(1) 边缘密度()();X Y f x f y ,(2)随机变量X 和Y 是否独立.解 (1)()(),01,0,y x X e dy x f x f x y dy +∞-+∞-∞<;其他,00,x e x -?>=??;其他. ……………………4分()()0,0,0,yy Y e dx y f y f x y dx -+∞-∞>?==?;其他.,0;0,y ye y -?>=??其它. ………………8分(2) 由于(,)()();X Y f x y f x f y ≠所以,X Y 不独立 (10)分七、(共10分)设总体X 服从参数是λ的指数分布,即其密度函数为0,(,)0,x x e f x y x λλ->?=?≤?12(,,,)n X X X L 是来自总体X 的样本,求λ的极大似然估计.得分解:似然函数:()()111;niii n nx x ni i i L f x eeλλλλλλ=--==∑===?∏∏(0i x >)……………4分()1ln ln ni i L n x λλλ==-∑………………………………………………………6分令()11ln 0ni i d L n x d λλλ==?-=∑……………………………………………8分得1111ni i Xx n λ===∑ 所以λ的极大似然估计?λ1X=.………………………………………………10分八、(10分)设某次考试的考生成绩服从正态分布,从中随机地抽取36位考生的成绩,算得平均成绩为66.5分,标准差为15分. 问在显著性水平0.05下,是否可以认为这次考试全体考生的平均成绩为70分?得分解这是σ未知情况下,对总体期望的双侧检验70:00==μμH选取统计量 672/0S X nS X t -=-=μ.…………………………………………………4分在0H 成立的条件下,)35(~t t 对于05.0=α,查表得到拒绝域为0.025{||(35) 2.0301}R k t =≥= ……………………………………………………7分计算统计量的值R k ?=-=4.1615705.66所以接受0H ,即认为这次考试全体考生的平均成绩为70分.… ………………10分。

山东农业大学补考试卷教学班号: 学号: 姓名: 班级:专业课程大学英语A课程代码 考试日期注:监考教师务必将试卷全部收回。
Part I Vocabulary and structure( 40%)1.I would be angry if you____ to wrong me.A.choseB. decidedC.determinedD.selected2.Remember _____ your seat belt when the plane takes off.A. to fastenB. to have fastened C .fastening D. having fastened3.___, she couldn’t work out the problem at that moment.A.Clever although she wasB. Because she was cleverC .Clever though she was D.She was as clever4.______ they lose it______ people know the value of health.A.It was not until , thenB. It was until, thatC .It is not until,when D.It is not until, that5. “I saw a snake in the classroom last night.” “You ______ a snake. It must have been a rope.”A. couldn’t have seenB. must not have seenC .shouldn’t have seen D. needn’t have seen6. Not long ago,John Smith, whom you know very well, was_____ a car accident.A.related toB. involved in C . included in D.damaged by7.Some children learn to speak and read and write when they are very young___ average children.A compared to B. comparing to C .comparing with D.different from8. Mrs.White has______ dressing table in her room.A .a large brown old B. an old large brownC .a brown large old D. a large old brown9.Our teacher insists that we______ all our essays on alternate lines.A write B. wrote C. have to write D. are writing10. I suddenly _____ that it was past ten o’clock.A understood B. recognized C . knew D. realized11. This essay is good______ a few careless mistakes.A.exceptB. except for C .in addition to D. besides12. He was pleased to have the______ to hear such a fine musician play his favourite piece of music.A .occasion B. possibility C .opportunity D.luck13. Some find swimming is more enjoyable than______..A. to sit at home readingB. sitting to read at homeC .to sit at home to read D.sitting at home reading14. I think the rent of this house must be ______ as that one.A. three times moreB. three times as muchC .as much three times D.as three times more15. My parents will be disappointed______me if I fail the examination.A in B. at C . of D.about16.Only by reading extensively______ your horizons.A .you will widenB .you may widenC .you can widen D. can you widen17. The lecture was three hours long and Bert felt very______.A. boredB. boringC.boreD. boredom18.Vikie had most probably ______ her for another sort of girl.A. regardedB. viewed C .mistaken D. looked19.Only guests of the hotel enjoy the ______ of using the private beach.A. privilegeB. possibility C . favour D. advantage20.In face of difficulties, you shouldn’t lose _____.A.heartB. mind C . face D. temper21. He felt rather ______ as he was the only person who wore sportswear at the dinner party.A in place B. in the way C . by the way D. out of place22. The ______ power of the people in this town has been decreasing because most young people have left for the big cities.A shopping B. purchasing C .enduring D. spending23. I received a ______ parcel yesterday and I am still wondering who may have sent it.A sincere B.dull C .complicated D. mysterious24. The school bus was ______ by a thick fog.A held up B.broken off C . kept up D. put off25. How we______ a chance to visit your great country!A looked for B. longed for C .waited for D. went for26. “We’ll do what we can to get the goods ______on time” , said the manager of the company.A reached B.delivered C . returned e27. It is the boy’s laziness that______ his failure in the exams.A resulted from B.brought in C .resulted in D. led into28.The movie star______ with your sister, didn’t he?A . was used to dance ed to dancinged to danceD.was used to dancing29.I can’t understand why he pretended______in the bookstore.A . to see me not B. not to see me C.not see me D. to see not me30.______,you must show your ticket to go into the cinema.A . No matter whoever you are B. Whoever you areC. Whomever you areD. No matter who are you31. The boy of his mistake and ran away.A. was knowingB. was awareC. was hearingD. was understanding32. the interruption, he was able to finish his exercises before the class was over.A. Instead ofB. Even ifC. Because ofD. In spite of33. Did you at the party last night?A. enjoyB. took a good timeC. enjoy yourselfD. spend good time34. He stopped his car in front of the hotel to her up.A. moveB. chooseC. pickD. select35. The general election was . He began to dream of becoming the prime minister.A. round the cornersB. round the cornerC. round cornerD. round corners36. His proposal is that the plan at once.A. is carried outB. will be carried outC. be carried outD. is being carried out37. Jane’s handwriting was appreciated by her fellow students and the teachers .A. toB. as wellC. wellD. /38. The lecture was boring everyone went to sleep.A. too…toB. both …andC. much…thatD. so…that39. The young man missed the last bus. He could do nothing but at the inn for the night.A. stayingB. livingC. liveD. stay40. Professor White wrote a report yesterday.A. two-thousands-wordsB. two-thousand-wordsC. two-thousands-wordD. two-thousand-wordPart II Reading Comprehension(30%)Passage IA few years ago it was common to speak of a generation gap between young people and their elders. Parents said that children did not respect and listen to them, while children said that their parents did not understand them at all. What had gone wrong? Why had the generation gap suddenly appeared? Actually, the generation gap has been around for a long time. Many people argue that it is built into every part of our society.One important cause of the generation gap is the opportunity that young people have to choose their own ways of life. In a more traditional (传统的) society, when children grow up, they are expected to live in the same area as their parents, to marry people that their parents know and like, and often to continue the family jobs. In our society, young people often travel great distances for their education, move out of the family at an early age, marry or live with people whom their parents have never met, and choose jobs different from those of their parents. In our society, parents often expect their children to do better than they did, to find better jobs, to make more money and to do all the things that they were unable to do. Often, that is another cause of the gap between them. Often, they discover that they have very little in common with each other.Finally, the speed at which changes take place in our society is the third cause of the gap between the generations. In a traditional culture, senior people are valued for their knowledge, but in our society the knowledge of a lifetime may become out of date. The young and the old seem to live in two very different worlds, separated by different skills and abilities. No doubt, the generation gap will continue in American life for some time to come.41. The first paragraph tells us that .A. the problem of the generation gap draws much attention from peopleB.it is out of date to talk about the generation gapC. children and parents are trying to understand each otherD. it is very important for people to frequently communicate with each other42. In a more traditional society, old people .A.have their children respect and listen to themB.do not care for their children at allC.expect their children to rebel against themD.do not live together with their children43. In American society young people .A.do not need to find jobsB.marry people younger than themC.have better education than their parentsD.leave home at an early age44. Which of the following is NOT the cause of the generation gap?A.. Young people like to depend more on themselves.B. Parents do not love their children dearly.C.American society changes rapidly.D. Parents expect too much of their children.45. The main idea of the passage is .A. that the generation gap needs consideringB. when the generation gap is necessary in American societyC. why the generation gap existsD.how we can reduce the generation gapPassage IICancer is among the top killer disease in our society today anscientists have found out that stress(紧张) helps to bring it on . It is worthwhile to consider, therefore , what are the causes of stress in our life , and whether we can do anything about them.Are we under-employed , or overburdened with too many responsibilities? Do we have a right balance of work and leisure( 闲暇)in our lives ? Are our relationships with family, friends or fellow workers all they should be?All these things can be a cause of stress, and it is best to face them honestly , and to bring our frustration into the open . People who have a good row and then forget it are doing their health more good than those who bottle up their feelings.If our self-examination has brought any causes of stress to light , let us consider what we can do about them . It is possible to change jobs. We can make more leisure and fill it more happily , if we will accept a different living standard . We can improve our personal relationships by a different attitude . It is we who allow other people to make ourselves unhappy. Often the little things that disturb us are not worth an hour's anger. The teaching in the Bible "Let not the sun go down upon your wrath(愤怒)”is a good advice from the health point of view as well as the religous.46. Which of the following statements is true?A.Freedom from responsibilities helps relieve stress.B. Stress is the direct cause of cancer.C. The causes of stress are worthy of serious study.D. Cancer is the number one killer in our society today.47. According to the passage , which of the following types of people is more likely to suffer from stress?A.people who have cancerB. People who like to quarrel with othersC.People whose living standard is lowD..People who have more responsibilities than they can handle.48. Judging from the context , the word " row" (in the third paragraph) most probablymeans____.A.a noisy quarrel .B.a very loud noiseC.a neat line or things side by sideD. a journey in a boat49. Which of the following is not mentioned as a way to reduce our stress?A.Changing our jobsB.Changing our attitude about little things that can make us unhappyC.Speaking out about our frustrations.D.Reading the Bible50. "Let not the sun go down upon your wrath "probably meansA.Don't let your anger last longB. Don't get angry while the sun is going downC.Don't get angry easily about little thingsD.Don't watch the sun set while you are angryPassagre IIIHow often one hears children wishing they were grown up, and old people wishing they were young again. Each age has its pleasures and its pains, and the happiest person is the one who enjoys what each age gives him without wasting his time in useless regrets.Youth is a time when there are few tasks to make life difficult. If a child has good parents, he is fed, looked after and loved whatever he may do. It is impossible that he will ever again in his life be given so much without having to do anything in return. In addition, life is always presenting new things to the child—things that have lost their interest for older people because they are too well-known. But a child has his pains: he is not so free to do what he wishes to do; he is continually being told not to do things, or being punished for what he has done wrong. When the young man starts to earn his own living, he can no longer expect others to pay for his food, his clothes, and his room, but has to work if he wants to live comfortably. If he spends most of his time playing about in the way that he used to as a child, he will go hungry. And if he breaks the laws of society as he used to break the laws of his parents, he may go to prison. If, however, he works hard, keeps out of trouble and has good health, he can have the great happiness of building up for himself his own position in society.51. People can experience happiness if they .A.always think of the past and regret itB.value the presentC. are no longer youngD.become old and have much experience52. When people were young, they used to .A.be in charge of many businessesB.have few things to think about and take onC.look after their younger sisters and brothersD.face a lot of difficulties53. The pains of children lie in the fact that .A.no one helps them make right decisionsB.they are often beaten by their parentsC.they can not be accepted and praised by othersD.they are not allowed to do what they like to do54. Children are usually happy because .A.old people lose interest in themB.they are free to do wrongC.they are familiar with everything going on around themD.things are new to them55. Which of the following is Not needed for a young man to be happy?A.Hard work.B.Being free from troubles.C.Wealth.D.Health.Part III Cloze (10%)Some boys join the Navy when they are quite young, and are then given a course of training as sailors. It is a long course, both on land 56 at sea. During it, the boys study things 57 mathematics and science as well as learning to tie knots, fire guns and to 58 other practical things.One of the important things they are 59 is, of course, how to swim. 60 the old days, many sailors were unable to swim, 61 nowadays it is rare to find one that cannot.62 one school for sailors, the swimming instructor was very good. 63 Had never had a boy whom he had 64 to teach to swim by the time the course ended. One year, however, 65 was one particular boy on the training course 66 seemed quite unable to learn to 67 . The instructor tried giving him extra lessons, but he had 68 success at all, whatever he did. In the end, as the time drew near for the 69 to end, he had to admit defeat.One day, he called the boy aside after the swimming lesson and said70 him, “John, I have tried very hard to teach you to swim, but I have failed 71 the first time in my life. Now I want to give you a piece of 72 . Listen carefully.”“Yes, sir, ” answered the boy.“Well, ” the instructor 73 on, “if you are ever in a ship and it sinks, just jump over the side 74 the sea, go right down to the bottom and run to the shore as 75as you can. That is the only way you will save your life.”56. A. or B. nor C. and D. besides57. A. such B. like C. both D. by58. A. do B. teach C. finish D. watch59. A. learned B. studied C. done D. taught60. A. Among B. Into C. On D. In61. A. since B. but C. when D. because62. A. At B. For C. By D. Of63. A. It B. They C. She D. He64. A. tried B. taught C. failed D. followed65. A. this B. that C. there D. it66. A. whom B. which C. who D. what67. A. play B. swim C. fire D. sail68. A. some B. no C. any D. none69. A. school B. boy C. swimming D. course70. A. with B. to C. in D. for71. A. as B. on C. for D. of72. A. news B. advice C. idea D. word73. A. put B. said C. came D. went74. A. into B. off C. above D. on75 A. slow B. much C. possible D. fastPart IV Translation (20%)76.旅行社已安排好让我们明天去游览长城,我相信我们在那儿一定会玩得很开心。

山东农业大学考试专用《动物学》A试卷考试方式闭卷考试时长 100分钟一、填空题1. 爬行动物有龟鳖型、蜥蜴型、蛇形三种体型。
2. 软骨鱼与硬骨鱼的主要区别有硬软骨和有无鳔等。
3. 腔肠动物又称刺胞动物,通常将其分为三个纲,即:涡虫纲、吸虫纲和绦虫纲。
4. 作为脊椎动物,圆口类动物的原始性主要表现在:没有上下颌、没有偶鳍和脊索终生存在等。
5. 有头类是指脊椎动物亚门;有胎盘类是指真兽亚纲;有袋类是指后兽亚纲;6. 最低等的多细胞动海绵动物门;最低等的三胚层动物是扁形动物门;最低等的真体腔动物是环节动物门;最低等的后口动物是棘皮动物门;7. 作为脊椎动物,哺乳纲的高等性主要表现在胸廓出现膈肌、心脏4室;8. 鸟类完整的繁殖行为通常包括以下几个环节,分别是占区和筑巢、求偶、交配和产卵、孵化和育雏、9. 水管系统是棘皮动物门动物独有的特征,该门动物还有另外的重要特征,如:次生性辐射对称、具有内骨骼、后口动物等。
10. 脊索动物的三大特征是具脊索具咽鳃裂脊神经管、。
11. 头足纲的代表动物有章鱼;多足纲的代表动物有;掘足纲的代表动物有角贝;腹足纲的代表动物有鲍鱼。
12. 环节动物的进步特征主要有分节、真体腔、后肾管、运动器官、循环器官。
13. 两栖纲分为无足目、有尾目、无尾目三个目。
二、判断题(√)1. 原生动物孢子虫纲是专营寄生生活的一个类群。
(×)2. 所有的昆虫都有三对足、两对翅和一对触角。
(×)3. 只有单细胞的原生动物能进行细胞内消化。
第 1 页共 2 页山东农业大学考试专用(√)4. 颈椎和荐椎是陆生脊椎动物的标志,最早出现这类脊椎的却是两栖动物。
(√)5. 在脊椎动物中能进行无性繁殖的动物不多,海鞘便是其中的一种。
(√)6. 扁形动物门中营寄生生活的种类很多,如各种吸虫和绦虫等。

农大课程考试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 下列哪个选项是植物生长必需的元素?A. 铁B. 铜C. 锌D. 所有选项2. 土壤肥力的三个主要指标是什么?A. 有机质含量、pH值、矿物质含量B. 土壤水分、土壤密度、土壤温度C. 土壤结构、土壤颜色、土壤气味D. 土壤盐分、土壤pH值、土壤通气性3. 以下哪种肥料属于有机肥料?A. 尿素B. 硫酸铵C. 复合肥D. 堆肥4. 植物病害的防治措施主要包括哪些?A. 化学防治B. 物理防治C. 生物防治D. 所有选项5. 什么是植物的光合作用?A. 植物通过呼吸作用释放能量B. 植物通过光能将二氧化碳和水转化为有机物C. 植物通过吸收土壤中的养分生长D. 植物通过蒸腾作用调节水分平衡6. 以下哪个不是植物生长的必需条件?A. 光照B. 温度C. 空气D. 土壤7. 什么是植物的抗逆性?A. 植物对病虫害的抵抗能力B. 植物对环境变化的适应能力C. 植物对土壤盐分的耐受能力D. 植物对水分缺乏的适应能力8. 植物生长调节剂的作用是什么?A. 促进植物生长B. 抑制植物生长C. 调节植物生长周期D. 所有选项9. 什么是植物的休眠期?A. 植物生长缓慢的时期B. 植物完全停止生长的时期C. 植物准备开花的时期D. 植物准备结果的时期10. 以下哪个是植物病害的生物防治方法?A. 使用化学农药B. 使用生物天敌C. 改变植物生长环境D. 物理隔离二、填空题(每空1分,共10分)1. 植物的光合作用主要发生在________。
2. 植物的根系可以分为________和________。
3. 植物的蒸腾作用主要发生在________。
4. 植物的病害防治中,化学防治的主要缺点是________。
5. 植物生长调节剂的使用可以________。
三、简答题(每题10分,共20分)1. 简述植物病害的分类及其防治方法。
2. 描述植物生长调节剂在农业生产中的应用。

农业生态学试题(总22页) -CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1-CAL-本页仅作为文档封面,使用请直接删除一、名词解释(每个2分)1.生态型2.农业生态学3.物质循环4.能量转移5.生态位6.生境7. 生活型8.生物多样性9.生态农业 10.周转率 11.趋同适应 12.食物链13.生态平衡14.营养结构15.生态金字塔16.生物学放大作用17.五大生态危机18.边缘效应19.耐性定律20.种群二、简答题(每题5分)1. 农业生态系统的特点。
2. 农业生态系统的辅助能的类型及意义。
3. C、N、P和水循环的特点。
4. 提高处级生产力和次级生产力的途径。
5. r选择和k选择。
6. 简述种群的数量特征。
7. 群落内生物个体之间可能存在的关系。
8. 简述环境对生物的影响规律。
三、论述题(任选2题,每题10分)1. 什么是农业生态系统的功能?如何提高农业生态系统的功能。
2. 什么是农业生态系统的结构为什么要调整和如何调整农业生态系统的结构。
3. 你认为农业生态学应包括那些内容请你设计一个农业生态学课程内容体系。
教学班号学号姓名专业级班题号满分得分阅卷人审核人一二三四五六七八合计一、给出下列英文短语的中文意思并定义或解释(每个2分,共40分)19.Food chain 20. Pollution二、简答题(每题6分,共36分)1. 什么是生态平衡,生态平衡失调的标志体现在那几个方面?2. 3. 简述农业生态系统的结构。
4. 简述生物种群间的相互关系。
5. 简述环境对生物的影响和作用。
6. 简述农业生态系统中林业与农业的关系。
(14分)山东农业大学考试专用第 3 页,共 13 页《农业生态学》试卷(B卷;课程代码:1400360 )考试方式闭卷考试时长 100 分钟教学班号学号姓名专业级班题号满分得分阅卷人审核人一二三四五六七八合计一、从下列名词中选择15个,译成汉语并用汉语或英语解释(每个2分,共30分)9.population 10.niche 11.trophic level 12.habitatmunity 14.environment 15.interspecific relation16.intraspecific relation 17.pollution 18.biodiversity19.species structure 20.temporal structure21.trophic structure 22.vertical structure 23.horizontal structure 24.allelopathy 25.ecological strategy 26.regulation of density 27.dominant species 28.climax community 29.edge effect munity succession 31.ecotype 32.food chain 二、简答题(每题6分)1. 农业生态系统的特点。

8.一物体质量为M ,置于光滑水平地板上,今用一水平力F 通过一质量为m 的绳拉动物体前进,则物体的加速度a =________________。
9.质量为M ,长度为l 的匀质细杆,绕一端并与细杆垂直的转轴的转动惯量为。
14.当n a ≠0,t a =0时,质点做运动。
15.长为l 的匀质细杆,可绕过其端点的水平轴在竖直平面内自由转动。
10.1摩尔自由度为i 的理想气体分子组成的系统的内能为。
12.将1kg 0℃的水加热到100℃,该过程的熵变为。
)1.如图所示,湖中有一小船,有人用绳绕过岸上一定高度处的定滑轮拉湖中的船向岸边运动.设该人以匀速率0v 收绳,绳不伸长、湖水静止,则小船的运动是()。
(A)匀加速运动(B)匀减速运动(C)变加速运动(D)匀速直线运动2.质点作曲线运动,切向加速度t a 的大小可表示为()。
(A)d d t v (B)d d r t (C)d d s t(D)d d tv 3.当物体有加速度时,则()。
(A )对该物体必须有功(B )它的动能必然增大(C )它的势能必然增大(D )对该物体必须施力,且合力不会等于零4.对于一个质点系来说,在下列条件中,哪种情况下系统的机械能守恒?()(A )合外力为零(B )合外力不做功(C )外力和非保守内力都不做功(D )外力和保守力都不做功得分图中哪一种情况正确地表示了质点在C处的加B)。
细棒,长度为l ,其上端用细线悬着,下端紧贴着密度为ρ'的液体表面。

⼭东农业⼤学200910(1)概率统计含试卷A含参考答案与评分标准2009 – 2010学年第⼀学期《概率统计》试卷A_参考答案与评分标准课程代码BB103001 考试⽅式闭卷考试时长100分钟题号⼀⼆三四五六七⼋合计满分15 18 12 15 13 15 12 100 得分阅卷⼈考⽣须知:1、姓名、学号、专业班级均要填在密封线以内,否则试卷作废。
(注:不⽤计算器)⼀、填空题(每⼩题3分,共15分)1.设B-=,则()0.8P A BP A=, ()0.3A,为随机事件,()0.5P AB.=2. 设随机变量X 的分布列为 01234560. P ,则{4}0.87≤=P X .3. 设随机变量X 的密度函数为2, 1()0, 1cx f x x x ?≥?=??c .4. 设~(1,2)X N ,~(3,4)Y N ,且X 和Y 相互独⽴,则(3)22-=D X Y .5. 设随机变量~()X P λ,且已知[(1)]3E X X +=,则λ1=.⼆、选择题(每⼩题3分,共18分)1.有8件零件,其中5件为正品,3件为次品.从中任取4件,取出的零件中有2件正品2件次品的概率为 C .()A17; ()B 27; ()C 37; ()D 47. 2. 在0H 为原假设,1H 为备择假设的假设检验中,若显著性⽔平为α,则 C .()00(|)A P H H α=接受成⽴; ()11(|)B P H H α=接受成⽴;()10(|)C P H H α=接受成⽴; ()01(|)D P H H α=接受成⽴.3. 设12(,,,)(1)n X X X n >L 为总体2~(,)X N µσ的⼀个样本,X 为样本均值,2S 为样本⽅差,则有 C .()A2~(,)X N µσ; ()B 2~(,)nX N µσ;()C~(1)/X t n S nµ--; ()D /~(1)X S t n -.4. 设随机变量X 的⽅差为2,由切⽐雪夫不等式得{|()|2}-≥≤P X E X A .()A12; ()B 13; ()C 14; ()D 15.5. 对总体),(~2σµN X 的均值µ作区间估计,得到置信度为95%的置信区间,其意是指这个区间 B .()A 平均含总体95%的值; ()B 有95%的机会含µ的值; ()C 有95%的机会含样本的值; ()D 平均含样本95%的值.6. 设12,,,n X X X L 独⽴同分布,它们的期望与⽅差分别为2,µσ,若令1nkk n Xn Y n µσ=-=∑,则n Y 近似服从 D .()A 2()n χ; ()B ()t n ; ()C (1,)F n ; ()D (0,1)N .三、计算题(12分)设随机变量X 服从区间(1,6)上的均匀分布,求⼀元⼆次⽅程210t X t ++=有实根的概率.解:依题意知,X 密度函数为1/5,16()0,x f x <⽅程有实根的条件为X 2-4≥0,即X ≤-2 或 X ≥2,从⽽,P {t 2+Xt +1=0有实根}= P {X ≤-2}+ P {X ≥2} = P {X ≤-2}+1-P {X <2} ……………………………………………………… 6分得分=22()1()--∞-∞+-=?f x dx f x dx 21141.55=-=?dx ………………………………… 2分四、计算题(15分)设⼆维随机变量(,)X Y 的联合分布列(律)如右表,试求解以下问题(要求:计算要有主要过程):① X 的边缘分布为 ……………… 3分② Y 的边缘分布为 ……………… 3分③ ),(Y X Cov =()()()E XY E X E Y -= ……………… 3分Y X0 1 2 3 0 1/6 1/12 4 1/6 1/6 1/6 5 1/121/60 1 2 1/4 1/2 1/4Y P3 4 5 1/4 1/2 1/4X P得分④ XY ρ=(,)()()Cov X Y D X D Y = ……………… 3分⑤ X ,Y 是否相互独⽴?因为{3,0}{3}{0}P X Y P X P Y ==≠==,所以X ,Y 不相互独⽴. … 3分五、计算题(13分)设国际市场上每年对我国某种出⼝农产品的需求量X (单位:t )是随机变量,它服从[1200,3000]上的均匀分布.若售出这种农产品1t ,可赚2万元,但若销售不出去,则每吨需付仓库保管费1万元,问每年应准备多少吨产品才可得到最⼤利润?解: 设每年准备该种商品a 吨,年利润为Y ,则利润为 ………… 1分2,3000()2(),1200a a X Y g X X a X X a≤≤?==?--≤12003000()18000?≤≤?=x f x ,,其它, ……………… 2分得到平均利润为300012001()()d 1800=?E Y g x x …………………………………… 2分 300012001[(3)2]1800d d a a x a x a x =-+?? …………………………………… 2分213(72002160000)18002a a =-+-. …………………………………… 2分求极值过程,略. 当a = 2400时,()E Y 取到最⼤值,故每年准备此种商品2400 t ,可使平均利润达到最⼤. ………………………………………… 2分六、参数估计题(15分)设总体X 的密度函数为 <<=-其它,010,),(1x x x f θθθ,其中0θ>未知,12,,,n X X X L 为⼀组简单随机样本,试求θ的矩估计与极⼤似然估计.解:①因X 1, X 2,…,X n 为来⾃总体的⼀组样本, ………………… 1分由矩估计原理得 ?()E XX =,计算得 ()()E X xf x dx +∞-∞=?110x x dx θθ-=?1θθ=+, ………………… 3分解得θ的矩估计量为 ?1XXθ=- . ……………………………… 1分②设x 1, x 2,…,x n 为样本的⼀组观测值, …………………………… 1分则似然函数为11)(-=?=∏θθθi ni n x L ,…………………………………… 3分取对数得 1ln ()ln()(1)ln()nii L n x θθθ==+-∑, …………………………… 1分求导数得1ln ()ln()ni i d L n x d θθθ==+∑, …………………………………… 1分令 0)(ln =θθd L d ,得似然⽅程 1ln()0ni i n x θ=+=∑, …………………… 1分解得θ的极⼤似然估计值为 1ln()nii nx θ==-∑, …………………… 3分因此得θ的极⼤似然估计量为 1ln()nii nX θ==-∑ . (⽆此步,不扣分)七、假设检验题(12分)⼀般情况下667m 2粮⾷产量服从正态分布. 某县在秋收时随机抽查了25个村的667m 2产量,得平均产量x =1050kg ,标准差s =50kg ,试问该县已达到吨粮县的结论是否成⽴?(= 0.05),其中:0.050.0250.050.0250.050.025(25) 1.7081,(25) 2.0595;(24) 1.7109,(24) 2.0639;1.645, 1.96.t t t t u u ======解:属σ2未知的参数µ的左单侧检验问题.依题意有 H 0: µ=1000;H 1: µ<1000 , ……………………………… 4分选取统计量 ~(1)/µ-==-X t t n S n, …………………………………… 2分查表得 0.05(24) 1.7109t =,拒绝域为 t <-1.7109 , …………………… 2分计算统计量的值得 105010005/50/25µ--===x t s n , …………………… 2分由于t 不在拒绝域内,所以接受H 0, ………………………………………… 1分认为该县已经达到了吨粮县的标准. ………………………………………… 1分。

A.表现出自我服务偏见 B.犯了基本归因错误C.曲解了员工的控制点 D.犯了假设相似性的错误3、“奖金”在双因素理论中称为()。
A.态度紊乱 B.认知失调C.知觉混乱D.晕轮效应5、在20世纪30年代,确信管理者的工作是激励雇员做出更多努力,并首先提出组织是一个开放系统观点的学者是()。
A.亨利·法约尔 B.马克斯·韦伯C.切斯特·巴纳德 D.埃尔顿·梅奥6、钱德勒是最早对战略和结构的关系进行研究的管理学家,他研究的结论是()。
A.战略 B.结构 C.文化 D.核心能力9、以下哪一个不是激发组织创新力的因素?()A.结构因素 B.人力资源因素C.技术因素 D.文化因素10、在工作设计上,通过增加计划和评估责任而使工作纵向拓展,增加工作的深度。
A.工作扩大化 B.工作丰富化C.工作多元化 D.工作纵深化二、名词解释11、组织变革12、非程序化决策13、迈克尔·波特的竞争五力模型14、利益相关者15、管理技能16、工作专门化与部门化17、无边界组织18、路径—目标理论三、简答题19、霍桑实验对管理史为何如此重要?20、在先进的信息技术下,组织工作可以在任何时间任何地点完成,那么,组织职能仍然是一项重要的管理职能吗?为什么?21、什么是组织绩效?22、简述团队凝聚力和一致性。

山东农业大学期末考试试卷(A卷)课程姓名 专业 班级 得分一、 填空题(每空0.5分共15分)1.农业企业的会计科目分为 、 、 、 、 五类,“制造费用”属———类,“管理费用”属———类。
2.成本计算期的确定受 影响是农业会计的特点之一。
3.在我国的会计法规体系中, 是会计工作的根本法规,于———年公布, 年修订。
二、 判断题(在正确的命题后打╳,错误的命题后打╳,每小题1分共15分)1.企业发生了收入必然同时伴有等量的现金流入。
( )2.一年内到期的长期负债在资产负债表中应列为流动负债。
( )3.企业资产负债表中确认的资产都是企业拥有的资产。

山东农业大学高等数学期末考试试卷(含答案) 一、高等数学选择题
2. ( ).
( ).
8. ( ).

3.Plot the 3Dmeshfigureand3Dsurface figureof the function
(1)nand exist in Workspace of Matlab. It is no any limit;
(2)nand are unknown variables. Please inputxby keyboard one by one, and give amarkof end the data input. Examinees can use loop statement and length() function and input() function, but cannot use mean() function, std() function, and var() function directly(可以使用循环语句和length()函数、input()函数等进行编程,但不能直接使用mean()、std()和var()等函数).
in the range of and ,respectively.
1. Write a function program to compute the following function
and call this function program to compute the value of in main program or command window, there, shows thefactorial(阶乘) of .

专业课程:⼤学英语三级课程代码:4300040考试⽇期:2003年1⽉2001⼯商体专⽤TEST PAPER注意:1.考试时间为100分钟。
2. 试卷全部收回。
Part Ⅰchoose the correct answer (10%)1. There are______eggs.A. my last twoB. last my twoC. mine two lastD. two my last2. My daughter watches the film with______girls.A. other threeB. an other threeC. three otherD. three the other3.He wrote______sections of this book.A. two ofB. the first twoC. two firstD. a first two4. _______have to solve this problemA. Us of threeB. Three usC. We threeD. Us three5.Several_____of students will take part in the sports meetA. hundredsB.hundredC. of hundredD. of hundreds6. In his_______,Karl Marx began to learn RussianA. fiftiethB. fiftyC. fiftiethsD. fifties7.______of the books in the library are bought for students'readingA. Tree fourthB. Tree fourC. Tree fourthsD. Third fours8. Li Ming is______student to come to school this morningA. threeB. the thirdC. the threeD. third9. ________of young people liek pop music in ChinaA. Hundred of thousandB. Hundreds of thousandC. Hundreds of thousandsD. Hundred of thousands10. Would you please try ______time?A. a secondB. a twoC. the secondD. the twoPart ⅡUse the words to complete the following sentences.(10%) geuine tiring regular available validindeed consuming bonus stock coupon1. Buy a Revlon colorstay lipcolor at _______________brice and receive a revlon Eye pen(a $3.95 value) REE!2. Shopping is a ___________business for some people, but a great enjoyment for others.3. We have a great selection of styles and colors in________________________.4. With any $8.99 fragrance(⾹⽔)purchase,you'll get a ____________lipcolor(a$4.95 value).5. It's really energy-________________to run 5000 meters.6. This is a _____________________Adidas jacket.It's only $64.99.7. The ticket is____________________for three weeks.8. American people often collect_________________before gping shopping.9. I'm sorry the sweatshirt is not_____________________ in your size.10. The temperature is 10C below zero. It’s very cold_____________.Part ⅢWrite an advertisemnet (20%)suppose Robinson's May chains want to place an advertisement for their pierreCardin sportshirts to be sold at a reduced price of $60. The regular price is $100.There is an assortment of styles and colors. ln order to promote the sale, they offera bonus sale of a second shirt at 50% off the regular price. Try to write an advertisementby using the given ad information.1. On sale2. 40% off3. second one4. 50%5. Bonus6.available7. stodk8.Regular9. Sizes:S.M,L,XL.Part ⅣTranslation and Comprehension (40%)(1)Pat O'Burke was a poor Irishman with a large family, and one morning, waking up very early from cold and hunger, he decided to go shooting in a wood near his cottage. The wood belonged to Lord Northwood, a rich gentleman, and Pat had no right to go there, but in it there were swarms of rabbits and flocks of birds that were good to eat, and Pat determined to take the risk. Suddenly he saw the owner, with a group of friends, coming towards him in the wood Tere was a look of anger on Lord Northwood's face caught sight of the gun in Pat's hands.Pat's heart sank with fear, but he saw there was no hope of escape, so he walked boldly up to the company and said to Lord Northwood, "Good morning, sir, and what has brought you out so early this morning?" Lord Northwood, rather surpised, said he and his friends weretaking a little exercise to get an appetite for their breakfast. Then, looking at Pat winth suspicion, he said, "But why aer you out so early in the morning?" "Well, sir," said Pat, "I just came out to see if I could get a breakfast for my appetite." The whole crowd burst into laughter at Pat's ready wit, and with a smile Lord Northwood walked on, leaving Pat to try his luck with the rabbits.1. wit才智2.appetite⾷欲,胃⼝3.suspioion猜疑4.risk风险5. boldly风险6.rabbit兔⼦7. swaims群/doc/7947dd1e6bd97f192279e951.html pany⼈群Comprhension Exercise1. This is a story about_________.A. a rich man who owned a big wood.B. a poor Irishman who lived all by himselfC. a clever man who tried to get something to eatD. an Irish hunter with a large family2. One morning Pat went to a wood__________.A. to get a little exercise.B. to take in some fresh airC. hoping to get something to eat.D. to visit the rich owner3. There was a look of anger on Lord Northwood's face. why?A. He was not expecting Pat at this early hourB. He knew Pat was ciming for shootingC. He didn't like the poor Irishman at allD. Pat had not told him he would come4. Why was Lord Northwood surprised?A. He had not expectesuch a bold question form PatB. He wondered why Pat didn't run awayC. Pat wasn't afraaid of himD. Pat had a gun is his hands5. Pat's_________made the whole crowd burst into laghter.A. funny looksB. interesting remarksC. quock and wintty reponseD. promise to leave right a way6.In the end Lord Northwood_________.A. orderd Pat out of the woodB. warned Pat against shootingC. left pat alone in the woodD. asked Pat to join them7. It was because of his________that Pat was left to try his luckA. boldnessB. calmnessC. quickness of mindD. obedience(2)The Olympic Games are held every four years in a different city in the world Athletes form many countries compete in a variety of sports which are divided into winter and summer ganmes.The olympics began in Greece more than 2,700 years ago. The ganmes were originally part of a religious festival in honor of the Greek Gods. Eventually, the games became the most important festival in all of Greece.The first recorded Olympic competition was held in 776 B.C . It was held in an outdoor stadium which was about 200 meters long and 30 meters wide. The stadium was in a valley, and about forty thousand people watched the event. The first thirteen Olympics consisted of only one race---running.Since 776 B.C. the games had been held reguarly for about 1,200 years. In the year 397 the Olympics were prohibited by the Roman Emperor.It was not until 1896 that the first Olympics of modern times were held in Athens.From then on the games are held every four years regularly. The Olympics have become the world's most important athletic events and a symbol of sporting frendship of all the peopleof the world.Comprehension Exercise1. Where are the Olympic Games held?A.Each time in a different cityB.Mostly in EuropeC. In different cities of GreeceD. In the capitals of different countries2. At what time of the year do the modern Olympics take place?A. Mostly in summerB. Usually in winterC. Both in summer and winterD. In varies form time to time3. What athletic events were held in the first thirteen Olympic Games?A. A great variety of eventsB. A field event onlyC. A track event onlyD. Some track and field events4. Which of the following is discussed in the passage?A. The sites where the Olympics were heldB. The history of the Olympic GamesC. The awards of the Olympic GamesD.The well-known athletes who have emerged from the Olympic Games5. What does the passage tell us about the signifcance of the Olympic Games ?A. they are the world's most important athletic events and mark the friendship among people of the world.B. They not only provide exciting sporting events but also make great contrions to world peace.C. They allqw people of the world to enjoy most important athletic events and bring great economic benefit to the host sponsor countryD. They offer best sporting events and promote cooperantion between countries Part ⅤTranslate the following into English (20%)1.这个地⽅开晚会很理想。

2022年山东农业大学生物技术专业《微生物学》期末试卷A(有答案)一、填空题1、细菌细胞内的贮藏物分三类:①碳源或能源类贮藏物如______、 ______和______;②氮源类贮藏物如______和______;③磷源类贮藏物称______,常见于______、______和______三类细菌中。

如在培养基中加入 ______,会杀死或抑制______的生长而分离出______;在培养基中加入______,有利于分离到革兰氏阴性菌。

2022年山东农业大学公共课《大学计算机基础》期末试卷A(有答案)一、单项选择题1、一个数是11011D,则它是一个()A.二进制B.八进制C.十进制D.十六进制2、十进制数27转换成二进制数是()A.1011B.1101C.10111D.110113、二进制数110110111转换为十六进制数是()A. (1B7)16B. (8B1)16C. (DB8)16D. (DB1)164、下列数据中,最小数是()A.(10111100)2B. (162)sC. (264)10D. (CD)165、下面是关于计算机病毒的两种论断,经判断(1)计算机病毒也是一种程序,它在某些条件上激活,起干扰破坏作用,并能传染到其他程序中去;(2)计算机病毒只会破坏磁盘上的数据,()A.只有(1)正确B.只有(2)正确C. (1)和(2)都正确D. (1)和(2)都不正确6、目前,一张直径为12cm的单面单层DVD光盘存储容量一般可以达到()A.650KBB.3.2GBC. 4.7GBD.6.5GB7、基于“程序存储”的计算机工作原理的计算机体系结构称为()A.艾伦.图灵结构B.罗伯特.诺伊斯结构C.比尔.盖茨结构D.冯.诺依曼结构8、在Windows 7的菜单中,若某命令项后面有黑三角“”,则表示该命令项()A.有下级子菜单B.将弹出对话框C.双击鼠标可直接执行D.单击鼠标可直接执行9、下列有关Windows7快捷方式的叙述中,错误的是()A.快捷方式可以在安装应用程序时自动产生B.快捷方式可以由用户自主创建C.快捷方式图标的左下角有一个回D.删除应用程序的快捷方式后,相应的应用程序也被删除10、要设置打印机的优先级.应在打印机属性对话框中选择的选项卡是()A.常規B.高级C.端口D.设备设置11、Windows 7中的“任务栏”()A.只能改变其位置不能改变其大小B.只能改变其大小不能改变其位置C.既能改变其位置也能改变其大小D.既不能改变其位置也不能改变其大小12、下列古那于“快捷方式”的系数中,错误的是()A.可以使用快捷反复市作为打开程序的捷径B.删除快捷方式后,它所指向的项目也不会被删除C.可在桌面上创建打印机的快捷方式D.快捷方式的图标可以更改13、Windows 72000“附件”中的“画图”程序不支持的图形格式是()A.BMPB.JPGC.GIFD.PSD14、在Word“字体”对话框中,不能设置()A.边框B.字号C.字体颜色D.下划线15、在Word2010中,插入“艺术字”应选择“插入”功能区的()A “文本”组B “表格”组C“符号”组D“插图”组16、退出Word应用程序的快捷键是()A.EscB.Alt+F4C.Ctrl+F4D.Shift+F417、下列有关Word 2010查找与替换功能叙述中,正确的是A.只能替换内容,不能替换格式()B.进行文本替换时,只能替换半角字符C.只能查找内容,不能查找格式D.查找可区分全角和半角字符18、在Word中,打开“计算机.doc”文件后,单击“窗口”菜单中的“新建窗口”命令,则两个窗口的标题栏显示为()A.“计算机.doc”和“计算机.doc"B.“计算机.doc”和“计算机.doc:1”C.“计算机.doc”和“计算机.doc:2”D.“计算机.doc:1”和“计算机.doc:2”19、Word文档的默认扩展名是()A.WPSB.DOTC.DOCD.EXE20、在Excel 2010中、要将有数据且设登了格式的单元格恢复为默认格式的空单元格,应先选定该单元格,然后使用()A.Del 键B.“格式”菜单的“单元格”命令C.“编辑”菜单的“清除”命令D.“常用”工具栏的“剪切”命令21、在Excel 2010单元格中输入公式时,输入的首字符必须为()A.=B.-C.∶D.+22、在Excel 2010工作表中,如题22图所示的数据,在C2中求A1+B2的和,应输人()A.=A1+B2B."A1+B2"C."=A1+B2"D.SUM(A1:B2)23、如果在Excel 2010中的单元格A3,B3,C3,D3,E3,F3的数据分别为5,6,7,8,9,10,在H3单元格中的计算公式是=AVERAGE(B3,D3:F3),在H3中显示的计算结果是()A.7B.8C.8.25D.9.2524、在Excel 2010中,能正确计算E3到E6单元格数据之和的公式是()A.=SUM(E3,E6)B.=SUM(E3;E6)C.=SUM(E3 E6)D.=SUM(E3:E6)25、向Excel 2010单元格输入数据之后,单元格中出现一串“#”符号,表示()A.单元格被隐藏B.单元格被加密C.用户输入了错误的数据D.输入的数值长度超过了单元格的宽度26、在“幻灯片浏览”视图中不能进行的操作是()A.插入幻灯片B.删除幻灯片C.改变幻灯片的顺序D.编辑幻灯片中的文字27、在关系数据库中,数据的逻辑结构为()A.层次结构B.树形结构C.网状结构D.二维表28、下列有关因特网的叙述中,正确的是()A.人人网是一个购物网站B.新浪是一个电子商务网站C.百度是一个搜索引擎网站D.美团网是一个门户网站29、计算机网络的主要功能是()A.资源共享和快速通信B.数据处理C.增加存储容量D.提高可靠性30、在Internet中,超文本传输协议的英文缩写是()A. TCPB. FTPC. SMTPD. HTTP二、填空题31、在Windows 7的资源管理器窗口中,实现对多个不连续文件的选定,应单击第一个文件,然后按住__________键,再依次单击需要选中的文件。

4、(20分)图(j)示一起重机及梁,梁由两根No.28a工字钢组成,可移动的起重机自重P=50 kN,起重机吊重F=10 kN,若[σ]=160MPa, [τ]=100MPa,试校核梁的强度。
(一个工字钢的惯性矩Iz= 7114.14 ×104mm4,Iz/Szmax=246.2 mm)
3、图(c)示受力结构中,若杆1和杆2的拉压刚度EA相同,则节点A的铅垂位移ΔA y=,水平位移ΔAx=。
2014年山东农业大学 生化B试卷(A)答案

A、α-1, 6糖苷键B、β-1, 6糖苷键
9、SD序列:原核生物mRNA中位于起始密码子上游10个核苷酸左右处的一段富含嘌呤的核苷酸序列,通过与16S rRNA 3’端的序列互补配对,使核糖体识别翻译起始密码子。
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- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
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A. Because of B. As
C. For
D. Since that
40.I tried to cook the dish ______ the chef did.
A. in which the same way like
B. using much the same way as
C. with much the same way as
A. complained B. complainted C. complainant D. complacent
15.Eighty percent of television viewers chose him as their ____ host.
A. fortunate B. favorite C. preferred D. preferable
A. demanding
B. inquiring
C. requiring D. searching
26.We have ______friendly relationships with many countries in the world.
A. confirmed
B. established
C. It rains or not
D. If or not it rains
37.Al’s doctor insists ________for two weeks.
A. that he is resting B. him to rest C. his resting D. that he rest
A. Giving B. Given
C. Gave
D. Give
32.It ______ that it was a nice and sunny day.
A. turned out B. turned up C. turned to D. turned upon
33.In general, she wouldn’t mind _______.
A. award
B. medal
C. prize
D. reward
13.The man confessed that he______ a murder.
A. did
B. conducted C. committed D. performed
14.Our neighbor______ that we always made noises.
38.So bright was the boy ______ no one in his class could match him.
A. as
B. since
C. where
D. that
39._____the weather was fine, I opened all the windows.
C. No one will ask him to dance in the crowd.
D. It is impossible to dance in this crowd.
9. A. Passer—by. B. Taxi driver. C. Policeman D. Friend
10. A. He doesn’t know how to fix up the toy.
山东农业大学考试试卷(A 卷)
注100 分钟。 2. 答题卡填涂方法:试卷类型涂“A”, 准考证号第一位涂“0”,其余 8 位为考试证
号, 考试科目涂“英语”, 用 2B 或 HB 铅笔将答案涂黑。
24.The guides _____the tourists together at the hotel gate.
A. accumulated B. collected
C. assembled D. resembled
25.The parents went from house to house, ______whether anyone had seen the lost boy.
30.It was ______of you not to play the piano while I was asleep.
A. considerable B. considerate C. considered
D. considering
31.______the opportunity, each of you will be a success.
A. her to stay away B. she stayed away
C. her staying away
D. she staying away
34.______I love Bob, so I love his daughter.
A. On condition B. If only C. Even though
A. postpone
B. cancel
C. delay
D. refuse
18.I hate people who ____ the end of the film that you haven’t seen before.
A. reveal
B. revise
C. rewrite
D. reverse
5. A. $130
B. $400
C. $300
D. $800
6. A. 8:57
B. 9:00
C. 8:53
D. 9:03
7. A. West Germany B. France C. Holland
D. Britain
8. A. No one knows how to dance.
B. No one will notice how he dances.
11.You have to put on a new suit and to make yourself look______.
A. respectable B. respective C. respecting D. respective
12.As a ______ for his contribution, he got a new car from the company.
A. clenched
B. sentenced C charge D. confirmed
21.She is _____about his chances of winning a gold medal in the Olympics next year.
A. optional
B. outstanding C. obvious D. optimistic
1. A.At a restaurant B.At a movie C.At a friend’s house D.At a gas station
2. A. At 2 o’clock B. At 3 o’clock C. At 4 o’clock D. At 5 o’clock
3. A. He may change it into a restaurant.
16.Every citizen in a democratic country may_____ the protection of the law.
A. entitle
B. claim
C. charge
D. inform
17.As we can no longer wait for the delivery of our order, we have to ______ it.
22.We’ll have to _____to the idea even though we don’t like it.
A. allow
B. approve
C. accept D. agree
23. I ______seeing you all again next term.
A hope
B. wish C. look forward to D. expect
3. 翻译写在答题纸上,交卷时只交答题卡和答题纸。
Part I. Listening Comprehension (5points)
Direction: In this section, you will hear ten short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversation and question will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C, and D, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.
D. in much the same way that
Part III Reading Comprehension (40%)
Passage One
Psychologists have found that only about two percent of adults use their creativity,