上海交通大学2011年考博英语真题阅读理解试题及参考答案(One)Passage OneLithography (平板印刷术)is an art process of printing from a plane surface on which the image to be printed is ink-receptive and the blank area ink-repellent. Lithography is based on the antipathy of oil and water. A drawing is made in reverse on the ground surface of the stone with a crayon or ink that-contains soap or grease. The image produced on the stone will accept printing ink and reject water. Once the grease in the ink has penetrated the stone, the drawing is washed off and the stone kept moist. It is then inked with a roller and printed on a lithographic press. As a process, lithography is probably the most unrestricted, allowing a wide range of tones and effects. Several hundred fine prints can -be taken from a stone. The medium was employed by many 19th century artists, including Goya, Delacroix, Daumier, Degas, and remains popular with, contemporary artist. Among American artist noted for their lithographs are Carrier and Ives.The Currier and Ives firm of lithographers was founded by Nathaniel Currier in 1834. James Ives joined the firm as a bookkeeper eighteen years later just after becoming Currier’s brother-in-law, and was made a partner in 1857. The pair showed an uncanny ability to predict what the American public would rush to buy in the way of cheap art, and literally hundreds of thousands of prints from as many as 7,000 individual pictures were named out and sold from the firm’s shop in lower New York by street vendors and over shop counters throughout the country and even in Europe. Though in the course of time the firm employed some of America’s finest artists, artistic excellence could certainly not be counted among the firm’s real goals. Nevertheless, some time after it went out of business in 1907, the prints enjoyed new popularity as collectors’ items, the rarer examples fetching thousands of dollars in the 1920’s.41. What occurs when a design has been drawn on a flat surface with a special grease crayon and to which (the surface) water and then ink are applied?A. The ink adheres to the crayon image and is repelled by the moist areas.B. The ink adheres to the moist areas and is repelled by the crayon image.C. The water adheres to the crayon image and is repelled by the moist areas.D. Both ink and water are repelled by the crayon image.42. Witch of the following correctly describes when Ives became a partner?A. As soon as he married Currier’s sisterB. When he could predict American taste in cheap art better than Currier.C. After eighteen years of service to the firm.D. When he had worked for the company for about five years.43. According to the passage, what was the particular factor that seemed to make the firm so successful?A. Its feeling for what the public would buyB. Its choice of shop site in lower New York.C. The fact that it published prints that became collectors’ itemsD. Its ability to identify upcoming great American artists.44. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?A. During its whole history, it sold 7,000 prints.B. The firm’s prints were especially popular in Europe.C. The average number of prints from each picture was fewer than 7,000.D. Street vendors were among the firm’s most effective sale force.45. Which of the following can NOT be inferred from the passage?A. The issuing of a Currier &Ives print was of some interest to the American can public.B. Some of the best American artists of the day were employed by Currier &Ives.C. The popularity of Currier & Ives prints did not end when the business closed.D. Currier &Ives primary goal was to be remembered as patrons of the arts.参考答案解析Passage One【文章大意】本文首先讲述了平板印刷术的工作原理,而后介绍了美国艺术家也运用这一原理,在美国艺术家中,因他们的平板印刷术而著名的是Carrier and Ives,他们凭借对市场预测的神秘能力使他们的公司壮大了。
(10×2’)1 语言2 语流音变3区别性特征4类推作用5组合的递归性6语音对应关系7表意文字8克里奥尔语9共时语言学10历史比较语言学二、判断题。
2______ 是最小的语法单位,______ 是最大的语法单位。
3布龙菲尔德的代表作是 ______,奠定了描写语言学派的理论基础。
4句子中的修饰成分一般有 ______ 和 ______ 充当。
5瑞士语言学家柴门霍夫发明的语言叫做 ______。
6有区别词的语音形式作用的音高、音长、音重叫做 ______。
7词的有历史可查的最初的意义叫 ______,由本义衍生出来的意义叫______。
8语言符号的形式是 ______,意义是 ______。
9词义演变的类型有旧义的 ______、______、______。
10修饰语包括 ______。
A.文字B.修辞C.音韵D.训诂3 下列现象属于构词的有()。
4 下面既可以作为自由语素,又可以作为粘着语素的是()。
5 方言是语言在不同()的变体。
1用国际音标给写出下列字注音: 1)上海外国语大学研究生2区分下面词语的语义特征:1)公鸡和小鸡2)椅子和凳子3)衬衫和背心4)自行车和摩托车5)粥和饭3 指出下列词的本义和派生义,并指出派生的方式:1)老2)绿色3)卫星4)铁窗5)China4 分析构词:1)睡觉2)玻璃3)人类4)改正5)车辆6)鼠窜5用变换分析法和层次分析法分析以下歧义句:1)撞了李阿姨的车2)妇女和老人的朋友3)反对的是厂党委书记。
二、研究方向1. 外国语言学与应用语言学〖翻译理论与实践〗(学科代码:050215)2.英语语言文学〖美国研究〗(学科代码:050201)三、学习年限外国语言学与应用语言学和英语语言文学两个二级学科的英语(翻译理论与实践和美国研究)专业学习年限均为三年,其中前两年为学习专业课程时间,第三年为论文撰写时间。
第一卷注意事项:1. 答第一卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号、考试科目用铅笔涂写在答题卡上。
2. 每小题选出答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。
3. 考试结束,考生将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。
Part I. Listening ComprehensionSection ADirections: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.1. Where does the conversation most probably take place?A. At a train station.B. At an airport.C. At a travel agency.D. At a bus station.【答案】B【解析】本题的选材属于“人际关系”类话题,属高考听力的高频话题。
上海交通大学2011年考博英语真题阅读理解试题及参考答案(Three)Passage ThreeAs the English language has changed at a fast speed in the last century, so has the use of the English language.After the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) was founded in 1927, the particular style of speech of the BBC announcers was recognized as Standard English of Received Pronunciation (RP) English. Now most people still consider that the pronunciation and delivery of BBC announcers in the clearest and most understandable spoken English.English has had a strong association, with class and social status. However, since the Second World War there has been a considerable change of attitude towards speech snobbery, and hallmarks of class distinction such as styles of speech have been gradually thrown away, especially by the young generation.As the need has arisen, new words have been invented or found from other languages and integrated into English. Similarly, old words and expressions have been discarded as their usefulness has reduced or the fashions have passed. This also happens to styles and modes of speech which became fashionable at a particular time and in specific circumstances.By the end of the 1960s it became apparent that it was not necessary to speak Standard English or even correct grammar to become popular, successful and rich. The fashionable speech of the day was no longer the prerogative of a privileged class but rather an expression of classlessness.The greatest single influence of the shaping of the English language in modern times is the American English. Over the last 25 years the English used by many people, particularly by those in the media, advertising and show business, has become more and more mid-Atlantic in style, delivery and accent.In the 1970s, fashion favored careless pronunciation and a language full of jargon, slang and “in” words, much of it quite incomprehensible to the outside world. What is considered modern and fashionable in Britain today is often not the kind of English taught in schools and colleges.51. Which one of the following is NOT true?A. The use of the English language has not changed much in this century.B. The BBC announcers speak Standard English.C. English has no association with class and social status now.D. Young people all speak English in the same way.52. What does the author imply by saying, “there has been a considerable change of attitude towards speech snobbery” (Part. 3)?A. People all speak English like BBC announcers.B. There is a great change of attitude about how English should be spoken.C. Some people still think their way of speaking is inferior.D. Most people don’t believe their way of speaking is inferior.53. According to the author, there was a trend in the U.S for the young people___________.A.to speak Standard EnglishB.to speak English without class distinctionC.to speak English with class distinctionD.to speak English with grammar mistakes.54. The word “prerogative” in the passage (Para.5, line 3) probable means________.A.preferenceB.exclusive rightC.expressionD.inborn ability55. Which of the following statements is NOT true?A. Standard English is taught in school and colleges.B. the young people are defiant because they refuse to speak standard EnglishC. English language is influenced by American English in the last 25 years.D. there has been a great change in the English language in this century.参考答案解析Passage three【文章大意】在过去的一个世纪里,英语语言发生了很大的变化,英语语言的运用也同样发生了很大的变化。
050211 外国语言学及应用语言学
语言学 真题及答案解析
1. 语音学语音学是的基础分支,研究语音的发音、音素、音节等。
2. 语言分类学语言分类学研究各种语言之间的共性和差异。
3. 语义学语义学研究语言单位的意义,包括词义、短语义以及句义。
4. 语用学语用学研究语言在实际交流中的使用和功能。
5. 句法学句法学研究语言单位之间的组合和句子的结构。
6. 语言变化语言是动态变化的,随着时间的推移,语言会发生变化。
“外国语言学及应用语言学”专业硕士学位研究生培养方案(专业代码 050211)一、培养目标培养具有坚定正确的政治方向,良好的道德修养,宽厚扎实的业务基础,严谨的治学态度,良好的学风,较强的科研创新能力,能够在教育、科研、外事、经贸、新闻等部门从事教学、研究、翻译、管理等工作的高层次英语专门人才。
)3.―孔雀东南飞‖和___并称诗歌史上的―双壁:4.―菊月‖是指哪一个月?5.―红肥绿瘦‖是指什么季节?6.―司空见惯‖中―司空‖是指?A唐朝的一位诗人B唐朝的一位高僧C一个官职7.下面哪一个是武松所为?A倒拔垂杨柳B汴京城卖刀C醉打蒋门神8.―名花解语‖是指什么?9.―程门立雪‖是为了什么?A拜访B请罪C道谢D拜别10.一知半解又爱炫耀的人我们通常用什么词语形容?A半截剑B半段枪C半面D半瓶醋11.―七月流火‖形容的是?A炎炎夏日B夏去秋来C春去秋来D秋去冬来12.―汗流浃背‖是为了什么?13.京剧中,性格活泼的青年女性是?A青衣B花旦C彩旦14. ―杨柳‖是?A一种植物B两种植物C与植物无关15―成也萧何败萧何‖指的是哪位历史人物?(二)成语解释精卫填海来龙去脉初出茅庐韬光养晦斯芬克之谜MTI之2011中文百科-keys(杭州小蚩尤尝鲜版)1.汉宫飞燕赵飞燕身材轻盈,有人认为是古代芭蕾的雏形。
2,文学术语今年考了ALLEGORY, TRAGEDY, 之类的词,与往年不大一样
3,诗歌今年考了华兹华斯的< 我心似一朵孤独的流云>
4,ESSAY并不像往年一样考了REALISM ,MODERNISM, POSTMODERNISM, 的特征,而是考了海明威对死的看法在他作品中的体现。
5,作文与以往也不同,以往是给个题目写篇ESSAY, 今年的题型与专八题型差不多。
答案:1. C 2. A 3. C
考点分析:2011年英语专业八级考试人文知识中英语语言学知识测试内容仍然涉及教材中第二章语音学(phonetics)、第八章语言与社会(language and society)和第十二章语言与大脑(language and brain)中基本概念和基础知识的理解。
上海交通大学2011年考博英语真题阅读理解试题及参考答案(Two)Passage TwoIn 1997, Moscow, Russia, celebrated the 850th anniversary of its founding. In the more than eight centuries that Moscow has been a viable city, it has been characterized by waves of new construction. The most recent one is ongoing as Moscow thrives as capital of the new Russia. The architecture of Moscow represents a hodgepodge (大杂烩)of style, as 12th century forms mingle with elegant estates from the times of the Czars and functional structures that reflect the pragmatism (实用性)of the Soviet ear. As Moscow grows under a new system of government, there is concern that some of the city’s architectural history will be lost, with each tier holding information about a part of Russia’s past. In some areas of the city, archaeologists have reached the layer from 1147, the year of Moscow’s founding.Moscow has a history of chaotic periods that ended with the destruction of the largely wooden city and the building of the “new” city on top of the ruins of the old. The result is a layered city, with each tier holding information about a part of Russia’s past. In some areas of the city, archaeologists have reached the layer from 1147, the year of Moscow’s founding.Russia has begun a huge attempt to salvage and preserve as much of Moscow’s past as possible. New building could destroy this history forever, but Moscow has decided on a different approach. Recognizing that new building represents progress, and progress is necessary for the growth of the nation, new building is flourishing in Moscow. However, the Department of Preservation of Historical Monuments is insuring that building is done in a manner that respects the past. There are approximately 160 active archaeological sites currently in Moscow, 5000 buildings have been designated as protected locations.One example of the work done by the Department of Preservation of Historical Monuments is Manege Square, which lies just west of the Kremlin. Throughout Moscow’ past, this Square has been a commercial district. In keeping with that history, the area will be developed as a modern shopping mall, complete with restaurants, theaters casinos and a parking garage.Archaeologists working in Manege Square uncovered the commercial life of eight centuries. By excavating five meters deep, archaeologists provided a picture of the evolution of commercial Moscow. Among the finds, wooden street pavement from the time ofIvan the Terrible (16th century), a wide cobblestone road from the era of Peter the Great (early 18th century), street paving from the reign of Catherine the Great (mid-to late 18th century), and a wealthy merchants estate (19th century) Smaller finds -----a belt and buckle, a gold chain shoes, locks, and a horse harness--provide rich details about the lives of Muscovites of the past. Now Moscow ,a city with more and more modern structures appearing all the time, remains ,largely distinguished by Byzantine cathedrals, 15th and 16th century stone buildings, and the elegant estates of the 18th and 19th centuries.46. What is the meaning of the word “chaotic” (Para, 2.Line1) in this passage?A. DisorderedB. UnformedC. PlanetaryD. Distant47. From the information in paragraph 2, we can infer that ________.A.the people of Moscow are more interested in modernization than inpreservationB.the Soviet government destroyed many old buildings in keepingwith an anti-czarist policy.C.there are very few 850-years-old cities in existence and fewer yetthat preserve their past.D.Moscow has a history of invasions, with each new conquerordestroying the buildings of the previous regime.48. New buildings flourished in Moscow to _________.A.bring back the old glory of the city\B.destroy the old buildingspare with the old buildingsD.represent progress.49. Which of the following assumptions most influenced the views expressed by the writer?A. Generally speaking, people are most interested in building newstructures than saving old oneB. Architectural history has little meaning to people struggling to forma new government.C. Progress and preservation are equally important principles of urbanplanning.D. Archaeologists and bureaucrats generally to not word well together.50. Which of the following is TRUE of archaeologists in Moscow?A. They have uncovered a great number of historically significantitems, both large and small.B. They operate under severe time constraints, as contractors wait tobegin new buildings.C. They are not nearly enough archaeological teams to conduct all thepossible research.D. They are concerned about preserving the artifacts of modes oftransportation in particular.参考答案解析Passage two【文章大意】本文主要讲述的是莫斯科建筑。
更多最新考研咨询关注微信公众号 renrenkaoyan【真题】2015年上交外国语言学及应用语言学名词解释linguistic determinism the critical period hypothesis the semantic triangle face theory liasion middle voice allomorph polysemy code-switching discourse marker简答1。
read the following para and analyse the cohesive devices used in .you are supposed to explain the problem of coherence in the para.I bought a Ford………我没记错的话就是yale 上面的语篇分析里的…2.as we know, theories in linguistics can be roughly grouped into formalism and functionalism. please describe the similarities and differences between these approaches.3.explain the following conversation in terms of theCPA how did jim do in his history exam.B they asked him things that happened before the poor boy was born.4.please list the types of meaning of language. your own classification is highly encourged. although you may just use types of meaning proposed by famous linguists.5.explain in the following s from any branches that is familiar to you.(eg.cognitive linguistic applied~ functional ~ corpus ~)①your determination and efforts i appreciate very much②very much i appreciate your efforts and determination③i appreciate you determination and efforts very much作文。
上外语⾔学问答题整理.1.What are the main features of human language?A. arbitrariness: It means that there is no logical connection between meanings and soundsB. productivity: Language is productive or creative in that it makes possible the construction andinterpretation of new signals by its users.C. duality: Language is a system, which consists of two sets of structures. At the lower level there is astructure of sounds, which are meaningless by themselves. But they can be grouped andregrouped into a larger number of units of meaning, which are found at the higher level ofthe system. Then the units at the higher level can be arranged and rearranged into an infinitenumber of sentences.D. displacement: Language can be used to refer to contexts removed from the immediate situations ofthe speaker.E. cultural transmission: While human capacity fro language has a genetic basis, the details of anylanguage system have to be taught and learned.2.How are the English consonants classified? What are the phonemes in each category?English consonants can be classified in two ways: one is in terms of manner of articulation and the other is in terms of place of articulation.a. Manner of articulation: stops, fricatives, affricates, liquids, nasals, glides.b. Place of articulation: bilabial, labiodental, dental, alveolar, palatal, velar, glottalc. Voicing:3.How are the English vowels classified? What are the phonemes in each category?A. According to the position of the tongue in the mouth: front, central, backB. According to openness of the mouth: close, semiclose, semiopen, openC. According to the shape of the lips: rounded, unrounded4.Explain with examples the sequential rule, the assimilation rule, and the deletion rule.1. Sequential rule refers to the rule that governs the combination of sounds in a particular language.For example, if a word begins with a [ l ] or a [ r ], then the next sound must be vowel.2. Assimilation rule assimilates one sound to another by “copying” a feature of a sequential phoneme,thus making the two phones similar.For example, the [ i: ] sound in words like bean, green, team, and scream. This is because in all these sound combination the[ i: ] sound is followed by a nasal [ n ] or [ m ].3. Deletion rule tells us when a sound is to be deleted although it is orthographically represented.For example, in the pronunciation of the word sign, there is no [ g ] sound although it is represented in spelling by the letter g. while in its corresponding form signature, the [ g ] is pronounced. Because the deletion rule is at work: Delete a [ g ] when it occurs before a final nasal consonant.5.Explain with examples the main rules of word formation.1. Derivation (派⽣): new words are formed from existing words or bases by affixation.“singer”from”sing”“writer”from”write”2. Compounding: stringing words together →“headstrong”, “without”3. Coinage: a new word can be coined outright to fit some purpose→”walkman”,” Kodak”4. Clipping: the abbreviation of longer words or phrases→expo—expositionQuake--earthquake5. Blending: combining parts of other words. →smog-smoke+fog; motel—motor+hotel6. Acronym: derive from the initials of several words. →IT—information technologyISBN—international standard book number7. Back-formation: new words can be coined already existing words by “subtracting” an affix thought tobe part of the old word. →to beg (derived from beggar);to baby-sit (derived from baby-sitter)8. Functional shift: words may shift from one part of speech to another without the addition of affixes.→N.-V. to bug; V.-N. a hold9. Borrowing: when different cultures come into contact, words are often borrowed from one languageto another.→exit, beer6.Draw the labeled tree diagrams of the two interpretations of the sentence The boy saw the man with a telescope.1) The boy saw the man with a telescope.Using the telescope, the boy saw the man.2) The boy saw the man with a telescope.The boy saw the man. The man had a telescope.7.Explain with examples the major sense relations from a lexical perspective.1. Synonymy (同义) refers to the sameness of close similarity of meaning.Eg. Dialectal synonyms: autumn—fallStylistic synonyms: dad—daddy2. Synonyms that differ in their emotive or evaluative meaning: accomlic? &collaboratorCollocational synonyms: accuse…of—charge withSemantically different synonyms: amaze—astound3. Polysemy(⼀词多义): The same one word may have more than one meaningTable: 1. a piece of furniture2. the food that is put on a table3. a level area, a plateau4. Homonymy(不同词,意义或拼写⼀样): words have different meanings have the same form. Different words are identical in sound or spelling.Homophones: red/read Homographs: lead/i:/ /e/ Complete homonyms5. Hyponymy: the sense relation between a more general, more inclusive word and a more specific word.Superordinate: flower. Hyponyms: rose Co-hyponymsAntonymy: word are opposite in meaningGradable antonyms: old—youngComplementary antonyms: alive—deadRelational opposites: teacher—pupil8.What are the four maxims of the CP in pragmatics? Explain with examples how flouting these maxims give rise to conversational implicature?1. The maxim of quantity1.make your contribution as informative as required.2.do not make your contribution more informative than is requiredeg. A: When is Susan’s farewell party?B: Sometime next month.The implicature that results is “I don’t wish to tell you when the party is going to be held”.2. The maxim of quality1.don’t say what you believe to be false2.don’t say that for which you lack adequate evidenceeg. A: Would you like to join us for the picnic on Sunday?B: I’m afraid I have got a class on Sunday.B’s implied message is “I don’t want to join you”.3. The maxim of relation: Be relevanteg. A: How did the math exam go today?B: We had a basketball match with the other class and we beat them.The implicature is “I don’t wish to talk about the math exam”.4. The maxim of manner1.avoid obscurity of expression2.avoid ambiguity3.be brief4.be orderlyeg. A: Shall we get something for the kids?B: Yes, but I veto I-C-E-C-R-E-A-M.The implicature is “I don’t want the kids to know we’re talking about setting them some icecream.”。
(以下都是研友的回忆版)第一部分:笔试题(满分100分,考试时间60分钟)1 笔译1990s开始的cultural turn见证了翻译学成为一个interdisciplinary subject,谈谈你所知道的和对此的理解。
(100分)2 口译A Why using the first person in interpretation?B Use Effort Model Theory to explain the process of interpreting.C What do you think of the aptitude test for interpretation trainee?D What do you think are the most important elements in assessing the quality of interpretation?E If you are admitted, what is your preferred area of research?3 语言学第一题(3*10’)名词解释部分 1. langue VS parole2 .phonetics VS phonology3.N.Chomsky VS M.A.K.Halliday第二题(10*3’=30’)概念性知识填空给首字母,不太难好像有synchronic study, acculturation, intonation etc.第三题(10*2’=20’)判断第四题(20’)给你一首诗,让说出types of language deviation,并指出其在诗中所起到的作用pity this busy monster, manunkind,not. Progress is a comfortable disease:your victim (death and life safely beyond)plays with the bigness of his littleness--- electrons deify one razorbladeinto a mountainrange; lenses extendunwish through curving wherewhen till unwishreturns on its unself.[A world of madeis not a world of born --- pity poor fleshand trees, poor stars and stones, but never thisfine specimen of hypermagicalultraomnipotence. We doctors knowa hopeless case if --- listen: there's a hellof a good universe next door; let's go]E. E. CummingsPS:(试卷上没有出现方括号之内的内容,都以省略号形式代替)附上网上对此诗的评论:Pity this busy monster,manunkind” is a poem that emphasizes Cummings's belief in nature and his opposition to those things—science, technology, and intellectual arrogance—that he believed attack the purity of nature. In the opening lines, Cummings makes it clear that man is un-kind—as opposed to being “mankind”—when he or she engages in “progress.” In this case, “Progress is a comfortable disease, one which uses electrons and lenses to “deify one razorblade/ into a mountainrange;lenses extend/ unwish through curving wherewhen till unwish/ returns on its unself.” For Cummings, progress contrasts with nature, as he suggests when he writes, “A world of made/ is not a world of born.”The speaker in this poem, as revealed in the last line, represents progress but suggests the promise of nature; “We doctors,” he or she says, “know a hopeless case.” Hopelessness is the human-made cycle of progress, scientific progress. There is a way out, however, as the speaker points out in the concluding lines of the poem: “listen:there's a hell/ of a good universe next door;let's go.” Unlike this universe, composed of negative Cummings-created words such as “unwish” and “unself,” the next-door universe consists of wishes and selves—that is, real emotions and real individuals. Those realities, for Cummings, are the true realities.希望对大家有用。