以下是一些常见的无缝钢管管件执行标准:1.API 5L:美国石油学会(API)制定的标准,用于制造和加工无缝钢管管件。
2.ASME B36.10M:美国机械工程师协会(ASME)制定的标准,用于制造和加工无缝钢管管件。
3.GB/T 12771:中国国家标准,用于制造和加工无缝钢管管件。
4.DIN 2638:德国标准,用于制造和加工无缝钢管管件。
5.JIS G 3454:日本工业标准,用于制造和加工无缝钢管管件。
Q235-A焊接钢管和管件的技术标准Q235-A焊接钢管和管件的技术标准 , 执行标准钢管及管件的生产制造、检验、技术性能等要求应符合下列标准,未列明的标准则应选用国际或国内通用标准。
GB/T3091-2008低压流体输送用焊接钢管GB/T14980-1994低压流体输送用大直径电焊钢管GB/T9711.1-97石油天然气工业输送螺旋焊钢管交货技术条件第1部分A级钢管 GB/T1047-1995管道元件的公称通径GB/T1048-2005管道元件的公称压力GB/T2102-2006钢管验收、包装、标志及质量证明书GB/T700-2006碳素结构钢GB/T986-1988埋弧焊焊缝坡口的基本形式和尺寸GB/T985-88气焊、手工电弧焊及气体保护焊焊缝坡口的基本形式与尺寸GB/T9115.3-88平面对焊钢制管法兰GB/T 2650-2008焊接接头冲击试验方法GB3323—1987钢熔化焊对接接头射线照相和质量分级GB/T15830-1995钢制管道对接环焊缝超声波探伤方法和检验结果的分级GB/T14957-1994熔化焊用钢丝GB/T5117-1995碳钢焊条GB/T5293-1999埋弧焊用焊丝和焊剂GB/T231.1-2002金属布氏硬度试验方法GB8923-88涂装前钢材表面锈蚀等级和除锈等级SY/T 0447-96埋地钢质管道环氧煤沥青防腐层技术标准SY/T0414-2007钢质管道聚乙烯胶粘带防腐层技术标准SYJ4014-93埋地钢质管道聚乙烯胶带防腐层施工及验收规范 GB50268-2008 给水排水管道工程施工及验收规范GB/T17219-1998生活饮用水输配水设备及防护材料安全性评价标准上述技术标准是完成本标段内容所应达到的最低标准,其技术标准均指其最新版本。
, 钢管材料, 钢板制造钢管及管件的钢板材料为Q235A热轧钢板,其重量及允许偏差应符合相应标准的规定。
[原创]钢管管件标准应用标准体系4.1国际上常用的标准体系4.1.1德国及前苏联应用标准体系4.1.2美国应用标准体系(ANSI)4.1.3日本应用标准体系(JIS)4.1.4国际标准化组织(ISO)的应用标准体系4.1.5英国和法国应用标准体系4.2国内常用的标准体系4.2.1石化行业应用标准体系4.2.2化工行业应用标准体系4.2.3机械行业应用标准体系4.2.4国家应用标准体系4.2.5 压力管道应用标准体系配伍4 应用标准体系目前,大多数压力管道及其元件都进行了系列化,并有相应的应用标准作支持。
世界各国应用标准大体上分为两大类:◆管子----即钢管外径系列分为国际通用系列(大外径系列)英制管;国内常用系列(小外径系列)公制管(或米制管)◆法兰:欧式法兰和美式法兰压力等级:PN 0.1 0.25 0.6 1.0 1.6 2.5 4.0 6.3 10.0 16.0 25.0 40.0 MPa 欧式法兰(DIN)压力等级:PN 2.0 5.0 6.8 10.0 15.0 25.0 42.0 MPa 美式法兰(ANSI)CL 150 300 400 600 900 1500 2500 Psi由此可以看出,无论是法兰还是管子,上述两个系列或两个体系是不能混合使用的。
钢管管件标准应用标准体系4.1国际上常用的标准体系4.1.1德国及前苏联应用标准体系4.1.2美国应用标准体系(ANSI)4.1.3日本应用标准体系(JIS)4.1.4国际标准化组织(ISO)的应用标准体系4.1.5英国和法国应用标准体系4.2国内常用的标准体系4.2.1石化行业应用标准体系4.2.2化工行业应用标准体系4.2.3机械行业应用标准体系4.2.4国家应用标准体系4.2.5 压力管道应用标准体系配伍4 应用标准体系目前,大多数压力管道及其元件都进行了系列化,并有相应的应用标准作支持。
世界各国应用标准大体上分为两大类:◆管子----即钢管外径系列分为国际通用系列(大外径系列)英制管;国内常用系列(小外径系列)公制管(或米制管)◆法兰:欧式法兰和美式法兰压力等级:PN 0.1 0.25 0.6 1.0 1.6 2.5 4.0 6.3 10.0 16.0 25.0 40.0 MPa 欧式法兰(DIN)压力等级:PN 2.0 5.0 6.8 10.0 15.0 25.0 42.0 MPa 美式法兰(ANSI)CL 150 300 400 600 900 1500 2500 Psi由此可以看出,无论是法兰还是管子,上述两个系列或两个体系是不能混合使用的。
1. ASTM A53/A53M:这个标准规定了用于高温和高压条件下的碳钢焊接和无缝钢管。
2. ASTM A106/A106M:这个标准规定了用于高温和高压条件下的无缝碳钢管。
3. ASTM A333/A333M:这个标准规定了低温条件下的无缝和焊接碳钢管。
4. ASTM A312/A312M:这个标准规定了用于高温、高压和普通条件下的无缝和焊接不锈钢管。
5. ASTM A234/A234M:这个标准规定了碳钢和合金钢管件的规范,适用于焊接。
6. ASTM A403/A403M:这个标准规定了不锈钢管件的规范,适用于焊接和无缝。
7. ASTM A105/A105M:这个标准规定了用于高温服务的碳钢管件的规范。
8. ASTM A860/A860M:这个标准规定了高强度低合金钢和碳钢管件的规范,适用于焊接。
钢管管件知识一.管道系统概述:为了输送液体或气体,必须使用各种管道,管道中除直管道用钢管以外,还要用到各种管配件: 管道拐弯时必须用弯头,管道变径时要用大小头,分叉时要用三通,管道接头与接头相连接时要用法兰,为达到开启输送介质的目的,还要用各种阀门,为减少热膨冷缩或频繁振动对管道系统的影响,还要用膨胀节。
正是由于这些添加的合金元素的品种不同.数量不同才形成了各种各样的钢,如普通碳钢,不锈钢,合金钢等等,在这些添加元素中,碳C 起着非常重要的作用。
2.1 钢中常见化学元素:各种钢中占多数百分比的为铁元素(Fe ),除之以外,通常还含有下列几种元素(通常称之为钢中的合金元素):C(碳)Si(硅)Mn(锰)P(磷)S(硫)以及Cr(铬)Ni(镍)Mo(钼)Ti(钛)V(钒)等等。
一般情况下,其中P, S 为杂质成份,越低钢材质量越好。
2.2 钢的分类:按照钢中添加的合金元素品种的不同,我们可以将钢简单地分为三大类:碳钢.合金钢.不锈钢.⑴碳钢:其中合金元素只有C, Si, Mn, P, S五种,其按照P, S杂质含量高低,又分为普碳钢(P, S 一般≤0.040%),和优碳钢(P, S 一般≤0.03%),常见钢种有:普碳钢: Q215A.Q235BF.优碳钢: 20#.45#.16Mn等.这种钢强度及韧性一般,不耐腐蚀,可用于要求不高的场合,成本最低.⑵合金钢:除碳钢中含有的5种元素以外,还添加了10%以下的Cr Mo V 等元素,常见的钢种有:15CrMo 12Cr1MoV 1Cr5Mo 等.与碳钢相比,合金钢强度更高,耐温性能也提高,但抗腐蚀性能仍较差,因此,合金钢通常用于腐蚀不大的高温高压场合,如锅炉用钢,电厂热蒸汽输送等等,使用成本处于中等水平.⑶不锈钢:通常是在碳钢基础上.增加了高比例的Cr, Ni等合金而成,含量比例可达20%以上。
常用钢管国家标准常用钢管国家标准2010-04-20 09:50聊城市金德钢管贸易有限公司---0635-8884224 0635-2993006常年经营无缝钢管,流体管,结构管,高压锅炉管。
直缝焊管,离心浇铸钢管序号标准号标准名称主要牌号国家标准1 GB3087-1999低中压锅炉用无缝钢管10、20 2GB/T3090-2000不锈钢小直径无缝钢管0Cr18Ni9、00Cr19Ni10、0Cr18Ni10Ti、0Cr17Ni12Mo2、00Cr17Ni14Mo2、1Cr18Ni9Ti 3GB/T3094-2000冷拔异型无缝钢管10、20、35、45、Q295、Q345、Q390等4 GB/T3639-2000冷拔或冷轧精密无缝钢管10、20、35、45 5GB5310-1995高压锅炉用无缝钢管20G、12CrMoG、15CrMoG、12Cr2MoG、12Cr1MoVG、1Cr18Ni9等6 GB/T5312-1999船舶用碳钢和碳锰钢无缝钢管320、360、410、460、490 7GB6479-2000高压化肥设备用无缝钢管20、16Mn、15MnV、10MoWVNb、12CrMo、15CrMo、1Cr5Mo、12Cr2Mo、12SiMoVNb等8 GB/T8162-1999结构用无缝钢管20、45、Q345、40Cr、12CrMo、35CrMo、30CrMnSi等9 GB/T8163-1999输送流体用无缝钢管10、20、Q295、Q345 10 GB/T 9711.1-1997石油天然气工业输送钢管交货技术条件第1部分:A级钢管L210、L245、L290、L320、L360等11 GB/T 9711.2-1999石油天然气工业输送钢管交货技术条件第2部分:B级钢管L245NB、L290NB、L360NB、L415NB等12 GB/T 9711.3-2005石油天然气工业输送钢管交货技术条件第3部分:C级钢管L245NC、L290NC、L360NC、L415NC等L245NCS、L290NCS、L360NCS、L415NCS等13 GB9948-1988石油裂化用无缝钢管20、12CrMo、15CrMo、1Cr5Mo、1Cr19Ni9等14 GB13296-1991锅炉、热交换器用不锈钢无缝钢管0Cr18Ni9、1Cr19Ni9、1Cr18Ni9Ti、1Cr18Ni12Mo2Ti、1Cr17等15 GB/T14975-2002结构不锈钢无缝钢管1Cr18Ni9、1Cr18 Ni9Ti、1Cr17、1Cr13等16 GB/T14976-2002输送流体用不锈钢无缝钢管0Cr18Ni9、1Cr18Ni9Ti、0Cr13等17 GB/T17396-1998液压支柱用热轧无缝钢管20、35、45、27SiMn、30MnNbRE 18 GB18248-2000气瓶用无缝钢管37Mn、34Mn2V、30CrMo、35CrMo 19 GJB459-88火箭炮用定向螺旋异型无缝钢管16Mn 20 GJB1664-93装甲车辆发动机气缸套用无缝钢管规范38CrMoAl 21 GJB1949-94薄壁火炮炮身用合金无缝钢管规范PCrNi1MoA、PCrNi2MoA、717 22 GJB2608-96航空用结构钢厚壁无缝钢管规范20、35、45、38CrA、38CrMoAlA、30CrMnSiA、30CrMnSiA精选等23 GJB3329-98轻武器用结构钢无缝钢管规范50AZ、35B、40MnB、30CrMnSiA等24 GB12459-1990钢质对焊无缝管件10、20、Q345A、Q345B等行业标准25 YB235-70地质钻探用钢管DZ40、DZ50、DZ55等26 YBn1-86炮弹用无缝钢管40Mn2、45MnB、D60、D40Mn2、30CrMnSiA27 YBn2-86火炮零件用无缝钢管20Cr、30Cr、35Cr、38CrA、40Cr、45Cr、30CrMnSiA、40CrNi、PCrMo等28 YB/Z12-77轴承钢管GCr15等企业标准29 Q/CG35-1999曳光破甲弹压环用冷拔无缝钢管SAE1035 30 Q/CG41-2000抗海水腐蚀用无缝钢管10CrMoAl 31 Q/CG51-1999地质钻探用光管DZ40、DZ50 32 Q/CG60-2000大容量高压气瓶用无缝钢管35CrMoA 33 Q/CG64-2000汽车桥壳用无缝钢管20CD4 34 Q/CG68-2000液压件和机加工用无缝钢管JS10、JS20、JS35、JS45、27SiMn、JS35Cr、JS40Cr、JS35CrMo、JS42CrMo 35 Q/CG70-2000石油套铣专用无缝钢管N80、X9.5 36 Q/CG72-2000冻结井用无缝钢管CS-80L、CS-55L 37 Q/C G76-2000输送矿物用耐磨无缝钢管NM300、NM400、NM300H国外标准38 API 5CT(第八版)套管和油管规范J55、K55、N80、M65、L80、P110等39 API 5L(第43版)管线钢管规范PSL1:B、X42、X46、X52、X56、X60等;PSL2:B、X42、X46、X52、X56等40 ASTM A53非镀锌与热浸镀锌焊接和无缝钢管A、B 41 ASTM A106高温作业用碳素钢无缝钢管A、B、C 42 ASTM A210锅炉和过热器用中碳钢无缝钢管A.1、C 43 ASTM A213锅炉、过热器和热交换器铁素体和奥氏体合金钢无缝钢管44 ASTM A333低温作业用无缝和焊接钢管45 ASTM A335高温作业用铁素体合金钢无缝钢管46 ASTM A519机械工程用碳素钢和合金钢无缝钢管1010、1020、1026、1035、1045、4135、4142、5135等47 ASTM A53/ASTM A106/API 5L 3S无缝钢管48 JIS G3441-1988机械结构用合金钢钢管SCM435TK、SCM440TK等49 JIS G3444-1994一般结构用碳素钢管STK290、STK400、STK500、STK540等50 JIS G3445-1988机械结构用碳素钢无缝钢管STKM12A(B)、STKM13A(B)、STKM15A、STKM16A、STKM18A 51 JIS G3454-1988压力管道用碳素钢无缝钢管STPG370、STPG410 52 JIS G3461-1988锅炉、热交换器用碳素钢管STB340、STB410等53 JIS G3454-1988/JIS G3455-1988/JIS G3456-1988 3G无缝钢管54 DIN1629-1984特殊质量要求的非合金钢无缝钢管交货技术条件st37.0、st44.0、st52.0 55 DIN2391-1994冷拔(轧)精密无缝钢管A:St35、St45、St52、St55;B:St35.2、St45.2、St52.0、St55.0 56 DIN17121结构用无缝钢管RSt37.2、St37.3、St44.2、St44.3、St52.3 57 DIN17175-79耐热钢无缝钢管st35.8、st45.8等58 BS3059-1987锅炉和过热器用钢管320船管规范59 LR英国劳埃德船级社规范320、360、410、460、490 60 DNV挪威船级社规范TS360、TS410、TS460、TS510等61 ABS美国船级社规范1级、2级、3级等62 GL徳国劳埃德船级社规范360、410、510 63 RINA意大利船舶入级规范分C类、P类、St类等,主要牌号:42-ST1、P1等64 CCS中国船级社规范320、360、410、460、490 65 BV法国船级社规范320HA、360HA、360HB、410HB、410HD、460HB、460HD等1.结构用无缝钢管(GB/T8162-1999)是用于一般结构和机械结构的无缝钢管。
衬胶钢管和管件标准一、材料标准1. 钢管材料应符合相关国家标准,如GB/T 8163、GB/T 14976等。
2. 衬胶材料应采用耐腐蚀、耐磨损、抗老化的高分子材料,如聚氨酯、环氧树脂等。
二、尺寸标准1. 钢管的尺寸应符合相关国家标准,如外径、壁厚、长度等。
2. 衬胶层的厚度应均匀,且不应小于规定值。
3. 管件(如弯头、三通、法兰等)的尺寸应符合相关标准,如GB/T 12459、GB/T 13401等。
三、性能要求1. 耐压性能:衬胶钢管和管件应能承受规定的压力,且不应出现泄漏现象。
2. 耐腐蚀性能:衬胶层应能有效抵抗化学物质的腐蚀,确保管材和管件的长期使用。
3. 耐磨损性能:衬胶层应具有一定的耐磨性,以抵抗流体的冲刷和磨损。
4. 抗老化性能:衬胶层应具有较好的抗老化性能,以抵抗紫外线、氧化等因素的影响。
四、检验规则1. 每批衬胶钢管和管件出厂前应进行检验,确保其符合相关标准和客户要求。
2. 检验项目应包括尺寸、外观、压力试验、化学成分分析、物理性能测试等。
3. 对重要衬胶钢管和管件,应进行无损检测,如超声波检测、射线检测等,以确保产品质量。
五、涂装要求1. 衬胶钢管和管件表面应平整、光滑,无气泡、裂纹等缺陷。
2. 涂装前应对钢管表面进行除锈处理,确保涂装质量。
3. 涂装材料应符合相关标准,如厚度、附着力、耐磨性等指标。
4. 对重要部位,应在涂装前进行预涂装试验,以验证涂装工艺的可行性。
5. 在涂装过程中和涂装完成后,应对产品进行保护,避免划伤和污染。
6. 当采用油漆涂装时,应按照油漆说明书进行选择、调配和使用,注意油漆的保质期限和使用方法。
7. 在涂装完成后,应对涂装质量进行检验,确保涂层均匀、完整、无气泡等缺陷。
8. 在运输过程中,应避免碰撞和划伤涂层;在贮存过程中,应避免高温和潮湿环境对涂层的影响。
9. 在安装和使用过程中,应注意保护涂层,避免划伤和污染。
10. 当发现涂层损坏时,应及时进行修补或重新涂装。
2.1衬塑钢管和管件应符合下列标准的最新版本的规定要求:2.1.1 GB/T3092-2001《低压流体输送用焊接钢管(neq ISO5592:1991)》。
2.1.2 GB/T 8923《涂装前钢材表面锈蚀等级和除锈等级(eqv ISO8501-1:1988)》。
2.1.3 GB/T 9114-2000《突面带颈螺纹钢制管法兰(neq ISO7005-1:1992)》。
2.1.4 JB/T81-94《凸面板式平焊钢制管法兰》。
2.1.5 GB/T 9119《平面、突面板式平焊钢制管法兰》。
2.1.6 HG/T 2437-1993《钢塑复合管与管件》。
2.1.7 JB2536-80《水处理设备油漆包装技术条件》。
2.1.8 HG20538《衬塑(PP、PE、PVC)钢管和管件》。
3.1.2 内衬塑材聚丙烯塑料管内外壁光滑,无白纹,凹槽。
3.1.3 塑料管外径小于或等于102的公差为±0.6 mm,塑料管外径大于或等于102的公差为±1.0 mm,壁厚小于等于4.0 mm的允许偏差±0.4mm,壁厚大于4.5mm的允许偏差为±0.6 mm。
3.2钢管的型号规格见下表:3.3 衬塑管件的尺寸偏差及衬塑厚度应符合下表要求:3.3.1 衬塑直管通径规格图例及规格如下:衬塑直管管径表(单位:mm):3.3.2 三通图例及规格标如下:三通图例三通管件规格表(单位:mm):3.3.3 四通图例及规格如下:四通图例四通管件规格表(单位:mm):3.3.4弯头图例弯头管件规格表(单位:mm):3.3.5标准变径管图例及规格如下:标准变径管图例标准变径管管件规格表(单位:mm):。
GB T1047-2005管道元件 DN(公称尺寸)的定义和选用GB/T1047—2005代替GB/T 1047 —19952005-01-13 发布2005-08-01 实施1 范围本标准规定了DN(公称尺寸)的定义和系列。
本标准适用于使用DN 标识的相关标准中规定的管道元件。
钢管单位中“Φ”和“DN”一般都用来表示直径,区别是:Ф:是表示外径 DN:公称直径(近似内径)“Φ”标识普通圆钢管的直径,或管材的外径乘以壁厚,如:Φ25×3标识外径25mm,壁厚为3mm的管材;“DN”:标识管材和阀门等管件的公称直径,通常接近于钢管的内径。
常用钢管国家标准常用钢管国家标准2010-04-20 09 :50聊城市金德钢管贸易有限公司--0635-8884224 0635-2993006常年经营无缝钢管,流体管,结构管,高压锅炉管。
直缝焊管,离心浇铸钢管序号标准号标准名称主要牌号国家标准1 GB3087-1999低中压锅炉用无缝钢管10、20 2GB/T3090-2000 不锈钢小直径无缝钢管0Cr18Ni9 、00Cr19Ni10、0Cr18Ni10Ti 、0Cr17Ni12Mo2、00Cr17Ni14Mo2、1Cr18Ni9Ti 3GB/T3094-2000 冷拔异型无缝钢管10、20、35、45、Q295、Q345、Q390等4 GB/T3639-2000 冷拔或冷轧精密无缝钢管10、20、35、45 5GB5310-1995 高压锅炉用无缝钢管20G、12CrMoG、15CrMoG、12Cr2MoG、12Cr1MoVG、1Cr18Ni9 等6 GB/T5312-1999 船舶用碳钢和碳锰钢无缝钢管320、360、410、460、490 7GB6479-2000 高压化肥设备用无缝钢管20、16Mn、15MnV、10MoWVN、b12CrMo、15CrMo、1Cr5Mo、12Cr2Mo、12SiMoVNb等8 GB/T8162-1999 结构用无缝钢管20、45、Q345、40Cr、12CrMo、35CrMo、30CrMnSi等9 GB/T8163-1999 输送流体用无缝钢管10、20、Q295、Q345 10 GB/T 9711.1-1997 石油天然气工业输送钢管交货技术条件第 1 部分:A 级钢管L210、L245、L290、L320、L360等11 GB/T 9711.2-1999 石油天然气工业输送钢管交货技术条件第 2 部分: B 级钢管L245NB、L290NB、L360NB、L415NB等12 GB/T 9711.3-2005 石油天然气工业输送钢管交货技术条件第 3 部分: C 级钢管L245NC、L290NC、L360NC、L415NC等L245NCS、L290NCS、L360NCS、L415NCS等13 GB9948-1988 石油裂化用无缝钢管20、12CrMo、15CrMo、1Cr5Mo、1Cr19Ni9 等14 GB13296-1991 锅炉、热交换器用不锈钢无缝钢管0Cr18Ni9、1Cr19Ni9 、1Cr18Ni9Ti 、1Cr18Ni12Mo2Ti、1Cr17 等15 GB/T14975-2002 结构不锈钢无缝钢管1Cr18Ni9、1Cr18 Ni9Ti 、1Cr17、1Cr13等16 GB/T14976-2002 输送流体用不锈钢无缝钢管0Cr18Ni9 、1Cr18Ni9Ti 、0Cr13等17 GB/T17396-1998 液压支柱用热轧无缝钢管20、35、45、27SiMn、30MnNbRE 18 GB18248-2000气瓶用无缝钢管37Mn、34Mn2V、30CrMo、35CrMo 19 GJB459-88 火箭炮用定向螺旋异型无缝钢管16Mn 20 GJB1664-93装甲车辆发动机气缸套用无缝钢管规范38CrMoAl 21 GJB1949-94 薄壁火炮炮身用合金无缝钢管规范PCrNi1MoA、PCrNi2MoA、717 22 GJB2608-96 航空用结构钢厚壁无缝钢管规范20、35、45、38CrA、38CrMoAlA、30CrMnSiA、30CrMnSiA精选等23 GJB3329-98 轻武器用结构钢无缝钢管规范50AZ、35B、40MnB、30CrMnSiA等24 GB12459-1990钢质对焊无缝管件10、20、Q345A、Q345B等行业标准25 YB235-70 地质钻探用钢管DZ40、DZ50、DZ55等26 YBn1-86 炮弹用无缝钢管40Mn2、45MnB、D60、D40Mn2、30CrMnSiA 27 YBn2-86 火炮零件用无缝钢管20Cr、30Cr、35Cr、38CrA、40Cr、45Cr、30CrMnSiA、40CrNi、PCrMo等28 YB/Z12-77 轴承钢管GCr15等企业标准29 Q/CG35-1999曳光破甲弹压环用冷拔无缝钢管SAE1035 30 Q/CG41-2000 抗海水腐蚀用无缝钢管10CrMoAl 31 Q/CG51-1999 地质钻探用光管DZ40、DZ50 32 Q/CG60-2000大容量高压气瓶用无缝钢管35CrMoA 33 Q/CG64-2000汽车桥壳用无缝钢管20CD4 34 Q/CG68-2000 液压件和机加工用无缝钢管JS10、JS20、JS35、JS45、27SiMn、JS35Cr、JS40Cr、JS35CrMo、JS42CrMo 35 Q/CG70-2000 石油套铣专用无缝钢管N80、X9.5 36 Q/CG72-2000 冻结井用无缝钢管CS-80L、CS-55L 37 Q/C G76-2000 输送矿物用耐磨无缝钢管NM300、NM400、NM300H国外标准38 API 5CT(第八版)套管和油管规范J55、K55、N80、M65、L80、P110等39 API 5L(第43 版)管线钢管规范PSL1:B、X42、X46、X52、X56、X60等;PSL2:B、X42、X46、X52、X56等40 ASTM A53非镀锌与热浸镀锌焊接和无缝钢管A、B 41 ASTM A106高温作业用碳素钢无缝钢管A、B、C 42 ASTM A210锅炉和过热器用中碳钢无缝钢管A.1、C 43 ASTM A213锅炉、过热器和热交换器铁素体和奥氏体合金钢无缝钢管44 ASTM A333低温作业用无缝和焊接钢管45 ASTM A335高温作业用铁素体合金钢无缝钢管46 ASTM A519机械工程用碳素钢和合金钢无缝钢管1010、1020、1026、1035、1045、4135、4142、5135等47 ASTM A53/ASTM A106/API 5L 3S 无缝钢管48 JIS G3441-1988 机械结构用合金钢钢管SCM435T、K SCM440TK等49 JIS G3444-1994 一般结构用碳素钢管STK290、STK400、STK500、STK540等50 JIS G3445-1988 机械结构用碳素钢无缝钢管STKM12A(B、) STKM13A (B、) STKM15、A STKM16、A STKM18A 51 JIS G3454-1988 压力管道用碳素钢无缝钢管STPG37、0 STPG410 52 JIS G3461-1988 锅炉、热交换器用碳素钢管STB340、STB410等53 JIS G3454-1988/JIS G3455-1988/JIS G3456-1988 3G 无缝钢管54 DIN1629-1984 特殊质量要求的非合金钢无缝钢管交货技术条件st37.0 、st44.0 、st52.0 55 DIN2391-1994 冷拔(轧)精密无缝钢管A:St35、St45、St52、St55;B:St35.2 、St45.2 、St52.0 、St55.0 56 DIN17121 结构用无缝钢管RSt37.2 、St37.3 、St44.2 、St44.3 、St52.3 57 DIN17175-79 耐热钢无缝钢管st35.8 、st45.8 等58 BS3059-1987 锅炉和过热器用钢管320船管规范59 LR英国劳埃德船级社规范320、360、410、460、490 60 DNV挪威船级社规范TS360、TS410、TS460、TS510等61 ABS美国船级社规范1级、2 级、3级等62 GL徳国劳埃德船级社规范360、410、510 63 RINA 意大利船舶入级规范分C类、P类、St 类等,主要牌号:42-ST1、P1等64 CCS中国船级社规范320、360、410、460、490 65 BV 法国船级社规范320HA、360HA、360HB、410HB、410HD、460HB、460HD等1. 结构用无缝钢管(GB/T8162-1999)是用于一般结构和机械结构的无缝钢管2. 流体输送用无缝钢管(GB/T8163-1999) 是用于输送水、油、气等流体的一般无缝钢管。
Designation:A 960/A 960M –04aStandard Specification forCommon Requirements for Wrought Steel Piping Fittings 1This standard is issued under the fixed designation A 960/A 960M;the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of original adoption or,in the case of revision,the year of last revision.A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.A superscript epsilon (e )indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1.Scope*1.1This specification covers a group of common require-ments that shall apply to wrought steel piping fittings covered in any of the following individual product specifications or any other ASTM specification that invokes this specification or portions thereof:Title of SpecificationASTMDesignation Specification for Piping Fittings of WroughtCarbon Steel and Alloy Steel for Moderate and Elevated TemperaturesA 234/A 234MSpecification for Wrought Austenitic Stainless Steel Piping FittingsA 403/A 403M Specification for Piping Fittings of Wrought Carbon Steel and Alloy Steel for Low-Temperature Service A 420/A 420M Specification for Butt-Welding,Wrought-CarbonSteel,Piping Fittings with Improved Notch Toughness A 758/A 758M Specification for As-Welded Wrought Austenitic Stainless Steel Fittings for General Corrosive Service at Low and Moderate TemperaturesA 774/A 774MSpecification for Wrought Ferritic,Ferritic/Austenitic,and Martensitic Stainless Steel Piping Fittings A 815/A 815M Specification for Heat-Treated Carbon SteelFittings for Low-Temperature and Corrosive Service A 858/A 858M Specification for Wrought High-Strength Low-Alloy Steel Butt-Welded FittingsA 860/A 860M1.2In case of conflict between a requirement of the indi-vidual product specification and a requirement of this general requirement specification,the requirements of the individual product specification shall prevail over those of this specifica-tion.1.3By mutual agreement between the purchaser and the supplier,additional requirements may be specified (see 4.1.7).The acceptance of any such additional requirements shall be dependent on negotiations with the supplier and must be included in the order as agreed upon by the purchaser and supplier.1.4The values stated in either inch-pound units or SI units [metric]are to be regarded separately as standard.Within the text and the tables,the SI units are shown in brackets.The values stated in each system are not exact equivalents;there-fore each system must be used independently of the other.Combining values from the two systems may result in noncon-formance with the specification.The inch-pound units shall apply unless the “M”designation [SI]of the product specifi-cation is specified in the order.2.Referenced Documents 2.1ASTM Standards:2A 29/A 29M Specification for Steel Bars,Carbon and Alloy,Hot-Wrought and Cold-Finished,General Require-ments forA 234/A 234M Specification for Piping Fittings of Wrought Carbon Steel and Alloy Steel for Moderate and High Temperature ServiceA 262Practices for Detecting Susceptibility to Intergranu-lar Attack in Austenitic Stainless SteelsA 370Test Methods and Definitions for Mechanical Testing of Steel ProductsA 388/A 388M Practice for Ultrasonic Examination of Heavy Steel ForgingsA 403/A 403M Specification for Wrought Austenitic Stain-less Steel Piping FittingsA 420/A 420M Specification for Piping Fittings of Wrought Carbon Steel and Alloy Steel for Low-Temperature ServiceA 700Practices for Packaging,Marking,and Loading Methods for Steel Products for Domestic ShipmentA 751Test Methods,Practices and Terminology for Chemi-cal Analysis of Steel ProductsA 758/A 758M Specification for Wrought Carbon Steel Butt-Welding Piping Fittings with Improved Notch Tough-nessA 763Practices for Detecting Susceptibility to Intergranu-lar Attack in Ferritic Stainless SteelsA 774/A 774M Specification for As-Welded Wrought Aus-tenitic Stainless Steel Fittings for General Corrosive Ser-vice at Low and Moderate TemperaturesA 815/A 815M Specification for Wrought Ferritic,Ferritic/Austenitic,and Martensitic Stainless Steel Piping Fittings A 858/A 858M Specification for Heat-Treated Carbon1This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee A01on Steel,Stainless Steel and Related Alloys and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee A01.22on Steel Forgings and Wrought Fittings for Piping Applications and Bolting Materials for Piping and Special Purpose Applications.Current edition approved May 1,2004.Published May 2004.Originally approved in st previous edition approved in 2004as A 960–04.2For referenced ASTM standards,visit the ASTM website,,or contact ASTM Customer Service at service@.For Annual Book of ASTM Standards volume information,refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on the ASTM website.1*A Summary of Changes section appears at the end of this standard.Copyright ©ASTM International,100Barr Harbor Drive,PO Box C700,West Conshohocken,PA 19428-2959,UnitedStates.Steel Fittings for Low-Temperature and Corrosive Service A 860/A 860M Specification for Wrought High-Strength Low-Alloy Steel Butt-Welding FittingsA 941Terminology Relating to Steel,Stainless Steel,Re-lated Alloys,and FerroalloysA 967Specification for Chemical Passivation Treatments for Stainless Steel PartsE 165Test Method for Liquid Penetrant ExaminationE 213Practice for Ultrasonic Examination of Metal Pipe and TubingE 709Guide for Magnetic Particle ExaminationE 1916Guide for the Identification and/or Segregation of Mixed Lots of Metals 2.2Military Standard:3MIL-STD-163Steel Mill Products,Preparation for Ship-ment and Storage2.3Manufacturer’s Standardization Society Standards:4MSS SP-25The Standard Marking System of Valves,Fittings,Flanges and UnionsMSS SP-43Standard Practice for Light Weight Stainless Steel Butt-Welding FittingsMSS SP-75Specification for High Test Wrought Butt-Welding FittingsMSS SP-79Socket Welding Reducer InsertsMSS SP-83Steel Pipe Unions,Socket-Welding and ThreadedMSS SP-95Swage(d)Nipples and Bull PlugsMSS SP-97Integrally Reinforced Forged Steel Branch Outlet Fittings—Socket Welding,Threaded and Butterfly Ends2.4American Society of Nondestructive Testing:5SNT-TC-1A Recommended Practice for Nondestructive Testing Personnel Qualification and Certification 2.5ASME Standards:6B16.9Steel Butt-Welding FittingsB16.11Forged Steel Fittings,Socket Welding and Threaded Section IX Welding Qualifications3.Terminology3.1Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:3.1.1bar —a solid section that is long in relationship to its cross sectional dimensions,with a relatively constant cross section throughout its length.(See Specification A 29/A 29M for definitions relating to the production of hot wrought and cold finished bars.)3.1.2certifying organization —the company or association responsible for the conformance of,the marking of,and the certification of the product to the specification requirements.3.1.3fitting —a component for non-bolted joints used in piping systems and pressure vessels.3.1.4flange —a component for bolted joints used in piping systems and pressure vessels.3.1.5forging —the product of a substantially compressive hot or cold plastic working operation that consolidates the material and produces the required shape.3.1.6Discussion —The plastic working must be performed by a forging machine,such as a hammer,press,or ring rolling machine and must deform the material to produce an essen-tially wrought structure throughout the material cross section.3.2Definitions —For definitions of other terms used in this specification,refer to Terminology A 941.4.Ordering Information4.1It is the purchaser’s responsibility to specify in the purchase order all ordering information necessary to purchase the needed material.Examples of such information include but are not limited to the following:4.1.1Quantity,4.1.2Description of fitting and nominal dimensions (stan-dard or special),4.1.3Steel composition by grade and class designation,4.1.4Construction,seamless or welded (unless seamless or welded construction is specified by the purchaser,either may be furnished at the option of the supplier),4.1.5Specification number (including the year/date of is-sue),4.1.6Supplementary requirements,and 4.1.7Additional requirements.5.Material5.1The material for fittings shall consist of forgings,bars,plates and seamless or welded tubular products.5.2The steel shall conform to the chemical requirements of the individual product specification and may be made from any process.5.3Ferritic steels shall be fully killed.5.4If secondary melting is employed,the heat shall be defined as all ingots remelted from a primary heat.6.Manufacture6.1Forging or shaping operations may be performed by any of the methods included in the individual product specification.6.2Hollow cylindrically shaped parts up to and including NPS 4may be machined from bar or seamless tubular material provided the axial length of the part is approximately parallel to the axial length of the fitting.Elbows,return bends,tees and header tees shall not be machined directly from bar stock.6.3Fittings,after forming at an elevated temperature,shall be cooled to a temperature below the critical range under suitable conditions to prevent injury by cooling too rapidly.6.4All classes of fittings shall have the welders,welding operators,and welding procedures qualified under the provi-sion of Section IX of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code except that welds from the original pipe manufacturer made without the addition of filler metal do not require such qualification.3Available from Standardization Documents Order Desk,DODSSP,Bldg.4,Section D,700Robbins Ave.,Philadelphia,PA 19111-5098.4Available from Manufacturers Standardization Society of the Valve and Fittings Industry (MSS),127Park St.,NE,Vienna,V A 22180-4602.5Available from The American Society for Nondestructive Testing (ASNT),P.O.Box 28518,1711Arlingate Ln.,Columbus,OH 43228-0518.6Available from American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME),ASME International Headquarters,Three Park Ave.,New York,NY10016-5990.7.Heat Treatment7.1Fittings requiring heat treatment shall be treated as specified in the individual product specification using the following procedures:7.1.1Full Annealing—Fittings shall be uniformly reheated to a temperature above the transformation range and,after holding for a sufficient time at this temperature,cooled slowly to a temperature below the transformation range.7.1.2Solution Annealing—Fittings shall be heated to a temperature that causes the carbides to go into solution and then quenched in water or rapidly cooled by other means to prevent reprecipitation.7.1.3Isothermal Annealing—Isothermal annealing shall consist of austenitizing a ferrous alloy and then cooling to and holding within the range of temperature at which the austenite transforms to a relatively soft ferrite-carbide aggregate.7.1.4Normalizing—Fittings shall be uniformly reheated toa temperature above the transformation range and subsequently cooled in air at room temperature.7.1.5Tempering and Post-Weld Heat Treatment—Fittings shall be reheated to the prescribed temperature below the transformation range,held at temperature for the greater of1⁄2 h or1h/in.[25.4mm]of thickness at the thickest section and cooled in still air.7.1.6Stress Relieving—Fittings shall be uniformly heated to the selected stress relieving temperature.The temperature shall not vary from the selected temperature by more than625°F [614°C].7.1.7Quench and Temper—Fittings shall be fully austen-itized and immediately quenched in a suitable liquid medium. The quenchedfittings shall be reheated to a minimum tempera-ture of1100°F[590°C]and cooled in still air.8.Chemical Requirements8.1Chemical Analysis—Samples for chemical analysis andmethods of analysis shall be in accordance with Test Methods, Practices and Terminology A751for Chemical Analysis of Steel Products.8.2Heat Analysis—An analysis of each heat of steel shall be made by the manufacturer to determine the percentages of those elements specified in the individual product specification. If secondary melting processes are employed,the heat analysis shall be obtained from one remelted ingot of each primary melt.The chemical analysis thus determined shall conform to the requirements of the individual product specification.Note that the product analysis(check analysis)tolerances are not to be applied to the heat analysis requirements.8.3Product Analysis—If a product analysis is performed it shall be in accordance with Test Methods,Practices,and Terminology A751.The chemical composition thus deter-mined shall conform to limits of the product specification, within the permissible variations of Table1or Table2of this specification,as appropriate for the grade being supplied. 9.Mechanical Requirements9.1Method of Mechanical Test—All tests shall be con-ducted in accordance with Test Methods and Definitions A370.9.2The test specimen shall represent all material from the same heat and heat treatment load whose maximum thick-nesses do not exceed the thickness of the test specimen or blank by more than1⁄4in.[6mm].9.3One tension test at room temperature shall be made in accordance with9.2from each heat in each heat treatment load.9.3.1If heat treatment is performed in either a continuous or batch type furnace controlled within625°F[614°C]of the required heat treatment temperature and equipped with record-ing pyrometers so that complete records of heat treatment are available,and if the same heat treating cycles are used on the material represented by the tension test,then one tension test from each heat shall be required,instead of one tension test from each heat in each heat treatment load in accordance with—When a retest is permitted by the product specification,it shall be performed on twice the number of representative specimens that were originally nonconforming. When any retest specimen does not conform to the product specification requirements for the characteristic in question,the lot represented by that specimen shall be rejected or reworked in accordance with Section14.9.4.1If the results of the tension test do not conform to the requirements specified in the product specification,retests are permitted as outlined in Test Methods and Definitions A370.If TABLE1Product Analysis Tolerances for Low Alloy and CarbonSteels AElementsLimit,or Maximum ofSpecified Range,%Permissible VariationsOver Maximum Limit orUnder Minimum Limit,% Carbon0.30and under0.01over0.30to0.75,incl0.02over0.750.03 Manganese0.90and under0.03over0.90to2.10,incl0.04 Phosphorus over maximum only0.005Sulfur0.060and under0.005Silicon0.40and under0.02over0.40to2.20,incl0.05Nickel 1.00and under0.03over1.00to2.00,incl0.05over2.00to5.30,incl0.07over5.30to10.00,incl0.10 Chromium0.90and under0.03over0.90to2.10,incl0.05over2.10to3.99,incl0.10 Molybdenum0.20and under0.01over0.20to0.40,incl0.02over0.40to1.15,incl0.03 Vanadium0.10and under0.01over0.10to0.25,incl0.02over0.25to0.50,incl0.03minimum value specified,under minimum limitonly0.01Columbium(Niobium)Up to and incl0.140.020.15to0.50,incl0.06Titanium Up to and incl0.850.05 Aluminum0.10and under0.03over0.10to0.20,incl0.04over0.20to0.30,incl0.05over0.30to0.80,incl0.07over0.80to1.80,incl0.10Lead B0.15to0.35,incl0.03Copper to1.00incl0.03over1.00to2.00,incl0.05A Chrome content less than4.00.B Product analysis tolerance for lead applies both over and under to a specified range of0.15to0.35%.the results of any tension test specimen are less than specified because a flaw becomes evident in the test specimen duringtesting,a retest shall be allowed provided that the defect is not attributable to ruptures,cracks,or flakes in the steel.9.4.2If the average impact energy value meets the product specification requirements,but one energy value is below the specified minimum value for individual specimens,a retest is permitted.The retest shall be conducted in accordance with Test Methods and Definitions A 370.9.5For the purpose of determining conformance to the product specification requirements,specimens shall be ob-tained from a finished product,or from production material that is in the same condition of working and heat treatment as the production material.10.Hardness Requirements10.1The part shall conform to the hardness requirements prescribed in the product specification.10.2Sampling for hardness testing shall conform to the product specification.11.Tensile Requirements11.1The part shall conform to the tensile property require-ments prescribed in the product specification.11.2Sampling for tensile testing shall conform to the product specification.11.3When the dimensions of the material to be tested will permit,the tension test specimens shall be machined to the form and dimensions of the standard 2-in.(50-mm)gage length tension test specimens described in Test Methods and Defini-tions A 370.11.3.1In the case of small sections,which will not permit taking the standard test specimen described in 11.3,the subsize round or strip specimen shall be machined as described in Test Methods and Definitions A 370.The tension test specimen shall be as large as feasible.12.Impact Requirements12.1The part shall conform to the impact requirements prescribed in the product specification.12.2Sampling for impact testing shall conform to the product specification.13.Hydrostatic Test Requirements13.1Parts manufactured under this specification shall be capable of passing a hydrostatic test compatible with the rating of the specified matching pipe of equivalent material.Such a test shall be conducted only when specified in the purchase order or when the hydrostatic test Supplementary Requirement is invoked by the purchaser.14.Rework14.1When one or more representative test specimens or retest specimens do not conform to the requirements specified in the product specification for the tested characteristic,the lot of material represented by the test specimen may be reworked according to the following requirements.14.1.1If previously tested in the untreated condition,the product may be reworked by heat treatment,and subsequently retested,in accordance with the product specification.TABLE 2Product Analysis Tolerances for Higher Alloy andStainless Steels AElementUpper Limit of Maximum of Specified Range,%Tolerances Over the Maximum (Upper Limit)or Under the Minimum (Lower Limit)Carbonto 0.010,incl0.002over 0.010to 0.030,incl 0.005over 0.030to 0.20,incl 0.01over 0.20to 0.80,incl 0.02over 0.80to 1.20,incl 0.03Manganeseto 1.00,incl0.03over 1.00to 3.00,incl 0.04over 3.00to 6.00,incl 0.05over 6.00to 10.00,incl 0.06over 10.00to 15.00,incl 0.10over 15.00to 20.00,incl 0.15Phosphorus to 0.040,incl0.005over 0.040to 0.20,incl 0.010Sulfurto 0.040,incl0.005over 0.040to 0.20,incl 0.010over 0.20to 0.50,incl 0.020Siliconto 1.00,incl0.05over 1.00to 3.00,incl 0.10over 3.00to 6.00,incl 0.15Chromiumover 4.00to 10.00,incl 0.10over 10.00to 15.00,incl 0.15over 15.00to 20.00,incl 0.20over 20.00to 30.00,incl 0.25Nickelto 1.00,incl0.03over 1.00to 5.00,incl 0.07over 5.00to 10.00,incl 0.10over 10.00to 20.00,incl 0.15over 20.00to 30.00,incl 0.20over 30.00to 40.00,incl 0.25over 40.000.30Molybdenumover 0.20to 0.60,incl 0.03over 0.60to 2.00,incl 0.05over 2.00to 7.00,incl 0.10over 7.00to 15.00,incl 0.15over 15.00to 30.00,incl 0.20Titaniumto 1.00,incl0.05over 1.00to 3.00,incl 0.07over 3.000.10Columbium to 1.50,incl 0.05Tantalum to 0.10,incl 0.02Copperto 0.50,incl0.03over 0.50to 1.00,incl 0.05over 1.00to 3.00,incl 0.10over 3.00to 5.00,incl 0.15over 5.00to 10.00,incl 0.20Aluminumto 0.15,incl−0.005+0.01over 0.15to 0.50,incl 0.05over 0.50to 2.00,incl 0.10over 2.00to 5.00,incl 0.20over 5.00to 10.00,incl 0.35Nitrogento 0.02,incl0.005over 0.02to 0.19,incl 0.01over 0.19to 0.25,incl 0.02over 0.25to 0.35,incl 0.03over 0.35to 0.45,incl 0.04over 0.450.05Vanadium to 0.50,incl0.03over 0.50to 1.50,incl 0.05Cerium to 0.20,incl 0.01Tungstento 0.50,incl0.20over 0.50–1.00,incl 0.30over 1.00–2.00,incl 0.50over 2.00–4.00,incl0.60AChrome content 4.00orgreater.14.1.2If previously tested in the heat treated condition,the product may be reworked by reheat treatment,and subse-quently retested,in accordance with the product specification.15.Finish and Appearance15.1The parts shall conform to the dimensions,tolerances andfinish as specified in the purchaser’s order.Parts ordered to the requirements of an ASTM specification shall conform to the requirements of the individual product specification. 15.2The surfacefinish shall allow the detection of imper-fections that can be disclosed by visual inspection.Where necessary thefinished parts shall be cleaned to remove all loose scale and processing compounds prior to thefinal surface examination.The cleaning process shall not injure the surface finish,material properties,or the metallurgical structure.The cleaned parts shall be protected to prevent recontamination. Protective coatings on parts subsequently subjected to socket welds or butt welds shall be suitable for welding without removal of the coating.When specified in the purchase order, parts may be furnished in the as-formed condition.15.3Fittings supplied under this specification shall be examined visually.Selected typical surface discontinuities shall be explored for depth.Unless otherwise specified in the purchase order,the following shall apply.15.3.1Fittings conforming to ASME B16.9and MSS-SP-43 shall be free of surface discontinuities that penetrate more than 5%of the specified nominal wall thickness,except as defined in15.3.3and15.3.4.Fittings conforming to ASME B16.11and MSS-SP-79shall be free of surface discontinuities that pen-etrate more than5%of the actual wall thickness at the point of interest,or1⁄16in.[1.6mm],whichever is less,except as defined in15. discontinuities deeper than5%of the speci-fied nominal wall thickness,except as defined in15.3.3and 15.3.4,shall be removed by the manufacturer by machining or grinding to sound metal,and the repaired areas shall blend smoothly into the contour of thefinishedfitting.Except for fittings conforming to MSS-SP-75,the wall thickness at all points shall be at least the specified minimum wall thickness, or871⁄2%of the specified nominal wall thickness and the diameters shall be within the limits specified in the applicable dimensional standards.15.3.3Surface checks(fish scale)deeper than1⁄64in.[0.4 mm]shall be removed.15.3.4Mechanical marks deeper than1⁄16in.[1.6mm]shall be removed.15.3.5When the removal of a surface discontinuity reduces the wall thickness below the specified minimum wall thickness at any point,thefitting shall be subject to rejection or to repair as provided in Section16.16.Repair by Welding16.1The purchaser may require the supplier to submit proposed weld repairs for approval by invoking the appropriate Supplementary Requirement in the purchase order.16.2If the purchaser does not require prior approval of the proposed weld repairs,these repairs shall be permitted at the discretion of the supplier.All weld repairs shall be performed in accordance with the following limitations and requirements.16.2.1The welding procedure,welders and operators shall be qualified in accordance with Section IX of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code.The composition of the weld deposit shall be compatible with the composition of the material being welded.16.2.2Defects shall be completely removed prior to weld-ing by machining,chipping or grinding to sound metal. Removal of these defects shall be verified by magnetic particle examination in accordance with Guide E709or liquid pen-etrant inspection in accordance with Test Method E165,as applicable.16.2.3After repair welding,the welded area shall be ma-chined or ground smooth to the original contour and shall be completely free of defects as verified by magnetic particle examination in accordance with Guide E709or liquid pen-etrant inspection in accordance with Test Method E165,as applicable.16.2.4Repair welding shall not exceed10%of the external surface area of the part,or331⁄3%of the wall thickness of the finished product,or3⁄8in.[10mm]deep maximum at the location of the repair,without prior approval of the purchaser.16.2.5Weld repaired material or parts,or both,shall be marked“RW”when required by the product specification. 16.3The weld repair shall conform to the additional re-quirements,if any,invoked in the product specification. 17.Inspection17.1The supplier shall provide the purchaser’s inspector with all reasonable facilities necessary to satisfy him that the material is being produced and furnished in accordance with this specification and the applicable product specification.Site inspection by the purchaser shall not interfere unnecessarily with the supplier’s operations.18.Rejection and Rehearing18.1Samples representing material rejected by the pur-chaser shall be preserved until disposition of the claim has been agreed to between the supplier and the purchaser.19.Marking19.1Each piece shall be legibly marked with the ASTM designation,grade and class,certifying organization’s name or symbol,the heat number or heat identification,size,and schedule or thickness,if applicable.It is not required to mark the product with the specification year and date of issue.The Standard Marking System of Valves,Fittings,Flanges and Unions(MSS-SP-25)of the Manufacturer’s Standardization Society of the Valve and Fittings Industry may be followed except the word“steel”shall not be substituted for the ASTM designation.19.2Product marking shall conform to the additional re-quirements,if any,invoked in the product specification. 20.Certification20.1Application of the ASTM designation and other iden-tification marks as required in Section19shall be the certifi-cation that the material or parts,or both,have been furnished in accordance with the requirements of thespecification.20.2When test reports are required,they shall include the year/date of issue,and shall be traceable to the part repre-sented.In addition,the certification shall include the results of all tests required by this specification,the product specification, and the purchase order.The manufacturer,and any subsequent suppliers,shall provide the specific information required by the product specification and the purchase order.20.3A certificate printed from or used in electronic data interchange(EDI)transmission shall be regarded as having the same validity as a counterpart printed in the certifier’s facility. The content of the EDI transmitted document shall conform to any existing EDI agreement between the purchaser and the supplier.20.4Not withstanding the absence of a signature,the organization submitting either a printed certificate or an EDI transmitted certificate is responsible for the content of the report.21.Packaging,Marking and Loading for Shipment21.1Packaging,marking,and loading for shipment shall be in accordance with Practices A700.21.2When specified in the contract or order,and or direct procurement by or direct shipment to the government,when Level A is specified,preservation,packaging,and packing shall be in accordance with Level A requirements of MIL-STD-163.22.Keywords22.1austenitic stainless steel;corrosive service applica-tions;ferritic/austenitic stainless steel;ferritic stainless steel; high strength low alloy steel;martensitic stainless steel;piping applications;pressure containing parts;pressure vessel service; stainless steelfittings;temperature service applications-elevated;temperature service applications-low;temperature service applications-moderateSUPPLEMENTARY REQUIREMENTSThese requirements shall not be considered unless specified in the order,in which event,the supplementary requirements specified shall be made at the place of manufacture,unless otherwise agreed upon,at the purchaser’s expense.The test specified shall be witnessed by the purchaser’s inspector before shipment of material,if so specified in the order.The rationale for beginning the section numbering with S50is to eliminate the possibility of confusion with supplementary requirements existing in individual product specifications.S50.Product Analysis(Note S50.1)S50.1A product analysis shall be made from each heat of base metal and,if of welded construction,from each lot number of welding material of thefittings offered for delivery. The analysis shall conform to the requirements specified in Section8.S51.Tension Test(Note S50.1)S51.1One tension test shall be made on onefitting or representative test piece(See Note S50.2)per lot(See Note S50.3)offittings.If thefittings are of welded construction,the tension specimen shall include the weld and shall be prepared so that the weld is at the midlength location of the specimen. However,in no case shall the tensile properties of thefinished fitting be less than the requirements listed in the individual product specification.N OTE S50.1—If the result of any of the tests specified in Supplementarv Requirements S50,S51,or S63do not conform to requirements,retests may be made at the manufacturer’s expense on additionalfittings or representative test pieces of double the original number from the same heat or lot as defined in Supplementary Requirements S50,S51,or S63, each of which shall conform to the requirements specified.N OTE S50.2—Where the test specimen for the tension or intergranular corrosion bend test cannot be taken from afitting due to size limitations, a representative test piece shall be obtained.The test piece shall be from the same lot it represents and shall have approximately the same amount of working.In addition,these pieces representingfittings manufactured from bars,plate,or forgings shall have a cross section equal to the greatest cross section of thefitting,and test pieces representingfittings manufac-tured from pipe shall have an outside diameter and wall thickness equal to those of thefitting.The test piece forfittings of welded construction shall be prepared to the same weld procedures and from the same heat of materials as thefittings it represents.N OTE S50.3—A lot shall consist of allfittings of the same type,size, and wall thickness,manufactured from one heat of material(and,if fabrication welding is performed using one lot number of electrode or one heat of weld wire),and heat treated using the same heat-treat cycle in either a continuous or batch-tvpe furnace controlling within a range of 50°F[28°C]and equipped with recording pyrometers so that complete records of heat treatment are available.S52.Liquid Penetrant ExaminationS52.1All surfaces shall be liquid penetrant examined in accordance with Test Method E165.Acceptance limits shall be specified by the purchaser.Personnel performing the examina-tion shall be qualified in accordance with SNT-TC-1A-1988or later.S53.Magnetic-Particle ExaminationS53.1All accessible surfaces shall be magnetic particle examined in accordance with Guide E709.Acceptance limits shall be specified by the purchaser.Personnel performing the examination shall be qualified in accordance with SNT-TC-1A-1988or later.S54.Hydrostatic TestS54.1A hydrostatic test shall be applied as agreed upon between the manufacturer and purchaser.S55.Bar Stock FittingsS55.1Bar stockfittings shall not bepermitted.。
偏差等级D1:标准化外径允许偏差±1.5%,最小±0.75 mm
最小±0.50 mm
偏差等级D3:标准化外径允许偏差±0.75%.最小±0.30 mm
最小±0.10 mm
管道选⽤标准及要求⾦属管道1、各种钢管(1)⽆缝钢管标准:第⼀条:外径φ<219mm以下管道(⽆缝钢管)可供选⽤;第⼆条:⽆缝钢管(GB8163-87)热轧和冷拔普通碳素钢、优质碳素钢、低合⾦钢和普通合⾦结构⽆缝钢管,⽤作输送以下流体:a 蒸汽、 b 压缩空⽓、 c 真空、 d 盐⽔、 e 弱碱、f 循环⽔、⼯艺⽔、g不含酸碱腐蚀的物料(⽣产物料);第三条:⽆缝钢管的钢号有10、20、09MnV、16Mn等;第四条:壁厚选⽤如下表PN≤2.5MPa(常⽤钢号 20#)(2)⽯油裂化⽤钢管(GB9948-88)标准:第⼀条:适⽤于⽯油精炼⼚的炉管、热交换器管和管道管⽤的⽆缝钢管,规格如下“▲”。
HFS/CFS 360/430/500Nb
HFS3/4/5/8 CFS3/3A/4/5/6/7/8/9/10/11 ST35.8/45.8/15Mo3/10CrMo910/13CrMo44等 25CrMo4/13CrMo44/10CrMo910/12CrMo910/12CrMo195/X12CrMo91等 StE/WStE/TStE/EStE255/285/355/420/460 ST37/ST44/ST52 ST35/45/52 DIN17100ST37-2/44-2/44-3/50-2/60-2/70-2等 ST33-2 P195/235/265TR1/TR2 P195GH/P235GH/P265GH/16Mo3/10CrMo5-5/10CrMo9-10等 P275N/355N/460N/620Q/690Q L1/L2/H P215NL/P255QL/P265NL/26CrMo4-2/11MnNi5-3/12Ni14等
JIS G3456 JIS G3461 JIS G3467 JIS G3475
STPT370/410/480或STPT38/42/49 STB340/410/510或STB35/42/52 STF410/STFA12/STFA22/STFA23/STFA24/STFA25/STFA26 STKN400W/STKN400B/STKN490B
SCH10-SCH160 1.2-12.5 4-28
460, GR.A, GR.B, X42 ~ X65, J55,STK400, STK500,SS400,
Remark 20#.25# 20#, Mn钢 withdrawn
2、卷管校圆样板的弧长应为管子周长的1/6~1/4/样板与管内壁的不贴合间隙应符合下列规定:(1)对接纵缝处为壁厚的10%加2mm,且不大于3mm;(2)离管端200 mm的对接纵缝处应为2mm,(3)其他部位为1mm。
序号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 标准名称 冷热水用聚丙烯管道系统 第1部分:总则 冷热水用聚丙烯管道系统 第2部分:管材 冷热水用聚丙烯管道系统 第3部分:管件 冷热水用聚丁烯(PB)管道系统 第1部分:总则 冷热水用聚丁烯(PB)管道系统 第2部分:管材 冷热水用聚丁烯(PB)管道系统 第3部分:管件 铝塑复合压力管(搭接焊)
埋地排水用钢带增强聚乙烯(PE)螺旋波纹管 自动喷水灭火系统 第11部分:沟槽式管接件 薄壁不锈钢卡压式和沟槽式管件 薄壁不锈钢管 燃气输送用不锈钢管及双卡压式管件
不锈钢卡压式管件组件 第2部分:连接用薄壁不锈钢管
执行标准 GB/T 18742.1—2002 GB/T 18742.2—2002 GB/T 18742.3—2002 GB/T 19473.1—2004 GB/T 19473.2—2004 GB/T 19473.3—2004 CJ/T 108-2015 CECS 181:2005 CJ/T 189-2007 GB/T 18992.1-2003 GB/T 18992.2-2003 CJ/T 233-2016 CJ/T 326-2010 GB/T 20221-2006 GB/T 19472.1-2004 CJ/T 225-2011 GB 5135.11-2006 CJ/T 152-2016 CJ/T 151-2016 CJ/T 466-2014 GB/T 19228.2-2011
序号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 标准名称 钢塑复合管 排水用柔性接口铸铁管、管件及附件 低压流体输送用焊接钢管 无缝钢管尺寸、外形、重量及允许偏差 结构用无缝钢管 输送流体无缝钢管 低中压锅炉用无缝钢管 钢制对焊无缝管件 热轧钢棒尺寸、外形、重量及允许偏差 热轧型钢 钢管的验收、包装、标志和质量证明书 锅炉和压力容器用钢板 碳素结构钢 六角头螺栓 1型六角螺母 承插式管接头 给水用硬聚氯乙烯(PVC-U)管材 给水用硬聚氯乙烯(PVC-U)管件 建筑排水用硬聚氯乙烯(PVC-U)管材 建筑排水用硬聚氯乙烯(PVC-U)管件 执行标准 GB/T 28897—2012 GB/T 12772—2016 GB/T 3091—2015 GB/T 17395—2008 GB/T 8162—2008 GB/T 8163—2008 GB 3087-2008 GB/T 12459—2005 GB/T 702—2008 GB/T 706—2016 GB/T 2102—2006 GB/T 713—2014 GB/T 700—2006 GB/T 5782—2016 GB/T 6170-2015 CJ/T 110-2000 GB/T 10002.1—2006 GB/T 10002.2—2003 GB/T 5836.1—2006 GB/T 5836.2—2006
常用钢管国家标准常用钢管国家标准2010-04-20 09:50聊城市金德钢管贸易有限公司---0635-8884224 0635-2993006常年经营无缝钢管,流体管,结构管,高压锅炉管。
直缝焊管,离心浇铸钢管序号标准号标准名称主要牌号国家标准1 GB3087-1999低中压锅炉用无缝钢管10、20 2GB/T3090-2000不锈钢小直径无缝钢管0Cr18Ni9、00Cr19Ni10、0Cr18Ni10Ti、0Cr17Ni12Mo2、00Cr17Ni14Mo2、1Cr18Ni9Ti 3GB/T3094-2000冷拔异型无缝钢管10、20、35、45、Q295、Q345、Q390等4 GB/T3639-2000冷拔或冷轧精密无缝钢管10、20、35、45 5GB5310-1995高压锅炉用无缝钢管20G、12CrMoG、15CrMoG、12Cr2MoG、12Cr1MoVG、1Cr18Ni9等6 GB/T5312-1999船舶用碳钢和碳锰钢无缝钢管320、360、410、460、490 7GB6479-2000高压化肥设备用无缝钢管20、16Mn、15MnV、10MoWVNb、12CrMo、15CrMo、1Cr5Mo、12Cr2Mo、12SiMoVNb等8 GB/T8162-1999结构用无缝钢管20、45、Q345、40Cr、12CrMo、35CrMo、30CrMnSi等9 GB/T8163-1999输送流体用无缝钢管10、20、Q295、Q345 10 GB/T 9711.1-1997石油天然气工业输送钢管交货技术条件第1部分:A级钢管L210、L245、L290、L320、L360等11 GB/T 9711.2-1999石油天然气工业输送钢管交货技术条件第2部分:B级钢管L245NB、L290NB、L360NB、L415NB等12 GB/T 9711.3-2005石油天然气工业输送钢管交货技术条件第3部分:C级钢管L245NC、L290NC、L360NC、L415NC等L245NCS、L290NCS、L360NCS、L415NCS等13 GB9948-1988石油裂化用无缝钢管20、12CrMo、15CrMo、1Cr5Mo、1Cr19Ni9等14 GB13296-1991锅炉、热交换器用不锈钢无缝钢管0Cr18Ni9、1Cr19Ni9、1Cr18Ni9Ti、1Cr18Ni12Mo2Ti、1Cr17等15 GB/T14975-2002结构不锈钢无缝钢管1Cr18Ni9、1Cr18 Ni9Ti、1Cr17、1Cr13等16 GB/T14976-2002输送流体用不锈钢无缝钢管0Cr18Ni9、1Cr18Ni9Ti、0Cr13等17 GB/T17396-1998液压支柱用热轧无缝钢管20、35、45、27SiMn、30MnNbRE 18 GB18248-2000气瓶用无缝钢管37Mn、34Mn2V、30CrMo、35CrMo 19 GJB459-88火箭炮用定向螺旋异型无缝钢管16Mn 20 GJB1664-93装甲车辆发动机气缸套用无缝钢管规范38CrMoAl 21 GJB1949-94薄壁火炮炮身用合金无缝钢管规范PCrNi1MoA、PCrNi2MoA、717 22 GJB2608-96航空用结构钢厚壁无缝钢管规范20、35、45、38CrA、38CrMoAlA、30CrMnSiA、30CrMnSiA精选等23 GJB3329-98轻武器用结构钢无缝钢管规范50AZ、35B、40MnB、30CrMnSiA等24 GB12459-1990钢质对焊无缝管件10、20、Q345A、Q345B等行业标准25 YB235-70地质钻探用钢管DZ40、DZ50、DZ55等26 YBn1-86炮弹用无缝钢管40Mn2、45MnB、D60、D40Mn2、30CrMnSiA27 YBn2-86火炮零件用无缝钢管20Cr、30Cr、35Cr、38CrA、40Cr、45Cr、30CrMnSiA、40CrNi、PCrMo等28 YB/Z12-77轴承钢管GCr15等企业标准29 Q/CG35-1999曳光破甲弹压环用冷拔无缝钢管SAE1035 30 Q/CG41-2000抗海水腐蚀用无缝钢管10CrMoAl 31 Q/CG51-1999地质钻探用光管DZ40、DZ50 32 Q/CG60-2000大容量高压气瓶用无缝钢管35CrMoA 33 Q/CG64-2000汽车桥壳用无缝钢管20CD4 34 Q/CG68-2000液压件和机加工用无缝钢管JS10、JS20、JS35、JS45、27SiMn、JS35Cr、JS40Cr、JS35CrMo、JS42CrMo 35 Q/CG70-2000石油套铣专用无缝钢管N80、X9.5 36 Q/CG72-2000冻结井用无缝钢管CS-80L、CS-55L 37 Q/C G76-2000输送矿物用耐磨无缝钢管NM300、NM400、NM300H国外标准38 API 5CT(第八版)套管和油管规范J55、K55、N80、M65、L80、P110等39 API 5L(第43版)管线钢管规范PSL1:B、X42、X46、X52、X56、X60等;PSL2:B、X42、X46、X52、X56等40 ASTM A53非镀锌与热浸镀锌焊接和无缝钢管A、B 41 ASTM A106高温作业用碳素钢无缝钢管A、B、C 42 ASTM A210锅炉和过热器用中碳钢无缝钢管A.1、C 43 ASTM A213锅炉、过热器和热交换器铁素体和奥氏体合金钢无缝钢管44 ASTM A333低温作业用无缝和焊接钢管45 ASTM A335高温作业用铁素体合金钢无缝钢管46 ASTM A519机械工程用碳素钢和合金钢无缝钢管1010、1020、1026、1035、1045、4135、4142、5135等47 ASTM A53/ASTM A106/API 5L 3S无缝钢管48 JIS G3441-1988机械结构用合金钢钢管SCM435TK、SCM440TK等49 JIS G3444-1994一般结构用碳素钢管STK290、STK400、STK500、STK540等50 JIS G3445-1988机械结构用碳素钢无缝钢管STKM12A(B)、STKM13A(B)、STKM15A、STKM16A、STKM18A 51 JIS G3454-1988压力管道用碳素钢无缝钢管STPG370、STPG410 52 JIS G3461-1988锅炉、热交换器用碳素钢管STB340、STB410等53 JIS G3454-1988/JIS G3455-1988/JIS G3456-1988 3G无缝钢管54 DIN1629-1984特殊质量要求的非合金钢无缝钢管交货技术条件st37.0、st44.0、st52.0 55 DIN2391-1994冷拔(轧)精密无缝钢管A:St35、St45、St52、St55;B:St35.2、St45.2、St52.0、St55.0 56 DIN17121结构用无缝钢管RSt37.2、St37.3、St44.2、St44.3、St52.3 57 DIN17175-79耐热钢无缝钢管st35.8、st45.8等58 BS3059-1987锅炉和过热器用钢管320船管规范59 LR英国劳埃德船级社规范320、360、410、460、490 60 DNV挪威船级社规范TS360、TS410、TS460、TS510等61 ABS美国船级社规范1级、2级、3级等62 GL徳国劳埃德船级社规范360、410、510 63 RINA意大利船舶入级规范分C类、P类、St类等,主要牌号:42-ST1、P1等64 CCS中国船级社规范320、360、410、460、490 65 BV法国船级社规范320HA、360HA、360HB、410HB、410HD、460HB、460HD等1.结构用无缝钢管(GB/T8162-1999)是用于一般结构和机械结构的无缝钢管。
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钢管管件标准应用标准体系4.1国际上常用的标准体系4.1.1德国及前苏联应用标准体系4.1.2美国应用标准体系(ANSI)4.1.3日本应用标准体系(JIS)4.1.4国际标准化组织(ISO)的应用标准体系4.1.5英国和法国应用标准体系4.2国内常用的标准体系4.2.1石化行业应用标准体系4.2.2化工行业应用标准体系4.2.3机械行业应用标准体系4.2.4国家应用标准体系4.2.5 压力管道应用标准体系配伍4 应用标准体系目前,大多数压力管道及其元件都进行了系列化,并有相应的应用标准作支持。
世界各国应用标准大体上分为两大类:◆管子----即钢管外径系列分为国际通用系列(大外径系列)英制管;国内常用系列(小外径系列)公制管(或米制管)◆法兰:欧式法兰和美式法兰压力等级:PN 0.1 0.25 0.6 1.0 1.6 2.5 4.0 6.3 10.0 16.0 25.0 40.0 MPa 欧式法兰(DIN)压力等级:PN 2.0 5.0 6.8 10.0 15.0 25.0 42.0 MPa 美式法兰(ANSI)CL 150 300 400 600 900 1500 2500 Psi由此可以看出,无论是法兰还是管子,上述两个系列或两个体系是不能混合使用的。
ANSI——美国国家标准化组织ASTM.American Society of Testing Materials, ——美国材料实验协会◆钢管壁厚表示方法钢管壁厚表示方法有管子表号、钢管壁厚尺寸和管子重量三种方法1)是以管子表号"Sch"表示壁厚。
即: Sch=P/[σ]t×1000ANSI B36.10壁厚等级:Sch10、Sch20、Sch30、Sch40、Sch60、Sch80、Sch100、Sch120、Sch140、Sch160十个等级;ANSI B36.19壁厚等级:Sch5s、Sch10s、Sch40s、Sch80s四个等级;2)以钢管壁厚尺寸表示中国、ISO、日本部分钢管标准采用3)是以管子重量表示管壁厚度,它将管子壁厚分为三种:a.标准重量管,以STD表示b.加厚管,以XS 表示c.特厚管,以XXS表示。
4.1.1德国及前苏联应用标准体系a.德国(DIN)管子:大外径系列管法兰:欧式法兰压力等级:PN 0.1、0.25、0.6、1.0、1.6、2.5、4.0、6.4、10.0、16.0、25.0、32.0、40.0 13个等级公称直径:DN6~4000mm法兰密封面:平面、凸台面、凹凸面、榫槽面、橡胶环连接面、透镜面及膜片焊接面7种法兰型式:平焊板式、平焊松套式、翻边松套式、对焊翻边松套式、对焊环翻边松套式、对焊式、螺纹连接式、整体式及法兰盖9种常用的标准DIN2410.T.1 DIN2448 DIN2458 DIN2500 DIN2501.T.1 DIN2519 DIN2980 管子及钢管标准概述无缝钢管尺寸及单位长度质量焊接钢管尺寸及单位长度质量法兰一般说明法兰连接尺寸钢法兰交货技术条件带螺纹的钢管配件b. 前苏联(ΓOCT)管子:小外径系列外径尺寸同我国的JB 系列管法兰:欧式法兰压力等级:PN 0.1、0.25、0.6、1.0、1.6、2.5、4.0、6.4、10.0、16.0、20.0 11个等级公称直径:DN6~3000mm法兰密封面:全平面、凸台面、凹凸面、聚四氟乙烯用榫槽面、透镜面及椭圆型环连接面7种法兰型式:平焊板式、平焊松套式、翻边松套式、对焊式、螺纹连接式、整体式及法兰7种※德国管法兰标准DIN和前苏联管法兰标准ΓOCT在PN≤16.0的等级中可以配对使用,但已不能互换(因为接管尺寸系列不同)。
4.1.2 美国应用标准体系(ANSI)美国国家标准ANSI B16.5《钢制管法兰及法兰管件》是一个比较完整、比较成熟同时也是国际上比较流行、比较通用的先进标准。
该标准与其它相关的ANSI、API 、ASTM、MSS 组成的压力管道应用标准体系形成于大量的试验研究基础之上,并经历了数十年的实践检验,因此不失为一个科学、先进的标准,并广泛为各个国家所接受。
管子:大外径系列 (ANSI B36.10和ANSI B36.19)公称直径范围:(DN6~DN2000)mm壁厚表示方法:1)是以管子表号"Sch"表示壁厚;2)是以管子重量表示管壁厚度。
管法兰:美式法兰压力等级:CL 150 300 400 600 900 1500 2500 Psi 7个等级公称直径:DN15~600mm法兰密封面:凸台面(RF)、凹凸面(MF)、榫槽面(TG)、金属环连接面4种法兰型式:平焊式、承插焊式、对焊式、螺纹连接式、松套式及法兰盖 6种◆美国应用标准体系ANSI中常用的标准有:ANSI/ASME B36.10 无缝及焊接钢管ANSI/ASME B36.19 不锈钢无缝及焊接钢管ANSI/ASME B16.9 工厂制造的钢对焊管件ANSI/ASME B16.11 承插焊和螺纹锻造管件ANSI/ASME B16.28 钢制对焊小半径弯头和回弯头ASME/ANSI B16.34 法兰连接、螺纹连接和焊接连接的阀门ASME/ANSI B16.5 管法兰和法兰管件ASME/ANSI B16.36 孔板法兰ASME/ANSI B16.42 球墨铸铁法兰和法兰管件ASME/ANSI B16.47 大直径钢法兰ASME/ANSI B16.20 管法兰用缠绕式、包覆式垫片和环槽式用金属垫片ASME/ANSI B16.21 管法兰用非金属平垫片ASME/ANSI B18.2.1 方头和六角头螺栓和螺纹ASME/ANSI B18.2.2 方头和六角头螺母API std605 大口径法兰、法兰盖API std526 法兰连接钢制泄压阀API std598 阀门的检验与试验API std599 法兰连接和焊接连接的金属旋塞阀.果API std600 法兰和对焊连接的钢制闸阀API std602 小型钢闸阀(紧凑型闸阀)API std603 150磅耐腐蚀用法兰阀API std608 法兰连接和对焊连接的金属球阀API std609 支耳型和对夹型蝶阀API std6D 管道阀门规范MSS SP-44 带颈平焊法兰4.1.3 日本应用标准体系(JIS)管子:大外径系列(JIS G3454、JIS G3458、JIS G 3459)与ANSI大多数相同无缝钢管公称直径:(DN6~DN650)mm壁厚表示方法:管子表号"Sch"表示壁厚碳钢及合金钢JIS G3454、JIS G3458:Sch10、Sch20、Sch30、Sch40、Sch60、Sch80、Sch100、Sch120、Sch140、Sch160 10个等级;不锈钢JIS G 3459:Sch5s、Sch10s、Sch20s、Sch40s、Sch80s、Sch120s 、Sch160s 7个等级;焊接钢管公称直径:(DN350~DN2000)mm壁厚表示方法:直接用壁厚数值表示。
管法兰:(JIS B2201、JIS B2220等)自成体系,既不属于"美式法兰",也不属于"欧式法兰"公称直径:(DN10~DN1000)mm公称压力等级:2K、5K、l0K、16K、20K、30K、40K、63K 共8个等级法兰密封面:光滑面、大凸台面、小凸台面、凹凸面、榫槽面 5种法兰型式:平焊式、承插焊式、对焊式、螺纹连接式、松套式及法兰盖6种※JIS应用标准体系与ANSI和DIN等都不能配套使用。
◆日本应用标准体系JIS中常用的标准有:JIS G3452 普通用途碳钢管JISG3454 承压用碳钢管JISG3455 承压用碳钢管JISG3456 高温用碳钢管JISG3457 电弧焊碳钢管JIS G3458 合金钢管JIS G3459 不锈钢钢管JIS G3468 电弧焊大直径不锈钢钢管JIS B2201 铁素体材料管法兰压力等级JIS B2202 管法兰尺寸JIS B2210 铁素体材料管法兰基础尺寸JISB2220 钢制管法兰JIS B2302 钢制螺纹连接管件JIS B2311 普通用途的钢制对焊管件JIS B2312 钢制对焊管件JIS B2313 钢板制对焊管件JIS B2316 承插焊管件JIS B2401 O形环JIS B2404 管阀兰用缠绕式垫片JIS B3453 压缩石棉垫片4.1.4国际标准化组织(ISO)的应用标准体系管子:基本上属大外径系列(ISO4200)**标准(ISO4200)系列1基本上采用了ANSI的尺寸,仅DN>1100mm时(已不太常用)则使用了"小外径系列"的尺寸。
公称压力等级:第一系列:PN 1.0、1.6、2.0、5.0、11.0、15.0、26.0、42.0 8个等级;第二系列:PN 0.25、0.6、2.5、4.0 共4个等级。