
打砖块游戏设计报告(共五则)第一篇:打砖块游戏设计报告*************面向对象方法及程序设计课程设计报告打砖块游戏的设计与开发分组:第九组组员姓名:******************** 班级:*********** 指导教师: ****完成日期:2014年 06月21日面向对象方法及程序设计课程设计题目:打砖块游戏的开发与设计为了加强计算机科学与技术专业学生的学科实践能力,巩固和强化所学专业知识,提高学生的学习兴趣,本课程设计实践周特别强调理论与实践相结合,利用所学专业知识,进行实践项目的开发,提高学生的实践编程能力和技术文档的写作能力,提高学生的学习兴趣,为后期的学习奠定一定的实践基础。
目录第一章课程设计的目的与要求.............................................................................................3 1.1课程设计目的................................................................................................................3 1.2 课程设计的实验环境...................................................................................................3 1.3 课程设计的预备知识 (3)1.4课程设计要求 (3)1.4.1人员分配,形成课程设计小组............................................................................3 1.4.2 分析课程设计的题目要求.................................................................................3 1.4.3写出详细的设计说明............................................................................................3 第二章课程设计内容.............................................................................................................3 2.1设计思路 (3)2.2功能介绍 (4)2.3相关素材 (4)2.4程序整体设计说明........................................................................................................4 2.5程序部分源代码及注释................................................................................................4 2.6程序结构流程图 (6)2.7程序代码 (6)2.8运行程序 (17)第三章课程设计总结 (17)/ 19 面向对象方法及程序设计课程设计第一章课程设计的目的与要求1.1课程设计目的本次课程设计是计算机科学与技术专业最重要的实践环节之一。

以下是一个示例代码片段,展示了如何创建游戏窗口:```import pygame# 初始化游戏pygame.init()# 设置窗口大小window_width = 800window_height = 600window = pygame.display.set_mode((window_width, window_height)) pygame.display.set_caption("打砖块游戏")```接下来,我们需要在游戏窗口中绘制游戏元素,包括小球、挡板和砖块。
下面是一个示例代码片段,展示了如何在游戏窗口中绘制挡板:```# 绘制挡板paddle_width = 100paddle_height = 20paddle_x = window_width // 2 - paddle_width // 2paddle_y = window_height - paddle_height - 10paddle_color = (255, 255, 255)def draw_paddle():pygame.draw.rect(window, paddle_color, (paddle_x, paddle_y,paddle_width, paddle_height))```在游戏中,小球会从游戏窗口的顶部开始移动,并弹跳到窗口的边界和游戏元素之间。
以下是一个示例代码片段,展示了如何移动和弹跳小球:```# 设置小球起始位置和速度ball_radius = 10ball_x = window_width // 2ball_y = window_height // 2ball_speed_x = 3ball_speed_y = 3ball_color = (255, 255, 255)def move_ball():global ball_x, ball_y, ball_speed_x, ball_speed_y# 在x轴上移动小球ball_x += ball_speed_x# 在y轴上移动小球ball_y += ball_speed_y# 检测小球与窗口边界碰撞if ball_x <= 0 or ball_x >= window_width - ball_radius:ball_speed_x *= -1if ball_y <= 0 or ball_y >= window_height - ball_radius:ball_speed_y *= -1# 检测小球与挡板碰撞if ball_x >= paddle_x and ball_x <= paddle_x + paddle_width and ball_y >= paddle_y - ball_radius:ball_speed_y *= -1# 检测小球与砖块碰撞# TODO: 编写检测小球与砖块碰撞的代码```最后,我们需要在游戏中加入交互性,让玩家能够通过操作挡板来控制小球的运动,并通过击碎砖块获得分数。

打砖块代码课程设计一、课程目标知识目标:1. 让学生掌握编程语言的基本语法和结构,理解打砖块游戏的逻辑和规则。
2. 学习运用循环、条件语句和函数等编程概念,实现打砖块游戏的基本功能。
3. 了解游戏开发中的坐标系和碰撞检测原理。
技能目标:1. 培养学生独立编写代码、调试程序和解决问题的能力。
2. 提高学生在团队协作中沟通、分享和共同解决问题的能力。
3. 培养学生的创新思维和审美意识,能够设计美观、有趣的游戏界面。
情感态度价值观目标:1. 激发学生对编程和计算机科学的兴趣,树立学习自信心。
2. 培养学生面对困难和挑战时,保持积极、主动、坚持的态度。
3. 培养学生的团队精神和责任感,学会尊重和欣赏他人的成果。
二、教学内容1. 编程语言基础:回顾变量、数据类型、运算符等基本概念,确保学生能够熟练运用。
2. 控制结构:讲解循环结构(for、while)、条件语句(if-else)的使用,为游戏逻辑提供支持。
3. 函数与模块:介绍函数的定义、调用和返回值,使学生能够模块化编程,提高代码可读性。
4. 游戏设计原理:学习坐标系、运动和碰撞检测等游戏开发基本原理。
5. 打砖块游戏实现:根据教材相关章节,分解游戏开发步骤,包括:- 游戏界面的设计和绘制- 砖块和球拍对象的创建与控制- 球的运动和碰撞处理- 游戏逻辑和得分系统6. 调试与优化:教授学生如何调试程序、查找和修复错误,以及优化代码性能。
7. 项目实践:安排课时让学生团队协作,完成打砖块游戏的开发,鼓励创新和美化界面。
教学进度安排:- 第一周:复习编程语言基础,讲解控制结构。

目录第1章程序设计专题目的与要求 (1)1.1 程序设计目的 (1)1.2 程序设计的实验环境 (1)1.3 程序设计的预备知识 (1)1.4 程序设计要求 (1)第2章程序设计内容 (2)2.1概要设计 (2)2.2程序整体设计说明 (2)2.3程序部分源代码及注释 (8)2.4测试结果 (12)第3章程序设计总结 (13)参考文献 (14)第1章程序设计目的与要求1.1 程序设计目的《C#.Net程序设计》是计算机科学与技术专业的必修专业基础课程,其实践性、应用性很强。
本课程的程序设计专题实际是软件技术专业学生学习完《C#.Net程序设计》课程后,进行的一次全面的综合训练,C#.Net 程序设计的设计目的是加深对理论教学内容的理解和掌握,使学生较系统地掌握程序设计及其在网络开发中的广泛应用,基本方法及技巧,为学生综合运用所学知识,利用软件工程为基础进行软件开发、并在实践应用方面打下一定基础。
1.2 程序设计的实验环境硬件要求能运行Windows xp操作系统的微机系统。
C#.Net程序设计语言及相应的集成开发环境visual 。
1.3 程序设计的预备知识熟悉c#语言及visual 集成开发环境。
1.4 程序设计要求按程序设计指导书提供的课题,要求学生在自行完成各个操作环节,并能实现且达到举一反三的目的,完成一个项目解决一类问题。

Java编程经典⼩游戏设计-打砖块⼩游戏源码[程序中使⽤的数据结构和符号说明]HitBrick类GreenBallThread控制⼩球路线xUp,yUp,bouncing定义变量存储16位数值形式x,y⼩球坐标xDx,yDy坐标增量MAX_X,MAX_Y坐标最⼤值renew初始化label标签Rx,Ry横板坐标Brick[]砖块ball⼩球HitBrick()定义⼩球横板及砖块位置坐标keyPressd(keyEent)定义⼩球启动键(按空格键启动)keyReleased(keyEvent)接收键盘事件侦听器接⼝)keyTyped(keyEvent)键⼊空格键时调⽤keyEventpaint(Graphics)对砖块填充颜⾊move定义⼩球的运动轨迹和砖块的消失main主函数BallThread类通过继承Thread类使Ball类线程化,并把⼩球的弹跳动作放进Run()中执⾏Brick类定义砖块坐标位置和砖块按钮Ball类定义⼩球坐标位置[程序设计流程]程序中使⽤的部分⽅法解释开始命令:空格键privateJLabellabel;定义⼀个标签,label=newJLabel("按空格键开始");内容为空格键开始,addKeyListener(this);定义⼀个键盘监听器,if (e.getKeyCode() ==e.VK_SPACE) {if(renew){greenBallThread=new BallThread(this);bouncing = true;greenBallThread.start();label.setVisible(false);}renew=false;重置并开始游戏移动命令:⽅向键左键和右键if(e.getKeyCode()==e.VK_LEFT){Rx=Rx-20;if(bouncing){if(Rx<0){Rx=0;}}else{if(Rx<0){Rx=0;}else{x=x-20;ball.ball_x=x;}}repaint();}同开始命令原理,如果键⼊左键,横版向左移动20个单位(Rx为横板坐标),如果⼩球还在运动,当横板移到最左侧(Rx=0),不能再向左移动,则横板靠在最左侧(Rx=0),if(e.getKeyCode()==e.VK_RIGHT){Rx=Rx+20;if(bouncing){if(Rx+80>300){Rx=220;}}else{if(Rx+80>300){Rx=220;}else{x=x+20;ball.ball_x=x;}}repaint();}}向右移动同向左移动原理,因为定义界⾯横坐标最⼤值为300,横板长度80,故Rx=220时碰最右侧砖块设定:brick[0]=new Brick(0,60,50,20);brick[1]=new Brick(50,60,50,20);brick[2]=new Brick(100,60,50,20);……brick[16]=new Brick(200,160,50,20);brick[17]=new Brick(250,160,50,20);ball=new Ball(150,450,10,10);public void paint(Graphics g){super.paint(g);ball.rect.setLocation(x,y);if(bouncing){for(int i=0;i<=17;i++){if(brick[i].visible==true){switch(i){case 0 :g.setColor(;break;case 1 :g.setColor(Color.cyan);break;case 2 :g.setColor(Color.gray);break;……case 17 :g.setColor(Color.yellow);break;g.fill3DRect(brick[i].brick_x,brick[i].brick_y,brick[i].brick_width,brick[i].brick_height,true);}}g.setColor(;g.fillOval(x, y, 10, 10);g.setColor(;g.fillRect(Rx,Ry,80,20);brick[0]=newBrick(0,60,50,20);设置砖块坐标,ball=newBall(150,450,10,10);和⼩球的坐标if(brick[i].visible==true)判断砖块存在,⽤switch语句,逐个对砖块填充颜⾊,最后四⾏代码是分别对⼩球和横板颜⾊坐标的定义⼩球的移动:try{Thread.currentThread().sleep(25);}catch(InterruptedException exception){System.err.println(exception.toString());}定义⼩球的速度,若发⽣错误,则执⾏catch语句,打印错误for(int i=0;i<=17;i++){if(ball.rect.intersects(brick[i].rect)&&brick[i].visible){brick[i].visible=false;yUp=!yUp;/}}当⼩球接触到砖块时,砖块不可见(消失)if(x+5>Rx&&x+5<Rx+80&&y+10>=Ry){yUp=false;xDx=(int)(Math.random()*5+2);yDy=(int)(Math.random()*5+2);}判断⼩球坐标和横板坐标,当⼩球落在横板坐标之内,⼩球反弹,⼩球横坐标和纵坐标都以⼀个随机值改变后运动if(xUp==true){x+=xDx;}else{x-=xDx;}if(yUp==true){y+=yDy;}else{y-=yDy;}判断⼩球横坐标如果在增加,⼩球横坐标=⼩球原横坐标+⼩球横坐标增量,否则⼩球横坐标=⼩球原横坐标-⼩球横坐标增量;纵坐标同理if(y<=0){y=0;ball.ball_y=y;yUp=true;xDx=(int)(Math.random()*5+2);yDy=(int)(Math.random()*5+2);}else if(y>=MAX_Y-15){yDy=(int)(Math.random()*5+2);//yUp=false;break;}判断⼩球到画⾯顶部(定义顶部的纵坐标为0),⼩球向下反弹,原理同⼩球和横板接触的反弹规则,否则,判断⼩球纵坐标是否⼤于MAX_Y-15(纵坐标最⼤值-15),反弹规则改变为横坐标不变,纵坐标随机改变if(x<=0){ball.ball_x=x;xUp=true;xDx=(int)(Math.random()*5+2);yDy=(int)(Math.random()*5+2);}else if(x>=MAX_X-10){x=MAX_X-10;ball.ball_x=x;xDx=(int)(Math.random()*5+2);yDy=(int)(Math.random()*5+2);xUp=false;}判断⼩球到画⾯最左侧(定义最左侧横坐标为0),向右侧反弹,反弹规则同⼩球和横板接触的反弹规则,或者⼩球到画⾯最右侧,向左反弹,反弹规则同上,(if(x>=MAX_X-10)判断⼩球是否到右边侧,⼩球的直径为10)int i;for(i=0;i<=17&&brick[i].visible==false;i++){}if(i==18){break;}如果所有砖块都不可见,则重新玩renew=true; //初始化bouncing=false;for(int i=0;i<=17;i++){brick[i].visible=true;}xUp=true;yUp=false;xDx=1;yDy=1;x=150;y=450;Rx=120;Ry=460; //重新开始,初始化,⼩球静⽌,所有砖块可见,⼩球在横坐标⽅向,可随横板移动⽽移动,纵坐标在未开时游戏前不能改变,定义⼩球横坐标和纵坐标增量都为1,⼩球初始位置坐标(150,450)横板初始位置坐标(120,460)[源程序]import java.awt.*;import javax.swing.*;import java.awt.event.*;import javax.swing.event.*;public class HitBrick extends JFrame implements KeyListener{private BallThread greenBallThread;//控制⼩球的线程private Boolean xUp,yUp,bouncing;private int x,y,xDx,yDy;//⼩球坐标,增量private final int MAX_X=300,MAX_Y=500;private Boolean renew;private JLabel label;private int Rx,Ry;//横板坐标private Brick brick[]=new Brick[18];//砖块private Ball ball;//⼩球public HitBrick(){super("打砖块");Container pane=getContentPane();//设置空⽩⾯板容器label=new JLabel("按空格键开始");//标签label.setHorizontalAlignment(JLabel.CENTER);//⽔平label.setVerticalAlignment(JLabel.BOTTOM);//垂直pane.add(label);//向⾯板⾥添加标签xUp=true;//横坐标可以移动yUp=false;//纵坐标不可以移动xDx=1;yDy=1;x=150;//⼩球坐标y=450;Rx=120;//横板坐标Ry=460;renew=true;bouncing=false;addKeyListener(this);//键盘监听器brick[0]=new Brick(0,60,50,20);//砖块坐标brick[1]=new Brick(50,60,50,20);brick[2]=new Brick(100,60,50,20);brick[3]=new Brick(150,60,50,20);brick[4]=new Brick(200,60,50,20);brick[5]=new Brick(250,60,50,20);brick[6]=new Brick(0,90,50,20);brick[7]=new Brick(50,110,50,20);brick[8]=new Brick(100,130,50,20);brick[9]=new Brick(150,130,50,20);brick[10]=new Brick(200,110,50,20);brick[11]=new Brick(250,90,50,20);brick[12]=new Brick(0,160,50,20);brick[13]=new Brick(50,160,50,20);brick[14]=new Brick(100,160,50,20);brick[15]=new Brick(150,160,50,20);brick[16]=new Brick(200,160,50,20);brick[17]=new Brick(250,160,50,20);ball=new Ball(150,450,10,10);//球的坐标setSize(MAX_X,MAX_Y);//窗⼝⼤⼩setResizable(false);setVisible( true );//可视化}public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) { if (e.getKeyCode() ==e.VK_SPACE) { if(renew){greenBallThread=new BallThread(this); bouncing = true;greenBallThread.start();label.setVisible(false);}renew=false;}if(e.getKeyCode()==e.VK_LEFT){Rx=Rx-20;if(bouncing){if(Rx<0){Rx=0;}} else{if(Rx<0){Rx=0;} else{x=x-20;ball.ball_x=x;}}repaint();}if(e.getKeyCode()==e.VK_RIGHT){Rx=Rx+20;if(bouncing){if(Rx+80>300){Rx=220;}if(Rx+80>300){Rx=220;} else{x=x+20;ball.ball_x=x;}}repaint();}}public void keyReleased (KeyEvent e) {}public void keyTyped (KeyEvent e){}public void paint(Graphics g){super.paint(g);ball.rect.setLocation(x,y);if(bouncing){for (int i=0;i<=17;i++){if(brick[i].visible==true){switch(i){case 0 :g.setColor(;break;case 1 :g.setColor(Color.cyan);break;case 2 :g.setColor(Color.gray);break;case 3 :g.setColor(;break;case 4 :g.setColor(Color.magenta);break;case 5 :g.setColor(Color.yellow);break;case 6 :g.setColor(Color.white);break;case 7 :g.setColor(;break;case 8 :g.setColor(;break;case 9 :g.setColor(;break;case 10 :g.setColor(Color.darkGray);break;case 11 :g.setColor(;break;case 12 :g.setColor(;break;case 13 :g.setColor(Color.cyan);break;case 14 :g.setColor(Color.gray);break;case 15 :g.setColor(;break;case 16 :g.setColor(Color.magenta);break;case 17 :g.setColor(Color.yellow);break;}g.fill3DRect(brick[i].brick_x,brick[i].brick_y,brick[i].brick_width,brick[i].brick_height,true); }}g.setColor(;g.fillOval(x, y, 10, 10);g.setColor(;g.fillRect(Rx,Ry,80,20);} else{for (int i=0;i<=17;i++){switch(i){case 0 :g.setColor(;break;case 1 :g.setColor(Color.cyan);break;case 2 :g.setColor(Color.gray);break;case 3 :g.setColor(;case 4 :g.setColor(Color.magenta);break;case 5 :g.setColor(Color.yellow);break;case 6 :g.setColor(Color.white);break;case 7 :g.setColor(;break;case 8 :g.setColor(;break;case 9 :g.setColor(;break;case 10 :g.setColor(Color.darkGray);break;case 11 :g.setColor(;break;case 12 :g.setColor(;break;case 13 :g.setColor(Color.cyan);break;case 14 :g.setColor(Color.gray);break;case 15 :g.setColor(;break;case 16 :g.setColor(Color.magenta);break;case 17 :g.setColor(Color.yellow);break;}g.fill3DRect(brick[i].brick_x,brick[i].brick_y,brick[i].brick_width,brick[i].brick_height,true); }g.setColor(;g.fillOval(x, y, 10, 10);g.setColor(;g.fillRect(Rx, Ry, 80, 20);}}public void move(){while(true){try{Thread.currentThread().sleep(25);}catch(InterruptedException exception){System.err.println(exception.toString());}for (int i=0;i<=17;i++){if(ball.rect.intersects(brick[i].rect)&&brick[i].visible){brick[i].visible=false;yUp=!yUp;//打到球不可见}}if(x+5>Rx&&x+5<Rx+80&&y+10>=Ry){yUp=false;xDx=(int)(Math.random()*5+2);//⼩球坐标增量yDy=(int)(Math.random()*5+2);}if(xUp==true){x+=xDx;//⼩球左右移动坐标改变} else{x-=xDx;}if(yUp==true){y+=yDy;} else{y-=yDy;}if(y<=0){y=0;ball.ball_y=y;yUp=true;xDx=(int)(Math.random()*5+2);yDy=(int)(Math.random()*5+2);} else if(y>=MAX_Y-15){yDy=(int)(Math.random()*5+2);//yUp=false;break;}if(x<=0){x=0;ball.ball_x=x;xUp=true;xDx=(int)(Math.random()*5+2);yDy=(int)(Math.random()*5+2);} else if(x>=MAX_X-10){x=MAX_X-10;ball.ball_x=x;xDx=(int)(Math.random()*5+2);yDy=(int)(Math.random()*5+2);xUp=false;}ball.rect.setLocation(ball.ball_x,ball.ball_y); repaint();int i;//如果所有砖块都不可见for (i=0;i<=17&&brick[i].visible==false;i++){ //则重新玩}if(i==18){break;}//}renew=true;//初始化bouncing=false;for (int i=0;i<=17;i++){brick[i].visible=true;}xUp=true;yUp=false;xDx=1;yDy=1;x=150;y=450;Rx=120;Ry=460;//repaint();repaint();label.setVisible(true);}public static void main(String[] args) {HitBrick mar=new HitBrick();}}class BallThread extends Thread{private HitBrick m;BallThread(HitBrick a){//super();m=a;}public void run(){m.move();m.repaint();}}class Brick{Rectangle rect=null;//长⽅形对象,砖块按钮的位置和宽⾼int brick_x,brick_y;//按扭的左上⾓坐标int brick_width,brick_height;//按扭的宽和⾼Boolean visible;public Brick(int x,int y,int w,int h){brick_x=x;brick_y=y;brick_width=w;brick_height=h;visible=true;rect=new Rectangle(x,y,w,h);//创建长⽅形对象---砖块按钮的位置和宽⾼。

打砖块源代码 (已自动恢复)

#include <graphics.h>#include<stdio.h>#include<windows.h>#include<mmsystem.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <conio.h>#include<math.h>#include<time.h>#pragma warning(disable:4996)#pragma comment(lib,"Winmm.lib")#define PI 3.14159//圆周率int sum = 0;int chengji;int count = 0;void zhujiemian() {initgraph(840, 480);IMAGE img;loadimage(&img, _T("D:\\SuperBall\\youxi.jpg"));putimage(0, 0, &img);}char tmp[100];int c;void defenjiemian() {initgraph(840, 480);PlaySound(("D:\\SuperBall\\timeover.wav"), NULL, SND_FILENAME | SND_ASYNC);IMAGE img;loadimage(&img, _T("D:\\SuperBall\\youxi11.jpg"));putimage(0, 0, &img);sprintf(tmp, " ");sprintf(tmp, "%d分", chengji);outtextxy(500, 140, tmp);MOUSEMSG m;while (true) {m = GetMouseMsg();if (m.uMsg == WM_LBUTTONDOWN && m.x > 630 && m.y > 365 && m.x < 795 && m.y < 405) {zhujiemian();return;}}}void zuigaofen() {initgraph(640, 480);int zuigao = 0;if (zuigao < sum)zuigao = sum;outtextxy(270, 240, "你的最高分是: ");sprintf(tmp, "你的最高分是");sprintf(tmp, "%d分", zuigao);outtextxy(370, 240, tmp);outtextxy(270, 260, "你闯过的关数是: ");sprintf(tmp, "你最高闯过");sprintf(tmp, " %d关", count);outtextxy(370, 260, tmp);outtextxy(560, 460, "返回主菜单");MOUSEMSG m;while (true) {m = GetMouseMsg();if (m.uMsg == WM_LBUTTONDOWN && m.x > 560 && m.y > 460 && m.x < 640 && m.y < 480) {zhujiemian();return;}}}int score(int score) {char strsco[10];sum += score;itoa(sum, strsco, 10);outtextxy(750, 90, " ");outtextxy(750, 90, strcat(strsco, ""));return sum;}int Time(int ti){char strsec[10];int sec = 18 - GetTickCount() / 1000 + ti / 1000;if (sec < 0) sec = 0;itoa(sec, strsec, 10);outtextxy(750, 60, " ");outtextxy(750, 60, strcat(strsec, ""));return sec;}void zhuyao(){//画背景initgraph(840, 480);int speed = 1;//速度int ball = 1;//小球数量int ti = GetTickCount();count = 0;sum = 0;bool flag = true;score(0);char runTime[] = "游戏倒计时: ";outtextxy(620, 60, runTime);char scores[] = "得分:";outtextxy(620, 90, scores);char checkpiont[] = "第关";checkpiont[11] = count + 1 + '0';outtextxy(660, 30, checkpiont);mciSendString("open bgm.mp3 alias background", NULL, 0, NULL); mciSendString("play background", NULL, 0, NULL);int i = 0, j = -1;for (int q = 480;q >= 10;q--) {setlinecolor(RGB(211, 175, 148));line(100, q, 540, q);}setlinecolor(BROWN);for (int q = 0;q <= 5;q++) {rectangle(99 - q, 9 - q, 541 + q, 481 + q);}setfillcolor(YELLOW);fillrectangle(590, 240, 645, 260);outtextxy(650, 240, "分数+1");setfillcolor(RGB(202, 105, 36));fillrectangle(590, 260, 645, 280);outtextxy(650, 260, "分数+1;需碰撞两次");setfillcolor(LIGHTBLUE);fillrectangle(590, 280, 645, 300);outtextxy(650, 280, "分数+3;消去一行方块");setfillcolor(RED);fillrectangle(590, 300, 645, 320);outtextxy(650, 300, "分数+3;炸掉周围方块");setfillcolor(RGB(242, 236, 222));fillrectangle(590, 320, 645, 340);outtextxy(650, 320, "分数+1;小球加速");setfillcolor(RGB(127, 127, 127));fillrectangle(590, 340, 645, 360);outtextxy(650, 340, "分数+1;时间+5s");setfillcolor(LIGHTRED);fillrectangle(590, 360, 645, 380);outtextxy(650, 360, "分数+1;获得另一个小球");//画砖setlinecolor(RGB(211, 175, 148));setfillcolor(YELLOW);int zhuan[8][6];for (int i = 0;i < 8;i++)for (int j = 0;j < 6;j++)zhuan[i][j] = 1;for (int i = 0;i < 8;i++)for (int j = 0;j < 6;j++)fillrectangle(100 + 55 * i, 10 + 20 * j, 100 + 55 * (i + 1), 10 + 20 * (j + 1)); srand(time(NULL));int t;//生成需要打两次的深色砖for (int i = 0;i < 8;i++)for (int j = 0;j < 6;j++) {t = rand() % 2;if (t == 1) {t = rand() % 2;}if (t == 1) {zhuan[i][j] = 2;setfillcolor(RGB(202, 105, 36));fillrectangle(100 + 55 * i, 10 + 20 * j, 100 + 55 * (i + 1), 10 + 20 * (j + 1));}}//生成消去一行的蓝色砖for (int i = 0;i < 8;i++)for (int j = 0;j < 6;j++) {t = rand() % 2;if (t == 1) {t = rand() % 2;if (t == 1) {t = rand() % 2;if (t == 1)t = rand() % 2;}}if (t == 1) {zhuan[i][j] = 4;setfillcolor(LIGHTBLUE);fillrectangle(100 + 55 * i, 10 + 20 * j, 100 + 55 * (i + 1), 10 + 20 * (j + 1));}}//生¦成能爆炸的红色砖for (int i = 1;i < 7;i++)for (int j = 1;j < 5;j++) {t = rand() % 2;if (t == 1) {t = rand() % 2;if (t == 1) {t = rand() % 2;if (t == 1)t = rand() % 2;}}if (t == 1) {zhuan[i][j] = 3;setfillcolor(RED);fillrectangle(100 + 55 * i, 10 + 20 * j, 100 + 55 * (i + 1), 10 + 20 * (j + 1));}}//生成能增加小球速度的白色砖for (int i = 0;i < 8;i++)for (int j = 0;j < 6;j++) {t = rand() % 2;if (t == 1) {t = rand() % 2;if (t == 1) {t = rand() % 2;if (t == 1) {t = rand() % 2;if (t == 1)t = rand() % 2;}}}if (t == 1) {zhuan[i][j] = 5;setfillcolor(RGB(242, 236, 222));fillrectangle(100 + 55 * i, 10 + 20 * j, 100 + 55 * (i + 1), 10 + 20 * (j + 1));}}//生成能增加时间的灰色砖for (int i = 0;i < 8;i++)for (int j = 0;j < 6;j++) {t = rand() % 2;if (t == 1) {t = rand() % 2;if (t == 1) {t = rand() % 2;if (t == 1) {t = rand() % 2;if (t == 1)t = rand() % 2;}}}if (t == 1) {zhuan[i][j] = 7;setfillcolor(RGB(127, 127, 127));fillrectangle(100 + 55 * i, 10 + 20 * j, 100 + 55 * (i + 1), 10 + 20 * (j + 1));}}//生成能增加小球数量的粉色砖for (int i = 0;i < 8;i++) {if (ball == 2)break;for (int j = 0;j < 6;j++) {if (ball == 2)break;t = rand() % 2;if (t == 1) {t = rand() % 2;if (t == 1) {t = rand() % 2;if (t == 1)t = rand() % 2;}if (t == 1) {zhuan[i][j] = 6;setfillcolor(LIGHTRED);fillrectangle(100 + 55 * i, 10 + 20 * j, 100 + 55 * (i + 1), 10 + 20 * (j + 1));ball = 2;}}}}ball = 1;//画瞄准线int x = 320, y = 390;char c = 'l';setlinecolor(BLACK);line(320, 390, 320, 479);i = 0;//操作过程while (flag) {int zi, zj;zi = i;zj = j;if (!Time(ti)) flag = false;if (kbhit()) {c = getch();//发射小球if (c == ' ') {setlinecolor(BLACK);setfillcolor(BLACK);fillcircle(x + i * 64, y, 5);int p, q;p = x + i * 64;q = y;int yp = p, yq = q;int v = yp, u = yq;int k = i, l = j;while (q <= 490) {setfillcolor(RGB(211, 175, 148));setlinecolor(RGB(211, 175, 148));fillcircle(p, q, 5);p += (speed + ball - 1)*i;q += (speed + ball - 1)*j;if (p >= 534 || p <= 106) {i = -i;PlaySound(("D:\\SuperBall\\fantan.wav"), NULL, SND_FILENAME | SND_ASYNC);}if (q <= 20) {j = -j;PlaySound(("D:\\SuperBall\\fantan.wav"), NULL, SND_FILENAME | SND_ASYNC);}for (int m = 0;m < 8;m++)for (int n = 0;n < 6;n++) {switch (zhuan[m][n]) {case 1:if ((p >= 95 + m * 55) && (p <= 105 + (m + 1) * 55) && (q >= 5 + n * 20) && (q <= 15 + (n + 1) * 20)) {setlinecolor(RGB(211, 175, 148));setfillcolor(RGB(211, 175, 148));fillrectangle(100 + m * 55, 10 + n * 20, 100 + (m + 1) * 55, 10 + (n + 1) * 20);PlaySound(("D:\\SuperBall\\fantan.wav"), NULL, SND_FILENAME | SND_ASYNC);zhuan[m][n] = 0;score(1);if (q >= 10 + n * 20 && q <= 10 + (n + 1) * 20)i = -i;j = -j;if (q >= 10 + (n + 1) * 20)j = 1;}break;case 2:if ((p >= 95 + m * 55) && (p <= 105 + (m + 1) * 55) && (q >= 5 + n * 20) && (q <= 15 + (n + 1) * 20)) {setfillcolor(YELLOW);fillrectangle(100 + m * 55, 10 + n * 20, 100 + (m + 1) * 55, 10 + (n + 1) * 20);PlaySound(("D:\\SuperBall\\fantan.wav"), NULL, SND_FILENAME | SND_ASYNC);zhuan[m][n] = 1;score(1);if (q >= 10 + n * 20 && q <= 10 + (n + 1) * 20)i = -i;j = -j;if (q >= 10 + (n + 1) * 20)j = 1;}break;case 3:if ((p >= 95 + m * 55) && (p <= 105 + (m + 1) * 55) && (q >= 5 + n * 20) && (q <= 15 + (n + 1) * 20)) {setfillcolor(RGB(211, 175, 148));fillrectangle(100 + m * 55, 10 + n * 20, 100 + (m + 1) * 55, 10 + (n + 1) * 20);fillrectangle(100 + (m + 1) * 55, 10 + n * 20, 100 + (m + 2) * 55, 10 + (n + 1) * 20);fillrectangle(100 + (m + 1) * 55, 10 + (n + 1) * 20, 100 + (m + 2) * 55, 10 + (n + 2) * 20);fillrectangle(100 + (m + 1) * 55, 10 + (n - 1) * 20, 100 + (m + 2) * 55, 10 + n * 20);fillrectangle(100 + (m - 1) * 55, 10 + n * 20, 100 + m * 55, 10 + (n + 1) * 20);fillrectangle(100 + (m - 1) * 55, 10 + (n - 1) * 20, 100 + m * 55, 10 + n * 20);fillrectangle(100 + m * 55, 10 + (n - 1) * 20, 100 + (m + 1) * 55, 10 + n * 20);fillrectangle(100 + (m - 1) * 55, 10 + (n + 1) * 20, 100 + m * 55, 10 + (n + 2) * 20);zhuan[m][n] = 0; zhuan[m + 1][n] = 0; zhuan[m + 1][n + 1] = 0; zhuan[m + 1][n - 1] = 0; zhuan[m - 1][n] = 0; zhuan[m - 1][n + 1] = 0; zhuan[m - 1][n - 1] = 0; zhuan[m][n + 1] = 0; zhuan[m][n - 1] = 0;PlaySound(("D:\\SuperBall\\boom.wav"), NULL, SND_FILENAME | SND_ASYNC);score(3);if (q >= 10 + n * 20 && q <= 10 + (n + 1) * 20)i = -i;j = -j;if (q >= 10 + (n + 1) * 20)j = 1;}break;case 4:if ((p >= 95 + m * 55) && (p <= 105 + (m + 1) * 55) && (q >= 5 + n * 20) && (q <= 15 + (n + 1) * 20)) {setfillcolor(RGB(211, 175, 148));for (int z = 0;z < 8;z++) {fillrectangle(100 + z * 55, 10 + n * 20, 100 + (z + 1) * 55, 10 + (n + 1) * 20);zhuan[z][n] = 0;}score(3);PlaySound(("D:\\SuperBall\\hengsao.wav"), NULL, SND_FILENAME | SND_ASYNC);if (q >= 10 + n * 20 && q <= 10 + (n + 1) * 20)i = -i;j = -j;if (q >= 10 + (n + 1) * 20)j = 1;}break;case 5:if ((p >= 95 + m * 55) && (p <= 105 + (m + 1) * 55) && (q >= 5 + n * 20) && (q <= 15 + (n + 1) * 20)) {setfillcolor(RGB(211, 175, 148));fillrectangle(100 + m * 55, 10 + n * 20, 100 + (m + 1) * 55, 10 + (n + 1) * 20);PlaySound(("D:\\SuperBall\\fantan.wav"), NULL, SND_FILENAME | SND_ASYNC);score(1);zhuan[m][n] = 0;speed += 1;if (q >= 10 + n * 20 && q <= 10 + (n + 1) * 20)i = -i;j = -j;if (q >= 10 + (n + 1) * 20)j = 1;}break;case 6:if ((p >= 95 + m * 55) && (p <= 105 + (m + 1) * 55) && (q >= 5 + n * 20) && (q <= 15 + (n + 1) * 20)) {setfillcolor(RGB(211, 175, 148));fillrectangle(100 + m * 55, 10 + n * 20, 100 + (m + 1) * 55, 10 + (n + 1) * 20);PlaySound(("D:\\SuperBall\\fantan.wav"), NULL, SND_FILENAME | SND_ASYNC);zhuan[m][n] = 0;ball = 2;score(1);if (q >= 10 + n * 20 && q <= 10 + (n + 1) * 20)i = -i;j = -j;if (q >= 10 + (n + 1) * 20)j = 1;}break;case 7:if ((p >= 95 + m * 55) && (p <= 105 + (m + 1) * 55) && (q >= 5 + n * 20) && (q <= 15 + (n + 1) * 20)) {setfillcolor(RGB(211, 175, 148));fillrectangle(100 + m * 55, 10 + n * 20, 100 + (m + 1) * 55, 10 + (n + 1) * 20);PlaySound(("D:\\SuperBall\\shijian.wav"), NULL, SND_FILENAME | SND_ASYNC);zhuan[m][n] = 0;ti += 5000;score(1);if (q >= 10 + n * 20 && q <= 10 + (n + 1) * 20)i = -i;j = -j;if (q >= 10 + (n + 1) * 20)j = 1;}break;}}setlinecolor(BLACK);setfillcolor(BLACK);fillcircle(p, q, 5);Sleep(10);if (!Time(ti)) flag = false;if (q <= 375 && ball == 2) {setfillcolor(RGB(211, 175, 148));setlinecolor(RGB(211, 175, 148));fillcircle(v, u, 5);v += (speed + ball - 1)*k;u += (speed + ball - 1)*l;if (v >= 534 || v <= 106)k = -k;if (u <= 20)l = -l;for (int m = 0;m < 8;m++)for (int n = 0;n < 6;n++) {switch (zhuan[m][n]) {case 1:if ((v >= 95 + m * 55) && (v <= 105 + (m + 1) * 55) && (u >= 5 + n * 20) && (u <= 15 + (n + 1) * 20)) {setlinecolor(RGB(211, 175, 148));setfillcolor(RGB(211, 175, 148));fillrectangle(100 + m * 55, 10 + n * 20, 100 + (m + 1) * 55, 10 + (n + 1) * 20);PlaySound(("D:\\SuperBall\\fantan.wav"), NULL, SND_FILENAME | SND_ASYNC);zhuan[m][n] = 0;score(1);if (u >= 10 + n * 20 && u <= 10 + (n + 1) * 20)k = -k;l = -l;if (u >= 10 + (n + 1) * 20)l = 1;}break;case 2:if ((v >= 95 + m * 55) && (v <= 105 + (m + 1) * 55) && (u >= 5 + n * 20) && (u <= 15 + (n + 1) * 20)) {setfillcolor(YELLOW);fillrectangle(100 + m * 55, 10 + n * 20, 100 + (m + 1) * 55, 10 + (n + 1) * 20);PlaySound(("D:\\SuperBall\\fantan.wav"), NULL, SND_FILENAME | SND_ASYNC);zhuan[m][n] = 1;score(1);if (u >= 10 + n * 20 && u <= 10 + (n + 1) * 20)k = -k;l = -l;if (u >= 10 + (n + 1) * 20)l = 1;}break;case 3:if ((v >= 95 + m * 55) && (v <= 105 + (m + 1) * 55) && (u >= 5 + n * 20) && (u <= 15 + (n + 1) * 20)) {setfillcolor(RGB(211, 175, 148));fillrectangle(100 + m * 55, 10 + n * 20, 100 + (m + 1) * 55, 10 + (n + 1) * 20);fillrectangle(100 + (m + 1) * 55, 10 + n * 20, 100 + (m + 2) * 55, 10 + (n + 1) * 20);fillrectangle(100 + (m + 1) * 55, 10 + (n + 1) * 20,100 + (m + 2) * 55, 10 + (n + 2) * 20);fillrectangle(100 + (m + 1) * 55, 10 + (n - 1) * 20, 100 + (m + 2) * 55, 10 + n * 20);fillrectangle(100 + (m - 1) * 55, 10 + n * 20, 100 + m * 55, 10 + (n + 1) * 20);fillrectangle(100 + (m - 1) * 55, 10 + (n - 1) * 20, 100 + m * 55, 10 + n * 20);fillrectangle(100 + m * 55, 10 + (n - 1) * 20, 100 + (m + 1) * 55, 10 + n * 20);fillrectangle(100 + (m - 1) * 55, 10 + (n + 1) * 20, 100 + m * 55, 10 + (n + 2) * 20);zhuan[m][n] = 0; zhuan[m + 1][n] = 0; zhuan[m + 1][n + 1] = 0; zhuan[m + 1][n - 1] = 0; zhuan[m - 1][n] = 0; zhuan[m - 1][n + 1] = 0; zhuan[m - 1][n - 1] = 0; zhuan[m][n + 1] = 0; zhuan[m][n - 1] = 0;PlaySound(("D:\\SuperBall\\boom.wav"), NULL, SND_FILENAME | SND_ASYNC);score(3);if (u >= 10 + n * 20 && u <= 10 + (n + 1) * 20)k = -k;l = -l;if (u >= 10 + (n + 1) * 20)l = 1;}break;case 4:if ((v >= 95 + m * 55) && (v <= 105 + (m + 1) * 55) && (u >= 5 + n * 20) && (u <= 15 + (n + 1) * 20)) {setfillcolor(RGB(211, 175, 148));for (int z = 0;z < 8;z++) {fillrectangle(100 + z * 55, 10 + n * 20, 100 + (z + 1) * 55, 10 + (n + 1) * 20);zhuan[z][n] = 0;}PlaySound(("D:\\SuperBall\\hengsao.wav"), NULL, SND_FILENAME | SND_ASYNC);if (u >= 10 + n * 20 && u <= 10 + (n + 1) * 20)k = -k;l = -l;if (u >= 10 + (n + 1) * 20)l = 1;}break;case 5:if ((v >= 95 + m * 55) && (v <= 105 + (m + 1) * 55) && (u >= 5 + n * 20) && (u <= 15 + (n + 1) * 20)) {setfillcolor(RGB(211, 175, 148));fillrectangle(100 + m * 55, 10 + n * 20, 100 + (m + 1) * 55, 10 + (n + 1) * 20);PlaySound(("D:\\SuperBall\\fantan.wav"), NULL, SND_FILENAME | SND_ASYNC);zhuan[m][n] = 0;score(1);speed += 1;if (u >= 10 + n * 20 && u <= 10 + (n + 1) * 20)k = -k;l = -l;if (u >= 10 + (n + 1) * 20)l = 1;}break;case 7:if ((v >= 95 + m * 55) && (v <= 105 + (m + 1) * 55) && (u >= 5 + n * 20) && (u <= 15 + (n + 1) * 20)) {setfillcolor(RGB(211, 175, 148));fillrectangle(100 + m * 55, 10 + n * 20, 100 + (m + 1) * 55, 10 + (n + 1) * 20);PlaySound(("D:\\SuperBall\\shijian.wav"), NULL, SND_FILENAME | SND_ASYNC);zhuan[m][n] = 0;if (u >= 10 + n * 20 && u <= 10 + (n + 1) * 20)k = -k;l = -l;if (u >= 10 + (n + 1) * 20)l = 1;}break;}}if (q <= 365) {setlinecolor(BLACK);setfillcolor(BLACK);fillcircle(v, u, 5);Sleep(10);}}}setfillcolor(RGB(211, 175, 148));setlinecolor(RGB(211, 175, 148));fillcircle(v, u, 5);j = -1;}}elsec = '.';i = zi;setlinecolor(RGB(211, 175, 148));line(x + i * 64, y, x, 479);i = zi;j = zj;int yx, yy, yi;yx = x;yi = i;yy = y;//瞄准线移动转向switch (c) {case'a':x -= 5;break;case'd':x += 5;break;case'q':i = -1;y = 410;break;case'e':i = 1;y = 410;break;case'w':i = 0;y = 390;break;}if (x + i * 64 <= 106 || x + i * 64 >= 540 || x <= 100 || x >= 534) { x = yx;i = yi;y = yy;}setlinecolor(BLACK);line(x + i * 64, y, x, 479);Sleep(10);//进入下一关int h, g, f = 0;for (h = 0;h < 8;h++)for (g = 0;g < 6;g++){if (zhuan[h][g] != 0)f = 1;}if (f == 0) {ti += 60000 - count * 10000;score(count * 10 + 20);count++;checkpiont[11] = count + 1 + '0';outtextxy(660, 30, checkpiont);setlinecolor(RGB(211, 175, 148));setfillcolor(YELLOW);for (int i = 0;i < 8;i++)for (int j = 0;j < 6;j++)zhuan[i][j] = 1;for (int i = 0;i < 8;i++)for (int j = 0;j < 6;j++)fillrectangle(100 + 55 * i, 10 + 20 * j, 100 + 55 * (i + 1), 10 + 20 * (j + 1));srand(time(NULL));for (int i = 0;i < 8;i++)for (int j = 0;j < 6;j++) {t = rand() % 2;if (t == 1) {t = rand() % 2;}if (t == 1) {zhuan[i][j] = 2;setfillcolor(RGB(202, 105, 36));fillrectangle(100 + 55 * i, 10 + 20 * j, 100 + 55 * (i + 1), 10 + 20 * (j + 1));}}for (int i = 0;i < 8;i++)for (int j = 0;j < 6;j++) {t = rand() % 2;if (t == 1) {t = rand() % 2;if (t == 1) {t = rand() % 2;if (t == 1)t = rand() % 2;}}if (t == 1) {zhuan[i][j] = 4;setfillcolor(LIGHTBLUE);fillrectangle(100 + 55 * i, 10 + 20 * j, 100 + 55 * (i + 1), 10 + 20 * (j + 1));}}for (int i = 1;i < 7;i++)for (int j = 1;j < 5;j++) {t = rand() % 2;if (t == 1) {t = rand() % 2;if (t == 1) {t = rand() % 2;if (t == 1)t = rand() % 2;}}if (t == 1) {zhuan[i][j] = 3;setfillcolor(RED);fillrectangle(100 + 55 * i, 10 + 20 * j, 100 + 55 * (i + 1), 10 + 20 * (j + 1));}}for (int i = 0;i < 8;i++)for (int j = 0;j < 6;j++) {t = rand() % 2;if (t == 1) {t = rand() % 2;if (t == 1) {t = rand() % 2;if (t == 1) {t = rand() % 2;if (t == 1)t = rand() % 2;}}}if (t == 1) {zhuan[i][j] = 5;setfillcolor(RGB(242, 236, 222));fillrectangle(100 + 55 * i, 10 + 20 * j, 100 + 55 * (i + 1), 10 + 20 * (j + 1));}}for (int i = 0;i < 8;i++)for (int j = 0;j < 6;j++) {t = rand() % 2;if (t == 1) {t = rand() % 2;if (t == 1) {t = rand() % 2;if (t == 1) {t = rand() % 2;if (t == 1)t = rand() % 2;}}}if (t == 1) {zhuan[i][j] = 7;setfillcolor(RGB(127, 127, 127));fillrectangle(100 + 55 * i, 10 + 20 * j, 100 + 55 * (i + 1), 10 + 20 * (j + 1));}}}}chengji = sum;defenjiemian();}void main(){zhujiemian();MOUSEMSG mmp;while (true) {mmp = GetMouseMsg();if (mmp.uMsg == WM_LBUTTONDOWN && mmp.x > 465 && mmp.y > 80 && mmp.x < 730 && mmp.y < 165) {zhuyao();}else if (mmp.uMsg == WM_LBUTTONDOWN && mmp.x > 465 && mmp.y > 265 && mmp.x < 730 && mmp.y < 340) {zuigaofen();}}}。

#include<graphics.h>#include<conio.h>#include<windows.h>#include<stdlib.h>#include<stdio.h>void draw(int x1){int m=0,n=0,x=40,y=20;int t=0,i,j,k=1;int a=0,b=127,c=88;for(i=0;i<8;i++){n=i*20;y=n+20;for(j=0;j<16-t;j++){m=(j+i)*40;x=m+40;POINT points[]={{m,n}, {x,n}, {x,y}, {m,y}}; setfillcolor(RGB(a,b,c));fillpolygon(points, 4);a=8*k+8;b=j*3+k+200;c=20*k;k=k+8;}t=t+2;k=1;}m=300;n=160;x=340;y=180;POINT points[]={{m,n}, {x,n}, {x,y}, {m,y}}; setfillcolor(RGB(a,b,c));fillpolygon(points, 4);}void end(){settextstyle(50, 0, "宋体", 0, 0, FW_BOLD, false, false, false);settextcolor(RED);outtextxy(200,200,"游戏结束!");getch();closegraph();}void start(){int n=0;loadimage(NULL,"IMSGE","background"); while(1){setbkmode(TRANSPARENT);settextstyle(50, 0, "楷体", 0, 0, FW_BOLD, false, false, false);if(n%2==0)settextcolor(GREEN);elsesettextcolor(RED);outtextxy(80,100,"请按空格键开始游戏"); Sleep(250);if(_kbhit())break;n++;}}void main(){int x=320,y=430,m=270,n=370; int a,b,c,e=0,f=0,g=0,k[3];int i,j;char d;initgraph(640,480);start();setbkcolor(WHITE); cleardevice();setlinecolor(WHITE);draw(1);while(1){setlinecolor(LIGHTBLUE); setlinestyle(PS_SOLID, 10); line(m,445,n,445); setlinestyle(PS_SOLID, 0); setlinecolor(WHITE); setfillcolor(BROWN); fillcircle(x,y,10);Sleep(60);setfillcolor(WHITE); fillcircle(x,y,10);if(_kbhit()){d=getch();setlinecolor(WHITE); setlinestyle(PS_SOLID, 10); line(m,445,n,445);if(n<640&&d=='d'){m=m+27;n=n+27;}else if(m>0&&d=='a'){m=m-27;n=n-27;}}//确定x,y的值// if(y>=435)end();if(y==430&&x>=m-5&&x<=n+5) {if(x>m&&x<=m+25){a=0;b=2;c=2;if(10/(x-m)==0)k[0]=2;else if(10/(x-m)>3)k[0]=3;elsek[0]=10/(x-m);}else if(x>m+25&&x<=m+55) {a=2;b=0;c=2;if(15/(x-m-25)==0)k[1]=2;else if(15/(x-m-25)>3)k[1]=3;elsek[1]=10/(x-m-25);}else if(x>m+55&&x<=n) {a=2;b=2;c=0;if(10/(x-m-55)==0)k[2]=2;else if(10/(x-m-55)>3)k[2]=3;elsek[2]=10/(x-m-55);}}if(1){if(e==0){y=y-10;if(y<=10){g=1-g;e=1;}if(getpixel(x-1,y-10)!=WHITE||getpixel(x-1,y+10)! =WHITE||getpixel(x+1,y-10)!=WHITE||getpixel(x +1,y+10)!=WHITE){e=1;setfillcolor(WHITE);for(i=8;i<=18;i++){for(j=8;j<=18;j++){floodfill(x-i,y-j,WHITE);floodfill(x+i,y-j,WHITE);floodfill(x-i,y+j,WHITE);floodfill(x+i,y+j,WHITE);}}}else if(e==1){y=y+10;if(getpixel(x-1,y-14)!=WHITE||getpixel(x-1,y+14)! =WHITE||getpixel(x+1,y-14)!=WHITE||getpixel(x +1,y+14)!=WHITE){e=0;setfillcolor(WHITE);for(i=8;i<=18;i++){for(j=8;j<=18;j++){floodfill(x-i,y-j,WHITE);floodfill(x+i,y-j,WHITE);floodfill(x-i,y+j,WHITE);floodfill(x+i,y+j,WHITE);}}else if(y==430&&x>=m-5&&x<=n+5)e=0;}if(g==0&&a==0){x=x-k[0]*5;if(y<=10)g=1-g;else if(x<=10||x>=630)g=1;if(getpixel(x-1,y-10)!=WHITE||getpixel(x-1,y+10)! =WHITE||getpixel(x+1,y-10)!=WHITE||getpixel(x +1,y+10)!=WHITE){g=1;setfillcolor(WHITE);for(i=8;i<=18;i++){for(j=8;j<=18;j++){floodfill(x-i,y-j,WHITE);floodfill(x+i,y-j,WHITE);floodfill(x-i,y+j,WHITE);floodfill(x+i,y+j,WHITE);}}}}else if(g==1&&a==0){x=x+k[0]*5;if(y<=10)g=1-g;else if(x<=10||x>=630)g=0;elseif(getpixel(x-1,y-10)!=WHITE||getpixel(x-1,y+10)! =WHITE||getpixel(x+1,y-10)!=WHITE||getpixel(x +1,y+10)!=WHITE){g=0;setfillcolor(WHITE);for(i=10;i<=18;i++){for(j=10;j<=18;j++){floodfill(x-i,y-j,WHITE);floodfill(x+i,y-j,WHITE);floodfill(x-i,y+j,WHITE);floodfill(x+i,y+j,WHITE);}}}}if(g==0&&b==0){x=x-k[1]*2;if(y<=10)g=1-g;else if(x<=10||x>=630)g=1;elseif(getpixel(x-1,y-10)!=WHITE||getpixel(x-1,y+10)! =WHITE||getpixel(x+1,y-10)!=WHITE||getpixel(x +1,y+10)!=WHITE){g=1;setfillcolor(WHITE);for(i=8;i<=18;i++){for(j=8;j<=18;j++){floodfill(x-i,y-j,WHITE);floodfill(x+i,y-j,WHITE);floodfill(x-i,y+j,WHITE);floodfill(x+i,y+j,WHITE);}}}}else if(g==1&&b==0){x=x+k[1]*2;if(y<=10)g=1-g;else if(x<=10||x>=630)g=0;elseif(getpixel(x-1,y-10)!=WHITE||getpixel(x-1,y+10)!=WHITE||getpixel(x+1,y-10)!=WHITE||getpixel(x +1,y+10)!=WHITE){g=0;setfillcolor(WHITE);for(i=8;i<=18;i++){for(j=8;j<=18;j++){floodfill(x-i,y-j,WHITE);floodfill(x+i,y-j,WHITE);floodfill(x-i,y+j,WHITE);floodfill(x+i,y+j,WHITE);}}}}if(g==0&&c==0){x=x-k[2]*5;if(y<=10)g=1-g;else if(x<=10||x>=630)g=1;elseif(getpixel(x-1,y-10)!=WHITE||getpixel(x-1,y+10)! =WHITE||getpixel(x+1,y-10)!=WHITE||getpixel(x +1,y+10)!=WHITE){g=1;setfillcolor(WHITE);for(i=8;i<=18;i++){for(j=8;j<=18;j++){floodfill(x-i,y-j,WHITE);floodfill(x+i,y-j,WHITE);floodfill(x-i,y+j,WHITE);floodfill(x+i,y+j,WHITE);}}}}else if(g==1&&c==0)x=x+k[2]*5;if(x<=10||x>=630)g=0;else if(y<=10)g=1-g;elseif(getpixel(x-1,y-10)!=WHITE||getpixel(x-1,y+10)! =WHITE||getpixel(x+1,y-10)!=WHITE||getpixel(x +1,y+10)!=WHITE){g=0;setfillcolor(WHITE);for(i=8;i<=18;i++){for(j=8;j<=18;j++){floodfill(x-i,y-j,WHITE);floodfill(x+i,y-j,WHITE);floodfill(x-i,y+j,WHITE);floodfill(x+i,y+j,WHITE);}}}}} end(); }。

文章编号=1009 -2552(2016)07 -0016 -04DOI:10. 13274/ki.hdzj.2016. 07. 005基于Java打砖块游戏的设计与实现马巧梅(宝鸡文理学院计算机学院,陕西宝鸡721016)摘要:随着科学技术的进一步发展,益智游戏作为一种新型的休闲娱乐方式也逐步进入人们 的生活。
基于Java的打砖块游戏从操作简便、灵活、界面友好等要求考虑,并根据Java图形用 户界面而开发的一款益智游戏。
阐述了游戏的设计构思,提出了游戏的功能结构图,设计了游 戏的流程图,在构建完善的游戏构思的基础上,分析了如何使用线程来实现球的弹跳及其他的 关键技术,最终实现了基于Java打砖块游戏的开发,并验证该游戏可以顺利的运行。
关键词:Java程序;打砖块游戏;图形用户界面;eclipse;多线程中图分类号:TP311 文献标识码:ADesign and implementation of Java-based bricks gamesMA Qiao-mei(School of Computer,Baoji University of Arts and Sciences,Baoji 721016,Shaanxi Province,China) Abstract:With the further development o l the science and technology,educational games as a new wayo l entertainment also gradually go into the l i f e o l people.Java-based bricks games i s developed according t o the Java graphical user interface,which requires the easy operation,flexibility,friendly interface,etc. peculiarity.The designing idea o f game i s expounded,and the function structure o f the game i s put forward,and the flow chart o f the game i s designed in t h i s paper.On the basis o f analysis o f constructing a perfect game idea,how t o use a thread t o realize the bounce o f the ball other key technologies are analyzed.Java-based brick games i s achieved finally,which can successfully verify,the game can run smoothly.Key words:Java program;bricks games;graphical user interface;eclipse;multithreading打砖块游戏是一款老少皆宜的休闲益智游戏,操作简单,却又极具趣味。

三、游戏实现:1、J2ME,即Java 2 Micro Edition,是SUN公司推出的在移动设备上运行的微型版Java平台,常见的移动设备有手机,PDA,电子词典,以及各式各样的信息终端如机顶盒等等。
本游戏从MIDP LCDUI的低级Canvas类派生一个类来代表游戏的屏幕,后面将对这个类进行详细的说明。

那么,我们首先创建一个名叫BrickBlock的JavaFX Project。
本人是使用的e(fx)clipse 进行开发的。
import;import;import javafx.scene.Parent;/*** @author wing* @date 2012/7/26*/public abstract class BaseObject extends Parent{protected DoubleProperty widthProperty = new SimpleDoubleProperty(0);protected DoubleProperty heightProperty = new SimpleDoubleProperty(0);protected DoubleProperty xProperty = new SimpleDoubleProperty(0);protected DoubleProperty yProperty = new SimpleDoubleProperty(0);public DoubleProperty widthProperty() {return widthProperty;}public double getWidth(){return widthProperty.get();}public void setWidth(double width){this.widthProperty.set(width);}public DoubleProperty heightProperty() {return heightProperty;}public double getHeight(){return heightProperty.get();}public void setHeight(double height){this.heightProperty.set(height);}public DoubleProperty xProperty() {return xProperty;}public double getX(){return xProperty.get();}public void setX(double x){this.xProperty.set(x);}public DoubleProperty yProperty() {return yProperty;}public double getY(){return yProperty.get();}public void setY(double y){this.yProperty.set(y);}public void moveX(double x){this.xProperty.set(getX() + x);}public void moveY(double y){this.yProperty.set(getY() + y);}public boolean isCollisionWith(BaseObject baseObject){if(getX() + getWidth() > baseObject.getX() && getX() < baseObject.getX() + baseObject.getWidth() && getY() + getHeight() > baseObject.getY() && getY() < baseObject.getY() + baseObject.getHeight()){return true;}return false;}}可以看到,基类BaseObject中,包含有坐标和宽高的属性,并且还有一个检测碰撞的isCollisionWith方法。
java 打砖块程序

dazhuankuai dzk;
int score=0;
boolean[][] matrix;
Color[][] brickcolor;
int[][] brickint;
int leftpoint=180;
int i,j;
board(dazhuankuai dzk)
else score+=10;}
public void run(){
timer.schedule(new java.util.TimerTask(){
public void begin()
{ b=new board(this);;
import java.awt.Canvas;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;
import java.awt.event.KeyListener;
import java.util.Timer;

编程实现的有趣打砖块游戏指南打砖块游戏(Brick breaker game)是一款经典的街机游戏,已经在电脑和手机上流行了很多年。
1. 游戏的基本原理在开始编写游戏之前,我们首先需要了解游戏的基本原理。
2. 游戏的基本元素打砖块游戏通常由以下几个基本元素组成:- 小球:代表游戏中的球体,会从顶部开始下落。
- 板:用于挡住小球,并反弹它。
- 砖块:顶部出现的多个砖块,玩家需要击碎它们。
- 壁:游戏区域的四周,小球碰到壁会反弹。
3. 编程语言的选择你可以根据自己的编程经验选择适合你的编程语言。
4. 游戏的实现在代码编写过程中,首先我们需要创建一个窗口来显示游戏,然后绘制出小球、板、砖块和壁等元素。
下面是一个简单的Python代码示例:```python# 导入所需的库import pygame# 初始化游戏pygame.init()# 创建游戏窗口screen = pygame.display.set_mode((800, 600))pygame.display.set_caption("打砖块游戏")# 游戏主循环running = Truewhile running:for event in pygame.event.get():if event.type == pygame.QUIT:running = Falsescreen.fill((0, 0, 0)) # 设置背景颜色为黑色pygame.display.flip()# 退出游戏pygame.quit()```在以上代码中,我们首先导入Pygame库,然后初始化游戏,并创建一个800x600像素的窗口。

功能截图游戏开始:碰撞效果:代码实现游戏核⼼类public class BricksGame extends BaseGame {private ArrayList<GameObject> list = new ArrayList<>();private RenderTask render;private Random random = new Random();private boolean over;private Image memImage;private Graphics memG;// 双缓冲的画布public BricksGame(int width, int height, String title) throws HeadlessException {super(width, height, title);super.setBgColor(new Color(0x23,0x30,0x41));initGame(width, height);}private void initGame(int width, int height) {setFps(60);over=false;// 获取窗⼝的内外⼤⼩Container contentPane = this.getContentPane();Dimension size = contentPane.getSize();int contentWidth = size.width;int contentHeight = size.height;this.setContentWidth(contentWidth);this.setContentHeight(contentHeight);//System.out.println(contentPane instanceof JPanel);// true//System.out.println(size.width);//582//System.out.println(size.height);//403// 窗⼝四个⽅向的边界值Insets insets = getInsets();//System.out.println(;//System.out.println(insets.bottom);//System.out.println(insets.left);//System.out.println(insets.right);Scene env = new Scene(width, height, new Margin(insets.left, insets.right,, insets.bottom)); ImageIcon woodIcon = new ImageIcon("image/wood.png");int w = woodIcon.getIconWidth();int h = woodIcon.getIconHeight();Wood wood = new Wood(w, h, new Color(0x97, 0x5B, 0x12));wood.setScene(env);wood.setX(getWidth()/2 - w/2);wood.setY(getHeight()-50);wood.setImage(woodIcon.getImage());list.add(wood);Ball ball = new Ball(10, Color.WHITE);ImageIcon iconBall = new ImageIcon("image/ball2.png");ball.setImage(iconBall.getImage());ball.setScene(env);ball.setCoordinator(width / 2 - ball.getRadius(), wood.getY()-ball.getRadius()*2);ball.setWoodBar(wood);list.add(ball);Color[] colors = new Color[]{new Color(0xAA, 0xCF, 0x51),new Color(0xFC, 0xA9, 0x4B),new Color(0x73, 0xC7, 0xFF),Color.PINK,Color.GRAY};//ImageIcon brickIcon = new ImageIcon("image/brick_1.png");int brW = 60;int brH = 30;int start = 25;int brickX = start;int brickY = 100;int brickAreaWidth = getWidth() - start *2;int count = brickAreaWidth / brW - 1;int remainWidth = brickAreaWidth - count * brW;int intervalHort = brW + 3;start = brickX = (getWidth() - intervalHort * (count)) / 2;int intervalVert = brH + 3;HitBrick hitBrick = new HitBrick();for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {// brick linefor(int i = 0; i< count; i++){// brick columnsBrick brick = new Brick();brick.setColor(colors[i % colors.length]);//brick.setImage(brickIcon.getImage());brick.setWidth(brW);brick.setHeight(brH);brick.setX(brickX);brick.setY(brickY);brick.setBall(ball);brick.setHitListener(hitBrick);brickX += intervalHort;list.add(brick);}brickX = start;brickY += intervalVert;}// 双缓冲,在内存⾥⾯创建⼀个和窗⼝JFrame⼀样⼤⼩的ImagememImage = createImage(getWidth(), getHeight());memG = memImage.getGraphics();GameOver gameOver = new GameOver(memG);ball.setGameOverListener(gameOver);// 键盘事件的监听Input input = new Input();input.init();addKeyListener(input);// 重新渲染画⾯任务render = new RenderTask(this);render.start();addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() {@Overridepublic void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) {//super.mousePressed(e);System.out.println(String.format("x:%d, y:%d", e.getX(), e.getY()));//x:218,y:305,w:164,h:45if ((e.getX() >= 218 && e.getX() <=(218+164))&& (e.getY() >= 305 && e.getY() <= (305+45))){render.setExitd(true);render = null;memImage = null;memG = null;removeKeyListener(input);removeMouseListener(this);list.clear();initGame(width, height);}}});}@Overridepublic void paint(Graphics g) {clear(memG);// 将画布清空为背景⾊for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {list.get(i).onTick();list.get(i).draw(memG);}if (list.size() == 2){// 只剩下⼩球和挡板,则通关成功!Wood wood = (Wood) list.get(0);wood.setX(getWidth()/2 - wood.getWidth()/2);wood.setY(getHeight()-50);Ball ball = (Ball) list.get(1);ball.setCoordinator(getWidth() / 2 - ball.getRadius(), /*bottom*/wood.getY()-ball.getRadius()*2); ball.setMoving(false);String gameOver = "恭喜通关!";memG.setFont(new Font("Serif", Font.BOLD, 35));int stringWidth = memG.getFontMetrics().stringWidth(gameOver);memG.setColor(Color.RED);memG.drawString(gameOver, getWidth()/2 - stringWidth/2, getHeight()/2);stopRenderTask();}if (over) {String gameOver = "Game Over";memG.setFont(new Font("Serif", Font.BOLD, 35));int stringWidth = memG.getFontMetrics().stringWidth(gameOver);memG.setColor(Color.WHITE);memG.drawString(gameOver, getWidth()/2 - stringWidth/2, getHeight()/2);String playAgain = "重新开始";stringWidth = memG.getFontMetrics().stringWidth(playAgain);int increase = 16;int fontSize = memG.getFont().getSize();int rectH = (int) (fontSize * 1.3);int rx=getWidth()/2 - stringWidth/2 - increase /2;int ry=getHeight() - fontSize * 4-(rectH-fontSize)/2;int rw = stringWidth + increase;int rh = rectH;//System.out.println(String.format("x:%d,y:%d,w:%d,h:%d", rx, ry, rw, rh));memG.drawRect(rx, ry, rw, rh);memG.setColor(new Color(33, 165, 230));memG.drawString(playAgain, getWidth()/2 - stringWidth/2, getHeight() - fontSize * 3 - 5); }// 将内存Image的内容复制到窗⼝上g.drawImage(memImage, 0, 0, null);// 耗性能的轮询判断,⼀个对象是否要消失for (int i = 2; i < list.size(); i++) {// 0,1位置是挡板和⼩球,不能消失GameObject gameObject = list.get(i);if (gameObject.isGone()) {list.remove(i);--i;}}}private void stopRenderTask() {new Thread(new Runnable() {@Overridepublic void run() {try {Thread.sleep(500);} catch (InterruptedException e) {e.printStackTrace();}render.setExitd(true);}}).start();}public void exit(){//System.exit(1);}public void clear(Graphics g){if (g!=null) {g.setColor(getBgColor());g.fillRect(0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight());}}// ⼩球碰到砖块的回调class HitBrick implements Brick.HitListener{private ExecutorService executorService = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(3);private File file = new File("audio/brick2.wav");private AudioClip audio;public HitBrick() {try {audio = Applet.newAudioClip(file.toURI().toURL());} catch (MalformedURLException e) {e.printStackTrace();}}@Overridepublic void hit(Brick brick) {executorService.execute(new PlayHitAudioTask(audio));ExplodeObject eo = new ExplodeObject();eo.x = brick.x;eo.y = brick.y;eo.width = brick.width;eo.height = brick.height;eo.color = brick.color;list.add(eo);}}// 游戏结束内容的绘制class GameOver implements Ball.GameOverListener{private Graphics memG;public GameOver(Graphics g) {this.memG = g;}@Overridepublic void over() {over = true;}}}⼩球类public class Ball extends RectGameObject{private int radius;private int speed = 4;// ⼩球移动速度private boolean moving;// 是否在移动private boolean gameOver;// 是否overprivate boolean postv;// 初始⽔平⽅向的移动左右⽅向private int horiMove;// ⽔平移动距离(正负号代表移动⽅向)private int vertMove;// 垂直移动距离(正负号代表移动⽅向)private Wood woodBar;//⽊头板private Image image;private Point center = new Point();private GameOverListener l;public Ball(int radius, Color color){this.radius = radius;this.color = color;}@Overridepublic void draw(Graphics g) {g.setColor(color);//g.drawImage(image, x, y, null);g.fillOval(x, y, radius * 2, radius * 2);}@Overridepublic void onTick() {if (!moving){if(Input.getKeyDown(KeyEvent.VK_UP)){postv = (Math.random() * 10) <= 4 ? true : false;moving = true;gameOver = false;horiMove = postv ? speed : -speed;vertMove = -speed;} /*else if(Input.getKeyDown(KeyEvent.VK_LEFT)){Wood wb = woodBar;if (!wb.isReachEdge()) {transferBy(-wb.getSpeed(), 0);}} else if(Input.getKeyDown(KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT)){Wood wb = woodBar;if (!wb.isReachEdge()) {transferBy(wb.getSpeed(), 0);}}*/}if (moving){// arrive at left and right edgeScene scene = getScene();Margin margin =;if (x <= margin.left || x >= scene.width - margin.right - radius * 2){ horiMove = -horiMove;}// arrive at top edgeif (y <= && vertMove < 0){vertMove = -vertMove;}// ⼩球落在了挡板上if(getCenter().x >= woodBar.getX()&& getCenter().x <= woodBar.getX() + woodBar.getWidth() && Math.abs(getCenter().y - woodBar.y) <= radius&& vertMove > 0){vertMove = -vertMove;}// arrive at bottom edge// ⼩球落在了窗⼝的底部,停住⼩球 GAME OVERif (y >= scene.height - margin.bottom - radius * 2){moving = false;gameOver = true;if (l != null)l.over();return;}this.transferBy(horiMove, vertMove);}}public int getRadius() {return radius;}public void setRadius(int radius) {this.radius = radius;}public Wood getWoodBar() {return woodBar;}public void setWoodBar(Wood woodBar) {this.woodBar = woodBar;}public Image getImage() {return image;}public void setImage(Image image) {this.image = image;}public boolean isMoving() {return moving;}public void setMoving(boolean moving) {this.moving = moving;}public int getHoriMove() {return horiMove;}public void setHoriMove(int horiMove) {this.horiMove = horiMove;}public int getVertMove() {return vertMove;}public void setVertMove(int vertMove) {this.vertMove = vertMove;}@Overridepublic int getWidth() {return 2 * radius;}@Overridepublic int getHeight() {return getWidth();}public Point getCenter(){center.x = x + radius;center.y = y + radius;return center;}public boolean isGameOver() {return gameOver;}public void setGameOver(boolean gameOver) {this.gameOver = gameOver;}public GameOverListener getGameOverListener() {return l;}public void setGameOverListener(GameOverListener l) {this.l = l;}public interface GameOverListener{void over();}}砖块类package game;import java.awt.*;public class Brick extends RectGameObject {private Ball ball;private Point leftTop = new Point();private Point leftBottom = new Point();private Point rightTop = new Point();private Point rightBottom = new Point();public Brick(){}@Overridepublic void draw(Graphics g) {g.setColor(getColor());g.fillRect(x, y, getWidth(), getHeight());}@Overridepublic void onTick() {if (ball.isMoving()) {//start 碰撞检测/////////////////////////////////////////////boolean is = isSameQuadrant(ball.getCenter(), getLeftTop(), getRightBottom()); if (is) {int r = ball.getRadius();Point lt = getLeftTop();Point lb = getLeftBottom();Point rt = getRightTop();Point rb = getRightBottom();Point c = ball.getCenter();int dx1 = Math.abs(c.x - lt.x), dy1 = Math.abs(c.y - lt.y);int dx2 = Math.abs(c.x - lb.x), dy2 = Math.abs(c.y - lb.y);int dx3 = Math.abs(c.x - rt.x), dy3 = Math.abs(c.y - rt.y);int dx4 = Math.abs(c.x - rb.x), dy4 = Math.abs(c.y - rb.y);if(((dx1*dx1) + (dy1*dy1) <= r*r)||((dx2*dx2) + (dy2*dy2) <= r*r)||((dx3*dx3) + (dy3*dy3) <= r*r)||((dx4*dx4) + (dy4*dy4) <= r*r)){System.out.println("发⽣了碰撞");if (hitListener != null) {hitListener.hit(this);}setGone(true);}} else {Point c = ball.getCenter();int squareW = ball.getRadius() * 2;int squareH = squareW;int brcx = x + getWidth() / 2;int brcy = y + getHeight() / 2;if((Math.abs(c.x - brcx) <= (squareW + getWidth())*0.5)&&(Math.abs(c.y - brcy) <= (squareH + getHeight())*0.5)){System.out.println("......发⽣碰撞");if (hitListener != null) {hitListener.hit(this);}setGone(true);/* 击中砖块,改变⼩球的⽅向 */// 判断⼩球⾸先撞击的是砖块的左右还是上下侧,⾮常重要,否则出现不合理的移动⽅向。

public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
private int ball源自 = 50;private int ballY = 30;
private Thread th;
private int moveAngle = 30;
private int moveStep = 10;
private final double PI = 3.1415926;

Imports System.Drawing.Drawing2DPublic Class Form1Public shuiping As Integer = 1Public chuizhi As Integer = 1Public WithEvents board As New ButtonPublic buttonList1 As New ArrayList()Public ball As New LabelPublic num As IntegerPublic canDrag As Boolean = FalseDim x As IntegerDim i As Integer = 0'界面布置Public Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load Me.Text = "张少霞制作2010242499"'一些控制按钮Button1.Left = 650Button1.Top = 590Button1.Text = "开始游戏"Button2.Left = 750Button2.Top = 590Button2.Text = "暂停游戏"Button3.Left = 650Button3.Top = 625Button3.Text = "分数"Button4.Left = 750Button4.Top = 625Button4.Text = ""GroupBox1.Left = 330GroupBox1.Top = 590'添加小球ball.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Transparentball.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Redball.Text = "●"ball.TextAlign = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleCenterball.Width = 14ball.Height = 14ball.Left = 645ball.Top = 539Me.Controls.Add(ball)'添加挡板board.Width = 100board.Height = 7board.Left = 600 '330board.Top = 553board.BackColor = Color.GrayMe.Controls.Add(board)Button4.Text = 0End SubPrivate Sub Timer1_Tick(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick '小球的初始状态ball.Left = ball.Left + shuiping * 7ball.Top = ball.Top + chuizhi * 7Dim a As Integera = ball.Left + 7Dim b As Integerb = ball.Top + 7Button4.Text = 66 - num'判断小球是否和砖块碰撞For Each ctl In buttonList1If ((a - 7 >= ctl.Left And a - 7 <= ctl.Right) Or (a + 7 >= ctl.Left And a + 7 <= ctl.Right)) And (b >= ctl.Top And b <= ctl.Bottom) Thenshuiping = -shuipingMe.Controls.Remove(ctl)num = num - 1Exit ForElseIf ((b - 7 >= ctl.Top And b - 7 <= ctl.Bottom) Or (b + 7 >= ctl.Top And b + 7 <= ctl.Bottom)) And (a >= ctl.Left And a <= ctl.Right) Thenchuizhi = -chuizhiMe.Controls.Remove(ctl)num = num - 1Exit ForEnd IfNext'判断小球是否和边界碰撞If (a - 7 <= Me.Left And a + 7 >= Me.Left) Or (a + 7 >= Me.ClientSize.Width And a - 7 <= Me.ClientSize.Width) Thenshuiping = -shuipingEnd If'判断小球是否和挡板碰撞If ((b + 7 >= board.Top And b + 7 <= board.Bottom) And (a >= board.Left And a <= board.Right)) Or (b - 7 <= 0 And b + 7 >= 0) Thenchuizhi = -chuizhiEnd If'当挡板没有借住小球时予以提示(三次机会)If ((board.Top <= b + 7 And b + 7 <= board.Top + board.Height) And (a + 7 <= board.Left Or a - 7 >= board.Right)) ThenIf i < 3 Thenball.Left = 645ball.Top = 538board.Left = 600board.Top = 553Timer1.Enabled = FalseMessageBox.Show("亲,还有" & (3 - i) & "次机会!")Button1.Enabled = TrueEnd IfIf i = 3 ThenMessageBox.Show("Game over!")Button1.Enabled = FalseEnd IfEnd If'砖块全部打完时予以提示If (num = 0) ThenMessageBox.Show("胜利!")Button1.Enabled = FalseEnd IfEnd Sub'控制开始和播放以音乐按钮Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Timer1.Enabled = TrueIf Timer1.Enabled = True Thenputer.Audio.Play("Dreamtale-The Dawn - 铃声.wav", AudioPlayMode.Background)End IfEnd Sub'暂停游戏和音乐按钮Private Sub Button2_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click Timer1.Enabled = Not Timer1.EnabledIf (Timer1.Enabled = False) ThenButton2.Text = "继续游戏"puter.Audio.Stop()ElseButton2.Text = "暂停游戏"puter.Audio.Play("Dreamtale-The Dawn - 铃声.wav", AudioPlayMode.Background)End IfEnd Sub'游戏者选择砖块的排列模式Private Sub RadioButton1_CheckedChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles RadioButton1.CheckedChangedFor Each ctl In buttonList1Me.Controls.Remove(ctl)num = 0NextIf Timer1.Enabled = True Thenputer.Audio.Play("Dreamtale-The Dawn - 铃声.wav", AudioPlayMode.Background)End IfButton4.Text = 0ball.Left = 645ball.Top = 538board.Left = 600board.Top = 553Button1.Enabled = TrueTimer1.Enabled = False'添加砖块Dim i As IntegerDim j As IntegerFor i = 0 To 5For j = 0 To 10Dim button As New Buttonbutton.Height = 25If j Mod 2 = 0 And i Mod 2 = 0 Thenbutton.Width = 100button.BackColor = Color.CadetBlueElseIf j Mod 2 = 0 And i Mod 2.0 = 1 Thenbutton.Width = 80button.BackColor = Color.CornsilkElseIf j Mod 2.0 = 1 And i Mod 2.0 = 1 Thenbutton.Width = 60button.BackColor = Color.PinkElsebutton.Width = 40button.BackColor = Color.CadetBlueEnd Ifbutton.Top = (i + 1) * 40button.Left = (j + 1) * 110Me.Controls.Add(button)buttonList1.Add(button)num = num + 1NextEnd Sub'模式二Private Sub RadioButton2_CheckedChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles RadioButton2.CheckedChangedFor Each ctl In buttonList1Me.Controls.Remove(ctl)num = 0NextIf Timer1.Enabled = True Thenputer.Audio.Play("Dreamtale-The Dawn - 铃声.wav", AudioPlayMode.Background)End IfButton4.Text = 0ball.Left = 645ball.Top = 538board.Left = 600board.Top = 553Button1.Enabled = TrueTimer1.Enabled = False'添加砖块Dim i As IntegerDim j As IntegerFor i = 0 To 10For j = 0 To iDim button As New Buttonnum = num + 1button.Width = 50button.Height = 30button.Left = 600 - i * 35 + j * 70button.Top = i * 30 + 20button.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(Color.Pink.ToArgb + j * 200) 'Button1.BackColor.ToArgb + i * 200 ' Color.CadetBlue + j * 100Me.Controls.Add(button)buttonList1.Add(button)NextNextEnd Sub'模式三Private Sub RadioButton3_CheckedChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles RadioButton3.CheckedChangedFor Each ctl In buttonList1Me.Controls.Remove(ctl)num = 0If Timer1.Enabled = True Thenputer.Audio.Play("Dreamtale-The Dawn - 铃声.wav", AudioPlayMode.Background)End IfButton4.Text = 0ball.Left = 645ball.Top = 538board.Left = 600board.Top = 553Button1.Enabled = TrueTimer1.Enabled = False'添加砖块Dim i As IntegerDim j As IntegerFor i = 0 To 5For j = 0 To 10Dim button As New Button()num = num + 1button.Width = 50button.Height = 30button.Left = 380 - i * 25 + j * 70button.Top = 80 + i * 30 + 20Dim k As Integerk = Int(21 * Rnd()) - 10button.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(Color.CadetBlue.ToArgb + k * 100) 'Button1.BackColor.ToArgb + i * 200 ' Color.CadetBlue + j * 100Me.Controls.Add(button)buttonList1.Add(button)NextNextEnd SubPrivate Sub board_MouseDown(sender As Object, e As MouseEventArgs) Handles board.MouseDowncanDrag = TrueDim p As New Point()p = Me.PointToClient(MousePosition)x = p.X - board.LeftEnd SubPrivate Sub board_MouseMove(sender As Object, e As MouseEventArgs) Handles board.MouseMoveIf canDrag = True And Timer1.Enabled = True ThenDim p As New Point()p = Me.PointToClient(MousePosition)board.Left = p.X - xEnd IfEnd SubPrivate Sub board_MouseUp(sender As Object, e As MouseEventArgs) canDrag = FalseEnd SubEnd Class。

二、具体要求通过图形用户界面(Graphics User Interface,GUI)和线程,使用户和程序之间可以方便地进行交互。
三、进度安排12月28日:课程设计选题,查找参考资料12月29日:完成打砖块游戏程序设计分析12月30日~ 1月3日:完成程序代码的编写1月4日~ 1月5日:游戏测试与完善1月6日~ 1月7日:完成课程设计报告,准备答辩四、主要参考文献[1] (美)埃克尔著陈昊鹏,饶若楠等译. Java编程思想[J]. 机械工业出版社,2005[2](美)Gary J.Bronson著张珑刘雅文译. Java编程原理[J]. 清华大学出版社,2004[3](美)Michael Morrison著徐刚,于健,薛雷译. 游戏编程入门[J]. 人民邮电出版社,2005.9[4](美)Wendy Stahler著冯宝坤,曹英译. 游戏编程中的数理应用[J]. 红旗出版社,2005[5](美)克罗夫特(David Wallace Croft)著彭晖译. Java游戏高级编程[J]. 清华大学出版社,2005[6](美)David Brackeen著邱仲潘译. Java游戏编程[J]. 科学出版社,2004[7] 聂庆亮编著. Java应用开发指南[J]. 清华大学出版社,2010[8] 耿祥义,张跃平编著. Java面向对象程序设计[J]. 清华大学出版社,2010[9] 杨绍方编著. Java编程实用技术与案例[J]. 清华大学出版社,2000.11[10] 明日科技编著. Java编程全能词典[J]. 电子工业出版社,2010摘要随着Java语言的不断发展和壮大,现在的Java已经广泛的应用于各个领域,包括医药,汽车工业,手机行业,游戏,等等地方。
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通过图形用户界面(Graphics User Interface,GUI)和线程,使用户和程序之间可以方便地进行交互。运用Swing组件,编写小应用程序游戏,加深对Java语言的理解,深入地了解图形用户界面的设计,更加熟练地运用编程软件。
[4](美)Wendy Stahler著冯宝坤,曹英译.游戏编程中的数理应用[J].红旗,2005
[5](美)克罗夫特(David Wallace Croft)著彭晖译.Java游戏高级编程[J].清华大学,2005
[6](美)David Brackeen著邱仲潘译. Java游戏编程[J].科学,2004
[7]聂庆亮编著. Java应用开发指南[J].清华大学,2010
[8]耿祥义,跃平编著. Java面向对象程序设计[J].清华大学,2010
[9]绍方编著. Java编程实用技术与案例[J].清华大学,2000.11
[10]明日科技编著. Java编程全能词典[J].电子工业,2010
12月30日~ 1月3日:完成程序代码的编写
此程序设计是一个小游戏(弹砖块)的实现,主要运用了用户图形界面,程序接口和基本函数绘制来实现,事件监听(包括鼠标事件,键盘事件,响应时间)也是这个程序的特色。此程序用到了图片的引用,砖块、弹板应用了函数绘制和图片引用,弹球的设计外且安全是应用函数绘制。游戏还利用JAVA Applet实现了播放声音。再加入复选框,按钮,标签等来实现本游戏用户界面布局。总之,本游戏在用户界面的可操作性、游戏的美观度、计分计时存储结果方便都基本完善,有一定的可玩性。
1月4日~ 1月5日:游戏测试与完善
1月6日~ 1月7日:完成课程设计报告,准备答辩
[2](美)Gary J.Bronson著珑雅文译. Java编程原理[J].清华大学,2004
[3](美)Michael Morrison著徐刚,于健,薛雷译.游戏编程入门[J].人民邮电,2005.9