







一、鱼类疱疹病毒的分类鱼类疱疹病毒(Fish herpesvirus, FHV)是一类DNA病毒。

根据它们感染的鱼类分类,FHV可以分为三个属,分别是Iridovirus、Megavirus 和Malacoherpesviridae。




二、鱼类疱疹病毒的分布1. IridovirusIridovirus属分布广泛,从北极到南极几乎都能找到感染它的鱼类。




2. Megavirus与另外两个属相比,Megavirus的分布面积稍小。



3. MalacoherpesviridaeMalacoherpesviridae属的黑桃对虾和美国龙虾是感染来源,它能够感染鲈鱼和墨西哥湾虹彩鱼等鱼种。








一、鲤鱼的锦鲤疱疹病毒病鲤鱼的锦鲤疱疹病毒病的病原为锦鲤疱疹病毒(Koi Herpesvirus, KHV),属鲤疱疹病毒3型(CyHV-3)。







1、加强对鲤鱼苗种的检测,避免购买的苗种携带病毒;2、发病高峰期避免诱发因素(如注井水,使用杀虫药等);3、定期在饲料中添加“L Y-生命素”、“低聚糖-500”等提高免疫力;4、保持水质环境稳定,适时调水、改底,防止水变;5、发病时,切忌用刺激性较强的消毒剂、抗生素、杀虫药等。

可内服“L Y-生命素+银翘板蓝根”,外用“激活”。

图1 感染锦鲤疱疹病毒的鲤鱼眼睛凹陷,鳃丝溃烂图2 锦鲤疱疹病毒引起的鲤鱼肠道发红二、鲤春病毒血症鲤春病毒血症的病原为鲤春病毒血症病毒(Spring viremia of carp virus, SVCV),属于弹状病毒科,水泡性口炎病毒属的一种。





















施 佳 目 地大 量 使用 刺 激性 强的
药物( 还 有 用 中药 水 剂 ) 后,
4 0 %以 内; 框镜鲤病程 约 2 5天左右 , 1 2 一 l 3天 达 到死亡 高峰 ,高峰持 续 约 2 — 3 天, 死亡率一般 7 0 %以内。 ,
如果 在黑 龙 江 、 辽 宁 7月下 旬 发 病 ,
结果是越治疗死 亡量越大 ,越用药病情 越严重 , 造成 的经济损失非常大。现将该 病在国内的流行特点 、 现场初步诊断和预 防方法做以介绍, 希望对大家有所帮助。

发病 后水 温马 上升 高 到 3 O ℃以上 的池 塘, 死亡 率很 低 , 一般不 到 5 %, 如果在 6 月份发病 ,发病期 间水温处于病毒繁殖 的适宜温度 , 用药不合理死亡率会很 高 ,
池塘 、 水源 、 水 禽 等 。从 各 个 池 塘 发 病 时 间上 看 , 有 明 显 的 相邻 池塘 接 连 发 病 、 逐
渐向远方传染 的现象 。同一来源的鲤 鱼 种在不同养殖场养殖相继发病 , 发病池塘
显 。鳃丝边缘或局部腐烂或鳃丝贫血发
面积浅表溃烂不同 ,没有 溃烂处 的鳃丝 外观正常 , 养殖户称 “ 花鳃” 。 解剖典型病鱼见脾脏肿大 , 发黑 , 肾 脏肿 大。很大一部分发病鱼肠道内壁呈
用过的网具 , 其它池塘使用 , 其它塘就发 病。有的池塘注完共用的河道水后发病。
发病后的鱼具 有免疫性 。有些业 内 人士介绍 ,池塘春天得 过鲤鱼疱疹病毒
病后 ,不重复感染 ,一般秋 天不再得该
紫致富柏南 2 0 1 5 — 1 8
—4 5 —
{ 团圆
病。 秋天鱼种得病以后 , 一般次年春天不



DA N 病毒 ,有囊膜 ,与其 同科的 C V C 之 间有 免疫 H 、C V 鱼苗腹胀 大 , 呈球状 漂浮于水 面 ,下风 处居 多 , 病鱼失去游泳能力 、肚皮朝上 ,肛 门红肿 ,鳃 完整但 苍 白色 。死亡 率 3% 0 以上 ,用小手术剪解剖可见 0  ̄4% 肠 内充满许多溶血性小气泡 ,内脏模糊不清 与肠 溶在
的感 染谱较 小 ,仅感 染锦鲤 、鲤 鱼 以及 鲤鱼 的普 通
变种 。
3 传 播 途 径 .
K V自 2 0 年 在 我 国 首 次 发 现 后 , 得 以迅 速 传 H 02
播 ,至今 已遍布全 国各地 。K V H 被怀 疑可 以藉 由被 污 染 的水 、 网具 、鱼 池 、鱼 缸 或 工 作 人 员 来携 带 传 播 ,但 是有关 此病 是如 何传播 ,以及是 否有其 他保 毒 者或 传播媒 介 皆没有 确切 的 了解 。并 且很 多遭 到
1 K V的 临床 症 状 .H
起 ,腹腔 内有 淡红色液体 。
2 防 治 方 法 .
①排 去 13 水 ,加注 新水保持水质 清新 。②每 /老 亩 平均 1 米水深 ,用食 盐 4 千克 ,化水均匀 泼洒 。③ 每立 方米水体用 亮剑 ( 氟苯 尼考) . 2 +大蒜素 0 3 00 克 .
本研 究就 该病 毒 的流行及 检测 技术 等方 面作 一 概述 , 以期为 国 内的流行病 学 调查及疾 病监 控提 供
参考 。

KV 性 H特
锦鲤 疱疹 病毒 ,又称 为鲤 鱼 间质性 肾 炎及鳃坏
死 性 病 毒 (a p i tr tt a n p r t S a d C r n e s i i I e h i i n g 1 er s S v r s C G ) 该 病 毒 为 线 形 双 股 i 1 n co i iu , N V 。

鲤痘疮病毒 (2)

鲤痘疮病毒 (2)

鲤痘疮病毒又称愈伤病毒(Koi Herpesvirus,简称KHV),是一种能引起鲤鱼类患上鲤病的病毒。




















一、锦鲤疱疹病毒(KHV)简要介绍1.病原学锦鲤疱疹病毒病(Koi herpesvi-rus disease,KHVD)是由锦鲤疱疹病毒(Koi her-pesvirus ,KHV,又称鲤疱疹病毒3型CyHV-3)引起的一种恶性传染病,死亡率高达80%~100%。

KHV 为线形双股DNA 病毒,分子量大小为295kb,有囊膜,与其同科的斑点叉尾 病毒(CCV)、鲤鱼痘疱疹病毒(CHV)之间有免疫交叉反应。

已经确定了来自不同地理位置的四种CyHV-3毒株的完整DNA 序列:以色列(CyHV-3I)、日本(CyHV-3J)、美国(CyHV-3U)和中国(CyHV-3GZ11)四种基因型。












3.锦鲤疱疹病毒病锦鲤疱疹病毒病是一种严重感染养殖鲤鱼、锦鲤和杂交鲤的传染性病毒病,其病原为锦鲤疱疹病毒(KHV),又称鲤疱疹病毒3型(Cyprinidherpesvirus 2,CyHV-3)。



4.鲫造血器官坏死症鲫造血器官坏死症是近年来我国养殖鲫鱼中暴发的一种严重的病毒性疾病,其病原为鲤疱疹病毒Ⅱ型(Cyprinid herpesvirus 2,CyHV-2)。

鲤疱疹病毒II 型主要感染观赏鱼金鱼、养殖鲫鱼及其变种,其流行范围广,传播速度快,死亡率高,危害严重。
















样品要求:有临床症状的鱼,如是体长小于等于 4c m 的鱼苗取整条鱼,体长 4c m-6c m 的鱼苗取内脏(包括肾);体长大于 6 cm 的鱼




复合碘 +五倍 子 ,剂量是 每亩 1 米水深施用 磷酸复合 酯碘 5 0 毫升 ,五倍 子粉末 1 5 0  ̄2 0 0 克( 开水浸泡五倍 子2 小时 ,或 是提前 2 小时把 五倍子 浸泡在磷 酸酯 复 合碘 里) 。同时 ,连 拌 3 天 药饵投 喂,即每 5 0 千克饵 料 添加益 服康 ( 1 O O 克) +牛磺 多聚维 c 酯( 2 5 克) +鱼
池 塘感 染此 病 ,死亡 率 1 0 0 % 。2 0 1 5 年 ,虽然 我们 重 视 了此病 ,但 还是 由于预 防不 到位 ,只 幸存 了4 0 % 的 鱼 种 。2 0 1 6 年 ,我们 总 结 了前 两年 的经 验 教训 ,提
前预 防,取得 了很 好效果 。截 至 9 月份 ,鲤鱼鱼种 长 势 良好 ,没有感 染此病 。笔者治疗过程 中,积累了一 些经验和 教训,下面就谈一下这方面 的体会 。
达9 7 % 。因此 ,该分 离菌 鉴定为嗜麦芽寡养单胞 菌。 3 . 药敏试验 采用 纸片扩散法进行 了分离菌 的药 物敏感性测定 ,发现其 对阿奇霉素 、洛美沙星 、强 力
霉素 、复方新诺 明敏感 ,对红霉素、诺氟沙星 、环 丙
四 、注 意 事 项
从7 月初开始 ,每天 监测池塘水温 ,当超 过 2 0  ̄ C 时,就应 提高警惕 。当开增氧机 、在池边能 闻见鱼腥
新 ; 渤 羧 翳 一
南方鲇 ( ¥ i l u r u s m e r i d i o n a l i s ) ,俗 称 河鲇 。
肝 宝散 ( 1 2 5 克) ,每 月投 喂两 次药饵。 ( 2 ) 如果 水质 指标超过 正常值 ,就 应该分 别外用 亚 硝速 净和腐殖 酸钠等 改 良水质 。然后 ,连续 2 天全 池泼洒磷 酸酯复合碘 +五倍子 。同时,投喂添加益服 康 +牛磺 多聚维 C 脂 +鱼肝宝散制成 的药饵 ,连续投
















鲤.鲫疱疹病毒病的诊断与防治措施作者:洪徐鹏来源:《河北渔业》 2013年第1期洪徐鹏(上海海洋大学水产与生命学院,上海 201306)2012年夏初在江苏省盐城银鲫养殖区大规模爆发“大红鳃”和“鳃出血”病症导致全池鲫鱼、鲤鱼在一周内全部漂塘,给养殖户带来巨大损失。



1病原鲤、鲫疱疹病毒病的病原分别是鲤疱疹病毒Ⅲ型(CyHV-Ⅲ)和鲤疱疹病毒Ⅱ型(CyHV-Ⅱ),暂列为疱疹病毒科(Herpesviridae),鲤疱疹病毒属(Cyprinid Herpesvirus)。


鲤疱疹病毒病的病原为鲤疱疹病毒Ⅲ型(CyHV-Ⅲ),是一种具有成熟的病毒颗粒的球状病毒,有囊膜,直径约170~230 nm。

该病毒的核衣壳为对称十面体,直径为100~110 nm,该病毒由31种病毒多肽组成,遗传物质为双链DNA,CyHV-Ⅲ的基因组大小约为277 kb。

鲫疱疹病毒病的病原暂确定为鲤疱疹病毒Ⅱ型(CyHV-Ⅱ),该病毒的核衣壳呈六角形或球形,直径为100~110 nm,有囊膜,病毒粒子呈椭圆形,病毒粒子的直径为175~200 nm。

CyHV-Ⅱ与另外两种鲤科鱼类的病毒:CyHV-I 和 CyHV-Ⅲ,关系十分接近。


2流行学特点鲤疱疹病毒Ⅲ型(CyHV-Ⅲ)仅仅感染锦鲤、鲤鱼和剃刀鱼(Solenostomus paradoxus)。


CyHV-Ⅲ的发病最适温度是23~28 ℃(低于18 ℃,高于30 ℃不会引起死亡)。



3 ) ,也称 为锦 鲤疱 疹病毒 ( K H V ) 。近 几年来 中 国养 殖
鲤 鱼 的锦 鲤 疱 疹 病 毒 病 危 害 十 分 严 重 ,全 国 主 要 鲤 鱼
养殖地 区都有流行 ,从池塘养殖 、网箱养殖 到小型湖
泊养殖等 各种养殖模式发病率 、死亡 率都很高 。该病 每年有 两个主要 的发病阶段 ,一 是春 夏交接期 、水温 初 步上升 的时候 ,大约 1 个月 ;二是夏秋转 换期 、水 温 逐步下 降 时。每 当夏初 雨水 多、长期低 温 的年份 , 水温 长期处在鱼类发病适温 ,发病 更严重 ,发病水温
二 、 症 状
毒 +板蓝根等 ,尤 以季节转换 时需加 强添 加。
3 . 生 预 防 不在发病严重地 区购 买鱼种;发病 期谨慎注水 ,有条件 的尽量选择机井 水,不注入容 易
l 国 _ 冒 l 叵
旦 塑 旦 基
增多 ,眼睛及头 部上 方凹陷 ,鳃盖 出现 明显条 纹,鳃 丝末端腐烂 。解 剖发现 病鱼见脾脏肿大 ,发 黑;肾脏 肿大 ,像含水 ;肝脏颜 色鲜艳 ,有 出血或是淤 血 。有

部分发病鱼肠 道 内壁呈均匀 的大面积 出血 ,肠 内有
疱疹病毒病是普通鲤鱼和 观赏锦鲤经常暴发 的一
发新 型基因疫苗 以期 能取得 突破 性进展 ,从而使得该
病 的预防得 到有效解决 。 2 . 药物预 防 药物 预 防 主要 是遵 循 定 期投 喂 药 饵 ,确保鲤鱼体质 强壮 、活力强 、免疫力 强等 。主要 包括定期投 喂免疫 增强剂+保肝利胆 +外用碘制 剂消
大 。2 0 1 5 年6 月1 0日其 中一家 养殖 户 发现鲤 鱼 开始 出现 死亡 ,第一天死亡几十尾 ,没有引起养殖户 的足 够 重 视 ,6 月1 1 日其他 几 家 也 陆续 出现 死 亡 ,6月 1 3 —1 6日达到高峰 , 日死亡约 1 5 0 0 尾。


出血 点 呈鲜 红色 。
求非常高,发病高峰在水温2 ℃左右 ,如果水温突然升 5
到3 ℃ ,并维 持2 e 时 ,可 能很 多病 症就 全 部消 失 ;水 5 4J , 温 突 然 降到 1℃ ,并 维持 2 4时 ,很 多病 毒病 症 状 也会 5 4,
消失,死亡量大幅减少。病毒病的治疗一定要看天气 ,

近几年来 ,锦鲤疱疹病毒病在广东锦鲤养殖池塘高 发,死亡率高。广东顺德、南海 、中山、东莞的锦鲤养
殖池 塘 都有 发病 。笔者 去池 塘边 诊 断 ,接 到很 多 电话 反
2 发病锦鲤浮在水面,有些暗浮在水面,有些侧卧 . 水面 ;患病锦鲤 出现精神沉郁,食欲废绝;行为上会 出 现无方向感的游泳,或在水中呈头下尾上之直立姿势漂 浮,甚至停止游泳;如果在水泥池中发病 ,会发现很多 锦鲤侧 卧在水底,尤其在进、排水 口较多,有些养殖户
握。具体情况及病鱼情况见彩 中插2 。 四、病症分析
锦鲤疱疹病毒是一种致病力强、致死率高的病毒, 发病 时,表 现出发 病快速 、感染率高、死亡率高等特
点。锦鲤感染该病毒后,在适宜温度发病,该病毒破坏 鱼类的神经系统,导致鱼类活动力下降,平衡力失调, 昏睡。该病发作快,对锦鲤伤害大 ,锦鲤难 以忍受 ,容 易蹭破皮肤 ,加之微血管破裂 ,表现 出皮肤 出血的症 状 ,微血管大量 出血 ,导致锦鲤凝血系统崩溃,引起体 内多处出血、多器官衰竭而死。
色 ,鳃丝 出血、组织坏死、鳃丝末端坏死变白。 5鳍条尤其尾鳍充血严重 ,部分出血,似有 白色黏 .
液覆 盖 。
6 肛 门红 肿 。 .
二、鱼类病毒病的特点 病 毒具有 化学性和生物性 ,鱼类病毒病有 以下特
7撕 开皮肤 ,有皮 下充 血和 肌 肉出血症状 ,出血 和 .
























是 已经 有 所 控 制 的 严 重 疾 病 有 返 强趋 势 ,近 年 来 ,
业带 来了巨大 的经济损 失。2 0 年 , 国质检 总局要 求 07 我 2 HV的分类和命名 .K 2
停 止从 日本和印尼进 口锦鲤 和鲤鱼 , 将锦鲤 疱疹病毒作 为必检 项 目。 锦 鲤疱疹病 毒病是 由锦鲤 疱疹病毒 ( HV) 起 的 K  ̄f
研 究表 明 , V与疱 疹病毒 在进 化和 形态 学上具 KH 有明显的相似性 ,但 K V 的基 因组比其他疱疹病毒都 H
大。 通过序列分析发现 , HV与鲤 鱼 1 K 型疱疹病毒和金
锦鲤 、 鱼及其普通变种发 生鳃坏死和 间质性肾炎 的一 鱼 出血 性 坏死 疱 疹 病 毒 有较 高 相 似性 ,进 一 步 表 明 鲤 种高致病 性和 高死 亡率 的疾病 。该病 多发生在 水温 为 KH V属于疱疹 病毒科 。 1 ̄ 8 C~2 ℃的春秋季 节 ,但 目前有低温 下发病 的趋 势 。 8 目前 , 国际上还没有对 K HV的统一命名 , 锦鲤疱疹 病 毒 ( HV) K 又称 为鲤 鱼间质性 肾炎及 鳃坏死病 毒 。通
普通鲤 鱼发生 暴发性 疾病 ,死 亡 率高
达 8 ̄0 0 9 %,经 P R 检 测 为 K C HV 阳 性 ; 两年 来 , HV检 测 也均 为阳性 。 近 K 另外 , 有报道 , 近年来在 菲律 宾非法 进
入 的锦 鲤 中检 测 到 K 。2 0 年 , HV 0 8 中
K V是 线 形双 股 DNA病毒 , H 病 毒基 因组大 小 为 2 5 b , 9 K p 两股 基 因组 的末端含有 2 正 向重复序列 ; 2个 有 16 开放性 阅读框 ( 5个 ORF , 个 末端 )8
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疫病防治LIVESTOCKANDPOULTRYINDUSTRYNo.6,2020锦鲤疱疹病毒病的流行特征及防治措施曲 木1,张宝龙1,赵国营2,赵子续1,刘昕阳1,郑含笑1,翟胜利1(1.天津市晨辉饲料有限公司,天津市水族动物功能性饲料企业重点实验室,天津301800;2.天津市宝坻区畜牧水产业发展服务中心,天津301800)摘 要:锦鲤疱疹病毒病是一种极易感染锦鲤和其他鲤科鱼类的高致死性病毒病,该病发病迅速、传染性强,且目前尚无合适的治疗方式可将其完全治愈,一旦爆发,会给养殖户乃至整个水产养殖业造成极大的经济损失。



关键词:锦鲤;疱疹病毒;病原;检测方法;防治措施DOI:10.19567/j.cnki.1008-0414.2020.06.058基金项目:宝坻区2017年度科技项目“锦鲤鱼体色鲜艳的配合饲料的成果转化与应用”资助 引言锦鲤为目前比较受广大消费者喜爱的观赏鱼品种之一,其色彩艳丽、寿命较长,许多人将其当作宠物饲养,在观赏鱼交易中占据很大的比例,经济价值较高,锦鲤生长过程中会患有多种疾病,其中最严重的当属锦鲤疱疹病毒病[1-2]。

锦鲤疱疹病毒病原1.1 KHV的分类和命名锦鲤疱疹病毒病(KioHerpesvirusDisease,KHVD)又被称为鲤疱疹病毒3型(CyHV-3),其病原为锦鲤疱疹病毒(Koiherpesvirus,KHV)。




KHV主要通过水平传播,爆发KHV后幸存鱼可将病毒传染给其他健康鱼,水是传播病毒的主要非生 物载体,病毒粒子通过带毒鱼的粪便、尿液、鳃和皮肤黏液排出传播。
1.水面出现水泡就如产卵期的雄鲤大量释出精子. 2.鱼体变白,就像白云病. KHV 3茶鲤和无花纹鲤出现鱼体变黑,如写墨般的无花纹鲤鱼,茶鲤变成了茶泻鲤,红鲤就变成绯泻, 这是因为体内所发出的锅墨变薄,并以状呈现在鲤鱼体表上所致. 4.鲤鳃腐烂. 5.鱼体泛力,有时会沉在池底的一角,有时会在池壁附近浮沉,鼻子往上仰,浮在水面的鱼一直 在水面2~3天,感觉像死了一样. 6.鱼死亡后会在池底或水面,和我们一般认识死鱼浮出水面的情形不同,
死亡的鲤鱼横躺在池底,经过一天后才能浮上来. 7.眼睛凹陷1~2MM,头部萎缩成正三角形. 8.会有像白粉一样的斑点.体表充血的现象也有!
(1)初步诊断:仅有鲤(锦鲤)及其变种能被感染致死,可根据这一特点和临床症状及流行情 况进行初步诊断。(2)样品采集:取无症状鱼150尾或病鱼10尾,采集病鱼脑、肝、脾、肾等样 品,成熟雌鱼还需要取卵巢液,鱼苗取整条鱼进行病原分离和鉴定。(3)实验室确诊:主要有 细胞分离法、聚合酶链式反应(PCR)、免疫荧光、ELISA、电镜观察等;可用锦鲤鳍条细胞系 (KF-1)或鲤脑细胞系(CCB)接种疑似样品培养KHV,用PCR技术鉴定;对有临床症状的鱼用任 一方法检测为阳性即可确诊,无临床症状的鱼需用两种方法检测为阳性才能确诊,其中之一为阳 性,则视为可疑。(4)鉴别诊断:应与普通细菌感染和寄生虫侵袭相区别,特别是与细菌性烂 鳃病进锦鲤疱疹病毒病目前无有效的药物和商品化的疫苗用于治疗。 (1)预防措施:加强进出口口岸检疫;对养殖场实施防疫条件审核、苗种生产管理制度;加强 水源、鱼、设施等的严格消毒;加强疫病监测,掌握流行病学情况;培育和引进抗病品种;加强 饲养管理等。 (2)处理:发现患病鱼必须销毁,并对养殖水体、工具、场地等进行消毒。 (3)划区管理:根据水域和流域情况及自然屏障进行,并对其实施区域管理。
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DISEASES OF AQUATIC ORGANISMSDis Aquat OrgVol. 69: 137–143, 2006Published April 6INTRODUCTIONHerpesviral hematopoietic necrosis (HVHN) is a dis-ease of goldfish Carassius auratus auratus (Linnaeus,1758) that has been reported in Japan, Australia, Tai-wan and the USA. Mortality associated with HVHN can approach 100% (Jung & Miyazaki 1995, Groff et al. 1998, Chang et al. 1999, Stephens et al. 2004, Good-win et al. in press). Herpesviral hematopoietic necrosis is caused by Cyprinid herpesvirus 2 (CyHV-2), a mem-ber of the cyprinid herpesvirus group that includes carp pox (CyHV-1) and koi herpesvirus (CyHV-3)(Waltzek et al. 2005). Reports of losses attributed to HVHN are limited to the 5 publications noted above,but the apparent rarity of HVHN may be due more to the lack of a sensitive and specific diagnostic test,rather than a reflection of the true incidence of the disease.The diagnosis of HVHN has been based in most cases on histological findings and the demonstration,by electron microscopy, of herpesviral particles in tissues of infected fish (Jung & Miyazaki 1995, Groff et al. 1998, Chang et al. 1999, Stephens et al. 2004).Cyprinid herpesvirus 2 has been cultured on cyprinid cell lines but the virus is lost after about 4 passages in vitro (Jung & Miyazaki 1995). There is a single report of the successful development of a goldfish fin cell line that supports sequential passage of goldfish herpes-virus (Li & Fukuda 2003), but distribution of the cell line is limited and propagation of the virus using this cell line in other laboratories has proven difficult (Gilad et al. 2004). More recently, several cases of HVHN in the USA were diagnosed and confirmed by degenerate PCR of the CyHV-2 DNA polymerase gene followed by DNA sequencing (Goodwin et al. 2006),but this method is time consuming and too technically© Inter-Research 2006 · *Email: agoodwin@Detection of the herpesviral hematopoietic necrosis disease agent (Cyprinid herpesvirus 2) in moribund and healthy goldfish: validation of a quantitativePCR diagnostic methodA. E. Goodwin*, G. E. Merry, J. SadlerUniversity of Arkansas at Pine Bluff, Aquaculture/Fisheries Center, 1200 N. University Dr., Mail Slot 4912, Pine Bluff,Arkansas 71601, USAABSTRACT: Cyprinid herpesvirus 2(CyHV-2) is a pathogen of goldfish Carassius auratus auratus L.that causes herpesviral hematopoietic necrosis (HVHN) disease. The disease is associated with necrosis of hematopoietic tissues and anemia with high mortality. We have developed a real time 5’-nuclease PCR method (Taqman) that quantitatively detects CyHV-2 with a linear response over 8 logs of target concentration. The coefficient of variability on replicate samples tested on different days was 13% and the calculated sensitivity approached 1 target molecule per reaction. The assay does not cross-react with other similar fish herpesviruses, including CyHV-1 (carp pox) and CyHV-3(koi herpesvirus), but reliably detects known CyHV-2 positive fish. The assay detects CyHV-2 not just in clinical cases of HVHN but also in apparently healthy 1 yr old goldfish fingerlings and even in 3 to 5 yr old broodfish.KEY WORDS: Herpes · Virus · Goldfish · Quantitative PCR · CyHV-2Resale or republication not permitted without written consent of the publisherDis Aquat Org 69: 137–143, 2006demanding for most diagnostic work or for large research studies.Little is known about the epidemiology of CyHV-2,but characteristics of other, better studied, fish herpes-viruses indicate that CyHV-2 will be difficult to con-trol or eradicate. Koi herpesvirus (KHV or CyHV-3)spreads very easily and produces high mortality in wild and domestic stock of common carp and koi Cyprinus carpio (Hedrick et al. 2000). Koi herpesvirus is closely related to CyHV-2 and recent studies have shown that fish surviving acute disease carry the virus for at least several months post-infection (Gilad et al.2004). These latently infected fish are anecdotally implicated in the spread of KHV to new populations.Channel catfish herpesvirus (CCV or IcHV-1) produces latent infections in channel catfish surviving acute infections (Gray et al. 1999, Stingley et al. 2003) and the virus may even be vertically transmitted (Hanson et al. 2004).The detection of carrier status for herpesviruses is difficult because latently infected animals may carry the viral genome without producing infectious parti-cles that could be detected in cell culture or by serolog-ical methods (Lamers et al. 1985, Cohrs & Gilden 2001,Kamal et al. 2004). Another approach is to look for anti-viral antibodies that would indicate prior virus expo-sure, but in fish the duration of detectable titers against specific pathogens is quite variable (Vestergaard &Jørgensen 1982, Eggset et al. 1997, Bricknell et al.1999). More problematic is that antibodies may not be present in fish that carry the virus but that have not yet developed the acute disease. Because of the limitations of culture and serological methods, the detection of latent herpesviral infections most often relies on the detection of the viral genome by PCR (Gray et al. 1999,Gilad et al. 2004).Traditional PCR tests are useful for the detection of viral genomes in extracted fish or cell culture DNA, but these methods provide only a ‘yes or no’ answer that does not differentiate between a fish dying from an active viral infection and one that is dying of some other disease but carrying the virus in its latent form.The answer to this problem is the development of quantitative PCR methods that can be used to differen-tiate between the high viral loads typical of an active infection and the much lower loads that may be associ-ated with latency or carrier status. Other advantages of quantitative PCR over conventional PCR are that it is faster, that methods using both primers and fluorescent probes are more specific, and that there is a smaller chance of false positives caused by the contamination of new reactions with the products of previous PCR assays (Mackay et al. 2002). In our work, we report the development and validation of a quantitative 5’-nucle-ase PCR method (Taqman assay; Heid et al. 1996) todetect CyHV-2 and its successful use to detect viral DNA in both moribund and apparently healthy gold-fish.MATERIALS AND METHODSP rimers and probe. Primer and TaqMan probe sequences (Table 1) were selected from the CyHV-2DNA polymerase gene sequence (Genbank AY939863,Waltzek et al. 2005) using Beacon Designer 4.0 (PRE-MIER Biosoft International). The probe was labeled at the 5’ end with the fluorescent reporter FAM and at the 3’ end with the quencher BHQ-1 (Integrated DNA Technologies). The PCR product is 170 bp.PCR conditions.Real-time PCR for CyHV-2 was per-formed in 12.5 µl reactions containing 2.5 µl of tem-plate, 0.5 µl each of forward and reverse primers (10µM each), 0.5 µl of FAM-labeled probe (10 µM),6.25 µl of 2X supermix (Bio-Rad), and 2.25 µl of water.The PCR thermal profile consisted of an initial incuba-tion of 2 min at 95°C followed by 35 cycles of 45 s at 58°C, 45 s at 72°C, and 30 s at 95°C, and a final exten-sion of 2 min at 72°C. The annealing temperature was selected in preliminary experiments where DNA from known positive fish was run in triplicate at 8 different annealing temperatures. The PCR was run on a real time PCR machine (iCycler; Bio-Rad) using the manu-facturer’s software (iQ Real-Time Detection System).The concentration and purity of all template DNA was verified using spectrophotometry (Nanodrop ND-1000).Standard curve/dynamic range.To determine the dynamic range of the Taqman assay, the PCR product was purified using a GFX PCR DNA & Gel Band Purifi-cation kit (Amersham Biosciences), then cloned and transfected into Escherichia coli (TOPO-TA cloning kit for sequencing, Invitrogen). Plasmid DNA was purified by an Amersham Biosciences GFX Microplasmid Prep kit. The concentration was determined by spectropho-tometry, then serially diluted from 108down to 1 copy per reaction. The PCR efficiency and correlation coef-ficient were calculated from the standard curve (iQ Real-Time Detection System; Bio-Rad).To examine the possibility that non-target DNA would interfere with the assay, additional standard curves were developed by serial dilution of plasmid DNA alone,and by serial dilution of plasmid DNA in the presence of138Forward 5’-TCGGTTGGACTCGGTTTGTG-3’Reverse 5’-CTCGGTCTTGATGCGTTTCTTG-3’Probe5’-FAM-CCGCTTCCAGTCTGGGCCACTACC-BHQ1-3’Table 1. Primer and probe sequences for the detection of Cyprinidherpes-virus 2 (CyHV-2) by quantitative Taqman PCRGoodwin et al.: Detection of Cyprinid herpesvirus2 by qPCRCyHV-2 negative goldfish spleen DNA isolated accord-ing to manufacturer’s instructions (Qiagen DNeasy tissue kit), using a 200 µl elution volume. Serial 1:9 dilutions of plasmid were made from 2.63 ×108to 2.63 ×101copies per reaction. One series was diluted in TE buffer, the other in TE buffer containing enough spleen DNA such that each 12.5 µl reaction received 600 ng. All were run in triplicate using the PCR protocol above. The PCR efficiency was calculated using the commercial software (iQ Real-Time Detection System).To ensure that intact CyHV-2 DNA behaved the same as the plasmid, additional standard curves were developed using DNA extracted from the spleen and trunk kidney of a known CyHV-2 positive fish (Good-win et al. 2006). The DNA was diluted with and with-out the same 600 ng per reaction of spleen DNA described above. The PCR efficiency of dilution series of fish extracts with or without spleen DNA was com-pared to that of plasmid DNA alone.Sensitivity of assay.Serial dilutions of the plasmid containing the CyHV-2 PCR product were amplified in quadruplicate by the protocol described above. Dilu-tions covered the entire dynamic range of the assay from 108copies per reaction down to 1 copy. Precision. DNA from 3 known positive fish (Good-win et al. 2006) was tested for CyHV-2 using the plas-mid DNA standard curve. Each sample was run in trip-licate 2 or 3 times on different days and the mean and standard deviation of the copy number was measured.A blank, using TE buffer in place of template, and neg-ative fish tissue controls were included in triplicate for every run. The coefficient of variation (standard devia-tion/mean) was calculated for each sample. Specificity of assay.To determine whether there was cross-reactivity (cross-amplification) with other herpes viruses, CyHV-1, CyHV-3 and IvHV-1 were subject to real-time PCR using our quantitative assay. The CyHV-1 DNA was obtained by extraction of DNA from typical carp pox lesions removed from the skin of koi. The CyHV-3 positive DNA was extracted from infected cell culture layers of KF-1 cells. The isolate was from a case occurring in California in 1996. The DNA was extracted when almost all cells in the culture showed the vacuolization typical of KHV. The IcHV-1 DNA was extracted from spleens of moribund channel catfish with active channel catfish virus disease confirmed by culture. The identities of the cyprinid control viral isolates were confirmed by PCR (Gilad et al. 2004, Waltzek et al. 2005)To determine cross-reactivity in conventional PCR, the same thermal profile was followed, using 12.5 µl reactions containing 2.5 µl of template as described above, 0.5 µl of each primer, 6.25 µl of Sybergreen supermix (2X) (BioRad) and 2.75 µl of water, but with no Taqman probe. Melting curves were determined in 0.5°C increments over 80 cycles. The PCR products were electrophoresed in agarose gels and stained with ethidium bromide.Organ choice for CyHV-2 detection. Total DNA was extracted from the gill, liver, spleen, trunk kidney, gonad, swim bladder, and brain of 13 goldfish using the Qiagen kit and following the manufacturer’s instructions for both fresh and formalin fixed tissues, then tested for CyHV-2 using the quantitative PCR assay described above using the plasmid for the stan-dard curve. All fish tested were samples from 4 clinical cases of HVHN (Goodwin et al. in press) but not all fish tested had clinical signs of the disease. Due to the small size of some fish, and to the necessity to obtain samples for other diagnostic procedures, not all organs were tested from every fish. In one case, DNA was extracted from the gill, visceral organs, and brain of a moribund fish frozen by the fish owner, then thawed in 10% neutral buffered formalin and held for 1 yr prior to DNA extraction.CyHV-2 detection in fish without clinical signs of HVHN. Apparently healthy 3 to 5 yr old goldfish broodstock (n = 590) were obtained from 2 different goldfish breeders during March and April 2005. Trunk kidney and spleen tissue was removed from the brood-fish, pooled in groups of 5 fish per pool, and then DNA for PCR was extracted using the Qiagen kit. Appar-ently healthy 7 to 8 mo old fingerling goldfish (n = 135) were obtained from 3 goldfish breeders, also during March and April 2005, and analyzed as 4 separate lots because they were collected on different days or from groups of fish raised in separation. The fish were sub-mitted to the laboratory for a routine culture-based virological survey, so tissues were handled as if for cell culture. Trunk kidney and spleen tissues from all of the fingerlings were pooled at 5 fish per pool, homoge-nized in Hank’s balanced salt solution, and centrifuged for 10 min at 10000 ×g; then DNA for PCR was extracted from the cell pellet using the Qiagen kit. The CyHV-2 copy numbers in the extracted broodfish and fingerling DNA were determined by PCR as described above and read off the plasmid DNA standard curve. All samples were run in triplicate.RESULTSStandard curve/dynamic rangeStandard curves run using purified plasmid DNA as the template were linear over 8 logs of template con-centration. The correlation coefficient for the best straight line drawn through the threshold cycle values for each concentration was 0.98 and PCR efficiency was 100.0% (Fig. 1).139Dis Aquat Org 69: 137–143, 2006The PCR efficiencies for plasmid DNA and known positive fish DNA, both alone and spiked with 600 ng spleen DNA per reaction, were similar. The plasmid alone in TE buffer had a correlation coefficient of 0.999 and PCR efficiency of 100.5% and CyHV-2 positive fish DNA diluted in TE had a correlation coefficient of 0.999 and PCR efficiency of 106.2%. In the presence of 600 ng spleen DNA, the plasmid produced a correla-tion coefficient of 0.999 and efficiency of 99.9%, while the CyHV-2 positive fish DNA had a correlation coeffi-cient of 0.999 and PCR efficiency of 94.7%.Sensitivity of assayUsing quantitative PCR of serial dilutions of our plasmid, quadruplicate reactions calculated to have at least 20 copies of the plasmid tested positive for CyHV-2 every time (Fig. 1). Reactions calculated to contain 10 copies were positive 3 out of 4 times. Reac-tions with 5, 2.5, and 1 copy were positive in 2 of 4, 1 of 4, and 1 of 4 times respectively.PrecisionThe PCR assays replicated on the same sample from fish with clinical CyHV-2 disease but on different days demonstrated low variability (Table 2). The coeffi-cients of variation of replicate tests were 9 to 18% with an average of 13%.Specificity of assayThe quantitative Taqman assay produced no cross-reaction with CyHV-1, CyHV-3, or IcHV-1. Using the same primers but no probe in a traditional PCR reac-tion produced a product with CyHV-1 and CyHV-2 as the template, but not with CyHV-3 or IcHV-1. Align-140Cyprinid herpesvirus2 (CyHV-2) detection by Taqman PCR. The standard is a plasmid containing the Taqman PCR product. Correlation coefficient for the best straight line is 0.98Sample Run 1Run 2Run 3Mean SD CV 1190 140200 17732 18 222325426624822 9 3164139nd15218 11 Table 2. Cyprinid herpesvirus2 (CyHV-2) copy number by quantitative PCR. Data from 3 positive goldfish Carassius auratus auratus tested multiple times on different days. All numbers shown are in millions of copies per µg of host DNA.SD: standard deviation; CV: coefficient of variation;nd: not doneFwd primer----TCGGTTGGACTCGGTTTGTG------------------------------------ 20CyHV-2GAGGTCGGTTGGACTCGGTTTGTGACCTACACCGCTTCCAGTCTGGGCCACTACCTCTCT 252CyHV-1GAGGTCGGGTGGACTCGCTTCGAGACCTACACGGCCTCAAGCCTTGGCCACTACCTGTCC 2397CyHV-3GAGGTCGGCTGGGTCCGCTTCGAGACCTACACGGCGTCTAGCCTCAACCACTACCTGAGC 2400*************Rev Primer----------------CAAGAAACGCATCAAGACCGAG---------------------- 22CyHV-2CTATGAGATCTCAGTACAAGAAACGCATCAAGACCGAGAAAGACGCGAGTCTCAAGGCGT 310CyHV-1CCATGAGATCCCACTACAAGAAGCGCATGAAGAACGAGCCGGACCCCGGCCTCAAGGCCT 2455CyHV-3GCATGAGGTCCCAATACAAGAAGCGCATGAAGACGGAGAAGGACGCCGGGCTCAAGGCCT 2458******************Probe-------------------------------CCGCTTCCAGTCTGGGCCACTACC----- 24CyHV-2GAGGTCGGTTGGACTCGGTTTGTGACCTACACCGCTTCCAGTCTGGGCCACTACCTCTCT 252CyHV-1GAGGTCGGGTGGACTCGCTTCGAGACCTACACGGCCTCAAGCCTTGGCCACTACCTGTCC 2397CyHV-3GAGGTCGGCTGGGTCCGCTTCGAGACCTACACGGCGTCTAGCCTCAACCACTACCTGAGC 2400*****************Fig. 2. Comparison of primer and probe sequences for TaqMan PCR of Cyprinid herpesvirus2 (CyHV-2) to published sequences for other cyprinid herpesviruses (Waltzek et al. 2005). Sequences shown are from Genbank (CyHV-1, AY939868; CyHV-2, AY939863; CyHV-3, AY939862). Conserved nucleotides are noted with an asteriskGoodwin et al.: Detection of Cyprinid herpesvirus 2 by qPCR ment of the primer and probe sequences with CyHV-1,CyHV-3, and IcHV-1 sequences show that the primer sequences are most similar to CyHV-1 but that there are 4 mismatches in the forward primer, 3 in the reverse, and 5 in the Taqman probe (Fig. 2).Organ choice for CyHV-2 detectionOf the organs tested, the spleen and trunk kidney consistently had the highest copy number of CyHV-2DNA, but viral DNA was also often detected in the liver, gonad, swim bladder and brain (Table 3). In 1 fish (1a in Table 3) the spleen and trunk kidney tested neg-ative but viral DNA was detected in the gonad and brain. The fish in groups 1 and 3 had no detectable viral DNA in the gill, but gill tissues from groups 2 and 4 were strongly positive.While DNA from fixed tissue cannot be directly compared to that from fresh samples, CyHV-2 DNA was success-fully detected in Fish 4 even though the tissue had been both frozen and formalin fixed.CyHV-2 detection in fish withoutclinical signs of HVHN There was considerable variability in viral DNA load among apparently healthy goldfish tested by our PCR (Table 4). In groups of fingerlings the incidence of detectable CyHV-2 varied from all to none of the pools tested. In groups of both fingerlings and brood-fish, low incidence (the percentage of pools positive) of detectable CyHV-2was associated with low copy numbers (820 and 46000 µg –1host DNA). In the 2 groups of fingerlings where 100% of the pools tested positive, the mean copy number was at least 300 times higher (13000000 and 98000000 µg –1host DNA). In 3 to 4 yr old broodfish,42 of 118 pools were positive for CyHV-2 and the average copy number in positive pools was 46000 µg –1host DNA. Numbers of copies and inci-dence for individual fish are not known because the number of positive fish per pool is unknown, but may have varied from 1 to 5.DISCUSSIONThe quantitative PCR method that we describe is specific for CyHV-2 and did not detect the closely related fish herpesviruses CyHV-1, CyHV-3, and IcHV-1. The assay is quantitative over an 8 log range of target copy numbers with an efficiency approaching 100% (Fig. 1). The efficiency of the reaction is the same for intact CyHV-2 as it is for the plasmid, and effi-ciency is not impaired by the addition of comparatively large amounts of non-target DNA. The assay closely attains the hypothetical sensitivity limit of 1 target mol-ecule per reaction (considering the potential for mole-141SampleGillLiverSpleen Trunk Gonad Swim Mixed Brainkidney bladder viscera a Fish 1a 0000510nt nt 0.3Fish 1b 00 3.19.2 4.3nt nt 0.5Fish 1c 2.6nt 11Fish 1d 00.3 0Fish 2a 13nt 173215nt nt 1.9Fish 2b 19nt 8.3 1.0 1.3nt nt 2.5Fish 2c 17nt 4.7 2.5 3.5nt nt 7.2Fish 2d 2400 nt 3444 1.8nt nt 91Fish 2e 5700nt 620022000230nt nt 2200Fish 2f 39nt 90008500nt nt 860Fish 2g 540nt 2700078004100 nt nt 99Fish 30nt 0150nt nt 0Fish 4b450ntntntntnt850950aDNA was extracted from a pool of visceral organs because the frozen then fixed sample had already been used for histological specimens and the remainder was not sufficiently well preserved for individual organs to be testedbThis fish was frozen by the owner, thawed in 10% buffered formalin for histology, then held in formalin for 5 mo prior to DNA extraction and PCR analysisTable 3. Comparison of Cyprinid herpesvirus 2 (CyHV-2) copy number mea-sured by quantitative PCR of individual organs from goldfish Carassius auratus auratus sampled from populations with clinical signs of CyHV-2 infection. All numbers are in thousands of copies per µg DNA. Fish numbers denote clinicalcases, lower case letters are individual fish; nt: not tested FishPools of Pools Mean of SDRange 5 tested positive positivesLow High Fingerling151513000 33000 1.1130000Fingerling 720.820.670.047 1.3Fingerling 50––––Fingerling 101098000 110000 1.3310000Broodfish 11842461500.12740Total fish775Table 4. Cyprinid herpesvirus 2 (CyHV-2) as thousands of copies per µg gold-fish Carassius auratus auratus tissue DNA as detected by Taqman PCR.Samples were of pooled trunk kidney tissue from fish with no clinical signsof CyHV-2 infectionDis Aquat Org 69: 137–143, 2006cules to be lost on tube or tip walls, and the obvious improbability that all 4 dilutions to 1 molecule per reaction would actually end up with 1 molecule per tube). Quantitative results were very precise with independent runs returning very similar values even on different days with a coefficient of variability of just 13% (Table 2). All known positive fish tested positive using the assay.Our finding that spleen, trunk kidney, and brain appear to be the best organs for CyHV-2 PCR is consis-tent with both the biology of HVHN and with standard protocols for fish virology. Published histological descriptions of HVHN all describe necrosis of the hematopoietic tissues, so it is reasonable to expect the virus to be present in large amounts in spleen and trunk kidney tissues (Jung & Miyazaki 1995, Groff et al. 1998, Chang et al. 1999, Stephens et al. 2004). Stan-dard protocols for fish virology suggest that the best organs for virus screening are pools of spleen, trunk kidney, and brain tissues (USFWS and AFS-FHS 2004). Pools of these organs would have been positive in all of our cases, with the brain apparently only being re-quired for 1 positive fish (1a in Table 3). The results from gill tissue testing (Table 3) are interesting in that 2 of 4 groups of positive fish were strongly gill positive while the other groups were negative. This is probably more a result of an intense general viremia in groups 2 and 4 (Table 3) than it is indicative of different disease mechanisms among the 4 cases. Virus detected in gill samples may also have resulted from adherence of waterborne virus to gill tissues. It would be interesting to do further studies of organ distribution over time fol-lowing CyHV-2 infection, but in the present study we chose to limit our investigation to fish with naturally occurring HVHN.In the present study, we have chosen to report some of our results as copy numbers per µg of total DNA template. Reporting the results as copy number per mg of tissue would be problematic because of differences in DNA extraction efficiency among different organ types, and due to the effects of sample size and quality. While we find our copies for µg units to be very useful in comparing levels of infection, others may wish to report values on a per host cell basis. This can be approximated by dividing the number of µg of DNA tested by the molecular weight of the goldfish genome, or by doing a parallel quantitative PCR assay for a goldfish gene (Gilad et al. 2004). We did not use a gold-fish gene in parallel because running the additional assays almost doubles requirements for machine time, labor, and reagents. Attempts to reduce the time and expense by using a duplex reaction for CyHV-2 and the common carp glucokinase gene (Gilad et al. 2004) were unsuccessful because the high copy number of the glucokinase gene out-competed the CyHV-2reaction, producing a loss of CyHV-2 sensitivity (data not shown).Application of our assay to healthy and moribund fish served not only to validate the assay, but also to provide some very interesting insights into HVHN dis-ease and the potential for CyHV-2 latency. Studies looking for latency in other fish viruses have proven very difficult and copy numbers of KHV (CyHV-3) drop to levels almost undetectable by quantitative PCR within 62 d post infection (Gilad et al. 2004). Detection of latency of IcHV-1 has not been reported quantita-tively, but detection of the viral genome by regular PCR required very sensitive nested reactions (Gray et al. 1999). This supports a conclusion that both of those viruses are present only in very low copy numbers in fish without clinical disease. Surprisingly, we were able to easily detect CyHV-2 in asymptomatic finger-ling goldfish and even in broodfish that were several years old (Table 4). While we have not formally demonstrated that these cases involve latent infec-tions, the high prevalence of the virus in fish of all ages, including young of the year, makes it likely that in broodfish we are detecting CyHV-2 at several years post infection. This implies that the CyHV-2 virus is present in a higher number in asymptomatic fish than are the other fish herpesviruses.Two of the groups of apparently healthy goldfish fin-gerlings tested for CyHV-2 in our assay produced sur-prisingly high copy numbers (Table 4). Both of these groups of fish were sampled during the spring when HVHN is most likely to occur and both were shipped overnight in boxes with oxygen. It may be that the shipping stress triggered the onset of acute HVHN dis-ease in these fish, but that they were not yet showing clinical signs at necropsy. It is also possible that the dis-ease was developing before the fish were sampled and shipped, but the breeders supplying the fish reported no HVHN-like losses in those fish that remained behind in ponds on their facilities.The importance of CyHV-2 in aquaculture is still unclear but there is now enough information to specu-late on similarities to other fish herpesviruses. KHV is highly pathogenic, producing high mortality in ex-posed fish of all ages. Exposures outside of the temper-ature optimum of the disease seem to often induce a carrier state that develops into acute disease when temperatures enter the permissive range (Hedrick et al. 2000). CCV is very different and appears to have a very high incidence in channel catfish populations but only rarely produces disease, which occurs only in young of the year fish during periods of hot weather, often combined with other stressors like handling (Plumb 1978, Gray et al. 1999). Given that CyHV-2 is very widespread and that diagnoses are rare, it is tempting to assume that HVHN is more like CCV dis-142Goodwin et al.: Detection of Cyprinid herpesvirus2 by qPCRease than KHV, but the prior lack of good testing meth-ods for HVHN may have led to an underestimation of its importance. Some breeders do report that they have experienced significant fall mortalities in goldfish, and that anemia often appeared to be involved.For diagnostic laboratories without access to real time PCR machines, we also tested our primer set for conventional PCR. Using this assay and electrophore-sis to detect products in ethidium bromide stained agarose gels, we have shown that the assay does cross-react with CyHV-1 but not with CyHV-3 or IcHV-1. This implies that much of the specificity of the assay is attributable to the Taqman probe (where 5 mismatches occurred between the probe sequence and that of CyHV-1; Fig. 2) and not to the primers. The occurrence of this cross-reaction with CyHV-1 is not ideal, but CyHV-1 is a koi and common carp pathogen that has not been detected in goldfish. Thus, while a standard PCR assay needs to be validated for diagnostic labora-tories without access to quantitative PCR equipment, our primers may be useful for the interim in standard PCR for the diagnosis of acute disease in goldfish. Our quantitative PCR method will facilitate future studies on both the impact of CyHV-2 and on its control and eradication. If breeders are truly experiencing sig-nificant mortality from HVHN, then farm-level eradi-cation efforts may be warranted. However, the success of those efforts cannot be guaranteed until it is known if CyHV-2 is vertically transmitted and if that transmis-sion is inside or on the outside of the gametes. We are currently working to answer this question.LITERATURE CITEDBricknell IR, King JA, Bowden TJ, Ellis AE (1999) Duration of protective antibodies, and the correlation with protection in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.), following vaccination with an Aeromonas salmonicida vaccine containing iron-regulated outer membrane proteins and secretory poly-saccharide. Fish Shellfish Immunol 9:139–151Chang PH, Lee SH, Chiang HC, Jong MH (1999) Epizootic of herpes-like virus infection in goldfish, Carassius auratus in Taiwan. 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J Gen Virol 86:1659–1667143Editorial responsibility: Jo-Ann Leong, Kaneohe, Hawaii, USA Submitted: July 12, 2005; Accepted: December 9, 2005 Proofs received from author(s): March 15, 2006。
