TOEFL Junior语法题小托福语言形式与含义
小托福 语法
小托福语法1. 介绍小托福是指针对中学生的英语水平进行测试的一种考试。
2. 名词名词是英语语法中的基本部分之一,它用来表示人、事物、地方、抽象概念等。
2.1 名词的单数和复数形式名词的单数形式一般是指一个人或一件事物,而复数形式则表示多个人或多件事物。
名词的复数形式通常有以下几种情况:•以s、sh、ch、x结尾的名词,直接在词尾加es,如:bus -> buses;•以辅音字母+y结尾的名词,变y为i,再加es,如:city -> cities;•以f或fe结尾的名词,变f或fe为v,再加es,如:leaf -> leaves;•以o结尾的名词,加es或s,如:potato -> potatoes,photo -> photos。
2.2 名词的所有格名词的所有格表示所属关系,一般在名词后面加上’s。
例如:•Mary’s book(玛丽的书)•The students’ desks(学生们的桌子)3. 动词动词是英语语法中的核心部分,用来表示动作、状态或存在。
3.1 动词的时态动词的时态表示动作发生的时间。
英语中常用的时态有以下几种:•一般现在时(Simple Present Tense):表示经常性的、普遍的或客观存在的动作或状态。
例如:I play tennis every Sunday.(我每个星期天打网球。
)•一般过去时(Simple Past Tense):表示过去某个时间发生的动作或状态。
例如:She studied English last night.(昨晚她学习了英语。
toefl junior精讲精练 -回复
toefl junior精讲精练-回复题目:[TOEFL Junior精讲精练]导言:TOEFL Junior是一项专为年轻学生设计的英语语言能力考试,旨在评估学生在听力、阅读、口语和写作方面的英语能力。
本文将一步一步回答TOEFL Junior精讲精练的问题,帮助学生了解和应对这一考试。
一、什么是TOEFL Junior?TOEFL Junior是由美国教育考试服务中心(ETS)开发并进行的一项英语语言能力考试,主要针对13至15岁的学生。
二、TOEFL Junior的考试内容有哪些?TOEFL Junior包括四个主要部分:听力、阅读、口语和写作。
三、如何备考TOEFL Junior?1. 熟悉考试内容:仔细阅读考试说明书,了解各个部分的题型和要求,以便知道应该如何准备和应对。
2. 词汇和语法练习:扩大自己的词汇量,并熟悉常用的语法规则。
3. 听力和阅读理解:通过听力材料和阅读文章,加强自己对英语听力和阅读的理解能力。
4. 口语练习:多参与口语练习,提高口语表达能力。
5. 写作训练:练习写作短文和回答问题,提高自己的写作能力。
四、如何应对TOEFL Junior考试?1. 控制时间:在考试过程中,合理分配时间给每个部分。
下文主要为考生整理了各科(听力、语言、阅读)ToeflJunior备考建议和ToeflJunior考试常见问题,考生们赶紧往下查阅吧!——ToeflJunior小托福各科目备考建议——Toefl Junior听力备考建议:听力三部分主要考察类型(指令介绍、对话、学术类演讲),把握对应这三类题型常考察的题目及解答技巧。
初中托福TOEFL Junior
随着留学的低龄化,越来越多的初中生甚至小学生开始进行托福考试,TOEFL Junior考试是美国教育考试服务中心(ETS)专为全球11—15岁中小学生开发的权威英语能力测试。
很多考生不了解,以下是为大家提供的TOEFL Junior考试的详细分析,希望考试们对此更了解:TOEFL Junior是什么?TOEFL Junior,即初中托福。
TOEFL Junior考试是美国教育考试服务中心(ETS)专为全球11—15岁中小学生开发的权威英语能力测试。
TOEFL Junior考试不仅可以作为中小学生北美高中留学的英语能力认证,更可以测评现阶段学生的英语水平,为提高英语能力或者将来参加托福考试提供权威指导。
2012年6月30日,SLEP考试将正式被TOEFL Junior考试取代。
TOEFL Junior考试时间和地点TOEFL Junior初中托福考试最早于2010年在韩国、日本、巴西等国家展开,2011年进入中国,由TOEFL Junior中国管理中心负责在中国大陆地区的运营工作。
2012年上半年一共有6场考试,下半年5场安排如下:2012年全年考试日期开放城市1月16日北京、上海、杭州2月18日北京、上海、杭州、广州、武汉3月24日北京、上海、杭州、广州、武汉4月21日北京、上海、杭州、广州、南京、武汉5月20日北京、上海、杭州、广州、南京、武汉6月16日北京、上海、杭州、广州、南京、武汉7月21日北京、上海、武汉、杭州、广州、深圳、南京8月19日北京、上海、武汉、杭州、广州、深圳、南京、大连、天津9月29日北京、上海、武汉、杭州、广州、深圳、南京、大连、天津11月3日北京、上海、武汉、杭州、广州、深圳、南京、大连、天津、西安12月23日北京、上海、武汉、杭州、广州、深圳、南京、大连、天津、西安、成都TOEFL Junior考试内容TOEFL Junior初中托福考试主要由三大部分组成:听力、语言形式和含义、阅读。
TOEFL Junior和托福的区别
【考试对对碰】TOEFL Junior和托福的区别TOEFL Junior和托福区别一:适用人群不同TOEFL Junior:专为11-17岁的小学生和初中生设计,不会出现这个年龄段的孩子还未接触过的认知内容,只专注考察运用语言本身的能力。
TOEFL Junior的考试形式是PBT考试(paper based test,即纸笔考试)。
TOEFL Junior考试的要求为A2、B1、B2三个级别,其所要求的能力比TOEFL要低,但跨度要比TOEFL更广。
TOEFL Junior偏重于语言学习的进阶性指导同时兼具留学申请功能。
托福的考试形式为iBT 考试(internet based test,即基于因特网的考试)。
TOEFL Junior和托福区别二:考试形式不同TOEFL Junior考试是PBT考试(paper based test,即纸笔考试),逐渐过渡到CBT考试(computer based test,即基于计算机的考试)。
TOEFL是iBT考试(internet based test,即基于因特网的考试)TOEFL Junior和托福区别三:考试难度不同TOEFL Junior考试的要求为A2、B1、B2三个级别,其所要求的能力比TOEFL 要低,但跨度要比TOEFL更广。
TOEFL Junior和托福区别四:分数解读方式不同TOEFL Junior的总分最高900分,每部分的细分分数最高为300分;其分数区分更细,因此更容易判定考生在群体中所处的位置;此外,TOEFL Junior不仅仅提供一个具体成绩,还提供非常详尽权威的分数报告,从听力、词汇语法、阅读等各个方面解读应试者的语言能力,并指出学习方向。
小托福 JUNIOR整体考情分析及分数解读
小托福JUNIOR整体考情分析及分数解读自从TOEFL JUNIOR考试从2011年正式进入中国至今,几年来的考试难度上总体稳定,难度没有明显的起伏。
二.每部分考点详解a. 语言形式与含义小托福Junior 考试中的语言形式与含义部分共由6-8篇小短文组成,每一篇小短文对应4-8道题目。
语法考点:考点主要分为两大类:分别是语言形式(Language Form) 和语言含义(Language Meaning)。
基础的语法考点有:小托福Junior虽然是针对11-15岁中小学生开发的英语能力测试,但是Language Form部分的所考查的知识点基本涵盖了所有初高中阶段的语法知识点。
Language Meaning 部分则主要考查语境用词,即结合具体所在的上下文语境,选出最符合作者表达意图的词汇和短语,这对学生的词汇量提出了很高的要求。
TOEFL Junior 小托福阅读课件
1.听力理解 (Listening Comprehension)
2.语言形式与含义 (Language Form and Meaning)
3.阅读理解 (Reading Comprehension) 题目数量:各42道题,共126道题 考试时间:110分钟 考试形式:纸质笔考,均为选择题
What is this text mostly about? A. Gray clouds B. San Francisco C. A famous bridge D. Taking photographs
“The Golden Gate Bridge is a famous bridge in San Francisco. The bridge has a red color, but gray clouds often surround it. On clear days people come to take pictures of the bridge. The pictures show the green hills next to the bridge and the blue water under it.”
1.主旨题 2.目的题 3.推断题
4. 指代题 5. 词义理解题 6. 细节题
1. 主旨题 Main Idea
“The Golden Gate Bridge is a famous bridge in San Francisco. The bridge has a red color, but gray clouds often surround it. On clear days people come to take pictures of the bridge. The pictures show the green hills next to the bridge and the blue water under it.”
小托福 语法
小托福(TOEFL Junior)是针对中学生的一种英语水平测试,主要用于评估非英语国家的中学生的英语能力,尤其是那些希望进入英语国家的中学或大学的学生。
小托福JUNIOR整体考情分析及分数解读自从TOEFL JUNIOR考试从2011年正式进入中国至今,几年来的考试难度上总体稳定,难度没有明显的起伏。
二.每部分考点详解a. 语言形式与含义小托福Junior 考试中的语言形式与含义部分共由6-8篇小短文组成,每一篇小短文对应4-8道题目。
语法考点:考点主要分为两大类:分别是语言形式(Language Form) 和语言含义(Language Meaning)。
基础的语法考点有:小托福Junior虽然是针对11-15岁中小学生开发的英语能力测试,但是Language Form部分的所考查的知识点基本涵盖了所有初高中阶段的语法知识点。
Language Meaning 部分则主要考查语境用词,即结合具体所在的上下文语境,选出最符合作者表达意图的词汇和短语,这对学生的词汇量提出了很高的要求。
Language Form and MeaningQuestion 1~4 refer o the following note.1. Happy Mother’s Day, Mom. I miss you and wish Idrop in for one of your hugs.2. I want you to knowfor a mother. Even with our large family you alwayshad time to listen to my concerns and help me with my school problems. I even remember all the times you waitedup for me when I was dating Jane. I understand how much you cared for us all.3. I especially the way you taught me to work. I wasn’t always a willing worker,4. but you knew I hope I can have the same kind of patience with my own children.I am very blessed to have you as my mother. Happy Mother’s Day! With all my love.Question 5~8 refer to the following announcement.5.Mark Lawrence photographersat RJ Grey on the morning of November 8 to6.take pictures of studentspicture day back in September,7.students who wish to have a picture re-taken. If you have previously ordered a picturepackage and are looking for re-takes, you will need to bring the original package to the photographers.8.will be called out of class on Friday morning. Picture order forms are available in the main office.Question 9~12 refer to the following announcement.9.On Monday, April 29, the Centralia golf team traveled to Wright Cityin the district golf10.tournament. Four team membersto play at the sectional golf tournament next Monday.11.Daymond Dollens, Tim Mixon, Will Mustain, and Dakota Waughqualified. Daymond tied for 2nd place.12.with an overall score of see these people in the halls, please give them a pat onthe back.Question 13~16+ refer to the following part of a short story.13.A man accidentallya woman’s coffee. The woman got really angry and hit the man with her14.supernatural powers in her hands. Does it sound strange? Thisin a New York cafe.People saw it with their own eyes. The woman looked at her hands when she finished with the man. She used her15.powers to move the chairs and tables. Her screams threw books out of the shelves and pictures16.from the wall. The terrified customers had noidea. But don’t worry; it was just a well-prepared trick by a movie company. It was well done!Question 17~24 refer to the following notice.17. It’s timeplay “remember when” at our Doe High Class of 81 reunion next July, and the organizing18. committee is in high gear! We’ll getwith an informal reception at the Doe House Friday19. evening, July 14, from 7:00 to 11:00 on Saturday;may sign up for an afternoon of20. golf or tennis before the dinner dance at the Doe Inn that evening at 7:00 p.m. Please help us byout the enclosed questionnaire and returning it to Jane Doe at 1600 Main Street, Springfield, KS 12345,21. by February 1. We would like to display photographs andmemorabilia.22.our school days at the dinner dance, so please plan to bring your favorites.23. you would like to advance your business in our reunion “yearbook”, justsend a24. business card or an ad design to Jane. More informationin our next letter.Until then we will appreciate your help in locating address for the following classmatesQuestion 25~32 refer to the following article.Johannesburg, South Africa - Hundreds of people continued to be drawn Sunday night to the home where Nelson Mandela died quietly with his family around him.25.Some came to mourn his death,to celebrate his life. amid the glow of cook fires, candles26.and police lighting, people walked about to see the growing shrinesalong the streets of27.Houghton, an affluent district of Johannesburg. People left messages and symbols of Mandela’s life, such as a pair28.of boxing gloves and a rugby ball. Mandela took up boxingadult in Johannesburg.The rugby ball was a reference to his 1995 embrace of the traditionally white Springboks rugby team when they won the 1995 World Cup championship, in a gesture of reconciliation before the stadium crowd that did much to unite the country after decades of racial strife.29. Some in the crowd danced to songs and chanted before still to sing the South Africanational anthem. In a nationlaw, whites and blacks and people of variousraces came together. Kallia Assonitis, a white South African woman, said she was just 9 when Mandela was releasedfrom prison. She and her mother, Bernadette Assonitis, live in the Houghton neighborhood and have known Mandela30. casually, him over the years at31. a local school relatives attended. Many others in the crowd were South Africans of Indianheritages. Dindar, who runs a gas station, proudly described his family’s decades -long friendship with Mandela.He brought with him a photocopy of a brief handwritten letter of good wishes to him.32. Mandela in 1990. He said his own great-uncle was a political prisonerwith Mandela.Question 33~42 refer to the following story.Some soldiers who have been serving in Iraq and Afghanistan recently made special stopsat schools around the United States. They stopped by to share their experiences and to thank33. students for letters and packages .34. “Keep the cards and letters .” Sgt. Allen Lenn told students who have been writing all yearlong. “We read some of the cards you guys are writing over and over again. Some of the solders don’t get any mail,so your letters mean a lot to them.” The solders even hang the cards around their doors so the inspirational greetings35. are the last things they see they head off to work in Iraq. In Shelby County, Alabama,students welcomed Sgt. Demir Lico to their school. They had written letters to Lico’s army unit in Afghanistan.36. “The letters the world to us,” Lico said. “We sit around our table, all of us reading. The37. letters put smiles on my troop’s faces.” Lico the students with an American flag that flew38. Afghanistan. He hopes the students see the flag as something special. “This is countryin the world and the flag represents this country and freedom.” Lico told a news reporter. Fourth graders in York,39. Pennsylvania, letters to soldiers in Afghanistan. Last month, Sgt. Keith Lloyd stopped40. by to thank the students for their letters. “We’re over there to get the missiondone. It’s a good break in the evening to sit down and read a letter,” he said. Sgt.. Ryan Schmitt recently paid a visit tosecond graders at a school in St. Ansgar, Iowa. He thanked students for the letters they wrote while he was in Iraq.11 / 1141. “ brings a little bit of brightness to the day,” he said.42. Schmitt is about to return to Iraq fortour of duty. Many students have pinned yellow ribbonsto their backpacks as a way to remember him until he comes home again.。
与中考或高考相比,TOEFL Junior的听力部分明显难度更大,话题也更加广泛,且所有的录音只播放一遍,且语速较快,远高于平时在校练习,连读吞音等现象较多,考试时长35分钟,对听力耐力考验较大。
小托福 语法
小托福语法(实用版)目录1.小托福简介2.小托福语法的范围和重要性3.如何准备小托福语法考试4.提高小托福语法成绩的建议正文【小托福简介】小托福(TOEFL Junior)是针对中学生的一项英语水平测试,主要用于评估非英语国家的中学生的英语能力,帮助他们申请英语国家的高校。
在小托福考试中,语法部分占据了总分值的 20%,因此对于志在获得高分的考生来说,语法部分的表现至关重要。
TOEFL Junior 介绍第一节 ETS 及TOEFL Junior 中国管理中心介绍1.ETS 介绍ETS (美国教育考试服务中心),成立于1947年,总部位于美国新泽西州普林斯顿,是一家非营利性机构,致力于开发各类基于严谨研究的测评产品,旨在提高教育质量和公平性。
ETS 为个人、教育机构和政府部门在教学认证、英语学习以及小学、中学和高校英语教学领域度身定制解决方案,同时还开展教育调研、分析和政策研究。
ETS 目前在全球超过180个国家设有9,000多个考点,每年开发、举办并评估逾5,000万次考试,其中包括托福考试(TOEFL®)、托业考试(TOEIC®)、GRE®考试和普瑞克西斯考试体系(The Praxis Series™)。
2.TOEFL® Junior™中国管理中心介绍TOEFL® Junior™中国管理中心(China Management Center for the TOEFL Junior Test )成立于2011年,是ETS 在中国运营TOEFL®Junior™考试的官方管理机构,总部设立在北京。
TOEFL Junior 考试自2011年10月进入中国,已经先后在北京、上海、武汉、广州、深圳、贵阳、长沙等地举行了考试;现在TOEFL®Junior™已经登录南京,除了负责考试的常规运营,TOEFLJunior 中国中心还依托ETS 强大的英语教学教研资源在中国大陆地区开展了“中小学英语教学教研倍增计划”,该计划旨在通过ETS 专业的英语语言测评体系,使得中国的英语教学能够和最真实的英语生活、学习的语用环境对接,与中国的广大中小学英语教师共同开发革新性的教学方法和方案,帮助中小学英语教师实现教学和教研成果的“倍增”、帮助中国孩子实现英语学习效果的“倍增”。
第二节 TOEFL® Junior™考试内核2.1 . TOEFL® Junior™考试TOEFL Junior 考试是美国教育考试服务中心(ETS )“托福”家族最新成员,于2010年首先在韩国、存牢拒腐得出为、意识。
【分享】小托福知识普及各项得分秘籍~~~什么是小托福?TOEFL Junior , 中文名称“初中托福”或者也叫“小托福”,是美国教育考试服务中心(ETS)专为全球11—15岁中小学生开发的权威英语能力测试。
其前身为SLEP考试,但在2012年6月30日,SLEP考试正式被TOEFL Junior考试取代。
小托福成绩也可以用来申请夏校(Summer School),为以后出国读本科打基础,且相对于ssat来说,小托福好考很多。
听力听力材料分为三大类型:课堂说明(classroom instruction)、对话(Conversion)、学术演讲和讨论(Academic Talk and Discussion),这三种类型都是以中学生的生活为背景。
小托福 语法
1. **单项选择题**:这类题目会给出一个句子,然后列出几个选项,让考生选择正确的语法结构或词汇。
2. **改错题**:这类题目会给出一个包含语法错误的句子,考生需要识别并纠正错误。
3. **完形填空题**:这类题目会提供一篇短文,其中一些单词或短语被删除或替换。
4. **句子改写**:这类题目要求考生改变句子的结构或表达方式,但保持意思不变。
5. **阅读理解**:在阅读理解部分,考生需要阅读一篇文章,然后回答与文章内容相关的问题。
* 熟练掌握英语的基本语法规则和用法。
* 多读、多写,以提高语感和对语言结构的敏感度。
* 进行大量的练习,包括模拟题和过去的真题,以熟悉考试形式和题型。
* 注意英语中常见的习语和固定搭配,了解英语国家的文化背景和习惯用法。
小托福阅读题型 TOEFL Junior真题解析
结合语境上下文 了解词汇多个意项 回归材料 验证答案
理清篇章结构和框架 定位段落主旨/中心句 排除无中生有项 选出概括主要观点项/80% 排除过于细节项及原句出现选项
整篇文章的目的 某句话或某观点的作用
常见问法: What is the purpose of the…? Why did he write the letter? Why does the author mention...?
总结 main topic(或main idea)和归纳headline(或title)
常见问法: What is the main topic of the article? What is the passage main topic about/mostly about? Which would be the most suitable/appropriate headline for the article? Which title best summarizes the main idea of the passage?
整篇文章的目的 Note/Announcement/E-mail 告知某事或传递信息 联系全文
某句话或某观点的作用 定位细节 结合语境/上下文 句间关系&段间关系
推断题 细节题
常见问法: What can be inferred from…? Which of the fo? The author of the passage implies that...?
为此,可乐留学TOEFLJ栏目为考生收集整理了TOEFLJunior常见语法,赶快往下查阅吧~——TOEFLJunior常见语法——名词从句的功能相当于名词词组, 它在复合句中能担任主语、宾语、表语、同位语、介词宾语等,因此根据它在句中同的语法功能,名词从句又可分别称为主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句和同位语从句。
例如:The news that we won the game is exciting. 我们赢得这场比赛的消息令人激动。
I have no idea when he will come back home. 我不知道他什么时候回来。
The thought came to him that Mary had probably fallen ill. 他想到可能玛丽生病了。
1. 由连接词that引导的宾语从句由连接词that引导宾语从句时,that在句中不担任任何成分,在口语或非正式的文体中常被省去,但如从句是并列句时,第二个分句前的that不可省。
例如:He has told me that he will go to Shanghai tomorrow. 他已经告诉我他明天要去上海。
We must never think (that) we are good in everything while others are good in nothing. 我们决不能认为自己什么都好,别人什么都不好。
TOEFL Junior语法题小托福语言形式与含义
TJ时态题官方指南1. He ___ one of his other classes on a field trip to the aquarium this Saturday.A. takeB. to takeC. is takingD. was takenTJ语态题1. A man’s wristwatch ___ in the lobby of Liugi’s Pizza Restaurant on Tuesday, February 16.A. findsB. findingC. has foundD. was found2.Givennewtechnologiesandadvancedtrainingtechniques,skijumpingrecordswills urelycontinue ___A. are brokenB. to be brokenC. breaking themD. have been breaking3. They ___ to provide a lot of living spaces, not for long, dangerous voyages.A. buildB. are builtC. have builtD. are buildingTJ连词/介词/副词1. _____ you were at basketball practice today, your teacher, Mr. Morris, called on the phone totalk with you.A.SoB. WhileC. BecauseD. Although2._____theconstruction,thefrontentrancetothesciencebuildingwillbeclosed.____ ,allstudents will have to use the doors on the north side to enter the building.A. AtB. OnC. OverD. DuringA. As a resultB. Even thoughC. All of a suddenD. On the other hand3. Cuckoos, cowbirds, and widowbirds are three examples ___ birds that are brood parasites.A. ofB. byC. forD. from4. My mother asked me if I wanted anyone else to come, __ the first person I thought of was you!A. butB. andC. whileD. therefore5. Known throughout recorded history, they are __- used by people all around the world.A. yetB. stillC. everD. then6.____thewaytheyaremademaybedifferentfromregiontoregion,houseboatsareve rysimilar in many ways.A.It isB.WhenC. BecauseD. Although7. Most of them have flat bottoms, and they are wider ___ normal boats.A. ofB. asC. thanD. fromTJ词汇1.He said he is___ you the chance first because of the great report you wrote about whale.A. askingB. offeringC. decidingD. discussing2. While this work is being done, most classes will continue as usual inside the building. However,if some classes need to be moved _____ to other rooms, teachers will inform their students.A. greatlyB. temporarilyC. successfullyD. thoughtfully3. The diet of basking shark ___ of fish and small animals such as squid, shrimp, and crabs.A. resistsB. insistsC. consistsD. persists4. I am an only child, so I was ___ by how big Henry’s family was.A. amazedB. ignoredC. acceptedD .expected5. I am writing to invite you to my birthday party on Sunday afternoon, May 15. All my schoolfriends and a few of my teachers will be ___A. attendingB. invitingC. stayingD. arriving6. The next assignment for art class will be different from ___ one.A. extraB. previousC. continuedD. interestingTJ定从1. Anyone ____ at the restaurant that day and is missing a watch should call Liugi’s at 555-1953.A. a guest wasB. a guest beingC. he was a guestD. who was a guest2. His friends at school had said that the woman who lived in the house was unfriendly, but Danwas sure that _________ in his yard was hers.A. finding the catB. the cat he had foundC. he had found the catD. the cat had been found3.Anyone ___ about the upcoming construction work should contact the school’s main office.A. is having a questionB.t hey have questionsC. there is a questionD. who has questions4. When it is hungry, it looks for places ____ great numbers of these small animals can be found.A. whatB. whereC. whichD. whose5. _____ I met Henry I was just seven years old.A. First timeB. The first timeC. Being the first timeD. It was the first time6.Abroodparasiteisacreature——usuallyabird,fishorinsect——______anothercreatureinto raising its young.A. tricksB. to trickC. trickingD. that tricks7. You can do a clay sculpture, a drawing, a watercolor painting, or anything else___A. before we in class have done.B. done in class we have beforeC. we have before in class doneD. we have done before in class.8. Ski jumping is a winter sport ___ competitors ski quickly down a hill and launch themselvesinto the air.A. theB. thatC. whichD. in which9. Corn is a tall plant ___ edible seeds grouped in large ears.A. its stems carryB. stems carryingC. carried on its stemsD. with stems that carry10. Houseboats are boats ___ for people.A. served as homesB. and homes servingC. that serve as homesD. as homes that are servedTJ宾从表从1. People’s behavior in pubic events has changed during the years, perhaps because views on ___appropriate have changed.A. considering whatB. they considered itC. what is consideredD. that it is considered2. That was ___ people showed their regard for a performer’s skills.A. whyB. howC. whatD. which3.It may come as a surprise to many, however, that long ago, this is exactly ___.A. what people didB. that people do itC. people had done itD. what did people do4.What is more important is ____ carefully about what you want to create before you begin.A. it is thoughtB. that you thinkC. you think of itD. what you think5. He enjoyed skiing and liked to show his fellow soldiers ______ while skiing downhill.A. so far he could jumpB. how far he could jumpC. to be able to jump so farD. and he could jump that far6. It is believed to have been first grown by humans in ___.A. now is MexicoC. what is now MexicoD. where Mexico is now状语从句1.Whenthebabybirdshatchfromtheireggs.thehostbird—thebirdthatisbeingtricked—feeds the brood parasite’s baby ___ one of its own.A. it were as ifB. were as it ifC. as if it wereD. if as it wereTJ比较级1.One student finished the problem ___ Ms. Murphy, but his answer was incorrect.A. as fastB. fastestC. to be fastD. faster than2. Long ago, classical music was not thought to be ____ it is now.A. more serious sinceB. so serious serious soD. as serious as3. Even though Henry was two years ___ was, we quickly became friends.A. older than meB. as old was IC. older than ID. old as I4. Back then, however, corn did not look quite the same _____A. to corn it does todayC. that corn is todayD. than today’s doesTJ句子结构1. _____ from Barksdale High School won this year’s regional mathematics competition.A. Because a studentB. Being a studentC. It was a studentD. A student2. Unlike some other sharks, the basking shark is ___ humans.A. no threat toB. no threateningC. not to threatenD. a threat is not to3. ___ into its mouth and continues out through a special filter structure that traps the small fishand other creatures.A. Water flowsB. Flowing waterC. To flow waterD. Water flow4. Henry’s three older sisters, his grandparents ,and an uncle ___ with Henry and his parents.A. in the house together all livedB. lived together in all the houseC. together all in the house livedD. all lived in the house together5. A brood parasite bird put its own eggs into another bird’s nest and ___ the other bird take careof the eggs.A. letsB. it letC. to letD. letting6. _____ by selectively breeding corn over many years that Native Americans developed types ofcorn with hundreds of seeds per year.A. UntilB. It wasC. AlthoughD. There wasTJ非谓语1. ______ next Tuesday, the science building will be under construction.A. BeginningB. BeginsC. Is beginningD. To have begun2. Once it locates an area ___ with fish, a basking shark simply opens its huge mouth and slowlyswims through it.A. a crowdB. crowdedC. has crowdedD. it is crowded3. It would be hard ___ the audience clapping in the middle of a performance.A. imaginesB. imaginedC. to imagineD. imagination2. Also, please remember ___ of the way of all construction equipment.A. keeping outB. to keep outC. keeps outD. kept out3. ____ a basking shark will filter up two thousand tons of water per hour.A. Enough food is obtained,B. To obtain enough food,C. Enough food obtaining,D. It obtains enough food,4. Corn is also one of the oldest crops, ___ as a food for the last 7000 years.A. using itB. has used itC. has been usedD. having been used固定搭配1. While this work is being ____, most classes will continue as usual inside the building.A. doneB. madeC. takenD. entered代词1. A parasite is a living thing that benefits at the expense of ____ living thing.A. theB. thatC. otherD. another2. You can choose ___ subject you want.A. anyB. thatC. someD. another3. Unlike the first jumps of the sports’early days, which were ___ dozen meters long at most, ___can exceed 200 meters.A. a fewB. lessC. a littleD. a smallA. those of is of those todayC. and those are of todayD. to make those of today倒装1. ____ his skiing trick would grow into a popular sporting event.A. Little did he realize thatB.That little did he realizeC. Realize that little did heD. He did realize that little2. ______ moved to new places.A. Rarely they only areB. Only are rarely theyC. Are they only rarelyD. Only rarely are they。
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TJ时态题官方指南1. He ___ one of his other classes on a field trip to the aquarium this Saturday.A. takeB. to takeC. is takingD. was takenTJ语态题1. A man’s wristwatch ___ in the lobby of Liugi’s Pizza Restaurant on Tuesday, February 16.A. findsB. findingC. has foundD. was found2.Givennewtechnologiesandadvancedtrainingtechniques,skijumpingrecordswills urelycontinue ___A. are brokenB. to be brokenC. breaking themD. have been breaking3. They ___ to provide a lot of living spaces, not for long, dangerous voyages.A. buildB. are builtC. have builtD. are buildingTJ连词/介词/副词1. _____ you were at basketball practice today, your teacher, Mr. Morris, called on the phone totalk with you.A.SoB. WhileC. BecauseD. Although2._____theconstruction,thefrontentrancetothesciencebuildingwillbeclosed.____ ,allstudents will have to use the doors on the north side to enter the building.A. AtB. OnC. OverD. DuringA. As a resultB. Even thoughC. All of a suddenD. On the other hand3. Cuckoos, cowbirds, and widowbirds are three examples ___ birds that are brood parasites.A. ofB. byC. forD. from4. My mother asked me if I wanted anyone else to come, __ the first person I thought of was you!A. butB. andC. whileD. therefore5. Known throughout recorded history, they are __- used by people all around the world.A. yetB. stillC. everD. then6.____thewaytheyaremademaybedifferentfromregiontoregion,houseboatsareve rysimilar in many ways.A.It isB.WhenC. BecauseD. Although7. Most of them have flat bottoms, and they are wider ___ normal boats.A. ofB. asC. thanD. fromTJ词汇1.He said he is___ you the chance first because of the great report you wrote about whale.A. askingB. offeringC. decidingD. discussing2. While this work is being done, most classes will continue as usual inside the building. However,if some classes need to be moved _____ to other rooms, teachers will inform their students.A. greatlyB. temporarilyC. successfullyD. thoughtfully3. The diet of basking shark ___ of fish and small animals such as squid, shrimp, and crabs.A. resistsB. insistsC. consistsD. persists4. I am an only child, so I was ___ by how big Henry’s family was.A. amazedB. ignoredC. acceptedD .expected5. I am writing to invite you to my birthday party on Sunday afternoon, May 15. All my schoolfriends and a few of my teachers will be ___A. attendingB. invitingC. stayingD. arriving6. The next assignment for art class will be different from ___ one.A. extraB. previousC. continuedD. interestingTJ定从1. Anyone ____ at the restaurant that day and is missing a watch should call Liugi’s at 555-1953.A. a guest wasB. a guest beingC. he was a guestD. who was a guest2. His friends at school had said that the woman who lived in the house was unfriendly, but Danwas sure that _________ in his yard was hers.A. finding the catB. the cat he had foundC. he had found the catD. the cat had been found3.Anyone ___ about the upcoming construction work should contact the school’s main office.A. is having a questionB.t hey have questionsC. there is a questionD. who has questions4. When it is hungry, it looks for places ____ great numbers of these small animals can be found.A. whatB. whereC. whichD. whose5. _____ I met Henry I was just seven years old.A. First timeB. The first timeC. Being the first timeD. It was the first time6.Abroodparasiteisacreature——usuallyabird,fishorinsect——______anothercreatureinto raising its young.A. tricksB. to trickC. trickingD. that tricks7. You can do a clay sculpture, a drawing, a watercolor painting, or anything else___A. before we in class have done.B. done in class we have beforeC. we have before in class doneD. we have done before in class.8. Ski jumping is a winter sport ___ competitors ski quickly down a hill and launch themselvesinto the air.A. theB. thatC. whichD. in which9. Corn is a tall plant ___ edible seeds grouped in large ears.A. its stems carryB. stems carryingC. carried on its stemsD. with stems that carry10. Houseboats are boats ___ for people.A. served as homesB. and homes servingC. that serve as homesD. as homes that are servedTJ宾从表从1. People’s behavior in pubic events has changed during the years, perhaps because views on ___appropriate have changed.A. considering whatB. they considered itC. what is consideredD. that it is considered2. That was ___ people showed their regard for a performer’s skills.A. whyB. howC. whatD. which3.It may come as a surprise to many, however, that long ago, this is exactly ___.A. what people didB. that people do itC. people had done itD. what did people do4.What is more important is ____ carefully about what you want to create before you begin.A. it is thoughtB. that you thinkC. you think of itD. what you think5. He enjoyed skiing and liked to show his fellow soldiers ______ while skiing downhill.A. so far he could jumpB. how far he could jumpC. to be able to jump so farD. and he could jump that far6. It is believed to have been first grown by humans in ___.A. now is MexicoC. what is now MexicoD. where Mexico is now状语从句1.Whenthebabybirdshatchfromtheireggs.thehostbird—thebirdthatisbeingtricked—feeds the brood parasite’s baby ___ one of its own.A. it were as ifB. were as it ifC. as if it wereD. if as it wereTJ比较级1.One student finished the problem ___ Ms. Murphy, but his answer was incorrect.A. as fastB. fastestC. to be fastD. faster than2. Long ago, classical music was not thought to be ____ it is now.A. more serious sinceB. so serious serious soD. as serious as3. Even though Henry was two years ___ was, we quickly became friends.A. older than meB. as old was IC. older than ID. old as I4. Back then, however, corn did not look quite the same _____A. to corn it does todayC. that corn is todayD. than today’s doesTJ句子结构1. _____ from Barksdale High School won this year’s regional mathematics competition.A. Because a studentB. Being a studentC. It was a studentD. A student2. Unlike some other sharks, the basking shark is ___ humans.A. no threat toB. no threateningC. not to threatenD. a threat is not to3. ___ into its mouth and continues out through a special filter structure that traps the small fishand other creatures.A. Water flowsB. Flowing waterC. To flow waterD. Water flow4. Henry’s three older sisters, his grandparents ,and an uncle ___ with Henry and his parents.A. in the house together all livedB. lived together in all the houseC. together all in the house livedD. all lived in the house together5. A brood parasite bird put its own eggs into another bird’s nest and ___ the other bird take careof the eggs.A. letsB. it letC. to letD. letting6. _____ by selectively breeding corn over many years that Native Americans developed types ofcorn with hundreds of seeds per year.A. UntilB. It wasC. AlthoughD. There wasTJ非谓语1. ______ next Tuesday, the science building will be under construction.A. BeginningB. BeginsC. Is beginningD. To have begun2. Once it locates an area ___ with fish, a basking shark simply opens its huge mouth and slowlyswims through it.A. a crowdB. crowdedC. has crowdedD. it is crowded3. It would be hard ___ the audience clapping in the middle of a performance.A. imaginesB. imaginedC. to imagineD. imagination2. Also, please remember ___ of the way of all construction equipment.A. keeping outB. to keep outC. keeps outD. kept out3. ____ a basking shark will filter up two thousand tons of water per hour.A. Enough food is obtained,B. To obtain enough food,C. Enough food obtaining,D. It obtains enough food,4. Corn is also one of the oldest crops, ___ as a food for the last 7000 years.A. using itB. has used itC. has been usedD. having been used固定搭配1. While this work is being ____, most classes will continue as usual inside the building.A. doneB. madeC. takenD. entered代词1. A parasite is a living thing that benefits at the expense of ____ living thing.A. theB. thatC. otherD. another2. You can choose ___ subject you want.A. anyB. thatC. someD. another3. Unlike the first jumps of the sports’early days, which were ___ dozen meters long at most, ___can exceed 200 meters.A. a fewB. lessC. a littleD. a smallA. those of is of those todayC. and those are of todayD. to make those of today倒装1. ____ his skiing trick would grow into a popular sporting event.A. Little did he realize thatB.That little did he realizeC. Realize that little did heD. He did realize that little2. ______ moved to new places.A. Rarely they only areB. Only are rarely theyC. Are they only rarelyD. Only rarely are they。