TOEFL Junior语法题小托福语言形式与含义

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1. He ___ one of his other classes on a field trip to the aquarium this Saturday.

A. take

B. to take

C. is taking

D. was taken


1. A man’s wristwatch ___ in the lobby of Liugi’s Pizza Restaurant on Tuesday, February 16.A. findsB. findingC. has foundD. was found

2.Givennewtechnologiesandadvancedtrainingtechniques,skijumpingrecordswills urelycontinue ___

A. are broken

B. to be broken

C. breaking them

D. have been breaking

3. They ___ to provide a lot of living spaces, not for long, dangerous voyages.

A. build

B. are built

C. have built

D. are building


1. _____ you were at basketball practice today, your teacher, Mr. Morris, called on the phone totalk with you.


B. While

C. Because

D. Although

2._____theconstruction,thefrontentrancetothesciencebuildingwillbeclosed.____ ,allstudents will have to use the doors on the north side to enter the building.

A. At

B. On

C. Over

D. During

A. As a result

B. Even though

C. All of a sudden

D. On the other hand

3. Cuckoos, cowbirds, and widowbirds are three examples ___ birds that are brood parasites.A. ofB. byC. forD. from

4. My mother asked me if I wanted anyone else to come, __ the first person I thought of was you!A. butB. andC. whileD. therefore

5. Known throughout recorded history, they are __- used by people all around the world.A. yetB. stillC. everD. then

6.____thewaytheyaremademaybedifferentfromregiontoregion,houseboatsareve rysimilar in many ways.

A.It is


C. Because

D. Although

7. Most of them have flat bottoms, and they are wider ___ normal boats.

A. of

B. as

C. than

D. from


1.He said he is___ you the chance first because of the great report you wrote about whale.A. askingB. offeringC. decidingD. discussing

2. While this work is being done, most classes will continue as usual inside the building. However,if some classes need to be moved _____ to other rooms, teachers will inform their students.A. greatlyB. temporarilyC. successfullyD. thoughtfully

3. The diet of basking shark ___ of fish and small animals such as squid, shrimp, and crabs.A. resistsB. insistsC. consistsD. persists

4. I am an only child, so I was ___ by how big Henry’s family was.

A. amazed

B. ignored

C. acceptedD .expected

5. I am writing to invite you to my birthday party on Sunday afternoon, May 15. All my schoolfriends and a few of my teachers will be ___

A. attending

B. inviting

C. staying

D. arriving

6. The next assignment for art class will be different from ___ one.

A. extra

B. previous

C. continued

D. interesting
