HP Latex 700 和 800 系列打印机用户指南说明书
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HP Latex 700 印表機系列H P Latex 800 印表機系列使用者指南摘要如何使用您的產品。
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目錄1 簡介 (1)歡迎使用您的印表機 (1)印表機附件 (2)說明文件 (2)安全預防措施 (3)主要印表機元件 (9)控制面板 (19)HP PrintOS (27)嵌入式 Web 伺服器 (27)連接方式與軟體指示 (29)Advanced network configuration (進階的網路組態設定) (31)開啟與關閉印表機 (38)重新啟動印表機 (39)如何列印 (概述) (39)2 實用連結 (40)需要協助時 (40)3 處理紙材 (42)概觀 (42)如何儲存和處理紙材 (51)將捲筒紙裝入印表機 (51)有孔的紙材 (57)墨水收集器 (58)裝入附件 (67)輔助手動裝紙 (74)邊緣支架 (76)設定和使用紙材進紙附件 (81)從印表機中取出捲筒紙 (82)如何抬起壓輪 (84)捲紙軸 (85)清潔捲筒 (90)檢視有關紙材的資訊 (91)iii裁切紙材 (93)在織品上列印 (93)4 紙材設定 (97)紙材預設檔 (97)組態中心 (97)線上搜尋 (98)HP Media Locator (99)一般預設檔 (99)仿製紙材預設檔 (100)修改紙材預設檔 (100)新增紙材預設檔 (101)在列印時變更設定 (104)溫度設定檔 (105)選擇成像次數 (105)將您的紙材預設檔儲存在雲端 (110)刪除紙材預設檔 (111)列印秘訣與技巧 (111)色彩校準 (111)最佳化色彩校準的建議 (113)色彩校準程序 (113)不同 700 和 800 系列印表機之間的色彩一致性 (114)ICC 設定檔 (114)完全校準 (115)5 工作佇列管理 (117)控制面板中的工作佇列 (117)6 擷取印表機用量資訊 (122)取得印表機的統計資訊 (122)從 PrintOS PrintBeat 檢查用量 (122)檢查工作的使用情形統計資料 (122)檢查成本分配 (123)7 疑難排解紙材問題 (124)無法成功裝入紙材 (124)紙材位置不正確 (124)iv紙材收縮或伸展 (127)紙材發生拱屈變形 (128)自動裁紙器無法使用 (129)捲紙軸卡紙 (129)8 解決列印品質問題 (130)一般列印建議 (130)最佳化列印品質 (131)改善列印品質 (132)最常見的列印品質問題 (137)9 處理墨水系統 (148)700 系列供墨系統 (148)800 系列供墨系統 (155)校正印字頭 (161)更換噴頭 (164)如何儲存和運送噴頭 (169)更換維護油墨匣 (169)使用白色墨水列印 (僅限 700W 和 800W 機型) (173)10 疑難排解墨水系統問題 (183)無法插入墨水匣 (700 系列) (183)無法插入墨水匣 (800 系列) (183)安裝不褪色墨水匣 (183)控制面板建議重裝或更換印字頭 (185)無法插入噴頭 (185)無法插入維護油墨匣 (185)11 印表機維護 (187)一般清潔指示 (187)建議使用但不提供的維護工具 (187)清潔噴頭 (188)清潔印字頭的電氣連接 (188)清潔並潤滑噴頭托架桿 (193)清潔編碼器條帶 (PMK13) (195)清潔壓板和進紙感應器視窗 (PMK19) (196)更換潤滑毛氈 (PMK18) (199)v檢查和清潔噴頭插槽中的塑膠針 (204)更換噴頭插槽中的塑膠針 (206)更換墨水混合容器 (PMK15) (207)清潔印表機的外部 (207)清潔固化乾燥模組 (PMK14) (208)服務維護 (208)12 客戶自行維修零件 (210)安裝墨水收集器 (210)紙材裝入隔條 (210)更換線條感應器 (211)更換潤滑毛氈 (214)列印壓板 (221)更換真空壓力橡膠 (223)更換墨水收集器感應器 (227)更換提升機件手柄 (232)更換轉向器風扇裝置 (233)更換裁紙器 (236)更換光學感應器 (238)更換托架護蓋 (241)裝回噴頭護蓋 (244)13 韌體更新 (246)使用 USB 快閃磁碟進行韌體更新 (246)使用嵌入式 Web 伺服器進行韌體更新 (246)自動韌體更新 (247)14 移動或存放印表機 (248)移動印表機 (248)準備供墨匣 (僅限 800 系列) (248)存放印表機 (251)儲存不符合環境規定 (251)15 耗材與附件 (252)訂購墨水耗材 (252)棄置指示 (253)16 疑難排解其他問題 (255)印表機無法取得 IP 位址 (255)vi印表機無法列印 (256)程式回應變慢,或在產生列印工作時停滯 (256)印表機似乎變慢 (256)電腦與印表機之間的通訊失敗 (257)無法連線至例如韌體更新、線上搜尋、或協助客戶參與計劃等服務 (257)系統錯誤代碼 (258)17 印表機規格 (261)功能規格 (261)實體規格 (262)記憶體規格 (263)電源規格 (263)生態規格 (264)環境規格 (264)聲音規格 (264)附錄 A 常見列印問題摘要 (266)索引 (268)vii1簡介本產品的簡介。
latex 教程
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latex 教程当你在撰写LaTeX文档时,你可能遇到一些需要特别注意的情况。
1. 标题重复:在LaTeX中,使用\section{}或\subsection{}等命令创建标题。
例如:```\section{Introduction}\label{sec:intro}...\section{Conclusion}\label{sec:conclusion}...在第\ref{sec:intro}节中我们介绍了...```2. 文档类别重复:LaTeX中的文档类别(document class)决定了文档的整体结构和样式。
例如:```\documentclass{article}\usepackage{...}...\begin{document}...\end{document}```3. 少量文本修饰:有时,你可能想在文档中的某个位置添加一个额外的修饰。
4. 隐藏标题:有时,你可能想在文档中隐藏某个标题(即在文档中不显示该标题)。
例如,\section*{Introduction} 将创建一个没有编号且不显示在目录中的标题。
5. 自定义标题样式:如果你想使用自定义标题样式来重写默认样式,可以使用一些额外的包,例如titlesec。
latex使用手册LaTeX 使用手册一、LaTeX 简介与安装LaTeX 是一款强大的排版系统,基于TeX 编程语言开发。
安装LaTeX 系统后,用户可以利用各种编辑器(如TeXstudio、TeXworks 等)编写文档,并通过命令行或图形界面进行编译。
二、LaTeX 基本语法与结构1.文档结构:LaTeX 文档由一系列章节组成,每个章节具有独立的标题和内容。
2.标题:使用section、subsection、subsubsection 等命令创建不同级别的标题。
3.段落与换行:使用par 和ewline 命令创建段落和换行。
4.文本格式:使用textbf、textit、textsf 等命令设置文本格式。
三、文本格式与排版1.字体:使用fontfamily 命令选择字体。
2.字号:使用fontsize 命令设置字号。
3.行距:使用linespacing 命令设置行距。
4.间距:使用marginpar 命令设置页面四周的空白。
四、数学公式与符号1.数学公式:使用equation、align 等命令编写数学公式。
2.符号:使用symbol 命令插入特殊符号。
五、表格与图表1.创建表格:使用begin{tabular}、end{tabular} 命令创建表格。
2.修改表格:使用hline、multicolumn 等命令修改表格样式。
3.创建图表:使用begin{figure}、end{figure} 命令创建图表。
4.修改图表:使用caption、label 等命令修改图表属性。
六、目录与参考文献1.目录:使用tableofcontents 命令生成目录。
2.参考文献:使用bibliography 命令管理参考文献。
七、跨章节引用与链接1.交叉引用:使用label 和ef 命令实现章节间的引用。
2.内部链接:使用hyperlink 命令创建内部链接。
The relsize package∗by Donald Arseneau†originally based on smaller.sty by Bernie Coselland combined with code by Matt SwiftSept21,2011It is frequently the case that something should be typeset somewhat larger or smaller than the surrounding text,whatever that size happens to be.Specifying such sizing commands explicitly makes it difficult to modify the font sizes of a document at a later time,and makes it hard to write macros that work at arbitrary sizes.Tofill this need, relsize.sty defines several commands for L A T E X to set font sizes relative to the current size. Command Function\relsize{i}Change font size by i steps.\larger[i]Increase size by(optional)i steps(default1).\smaller[i]Reduce font size by i steps(default1).\relscale{f}Change font size by scale factor f.\textlarger[i]{〈text〉}Text size enlarged by(optional)i steps.\textsmaller[i]{〈text〉}Text size reduced by(optional)i steps.\textscale{f}{〈text〉}Text size scaled by factor f.To refresh your memory,the font sizing commands in L A T E X are,in order:\tiny, \scriptsize,\footnotesize,\small,\normalsize,\large,\Large,\LARGE,\huge, \Huge(package moresize adds\ssmall and\HUGE).The main new command provided by relsize.sty is\relsize,which takes one(positive or negative)number as its argument; the number specifies how many“steps”by which to change the font size,where each step is a scaling factor of1.2,corresponding to the usual difference between the size commands.For example,if{\relsize{-2}smaller}appears in normal sized text,the word“smaller”is printed in script size type.If the same command appears in a\Large section title,then“smaller”is printed in normal size.∗This manual corresponds to relsize.sty v4.0,dated Sept21,2011.†,Vancouver,Canada1There are also the commands\larger and\smaller,which normally changethe font size by one step in the obvious direction;\larger is an abbreviation for\relsize{+1},and\smaller is an abbreviation for\relsize{-1}.For example, {\large...\larger{WOW!}}prints“WOW!”in\Large type.You can also specify bigger steps as an optional argument for\larger and\smaller:\larger[3]isequivalent to\relsize{3}and\smaller[2]is\relsize{-2}.(Both\larger and\smaller accept negative arguments,but please don’t make things so obscure!)If you want to change size by several steps it is much better to give an increment than to string several\larger commands together;i.e.,\relsize{3}or\larger[3],but not\larger\larger\larger.Half-steps are possible,as in\relsize{-0.5}to change from10pt\normalsize to9pt\small,but other numbers are rounded to the nearest half-integer.All of the\relsize,\larger,and\smaller commands are“switches”just like theregular sizing commands.That is,they change the size for all following text until thescope is ended by a closing brace(or tabular cell,or environment...).There are alternateversions called\textlarger and\textsmaller that take some text as an argument andapply the size change to only that text:\textlarger{big}.Using the number of“magnification steps”to indicate font size can be confusing tosome people,and limiting in certain uses.There are commands with syntax\text-scale{〈factor〉}{〈text〉}and\relscale{〈factor〉}to select the size based on a scale factor,like\relscale{0.75}.If the size requested is too small or too large,a warning is given,and the sizewill only change as far as appropriate,typically\tiny or\Huge.These limits arecontrolled by the commands\RSsmallest and\RSlargest,which get set automat-ically when relsize.sty is loaded,but you can redefine them to other length values:\renewcommand\RSlargest{50pt}(do not use\setlength).Fine point:The combination\relsize{n}\relsize{−n}is not guaranteed to restore the current font size!That is because the increment n may be enough to overflow the range of sizes, depending on\RSsmallest,\RSlargest,and\RSpercentTolerance(below).You should use grouping to undo relative size changes because it is unsafe to counteract one change with an “equal”change in the opposite direction.Or just use the commands that take the text as arguments,like\textsmaller{this}.Typically,the font-size commands do not select fonts at precise regular size ratios(andsome commands give half-intervals).\relsize and the others will select,and execute,the command for the size closest to the desired size.Then,if the relative differencefrom the target size is more than\RSpercentTolerance a further font-size selection ismade.By default,\RSpercentTolerance is an empty macro,which causes automaticselection:“30”(30%)when the current“fontshape”definition is composed of onlydiscrete sizes,and“5”when the fontshape definition covers ranges of sizes.The highersetting for discrete fonts ensures only the pre-defined sizes get used.(By default L A T E Xuses Computer Modern fonts at discrete sizes;you get full coverage of sizes by using2\usepackage{type1cm}or various other font package.)For special uses,or when the font shape definitions are not parsed properly,you can redefine the percent tolerance: \renewcommand\RSpercentTolerance{10}.Define it as“0”(zero)to ensure the scaling is exactly as specified,regardless of the document’s standard font sizes.−×××−All of the commands described above are text commands;they cannot be used in math mode.There are special\mathsmaller and\mathlarger commands provided,but these do not use the same sizes that the text versions use.Instead,they step between the usual math“styles”which you can explicitly set using the commands\displaystyle, \textstyle,\scriptstyle,and\scriptscriptstyle.However,the\mathlarger command will also increase the size beyond regular\displaystyle by selecting a larger regular font size(using\larger).(Yes,this is a kludge,and doesn’t work very well,but it can still be useful.)If you want to use this to create big integral signs,then you must also load the package exscale so that math symbols can change size.The sizes selected are:Current style\mathsmaller gives\mathlarger gives\displaystyle\textstyle(similar)\displaystyle in\larger font \textstyle\scriptstyle\displaystyle(similar)\scriptstyle\scriptscriptstyle\textstyle\scriptscriptstyle\scriptscriptstyle\scriptstyleFor example,try$\frac{\mathlarger{E}}{E}$=EE .Note that,for most symbols,\displaystyle and\textstyle give the same size,so$N,\mathlarger{N}$=NN, showing two identical N’s,but\sum and\int do get bigger in display style,and fractionsare treated differently too:$\int\frac{1}{2}dN-\mathlarger{\int\frac{1}{2}dN}$= 12dN−12dN.As you might have guessed,\mathlarger and\mathsmaller should only be used in math mode.These commands will attempt to attach any superscripts and subscripts directly to the symbol within the braces,rather than how they would attach to a math sub-formula. On the other hand,math accents and the math spacing do behave as if the symbol is enclosed in braces(which it is).Operators should be explicitly declared to use the right operator type(\mathrel,\mathbin,\mathop)to get the correct spacing,e.g., \mathrel{\mathsmaller{=}}.Due to their oddities,the math larger/smaller commands should not be trusted very far,and they will not be useful in every instance.3。
latex使用手册(最新版)目录tex 简介2.安装与配置 Latex3.基本语法与常用命令4.排版与格式设置5.插入图片与表格6.引用文献7.实战案例与应用正文Latex 是一种排版软件,常用于书籍、论文、报告等文档的排版。
下面我们将详细介绍如何使用 Latex。
首先,我们需要安装 Latex。
安装完成后,我们需要配置 Latex。
配置完成后,我们就可以开始使用 Latex 了。
在编写 Latex 文档时,我们需要掌握一些基本语法和常用命令。
例如,我们可以使用documentclass 命令来设置文档的类型,使用section 命令来创建章节,使用item 命令来创建列表项等。
熟悉这些基本语法和命令,可以帮助我们更加高效地使用 Latex。
在排版和格式设置方面,Latex 提供了丰富的功能。
我们可以使用begin{align}命令来排版数学公式,使用begin{table}命令来插入表格,使用includegraphics 命令来插入图片等。
例如,我们可以使用includegraphics 命令来插入图片,使用begin{table}命令来插入表格。
例如,我们可以使用quote 命令来引用一段文献,使用quotation 命令来引用多段文献。
最后,我们可以通过实战案例来应用所学的 Latex 知识。
例如,我们可以编写一篇论文,然后使用 Latex 来排版。
CNUThesis 首都师范大学学位论文LaTeX 模板使用手册
![CNUThesis 首都师范大学学位论文LaTeX 模板使用手册](
C N UThesis:首都师范大学学位论文L A T E X模板使用手册万虎imengyingchina@v0.5.7(2013/02/01)摘要本模板旨在提供规范的首都师范大学L A T E X写作模板环境,现支持硕士/博士学位论文格式。
免责声明1.本模板的发布遵守L A T E X Project Public License,使用前请认真阅读协议内容。
4.任何个人或组织均可以本模板为基础进行修改、扩展,生成新的专用模板,但请严格遵守L A T E X Project Public License协议。
0快速上手1 1模板介绍1 2安装22.1下载 (2)2.2模板的组成部分 (2)2.3准备工作 (3)2.4T E X系统的选择 (3)2.5安装模板 (3)3使用说明43.1模板选项 (4)3.2论文结构 (6)3.3前置部分 (6)3.3.1封面 (6)3.3.2中英文摘要 (7)3.3.3目录 (8)3.4主体部分 (9)3.5后置部分 (10)4实现细节114.1基本信息 (11)4.2宏包配置 (11)4.3基础配置 (13)4.3.1字体定义 (13)4.3.2字号定义 (15)4.3.3自定命令 (17)4.3.4中文元素 (17)24.4编写要求 (18)4.5页眉页脚 (18)4.6编写格式 (19)4.6.1摘要 (20)4.6.2目录 (21)4.7主体部分 (23)4.7.1标题格式 (23)4.7.2正文字体 (23)4.7.3正文段落 (24)4.8浮动对象 (25)4.9自定环境 (26)4.9.1定理环境 (27)4.10论文属性 (29)4.11制作封面 (29)版本历史323模板介绍10快速上手这部分是专门为那些想快速开始写论文的人准备的。
一份优雅的latex入门文档1. 介绍LaTeX是一种用于排版的系统,其独特的排版风格和专业的数学公式排版能力使得它成为学术界和技术界最受欢迎的文件排版系统之一。
2. 安装与配置我们需要安装LaTeX系统。
Windows用户可以选择安装MiKTeX,Mac用户可以选择安装MacTeX,Linux用户可以选择安装TeX Live。
3. 基础语法LaTeX的基础语法非常简单,在文档开始时我们需要使用\documentclass命令来指定文档的类型,如article、book、report 等。
4. 数学公式LaTeX最为人称道的就是其出色的数学公式排版能力。
5. 图片与表格LaTeX可以很好地排版图片和表格。
6. 参考文献与引用在LaTeX中,我们可以使用\cite命令来引用参考文献。
latex使用手册(实用版)目录tex 简介2.安装与配置 Latex3.基本语法与常用命令4.进阶技巧与高级应用5.常见问题与解决方案正文Latex 是一种排版软件,常用于书籍、论文、报告等文档的排版。
下面我们将详细介绍如何使用 Latex,包括安装与配置、基本语法与常用命令、进阶技巧与高级应用以及常见问题与解决方案。
一、Latex 简介Latex 是一种基于 TeX 的排版系统,由 Leslie Lamport 于 1985 年开发。
Latex 的文件格式为.tex,通过编译器转换为.pdf 或.dvi 格式。
二、安装与配置 Latex安装 Latex 需要先安装 TeX 系统,TeX 系统包括 TeX 发行版、编译器、字体包等。
常见的 TeX 发行版有 TeX Live、MiKTeX 等。
安装好 TeX 系统后,需要配置 Latex。
可以通过命令行或 GUI 界面进行配置。
三、基本语法与常用命令Latex 的基本语法包括文档结构、标题、段落、列表、引用等。
常用命令有documentclass、usepackage、section、subsection、item、quote 等。
熟悉这些基本语法和常用命令,可以轻松编写 Latex 文档。
四、进阶技巧与高级应用Latex 有很多进阶技巧和高级应用,例如自定义模板、样式、宏包等。
可以通过学习这些技巧和应用,提高 Latex 的使用水平。
五、常见问题与解决方案在使用 Latex 过程中,可能会遇到一些问题,例如编译错误、排版问题等。
总之,Latex 是一种功能强大的排版软件,熟练掌握它的使用方法,可以提高我们的排版效率和质量。
latex 中文使用方法和示例
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latex 中文使用方法和示例一、引言在科研写作和学术论文编辑中,latex 已经成为了一种非常流行的编辑工具。
然而,许多人在使用 latex 时遇到了中文支持和排版的问题。
本文将介绍 latex 中文的使用方法,并给出一些示例,帮助读者更好地掌握 latex 中文排版。
二、latex 中文支持方法1. 使用 CTeX 套装CTeX 套装是一款专门为中文latex用户设计的工具,它包含了完整的中文支持和相关宏包。
在编写latex文档时,用户只需加载 CTeX 宏包即可直接使用中文排版。
CTeX 套装还提供了中文文档模板和示例,对中文用户来说非常方便。
2. 使用 XeTeX 或 LuaTeX 引擎除了 CTeX 套装外,用户还可以选择使用 XeTeX 或 LuaTeX 引擎来编译 latex 文档。
使用 XeTeX 或 LuaTeX 编译中文文档时,只需在文档的开头加载 \usepackage{fontspec} 宏包,然后设置中文字体即可。
三、latex 中文排版示例1. 中文文章排版\documentclass{article}\usepackage{ctex}\begin{document}\section{引言}在科研写作和学术论文编辑中,latex 已经成为了一种非常流行的编辑工具...\end{document}2. 中文书籍排版\documentclass{ctexbook}\begin{document}\chapter{前言}本书介绍了如何使用 latex 进行科研写作和学术论文编辑...\end{document}3. 中文演示文稿排版\documentclass{beamer}\usepackage{ctex}\begin{document}\begin{frame}\frametitle{latex 中文排版示例}本文介绍了 latex 中文排版的使用方法和示例...\end{frame}\end{document}四、latex 中文排版注意事项1. 字体设置在使用 latex 编辑中文文档时,用户需要特别注意字体选择和设置。
Late中文手册Texmaker:用户手册1.配置Texmaker1.1配置编辑器1.2配置Latex相关的命令1.3配置拼写检查2.编辑TeX的文档2.1常用命令2.2设置一个TeX的文件的前序部分一个文件,2.3结构2.4浏览你的文档2.5格式化文本2.6的间距2.7插入列表2.8插入表格2.9插入一个“跳格”的环境2.10插入图片2.11交叉引用和注释2.12插入数学公式2.13使用“?”占位3.编译的文件3.1编译3.2日志文件3.3同步源PDF与Synctex4.其他功能4.1折叠/展开部分文档4.2关于在几个文件中分离出来的文件4.3参考书目4.4交友标签ANS工具4.5 Pstricks / Metapost / Tikz /渐近线支持4.6更改界面语言和外观4.7“恢复以前的会话”命令4.8“正向/反向搜索”与Texmaker4.9剧情简介texmaker命令4.10键盘快捷键4.11“源代码浏览器”面板4.12“使用'构建'子目录...”选项(PDF)Latex命令正则表达式4.13替换文本4.14使用Texmaker作为一个渐近线编辑器Texmaker:用户手册1.配置Texmaker使用Texmaker之前,您必须配置通过“配置Texmaker”命令,在“选项”菜单中的编辑器和Latex的相关命令(“首选项”下的MacOSX)。
1.1配置编辑器在编译你的第一个文件,你必须设置所用的编辑器的编码(“配置Texmaker” - >“编辑” - >“编辑字体编码”)。
然后,你应该使用相同的编码在你的TeX文件(例如:\ usepackage [拉丁] {} inputenc,如果使用“ISO-8859-1”编码编辑器)的序言注意:当打开一个文件,你警告说,如果该文件不能被正确使用的默认编码解码,该方案可以让您选择其他编码(没有修改默认的编码)。
2.3 相关文档
本文中用到的LATEX命令主要参考了TEXGuru的《LATEX2ε用户手册》 [3]。此 外,还参考了Micheal Shell为IEEE LATEX模板所写的说明文档 [4]。
LATEXTemplate for Doctor (Master) Dissertation in Peking University
Ying PAN(Computer Science) Directed by Professor FuQing Yang
This article presents the LATEX+ CJK template for Doctor Thesis (Master Thesis) of Peking University, and briefly introduces the usage.
第二章 有关说明 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2.1 更新记录. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2.2 软件环境. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2.3 相关文档. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2.4 使用须知. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2.5 下载和更新 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 2.6 常见问题. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Texmaker:用户手册1.配置Texmaker1.1配置编辑器1.2配置Latex相关的命令1.3配置拼写检查2.编辑TeX的文档2.1常用命令2.2设置一个TeX的文件的前序部分一个文件,2.3结构2.4浏览你的文档2.5格式化文本2.6的间距2.7插入列表2.8插入表格2.9插入一个“跳格”的环境2.10插入图片2.11交叉引用和注释2.12插入数学公式2.13使用“•”占位3.编译的文件3.1编译3.2日志文件3.3同步源PDF与Synctex4.其他功能4.1折叠/展开部分文档4.2关于在几个文件中分离出来的文件4.3参考书目4.4交友标签ANS工具4.5 Pstricks / Metapost / Tikz /渐近线支持4.6更改界面语言和外观4.7“恢复以前的会话”命令4.8“正向/反向搜索”与Texmaker4.9剧情简介texmaker命令4.10键盘快捷键4.11“源代码浏览器”面板4.12“使用'构建'子目录...”选项(PDF)Latex命令正则表达式4.13替换文本4.14使用Texmaker作为一个渐近线编辑器Texmaker:用户手册1.配置Texmaker使用Texmaker之前,您必须配置通过“配置Texmaker”命令,在“选项”菜单中的编辑器和Latex的相关命令(“首选项”下的MacOSX)。
1.1配置编辑器在编译你的第一个文件,你必须设置所用的编辑器的编码(“配置Texmaker” - >“编辑” - >“编辑字体编码”)。
然后,你应该使用相同的编码在你的TeX文件(例如:\ usepackage [拉丁] {} inputenc,如果使用“I SO-8859-1”编码编辑器)的序言注意:当打开一个文件,你警告说,如果该文件不能被正确使用的默认编码解码,该方案可以让您选择其他编码(没有修改默认的编码)。
于文档的注释,或者暂时不想包含到正文中去的内容,也有人把这部分叫做 postamble。
3.5 正文
夹在环境指令:\begin{document}……\end{document} 之间的部分,称为正文。
3.6 title page 资讯(标题、作者、日期等)
3.6.1 title page 资讯指令
4 5 � 可选项参数短标题
\paragraph{} \subparagraph{}
段落。 小段落。
带 * 号的章节命令
TeX 加有星号“*”的命令一般都不进行自动编号。但仍然会独立出一单独行来表标这 个标题。不编号的章节内容,当然也就不纳入目录里头。 \part 不影响章的序号。 \appendix 不带参量,只把章的序号改为字母标记(对 article 类文档改变节的序号) 。
3.2.2 文档类型源代码示例
� 英文模式(可选项:article、report、book、letter、beamer、slide) \documentclass{article} \begin{document}
... \end{document} 中文模式(1) (可选项:article、report、book、letter、beamer、slide) \documentclass{report} \usepackage{ctex} \begin{document} ... \end{document} 中文模式(2) (可选项:article、report、book、letter、beamer、slide) \documentclass{book} \usepackage{CJK} \begin{document} \begin{CJK*}{GBK}{kai} ... \end{CJK*} \end{document} 中文模式(3) (可选项:ctexart、ctexrep、ctexbook、 ) \documentclass{ctexbook} \begin{document} ... \end{document} 中文模式(4) (CCT 类型可选项:cctart,carticle, creport,cbook.) \documentclass[CJK]{creport} \begin{document} ... \end{document}
Errata to the Second Edition of the L A T E X ManualLeslie Lamport5August2021These are all the errors and omissions to the manual,L A T E X:A Document Preparation System,second edition,published by Addison-Wesley,reported asof5August2021.Positions in the book are indicated by page and line number, where the top line of a page is number1and the bottom line is number−1.A running head and a page number are not considered to be lines,but all other lines are.Please report any additional errors to The L A T E X Project at /bugs/.Errors Corrected in the First Printingpage25,example of verse environmentReplace{\em all\/}by\emph{all}.[First reported by Rosemary Bailey on29Aug1994.]page28,first paragraphNot an error,but it would be helpful to add the following sentence to the endof that paragraph:“(If a declaration has arguments,they become additional arguments of the corresponding environment’s\begin command.)”page33,line10Add\]to the list of fragile commands.[First reported by Rosemary Bailey on29Aug1994.]page43,table3.5Add an entry for\notin(/∈).[First reported by Rosemary Bailey on29Aug1994.] page72,two examplesChange{\em...}to\emph{...}[First reported by Rosemary Bailey on29Aug1994.]1page101This is not an error,but some readers will find it helpful if,in the descriptions of\setlength and\addtolength,\gnat were replaced by\parskip.[First reported by Ellen Gilkerson on9Aug1994.]page108,lines7and10This is not an error,but it might be easier to understand the example if\len were replaced by something like\saved.[First reported by Rosemary Bailey on 29Aug1994.]page139,lines−8and−9The funny break between these two lines should be eliminated.[First reported by Malcolm Clark on9Aug1994.]page177,line−12The twocolumn option cannot be used with the letters class.page197,lines7and9The figure*environment is ended by\end{figure*},and the table*environ-ment is ended by\end{table*}.[First reported by Malcolm Clark on9Aug1994.] page228Add a note that,before running a LaTeX2.09file in compatibility mode in LaTeX2e,you should delete the old versions of the auxiliary files.Errors Corrected in the Second Printingpage xv,line10“Chris Rowley”should come after“Sebastian Rahtz”.[First reported by Martin Schr¨o der on24April1995.]page29,line−10Change“error indicator line”to“error locator line”.[First reported by Xavier Perramon on2Jan1995.]page37,lines26–28Change the two sentences“None of these...formula.”to:2These text-producing commands can be used in math mode to putordinary text in a formula.(When the command is used in mathmode,its argument is processed in LR mode.)The declarationscannot be used in math mode.Section3.3.8explains how to changethe type style of a formula’s math-mode symbols.[First reported by Mike Piff on7Mar1995.]page39,line6Replace“any mode”with“paragraph and LR mode”.Also,after line8,add: The commands\dag,\ddag,\S,and\P can also be used in mathmode.page53,line24Change“are needed in the”to“are used in the”[First reported by Mike Piff on 21Oct1994.]page80,line1The section heading should not be outdented.[First reported by Martin Schr¨o der on23Jan1995.]page83,line−8Change“\resettime”to“\settime”.page84,after line11Add the following sentence:“The\onlyslides and\onlynotes commands may not work right if a slide,overlay,or note environment appears in the argument of any command.”[First reported by Eike Ritter on May1996.]page153,line1Add“or subentry”after“entry”.[First reported by Martin Schr¨o der on22Feb1995.] page171Add the following before line−4:\columnwidth Normal width of a column;equals\textwidth except for multiple-column styles.Its value should not be changed with the length-setting commands.Also,in line−4,change\textwidth to\columnwidth.[First reported by Rose-mary Bailey on9Sep1994.]3page180,lines15–19Replace these five lines(which begin“These commands are overridden”)with:To override a heading on a right-hand page(any page for one-sided print-ing),put a\markright after the sectioning command and in its mandatory argument,and add an optional argument without the markright,as in\chapter[Gnu Scents]{Gnu Scents\markright{right head}}\markright{right head}To change the heading on a left-hand page,put a\markboth command immediately after the sectioning command.[First reported by Jerome Breitenbach on14Dec1995.]page182The dimensions\pageheight and\pagewidth should be\paperheight and \paperwidth,respectively.(The index entries on page260should also be changed.)[First reported by Alan Jeffrey,on behalf of a user on12Sep1995.] page192,line19Change“cmd”to“def”.[First reported by Martin Schr¨o der on9Mar1995.] page195,line14Change“numbered‘within’it”to“numbered directly‘within’it”.[First reported by Martin Schr¨o der on5Dec1994.]page197,line14After“\textwidth”add“or\columnwidth”[First reported by Volker Kuhlmann on22Jan1995.]page226After line7,addThese declarations may not be used in math mode.Replace lines16-19(beginning“None of these commands”)withWhen these commands are used in math mode,the text argumentis processed in LR mode.These commands and declarations are robust.Words typeset intypewriter style are not hyphenated except where permitted by\-commands.[First reported by Marc Lavine on22Aug1995.]4page228To the section“Type Styles and Sizes”,add the following sentence:A few mathematical symbols now require the latexsym package—see Tables3.4–3.7. Errors Corrected in the Sixteenth Printingpage42,line14Change“through a symbol”by“through a relation symbol”.[First reported by Frank Mittelbach on15Nov1996.]page42,Table3.4\land should be listed as a synonym for\wedge,and\lor should be listed as a synonym for\vee.[First reported by Chris Rowley on28Oct1998.]page43,Table3.7\lnot should be listed as a synonym for\neg.[First reported by Chris Rowley on15Oct1998.]page137This is not an error,but it would be better to change lines23and24to: L A T E X is trying to read a file that apparently doesn’t exist.If themissing file has the extension tex,then L A T E X is trying to\inputor\include it;if itpage171,line19Change the description of\indent to:\indent Produces a horizontal space whose width equals the width of the paragraph indentation.It can be used to add a paragraph indentation where one would otherwise be suppressed.(If it doesn’t work,try typing \indent\indent.)Robust.[First reported by Chris Rowley on15Oct1998.]page179,line19Change to:page style for the article and report document classes.[First reported by Stephen J.Alter on17Sep1997.]5page195,line28Replace“num1and num1are numbers”with“num1and num2are numbers”. [First reported by Magnus Lewis-Smith on14Jan1999.]page196,line−5Change\newboolean{name}to\newboolean{nam}.[First reported by Christo-pher von B¨u low on28Aug2000.]page198,line14Change“it will not be printed”to“it will usually not be printed”.page218,line−14Change“tabular”to“tabbing”.[First reported by Carlos Pita on27Aug2001.] foldout,column3,line3Replace style with class.[First reported by Christopher von B¨u low on28Aug2000.]Errors Corrected in the Seventeenth Printingpage51,line8Change“The\,command”to“The\,and\␣commands”.[First reported by Phillip J Shelton on2Jul1999.]page61,second example(middle of page)Remove the\mbox{}following the tabbing environment.[First reported by Marcin Wolinski on17Sep2003.]page210,line20Add a space after“bibliography”.[First reported by Marcin Wolinski on17Sep2003.]Error Corrected in the Twenty-First Printingpage198,line−11The sentence beginning“The last three rules”is hard to read.Better would be: The last three rules are suspended when a\clearpage,\cleardoublepage,or\end{document}command occurs,at whichpoint all unprocessed figures and tables are allowed a p option andprinted.[First reported by Paul Stanford on9Oct2004.]6Error Corrected in the Twenty-Second Printingpage253,column2,lines−5and−6The two index entries for\ldots should be combined.[First reported by Christopher Dutchyn on22July2005.]Uncorrected Errorspage206,line17(\multicolumn explanation)Insert the following text right after“l,and r.”If the part of the environment’s cols argument being replaced imme-diately follows an@expression,then the item will be preceded by anormal intercolumn space unless the\multicolumn command’s colargument begins with an@expression.In particular,beginning thecol argument with@{}will suppress that space.[First reported by Ulrike Fischer,Frank Mittelbach on23Sep2018.]page201,line−1and page202,line1(next tab stop explanation) Change“it is reset to the value of left margin tab”to“it is reset to the value of left margin tab+1”.[First reported by Austin Kim on25June2021.]page202,lines23–24(\\command)and lines25–27(\kill command) Change“to the value of left margin tab”to“to the value of left margin tab+1”. [First reported by Austin Kim on25June2021.]7。
latex⼿册%导⾔区%\documentclass[10pt]{ctexart}%这个排版是中国式的%%有且仅能有⼀个documents只有101112pt%%导⾔区全局设置%(ctexbook,xtexreport,book,report,letter,article)%\documentclass[10pt]{book}可以产⽣有章节的⼤纲,但是subsubsection不起作⽤\documentclass[10pt]{article} %这个排版是国际式的%包区%输⼊中⽂必须:\usepackage{ctex}%在命令⾏输⼊:texdocctex可以查看宏命令%在命令⾏输⼊:texdoc****可以查看任何⼀个它提供的⽂件⽐如:texlshort-zh%输出xelatex符号%提供了针对Xetex的改进并且加⼊了xetex的logo\usepackage{ctex}\usepackage{xltxtra}\usepackage{texnames}\usepackage{mflogo}%多⾏数学公式排版%使⽤equation*、使⽤martrix矩阵都要⽤ansmath宏包\usepackage{amsmath}\usepackage{amssymb}%使⽤array⾃定义矩阵\usepackage{array}%实现插图%导⾔区:\usepackage{graphicx}%语法:\includegraphics[<选项>]{<⽂件名}%格式:EPS,PDF,PNG,JPEG,BMP\usepackage{graphicx}\graphicspath{{figures/},{pics/}} %图⽚在当前⽬录下的figures、pics⽬录%知乎的抑制例⼦CJK%⽼是报错,太烦了\usepackage{fontspec}\newfontscript{CJK}{hani}%\newfontscript{CJK~Ideographic}{hani}\ExplSyntaxOff\usepackage{xeCJK}%%截⽌%重新定义函数,要不⽤不了%latex中代码和字符分开计算,不直接在字符中输⼊代码可以提⾼编译效率,⽽是利⽤函数%degree定义度数%myfont定义我的字体%adots定义从左下到右上的省略号\newcommand{\adots}{\mathinner{\mkern2mu\raisebox{0.1em}{.}\mkern2mu\raisebox{0.4em}{.}\mkern2mu\raisebox{0.7em}{.}\mkern1mu}}\newcommand\degree{^\circ}\newcommand{\myfont}{\textit{\textbf{\textsf{你好呀,王⾃豪}}}}%⾃定义的命令%使⽤\PRC相当于People'sRepublicof\emph{China这⼀串内容\newcommand\PRC{People's Republic of \emph{China}}\newcommand\loves[2]{#1 喜欢 #2}\newcommand\hateby[2]{#2 不受 #1 喜欢}\newcommand\love[3][喜欢]{#2#1#3}\newcommand\divorce[2]{#1 与 #2 离婚}\renewcommand\abstractname{内容简介}%⾃定义的环境\newenvironment{myabstract}[1][摘要]{\small\begin{center}\bfseries #1\end{center}\begin{quotation}}{\end{quotation}}\newenvironment{Quotation}[1]{\newcommand\quotesuorce{#1}\begin{quotation}}{\par\hfill--- \textit{\quotesuorce}\end{quotation}}%指定参考⽂献排版样式%plainunsrtalphaabbrv%使⽤natbib包使⽤更多样式%\usepackage{natbib}\bibliographystyle{plain}%管理排版引擎%添加库,不可以省略.bib%\usepackage[style=numeric,backend=biber]{biblatex}%\addbibresource{wenxian.bib}%标题输出中⽂标题heitikaishu%作者%正⽂区(⽂稿区)\begin{document}%头函数区\maketitle%注意下⾯要空出⼀⾏%建⽴⼤纲\tableofcontents\section{引⾔}当代⼤学⽣⾯临的精神困境⼗分复杂\cite{ariticle1},具体可以分为下⾯⼏类:⼀、对⾃⾝能⼒不⾜的失望:具体表现为信息爆炸后,⼤学⽣完全⽆法接受⾃⼰在宇宙在⽣命中的位置,即没有完全从⼭洞⾥⾛出来,或者说刚⾛出来,但是没有适应外⾯的阳光。
LaTeX新人教程,一小时从完全陌生到基本入门作者:董楠LaTeX新人教程,一小时从完全陌生到基本入门by Nan对于真心渴望迅速上手LaTeX的人,可以只看正文。
在真正开始跑步之前没有必要纠结该买NIKE跑鞋还是ADI跑鞋,跑起来再说.不要瞻前顾后,just try it。
\documentclass{article}\begin{document}hello, world\end{document}然后在WinEdt的工具栏中找到编译按钮(在垃圾桶和字母B中间),在下拉菜单中选择XeLaTeX,并点击编译。
5 Pstricks / Metapost / Tikz /渐近线支持4.6更改界面语言和外观4。
1配置编辑器在编译你的第一个文件,你必须设置所用的编辑器的编码(“配置Texmaker” —>“编辑” —〉“编辑字体编码”)。
然后,你应该使用相同的编码在你的TeX 文件(例如:\ usepackage [拉丁]{} inputenc,如果使用“ISO—8859—1”编码编辑器)的序言注意:当打开一个文件,你警告说,如果该文件不能被正确使用的默认编码解码,该方案可以让您选择其他编码(没有修改默认的编码)。
HP Latex R2000 Plus 打印机用户手册说明书
![HP Latex R2000 Plus 打印机用户手册说明书](
DatasheetHP Latex R2000 Plus PrinterUnprecedented quality and colors on rigid up to 98 inches, for sustained production environments1Achieve amazing colors and media look and feelHelp increase profitability with higher value rigid and flexible applications with vibrant HP Latex gamut.Gain versatility with HP Latex Ink—fromindoor/outdoor signage to thermoforming and high-quality decoration.Win more jobs with UL ECOLOGO® Certified,water-based HP Latex Inks that produce odorless prints.Expand your offering with the glossiest white Expand your portfolio into a wide range of applications with glossiest white that resists yellowing.No waste between white jobs with removable HP Thermal Inkjet printheads stored in offline rotating chamber.You’re always ready to print white—automatic recirculation and printhead cleaning eliminate manual purging.Increase your productivity with smart printingMeet production peaks—get high-speed quality up to 28 outdoor boards/hr with belt system,smart vacuum.Drive high productivity with multi-board printing,assisted loading, and advanced queuing.Maximize uptime with automatic maintenance and smart service tools for fast diagnosis and issue resolution.Maintain control of your production and costs with the help of HP PrintOS software tools.31145For more information, please visit /go/LatexR2000Join the community, find tools, and talk to experts. Visit the HP Latex Knowledge Center at https:///Dynamic security enabled printer. Only intended to be used with cartridges using an HP original chip. Cartridges using a non-HP chip may not work, and those that work today may not work in the future. More at: /go/learnaboutsuppliesGlossiest white based on internal HP testing in January, 2018 compared to the HP Scitex FB750/FB550 Printer using UV-curable ink technology. White ink measured for the level of gloss at 60 degrees on a rigid material(acrylic). Tested using Glossmeter BYK micro-TRI-gloss (20°, 60°, 85°), compatible with ISO 2813 and ASTM D523 relative to glossiness measure. High opacity and resists yellowing over time based on internal HP WeatherOmeter testing October , 2017 with 1 dot-per-pixel HP Latex Overcoat, on a range of rigid and flexible unlaminated substrates. Yellowing based on L * and B* of white underflood samples.Most vibrant colors based on internal HP testing, January 2018 compared to leading competitive printers under $350,000 USD. Tested in High Quality print mode on rigid (white acrylic 12-pass, 6-color , 120%). Internal HP testing with HP GamutViewer , Alpha Shapes=50000.HP Latex Inks are UL ECOLOGO® Certified. UL ECOLOGO® Certification to UL 2801 demonstrates that an ink meets a range of multi-attribute, lifecycle based criteria related to human health and environmental considerations (see /EL). There is a broad set of media with very different odor profiles. Some of the media can affect the odor performance of the final print. When HP 886 White Latex Printheads are placed in the storage cassettes, no white ink is used for servicing when printheads are not in use. Outdoor mode 3-pass, 70%. On 4 x 8 ft (1.2 x 2.4 m) boards.12345Datasheet | HP Latex R2000 Plus Printer© Copyright 2020 HP Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. The only warranties for HP products and services are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services.Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty. HP shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein.4AA7-2574EEP ap-en March 2020Technical specificationsPrintPrinting modes22 m²/hr - Indoor High Quality (12p 120%)43 m²/hr - Indoor Production (6p 110%)86 m²/hr - Outdoor (3p 70%)36 m²/hr - White Spot (100%)16 m²/hr - White Overflood/Underflood (100%)5.2 m²/hr - 3 layers day & night Print resolution Up to 1200 x 1200 dpi Ink types Water-based HP Latex InksInk cartridges 9 (cyan, magenta, yellow, black, light cyan, light magenta, HP Latex Optimizer , HP Latex Overcoat, white)Cartridge size 5 L (colors, HP Latex Optimizer , HP Latex Overcoat); 3 L (white)Printheads8 (cyan/black, magenta/yellow, light cyan/light magenta, HP Latex Overcoat, 2 HP Latex Optimizer , 2 white)Long-term print-to-print repeatabilityAverage ≤ 1.0 dE2000, 95% of colors ≤ 2 dE2000MediaHandling Flatbed, sheet feed, roll feed, vacuum belt media drive for easy loading and accurate media advance Media typesRigid substrates: paper foamboard, plastic foamboard, PVC foam, plastic corrugated, acrylic, polycarbonate,polystyrene, compressed cardboard, corrugated board, honeycomb board, aluminum composite panel, wood,glass, ceramic; Roll substrates: PVC banner , self-adhesive vinyl, coated paper , polypropylene, polystyrene,polycarbonate, polyester , textile (non porous), canvas, leatherRigid media size 297 x 420 mm to 2489 x 1220 mm (up to 2489 x 3050 mm with two sets of optional extension tables)Roll size 60.9 cm to 2.49 m Roll weight Up to 100 kg Roll diameter Up to 25 cm ThicknessUp to 50.8 mmshort-run customized packaging, prototypingConnectivityInterfacesGigabit Ethernet (1000Base-T)Printer 5.10 x 2.04 x 1.75 m (printer); 5.10 x 3.64 x 1.75 m (including standard input and output tables)Shipping 5.32 x 2.24 x 2.15 m Operating area8.7 x 7.23 x 3 mPrinter 1600 kg Shipping2800 kgPrintheads; HP Latex Printhead Cleaning Kit; standard input and output tables; foot switch; HP Internal PrintServer and displays (x2); printer maintenance kit; warranty and intro docsOperating temperature 15 to 30ºCOperating humidity20 to 70% RH (non-condensing)Consumption10 to 12 kW (typical)CertificationSafetyIEC 60950-1+A1+A2 compliant; United States and Canada (CSA listed); EU (LVD and MD compliant, EN60950-1,EN12100-1, EN ISO13849-1, EN60204-1, and EN1010-1); Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan (EAC); Australia,New Zealand (RCM)Electromagnetic Compliant with Class A requirements, including: USA (FCC rules), Canada (ICES), EU (EMC Directive), Australia (ACMA), New Zealand (RSM)EnvironmentalWEEE; RoHS (EU, China, Korea, Singapore, Turkey, Ukraine); India Waste Management Rules; REACH; CA 65Prop; ErP Ecodesign DirectiveOrdering informationProductK0Q46AHP Latex R2000 Plus PrinterAccessoriesD9Z41B HP Large Format Onyx Thrive RIP Software L5E74C HP Large Format Caldera Grand RIP Software T7V23A HP Latex R2000 Extension Tables Y6V16AHP Latex R Series Edge Holders KitOriginal HP printing suppliesG0Z00A HP 886 Latex Printhead Cleaning Kit G0Z09A HP 886 3-liter White Latex Ink Cartridge G0Z10A HP 882 5-liter Cyan Latex Ink Cartridge G0Z11A HP 882 5-liter Magenta Latex Ink Cartridge G0Z12A HP 882 5-liter Yellow Latex Ink Cartridge G0Z13A HP 882 5-liter Black Latex Ink CartridgeG0Z14A HP 882 5-liter Light Cyan Latex Ink Cartridge G0Z15A HP 882 5-liter Light Magenta Latex Ink Cartridge G0Z16A HP 882 5-liter Optimizer Latex Ink Cartridge G0Z17A HP 882 5-liter Overcoat Latex Ink Cartridge G0Z21A HP 886 White Latex Printhead G0Z22A HP 886 Optimizer Latex Printhead G0Z24AHP 886 Latex PrintheadOriginal HP large format printing materialsHP Premium Removable Gloss Adhesive Vinyl HP Permanent Gloss Adhesive VinylHP Durable Backlit Fabric (Take-back program)HP Backlit Polyester Film (Take-back program)For the entire HP Large Format Printing Materials portfolio, please see .2WM39A/K0Q45-67267 HP Latex R Series Uptime Kit 2WM40A/K0Q45-67269 HP Latex R Series Expert Kit 2WP87A/K0Q45-67268 HP Latex R Series Reseller Kit K0Q45-67272 HP Latex R Series Service Maintenance KitK0Q45-67273 HP Latex R Series White Service Maintenance KitECO highlightsBetter for print operations—no hazard warning labels or HAPs, no special ventilation needed Better for the environment—HP designs end-to-end sustainability into large-format printingWater-based inks produce odorless prints HP Latex Inks are UL ECOLOGO® and UL GREENGUARD GOLD Certified Please recycle large-format printing hardware and printing supplies. Find out how at our website: /ecosolutionsContains no Hazardous Air Pollutants according to EPA Method 311. Special ventilationequipment (air filtration) is not required to meet U.S. OSHA requirements. Special ventilation equipment installation is at the discretion of the customer—see the Site Preparation Guide for details. Customers should consult state and local requirements and regulations. Contains no Hazardous Air Pollutants according to EPA Method 311.There is a broad set of media with very different odor profiles. Some of the media can affect the odor performance of the final print.UL ECOLOGO® Certification to UL 2801 demonstrates that an ink meets a range of multi-attribute, lifecycle based criteria related to human health and environmental considerations (see /EL). UL GREENGUARD GOLD Certification to UL 2818 demonstrates that products are certified to UL 's GREENGUARD standards for low chemical emissions into indoor air during product usage. For more information, visit /gg or .Print speed may vary due to the adaptive printing mechanism to avoid image quality defects. Reflective measurements on a 943 color target under CIE standard illuminant D50, and according to the standard CIEDE2000 as per CIE Draft Standard DS 014-6/E:2012. Backlit substrates measured in transmission mode may yield different results. Recyclable HP papers can be recycled through commonly available recycling programs, or according to region-specific practices. Some HP media are eligible for return through the HP Large Format Media take-back program. Programs may not exist in your area. See /hp/ecosolutions for details.1233123123123。
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Generally, the abstract and the key words should be consistent with the Chinese version. Key Words: thesis, template, Peking University, doctor, master, LATEX, CJK
这份样例主要用来展示北京大学博士(硕士)论文LATEX+CJK模板,并简要介 绍其使用方法。
这篇文档按照博士论文的要求生成,如果要符合硕士论文的要求,可能需 要在个别地方做适当的修改。
一般而言,中文摘要包含500—1000字,1—2页。关键词5–10个。 关键词:论文,模板,北京大学,博士,硕士,LATEX,CJK
– VIII –
第一章 文档模板
1.1 样本
这一节是样本集合 1.1.1 插图样本
图 1.1 学习机的结构框图
如图1.1所示: 1.1.2 表格样本
这是一个表格样本(如表 1.1所示)。
表 1.1 表格样本
表格样本 短文字示例
长文字示 例长文字 示例长文 字示例长 文字示例 长文字示 例
The template fulfils the corresponding format requirements. This document is generated according to the format of Doctor Thesis. You possibly need to make some modification for Master Thesis.
1.1 样本 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1.1.1 插图样本 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1.1.2 表格样本 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1.1.3 公式样本 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 小小节样本. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
– III –
摘 要........................................................................ I ABSTRACT(英文摘要) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . III 第一章 文档模板 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
2.4 使用须知
作者假定模板的用户具备基本的使用LATEX的能力和知识。由于时间和知识 所限,作者无法提供细致的范例和文档,特别是对于章节层次、图形、表格、
–3–Βιβλιοθήκη 2.5. 下载和更新公式等LATEX基本元素的使用方法,恕作者无法提供解答。请参考《LATEX2ε用户 手册》 [3]。
hyperref宏 包 被 用 来 生 成 带 有 链 接 的pdf文 档 。 但 是 , 使 用 后 编 译 得 出 的dvi文 件 不 能 在Yap里 打 开 。 建 议 用 户 在 使 用 时 , 先 把 这 一 段 注 释 掉 , 以 方 便 平 时 的 编 辑 与 核 对 , 待 打 印 或 提 交 时 再 使 用hyperref宏 包 生 成pdf。 有 关 这 一 问 题 的 详 细 叙 述 , 请 参 见CTEX论 坛 的 系 列 讨 论(/cgibin/view.cgi?forum=9&topic=48)。
dvipdfmx是可选安装包,用来生成Ture Type中文字体的pdf,也就是可以从 中拷贝出中文的pdf。它的前身是dvipdfm-cjk。两者效果基本一致。下载地点 是
2.3 相关文档
本文中用到的LATEX命令主要参考了TEXGuru的《LATEX2ε用户手册》 [3]。此 外,还参考了Micheal Shell为IEEE LATEX模板所写的说明文档 [4]。
1.1 表格样本 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
– VII –
1.1 学习机的结构框图 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
有 关fancyhdr宏 包 的 使 用 , 参 考 了Piet van Oostrum撰 写 ,ifuleyou @ 翻译的《LATEX下的页面布局》 [5]。有关titlesec和titlesoc宏包的使 用,则参考了Javier Bezos的《The titlesec and titletoc Packages》 [6]。有关图形图 表等浮动对象的设置与处理,参见《LATEX2ε插图指南》 [7]
第二章 有关说明
第二章 有关说明
2.1 更新记录
V1.00 2005.05.25
(1)修改为北京大学论文模版,按学校规定调整版面 (2)修改版芯位置,使其居中 (3)修改列表间距 (4)增加表格中中文换行
2.2 软件环境
作 者 使 用 的 安 装 是MiKTeX 2.1完 全 安 装 ,CJK安 装 包1.0。 此 外 , 在MiKTeX 2.2和MiKTeX 2.3的完全安装上测试无误。理论上讲,安装CTEX的 套装也有同样效果。另外,不使用完全安装,而只要补齐相应需要的package, 也是可以的。
LATEXTemplate for Doctor (Master) Dissertation in Peking University
Ying PAN(Computer Science) Directed by Professor FuQing Yang
This article presents the LATEX+ CJK template for Doctor Thesis (Master Thesis) of Peking University, and briefly introduces the usage.
研究方向 :
导师姓名 :
潘颖 102088xx 信息科学技术学院 计算机软件与理论 软件工程 杨 芙 清 院 士、教 授
任何收存和保管本论文各种版本的单位和个人,未经本论文作者同意,不 得将本论文转借他人,亦不得随意复制、抄录、拍照或以任何方式传播。否 则,引起有碍作者著作权之问题,将可能承担法律责任。