



《国际贸易实务》试卷A班级:学号:姓名:评分:一、判断题(每小题1分,共5分)1 、根据提单收货人一栏的写法不同,提单可分为清洁提单、记名提单、不清洁提单。






A 、平方米B 、公升C 、立方米D 、斤7、如果物价下降,固定价格对()有利。

A、卖方 B 、双方 C 、买方 D 、船方8 、在信用证付款的情况下,发票抬头应填()。

A 、开证申请人B 、受益人C 、出口商D 、保险商9、下列关于销售代理人说法正确的是()。






A 、发盘B 、还盘C 、邀请发盘D 、承诺14、常见的集合运输包装有()。

A 、集装箱B 条C 、箱D 、捆15 、对于接受生效,英美法采取()原则。

A、到达生效 B 、自然生效 C 、投邮生效 D 、中途生效三、多项选择题(每小题2分,共10分)16、在FOB术语下,下列属于卖方义务的是()。

A 、出口报关B 、保险C 、国内运费D 、国外运费17 、下列哪些贸易术语较常用()。

A 、CIFB 、DDPC 、EXWD 、CFR18、下列属于以说明表示品质的是()。

A 、凭规格B 凭样品C 、凭标准D 、看货买卖19 、一切险不承保以下风险()。



试卷A参考答案及评分标准1.答:FOB=CFR-F=50-2=48(美元)(2分)FOBC5%=FOB÷(1-C)=48÷(1-5%)=50.53(美元)(3分)2.答:(1)按尺码吨与按重量吨计算运费比较0.3×0.6×0.5=0.09>0.04(2分)(2)因为按尺码吨比按重量吨计算运费高,所以按尺码吨计算结果如下0.09×109×(1+20%+20%+10%)×100=1471.5(港元)(3分)3.答:出口换汇成本=出口总成本(人民币)÷出口外汇净收入(美元)=1200000÷(CIF-F-I) (2分)=1200000÷(200000-200000*1.2*0.02-8000)=1200000÷187200=6.41(人民币/美元) (3分)五、案例分析题(每小题5分,共20分)1.答:可以。



(2分)本案中,买卖双方按F0B 贸易术语成交,风险划分以货物交至装运港船上为界,运输途中的风险由买方承担。







国际贸易实务a期末考试题及答案一、单项选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 国际贸易中,FOB、CIF、CFR等术语属于()。

A. 贸易术语B. 支付方式C. 运输方式D. 保险条款答案:A2. 在国际贸易中,信用证支付方式属于()。

A. 货到付款B. 预付款C. 延期付款D. 银行信用3. 国际贸易中,出口商通常采用的贸易术语是()。

A. FOBB. CIFC. CFRD. DDP答案:B4. 国际贸易中,最常用的贸易术语是()。

A. EXWB. FCAC. DAPD. DDP答案:C5. 国际贸易中,出口商在货物装船后,应向进口商提供()。

B. 发票C. 装箱单D. 所有以上文件答案:D6. 国际贸易中,出口商在货物装船前,应向进口商提供()。

A. 装箱单B. 发票C. 保险单D. 信用证答案:D7. 国际贸易中,出口商在货物装船后,应向银行提供()。

A. 提单B. 发票D. 所有以上文件答案:D8. 国际贸易中,出口商在货物装船前,应向银行提供()。

A. 信用证B. 发票C. 装箱单D. 信用证副本答案:A9. 国际贸易中,出口商在货物装船后,应向海关提供()。

A. 提单B. 发票C. 装箱单D. 海关申报单答案:D10. 国际贸易中,出口商在货物装船前,应向海关提供()。

A. 信用证B. 发票C. 装箱单D. 出口许可证答案:D二、多项选择题(每题3分,共15分)11. 国际贸易中,以下哪些属于国际贸易术语()。

A. FOBB. CIFC. DDPD. T/T答案:ABC12. 国际贸易中,以下哪些属于支付方式()。

A. L/CB. T/TC. D/PD. D/A答案:ABCD13. 国际贸易中,以下哪些属于运输方式()。

A. 海运B. 空运C. 陆运D. 快递答案:ABCD14. 国际贸易中,以下哪些属于保险条款()。

A. F.P.AB. W.P.AC. A.W.BD. I.C.C答案:ABC15. 国际贸易中,以下哪些属于出口文件()。



国际贸易实务考A卷参考答案【考试试卷答案】《国际贸易实务》卷A参考答案一、单项选择题(每题1分,共20小题,共20分)1--5、BCACB;6--10、AA DBC ;11--15、BCDDB;16—20、BBDAC。

二、多项选择题(每题2分,共5小题,共10分)1、ABCDE2、ABCD3、ABC4、ABCD5、ABC三、判断题(每题1分,共10小题,共10分)1、╳2、╳3、╳4、√5、╳6、√7、√8、╳9、√ 10、╳四、简答题(第三小题8分,前两题各5分,共3小题,共18分)1、答:货物收据;物权凭证;运输合同证明。



















A.装卸费,不计滞期费和速遣费B. 装卸费,滞期费和速遣费C.卸货费和滞期费,不计速遣费D.卸货费和速遣费,不计滞期费5、下列正确表示装船日期的是()。


A.货物表面完好B.轮船表面完好C.提单表面完好D. 运费已付7、指示提单要求提单的“收货人”栏内()。


A.自然灾害B. 意外事故C.一般外来风险D.特殊外来风险9、共同海损的牺牲和费用应由()。


A.ICC(A)B.ICC(B)C.ICC(C)D. IWCC11、为了照顾买卖双方利益,在检验上做到公平合理,国际贸易中广泛采用的做法是()。



A.不能预见、不能避免的事件B. 不能预见、不能避免或不能克服的事件C. 不能预见、不能避免、可以预防的事件D. 不能避免、可以预防的事件14、信用证条件下,银行和买方一般愿意接受的单据是()。



《国际贸易实务》试卷A班级:学号:姓名:评分:一、判断题(每小题1分,共5分)1 、根据提单收货人一栏的写法不同,提单可分为清洁提单、记名提单、不清洁提单。






A 、平方米B 、公升C 、立方米D 、斤7、如果物价下降,固定价格对()有利。

A、卖方 B 、双方 C 、买方 D 、船方8 、在信用证付款的情况下,发票抬头应填()。

A 、开证申请人B 、受益人C 、出口商D 、保险商9、下列关于销售代理人说法正确的是()。






A 、发盘B 、还盘C 、邀请发盘D 、承诺14、常见的集合运输包装有()。

A 、集装箱B 条C 、箱D 、捆15 、对于接受生效,英美法采取()原则。

A、到达生效 B 、自然生效 C 、投邮生效 D 、中途生效三、多项选择题(每小题2分,共10分)16、在FOB术语下,下列属于卖方义务的是()。

A 、出口报关B 、保险C 、国内运费D 、国外运费17 、下列哪些贸易术语较常用()。

A 、CIFB 、DDPC 、EXWD 、CFR18、下列属于以说明表示品质的是()。

A 、凭规格B 凭样品C 、凭标准D 、看货买卖19 、一切险不承保以下风险()。



广东外语外贸大学国际经济贸易学院《国际贸易实务》2011-2012学年第一学期期末考试试卷(A卷)参考答案考核对象:国贸091、092、093、094班国贸095、096、097、091(全英)班考试时间:2小时班级:_______ 学号:________ 姓名:_________ 成绩:________ Ⅰ. Put T for true or F for false in the corresponding blanks. ( 20% )1.T2. F3. F4. F5.F6.T7.T8.F9. F 10. TⅡ. Please write the best answer in the corresponding blanks. ( 20% ) 11. B 12. A 13. A 14. A 15. D 16. D 17. B 18. D 19. B 20.AⅢ. Calculation ( The results should be rounded off to two decimals. 9% ) 21.CIF= ( FOB+F) / (1 - premium rate×110%)=(100+8.79)/(1-1%×110%)=108.79/(1-0.011)=108.79/0.989≈110 USD per setI.e. this exporting Company should offer CIF London USD110 perpiece with the same profit.Ⅳ. Case Study ( 18% )22.(1)(6%)According to UCP600, if the exporter’s documents are complyingpresentation, the issuing bank could not refuse to pay.Because the UCP600 stipulates that “Credit means any arrangement,however named or described, that is irrevocable and therebyconstitutes a definite undertaking of the issuing bank to honour acomplying presentation.”“Honour means: a. to pay at sight if thecredit is available by sight payment. b. to incur a deferred paymentundertaking and pay at maturity if the credit is available by deferredpayment. c. to accept a bill of exchange (“draft”) drawn by thebeneficiary and pay at maturity if the credit is available byacceptance.”(2)(6%)The buyer should be responsible for the loss.Because according to Incoterms®2010, under CFR contract, if theseller has sent the buyer the shipping advice sufficiently and on timeafter loading the goods onto the vessel on time at the port of shipment,the buyer should bear the risks and losses after the goods have beenshipped on board the ship at the port of shipment.In this case, the seller and the buyer have signed a CFR contract withshipment during May, 2010. And the Chinese exporter has loaded thegoods onto the named vessel on the morning of May 5, 2010, sentthe buyer the shipping advice immediately on May 5 after shipment.So the seller has fulfilled all his obligations. And the risks and lossesto the goods happened on May 6 should be borne by the buyer. (3)(6%)If the Chinese exporter sent the buyer the shipping advice on May 6,the Chinese exporter should be responsible for the loss.Because according to Incoterms® 2010, under CFR contract, “Theseller must give the buyer any notice needed in order to allow thebuyer to take measures that are normally necessary to enable thebuyer to take the goods.”In this case, the seller sent the buyer the shipping advice on May 6but not the day of loading ended. If the seller sent the buyer theshipping advice on May 5, the buyer may insure the goods on thatday and wouldn’t be refused by the insurance company.So loss should be borne by the seller (the Chinese exporter).V. Fill in the sales confirmation in English. (3% for each blank, total 33%)(特别说明:请在①处填入商品名称;②处填入贸易术语;③处填入商品总数量;④处填入商品合同总金额;其他地方按要求填写。



第 1 页 共 4 页 第 2 页 共 4 页学生姓名: 学号: 班级: 专业 命题: 审批:广东财经大学《国际贸易实务》期末考试试卷(A 卷)附评分标准及满分答案考场要求:笔试 考试形式:闭卷 考试时间:100分钟一、 单项选择题(每小题2分,共20分)1、《美国对外贸易定义》中FAS 术语的解释为( B )A 在运输工具旁边交货B 在装运港船边交货C 在运输工具上交货D 在装运港船上交货 2、国际货物买卖合同规定的卖方的基本义务是( C )A 向买方提供运输B 向银行提交价格的单据C 向买方提交合格的货物和单据D 向买方提交官方批准文件 3、国际贸易惯例适用的基础是( D )A 惯例条文的制定B 有关法律的约束C 当事人的意思自治D 贸易行为的平等互利 4、按《通则》解释,采用FCA 条件成交时,风险转移标志为( C ) A 货到目的港 B 货交买方 C 货交承运人 D 船舷为界 5、在工厂交货条件下,办理货物出口手续的责任在(B )A 买方B 卖方C 承运人D 海关 6、“成本加运费”是( A )A CFRB CIFC CIPD CPT 7、FOB 条件下,买方未经卖方同意提前派船到港,则卖方( B ) A 有权拒绝交货 B 无权拒绝交货,但可索赔 C 有权拒绝交货,不承担空舱费 D 必须马上交货 8、小件急需品和贵重货物,其有利的运输方式是(C )A 海洋运输B 邮包运输C 航空运输D 公路运输 9、在我国进出口合同中,关于商品检验的时间和地点一般规定为( D ) A 在出口国工厂检验 B 在装运港检验 C 在目的港检验 D 装运地检验和目的地复验 10、将违约的形式划分为违反要件和违反担保是( B )A 大陆法B 英国法C 美国法D 《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》二、 判断题(下列各题,你认为正确的,请在题干的括号内打“√”,错的打“×”。

每小题1分,共10分) 1、发盘的撤回和撤销是同一回事( × )2、凡对外签订的贸易合同都属于重要的涉外经济合同,因此,在发生争议时,都应按照 我国有关法律处理。



国际贸易实务a期末考试题及答案一、单项选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 国际贸易中,FOB条款指的是:A. 离岸价B. 到岸价C. 成本加保险费加运费D. 边境交货价答案:A2. 信用证结算方式下,受益人向银行提交的单据中不包括:A. 发票B. 提单C. 装箱单D. 信用证副本答案:D3. 按照《国际贸易术语解释通则》的规定,CIF条款下,卖方的责任不包括:A. 负责货物的出口清关B. 负责货物的运输C. 负责货物的保险D. 负责货物的进口清关答案:D4. 以下哪种支付方式不属于国际贸易中常用的支付方式?A. 信用证B. 托收C. 现金支付D. 汇付答案:C5. 根据《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》的规定,买方在收到货物后,如果发现货物不符合合同规定,应当在多长时间内提出异议?A. 7天B. 14天C. 30天D. 60天答案:C6. 国际贸易中,如果卖方未能在合同规定的时间内交货,买方可以采取的措施不包括:A. 要求卖方赔偿损失B. 要求卖方继续履行合同C. 取消合同D. 直接向卖方索取货物答案:D7. 以下哪种贸易术语属于E组术语?A. EXWB. FCAC. CIPD. DAP答案:A8. 国际贸易中,买方在收到货物后,如果发现货物存在质量问题,通常需要提供哪种单据作为证据?A. 发票B. 装箱单C. 质量检验报告D. 运输单据答案:C9. 根据《国际贸易术语解释通则》的规定,DDP条款下,卖方的义务不包括:A. 负责货物的运输B. 负责货物的进口清关C. 负责货物的出口清关D. 负责货物的保险答案:C10. 国际贸易中,如果合同中规定了仲裁条款,那么在发生争议时,双方应当:A. 直接向法院提起诉讼B. 向仲裁机构申请仲裁C. 向合同签订地的商会申请调解D. 向合同签订地的政府机构申请调解答案:B二、多项选择题(每题3分,共15分)1. 以下哪些因素会影响国际贸易合同的履行?A. 国际政治环境B. 国际经济环境C. 国际法律环境D. 国际文化环境答案:ABC2. 国际贸易中,常见的贸易壁垒包括:A. 关税壁垒B. 配额限制C. 技术标准D. 货币汇率答案:ABC3. 以下哪些属于国际贸易中的风险?A. 信用风险B. 汇率风险C. 运输风险D. 政治风险答案:ABCD4. 国际贸易中,以下哪些属于非关税壁垒?A. 进口许可证制度B. 反倾销税C. 出口补贴D. 进口配额答案:ABD5. 国际贸易中,以下哪些属于贸易促进措施?A. 出口信贷B. 出口退税C. 出口补贴D. 进口关税答案:ABC三、简答题(每题5分,共20分)1. 简述国际贸易中常见的结算方式有哪些,并简要说明其特点。



《国际贸易实务》注意事项:1. 请考生按要求在试卷装订线内填写姓名、学号和年级专业。

2. 请仔细阅读各种题目的回答要求,在规定的位置填写答案.3. 不要在试卷上乱写乱画,不要在装订线内填写无关的内容。

4. 满分100分,考试时间为120分钟。



1、《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》规定,合同成立的时间是()A、交易双方书面合同签订时B、合同获得相关部门批准时C、接受生效的时间D、发盘送达受盘人时2、专门解释CIF合同的国际贸易惯例是( )A、《华沙—牛津规则》B、《美国对外贸易定义》C、《国际贸易术语解释通则》D。

《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》3、采用CIF条件成交,买卖双方风险划分的界限是()A、装运港船边B、装运港船上C、装运港船舷D、目的港船舷4、按照《2000年通则》,“运费付至目的地”的是( )A、CFRB、CPTC、CIPD、CIF5、国际货物贸易中最常见的作价方法是()A、暂定价格B、固定价格C、待定价格D。


以毛作净重C.公量D.法定重量7、按《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》规定,如果卖方交货数量大于约定的数量,买方().A、可以拒收约定的和多交的全部货物B、只能拒收多交部分中的一部分货物C、只能拒收多交的全部货物D、可以拒收多交中的部分或者全部,也可以接受多交中的部分或者全部货物8、下列对海运提单的描述不正确的是()A、海运提单是承运人向托运人出具的货物收据B、承运人与托运人货物之间的运输契约C、货物所有权的凭证D、承运人与托运人之间运输契约的证明9、以下哪个不属于特别附加险()A、舱面险B、进口关税险C、拒收险D、短量险10、下列不属于平安险的是( )A、海运途中由于自然灾害或者意外事故造成的被保险货物的全部损失B、运输工具途中遭到意外、意外事故前后又遇到自然灾害致使被保险货物的部分损失C、发生共同海损引起的牺牲、分摊费和救助费用D、各种自然灾害造成的部分损失11、所谓信用证是一种自足文件是指()A、信用证是独立于合同之外的一种文件,它与买卖合同没有任何关系B、信用证是开证行自行开立,与其他交易主体无关C、信用证是以买卖合同内容为基础开立的,但是它是独立于合同之外的法律文件D. 信用证与买卖合同内容不符时,受益人无权提出异议12、关于支票应当这样理解()13、在常年定期定量供货的情况下最适合于采用的信用证是( ) A 。

《国际贸易实务》期末试卷 4套含答案(大学期末复习资料)

《国际贸易实务》期末试卷 4套含答案(大学期末复习资料)

浙江经济职业技术学院2009-2010学年第一学期 《国际贸易实务》期末试卷 A 卷 考试形式:闭卷,允许带没有存储功能的计算器 入场装订线二级学院部:班级:学号:姓名:10.一批出口服装,在海上运输途中,因船体触礁导致服装严重受浸,如果将这批服装漂洗后再运至原定目的港所花费的费用已超过服装的保险价值,这批服装应属于()。












A.只对第一程运输负责 B.必须对全程运输负责C.对运输不负责 D.只对最后一程运输负责二、多项选择题(每小题2分,共计20分)1.目前,国际贸易中通常使用的度量衡制度有()A.公制 B.英制 C.国际单位制 D.美制 E.法制2.联运提单与国际多式联运单据在性质上的区别()A.适用的范围不同B.签发人不同C.签发人对运输负责的范围不同D.运费率不同3. 海上货物保险中,除合同另有约定外,哪些原因造成货物损失,保险人不予赔偿()。



国际贸易实务试卷A第一篇:国际贸易实务试卷A国际贸易实务试卷 A一、单项选择题(本大题共20 小题,每小题1 分,共20 分)1.T/T指的是()A.信汇B.电汇C.票汇D.信用证2.在以规格与样品同时使用的出口贸易中,国外买方验货的质量依据一般为()A.规格 B.样品 C.规格和样品 D.规格或样品3.下列变形中,表示船到目的港后,由买方自行启舱,并负担货物由舱底卸至码头的费用的是()A.CFR Liner Terms B.CFR LandedC.CFR Ex Tackle D.CFR Ex Ship’s Hold4.如果卖方所交货物品质低于样品品质,但在品质公差范围内,买方应如何处理()A.拒收 B.收货,拒付 C.要求降价 D.按合同价收货5.在进出口业务中,商业汇票的出票人和受票人一般分别是()A.银行,进口人 B.出口人,进口人 C.银行,出口人 D.进口人,保险公司6.根据《跟单信用证统一惯例》规定,合同中使用“大约”、“近似” 等约量字眼,可解释为交货数量的增减幅度为()。

A.不超过5% B.不超过10% C.不超过15% D.由卖方自行决定7.在国际租船市场上,船方按航次出租船舶时,关于装卸费的负担有4种不同的规定,其中有一种规定的英文是FIO,全称是Free In and out,FIO的意思是()。

A.船方不负担装卸费B.船方不负担装货资 C.船方不负担卸货费 D.船方负担装卸费8.如果合同规定有数量机动幅度条款,通常来说,行使数量机动幅度选择权的是()A.卖方 B.船方 C.买方 D.保险公司9.信用证的到期日为12 月31日,最迟装运期为12月15日,最迟交单日期为运输单据出单后15天,出口人备妥货物安排出运的时间是12月10日,则出口人最迟应于()向银行交单议付。

A.12月15日 B.12月25日 C.12 月 20日 D.12月31日10.保兑信用证的保兑行的付款责任是()。



国际贸易实务试卷A卷(英文)09.12第一篇:国际贸易实务试卷A卷(英文)09.12广东外语外贸大学国际经济贸易学院《国际贸易实务》2009-2010学年第一学期期末考试试卷(A卷)考核对象:‘4+0’国贸084班‘4+0’国贸085班考试时间:2小时班级:_______ 学号:________ 姓名:_________ 成绩:________Ⅰ.Put T for true or F for false in the brackets at the end of each statement.(15%)1.(F)According to INCOTERMS 2000, if the seller exports ceramics using CIF term, he must insure the goods against All Risks plus Risk of Clash and Breakage.2.(F)According to INCOTERMS 2000, under CIF Liner T erms Hamburg, the buyer must pay the discharging fees in the port of destination.3.(F)International customs and practice is the international standard which is of some guiding significance to international business men.So all the international business men should abide by the international customs and practice.4.(T)When the charterer fails to load or unload the goods within the stipulated period of time, he has to pay demurrage to the ship-owner.5.(F)In order to avoid complications, we should try our best to usemuch more kinds of methods to stipulate the quality of the goods.6.(F)According to CISG, if the package of the goods is not in acordance with the terms and conditions of the contract, the buyer could lodge claims, bu t he couldn’t reject the goods.7.(F)According to CISG, if the seller delivers a quantity of goods greater than that provided for in the contract, the buyer may take delivery or refuse to take delivery of all the quantity(including theexcess quantity and the contracted quantity).8.(F)A chinese company exports 1500 bags of cement using CIF term in the contract and has insured the goods against F.P.A.before shipment.However five bags fall into water when loading in the port of shipment.Because the five bags have not been on board yet, the insurance company is not responsible for the loss of the five bags.9.(T)According to UCP 600, if there isn’t any other stipulation, the transshipment is allowed.10.(F)The clause of “ CIF London, New York or Tokyo, at buyer’s option” is reasonable and we could agree when exporting goods.11.(T)According to UCP 600, the L/C is independent of the underlying transactions.12.(F)According to CISG, the offeror can withdraw his offer, but he can not revoke it no matter what happened.13.(F)The colletcing bank should promise to get the money from the buyer under Collection.14.(T)According to UCP 600, the beneficiary should present full set clean on board B/Ls if the L/C requires B/Ls with no special terms and conditions.15.(F)Under Collec tion, the payer of the draft should be the buyer’s bank.Ⅱ.Please choose the best answer from the following choices of each question.(20%)1.An exporter in Guangzhou has agreed to sell goods to a company in New York.The exporter is responsible for arranging transport but not insurance.Which of the following shipping terms is correct?()A.CIF New YorkB.FOB New YorkC.CFR New YorkD.FOB Guangzhou 2.According to UCP 600, if there is no special description about the form of the L/C in it, then this L/C is()A.irrecovable and non-transferable B.recovable and transferable C.irrecovable and transferable D.recovable and non-transferable 3.Which term means the minimum cost coverage by the seller?()A.EXWB.FCAC.FASD.FOB 4.According to CISG, when sale by sample and there are not any other detailed stipulations in contract, the goods delivered by the seller should be()A.About same as the sampleB.same as the sampleC.different a little from sampleD.A, B, C are all right.5.A B/L acts as()A.a receipt of goods by the carrier B.an evidence of the contract of carriageC.a document of title for the goodsD.A, B, C are all right.6.Under D/A, the draft must be()A.sight draftB.time draftC.banker’s draftD.clean draft 7.According to CISG, the offer can be submitted ()A.in written formB.orallyC.in written form or be sent orally 8.The shipping Mark usually doesn’t contain()A.the code name of shipper or consigneeB.number of packages of destinationD.chemical characteristics 9.In the following payment terms,()is the safest term to the seller.A.sight payment L/C B.D/P at sight C.Payment at 30 days after delivery of goods D.Cash with order 10.In the following statements about loading and discharging charges in charter party,()is correct.A.F.I.means the shipper should unload the goods by himself.B.F.O.means the shipper should load the goods by himself.C.The time charter party shouldn’t stipulate terms about these charges.D.The ship-owner isn’t responsible for these charges in tramp shipping.Ⅲ.Calculation(25%)1.A Company in Guangzhou quotes its exporting price, USD950 Per Metric Ton FOB Guangzhou, to a German company.But theGerman company requires the exporter to offer CIF Hamburg price(with the goods insured W.P.A.plus War Risk).If the freight from Guangzhou to Hamburg is USD180 Per Metric Ton, the insured amount is 110% of CIF value and the premium rate is 1.3% of W.P.A.plus War Risk.(1)Please calculate how much this exporting company should offer CIF Hamburg price per Metric Ton with the same profit.(10%)(2)If the German company requires the exporter to offer CIFC5% Hamburg price(with the goods insured W.P.A.plus War Risk).Please calculate how much this exporting company should offer CIFC5% Hamburg price per Metric Ton with the same profit.(5%)2.A company in Shanghai exports some garments to a foreign company.the total exporting amount is USD 70000 FOB Shanghai.If the domestic purchasing price of these garments is 450000 RMB.The domestic total charges(including all kinds of domestic fees and taxes)are 40000 RMB.And the export tax rebate is 3000 RMB.And the exchange rate is USD1:RMB7.Please calculate the rate of profit or loss of this export transaction.(10%) Ⅳ.Case Study(40%)A Chinese exporter exported 5000 sets electrical household appliances to an importer on the basis of USD 600 per set CFR Los Angeles.Both parties agreed to stipulate the following in the contract:“…… 40% payment by T/T in advance and 60% payment by D/P 90 days after sight.The buyer should remit the 40% of total value on or before September 30th, 2008.Shipment from Chinese port to Los Angeles, not later than Oct.21st, 2008.Packed in wooden box fumigated more over 12 hours with H2S gas.Partial shipment and transshipment are prohibited.……”After received buyer’s remittance money September 28th, the exporter shipped 3000 sets in Shanghai Port on Oct.4th, 2008, then sent shipping advice on time to the importer and got one set of clean on board B/Ls.Then the exporter shipped the other 2000 sets on board the same vessel in Guangzhou Port on Oct.8th, 2008, sent shipping advice on time to the importer and got other one set of clean on board B/Ls.And then the vessel began to sail to Los Angeles.1.Whether the seller has breached the contract provision of “Partial shipment and transshipment are prohibited” or not? Why?(5%)2.If during the transportation from Guangzhou to Los Angeles by sea, the ship struck on a rock and got stranded.Therefore, the ship arrived at Los Angeles after a delay(latter about 20 days than usual time)and part of goods have been damaged during transportation.According to INCOTERMS 2000, whether the importer has the right to make a claim against the seller because of transportation delay? Why?(5%)3.If these appliances had been insured against W.P.A as per China Insurance Clause before shipment.And if the Inspection Certificate states that: 1000 sets suffered losses at USD 30000 due to the above event;the other 4000 sets are in good conditions and quality.Whether the insurance company should compensate the damage or not? Why?(6%)4.If the importer became bankrupt Nov.2008, without paying money and taking the collection documents, what should the collecting bank do? Was the collecting bank responsible for receiving and keeping goods? Why? What should the exporter do? Why?(10%)5.If the exporter entrust bank for D/P, but importer borrowedthe full set of documents from collecting bank with T/R before payment and later the importer became bankrupt, what should the exporter do? Why?(7%)6.If the payment term in the contract was changed to “40% payment by T/T in advance and 60% payment by L/C 90 days after sight” and the importer became bankrupt Nov.2008, whether the exporter could receive payments on time provided that it had made complying presentation to issuing bank on time? Why?(7%)6第二篇:国际贸易实务试卷A卷2010(英文)及答案广东外语外贸大学国际经济贸易学院《国际贸易实务》2009-2010学年第二学期期末考试试卷(A卷)考核对象:金融081、082、083、084班保险081、082班考试时间:2小时班级:_______ 学号:________ 姓名:_________ 成绩:________Ⅰ.Put T for true or F for false in the corresponding blanks on your answer sheet.(20%)1.()According to INCOTERMS 2000, under FOB contract, the buyer has no obligation to contract for insurance and pay the insurance premium.2.()According to INCOTERMS 2000, under CIF contract, the seller must procure marine insurance, while under CFR contract, it is a common practice that the buyer contracts for insurance and pays the insurance premium.So under the CIF contract, the goods are seller’s risk during the internaitonal marine transport, while under the CFR contract, it is the buyer who should bear the risk of loss of or damage to the goods during the internaitonal marine transport.3.()Under CIF contract, the seller would better ship the goods before the time of shipment stipulated in the contract for fear of the loss of late arrival of the goods to thebuyer.4.()When the risk of loss of or damage to the goods is transferred from the seller to the buyer, all the charges and obligations of this internaional transaction will be transferred from the seller to the buyer immediately.5.()According to INCOTERMS 2000, under E XW contract, the sellr’s obligation is minimum.6.()International customs and practice is the international standard which is of some guiding significance to international business.So all the international business persons should abide by the international customs and practice.17.()In order to avoid disputes, we should try our best to use much more kinds of methods to stipulate the quality of the goods in the international contract.8.()According to CISG, if the package of the goods is not in acordance with the terms and conditions of the contract, the buyer could reject the goods and lodge claims.9.(T)If the goods are sold by weight, but there isn’t any stipulations about the method for calculating weight in the contract, then the payment for goods should be calculated according to its net weight.10.()Partial loss or damage is not recoverable with FPA.11.()In ocean marine insurance, general average should be borne by the carrier totally, who may, upon presentation of evidence of the loss, recover the loss from the insurance company.12.()Demurrage is a fine imposed on the charterer for the delay in the loading and/or unloading of the goods.13.()Order B/L can be transferred with endorsement.14.()Unclean B/L will be accepted by the buyer or the issuing bank.15.()A B/L, Rail Way Bill, or Air Way Bill could be negotiated or transferred because all of them are documents of title to the goods.16.()According to INCOTERMS 2000, under CIF contract, the seller has no obligation to give the buyer prompt shipping advice after the goods are shipped on boardthe vessel, because the seller has insured the goods for the buyer before shipment.17.()According to UCP 600, the issuing bank shall have a maximum of five banking days following the day of presentation to determine if a presentation is complying.When the issuing bank decides to refuse to honour, it must give a single notice to that effect to the presenter.18.(T)According to UCP 600, all the credits are irrevocable and thereby constitute a definite undertaking of the issuing bank to honour a complying presentation.19.()Under D/P, the remitting bank and the collecting bank offer their collection service with discretion but they usually don’t promise to get the sales proceeds for the seller.20.()Under D/A, the collecting bank should be responsible for the goods(inculding take and store the goods, etc.)if the buyer doesn’t accept the seller’s draft(s)and documents.Ⅱ.Please choose the best answer from the following choices of each question and write them on your answer sheet.(15%)21.The term of FOB should be followed by()in a international trade d place of origind port of shipmentd port of destinationd place of destination 22.According to UCP 600, the confirming bank must negotiate and/or honor()A.if the issuing bank agrees to negotiate and/or honor B.if the applicant agrees to negotiate and/or honor C.if it has received a complying presentation from the presenter D.if the beneficiary has shipped the stipulated goods on time 23.Under documentary collection, the draft must be()A.sight draft B.time draft C.banker’s draft mercial draft 24.According to CISG, the international business person can()before the offer reaches the offeree.A.withdraw his/her offerB.revoke his/her offerC.withdraw his/her contractD.revoke his/her contract 25.According to UCP 600, under L/C, the payer of the draft is().A.the buyerB.the advising bankC.the negotiating bankD.the issuing bank 26.If the CIF value in a international contract is USD 9 000 000, and there isn’t any special terms and conditions about insurance, then according to INCOTERMS 2000, the seller could insure the goods for()D 9 000 000 against FPAD 10 000 000 against WPAD 9 000 000 against WPAD 9 900 000 against TPND 27.According to CISG, the acceptance can be submitted()A.in written formB.orallyC.in written form or be sent orally 28.In the following payment terms,()is the safest term to the seller.A.Payment against documents, at 30 days after sight B.Payment by T/T, at 30 days after arrival of goods C.Payment against documents, at 30 days from the date of B/LD.Payment by acceptance L/C, at 30 days after sight 29.Under CFR contract, the goods are damaged during marine transport and the buyer suffers losses estimated at USD 1 000 due to natural calamity, USD 800 due to fortuitous accidents, and USD 2 000 due to extraneous risks.If the buyer has insured the goods for USD 1 000 000 against WPA before shiment, then the insurer should pay()compensation to the D 3800D 1800D 3000D 2800 30.In the following statements about loading and discharging charges in charter party,()is correct.A.F.I.means the shipper should unload the goods by himself.B.F.O.means the shipper should load the goods byhimself.C.The time charter p arty shouldn’t stipulate terms about these charges.D.The ship-owner isn’t responsible for these charges in tramp shipping.31.Counter sample is made by()which can help avoid disputes over the quality of goods in the future transaction.A.the buyerB.the sellerC.the carrierD.the offerer 32.The more or less clause is a clause that stipulates that().A.the quantity delivered can be more or less within 5 percent.B.the quantity delivered can be more or less within 10 percent C.the quantity delivered can be more or less within 3 percent D.the quantity delivered can be more or less within certain extent 33.Sales by description and illustration is applicable to()most.A.wheatB.medical apparatusC.mineral oreD.ordinary stainless steel cup 34.Neutral packing is adopted to().A.prevent corrosion by acids or alkali B.break tariff and non-tariff barriers of exporting countries C.break tariff and non-tariff barriers of importing countries D.A, B and C are all right 35.Merchant vessels can be divided into liners and tramps, and to the owner of cargo,()proved to be a more convenient means of international cargo distribution.A.liners B.trampsC.none of themⅢ.Calculation(Please write your answers on your answer sheet, and the results should be rounded off to two decimals.20%)36.A Company in Shenzhen quotes its exporting price, USD1000 Per Metric Ton FOB Shenzhen, to a Japanese company.But the Japanese company requires the exporter to offer CIF Yokohama price(with the goods insured F.P.A.).If the freight from Shenzhen to Yokohama is USD 200 per Metric Ton,the insured amount is 110% of CIF value and the premium rate is 1% of F.P.A..(1)Please calculate how much this exporting company should offer CIF Yokohama price per Metric Ton with the same profit.(8%)(2)If the Japanese company requires the exporter to offer CIFC5% Yokohama price(with the goods insured F.P.A.).Please calculate how much this exporting company should offer CIFC5% Yokohama price per Metric Ton with the same profit.(4%)(3)If the exporting quantity is 100 Metric Tons, the domestic purchasing price of these goods is 6000 RMB per Metric Ton.The domestic total charges(including all kinds of domestic fees and taxes)are 13000 RMB.And the export tax rebate is 3000 RMB totally.And the exchange rate is USD1:RMB6.8.Please calculate the rate of profit or loss of this export transaction.(8%) Ⅳ.Case Study(Please write your answers on your answer sheet, 10%)37.On 15th May, 2010, a chinese company offered to a french company, “sell 10000 Qing Yan Brand bicycles, Article No.171069, FOB Shanghai USD 100 per set, shipment during July, 2010.Subject reply here on or before 20th May, 2010.......”.On 17th May, 2010, the french company replied by FAX, “ we accept your offer dated 15th May, 2010, but at the price of FOB Shanghai USD 80 per s et, shipment during October, 2010.”The chinese company hadn’t replied to the french company and sold their bicycles to another foreign company.However, on 19th May, 2010, the french company replied by FAX again, “ we completely accept your offer dated 15t h May, 2010.” The chinese company replied to the french company at once by FAX, “we have sold the bicycles to others.We will offer you in the future as possible as we can.”But the french company thought that the contract has beenconcluded and required the chinese company to ship the bicycles during July, 2010 at Shanghai port.According to CISG, do you think the above two companies have conculded a contract? Why?V.Write your answers on your answer sheet to the following question 38, which is based on the following L/C.(35%) -------------RECEIVED MESSAGE Status: MESSAGE DELIVERED Station: 1 BEGINNING OF MESSAGE Own Address : BOCOZOXXXXX: BANK OF CHINA : GUANGZHOU Output Message Type : 700 ISSUE OF A DOCUMENTARY CREDIT Sent by : ACNZ2WXXX WESTPAC BANK COPROPATION WELLINGTON :(FOR ALL NEW ZEALAND BRANCH)Output Date/Time : 061207/0928 Priority : Normal 27/ SEQUENCE OF TOTAL: 1/1 40A/ FORM OF DOCUMENTARY CREDIT: IRREVOCABLE 20/ DOCUMENTARY CREDIT NUMBER: 0612/20487923 31C/ DATE AND PLACE OF EXPIRY: 070121 P.R.O.C.50/ APPLICANT: NEW CHEM INC.AUCKLAND, NEW ZEALAND 59/ BENEFICIARY: GUANGZHOU FOREIGN TRADE CORP.GUANGZHOU, P.R.OF CHINA 32B/ CURRENCY CODE AMOUNT: USD 34870,00 41D/ AVAILABLE WITH … BY … : ANY BANK BY NEGOTIATION 42C/ DRAFTS AT …… : SIGHT FOR FULL INVOICE VALUE 42A/ DRAWEE: WPACNZZWAKL WESTPAC BANKING CORPORATION, AUCKLAND 43P/ PARTIAL SHIPMENTS: NOT ALLOWED 43T/ TRANSSHIPMENT: ALLOWED 44A/ ON BOARD/DISP/TAKING CHARGE: ANY P.R.C.PORT 44B/ ROF TRANSPORTATION TO: AUCKLAND NEW ZEALAND 44C/ LATEST DATE OF SHIPMENT: 061213 45A/ DESCP OF GOODS AND/OR SERVICE: BLACK SILICON CARBIDE CIF AUCKLAND 46A/ DOCUMENTS REQUIRED: +COMMERCIAL INVOICES +FULL SET CLEAN “ON BOARD”BILLS OF LADING MADE OUT TO ORDER BLANK ENDORSED MARKED “FREIGHT PREPAID” AND NOTIFYAPPLICANT +INSURANCE POLICY OR CERTIFICATE COVERING OCEAN MARINE TRANSPORTATION ALL RISKS AND WAR RISKS.+PACKING LIST +CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS +BENEFICIARY CERTIFICATE STATING BATCH NUMBERS APPEAR ON ALL DOCUMENTS AND PACKAGES 47A/ ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS: DRAFTS DRAWN HEREUNDER MUST BEAR DOCUMENTARY CREDIT NUMBER AND DATE.EACH PRESENTATION OF DISCREPANCIES DOCUMENTS UNDER THIS CREDIT,A FEE OF NZD70.00(OR ITS EQUIVALENT IN THE CURRENCY OF YOUR DRAWING)IS FOR ACCOUNT OF BENEFICIARY AND MUST BE DEDUCTED FROM YOUR REIMBURSEMENT CLAIM OR WILL BE DEDUCTED FROM THE PROCEEDS(IN THE EVENT CLAIM IS PAID BY OURSELVES).ALL DOCUMENTS IN DUPICATE UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED.71B/ CHARGES: 6ALL BANK CHARGES OUTSIDE COUNTRY OF ISSUING BANK ARE FOR ACCOUNT OF BENEFICIARY.48/ PERIOD FOR PRESENTATION: DOCUMENTS TO BE PRESENTED WITHIN 21 DAYS AFTER ISSUANCE OF BILL OF LADING BUT WITHIN THE VALIDITY DATE OF THIS DOCUMENTARY CREDIT 49/ CONFIRMATION INSTRUTIONS: WITHOUT 78/ INSTRUCS TO PAY/ACCPT/NEGOT BANK: UPON RECEIPT OF COMPLIANT DOCUMENTS, WE UNDERTAKE TO REMIT PROCEEDS BY TELEGRAPHIC TRANSFER IN TERMS OF YOUR INSTRUCTONS, WITHIN TWO BUSINESS DAYS, LESS OUR REIMBURSEMENT CHAREGES AND COSTS OF NZD80.00, THE EQUIVALENT OF WHICH WILL BE DEDUCTED FROM YOUR CLAIM.DRAFT AND DOCUMENTS ARE TO BE COURIERED IN ONE LOT TO WESTPAC BANKING CORPORATION, NEW ZEALAND.SAC: SWIFT Authentication Correct38.(1)本信用证的申请人和受益人?(4%)(2)本信用证的种类(至少写出两种)?(4%)(3)本信用证的到期日及到期地点?(4%)(4)本信用证是否允许转运,是否允许分批装运?(4%)(5)本信用证的最迟装运日?(2%)(6)本信用证对汇票有何要求?(6%)(7)本信用证对提单有何要求?(6%)(8)本信用证对保险单据有何要求?(5%)广东外语外贸大学国际经济贸易学院《国际贸易实务》2009-2010学年第二学期期末考试试卷(A卷)参考答案考核对象:金融081、082、083、084班保险081、082班考试时间:2小时班级:_______ 学号:________ 姓名:_________ 成绩:________Ⅰ.Put T for true or F for false in the corresponding blanks.(20%)1.T2.F3.F4.F5.T6.F7.F8.F9.T 10.F11.F 12.T 13.T 14.F 15.F 16.F 17.T 18.T 19.T 20.FⅡ.Please write the best answer in the corresponding blanks.(15%)21.B 22.C 23.D 24.A 25.D 26.B 27.C 28.D 29.B 30.C31.B 32.D 33.B 34.C 35.AⅢ.Calculation(The results should be rounded off to two decimals.20%)36.(1)CIF=(FOB+F)/(1-premium rate×110%)=(1000+200)/(1-1%×110%)=1200/(1-0.011)=1200/0.989 ≈1213.35 USD per metric tonI.e.this exporting Company should offer CIF Yokohama USD1213.35 per Metric Ton to its customer with the same profit.(2)CIFC5%=CIF/(1-5%)=1213.35/0.95 ≈ 1277.21 USD per metric tonSo, the exporting Company should offer CIFC5% Yokohama USD 1277.21 per metric ton to its customer with the same profit.(3)The domestic purchasing price plus domestic total charges minus the export tax rebate is domestic cost of export.I.e.the total domestic cost = 6000×100 + 13000 -3000= 610000 RMBThe revenue in RMB = foreign exchange earning × exchange rate= FOB ×100×exchange rate=1000×100× exchange rate=100000 × 6.8= 680000 RMBSo, the rate of profit =(revenue-domestic cost)÷ domestic cost × 100%=(680000-610000)÷ 610000 × 100% ≈ 11.48%Ⅳ.Case Study(10%)37.(1)According to CISG, the two companies have not conculded a contract.(2)CISG Article 19, “1)A reply to an offer which purports to be an acceptance but contains additions, limitations or other modifications is a rejection of the offer and constitutes a counter-offer.2)However, a reply to an offer which purports to be an acceptance but contains additional or different terms which do not materially alter the terms of the offer constitutes an acceptance,unless the offeror, without undue delay, objects orally to the discrepancy or dispatches a notice to that effect.If he does not so object, the terms of the contract are the terms of the offer with the modifications contained in the acceptance.3)Additional or different terms relating, among otherthings, to the price, payment, quality and quantity of the goods, place and time of delivery, extent of one party's liability to the other or the settlement of disputes are considered to alter the terms of the offer materially.”(3)On 17th May, 2010, the french company replied by FAX, “ we accept your offer dated 15th May, 2010, but at the price of FOB Shanghai USD 80 per set, shipment during October, 2010.”That is to say, the french company altered the price and the time of shipment in the chinese company’s offer dated 15th May, 2010.So the reply made by the french company dated 17th May 2010 was a counter-offer and a new offer.Then, the offer made by the chinese company dated 15th May 2010 became invalid.The chinese company hasn’t accepted the new offer made by the french company dated 17th May 2010.The reply made by the french company dated 19th May 2010 was a new offer too.And the chinese company hasn’t ac cepted the new offer made by the french company dated 19th May 2010 too.So the two companies have not conculded a contract.V.Write your answers in the corresponding blanks.(35%)38.(1)Applicant: NEW CHEM INC.,AUCKLAND, NEW ZEALAND Beneficiary: GUANGZHOU FOREIGN TRADE CORP.GUANGZHOU, P.R.OF CHINA(2)Irrevocable,Sight, Negotiable, Unconfirmed, Non-transferable,Documentary(3)21th January,2007 in china(4)PARTIAL SHIPMENTS: NOT ALLOWED TRANSSHIPMENT: ALLOWED(5)LATEST DATE OF SHIPMENT: 13th December,2006(6)DRAFTS AT SIGHT FOR FULL INVOICE VALUE, DRAWEE: WPACNZZWAKL, WESTPAC BANKING CORPORATION,AUCKLAND DRAFTS DRAWN HEREUNDER MUST BEAR DOCUMENTARY CREDIT NUMBER AND DATE.(7)FULL SET CLEAN “ON BOARD”BILLS OF LADING MADE OUT TO ORDER BLANK ENDORSED, MARKED “FREIGHT PREPAID” AND NOTIFY APPLICANT, IN DUPICATE(8)INSURANCE POLICY OR CERTIFICATE COVERING OCEAN MARINE TRANSPORTATION ALL RISKS AND WAR RISKS, IN DUPICATE第三篇:国际贸易实务试卷课程名称:国际贸易实务适用对象:本科试卷代号:一、单项选择题(每题1分,共15分)1、与进出口贸易关系最大,也是最重要的一项国际条约是()。







单选题1. CIF LONDON 卖方交货地点是( A )A.装运港船上 B.目的港船上 C.目的港码头 D.装运港码头2.以CIF术语成交,货物在途中灭失应由( D )A.卖方承担损失 B.买方承担损失 C.船方承担损失 D.买方向保险公司索赔3.国外来证规定,总金额50万元数量为1000公吨散装货物,如果未表明可否溢短装,则不准分批装运,根据《UCP600》条款规定,卖方发货的( D )A.数量和总金额均不能增减B.数量和总金额均可增减10%以内C.数量和总金额均可增减5%以内D.数量可增减5%,总金额不超过50美元4.在国际贸易中,海运提单的签发日期是表示( B )A.货物已经开始装船的日期B.货物已经装船完毕的日期C.装载船只到达装运港口的日期D.装载船只离开装运港口的日期5.某货轮在航行途中,A舱失火,船长误以为B舱也同时失火,命令对两舱同时施救。


那么( D )A.A舱乙批货物与B舱货物均属共同海损B.A舱乙批货物与B舱货物均属单独海损C.A舱货物均属共同海损D.A舱乙批货物属于共同海损,B舱货物属于单独海损6.在国际贸易中,买卖商品是按重量计价的,若合同未明确规定计算重量的办法时,按惯例,应按( A )。




A 、平方MB 、公升C 、立方MD 、斤2、如果物价下降,固定价格对()有利。

A、卖方 B 、双方 C 、买方 D 、船方3、在信用证付款的情况下,发票抬头应填()。

A 、开证申请人B 、受益人C 、出口商D 、保险商4、下列关于销售代理人说确的是()。






A 、发盘B 、还盘C 、邀请发盘D 、承诺9、常见的集合运输包装有()。

A 、集装箱B 条C 、箱D 、捆10 、对于接受生效,英美法采取()原则。

A、到达生效 B 、自然生效 C 、投邮生效 D 、中途生效二、多项选择题(每小题3分,共15分)1、在FOB术语下,下列属于卖方义务的是()。

A 、出口报关B 、保险C 、国运费D 、国外运费2 、下列哪些贸易术语较常用()。

A 、CIFB 、DDPC 、EXWD 、CFR3、下列属于以说明表示品质的是()。

A 、凭规格B 凭样品C 、凭标准D 、看货买卖4 、一切险不承保以下风险()。

A 、战争B 、罢工C 、海啸D 、台风5、《公约》将违约分为()违约。

A 、根本性B 、违反担保C 、违反要件 D非根本性三、名词解释(每小题5分,共25分)1、汇票2 、CFR Ex Ship’s Hold3 、出口收汇核销4 、卖期保值5 、仓至仓条款四、简答题(每小题5分,共10分)1 、什么是违反要件、违反担保?其法律后果是什么?2 、构成实盘的基本条件。






信函内容如下:Name of Commodity: training & jogging sweatshirtQuantity: 1000 setsUnit price: USD15 FOB GUANGZHOUPayment: by T/T in advanceA.询盘B.发盘C.还盘D.接受4.某公司在速卖通平台上架A产品,公司确定A产品的销售价格为12.8美元,按30%的折扣率进行销售,则A产品的上架价格设置为()美元是最合适的。




A.100%前T/T B.托收C.信用证D.T/T支付30%定金+交货前T/T支付剩余70%货款8.按照《2020年通则》的解释,CIP与CPT的主要区别在于()。




学年第一学期《国际贸易实务》试卷(A )适用专业: 13高技市营、14高技物流 考试时间:90分钟6页一、判断题(本大题共15题,每小题1分,共15分。


)1. FOB Liner term 的装船费是按照班轮的做法处理,即由买方或船方承担。

( )2. FCA 、CPT 、CIP 、FOB 、CFR 、CIF 适合于任何种运输方式。

( )3.在海运货物保险业务中,“仓至仓”条款对于驳船运输造成的损失,保险公司不承担责任。

( )4.使用固定价格,在合同中明确规定之后,均按合同确定的价格结算货款,任何一方不得擅自变更原价格。

( )5.《UCP600》规定,不规定有效期的信用证无效。

( )6.若买卖双方规定装运前或装运时在装运港检验,以离岸质量、重量为准,则货物运抵目的港后,买方再对货物进行复验时,即使发现问题,也无权再表示拒收。

( )7.一旦在合同订立后出现不可抗力事故,遭受损害的一方当事人即可解除合同( )8.通常,对于通过电子邮件发出的发盘,仍然可以撤回。

( )9.信用证结算方式下,如果出现不符点,则银行信用变成商业信用,受益人是否可以得到货款就失去了银行信用的保证。

( )10.对销贸易是指一种新的单一贸易行为。

( )11.受益人对修改的信用证可以全部接受,也可以部分接受。

( )12.大陆法系多数国家的法律认为,法院一般有权根据当事人的请求,对过高的违约金予以适当的减少。

( )13.一张汇票往往可以同时具备几种性质,因此一张商业汇票,同时又可以是银行即期汇票。

( )14.航空运单可作为货物所有权凭证进行转让和抵押。

( )15.我按FOB 旧金山从美国购买一批小麦,卖方理应将货物装到旧金山港的船上( )1.定牌中性包装是指( )。

A.在商品本身及其包装上使用买方指定的商标或牌号,但不标明产地B.在商品本身及其包装上使用买方指定的商标或牌号,也标明产地C.在商品本身及其包装上不使用买方指定的商标或牌号,也不标明产地D.在商品本身及其包装上不使用买方指定的商标或牌号,但标明产地 2.必须经背书才能进行转让的提单是( )。

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广东外语外贸大学国际经济贸易学院《国际贸易实务》2009-2010学年第一学期期末考试试卷(A卷)考核对象:‘4+0’国贸084班‘4+0’国贸085班考试时间:2小时班级:_______ 学号:________ 姓名:_________ 成绩:________Ⅰ. Put T for true or F for false in the brackets at the end of each statement. ( 15% )1.()According to INCOTERMS 2000, if the seller exports ceramicsusing CIF term, he must insure the goods against All Risks plusRisk of Clash and Breakage.2.()According to INCOTERMS 2000, under CIF Liner Terms Hamburg,the buyer must pay the discharging fees in the port ofdestination.3.()International customs and practice is the international standardwhich is of some guiding significance to international businessmen. So all the international business men should abide by theinternational customs and practice.4.()When the charterer fails to load or unload the goods within thestipulated period of time, he has to pay demurrage to theship-owner.5.()In order to avoid complications, we should try our best to usemuch more kinds of methods to stipulate the quality of thegoods.6.()According to CISG, if the package of the goods is not in acordancewith the terms and conditions of the contract, the buyer couldlodge claims, but he couldn’t reject the goods.7.()According to CISG, if the seller delivers a quantity of goods greaterthan that provided for in the contract, the buyer may takedelivery or refuse to take delivery of all the quantity (includingthe excess quantity and the contracted quantity).8.()A chinese company exports 1500 bags of cement using CIF termin the contract and has insured the goods against F.P.A. beforeshipment. However five bags fall into water when loading in theport of shipment. Because the five bags have not been onboard yet, the insurance company is not responsible for theloss of the five bags.9.()According to UCP 600, if there isn’t any other stipulation, thetransshipment is allowed.10.()The clause of “ CIF London, New York or Tokyo, at buyer’soption” is reasonable and we could agree when exportinggoods.11.()According to UCP 600, the L/C is independent of the underlyingtransactions.12.()According to CISG, the offeror can withdraw his offer, but he cannot revoke it no matter what happened.13.()The colletcing bank should promise to get the money from thebuyer under Collection.14.()According to UCP 600, the beneficiary should present full setclean on board B/Ls if the L/C requires B/Ls with no specialterms and conditions.15.()Under Collection, the payer of the draft should be the buyer’sbank.Ⅱ. Please choose the best answer from the following choices of each question. ( 20% )1. An exporter in Guangzhou has agreed to sell goods to a company inNew York. The exporter is responsible for arranging transport but not insurance. Which of the following shipping terms is correct? ( )A. CIF New YorkB. FOB New YorkC. CFR New YorkD. FOB Guangzhou2. According to UCP 600, if there is no special description about the form ofthe L/C in it, then this L/C is ( )A. irrecovable and non-transferableB. recovable and transferableC. irrecovable and transferableD. recovable and non-transferable3. Which term means the minimum cost coverage by the seller? ( )A. EXWB. FCAC. FASD.FOB4. According to CISG, when sale by sample and there are not any otherdetailed stipulations in contract, the goods delivered by the seller should be ( )A. About same as the sampleB. same as the sampleC. different a little from sampleD. A, B, C are all right.5. A B/L acts as ( )A. a receipt of goods by the carrierB. an evidence of the contract of carriageC. a document of title for the goodsD. A, B, C are all right.6. Under D/A, the draft must be ( )A. sight draftB. time draftC. banker’s draftD. clean draft7. According to CISG, the offer can be submitted ( )A. in written formB. orallyC. in written form or be sent orally8. The shipping Mark usually doesn’t contain ( )A. the code name of shipper or consigneeB. number of packagesC. name of destinationD. chemical characteristics9. In the following payment terms, ( ) is the safest term to the seller.A. sight payment L/CB. D/P at sightC. Payment at 30 days after delivery of goodsD. Cash with order10. In the following statements about loading and discharging charges incharter party, ( ) is correct.A. F.I. means the shipper should unload the goods by himself.B. F.O. means the shipper should load the goods by himself.C. The time charter party shouldn’t stipulate terms about these charges.D. The ship-owner isn’t responsible for these charges in tramp shipping.Ⅲ. Calculation ( 25% )1. A Company in Guangzhou quotes its exporting price, USD950 Per MetricTon FOB Guangzhou, to a German company. But the German company requires the exporter to offer CIF Hamburg price ( with the goods insured W.P.A. plus War Risk). If the freight from Guangzhou to Hamburg is USD180 Per Metric Ton, the insured amount is 110% of CIF value and the premium rate is 1.3% of W.P.A. plus War Risk.(1) Please calculate how much this exporting company should offer CIFHamburg price per Metric Ton with the same profit. ( 10% )(2) If the German company requires the exporter to offer CIFC5%Hamburg price ( with the goods insured W.P.A. plus War Risk).Please calculate how much this exporting company should offer CIFC5% Hamburg price per Metric Ton with the same profit. ( 5% ) 2. A company in Shanghai exports some garments to a foreign company.the total exporting amount is USD 70000 FOB Shanghai. If the domestic purchasing price of these garments is 450000 RMB. The domestic total charges (including all kinds of domestic fees and taxes) are 40000 RMB.And the export tax rebate is 3000 RMB. And the exchange rate is USD1:RMB7. Please calculate the rate of profit or loss of this export transaction. ( 10% )Ⅳ. Case Study (40%)A Chinese exporter exported 5000 sets electrical household appliances to an importer on the basis of USD 600 per set CFR Los Angeles. Both parties agreed to stipulate the following in the contract:“…… 40% payment by T/T in advance and 60% payment by D/P 90 days after sight.The buyer should remit the 40% of total value on or before September 30th, 2008.Shipment from Chinese port to Los Angeles, not later than Oct. 21st, 2008.Packed in wooden box fumigated more over 12 hours with H2S gas.Partial shipment and transshipment are prohibited. ……”After received buyer’s remittance money September 28th, the exporter shipped 3000 sets in Shanghai Port on Oct. 4th, 2008, then sent shipping advice on time to the importer and got one set of clean on board B/Ls. Then the exporter shipped the other 2000 sets on board the same vessel in Guangzhou Port on Oct. 8th, 2008, sent shipping advice on time to the importer and got other one set of clean on board B/Ls. And then the vessel began to sail to Los Angeles.1. Whether the seller has breached the contract provision of “Partialshipment and transshipment are prohibited” or not? Why? ( 5% )2. If during the transportation from Guangzhou to Los Angeles by sea, theship struck on a rock and got stranded. Therefore, the ship arrived atLos Angeles after a delay (latter about 20 days than usual time) andpart of goods have been damaged during transportation.According to INCOTERMS 2000, whether the importer has the right to make a claim against the seller because of transportationdelay? Why? ( 5% )3. If these appliances had been insured against W.P.A as per ChinaInsurance Clause before shipment. And if the Inspection Certificate states that: 1000 sets suffered losses at USD 30000 due to the above event; the other 4000 sets are in good conditions and quality. Whether the insurance company should compensate the damage or not? Why?( 6% )4. If the importer became bankrupt Nov. 2008, without paying money andtaking the collection documents, what should the collecting bank do?Was the collecting bank responsible for receiving and keeping goods?Why? What should the exporter do? Why? (10% )5. If the exporter entrust bank for D/P, but importer borrowed the full set ofdocuments from collecting bank with T/R before payment and later the importer became bankrupt, what should the exporter do? Why? (7% ) 6. If the payment term in the contract was changed to “40% payment byT/T in advance and 60% payment by L/C 90 days after sight” and the importer became bankrupt Nov. 2008, whether the exporter could receive payments on time provided that it had made complying presentation to issuing bank on time? Why? (7% )。
