英语专业专业课件:英汉翻译技巧课件-------- Amplification Omission Nouns Prepositions Adjectives Adverbs Hypotactic vs. Paratactic Passive vs. Active Restructuring Impersonal vs. Personal Affirmative vs. Negative Nominal Clauses Attributive Clause Adverbial ClauseAssessmentAttendance 10%Assignments 15% 2 30% Final Exam 60%Suggested reading books?-1 A Brief Introduction toTranslationImportant Role of Translation:Coca Cola 、Hacker 、club 、 laser? : laser 、menu 、nylon“” FangfangMokasutu “”. Nature and Scope of Translation Definition :“”//.a “Translating consists inreproducing in the receptor language the closestnatural equivalent of the source language message,first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms ofstyle.”. Nature and Scope of Transla tionPeter Newmark “It is rendering the meaning of a text into another language in theway that the author intended the text”J.Catford “”“”Nature and Scope of TranslationNatureTranslation is not a word for word activity1*She is very red nowShe is very popular now.2 *You Give Me Stop!! Stand!3 *Stupid stupid want to moveBe ready to do sth.bad4 *coldly talk for a while to exchange greetings and make small talk5 *"Site of jumping umbrella" paragliding site6 * "Cherishing Flowers and Trees" keep off the grass.Nature and Scope of Translationnativeforeign foreignnativeinterpretation translationMTconsecutive interpretationsimultaneously interpretation. Principles or Criteria of Translation Principle :faithfulness, expressiveness,elegance spiritual conformitysublimed adaptation? Tytler translation equivalence dynamic equivalence. Principles or Criteria of TranslationPrinciple :Yan Fu the first Chinese who made apenetrating and relatively systematicstudy of translation standard in modern times? Evolution and EthicsThe Wealth of NationsPrinciples or Criteria of Translation Principle ::faithfulness/ accuracy /expressiveness/ smoothness /elegancePrinciples or Criteria of TranslationPrinciple :faithfulness/ accuracy /original contentsoriginal meaning and viewsoriginal form and styleexpressiveness/ smoothness / easy, readable rendering idiomatic expression. Literal Translation and Free TranslationProcess :Comprehension comprehend the source textcompletelyExpression render the source text into thetarget language text a rough translationProofreading proofread the roughtranslation & polish. Literal Translation and Free Translation1. semantic system2. context linguistic and nonlinguistic3. background information and specialized knowledge4. LogicLiteral Translation and Free Translation1. Context2. Avoid translationese “ ”“”“”Europeanized“”Chinglish--She then uncrossed her legsLiteral Translation and Free TranslationLiteral Translation and Free Translation. Literal Translation and Free TranslationLiteral Translation :Not to alter the original words and sentences To keep the sentiments and style of theoriginal To reproduce the ideological content and thestyle of the original works and retain as muchas possible the figures of speechLiteral Translation and Free Translationcrocodile tears; armed to the teeth chain reaction ; gentlemen’s agreement one country, two systems ; The three religions and the nine schools of thought ; paper tiger ;go to one’s external rest ;the long sleep ;see Marx ;go west ;go to heaven ;. Literal Translation and Free TranslationFree Translation :an alternative approach generally used to convey the meaning and spirit of the original without tryingto copy its sentence patterns or figures of speech.E.gTo be crude and careless with big branchesand large leavesTo take advantage of every weakness, poke into everynook and corner to get into every hole. Literal Translation and Free TranslationAdam’s apple ; at sixes and sevens It rains cats and dogsDo you see any green in my eye. Literal Translation and Free Translation More Examples1 Little fish does not eat big fish2 There’s no pot so ugly it can’t find a lid /3 What was hatched a hen must not try to be a rooster!Literal Translation and Free Translation word for word translation How are you? * How old are you? * He is lying on his backheart flower angry open[to be wild with joy; to be elated; to feelexuberantly happy; to burst with joy ]. Literal Translation and Free TranslationDifference between word-for-word translation andliteral translationWord-for-word translation: translate word by word without making any adjustment, starchy, stiff,unintelligible unacceptable, unqualified translationLiteral translation: make some necessaryadjustment; smooth, clear & natural. Can havealmost the same feeling as the SLR acceptable, good translation. Literal Translation and Free Translation Free translation wishful translation toadd or delete the content of the original,or add personal emotion Literal Translation and Free Translation Relationship between literal translation andfree translationComplementary, instead of contradictoryLiteral translation and free translation may bealternatively used in the process of translationLiteral Translation and Free Translation1 Don't lock the stable door after the horses has been stolenLiteral translation: ,Free translation:2 Smashing a mirror is no way to make an ugly personbeautiful, nor it is a way to make social problem evaporate Literal translation: ,Free translation: Literal Translation and Free Translation3 Literal translation: There are no waves without wind Free translation: There's no smoke without fire Literal Translation and Free TranslationSome sentences can only be translated freely Our son must go to school. He must break out of thepot that hold us in.Literal translation:Free translation:. Literal Translation and Free TranslationWhen to use free translation?1. When it is difficult to understand if translatedliterally;2. When literal translation can not express thedeep meaning of the original;3. When idioms can be usedLiteral Translation and Free Translation1 Maybe Kino has cut off his own head and destroyed himself Literal translation: * Kino Free translation: Kino2 Cast pearls before swine Literal translation: *Free translation:3 Barbara was born with a silver spoon in her mouth Literal translation: *BarbaraFree translation: Barbara Literal Translation and Free TranslationHow to use them properly and proficiently know source language and target language cultureas much as possible and have extensive knowledgewith the problems which the original wrote ortalked about comprehend source language message correctly andthoroughly practice makes perfectLiteral Translation and Free TranslationDomestication / Foreignization vs. Free / LiteralTranslationFree / Literal Translation is on the linguistic levelDomestication / Foreignization is more concerned with the cultural level?? targetl anguage“ ”?? sourcelanguage Literal Translation and Free Translation All roads lead to RomeTo teach one’s grandmother to eat eggs:show off one’s proficiencywith the axebefore Lu Ban, the master carpenterTranslation Techniques1. Text Types2. Translation Purpose3. Socio-cultural ConstraintsPractice1. He was a dead shot. However, he met hisWaterloo this time 2. After the failure of his last novel, his reputationstands on slippery ground 3. He carried his age astonishingly well 4. She'd never again believe anything in trousers 5. Nixon was pleased by the distinction, but notoverwhelmed 6. "I'll have Lisa where I want her. "7. Yet China was a land of constant surprise andshifting impression.。
4 Addition
1.6 增加表达复数的词
a. 增加重叠词表示复数 1)Flowers bloom all over the yard. 朵朵鲜花开满了庭院。
2)There were rows of houses which he had never seen before. 一排排的房子,都是他从来没有见过的。
A Practical Course on English&Chinese Translation
Addition & Omission in Translation
增补译法,“2+1=2(加词不加意)” 省略译法,“2-1=2(减词不减意)” 在具体翻译过程中要根据需要,须增时可增, 要减时便减,以意义需要为目的。
4. Rhetorical Addition (修辞上的增词)
汉语中的语气助词很多,如“的” “吧”、“ 啊” 、“呀” “嘛”、“吗” 、“啦” 、“了” 、 “罢了”、“而已”等等。不同的语气助词可以 表示不同的含义。在英译汉时,增加一些恰当的语 气助词可以更好地表达英语原文的含义和修辞色彩 。另外,为了使译文更加生动通顺,译者也可以增 加无损原意的四字词组,四字对偶词组和叠词。
1. Lexical Addition (词汇上的增词)
Leabharlann 2. Syntactical Addition (句法结构上的增词)
3. Cultural Addition (文化上的增词)
4. Rhetorical Addition (修辞上的增词)
1. Lexical Addition
❖ (二)增加形容词
❖ The plane twisted under me, trailing flame and smoke.
❖ (敌人的)飞机在下面螺旋下降,拖着浓烟烈焰掉 了下去。
❖ With what enthusiasm the Chinese people are building socialism.
impartial judge in Chinese history). ❖ 对毕业生采取双向选择制度。
❖ The two-way choice system can be adopted for college graduates, which means that graduates could choose employers and employers could choose graduates.
❖ 三个臭皮匠,顶一个诸葛亮
❖ Three cobblers with their wits combined equal to Zhu Geliang the master mind
❖ 班门弄斧
❖ Show off one’s proficiency with the axe before Lu Ban the master carpenter.
❖ First you borrow, then you beg. ❖ 头一遭借钱,下一遭就讨饭。
❖ 2. 在形容词前增加名词
❖ He is a complicated man – moody mercurial, with a melancholy streak.
欢迎来到《汉英翻译讲义》PPT课件,让我们一起探索翻译的技巧和难点,以 及在不同领域的实战经验。
在平衡忠实于原文、易于理解、符合礼仪和符合 语言习惯之间做出取舍。
考虑源语和目标语所处的文化背景以确保准确的 意义传递。
2 翻译学习的必要性
3 翻译的的未来趋势
尽可能将所有内容都翻译出来,不遗漏任何重要 信息。
1 转换语序
调整句子中单词的顺序以符合目标语言的语 法规则。
2 转换词性
将源语言中的名词、动词等转换成目标语言 中相应的词性。
3 表达省略
在目标语言中省略源语言中过于冗长或不必 要的表达。
4 表达冗余
在目标语言中增添必要的信息以充实表达内 容。
Hale Waihona Puke 5 摆脱中式英语避免使用中式英语,使用符合目标语言规范 的表达方式。
6 合理使用专业词汇
根据目标受众和领域需求,使用准确的专业 词汇。
1 词汇难度
2 文化差异
3 常见错误
• 以前我从未想过,当我发觉人们认为我
是无足轻重时我会感到高兴。但这次情 况的确如此。
3. 修辞性增补
• (1)增加语气词
• Eg. Don’t take it seriously. I’m just making fun of you.
• 不要认真嘛!我不过开玩笑罢了。
• Americans and the Russians have undergone series of secret consultations.
• 美俄双方已经进行了一系列秘密磋商。
• (4)补充解释性的词语,以让读者 更好地理解(文化)
• Eg. She is sitting in a Ford.
• 科学与技术的进步让我们能探索宇宙的边 界, 研究物质最基本组成部分,以及寻求 生命的奇迹。
2. 语义性增补
英语多抽象 汉语多具体
• (1).补充辅助性名词-范畴词,使 语义具体,清楚。
• Eg. disintegration 土崩瓦解
• 全球化使世界变得越来越小,社会发展越来 越快,人们生活水平越来越富裕。
• Scientific and technological advances are enabling us to comprehend the furthest reaches of the cosmos, the most basic constituents of matter and the miracle of life.
Ensure that the topic has discussion value, can stimulate students' thinking and expression of opinions, and requires accurate language and rich content.
Exhibition and Review of Student Works
Work Exhibition
Regularly organize student work exhibitions to showcase excellent compositions and stimulate their writing confidence and sense of honor.
Interactive communication
Encourage students to evaluate and communicate with each other, grow together through interactive learning, and cultivate their critical thinking and evaluation abilities.
The present perfect tense
This unit focuses on the use of the present perfect tense, its formation, and its various uses, such as expressing an action that started in the past and is related to the present
Addition means supplying necessary words in translation, making the version grammatically correct, semantically clear, rhetorically sound, logically acceptable, and culturally appropriate. Words thus supplied must be indispensable syntactically, semantically, stylistically, and contextually.
Note : Words added should be necessary enough to make the version making the
version grammatically correct, semantically clear, rhetorically sound, logically, acceptable, and culturally appropriate.
9. In order to improve the kind of battery, Edison spent almost ten years and made nearly 50,000 experiments. 10.He has difficulty in sleeping, inability to concentrate. 11. The rising unemployment was the most important at the congress.
End of the class!
1.4 增加冠词 1)她不把他当阿公,而当作亲爹。 She considered him not as father-in-law but as father. (a; a) 2)我们对问题要作全面分析,才能解决妥当。 We must make comprehensive analysis of the problem before it can be properly solved. (a)
5)她用手蒙住脸,好象是为了保护眼睛。 She covered face with hands, as if/though to protect eyes. (her; her/the; her) 6)孩子们天天带午饭到学校去吃。 The children take lunch to school every day. (their) 7)我们的心永远向着祖国。 Our hearts are always towards motherland. (our)
3)把这些故事看完后,用你自己的话叙述一 遍。 After have read these stories, tell in your own words. (you; them) 4)我们响应了祖国的号召。 We responded to the call of motherland. (our)
汉英增词法 Addition
一、为了保证语法结构的完整性 1.1 增加代词 1.2 增加连词 1.3 增加介词 1.4 增加冠词 二、为了保证译文意思更加明确 2.1 增加文中暗含的意思 2.2 添加注释性的词语 2.3 增加概括性的词
一、为了保证语法结构的完整性 1.1 增加代词 汉语中有许多无主句,英语则一般需要主语。另外, 汉语中很多名词前都没有代词,译成英语时需要增 补。 1)收到大作,十分高兴。 am very glad to have received writing. (I; your) 2)没有调查就没有发言权。 who makes no investigation and study has no right to speak. (He)
Addition 增词翻译法 ppt课件
Addition 增词翻译法
1. Addition is a skill commonly used in translation practice. It has actually been employed in the skill of extension to preserve the meaning of an image or a metaphor and to reproduce the artistic effect.
早期的乔治亚人或是走过泥泞小路,风积沙丘, 或是穿行于青卷幽暗的山毛榉丛与芳馥的松林之 间。
Addition 增词翻译法
People forget your face first, then your name. 人们首先忘记你的容貌,接着又忘记你的名字。
Addition 增词翻译法
2. Semantic addition a. For clarity—zeugma(轭式搭配)= syllepsis(一
nothing to his fellowmen but friendship and brotherly kindness. 他对自己的同胞只知道朋友之谊和兄弟之情,而 且只表示朋友之谊和兄弟之情。
Addition 增词翻译法
b. Add when a verb or prep is followed by several objects
But this naval competition strained the Liberal Government's principles as well as their budgets.
但这种海军战备竞赛使自由党政府的原则无法自 圆其说,也使其预算捉襟见肘。源自Addition 增词翻译法
Exercises: Energetic and aggressive, Nicolas Sarkozy was chosen as the new French President on May 6,2007. The new leader will begin his five-year term, replacing Jacque Chirac and marking a new beginning in the old country. “The French people have decided to break with the ideas, behavior and habits of the past. And I will carry it out with the power they gave me,” said Sarkozy after his victory.
When the owner noticed me, I said I was working until he hired me. He did. 当店主注意到我时,我说我会一直干到他雇 我,他雇了我。
The students ran all the way up to the station only to find that the train had left 10 minutes before.
The world needn’t be afraid of a possible shortage of coal, oil, natural gas or other resources of fuel for the future.
活动→多种活动 样品→多种样品 型号→多种型号 问题→这些问题 矛盾→这些矛盾 书籍→各类书籍 尺寸→各类尺寸 内容→各项内容 指标→各项指标 情况→种种情况 原因→种种原因
5 补译省略部分
原文为使语言简洁,防止反复而 省掉了一种或几种词、词组。汉译时 补译出原文所省略之词,会使译文意 思清楚明确、生动有力,具有行文优 美、构造完整之感。
例1:It is enough to shatter complacency.
例2: stillness confusion measurement purification repetition management calculation accommodation joint saturation preparation remedies modification
seize, and enjoy every moment of it.
【译文】懂得时间旳真正价值。才干争取每一 刻,抓住每一刻,享有每一刻。
例1:Time is treated as if it were something almost real. We budget it, save it, waste it, steal it, kill it, cut it, account for it; we also charge for it.
例1:We admire him for the way in which he faces his difficulties.
例2: activities samples types problems contradictions books sizes contents targets circumstances causes
建筑工人们表示:一定要树雄心、立 壮志,大干、苦干300天,力争在今 年年底,完成高速公路的建设任务。
译文2: 我发现音乐史上有三类作曲家, 他们各自的音乐创作方式有所不同。
The traditionalist type of composer begins with a pattern rather than with a theme. The creative act with Palestrina is not the thematic conception so much as the personal treatment of a well-established
A New Coursebook on English-Chinese Translation
严复:信 达 雅
Faithfulness, fidelity, truthfulness Smoothness, expressiveness Elegancy
德国译学教授 Wolfram Wilss 在 The Science of Translation:Problems & Methods一书中说: Translation is not simply a matter of seeking other words with similar meaning, but of finding appropriate ways of saying things in another language. Translating is always meaning-based, i.e. it is the transfer of meaning instead
一、特点:1. 保持原文意思:addition增译法的首要原则是要保持原文的意思和信息。
2. 增加细节和背景信息:在翻译过程中,addition增译法通常会增加一些细节和背景信息,以便读者能更好地理解原文的含义和背景。
3. 提高可读性和流畅性:通过增加适当的信息,可以使译文更加易读和流畅,避免翻译过程中的生硬和生涩。
4. 考虑读者背景和语言习惯:在使用addition增译法时,需要考虑读者的背景和语言习惯,以确保翻译结果能够被读者理解和接受。
二、应用范围:2. 商务类翻译:在商务类翻译中,addition增译法可以帮助翻译者更好地传达原文的商业信息和背景,提高翻译的准确性和可读性。
三、优势:3. 适应文化差异:在跨文化翻译中,addition增译法可以帮助翻译者适应不同文化之间的差异,使翻译结果更具有文化特色和民族风情。
4. 提升读者体验:通过增加适当的信息,addition增译法可以提升读者对翻译作品的理解和接受度,提升读者的阅读体验。
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supplying words for plurals
• 14. The mountains began to throw their long blue shadows over the valley. • 群山 群山已经开始在山谷里投下蔚蓝色的长影。 • 15. Most were absorbed into the Russian empire through colonial expansion under the Tsars. • 大部分是在历代 历代沙皇统治下,通过殖民扩张而 历代 并入俄罗斯帝国的。
supplying words for tenses
• 16. The old man had taught the boy to fish and the boy loved him. • 译:原来 原来是老头儿已教会了孩子捕鱼, 原来 已 了 所以孩子很爱他。 • 17. I was, and remain, grateful for the part he played in my release.
Semantic addition—— supplying supplementary verbs
• 8. In the evening, after the banquets, the concerts and the table tennis exhibitions, he would work on the drafting of the final communique.
• 3. Better be wise by the defeat of others than by your own. • 4. We won’t retreat; we never have and never will. • 5. They covered the 19th century foreign intervention in China, and Mao’s Long March in the mid-1930s.
Supplying words necessary in structure or collocation of the target text
• 6. Charlie Chaplin wore a small black hat, very wide trousers and a moustache and carried a stick. • 译:卓别林戴着一顶小黑帽,穿着 穿着非常宽大的 穿着 裤子,蓄着 蓄着胡子,拿着手杖。 蓄着 • 7. You cannot build a ship, a house, or a machine tool if you do not know how to make or read a design.
• Addition means supplying necessary words in translation, making the version grammatically correct, semantically clear, rhetorically sound, logically acceptable, and culturally appropriate.
晚上在参加 参加宴会、出席 出席音乐会、观看 观看乒乓球表演之后,他还得起 参加 出席 观看 草最后公报。
9. In the event of war, the side which has a high degree of mobility will get a decided advantage.
supplying supplementary nouns
• 10. Mary washed for a living after her husband died of acute pneumonia. • 11. A new kind of aircraft—small, aircraft small, cheap—is cheap is attracting increasing attention.
• • • • Structural addition(结构性) Semantic addition (语义性) Rhetorical addition (修辞性) Principle: 增词不增意 增词不增意;译文增补应无损 于原意,有益于通顺,有助于传神。 • “善删者字去而意留,善敷者辞殊而义 显。”
supplying supplementary adjectives/adverbs
• 12. “It will make a man of him,” said Jack, “College is the place for him.” • “要使他成为一个堂堂的 “ 堂堂的男子汉,”杰克 堂堂的 说,“就该让他念大学。” • 13. Tremaine sank down with his face in his hands. • 屈里曼两手蒙着脸,一屁股 一屁股坐了下去rative words or expressions
Structural addition—— supplying words omitted in the original
• 1. Studies serve for delight, for ornament, and for ability. • 读书足以怡情,足以 足以傅彩,足以 足以长才。 足以 足以 • 2. Reading makes a full man; conference a ready man; and writing an exact man. • 读书使人充实,讨论使人 使人机智,笔记使人 使人准确。 使人 使人