Semantic Errors in SQL Queries A Quite Complete List
• Common errors in the writing section
• Common errors in reading comprehension section
Candidates may not have an accurate understanding of the meaning of a key word, resulting in a deviation in their understanding of the entire article.
Candidates may not be able to infer the author's intention or make accurate judgments about the main idea of the article based on the information in the article, resulting in incorrect answer selection.
Position usage
Correct or inappropriate positions can lead to fusion about the intended meaning of a sentence
Article usage
The use of "a," "an," and "the" is essential in English grammar,
• Common errors in the listening section
Semantic relationships are the foundation of language understanding. By analyzing semantic relationships, one can understand the meaning of words and sentences, and thus comprehend the meaning of the entire text.
Detailed description
Semantic conflict refers to the situation where two concepts or entities are contradictory or mutually exclusive in meaning and nature. For example, "peace" and "war" are conflicting because they represent opposite meanings and states.
Semantic relevance
Refers to the existence or attribute of one concept or entity containing the existence or attribute of another concept or entity.
Summary word
Statistical methods
Deep learning based methods
Summary: Based on deep learning methods, neural network models are used to recognize and calculate semantic relationships by learning semantic patterns from corpora.
sql logic error unrecognized token -回复
sql logic error unrecognized token -回复SQL逻辑错误- 未识别的标记引言:SQL是一种用于管理和处理关系型数据库的强大编程语言。
这篇文章将探讨一种常见的SQL逻辑错误,即"unrecognized token"(未识别的标记)错误。
SQL是结构化查询语言(Structured Query Language)的简称,它是关系型数据库管理系统(RDBMS)的标准语言之一。
一个常见的SQL逻辑错误是"unrecognized token"(未识别的标记)错误。
这可能是由于以下原因引起的:1. SQL语法错误:在编写SQL查询时,如果使用了错误的语法,则可能导致未识别的标记错误。
2. 数据库模式错误:查询语句可能包含引用了不存在的表、列或视图的标记,或者查询使用了错误的别名或表名。
第三部分:处理未识别的标记错误的步骤要解决未识别的标记错误,我们可以按照以下步骤进行:1. 检查SQL语法:首先,仔细检查SQL查询语句中是否存在语法错误。
复杂数据集的SQL查询处理试卷(答案见尾页)一、选择题1. 在SQL中,如何高效地查询大量数据时减少查询时间?A. 使用索引B. 使用分区C. 将数据存储在多个表中D. 使用物化视图2. 当需要对多个表进行复杂的连接操作时,应该使用哪种类型的子查询?A. 表子查询B. 行子查询C. 列子查询D. 匿名子查询3. 在处理包含大量重复数据的表时,可以使用哪种方法来提高查询效率?A. 使用UNION操作符B. 使用GROUP BY子句C. 使用DISTINCT关键字D. 使用JOIN操作符4. 以下哪个SQL语句可以有效地从一个表中提取特定的列,并根据某个条件过滤结果?A. SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE condition;B. SELECT column1, column2 FROM table_name WHERE condition;C. SELECT * FROM table_name GROUP BY column1, column2;D. SELECT column1, column2 FROM table_name HAVING condition;5. 如果需要在查询中同时使用聚合函数和非聚合函数,应该使用哪种语法结构?A. SELECT aggregate_function(column) FROM table_name WHERE condition;B. SELECT column, aggregate_function(column) FROM table_name WHERE condition;C. SELECT aggregate_function(column), column FROM table_name WHERE condition;D. SELECT column, aggregate_function(column), column FROM table_name WHEREcondition;6. 在处理具有复杂关系的数据集时,如何确保查询结果的准确性和完整性?A. 使用外键约束B. 使用触发器C. 使用事务D. 使用存储过程7. 如果需要将查询结果保存到另一个表中,应该使用哪种语法结构?A. INSERT INTO new_table_name (column1, column2) SELECT column1, column2 FROM existing_table_name WHERE condition;B. INSERT INTO new_table_name SELECT column1, column2 FROM existing_table_name WHERE condition;C. INSERT INTO new_table_name (column1, column2) SELECT column1, column2 FROM existing_table_name GROUP BY condition;D. INSERT INTO new_table_name SELECT column1, column2 FROM existing_table_name ORDER BY condition;8. 在处理大型数据库时,为了提高查询性能,通常建议避免使用哪种类型的子查询?A. 相关子查询B. 非相关子查询C. 表子查询D. 行子查询9. 如果需要对查询结果进行分组并计算每组的数量,应该使用哪种聚合函数?A. COUNT()B. SUM()C. AVG()D. MIN()10. 在处理包含大量历史数据的数据库时,如何确保查询结果的实时性?A. 使用缓存技术B. 使用触发器C. 使用物化视图D. 使用分布式查询11. 在SQL中,用于查询某个表中满足特定条件的元组的关键词是什么?A. SELECTB. FROMC. WHERED. GROUP BY12. 在构建复杂的SQL查询时,通常会使用以下哪个关键字来对结果进行分组?A. ORDER BYB. GROUP BYC. LIMITD. UNION13. 如果想要在查询结果中包含行号,应该使用哪个关键字?A. ROW_NUMBER()B. RANK()C. DENSE_RANK()D. COUNT()14. 在SQL中,如何使用子查询来获取某个字段的值,该值需要依赖于另一个表的字段?A. JOINB. EXISTSC. IND. SELECT15. 假设我们有两个表,table和table,它们之间通过field字段相关联。
semantic analysis exception - column reference
semantic analysis exception - column referenceA semantic analysis exception related to a column reference occurs when there is an error in referencing a column in a query. This can happen due to various reasons, such as:1. Misspelling: If the column name is misspelled in the query, the semantic analysis phase may throw an exception as it cannot find the specified column.2. Ambiguity: If there are multiple tables in the query with columns having the same name, the semantic analysis phase may not be able to determine which column is being referred to and throw an exception.3. Missing column: If a column is missing from the table or is renamed, the semantic analysis phase may throw an exception as it cannot find the expected column.To resolve a semantic analysis exception related to a column reference, you can check for the following:1. Verify the spelling of the column name. Make sure it matches the actual column name in the table.2. If there are multiple tables involved, specify the table alias or table name along with the column name to remove any ambiguity.3. Check if the column still exists in the table. If it has been renamed or removed, update the query accordingly.Overall, semantic analysis exceptions related to column references can be resolved by ensuring the correct spelling, addressing any ambiguities, and verifying the existence of the referenced column.。
hive> show databases;FAILED: SemanticException org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.HiveException: ng.RuntimeException: Unable to instantiate org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.SessionHiveMetaStoreClient 解决⽅案:在hive的配置⽂件hive-site.xml添加如下配置:<property><name>datanucleus.schema.autoCreateAll</name><value>true</value></property>然后删除MySQL中原来的表,重新初始化元数据drop database hive_metastore;Query OK, 57 rows affected (0.42 sec)MariaDB [(none)]> create database hive_metastore;Query OK, 1 row affected (0.18 sec)初始化元数据:[xiaoqiu@s150 /soft/hive/conf]$ schematool -dbType mysql -initSchema如果没有删除原来映射到MySQL中的表的话会报如下错误:org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.HiveMetaException[xiaoqiu@s150 /soft/hive/conf]$ schematool -dbType mysql -initSchemaSLF4J: Class path contains multiple SLF4J bindings.SLF4J: Found binding in [jar:file:/soft/apache-hive-2.3.3-bin/lib/log4j-slf4j-impl-2.6.2.jar!/org/slf4j/impl/StaticLoggerBinder.class]SLF4J: Found binding in [jar:file:/soft/hadoop-2.7.5/share/hadoop/common/lib/slf4j-log4j12-1.7.10.jar!/org/slf4j/impl/StaticLoggerBinder.class]SLF4J: See /codes.html#multiple_bindings for an explanation.SLF4J: Actual binding is of type [org.apache.logging.slf4j.Log4jLoggerFactory]Metastore connection URL: jdbc:mysql:// Connection Driver : com.mysql.jdbc.DriverMetastore connection User: rootStarting metastore schema initialization to 2.3.0Initialization script hive-schema-2.3.0.mysql.sqlError: Duplicate key name 'PCS_STATS_IDX' (state=42000,code=1061)org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.HiveMetaException: Schema initialization FAILED! Metastore state would be inconsistent !!Underlying cause: : Schema script failed, errorcode 2Use --verbose for detailed stacktrace.*** schemaTool failed ***。
OpenText IDOL自然语言问答系统介绍说明书
FlyerSemantic Search T oolsAnswer search queries in a conversational manner through natural language processing (NLP). With access to multiple information types, the automated humanlike capabilities engage in dialog that furthers knowledge discovery.Create queries in natural human form. OpenT ext IDOL uses natural language question answering to provide the best results, not the best keywords.Natural LanguageQuestion AnsweringLike humans, IDOL pulls from many different sources to give a highly matched answer to natural language queries.When you ask someone a question, they are pulling from vast reserves of knowledge before they give you an answer. A chatbot should act in the same way. This is what IDOL does: it pulls from many different sources to give a highly matched answer to natural language queries. IDOL derives contextual and conceptual insights from data. This capability allows computers to recognize the relationships that exist within virtually any type of information—structured or unstructured. Like natural language processing (NLP), the ability to understand the data makes it possible to automate manual operations in real time: it extracts meaning from information and then performs an action.Dynamic Question AnsweringIDOL powers a range of Artificial Intelligence-powered chatbot solutions that allow organizations to offer their customers and employeesaccess to relevant information and timesavingprocesses. The chatbot uses an automated,humanlike operator that engages in naturallanguage dialogues and facilitates knowledgediscovery.The technology can understand, process, andanswer direct questions. This function helpsto streamline the retrieval process and allowsinformation to be obtained in a more convenient and userfriendly fashion. Y our users canask normal natural questions and receive theanswer they required versus being directed tothe technology that the information resides on.Answer BankMany organizations train their human supportagents on an existing set of frequently askedquestions. For example, if a user encounters aproblem on his mobile phone, the manufacturerhas established steps the user should follow tocorrect the problem. Answer Bank uses NLP toidentify the FAQ response that best answersa query.Fact BankThe Fact Bank contains a store of informationthat helps to return simple, factual answers. If aquery is looking for specific figures related to afield within a structured database such as “whatwas the yearoveryear variation in revenue forQ2 of 2021,” IDOL’s Fact Bank query responsesearches through the active databases to findthe correct response.Passage ExtractionThe Passage Extractor links to a store of documents that might be useful and returns shortsentences that contain relevant answers upona query.In many cases, the information requested issimply not present in either an FAQ data setor a structured database, so an extended approach is required. IDOL passage extractionlooks through the collection of data to findsegments of documents that best answer thequery directly.Learn more at/en-us/products/semantic-search/overview/opentext 261-000073-001 | O | 03/23 | © 2023 Open T ext。
semantic errors造句
semantic errors造句Semantic errors occur when the meaning of a sentence or phrase is incorrect or unclear due to improper use of words or grammar. These errors can lead to confusion and miscommunication. In this article, we will explore the concept of semantic errors and provide examples to better understand how they can be used in sentences.1. Misuse of Homophones:One common type of semantic error arises from the misuse of homophones, which are words that sound the same but have different meanings. For example:- She bought a pair of new shoes for her soul instead of sole.- The knight raised his sword to hail the queen, mistaking it for to hail the queen.2. Incorrect Word Choice:Semantic errors can also occur when incorrect words are used, leading to misunderstandings. Consider the following sentences:- The chef added too much salt to the cake instead of sugar.- The politician spoke openly about his tragic comedy instead of his tragicomedy.3. Ambiguous Sentence Structure:Semantic errors can result from sentences with ambiguous structure, making it difficult to determine the intended meaning. Examples include:- The man ate the sandwich on the table with a fork, mistaking it for the dog.- The teacher told the student that she should study other subjects wearing a red shirt.4. Inappropriate Use of Prepositions:Misusing prepositions can also lead to semantic errors, altering the intended meaning of a sentence. For instance:- The cat slept inside the refrigerator instead of on the refrigerator.- He stood at the top of the mountain with his fear instead of with his gear.5. Confusing Verb Tenses:Using incorrect verb tenses can create semantic errors, particularly when referencing past, present, or future actions. Consider these examples:- She will have gone to the mall tomorrow, thinking it is in the past.- The students have submitted their homework yesterday, misunderstanding the present perfect tense.6. Lack of Subject-Verb Agreement:Semantic errors can arise from a lack of agreement between subjects and verbs, leading to confusion. Examples include:- The book contains many stories that changes lives instead of change lives.- The team has lost all of their games this season instead of have lost.7. Inconsistency in Comparative Statements:Semantic errors can occur when making comparative statements without maintaining consistency. Examples include:- This coffee is hotter than any other I've ever had, including a hot summer day.- She is taller than her sister, who is already short.8. Misinterpretation of Idioms or Phrases:Semantic errors can also result from misinterpretation of idioms or phrases. Examples include:- They are on thin ice, believing it refers to actual thin ice instead of a precarious situation.- He kicked the bucket, not realizing it means to die.9. Confusing Adjectives and Adverbs:Misusing adjectives instead of adverbs or vice versa can create semantic errors. Examples include:- She sang beautiful instead of beautifully.- The girl danced quick instead of quickly.10. Incorrect Use of Negation:Semantic errors can arise from incorrect use of negation words, altering the intended meaning. Examples include:- I can barely not see anything instead of I can hardly see anything.- He's not unhappy, believing it means he's happy.Understanding and identifying semantic errors is crucial in effective communication. By recognizing and rectifying such errors, we can ensure clearer and precise expression of our thoughts and ideas.。
北京大学学报(自然科学版) 第60卷 第1期 2024年1月Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis, Vol. 60, No. 1 (Jan. 2024)doi: 10.13209/j.0479-8023.2023.074基于交叉注意力多源数据增强的情境感知查询建议方法张乃洲†曹薇河南财经政法大学计算机与信息工程学院, 郑州450046;†E-mail:***************摘要当前基于神经网络模型的查询建议研究往往单独采用查询日志会话中的查询序列作为训练数据, 但由于查询本身缺乏句法关系, 甚至缺失语义, 导致神经网络模型不能充分挖掘和推理查询序列中各种词或概念之间语义关系。
针对这一问题, 提出一种基于交叉注意力多源数据增强(MDACA)的Transformer模型框架, 用于生成情境感知的查询建议。
采用基于Transformer的编码器-解码器模型, 利用交叉注意力机制, 融合了查询层、文档语义层以及全局查询建议信息。
实验结果表明, 与目前方法相比, 该方法能生成具有更高相关性的情境感知查询建议。
关键词查询建议; 数据增强; 交叉注意力; 情境感知; Transformer模型A Context-Aware Query Suggestion Method Based on Multi-sourceData Augmentation through Cross-AttentionZHANG Naizhou†, CAO WeiCollege of Computer and Information Engineering, Henan University of Economics and Law,Zhengzhou450046;†E-mail:***************Abstract Most existing neural network-based approaches for query suggestion use solely query sequences in query logs as training data. However, these methods cannot fully mine and infer all kinds of semantic relationships among words or concepts from query sequences because queries in query sequences inherently suffer from a lack of syntactic relation, even a loss of semantics. To solve this problem, this paper proposes a new neural network model based on multi-source data augmentation through cross-attention (MDACA) for generating context-aware query suggestions.Proposed model adopts a Transformer-based encoder-decoder model that incorporates document-level semantics and global query suggestions into query-level information through cross-attention. The experimental results show that in contrast to the current suggestion models, the proposed model can generate context-aware query suggestions with higher relevance.Key words query suggestion; data augmentation; cross-attention; context-aware; Transformer model搜索引擎的查询建议(query suggestion)[1–7]能够自动帮助用户准确、便捷地构造查询词, 可以显著地提升用户的搜索体验。
semanticexception error creating temporary
semanticexception error creating temporary SemanticException: Error creating temporaryWhen you encounter a SemanticException error message that says "Error creating temporary," it typically means that there was an issue with creating temporary files or directories during the execution of a query in a database system.There are several possible reasons for this error, including:1. Insufficient disk space: If the system does not have enough disk space to create temporary files, this error can occur. You may need to free up space or allocate more storage to resolve the issue.2. Permissions issue: The user running the query may not have the necessary permissions to create temporaryfiles or directories. Check the permissions settings and make sure the user has the appropriate access rights.3. File system errors: If there are errors or corruption in the file system where the temporary files are being created, this can also lead to the SemanticException error. Running a file system check and fixing any errors can help resolve the issue.4. Configuration settings: Incorrect configurationsettings related to temporary file paths or directories can cause this error. Check the configuration settings and make sure they are set up correctly.To troubleshoot and resolve the SemanticException error creating temporary, you may need to investigate thespecific cause of the issue and take appropriate actions to address it. This may involve adjusting disk space allocations, checking permissions, fixing file system errors, or updating configuration settings.。
【计算机专业文献翻译】SQL 查询中的语意错误
SQL 查询中的语意错误: 非常完全的介绍列表作者:Institut fur Informatik, Martin-Luther-Universitat Halle-Wittenberg,出自德国Seckendorff-Platz 1 和 D-06099 Halle(Saale)摘要我们调查一类在语法上正确的SQL查询,当然不是故意的调查查询的执行任务,举个例子,当我们输入一个不合理的查询时候,返回的结果总是一个空集,很显然这个不是有意的,然而,当前的数据库系统执行这个查询时候根本没有任何报警,这篇文章中,我们给出足够多的有很多明显语义错误查询条件子集,当然,这些例子错误一般情况下是不能判别的,但是一个SQL查询子集能检查到这些错误。
关键字:数据库;SQL;查询;语义错误;逻辑错误;软件正确性;静态分析;数据库课程;SQL 例子1.简介当今sql语言是面向对象和关系数据库的标准语言。
举个例子,考虑下面这个查询:SELECT *FROM EMPWHERE JOB='CLERK' AND JOB='MANAGER'这是一个合法的查询语句,假如在Oracle 9i、DB2 V8.1上执行此语句,没有任何错误警报。
检查sql语句语法Checking the syntax of an SQL statement is an important task for any database administrator or developer. The syntax of an SQL statement refers to the rules and conventions that must be followed in order for the statement to be considered valid. This process involves carefully reviewing the structure and components of the SQL statement to ensure that it is written correctly and will be interpreted properly by the database management system.One of the first steps in checking the syntax of an SQL statement is to carefully review the individual components of the statement. This includes examining the keywords, identifiers, and operators used in the statement to ensure that they are being used in accordance with the rules of the SQL language. For example, it is important to verify that all keywords are spelled correctly and used in the correct context, and that all identifiers are properly referenced and exist within the database schema.Another important aspect of checking the syntax of an SQL statement is to review the overall structure of the statement. This involves verifying that the statement is properly formatted and follows the correct order of operations. For example, it is important to ensure that the SELECT clause comes before the FROM clause in a SELECT statement, and that the WHERE clause follows the FROM clause. Additionally, it is important to verify that all parentheses and other punctuation marks are used correctly to group and separate the various components of the statement.In addition to reviewing the individual components and overall structure of the SQL statement, it is also important to consider the context in which the statement will be used. This includes understanding the specific requirements and constraints of the database system in which the statement will be executed, as well as any relevant business rules or data integrity considerations. For example, it may be necessary to consider the potential impact of the statement on the performance of the database, or to ensure that the statement will not violate anysecurity or access control policies.Furthermore, it is important to consider the potential for errors or unexpected behavior when checking the syntax of an SQL statement. This includes being aware of common pitfalls and mistakes that can occur when writing SQL statements, such as using ambiguous column names, omitting required clauses, or improperly nesting subqueries. By being mindful of these potential issues, it is possible to more effectively identify and correct any syntax errors in the statement.In conclusion, checking the syntax of an SQL statement is a critical task that requires careful attention todetail and a thorough understanding of the SQL language and the specific requirements of the database system. By carefully reviewing the individual components, overall structure, context, potential for errors, and other relevant factors, it is possible to ensure that an SQL statement is written correctly and will be interpreted properly by the database management system. This can help to prevent errors and unexpected behavior, and ultimatelycontribute to the overall reliability and performance of the database system.。
高级SQL应用与MDX查询考试试卷(答案见尾页)一、选择题1. 在SQL中,用于从表中提取特定列的数据的子句是什么?A. SELECTB. FROMC. WHERED. GROUP BY2. 在SQL中,用于过滤结果集的子句是什么?A. SELECTB. FROMC. WHERED. GROUP BY3. 在SQL中,用于对结果集中的行进行分组和汇总的子句是什么?A. SELECTB. FROMC. WHERED. GROUP BY4. 在SQL中,用于在查询中包含常量的子句是什么?A. SELECTB. FROMC. WHERED. SELECT5. 在SQL中,用于指定查询结果的排序方式的子句是什么?A. SELECTB. FROMC. WHERED. ORDER BY6. 在SQL中,用于连接两个或多个表的子句是什么?A. SELECTB. FROMC. WHERED. JOIN7. 在SQL中,用于限制查询结果数量的子句是什么?A. SELECTB. FROMC. WHERED. LIMIT8. 在SQL中,用于在查询中使用聚合函数的子句是什么?A. SELECTB. FROMC. WHERED. GROUP BY9. 在SQL中,用于创建新表的子句是什么?A. CREATEB. ALTERC. DROPD. SELECT10. 在SQL中,用于修改已有表结构的子句是什么?A. CREATEB. ALTERC. DROPD. SELECT11. 在SQL中,哪个关键字用于从查询结果集中检索特定行?A. SELECTB. FROMC. WHERED. GROUP BY12. 在SQL中,哪种数据类型用于存储文本字符串?A. INTB. VARCHARC. DATED. FLOAT13. 在SQL中,哪种关键字用于在查询中添加条件?A. ORDER BYB. WHEREC. GROUP BYD. LIMIT14. 在SQL中,哪个关键字用于将两个或多个表中的行连接起来?A. JOINB. UNIONC. INSERTD. UPDATE15. 在SQL中,哪个关键字用于限制查询结果的行数?A. LIMITB. TOPC. OFFSETD. FETCH16. 在SQL中,哪个关键字用于指定要返回的列名?A. SELECTB. FROMC. WHERED. GROUP BY17. 在SQL中,哪个关键字用于对查询结果进行分组?A. ORDER BYB. WHEREC. GROUP BYD. LIMIT18. 在SQL中,哪个关键字用于在查询中插入新行?A. INSERT INTOB. SELECTC. UPDATED. DELETE19. 在SQL中,哪个关键字用于删除表中的行?A. DELETE FROMB. SELECT FROMC. UPDATE FROMD. INSERT INTO20. 在SQL中,哪个关键字用于修改表中的行?A. INSERT INTOB. SELECT FROMC. UPDATE FROMD. DELETE FROM21. 在SQL中,以下哪个关键字用于从查询结果集中选择特定行?A. SELECTB. FROMC. WHERED. GROUP BY22. 在SQL中,如何使用聚合函数COUNT()来计算表中的记录数?A. SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table_name;B. SELECT COUNT(column_name) FROM table_name;C. SELECT COUNT(column_name) FROM table_name WHERE condition;D. SELECT COUNT(column_name) FROM table_name GROUP BY column_name;23. 在SQL中,如何使用JOIN操作将两个表的数据合并在一起?A. 使用ON关键字指定连接条件B. 使用WHERE关键字指定连接条件C. 使用GROUP BY关键字对结果进行分组D. 使用ORDER BY关键字对结果进行排序24. 在SQL中,哪种关键字用于在查询结果集中添加新列?A. INSERTB. UPDATEC. SELECTD. ALTER25. 在SQL中,如何使用子查询来从一个表中获取数据,并将其用于另一个表的查询条件?A. 使用WHERE子句B. 使用HAVING子句C. 使用IN关键字D. 使用OUTER JOIN26. 在SQL中,如何使用窗口函数ROW_NUMBER()来为结果集中的每一行分配一个唯一的序号?A. SELECT row_number() OVER (ORDER BY column_name) FROM table_name;B. SELECT row_number() OVER () FROM table_name;C. SELECT row_number() OVER (PARTITION BY column_name) FROM table_name;D. SELECT row_number() OVER (ORDER BY column_name) FROM table_name GROUP BY column_name;27. 在SQL中,如何使用GROUP BY子句将结果集按照一个或多个列进行分组?A. 使用GROUP BY子句后跟列名B. 使用GROUP BY子句后跟列名和聚合函数C. 使用GROUP BY子句后跟聚合函数D. 使用GROUP BY子句后跟列名和条件28. 在SQL中,如何使用HAVING子句来过滤聚合后的结果集?A. 使用HAVING子句后跟聚合函数B. 使用HAVING子句后跟列名C. 使用HAVING子句后跟条件D. 使用HAVING子句后跟列名和聚合函数29. 在SQL中,如何使用UNION操作将多个查询的结果合并成一个结果集?A. 使用UNION关键字后跟第一个查询B. 使用UNION ALL关键字后跟第一个查询C. 使用UNION关键字后跟所有查询,不需要使用UNION ALLD. 使用UNION关键字后跟所有查询,但需要使用UNION ALL来去除重复行30. SQL的全称是什么?A. 结构化查询语言B. 简单查询语言C. 多维数据查询语言D. 安全查询语言31. 在SQL中,哪种语句用于从表中检索数据?A. INSERTB. SELECTC. UPDATED. DELETE32. 在构建SQL查询时,哪个关键字用于指定要检索的列?A. WHEREB. FROMC. GROUP BYD. ORDER BY33. 哪个关键字用于在SQL查询中添加条件?A. JOINB. WHEREC. UNIOND. LIMIT34. 在SQL中,哪种语句用于修改表中的数据?A. INSERTB. SELECTC. UPDATED. DELETE35. 在SQL中,哪个关键字用于将两个或多个表根据某些列的值组合起来?A. JOINB. WHEREC. UNIOND. GROUP BY36. 在SQL中,哪个关键字用于对结果集进行分组?A. WHEREB. FROMC. GROUP BYD. ORDER BY37. 在SQL中,哪个关键字用于对结果集进行排序?A. WHEREB. FROMC. GROUP BYD. ORDER BY38. 在SQL中,哪个关键字用于在查询中包含聚合函数,如COUNT()或SUM()?A. WHEREB. FROMC. GROUP BYD. SELECT39. 在SQL中,以下哪个关键字用于从查询结果中删除重复行?A. DISTINCTB. ALLC. UNIQUED. GROUP BY40. 在MDX查询中,以下哪个函数用于计算某个度量的总和?A. SUMB. COUNTD. MIN41. 在SQL中,哪个关键字用于将查询结果分组?A. ORDER BYB. GROUP BYC. WHERED. HAVING42. 在MDX查询中,以下哪个关键字用于筛选成员?A. SELECTB. WHEREC. FROMD. MEMBER43. 在SQL中,哪个关键字用于指定查询结果的排序顺序?A. ASCB. DESCC. INNER JOIND. OUTER JOIN44. 在MDX查询中,以下哪个关键字用于返回某个维度的所有成员?A. SELECTB. WHEREC. FROMD. MEMBER45. 在SQL中,哪个关键字用于在查询结果中包含子查询?A. INB. EXISTSC. JOIND. SELECT46. 在MDX查询中,以下哪个关键字用于计算某个度量的平均值?B. SUMC. COUNTD. MIN47. 在MDX查询中,以下哪个关键字用于对查询结果进行分页?A. ROW_NUMBER()B. RANK()C. DENSE_RANK()D. NTILE二、问答题1. 什么是SQL?请列举几种常见的SQL语句类型,并解释它们的用途。
以下是关于queries的一些丰富内容和中英文对照例句:1. 在计算机科学领域,查询是指通过编写特定的代码或使用特定的查询语言来从数据库中检索所需的信息。
In computer science, a query refers to retrieving desired information from a database by writing specific code or using a query language.2. 常见的查询语言包括结构化查询语言(SQL)和NoSQL数据库中的查询方法,它们可以用于在关系型数据库和非关系型数据库中进行数据检索。
Common query languages include Structured Query Language (SQL) and query methods in NoSQL databases, which can be used for data retrieval in relational and non-relational databases.3. 用户可以向搜索引擎提交查询,以获取与其搜索词相关的结果。
Users can submit queries to search engines to obtain results related to their search terms.4. 在人工智能领域,查询可以指通过使用自然语言处理技术来理解和回答用户提出的问题。
In the field of artificial intelligence, queries can refer to understanding and answering questions posed by users through the use of natural language processing techniques.5. 数据库管理员可以使用查询来执行各种操作,例如插入、更新或删除数据,以及生成报表和分析数据。
信息检索课程中的英文简称Information Retrieval Course: An In-Depth Exploration.Information retrieval, commonly abbreviated as IR, is a crucial field in computer science that deals with the retrieval of information from large collections of unstructured or semi-structured data. It finds its applications in various domains, including libraries, e-commerce, search engines, and more. In this article, we delve into the intricacies of information retrieval, its importance, and the techniques used in this domain.1. Introduction to Information Retrieval.Information retrieval is the process of obtaining relevant information from a large, often unstructured, collection of data. It involves techniques such as indexing, searching, and ranking to ensure that the most relevant information is presented to the user. The goal is toprovide accurate and timely information to meet the user'sinformation needs.2. Core Components of Information Retrieval.Indexing: Indexing is the process of creating a data structure, such as an inverted index, that maps terms (keywords) to the locations (documents) where they appear. This allows efficient retrieval of documents containing specific terms.Searching: Searching involves the user submitting a query, which is then processed and compared against the index to retrieve relevant documents. Queries can be simple keywords or complex expressions.Ranking: Ranking algorithms determine the order in which retrieved documents are presented to the user. Relevance, popularity, and recency are common factors considered in ranking.3. Types of Information Retrieval Systems.Boolean Retrieval: Boolean retrieval systems allow users to specify search queries using Boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT) to combine terms and filter results.Vector Space Models: These models represent documents and queries as vectors in a high-dimensional space. Relevance is determined by measuring the similarity between these vectors.Probabilistic Models: Probabilistic models estimate the probability of a document being relevant to a given query. They consider factors like term frequencies and document lengths.Learning-to-Rank (L2R) Models: These models use machine learning techniques to learn the ranking function based on training data. They aim to optimize ranking metrics like mean reciprocal rank (MRR) or normalized discounted cumulative gain (NDCG).4. Challenges in Information Retrieval.Semantic Gap: The semantic gap refers to the mismatch between the user's information need and the representationof information in the system. Addressing this gap requires techniques like latent semantic indexing or word embeddings.Scalability: As data collections grow, it becomes challenging to maintain and query the index efficiently. Distributed retrieval systems and近似算法can help address scalability issues.User Intent Understanding: Understanding the trueintent behind a user's query is crucial for accurate retrieval. Techniques like query reformulation and user profiling can aid in understanding user intent.5. Applications of Information Retrieval.Search Engines: Search engines are the most visible application of information retrieval, serving billions of queries daily. They use a combination of IR techniques to provide relevant search results.E-commerce: E-commerce platforms rely on IR to help users find products or services that meet their needs. This involves searching product descriptions, user reviews, and more.Libraries and Archives: Libraries and archives use IR systems to catalog and retrieve books, documents, and other materials. These systems often incorporate metadata and faceted search to enhance retrieval accuracy.Question Answering Systems: Question answering systems aim to provide direct answers to user queries, often by analyzing a large corpus of text to extract relevant information.6. Future Trends in Information Retrieval.Semantic Retrieval: As the focus shifts towards understanding the true meaning of queries and documents, semantic retrieval techniques like entity linking and semantic role labeling will become increasingly important.Multimodal Retrieval: With the increasing availability of multimedia content, there is a growing need for systems that can handle text, images, audio, and video simultaneously.Personalized Retrieval: Techniques like user profiling and collaborative filtering will play a crucial role in personalizing search results based on user preferences and behavior.Interactive Retrieval: Systems that allow users to interactively refine their queries or provide feedback on search results will improve retrieval accuracy and user satisfaction.In conclusion, information retrieval is a crucial field that powers many of the technologies we rely on daily. It involves complex techniques and algorithms to ensure accurate and timely information delivery. As data volumes continue to grow and user needs become more sophisticated, IR research will focus on addressing challenges like the semantic gap, scalability, and user intent understanding.Future trends like semantic retrieval, multimodal retrieval, personalized retrieval, and interactive retrieval will further enhance the capabilities of IR systems and improve user experiences.。
Coherent conversation in English DiscourseCohesionAbstract The ultimate goal of language teaching is to train students in the form of written and oral communication. Successful communication depends on the mastery of language and context understanding. Communication is necessary to use the actual terms of convergence, phonological convergence, Deputy language features and discourse marker, in order to achieve the success of verbal communication.Keywords: lexical cohesion convergence of paralinguistic features of phonology discourse marker1 IntroductionHalliday and Hasan believes that any section can become the language of discourse, then must have a textual nature. They are saying the chapter of the characteristics of two aspects: First, structural characteristics, and the other non-structural features.Structural feature refers to the thematic structure and information structure. Non-structural feature refers to the discourse within the upper and lower convergence - so-called convergence, the final analysis is the discourse within the two syntactic structure is not constrained in the sense of interconnected elements, convergence means convergence of grammar and vocabulary can be divided into two kinds of convergence .Lack of English Conversation Discourse coherence and convergence will lead to semantic ambiguity in even the communication failure, and therefore must study the convergenceof foreign language learners have a coherent means to enable communication can be smoothly carried out fluently. This paper will Lexical Cohesion, phonological convergence, vice linguistic features, discourse markers, etc. for analysis.2 Lexical CohesionLexical cohesion refers to the sentence beyond the occasion of two or more lexical items of mutual ties between the lexical meaning, namely, by choice of words used in discourse to establish a chain that runs through the chapter to achieve a coherent purpose. These words or repeat words or by other alternative or co-occurrence, and thus constitutes a discourse coherence and integrity of the session to ensure that the session or to obtain a unified semantics, convergence discourse.Text conversation vocabulary choice between a variety of ways. We lexical cohesion methods are divided into duplication, refers tothe word, similarity, can be categorized and with five categories. English conversation often use these methods, are some examples:(1) He bought some bread, milk and oranges. The oranges are to make a dessert. (Keyword repetition. He bought some bread, milk and oranges. Oranges used as a dessert.)(2) He knew that this was a good way of bringing the violent, refractory Sunfu to heel. (Generally refers to the use of the word. He knows that you can use these methods had impressed it froward Henla Wu-sun Fu.)(3) I took leave, and turned to the as? Juan cent of the peak. The climb is perfectly easy. (Word similarities. I left, Fan Shen to go mountain climbing, climbing extremely easy.)With (Collocation) that is regularly used words the way, but also a means of semantic coherence. To identify whether the continuity ofa language to be seen whether it is in the same language domain (register). Domains in the same language used by the link between the word, which is a relevant semantic links. For example, the word night in the practical application of the language frequently used in conjunction with the dark (or should we say, and home, with), but less likely, and book, chair, etc. used in conjunction words. Post office staff and customers of the dialogue, the Central Standing Committee has “stamp”, “parcel”, “regisered” the words appear.3 Phonological convergenceThe spoken discourse, the language is actually meaningful acoustic streaming that phonological orderly exchange group. Phonology in discourse bridging mechanism is the most common and very important. English phonology, including the tone of discourse in speech flow and prosodic features. Such as the transfer type, accent, modulation, pitch, tone length, the speed of sound and so on. The choice of tone accents, adjusting the mix type and a variety of prosodic features of the change, give the speaker to convey the listener, such as orientation, emotion wordsalone are not adequately express the information. This is a unique feature of English conversation. Generally speaking tone using l expressed doubt or negative, with a falling tone affirmed, with stress to a particular semantic emphasis, with the length of sound changes in the level of discourse hierarchy of the session and so on. The following example in the A tone used in a different, leading to B to make a different answer. Test Analysis:(1) A: I can’t make bread.? Lump (with falling tone, a statement of fact.)B: Let me make it.? Tuo (to answer, so that my try.)(2) A: I can’t make bread.? Nai (with rising tone, the table of doubt or anger.)B: Ok, Let me see.? Nai (with rising tone, the table provocation, then I would wait and see.)(3) A: I can’t make bread.? Lump (with falling-rising tone, suggesting that although he would not do bread, but cake will do.)B: Cakes are also my favorite.? Lump (with falling tone, saying the cake is also OK ah.)In addition, the tone can also be said that the speaker’s feelings, such as excited, happy, sad. The use of demotion facts and command, while the rising tone polite, encouraging, requests for information. Tone can be seen in communication played a significant role in coherence. Such as:Susan: Do you like this coat?? Cement (l tune, table queries)Mike: I think so.? Lump? Cement (falling-rising tone. Mike jacket suggesting he was in doubt, euphemistically expressed he did not like.)Stress also affects the location of semantics. With Sentence Stress movement, the meaning of words will be changed. Now let’s analyze this sentence That is wonderful.(1) That is’wonderful! (What people actually believe that the championship.)(2) ‘That is wonderful. (The speaker is quite a bit suspect.)(3) Thatis wonderful. (The speaker showing surprise at his departure.)Correct understanding of spoken language in tone and accent, and in the spoken language in the good use of tone and stress contribute to oral communication in the Semantic Cohesion andcoherence. Reposted elsewhere in the paper for free download4 the use of language featuresVice-language features, including facial expressions, tone, body movements, non-verbal sounds, it is also called body language (Body Language). Oral communication of these paralinguistic features of language can play a consistent role. Although we did not realize this, but our facial expressions, gestures and other parts of the body’s movements are to pass the information to the people around them.(1) A: Welcome to our school. (With a smile, reach out and welcome)B: Thank you. (Naturally showing gratitude.)(2) A: (frown expressed displeasure.)B: May I help you? (Immediately expressed concern about the speaker.)(3) A: (It was to chair a body depend on that tired.)B: We “ll end in a minute. (Who chaired the meeting said they would immediately end it.)Vice-language features to express the intention of the speaker, the hearer identify the following response, which can be said that a coherent conversation, Deputy language features are also a means of communication in one language, generally, is also using thesame kind of shared language and body language. Some people think that words and body language have a mutually dependent, in some cases to determine the case, but in some cases words and paralinguistic features of the message are different, then the scenario should search deeper verbal information, that is, It should be understood in the context of a particular discourse and vice-language features.5 discourse markersIs defined as discourse markers in spoken recurring epithets, such as oh, now, and, well, but, or, so, because, you know, I mean and so on. From a linguistic point of view, these modifiers do not have much semantic, and sentences are also of little relevance, but to master some common rules, such as attention, to bring topics, development topics, such as the maintenance of the conversation, and how to deal with is the lingua franca spoken chapter, a key sign that they have a discourse function, the conversation plays an important role in the structure will enable us to nature and out of context the words of. Moreover, this also shows that language isunique to the people, which is human language different from the one of the major features of other languages. In the realm of discourse markers existence of two major factions: the Schiffrin, Redaker faction, headed by a coherent and in Blakmore, Jaker relevant faction headed. Understanding of the two factions of the communication were different, but that discourse markers play a supporting role in communication.Discourse marking the most basic function is to obey the speaker wanted to make sure people understand their meaning, but also to make obedient human language processing cost less as possible, is to make smooth conversation necessary components.Schiffrin made 11 Discourse markers: related words and, so, because, but, or; expletive: oh, well; adverb (particle): now, well; vocabulary of slogans you know, I mean and so on. Each discourse markers are a variety of functions, and each kind of meaning can be expressed in more than a discourse marker. (See table)Now on the discourse marker and analysis, a glimpse of Discourse Markers in Discourse will be the role of language.Schiffrin view and in the conversation as two roles: a tie unit of meaning and help to address people continue to discourse. “The former is a means to build the structural discourse, that play the role of conjunctions, which is a pragmatic effect of the discourse held following the signs.” Seemingly simple and ca n be seen but have different levels of roles and functions.(1) structural level. On the role of the first one, that is, the meaning units side by side, Schiffrin on its collection of corpus studies have shown that a limited sense in building a discourse structure, and is the most frequently used as a connection mode.(2) The semantic level. From the semantic point of view, and expressed by the relationship is not simple, being in different contexts and may indicate that the differences between sentences in discourse underlying logic of semantic relations, pointing out that what the speaker is the meaning of the statement will be adjacent to link and thus plays a different role. Huang Guowen between that and the sentence indicated that more than one semantic relation, in addition to that added, but also can be expressed as contrast, results, turning, concessions and so on.(3) The interaction level. and as a delaying tactic (delaying device), can help maintain the turn-speaker. Naturally occurring discourse is not as complete as the written language, continuous and cost-grammar. It contains many seemingly redundant words or sentences or even meaningless. They produce embodied in the discourse of its unique role, “these fi ller, such as er, erm and so the delay is a useful tool, they can help us to continue to maintain, then round (floor), and during this period down to brewing their own to say. “In everyday conversation, the most notable is the large number of and act as a kind of delaying tactics,Modern linguistic theory that the ultimate goal of language teaching is to train students in the form of written and oral communication ability. Namely, teaching students knowledge of the language, the language skills of students. Successful communication without some form of coherence and convergence is not feasible, it depends on the mastery of the language, the context of the understanding, Vice-language features recognition. Communication is necessary to use the actual terms of convergence, convergence of phonology, discourse marker and understanding of the speech situation in order to achieve successful communication.References1 M * AK Halliday, R * Hassan. English interface [M]. London: Longman Press, 19762 HU Zhuang-lin. Cohesion and coherence of [M]. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 19943 Wen Qiufang. Test of Spoken English and Teaching [M]. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 19994 Wong Tai. Discourse Markers Survey [J]. Fujian language, 2001 (1)5 Lu Yun. Foundation phase of the student cross-cultural verbal communication of specific issues and countermeasures [J], foreign language teaching, 2001 (5)Reposted elsewhere in the paper for free download 。
ExpertSystem 专家系统
Background in computer science and know how to build an expert system. Decides how to represent the knowledge in an expert system. Help the programmers to write the code. Gather/acquire knowledge from human expert or any other source.
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Expert systems which closely matches the human logical thinking process. Important features of expert system:
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Facility for non-expert personnel to solve problems that requires some expertise. Speedy solutions. Reliable solutions Cost reductions. Elimination of uncomfortable and monotonous operations.
The basic characteristics required for an expert system are:
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High performance Expertise Adequate response time Good reliability Self knowledge Understandable Justification Flexibility
Oracle中优化SQL的原则1.已经检验的语句和已在共享池中的语句之间要完全一样2.变量名称尽量一致3.合理使用外联接4.少用多层嵌套5.多用并发语句的优化步骤一般有:1.调整sga区,使得sga区的是用最优.2.sql语句本身的优化,工具有explain,sql trace等3.数据库结构调整4.项目结构调整写语句的经验:1.对于大表的查询使用索引2、少用in,exist等3、使用集合运算1.对于大表查询中的列应尽量避免进行诸如To_char,to_date,to_number等转换2.有索引的尽量用索引,有用到索引的条件写在前面如有可能和有必要就建立一些索引.3.尽量避免进行全表扫描,限制条件尽可能多,以便更快搜索到要查询的数据如何让你的SQL运行得更快不良的SQL往往来自于不恰当的索引设计、不充份的连接条件和不可优化的where子句.在对它们进行适当的优化后,其运行速度有了明显地提高!下面我将从这三个方面分别进行总结:为了更直观地说明问题,所有实例中的SQL运行时间均经过测试,不超过1秒的均表示为(1秒).一、不合理的索引设计例:表record有620000行,试看在不同的索引下,下面几个SQL的运行情况:1.在date上建有一非个群集索引select count(*) from record where date>'19991201'and date < '19991214' and amoun > 2000 --------- (25秒)select date,sum(amount) from record group by date --------- (55秒)select count(*) from record where date>'19990901' and place in ('BJ','SH') --------- (27秒)分析:date上有大量的重复值,在非群集索引下,数据在物理上随机存放在数据页上,在范围查找时,必须执行一次表扫描才能找到这一范围内的全部行.2.在date上的一个群集索引select count(*) from record where date > '19991201'and date < '19991214' and amount > 2000 ---------(14秒)select date,sum(amount) from record group by date ---------(28秒)select count(*) from record where date > '19990901' and place in ('BJ','SH') ---------(14秒)分析:在群集索引下,数据在物理上按顺序在数据页上,重复值也排列在一起,因而在范围查找时,可以先找到这个范围的起末点,且只在这个范围内扫描数据页,避免了大范围扫描,提高了查询速度.3.在place,date,amount上的组合索引select count(*) from record where date > '19991201' and date < '19991214' and amount > 2000 –(26秒) select date,sum(amount) from record group by date---------(27秒)select count(*) from record where date > '19990901' and place in ('BJ, 'SH') --------- (1秒)分析:这是一个不很合理的组合索引,因为它的前导列是place,第一和第二条SQL没有引用place,因此也没有利用上索引;第三个SQL使用了place,且引用的所有列都包含在组合索引中,形成了索引覆盖,所以它的速度是非常快的.4.在date,place,amount上的组合索引select count(*) from record where date > '19991201' and date <'19991214' and amount>2000----( 1秒) select date,sum(amount) from record group by date --------- (11秒)select count(*) from record where date>'19990901' and place in ('BJ','SH') --------- (1秒)分析:这是一个合理的组合索引.它将date作为前导列,使每个SQL都可以利用索引,并且在第一和第三个SQL中形成了索引覆盖,因而性能达到了最优.5.总结:缺省情况下建立的索引是非群集索引,但有时它并不是最佳的;合理的索引设计要建立在对各种查询的分析和预测上.一般来说:①.有大量重复值、且经常有范围查询(between, >,< ,>=,< =)和order by、group by发生的列,可考虑建立群集索引;②.经常同时存取多列,且每列都含有重复值可考虑建立组合索引;③.组合索引要尽量使关键查询形成索引覆盖,其前导列一定是使用最频繁的列.二、不充份的连接条件:例:表card有7896行,在card_no上有一个非聚集索引,表account有191122行,在account_no 上有一个非聚集索引,试看在不同的表连接条件下,两个SQL的执行情况:select sum(a.amount) from account a,card b where a.card_no = b.card_no-------- (20秒)将SQL改为:select sum(a.amount) from account a,card b where a.card_no = b.card_no and a.account_no=b.account_no-------- ( 1秒)分析:在第一个连接条件下,最佳查询方案是将account作外层表,card作内层表,利用card上的索引,其I/O次数可由以下公式估算为:外层表account上的22541页+(外层表account的191122行*内层表card上对应外层表第一行所要查找的3页)=595907次I/O在第二个连接条件下,最佳查询方案是将card作外层表,account作内层表,利用account上的索引,其I/O次数可由以下公式估算为:外层表card上的1944页+(外层表card的7896行*内层表account上对应外层表每一行所要查找的4页)= 33528次I/O可见,只有充份的连接条件,真正的最佳方案才会被执行.总结:1.多表操作在被实际执行前,查询优化器会根据连接条件,列出几组可能的连接方案并从中找出系统开销最小的最佳方案.连接条件要充份考虑带有索引的表、行数多的表;内外表的选择可由公式:外层表中的匹配行数*内层表中每一次查找的次数确定,乘积最小为最佳方案.2.查看执行方案的方法用set showplanon,打开showplan选项,就可以看到连接顺序、使用何种索引的信息;想看更详细的信息,需用sa角色执行dbcc(3604,310,302).三、不可优化的where子句1.例:下列SQL条件语句中的列都建有恰当的索引,但执行速度却非常慢:select * from record wheresubstring(card_no,1,4)='5378'-------- (13秒)select * from record where amount/30 < 1000-------- (11秒)select * from record where convert(char(10),date,112)='19991201'-------- (10秒)分析:where子句中对列的任何操作结果都是在SQL运行时逐列计算得到的,因此它不得不进行表搜索,而没有使用该列上面的索引;如果这些结果在查询编译时就能得到,那么就可以被SQL 优化器优化,使用索引,避免表搜索,因此将SQL重写成下面这样:select * from record where card_no like '5378%'-------- (1秒)select * from record where amount < 1000*30--------(11秒)select * from record where date= '1999/12/01'-------- ( 1秒)你会发现SQL明显快起来!2.例:表stuff有200000行,id_no上有非群集索引,请看下面这个SQL:select count(*) from stuff where id_no in('0','1') -------- (23秒)分析:where条件中的'in'在逻辑上相当于'or',所以语法分析器会将in ('0','1')转化为id_no ='0' or id_no='1'来执行.我们期望它会根据每个or子句分别查找,再将结果相加,这样可以利用id_no上的索引;但实际上(根据showplan),它却采用了"OR策略",即先取出满足每个or子句的行,存入临时数据库的工作表中,再建立唯一索引以去掉重复行,最后从这个临时表中计算结果.因此,实际过程没有利用id_no上索引,并且完成时间还要受tempdb数据库性能的影响.实践证明,表的行数越多,工作表的性能就越差,当stuff有620000行时,执行时间竟达到220秒!还不如将or子句分开:select count(*) from stuff where id_no='0'select count(*) from stuff where id_no='1'得到两个结果,再作一次加法合算.因为每句都使用了索引,执行时间只有3秒,在620000行下,时间也只有4秒.或者,用更好的方法,写一个简单的存储过程:create proc count_stuff asdeclare @a intdeclare @b intdeclare @c intdeclare @d char(10)beginselect @a=count(*) from stuff where id_no='0'select @b=count(*) from stuff where id_no='1'endselect @c=@a+@bselect @d=convert(char(10),@c)print @d直接算出结果,执行时间同上面一样快!总结:可见,所谓优化即where子句利用了索引,不可优化即发生了表扫描或额外开销.1.任何对列的操作都将导致表扫描,它包括数据库函数、计算表达式等等,查询时要尽可能将操作移至等号右边、or子句常会使用工作表,使索引失效;如果不产生大量重复值,可以考虑把子句拆开;拆开的子句中应该包含索引.3.要善于使用存储过程,它使SQL变得更加灵活和高效.从以上这些例子可以看出,SQL优化的实质就是在结果正确的前提下,用优化器可以识别的语句,充份利用索引,减少表扫描的I/O次数,尽量避免表搜索的发生.其实SQL的性能优化是一个复杂的过程,上述这些只是在应用层次的一种体现,深入研究还会涉及数据库层的资源配置、网络层的流量控制以及操作系统层的总体设计.。
Proving the Safety of SQL QueriesAbstract:Many programs need to access data in a relational database. This is usually done by means of queries written in SQL. Although the language SQL is declarative, certain runtime errors are possible. Since the occurrence of these errors depends on the data, they are not easily found during testing. The question whether a query is safe can be reduced to a consistency check. It is well known that consistency is in general undecidable, and that this applies also to SQL queries. However, in this paper, we propose a consistency check that can handle a surprisingly large subset of SQL (it uses Skolemizationwith sorted Skolem functions, and a few other tricks). This consistency check is also the basis for generating other semantic warnings. Furthermore, it can be used to generate test data for SQL queries.Keywords:SQL, Runtime Errors, Consistency.1. IntroductionProbably a large percentage of the software that is developed today uses data stored in a relational database. The database is normally accessed with statements in the language SQL, especially queries. Although is a declarative language, there are situations in which errors might occur at runtime that depend on the data.2. Possible Runtime Errors in SQLAs explained in the introduction, if the INTO-clause is used for storing the query result in program variables, the query must never return more than one row. Suppose the given query is:SELECT t1, . . ., tk INTO v1, . . ., vk FROM R1 X1, . . ., Rn Xn WHERE ϕIn order to make sure that there are never two solutions, we duplicate the tuple variables and check the following query for consistency. If it is consistent (including the constraints, see Section 3.3), a runtime error can occur, and the constructed model givesan example:SELECT * FROM R1 X1, ..., Rn Xn,R1 X_1 , ..., Rn X_n WHERE ϕ AND ϕ AND (X1= X_1 OR ···OR Xn _= X_n )The formula ϕ_ results from ϕ by replacing each Xi by X_i . We use Xi _= X_i as an abbreviation for requiring that the primary key values of the two tuple variables are different (we assume that primary keys are always NOT NULL). If one of the relations Ri has no declared key, it is always possible that there are several solutions(if the condition ϕ is consistent).If the given query uses “SELECT DISTINCT”, one needs to add a test that the result tuples differ:(t1 _= t_1 OR ···OR tk _= t_kOR t1 IS NULL AND t_1 IS NOT NULLOR t_1 IS NULL AND t1 IS NOT NULL. . .OR tk IS NULL AND t_k IS NOT NULLOR t_k IS NULL AND tk IS NOT NULL)The same problem can occur with conditions of the form A = (SELECT ...) inside a query: Whenever a subquery is used as scalar expression, it must not return multiple rows. If the subquery is non-correlated(i.e. does not access tuple variables from the outer query), we can use exactly the same test as above. If the query is correlated, it might not be completely clear what knowledge from the outer condition should be used (as usual for runtime errors, evaluation order becomes important here). In order to be safe, we propose to ignore the outer condition. Let the subquery have the form:SELECT t FROM R1 X1, . . ., Rn Xn WHERE ϕIf it accesses the tuple variables S1 Y1, . . ., Sm Ym from the outer query, we would require that the following query is inconsistent (after adding the constraints):SELECT * FROM R1 X1, ..., Rn Xn, R1 X_1 , ..., Rn X_n , S1 Y1, ..., Sm Ym WHERE ϕ AND ϕ_ AND (X1 _= X_1 OR ···OR Xn _= X_n )3. Inconsistent ConditionsIn this section, we present an algorithm for detecting inconsistent conditions in SQL queries. A trivial example of an inconsistent query isSELECT * FROM R WHERE A=1 AND A=2.Since the problem is in general undecidable, we can handle only a subset of all queries. However, our algorithm is reasonably powerful and can decide the consistency of surprisingly many queries.To be precise, consistency in databases means that there is a finite model, i.e. a relational database state(sometimes called a database instance), such that the query result is not empty.In this paper, we assume that the given SQL query contains no data type operations, i.e. all atomic formulas are of the form t1 θt2 where θis a comparison operator (=, <>, <, <=, >, >=), and t1, t2 are attributes (possibly qualified with a tuple variable) or constants (literals). Null values and IS NULL are treated in Section 3.5, before that, they are excluded. Aggregations and LIKE-conditions are not treated in this paper, they are subject of our future research.3.1. Conditions Without SubqueriesIf the query contains no subqueries, the consistency can be decided with methods known in the literature, especially the algorithms of Guo, Sun and Weiss [8].The condition then consists of the above atomic formulas connected with AND, OR, NOT. We first push negation down to the atomic formulas, where it simply “turns around” the comparison operator. In t his way, NOT is eliminated from the formula. Then, we translate the formula in disjunctive normal form: ϕ1 ∨···∨on is consistent if at least one of the it is consistent. Now a conjunction of the above atomic formulas can be tested for satisfiability with the method of [8]. They basically create a directed graph in which nodes are labeled with “Tuplevariable.Attribute” (maybe a representative for an equivalence class with respect to =) and edges are labeled with < or ≤. Then they compute an interval of possible values for each node. Note that SQL data types likeNUMERIC(1) also restrict the interval of possible values.Unfortunately, if there is only a finite number of values that can be assigned to nodes, inequality conditions (t1 <> t2) between the nodes become important and can encode graph-coloring problems. Therefore, we cannot expect an efficient algorithm if there are many <>- conditions. Otherwise, the method of [8] is fast. (However, the DNF transformation that we apply before [8] can lead to an exponential increase in size.)3.2.Integrity ConstraintsThe above algorithm constructs just any model of the query, not necessarily a database state that satisfies all constraints. However, it is easy to add conditions to the query that ensure that all constraints are satisfied. For instance, consider this constraint on GRADES:CHECK(POINTS >= 0)Then the following condition would be added to each query that references GRADES:AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM GRADES WHERE NOT(POINTS >= 0)) The original query is consistent relative to the constraints if this extended query is consistent. Note that pure “for all” constraints like keys or CHECK-constraints do not need nested subqueries and thus never endanger the termination of the method. No new Skolem functions are constructed, the conditions are only instantiated for each existing Skolem term of the respective sort (relation). This is also what one would intuitively expect. Foreign keys, however, require the existence of certain tuples, and therefore might sometimes result in an infinite set TQ. This is subject of the next section.3.3 Restrictions and Possible SolutionsThe main restriction of our method is that the set TQ must be finite, i.e. no tuple variable over a relation R may depend directly or indirectly on a tuple variable over the same relation R. This is certainly satisfied if there is only a single level of subqueries.However, GRADES has a foreign key ENO that references EXERCISES. This can be enforced in models by adding the following condition to all queries:AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM GRADES C WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM EXERCISES P WHERE P.ENO = C.ENO))We now get a Skolem function fP : GRADES →EXERCISES. In itself this would be no problem, and actually there will never be a problem if the foreign keys are not cyclic and the query itself contains only a single level of NOT EXISTS. But in Example 1, the query introduces the Skolem function fG : EXERCISES →GRADES.Together we can now generate infinitely many terms: fE1, fG(fE1), fP(fG(fE1)), fG(fP(fG(fE1))), and so on. However, it is easy to prove that fP(fG(fE1)) = fE1: We know thatfG(fE1).ENO = fE1.ENO andfP(fG(fE1)).ENO = fG(fE1).ENO.Since ENO is key of EXERCISES, the two tuples must be the same, and thus a finite TQ suffices. One case that is not solved is cyclic (recursive) foreign keys. Because of the undecidability, this problem can in general not be eliminated. However, one could at least heuristically try to construct a model by assuming that, e.g., 2 tuples in the critical relation R suffice. Then TQ(R) would consist of two constants and one would replace each subquery declaring a tuple variable over R by a disjunction with these two constants. For relations not in the cycle, the original method could still be used. If the algorithm of Section 3.1 constructs a model, the query is of course consistent. If no model is found, the system can print a warning that it cannot verify the consistency. At user option, it would also be possible to repeat the step with more constants.4. Related WorkAs far as we know, there is not yet a tool for checking given SQL queries for semantic errors independently of example database states. There are a few papers about testing SQL queries, though (e.g. [13, 12]).Of course, for the problem of detecting inconsistent conditions, a large body of work exists in the literature. In general, all work in automated theorem proving can be applied (see, e.g., [4]). The problem whether there exists a contradiction in a conjunction of inequalities is very relevant for many database problems and has been intensively studiedin the literature. Klug’sclassic paper [10] checks for such inconsistencies but does not treat subqueries and assumes dense domains for the attributes. The algorithm in [9] can handle recursion, but only negations of EDB predicates, not generalNOT EXISTS subqueries. A very efficient method has been proposed by Guo, Sun, and Weiss [8]. We use it here as a subroutine. Our main contribution is the way we treat subqueries. Although this uses ideas known from Skolemization, the way we apply it combined with analgorithm like [8], apply the relations as sorts, and detect equal terms in the Herbrand universe seems new.We also can handle null values. Consistency checking in databases has also been applied for testing whether a setoff constraint is satisfiable. A classic paper about this problem is [3]. They give an algorithm which terminates if the constraints are finitely satisfiable or if they are unsatisfiable,which is the best one can do. However, the approach presented here can immediately tell whether it can handle the given query and constraints. Also in the field of description logics, decidable fragments of first order logic are used. Recently Minock [11] defined a logic that is more restricted than ours, but is closed under syntactic query difference.Consistency of database queries has also connections to semantic query optimization (see, e.g., [5]), and cooperative query answering (see, e.g., [7, 6]). However, in semantic query optimization, only relatively simple consistency checks can be used for efficiency reasons(optimization time must be amortized during later execution).In cooperative query answering, a database state is given: The system does not really notice that the query is inconsistent, only that it yields an empty answer in the current state. In both fields, the question for possible runtime errors is not asked.Test data generation as in [13] is also a form of consistency check, and both papers have overlapping goals But the concrete methods are quite different.5. ConclusionsQuality software must be reliable in the sense that it never generates runtime errors (exceptions). A check for the safety of SQL queries can be reduced to a consistency check.In this paper, we proposed a new method for checking the consistency of SQLqueries: We used a state-of-the-art algorithm for conjunctions of comparisons(=, _=, <, >, ≤, ≥) [8], and extended it by handling subqueries with an interesting variant of Skolemization,Skolemization,and null values/three-valued logic with operators “null-to-false” and “null-to-true”. The method can also be used to generate test data. Our overall goal is to develop a semantic checker for SQL queries [2].References:[1] Serge Ambitious, Richard Hull, and Victor Vianu. Foundations of Databases. Addison-Wesley, 1994.[2] Stefan Brass and Christian Goldberg. Semantic errors in SQL queries: A quite complete list. In Proc. of the Fourth Int. Conf. on Quality Software (QSIC’04), 250–257. IEEE Computer Society Press, 2004. Extended version to appear in Journal of Systems and Software.[3] Franc¸ois Bry and Rainer Manthey. Checking consistency of database constraints: a logical basis. In Proceedings of the 12th Int. Conf. on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB’86), 13–20. Morgan Kaufmann, 1986.[4] Chin-Liang Chang and Richard Char-Tung Lee. Symbolic Logic and Mechanical Theorem Proving. Academic Press, 1973.[5] Qi Cheng, Jarek Gryz, Fred Koo, Cliff Leung, Linqi Liu, Xiaoyan Qian, and Bernhard Schiefer. Implementation of two semantic query optimization techniques in DB2 universal database. In Proc. of the 25th Int. Conf. on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB’99), 687–698, 1999.[6] Wesley W. Chu, Hua Yang, Kuorong Chiang, Michael Minock, Gladys Chow, and Chris Larson. CoBase: A scalable and extensible cooperative information system. Jour. of Intelligent Information Syst., 6:223–259, 1996.[7] Terry Gaasterland, Parke Godfrey, and Jack Minker. An overview of cooperative answering. Journal of Intelligent Information Systems, 1(2):123–157, 1992.[8] Sha Guo, Wei Sun, and Mark A. Weiss. Solving satis- fiability and implication problems in database systems. ACM Trans. on Database Systems, 21:270–293, 1996. [9] Alon Y. Halevy, Inderpal Singh Mumick, Yehoshua Sagiv, and Oded Shmueli. Static analysis in Datalog extensions. Journal of the ACM, 48:971–1012, 2001.。
• Structured • Unstructured • Real world
• Annotation • Semantics • Matching
User Interests
• Predefined ontology • Automatically extracted tags • User behavior based user interests • …
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Ar$cle score Score(u,d)=f(class,topic,tag,2me,…)
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Semantic Errors in SQL Queries:A Quite Complete ListChristian Goldberg,Stefan BrassMartin-Luther-Universit¨a t Halle-Wittenberg{goldberg,brass}@informatik.uni-halle.deAbstractWe investigate classes of SQL queries which are syntactically correct,but certainly not intended,no matter for which task the query was written.For instance,queries that arecontradictory,i.e.always return the empty set,are obviously not intended.Current databasemanagement systems,e.g.Oracle,execute such queries without any warning.In this paper,we try to give a complete list of such errors.Of course,questions like the satisfiability are ingeneral undecidable,but a significant subset of SQL queries can actually be checked.Thisalso applies to the other errors explained in this paper.We believe that future databasemanagement systems will perform such checks and that the generated warnings will help todevelop code with fewer bugs in less time.1IntroductionErrors in SQL queries can be classified into syntactic errors and semantic errors.A syntactic error means that the entered character string is not a valid SQL query.In this case,any DBMS will print an error message because it cannot execute the query.Thus,the error is certainly detected and usually easy to correct.A semantic error means that a legal SQL query was entered,but the query does not or not always produce the intended results,and is therefore incorrect for the given task.Semantic errors can be further classified into cases where the task must be known in order to detect that the query is incorrect,and cases where there is sufficient evidence that the query is incorrect no matter what the task is.Our focus in this paper is on this latter class.For instance,consider the following query:SELECT*FROM EMPWHERE JOB=’CLERK’AND JOB=’MANAGER’This is a legal SQL query,and it is executed the Oracle8i DBMS without any warn-ing.However,the condition is actually inconsistent,so the query result will be always empty. Since nobody would use a database in order to get an always empty result,we can state that this query is incorrect without actually knowing what the task of the query was.Such cases do happen, the last exam we analyzed,18out of148students wrote an inconsistent condition.It is well known that the consistency of formulas is undecidable,and that this applies also to database queries.However,although the task is in general undecidable,many cases that occur in practice can be detected with relatively simple algorithms.We believe that a tool forfinding semantic errors in SQL-statements(like the program lint for“C”)would be useful not only in teaching,but also in application software development.At least,a good error message could speed up the debugging process.While our experience so far has only been with errors made by students,not professional programmers,most of the students will become programmers,and they will not immediately make fewer errors.The main contribution of this paper is a list of semantic errors that represents years of experience while correcting hundreds of exams that contained SQL queries.However,we have also tried to explain the general principles from which these errors can be derived(as far as possible;see technical report[1]).Therefore,it is not simply by chance whether an error appears on our list,but the list has a certain degree of completeness.For a list of style check suggestions,see also[1].The paper is structured by general reasons why SQL queries can be considered suspicious: Unnecessary complications(Section2),inefficient formulations(Section3),violations of stan-dard patterns(Section4),many duplicates(Section5),and the possibility of runtime errors (Section6).Related work is discussed in Section7.2Unnecessary ComplicationsOf course,in general it is difficult to state that a syntactically correct query is semantically wrong if one does not know the task for which the query was written.However,queries can be considered as“probably not intended”when they are unnecessarily complicated.Suppose the user wrote a query Q,and there is an equivalent query Q that is significantly simpler,and basically can be derived from Q by deleting certain parts.There might be several reasons why the user did not write Q ,for example,the user knew that Q is not a correct formulation of the task at hand(in this case Q is of course also not correct),or the user did not know that Q is equivalent.Actually,“equivalence”in the sense of requiring exactly the same query result in all database states would make the condition still too strict.First,we not only want to minimize the query, but also the query result.Furthermore,it is better to exclude certain unusual states when we require that the result of both queries(Q and Q )is the same.Therefore,we will require the equivalence only for states in which all relations are non-empty.It might even be possible to assume that all columns contain at least two different values.Some types of errors produce many duplicates.More powerful query simplifications can be used if these duplicates are not considered as important for the equivalence(at least if the simpler query Q produces less duplicates than the more difficult query Q).Now we give a list of all cases in which a query can be obviously simplified under this slightly weakened notion of equivalence.In each of these cases,a warning should be given to the user.2.1Entire Query Unnecessary•Error1:Inconsistent conditions.2.2Unnecessarily Complicated SELECT Clause•Error2:Unnecessary duplicate elimination.•Error3:Constant output column.•Error4:Duplicate output column.2.3Unnecessary Complications in the FROM ClauseThe next three errors are cases where tuple variables are declared under FROM that are not really necessary.•Error5:Unused tuple variables.•Error6:Unnecessary joins.•Error7:Tuple variables that are always identical.2.4Unnecessary Complications in the WHERE Clause•Error8:Implied,tautological or inconsistent subconditions.•Error9:Unnecessarily general comparison operator.•Error10:Unnecessary SELECT arguments in EXISTS-subqueries.•Error11:IN/EXISTS condition can be replaced by comparison.2.5Unnecessary Complications in Aggregation Functions•Error12:Unnecessary DISTINCT in aggregations.•Error13:Unnecessary argument of COUNT.2.6Unnecessary Complications in the GROUP BY Clause•Error14:GROUP BY with singleton groups.•Error15:GROUP BY with only a single group.•Error16:Unnecessary GROUP BY attributes.2.7Unnecessary Complications in the HAVING ClauseIn the HAVING-clause,the same errors as in the WHERE-clause are possible.In addition,conditions that are possible under WHERE are better written there(see Error18below).2.8Unnecessary Complications in the ORDER BY Clause•Error17:Unnecessary ORDER BY terms.3Inefficient FormulationsAlthough SQL is a declarative language,the programmer should help the system to execute the query efficiently.Errors2and12(DISTINCT when no duplicates are possible)also fall in this category.However,in the following two cases the query does not get shorter by choosing the more efficient formulation.•Error18:Inefficient HAVING(conditions without aggregation function).•Error19:Inefficient UNION(instead of UNION ALL).4Violations of Standard PatternsAnother indicator for possible errors is the violation of standard patterns.•Error20:Missing join conditions.•Error21:Uncorrelated EXISTS-subqueries.•Error22:SELECT-clause of subquery uses no tuple variable from the subquery.•Error23:Conditions in the subquery that can be moved up.•Error24:Comparison between different domains.•Error25:Strange HAVING(without GROUP BY).•Error26:Wildcards without LIKE.5DuplicatesQuery results that contain many duplicates are difficult to read.It is unlikely that such a query is really intended.Furthermore,duplicates are often an indication for another error,e.g.missing join conditions.Of course,if we could give a more specific warning,that would be preferable.•Error27:Many duplicates.6Possible Runtime ErrorsIn C programs,it sometimes happens that a NIL-pointer is dereferenced,and the program crashes.Actually,such runtime errors are also possible in SQL,and one should try to verify that they cannot occur.Since these problems depend on the database state,they are not easily found during testing.•Error28:Subqueries that must not return more than one tuple.•Error29:No indicator variable for arguments that might be null.•Error30:Difficult type conversions•Error31:Possible runtime errors in datatype functions.7Related WorkIt seems that the general question of detecting semantic errors in SQL queries(as defined above) is new.However,the question is strongly related to the twofields of semantic query optimization and cooperative answering.Semantic query optimization(see e.g.[2,5])also tries tofind unnecessary complications in the query,but otherwise the goals are different.As far as we know,DB2contains some semantic query optimzation,but prints no warning message if the optimizations are“too good to be true”. Also the effort for query optimization must be amortized when the query is executed,whereas for error detection,we would be willing to spend more time.Finally,soft constraints(that can have exceptions)can be used for generating warnings about possible errors.but not for query optimization.Our work is also related to thefield of cooperative query answering(see,e.g.,[4,3]).However, the emphasis is there more on the dialogue between DBMS and user.As far as we know,a question like the possibility of runtime errors in the query is not asked.Also,there is usually a database state given,whereas we do not assume any particular state.For instance,the CoBase system would try to weaken the query condition if the query returns no answers.It would not notice that the condition is inconsistent and thus would not give a clear error message.However, the results obtained there might help to suggest corrections for a query that contains this type of semantic error.Actually,Oracle’s precompiler for Embedded SQL(Pro*C/C++)has an option for semantic checking,but this means only that it checks whether tables and columns exist and that the types match.The SQL Tutor system described in[6]discovers semantic errors,too,but it has knowledge about the task that has to be solved(in form of a correct query).In contrast,our approach assumes no such knowledge,which makes it applicable also for software development,not only for teaching.8ConclusionsThere is a large class of SQL queries that are syntactically correct,but nevertheless certainly not intended,no matter what the task of the query might be.One could expect that a good DBMS prints a warning for such queries,but,as far as we know,no DBMS does this yet.Our goal is to develop a tool“sqllint”forfinding semantic errors in SQL queries.The list of error types contained in this paper can serve as a specification of the task of this tool.We have algorithms for all of the error types(for a suitable SQL subset),but for space reasons,we could not present them here(see,however,the technical report[1]).The error checks can often be reduced to a consistency test.While the undecidability in the general case remains,we can at least use the mature methods of automated theorem proving.We also have simpler,direct sufficient conditions for some of the errors.The current state of the project is reported at: page contains a prototype of the consistency test.Also some detailed evaluations of SQL exams(with statistics about the frequency of errors)are available on this page. 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