A Modular Specification of a




Abbreviation Term3D Three Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt)4D Four Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt, Time)A AirA AlternateA AmberA AmpereA AreaA-D Airbus DeutschlandA-E Airbus EspanaA-F Airbus FranceA-UK Airbus UKAA Airworthiness AuthoritiesAA Arithmetical AverageAAAH Airbus Approved Abbreviations HandbookAAC Airline Administrative CommunicationsAADC Analog Air Data ComputerAAL Above Aerodrome LevelAAMG Airbus Application Management GroupAAP Additional Attendant PanelAAP Aft Attendant PanelABBR AbbreviationABCD Airbus Collective Data DictionaryABCU Alternate Braking Control UnitABD Airbus Directive and ProcedureABM AbeamABM APU Build-up ManualABNORM AbnormalABRN AirborneABS Autobrake SystemABS VAL Absolute ValueABSORB AbsorberABV AboveAC Advisory CircularAC Airplane Characteristics for Airport PlanningAC Alternating CurrentACARS Aircraft Communication Addressing and Reporting System ACAS Airborne Collision Avoidance SystemACC Active Clearance ControlACC Area Control CentreACCEL Acceleration/AccelerateACCESS AccessoryAbbreviation TermACCLRM AccelerometerACCU AccumulatorACCUR AccuracyACD Airframe Certification DocumentACD Airworthiness Certification DossierACDB Aircraft Component Data BaseACE Airbus Concurrent EngineeringACE Altimeter Control EquipmentACFT AircraftACFU Aircraft Check Follow UpACIA Asynchronous Communications Interface Adaptor ACJ Advisory Circular-JointACK AcknowledgeACM Abbreviated Component Maintenance ManualACM Aircraft Configuration MatrixACM Aircraft Conversion ManualACMB Aircraft Configuration Management Board ACMM Abbreviated Component Maintenance Manual ACMM Aircraft Configuration Meta ModelACMP Airframe Condition Monitoring ProcedureACMR Aircraft Configuration Management RulesACMS Aircraft Condition Monitoring SystemACMT Aircraft Component Management TeamACN Aircraft Classification NumberACOB Automatic Call Out BoxACOC Air Cooled Oil CoolerACP Altimeter Check PointACP Area Call PanelACP Audio Control PanelACQ AcquireACQN AcquisitionACR Avionics Communication RouterACRT Additional Cross Reference TableACS AccessACS Alternating Current SupplyACT ActiveACT ActivityACT Additional Center TankACTD ActuatedACTG ActuatingACTIV ActiveAbbreviation TermACTN ActionACTR ActuatorACTVT ActivateACU Antenna Coupler UnitACVR Alternating Current Voltage RatioAD AerodromeAD Airplane DatumAD Airworthiness DirectiveADAM Airbus Spares Distribution and Materials System ADAU Auxiliary Data Acquisition UnitADB Area Distribution BoxADC Air Data ComputerADC Airbus Delivery CentreADCL Airworthiness Directives Compliance ListADCN Avionics Data Communication NetworkADCOMS Advanced Configuration Management SystemADD Addition, AdditionalADD Aircraft Description Data BaseADD Aircraft Design DeclarationADD BY Added ByADF Automatic Direction FinderADG Air Driven GeneratorADI Attitude Director IndicatorADIRS Air Data/Inertial Reference SystemADIRU Air Data/Inertial Reference UnitADJ AdjustADJMT AdjustmentADM Air Data ModuleADO Airbus Documentation OfficeADOPT Airbus Design and Operational Philosophy in Training ADPM Aircraft Deactivation Procedures ManualADPTN AdaptationADPTR AdapterADR Advisory RouteADR Air Data ReferenceADRES Aircraft Documentation Retrieval SystemADRS AddressADS Air Data SystemADS Automatic Dependent SurveillanceADU Align Display UnitADV AdvisoryAbbreviation TermAEB Airline Engineering BulletinAECMA The European Association of Aerospace IndustriesAEEC Airlines Electronic Engineering CommitteeAERO Aviation Routine Weather ReportAES Aircraft Earth StationAESS Aircraft Environment Surveillance SystemAESU Aircraft Environment Surveillance UnitAEVC Avionics Equipment Ventilation ComputerAEX Access AuthorizedAF All FreighterAF Audio FrequencyAF DME Arc to Fixed WaypointAFB Antifriction BearingAFC Automatic Frequency ControlAFCS Automatic Flight Control SystemAFDX Avionics Full Duplex Switched EthernetAFECU Automatic Fire Extinguishing Control UnitAFFECTD AffectedAFFIRM AffirmativeAFIS Airbus In-Flight Information ServicesAFL Auto FlushAFMC Auxiliary Fuel Management ComputerAFN ATS Facilities NotificationAFR AirframeAFS Automatic Flight SystemAFTN Aeronautical Fixed Telecommunication Network AFTR AfterAFU Artificial Feel UnitAGB Accessory GearboxAGB Angle GearboxAGC Automatic Gain ControlAGE Aircraft Ground EquipmentAGG Airbus General GuideAGL Above Ground LevelAGMT AugmentAGW Actual Gross WeightAH Ampere HourAHP Anti-Hijacking PanelAHRS Attitude and Heading Reference SystemAHRU Attitude and Heading Reference UnitAI Anti-IcingAbbreviation TermAIB Airbus IndustrieAIBU Advanced Integrated Ballast UnitAIC Access Illustration CardsAIC Airbus Integrated CompanyAICC Aviation Industry CBT CommitteeAICU Anti Ice Control UnitAID Aircraft Installation DelayAIDA Airbus Industrie Drawing AccessAIDS Aircraft Integrated Data SystemAIG Accident InvestigationAIL AileronAIM Aircraft Integrated MaintenanceAIM-FANS Airbus Interoperable Modular-Future Air Navigation SysAIMS Airbus Improvement Management SystemAIMS Airbus Industrie Material SpecificationAIMS Airbus Inventory Management SystemAIM/CRM Airbus Integrated Management/Cockpit Resource ManagementAINA Airbus North AmericaAINS Aircraft Information Network SystemAIP Aeronautical Information PublicationAIP Attendant Indication PanelAIPS Airbus Process SpecificationAIQI Airbus Industrie Quality InstructionAIR Aircraft Inspection ReportAIRCOND Air ConditioningAIRMAN Aircraft Maintenance AnalysisAIS Aeronautical Information ServiceAIS Audio Integrated SystemAISI American Iron and Steel InstituteAITM Airbus Test MethodAL AirlineALERFA Alert PhaseALF Aft Looking ForwardALHP Airframe Life-History ProgramALIGN AlignmentALIGND AlignedALLWD AllowedALPHA Angle-of-AttackALPHANUM AlphanumericalALS Approach Light SystemAbbreviation TermALSCU Auxiliary Level Sensing Control UnitALT AltitudeALT ACQ Altitude AcquireALT TO Alternate ToALTM AltimeterALTN Alternate, AlternativeALTU Annunciator Light Test UnitALU Arithmetic and Logic UnitAM Airbus Means and Methods DocumentAM Amplitude ModulationAMB AmbientAMC Acceptable Means of ComplianceAMJ Advisory Material-JointAMM Aircraft Maintenance ManualAMM AmmeterAMP AmperageAMP AmpereAMPL AmplifierAMS Aeronautical Material SpecificationsAMS Aerospace Material SpecificationAMS Aircraft Modification StatusAMTOSS Aircraft Maintenance Task Oriented Support System AMU Audio Management UnitAN Air NavigationANCE AnnounceAND Aircraft Nose DownANI Analog InputANLG AnalogicANN AnnunciatorANN LT Annunciator LightANNCE AnnounceANNCMT AnnouncementANO Analog OutputANPT Aeronautical National Taper Pipe ThreadsANSA At Nearest Suitable AirportANSI American National Standards InstituteANSU Aircraft Network Server UnitANT AntennaANU Aircraft Nose UpAO Access OpeningAOA Angle-Of-AttackAbbreviation TermAOAS Angle of Attack SensorAOC Air Operator's CertificateAOC Airline Operational ControlAOD Audio on DemandAOG Aircraft On GroundAOHX Air/Oil Heat ExchangerAOLS Airbus On-Line ServicesAOM Aircraft Operating ManualAOP Airbus Operational PlanAOT All Operator TelexAP Airborne PrinterAP Airbus ProcedureAP AutopilotAPASHE Aircraft Publication Automated Shipping Expedite APC Area Positive ControlAPI Application Programming InterfaceAPLC Aircraft Power Line ConditionerAPM Aircraft Performance Monitoring ProgramAPM Airport Planning ManualAPM ARINC Processing ModuleAPP AppearanceAPP Approach Control-Approach Control Office APPR ApproachAPPROX ApproximatelyAPPU Asymmetry Position Pick Off UnitAPQ Airline Pre-QualificationAPS Aircraft Prepared for ServiceAPS Auxiliary Power SupplyAPU Auxiliary Power UnitAPU AFE APU Automatic Fire Extinguishing Control UnitAP/FD Autopilot/Flight DirectorAQP Advanced Qualification ProgramAR As RequiredAR Audio ReproducerARG Arresting Gear or HookARINC Aeronautical Radio IncorporatedARM Aircraft Recovery ManualARM Airworthiness Review MeetingARMD ArmedARMG ArmingAbbreviation TermARMT ArmamentARN Aircraft Registration NumberARND AroundARO After Receipt OrderARP Aerodrome Reference Point - Airport Reference PointARP Aerospace Recommended PracticeARPT AirportARR Arrival, ArrivingART Active Repair TimeARTCC Air Route Traffic Control CentreARTCLD ArticulatedARTF ArtificialARU Audio Reproducer UnitAS AirscoopAS AirspeedASA All Speed AileronASAP As soon as possibleASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange ASCO Airbus Service Company Inc.ASD Accelerate Stop DistanceASDC Airline Service Data CollectionASE Airborne Support EquipmentASE Airbus Supplied EquipmentASF Amperes per Square FootASG Airbus Security GroupASI Airspeed IndicatorASIC Application Specific Integrated CircuitsASM Aircraft Schematics ManualASM American Society for MetalsASMA Aircraft Systems Maintenance AidsASN Aerospatiale Norme (Standard)ASP Audio Selector PanelASPSU Autonomous Standby Power Supply UnitASR Airport Surveillance RadarASSY AssemblyASYM Asymmetric(al)AT AutothrottleAT AutothrustATA Actual Time of ArrivalATA Air Transport Association of AmericaATAM Airbus Takeoff Analysis ModuleAbbreviation TermATB ATA 100 BreakdownATC Air Traffic ControlATCA Air Traffic Control BoardATCDB Aircraft Technical Characteristics Data BaseATCH Attach(ment)ATCI Air Traffic Control and InformationATCK AttackATCRB Air Traffic Control Radar BeaconATCSS Air Traffic Control Data Link Signalling SystemATD Actual Time of DepartureATD Aircraft Technical DefinitionATE Automatic Test EquipmentATEC Automatic Test Equipment ComplexATI Air Transport IndicatorATIMS Air Traffic and Information Management System ATLAS Abbreviated Test Language for All Systems ATLAS Abbreviated Test Language for Avionics Systems ATM Air Traffic ManagementATM Aircraft Transportability ManualATM Available Ton-MileATMG Airbus Technical Management GroupATMS Advanced Text Management SystemATN Aeronautical Telecommunications NetworkATO Authorization to OfferATR Austin Trumbull RadioATRCCS Automatic Turbine Rotor Clearance Control System ATS Air Traffic ServiceATS Airbus Technical SpecificationATS Autothrottle SystemATS Autothrust SystemATSU Air Traffic Service UnitATT AttitudeATT Attitude ReferenceATTEN AttenuationATTND AttendantATZ Aerodrome Traffic ZoneAUD AudioAUDSWTGSYS Audio Switching SystemAUDSWTGUNIT Audio Switching UnitAUTH AuthorizeAUTO AutomaticAbbreviation TermAUTOCAL AutocalibrationAUTOLAND Automatic LandingAUW All-Up WeightAUX AuxiliaryAVAIL AvailabilityAVAIL AvailableAVG AverageAVIONICS Aviation ElectronicsAVNCS AvionicsAVRS Audio/Video Recording SystemAWB Air WaybillAWG American Wire GageAWG Audible Warning GeneratorAWL Aircraft Wiring ListAWLS All Weather Landing SystemAWM Aircraft Wiring ManualAWS American Welding SocietyAWY AirwayAX Access AuthorizedAX Longitudinal AccelerationAY Lateral AccelerationAZ AzimuthAZ Vertical AccelerationAZFW Actual Zero Fuel WeightA.ICE Anti-ice, Anti-icingA.T.I.S Airbus Technical Information SystemA/BRK AutobrakeA/C AircraftA/COLL Anti-CollisionA/D Analog to Digital Converter (conversion) A/D Analog/DigitalA/DC Analog-to-Digital ConverterA/F Auto FlightA/G Air to GroundA/L AirlineA/N AlphanumericA/N SIZE Alpha Numeric SizeA/R Audio ReproducerA/S AirspeedA/S Auto StabilizationA/SKID Anti-SkidAbbreviation TermA/STAB Auto StabilizerA/T Adjustment/TestA/THR AutothrustA/XFMR AutotransformerB BlueBAABI Basic Approved ATA Breakdown IndexBAF BaffleBAFO Best and Final OfferBAL Basic Assembly Languagebar10² kPaBARC Barometric Altitude Rate ComputerBARO BarometricBAT Battery (Electrical)BBRG Ball BearingBC Baggage Container TrainBCD Binary Coded DecimalBCDS BITE Centralized Data SystemBCL Battery Charge LimiterBCN BeaconBCRC Bulk Crew Rest CompartmentBCRU Battery Charge and Rectifier UnitBCU Brake Control UnitBCWP Budgeted Cost of Work PerformedBCWS Budgeted Cost of Work ScheduledBDD BITE Description DocumentBDLI Bundesverband der Deutschen Luft-und Raumfahrt Industrie BEA Bureau d'Enquête AccidentBEL CRK BellcrankBER Beyond Economical RepairBETW BetweenBEV BevelBEW Basic Empty WeightBFD Bi-Folding DoorBFDAS Basic Flight Data Acquisition SystemBFE Buyer Furnished EquipmentBFEMS BFE Management SystemBFO Beat Frequency OscillatorBFR BufferBG Build Group (Assembly Group)BGC Build Group ComponentBGM Boarding MusicAbbreviation TermBGS Build Group Stack-UpBH Block HoursBHD BulkheadBIST Built-in Self TestBITE Built-in Test EquipmentBIU BITE Interface UnitBK BlackBK UP Back UpBKFLW BackflowBL BleedBLC Basic Lines CatalogBLES Brake Life Extension System BLG Body Landing GearBLK BlackBLK BlockBLKT BlanketBLOW BlowerBLST BallastBLT BoltBLV Bleed ValveBLW BelowBLWG BlowingBM BeamBMC Bleed Monitoring Computer BMS Bulletin Météo SpécialBND BondedBNDG BondingBNDRY BoundaryBNR BinaryBNR Binary WordsBO Blocking OscillatorBO Body OdourBOH Brake-Off WeightBOT Begin of TapeBOT BottomBP Bottom PlugBR BrownBRC BraceBRD BraidBRDG BridgeBRG BearingAbbreviation TermBRK BrakeBRKNG BrakingBRKR BreakerBRKS BrakesBRKT BracketBRT Bright, BrightnessBSCU Braking/Steering Control UnitBSHG BushingBSU Beam Steering UnitBT Bus TieBTC Bus Tie ContactorBTL BottleBTMU Brake Temperature Monitoring UnitBTN ButtonBTR Bus Tie RelayBTU British Thermal UnitBU Battery UnitBUS BusbarBYDU Back-Up Yaw Damper UnitBYP BypassB/B Back-BeamB/C Business ClassB/D Bottom of DescentC Celsius, CentigradeC ClearC CloseC Cold (Electric Point)C ComparatorC ConvertibleC Cyanc Equal MarginC-MOS Complementary Metal Oxyde Semiconductor C of A Certificate of AirworthinessCA CableCA Cable AssemblyCAA Civil Aviation AuthorityCAATS Computer Assisted Aircraft Trouble Shooting CAB CabinCAB PRESS Cabin PressurizationCAD Computer Aided DesignAbbreviation TermCADETS Computer Assisted Documentation Education Tutorial SystemCAG Circulation Aérienne GénéraleCAGE Commercial and Government EntityCAGE Commercial And Government EntityCAI Combustion Area InspectionCAL Calibration, CalibratedCALC Cargo Acceptance and Load ControlCAM Cabin Assignment ModuleCAM Computer Aided ManufacturingCAN CanopyCAN Controller Area NetworkCANC CancelCANC CancellationCANCD CancelledCANTIL CantileverCAO Cargo Aircraft OnlyCAOA Corrected Angle Of AttackCAOM Cabin Attendant Operating ManualCAP CapacitorCAPLTY CapabilityCAPT CaptainCAR CargoCAR Civil Aviation RequirementsCARE Common Airbus Requirements EngineeringCARE Continuing Airframe - Health Review and EvaluationCARP CarpetCAS Calculated Air SpeedCAS Calibrated Air SpeedCAS Collision Avoidance SystemCAS Computed Air SpeedCAT CategoryCAT Clear Air TurbulenceCATCH Complex Anomaly Tracking and SearchCAUT CautionCAUT LT Caution LightCBAL CounterbalanceCBIT Continuous BITECBMS Circuit Breaker Monitoring SystemCBMU Circuit Breaker Monitoring UnitCBO Cycles between OverhaulAbbreviation TermCBORE CounterboreCBR California Bearing RatioCBS Cost Breakdown StructureCBSV Cycles Between Scheduled VisitsCC Current ComparatorCCC Component Change CardCCC Crash Crew ChartCCCP Compressor Cavity Control PressureCCG Cabin Configuration GuideCCITT Consultative Committee International Telegraphy & TelephCCOM Cabin Crew Operating ManualCCQ Cross Crew QualificationCCR Credit Card ReaderCCR Customer Change RegisterCCRC Cabin Crew Rest CompartmentCCRM Cabin Crew Rest ModuleCCS Cabin Communications SystemCCW Counter ClockwiseCD Cold DrawnCD Control DisplayCD Count DragCD-ROM Compact Disc - Read Only MemoryCD-WD Component Data Working DocumentCDAM Centralized Data Acquisition ModuleCDBT Component Design and Build TeamCDDS Component Documentation Data SystemCDE Consumption Data Exchange CardCDIM Component Data Instruction ManualCDL Configuration Deviation ListCDP Compressor Discharge PressureCDS Cold Drawn SteelCDS Component Documentation StatusCDS Control and Display SystemCDT Cabin Door TrainerCDU Center Drive UnitCDU Control and Display UnitCE Central EntityCECAM Centralized Cabin MonitoringCED Cooling Effect DetectorCEET Cabin Emergency Evacuation TrainerCEL Component Evolution ListAbbreviation TermCELLI Ceiling Emergency LED LightCEO Chief Executive OfficerCEPT Council of European Posts and Telegraphs CER Contrôle Essais et RéceptionCEV Centre d'Essais en VolCEV Clutch Electro ValveCF Course to a Fixed WaypointCFDIU Centralized Fault Display Interface Unit CFDS Centralized Fault Display SystemCFE Customer Furnished EquipmentCFH Cubic Feet per HourCFIT Controlled Flight Into TerrainCFM Cable Fabrication ManualCFM Cubic Feet per MinuteCFMI CFM InternationalCFP Computerized Flight PlanCFR Code of Federal RegulationsCFRP Carbon Fiber Reinforced PlasticCFS Cabin File ServerCFS Cold Finished SteelCG Center of GravityCGCS Center of Gravity Control SystemCGM Computer Graphics MetafileCH Centre HatrackCH CharacterCH ChargeCHAM ChamferCHAN ChannelCHAS ChassisCHG ChangeCHK CheckCHM ChimeCHMBR ChamberCHRG ChargeCHRO ChronometerCI Cast ironCI Configuration ItemCI Conversion InstructionCI Cost IndexCI Course to an InterceptCi CurieAbbreviation TermCICS Customer Information Control SystemCICS/VS Customer Information Control System/Virtual Storage CIDS Cabin Intercommunication Data SystemCIM Continuous Image MicrofilmCIN Change Identification NumberCINS Cabin Information Network SystemCIT Compressor Inlet TemperatureCIU Camera Interface UnitCK CheckCKD CheckedCKPT CockpitCKT CircuitCL Center LineCL Check ListCL ClimbCL ClipCL ClutchCLB ClimbCLCTR CollectorCLD ClosedCLDB Component Location Data BankCLG CeilingCLG Centerline Landing GearCLK ClockCLM Component Location ManualCLN ClinometerCLNG CeilingCLOG CloggingCLOGD CloggedCLP ClampCLPR ClapperCLR ClearCLR ALT Clearance AltitudeCLRD ClearedCLRNC ClearanceCLS Cargo Loading SystemCLS Cargo Loading System ManualCLSD ClosedCLSG ClosingCLTM Component Location Training ManualCLV ClevisAbbreviation TermCM Call MaintenanceCM CentimetersCM Collective ModificationCM Configuration ManagementCM Conversion ManualCM Crew MemberCMC Central Maintenance ComputerCMD CommandCMEU Cabin Passenger Management Memory Expansion Unit CMFLR Cam FollowerCMI Computer Managed InstructionCMIT Component Management and Integration TeamCML Consumable Material ListCMM Calibration Memory ModuleCMM Component Maintenance ManualCMMM Component Maintenance Manual ManufacturerCMMV Component Maintenance Manual VendorCMP Customer Maintenance ProgramCMPLRY ComplementaryCMPLTD CompletedCMPNT ComponentCMPS CPLR Compass CouplerCMPTG ComputingCMPTR ComputerCMRLR Cam RollerCMS Cabin Management SystemCMS Central Maintenance SystemCMS Code Matière SociétéCMS Component Maintenance SheetCMT Cabin Management TerminalCMV Concentrator and Multiplexer for VideoCNA Common Nozzle AssemblyCNCT ConnectCNCTD ConnectedCNCTN ConnectionCNCTR ConnectorCNCTRC ConcentricCNCV ConcaveCND ConduitCNSU Cabin Network Server UnitCNTNR ContainerAbbreviation TermCNTOR ContactorCNTR CounterCNTRTR ConcentratorCO CompanyCO Cut-OffCO RTE Company RouteCOAX CoaxialCOC Customer Originated Change COHO Coherent OscillatorCOL ColumnCOM CommonCOM CommunicationCOM Company Organization Manual CombL Combustible LiquidCOMDL Coding ModuleCOML CommercialCOMP CompassCOMP CompensatorCOMPSN CompensationCOMPT CompartmentCOMPT TEMP Compartment TemperatureCOMPTR ComparatorCOMTN CommutationCOND ConditionCOND ConditionedCOND ConditioningCONDTN ConditionCONDTR ConditionerCONFIG ConfigurationCONFIRMD ConfirmedCONSUMPT ConsumptionCONT Continue, ContinuousCONT ContourCONT ControllerCONV ConverterCOO Chief Operating OfficerCOOL Cooling, CoolerCOORD CoordinateCOORD CoordinationCOPI CopilotCORA Customer Order AdministrationAbbreviation TermCORCTD CorrectedCORR CorrectCORR CorrugateCORR CorrugationCor.M Corrosive MaterialCOS CosineCOT CotterCOTS Commercial Off-The-ShelfCOUNT CounterCOV CoverCOWL CowlingCP Clock PulseCPC Cabin Pressure ControllerCPCP Corrosion Prevention and Control program CPCS Cabin Pressure Control SystemCPCU Cabin Pressure Control UnitCPDLC Controller-Pilot DataLink Communications CPF Central Programme FunctionCPIOM Core Processing Input/Output ModuleCPL CoupleCPLD CoupledCPLG CouplingCPLR CouplerCPMS Cabin and Passenger Management System CPMU Cabin Passenger Management UnitCPNY CompanyCPRSR CompressorCPT CaptureCPT CompartmentCPU Central Processing UnitCR Cold RolledCR CruiseCRC Camera Ready CopyCRC Continuous Repetitive ChimeCRC Crew Rest CompartmentCRC Cyclic Redundancy CheckCRE Corrosion-ResistantCRES Corrosion-Resistant SteelCRG CargoCRI Certification Review ItemAbbreviation TermCRK CrankCRL CollarCROSSFEEDR CrossfeederCRR Component Reliability ReportCRS Cold Rolled SteelCRS CourseCRSN CorrosionCRT Cathode Ray TubeCRU Cabin Router UnitCRU Card Reader UnitCRZ CruiseCS Cabin Cleaners StepsCS Call SwitchCS Center SparCS CentistokesCSD Constant Speed DriveCSE Course Set ErrorCSF/L Continuous Safe Flight/LandingCSI Cycles Since InstallationCSIP Customer Satisfaction Improvement ProgrammeCSK CountersinkCSKH Countersunk HeadCSL ConsoleCSM Computer Software ManualCSM/G Constant Speed Motor/GeneratorCSN Catalog Sequence NumberCSS Cockpit System SimulatorCST Cabin Service TrainerCSTG CastingCSTR ConstraintCSU Command Sensor UnitCSV Cycles Since Last Shop VisitCT Center TapeCT Current TransformerCTA Control AreaCTDP Cabin Trainer Data PackagesCTF Central Test FacilitiesCTF.P Central Test Facility ResponseCTF.Q Central Test Facility QuestionsCTK Capacity Tonne KilometreCTK Center TankAbbreviation TermCTL CentralCTL ControlCTR CenterCTR ContourCTR Control ZoneCTRD CenteredCTSK CountersunkCTU Cabin Telecommunications Unit CTWT CounterweightCU Control Unitcu CubicCUDU Current Unbalance Detection Unit CUR CurrentCVL Configuration Variation ListCVR Cockpit Voice RecorderCVT Center Vent TubeCVU Crypto Voice UnitCW ClockwiseCWG Cockpit Working GroupCWLU Cabin Wireless LAN UnitCWS Control Wheel SteeringCWY ClearwayCY Calendar Year - Current YearCY CycleCYL CylinderC/B Circuit BreakerC/L Check ListC/M Command/MonitorC/M Crew MemberC/O Change OverC/S Call SignC/SSR Cost/Schedule Status ReportDA Drift AngleDABS Discrete Address Beacon SystemDAC Digital to Analog ConverterDAC Drawing Aperture CardDADC Digital Air Data ComputerDADS Digital Air Data SystemDAF Damping Augmentation FunctionDAMP DampingdaN Load (DecaNewton)Abbreviation TermDAR Digital AIDS RecorderDAS/STC Designated Alteration Station/Supplemental Type Certific DB Data BasedB DecibelDBBS Data Base Bulletin ServiceDBC Data Bus CommunicationDBD Data Basis for DesignDBLR DoublerdB(A)A-Weighted DecibelDC Direct CurrentDC Domain CoordinatorDCD Data Control and DisplayDCD DecodeDCD Double Channel DuplexDCDR DecoderDCDU Datalink Control and Display UnitDCP Display Control PanelDCR Dock on Crew RestDCS Designated Certification SpecialistDCS Direct Current SupplyDCS Double Channel SimplexDCU Direction Control UnitDCV Directional Control ValveDCVR Direct Current Voltage RatioDDA Digital Differential AccumulationDDCU Dedicated Display and Control UnitDDI Design Drawing InstructionDDI Documentary Data InsertDDM Difference in Depth of ModulationDDM Digital Data ModuleDDP Declaration of Design and PerformanceDDRMI Digital Distance and Radio Magnetic IndicatorDDTS Digital Data Technology StandardsDDV Direct Drive ValveDEC DeclinationDECEL DecelerateDECOMPRESS DecompressionDECR DecreaseDEDP Data Entry and Display PanelDEF DefinitionDEFDARS Digital Expandable Flt Data Acquisition & Recording SysAbbreviation TermDEFL DeflectDEFUEL DefuelingDEG DegreeDEGRADD DegradedDEL Delay MessageDEL DeleteDEL BY Deleted byDELTA P Differential PressureDEM Digital Electronic ModuleDEMOD DemodulatorDEP Data Entry PanelDEP DepartureDEPLD DeployedDEPRESS DepressurizationDEPT DepartmentDES DescendDES DescentDES Digital Equipment SimulatorDEST DestinationDET Detection, DetectorDETECTD DetectedDETNG DeterminingDEU Decoder/Encoder UnitDEVN DeviationDEW Delivery Empty WeightDEX Access DemandedDF Direction FinderDFA Delayed Flaps ApproachDFDAMU Digital Flight Data Acquisition and Management Unit DFDAU Digital Flight Data Acquisition UnitDFDR Digital Flight Data RecorderDFDRS Digital Flight Data Recording SystemDFIDU Dual Function Interactive Display UnitDFT DriftDG Directional GyroDGAC Direction Generale de l'Aviation CivileDGI Digital InputDGO Digital OutputDGTL DigitalDH Decision HeightDI Data Input。



1.软件测试英语专业词汇2.NLV:Nation Language Version 本地化版本3.FVT:Functional Verification Testing 功能验证测试T:Translation Verification Testing 翻译验证测试5.SVT:System Verification Testing 系统验证测试6.fault--故障在软件中一个错误的表现。

7.Feasible path--可达路径可以通过一组输入值和条件执行到的一条路径。

8.feature testing--特性测试参考功能测试(Functional Testing)9.FMEA--失效模型效果分析(Failure Modes and Effects Analysis)可靠性分析中的一种方法,用于在基本组件级别上确认对系统性能有重大影响的失效10.FMECA--失效模型效果关键性分析(Failure Modes and EffectsCriticality Analysis)FMEA的一个扩展,它分析了失效结果的严重性。

11.FTA--故障树分析(Fault Tree Analysis)引起一个不需要事件产生的条件和因素的确认和分析,通常是严重影响系统性能、经济性、安全性或其它需要特性。

12.functional decomposition--功能分解参考模块分解(modular decomposition)13.Functional Specification --功能规格说明书一个详细描述产品特性的文档。

14.Functional Testing--功能测试测试一个产品的特性和可操作行为以确定它们满足规格。

15.glass box testing--玻璃盒测试参考白盒测试(White Box Testing)16.IEEE--美国电子与电器工程师学会(Institute of Electrical andElectronic Engineers)17.incremental testing--渐增测试集成测试的一种,组件逐渐被增加到系统中直到整个系统被集成。

CommScope 类别 6A 6 模块插座、套接字和工具说明书

CommScope 类别 6A 6 模块插座、套接字和工具说明书

Modular plugs, accessories and toolingCategory 6A/6 modular plugs, slim-line boots and color clipsCommScope offers a vast portfolio of modular plugs for a wide variety of applications, performance and cable and conductor styles. Below is a brief explanation of the basics of this portfolio to assist in proper plug selection.CAT 6A, CAT 6 UTP MODULAR PLUGSCommScope Category 6A and 6 unshielded modular plug (MP-6AU) utilizes a patent-pending integrated pair-manager and cable strain-relief boot. The pair-manager provides 6 (six) unique channels for pair- placement, allowing ultimate flexibility in obtaining the highest possible transmission performance with the cable being terminated. The cable-strain relief feature secures the cable and isolates the wire from movement while not impacting cable performance. The wire-manager comes in two sizes based on insulation conductor diameter to ensure excellent wire-to-contact performance. The MP-6AU modular plug can be used with solid or stranded conductors.CAT 6A, CAT 6 AND CAT 5eMT MODULAR PLUGSThese modular plugs consist of a three-piece design: the modular plug body with contacts; a wire holder to manage the conductors and ensure performance and; a metal strain relief for securing the cable and if used with a shielded cable provides the shielding for the plug. These plugs can be used with shielded or unshielded cables. They are available with 3 different size strain reliefs to handle the range of cable diameters. Each performance level uses slightly different wire holders to achieve the desired performance levels. All three of these plug types utilize the 2153256-1 or 2153257-1 series plug boots. They utilize the Pro-Crimper III hand tool (354940-1) with the appropriate die set based on strain relief diameter.CAT 5e, 8-POSITION PLUGThe CAT 5E modular plug is a two-piece design consisting of the modular plug body with contacts, and a load bar or wire holder. In this design the strain relief is built into the plug body. If the shielded option is desired, the plug comes with a factory installed wrap around shield. This plug type has an optional boot component for additional strain relief. Depending upon the cable diameter, this plug utilizes 2843048-1, 2111797-1, 2843080-1, and 2843079-1 series boots. It utilizes the Pro-Installer tool with the “white”dot die set.CommScope modular plug portfolioCAT 5, 8-POSITION MODULAR PLUGThe CAT 5, 8-position plug is a one-piece design. The plug is also available for use with “round” cable as wellas “flat oval” cable. Additionally, it is available in unshielded and shielded utilizing a wrap-around shield. Thisplug utilizes the same boots as the CAT 5E and the Pro-Installer tool with the “black” dot die set.6-POSITION MODULAR PLUGThe 6-position (RJ-11) modular plug is also a one-piece design and is offered in a “standard” design0.530 inches long and also a “long” version which is 0.895 inches long. The plug is available for round aswell as flat oval cable. It is available in unshielded and shielded versions. The 6-postion plug has a uniquevariety called “small conductor” for use with conductors with thin-wall insulation and overall diameter of0.029 to 0.034 inches. Lastly, the 6-position plug is available with only 4 or 2 contacts installed. This plugutilizes the Pro-Installer tool with the “standard” plug using the “Blue” dot die set and the “long” usingthe “violet” dot die set.4-POSITION MODULAR PLUGThe 4-position (telephone handset) modular plug is a one-piece design and is 0.530 inches long and isdesigned for use with flat-oval cables. It is only available as unshielded. The plug utilizes the “green” dotdie set with the Pro-Installer Tool.Features and benefits·True mass displacement termination of jacketed cable with solid or stranded conductors·New universal contact providing reliable termination of solid or stranded conductors·Available in all performance grades: CAT 6A, CAT 6, CAT 5e, CAT 5 and CAT 3·Meets or exceeds EIA/TIA and ISO industry performance and specifications·Various positions, number of contacts, housing styles and packaging options available·The most complete line of semiautomatic and manual termination capabilities and tooling—low applied cost ·Complete line of hand-held tooling available·Available for shielded and unshielded cable, round or flat oval, various cable diameters accommodated ·Complete line of accessories such as boots, color clips and strain reliefs·UL Recognized Component to UL and CSA standards, File # E114344 Specifications1CAT 6A and CAT 6, unshielded, 8-position plug (MP-6AU-__-1)CAT 6A and CAT 6, unshielded, 8-position integrated boot manager (MP-6AU-Boot-__ __-1)FEATURES·Each kit includes:- Modular plug assembly - Wire manager·Cat 6A and Cat 6 performance achievable depending upon cable and installation procedures. ·Use appropriate integrated boot manager depending upon cable diameter (ordered separately)FEATURES·The cable-strain relief feature secures the cable and isolates the wire from movement without impacting performance. ·Transparent boot, with integrated pair-manager and cable strain relief, no need to color-match boot to cable jacket ·Compatible with CommScope color-clip for increased easy of circuit identificationand management1Typical conductor size supported by insulation OD. Insulation OD is the determining specification.CAT 6A, shielded, 8-position plug (MP-6AS-_-_)CAT 6, shielded, 8-position plug (MP-6S-_-_)FEATURES·Each kit includes:- (1) Modular plug assembly - (1) Wire holder - (1) Strain relief·Cat 6A performance achievable when used with PiMF (Pairs-in-Metal-Foil) constructed cable ·Use appropriate-sized slim-line modular plug boot (ordered separately)FEATURES·Each kit includes:- (1) Modular plug assembly - (1) Wire holder - (1) Strain relief·Use appropriate-sized slim-line modular plug boot (ordered separately)1Typical conductor size supported by insulation OD. Insulation OE is the determining specification.1Typical conductor size supported by insulation OD. Insulation OE is the determining specification.CAT 5E, shielded EMT, 8-position plug (MP-5EMT-_-_)Shielded slim-line modular plug boot (MP-Boot-S-SL-_)FEATURES·Each kit includes:- (1) Modular plug assembly - (1) Wire holder - (1) Strain relief·Use appropriate-sized slim-line modular plug boot (ordered separately)FEATURES·For use with shielded Category 6A/6 and Category 5e EMT modular plugs ·Accepts cables with maximum diameters listed·Slim-line design support high-density applications and color clips·Transparent boot eliminates need for colored boots to match cable jacket color ·Advised to use the smallest boot size possible that will accommodate cable1Typical conductor size supported by insulation OD. Insulation OE is the determining specification.CAT 5E, 8-position plug (MP-5E_-_)CAT 5e and 5 modular plug boots (MP-5EU-Boot- __ __-10)FEATURES·Each kit includes:- (1) Modular plug assembly - (1) Wire holder·Use appropriate size CAT 5E modular plug boot (MP-5EU-Boot) for cable diameterFEATURES·Slim-line design to support high-density applications·Transparent boot eliminating need to color-match boot to cable jacket·Compatible with CommScope color-clip for increased easy of circuit identification and management ·Packaged in bags of 1,0001Typical conductor size supported by insulation OD. Insulation OD is the determining specification.Color Clips (MP-ColorClip- _______-50)External strain reliefs for modular plugsFEATURES·Customer field-installable allowing for flexibility in identifying and managing patch cords ·Compatible with all CommScope transparent boots for either shielded or unshielded ·Packaged in bags of 50FEATURES·Metal strain relief that positively engages plug housing·PRO-CRIMPER tool and die set 224928-1 Tool & Die, 224928-2 Die only ·For use with 8-position Category 5 and 5e modular plugs only ·RoHS compliantCAT 5 and 3, 8-position plug (MP-88_-_-_)Keyed CAT 5 and 3, 8-position (MP-88_-R-1-K)FEATURES·Each kit includes:- (1) Modular plug assembly ·Packaged either 500 or 100 to bag·Use appropriate size modular plug boot for cable diameterFEATURES·Small key on side of plug to interface with slot in jack.8-positionround, standard8-position flat, standardShielded 8-position round, standard1 Typical conductor size supported by insulation OD. Insulation OD is the determining specification.2Small conductor modular plugs are transparent blue in color.1Typical conductor size supported by insulation OD. Insulation OD is the determining specification.1Typical conductor size supported by insulation OD. Insulation OD is the determining specification.6-position,round, standard 6-position,round, long 6-position,flat, standard6-position, 4- or 2-contact plugs (MP-6_ _-_-_)1 Typical conductor size supported by insulation OD. Insulation OD is the determining specification.2Small conductor modular plugs are transparent blue in color.1Typical conductor size supported by insulation OD. Insulation OD is the determining specification.1Typical conductor size supported by insulation OD. Insulation OD is the determining specification.10-position plug (MP-1010U-R-_)Shielded category 6A, 6 and CAT 5EMT modular plugsFEATURES·Ratchet control provides complete termination cycle·Die set and tool crimps both the strain relief and the modular contacts at the same time ·Interchangeable die sets accommodate all plug sizes ·Sold with or without die. Dies can be purchased separatelySee instruction sheet 408-8738 for more information.*Includes JacKnack Tool.Pro-installer’s modular plug hand toolPro-installer’s modular plug hand tool kits and accessoriesFEATURES·Ratchet control provides complete termination cycle ·Sold with and without die sets·Interchangeable die sets accommodate all plug sizesDie set to modular plug cross-reference shownFEATURES·Each kit contains carrying case, blade replacement kit, screw driver, and items as listed ·Modular plug to die set cross reference listed as shownSee instruction sheet 408-9767 for more information. *Violet available in die set only.See instruction sheet 408-9767 for more information.Visit our website or contact your local CommScope representative for more information.© 2021 CommScope, Inc. All rights reserved.Unless otherwise noted, all trademarks identified by ® or ™ are registered trademarks, respectively, of CommScope, Inc. This document is for planning purposes only and is not intended to modify or supplement any specifications or warranties relating to CommScope products or services. CommScope is committed to the highest standards of business integrity and environmental sustainability with a number of CommScope’s facilities across the globe certified in accordance with international standards, including ISO 9001, TL 9000, and ISO 14001. Further information regarding CommScope’s commitment can be found at /About-Us/Corporate-Responsibility-and-Sustainability .CommScope pushes the boundaries of communications technology with game-changing ideas and ground-breaking discoveries that spark profound human achievement. We collaborate with our customers and partners to design, create and build the world’s most advanced networks. It is our passion and commitment to identify the next opportunity and realize a better tomorrow. Discover more at 。



评阅教师得分四川大学期末考试试题(闭卷)(2014~2015学年第1学期)课程号: 311078040 课程名称:软件工程导论(A卷)任课教师:洪玫,刘东权,李旭伟等适用专业年级:软件工程 2013级学号:姓名:2. 请将答案全部填写在本试题纸上;3. 考试结束,请将试题纸、添卷纸和草稿纸一并交给监考老师。



1. Software is the collection of ( ).(A) Programs(B) Data(C) Documents(D) All of above2.Which of the items listed below is not one of the software engineering layers? ( )(A) Process(B) Methods(C) Tools(D) Manufacturing3.The prototyping model of software development is ( ).(A) A reasonable approach when requirements are well defined.(B) The best approach to use for projects with large development teams.(C) A useful approach when a customer cannot define requirements clearly.注:试题字迹务必清晰,书写工整。

本题共11页,本页为第1页(D) A risky model that rarely produces a meaningful product.4. The linear sequential model of software development is also known as the ( ).(A) Prototyping model(B) Waterfall model(C) Fountain model(D) Spiral model5.Which one of the following phases is not one of the phase names defined by the Unified Process model for software development? ( )(A) Inception phase(B) V alidation phase(C) Elaboration phase(D) Construction phase6. The spiral model of software development ( )(A) Ends with the delivery of the software product(B) Includes project risks evaluation during each iteration(C) Is more chaotic than the incremental model(D) All of the above7. The Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) is used to measure ( )(A) the quality of the product(B) quality in the context of the business environment(C) the quality of the process(D) none of the above8. Analysis models depict software in which three representations? ( )(A) information, function, behavior(B) architecture, interface, component(C) cost, risk, schedule(D) None of the above9. Software engineers collaborate with customers to define which of the following? ( )(A) Customer visible usage scenarios(B) Important software features(C) System inputs and outputs(D) All of the above10. Views are “slices”of architecture. Which view focuses on structural issues? ( )(A) Logical(B) Use-case(C) Process(D) Implementation11. The Data Flow Diagram(DFD) ( ).(A) depicts relationships between data objects(B) depicts functions that transform the data flow(C) indicates how data are transformed by the system(D) both b and c12. The entity relationship diagram ( )(A) depicts functions that transform the data flow(B) depicts relationships between data objects(C) indicates how data are transformed by the system(D) indicates system reactions to external events13. Which one of the following items is not an element of a class definition? ( )(A) Class responsibilities(B) Class attribution(C) Class name(D) Class operations14. The importance of software design can be summarized in a single word: ( )(A) accuracy(B) quality(C) complexity(D) efficiency15. Polymorphism can be described as? ( )(A) Inheritance(B) Information(C) Placing Generalization(D) one interface encapsulates different implementations16. Which one of the following is not an area of concern in the design model? ( )(A) architecture(B) project scope(C) data(D) interfaces17. In component design, elaboration does not require which of the following elements to bedescribed in detail? ( )(A) Attributes(B) Source code(C) Interfaces(D) Operations18. What is the normal order of activities in which traditional software testing is organized? ( )(A) unit testing, integration testing, validation testing, system testing(B) integration testing, unit testing, system testing, validation testing(C) validation testing, unit testing, integration testing, system testing(D) system testing, validation testing, integration testing, unit testing评阅教师得分19. Which of the following tests is a system test that forces the software to fail in a variety of ways and verifies that software is able to continue execution without interruption? ( )(A) security testing (B) performance testing (C) recovery testing (D) stress testing20. The testing technique that requires devising test cases to demonstrate that each program function is operational is called? ( )(A) glass-box testing (B) black-box testing (C) grey-box testing (D) white-box testing二、名词解释题(本大题共5小题,每小题2分,共10分)。

国家科技公司National Instruments的LabVIEW认证系列文档第一部分说明书

国家科技公司National Instruments的LabVIEW认证系列文档第一部分说明书

LabVIEW Certification OverviewThe National Instruments LabVIEW Certification Program consists of the following three certification levels:-Certified LabVIEW Associate Developer (CLAD)-Certified LabVIEW Developer (CLD)-Certified LabVIEW Architect (CLA)Each level is a prerequisite for the next level of certification.A CLAD demonstrates a broad and complete understanding of the core features and functionality available in the LabVIEW Full Development System and possesses the ability to apply that knowledge to develop, debug, and maintain small LabVIEW modules. The typical experience level of a CLAD is approximately 6 to 9 months in the use of the LabVIEW Full Development System.A CLD demonstrates experience in developing, debugging, deploying, and maintaining medium-to-large scale LabVIEW applications. A CLD is a professional with an approximate cumulative experience of 12 to 18 months developing medium-to-large applications in LabVIEW.A CLA not only possesses the technical expertise and software development experience to break a project specification into manageable LabVIEW components but has the experience to see the project through by effectively utilizing project and configuration management tools. A CLA is a professional with an approximate cumulative experience of 24 months in developing medium-to-large applications in LabVIEW.Note The CLAD certification is a prerequisite to taking the CLD exam. The CLDcertification is a prerequisite to taking the CLA exam. There are no exceptions to this requirement for each exam.CLA Exam OverviewA CLA demonstrates mastery in analyzing and interpreting customer requirements for the development of scalable application architectures in LabVIEW, organized in a modular project hierarchy with the intent to be fully developed later by a multi-developer team. The architecture meets the requirements using a software simulation with interfaces to abstracted hardware modules. To ensure successful integration, the Architect enables completion by a developer team with modules designed with consistent, well defined interfaces, data structures, module design patterns, messaging, and documented developer instructions with specific design requirements. The CLA is a professional with an approximate cumulative experience of 24 months in developing medium-to-large applications in LabVIEW.Product: Your test computer will have the latest LabVIEW Full or Professional Development System installed for developing your application. Contact your proctor or testing center prior to the exam to get the details and familiarize yourself with the LabVIEW version that you will use to develop your application.Refer to /labview/how_to_buy.htm for details on the features available in the LabVIEW Full / Professional Development System.Please note that you will not receive extra exam time to compensate for non-familiarity with the LabVIEW environment. If you need time to customize the environment, please make arrangements with your proctor to hold off on giving you the exam packet until you are ready to start the exam.The use of resources available in LabVIEW, such as the LabVIEW Help, examples, and templates are allowed during the exam. Externally developed VIs or resources are prohibited.The CLA exam consists of a project that is very similar to the project that you worked on the CLD exam.Your exam submissions should be transferred to a USB memory stick and turned in to your proctor.Note Do not detach the binding staple, copy, or reproduce / retain any section of the exam document or solution of the exam. Failure to comply will result infailure.CLA Exam Topics1.Project Requirements2.Project Organization and Hierarchy3.Project Architecture and Design4.Team-Based Design, Development, and Standardization Practices5.Reusable Tools / Component DesignNote The CLA exam is cumulative and includes CLAD and CLD exam topics.Topic Subtopic1.Project Requirements a.Technical requirementsb.Requirements trackingc.GUI Developmentd.Hardware Interfacee.Error Handling2.Project Organization and Hierarchy bVIEW project hierarchyb.Disk hierarchybVIEW pathsd.Modular hierarchy3.Project Architecture and Design a.Main VI architectureb.Module / SubVI architecturec.Messaging Architectured.Error Modulee.File and Database I/Of.Simulation architectureer interface designh.Advanced design methodsi.Documentation of requirements4.Team-Based Design, Development,and Standardization Practices bVIEW development practicesb.Modular functionalityc.Documentation for Developercompletiond.Clear Modular APIs5.Reusable Tools / Component Design bVIEW technologiesb.API designc.Design patternsCLA Exam Topic Details1.Project Requirementsa.Technical requirementsDetermine and list the following requirements from the project specification:1.Application requirements—Goal and purpose of the applicationer interface requirements—Presentation and behavior of controls thatinteract with users3.Functional requirements—The functionality of the components and theirinteraction within the system4.Timing requirements—Hardware / software, event-based data overflow,daylight savings5.Error handling requirements—Warning, errors, critical errors, shutdownsequence6.Hardware or simulation requirements—Interface and operational requirementsfor switching to field devices7.Input/output requirements—Console, databases8.Initialization, shutdown requirements—User interface and program behaviorduring startup, error conditions, and shutdown9.Non-functional requirements—Accuracy, performance, modifiability10.Assumptions and constraintsa) A functional assumption is an issue that is unclear in the specificationb) A functional constraint is a design decision that is imposed by thespecificationb.Requirements tracking1.Identify and fulfill requirementsa)Determine detail level of requirementsb)Locate requirements tags in architecture only where requirements arefulfilled2.Methods or (utilization of) software tools to track requirementsa)Use specified format for requirements tags for Requirements Gatewaytrackingb)Utilize provided tag filec.GUI Development1.Build GUI based on specificationa)Determine the appropriate control type based on functional specificationsb)Use Type Definitions2.Design interface that meets functional requirementsa)Utilize the LabVIEW Development Guidelinesb)Organize, modularize, or group user interface components to follow aprocess, or logical sequencec)Utilize advanced LabVIEW development techniquesd.Hardware Interfacee abstraction to separate simulation and hardware modulesa)Develop API to interface with the controller moduleb)Design a scalable interface that enables transition from simulation tohardwarec)Develop method to select hardware or simulation modules2.Develop simulation architecture based on hardwarea)Select a modular architecture that simulates external hardwareb)Select user interface components that closely mimic the function of thehardwaree.Error Handling1.Develop centralized error handlinga)Demonstrate methods to handle warning, critical errors, and shutdownerror conditions as defined in the specificationb)Develop architecture that integrates the error module in the main VI andwithin other modules2.Design a shut down method that is responsive to the error module and isabstracted from the functional modules2.Project Organization and HierarchybVIEW Project hierarchy1.Develop a LabVIEW Project hierarchy for team-based developmenta)Modules and their hierarchyb)Shared subVIs, custom controlsc)Plug-in VIsd)LabVIEW Project librariese)Support files (documentation, configuration, and log files)2.Utilize a naming conventionb.Disk hierarchy1.Mimic project hierarchy on diske auto-populating foldersanize project and disk hierarchy by module or other functional basedschemec.Paths1.Utilize and require developer to use relative pathsd.Modular Hierarchyanize by module or other functional based scheme2.Sub folders based on code artifacts such as controls or module subVIs3.Project Architecture and Designa.Main VI architecture1.Select an advanced, scalable, and modular architecture that enables thefollowing:a)Handling of user interface events and user eventsb)Asynchronous and parallel processing of eventsc)Initialization, shutdown, state persistence, and restorationd)Effective error (logic and run-time) handlinge)Timing (event or poll-based)f)Team-based development of functional modules2.Develop data and event messaging structures3.Develop architecture to handle configuration data4.Develop interfaces for simulation and other modules5.Utilize the LabVIEW Development Guidelines for memory optimizationb.Module / subVI architecture1.Select a cohesive architecture and design pattern for modules and subVIs2.Define and develop a clear API3.Define a consistent connector pane and iconc.Messaging Architecture1.Modularize messaging scheme for initialization, use, and shutdown2.Demonstrate method for messaging for developers to complete3.Demonstrate loose coupling of messaging moduled.Error Module1.Modularize centralized error handling for clear initialization, use, andshutdown2.Demonstrate error handling integration with functional modules3.Integrate for shutdown as specified4.Demonstrate file logging5.Discriminate actions for different types of error severitye.File and Database I/O1.Modularize I/O for clear initialization, use, and shutdownmunicate access methods for developers to complete3.Specify data formats and conversion to application data structures4.Integrate for Configuration data and Error loggingf.Simulation module architecture1.Select a modular architecture that simulates external hardware2.Design a scalable interface that can ease transition from simulation tohardware3.Select user interface components that closely mimic the function of thehardwareer interface design1.Utilize the LabVIEW Development Guidelinesanize, modularize, or group user interface components to follow a process,or logical sequence3.Utilize advanced LabVIEW development techniquesh.Advanced design methods1.Develop an architecture for a modular, scalable, and maintainable application2.Implement, develop, and enhance standard design patterns to suit projectrequirements3.Utilize an event-based design for user interface events and define usergenerated events for timing, error, signaling, and so on4.Abstract functionality and develop a clear and consistent interface API formodules and subVIs5.Utilize and standardize scalable data types and data structures6.Utilize object oriented design, recursion, VI Server, and advanced file I/Otechniquesi.Documentation of Requirements1.Utilize the LabVIEW Development Guidelines2.Document the following:a)Main architecture for module integrationb)Data structures and data and message communication mechanismc)Modules, subVIs, and interfaces (API)d)Simulation module, interfaces, and requirements for transitioning fromsimulation to hardware module4.Team-Based Design, Development, and Standardization PracticesbVIEW development practices1.Establish and use consistent development style—Utilize the LabVIEWDevelopment Guidelines as well as company developed standardse templates as a starting point for development3.Document VI Properties, the block diagram, and the user interface (tip strips,and so on)4.Develop reusable modules and tools to standardize developmentb.Architecture for modular development1.Select a cohesive architecture and design for modules and subVIs2.Define a consistent connector pane and icon3.Define error handling and ensure critical errors are handled appropriately4.Develop major structures and messaging5.Develop sufficient detail for the developer to implement the specificrequirements.c.Documentation instructions for the developer to complete the application1.Document coding completion of algorithms, transactions, and logic for adeveloper team to complete functionality2.Document multiple similar steps by completing a first step with detailedrequirements and subsequent steps referring to the technique of the first stepe LabVIEW code on the block diagram to demonstrate technique andcompliment this with developer instruction documentationd.Clear modular APIs1.Define the APIs for modules and subVIs2.Develop APIs for functional modules to enable modularity and abstraction3.Develop Architecture with APIs for error handling, initialization, andshutdown5.Reusable Tools / Component DesignbVIEW technologies1.Determine the optimal method for developing a reusable component or aproductivity enhancement tool from the following technologies:a)Custom controlsb)Merge VIc)SubVId)XControlse)VI templateb.API design1.Develop a simplified API to wrap advanced LabVIEW functions2.Develop manager VIs to handle common tasks, such as reference managementof queues, user events, and so on3.Utilize project access options to restrict or allow access to components oflibrariesc.Design Patterns1.Select appropriate design patters for modules and subVIs based on functionalrequirementse documentation to describe the completion of routine design patternelementsCLA ExamIn the CLA exam you will be required to design an architecture that covers the requirements given in a project specification.Exam Duration: 4 hoursStyle of exam: Application architecture developmentPassing grade: 70%Application Architecture Development:You must develop an application framework consisting of a main VI, modules, supporting subVIs, and custom controls (type definitions). A module is a subVI or group of subVIs that performs a set of functions. A module may have it own hierarchy of subVIs.Note You are not required to submit a functional application. The functional details of the requirements should be documented in the main VI, modules, and subVIs.You must provide this documentation in the architecture to enable developers on your team to develop the functionality.The architecture has the following minimum requirements:a.Develop a project hierarchyb.Develop a main VI. The main VI should include the following:i.Modular User interfaceii.Driving architectureiii.Major data structuresiv.Event, data, timing, and error communication method(s)v.Error handlingvi.Fully connected modules and /or subVIsc.Develop shell (stub) modules and subVIs, which should not include detailedfunctional logic, but should include the following:i.Inputs, outputs, icon, and connector paneii.Architecture and APIiii.Major internal data structuresiv.Error handling and error communicationv.Instructions or comments listing the functional details, which are sufficient for a developer to complete the functionality of the VId.Develop an interface for hardware simulation as a separate module or as part of themain VI or any other module, depending on your design.e.Develop inter-process communication mechanismf.Develop an error handling and shutdown strategyRequirements TrackingThe project specification will detail requirements identified by a unique identifier. In order to demonstrate coverage of a requirement, you must include the ID of the requirement in the documentation of your architecture. Requirements can be covered in any part of the architecture’s documentation, including:∙VI Documentation Property∙Control Documentation Property∙Project or Library Documentation Property∙Comments on the front panel or block diagramA single requirement may be covered by multiple sections of code if all of those sections are necessary to fulfill the requirement.To cover a requirement, the following text should be in the in the documentation of the code: [Covers: ID] Example: [Covers: CD1]The provided USB memory stick contains a text file that has all of the Tags. This file is provided as a convenience for use in placing the tags in the application code.Note A requirements tracking tool (Requirements Gateway) will be used to verify the requirements coverage, hence adherence to the above syntax is crucial.Please refer to the CLA sample exams to see the how the coverage is documented in the VI and the instruction / comments that need to be included in the VI for a developer to complete the implementation.Grading:The point allocation for the CLA exam consists is as follows: (Total: 100 points)∙User interface and block diagram style : 10 points∙Documentation : 20 points∙Requirements coverage : 30 points∙Architecture development : 40 pointsCertified LabVIEW Architect Preparation Guide100500-01CLA Exam Preparation ResourcesUse the following resources for additional exam preparation:∙Managing Software Engineering in LabVIEW∙Advanced Architectures for LabVIEWo Instructor-led trainingo Self-paced training using the course manuals∙CLA Sample Exams:o /claprepCLA Exam ScenariosThe following table lists possible exam scenarios that you may receive to develop a solution for your CLA exam. This list is intended to give a general idea of what exams will be administered, and there may be variations within each exam.Exam Scenario DescriptionCoffee Machine The coffee machine simulates ingredient storage, andperforms grinding, brewing and dispensing operations toprepare hot water, coffee and latte.Pizza Machine The Pizza Machine simulates creating a customized pizzarecipe and then making, baking and cutting the pizza. Security System The multi-zoned security system simulates the arming,disarming, tamper, bypass and alarm functions. Thermostat The thermostat simulates scheduled programmatic heatingand cooling control for heating, ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC) system.© 2014 National Instruments Page 11 of 11。



Performancein good handsWorking with hygienic applications is a question of care, attentionto detail and dedication to outstanding performance. Alfa Laval hasa proven track record in delivering innovative solutions for hygienicapplications based on our core technologies of separation, heattransfer and fluid handling.Superior safety, gentle efficiency and uncompromising cleanlinessare the hallmarks of our hygienic pumps, heat exchangers, valvesand automation, tubes and fittings, and separation, filtration andtank equipment. Which is why so many customers in the food,biopharm and other demanding industries put process perfor-mance and hygiene in the capable hands of our experts, salescompanies and partners worldwide.Here you will find an overview of Alfa Laval tank equipment forhygienic applications. For complete technical details and productspecification , contact your local Alfa Laval supplier or visit us at/tankequipment23Tank optimizationAlfa Laval is the leading producer of components and solutions for tank equipment used in hygienic applications. For over a century, we have been working to ensure product quality and safety within the dairy, food and beverages, personal care and biopharm industries.Complete tank equipment portfolioOur portfolio offers a full range of components and solutions to enhance tank function, including:• Tank agitators and mixers • Tank cleaning equipment • Tank instrumentation • Tank access covers •Tank accessoriesAs a complement to our tank equipment solutions,we also supply other hygienic fluid handling components, such as valves, pumps, tubes and fittings.Beyond the tankAlfa Laval’s expertise goes well beyond the tank. Our wide range of equipment includes pumps, valves, heat exchangers, decanters and complete processing solutions. Installation materialSight glassesTankinstrumentationMachine and tank feetValvesTank cleaning equipmentTank coversPumpsAgitatorsand mixers The right technology for the tankAlfa Laval provides everything to optimize tank operation – inside and out. This includes sharing our in-depth knowledge of mixing, agitation and cleaning.We help you select the right technology to save valuable resources, such as water, energy, cleaning fluids and time. This translates into more uptime, higher yields and better profitability.and mixersWith a full range of agitators, rotary jet mixers,magnetic mixers and all the equipment to supportthem, we can help you determine the right mixingtechnology for your process requirements.Matching the right mixing method to your needsensures greater energy savings, superior cleanliness,and higher process efficiency in terms of reducedprocess time and/or higher yield. This translates intobetter use of raw materials and resources, improvedproduct quality and less waste over the long term.Alfa Laval’s energy-savingagitators are modular,which makes them easyto customize for specificapplications.Alfa Laval HybridPowder Mixer Array Boosting productivity and energy savingsThe Alfa Laval Hybrid Powder Mixer combines pumpand powder dissolving technologies in a single versatileunit. It is the only hygienic mixer capable of drawingpowder into the unit while simultaneously pumpingthe resulting process liquid at pressures of more than4 bar using a single electric drive.When used in combination with the Alfa Laval RotaryJet Mixer, it dramatically reduces energy consumptionfor the complete system compared to other powdermixing solutions that require up to four electric drives.In addition to significant energy savings, it also reducesprocessing time, thereby increasing productivity; it isalso capable of mixing products at high dry matterconcentration.45AgitatorsSimply modularWith a flexible, modular design, Alfa Laval agitators enable you to tailor a mixing solution to your exactrequirements. Our agitator range includes top-mounted units, with or without bottom support, as well asbottom- or side-mounted units. Modularity lends ease to installa t ion and main t enance, and superior design ensures quality, performance and economy.Hygienic performanceDesigned for low-shear performance and uncom-promising cleanliness, Alfa Laval agitators safeguard product integrity. All of our agitators are designed for use in hygienic processes. Our purpose-built agitators have smooth surfaces that promote optimal flow and specially developed impellers that support both maximum flow rate and gentle product treatment.Energy efficiencySuperior performance and energy efficiency are hallmarks of our Alfa Laval EnSaFoil and Alfa Laval EnSaFerm impellers. Based on extensive fluid dynamic studies, the impeller design with its unique shape cuts power dramatically. The impeller, in fact, is up to 400% more efficient than those with standard pitch. This reduces energy consumption as well as the amount of heat absorbed by your product, which can contribute to additional savings if subsequent cooling at iso-thermal conditions is required.Alfa Laval’s energy-saving agitators are modular, whichmakes them easy to customize.Pumping capacity 30 m 3/min, 9,725 USGal/min37.3 m 3/min, 9,854 USGal/minInstalled power 11 kW, 14.75 Hp 4 kW, 5.36 Hp Power draw 6.4 kW 3.5 kW Energy consumption42,048 kWh22,995 kWhComparison of a traditional agitator installation with Alfa Laval’s modern ALS A gitator installation (based on 18 hours of operation daily):Annual savings for electrical power (at €0.07 per kWh) = € 1,334 or US$0.1 per kWh = US$1,905. Payback time based on power savings alone <17 months.6Rotary jet mixersModern mixing efficiencyAlfa Laval’s rotary jet mixers are based on a revolutionary patented technology that mixes liquids faster and more effectively than conventional methods. Equipped with two or four rotating nozzles, the Alfa Laval Rotary Jet Mixer is positioned below the surface of the liquid in the tank. Liquid is withdrawn from the tank outlet by a pump and circulated via an external loop to the rotary jet mixer. It is then injected into the liquid by powerful rotating jet nozzles, ensuring coverage of the entire tank, including hard-to-reach corners. The result is rapid, effectivemixing of the entire contents of the tank without causing batch rotation of the liquid, which means that no tank baffles are required.Furthermore, additives in liquid, gas or powder form can be inserted into the loop, so that these are mixed into the contents of the tank – efficiently and consistently.Fast return on investmentVersatile for use in virtually any industry, Alfa Laval’s rotary jet mixers prove their worth time and again. Breweries, for instance, can reduce fermentation time by 30%, increasing ethanol yield and profits. Drink manufac t urers can optimize mixing times compared to conventional mixing methods while cutting investment costs by 50%. Vegetable oil companies can dramatically increase product shelf life by reducing the oxygen con-tent in the oil.Multipurpose mixingA single tank is all that is required for a variety of compatible processes, including:• Liquid mixing• Gas dispersion (e.g carbonation or de-aeration)• Powder mixingSince there is less equipment to install, valuable space at production plants can be used to boost product yield and profits. And as a bonus, rotary jet mixers can be used as tank cleaning machinesonce the tank is empty.The Alfa Laval Rotary Jet Mixer injects fluid, gas or powder through rotating jet nozzles - without causing batch rotation.7Magnetic mixersFriction-free operationAlfa Laval’s magnetic mixers feature a patented design that delivers friction-free mixing. The impeller levitates on a powerful magnetic field at all times, whether at standstill or in motion, so there is no direct contact between bearing surfaces. That, in turn, means the impeller can run dry and as a result mix effec t ively until all product is drained while ensuring minimal wear and maintenance.Wide range of speedsThe levitation of the impeller and the eight-wing design make it possible to mix at various velocities. This flexibility enables the same mixer to handle a wide range of liquids and mixing duties, such as high intensity mixing and gentle product mixing.Exceptional cleanabilityOur magnetic mixers provide unparalleled hygiene due to its open design, seal-free construction, lack of entrapment areas and levitating impeller design. Since the impeller runs safely even when the tank is empty, there is seamless transition from mixing to cleaning so cleaning can begin once the last dropof product is drained.Solid male stationary bearing Impeller body Rotating femalebearingDrive rotor magnetsWeld-in-plateImpeller magnets Increased out Additional five batches of serum each week Value of increased production $8,000 per week Payback timeWithin two to three weeksImproved profitabilityUsing the Alfa Laval Magnetic Mixer enables one biotechnology company to boost its bottom line.The patented impeller of Alfa Laval magnetic mixers levitates on a magnetic field, which greatly reduces friction and maximizes cleanability.8Tank cleaningThree technologies to meet every needThe Alfa Laval Static Spray Ball is the cleaning method of choice for low impact cleaning of water-soluble pro d ucts. Cleaning requires long cycle times and large volumes of cleaning fluids and subsequently large volumes of waste water.The Alfa Laval Rotary Spray Head uses the rotary motion and physical impact of the cleaning media to remove sticky residues from the tank interior.The Alfa Laval Rotary Jet Head provides a high-impact jet stream in a three-dimensional cleaning pattern to clean tough residues. The result is a thoroughly clean tank using a fraction of the time, energy, water and cleaning chemicals required for other tank cleaning solutions.By choosing the right cleaning methods, we can help you reduce the Cleaning-in-Place (CIP) time between production cycles. Although the static spray ball is the most widely used permanently installed tank cleaning device, there are measurable benefits to upgrading to dynamic tank cleaning, especially when the risk of contamination is high and hygiene is a critical factor.Regular cleaning is critical to product integrity, productivity and profitability. Alfa Laval has a broad range of tank cleaning solutions that contribute to low total cost of ownership.Toftejorg tank cleaning equipmentToftejorg SaniJet 20Toftejorg SaniJet 25Toftejorg SaniMicro Toftejorg SaniMidget SB Toftejorg SaniMagnumToftejorg SaniMidget78-019Why a technology shift pays offWhen tank cleaning machines are in place, it’s often hard to imagine making a switch. But there are com p elling reasons to upgrade traditional static spray balls to rotary jet heads.Although the initial investment cost of a rotary jet head is much higher than a static spray ball, the rotary jet head delivers substantial long-term savings that continue to accrue after realizing full return on investment, which often occurs within less than a year.Replacing static spray balls with rotary jet heads cuts cleaning costs and cleaning time. A brewery, for instance, reduced cleaning costs of a bright beer tank by 77% and cleaning time by 35% (see graph below). A pharma-ceutical API manufacturer reduced tank cleaning costs by 88% and cleaning time by 59%. And a dairy cream producer reduced tank cleaning costs by 83% and cleaning time by 43%. The examples are many and the oppor-tunities for savings enormous.The dynamic movement and high impact force of the jets cut the costs associated with water, acid, caustic and disinfection by up to 70% andcleaning time by 50%. This leads to more production time and higher yields.Using rotary jet headtechnology instead of static spray ball technology can reduce operating costs up to 77% and cleaning time by up to 35%.20,000Year 1Year 2Year 3Year 418,00016,00014,00012,0008,00010,0006,0004,0002,000Investment and operating costs (in EUR)Toftejorg TJ 20GToftejorg TZ-74Toftejorg SaniMidgetRetractorSSB Retractorfi gura-10Tank instrumentationAlfa Laval can provide a full assortment of tankinstrumentation to fine-tune the processes in your tank and boost efficiency. To ensure successful production, you can take advantage of our weighing systems, flow transmitters, level switches and conductivity sensors as well as solutions for pressure, temperature and more.Weighing systemOur innovative weighing system features integrated elec-tronics for quick and easy installation without requiring a costly mounting kit. Our load cells remain unaffected by welding voltages or overloads of up to 300%.Level switchDesign and engineering ingenuity can be seen in our level switch, whose sensor is insensitive to foam or residues of sticky materials. Furthermore, the teach-in feature enables the user to employ the switch for more than one type of product.Tank cleaning validationIngenuity is also built into our Rotacheck system, which provides automated quality control and electronic verification of the 360° impact coverage of Alfa Lavalrotary jet heads during Cleaning-in-Place (CIP). Visual light indication and electrical signals for PLC control systemenable operators to be aware of the CIP performance.Tank instrumentation and accessoriesFlow TransmitterRotacheck+Weighing System UltraPure Conductivity Sensor Level Switch Temperature TransmitterFlow meterOur hygienically designed electromagnetic flow meter enables accurate detection of liquid flow in various process installations. It has a high accuracy, even if the viscosity of the liquid changes.Conductivity sensorAlfa Laval’s conductivity sensor has high accuracy even at very low conductivity and flow rates, and can be re-motely controlled. It has an extra feature of an integrated temperature sensor for temperature compensation. Temperature and pressure gaugeOur thermometer and pressure gauge are designed to fulfil the demands in sanitary and pharmaceutical pro-duction. Thanks to the robust design, they have high resistance to corrosion, damp, vibrations and wear. They have high accuracy and long term measurement stability without recalibration.Alfa Laval’s instrumentation, connections and casings are certified to the relevant standards for use in hygienic processes. Our instrumentation combines reliability with efficiency and practicality in set-up and maintenance.11Tank accessoriesAs a complement to our tank equipment portfolio, Alfa Lavalprovides a full assortment of tank accessories, including tankcovers, machine and tank feet, sight glasses and valves.Access tank coversMore than 50 different types of oval, circular andrectangular covers provide quick, easy and conveniententry and access to tank interiors. Available with avariety of surface finishes and seal materials, thesesecurely fit the openings of high-, non- and low-pressure tanks.Alfa Laval LKD and LKDC covers are compliant with3-A standards and are available with 3.1. materialcertificates. Alfa Laval HLSD-2 manways, for instance,are PED-approved for installation both above andbelow liquid level in pressure vessels with pressures upto 10 bar.Machine feet and tank feetAlfa Laval machine feet and tank feet provide sturdyand adjustable support for free-standing tanks andvessels. For quick and easy installation in hygienicprocess plants, these stand either directly on thefloor or on a stainless steel base plate.Sight glasses Available in sizes to suit all needs, our range of accurate gage glasses provide direct distortion- free visual inspection and can be provided with or without halogen light fittings for both tank and inlineinstallation.Tank FeetElectronic Pressure Gauge Sight Glasses Pressure GaugeTransmitter Pressure Cover HLSD-2Pressure Cover LKDCand LKDS ValvesTo meet virtually any demand, Alfa Laval offers abroad range of valves – from aseptic diaphragm andbutterfly valves to single seat, mixproof and checkvalves. The Alfa Laval Unique Mixproof Tank Valve, forinstance, is ideal for cleaning of pipelines right up to thetank bottom while the Alfa Laval Unique Mixproof Horizontal Tank Valve fits into tight spaces.。



Develop WBS for the following items including - required engineering,
analysis, specifications, power / air / handling / interface requirements:
The ILUC remote control system allows the controller mobility during the line-up process.
All functions are controlled from the work station without the need for hook-up of umbilical every cycle.
Welding Carousel
The welding carousel is fully moveable in the vertical and horizontal plane, allowing flexibility during start-up, mid-line and termination operations.
Design holding capacity of clamps
Design movement capacity of clamps
Specify type of controls and location
Produce GA drawing
Produce outline specification
Connection interface Handling during mob/demob activities Passing of collars for roller contact Passing of obstructions Flex joint/stress joint interface

Eaton Leat线性LED灯系列说明说明书

Eaton Leat线性LED灯系列说明说明书

Leat is the latest linear LED lighting system from Eaton. With an innovative uniform construction, clean minimalist lines and high efficiency, Leatprovides a new alternative for conventional general lighting applications and to emphasize spaces. Simple installation is a key benefit, thanks to the positive coupled connector system which ensures tight true lines are achieved.Available in an Opaline acrylic diffuser gives an evenly lit appearance across the whole face.Emergency operation is integral to 1 metrevariants as an option, making for a seamless visual integration.LeatIP20W AR R A NT YWA R R A NT YYEAR• Suitable for recessed, surface and suspendedapplications• High efficacies of up to 122 Llm/cW whichexceeds the requirements of UK BuildingRegulations: Part L and Section 6 (Scotland)• Three preset lumen output options per length –total design freedom• Close colour tolerance: MacAdam 3 SDCM • 3 hour maintained emergency versions availablein the 1 metre modules• Ideal for stand alone and continuous applications461Body• The strength and accuracy of Leat comes from the precision manufacture of its extruded body. For continuous installation, the dedicated three axis coupled connector system ensures no deviation about the X, Y and Z axis.• Continuous and standalone models usethe same channelled extrusion, reducing complexity and allowing for a coordinated look to a space where mixed applications arerequired.Ceiling integration• For recessing applications where a definededge is required, the trim kits provide a simplesolution. Available in up to 3 metre lengths, itcan provide a seamless finish.• Solid ceilings and plasterboard finishes areaccommodated with dedicated fixing brackets.LED and Drivers• Dedicated PCB’s designed exclusively forLeat give a closely defined continuous lighteffect, negating the ‘dark spot’ joint effect inconventional systems. Continuous variantsinclude through wiring for simple and positiveinterconnection.• A choice of three outputs per length allowfor total design freedom and preciselighting effect, matched to the installationsenvironment.• Continuous runs should not mix outputs as thismay lead to a variance in perceived luminancebetween sections.Diffuser• The flexible Polycarbonate diffuser is availableto suit preset lengths of 1 metre, 1.5 metre, 2metre and 3 metre to suit use in continuoustype installations. In addition a 10 metrecontinuous roll is available to give a trulyseamless lit effect over long runs.• Standalone models come complete withdiffusers and end caps fitted.Construction4711. Insert coupled connector plates2. Join sections together and secure coupled connector plates3. Insert integrated gear trays and connect electrically4. Install diffuserConstructionLeat continuous is simple to install, a coupled connector aligns sections accurately and consistently to create a precision installation. With the flexibility to have installations with incremental lengths of 500mm, Leat gives uniform lighting realization for many applications.Installation Options RecessedSurfaceSuspendedSuspended kit481High Output≈ 3000 Lumen / Linear metreLow Output≈ 1500 Lumen / Linear metreMedium Output≈ 2200 Lumen / Linear metreDesign freedom• Leat is available in a choice of three lumen outputs per unitlength, allowing for the most energy efficient choices to be made within the design process. All Leat models are also available with DALI control gear to offer ultimate light volume and effect in the control of the space.• The three output settings are designed to allow multiple length selections to be made on one or series of configurations. Each maintain the same lumen output per metre, giving a uniform effect and appearance across the array.PerformancePart No.LengthLumen output (lm)Wattage (W)Efficacy (Llm/cW)Low outputLEAC10154KZ 1000153112.9118.7LEAC15224KZ 1500238221.4111.3LEAC20304KZ 2000315226.7118.1LEAC30454KZ3000481139.4122.1Medium outputLEAC10224KZ 1000229719.6117.2LEAC15334KZ 1500333129.6112.5LEAC20444KZ 2000443238.9113.9LEAC30664KZ3000676058.2116.2High outputLEAC10304KZ 1000303326.7113.6LEAC15454KZ 1500458442.9106.9LEAC20604KZ 2000603554.6110.5LEAC30904KZ3000921181.4113.2Note: Continuous runs should not mix outputs as this may lead to a variance in perceived luminance between sections.LIGHTING SOLUTIONS 491Light Engine and Control Gear Options• High output, high efficacy LED chip set optimised forrecessed panel options• Close pitched PCB ensures homogenous continuous effect • Energy efficient fixed output control gear as standard• Dimming option - DALIMaterials• Body – Aluminium extrusion coated in RAL9016 - 60% gloss finish• Diffuser optic - Polycarbonate UV stable Opaline high transmission flexible diffuser• Internal reflector – Steel construction, powder coated in RAL9016 white finish its provide a simple solution. Available in up to 3 metre lengths, it can provide a seamless finish.• Solid ceilings and plasterboard finishes are accommodated with dedicated fixing brackets.Installation Notes• Suitable for recessed, surface and suspended applications • Suitable for exposed ‘T’ ceilings using the trim accessories, stand alone and continuous applications• Appropriate for Plasterboard and solid ceilings using the accessories• Suitable for installation in pendant applications using the suspension accessories• Emergency variants are fused as standardOptions• Fully integral LED emergency conversion, 3 hour duration • CGLine+ self-test emergency versions available, reducing maintenance costs and offering ease of compliance with testing requirements• We offer a range of product support contracts to aid commissioning, reduce your maintenance costs, comply with legislative test requirements and increase the lifespan of your lighting equipmentSpecificationTo specify state: Modular back-lit LED luminaire, of aluminium extrusion construction with post coat powder paint, RAL9016 finish, for lay-in installations, solid ceilings and other applications with Opaline Polycarbonate high transmission diffuser and high efficiency LED modules. LED emergency option via integral conversion as Eaton’s Leat range part no_________Cat no: LEAC20444KZ.LDTSHRnom : 1.25 SHRmax : 1.401Photometric DataDimensionsUtilisation factors / TM5Reflectances Room indexC W F0.7511.251.52 2.53450.70.50.2586875818893961011040.70.30.250616874828791971000.70.10.24555636977838793970.50.50.25666737885899397990.50.30.24959677280858994970.50.1 0.24454626775818591940.30.50.25564717582868993960.30.30.24958657178828690930.30.10.2445461667479838891000425158637175798487BZ-class544444444Note:for Continuous installs, add 6mm to the overalllength to give allowance for the end capsL (mm)H (mm)W (mm)Standalone100010067555150015067555200020067555300030067555Rec essed T rim100010308079150015308079200020308079300030308079Continuous10001000100055150015001500552000200020005530003000300055For more information on the installation requirements and productspecifications, please visit our website: https:///content/gb/en/products/product-catalog/Leat-recessed-LED-ceiling-lights.htmlSee page 468 for design guide 501Catalogue Numbers1Part No.Description Weight (Kg) Continuous Continuous Fixed OutputLow output LEAC10154KZ Leat Continuous 1 metre,1500lm Fixed Output 2.51LEAC15224KZ Leat Continuous 1.5 metre, 2200lm Fixed Output 3.64LEAC20304KZ Leat Continuous 2 metre, 3000lm Fixed Output 4.69LEAC30454KZ Leat Continuous 3 metre, 4500lm Fixed Output 6.80ELLEAC10154KZ Leat Continuous 1 metre, 1500lm Fixed Output Emergency variant 2.80Medium output LEAC10224KZ Leat Continuous 1 metre, 2200lm Fixed Output 2.51LEAC15334KZ Leat Continuous 1.5 metre, 3300lm Fixed Output 3.64LEAC20444KZ Leat Continuous 2 metre, 4400lm Fixed Output 4.69LEAC30664KZ Leat Continuous 3 metre, 6600lm Fixed Output 6.80ELLEAC10224KZ Leat Continuous 1 metre, 2200lm Fixed Output Emergency variant 2.80 High output LEAC10304KZ Leat Continuous 1 metre, 3000lm Fixed Output 2.51LEAC15454KZ Leat Continuous 1.5 metre, 4500lm Fixed Output 3.64LEAC20604KZ Leat Continuous 2 metre, 6000lm Fixed Output 4.69LEAC30904KZ Leat Continuous 3 metre, 9000lm Fixed Output 6.80ELLEAC10304KZ Leat Continuous 1 metre, 3000lm Fixed Output Emergency variant 2.80 Continuous DALI For DALI Dimming option replace the character Z with DD, e.g. LEAC10304KZ becomes LEAC10304KDDDiffusers for Continuous modules LEAOP10Leat Continuous diffuser 1 metre0.10LEAOP15Leat Continuous diffuser 1.5 metre0.15LEAOP20Leat Continuous diffuser 2 metre 0.20LEAOP30Leat Continuous diffuser 3 metre 0.30LEAOP50Leat Continuous diffuser 5 metre 0.50LEAOP100Leat Continuous diffuser 10 metre 1.00LEAOP200Leat Continuous diffuser 20 metre 2.18LEAOP300Leat Continuous diffuser 30 metre 3.27LEAOP400Leat Continuous diffuser 40 metre 4.36LEAOP500Leat Continuous diffuser 50 metre 5.45Recessing frame LEARE10Recessing frame side rail kit 1 metre - set of 20.32LEARE15Recessing frame side rail kit 1.5 metre - set of 20.47LEARE20Recessing frame side rail kit 2 metre - set of 20.63LEARE30Recessing frame side rail kit 3 metre - set of 20.95LEAREETK Recessing frame end trim kit - set of 20.02LEAPL10Leat Recessed Mounting Bracket 1m0.45LEAPL15Leat Recessed Mounting Bracket 1.5m0.45LEAPL20Leat Recessed Mounting Bracket 2m0.45LEAPL30Leat Recessed Mounting Bracket 3m0.68Standalone Standalone Fixed OutputLow output LEAS10154KZ Leat Standalone 1 metre, 1500lm Fixed Output 2.46LEAS15224KZ Leat Standalone 1.5 metre, 2200lm Fixed Output 3.48LEAS20304KZ Leat Standalone 2 metre, 3000lm Fixed Output 4.51LEAS30454KZ Leat Standalone 3 metre, 4500lm Fixed Output 6.56ELLEAS10154KZ Leat Standalone 1 metre, 1500lm Fixed Output Emergency variant 2.75 Medium output LEAS10224KZ Leat Standalone 1 metre, 2200lm Fixed Output 2.46LEAS15334KZ Leat Standalone 1.5 metre, 3300lm Fixed Output 3.48LEAS20444KZ Leat Standalone 2 metre, 4400lm Fixed Output 4.51LEAS30664KZ Leat Standalone 3 metre, 6600lm Fixed Output 6.56ELLEAS10224KZ Leat Standalone 1 metre, 2200lm Fixed Output Emergency variant 2.75 High output LEAS10304KZ Leat Standalone 1 metre, 3000lm Fixed Output 2.46LEAS15454KZ Leat Standalone 1.5 metre, 4500lm Fixed Output 3.48LEAS20604KZ Leat Standalone 2 metre, 6000lm Fixed Output 4.51LEAS30904KZ Leat Standalone 3 metre, 9000lm Fixed Output 6.56ELLEAS10304KZ Leat Standalone 1 metre, 3000lm Fixed Output Emergency variant 2.75 Standalone DALI For DALI Dimming option replace the character Z with DD, e.g. LEAS10304KZ becomes LEAS10304KDD51AccessoriesPart No.DescriptionWeight (Kg)LEAEC Leat End Caps - set of 20.02LEA15SU Leat Suspension 1.5 metre - set of 20.09LEA50SU Leat Suspension 5 metre - set of 20.15LEAMC Leat Surface Mounting clips - set of 2 0.01LEADEKR Leat Diffuser expansion kit - Recessed0.10LEADEKSLeat Diffuser expansion kit - Surface / Suspended0.25Leat Corners - 100mm Leat Corners 100mmPart No.DescriptionWeight (Kg)LEA90CP Leat Corner, 100mm, 90 degrees with line design0.48Leat Corners are the latest accessory for the Leat luminaire, providing the option to create an elegant decorative feature. Available with an attractive design on the face of the corner or a minimalistic diffuser appearance, the corners provide a seamless aesthetic for any corner. Each corner is sold separately.Leat CornersLeat Corners - Dimensions534534Leat Corners - 500mmLeat Corners 500mmPart No.DescriptionWeight (Kg)LEA90CL10154KZ Leat Corner, 534x534mm, 90 degree, 1500lm 4k FO, diffuser design 2.51LEA90CL10224KZ Leat Corner, 534x534mm, 90 degree, 2200lm 4k FO, diffuser design 2.51LEA90CL10304KZ Leat Corner, 534x534mm, 90 degree, 3000lm 4k FO, diffuser design 2.51LEA90CL10154KDDLeat Corner, 534x534mm, 90 degree, 1500lm 4k DD, diffuser design2,51LEA90CL10224KDDLeat Corner, 534x534mm, 90 degree, 2200lm 4k DD, diffuser design2.51LEA90CL10304KDDLeat Corner, 534x534mm, 90 degree, 3000lm 4k DD, diffuser design2.51521Leat CornersEach corner is sold separately.Maximum length of 10 meters of any one side.Please note in an ‘L ’ configuration using ‘LEADEKS’, a maximum length of 25 meters per side can be used.For a guide to trimming the diffuser, please refer to the installation guide.Please note, the maximum length restrictions are the same for both the 100mm and 500mm versions in the configuration shown.Leat Corners - L ConfigurationLeat Corners - Configuration531。



11.1.3 其他相关观点
CORBA CORBA的对象模型基本上按OMG所定义的公共对象模型COM(不同于微 软的COM),支持类、封装、继承和多态,是一个功能比较完备的对象模 型。对象或类之间可按客户/服务器方式互相调用。每个对象或类即可以作 为客户,也可以作为服务器,有时还可以兼作客户和服务器。 客户对象和服务器对象只通过消息交互作用。客户对象向服务器对象发出 请求,服务器对象响应客户对象的请求完成一定的操作,并返回操作结果 和必要的信息。它们只通过消息往来,不必了解与请求无关的功能。即使 客户对象或服务对象重新实现,只要接口的语法和语义不变,不影响用户 的使用。 客户和服务器的通信方式一般有两种:常用的是同步方式,即客户提交请 求后,客户要等到服务器放操作执行完毕并返回操作结果或信息后,才继 续运行;另一种方式是异步方式,即客户提交请求后,可继续运行。
11.2 设计基于类的构件
构件级设计基于分析模型、体系结构模 型。面向对象方法中构件级设计主要关 注分析类的细化(特定的问题域类)和 基础类的定义和精化。
11.2.1 基本设计原则
开关原则 Liskov替换原则 依赖倒置原则 接口分离原则
11.2.1 基本设计原则 开关原则
11.2.1 基本设计原则 Liskov替换原则



SmartLineIntroductionPart of the SmartLine® family of products, the STR700 is suitable for monitoring, control and data acquisition. STR700 products feature piezoresistive sensor technology combining pressure sensing with on chip temperature compensation capabilities providing high accuracy, stability and performance over a wide range of application pressures and temperatures.The SmartLine family is also fully tested and compliant with Experion ®PKS providing the highest level of compatibility assurance and integration capabilities. SmartLine easily meets the most demanding application needs for pressure measurement applicationsBest in Class Transmitter Features:∙ Accuracies up to 0.075% standard ∙ Automatic static pressure & temperature compensation∙ Rangeability up to 100:1 ∙ Local display capabilities∙ External zero, span, & configuration capability ∙ Polarity insensitive electrical connections ∙ Comprehensive on-board diagnostic capabilities ∙ Integral Dual Seal design for highest safety based on ANSI/NFPA 70-202 and ANSI/ISA 12.27.0 ∙ World class overpressure protection ∙ Full compliance to SIL 2/3 requirements. ∙ Modular design characteristics ∙Available with 15 year warrantyFigure 1 – STR700 Remote Diaphragm Seal UnitTypical Diaphragm Seal applications∙ High Process Temperatures ∙ Viscous or Suspended Solids ∙ Highly Corrosive Process Materials ∙ Sanitary Applications∙ Applications with Hydrogen Permeation Possibilities ∙ Level Applications with Maintenance Intensive Wet Legs∙ Applications requiring remote Transmitter Mounting ∙Tank Applications with Density or Interface MeasurementsCommunications/Output Options:∙ Honeywell Digitally Enhanced (DE) ∙ HART ®(version 7.0) ∙F OUNDATION™ Fieldbu sAll transmitters are available with the above listed communications protocols.DescriptionThe SmartLine family pressure transmitters are designed around a high performance piezo-resistive sensor. This one sensor actually integrates multiple sensors linking process pressure measurement with on-board static pressure (DP Models) and temperature compensation measurements. This level of performance allows the ST 700 to replace most competitive transmitters available today.Indication/Display OptionThe ST 700 modular design accommodates a basic alphanumeric LCD display.Basic Alphanumeric LCD Display Featureso Modular (may be added or removed in the field)o0, 90,180, & 270 degree position adjustmentso Pa, KPa, MPa, KGcm2, Torr, ATM, i4H2O, mH2O, bar, mbar, inH2O, inHG, FTH2O, mmH2O, mm HG,& psi measurement unitso 2 Lines 16 Characters (4.13H x 1.83W mm)o Square root output indication (√)DiagnosticsSmartLine transmitters all offer digitally accessible diagnostics which aid in providing advanced warning of possible failure events minimizing unplanned shutdowns, providing lower overall operational costsConfiguration ToolsIntegral Three Button Configuration OptionSuitable for all electrical and environmental requirements, SmartLine offers the ability to configure the transmitterand display via three externally accessible buttons whena display option is selected. Zero/span capabilities are also optionally available via these buttons with or without selection of the display option.Hand Held ConfigurationSmartLine transmitters feature two-way communication and configuration capability between the operator and the transmitter. This is accomplished via Honeywell’s field-rated Multiple Communication Configurator (MCT202). The MCT202 is capable of field configuring DE and HART Devices and can also be ordered for use in intrinsically safe environments. All Honeywell transmitters are designed and tested for compliance with the offered communication protocols and are designed to operate with any properly validated hand held configuration device. Personal Computer ConfigurationHoneywell’s SCT 3000 Configuration Toolkit provides an easy way to configure Digitally Enhanced (DE) instruments using a personal computer as the configuration interface. Field Device Manager (FDM) Software and FDM Express are also available for managing HART & Fieldbus device configurations.System Integrationo SmartLine communications protocols all meet the most current published standards forHART/DE/Fieldbus.o Integra tion with Honeywell’s Experion PKS offers the following unique advantages.o Tamper reportingo FDM Plant Area Views with Health summarieso All ST 700 units are Experion tested to provide the highest level of compatibility assuranceModular DesignTo help contain maintenance & inventory costs, all ST 700 transmitters are modular in design supporting the user’s ability to replace meter bodies, add indicators or change electronic modules without affecting overall performance or approval body certifications. Each meter body is uniquely characterized to provide in-tolerance performance over a wide range of application variations in temperature and pressure and due to the Honeywell advanced interface, electronic modules may be swapped with any electronics module without losing in-tolerance performance characteristics.Modular Featureso Meter body replacemento Exchange/replace electronics/comms modules*o Add or remove integral indicator*o Add or remove lightning protection (terminalconnection)** Field replaceable in all electrical environments (including IS) except flameproof without violating agency approvals.With no performance effects, Honeywell’s unique modularity results in lower inventory needs and lower overall operating costs.Performance Specifications1Reference Accuracy 2 (conformance to +/-3 Sigma)Zero and span may be set anywhere within the listed (URL/LRL) range limitsAccuracy at Specified Span, Temperature and Static Pressure:(conformance to +/-3 Sigma)Total Performance (% of Span):Total Performance = +/- √( Accuracy)2 + (Temp Effect)2Total Performance Examples: (5:1 Turndown, up to 50 o F shift)STR73D @ 20 psid: 1.03% of spanTypical Calibration Frequency:Calibration verification is recommended every four (4) yearsNotes:1.Terninal Based Accuracy – Includes combined effects of linearity, hysteresis, and repeatability. Analog output adds 0.005% of span.2. For zero based spans and reference conditions of 25o C (77o F), 0 psig static pressure, 10 to 55% R.H, and 316Stainless Steel barrier diaphragms3. Specification applies to transmitter with 2 seals. Apply a factor of 1.5 for temperature effect of capillary lengths greater then 10 feet.1Ambient Temperature Limit is a function of Process Interface Temperature. (See Figures 3 & 4) LCD Display operating temperature -20︒C to +70︒C . Storage temperature -30︒C to 80︒C4Consult factory for MAWP of ST 700 transmitters with CRN approval.Figure 2 - Supply voltage and loop resistance Figure 3 - Ambient temperature LimitsFigure 4 - STR700 Remote Seals operable limits for pressure vs. temperatureNOTE: Pressure transmitters that are part of safety equipment for the protection of piping (systems) or vessel(s) from exceeding allowable pressure limits, (equipment with safety functions in accordance with Pressure Equipment Directive 97/23/EC article 1, 2.1.3), require separate examination.Minimum recommended span for STR73D Transmitter with one Remote SealFigure 5– Typical Maximum capillary length and diaphragm size chartFigure 6 - STR700 transmitter with remote diaphragm seals shown mounted on a tankReference Dimensions Horizontal MountingReference Dimensions Horizontal Mounting (cont’d)Figure 7 — Approximate horizontal mounting dimensions for Remote Seal Transmitter Reference Dimensions Vertical MountingReference Dimensions Vertical Mounting (cont’d)Figure 8 — Approximate vertical mounting dimensions for Remote Seal TransmitterFlush Flanged Seal DimensionsFigure 9 - Seal Dimensions (Flush Flanged)Figure AFigure BFigure CFigure DFlush Flanged Seal with LowerFigure 10- Seal Dimension (Flush Flanged)Flush Flanged Seal with LowerFlush Flanged Seal with LowerNote: 0.90 dimension is 0.70 for 4.1” Dia DiaphragmFlanged Seal with Extended DiaphragmFigure 11 — Seal Dimensions (Extended Diaphragms)Pancake SealFigure 12 — Seal Dimensions (Pancake)Chemical Tee “Taylor Wedge” SealFigure 13 — Seal Dimensions (Chemical TEE “Taylor Wedge” SealsSeal with Threaded Process ConnectionFigure 14— Seal Dimensions (Threaded Process Connection Seals) Sanitary SealFigure 15— Seal Dimensions (Sanitary Seals)Saddle SealFigure 16—Seal Dimensions (3” Saddle Seal)Figure 17—Seal Dimensions (4” Saddle Seal) Calibration RingFigure 18— Calibration RingCommunications Protocols & DiagnosticsHART ProtocolVersion: HART 7 Power SupplyVoltage: 10.8 to 42.4Vdc at terminals Load: Maximum 1440 ohms. See Figure 2.Minimum Load: 0 ohms. (For handheld communications a minimum load of 250 ohms is required)Foundation Fieldbus (FF)Power Supply Requirements Voltage: 9.0 to 32.0Vdc at terminals Steady State Current: 17.6mAdc Software Download Current: 27.4mAdc* AI block may have two (2) additional instantiations. All available function blocks adhere to FOUNDATION Fieldbus standards. PID blocks support ideal & robust PID algorithms with full implementation of Auto-tuning. Link Active SchedulerTransmitters can perform as a backup Link Active Scheduler and take over when the host is disconnected. Acting as a LAS, the device ensures scheduled data transfers typically used for the regular, cyclic transfer of control loop data between devices on the Fieldbus. Number of Devices/Segment Entity IS model: 6 devices/segment Schedule Entries18 maximum schedule entries Number of VCR’s: 24 maxCompliance Testing: Tested according to ITK 6.0.1Software DownloadUtilizes Class-3 of the Common Software Download procedure as per FF-883 which allows the field devices of any manufacturer to receive software upgrades from any host.Honeywell Digitally Enhanced (DE)DE is a Honeywell proprietary protocol which provides digital communications between Honeywell DE enabled field devices and Hosts. Power SupplyVoltage: 10.8 to 42.4Vdc at terminals Load: Maximum 1440 ohms See Figure 2.Standard DiagnosticsST 700 top level diagnostics are reported as either critical or non-critical and readable via the DD/DTM tools or integral display as shown below.Refer to ST 700 manuals for additional level diagnostic informationOther Certification OptionsMaterials oNACE MRO175, MRO103, ISO15156Approval Certifications:Approval Certifications: (Continued)1.Operating Parameters:Voltage= 11 to 42 V DC= 10 to 30 V (FF) Current= 4-20 mA Normal = 30 mA (FF)2.Intrinsically Safe Entity Parametersa. Analog/ DE/ HART Entity Values:Vmax= Ui = 30V Imax= Ii= 105mA Ci = 4.2nF Li =984 uH Pi =0.9WTransmitter with Terminal Block Revision E or Later )Vmax= Ui = 30V Imax= Ii= 225mA Ci = 4.2nF Li = 0 Pi =0.9WNote : Transmitter with Terminal Block Revision E or laterThe revision is on the label that is on the module. There will be two lines of text on the label: ∙First is the Module Part #: 50049839-001 or 50049839-002∙Second line has the supplier information, along with the REVISION:XXXXXXX-EXXXX, THE “X” is production related, THE POSITION of the “E” IS THE REVISION.b. Foundation Fieldbus- Entity ValuesVmax= Ui = 30V Imax= Ii= 180mA Ci = 0nF Li = 984 uH Pi =1WTransmitter with Terminal Block Revision F or Later )Vmax= Ui = 30V Imax= Ii= 225mA Ci =0nF Li = 0 Pi =1 WFISCO Field DeviceVmax= Ui = 17.5VImax= Ii= 380 mA Ci = 0nF Li = 0 Pi =5.32 WNote : Transmitter with Terminal Block Revision F or laterThe revision is on the label that is on the module. There will be two lines of text on the label: ∙First is the Module Part #: 50049839-003 or 50049839-004∙Second line has the supplier information, along with the REVISION:XXXXXXX-EXXXX, THE “X” is production related, THE POSITION of the “E” IS THE REVISION.Application DataLiquid Level: Closed TankDetermine the minimum and maximum pressure differentials to be measured (Figure 16).PMin = (SGp x a) - (SGf x d)= LRV when HP at bottom of tank= –URV when LP at bottom of tank PMax = (SGp x b) - (SGf x d)= URV when HP at bottom of tank= –LRV when LP at bottom of tank Where:minimum level at 4mAmaximum level at 20 mAa = distance between bottom tap andminimum levelb = distance between bottom tap andmaximum leveld = distance between tapsSG f = Specific Gravity of capillaryfill fluid (See Page 6 “Mat erial Specifications” for values.)SG p = Specific Gravity of process fluidMaxLevelMinLevelTransmitter above datumMaxLevelMinLevelMaxLevelMinLevelFigure 16—Closed tank liquid level measurement distanceApplication Data (Cont’d)Density or Interface*Calculate the minimum and maximum pressure differentials to be measured (Figure 19).P min = (SG min – SG f ) x (d); minimum density, 4mA outputP max = (SG max – SG f ) x (d); maximum density, 20mA outputWhere:d = distance between the tapsSG max = maximum Specific GravitySG min = minimum Specific GravitySG f = Specific Gravity of capillary fill fluid (See Page 6 “Material Specifications” for values.)Figure 19- Density, direct acting transmitterconfigurationSeal ConfigurationsFigure 20—Flush Flange SealsFlush Flange Seals can be used with differential, gauge and absolute pressure transmitters and are available with 3” ANSI Class 150, ANSI Class 300 and DIN DN80-PN40 process connections. Flush flange seals can also be provided with Lowers. Lowers are essentially calibration rings, which allow flushing connections if needed.Figure 21 — Flange Seal with Extended Diaphragm Flange Seal with Extended Diaphragm can be used with differential, gauge and absolute pressure transmitters and are available with 3” and 4” ANSI Class 150, ANSI Class 300, DIN DN80-PN40 and DIN DN100-PN40 processconnections. 2”, 4” and 6” extension len gths are available.Figure 22—Pancake SealsPancake Seals can be used with differential, gauge and absolute pressure transmitters and are available with 3” ANSI Class 150, 300 and 600 process connections.Figure 23— Chemical Tee “Taylor” Wedge Chemical Tee “Taylor” Wedge can be used withdifferential pressure transmitters and are available with Taylor Wedge 5” O.D. process connection .Seal Configurations (cont’d)Figure 24— Seals with Threaded ProcessConnectionsSeals with Threaded Process Connections can be usedwith differential, gauge and absolute pressuretransmitters and are available with ½”, ¾” and 1” NPTFemale process connections.Figure 25 — Sanitary SealsSanitary Seals can be used with differential, gauge andabsolute pressure transmitters and are available with 3”and 4” Tri-Clover-Tri-Clamp process connections.Figure 26— Saddle SealsSaddle Seals can be used with differential, gauge andabsolute pressure transmitters and are available with 3”and 4” (6 bolt or 8 bolt designs) process connections.Figure 27 — Calibration RingsCalibration Rings are available with Flush Flange Sealsand Pancake Seals. Flushing ports (1/4” or ½”) areavailable with calibration rings.Figure 28 — Stainless Steel Armor and PVC CoatedStainless Steel Armor CapillariesStainless Steel Armor and PVC Coated Stainless SteelArmor Capillaries are available with Honeywell RemoteSeal Solutions.Figure 29 —2” Stainless Steel Nipples2” Stainless Steel Nipples are available for Close-Coupled remote seal solutionsFigure 30 — Welded Meter Body for All-WeldedRemote Seal SolutionWelded Meter Body for All-Welded Remote Seal Solution.The welded ST 800 meter body is an important part of anAll-Welded Remote Seal Solution, which is commonlyused in Vacuum applications.Model Selection GuideModel Selection Guides are subject to change and are inserted into the specifications as guidance only.Prior to specifying or ordering a model check for the latest revision Model Selection Guides which are published at:/en-US/pages/default.aspxModel STR700(DP, GP) Remote SealsModel Selection GuideNote:Remote seal system pressure rating is body rating or seal rating, whichever is less.11 Limited vacuum availability.12Minimum static pressure requirement. No vacuum allowed. See Specifications 34-ST-03-88 Figure 15In-Line Gauge All weldedBodyDual Head DP g. Seal OptionFlush FlangedSeal Calibration RingsFlushingConnectionsand Plugs 41 Standard facing 125-250 AARH RF (raised face) serrated surface finish.4 P lastic P lugs are TE MP ORARY ONLY to protect threads and MUST be RE MOVE D before installation5 Tantalum Upper insert has Tantalum w etted parts and 316 SS or CS non-w etted partsNote: Remote seal system pressure rating is body rating or seal rating, w hichever is less.Flush FlangedSealwith Lower1 Standard facing 125-250 AARH RF (raised face) serrated surface finish.6 Bolt material w ill be same as Upper Material. How ever, if Table I bolts/nuts material is NACE or B7M, seal bolt material w ill be 304 SS NACE.4 P lastic P lugs are TE MP ORARY ONLY to protect threads and MUST be RE MOVE D before installationNote: Remote seal system pressure rating is body rating or seal rating, w hichever is less.Flange Sealwith ExtendedDiaphragmCalibration RingsPancake SealFlushingConnectionsand Plugs41 Standard facing 125-250 AARH RF (raised face) serrated surface finish.4 P lastic P lugs are TE MP ORARY ONLY to protect threads and MUST be RE MOVE D before installation 7 Tantalum Body has Tantalum w etted parts and 316 SS non-w etted partsNote: Remote seal system pressure rating is body rating or seal rating, w hichever is less.Chemical Tee"Taylor" WedgeSeal withThreadedProcessConnection1 Standard facing 125-250 AARH RF (raised face) serrated surface finish.4 P lastic P lugs are TE MP ORARY ONLY to protect threads and MUST be RE MOVE D before installation8 If Table I Bolts and Nuts material option is NACE, Bolts and Nuts w ill ship w ith Alloy Steel NACE and MAWP may change. Note: Remote seal system pressure rating is body rating or seal rating, w hichever is less.Sanitary Seal 9Saddle Seal9 All sanitary seals have dairy grade 3A approval.10 Bolts are not included w ith "body only" selection.11 If Table I Bolts and Nuts material option is NACE, seal bolt material w ill be 304 SS NACE. Note: Remote seal system pressure rating is body rating or seal rating, w hichever is less.3NAMUR Output Limits 3.8 - 20.5mAdc can be configured by the customer or select custom configuration Table VcNEPSI Explosion proof, Intrinsically Safe & Non-incendiveIECEx Explosion proof, Intrinsically Safe & Non-incendiveSAEx/CCoE Explosion proof, Intrinsically Safe & Non-incendive INMETRO Explosion proof, Intrinsically Safe & Non-incendive ApprovalsNo Approvals RequiredFM Explosion proof, Intrinsically Safe, Non-incendive, & Dustproof CSA Explosion proof, Intrinsically Safe, Non-incendive, & Dustproof ATEX Explosion proof, Intrinsically Safe & Non-incendive TABLE III Agency Approvals (see data sheet for Approval Code Details)STR74G STR73DFM Approvals SM is a service mark of FM GlobalHastelloy® is a registered trademark of Haynes InternationalMonel 400® is a registered trademark of Special Metals Corporation.HART® is a registered trademark of HART Communication Foundation. FOUNDATION TM Fieldbus is a registered trademark of Fieldbus Foundation. Teflon® is a registered trademark of DuP ont.Neobee® is a registered trademark of Stepan Company.Syltherm® 800 is a Trademark of Dow Corning CorporationKlinger® C-4401 is a registered trademark of THE RMOSE AL, INC GRAFOIL® is a registered trademarks of GrafTech International Holdings Inc Gylon® 3510 is registered trademark of Garlock Sealing TechnologiesTri-Clover Tri-Clamp® is a registered trademark of Alfa-LavalSpecifications are subject to change without notice.34-ST-03-104April 2014For more informationProcess Solutions Honeywell1250 W Sam Houston Pkwy S Houston, TX 77042Honeywell Control Systems LtdHoneywell House, Skimped Hill Lane Bracknell, England, RG12 1EB Shanghai City Centre, 100 Jungi Road Shanghai, China 20061 .Relevant Solutions 1.888.858.3647。



一、用于治疗和训练的辅助器具(aids for therapy and training):[2个]1、残疾人辅助器具分类(Technical aids for disabled persons-Classification):GB/T 16432-1996 idt ISO 9999:1992本标准建立了残疾人辅助器具的分类;本标准适用于与信息系统的联接。

2、性辅助器具通用技术条件(General specification of aids for sex life): YY 0312-1998本标准规定了性辅助器具的产品分类、要求、标志、使用说明书、包装;本标准适用于各种与人体生殖器接触的性辅助器具。

二、矫形器和假肢(orthoses and prostheses):[18个]3、假肢和矫形器术语(Terminology for prosthetics and orthotics): GB/T 14191-93本标准规定了与假肢和矫形器专业有关的主要术语及其意义;本标准适用于假肢和矫形器专业及相关领域。

4、合成树脂小腿假肢(Synthetic resin blow knee prostheses): GB/T 13461-92本标准规定了小腿截肢的成年人合成树脂小腿截肢的型号、技术要求、检验方法、检验规则及标志、包装、运输和储存;本标准适用于小腿截肢的成年人合成树脂小腿截肢的设计、制作、装配及验收。

5、骨骼式大腿假肢(Endoskeletal above knee prosthesis): GB 14722-93本标准规定了膝关节以上(包括膝关节离断)至髋关节以下(包括髋关节离断)截肢的成年人使用的骨骼式大腿假肢的型号、技术要求、检验方法、检验规则及标志、包装、运输和贮存;本标准适用于膝关节至髋关节之间截肢的成年人使用的骨骼式大腿假肢的设计、制作、装配及验收。

6、下肢假肢通用件(Modular units of the lower limb prosthesis): GB 14723-93本标准规定了成年人下肢假肢通用件的型号、尺寸、技术要求、检验方法和检验规则等;本标准适用于下肢假肢的各种通用件,包括假脚、踝关节、膝关节、髋关节、支撑管、腿筒、外装饰件和固定装置等。



零部件模块化设计规范文档## Modular Design Specification for Component Parts.### Introduction.Modular design is a key strategy for improving the efficiency and effectiveness of product development. By dividing a product into smaller, self-contained modules, it becomes easier to design, manufacture, and test each module individually. This can lead to significant savings in time and cost, as well as improved product quality.This specification document outlines the requirements for the modular design of component parts. It provides guidance on the principles of modular design, the benefits of modularity, and the specific requirements that must be met by modular components.### Principles of Modular Design.The following principles are fundamental to modular design:Independence: Modules should be independent of each other as much as possible. This means that changes to one module should not affect the other modules.Standardization: Modules should be standardized so that they can be easily combined and interchanged. This includes standardizing the size, shape, and interfaces of modules.Encapsulation: Modules should encapsulate their own functionality. This means that the internal details of a module should be hidden from other modules.Testability: Modules should be designed to be easily tested. This includes providing test points and diagnostic tools.### Benefits of Modularity.Modularity offers a number of benefits, including:Reduced design time: By dividing a product into smaller modules, it becomes easier to design each module individually. This can lead to significant savings in design time.Reduced manufacturing time: Modular components can be manufactured more quickly and efficiently than traditional components. This is because modular components can be standardized and automated.Improved product quality: Modular design can help to improve product quality by reducing the number of potential errors. This is because each module can be tested independently before it is integrated into the final product.Increased flexibility: Modular design makes it easier to make changes to products. This is because modular components can be easily added, removed, or replaced.### Requirements for Modular Components.The following requirements must be met by all modular components:Size and shape: Modular components must be standardized in size and shape. This makes it easier to combine and interchange modules.Interfaces: Modular components must have standardized interfaces. This ensures that modules can be easily connected and disconnected.Encapsulation: Modular components must encapsulate their own functionality. This means that the internal details of a module should be hidden from other modules.Testability: Modular components must be designed to be easily tested. This includes providing test points and diagnostic tools.### Conclusion.Modular design is a key strategy for improving the efficiency and effectiveness of product development. By following the principles and requirements outlined in this specification document, you can design modular components that will help you to achieve your product development goals.## 零部件模块化设计规范文档。



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Patrol [v] 出巡, 巡逻Homage [n] 敬意Bulletproof [adj] 防弹的Flameproof [adj] 防火的Undercarriage [n] (飞机的)起落架, 车盘, 着陆装置Tire [n] 轮胎Rigorous [adj] 严格的, 严厉的, 严酷的, 严峻的Rev [v] 旋转Rupture [v] 破裂, 裂开, 断绝(关系等), 割裂Debris [n] 碎片, 残骸Circumstance [n] 环境, 详情, 境况Turbulence [n] 骚乱, 动荡Leeway [n] 可允许的误差, 退路, <喻>落后, <口语>回旋余地Lobster [n] 龙虾Petits [adj] 次要的to this end 为此目的winglet n. 小翼retard [❒✋♦♎ ] v. 阻止, 使减速vortex [ ♦♏♦] n. 旋涡differential n.差别,差动perpendicular [☐☐☜⏹♎✋☺●☜ ]a. 垂直的tack v. 抢风航行submerged [♦☜♌♊❍♎✞♎] a. 在水中的keel n. 龙骨aerodynamic [ ♏☜❒☜☺♎♋✋♊⏹✌❍✋ ] a.空气动力学的aspect ratio n. 纵横比commensurate a. 相称的,相当的spanwise a. 顺翼展方向的patent [ ☐♏✋♦☎☜✆⏹♦] n. 专利NASA abbr.National Aeronautics and Space Administration (美国)国家航空和宇宙航行局trapezoidal [ ♦❒✌☐♓♓♎☜●] a. 梯形的buffet margin [♌☜♐♏✋] n. 震颤余量wing stall 大翼失速notable a. 值得注意的retrofit [♊❒♏♦❒☜✍♐✋♦] n.改型underway ad. 进行中wetted-area 流体接触面积parasitic [ ☐✌❒☜♊♦✋♦✋] a. 附加的,派生的negate [⏹✋♈♏✋♦] v. 取消aesthetic [♓♦♏♦✋] a. 审美的in essence [ ♏♦⏹♦] 本质上sideline noise 边缘噪音signature 特征climbout n. 陡直的爬升constrain [ ☜⏹♦♦❒♏✋⏹] v.强制offset v. 抵销rosy a.乐观的, 美好的fade v.褪色representative [❒♏☐❒✋♏⏹♦☜♦✋] n. 代表OEM = Original Equipment Manufacturerfront line n. 前线ambassador [✌❍♌✌♦☜♎☜]n.大使hot tongue 谩骂cold turkey 晓以利害persist [☐☜♦✋♦♦] v. 持续advent [ ✌♎♏⏹♦] n. 出现labour v. 苦干telex n. 电传home-base n. 基地fundamentally [♐✈⏹♎☜❍♏⏹♦☜●✋] ad. 根本上resolve [❒✋●] v. 解决host airline 主航空公司headquarters n. (复数具单数意义) 总部specialist [ ♦☐♏☞☜●✋♦♦] n. 专家relay [❒♓●♏✋] v. 转达, 传达shortage n. 短缺intact [✋⏹♦✌♦] a.完整无缺substitute [ ♦✈♌♦♦✋♦◆♦] n. 替代者webbased 建立在网络上的interface [ ✋⏹♦☜♐♏✋♦] n.接合面pride oneself on v. 以…自豪rep n. =representativerespective [❒✋♦☐♏♦✋] a. 各自的positioning n. 设置personalise [ ♊☐♦☜⏹☜●♋✋ ] v.使…人格化thereby ad. 从而corporate [ ☐☜❒☜♦] a. 共同的commitment [ ☜❍✋♦❍☜⏹♦] n. 承担义务predominantly [pri ♎❍✋⏹☜⏹♦●♓] ad. 主要地aid n. 援助in terms of 在…方面query [ ♦✋☜❒✋] n.质询leasing [♊●♓♦✋☠] n. 出租integrated [`✋⏹♦✋♈❒♏✋♦✋♎] a. 综合的, 完整的elucidate [✋●◆♦✋♎♏✋♦] v. 阐述spectrum [ ♦☐♏♦❒☜❍] n. 范围, 领域dedicated [ ♎♏♎✋♏✋♦✋♎] a. 专注的resident [ ❒♏✋♎☜⏹♦] a. 常驻的perceive [☐☜♦♓] v. 感觉, 理解provision [☐❒☜✋✞☎☜✆⏹] n.供应AOG= aircraft on groundregion [ ❒♓♎✞☜⏹] n. 区域hub [♒✈♌] n. 中心transit [ ♦❒✌⏹♦✋♦] v. 通过autonomy [ ♦⏹☜❍✋] n.自主权coherent [ ☜☺♒✋☜❒☜⏹♦] a. 密切接合的entity [ ♏⏹♦✋♦✋] n. 实体entitle [✋⏹♦♋✋♦☎☜✆●] v.给…权利perceive [☐☜♦♓] v. 意识到outsource v.转包工作给另一公司purveyor[☐☜♊♏✋☜] n.承办商commence [ ☜❍♏⏹♦] v.开始be committed to sth. 承诺做某事rove [❒☜☺] v. 漫游, 巡回entitlement [✋⏹♦♋✋♦● ❍☜⏹♦] n.授权contractual [ ☜⏹♦❒✌♦☺☜●] a.契约的in place 恰当state v. 说,陈述airworthy a. 适航的scenario [♦✋⏹❒✋☜☺] n. 情节seep v. 渗出announcement [☜⏹♋☺⏹♦❍☜⏹♦] n. 宣布volatile [ ●☜♦♋✋] a. 挥发性的substitute [ ♦✈♌♦♦✋♦◆♦] v. 替代commonplace [ ❍☜⏹☐●♏✋♦]a. 平常的realise v. 意识到deem [♎♓❍]v. 认为,相信criticality [ ❒✋♦✋♊✌●☜♦✋] n. 危险程度lengthy [ ●♏☠✋] a. 冗长的rectification [❒♏♦✋♐✋♏✋☞⏹] n. 纠正be noted 注意, 指出Regardless of 不管…apparent [☜☐✌❒☜⏹♦] a. 明显的be laden [ ●♏✋♎ ⏹] (a.) with 满载…ramp n. 停机坪It goes without saying that 当然, 不用说 e.g. It goes without saying that money is not everything.evidence [ ♏✋♎☜⏹♦] n. 迹象, 证物pre- …前combat [ ❍♌✌♦]v. 与…战斗bladder [ ♌●✌♎☜] n. 气囊integral [ ✋⏹♦✋♈❒ ●] a. 整体的non-removable a. 不可拆除的feasible [ ♐♓✋♌ ●] a. 可行的disregard v. 忽视minute [❍♋✋⏹◆♦] a. 细微的represent v. 代表hazard [ ♒✌☜♎ ] n. 危险standardize v. 使符合标准storage [ ♦♦❒✋♎✞] n. 贮存classify [ ●✌♦✋♐♋✋] v. 分类moisten [ ❍✋♦☎☜✆⏹] v. 弄湿classification [ ●✌♦✋♐✋♏✋☞☎☜✆⏹] n. 分类potential [☐☜♦♏⏹☞☎☜✆●] a. 可能的wipe v. 擦,揩dust with 在…上撒上…talcum [ ♦✌●☜❍] n. 滑石powder [ ☐♋☺♎☜] n.unsurprisingly ad. 并不奇怪(地)severe [♦✋✋☜] a. 严重的drip [♎❒✋☐ ] 滴下vertical [ ♦✋☎☜✆●] a. 垂直的finger [ ♐✋☠♈☜] n. 手指isolate [ ♋✋♦☜●♏✋♦] v. 隔离progress [ ☐❒☜☺♈❒♏♦] n.[ ☐❒☜☺♈❒♏♦] v. 发展,进步contributing 起作用的rule-of-thumb [ ✈❍] a quick and not very exact way of doing sth., learnt by practical experience. 根据实践经验所学会的做法 e.g. When I am cooking, I never weigh anything -- I just do it by rule of thumb.periodically [ ☐✋☜❒✋♊♎✋☹●✋] ad. 定期地in the… term 从…观点看e.g.In the short term we expect to lose money on this project but in the long term we hope to make large profits.interim [♊✋⏹♦☜❒✋❍] a. 临时的band-aid a. 权宜的patch n. 补片downtime n. 停用期primarily [ ☐❒♋✋❍☜❒✋●✋] ad.主要地breakdown v. 损坏age v. 老化flex v. 弯曲pylon [ ☐♋✋●☜⏹] n. 挂架contributory [ ☜⏹♦❒✋♌☺♦☜❒✋] a. 有助于…的whereby ad. =by means of which 籍此turnaround v.折返hence ad. 因此advancement n. 进步ultimately [ ✈●♦✋❍☜♦●✋] ad. 最终conventional [ ☜⏹♏⏹☞☜⏹☎☜✆●] a. 传统的approach n. 方法apparatus [✌☐☜❒♏✋♦☜♦] n. 器械age-old a. 古老的bubble [ ♌✈♌☎☜✆●] n. 泡沫partially [ ☐☞☜●✋] ad. 部分地dip v. 浸入puncture [ ☐✈☠♦☞☜] n. 小孔evidence n. 迹象, 证据formation n. 形成somewhere n.某处scrape [♦❒♏✋☐] vi. 刮去chip v. 削track v. 追踪trail [♦❒♏✋●] n. 形迹upstream [✈☐♦♦❒♓❍] ad. 溯流existing [✋♈♊✋♦♦✋☠] a. 现有的effective [✋♐♏♦✋]a. 有效的shortcut n. 捷径lessor [ ●♏♦] n. 出租人misdemeanours [ ❍✋♦♎✋♊❍✋⏹☜] n. 不良行为conscientious [ ⏹☞✋♏⏹☞☜♦] a. 尽责的inevitably ad. 不可避免地time consuming [ ☜⏹♊♦✞❍✋☠] a. 消耗时间地paste [☐♏✋♦♦] n. 糊literally [ ●✋♦☜❒☜●✋] ad. 确实地dissolve [ ♎✋●] v. 溶解cured [ ☺☜♎] a. 固化的polysulphide [ ☐●✋♊♦✈●♐♋✋♎] n. 多硫化物successive[ ♦☜♦♏♦✋] a. 连续的detergent [♎✋♦♎✞☜⏹♦] n. 清洁剂acetone [ ✌♦✋♦☜☺⏹] n.丙酮alcohol [ ✌●☜♒●] n. 酒精methyl ethyl ketone [ ❍♏✋● ♏✋● ♊♓♦☜☺⏹] n.甲基乙基酮丁酮prior to [ ☐❒♋✋☜] 在…之前broadly ad. 广泛地categorize into v. 分为…类型inject [✋⏹♎✞♏♦] v.注射spray [♦☐❒♏✋] v. 喷射extrude [♏♦♦❒◆♎] v. 挤压出bead [♌♓♎] n. 珠子spatula [ ♦☐✌♦☺●☜ ] n. 刮刀curing time n. 固化时间resistance n. 抵抗力kerosene [ ♏❒☜♦♓⏹] n.煤油petroleum [☐✋♦❒☜☺●✋☜❍] n. 石油flexibility [ ♐●♏♦☜♌♓●♓♦♓ ] n.弹性bond [♌⏹♎ ] n.粘合substrate [♊♦✈♌♦♦❒♏✋♦] n.底层, 基础titanium [♦♋✋♦♏✋⏹✋☜❍] n.钛extreme [✋♦♦❒♓❍] n. 极端weathering [♊♦♏❆☜❒✋☠] n.风化腐蚀detach [d✋♦✌♦☞] v.分离disassembly [♎✋♦☜♦☪❍♌●✋] n. 分解splice [♦☐●♋✋♦] n.接合interface [✋ ✋⏹♦☜♐♏✋♦] v.连接spar [♦☐] n. 桁flexible [ ♐●♏♦✋♌☎☜✆] a. 可弯曲的fibre-optic [ ☐♦✋] a. 光学纤维的accessibility [✌♦☪♦☜♌✋●☜♦✋] n. 可达性pride [☐❒♋✋♎] itself on … 以…而自豪to custom design 为用户定制设计resolution [❒♏☜●◆☞☎☜✆⏹] n.分辨率credential [ ❒✋♎♏⏹☞☎☜✆●] n.证书eminently [ ♏❍✋⏹☜⏹♦●✋] ad.不寻常地borescope [♊♌♦☜☺☐] n.管道镜aeroengine n.飞机发动机endoscope [ ♏⏹♎☜☺♦☜☺☐] n.(医) 内窥镜key-hole surgery [ ♦♎✞☜❒✋] 锁眼外科, 微创外科distal [ ♎✋♦♦☎☜✆●] a. 末梢的snare [♦⏹♏☜] n. 捕捉grasp [♈❒♦☐] v.抓住forceps [ ♐♦♏☐♦] n. 镊子hook [♒☺ ] n. 钩magnet [ ❍✌♈⏹✋♦] n.磁体suck [♦✈]-up v.吸出intrusion [✋⏹♦❒◆✞☎☜✆⏹] n. 入侵shavings [ ☞♏✋✋☠] n.薄片,刨片advent [ ✌♎♏⏹♦] n.出现ingestion [♓⏹♎✞♏♦♦☞☜⏹ ] n. 吸入foreign a. 外来的retrieval [❒♓♦❒♓● ] n. 取回retrieve [❒✋♦❒♓ ] v.取回budgetary a.预算的constraint [ ☜⏹♦♦❒♏✋⏹♦] n.约束hassle [ ♒✌♦☎☜✆●] n.麻烦rotary [ ❒☜☺♦☜❒✋] a.旋转的file n.锉刀micrometer n.千分尺in-situ 原地,就地nick [⏹✋] n.刻痕dent [♎♏⏹♦] n.凹痕miniature [ ❍✋⏹✋♦☞☜] n. 缩图modular [♊❍♎☺●☜] a. 模块化的, 组件的detachable [♎✋♊♦✌♦☞☜♌●] a. 可分离的eyepiece [ ♋✋☐♓♦] 目镜光学仪器中靠近眼睛的透镜或透镜组;窥孔ocular [ ☺●☜] 光学仪器的目镜probe [☐❒☜☺♌] n. 探头interchange [ ✋⏹♦☜♦☞♏✋⏹♎✞] v. 交换digitalization [ ♎✋♎✞✋♦☜●♋✋♊♏✋☞☹⏹] n. 数字化commence [ ☜❍♏⏹♦] v.开始analogue [ ✌⏹☜●♈] n. 模拟micrometer n.千分尺vernier [ ⏹✋☜] n.游标尺accuracy [ ✌☺❒☜♦✋] n.精确性precision [☐❒✋♦✋✞☎☜✆⏹] n.精密division [♎✋✋✞☎☜✆⏹] n.部门fixture [ ♐✋♦♦☞☜] n.定位器, 夹具probe [☐❒☜☺♌] n.探头statistical [♦♦☜♦✋♦♦✋☎☜✆●]a.统计的tolerance [ ♦●☜❒☜⏹♦] n.公差throughput [ ❒◆☐☺♦] n. 生产量spectrum [ ♦☐♏♦❒☜❍] n. 领域,范围probe v.探查overlook v. 忽略optimal [ ☐♦✋❍☎☜✆●] a. 最佳的maximize [ ❍✌♦✋❍♋✋] v.使最大化caliper n.卡尺coolant [ ◆●☜⏹♦] n. 冷冻剂sequential [♦✋♦♏⏹☞☎☜✆●] a.连续的polarization [ ☐☜☺●☜❒♋✋♊♏✋☞☜⏹] n.极化作用beam [♌♓❍] n.(光)束splash [♦☐●✌☞] v. 溅,泼perspective [☐☜♦☐♏♦✋] n.前景, 观点flair [♐●♏☜] n.才能??sacrifice [ ♦✌❒✋♐♋✋♦] v.牺牲functionality [ ♐✈☠☞☜⏹✌●✋♦✋] n.功能性CAD-CAM = Computer- Aided Design / Computer-Aided Manufacturing flexible [ ♐●♏♦✋♌☎☜✆●] a. 灵活的reverse [❒✋♦] a. 相反的miniaturization [ ❍✋⏹✋ ☜♦☞☹❒♋✋♏☞☜⏹] n.缩微化incorporate [✋⏹☐☜❒♏✋♦] v. 合并mechanisms [ ❍♏☜⏹✋☎☜✆❍] n. 机械装置, 机制resemble [❒✋♏❍♌☎☜✆●] v. 类似sophisticated [♦☜♐✋♦♦✋♏✋♦✋♎] a. 尖端的forerunner [☯♐❒✈⏹☜] n. 先行者micron [ ❍♋✋❒⏹] n.微米launch [●⏹♦☞] v. 开发logger [ ●♈☜] n. 记录仪count [[ ♋☺⏹♦]v.有价值, 重要turnaround n. 转向, 向相反方向运动, 周转versatility [ ♦☜♊♦✋●☜♦✋] n.多功能性metrology [❍✋♊♦❒●☜♎✞✋] n.度量衡semi-automated [semi- ♦☜❍♏✋♦] a. 半自动的compliance [ ☜❍☐●♋✋☜⏹♦] n.服从alphanumeric [✌●♐☜⏹◆❍♏❒✋] a.文字数字的resistance [❒✋♊✋♦♦☹⏹♦] n. 电阻capacitance [ ☜☐✌♦✋♦☜⏹♦] n. 电容conductance [ ☜⏹♎✈♦☜⏹♦] n. 电导waveform [ ♦♏♓♐❍] n. 波形zener [♊♓⏹☜] [电子]齐纳击穿( 在半导体中的一种非破坏性击穿) conjunction [ ☜⏹♎✞✈☠☞☎☜✆⏹] n. 连接clone [ ●☜☺⏹] v. 复制asset [ ✌♦♏♦] n.资源, 资产utility [ ◆♦✋●✋♦✋] n.效用universal [ ◆⏹✋♦☎☜✆●] a. 通用的sine [♦♋✋⏹] n. 正弦ergonomic [ ♈☜☺♊⏹❍✋] a. 人类工程学的resonant [ ❒♏☜⏹☜⏹♦] a. 共鸣的digitise [ ♎✋♎✞✋♦♋♓] v.数字化barrel [ ♌✌❒☎☜✆●] n.桶transpose [♦❒✌⏹♦☐☜☺] v.移位silicon [ ♦✋●✋☜⏹] n. 硅pitot [ ☐♓♦☜◆] n. 皮托管instrumentation [✋⏹♦♦❒☺❍♏⏹♦♏✋☞☎☜✆⏹] n.使用仪表rugged [ ❒✈♈✋♎] a. 高低不平的ATE Automatic Test Equipment, 自动试验设备deem [♎♓❍] v. 认为, 相信comply with [ ☜❍☐●♋♓] 履行decade [ ♎♏♏✋♎] n. 十年evolve [✋●] v.发展, 进化leading a. 最主要的supplier n. 供应商trend [♦❒♏⏹♎] n. 趋势, 倾向adoption [☜♎☐☞☎☜✆⏹] n. 采用ETOPS= extended-range operation of twin-engined airliners long-haul [♒●] n.远程dominate [ ♎❍✋⏹♏✋♦] n. 支配inherently [✋⏹♒✋☜❒☜⏹♦●✋] ad.固有地redundancy [❒✋♎✈⏹♎☜⏹♦✋] n. 冗余prospect [☐❒☜♦☐♏♦] n. 前途, 期望issue [ ✋☞◆] n. 问题transatlantic [♦❒✌⏹☜♦●✌⏹♦✋] a. 横越大西洋的defective [♎✋♐♏♦✋] a. 有缺陷的implication [✋❍☐●✋♏✋☞☎☜✆⏹] n.含义, 牵连stuffy [ ♦♦✈♐✋] a. (空气)不新鲜的embarking [✋❍♌✋☠] n.上机,上船mission [ ❍✋☞☎☜✆⏹] n.任务the IDGs =integrated drive generator 综合传动发动机whilst [♦♋✋●♦♦] = whileairborne [ ♏☜♌⏹] a. 空中飞行的seamlessly ad. 无缝隙地7verify v. 检验shop visit n. 入厂检修的subject vt. 使…服从于largely ad. 主要地come into operation 投入使用alike ad. 类似地presently [ ☐❒♏☜⏹♦●✋]ad. 目前eduction [♓♊♎✈☞☜⏹]n. 引出net a. 净, 纯粹rigorous [ ❒✋♈☜❒☜♦] a. 严格的anticipate [✌⏹♦✋♦✋☐♏✋♦] v. 预期mature [❍☜♦☺☜] a.成熟的optimise [ ☐♦✋❍♋✋] vt. 使最优化incorporate [✋⏹☐☜❒♏✋♦] v. 合并prematurely [ ☐❒♏❍☜♦◆☜]vad. 过早地diagnostics [ ♎♋✋☜♈⏹♦♦✋♦ ]n.诊断学effusion [✋♐◆✞☎☜✆⏹] v. n. 流出leg n. 航段architecture [ ✋♦♏♦☞☜] n. 建筑学, 体系,架构flameout n. 熄火furthermore ad. 此外paradoxical [ ☐✌❒☜♊♎♦✋☜●] a. 荒谬的compliant [ ☜❍☐●♋✋☜⏹♦] a. 适应的forthcoming [♐✈❍✋☠] a. 即将来临的inherit [✋⏹♒♏❒✋♦] vt. 继承derivative [♎✋❒✋☜♦✋] n. 派生事物derive [♎✋❒♋✋] (from) v. 派生inservicecapitalising [♊✌☐✋♦☜●♋✋] on v.利用…failsafe a.故障保险的(个别部件发生故障时性能仍然不变,仍能可靠工作的) content [ ⏹♦♏⏹♦] (on) a. 满足的impeller [✋❍♊☐♏●☜] n.叶轮tiller n 操纵杆nose wheel n. 前机轮steering n. 转弯occur v. 出现dangerous a. 危险的area n. 区域around prep. 在...周围vehicle n. 车辆tow bar n 拖把main wheel [ mein w:l ] n 主机轮.possible a. 可能的be run over 碾过position n. 位置pushback n. 后推separation n. 间隔fatal a. 致命的hazard zone n. 危险区optional a. 选择性的entry door n. 登机门cargo door [ ka:g u d : ] n. 货舱门shear n. 剪切v. 切断pin [ pin ] n. 销, 插销unless conj. 除非emergency a. 应急的brake [ breik ] n. 刹车specified a. 特定的clearance n. 间隙breakaway n. 断裂load n. 负载,载荷specification n. 技术要求, 说明parked [ pa:kt ] v. 停机的not less than 不少于straight line [ streit lain ] n. 直线side load n. 侧载荷torsional load n. 扭转载荷tortion link n. 扭力连杆adjacent a. 临近的align v. 对准..., 排成直线smoothly adv. 平滑地adjustment n . 调节movement n. 移动nose landing gear n. 前轮起落apply v. 使用,作用力于... released [ri抣i:sd ] a. 释放set [ set ] v. 设定pressure gage n. 压力表primary structure一级结构adversely不利地consequently因而to issue发布vital极度的discontinuities断续(性)to request要求devised设计to obtain获得approval批准as a rule作为一项规定solution解决办法however然而provided by由…提供sufficient足够的in such a way以这种方式shown显示的damage损坏either..... or既…也…extent程度to suit使合适the required number要求的数量utilized利用midway中途smooth平滑的prepare准备to drill钻(孔)temporarily暂时地to attach使附着deburr清毛口to apply使用surplus多余的reassemble重新装配presence存在contained置于…之内, 包含spillage洒落, 溢出to require要求to recover寻找embrittlement脆化,脆性to occur发生to penetrate渗透, 穿透to tend(必然)能, 势必to inhibit抑制,压抑, 禁止scratched刮(伤,痕), 擦moisture水分, 水蒸气to aid帮助, 辅助inert惰性的to prevent防止serious严重的to appear出现fuzzy有绒毛的evidence证据aviation [♏✋✋♏✋☞☎☜✆⏹] n.航空, 航空学tail skid [♦♏✋● ♦✋♎] 尾撬primitive [ ☐❒✋❍✋♦✋] adj.原始的, 简单的effective [✋♐♏♦✋] adj.有效的means [❍♓⏹] n.手段, 方法touch down v.降落dirt [♎♦] n.污垢, 泥土runway [ ❒✈⏹♦♏✋] n.飞机跑道react [❒♓✌♦] vi.起反应accordingly [☜♎✋☠●✋] adv.因此, 从而modern [ ❍♎☎☜✆⏹] adj.现代的present [☐❒♏’ ♏⏹♦] vt.呈现, 面临diameter [♎♋✋✌❍✋♦☜☎❒✆] n.直径inflate [✋⏹♐●♏✋♦] vt.使膨胀, 使充气contact [ ⏹♦✌♦] n.接触, 联系surface [ ♦♐✋♦] n.表面multiple [ ❍✈●♦✋☐☎☜✆●] adj.多样的, 多重的individual [✋⏹♎✋✋♎☺☜●] adj.个别的, 单独的apply [☜☐●♋✋] vt.应用overcome [☜☺☜✈❍] vt.克服technology [♦♏⏹●☜♎✞✋] n.技术modulate [ ❍♎☺●♏✋♦] vt.调整, 调节maximum [ ❍✌♦✋❍☜❍] adj.最大极限的flat-spotting n. 磨平due to adv.由于, 应归于actual [ ✌♦☞☺☜●] adj.实际的division [♎✋✋✞☎☜✆⏹] n.分配, 配置aerospace [ ♏☜❒☜☺♦☐♏✋♦] n.航空宇宙corporation [ ☐☜❒♏✋☞☎☜✆⏹] n.公司program [ ☐❒☜☺♈❒✌❍] n.节目typical [ ♦✋☐✋☎☜✆●] adj.典型的, 象征性的professional [☐❒☜♐♏☞☜⏹☎☜✆●] adj.专业的technician [♦♏⏹✋☞☎☜✆⏹] n.技术员, 技师vitally [ ♋✋♦☜●✋] adv.极其, 紧要地possess [☐☜♏♦] vt.拥有tremendous [♦❒✋❍♏⏹♎☜♦] adj.极大的, 巨大的velocity [ ✋●♦✋♦✋] n.速度kinetic [ ✋⏹♏♦✋] adj.(运)动的, 动力(学)的kinetic energy 动能peripheral [☐☜❒✋♐☜❒☎☜✆●] adj.外围的grip [♈❒✋☐] vt.固紧slip [♦●✋☐] vi.滑动slippage [ ♦●♓☐♓♎✞] n.滑动, 滑移, 滑程excessive [✋♦♏♦✋] adj.过多的rapidly [ ❒✌☐✋♎●✋] adv.迅速地decelerate [♎♓♦♏●☜❒♏✋♦] v.(使)减速continue [ ☜⏹♦✋⏹◆] v.继续, 连续, 延伸reduce [❒✋♎◆♦ ☎✍✆ ♎◆♦] vt.减少, 缩小friction [ ♐❒✋☞☎☜✆⏹] n.摩擦, 摩擦力detect [♎✋♦♏♦] vt.察觉, 发觉release [❒✋●♓♦] vt.松开spin [♦☐✋⏹] v.旋转method [ ❍♏☜♎] n.方法examine [✋♈✌❍✋⏹] v.检查automatically [ ♦☜❍✌♦✋●✋] adv.自动地recovery [❒✋✈☜❒✋] n.恢复response [❒✋♦☐⏹♦] n. 反应threshold [ ❒♏☞☜☺●♎] n.极限ineffective [✋⏹✋♐♏♦✋] adj.失效的pronounced [☐❒☜⏹♋☺⏹♦♦] adj. 明显的reach [❒♓♦☞] vt.到达, 达到cycle [ ♦♋✋☎☜✆●] vt.使循环excursion [✋♦☞☎☜✆⏹] n.行程modulator [♊❍♎☺●♏✋♦☜☎❒✆♎✞☺] n.调节器circuit [ ♦✋♦] n.电路monitor [ ❍⏹✋♦☜☎❒✆] v.监控signal [ ♦✋♈⏹☎☜✆●] n.信号special [ ♦☐♏☞☎☜✆●] adj.特殊的generation [♎✞♏⏹☜❒♏✋☞☎☜✆⏹] n.一代extremely [✋♦♦❒♓❍●✋] adv.极端地, 非常地regulate [ ❒♏♈☺●♏✋♦] vt.控制, 调节fluid [ ♐●◆✋♎] n.流体achieve [☜♦☞♓] vt.完成, 达到circuitry [ ♦✋♦❒✋] n.电路, 线路rapidly [ ❒✌☐✋♎●✋] adv.迅速地amount [☜❍♋☺⏹♦] n.数量nominal [ ⏹❍✋⏹☎☜✆●] adj.名义上的critical [ ❒✋♦✋☎☜✆●] adj.临界的distance [ ♎✋♦♦☜⏹♦] n.距离feature [ ♐♓♦☞☜☎❒✆] n.特性rotation [❒☜☺♦♏✋☞☎☜✆⏹] n.旋转approximately [☜☐❒♦✋❍☜♦●✋] adv.大约inoperative [✋⏹☐☜❒☜♦✋] adj.不起作用的negligible [ ⏹♏♑♈✋♎✞✋♌☎☜✆●] adj.可以忽略的familiar [♐☜❍✋●✋☜☎❒✆] adj.熟悉的review [❒✋◆] vt.回顾involve [✋⏹●] vt.包括basic [♊♌♏✋♦✋] adj.基本的procedure [☐❒☜♦♓♎✞☜☎❒✆] n.程序, 手续hydraulic [♒♋✋♎❒●✋] adj.水力的, 水压的sensor [ ♦♏⏹♦☜☎❒✆] n.传感器consist [ ☜⏹♦✋♦♦] vi.由...组成torque [♦] n.扭矩, 转矩receive [❒✋♦♓] vt.接收spool [♦☐◆●] n.线轴direct [♎✋❒♏♦ ♎♋✋❒♏♦] vt.指引manifold [ ❍✌⏹✋♐☜☺●♎] n.多种exist [✋♈✋♦♦] vi.存在passive [ ☐✌♦✋] adj.被动的occur [☜☎❒✆] vi.发生, 出现spin [♦☐✋⏹] v.旋转independent [✋⏹♎✋☐♏⏹♎☜⏹♦] adj.独立自主的, independent of 不依赖...,独立于....pedal [ ☐♏♎☎☜✆●] n.踏板fully [ ♐☺●✋] adv.充分地, 完全地, 足足, 至少depress [♎✋☐❒♏♦] vt.压下, 压低activate [ ✌♦✋♏✋♦] vt.起动coil [ ✋●] v.盘绕, 卷flapper [ ♐●✌☐☜] n. 舌形阀,铰链门nozzle [ ⏹☎☜✆●] n.管口, 喷嘴equal [ ♓♦☎☜✆●] adj.相等的restrict [❒✋♦♦❒✋♦] vt.限制, 约束, 限定unbalance [✈⏹♌✌●☜⏹♦] v.n. 失去平衡, 紊乱port [☐♦] n.端口, 压力口sensitivity [♦♏⏹♦✋♦✋✋♦✋] n.灵敏性modern [ ❍♎☎☜✆⏹] adj.近代的, 现代的AC Alternating Current, 交流电DC n.直流电transducer [♦❒✌⏹♎◆♦☜☎❒✆ ♦❒] n.传感器variable [ ♏☜❒✋☜♌☎☜✆●] adj.可变的reluctance [❒✋●✈♦☜⏹♦] n.不愿, 勉强frequency [ ♐❒♓♦☜⏹♦✋] n.频率generator [ ♎✞♏⏹☜❒♏✋♦☜☎❒✆] n.发电机, 发生器exciter [✋♊♦♋✋♦☜☎❒✆] n.激励器converter [ ☜⏹♦☜☎❒✆] n. 转换器proportional [☐❒☜☐☞☜⏹☎☜✆●] adj.成比例的permanent [ ☐❍☜⏹☜⏹♦] adj.永久的, 持久的magnet [ ❍✌♈⏹✋♦] n.磁体, 磁铁permanent magnet n.[物]永久磁铁tachometer [♦✌❍✋♦☜☎❒✆] n.转速计, 流速计axle [ ✌♦☎☜✆●] n.轮轴, 车轴linear [ ●✋⏹✋☜☎❒✆] adj. 线性的voltage [ ☜☺●♦✋♎✞] n.[电工]电压, 伏特数proportionate [☐❒☜☐☞☜⏹☜♦] v.成比例compact [ ❍☐✌♦] adj.精密的blade [♌●♏✋♎] n.叶片shaft [☞♐♦ ☎✍✆ ☞✌♐♦] n.轴, 杆状物hubcap [ ♒✈♌✌☐] n.轮毂罩corporate [ ☐☜❒☜♦] adj.大型的utilize [ ◆♦✋●♋✋] vt.使用memory [ ❍♏❍☜❒✋] n.记忆, 存储器average [ ✌☜❒✋♎✞] adj.平均的cause [ ] vt.引起reapply [❒♓☜☐●♋✋] v.再运用provide [☐❒☜♋✋♎] v.提供alternately [ ●♦☜⏹♓♦●⍓] adv.交替地optimum [ ☐♦✋❍☜❍] adj.最适宜的deactivate [♎♓✌♦✋♏✋♦] vt.使无效taxi [ ♦✌♦✋] vi.(飞机)在地面上滑行analyze [ ✌⏹☜●♋✋] vt.分析function [ ♐✈☠☞☎☜✆⏹] n.功能discuss [♎✋♦✈♦] vt.讨论, 论述prior to adv.在前, 居先immediately [✋❍♓♎✋☜♦●✋] adv.立即, 马上arming [♊❍✋☠] n.装备exceed [✋♦♓♎] vt.超越, 胜过reduce [❒✋♎◆♦ ☎✍✆ ♎◆♦] vt.减少, 缩小simple [ ♦✋❍☐☎☜✆●] adj.简易的provision [☐❒☜✋✞☎☜✆⏹] n.准备hydroplane [ ♒♋✋♎❒☜☐●♏✋⏹ ]v. 在水上滑行ensure [✋⏹☞☺☜❒] v.确保, 保证squat [♦♦♦] n.蹲坐adj.蹲着的energize [ ♏⏹☜♎✞♋✋] vt.给...通电inadvertently [ ♓⏹☜♎☜♦☜⏹♦●⍓] adv.不注意地override [☜☺☜❒♋✋♎] vt.越过strut [♦♦❒✈♦] n.支柱, 压杆incorporated [✋⏹☐☜❒♏✋♦✋♎] a.合并的indicate [ ✋⏹♎✋♏✋♦] vt.显示minimize [ ❍✋⏹✋❍♋✋] vt.将...减到最少vary with v.随...而变化falcon [ ♐✌●☜⏹] n.[动](猎鸟用的)猎鹰illuminate [✋●◆❍✋⏹♏✋♦] vt.照明vi.照亮simulate [ ♦✋❍☺●♏✋♦] vt.模拟integrity [✋⏹♦♏♈❒✋♦✋] n.完整性entire [✋⏹♦♋✋☜☎❒✆] adj.全部的, 完整的, 整个inject [✋⏹♎✞♏♦] vt.注射, 注入momentarily [♊❍☜☺❍☜⏹♦☜❒☜●✋] adv.即刻logic [ ●♎✞✋] n.逻辑, 逻辑学, 逻辑性signify [ ♦✋♈⏹✋♐♋✋] vt.表示, 意味indicate [ ✋⏹♎✋♏✋♦] vt.指出, 显示malfunction [❍✌●♐✈☠☞☎☜✆⏹] n.故障absence [ ✌♌♦☜⏹♦] n.缺乏asymmetrical [☜♦✋❍♏♦❒✋☎☜✆●] adj. 不对称的perform [☐☜♐❍] vt.执行v.完成任务professional [☐❒☜♐♏☞☜⏹☎☜✆●] adj.专业的accessible [☜♦♏♦✋♌☎☜✆●] adj.易接近的tweak [♦♦♓] v.拧hub [♒✈♌] n.毂finger [ ♐✋☠♈☜☎❒✆] n.手指revolution [❒♏☜●◆☞☎☜✆⏹] n.旋转disc [♎✋♦] n.圆盘defective [♎✋♐♏♦✋] adj.有缺陷的further [ ♐❆☜☎❒✆] adj.更深一层的connector [ ☜⏹☜♦☜☎❒✆] n.连接器resistance [❒✋♊✋♦♦☹⏹♦] n.电阻polarity [☐☜☺●✌❒✋♦✋] n.极性multimeter n.[物]万用表scale [♦♏✋●] n.刻度positive [ ☐✋♦✋] adj.[电]阳的negative [ ⏹♏♈☜♦✋] adj.负的, 阴性的clockwise [ ●♦♋✋] adj.顺时针方向的plug [☐●✈♈] n.塞子, 插头, 插销alignment [☜●♋✋⏹❍☜⏹♦] n. 对准,校准safety vt. 保护,防护rivet [ ❒✋✋♦] n.铆钉dent [♎♏⏹♦] n.凹, 凹痕device [♎✋♋✋♦] n.装置, 设备contamination [ ☜⏹♦✌❍✋⏹♏✋☞☎☜✆⏹] n.污染(物)manufacturer [❍✌⏹☺♐✌♦☞☜☎❒✆] n. 制造商micron [ ❍♋✋❒⏹] n.微米filter [ ♐✋●♦☜☎❒✆] n.油滤authorized [ ☜❒♋✋♎] adj.审定的, 经授权facility [♐☜♦✋●✋♦✋] n.设备, 工具assembly [☜♦♏❍♌●✋] n.组件joint [♎✞✋⏹♦] n.接缝, 接合处, 接合点,sealed [♦♓●♎] adj.密封的caution [ ☞☎☜✆⏹] n.告诫assume [☜♦◆❍ ☎✍✆ ☜♦◆❍] vt.假定remove [❒✋❍◆] vt.拆卸reverse [❒✋♦] vt.颠倒, 倒转probability [☐❒♌☜♌✋●✋♦✋] n.可能性receptacle [❒✋♦♏☐♦☜☎☜✆●] n. [电工]插座vital [ ♋✋♦☎☜✆●] adj.重大的, 至关重要的perfectly [ ☐☜♐✋♦] ad. 非常spongy [ ♦☐✈⏹♎✞✋] adj.多孔而有弹性的similar [ ♦✋❍✋●☜☎❒✆] adj.相似的, 类似的difference [ ♎✋♐❒☜⏹♦] n.差异, 差别inboard [ ✋⏹♌♎] adj.内侧的outboard [ ♋☺♦♌♎] adj.外侧的consult [ ☜⏹♦✈●♦] v.参考, 考虑knowledge [ ⏹●✋♎✞] n.知识, 学问ability [☜♌✋●✋♦✋] n.能力, 才干recognize [ ❒♏☜♈⏹♋✋] vt.辨别,认出serious [ ♦✋☜❒✋☜♦] adj.严重的understand [✈⏹♎☜♦♦✌⏹♎] v.懂, 了解1. various 不同的2. grade 等级3. kerosene 煤油4. separate 分离的5. tank 油箱6. structure 结构7. space 空间8. wing spar 翼梁9. fin 尾翼10. coated with 用---衬里11. layer 层12. rubbery 橡筋13.sealant 密封(胶,层) 14. a series of 一系列…15 fuel-tight 不漏油16. compartment 隔舱17. absolutely 绝对地18.leakproof 防漏19. twist 扭转20. bend 弯折21. turbulence 湍流22. rough 粗糙23. airfield 机场24.baffle 隔板25. slosh about 晃动26. one-way valves 单向活门27. prevent … from …防止…28. uncontrolled 失控的29. filled with 充满…30. combustible 可燃的31. dry nitrogen 干氮气32. inert 惰性的1. stress 应力2. continual 继续的3. movement 运动4. intense 强烈的5. noise 噪音6. fatigue 疲劳7. crack 裂纹8. break 折断9. occur 发生10. metal 金属11. constant 持续的12. flexure 弯曲13. aging 老化的14. process 过程15. avoid 避免16 weak point 弱点17. hole 孔18. join 接口19. adhesive 粘胶剂20 instead of 代替21. rivet 铆钉22. bolt 螺栓23. cast 锻造24. gigantic 庞大的25. panel 板块26. scratch 划痕27. surface 表面28. polish 抛光29. sharp 尖的30. corner 角31. round off 磨园32.limit 极限33.set to 制订34. life 寿命35. susceptible 脆弱的36. component 部件37. frequent 频繁的 38. replancement 更换 39. catastrophe 灾难1. core 核心2. gas-trubine engine 燃气涡轮发动机3. compressor 压缩机4. suck v. 吸入5. compresse v. 压缩6. deliver v. 输入7. combustion chamber 燃烧室8. kerosene-type fuel 煤油类燃油9. spray v. 喷射10. convert …into 转换成为…11. airflow 气流12. column 柱13. white-hot 炽热的14. fixed 固定的15. curved 曲线的16.inlet guide vanes 进口导向叶轮17. blade 叶片18. rotor 转子19. spin v. 旋转 20. windmill 风车 21. shaft-power 轴动力 22. extract v. 抽出23. while 而 24. high-velocity 高速 25. nozzle 喷嘴 26. jet-propel v. 推动Inertial Reference Systems 惯性参考系统 Inertial Navigation Systems 惯性导航系统 laser gyros 激光陀螺 accelerometer 加速度计 attitude 高度 heading 航向 rate of turn 旋转速率acceleration 加速度 drift angle 偏角 computerized data 电能处理过的数据 display 显示 starting reference point 起始参考点 feed into输入 compute 计算 contain 装有 sense 测定 angular 角度的linear 线的accident 事故occur 发生rare 罕见的permit 批准operate 营运efficient 有效的fire service 消防勤务turn out 值勤,出动emergency 紧急状态stand-by 戒备,备用slight 轻微的indication 显示deflated tyre 跑气的轮胎circuit-breaker 电路跳开关warning light 警告灯flight deck. 驾驶舱on average 平均major 主要的fog 雾provide 提供 general 全面的 stretcher 担架 aid 帮助 disabled people 残疾人seater 座位direct current (DC) 直流电radio无线电navigation lights 导航灯current 电流suited for 适合于specific purpose特定的目的electronic device 电子器件complicated 复杂的complete 整个generate v.发(电)electric power 电能AC (alternating current) 交流电supply供应alternator 交流发电机generator 发电机ram air turbine 冲压空气涡轮heavy load 大负载anti-icing防冰air frame 飞机结构power v.提供动力hydraulic system 液压系统heat 加热oven 烤箱galley 厨房radio masts无线电天线toilet 厕所 drain 排水 account for占用 total 总数。



1 of 10© 2015 CommScope, Inc.All rights reservedApplication Specification 114-605326 JAN 16 Rev DHigh-Performance Modular Plug ConnectorsNOTEAll numerical values are in metric units [with U.S. customary units in brackets]. Dimensions are in millimeters [and inches]. Unless otherwise specified, dimensions have a tolerance of ±0.13 [±.005] and angles have a tolerance of ±2°. Figures are for identification only.1. INTRODUCTIONThis specification covers the requirements for application of high performance modular plug connectors for voice and data applications. The modular plugs are available in unshielded or shielded with 8 positions on 1.02 [.040] centerline spacing. These modular plugs are also available in line and keyed housing styles. The modular plugs contain terminals that accept solid or stranded cable.Each modular plug consists of a housing and a load bar. Each modular plug features an internal primary strain relief to protect the modular plug-to-cable interface from damage when subjected to pulling or bending forces. These modular plugs are terminated using the insulation piercing technique. The modular plugs are available in loose piece for terminating with manual or pneumatically-powered tools.NOTEHigh-performance modular plug connectors are intended to be used for Category 5e system applications when terminated in accordance with the requirements given in this document. These requirements comply with standards developed by Telecommunications Industry Association and Electronic Industries Alliance (TIA/EIA).Basic terms and features of this product are provided in Figure 1.Figure 12. REFERENCE MATERIAL 2.1. Revision SummaryRevisions to this application specification include:∙ Revised 2.3 to call out new Product Spec. ∙ Removed UL rating from paragraph 3.1∙Removed 4,6, and 10 position from paragraph 3.3Unshielded Modular Plug(Shown)Primary (Jacket) Strain ReliefCable OpeningHousingLocking Latch2.2. Customer AssistanceReference product catalog series and drawing number:MP-5E_-_ Customer drawing number 2843004This catalog series represents standard conductor modular plug connectors. Use this information to obtain catalog number/ material number and tooling information.2.3. SpecificationsProduct Specification 108-131013 provides product performance and test information.2.4. Instructional MaterialInstruction sheets (408-series) provide product assembly instructions or tooling setup and operation procedures and customer manuals (409-series) provide machine setup and operating procedures. Instructional material that pertains to this product is: 408-4389 Crimp Height Gage 904170-1408-9743 Terminating Modules 856196-[ ] for Use with Modular Plug Dual Terminators 1320840-[ ]408-9767 Modular Plug Hand Tools (Premium Grade) 231652-[ ]408-9919 Modular Plug Single Terminators 354711-[ ] and Tooling Kits 354714-[ ]409-10010 Modular Plug Dual Terminators 1320840-[ ]3. REQUIREMENTS3.1. MaterialModular plug housings are made of flame retardant polycarbonate. The terminals are made of phosphor bronze under-plated with nickel; terminal area is plated with gold or palladium nickel and gold. Shields are made of brass plated with tin or nickel or stainless steel plated with nickel. External strain reliefs are made of brass plated with tin and under-plated with copper.3.2. StorageA. Ultraviolet LightProlonged exposure to ultraviolet light may deteriorate the chemical composition used in the product material.B. Shelf LifeThe product should remain in the shipping containers until ready for use to prevent deformation to components. The product should be used on a first in, first out basis to avoid storage contamination that could adversely affect performance.3.3. Chemical ExposureDo not store product near any chemical listed below as they may cause stress corrosion cracking in the material.Alkalies Ammonia Citrates Phosphates Citrates Sulfur CompoundsNitrites Tartrates Amines Carbonates Nitrites Sulfur3.4. Cable Selection and PreparationA. SelectionThe modular plugs accept the wire described in the following.MODULAR PLUGWIRETYPE SIZE(AWG)INDIVIDUAL INSULATIONOUTSIDE DIAMETERStandard Conductor Solid 23-24 0.89-0.99 [.035-.039] Standard Conductor Stranded 24-26 0.89-0.99 [.035-.039]8-position plugs accept cable having an overall round jacket diameter of:Round: 4.83 [.190] to 5.59 [.220]B. PreparationUnshielded CableProper strip length is necessary to properly insert the cable into the modular plugs. The strip length for the cable is given in Figure 2.NOTEReasonable care must be taken not to nick or cut the cable conductor insulation during the stripping operation.Shielded CableThis cable must be prepared according to the following. Refer to Figure 2.(a) Insert a blade tip between the shield and jacket. Slit the jacket 25.4 [1.0] back from the end. The conductor insulationmust not be nicked.(b) Pull the jacket away from the shield, and fold it back over the cable. Cut off the slit portion of the jacket. Care shall betaken not to cut the shield. The conductors enclosed by the shield should extend 25.4 [1.0].(c) Find the overlap seam in the shield, and pull the shield away from the conductors while being careful not to damage theshield.(d) Fold the shield back over the cable.(e) Trim the shield to approximately 9.52 [3/8] in length. Form the shield smoothly around the outside of the cable. Makesure that the conductive surface of the shield is exposed; if it is not, form another fold.(f) Bend the drain wire back tightly across the center of the cable shield on the side of the cable that will face the lockinglatch side of the modular plug when the cable is inserted. Trim the drain wire to the same length as the cable shield.Figure 2C. Conductor Arrangement1. The conductors must be grouped in pairs according to the desired electrical schematic (T568A or T568B) given in figure 3, and the conductor pairs must be arranged in the sequence shown in figure 3, Detail A.2.The end of the cable jacket must be squeezed so that approximately 8 [.30] of the jacket flattens and the conductor pairs are side-by-side. The sequence of the conductor pairs should extend into the flat portion of the cable jacket. Refer to figure 3, Detail A.3.While holding the end of the cable jacket, the conductor pairs must be untwisted and arranged in the modular plug positions for the chosen electrical schematic (T568A or T568B) as shown in Figure 3, Detail B. It is critical that the conductor pairs do not untwist inside the cable jacket. Conductor 6 must be crossed over conductors 4 and 5. It is extremely important that the twist for conductor 6 be maintained as it crosses over top of conductors 4 and 5. Refer to figure 3, Detail C.4.Maintaining the proper orientation of the conductors, the conductors must be trimmed evenly-leaving approximately 19 [.75] from the end of the jacket to the tips of the conductors. See figure 3, Detail C.NOTEIt is recommended to maintain twist on any conductor pair outside the cable jacket if it can be achieved with conductor pairs remaining in the chosen electrical schematic.Shielded CableJacketShieldConductors25.4 [1.0] Approx Strip LengthNote: Not to ScaleDrain Wire9.52 [3/8] Shield TrimmedTypical Unshielded CableTypical Shielded Cable25.4 [1.0] SlitJacketFigure 3Detail ATrimmed to 19 [.75] (Approx)Twist for Conductor Pairs Maintained Inside Cable JacketConductors 4 and 5Conductor 6 (Twist Maintained)Conductors 1 and 2Conductors 3 and 6Conductors 4 and 5Conductors 7 and 88 [.30] (Approx) Flat PortionDetail BDetail CModular Plug Positions forT568A Modular Plug Positions forT568BCONDUCTORPAIR NUMBERCONDUCTOR COLOR CODE(Abbreviation) CONDUCTOR NUMBER FOR ELECTRICAL SCHEMATIC (See Note) OPTION 1 OPTION 2 T568A T568B 1 White-Blue (W-BL) Green (G) 5 5Blue (BL)■ Red (R) 44 2 White-Orange (W-O)Black (BK) 3 1Orange (O)Yellow (Y)6 2 3 White-Green (W-G) Blue (BL)13 Green (G)■ Orange (O) 2 64 White-Brown (W-BR) Brown (BR) 7 7 Brown (BR)■ Slate (S) 88■ A white marking is acceptable.Note: Because of their identical pair groupings, cables arranged according to either T568A or T568B may be used interchangeably provided both ends are arranged with the same pin/pair scheme.3.5. Termination RequirementsA. Conductor Location1. The conductors must be fully inserted into the load bar in the proper orientation. The floor of the load bar betweenthe cable notch and conductor constraining area may be used to bring the 8-conductor tips into the same plane (this can be an aid for inserting the conductors into the load bar). The edge of the cable jacket should rest against the notch of the load bar. The conductors must be trimmed evenly and square to the front edge of the load bar so that approximately 5 [.20] of each conductor protrudes from the front of the load bar. Refer to Figure 4, Detail A. 2. The load bar must be slid toward the tips of the conductors so that approximately 1 [.04] of each conductor isexposed. The conductors must not extend too far into the load bar; otherwise, the load bar will twist and become deformed. Refer to Figure 4, Detail B.Figure 43. The load bar must be fully inserted into the mating feature within the housing of the modular plug. See Figure 5,Detail A. The conductors must be completely inserted and bottomed in the wire circuits and clearly visible through the front of the housing. See Figure 5, Detail B. NOTEIf the conductors are not bottomed in the wire circuits, the load bar must be remove, conductors re-trimmed, and the conductors re-inserted. If the conductors are too short, the conductors must be re-stripped.Figure 5NotchConductor No. 1 PositionLoad Bar5 [.20 ] (Conductors Trimmed)Top ViewBottom ViewNotch of Load Bar Against Edge of Cable JacketSlide Load Bar Forward1 [.04] of Each Conductor ExposedLoad BarIncorrect Load Bar Deformed CorrectLoad Bar Should Be FlatDetail ADetail BDetail ADetail BHousing Load Bar with CableMating Feature Within HousingCable Jacket Against Notch in Load BarAll Conductors Visible Through Front of Housing4. After termination, it is preferred that all conductors are bottomed against the end of the wire entry circuits. Ifindividual conductors are not completely inserted in the housing, they must be inserted at least past the terminal and into the reference zone to ensure a proper electrical interface. Refer to Figure 6. B. Crimp HeightThe crimp height shall be measured from the top of the terminals to the bottom of the housing (not including locking tab) and must be within the dimension provided in Figure 6.NOTEAll terminals must be at approximately the same height. A crimp height gage is available for measuring modular plug crimp height (refer to Section 5 for part number and description). C. Internal Strain ReliefsThe primary strain relief must be fully engaged on the cable jacket. The primary strain relief must be fully engaged to isolate the termination area from external forces applied to the cable. It is acceptable for the primary strain relief to cut into the jacket as long as the conductor insulation is not compromised. See Figure 6.NOTEFor unshielded modular plug, the primary strain relief can be visually inspected through the side of the housing.Figure 63.6. Ancillary ItemsA. External Strain ReliefNOTEThe external strain relief can only be used with select 8- and 10-position (shielded and unshielded) modular plugs.The external strain relief provides a secure grip (360º wrap) on the cable jacket for extraordinary strain relief on the cable and a redundant low impedance ground path to equipment. For shielded modular plugs, the external strain relief also provides a secure grip on the foil shield and a chassis ground through the modular plug shield. If a boot is used, an external strain relief containing a retention hole for securing the boot is available (the boot must be installed after the external strain relief with retention hole). NOTEUsing the boot and the external strain relief with retention hole will provide optimum strain relief performance.Assembly of the external strain relief onto the modular plug must meet the requirements given in Figure 7.Primary Strain Relief Engaging Cable Jacket6.02±0.13 [.237±.005]Crimp Height(Requirement Per FCC Part 68, Subpart F)TerminalConductors Against End of Wire Circuits (Preferred Conductor Location)0.00-0.25 [.000-.010]Reference Zone (Conductor Location)Cross-SectionShownB. BootA boot is used to prevent the cable from kinking and bending too sharp at the modular plug cable opening. The boot is available with or without a hood. The hooded boot also prevents the modular plug locking latch from snagging other locking latches or cables. The boots are available to fit cable insulation diameters of 5.33 [.210] through 6.35 [.250] for modular plugs. The maximum cable diameter is marked on the inside of each boot. Some boots are colored to provide a color-coded cable configuration to ensureappropriate connections. Others are transparent to allow cable color to show through. The boot must be installed, small diameter end first, onto the cable before the stripping procedure. Boots are made of elastomer polyolefin or flame redarded PolyCarbonate. Refer to Figure 8.External Strain ReliefExternal Strain Relief Seated Flat Against Modular PlugSupport Barrel Evenly Crimped and Firm Around the CableSupport Barrel Does Not Cut Into CableExternal Strain Relief with Retention Hole (for Securing the Boot)Boot Without Hood Boot With HoodCable Insulation Diameter Within Maximum Cable Diameter Marked Inside BootNotch in Boot FacingModular Plug Locking LatchHood or Boot OverModular Plug Locking LatchSlim Line Boot with Color Clip OptionColor Clip SlotFigure 8Figure 73.7. MatingThe modular plug must be inserted into the mating jack until it bottoms. When fully inserted, the modular plug locking tab will engage the jack housing and prevent the connectors from separating. The connectors will not unmate unless the modular plug locking latch is fully depressed. After mating, there will be a small amount of axial movement (travel) between the mated modular plug and jack, and with some combinations, depending on tolerance variations between original equipment manufacturers (OEM), could be up to 0.76 [.030]. 3.8.RepairThese modular plugs cannot be repaired; damaged modular plugs must be removed and discarded. The cable must be cut from the modular plug and re-terminated onto a new modular plug.4. QUALIFICATIONStandard and small conductor high-performance modular plug connectors are Component Recognized by Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL) in File E81956 (DUXR2/DUXR8)5.TOOLINGTooling part numbers and instructional material packaged with the tooling are shown in figure 9.Figure 95.1. Hand ToolsThe premium grade modular plug hand tool terminates these modular plugs to all types of cable indicated in this document. The tool also cuts and strips unshielded flat oval cable. This tool is designed for field application, installation, and repair.Modular Plug Hand Tools (Premium Grade) 231652-[ ] with Die Sets 853400-[ ] (408-9767)Crimp Height Gage 904170-1 (408-4389)Terminating Modules 856196-[ ] for Use with Modular Plug DualTerminators 1320840-[ ] (408-9743)Modular Plug SingleTerminators 354711-[ ] and Tooling Kits 354714-[ ] (408-9919)Modular Plug Dual Terminators1320840-[ ] (409-10010)5.2. TerminatorsThe terminators are pneumatically powered, bench-mounted tools controlled by a foot valve to terminate modular plugs to create a cable assembly. Terminating modules fit interchangeably into the dual terminators. During termination, the dual terminators test the assembly for electrical circuit continuity. The single terminators require a specific tooling kit to terminate one modular plug style and does not provide testing. These tools provide for high-volume applications. 5.3. Crimp Height GageThe crimp height gage is used to measure the crimp height of the terminated modular plug. The gage consists of a connector nest and a GO/NO-GO spanner.6. VISUAL AIDThe illustration below shows a typical application of standard and small conductor high performance modular plug connectors. This illustration should be used by production personnel to ensure a correctly applied product. Applications which do not appear correct should be inspected using the information in the preceding pages of this specification and in the instructional material shipped with the product or tooling.Figure 10ALL CONDUCTORS MUST BE BOTTOMED AGAINST END OF MODULAR PLUG WIRE CIRCUITSALL TERMINALS MUST HAVEPROPER CRIMP HEIGHT AND BE AT APPROXIMATELY SAME HEIGHTPRIMARY STRAIN RELIEF MUST ENGAGE CABLE JACKETTHERE MUST BE NO NICKS OR CUTS IN CABLETHERE MUST BE NO DAMAGE TO HOUSING OR LOCKING LATCH。



PREMERA mix is a modular interface grid system combining the benefits of a traditional grid range, a voice and data range, power sockets, broad switches and intelligent RF switch modules.Offering up to 24 module size plates with endless combinations, PREMERA mix also includes radio frequency switching capabilities as part of Eaton’s xComfort range enabling one product platform to fit all.PREMERA mixspecification guidePremera Wiring AccessoriesPREMERA mix modular rangeand high quality letteringPremera White MouldedThe PREMERA White Moulded range offers a modern aesthetically edged styled appearance whilst utilising the well established UREA material with its inherent MRSA germ protection properties.Each product is supplied with an optional screw cap facility to hide unsightly screws.Essential supply products are offered enabling circuits to be highlighted effectively with unmistakable red rockers and fuse drawers without compromising their suiting with other standard accessories. Grey covers are offered to provide solutions to the latest Building Regulations.COPA ‘Clip on’COPA is Eaton’s flexible ‘Clip On’ Plate Accessory range designed withinnovative, slim and stylish ‘clip-on’ face plates that conceal the screwfixing holes to give a superior elegance to the finish of the product. Thedecorative face plates are available in a selection of styles available in both high quality decorative plastic and luxury metal finishes.COPA fixThe COPA style of plate has been extended to offer an alternative to the ‘clip-on’ plate by offering the same plate profile with it’s stylish good looks but with a fixed plate, rather than just a ‘clip-on’ option.COPA fix offers a solution in situations where it is more desirable to have screw fixed plates in applications such as schools and public places.Eaton’s comprehensive range of wiring accessories and single phase distribution solutions have been developed to meet today’s challenging electricalapplications in residential and light commercial projects and applications. Through a proven competency in electrical distribution, Eaton delivers an innovative and flexible approach to aid compliance with the regulatory requirements associated with modern buildings.xComfortSuitable for residential and commercial applications, Eaton’s Moeller xComfort range of building automation products has been specifically designed to provide centralised control of all the electrical equipment in order to maximise energy savings, comfort, safety and security.High quality thermoplastic material on bases1–4 gang mounting plates come complete with integral earth strap avoiding the need to order separate gridLarge terminals for good wiring access Top facing terminals for easy access and quicker installationQuick, easy removal of modules via clip releaseWiring diagram shown on each moduleBottom terminals angled in slightly to aid access to screws from the topModule plates up to 12 gang in urea material and 24 gang in COPA ‘clip-on’ or ‘screw fix’ versionsTotally modular system incorporating;Power switches, standard & broad rocker options • Power sockets in various worldwide styles • Power indicators, fuses units, cable outlets • Dimmer modules• Communication modules including RJ45 Cat 6, isolated co-axial/• satellite outlets, standard telephone outlets, including RJ11xComfort radio frequency switch modules• 6–24 gang mounting plates comes with all the frames/• mounts/screws required – just order the modules you need 6–24 gang mounting plates have individual removable banks • for ease of installation and future changes. Banks removed via quarter turn fasteners offering quick release/fittingPREMERA mix combinationsVarious socket options to offer a wide choice of worldwide applications;Standard 13A sockets BS1363• Non standard 13A • 5 and 15 Amp round pin • US standard 15A 3 pin sockets • European Schuko sockets• Key switched socket with power indicator • Unique key switch with integral neon indicator•Eaton Electric Limited Grimshaw Lane MiddletonManchester M24 1GQ United KingdomCustomer Support Centre Tel: +44 (0)8700 545 333Fax: +44 (0)8700 540 333email:**********************© 2013 Eaton Corporation All Rights Reserved Printed in UKForm No. PA081001EN January 2013/ukEaton’s Electrical Sector is a global leader in power distribution, power quality, control and automation, and monitoring products. When combined with Eaton’s full-scale engineering services, these products providecustomer-driven PowerChain Management solutions to serve the power system needs of the data center, industrial, institutional, public sector, utility, commercial, residential, IT , mission critical, alternative energy and OEM markets worldwide.PowerChain solutions help enterprises achieve sustainable and competitive advantages through proactive management of the power system as a strategic,integrated asset throughout its life cycle, resulting in enhanced safety, greater reliability and energy efficiency. For more information, visit/electrical.F9025。



高等数学词汇(higher mathematics words)Aabelian group:阿贝尔群;absolute geometry:绝对几何;absolute value:绝对值;abstract algebra:抽象代数;addition:加法;algebra:代数;algebraic closure:代数闭包;algebraic geometry:代数几何;algebraic geometry and analytic geometry:代数几何和解析几何;algebraic numbers:代数数;algorithm:算法;almost all:绝大多数;analytic function:解析函数;analytic geometry:解析几何;and:且;angle:角度;anticommutative:反交换律;antisymmetric relation:反对称关系;antisymmetry:反对称性;approximately equal:约等于;Archimedean field:阿基米德域;Archimedean group:阿基米德群;area:面积;arithmetic:算术;associative algebra:结合代数;associativity:结合律;axiom:公理;axiom of constructibility:可构造公理;axiom of empty set:空集公理;axiom of extensionality:外延公理;axiom of foundation:正则公理;axiom of pairing:对集公理;axiom of regularity:正则公理;axiom of replacement:代换公理;axiom of union:并集公理;axiom schema of separation:分离公理;axiom schema of specification:分离公理;axiomatic set theory:公理集合论;axiomatic system:公理系统;BBaire space:贝利空间;basis:基;Bézout's identity:贝祖恒等式;Bernoulli's inequality:伯努利不等式;Big O notation:大O符号;bilinear operator:双线性算子;binary operation:二元运算;binary predicate:二元谓词;binary relation:二元关系;Boolean algebra:布尔代数;Boolean logic:布尔逻辑;Boolean ring:布尔环;boundary:边界;boundary point:边界点;bounded lattice:有界格;Ccalculus:微积分学;Cantor's diagonal argument:康托尔对角线方法;cardinal number:基数;cardinality:势;cardinality of the continuum:连续统的势;Cartesian coordinate system:直角坐标系;Cartesian product:笛卡尔积;category:范畴;Cauchy sequence:柯西序列;Cauchy-Schwarz inequality:柯西不等式;Ceva's Theorem:塞瓦定理;characteristic:特征;characteristic polynomial:特征多项式;circle:圆;class:类;closed:闭集;closure:封闭性或闭包;closure algebra:闭包代数;combinatorial identities:组合恒等式;commutative group:交换群;commutative ring:交换环;commutativity::交换律;compact:紧致的;compact set:紧致集合;compact space:紧致空间;complement:补集或补运算;complete lattice:完备格;complete metric space:完备的度量空间;complete space:完备空间;complex manifold:复流形;complex plane:复平面;congruence:同余;congruent:全等;connected space:连通空间;constructible universe:可构造全集;constructions of the real numbers:实数的构造;continued fraction:连分数;continuous:连续;continuum hypothesis:连续统假设;contractible space:可缩空间;convergence space:收敛空间;cosine:余弦;countable:可数;countable set:可数集;cross product:叉积;cycle space:圈空间;cyclic group:循环群;Dde Morgan's laws:德·摩根律;Dedekind completion:戴德金完备性;Dedekind cut:戴德金分割;del:微分算子;dense:稠密;densely ordered:稠密排列;derivative:导数;determinant:行列式;diffeomorphism:可微同构;difference:差;differentiable manifold:可微流形;differential calculus:微分学;dimension:维数;directed graph:有向图;discrete space:离散空间;discriminant:判别式;distance:距离;distributivity:分配律;dividend:被除数;dividing:除;divisibility:整除;division:除法;divisor:除数;dot product:点积;Eeigenvalue:特征值;eigenvector:特征向量;element:元素;elementary algebra:初等代数;empty function:空函数;empty set:空集;empty product:空积;equal:等于;equality:等式或等于;equation:方程;equivalence relation:等价关系;Euclidean geometry:欧几里德几何;Euclidean metric:欧几里德度量;Euclidean space:欧几里德空间;Euler's identity:欧拉恒等式;even number:偶数;event:事件;existential quantifier:存在量词;exponential function:指数函数;exponential identities:指数恒等式;expression:表达式;extended real number line:扩展的实数轴;Ffalse:假;field:域;finite:有限;finite field:有限域;finite set:有限集合;first-countable space:第一可数空间;first order logic:一阶逻辑;foundations of mathematics:数学基础;function:函数;functional analysis:泛函分析;functional predicate:函数谓词;fundamental theorem of algebra:代数基本定理;fraction:分数;Ggauge space:规格空间;general linear group:一般线性群;geometry:几何学;gradient:梯度;graph:图;graph of a relation:关系图;graph theory:图论;greatest element:最大元;group:群;group homomorphism:群同态;HHausdorff space:豪斯多夫空间;hereditarily finite set:遗传有限集合;Heron's formula:海伦公式;Hilbert space:希尔伯特空间;Hilbert's axioms:希尔伯特公理系统;Hodge decomposition:霍奇分解;Hodge Laplacian:霍奇拉普拉斯算子;homeomorphism:同胚;horizontal:水平;hyperbolic function identities:双曲线函数恒等式;hypergeometric function identities:超几何函数恒等式;hyperreal number:超实数;Iidentical:同一的;identity:恒等式;identity element:单位元;identity matrix:单位矩阵;idempotent:幂等;if:若;if and only if:当且仅当;iff:当且仅当;imaginary number:虚数;inclusion:包含;index set:索引集合;indiscrete space:非离散空间;inequality:不等式或不等;inequality of arithmetic and geometric means:平均数不等式;infimum:下确界;infinite series:无穷级数;infinite:无穷大;infinitesimal:无穷小;infinity:无穷大;initial object:初始对象;inner angle:内角;inner product:内积;inner product space:内积空间;integer:整数;integer sequence:整数列;integral:积分;integral domain:整数环;interior:内部;interior algebra:内部代数;interior point:内点;intersection:交集;inverse element:逆元;invertible matrix:可逆矩阵;interval:区间;involution:回旋;irrational number:无理数;isolated point:孤点;isomorphism:同构;JJacobi identity:雅可比恒等式;join:并运算;K格式:Kuratowski closure axioms:Kuratowski 闭包公理;Lleast element:最小元;Lebesgue measure:勒贝格测度;Leibniz's law:莱布尼茨律;Lie algebra:李代数;Lie group:李群;limit:极限;limit point:极限点;line:线;line segment:线段;linear:线性;linear algebra:线性代数;linear operator:线性算子;linear space:线性空间;linear transformation:线性变换;linearity:线性性;list of inequalities:不等式列表;list of linear algebra topics:线性代数相关条目;locally compact space:局部紧致空间;logarithmic identities:对数恒等式;logic:逻辑学;logical positivism:逻辑实证主义;law of cosines:余弦定理;L??wenheim-Skolem theorem:L??wenheim-Skolem 定理;lower limit topology:下限拓扑;Mmagnitude:量;manifold:流形;map:映射;mathematical symbols:数学符号;mathematical analysis:数学分析;mathematical proof:数学证明;mathematics:数学;matrix:矩阵;matrix multiplication:矩阵乘法;meaning:语义;measure:测度;meet:交运算;member:元素;metamathematics:元数学;metric:度量;metric space:度量空间;model:模型;model theory:模型论;modular arithmetic:模运算;module:模;monotonic function:单调函数;multilinear algebra:多重线性代数;multiplication:乘法;multiset:多样集;Nnaive set theory:朴素集合论;natural logarithm:自然对数;natural number:自然数;natural science:自然科学;negative number:负数;neighbourhood:邻域;New Foundations:新基础理论;nine point circle:九点圆;non-Euclideangeometry:非欧几里德几何;nonlinearity:非线性;non-singular matrix:非奇异矩阵;nonstandard model:非标准模型;nonstandard analysis:非标准分析;norm:范数;normed vector space:赋范向量空间;n-tuple:n 元组或多元组;nullary:空;nullary intersection:空交集;number:数;number line:数轴;Oobject:对象;octonion:八元数;one-to-one correspondence:一一对应;open:开集;open ball:开球;operation:运算;operator:算子;or:或;order topology:序拓扑;ordered field:有序域;ordered pair:有序对;ordered set:偏序集;ordinal number:序数;ordinary mathematics:一般数学;origin:原点;orthogonal matrix:正交矩阵;Pp-adic number:p进数;paracompact space:仿紧致空间;parallel postulate:平行公理;parallelepiped:平行六面体;parallelogram:平行四边形;partial order:偏序关系;partition:分割;Peano arithmetic:皮亚诺公理;Pedoe's inequality:佩多不等式;perpendicular:垂直;philosopher:哲学家;philosophy:哲学;philosophy journals:哲学类杂志;plane:平面;plural quantification:复数量化;point:点;Point-Line-Plane postulate:点线面假设;polar coordinates:极坐标系;polynomial:多项式;polynomial sequence:多项式列;positive-definite matrix:正定矩阵;positive-semidefinite matrix:半正定矩阵;power set:幂集;predicate:谓词;predicate logic:谓词逻辑;preorder:预序关系;prime number:素数;product:积;proof:证明;proper class:纯类;proper subset:真子集;property:性质;proposition:命题;pseudovector:伪向量;Pythagorean theorem:勾股定理;QQ.E.D.:Q.E.D.;quaternion:四元数;quaternions and spatial rotation:四元数与空间旋转;question:疑问句;quotient field:商域;quotient set:商集;Rradius:半径;ratio:比;rational number:有理数;real analysis:实分析;real closed field:实闭域;real line:实数轴;real number:实数;real number line:实数线;reflexive relation:自反关系;reflexivity:自反性;reification:具体化;relation:关系;relative complement:相对补集;relatively complemented lattice:相对补格;right angle:直角;right-handed rule:右手定则;ring:环;Sscalar:标量;second-countable space:第二可数空间;self-adjoint operator:自伴随算子;sentence:判断;separable space:可分空间;sequence:数列或序列;sequence space:序列空间;series:级数;sesquilinear function:半双线性函数;set:集合;set-theoretic definition of natural numbers:自然数的集合论定义;set theory:集合论;several complex variables:一些复变量;shape:几何形状;sign function:符号函数;singleton:单元素集合;social science:社会科学;solid geometry:立体几何;space:空间;spherical coordinates:球坐标系;square matrix:方块矩阵;square root:平方根;strict:严格;structuralrecursion:结构递归;subset:子集;subsequence:子序列;subspace:子空间;subspace topology:子空间拓扑;subtraction:减法;sum:和;summation:求和;supremum:上确界;surreal number:超实数;symmetric difference:对称差;symmetric relation:对称关系;system of linear equations:线性方程组;Ttensor:张量;terminal object:终结对象;the algebra of sets:集合代数;theorem:定理;top element:最大元;topological field:拓扑域;topological manifold:拓扑流形;topological space:拓扑空间;topology:拓扑或拓扑学;total order:全序关系;totally disconnected:完全不连贯;totally ordered set:全序集;transcendental number:超越数;transfinite recursion:超限归纳法;transitivity:传递性;transitive relation:传递关系;transpose:转置;triangle inequality:三角不等式;trigonometric identities:三角恒等式;triple product:三重积;trivial topology:密着拓扑;true:真;truth value:真值;Uunary operation:一元运算;uncountable:不可数;uniform space:一致空间;union:并集;unique:唯一;unit interval:单位区间;unit step function:单位阶跃函数;unit vector:单位向量;universal quantification:全称量词;universal set:全集;upper bound:上界;Vvacuously true:??;Vandermonde's identity:Vandermonde 恒等式;variable:变量;vector:向量;vector calculus:向量分析;vector space:向量空间;Venn diagram:文氏图;volume:体积;von Neumann ordinal:冯·诺伊曼序数;von Neumann universe:冯·诺伊曼全集;vulgar fraction:分数;ZZermelo set theory:策梅罗集合论;Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory:策梅罗-弗兰克尔集合论;ZF set theory:ZF 系统;zero:零;zero object:零对象;。



Conventional Component
Structure chart for a conventional system
Conventional Component
细化后 的模块
1.Architecture design to component design 2. What is a Component? 3.Designing class-based component
Exhibited primarily by operations ,this level of cohesion occurs when a module performs one and only one computation and then returns a result.
P r in t J o b
num ber O f Pages n u m b e r O f Sid e s paper Type
p a p e r W e ig h t p a p e r Siz e p a p e r C o lo r m a g n if ic a t io n c o lo r Re q u ir e m e n t s p r o d u c t io n F e a t u r e s c o lla t io n O p t io n s b in d in g O p t io n s cover St ock b le e d p r io r it y t o t a lJ o b C o s t W O num ber
It is important to note, however, that pragmatic design and implementation issues sometimes force a designer to opt for lower levels of cohesion.

Swagelok DE系列无弹簧隔膜阀(1.125英寸)使用说明书

Swagelok DE系列无弹簧隔膜阀(1.125英寸)使用说明书

0.20 (3.28)
Process Specifications
See Swagelok Ultrahigh-Purity Process Specification (SC-01) catalog, MS-06-61, and Swagelok Special Cleaning and Packaging (SC‑11) catalog, MS-06-63, for details on processes, process controls, and process verification.14 to 150 (–来自0 to 65)0.3
➀ Cv value excludes substrate.
Orifice in. (mm)
0.16 (4.1)
Internal Volume in.3 (cm3)
0.052 (0.85) (2-port)
0.062 (1.02) (3-port)
Pneumatic Actuator
■ minimal particle generation
■ long cycle life.
■ Cobalt-based superalloy (UNS R30003) material for strength and corrosion resistance
■ Optimal design for cycle life and flow ■ High integrity seal ■ Weld isolation ring for enhanced
■ One-quarter turn window handle for quick actuation. ■ Standard integral lockout provides positive visual and



模具英语专业术语模具述语一、入水:gate进入位: gate location水口形式:gate type大水口:edge gate细水口: pin-point gate水口大小:gate size转水口: switching runner/gate唧嘴口径: sprue diameter二、流道: runner热流道: hot runner,hot manifold 热嘴冷流道: hot sprue/cold runner 唧嘴直流: direct sprue gate圆形流道:round(full/half runner 流道电脑分析:mold flow analysis 流道平衡:runner balance热嘴: hot sprue热流道板:hot manifold发热管:cartridge heater探针: thermocouples插头: connector plug插座: connector socket密封/封料: seal三、运水:water line喉塞:line lpug喉管:tube塑胶管:plastic tube快速接头:jiffy quick connector plug/socker四、模具零件: mold components 三板模:3-plate mold二板模:2-plate mold边钉/导边:leader pin/guide pin 边司/导套:bushing/guide bushing 中托司:shoulder guide bushing 中托边L:guide pin顶针板:ejector retainner plate托板: support plate螺丝: screw管钉:dowel pin 开模槽:ply bar scot内模管位:core/cavity inter-lock顶针: ejector pin司筒:ejector sleeve司筒针:ejector pin推板:stripper plate缩呵:movable core,return core core puller扣机(尼龙拉勾):nylon latch lock 斜顶:lifter模胚(架): mold base上内模:cavity insert下内模:core insert行位(滑块): slide镶件:insert压座/斜鸡:wedge耐磨板/油板:wedge wear plate压条:plate撑头: support pillar唧嘴: sprue bushing挡板:stop plate定位圈:locating ring锁扣:latch扣鸡:parting lock set推杆:push bar栓打螺丝:S.H.S.B顶板:eracuretun活动臂:lever arm分流锥:spure sperader水口司:bush垃圾钉:stop pin隔片:buffle弹弓柱:spring rod弹弓:die spring中托司:ejector guide bush中托边:ejector guide pin镶针:pin销子:dowel pin波子弹弓:ball catch喉塞: pipe plug锁模块:lock plate斜顶:angle from pin斜顶杆:angle ejector rod尼龙拉勾:parting locks活动臂:lever arm复位键、提前回杆:early return bar气阀:valves斜导边:angle pin术语:terms承压平面平衡:parting surface support balance模排气:parting line venting回针碰料位:return pin and cavity interference模总高超出啤机规格:mold base shut hight顶针碰运水:water line interferes withejector pin料位出上/下模:part from cavith (core) side模胚原身出料位:cavity direct cut on A-plate,core direct cuton B-plate.不准用镶件: Do not use (core/cavity) insert用铍铜做镶件: use beryllium copper insert初步(正式)模图设计:preliinary (final) mold design反呵:reverse core弹弓压缩量:spring compressed length 稳定性好:good stability,stable强度不够:insufficient rigidity均匀冷却:even cooling扣模:sticking热膨胀:thero expansion公差:tolorance铜公(电极):copper electrodeMold & die components 模具单元Mold changing systems 换模系统Mold core 模芯Mold heaters/chillers 模具加热器/冷却器Mold polishing/texturing 模具打磨/磨纹Mold repair 模具维修Molds 模具Pressing dies 压模Quick die change systems 速换模系统Quick mold change systems 快速换模系统三、模具塑料模具 mould of plastics注塑模具injection mould冲压模具die模架mould base定模座板Top clamping plateTop plateFixed clamp plate水口推板stripper plateA 板A plateB 板B plate支承板 support plate方铁 spacer plate底针板 ejector plate面针板 ejector retainer plate回针 Return pin导柱 Guide pin有托导套 Shoulder Guide bush直导套 Straight Guide bush动模座板Bottom clamp plateMoving clamp plate基准线datum line基准面datum plan型芯固定板core-retainer plate凸模固定板punch-retainer plate顶针ejector pin单腔模具single cavity mould多腔模具multi-cavity mould多浇口multi-gating浇口gate缺料starving排气breathing光泽gloss合模力mould clamping force锁模力mould locking force挤出extrusion开裂crack循环时间cycle time老化aging螺杆screw麻点pit嵌件insert活动镶件movable insert起垩chalking浇注系统feed system主流道 sprue分流道runner浇口gate直浇口direct gate , sprue gate轮辐浇口spoke gate , spider gate点浇口pin-point gate测浇口edge gate潜伏浇口submarine gate , tunnel gate 料穴cold-slug well浇口套sprue bush流道板runner plate排飞槽vent分型线(面)parting line定模stationary mould,Fixed mould 动模movable mould, movable half上模upper mould, upper half下模lower mould, lower half型腔cavity凹模cavity plate,cavity block拼块split定位销dowel定位销孔dowel hole型芯core斜销angle pin, finger cam滑块slide滑块导板slide guide strip楔紧块heel block, wedge lock拉料杆sprue puller定位环locating ring冷却通cooling channel脱模斜度draft 滑动型芯slide core螺纹型芯threaded core热流道模具hot-runner mould绝热流道模insulated runner mould熔合纹weld line (flow line)三板式模具 three plate mould脱模ejection换模腔模具 interchangeable cavity mould 脱模剂release agent注射能力shot capacity注射速率injection rate注射压力injection pressure差色剂colorant保压时间holdup time闭模时间closing time定型装置sizing system阴模female mould,cavity block阳模male mould电加工设备Electron Discharge Machining 数控加工中心CNC machine center万能铁床Universal milling machine卧式刨床Horizontal planer车床Engine lathe平面磨床Surface grinding machine去磁机Demagnetization machine万能摇臂钻床Universal radial movable driller立式钻床Vertical driller超声波清洗机Ultrasonic clearing machine compre sion molding 压缩成型flash mold 溢流式模具plsitive mold 挤压式模具split mold 分割式模具cavity 型控母模core 模心公模taper 锥拔leather cloak 仿皮革shiver 饰纹flow mark 流痕welding mark 溶合痕post screw insert 螺纹套筒埋值self tapping screw 自攻螺丝striper plate 脱料板piston 活塞cylinder 汽缸套chip 细碎物handle mold 手持式模具(移转成型用模具)encapsulation molding 低压封装成型(射出成型用模具)two plate 两极式(模具)well type 蓄料井insulated runner 绝缘浇道方式hot runner 热浇道runner plat 浇道模块valve gate 阀门浇口band heater 环带状的电热器spindle 阀针spear head 刨尖头slag well 冷料井cold slag 冷料渣air vent 排气道welding line 熔合痕eject pin 顶出针knock pin 顶出销return pin 回位销反顶针sleave 套筒stripper plate 脱料板insert core 放置入子runner stripper plate 浇道脱料板guide pin 导销eject rod (bar)(成型机)顶业捧subzero 深冷处理three plate 三极式模具runner system 浇道系统stress crack 应力电裂orientation 定向sprue gate 射料浇口,直浇口nozzle 射嘴sprue lock pin 料头钩销(拉料杆) slag well 冷料井side gate 侧浇口edge gate 侧缘浇口tab gate 搭接浇口film gate 薄膜浇口flash gate 闸门浇口slit gate 缝隙浇口fan gate 扇形浇口dish gate 因盘形浇口diaphragm gate 隔膜浇口ring gate 环形浇口subarine gate 潜入式浇口tunnel gate 隧道式浇口pin gate 针点浇口Runner less 无浇道(sprue less)无射料管方式long nozzle 延长喷嘴方式sprue 浇口;溶渣emboss 凸点dome 凸圆semi-shearing 半剪stamp mark 冲记号deburr or coin 压毛边punch riveting 冲压铆合side stretch 侧冲压平reel stretch 卷圆压平groove 压线blanking 下料stamp letter 冲字(料号) shearing 剪断tick-mark nearside 正面压印tick-mark farside 反面压印冲压名称类extension dwg 展开图procedure dwg 工程图die structure dwg 模具结构图material 材质material thickness 料片厚度factor 系数upward 向上downward 向下press specification 冲床规格die height range 适用模高die height 闭模高度burr 毛边gap 间隙weight 重量total wt.总重量punch wt.上模重量五金零件类inner guiding post 内导柱inner hexagon screw 内六角螺钉dowel pin 固定销coil spring 弹簧lifter pin 顶料销eq-height sleeves=spool 等高套筒pin 销lifter guide pin 浮升导料销guide pin 导正销wire spring 圆线弹簧outer guiding post 外导柱stop screw 止付螺丝located pin 定位销outer bush 外导套模板类top plate 上托板(顶板)top block 上垫脚punch set 上模座punch pad 上垫板punch holder 上夹板stripper pad 脱料背板up stripper 上脱料板male die 公模(凸模)feature die 公母模female die 母模(凹模)upper plate 上模板lower plate 下模板die pad 下垫板die holder 下夹板die set 下模座bottom block 下垫脚bottom plate 下托板(底板)stripping plate 内外打(脱料板)outer stripper 外脱料板inner stripper 内脱料板lower stripper 下脱料板零件类punch 冲头insert 入块(嵌入件)deburring punch 压毛边冲子groove punch 压线冲子stamped punch 字模冲子round punch 圆冲子special shape punch 异形冲子bending block 折刀roller 滚轴baffle plate 挡块located block 定位块supporting block for location定位支承块air cushion plate 气垫板air-cushion eject-rod 气垫顶杆trimming punch 切边冲子stiffening rib punch = stinger 加强筋冲子ribbon punch 压筋冲子reel-stretch punch 卷圆压平冲子guide plate 定位板sliding block 滑块塑料模具专业术语动模 movable mould moving half 定模座板 fixed clamp plate, top clamping plate. top plate 动模座板 moving clamp plate. bottom clamping plate. bottom plate上模座板 upper clamping plate下模座板 lower clamping plate凹模固定板 cavity-retainer plate型芯固定板 core-retainer plate凸模固定板 punch-retainer plate模套 chase. bolster. frame支承板 backing plate. supprr plate 垫块 spacer parallel支架 ejector housing. mould base leg 压力铸造模具 die-casting die压铸模零部件定模 fixed die, cover die定模座板 fixed clamping plate定模套板 bolstor, fixed die动模 moving die,ejector die动模座板 moving clamping plate直流道 sprue横流道 runner内浇口 gatelanded plunger mold||有肩柱塞式模具burnishing die||挤光模landed positive mold||有肩全压式模具button die||镶入式圆形凹模loading shoe mold||料套式模具center-gated mold||中心浇口式模具loose detail mold||活零件模具chill mold||冷硬用铸模loose mold||活动式模具clod hobbing||冷挤压制模louvering die||百叶窗冲切模composite dies||复合模具manifold die||分歧管模具counter punch||反凸模modular mold||组合式模具double stack mold||双层模具multi-cavity mold||多模穴模具electroformed mold||电铸成形模multi-gate mold||复式浇口模具expander die||扩径模offswt bending die||双折冷弯模具extrusion die||挤出模palletizing die||叠层模family mold||反套制品模具plaster mold||石膏模blank through dies||漏件式落料模porous mold||通气性模具duplicated cavity plate||复板模positive mold||全压式模具fantail die||扇尾形模具pressure die||压紧模fishtail die||鱼尾形模具profile die||轮廓模flash mold||溢料式模具progressive die||顺序模gypsum mold||石膏铸模protable mold||手提式模具hot-runner mold||热流道模具prototype mold||雏形试验模具ingot mold||钢锭模punching die||落料模lancing die||切口模raising(embossing)||压花起伏成形re-entrant mold||倒角式模具sectional die||拼合模runless injection mold||无流道冷料模具sectional die||对合模具segment mold||组合模semi-positive mold||半全压式模具shaper||定型模套single cavity mold||单腔模具solid forging die||整体锻模split forging die||拼合锻模split mold||双并式模具sprueless mold||无注道残料模具squeezing die||挤压模stretch form die||拉伸成形模sweeping mold||平刮铸模swing die||振动模具three plates mold||三片式模具trimming die||切边模unit mold||单元式模具universal mold||通用模具unscrewing mold||退扣式模具yoke type die||轭型模模具钢材 khuôn thépalloy tool steel 合金工具钢aluminium alloy 铝合金钢bearing alloy 轴承合金blister steel 浸碳钢bonderized steel sheet 邦德防蚀钢板carbon tool steel 碳素工具钢clad sheet 被覆板clod work die steel 冷锻模用钢emery 金钢砂ferrostatic pressure 钢铁水静压力forging die steel 锻造模用钢galvanized steel sheet 镀锌铁板hard alloy steel 超硬合金钢high speed tool steel 高速度工具钢hot work die steel 热锻模用钢low alloy tool steel 特殊工具钢low manganese casting steel 低锰铸钢marging steel 马式体高强度热处理钢martrix alloy 马特里斯合金meehanite cast iron 米汉纳铸钢meehanite metal 米汉纳铁merchant iron 市售钢材molybdenum high speed steel 钼系高速钢molybdenum steel 钼钢nickel chromium steel 镍铬钢prehardened steel 顶硬钢silicon steel sheet 矽钢板stainless steel 不锈钢tin plated steel sheet 镀锡铁板tough pitch copper 韧铜troostite 吐粒散铁tungsten steel 钨钢vinyl tapped steel sheet 塑胶覆面钢板塑件与模具compre sion molding压缩成型flash mold溢流式模具plsitive mold挤压式模具split mold分割式模具cavity型控母模core模心公模taper锥拔leather cloak仿皮革shiver饰纹flow mark流痕welding mark溶合痕post screw insert螺纹套筒埋值self tapping screw自攻螺丝striper plate脱料板piston活塞cylinder汽缸套chip细碎物handle mold手持式模具(移转成型用模具)encapsulation molding低压封装成型(射出成型用模具)two plate两极式(模具)well type蓄料井insulated runner绝缘浇道方式hot runner热浇道runner plat浇道模块valve gate阀门浇口band heater环带状的电热器spindle阀针spear head刨尖头slag well冷料井cold slag冷料渣air vent排气道welding line熔合痕eject pin顶出针knock pin顶出销return pin回位销反顶针sleave套筒stripper plate脱料板insert core放置入子runner stripper plate浇道脱料板guide pin导销eject rod (bar)(成型机)顶业捧subzero深冷处理three plate三极式模具runner system浇道系统stress crack应力电裂orientation定向sprue gate射料浇口,直浇口nozzle射嘴sprue lock pin料头钩销(拉料杆) slag well冷料井side gate侧浇口edge gate侧缘浇口tab gate搭接浇口film gate薄膜浇口flash gate闸门浇口slit gate缝隙浇口fan gate扇形浇口dish gate因盘形浇口diaphragm gate隔膜浇口ring gate环形浇口subarine gate潜入式浇口tunnel gate隧道式浇口pin gate针点浇口Runner less无浇道(sprue less)无射料管方式long nozzle延长喷嘴方式sprue浇口;溶渣零件类punch冲头insert入块(嵌入件)deburring punch压毛边冲子groove punch压线冲子stamped punch字模冲子round punch圆冲子special shape punch异形冲子bending block折刀roller滚轴baffle plate挡块located block定位块supporting block for location 定位支承块air cushion plate气垫板air-cushion eject-rod气垫顶杆trimming punch切边冲子stiffening rib punch = stinger 加强筋冲子ribbon punch压筋冲子reel-stretch punch卷圆压平冲子guide plate定位板sliding block滑块sliding dowel block滑块固定块active plate活动板lower sliding plate下滑块板upper holder block上压块upper mid plate上中间板spring box弹簧箱spring-box eject-rod弹簧箱顶杆spring-box eject-plate弹簧箱顶板bushing bolck衬套cover plate盖板guide pad导料块模板类top plate上托板(顶板)top block上垫脚punch set上模座punch pad上垫板punch holder上夹板stripper pad脱料背板up stripper上脱料板male die公模(凸模)feature die公母模female die母模(凹模)upper plate上模板lower plate下模板die pad下垫板die holder下夹板die set下模座bottom block下垫脚bottom plate下托板(底板)stripping plate内外打(脱料板)outer stripper外脱料板inner stripper内脱料板lower stripper下脱料板plain die简易模pierce die冲孔模forming die成型模progressive die连续模gang dies复合模shearing die剪边模riveting die铆合模pierce冲孔forming成型(抽凸,冲凸) draw hole抽孔bending折弯trim切边emboss凸点dome凸圆semi-shearing半剪stamp mark冲记号deburr or coin压毛边punch riveting冲压铆合side stretch侧冲压平reel stretch卷圆压平groove压线blanking下料stamp letter冲字(料号) shearing剪断tick-mark nearside正面压印tick-mark farside反面压印冲压名称类extension dwg展开图procedure dwg工程图die structure dwg模具结构图material材质material thickness料片厚度factor系数upward向上downward向下press specification冲床规格die height range适用模高die height闭模高度burr毛边gap间隙weight重量total wt.总重量punch wt.上模重量连接器connector端子terminal条型连接器bar connector阴连接器Housing阳连接器wafer线束wire harness间距space额定电压 rated voltage额定电流 rated current接触电阻contact resistance 绝缘电阻insulation resistance 超声波焊接ultrasonic welding 耐压withstand voltage针pin物料编号part number导线wire 基体金属Base metal电缆夹cable clamp倒角chamfer接触面积contact area接触件安装孔contact cavity 接触长度contact length接触件电镀层contact plating 接触压力contact pressure 接触件中心距contact space 接触簧片contact spring插孔socket contact法兰、凸缘Flange界面间隙interfacial gap键Key键槽keyway过渡段ramp屏蔽套shielding定位基准Datum reference扁平电缆flat cable ,Ribbon cable柔性印刷电线Flexible printed wiring多层印制电路Multilayer printed circuit焊盘pad图形pattern间距pitch负极Negative pole正极positive pole回流Reflow原理图Schematic diagram单面板single sided board双面板Two-sided board,Double-sided board表面安装surface Mounting翘曲warp, bow波峰焊wave soldering编织层braid同轴电缆coaxial cable电介质dielectric电缆中导线的头数ends外部干扰external interference填充物filler护套jacket比重specific gravity电阻的温度系数Temperature coefficient of resistance模具塑料模具mould of plastics注塑模具injection mould冲压模具die模架mould base定模座板Top clamping plateTop plateFixed clamp plate水口推板stripper plateA板A plateB板B plate支承板 support plate方铁 spacer plate底针板 ejector plate 面针板 ejector retainer plate回针 Return pin导柱 Guide pin有托导套 Shoulder Guide bush直导套 Straight Guide bush动模座板Bottom clamp plateMoving clamp plate基准线datum line基准面datum plan型芯固定板core-retainer plate凸模固定板punch-retainer plate顶针ejector pin单腔模具single cavity mould多腔模具multi-cavity mould多浇口multi-gating浇口gate缺料starving排气breathing光泽gloss合模力mould clamping force锁模力mould locking force挤出extrusion开裂crack循环时间cycle time老化aging螺杆screw麻点pit嵌件insert活动镶件movable insert起垩chalking浇注系统feed system主流道 sprue分流道runner浇口gate直浇口direct gate , sprue gate轮辐浇口spoke gate , spider gate点浇口pin-point gate测浇口edge gate潜伏浇口submarine gate , tunnel gate 料穴cold-slug well浇口套sprue bush流道板runner plate排飞槽vent分型线(面)parting line定模stationary mould,Fixed mould 动模movable mould, movable half 上模upper mould, upper half下模lower mould, lower half型腔cavity凹模cavity plate,cavity block拼块split定位销dowel定位销孔dowel hole型芯core斜销angle pin, finger cam滑块slide滑块导板slide guide strip楔紧块heel block, wedge lock拉料杆sprue puller定位环locating ring冷却通cooling channel脱模斜度draft滑动型芯slide core螺纹型芯threaded core热流道模具hot-runner mould绝热流道模insulated runner mould 熔合纹weld line (flow line)三板式模具three plate mould脱模ejection换模腔模具 interchangeable cavity mould 脱模剂release agent注射能力shot capacity注射速率injection rate注射压力injection pressure差色剂colorant保压时间holdup time闭模时间closing time定型装置sizing system阴模female mould,cavity block阳模male mould电加工设备Electron Discharge Machining 数控加工中心CNC machine center万能铁床Universal milling machine卧式刨床Horizontal planer车床Engine lathe平面磨床Surface grinding machine去磁机Demagnetization machine万能摇臂钻床Universal radial movable driller立式钻床Vertical driller超声波清洗机Ultrasonic clearing machine模具零件Top Plate 上托板(顶板)Top Block 上垫脚Punch Set 上模座Punch Pad 上垫板Punch Holder 上夹板Stripper Pad 脱料背板Up Stripper 上脱料板Male Die 公模(凸模)Feature Die 公母模Female Die 母模(凹模)Upper Mold Plate 上模板Lower Mold Plate 下模板Die Pad 下垫板Die Holder 下夹板Die Set 下模座Bottom Block 下垫脚Bottom Plate下托板(底板)Stripping Plate 内外打(脱料板)Outer Stripper 外脱料板Inner Stripper 内脱料板Lower Stripper 下脱料板Inner Guiding Post 内导柱Inner Hexagon Screw 内六角螺钉Dowel Pin 固定销Mould Coil Spring 模具弹簧Lifter Pin 顶料销Isoheight Sleeve 等高套筒Pin 销Lifter Guide Pin 浮升导料销-Guide Pin 导正销Wire Spring 圆线弹簧Outer Guiding Post 外导柱Stop Screw 止付螺丝Located Pin 定位销Outer Bush 外导套Punch 冲头Insert 入块(嵌入件)Deburring Punch 压毛边冲子Groove Punch 压线冲子Stamped Punch 字模冲子Round Punch 圆冲子Special Shape Punch 异形冲子Bending Block 折刀Roller 滚轴Baffle Plate 挡块Located Block 定位块Supporting Block for Location 定位支承块Air Cushion Plate 气垫板Air-Cushion Eject-rod 气垫顶杆Trimming Punch 切边冲子Stiffening Rib Punch Stinger 加强筋冲子Ribbon Punch 压筋冲子Reel-stretch Punch 卷圆压平冲子Guide Plate 定位板Sliding Block 滑块Sliding Dowel Block 滑块固定块Active Plate 活动板Lower Sliding Plate 下滑块板Upper Holder Block 上压块Upper Mid Plate 上中间板Spring Box 弹簧箱Spring-Box Eject-rod 弹簧箱顶杆Spring-Box Eject-Plate 弹簧箱顶板Bushing Block Liner Bushing 衬套Cover Plate 盖板Guide Pad 导料块模具技术用语各种常用模具成形方式Accurate Die Casting 精密压铸Powder Forming 粉末成形Calendaring Molding 压延成形Powder Metal Forging 粉末锻造Cold Chamber Die Casting 冷式压铸Precision Forging 精密锻造Cold Forging 冷锻Press Forging 冲锻Compacting Molding 粉末压出成形Rocking Die Forging 摇动锻造Compound Molding 复合成形Rotary Forging 回转锻造Compression Molding 压缩成形Rotational Molding 离心成形Dip Mold 浸渍成形Rubber Molding 橡胶成形Encapsulation Molding 注入成形Sand Mold Casting 砂模铸造Extrusion Molding 挤出成形Shell Casting 壳模铸造Foam Forming 发泡成形Sinter Forging 烧结锻造Forging Roll 轧锻Six Sides Forging 六面锻造Gravity Casting 重力铸造Slush Molding 凝塑成形Hollow Blow Molding 中空(吹出)成形Squeeze Casting 高压铸造Hot Chamber Die Casting 热室压铸Swaging 挤锻Hot Forging 热锻Transfer Molding 转送成形Injection Molding 射出成形Warm Forging 温锻Investment Casting 精密铸造Matched Die Method 对模成形法Laminating Method 被覆淋膜成形Low Pressure Casting 低压铸造Lost Wax Casting 脱蜡铸造Matched Mould Thermal Forming 对模热成形模Close Mold 合模Demould 脱模脱模剂Mould Unloading 开模Eject 顶出Tool Change Retooling Die Changing 换模-Mould Clamping 锁模各式模具分类用语Bismuth Mold 铋铸模Landed Plunger Mold 有肩柱塞式模具Burnishing Die 挤光模Landed Positive Mold 有肩全压式模具Button Die 镶入式圆形凹模Loading Shoe Mold 料套式模具Center-Gated Mold 中心浇口式模具Loose Detail Mold 活零件模具Chill Mold 冷硬用铸模Loose Mold 活动式模具Cold Hobbing 冷挤压制模法Louvering Die 百叶窗冲切模Composite Dies 复合模具Manifold Die 分歧管模具Counter Punch 反凸模Modular Mold 组合模具Double Stack Mold 双层模具Multi-Cavity Mold 多模穴模具Electroformed Mold 电铸成形模Multi-Gate Mold 复式浇口模具Expander Die 扩径模Offset Cold Bending Die 双折冷弯模具Extrusion Die 挤出模Stack Mold, Stack Injection Mould 叠层模Family Mold 反套制品模具Plaster Mold 石膏模Blank Through Dies 漏件式落料模Porous Mold 通气性模具Duplicated Cavity Plate 复板模Positive Mold 全压式模具Fantail Die 扇尾形模具Pressure Die 压紧模Fishtail Die 鱼尾形模具Profile Die 轮廓模Flash Mold 溢料式模具Progressive Die 顺序模Gypsum Mold 石膏铸模Portable Mold 手提式模具Hot-Runner Mold 热流道模具Prototype Mold 雏形试验模具原型模具Ingot Mold 钢锭模Punching Die 落料模Lancing Die 切口模切缝模Raising(Embossing)压花起伏成形Re-entrant Mold 倒角式模具Sectional Die 拼合模Runless Injection Mold 无流道冷料模具Sectional Die 对合模具Segment Mold 组合模Semi-Positive Mold 半全压式模具Shaper 定型模套Single Cavity Mold 单腔模具Solid Forging Die 整体锻模Split Forging Die 拼合锻模Split Mold 双并式模具Sprueless Mold 无注道残料模具Squeezing Die 挤压模Stretch Form Die 拉伸成形模Sweeping Mold 平刮铸模Swing Die 振动模具Three Plates Mold 三片式模具Trimming Die 切边模Unit Mold 单元式模具Universal Mold 通用模具Unscrewing Mold 退扣式模具Yoke Type Die 轭型模模具厂常用之标准零配件Air Vent Valve 通气阀Anchor Pin 锚梢Angular Pin 角梢Baffle 调节阻板Angular Pin 倾斜梢Baffle Plate 折流档板Ball Button 球塞套Ball Plunger 定位球塞Ball Slider 球塞滑块Binder Plate 压板Blank Holder 防皱压板Blanking Die 落料冲头Bolster 上下模板Bottom board 浇注底板Bolster 垫板-Bottom Plate 下固定板Bracket 托架Bumper Block 缓冲块Buster 堵口Casting Ladle 浇注包Casting lug 铸耳Cavity 模穴(模仁)Cavity Retainer Plate 模穴托板Center Pin 中心梢Clamping Block 锁定块Coil Spring 螺旋弹簧Cold Punched Nut 冷冲螺母Cooling Spiral 螺旋冷却栓Core 心型Core Pin 心型梢Cotter 开口梢Cross 十字接头Cushion Pin 缓冲梢Diaphragm Gate 盘形浇口Die Approach 模头料道Die Bed 型底Die Block 块形模体Die Body 铸模座Die Bush 合模衬套Die Button 冲模母模Die Clamper 夹模器Die Fastener 模具固定用零件Die Holder 母模固定板Die Lip 模唇Die Plate 冲模板Die Set 冲压模座Direct Gate 直接浇口Dog Chuck 爪牙夹头Dowel 定位梢Dowel Hole 导套孔Dowel Pin 合模梢Dozzle 辅助浇口Dowel Pin 定位梢Draft 拔模锥度Draw Bead 张力调整杆Drive Bearing 传动轴承Ejection Pad 顶出衬垫Ejector 脱模器Ejector Guide Pin 顶出导梢Ejector Leader Bush 顶出导梢衬套Ejector Pad 顶出垫Ejector Pin 顶出梢Ejector Plate 顶出板Ejector Rod 顶出杆Ejector Sleeve 顶出衬套Ejector Valve 顶出阀Eye Bolt 环首螺栓Filling Core 填充型芯椿入蕊Film Gate 薄膜形浇口Finger Pin 指形梢Finish Machined Plate 角形模板Finish Machined Round Plate 圆形模板Fixed Bolster Plate 固定侧模板Flanged Pin 带凸缘针Flash Gate 毛边形浇口Flask 上箱Floating Punch 浮动冲头Gate 浇口Gate Land 浇口面Gib 凹形拉紧楔Goose Neck 鹅颈管Guide Bushing 引导衬套Guide Pin 导梢Guide Post 引导柱Guide Plate 导板Guide Rail 导轨Head Punch 顶头冲孔Headless Punch 直柄冲头Heavily Tapered Solid 整体模蕊盒Hose Nippler 管接头Impact Damper 缓冲器Injection Ram 压射柱塞Inlay Bush 嵌入衬套Inner Plunger 内柱塞Inner Punch 内冲头Insert 嵌件Insert Pin 嵌件梢King Pin 转向梢King Pin Bush 主梢衬套-Knockout Bar 脱模杵Land 合模平坦面Land Area 合模面Leader Bush 导梢衬套Lifting Pin 起模顶针起模杆Lining 内衬Locating Center Punch 定位中心冲头Locating Pilot Pin 定位导梢Locating Ring 定位环Lock Block 压块Locking Block 定位块Locking Plate 定位板Loose Bush 活动衬套Making Die 打印冲子Manifold Block 歧管档块Master Plate 靠模样板Match Plate 分型板Mold Base 塑胶模座Mold Clamp 铸模紧固夹Mold Platen 模用板Moving Bolster 换模保持装置Moving Bolster Plate 可动侧模板One Piece Casting 整体铸件Parallel Block 平行垫块Parting Line 分模线Parting Lock Set 合模定位器Pass Guide 穴型导板Peened Head Punch 镶入式冲头锤击强化冲头钻杆凸模Pilot Pin 定位销导向销子Pin Gate 针尖浇口Plate 衬板Pre Extrusion Punch 顶挤冲头Punch 冲头Puncher 推杆Pusher Pin 衬套梢Rack 机架Rapping Rod 起模杆Re-entrant Mold 凹入模Retainer Pin 嵌件梢Retainer Plate 托料板Return Pin 回位梢Riding Stripper 浮动脱模器Ring Gate 环型浇口Roller 滚筒Runner 流道Runner Ejector Set 流道顶出器Runner Lock Pin 流道拉梢Screw Plug 头塞Set Screw 固定螺丝Shedder 脱模装置Shim 分隔片Shoe 模座之上下模板Shoot 流道Shoulder Bolt 肩部螺丝Skeleton 骨架Slag Riser 冒渣口Slide(Slide Core)滑块Slip Joint 滑配接头Spacer Block 间隔块Spacer Ring 间隔环Spider 模蕊支架Spindle 主轴Sprue 注道Sprue Bushing 注道衬套Sprue Bushing Guide 注道导套Sprue Lock Bushing 注道定位衬套Sprue Puller 注道拉料浇道推出杆注道残料顶销Spew Line 合模线Square Key 方键Square Nut 方螺帽Square Thread 方螺纹Limit Stop Collar 限位套Stop Pin 止动梢Stop Ring 止动环Stopper 定位停止梢Straight Pin 圆柱销Stripper Bolt 脱料螺栓Stripper Bushing 脱模衬套Stripper Plate 剥料板Stroke End Block 行程止梢Submarine Gate 潜入式浇口Support Pillar 支撑支柱顶出支柱Support Pin 支撑梢-Supporting Plate 托板Sweep Template 造模刮板Tab Gate 辅助浇口Taper Key 推拔键Taper Pin 拔锥梢锥形梢Teeming Pouring 浇注Three Start Screw 三条螺纹Thrust Pin 推力销Tie Bar 拉杵Tunnel Gate 隧道形浇口Vent 通气孔Wortle Plate 拉丝模板模具术语翻译动模 Movable Mould Moving Half定模座板 Fixed Clamp Plate Top Clamping Plate Top Plate动模座板 Moving Clamp Plate Bottom Clamping Plate Bottom Plate上模座板 Upper Clamping Plate下模座板 Lower Clamping Plate凹模固定板 Cavity-retainer Plate型芯固定板 Mould Core-retainer Plate凸模固定板 Punch-retainer Plate模套 Die Body Die Sleeve Die Blank支承板 Backing Plate Support Plate垫块 Spacer Parallel支架 Ejector Housing Mould Base Leg模头 Die Head根据国家标准,以下为部分压铸模具标准翻译。

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Department of Computer Systems
A Modular Speci cation of a Telephone System
Lars Kempe
Master of Science Thesis DoCS 94/51
October 1994 ISSN 0283-0574
I would like to thank my advisor, professor Bengt Jonsson, for the opportunity to conclude my M. Sc. education with this project. I would also like to thank him for helping me with di erent theoretical and practical matters whenever needed, and for many fruitful discussions (hopefully also fruitful to him). Finally I would like to thank my supervisor at Ellemtel Research AB, JanOlof Nordenstam, for his support of this project, and the rest of section SU at Ellemtel for listening patiently to my work progress reports. This project was carried out at the Department of Computer Systems, Uppsala University, Sweden, and was nancially supported by Ellemtel Research AB (for which I am mtroduction 2 Introduction to Temporal Logic
2.1 Formal Methods : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 2.1.1 Declarative vs. Procedural Speci cations 2.1.2 Di erent Formal Methods : : : : : : : : : 2.1.3 Ingredients of a Speci cation : : : : : : : 2.2 The Language for the Temporal Logic : : : : : : 2.2.1 Terms : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 2.2.2 FORM0 : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 2.2.3 FORM1 : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 2.2.4 FORM : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 2.3 The Semantics of TL : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 2.4 Using Temporal Logic for Specifying Programs : 2.5 Transformations of TL Formulae : : : : : : : : : 2.5.1 Modularization of Speci cations : : : : : 2.5.2 The Composition of Speci cations : : : : 2.5.3 Interference of Actions : : : : : : : : : : : 3.1 Introduction to STT : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 3.2 The Language for STT : : : : : : : : : : : : : 3.3 The Semantics of STT : : : : : : : : : : : : : 3.3.1 The Semantics of FSTT : : : : : : : : 3.3.2 The Semantics of STT : : : : : : : : : 3.3.3 The Semantics of an Example System : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 13 13 14 14 15
This report describes a modular speci cation of a telephone service, consisting of a basic service and several additional services. The speci cation language used is an instance of linear-time temporal logic. This instance is based on the Temporal Logic of Actions (TLA) Lam91] but the semantics is in parts di erent and an event predicate that models the interaction between a system and its external environment. In the case of telephone systems this external environment may be users, system administrators, etc. and the interaction could be a user dialling a number or the adding of a new subscriber by the system administrator. This temporal logic has been equipped with a special syntax called a Syntax for Temporal logic Transformations (STT) which imposes a structuring of the temporal formulae which makes the language more suitable for simulation or execution, and also contains constructs that can be used to specify transformations of speci cations such that new services can be speci ed on top of existing speci cations. All but one construct can be expressed in temporal logic as well, but the new constructs are easier to use than the corresponding construction in temporal logic. The only construct which is not de nable in temporal logic is used to specify certain useful behaviours often wanted in telephone systems. The speci cation of the service is divided into modules describing the basic telephone service and additional services such as short number, redirection of calls, etc. The modules are designed to refer only to themselves and the basic service, not to other services. This is important when several di erent designers develop services independently. The related problem of feature interaction is presented and discussed in general, and some related work on the subject is described brie y. The feature interaction problem is also discussed brie y in terms of STT. The STT-speci cation of the telephony service has been translated to the speci cation language LOTOS BB89] and the translation has been simulated using the LOTOSsimulator SMILE.