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1.take up占用(时间、空间);从事

The piano takes up too much space in the room.


3.take place发生

4.take the place of代替

Now cotton can be taken the place of by many other materials. 5.take one’s place就座;代替某人职位

They took their places before the meeting began.

6.take it easy别着急

7.take off脱掉;起飞,成功

8.take part in参加

9.take pride in以……而自豪

He took pride in being a student in Peking University.

10.take in理解;被骗

I need some time to take in what you had told me.

11.take on接受(工作);呈现(品质、面貌)

If you agree to take on this project, it will mean a lot of pressure.

His voice took on a deeper tone as he began the prayer.

12.take over接管


1.turn up出现;开大(音量);发生

He didn’t turn up until two o’clock yesterday afternoon. 2.turn on打开(自来水、煤气等)的开关

When you want a bath, you turn on the tap.

3.turn off关闭(电视、电灯等)

4.turn down开小(音量)

5.turn in交回,上交

6.turn to求助于;翻到

They always turn to me when they are in trouble. 7.turn into变成

8.turn out结果是;关上(电灯);生产

Don’t worry —I am sure it will all turn out fine.

The factory turns out 300 units a day.

二十、help, hand, lead和die构成的动词短语

1.help sb. with sth.帮助某人做某事

I often help my mom with housework.

2.help oneself to sth.自便;随便吃

Jim,help yourself to some cakes.

3.hand in交上来

4.hand out分发

5.lead to导致

Hardwork can lead to success.

6.1ead a…1ife过……的生活

The old man led a simple life in the country.

7.die of死于……(内因)

The old man died of old age.

8. die from死于……(外因)

Many old people died from air pollution in winter.

9.die out灭绝

This kind of bird is dying out.

二十一、talk, speak, hear和answer构成的动词短语

1.talk with sb. 和某人谈话

2.speak up大声点说;自由而清楚地发表意见

3.hear of听说

4.hear from接到某人的书信

I haven’t heard from him for nearly a year.

5.answer for对……负责

Everyone should answer for his own activities.


1.send for派人去请

2.send out发出(光亮等)

3.send up发射

4.send off寄出;派遣;给……送行

Many of his friends sent him off at the airport.

5.set about开始……;着手

We’ll set about doing this next month.

6.set out出发;开始

We set out to work at five in the early morning and hoped to finish it before dark. 7.set up建立;树立;设立

Many new buildings have been set up in this area in the past ten years. 8.set free释放

In the end all slaves were set free.

9.set an example to树立榜样

By doing this he set an example to the rest of the world.


1.show up露面;出现

2.show off炫耀;卖弄

3.show sb. around领某人参观

We were showed around the new factory by the chief engineer. 4.point out指出

If I have done anything wrong, please point it out.

5.point at指指点点

In part of Asia you must not sit with feet pointing at another person.

6.agree with同意;和……意见一致(+人)

7.agree on对……取得一致意见

The building of a new factory was agreed on last month.

8.pay for赔偿;为……而付钱;为……付出代价

I paid 100 yuan for that shirt.

9.pay off还清债务

It took the couple ten years of hard work to pay off the debts.

10.pay back把钱还回给某人

I can lend the money to you on condition that you must pay it back in two days. 二十四、try和wait构成的动词短语

1.try on试穿

He is trying on a new suit.

2.try out试用;试验;检验

Any TV set must be tried out before it leaves the factory.

3.wait for等待

Hurry up! They must be waiting for us.

4.wait on服侍

Mrs. Smith waited on her husband from morning till night.
