


零件方向一致,也就不能实现零件在材料 上 有序排列,
所以这类设备缺乏定向移动功能。 ()没备定位性能分析 这类设备仿形切割原理是 2 割炬机械式 自动沿样板边缘运动而实现异型零件的切
割 ,南于设 备样板与被切割零件之I NN距 30 50 m, 0 0 m
囫 堕 盟 趔
— — 轧梭 热工 l 加
Wd Ct e & u l i t
调节螺栓换成滚轮组件 1 和滚轮组件 2 ,就可以实现设

方便,将导轨板按照图 2 异型零件排列方向铺没, 设备 落在导轨板上,调整好样板与每行第一个零件位置,拧 紧锁紧手轮锁紧滚轮 ( 见图 3 ,切割每行第 一 ) 个零件

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厂 。. 。 ,、 厂 、 。 。 。 ,. . 、 一
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显然, 这种操作方式比改进前切割效率高,同时也保证
我厂通过一年多的实际应用,取得了显著的经济效 益, 大大缓解了厂里数控切割机生产能力不足的现象, 满足了生产的需求。
蛙 惶 捷 强 | 蛙 I 往奠鼢 i
回( 固@
( 上接第 5 9页)
用引出板 , 焊后将引 出板切除掉。如没有引 出板或 电流
的分析后 ,决定采用上述的工艺方 法和技术要领 ,并 自 制 了精确 的专用夹具 , 选用 直流正接 ,小电流快速跳跃

土木学会 钢构造委员会 座屈设计ガイドライン2005版资料C08-10

土木学会 钢构造委员会 座屈设计ガイドライン2005版资料C08-10

第8章柱内容8.1概説8.2柱の挙動と不完全性8.3鋼柱の強度8.4鋼柱の基準耐荷力8.5弾性拘束された柱8.6局部座屈と全体座屈の連成強度8.7変断面柱8.8今後の展望内容細長比パラメータPerry-Robertson型耐荷力式複数強度曲線有効座屈長局部座屈と全体座屈の連成今後の展望細長比パラメータYcrY()r/(rE12Ycr1Euler耐荷力Perry-Robertson型耐荷力式222YE 2YE Ycr 4)1(111214)1(1)1(121=02220202Ycr 41121複数柱強度曲線座屈実験結果の分布と変動変動要因:鋼種,製作法,断面形,座屈方向,初期不整量複数柱曲線の断面区分種々の境界条件と座屈係数(有効座屈長)局部座屈と全体座屈の連成強度Q -Factor 法YcrYcl局部座屈のない柱の耐荷力積公式YclYcgYcr ,minQfQ f Q Ycr Ycr fYcgまとめと今後の展望1.複数曲線2.数値解析初期たわみ量3.数値解析残留応力量の実測データ4.数値解析による耐荷力計算5.既存構造物の腐食等の経年劣化合理的な補修,第9章はり内容9.1概説9.2はりの曲げ挙動9.3はりの弾性横ねじれ座屈9.4はりの非弾性横ねじれ座屈9.5桁の全体横ねじれ座屈9.6まとめと今後の展望内容はり部材の破壊構造物の横ねじれ座屈OLADHJFGKBCIMvx zyM断面の全塑性強度はり断面の強度区分Ⅰ塑性設計適用断面Ⅱ塑性強度断面Ⅲ降伏強度断面Ⅳ座屈強度断面コンパクトノンコンパクト0.600.60塑性強度限界0.50 0.55塑性設計適用限界ウェブ幅厚比パラメータRw フランジ幅厚比パラメータRfI 形断面での条件局部座屈を考慮した断面の強度ee e /2/2h cⅠ,Ⅱ:M n = M p Ⅱ’:M y <M n < M p Ⅲ:M n = M y Ⅳ:M n = Q b M yR R 断面強度区分1.00.7降伏強度限界R y0.60.6塑性強度限界R p ウェブRwフランジRf (自由突出板)(周辺支持板)局部座屈に関する限界幅厚比パラメータ局部座屈を考慮した曲げ強度弾性横ねじれ座屈強度の一般式t wA fA w =d yz等価T 形柱断面I I EGJEIGJ EI GJEIGJ EI I I z z z y z 22222211)(11両端単純支持の2軸対称断面はりyzI I IJbE A 2A 32Er /Yfw 22YcrY 道示の細長比パラメータ荷重および境界条件の影響-弾性拘束弾性拘束されたはりcr 1次モード2次モード上フランジ拘束3.751545R 2= =238GJ2EIせん断中心拘束B 3/2/2弾性拘束点MK By zOv,req0102030402主桁橋における弾性拘束DIN4114 (Engesser)Holt (n=8)(道路橋設計便覧)BS5400弾塑性有限変位解析実験および解析に基づく耐荷力曲線Perry-Robertson 型公式24222bu Z ZM En M /M b実験値(b =0.88)b R n R n1b2u u 下限値曲線平均値曲線オイラー曲線実験値(b =0.85)b R n 下限値曲線R n平均値曲線1b2オイラー曲線耐荷力曲線の比較影響関数道示の耐荷力式道示圧延はり(平均値)溶接はり(平均値)弾性座屈圧延はり(下限値)溶接はり(下限値)u bb bbu (2)1220204120012bE A A Er /yfwycry23222道示の細長比パラメータ局部座屈との連成強度Qファクター法4222bu Z Z M Q En M /M Q コンパクト断面ノンコンパクト断面実験値EP bM M /Q u Q Qファクター法による整理EY bM M /u 道示Perry-Robertson型式溶接はり=0.25桁の全体横ねじれ座屈20406080H-350175711L-909010H-9003001628y =355 N/mm2横桁連結横構連結横繋ぎ材剛性無限大格間座屈M EqL / B―25下横構対傾構2018横桁送り出し架設時コンクリート床版打設時(L / B)cr横繋ぎ形式全体横ねじれ座屈強度の評価式格間横ねじれ座屈のみ考慮する範囲まとめと今後の展望第10章はり-柱内容10.1概説10.2軸力と曲げを受ける断面(短柱)の強度10.3はりー柱の部材強度10.4今後の展望はり-柱(軸力と曲げを受ける部材)の強度相関式の分類(表10.1.1)弾性限強度全塑性強度局部座屈強度面内強度面外強度2軸曲げ強度側方変位(P 効果)変断面はり-柱面内連成強度断面強度弾性限強度弾性横ねじれ座屈強度終局強度部材強度軸力と1軸曲げ・H形[強軸](10.2.7)例:H形断面(軸力と強軸曲げ) PM P Samples: 0.551.80f w A A 0.55fwA A 1.80f wA A b zyww d f d d tfA wA YσYσ軸力と2軸曲げH形(10.2.13),(10.2.15),(10.2.17)例:H形断面(軸力と2軸曲げ)21.0y zpcy pczM MM M1.0y zpcy pczM MM M1.0y zpcy pczM MM Mzzy0.3(1.73)0.6(2.18)0.0( 1.60)YP P0.9(5.87)ねじりモーメントの影響(10.2.21)見かけの降伏点KYを用いて全塑性強度を評価bdYKYKP()q t TYKYKyM tt22**1.08y pyy Y M A PM tZ P *0wY A P P A 21p T T , , * 1.0w Y A PA P 2***2114y pyy YYM A P bdPM bZ P A P ::局部座屈を伴う連成強度軸力と1軸曲げ・H形,箱形(10.2.22)式(10.2.22) 解析値 R f 0.4500.6160.821 1.232121.0ululc c P M P M 0.40111.33fC R 20.2710.719fC R 断面強度 各板要素の終局強度の和部材強度モーメント増幅係数A F ・モーメント修正係数C m(P 効果)(不等端モーメント荷重) , ≒1mP 1M 2M 2012cos 12(1cos )M kL M kL L01m 0M 0M PL12M M EP L P中間荷重が作用する場合のC mmM mC 構造・荷重状態P(1)No.(4)P1.028q L m P P 効果によるqL2L P1.00.2EPP 4WL PW部材強度AISC マニュアルに準じて旧版の表を修正(表10.3.1)部材強度mzy z FyFzYyYzYM M PA A M M P 1軸曲げを2軸曲げへ拡張各軸の最大曲げモーメントは同じ断面で生じることを前提最大曲げモーメントの位置が極端に異なる場合,合理的ではないが安全側の評価弾性限強度相関式部材強度面内終局強度相関式1.01m uE p C PMP P P M 1.1811.0pYMPM P uP 11.01uE pPMP P P M P P 全塑性強度の相関式(H 形断面)P u は柱の面内座屈を考慮した終局強度P E はオイラー座屈荷重部材強度面外終局強度相関式1.05+ 0.31/C b ≒0.6+0.4=C m弾性横ねじれ座屈強度相関式(不等端モーメント荷重)1011.01y Ezb crEy M PP C M P P 面外終局強度相関式へ拡張1 1 1.01y mcuz uyEy M C PP M P P 横ねじれ座屈の影響を過大評価する傾向軸力と2軸曲げに対する終局強度相関式部材強度M uy ,M u z は,はりの終局強度弱軸曲げによる横ねじれ座屈は生じないため,M u z =M pz 1.0y z ucyuczM M M M数値解析値に基づく非線形終局強度相関式1軸曲げの面外終局強度相関式の拡張式11,uci uiuEi PP M M i y z P P , 1.011uzyz uEzEyuyM M PP P P M M P P L r 0204060yL r *y ucyM M (H 2032037.211)W831数値解析値(10.3.34), 1.7式(10.3.31),(10.3.32)式0.3,0.3YrcYP P *z ucz M M zy2037.211203線形式非線形式, = 1.7←数値解析値側方変位のあるはりー柱部材強度2次弾性解によるモーメント増幅係数を基礎ABcl ()b k (1)c k cKl E P EP EP 1.01m Au EK p C M P P P P M 0.85AISC C C [ ],[鋼構造塑性設計指針]部材曲げ[P 効果]と側方変位[P 効果]から照査モーメントを算定(AISC -LRFD 規準)(a)iw -th storyi -th storyi ih 1i w 1i w 1i 1i1N N i12ntltMB M B M 11.01mEKC B N N 211ioB N1018.m EKP C モーメント,面内連成強度相関式部材強度11()m u E b p C M P P P P Q M 1 1.0ululM P P M 0.51M/M p0.652 0.868 1.302=0.526 , =1.0相関式 解析値 R f0.510=1.052 , =0.0曲げが支配的な範囲()uY c cP P Q f Q /c ul YQ P P /pbul Q M M ():::Y Eul ui f P P P P M 柱の基準強度式各板要素の終局強度の和有効幅による曲げ強度Qファクター有限変位解析適用時の注意部材強度1m uE pC PM P P P M 有効座屈長まとめと今後の展望はり-柱の強度相関式の分類を中心に今後の検討課題。






3100Y30I17999CJProducts Unlimited 3100, Definite Purpose Contactors, Pole Configuration 3, 24VACCoil Voltage Rating, 60A Contact Current Rating, PanelRelays, Contactors & Switches>Contactors>Definite Purpose Contactors>DP CONTACTORS, 3 POLE, 20-40FLAContact Arrangement: 3 Form X, 3PST-NO-DMMounting Type:PanelContact Current Rating:60 ACoil Voltage Rating:24 VACPole Configuration:3All DP CONTACTORS, 3 POLE, 20-40FLA (43)FeaturesProduct Type FeaturesMolded YesProduct Category Electromechanical RelaysProduct Type ContactorArc Cover WithProduct Classification Relays - ContactorsModel93Contactor Type Definite PurposeTerminal Configuration Box Lug, Quick ConnectConfiguration FeaturesAuxiliary Switch Contact Arrangement WithoutElectrical CharacteristicsActuating System ACCoil Voltage (Max)24 VACCoil Voltage Rating24 VACCoil Resistance 1.77 ΩContact Switching Voltage (Max)600 VACContact Features3100Y30I17999CJ ACTIVEProducts UnlimitedTE Internal #:8-1611019-5Products Unlimited 3100, Definite Purpose Contactors, PoleConfiguration 3, 24VAC Coil Voltage Rating, 60A Contact CurrentRating, PanelView on >Products Unlimited 3100|Contact FeaturesContact Base Material Silver Cadmium OxidePole Configuration3Contact Current Rating60 AContact Arrangement 3 Form X, 3PST-NO-DMTermination FeaturesCoil Termination6-32 Screw, Quick ConnectMechanical AttachmentMounting Plate WithMounting Type PanelDimensionsWire Size 2.08 – 33.6 mm²Industry StandardsUL Flammability Rating UL 94V-0Agency Approval CSA Certified, SEMKO Certified, ULRecognizedPackaging FeaturesPackaging Method IndividualOtherTorque50 in-lbsProduct ComplianceFor compliance documentation, visit the product page on >EU RoHS Directive 2011/65/EU Compliant with ExemptionsEU ELV Directive 2000/53/EC Not CompliantChina RoHS 2 Directive MIIT Order No 32, 2016Restricted Materials Above ThresholdEU REACH Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006Current ECHA Candidate List: JUN 2020(209)Candidate List Declared Against: JUN 2018(191)Cadmium oxide (.12%)Article Safe Usage Statements:Use personal protective equipment as required. Do not eat, drink or smoke whenusing this product. Recycle if possible and dispose of the article by following allapplicable governmental regulations relevant to your geographic location. Halogen Content Not Yet Reviewed for halogen content Solder Process Capability Not applicable for solder process capabilityProduct Compliance DisclaimerThis information is provided based on reasonable inquiry of our suppliers and represents our current actual knowledge based on the information they provided. This information is subject to change. The part numbers that TE has identified as EU RoHS compliant have a maximum concentration of 0.1% by weight in homogenous materials for lead, hexavalent chromium, mercury, PBB, PBDE, DBP, BBP, DEHP, DIBP, and 0.01% for cadmium, or qualify for an exemption to these limits as defined in the Annexes of Directive 2011/65/EU (RoHS2). Finished electrical and electronic equipment products will be CE marked as required by Directive 2011/65/EU. Components may not be CE marked.Additionally, the part numbers that TE has identified as EU ELV compliant have a maximum concentration of 0.1% by weight in homogenous materials for lead, hexavalent chromium, and mercury, and 0.01% for cadmium, or qualify for an exemption to these limits as defined in the Annexes of Directive 2000/53/EC (ELV). Regarding the REACH Regulations, TE’s information on SVHC in articles for this part number is still based on the European Chemical Agency (ECHA) ‘Guidance on requirements forsubstances in articles’(Version: 2, April 2011), applying the 0.1% weight on weight concentration threshold at the finished product level. TE is aware of the European Court of Justice ruling of September 10th, 2015 also known as O5A (Once An Article Always An Article) stating that, in case of ‘complex object’, the threshold for a SVHC must be applied to both the product as a whole and simultaneously to each of the articles forming part of its composition. TE has evaluated this ruling based on the new ECHA “Guidance on requirements for substances in articles” (June 2017, version 4.0) and will be updating its statements accordingly.TE Model / Part #ZPF000000000036945983-6SE 14-04 SN-LTE Model / Part #1058120-13284 3201 10TE Model / Part #822283-000204K012-3-0TE Model / Part #2-2176370-1RQ 0603 698R 0.1% 10PPM 5K RLDefinite Purpose Contactors(80)TE Model / Part #1611349-134300-332=AUXILIARY SWITCH 1N.TE Model / Part #175022-1PL EX MKII 250 REC 18-14AWG PTBRCompatible PartsAlso in the Series Products Unlimited 3100Customers Also BoughtTE Model / Part #3-1879669-7H4 2K74 0.1% 25PPMTE Model / Part #1-1879336-4CPF 0603 316R 1% 50PPM 1K RLTE Model / Part #YACT20MJ19SNC00100SQUARE FLANGE RECEPTACLETE Model / Part #YACT20MJ19SAC00100SQUARE FLANGE RECEPTACLETE Model / Part #ZPF000000000001199097-0014-16TE Model / Part #ZPF000000000001233097-0165-12DocumentsCAD Files3D PDF3DCustomer View ModelENG_CVM_CVM_8-1611019-5_O.2d_dxf.zipEnglishCustomer View ModelENG_CVM_CVM_8-1611019-5_O.3d_igs.zipEnglishCustomer View ModelENG_CVM_CVM_8-1611019-5_O.3d_stp.zipEnglishBy downloading the CAD file I accept and agree to the of use.Terms and Conditions Datasheets & Catalog PagesIndustrial Relays Quick Reference GuideEnglishModel 93 - 3100 Definite Purpose Contactor 3-pole, 50-60 FLA AC CoilEnglish。

FLAMMA 吉他综合效果器FX150 说明书

FLAMMA 吉他综合效果器FX150 说明书
吉他综合效果器 中文说明书
注意事项-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------01 性能概述-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------02 主面板说明----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------03-04 接口面板说明-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------05-06 应用场景连接说明------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------07-12 连接吉他功放后级+吉他箱体--------------------------------------------------------------------------------07 连接全频设备 - -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------08 全频+非全频设备混合连接 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------09 连接吉他音箱的INPUT - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------10 连接吉他音箱的FXLOOP------------------------------------------------------------------------------------11 四线接法 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------12 基本操作------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------13-19 开机 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------13 主界面--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------13 编辑界面-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------14 选择预置音色--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------15-17 编辑预置音色 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------18 编辑效果链顺序----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------19 预置音色保存------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------19 调音器-------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------20 LOOPER乐句循环功能--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------21-22



目录一、德国RECK 公司简介二、MOTOmed适应症三、MOTOmed的特点四、MOTOmed的治疗目的五、MOTOmed产品型号划分六、MOTOmed的功能七、训练方案和专用名词缩写八、MOTOmed viva1操作指南九、MOTOmed viva2操作指南德国RECK公司简介RECK公司位于德国南部的Betzenweiler,由Anton·Reck先生于1957年创建。












GB/T 3730.1 汽车和挂车类型的术语和定义GB/T 15089 机动车辆及挂车分类GB 1589-2016 汽车、挂车及汽车列车外廓尺寸、轴荷及质量限值3术语和定义GB/T 3730.1、GB/T 15089和GB 1589-2016界定的以及下列术语和定义适用于本文件。

3.1 整车测试用典型工况Typical test cycle for automotive test在中国交通环境下,描述特定车辆(如乘用车、商用车、城市客车等)行驶特征的时间-速度曲线。

3.2 乘用车行驶工况China light-duty vehicle test cycle for passe nger car(CLTC-P)M1类车辆使用的整车测试用典型工况。

3.3 轻型商用车行驶工况Chi na light-duty vehicle test cycle for commercialvehicle (CLTC-C)N1类和最大设计总质量不超过3500kg的M2类车辆使用的整车测试用典型工况。

3.4 客车行驶工况China heavy-duty commercial vehicle test cycle for bus andcoach最大设计总质量大于3500kg的客车使用的整车测试用典型工况总称,包含中国城市客车行驶工况(CHTC-B )和中国普通客车行驶工况(CHTC-C )。

3.5 货车行驶工况China heavy-duty commercial vehicle test cycle for truck最大设计总质量大于3500kg的货车使用的整车测试用典型工况总称,包含中国货车(GVW < 5500kg)行驶工况(CHTC-LT )和中国货车(GVW > 5500kg)行驶工况(CHTC- HT)。



推荐品牌••••••••••••••••••••奥古斯塔阿普利亚Aprilia巴山宝雕奔野宝马 2013 F800GTBMW HP4(2013款)C 600 Sport (2012款) BMW G450XS1000RRBMW G 650 GSBMW F 650 GSBMW R 1200 GSBMW F 800 RBMW K 1300 RBMW C 600 SportBMW S 1000 RRBMW K 1300 SBMW HP4BMW K 1600 GTLBMW K 1600 GTBMW R 1200 RTBMW F 800 STBMW R 1200 RBMW R 1200 GS Adventure BMW G 650 GS SERTAO BMW F 700 GSBMW F 800 GSBMW C 650 GTBMW C EVOLUTIONBMW K 1300 GTBMW K 1200 SBMW K 1200 GTPIAGGIO 比亚乔L T400 leMP3 400 2012 Vespa LX 3V Fly 50 4VFly 150Typhoon 125BV 350BV Tourer 500 MP3 500LX 50 4VS 50 4VLX 150 IES 150 IEGTS 300 IEGTS 300 IE SUPER LXV 150 IEGTV 300 IE2012 X10 500Benelli贝纳利小黄龙BJ150-15AMotard 250Cafe-899-RacerBX CROSSBX ENDUROBX MOTARD飓风1130Torado Tre 1130咖啡骑士1130Cafe 1130 Racer 亚马逊1130Tre 1130K Amazona 雀克1130Tre 1130KTNT899STNT899城市卫士TNT 1130KVELVETPEPE 50 LXPEPE 50 BASETNT SPORT EVOCentury RacerBJ125GY-16ABJ250GY-22ue756TNT_R160银刃BJ250T-8TNT899(世纪版)黄龙BN600(欧洲版)本田Honda 2014 CTX7002013 CBR1000RR2013 VTR250(本土版)2013 VTR250F(本土版) 2013 Zoomer X 110CB500XCBR500RMetropolitanEV-02 Purification System GL1800U3-X2013 CB1100VFR1200FShadow RSShadow Spirit 750FuryST1300 ABSGold Wing 1800 F6BVT 1300 Fury2013 NSS300 ForzaRUCKUSST1300PA不倒翁GYRO X不倒翁GYRO Canopy超级幼狐Super Cub 50超级幼狐Super Cub 110超级幼狐Super Cub 50 POR超级幼狐Super Cub 110 POR BENRYIBENRYI 110Little CubCRF450RCRF250RFTRCRF250LSilver Wing GT <600>Silver Wing GT <400>FAZEFORZA ZPCXPCX 150Dio 110CBR1000RR金翅Gold Wing Audio Comfort NT700V ABSNC700NC700XSabreStatelineInterstateCB1000RCBR600RRCBR250RCRF230MCRF230LSilver Wing ABSShadow Aero Shadow Phantom CBF1000SH150iElite北极星Polaris REACTION 250剃刀RZR(运动版)剃刀RZR(国际版)剃刀RZR(四人座)剃刀RZR(四人座EPS版)剃刀900 XPRZR(锋锐版)剃刀900 XPRZR(限量版)游侠 400游侠六人座游侠800 XP EPS游侠800 XP游侠 6X6运动家850 双人旅行款运动家850 XP运动家6X6运动家800 EFI运动家550 双人旅行款运动家550 X2运动家550 XP运动家550运动家500 H.O.双人旅行款运动家500 H.O.叛逆者525 IRSMV700MVRS700 4X4MVRS700 6X6RZR-SW标致SATELISSPEEDFIGHT 3SPEEDFIGHT 3 RSCITYSTAR 200iKisbee 100 Lovely(可爱版)Kisbee 100 sportlineKisbee 100Kisbee 100 RSVIVACITY 125(sixtise)复古版VIVACITY 125(RG)罗兰加洛斯版VIVACITY 125KisbeeVOCUSTOURACE巴贾杰Bajaj Avenger 220 DTS-i Pulsar 200 NS Pulsar 220 DTS-i Pulsar 180 DTS-i Pulsar 150 DTS-i Pulsar 135 LS Discover 150 Discover 125 ST Discover 125 Discover 100 Platina 100 CC春风狒狒CF125-2CF625-6领跑王CF150-BCF650J夜猫CF125-2C领跑王CF150-C650TRCF650-2650NKCF650捷悍300CF250T-8捷马CF250T-6A黄蜂,狒狒CF125狒狒CF 125领跑3代CF150-A悠乐CF125T-25V9CF250T-5AV5CF250T-5领跑CF150V3CF250T-3A大绵羊(带尾箱)CF250T-F(白金版)大绵羊(不带尾箱)CF250T-G(升级版)小绵羊(带尾箱)CF150T-3F(白金版)得意CF150T-6电喷得意CF150T-6A 得意CF125T-22电喷得意CF125T-22A 标准大鲨CF250T-2B 平板大鲨CF125T-2D X8CF800-2Z6CF625-3X6单座CF500-6X6双座CF500-6A ATV-单座CF500ATV-双座CF500-A ATV-单座CF500-2 ATV-双座CF500-2单座X5CF500-5双座X5CF500-5A UTVCF500-3V3CF250T-3警车V5CF250T-5警车领跑二代CF150-A重庆跨月CQ110-J机灵CQ110-3H劲雅CQ110-7福翔CQ110-3CQ125-28A骏飙CQ125-6B骏飙ⅡCQ125-6B 龙驹CQ125-28凯炫CQ150-A锦龙驹CQ125-28C 龙驹CQ125-28H 骏飙CQ125-7A龙驹CQ125-28D 机灵CQ110-3C劲雅CQ110-9Dkawasaki川崎CONCOURS14ER-6nNinja 6502012 Vulcan 900 ClassicD大运Z800(2013) Versys(KLE650CCF)2012 欧洲标准版 Versys(KLE650CCF)2012 欧洲 ABS 版 ZZR1400 ER500C ZX-6R(2013) KX450F KX85(2013 款) KX85-Ⅱ(2013 款) KLX125(2012 款) 小忍者 Ninja 250R(2012 款) 250TR(2013 款) ESTRELLA(2013 款) KLX250(2012 款) KX250F(2013 款) 忍者 ER-4n(2012 款) 忍者 ER-4n ABS(2012 款) 忍者 Ninja 400R(2011 款) W800(2011 款) VULCAN 900 Classic(2013 款) ZRX1200 DAEG(2012 款) KX65(2013 款) ZX-10R(2011 款) KLE650AVersys Tourer(2011 款) Z1000SX Z750R新风驰 DY125-13 新逍悦 DY150-3G 逍龙 DY125-17 劲动 DY150-22 巧巧 DY48QT-K 运发 DY110-3K 新风驰 DY150-21 劲爽 DY150-20 DY125T-12 DY125T-11 DY125-16 DY100T-K DY150-5K DY150-3K DY125T-5K大阳DY125-K DY125-11K DY125-9K DY125-8K DY125-6K DY125-2K DY110-6K DY110-2K DY48QT 多美 DY48QT-2 风暴 DY150ZH-2 旭驰 DY150ZH-2 凌鹰 DY110ZH 博士 DY110ZH T1-1DY150ZH-2 小太子 亮剑 BX110ZH BX150ZH 爵士 DY110ZH 凌鹰三代 DY110ZH T1 新车型 爵士王子 V1200 博士后 DY110ZH 爵士新秀 DY110ZH 猎鹰 DY110ZH V1-1DY150ZH-2 V1DY150ZH-2 V1 新车型 V1 T1DY150ZH-2 T2DY150ZH-2 劲彪 DY150-25 骁驰 DY125-9泰本田 DY110-2E(新) DY110-18A(新) 新君胜 DY110-52 宝宝 2DY110-28A DY90-7C DY90-4C DY90-3E DY48Q-5A大地鹰王DY48Q-3A DY48Q-2A DY125-9A DY125-52C DY125-10A DY110-D DY110-20A DY110-15A DY100-C DY125T-26 DY125T-16(新) 跑跑 DY100T-8(新) DY100T-6(新) DY48QT-A DY48QT-2A DY125T-6 DY125T-5C DY125T-4D DY100T-A DY90-K DY110-26A 远锐 DY125-35H 远锐 DY150-19H 逍途 DY125-17 枭锋(导流罩版)DY150-6 福路 110DY150ZH-5 西部狮王 DY200ZH-2 福星 DY110ZH-12 王中王 DY110ZH-12 福旺 DY150ZH-5 鹰豹 DY150-9 君豹 DY125-23 君豹 DY150-23巷战王 DD150G-3 街头霸王 DD250E-9A 沙尘暴 DD150E-2F 沙尘暴 DD125E-5F 远程之鹰 DD350G 西部风情 DD250G-2N 巷战王 DD125G-3 迪特那 DD350E-6C 西部风情 DD250G 街头霸王 DD250E-9B大福 大龙DD300E-6赛驰三代 DF125-2G 威翎 DF150-2G 战影 DF150-2G 福威 DF150-2G 天剑 DF125-2G 美式太子 DF125-3G 锐剑 DF125-2G 福星 DF150-3G 福翼二代 DF125-2G 福锐 DF125-2G 福轿 DF125-2G 赛驰二代 DF125-2G 福鹰 DF125-2G 福龙 CG 机 DF150-3G 福龙 DF150-3G 福轿 DF150-3G 福爽 DF150-3G 载重王 DF150-2G 祥云(DF150-2G)5 赛驰一代(DF125-2G) 灵豹 DF125-2G 浪潮花 DF125-3G 金 CGDF125-G 轿跑 DF125-2G 豪华 CG 福王 DF125-2G 福翼一代 DF125-2G GS 太子 DF125-3G CG 福王 DF125-2 CGDF125-G 优悦小公主 DF100T-2G 未来之星 DF110-2GDL125T-29E DL150ZH-20C DL110ZH-20C DL110ZK-2 DL800ZH-A DL150ZH DL150ZH-B DL100ZH-3A DL200ZH-3 DL125ZH-B东本 东方龙DL100ZK-C DL70ZK DL90ZH DL100ZC DL110ZH-C DL100ZK-B DL150ZK DL150ZH-C DL125-22B CG 王 DL125-27 龙威 DL125-27A 锐翼 DL125-30B DL125-30K 五羊 DL150L-24C铁马 DB250ZH-2A 星星 II 代 DB200ZH-5A 悍将 DB200ZH-5A(玻璃钢) DB175ZH-A 雪狐 DB150ZK-A DB175ZH-2A 铁马 DB200ZH-A 大力神 DB200ZH-2A 大力神 DB250ZH-ADFL100-3B DFL100-3A DFL125-F DFL125-2 DFL125T-A DFL250 DFL150-3 DFL150-2C DFL150-2B DFL150-6 DFL125-G DFL125-E DFL125-D DFL125-C DFL125 DFL125-A DFL125-B DFL100AX DFL100-3C杜卡迪DFL100-3 DFL100-2 DFL50QT-8 DFL50QT-5 DFL50QT-2 DFL50QT DFL125T-G DFL125T-F DFL125T-C DFL125T-8 DFL125T-5 DFL125T DFL150GY-8 DFL125GY-9 DFL125GY-8 DFL125GY-7 DFL125GY-6 DFL125GY-5 DFL125GY-12 DFL125GY-11 DFL125GY-10 DFL50Q DFL125ZK DFL100ZK2013 1199 Panigale R Streetfighter 848 Diavel Carbon Hypermotard 1100 evo SP 终极异兽 Monster 1100 evo Monster Diesel 终极异兽 Monster 20th Anniversary Multistrada 1200 S Sport Streetfighter S Superbike 848 evo Corse SE Superbike 1199 Panigale Superbike 1199 Panigale S Tricolore 魔鬼 Diavel(普通版) 魔鬼 Diavel(碳纤版) 滑胎车 Hypermotard 796 怪兽 Monster 796 ABS Multistrada 1200 ABS 旅行车 Multistrada 1200 S Touring 街霸 Streetfighter S 1098F飞肯超级赛车 superbike 1198 s 超级赛车 Superbike 848 evo 1199 Panigale S 恶魔 Diavel-AMG Monster 795 2013 1199 Panigal R 2013 HyperStrada 2013 Hypermotard SP 2013 Hypermotard 2013 Pikes Peak 2013 Granturismo Diavel Strada悦爵 FK125-G 俊朗 FK125-BG 新飞翼 FK125-8G 锐翼 FK125-8G 圆灯版 锐翼 FK125-8G 欧洲版 锐锋 FK125-6G 悦爵 FK150-G 鸿运 FK110-G 鸿运 飞肯王 FK125-G FK125-G 越野版 劲锋 FK125-G 祥云 FK125-BG 大油箱 翼豹 GSFK125-6G 翼豹 GS 老红 FK125-6G 老红 新花 FK125-6G(GS 新花) GS 铃木太子 FK125-5G 钻豹 2 号 FK125-4G 老红 FK125-4G FK125-4G(5 号) 金丝猫 FK125-2G BT 三号 FK125-2G 劲捷 FK25-G FK125-G 警车 FK125-G 服务车 FK125-BG 警车 阵风 FK125-8G 新飞翼 FK125-8G(GS) 龙太子 FK125-BG 飞跃 FK125-G优越 100FK125T-3G 飞翔 FK125-G 舒适型 飞锐新花 FK125-4G 熊猫盼盼 FK48QT-G 飓风 FK125-8G 飞驰 FK125-8G X 射线 FK125-8G 五羊 FK150-G(越野款) 翼豹 FK125-6G 迅翼 FK125-8G 迅鹰 FK125T-G 大公主 FK125T 小公主 FK125T-3G 轻舞飞扬 FK125T-3G 飞剑王 FK125-10G 旋锋 FK125-9G 威翎 FK125-G 威力 FK125-G 万里顺 FK125-G 隆太子 FK125-BG 战鹰 FK125-8G 战车 FK125-8G 亮翼 FK125-8G 超级刀 FK125-4G 超凡 CG 王 FK125-2G 精品太子 FK125-BG GS 老红 FK125-6G 威驰 FK110-G 泰本田 FK110-G(升级版) FK110-G(F8) 大阳 FK110-2G(升级版) 锐志 FK125-8G 铃木王飞锐 FK150-6G 俊朗 FK150-BG 锐星 FK110-G 飞肯 5 号 FK125-4G 风云 2 号 FK125-G RSZ 鬼火 FK100T-G 旋锋 FK125-8G 佳影 飞剑王 FK125-10G(越野版) 飞剑 sFK125-10G 天使 FK50QT 小公主 FK50QT飞鹰 飞翎彩运 FK48QT 赛威 FK125-8G 巧阁 FK50QT(越野版) 赛威 FK125-8G(头罩) 精品 CG 王 FK125-2G 风翼 FK125T-3G 巧阁 FK50QT凌雅 FY100T-2A 天箭 FY125-18A 风尚 FY125T-3P 飞戟 FY100-2B 电镀鬼火 FY100T-8A RSzeroFY100T-8B 天箭 KFY125-18A FY125A CG 翼侠 FY125-18 霹雳侠 FY125-18 剑侠 FY125-18 冠爵 FY125-5A 银刀 FY125-3A 新鹰豹 FY125-3A 爬坡王 FY125-2A 金喜 FY125-2A 超爵 FY125-5A 风景 FY125T-3P 喜韵 FY100T-2A 佳悦 FY100-2A 风光 FY100T-3A 悠雅 FY100T-5A 车爽 FY100T-8A 车玩 FY100T-8A 花嫁 FY100T-A 街霸 FY150G-ZC 刀郎 FY125-20 KIKASS-ZC SX1-Q45 SX2-ZC小白雪 FL125T-20 先锋 FL125T 凌鹰 6 代 FL125T-4 公主四代 FL125T-2 平板大鲨 FL125T-8风火轮小光阳 FL50QT-16 飞狐 FL50QT-9 小帅哥 FL50QT-6 B08FL50QT-7 淩田王 FL50QT-25 华田王 FL50QT-26 华田金刚 FL50QT-31 神鹰 FL50QT-36 华田王 FL125T-25 华田金刚 FL125T-27 B10FL125T-21 小帅哥 FL125T-15 新迅风 FL125T-6 白雪 FL125T-9 凌田王 FL125T-25 凌鹰 5 代 FL125T-4 凌鹰 4 代 FL125T-4 凌鹰 2 代 FL125T-6 淩田王 FL150T-11 华田王 FL150T-11 华田金刚 FL150T-18 金刚 FL150T-10 天客 FL150T-7 飞艇 FL150T-2 飞狐 FL150T-3A 华田舰 FL150T-16 博士太子 FL150T-8 战友 FL150T-5 飞狐四代 FL150T-3A FL100T-3C FL150T-3C FL50QT-41甲壳虫 FHL48QT-7 小公主 FHL125T-9S 绵羊 FHL150T 神行者 FHL150T-11 腾龙 BFHL150T-8S 时代 EFHL150T-12S 剑影 IV 代 FHL125T-10 剑影 V 代 FHL125T-10S 翔龙 FHL125T-14 梦幻公主 FHL48QT-2 靓妹 FHL48QT-21峰光小 SFHL48QT-2 天尊 BFHL150T-7 金刚 BFHL150T-13S 福禧 XFHL48QT-2 天兔星 FHL48QT-3 小鲨 SFHL48QT-3 巧格 FHL48QT-3 精灵 CFHL48QT-7 精灵 BFHL48QT-7 狂风 FHL150T-10 骑士 BFHL150T-3锐剑 FK125-3A 英雄太子 FK125-8A 峰瑞(黑猫)FK125 明月公主 FK125T-3A 佳悦 FK100T-2 晶艳 FK48QT-6A(j) 晶巧 FK48QT-6A(g) 晶美 FK48QT-6A(f) 晶动 FK48QT-6A(d) 晶灵 FK48QT-6A 晶福 FK48QT-6A(h) 新晶灵 FK48QT-6A(e) 晶雅 FK48QT-3A 晶颖 FK48QT-3A(j) 晶鹰 FK48QT-3A(h) 晶彩 FK48QT-3A(h) 晶傲 FK48QT-3A(f) 晶韵 FK48QT-3A(d) 晶喜 FK48QT-3A(c) 晶悦 FK48QT-3A(b) 龙威太子 FK125-8A(b) KBFFK125-3A(h) 新锐剑 FK125-3A(d) 峰逸 FK125-3A 峰影 6 号 FK125-3A 峰瑞(银猫)FK125A 福瑞(兰猫)FK125A 金福瑞 FK125A 峰顺 FK125T-3A(e) 大 K-02FK125T-3A(c) 峰颖 FK125T-3A(b) 小 KFK100T-2(d)佛斯弟峰傲 FK100T-2(c)路霸 FT150-9C(国Ⅲ) 骏驰 FT150-8 本田太子 FT150-6C CBF 战鹰 FT150-10G 悦剑 FT150-8 骏驰 FT125-5C 悦爽 125 统帅太子 125 风暴太子 150 悦翼 FT125-5 悦翼 FT150-8 悦剑 FT125-5 风暴太子 FT150-5 铃木太子 FT125-2 本田太子 FT150-6 本田王 FT125-4 路霸 FT125-5 铃木王二代 FT125-5 铃木王 FT125-5 瑞虎 FT125-20 瑞虎 FT150-20 五羊款 FT125-20 五羊款 FT150-20 CG 王款 FT125-21 CG 款 FT125-21 骏驰 FT125-5 泰本田 FT110-C 未来之星 FT110 泰本田 FT110 大阳 FT100-A 至尊王 FT150T-20 比萨 FT125T-4 小金鱼 FT125T 佳悦 FT100T-4 小公主 FT100T-4 公主 FT125T-4 A 博士 FT125T-20 大绵羊 FT150T-2 金刚 FT150T-2 小光阳 FT50QT-6 中能王 FT50QT-9 中能王 FT150T-9富先达佳丽 FT125T-4 大鲨 FT125T-3 凌鹰 FT125T-8B 猎鹰 FT150T-20 F8 款 FT125T-F 大龟王 FT125T-4 B08 款 FT150T-5骏驰 FXD125-5 神舟一号 FXD125-5 新风雷二代 FXD125-5 CG 款 FXD125-7 五羊款 FXD125-6 骏驰 FXD150-8 瑞虎 FXD125-6 铃木王 FXD125-5 铃木王二代 FXD125-5 路霸 FXD125-5 祥龙二代 FXD125-3 本田王 FXD125-4 本田太子 FXD125-11 铃木太子 FXD125-2 风暴太子 FXD150-3 悦剑 FXD125-5 悦剑 FXD150-8 大阳 FXD100-6 泰本田 FXD110 未来之星 FXD110 B08 款 FXD150T-5 大龟王 FXD125T-4 F8 款 FXD125T-F 猎鹰 FXD150T-20 凌鹰 FXD125T-7B 大鲨 FXD125T-3 佳丽 FXD125T-4 中能王 FXD50QT-9 中能王 FXD150T-9 小光阳 FXD50QT-6 金刚 FXD150T-2 大绵羊 FXD150T-2 A 博士 FXD125T-18 公主 FXD125T-4 小公主 FXD100T-4 佳悦 FXD100T-4福田五星小金鱼 FXD125T 比萨 FXD125T-4 至尊王 FXD150T-20100ZH(ZA) 100ZH(ZB) 100ZH(ZC) 100ZH-3(ZB) 110ZH(LB) 110ZH(ZA) 110ZH(ZC) 110ZH-6(ZA)/(JA) 125ZH(LB) 125ZH(LF) 125ZH(ZB) 125ZH-2(TK) 150H(LP) 150ZH(GB) 150ZH(JN) 150ZH(LA) 175ZH(JN) 175ZH(LN) 175ZH(ZE) 175ZH(ZF) 200ZH(GA) 200ZH(GD) 200ZH(JN) 200ZH(SA) 250ZH-11(JA) 250ZH-11(ZA) 250ZH-2(A) 250ZH-8 650ZH(B) 800ZH(A) 800ZH-7(A) 800ZH-7(SA) 100ZH-5(TK) 100ZY(N) 100ZY(R) 100ZY(S) 100ZY(ZG) 100ZY(ZP) 100ZY(ZQ) 100ZY(ZS)100ZY-5 100ZY-7(DB) 110ZH-7(ZA) 110ZY(ZG) 110ZY(ZP) 110ZY(ZQ) 110ZY(ZS) 110ZY-2(ZB) 110ZY-2(ZC) 110ZY-2(ZQ) 御鹰二代 110ZY-6(ZA) 御鹰二代 110ZY-6(ZB) 110ZY-8(ZA) 175ZH-6(ZA)/(JA) 175ZH-6(ZB)/(JB) 125ZH-3(TK) 125ZH-5(TK) 125ZH-6(JC) 125ZH-6(ZC) 125ZH-7(TK) 125ZY(ZD) 125ZY(ZL) 125ZY-2(DA) 150ZH(LB) 150ZH(LF) 150ZH(LG) 150ZH(LH) 150ZH(LM) 150ZH(LN) 150ZH(ZD) 150ZH-11(JA) 150ZH-11(ZA) 150ZH-5(JB) 150ZH-5(ZA) 150ZH-6(ZB)/(JB) 150ZH-8 150ZH(JC) 150ZH(JD) 150ZH(JP) FT150ZH-5 FT150ZH-7 175ZH-11(JA) 175ZH-11(ZA) 175ZH-8175ZH-8(ZC)/(JC) 175ZH(GD)/(JD) 175ZH(JA) FT175ZH-3 FT175ZH-5 FT200ZH FT200ZH-8 200ZH(LN) 200ZH(ZB) 200ZH(ZJ) 龙霸 200ZH-11(JA) 200ZH-11(ZA) 200ZH-5(C) 200ZH-5(GA) 200ZH-8 200ZH-8(ZJ)/(JE) 200ZH(JA) 200ZH(JC) 200ZH(JD) 200ZH(JR) 200ZK-2(A) 800ZH-7(JB) 800ZH-8(A) 800ZH-8(BA) 800ZH-9(A) 800ZH-9(B) 800ZH(PB) FT250ZH 250ZH-8(ZJ)/(JE) 250ZH(GA) 250ZH(JA) 250ZH(ZJ)/(JE) FTD508TH(C) FTD508TK(B) FTD510TH(A) FTD610TH(B) FTD610TH(F) FTD612TH(A) FTD612TH(B) TDS08ZWK TDS11ZWH(GE) TDS12ZWH(B) TDS12ZWH(F) TDS21LWHG光阳TDS21ZWH TDS21ZWH(B) TDS22ZWH TDS22ZWH(B) TDS23ZWH TDS26LWH TDS26LWH(B) TDS26LWK TDS28LWH(C) TDS28LWH(D) TDS29LWH(B) TDS29ZWH TDS29ZWH(B) TDS31LWH TDS31LWH(B)威风豪迈 CK125T-2P 骏舞 CK110-E MXU500 ATV 弯道情人 Racing 150 Kcc(顶级版) 锋丽 CK110T-E(特仕版) 雷霆王 Racing King 180 动丽(运动版/豪华版)CK125T-3L 如意豪迈 CK125T-2M 御风 CK150-2B 王道 MYROAD700I 御风 CK125-8B 御风 CK125-6G 劲丽(特仕版)CK110T-D 艾骑丽 CK125T-6A 舒跑 CK125T-7B 新座风 125CK125-8E 新座风 150CK150-2A 锋丽 CK50QT-5B 豪帅 CK125-8D 豪汉 CK150-2 悦舞 CK110-D 世纪豪迈 CK125T-2J(国三版) 豪爽太子 CK125-8C 豪爽(美式嬉皮款)CK125-6E 豪旺 CK125-6D VENOX 250 Fi光速超 5G5 150 Fi 弯道情人 Racing 150 Fi(超跑版) Many 50Fi like180 新座风 CK125-6C 劲丽 CK110T-D 国 III 版 锋丽 CK110T-E(国 III 版) 锐丽 CK125T-3G(KDU 发动机) 舞 II 代 CK110-C 新座风 125(警车) Xciting R 250 GP125 Cherry 100 Many110 VJR110 CANDY110 凌丽 CK125T-3M 锐丽 CK125T-2L(GY6 发动机) 豪汉 CK125-6F伯爵 GS125-30B 光速王 GS125-22 A 博士 GS125T-20C 飞腾 GS110-22 金太子 GS125-22B 钻豹 GS125-30B GS 原装动力系统 铃木王 GS125-30B 铃木王 GS125-22 金豹王 GS125-27A 光速豹 GS125-30B CG 款 GS125-27 挑战者 GS125-22 金翼 GS125-30B 小公主 GS125T-29E 公主 GS125T-20A 大沙 GS125T-29 大绵羊 GS125T-20 大公主 GS125T-30A 骠骑 GS125T-20B GS125-30K 未来之星 GS110-22 泰本田 GS110-22国本大阳 GS110-22铃木太子 GB125 铃木王 GB125 风驰 GB110 龙卫士 GB110 猎鹰七代 GB150T-9C HG125T-D 光阳一代 GB50QT 光阳三代 GB50QT 天使 GB50QT 风暴阳光 GB50QT 巧格 GB50QT(运动版) 福禧 GB50QT 飞梦 GB50QT 博士后 GB125T-8C 帅哥四代 GB50QT-2C 小公主 GB100T-C A 博士 GB125T-8C 佳颖 GB50QT-4C 凌鹰 GB125T-5C 帅哥三代 GB125T-2C 迅鹰 GB125T-5C 小龟王 GB50QT 魔战 GB125T-5C 猎鹰二代 GB150T-9C 猎鹰三代 GB150T-9C 猎鹰四代 GB150T-9C 大绵羊 GB150T-11C 梦四 GB110 龙太子 GB110 龙金刚 GB110 泰本田 GB110 金鹰 GB200 五羊 GB125 铃木王二代 GB125 首领 GB125 大龟王 GB125T 光阳 GB50QT-16 B09GB50QT-21 猎鹰 GB50Q 凌鹰 GB50QT国威甲壳虫 GB50QT 公主 GB50QT-4C 泰本田 GB50Q(运动版) 风度 GB50Q 飞梦 GB125T-6C 帅哥四代 GB125T-2C赛驰 GW125-3A 路霸 GW150-3A 五羊 GW125-2A 铃木太子 GW125-4B 锋驰 GW125-3A GW125GY-3 GW150GY-3 GW200GY-3 GW70Q-3 GW50Q-2 GW70Q-2 GW50Q-5 GW70Q-5 GW50Q-7 GW70Q-7 金鹰 金鹰 GW150-5B 龙霸 GW150-5B 锐鹰 GW150-5B 飚王二代 GW150-5B 凌豹 GW125-3A GW125-2B CG 天翼 GW125-3A 铃木王 GW125-3A CM 太子二代 GW125-4A 风暴太子 GW150-A 迅鹰 鹰王 世纪凌鹰 风行 光阳三代 猎鹰五代 猫眼猎鹰 大阳跑跑 博士后巧格 天使 凌鹰 爱博士 五羊公主 小帅哥 欢喜 福禧 鬼火 酷派 BWS F22 泰本 泰本二代 未来之星 未来之星二代 金舰 迷你 F1-(1) 雅舰 迷你 F1-(2) 泰本三代 龙太子一代 龙太子二代 黄金甲 领舞 亚洲狼 天狼 C8 凌鹰 GW110ZH 爱博士 GW110ZH 国威超霸(水冷发动机-1)GW150ZH 国威超霸(水冷发动机-2)GW150ZH 国威超霸 GW150ZH 国威神龙 GW200ZK 残疾货车 GW125ZK 残疾 GW110ZK CM 太子 GW150ZH 风暴 A 型 GW150ZH(带雨篷) 风暴 B 型 GW150ZH 风暴 A 型 GW150ZH(风暴减震) 风暴 B 型 GW150ZH(带头罩) 五羊 GW150ZHH豪爵铃木炫迪 HJ110-3 炫迪 HJ110-5 悦帅 GD110(圆灯款) 骊爽 HJ150-7 超级骊爽 HJ125-20 骊驰(旅行款)GW250S 红宝 UM125T-C(标准版) 红宝 UM125T-C(运动版) 宝逸 HJ125-11A 宝逸 HJ150-11A 灵迪 HJ125T-18 灵迪 HJ125T-18A 骊爽[DA150S]HJ150-8 宝逸 HJ125-18K 宝逸 HJ125-18 骊爽 HJ125K-5 畅迪 FW110 骊驰 GW250 骊驰 GW250J 锐爽 EN125-2E 锐爽 EN125-2F 锐爽 EN125-3E 锐爽 EN125-3F 锐爽 EN150 锐爽 EN150-A 锐爽 EN150J 悦酷 GZ150-A 悦帅 GD110(导流罩款) 钻豹 HJ125K-2A 钻豹 HJ125K-3A 钻豹 HJ125K-A 红宝(电喷)UM125T 红宝 UM125T-A 天龙星 UA125T-3 天玉 UZ125T-A 新海王星 UA125T 新海王星 UA125T-A HJ125-8C HJ125-8E 迪爽 HJ150-9 迪爽 HJ150-9A 喜冠 HJ125-2E 喜冠 HJ150-2C银豹 HJ125-7D 银豹 HJ125-7E 银豹 HJ125-7F 银豹 HJ150-3A 悦冠 HJ125-16C 悦冠 HJ150-6A 悦冠 HJ150-6C 天鹰 HJ125T-16C 天鹰 HJ125T-16D 喜之星 HJ100T-7C 鹰钻 HJ125T-10E 宇钻 HJ125T-10 宇钻 HJ125T-10A 悦星 HJ125T-9C 喜运 HJ110-2C 喜运 HJ110-2D GN125-2 GN125-2F HJ110 丽星 HJ125T-3 海王星 HS125T HJ125T-12 福星 HS125T-2 红巨星 HJ125T-7 金巨星 HJ125T-8A 时尚之星 HJ100T-3 时代之星 HJ100T-2 银巨星 HJ125T-11A 蓝巨星 HJ125T-8 HJ125-8A EN125-2A EN125-2 悦冠 HJ125-16 悦冠 HJ125-16A HJ125-2D GN125H HJ125-7A 铃木钻豹王 HJ125-7C HJ125-2 锐爽 EN125J-2 GN125HJ 锐酷 GZ125HSJ 钻豹 HJ125KJ GN125-2D豪进 豪江HJ125-8D 五羊 HJ150-2A 五羊 HJ125-2A 五羊 HJ125-2C HJ110-A 银豹 HJ150-3C 天玉 UZ125T-C 悦冠 HJ150-6D 骊爽 HJ125-19 宝逸 HJ150-11(标准款) GP3Maxtra 125靓力 HJ100T-9 酷爽太子 HJ125-22 心驰 HJ110-9 酷尚 HJ110-9 增威 HJ150-19A 俏S 巧S 靓S 新时速 HJ125-E 新飞跃 HJ125-G 新天帝 HJ125-9E 新骑士 HJ125-7E 天禧 HJ110-5E 小 SHJ110T 翔悦 HJ125-A 酷将 HJ125-20 酷鹰 HJ125-9F 大 SHJ125T-2A 大 SHJ100T-5A 大 SHJ125T-2G烈豹 HJ125-2A 烈兽 HJ150-2A 天虎 HJ125-3H 烈兽三代 HJ125-5B(后鼓刹) 烈兽三代 HJ125-5B 烈豹 HJ125-8B(后鼓刹) 烈豹国 IIIHJ125-8B(圆灯) 烈豹 HJ125-8B(后碟刹) 天虎 HJ125-3B 劲享 HJ125-17 劲驰 HJ150-16(升级版)劲驰 HJ150-16 劲跑 HJ125-11 天翎 HJ125T-13 翎动 HJ125T-15 天怡 HJ125T-13(国 III) 亚洲豹 HJ110-13(国Ⅲ) 天颖 HJ125T-13 天使 HJ125T-13 五羊二代 HJ125-11(2012 款国 III) 五羊二代 HJ125-11(经典版) 五羊八代 HJ125-11(国 III) 五羊十代 HJ125-11(经典版国 III) 五羊九代 HJ150-11 豪威二代 HJ125-11(蓝色) 五羊十代 HJ150(高原状态) 金丝猫 HJ125-20(新款 CG) 摩卡 CGHJ125-12 HJ125-3B(红色二代) HJ125-3(升级版) HJ150-15(国 III) 豪钻二代 HJ125-16(升级版) 豪钻二代 HJ125-16(国 III) 铃木王一代 HJ125-16(红一代) 铃木王五代 HJ125-16(红五代) 铃木王六代 HJ125-16(红六代) 铃木王七代 HJ125-16(红七代) 新黄花 HJ125-16(经典版) 战神二代 HJ125-17(升级版) 战神二代 HJ125-17(国 III) 战神一代 HJ150-17(国 III) 金钢二代 HJ125-18(升级版) 金刚二代 HJ125-18(国 III) 原装太子 HJ125-13(国 III) 原装铃木王 HJ125-16(原装国 III) 原装铃木王 HJ125-16(原装) 彩翼 HJ110-13(经典版) 彩翼 HJ110-3 烈焰 HJ110-3(枣红) 炫彩 HJ110-3(经典版) 王子 HJ110-13 亮丽 HJ125T-13(09 升级版) 小公主 HJ125T-13(手刹)豪剑 哈力爱俊达HJ250GY-10 锋芒 HJ125 冲锋五羊 HJ125 豪剑龙 HJ125 翔锐 HJ125 领航 HJ125-12A HJ150-B HJ150-5 HJ125-5R 卡迪刀 HJ125-5 豹王 HJ125-5 卡迪刀二代 HJ125-5 飞翔 HJ125-5 银翼 HJ125-5 老虎 HJ200-26 大黄蜂 HJ125-5 铃木太子 HJ125-4A 皓月 光阳 HJ49QT-11A 速雅 HJ100T-8 天客 HJ125T-14 公主 HJ125T-8 普通 CGHJ125-2 金 CGHJ125-2 CG 王 HJ125-2 小 CGHJ125-2 CG 三代 HJ150-2 丘比特 HJ110 刀锋 HJ110-2 泰本田 HJ110 枭龙 HJ110 首领 HJ200-23烈火太子 HL100-D 天虹太子 HL100-D 大阳 HL110-2C 泰本田 HL110-2C 亚洲豹 HL110-2C 天星风云 星光灿烂 悍马 万华 600 大奔 小王子红旗 幻影 法拉利 福美莱 天翼 猎鹰 赛虎 飞龙 雄鹰 南极之光 东风 太阳风 皇冠 卡宴 奥通 100 金龟王 本田王 HL125-E 本田太子 HL125-2B 超光太子 HL125-T 哈雷龙 HL125-2C 哈雷龙二代 HL125-2C 剑神 HL125-2B 五羊攻击者 HL125-2A 新风锐 HL125-2C 中华二代 HL125-2B 铃木王 HL125-2C 哈雷王二代 HL125-2C 金勇 CGHL125-G CG125HL125-G 五羊 HL125-2A 大林太子 HL150-F 飚影 HL150-7 风暴 HL150-6 劲豹 HL150-9 追随者 HL150-2A 风暴八代 HL250-3 靓影狂飚 英雄跑车 HL200-7 首领跑车 HL200-9 GY50 GY110 HL150-DT海戈 海陵HG125T-C 大阳 HG110 HG150ZH-A HG150-2 HG125-3 HG200ZH-2A HG110ZH-2A HG125-15 HG50Q 泰本田 HG110 未来之星 HG110 本田太子 HG125 铃木太子 HG125 魅影(天翼)HG125 锐驰(铃木王)HG125 锐捷(铃木王)HG125 锐悦 HG125 迅翼 HG125 鹰 HG125 战豹 HG125 HG125T 猎鹰 HG125T 山猫 HG125T 小公主 HG125T 飞冠 HG125 龙 HG125 五羊越野 HG125 雅力美 200HL110B HJ110-2B HL125T-5B HL125T-7B HL150-2B HL125T-B HL125T-6B HL150B HL125T-2B 大阳 HL110-4(2 号贴花) 大阳 HL48Q-3(2 号贴花) 大阳 HL50Q-2(2 号贴花) 大阳 HL110-4(5 号贴花) 大阳 HL48Q-3(5 号贴花) 大阳 HL50Q-2(5 号贴花)豪豹 华骏[重庆双庆]华威龙 华鹰大阳 HL110-4(4 号贴花) 大阳 HL48Q-3(4 号贴花) 大阳 HL50Q-2(4 号贴花) 大阳 HL110-4(3 号贴花) 大阳 HL48Q-3(3 号贴花) 大阳 HL50Q-2(3 号贴花)泰本田 HB100-3A 超御 HB100T-2A 超颖 HB100T-3 HB125-A HB125-2B HB125-2C 铃木太子 HB125-3B 铃木太子(原装)HB125-3C 本田太子 HB125-4A 锐豹 HB125-9AHJ110-19 HJ110-22 HJ110-14A HJ150-6C HJ150-6B HJ150-6D HJ150GY-6B HJ150GY-6C福龙 HL125-9A 尊龙 HL150-3C 祥龙 HL125-3C CG 龙王 HL125-A 五羊 HL150-2A 巧格 HL125T-3A 迅鹰 HL125T-6A 小公主 HL125T-3A 青蛙王子 HL110-2A 泰本田 HL110-2AHY125-7(A) HY125(A) HY125-4(D) HY125-5(B)环松 火鸟 哈雷HY125-4(A) HY125-5(C) HY125-15A(A) HY125-4(G)HS250-3 HS400ATV-4 HS400ATV-6 HS500ATV-2(C 款) HS500ATV-2(B 款) HS500ATV-2(A 款) HS600ATV(C 款) HS600ATV(B 款) HS600ATV(A 款) HS800ATV HS700ATV(B 款) HS700ATV(A 款) Megelli 125R Megelli 125S Megelli 125M2 号花 HN125-A 4 号花 HN125-A 5 号花 HN125-B 1 号花 HN150-B 4 号花 HN150-B 4 号花 HN125-D HN150-J HN125T-J 1 号花 HN125T-G 2 号花 HN125T-G至尊滑翔 Ultra Classic Electra Glide 大道滑翔 Street Glide 路王 Road King 豪雅软尾 Softail Deluxe 经典版继承者 Heritage Softail Classic 肥仔定制 Fat Boy Special 肥仔 Fat Boy 戴纳征途 Switchback 戴纳肥霸 Fat bob胡思瓦纳 HusqvarnaJ嘉陵戴纳街霸 Street Bob 戴纳定制 Super Glide Custom 883 硬汉 Iron 883 883 运动版 Sportster 883R 883 低座超级版 SuperlowNuda/R 900 ABS TE250R TE310R WR125 WR250 WR300 TE449 TE511 TC250R CR125 TC449 TXC250R TXC310R WRE125 TE125 TE630 CR50 CR65 SM50 SMR125 SMS125 SMR630 SMR511 TR650 STRADA TR650 TERRA NUDA900新街火 JH200-8 新街火 JH150-8A 翼狼 2JH125-B 钻鲨 JL125T-2 倩影 JL48QT-2 靓鲨 JL100T-2 金悍王 JH150-7独狼 3JH150-6A(418K) 独狼 3JH125-6B 节油王 JL70 JH600-A JH70-B 好帅 2 代 JL110-8B 好帅 JL110-8A 好生活 JL110-7A JH125-5C SCV 好俊 JL125-9 好帅 125JL125-8 新独狼 JH125-6A(412) 金悍王 JH125-7C(427E) 金悍 JH125-7C(427) 翼狼 JH125-G(411E) 独狼 JH125-C(415) 铁悍 JH125-7B(425E) JH125E-6A 翼狼 JH125-A 金悍 JH150-7(424) 翼狼 JH150-G 翼侠 JH150GY-3 独狼 JH150-C(418G) 翼狼 JH150-C(414F) 街火 JH150-8(334) 新独狼 JH150-6 街火 JH125-8 翼狼 JH150-D 好帅 JL110-19 天火 IIJH125-35B JH150ZH-B JH200ZH JL110ZH-A JH200ZH-A JH150ZK JL50QZC-2A 消防车三代 JH600B 新翼侠 JH200GY-5A 铁悍ⅡJH125-2B 新翼侠 JH150GY-5 JH150ZH-C 售后服务车 消防车建设金悍王 SJH150-7(424G) 好帅 3JL125-8B F4RR鸽子 JS500DQT K9 JS150-31 JS150-32 (V6,刃)JS125-6H (V6,耀)JS125-6F V6JS125-6F(激情版) 小公主 JS100T-3 凌鹰 JS125T-9 公主 JS125T-12 闪灵 JS110-9G 灵颖 125JS125-9F 蓝狐 JS125T-C R6JS150-3 X6JS110-J 灵雅 JS110-B 灵颖 JS110-B 喜劲 JS125-F 闪灵 JY110 灵雅 JS110-BⅡ(运动版) JS125-6A(V6) 骏将 JS125-6B 沐风 JS125-28 青狮 JS125-28 青狮 骏风 JS125-6B 建龙 JS125-5E 沐风 JS125-28 YBF139 JS150-A(F3) JS125-6C(Z6) K8JS110-5(赛车版) R6JS150-3A(电喷) V6JS125-6F(越野版) 骏风 JS125-7A 骏风 SJS125-7C 沐风 JS125-28B 腾龙 JS150-13C 骏风 SJS150-7A 新沐风 JS150-28A 佳悦 JS100T-2 U 艇 JS125T-8精通 嘉冠K8JS110-5(标准版) 灵颖 JS110-9C X6JS110-9E X6 弯跑 JS110-9H JS400ATV JS600GK Z6JS125-8A JS250ATV-5 (R6,瞬)JS150-3C JS125-7A(邮政车) 快意 JS125-4X(F2) 酷龙 JS150-13A JS125ATV-A JS250ATV-3 JS400ATV-3 JS400ATV-7 JS250ATV-8喜悦 KT110-12(E1) 新五羊 KT150-16(A2) CBF 俊霸 KT150-12(C2) CBF 俊虎 KT150-12(D) 俊龙 KT150-12(E) 炫酷版 KT250GY(C) 炫动版 KT200GY(B) CG 俊霸 KT150-12(C1) 泰本田 KT110-12(B1) 五羊 KT150-16(A1) 喜韵 KT110-12(E2) 龙翔 KT150GY五羊 JG150-2(豪华版) 风影 JG150-16 飞度 JG110-6 未来之星 JG110-6(豪华版) 未来之星 JG110-6(标准版) 飞豹 狗儿车 JG48Q 泰本田 JG110-6 至尊版 泰本田 JG110-6 豪华版 泰本田 JG110-6 标准版 大阳 JG110 豪华版 大阳 JG110 标准版劲隆劲跑 JL150-75 领跑 JL150-56A 新劲领 JL150-51E K8JL150-56 劲福 JL110-36 劲驰 JL125-71A 自由风运动版 JL125-51C-DKB 劲领 JL150-51D 自由舰 JL150-56 冠龙 JL150-70A 云龙 JL125-70A 自由风 JL125-51C 乐驰 JL110-38 维纳斯 JL110-31A JL150GY-10 牛牛 II 代 JL125T-37-A 光影 JL200GY-4 E 太子 JL150-55 劲速 JL125-72A 牛牛 JL125T-37(普通版) 牛牛 JL125T-37-B(豪华版) 凌鹰 JL125T-31 乐酷 JL125T-39 小公主 JL100T-10 牧羊犬 JL150-59 乐翔 JL110-39 山地王 JL150-70A(普通款) 山地王 JL150-51 狮威 JL150-51 JL125-72(普通款) 金太子 JL125-72-W 金太子 JL125-72-WB JL125-72-IIW(升级版) JL125-71(普通款) 神力王 JL125-71-W JL125-71-I(升级版) 云龙 JL125-70D JL125-70 JL125-70-I JL110-32 JL100-31 劲逸 JL150-70D 悍鹰 JL125-16建设-雅马哈GTSP 迅鹰 ZY125T-4(电喷) 巧鸰 劲虎 VJYM150ESD 天剑 YBR125 VX-SPORT 丽鹰 ZY100T-3 新天剑 YBR125E 天剑 YBR125E(十周年纪念款) 天戟 Z(2013 款)YB125Z 天剑越野版 JYM125 天剑王 JYM250-2A(YBR250) F8JYM110 YB125E new 天剑 09JYM125(YBR125 nwe) 天戟 IIJYM125-3A(YB125S) 天剑 07YBR125 盖世天剑 JYM125(YBR125G) 劲悍 JYM125-5(YBR125SP) 劲悍 JYM125-6(YBR125SP) 新天剑欧 III 代 JYM125(5VL) 新天剑欧 III 代 JYM125-2(5VL) 天剑 YBR125G(越野版) 天骐 JYM125-3(YB125) 天剑 YBR125 劲虎 JYM150 雷霆劲豹 JYM150-B 劲豹 SRZ150 天剑王 JYM250 劲龙ⅡJYM250 劲飚 JYM200 劲焊 JYM125-6(YBR125sp-6) 警车 JYM150J 劲龙 JYM250J 天俊 YB125SP 凌鹰 100ZY100T-7 悦鹰 100ZY100T-8 迅鹰 125ZY125T-5(豪华版) 巧格 ZY100T-6 丽鹰 100ZY100T-5 天戟 ZJYM125-3E 天剑 K 越野版 JYM125-7A 新天戟 JYM125-3B 天剑 KYBR125K金城 嘉爵易发 JYM110-A 禧发 LYM110(C8) i8 爱发 JYM110-2 福禧 XLYM100TJC150-2Y JC150-2YD 战星 JC110-19A 灿星 JC110-19V JC125-7BV 炫跑 JC125-17BV 炫跑 JC150-6CV 飞豹 JC125-17V 金城刀 JC125-17HV 警用车 JC250-6 警用车 JC125 邮政车 JC125-17 警用车 GX125 GX125 金城刀 JC150-27 灵蜥 JC48QT 天使 JC125T-26 JC110Y JC50Q-5C 金童 JC50Q-7C JC150Y-2D JC150Y-2 JC250-6 JC200ZH JC150ZH JC110ZK JC110ZH-2 JC110ZH 志跑 JC150-23明锐 JJ150T-17 先锐 JJ150T-13 金刚 JJ150T-23 金爵 JJ150T-23 射灯小帅哥 JJ150T-8 B08JJ150T-9 B09JJ150T-7 B10JJ150T-24 F3JJ150T-31B三代猎鹰 JJ150T-4D 五代猎鹰 JJ150T-4C 心驰 JJ125-3 五羊 JJ125-2 未来之星 JJ110-7 明锐 JJ50QT-17 先锐 JJ50QT-13 金刚 JJ50QT-23 金爵 JJ50QT-23 射灯光阳 JJ50QT-3 射灯小帅哥 JJ50QT-8A 新款 QQJJ50QT-11 小天鹅 JJ50QT-3 B08JJ50QT-30A B09JJ50QT-22 B10JJ50QT-24 F3JJ50QT-31B 三代猎鹰 JJ50QT-11D 五代猎鹰 JJ50QT-11C 丽影 JJ50QT-21 小金刚 JJ50QT-28 小龟王 JJ50QT-4 F35JJ50QT-22 F22JJ50QT-22 明锐 JJ125T-17 先锐 JJ125T-13 金刚 JJ125T-23 金爵 JJ125T-23 射灯小帅哥 JJ125T-8 B08JJ125-19 B09JJ125-19 F3JJ125T-31 三代猎鹰 JJ125T-4 五代猎鹰 JJ125T-4 丽影 JJ125-3 小金刚 JJ125T-30 F35-125CC F22-125CC F35-150CC F22-150CC 250CC Scooter 未来之光 JJ110-7 泰本田 JJ110-7 铃木王 JJ125-3杰士达KKTM铃木太子 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Origin Effects BassRig Super Vintage 2 使用手册说明书

Origin Effects BassRig Super Vintage 2 使用手册说明书

OWNER’S MANUALVersion 1.0ORIGIN EFFECTS® is a registered trademark of Origin Effects Limited.All other product names and trademarks are the propertyof their respective owners and are hereby acknowledged.AMPEG® is a registered trademark of Yamaha Guitar Group, Inc.Origin Effects has no affiliation with Yamaha Guitar Group, Inc.SVT® is a registered trademark of Yamaha Guitar Group, Inc.Origin Effects has no affiliation with Yamaha Guitar Group, Inc.No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means, whethermechanical or electronic, without the written permission of Origin Effects Limited.Origin Effects Limited reserves the right to change the features and specifications described herein without notice or obligation. Origin Effects Limited cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage arising directly or indirectly from any error or omission in this manual.PLEASE READ ALL INSTRUCTIONS, PAY ATTENTION TO SAFETY WARNINGS.Document version 1.0© Origin Effects Limited 2022IMPORTANT:This product is designed to be powered from a 9VDC, >150mApower supply with 2.1mm centre-negative barrel connector.ContentsIntroducing the BASSRIG SUPER VINTAGE (4)Connecting the BASSRIG SUPER VINTAGE (5)Main Controls (5)Main Controls (continued) (6)Using the DI OUT: (7)Setting your AMP OUT EQ: (8)Sample Settings (9)Sample Settings (continued) (10)Appendix A: Physical Specification (11)Appendix B: Performance Specification (11)Appendix C: Connector Pin Out (11)Appendix D: Safety Notices (12)Appendix E: Warranty (13)Introducing the BASSRIG SUPER VINTAGEThe BASSRIG Super Vintage is an all-analogue amp recreation and overdrive pedal, based on the legendary Ampeg® SVT® valve bass amp and its unmistakable 8x10 speaker cabinet. Introduced in 1969, the SVT®was the first purpose-built, high-powered bass amp, designed to fill big stages. It set a new standard for bass amplification and remains the first choice for many of the world’s most respected players. The BASSRIG Super Vintage recreates the sound, feel and character of this revolutionary bass rig.Familiar, responsive controls let you dial in instantly recognisable vintage and modern tones, from deep soul and funk to growling rock and metal, while the BLEND control adds in clean signal for low-end clarity and extra articulation.Our powerful AMP OUT EQ tailors the voicing of the pedal to suit any amp and cab, never compromising your clean tone, and the cabinet-simulated DI OUT means you don’t need to use an amp at all – the perfect bass tone, direct to your PA or studio console.The BASSRIG Super Vintage gives you the world’s biggest bass amp tones in a pedal you can take anywhere.Key Features:All-Analogue Amp Recreation In-cluding:• Full valve amp-style signal path recreated using discrete, transistor-based circuitry• Push-pull output section with reactive load, simulating interaction between amp and speaker • Analogue 8x10 cabinet simulatorFlexible, intuitive controls:• Wide gain range, from clean to full-onsaturation• BLEND knob to mix in your dry signal• Powerful tone-shaping AMP OUT EQ Peerless Build Quality:• High-current, low-noise electronics • Ultra-high input impedance• High-quality buffered bypass• Advanced power supply filtering and protection• Premium components throughout • Designed and built in EnglandConnecting the BASSRIG SUPER VINTAGE9VDC: Connect a 9VDC 2.1mm centre-negative mains power adaptor (minimum 150mA).INSTR: Connect to your bass, guitar or other instrument.AMP OUT: Connect to your amp or power amp.DI OUT: Connect to your mixer, audio interface or PA system.Main ControlsDRIVE: The gain control functions exactly like the volume knob on a non-master-volume valve amp. Turn it clockwise for more gain, drive and distortion. Turn counterclockwise to clean things up.BLEND: This control blends in your clean signal in parallel with the recreated amp tone. Set the control fully clockwise then turn it counterclockwise to progressively mix in your original clean signal. This can help add definition to your tone, especially in the low end when using overdriven sounds.Main Controls (continued)OUTPUT: The output control sets the pedal’s overall output level. As it isn’t part of the BASSRIG’s recreated amp circuitry, the OUTPUT control won’t alter the pedal’s overdrive character. It simply lets you make it louder or quieter.TREBLE: Just like on the original Ampeg® SVT®, the tone controls are placed before the overdrive. Turning the TREBLE control up will not only increase top end but also change the character of the overdrive, making it grittier and more aggressive. Turning this control down will result in a warmer tone and softer overdrive.MIDRANGE: This control can cut or boost mids at three different frequencies. Cutting the lower frequencies, especially with clean sounds, will result in a clear, scooped tone. Boosting the higher mids with an overdriven sound can create some fierce, howling rock distortion.MIDRANGE switch: Selects the frequency affected by the MIDRANGE control (220Hz, 800Hz or 3kHz).BASS: This control adjusts the amount of low frequencies as well as how “tight” or “thick” overdriven tones are. In general, higher BASS settings work better with cleaner sounds, with some really deep tones available. Heavily overdriven sounds can benefit from having the BASS turned down, preventing the distortion from becoming too “wooly”. But there are no rules – use a clean sound with the BASS set low for a percussive ‘60s tone, or turn the DRIVE and BASS up and unleash some fuzzy mayhem!ULTRA HI/LO CUT switch: The ULTRA HI position behaves like a standard bright switch, adding extra high frequencies in the preamp. Its effect is reduced as the DRIVE is increased. The LO CUT position activates a high-pass filter in the preamp, removing some low frequencies before the drive. This helps overdriven sounds stay tight and defined.AMP OUT EQ ControlsThe post-drive AMP OUT EQ ensures compatibility with a wide range of amps and cabs. Instead of compromising your amp’s tone controls to suit the BASSRIG, set your amp for your preferred clean sound then use the EQ controls to adjust the pedal’s output accordingly (see tables on page 8).HORN CUT EQ switch: This switch engages a choice of low-pass filters for use with tweeter-equipped cabs. Even with the most modern, hi-fi cabs, this will allow the BASSRIG to produce a natural, smooth overdrive tone, without any harshness.Choose between 2kHz or 4kHz depending on the response of your cab, or disable it altogether (centre position) when using a cab without a tweeter.HF: This post-drive high frequency control cuts or boosts upper-mid and treble frequencies. This is perfect for adjusting the BASSRIG’s high-end response to match your clean tone, adding some vintage speaker character to a modern cab or fine-tuning the effect of the HORN CUT filter.LF: This post-drive low frequency control cuts or boosts bass frequencies. This is perfect for adjustingthe BASSRIG’s low-end response to match your clean tone, fattening up a small cab or taming excessive boominess in a big cab.Using the DI OUT:This balanced XLR output is equipped with a meticulously engineered analogue cabinet simulator, accu-rately capturing the response of the industry standard SVT® 8x10 speaker cabinet. Using this output gives you the complete sound of a vintage bass amp direct to your recording console or PA system. No amp required. The DI output is designed for compatibility with a wide range of microphone and line level inputs. Its output level is configured to prevent unwanted clipping at the mixer or interface to which the pedal is connected.DI CAB SIM switch: Lets you select whether the cabinet simulator is always on or only active when the pedal is engaged. Select FX if you want a completely clean DI signal when the pedal is bypassed. Select FX+BYP if you want to keep the cab sim on, even when the pedal is bypassed – for example: if you want to use the BASSRIG cab sim with other drive pedals.DI GROUND switch: Lifts the ground of the DI Output. This is necessary to avoid unwanted ground loop hum when connecting the BASSRIG to multiple pieces of equipment (e.g. a bass amp and a PA system). If you hear a hum when connecting the BASSRIG to two pieces of equipment, set this switch to LIFT.If you are only connecting the BASSRIG’s DI OUT, this should be set to GND. This switch does not affect the AMP OUT.Setting your AMP OUT EQ:Use the tables below to help you set up the BASSRIG Super Vintage for the first time with a new bass amplifier or flat-response device. Working through Steps 1 and 2 allows you to “set-and-forget” the AMP OUT EQ controls and move on to having fun dialling in your ideal tone with the main controls.Step 1: Set HORN CUT for the connected amp or deviceStep 2: Fine-tune the AMP OUT EQ with the HF and LF controls*Please note: the AMP OUT EQ is only applied to the AMP OUT jack. The DI OUT is not affected.Sample SettingsRAGING MACHINEA mid-forward, aggressive tone, heard on some of the greatest modern bass riffs. Plenty of DRIVE and a MIDRANGE boost at 800Hz give you clas-sic SVT ® distortion, while the BLEND knob and LO CUT switch keep things tight and defined.STADIUM STACKBright, crunchy and powerful, this stage-filling tone is the epitome of ‘70s classic rock. With a touch of overdrive, a boost at 3kHz and the ULTRA HI switch engaged, there is plenty of presence to balance out the chunky bass responseNEO SOULFULDeep, warm and punchy, this huge clean sound has massive low end all the character of a classic valve amp. Cutting a little MIDRANGE at 220Hz helps this fat tone sit perfectly in the mix, whether you’re plugged into an amp or using the 8x10 cab sim on the DI OUT.DISCO DRIVEBefore the hi-fi, scooped slap sounds we know today, there were the funk and disco bass tones of the late ‘70s and early ‘80s. Just on the edge of overdrive and with a big boost at 800Hz, this thick, gritty tone is never too much.DIRTY NINETIESA cranked SVT ® is a big part of the blown-out sounds of ‘90s heavy rock. With cranked DRIVE and BASS, and a howling 800Hz boost, this de-structive, grungy tone is kept just on the right side of mayhem by the LO CUT switch.Sample Settings (continued)Appendix A: Physical SpecificationAppendix B: Performance SpecificationAppendix C: Connector Pin OutDI OUT male XLR:Appendix D: Safety NoticesGeneral SafetyKeep these instructions and heed all warnings. Do not use this apparatus near water. Clean only witha dry cloth. Do not install near any heat sources such as radiators, heat registers, stoves or other apparatus (including amplifiers) that produce heat. Refer all servicing to qualified service personnel. When using an external power supply, use only attachments/accessories specified by Origin Effects. Protect the power cord from being walked on or pinched particularly at plugs, convenience receptacles, and the point where they exit from the apparatus. Do not defeat the safety purpose of the polarised or grounding-type plug. A polarised plug has two blades with one wider than the other. A grounding type plug has two blades and a third grounding prong. The wide blade or the third prong are provided for your safety. If the provided plug does not fit into your outlet, consult an electrician for replacement of the obsolete outlet. Unplug this apparatus during lightning storms or when unused for long periods of time.CAUTION! No user-servicable parts inside. In the event of damage to the unit service orrepair must be done by qualified service personnel only.This Product is CE compliant.This product is UKCA compliant.FCC CertificationThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, whichcan be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.• Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.Appendix D: Safety Notices (continued)The crossed out wheely bin symbol indicates this product is classified as Waste Electricaland Electronic Equipment (WEEE) in the European Union and should not be discarded with household waste. Other territories may vary. Contact your local authority or OriginEffects for more information.This product conforms to the European Union’s directive 2011/EU on Restrictions ofHazardous Substances (RoHS).WARNING: This product can expose you to chemicals including nickel, which is known to the State of California to cause cancer. For more information, go to Evaluation of apparatus based on altitude not exceeding 2000m. There may be somepotential safety hazard if the apparatus is operated at altitude exceeding 2000m.Evaluation of apparatus based on temperate climate conditions only. There may be some potential safety hazard if the apparatus is operated in tropical climate conditions.Appendix E: WarrantyThis product is covered by a 2-year manufacturer’s warranty from the date of purchase. This applies only to original purchasers who have bought their product from an authorised Origin Effects dealer or directly from Origin Effects.All returns or servicing should be arranged through the original dealer. Proof of original ownership may be required in the form of a purchase receipt.For full warranty details visit /warranty .RoHS。




作为老牌手机厂商,摩托罗拉从去年Moto Z开始一直坚持着手机的模块化设计,即采用外接模块来让手机的扩展功能大大提升。


Moto Z正是为模块化而设计的手机,随着时间的推移,Moto Z系列已经来到了第二代,摩托罗拉已经在6月份以线上发布会的形式正式推出了旗舰新品Moto Z2 Play。

如今,全新的Moto Z2 Play模块化手机已经来到了小编的手上,就让我们来看一下Moto Z2 Play能够带给我们怎样的体验吧。

Moto Z2 Play体验测评一、外观&amp;屏幕:火山口摄像头是焦点在之前的开箱环节,相信大家已经对Moto Z2 Play的外观有了一个大致了解,感兴趣的朋友可以再回看《Moto Z2 Play开箱图赏:当模块化配上ZUI,这样的moto很中国》这篇文章。

Moto Z2 Play虽然机身做到了很轻薄,但背后的那颗火山口摄像头却成为强迫症患者心头之痛,例如小编总是手痒心痒想把它摘下来。



好在Moto Z2 Play的机身足够轻薄,即使是加一个额外的后壳也不会显得过于厚重。

至于屏幕,Moto Z2 Play搭载的是一块5.5英寸的Super AMOLED屏幕,像素密度为401ppi,图片显示的精细程度自然没有问题,不过如果仔细看的话,字体边缘的毛刺感还是存在的。



June 12, 2018New Model Press Release2019 KAWASAKI BRUTE FORCE® MODEL RANGEKAWASAKI BRUTE FORCE BUILT KAWASAKI STRONG TO WORK HARD AND PLAY HARDDesigned to get the job done while also having funrecreational capabilities, the 2019 Kawasaki Brute Force®ATV lineup meets the needs of farmers, ranchers and thosewith a love of the great outdoors. Equipped with either a749cc V-twin or a 271cc single-cylinder engine, dependingon the model, the Brute Force model range is designed tosuit a variety of needs and budgets. The Brute Force 7504x4i models are available with Electric Power Steering (7504x4i EPS and EPS Camo models) as well as four-wheeldrive to help ensure you can conquer the terrain. The price-friendly Brute Force 300 is a great tool to get the job done.Built around a sturdy frame, with proven Kawasakiperformance, the Kawasaki Brute Force ATV family isKawasaki STRONG.Model VariationsKAWASAKI Brute Force 750® 4x4i EPS Color: Vibrant Blue, Bright White, MSRP: $9,999 Availability: Now KAWASAKI Brute Force 750® 4x4i EPS Camo Color: Realtree Xtra® Green MSRP: $10,599 Availability: NowKAWASAKI Brute Force 750® 4x4i EPS Color: Metallic Stardust WhiteMSRP: $10,599Availability: NowKAWASAKI BRUTE FORCE ® 750 4x4iColor : Timberline GreenMSRP : $8,999Availability : NowTo download high-resolution images, log on or register for the Kawasaki media site at KAWASAKI CARESRead Owner’s Manual and all on -product warnings. Warning: ATVs can be hazardous to operate. For your safety: Always wear a helmet, eye protection, and protective clothing. Never carry a passenger. Never ride under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Never ride on public roads or pavement. Avoid excessive speeds and stuntdriving. Be extra careful on difficult terrain. Kawasaki ATVs with engines over 90cc are recommended for use only by persons 16 years of age or older. Kawasaki also recommends that all ATV riders take a training course. For more information, see your dealer, call the ATV Safety Institute at 1-800-887-2887, or go to .DO NOT RELEASE BEFORE JUNE 12, 2018ABOUT KAWASAKIKawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd. (KHI) started full-scale production of motorcycles over a half century ago. The first Kawasaki motorcycle engine was designed based on technical know-how garnered from the development and production of aircraft engines, and Kawasaki’s entry into the motorcycle industry was driven by the company’s constant effort to develop new technologies. Numerous new Kawasaki models introduced over the years have helped shape the market, and in the process have created enduring legends based on their unique engineering, power, design and riding pleasure. In the future, Kawasaki's commitment to maintaining and furthering these strengths will surely give birth to new legends.Kawasaki Motors Corp., U.S.A. (KMC) markets and distributes Kawasaki motorcycles, ATVs, side x sides, and Jet Ski® watercraft through a network of approximately 1,100 independent retailers, with close to an additional 7,700 retailers specializing in general purpose engines. KMC and its affiliates employ nearly 3,100 people in the United States, with approximately 260 of them located at KMC's Foothill Ranch, California headquarters.Kawasaki’s tagline, “Let the good times roll.®”, is recognized worldwide. The Kawasaki brand is synonymous with powerful, stylish and category-leading vehicles. Information about Kawasaki’s complete line of powersports products and Kawasaki affiliates can be found on the Internet at .Kawasaki Motors Corp., U.S.A.26972 Burbank, Foothill Ranch, CA 92610Tel: 949-770-0400 I 。

草谷K2 Dyno系统助力世界摩托车锦标赛

草谷K2 Dyno系统助力世界摩托车锦标赛
gr ass v l al ey
草 谷 公 司 IC 0 品 精 彩 纷 呈 B 21 0新
K y o回放 系统增加新功 能 2D n K y o回放系统由 K2Dy o慢动作控制器和 K u 2D n n 2 S mmi制 t 作客户端服务器组成 。采用该系 统 ,制作人员能够以高清格 式进行
6的 功 能 也 有 所 扩 展 ,多 机 位 编 辑 增 加 至 1 6路 l O 摄 像 机 码 流 , S
可选择多 种多 画面显示方式 。另外在视频遮 挡、 “ 键和填充”等高 级编辑功能上也有所增强 。
K y n e切换 台发布新 版本软件 aen
Ka e R y n e新 版 软件 v 20基于 K mmi和 t I 务 器 2 Su t < Soo服 2
L n e t twa DK Co n c e y是 L Ga DK系 列 摄 像 机 控 制系 统 中的 新 成 购 买 了 9套 覃 谷 公 司 K y o慢 动 作 回 放 系 统 及 K n A 现 场 2D n 2Dy oP
员 ,适用于所有 L DK高 清摄像机 。它为摄像机 与草谷其他 产品及 制作管理软件 ,用于制作 2 Mo o 01 0年 t GP摩托车世界锦标赛的全
和 切 换 台将 用 于 采 集 、制作 原 始 节 目 素材 ,之 后 通 过 T 2高 清硬 盘 录
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目录一、德国RECK 公司简介二、MOTOmed适应症三、MOTOmed的特点四、MOTOmed的治疗目的五、MOTOmed产品型号划分六、MOTOmed的功能七、训练方案和专用名词缩写八、MOTOmed viva1操作指南九、MOTOmed viva2操作指南德国RECK公司简介RECK公司位于德国南部的Betzenweiler,由Anton·Reck先生于1957年创建。











两款车,一款名为GPR 125,另一款就是本次测试的STX CAFE125。


事实上,STX Cafe一点都不简单,其技术含量与配置毫不输于进阶型车款。

这款车,最大的亮点是原装的水冷双凸轮轴4气门发动机,同厂小跑车GPR125上也搭载了这款以高转速见长的发动机,两者的区别只是STX Cafe的燃料供给系统为化油器,而GPR125搭载马瑞利电喷,另外,因车型用途不同,在动力输出上也有不同的调校。

目前国内摩市中的主流小排量车型基本都是搭载SOHC 2气门风冷发动机,而STX Cafe搭载DOHC四气门水冷发动机此举无疑是鹤立鸡群,堪称“高端”。


在制动系统,STX Cafe的前后轮均为盘式制动,前后双碟刹,其卡钳所释放的制动力,对这款125mL级、130kg净重的小车来说,不只是够用,都有点浪费了。

STX CAFE的摇篮车架在同排量车中也非常罕见,高拉力钢管的韧性,让这款小型街车的整体具有越野车的任性,为提高传动系统的可靠性,厂家还很厚道地加装了导链器,配合高规格前后悬挂和粗壮的摇臂总成,在同排量车型中足以傲视同侪了。

Orolia GSG-5 6系列GNSS模拟器说明书

Orolia GSG-5 6系列GNSS模拟器说明书

Simulation is simply the best way to test and verif y proper operation of devices, systems and software reliant on global navigation satellite signals. Orolia GSG-5/6 series simulators are easy to use, feature-rich and affordable to offer the best value compared to alternative testing tools or the limitations of testing from “live sky” signals.Basic PrincipleGSG-5/6 simulators can generate any combination o f GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, BeiDou, QZSS, SBAS satellite signals under any condition simultaneously through a single RF output (type N connector). Configurations with higher channel counts generate new, modernized, signals on any of the navigation f requencies, including IRNSS, even those currently under development. Based on a test scenario that includes date, time and power levels, the generated signals correspond to any position on, or above, the earth (below the satellite orbits at approximately 20,000 km). It is easy to test dynamic conditions by defining a trajectory of the receiver under test. The simulator manages all the dynamics including relativistic effects.Test Solutions•Position/navigation accuracy •Dynamic range/sensitivity•Simulate movements/trajectories any way on or above earth •Susceptibility to noise•Sensitivity to GPS impairments: loss of satellites, multi-path, atmospheric conditions, interference, jamming and spoofing •Conducted or over-the-air RF •GPS time transfer accuracy •Effect of leap second transition •Multiple constellation testing •Modernization signals/ frequencies•Keyless military SAASM and dual-frequency and survey-grade receiver testing •Controlled radiation pattern antennas (CRPA)•Hardware-in-the-loop integrationEasy to Use•Pre-defined or user-defined test scenarios•Full control over all test parameters •Front panel interface/stand-alone operation•Windows-based scenario builder software including Google MapsFlexible•Remote operation by Ethernet,GPIB, USB•Built-in or downloadable navigation files•Full control over trajectories and other dynamicsPowerful•Up to 64 simultaneous signals •All GNSS constellations and frequencies•Accurate, adjustable power levels •Synchronization features to external devices or other simulatorsProvided by: (800)404-ATECAdvanced Test Equipment Corp .®Rentals • Sales • Calibration • ServiceSimple Set-up and Operation Even the most inexperienced operator can configure scenarios on the fly without the need for an external PC and pre-compilation phase. Via the front panel, the user can swiftly modify parameters. Each unit comes with a license or GSG StudioView™ Windows sof tware to graphically create, modify, and upload scenarios.A Google Maps inter f ace makes trajectory creation easy. Trajectories can also be defined by recorded or generated NMEA f ormats. Connectivity Extends Ease-of-use and FlexibilityGSG simulators can be controlled via an Ethernet network connection, USB or GPIB. A built-in web interf ace allows complete operation of the instrument through front panel controls. It also allows for file transfers. Connectivity also supports the integration of GNSS simulation into a wide range of other applications. There is an option to control signal generation in real-time through a simple command set. It can synchronize to external systems in many other ways based on its precision timing capabilities and the ability to automatically download ephemeris and almanac data via RINEX files.Input/OutputRF GNSS Signal Generation• Connector: Type N female• DC blocking: Internal, up to 7 VDC; 470 Ω nominal load• Frequency bands:• L1/E1/B1/SAR: 1539 to 1627 MHz• L2/L2C: 1192 to 1280 MHz• L5/E5/B2: 1148 to 1236 MHz• E6/B3:1224 to 1312 MHz• Output channels:• 1 (GSG-51); 4, 8, 16 (GSG-5); 32 (GSG-62),48, (GSG-63), 64 (GSG-64)• Any channel can generate anyconstellation or a derivative signal(multipath, interference, jamming)• Any set of 16 channels can generatewithin a frequency band• Constellations: GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, BeiDou, QZSS, IRNSS• Modulations: BPSK, QPSK, BOC (all)• SBAS: WAAS, EGNOS, GAGAN, MSAS, SAIF (included)• Spurious transmission: ≤40 dBc• Harmonics: ≤40 dBc• Output signal level: -65 to -160 dBm;0.1 dB resolution down to -150 dBm;0.3 dB down to -160 dBm• Power accuracy: ±1.0 dB• Pseudorange accuracy: 1mm• Inter-channel bias: Zero• Inter-channel range: >54 dB • Limits Standard ExtendedAltitude18,240 m(60,000 feet)20,200,000 m(66,273,000 feet)Acceleration 4.0 g No limitsVelocity515 m/s (1000knots)20,000 m/s(38,874 knots)Jerk20 m/s3No limit• White noise signal level: -50 to -160 dBm;0.1 dB resolution down to -150 dBm;0.3 dB down to -160 dBm. ±1.0 dB accuracyExternal Frequency ReferenceInput• Connector: BNC female• Frequency: 10 MHz nominal• Input signal level: 0.1 to 5Vrms• Input impedance: >1kΩFrequency Reference Output• Connector: BNC female• Frequency: 10 MHz sine• Output signal level: 1Vrms in to 50 Ω loadExternal Trigger Input• Connector: BNC female• Level: TTL level, 1.4V nominalXPPS Output• Connector: BNC female• Rate: 1, 10, 100, 1000 PPS (configurable)• Pulse ratio: 1/10 (1 high, 9 low)• Output signal level: Approx. 0V to +2.0V in50 Ω load• Accuracy: Calibrated to ±10 nSec of RFtiming mark output (option to reduce bya factor of ten with a characterization ofoffsets)Built-in TimebaseInternal Timebase – High StabilityOCXO• Aging per 24 h: <5x10-10• Aging per year: <5x10-8• Temp. variation 0…50°C: <5x10-9• Short term stability (Adev @1s): <5x10-12Auxiliary FunctionsInterface• GPIB (IEEE-488.2), USB 1.X or 2.X(SBTMC-488), Ethernet (100/10 Mbps)Settings• Predefined scenarios: User can changedate, time, position, trajectory, numberof satellites, satellite power level andatmospheric model• User defined scenarios: Unlimited• Trajectory data: NMEA format (GGA orRMC messages, or both), convert fromother formats with GSG StudioView™ (seeseparate datasheet)General SpecificationsCertifications• Safety: Designed and tested forMeasurement Category I, Pollution Degree2, in accordance with EN/IEC 61010-1:2001• EMC: EN 61326-1:2013, increased test levelsper EN 61000-6-3:2001 and EN 61000-6-2:2005Dimensions• WxHxD: 210 x 90 x 395 mm(8.25” x 3.6” x 15.6”)• Weight: approx. 2.7 kg (approx. 5.8 lb)Optional Antenna• Frequency: 1000 to 2600 MHz• Impedance: 50 Ω• VSWR: <2:1 (typ)• Connector: SMA male• Dimensions: 15 mm diameter x 36 mmlengthEnvironmental• Class: MIL-PRF-28800F, Class 3• Temperature: 0°C to +50°C (operating);-40°C to +70°C non-condensing @<12,000 m (storage)Humidity:• 5-95 % @ 10 to 30°C• 5-75 % @ 30 to 40°C• 5-45 % @ 40 to 50°CPower• Line Voltage: 100-240 VAC, 50/60/400 H z• Power Consumption: 40 W max.Optional FeaturesRecord and Playback (OPT-RP)This option provides the easiest way to create acomplex scenario by recording satellite signalson a route. It includes a recording receiver andsoftware to automatically generate a simulationscenario that can be modified to ask ‘what if’questions.• True life constellation replication• Automatic scenario generation• Ability to modify signal parameters• Compatible with any recording that includesNMEA 0183 RMC, GGA, and GSV sentencesReal-time Scenario Generator(OPT-RSG)This option supports generation o f 6DOFtrajectory in f ormation via position, velocity,acceleration, or heading commands as theinput f or GPS RF generation. Vehicle attitudeand attitude rate changes, as well as satellitepower levels, are also controllable via real-timecommands.• Control trajectories using 6DOF• Low fixed latency from command input toRF output• Hardware-in-the-loop applications• Includes sensor simulation optionRTK/DGNSS Virtual Reference Station (OPT-RTK)This option supports generation o f RTCM correction data messages for testing an RTK/ Differential-GNSS receiver.• Generates RTCM 3.x correction data via 1002, 1004, 1006, 1010, 1012, and 1033 messages• User settable base station location• Support for GNSS RTK receivers using serial interfacesHigh Velocity Option (OPT-HV) This option extends the limits f or simulated trajectories. As of August 2014, the extended limits are no longer USA export controlled. (See Limits chart under Input/Output specifications.) Jamming Simulation (OPT-JAM) This option extends the capability o f the standard interf erence simulation f eature. Set noise or sweep types of interference and create a location-based jammer to test your system’s susceptibility.• Adjustable bandwidth and amplitude interference• Location-based jamming• Swept-frequency jammingeCall Scenarios (OPT-ECL)This option provides scenarios for testing eCall in vehicle systems per Regulation (EU) 2017/79. Sensor Simulation (OPT-SEN)This option generates sensor data in response to a query according to the trajectory of the GPS RF simulation in real-time. See technical note for more details.• Simultaneously test GPS plus other sensor inputs to your nav system• Simulate data for accelerometers, gravimeters, gyroscopes and odometers UN R144 Test suite (OPT-UNR)This option provides scenarios and test suitefor testing UN R144 in vehicle systems.Ordering InformationBase Configurations• GSG-51: Single channel GPS L1 generator(contact the factory for alternativeconstellations and upgrades to multi-channel and/or frequencies)• GSG-5: 4-channel GPS L1 simulator.Software options increase output channelsto 8 or 16, and adds GLONASS, BeiDou (B1),Galileo (E1), or QZSS constellations. Factoryupgradable to GSG-62 to add more channeland/or frequencies)• GSG-62: 32-channels and up to 2simultaneous frequency bands. Softwareoptions adds GLONASS, BeiDou, Galileo,QZSS or IRNSS constellations; and addssignals on other frequencies (P-code, L2,L2C, Galileo E5a/b, BeiDou B2)• GSG-63: 48-channels and up to 3simultaneous frequency bands. Samesoftware options as GSG-62• GSG-64: 64-channels and up to 4simultaneous frequency bands. Samesoftware options as GSG-62Included with instrument• User manual and GSG StudioView software(one license per unit) on CD• RF cable, 1.5 m• SMA to Type N adapter• USB cable• Certificate of calibration• 3-year warranty1Optional Accessories• Option 01/71: Passive GNSS antenna• Option 22/90: Rack-mount kit• Option 27H: Heavy-duty hard transport case• OM-54: User manual (printed)• Additional StudioView licenses are availableOptional UpgradesConstellations• OPT-GLO: GLONASS Constellation• OPT-GAL: Galileo Constellation• OPT-BDS: BeiDou Constellation• OPT-QZ: QZSS Constellation• OPT-IRN: IRNSS Constellation (requires atleast GSG-62 and OPT-L5)Frequencies (requires at least GSG-62; non-GPS signals are enabled when constellationoption is installed)• Option L2• Option L1C• Option L2C• Option L5• Option L6Channels/Simultaneous Frequencies2• Option 8: 4-channel to 8-channel upgrade• Option 16: 8-channel to 16-channel upgrade• Option 32/2: 16-channel to 32-channel, dualfrequency upgrade• Option 48/3: 32-channel to 48-channel,three frequency upgrade• Option 64/4: 48-channel to 64-channel,four frequency upgradeApplication Packages (typical requirementfor 16 channel min)• OPT-RSG: Real-time scenario generator• OPT-HV: High velocity upgrade to extendedlimits• OPT-RP: Record and playback package• OPT-JAM: Jamming package• OPT-RTK: RTK virtual base station scenarios• OPT-UNR: UN R144 test suite• OPT-ECL: eCall test suiteOptional Services• Calibration/GSG: GSG Calibration Service• Option 95/05: Extended warranty to 5 years• GSG-ASP: GSG Annual Service Plan• GSG-INST: User Training and Installation1Warranty period and available services may vary dependenton country.2Option may require the unit to be returned to factory forupgrade.Configuration Summary03 September, 2021 - GSG-5/6 Series (C)Specifications subject to changeor improvement without notice.© 2021 Orolia。

“九妹”爱旅行 三阳JOYMAX Z 300测评

“九妹”爱旅行 三阳JOYMAX Z 300测评
察加速曲线,也可以看出整段加速过程非常线性,发动机从3000r/min开始发力,出力也很平 顺。这样的调校在城市环境中应对频繁的起步十分有利。
实用配置 JOYMAX Z 300配置方面还是比较丰富的,实用性方面表现最突出应该是超大的座桶空
间,继承了CRUiSYM 300的优点,可以放下两顶全盔,这样大容量的座桶在这个价位的大踏板 车型中并不多见。此外,在中控右侧的储物盒内配有USB接口,同时储物空间比较充裕,无论 是横竖放置都可以放下6.5英寸的手机。
在加速测试环节,JOYMAX Z 300的表现完全可以用非常优异来形容,0~100km/h加速 成绩达到8.72s,在300mL排量级别大踏板中可以说名列前茅,说实话有些出乎我的意料。可是 仔细一想,JOYMAX Z 300离合器接合的时机比较早,在加速过程中在3000r/min左右就开 始咬合,比大部分踏板车都要早,再加上非常强的低扭,做出这样的成绩倒也不奇怪。通过观
JOYMAX Z 300还拥有一块两段可调的大风挡,只能通过拆卸进行调节,可以提供不错 的防风保护。巡航脚踏的设置也可以让驾驶者变换腿部姿势,缓解疲劳。另外整车骑行时的震 动控制也做得不错。排气噪声方面JOYMAX Z 300的表现远超出我们的预期,无论是怠速还 是骑行时都非常安静,尤其是起步和怠速时,噪声水平甚至与不少125mL排量踏板差不多。
《摩托车》杂志 2 0 19 J U LY
骑乘舒适 舒适,是我对JOYMAX Z 300最深刻的印象,而且体现在方方面面,毕竟休旅定位对舒
适性的要求肯定是第一位的。 JOYMAX Z 300前叉采用正立式,后部为五段预载可调的双后减震。前后减震弹簧K值都
偏小,也就是我们常说的“软”,犹如坐船一般。不仅捏前制动时会有些沉头,在捏后制动时前 减震也会有明显的压缩。减震阻尼设定适中,对小的颠簸滤震性较好。后减震采用了双线距弹 簧,在双载的时候,随着荷重的加大仍然能够提供不错的支撑性,遇到颠簸也不容易发生减震 到底的状况,从这点来看也是紧扣休旅的设定。
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Motorola top 為例:
• 事實上,在前面講的建立pert surface時, 建立的free form面與產品面merge,但是 merge時有可能產生很多問題,不能完成 merge或split. • 於是象上例一樣,對插或對靠用volume, 其余用part surface來拆模.
就從建立free form part surface(命名為s2)開始
選擇Part surface時應該選擇s1(紅色顯示)
選擇需分割的母模側的island,並命名為 female(藍色顯示)
這樣已完成分模,但公母模並不完整,可 以用阿他Attach來合並
• 圖中,f12a與female 是分開的-----用attach 合並:attach/sel female/f12a • 注意:合並後的名字 是先選擇的volume 的名字
• 建立如圖的part surface,包括free form和四周extend 的 面
建立一個volume A,它從wp底 部extrude 到s2的part surface
• 在繪制草圖(sketch)時 畫一個矩形, 隻要包含 對靠面即可,無須精準 尺寸。然後Trim.
• 建立如右圖的volume, 然後split
選擇公模側的island 2(如圖), 並命名為male
而後把volume A與volume male 用attach 合並
• 可以設立分割的數目 1或者2 • 可以設定被切割的對 象:wp,mold wp,mold volume,components. • 可以按不同的需要進 行選擇
先選one volume,all wp,然後在選part surface 時選擇制作的兩個volቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱme.而後done..
此時會有下面的圖框:每一個island代表一個孤立的 volume,點選你要分割的volume,鼠標移到點選的volume 的選框上顯示區就會有不同的顏色..
我們點選大的主體(island1),同時命名為 male(藍色顯示)
• 選one volume和mold volume • 選擇volume時選male • 選中後對應volume顏色 變藍
不需要part surface的復雜與 volume的繁重就是優化
而用Part Surface來分開非對插區域
• 建立如下的 對插區域
並制作如下的part surface(命名為s1):面的內 輪廓與產品相交,外輪廓與wp相交,並 volume/split/..
注意:1,點選 one volume,all wrkpcs 2,選擇part surface時選擇A VOLUME
選擇island時選擇island1--如圖 (藍色顯示) 並命名為famale
再對female volume進行split
• 注意:1,點選 one volume,mold volume 2,選擇 pert surface時選擇 s1