紧线器技术条件书1 总则1。
1 本技术条件规定了0.4kV线路紧线器的使用条件、性能参数、技术要求、试验要求、运输、贮存等方面的技术要求.1.2 本技术条件适用于额定电压0.4kV、频率50低压线路使用紧线器的制造、选型、验收、安装和维护。
3 紧线器应通用性强,小规格可覆盖本单位主导线10~120mm2,大规格可覆盖本单位主导线150~300mm2,通用型可覆盖本单位主导线10~300mm2。
2 使用条件2.1环境条件2。
1.1 周围空气温度最高温度:45℃最热月平均温度: 35℃最低温度: -10℃最大日温差: 30K2。
1.2 海拔高度:≤1000m2。
4地震烈度:Ⅷ度2.1.5 污秽等级:对于Ⅲ级及以下污秽等级的地区统一按Ⅲ级防污选取设备的爬电比距。
Ⅳ级及以上污秽等级的地区统一按Ⅳ级防污选取设备的爬电比距.2.1.6 最大风速:≤40m/s2.2工程条件4.2.1系统概况a. 系统额定电压:0.4kVb。
2.2 新建或扩建改造工程.。
3 技术要求3.1遵循的主要标准GB/T 24511-2009ﻩ承压设备用不锈钢钢板及钢带GB/T 709—2006ﻩ热轧钢板和钢带的尺寸、外形、重量及允许偏差GB/T1220-2007不锈钢棒GB/T20878—2007不锈钢和耐热钢牌号及化学成分GB/T 700-2006 ﻩ碳素结构钢GB/T 702—2008 ﻩ热轧钢棒尺寸、外形、重量及允许偏差GB/T 706-2008 热轧型钢GB/T 708-2006ﻩ冷轧钢板和钢带的尺寸、外形、重量及允许偏差3.2 技术要求紧线器应整套设计,结构稳定,安装牢固,使用方便,效果好。
●* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 8 * *1用途及特点● 1.1 用途插入式电磁流量传感器(下称“传感器”)与本公司的电磁流量转换显示器组成插入式电磁流量计。
● 1.2 特点●插入式电磁流量计同时具有管道式电磁流量计和插入式流量计的特●点,这些特点有:● * 测量不受流体密度、粘度、温度、压力和电导率等变化的影响。
● * 采用先进的励磁技术,功耗小,零点稳定,抗干扰能力强、可靠性好。
● * 无附加压力损失,要求直管段长度小。
● * 流量测量量程宽,满量程流速可在1.0m/s—10.0m/s内连续任意设定,输出信号与流量(流速)成完全线性关系。
● * 转换显示器采用16位高性能微处理器,2×16LCD显示,参数设定方便,●编程可靠。
● * 流量计为双向测量系统,内装三个积算器可分别显示:正向流量、●反向流量及正、反向流量之差的总量。
● * 转换显示器有多种输出:电流、脉冲、数字通讯、HART。
● * 适用大管径管道,DN300—3000mm。
● * 传感器本体与电极有多种材料可选。
● * 体积小、重量轻、运输、安装方便,可实现不断流维护、拆装。
● * 价格便宜,安装管径越大性能价格比越高。
ContentsDescriptionP ageGeneral information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2–3400A starter design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4–9 800A starter design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10–15 Control and potential transformers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 Current transformers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17Fuses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18–21Solid-state reduced voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22–24Ampgard medium voltagemotor control renewal parts2Technical Data TD020001ENEffective October 2014Ampgard medium voltage motor control renewal partsEATON Ampgard renewal and replacement partsThe present design of Ampgard T medium voltage starters was introduced in 2005 . Additional ratings and features have been continuously introduced over the years .This renewal parts guide will provide the proper identification of standard parts which may be required for the repair or mainte-nance of Eaton Ampgard starters .Style numbers identified in this document may not be the same as style numbers on the original equipment . The renewal part styles in this document may be in a kit form and include subassembly, carton, installation instructions, etc .Identifying your equipmentThe following can help you in identifying which version of Ampgard you have . The current version of Ampgard as shown in the bot-tom illustration on page 3, has the low voltage door/compartment located on the front of the medium voltage unit in a separate iso-lated compartment . In addition, the non-load break switch (isolation switch) is located to the right of the low voltage compartment . The previous style of Ampgard, referred to as Classic Ampgard, has the low voltage compartment to the right of the medium voltage compartment as shown in the top illustration on page 3 . The isolation switch is located on the top of the medium voltage compartment .This document addresses the current generation of Ampgard . For earlier designs, please contact your local Eaton representative . There are numerous variations in Ampgard starters . Most of theparts listed in this guide are included in the more common variations . 400A starters are available with contactors that use bolted or finger connections . Fuses may be clip-in or bolt-in . Contactors are modified for high-altitude (above 2000m) .There are many variations of phase barriers . Common reasons for these variations include the use of special current transformers or other optional equipment, or special provisions for customer cable connections . Dimensions are shown for each of the barriers offered in this guide . Insure that the replacement barriers match the size of those originally supplied . If the original barriers are of a different size, contact Eaton for identification of the correct replacement part numbers .800A contactors were the “SJ” series through March 2014 . The contactors were changed to the “SL ” series beginning April 2014 . The specific parts used in the two contactors are different, but the complete contactor assemblies are interchangeable . Parts detailed in this document will specify if they are for the “SJ” version or the “SL ” version of the contactor . Replacement vacuum interrupters are not available for the “SJ” version . Complete replacement contactors will be the “SL ” series only .Additional serviceShould you experience difficulty in determining needed parts for repair or determining existing starter condition, contact your local Eaton representative . We can provide qualified technical personnel on site to:•Identify and recommend replacement parts for damage caused by short-circuit of fault• Remove damaged parts and install replacements• Retrofit vintage motor-starting equipment with new components • Evaluate condition of existing equipment • Test components• Provide a recommended spare parts list •Upgrade horsepower ratingGeneral Information3Technical Data TD020001ENEffective October 2014Ampgard medium voltage motor control renewal partsEATON Figure 1. Classic AmpgardFigure 2. Current Ampgard (covered in this guide)400A starter Isolation switch LV compartment400A starter800A starterLV compartment Isolation switch4Technical Data TD020001ENEffective October 2014Ampgard medium voltage motor control renewal partsEATONFigure 3. 7.2 kV , 400A, 2-highBolted connectionFigure 4. 400A contactor with bolted connectionFinger connectionFigure 5. 400A contactor with finger connectionVacuum interruptersFigure 6. 400A contactor (bottom view)Control board Auxiliary contacts400A starter design5Technical Data TD020001ENEffective October 2014Ampgard medium voltage motor control renewal partsEATON Figure 7. Stab connectionFigure 8. Bolted connectionTypeStyle number400A bolt-in main contactor (120 Vac, 130 ms dropout a ) b SL72B4SH3LANL7MNR25400A stab-in main contactor (120 Vac, 130 ms dropout a ) b SL72S4SH3LANL7MNR25400A bolt-in reversing contactor (120 Vac, 130 ms dropout a ) b SL72B4SH3LANL7VNR25400A stab-in reversing contactor (120 Vac, 130 ms dropout a ) b SL72S4SH3LANL7VNR25400A bolt-in latched contactor (120 Vac close and trip) b SL72B4SH3LAL45MNR25400A stab-in latched contactor (120 Vac close and trip) bSL72S4SH3LAL45MNR25a Dropout time is field adjustable.bStandard altitude contactor. For high altitude applications (>2000m) contact factory.T able 1. 400A contactors (7.2 kV and below)6Technical Data TD020001ENEffective October 2014Ampgard medium voltage motor control renewal partsEATONType Style number400A 54A1310G02Type Style number400A 54A1310G05Type Style number400A 54A1302G20Type Style number400A 54A1310G01TypeStyle number400A54A1300G20(139.7)(172.7)8.40T able 2. 400A lower fuse phase barriers single barrel fuse (qty. 4)T able 3. 400A fuse phase barriers double barrel fuse (qty. 4)T able 4. 400A contactor load stab barriers (qty. 4)T able 5. 400A motor load phase barriers (qty. 4)T able 6. 400A isolation switch barrier double barrel (qty. 4)7Technical Data TD020001ENEffective October 2014Ampgard medium voltage motor control renewal partsEATON TypeStyle numberBolt-in fuse 54A1301G03 (order barriers separately)Clip-in fuse 54A1301G04 (order barriers separately)TypeStyle number400A SL 54A1302G02 (order barriers separately)TypeStyle numberBolt-in fuse 54A1301G01 (order barriers separately)Clip-in fuse54A1301G02 (order barriers separately)T able 7. 400A contactor line stab and lower fuse-mount assembly for bolt-in contactorT able 8. 400A contactor load stab assembly for bolt-in contactorT able 9. 400A motor load connection assembly (T1, T2, T3)T able 10. 400A contactor line stab and lower fuse-mount assembly for stab-in contactorT able 11. 400A contactor load stab assembly for stab-in contactorType Style number400A load 54A1306G01 (order barriers separately)Type Style number400A SL54A1302G01 (order barriers separately)8Technical Data TD020001ENEffective October 2014Ampgard medium voltage motor control renewal partsEATON T able 14.400A contactor mechanical interlock kitT able 12. 400A vacuum bottle assembly (qty. 3)Type Style number400A SL 2147A58G02T able 13. Auxiliary contact assembly (2NO/2NC)Type Style number400A SL 2147A58G04Type Style numberMain 87C0600G01Reversing 87C0600G02Run or start 87C0600G03T able 15. 400A control circuit board(includes mounting bracket and hardware)Type Style number400A SL 2147A58G03T able 16. 400A dual coil kitType Style number400A SL 2147A58G11T able 17. 400A mechanical latch assemblyType Style number24 Vdc coil and diode 2147A58G2548 Vdc coil and diode2147A58G26125 Vac/Vdc coil and diode 2147A58G27250 Vac/Vdc coil and diode 2147A58G28Mechanical assembly2147A58G249Technical Data TD020001ENEffective October 2014Ampgard medium voltage motor control renewal partsEATON T able 18. 400A isolation switch fixed portionType Style numberIsolation switch fixed portion 54A1300G01T able 19. Handle mechanism(contact factory for kirk key option)Type Style number400A full voltage54A1305G01400A reduced voltage(with two door interlock pins)54A1305G02T able 20. 400A isolation switch removable portionTypeStyle numberBolt-in fuse54A1300G02 (order barriers for double barrel fuses separately)Bolt-in fuse with blown fuse bar 54A1300G03 (order barriers for double barrel fuses separately)Clip-in fuse54A1300G04 (order barriers for double barrel fuses separately)10Technical Data TD020001ENEffective October 2014Ampgard medium voltage motor control renewal partsEATONFigure 9. 7.2 kV 800AL63 contact (economizing)Figure 10. 800A SJ series contactor (front view)Vacuum interruptersFigure 11. 800A SJ series contactor (rear view)Figure 12. 800A SL series contactor (front view)L64 auxiliary contacts800A starter designType Style number800A SL series standard stab-in contactor(120 Vac, 130 ms dropout, interchangeable with SJ series) SL72S8SH3LANL7MNR25800A SL series reversing stab-in contactor(120 Vac, 130 ms dropout, interchangeable with SJ series)SL72S8SH3LANL7VNR25800A SL series latching stab-in contactor(120 Vac close and trip, interchangeable with SJ series)SL72S8SH3LAL45MNR25T able 21. 800A SL series complete replacement contactorsT able 22. 800A lower fuse phase barriers (qty. 4)TypeStyle number800A 54A1310G07T able 23. 800A isolation switch barriers (qty. 4)Type Style number800A 54A1300G20T able 24. 800A motor load connection assembly (T1, T2, T3)Type Style number800A SL 87C0599G01 (order barriers separately)T able 25. 800A motor load phase barriers (qty. 4)Type Style number800A 54A1310G01T able 26. 800A contactor load stab phase barriers (qty. 4)Type Style number800A 54A1302G21T able 27. 800A contactor load stab assemblyType Style number800A SL 87C0598G07 (order barriers separately)8.40T able 28. 800A contactor line stab and lower fuse-mount assemblyTypeStyle number800A SL 87C0597G05 (order barriers separately)T able 29. 800A SJ series magnetic assembly (complete with coil and springs)Type Style number120 Vac 2147A88G02240 Vac 2147A88G03Without coil 2147A88G04T able 30. 800A SJ series L -63 interlock (coil circuit)Type Style numberInterlock 578D461G03Type Style number1NO/1NC 843D943G212NO 843D943G222NC843D943G23T able 32. 800A SJ series contactor dual main coil assemblyType Style number120 Vac 2147A88G11240 Vac 2147A88G12T able 33. 800A contactor mechanical interlock kit (SJ or SL)Type Style numberInterlock kit87C0726G01T able 31. 800A SJ series L -64 auxiliary interlocksT able 34. 800A SL series main coilType Style numberCoil 54A1307G18T able 35. 800A SL series control circuit boardTypeStyle number800A SL 54A1307G24T able 36. 800A SL series line finger assembly (qty. 3)TypeStyle number800A SL 54A1307G20T able 37. 800A SL series auxiliary interlocksType Style number2NO/2NC 54A1307G22T able 38. 800A SL series vacuum bottle assembly (qty. 3)Type Style number800A SL54A1307G19T able 39. 800A SL series load finger assembly (qty. 3)Type Style number800A SL54A1307G13T able 40. 800A isolation switch removable portion (blown fuse indicator (BFI) optional)Type Style numberWithout BFI 54A1300G12 (order barriers separately)With BFI 54A1300G13 (order barriers separately)T able 41. 800A isolation switch fixed portionType Style numberFixed portion 54A1300G11T able 42. Handle mechanism (contact factory for kirk key option)Type Style number800A full voltage54A1305G05T able 43. Standard 750 VA control transformer, 60 HzTypeStyle number2300/120V C7.5A1D1F24160/120V C7.5E1D1F2T able 44. Potential transformer 100 VA three-phase, 60 Hz, open deltaType Style number2400/120V PT3A0F64200/120V PT3E0F6T able 45. Vacuum interrupter wear gaugeType Style number400A (.020)5259C11H01800A (.060)5259C11H02T able 46. 2 kVA control transformer, 60 HzTypeStyle number2300/120V C20A1D1F24160/120V C20E1D1F2T able 47. Ground fault current transformerType Style number50/5 ratio 54A1314G02Control and potential transformersT able 48. Current transformers three-phase donut type with leadsRatio Style number100/554A1303G01150/554A1303G02200/554A1303G03250/554A1303G04300/554A1303G05400/554A1303G06500/554A1303G07600/554A1303G08800/554A1303G091000/554A1303G10T able 49. Current transformers single-phase donut type (qty. 3)Ratio Style number50/5a75/5b100/52147A13G04150/52147A13G05200/52147A13G06250/52147A13G07300/52147A13G08400/52147A13G09500/52147A13G10600/52147A13G11750/52147A13G12800/52147A13G131000/52147A13G141200/52147A13G15a Use style number 2147A13G04 and double loop primary leads.b Use style number 2147A13G05 and double loop primary leads.Current transformersT able 50. Clip-in fuses, 5.0 kV maximum (qty. 3)Type Rating Style numberCLS 400A motor starter30A—1R 2A98253G0170A—2R 2A98253G02100A—3R 2A98253G03130A—4R 2A98253G04150A—5R 2A98253G05170A—6R 2A98253G06200A—9R 2A98253G07230A—12R 2A98253G08390A—18R a 2A98253G09450A—24R a 2A98253G10HLE 400A feeder starter10E 2A98253G4115E 2A98253G4220E 2A98253G4325E 2A98253G4430E 2A98253G4540E 2A98253G4650E 2A98253G4765E 2A98253G4880E 2A98253G49100E 2A98253G50125E 2A98253G51150E 2A98253G52200E 2A98253G53250E 2A98253G55300E a 2A98253G56350E a 2A98253G57400E a 2A98253G58450E a 2A98253G59a Double barrel.FusesT able 51. Clip-in fuses, 7.2/8.3 kV maximum (qty. 3)Type Rating Style number CLS 400A motor starter70A—2R2A98253G21100A—3R2A98253G22130A—4R2A98253G23150A—5R2A98253G24170A—6R2A98253G25200A—9R2A98253G26230A—12R2A98253G27390A—18R a2A98253G28450A—24R a2A98253G29 HLE 400A feeder starter10E2A98253G7115E2A98253G7220E2A98253G7325E2A98253G7430E2A98253G7540E2A98253G7650E2A98253G7765E2A98253G7880E2A98253G79100E2A98253G80125E2A98253G81150E2A98253G82175E2A98253G83200E a2A98253G84250E a2A98253G85300E a2A98253G86350E a2A98253G87 a Double barrel.T able 52. Bolt-in fuses, 5.0 kV maximum (qty. 3)Type Rating Style number CLS 400/800A motor starter30A—1R54A1311G1170A—2R54A1311G12100A—3R54A1311G13130A—4R54A1311G14150A—5R54A1311G15170A—6R54A1311G16200A—9R54A1311G17230A—12R54A1311G18390A—18R a54A1311G19450A—24R a54A1311G20 CLS 800A motor starter650A—36R a54A1311G21800A—44R a54A1311G22 HLE 400/800A feeder starter15E54A1311G4120E54A1311G4225E54A1311G4330E54A1311G4440E54A1311G4550E54A1311G4665E54A1311G4780E54A1311G48100E54A1311G49125E54A1311G50150E54A1311G51175E54A1311G52200E54A1311G53250E54A1311G54300E a54A1311G55350E a54A1311G56400E a54A1311G57450E a54A1311G58 HLE 800A feeder starter600E a54A1311G59750E a54A1311G60 a Double barrel.21EATON T able 53. Bolt-in fuses, 7.2/8.3 kV maximum (qty. 3)Type Rating Style numberCLS 400/800A motor starter100A—3R 54A1312G11130A—4R 54A1312G12150A—5R 54A1312G13170A—6R 54A1312G14200A—9R 54A1312G15230A—12R 54A1312G16390A—18R a 54A1312G17450A—24R a 54A1312G18HLE 400/800A feeder starter15E 54A1312G3520E 54A1312G3625E 54A1312G3730E 54A1312G3840E 54A1312G3950E 54A1312G4065E 54A1312G4180E 54A1312G42100E 54A1312G43125E 54A1312G44150E 54A1312G45180E 54A1312G46200E a 54A1312G47250E a 54A1312G48300E a 54A1312G49350E a 54A1312G50a Double barrel.22EATON 400A MV4S reduced voltage solid-stateDigital control unit 54A1318G01Figure 13. 400A MV4S starter (front view)Figure 14. 400A MV4S starter (doors open)Solid-state reduced voltage23EATON T able 55.400A MV4S control door and control compartmentType Style numberComplete truck assembly 400A/4160V 54A1320G01400A/2300V 54A1320G02400A/3300V 54A1320G03200A/4160V 54A1320G04200A/2300V 54A1320G05200A/3300V54A1320G06Bypass contactor VI assembly (includes line side fingers)54A1307G17Bypass contactor complete54A1319G01Bypass contactor load finger assembly 54A1307G16Power pole assembly (single-phase) 400A/4160V 54A1318G200 400A/2300V 54A1318G201 200A/4160V 54A1318G300 200A/2300V 54A1318G301 Temperature board54A1318G09Type Style numberCommunications harness 54A1318G31T able 54. 400A MV4S solid-state truck assemblyEaton1000 Eaton Boulevard Cleveland, OH 44122United States © 2014 EatonAll Rights Reserved Printed in USAPublication No. TD020001EN / BC-201October 2014Eaton is a registered trademark.All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.T able 56.400A MV4S control compartmentType Style numberFiber optics 4160V 54A1318G22 2300V 54A1318G23 XP34160V 54A1318G24 2300V54A1318G25CPU and MCB 54A1318G02Transformer 54A1318G04CT board 54A1318G08CT harness 54A1318G42TCB board 54A1318G03Fiber optics。
EP2 伺服驱动器型号编号说明
G L 16 F -××
1 2 34
1:表示驱动器类型:G—EP2 伺服驱动器。
2:表示驱动器外接电源:L—三相 AC220V(3Ф220V)。 3:表示驱动器规格标志符。 4:表示驱动器接收反馈元件信号:F—复合式增量编码器(2500 C/T);R—1 对极旋转变压器。 5:表示驱动器专用或定制订制标志:S8—西门子 801、802S、802C 数控系统专用伺服驱动器。
7.7 Nm
2000 rpm
1.6 Kw
7.7 Nm
2500 rpm
2.0 Kw
7.7 Nm
3000 rpm
2.4 Kw
10 Nm
1500 rpm
● AC 电机与伺服驱动器适配表
AC 电机与伺服驱动器
ST 系列电机
EP2 伺服驱动器配置
3000 rpm
0.4 Kw
3000 rpm
0.75 Kw
基本参数 工作电流:≤0.6A 制动转矩:≥12Nm 转动惯量:1.67×10-4Kgm2
1.外形1-1.寸法図(mm)* 公差のない寸法は参考値とする。
1-2.捺印表示例 O-3.推奨ランド図(mm)2.コイル仕様2-1.端子接続図(裏面図)電極(端子)間の隙間はシルク処理をして御使用下さい。
捺印位置不定製造密番頭部直捺印100電極側電極側compliance Cd:Max.0.01wt%others:Max.0.1wt%RoHS12-2.電気的特性Ⅰ(リール梱包の場合)NO. 品 名 表示 インダクタンス[以内]※1D.C.R.(Ω)[以下](at 20℃)※2定格電流(A)※3スミダコード0102 CDRH64BNP-1ØØMCCDRH64BNP-12ØMC10012010μH ± 20%12μH ± 20%0.12 (88m)0.13 (97m)1.351.204745-01454745-01460304 CDRH64BNP-15ØMCCDRH64BNP-18ØMC15018015μH ± 20%18μH ± 20%0.18 (0.13)0.24 (0.18)1.101.004745-01474745-01480506 CDRH64BNP-22ØMCCDRH64BNP-27ØMC22027022μH ± 20%27μH ± 20%0.27 (0.20)0.30 (0.22)0.910.824745-01494745-01500708 CDRH64BNP-33ØMCCDRH64BNP-39ØMC33039033μH ± 20%39μH ± 20%0.33 (0.25)0.37 (0.27)0.750.694745-01514745-01520910 CDRH64BNP-47ØMCCDRH64BNP-56ØMC47056047μH ± 20%56μH ± 20%0.52 (0.38)0.56 (0.41)0.620.584745-01544745-01551112 CDRH64BNP-68ØMCCDRH64BNP-82ØMC68082068μH ± 20%82μH ± 20%0.63 (0.47)0.71 (0.53)0.520.474745-01564745-01571314 CDRH64BNP-1Ø1MCCDRH64BNP-121MC101121100μH ± 20%120μH ± 20%1.03 (0.76)1.15 (0.85)0.430.394745-01584745-01591516 CDRH64BNP-151MCCDRH64BNP-181MC151181150μH ± 20%180μH ± 20%1.68 (1.29)1.87 (1.44)0.350.324745-01604745-01611718 CDRH64BNP-221MCCDRH64BNP-271MC221271220μH ± 20%270μH ± 20%2.08 (1.60)2.37 (1.82)0.290.264745-01624745-01631920 CDRH64BNP-331MCCDRH64BNP-391MC331391330μH ± 20%390μH ± 20%2.67 (2.05)2.94 (2.26)0.230.224745-01654745-01662122 CDRH64BNP-471MCCDRH64BNP-561MC471561470μH ± 20%560μH ± 20%3.93 (3.02)5.43 (4.18)0.200.184745-01674745-01682324 CDRH64BNP-681MCCDRH64BNP-821MC681821680μH ± 20%820μH ± 20%7.32 (5.63)8.24 (6.34)0.170.154745-01694745-017025 CDRH64BNP-1Ø2MC 102 1 mH ± 20% 9.26 (7.13) 0.14 4745-0171※1: 測定周波数 L at 1 kHz※2: ( )内は、標準値とする。
1-204HSMD-TX00HSME-TX00HSMG-TX00HSMH-TX00HSMS-TX00HSMY-TX00Device Selection GuideDH AS HighHigh AlGaAs EfficiencyPerformanceEmerald Red Red Orange Yellow Green Green HSMH-HSMS-HSMD-HSMY-HSMG-HSME-Description T400T400T400T400T400T40012 mm Tape, 7" Reel,2000 Devices T500T500T500T500T500T50012 mm Tape, 13" Reel,8000 Devices T600T600T600T600T600T6008 mm Tape, 7" Reel,2000 Devices T700T700T700T700T700T7008 mm Tape, 13" Reel,8000 DevicesSurface Mount LED Indicator Technical DataFeatures• Compatible with Automatic Placement Equipment • Compatible with Infrared and Vapor Phase Reflow Solder Processes• Packaged in 12mm or 8mm tape on 7" or 13" Diameter Reels• EIA Standard Package • Low Package Profile • Nondiffused PackageExcellent for Backlighting and Coupling to Light PipesDescriptionThese solid state surface mount indicators are designed with a flat top and sides to be easily handled by automatic placementequipment. A glue pad is provided for adhesive mounting processes.They are compatible withconvective IR and vapor phase reflow soldering and conductive epoxy attachment processes.The package size and configura-tion conform to the EIA-535BAAC standard specification for case size 3528 tantalum capacitors. The folded leadsH5964-9359Epermit dense placement and provide an external solder joint for ease of inspection.These devices are nondiffused,providing high intensity forapplications such as backlighting,light pipe illumination, and front panel indication.1-205Package DimensionsTape and Reel SpecificationsHewlett Packard surface mount LEDs are packaged tape and reel in accordance with EIA-481A,Taping of Surface MountComponents for Automatic Placement . This packaging system is compatible with tape-fed automatic pick and place systems. Each reel is sealed in avapor barrier bag for added protection. Bulk packaging in vapor barrier bags is availableupon special request.Absolute Maximum Ratings at T A = 25°CDH AS High HighAlGaAs Efficiency Perf.Emerald Parameter Red Red Orange Yellow Green Green Units DC Forward303030303030mA Current[1]Peak Forward3009090609090mA Current[2]Average202525202525mA ForwardCurrent[2]LED Junction95°C TemperatureTransientForwardCurrent[3](10 µs Pulse)500mA Reverse Voltage5V (I R = 100 mA)Operating-40 to +85-20 to +85°C TemperatureRangeStorage-40 to +85°C TemperatureRangeReflow SolderingTemperatureConvective IR235°C Peak, above 185°C for 90 seconds.Vapor Phase 215°C for 3 minutes.Notes:1. Derate dc current linearly from 50°C: For AlGaAs red, high efficiency red, and green devices at 0.67 mA/°C. For yellow devices at0.44mA/°C.2. Refer to Figure 5 showing Maximum Tolerable Peak Current vs. Pulse duration to establish pulsed operating conditions.3. The transient peak current is the maximum non-recurring peak current the device can withstand without damaging the LED die andwire bond. The device should not be operated at peak currents above the Absolute Maximum Peak Forward Current.1-2061-207DH AS AlGaAs Red HSMH-TX00ParameterSymbol Min.Typ.Max.Units Test Conditions Luminous Intensity I v 9.017.0mcd I F = 10 mA Forward VoltageV F 1.8 2.2V I F = 10 mA Reverse Breakdown Voltage V R 5.015.0V I R = 100 µAIncluded Angle Between Half Intensity Points [1]2θ1/2120deg.Peak Wavelength λPEAK 645nm Dominant Wavelength [2]λd 637nm Spectral Line Half Width ∆λ1/220nm Speed of Response τs 30ns Time Constant, e -t/τCapacitance C 30pF V F = 0, f = 1 MHz Thermal Resistance R θJ-pin 180°C/W Junction-to-Cathode Luminous Efficacy [3]ηv80lm/WHigh Efficiency Red HSMS-TX00ParameterSymbol Min.Typ.Max.Units Test Conditions Luminous Intensity I v 2.06.0mcd I F = 10 mA Forward VoltageV F 1.9 2.5V I F = 10 mA Reverse Breakdown Voltage V R 5.030.0V I R = 100 µAIncluded Angle Between Half Intensity Points [1]2θ1/2120deg.Peak Wavelength λPEAK 635nm Dominant Wavelength [2]λd 626nm Spectral Line Half Width ∆λ1/240nm Speed of Response τs 90ns Time Constant, e -t/τCapacitance C 11pF V F = 0, f = 1 MHz Thermal Resistance R θJ-pin 160°C/W Junction-to-Cathode Luminous Efficacy [3]ηv145lm/WNotes:1. θ1/2 is the off-axis angle where the luminous intensity is half the on-axis value.2. The dominant wavelength, λd , is derived from the CIE Chromaticity Diagram and represents the color of the device.3. The radiant intensity, I e , in watts per steradian, may be found from the equation I e = I v / ηv , where I v is the luminous intensity in candelas and ηv is luminous efficacy in lumens/watt.Electrical/Optical Characteristics at T A = 25°Cs s1-208Orange HSMD-TX00ParameterSymbol Min.Typ.Max.Units Test Conditions Luminous Intensity I v 1.55.0mcd I F = 10 mA Forward VoltageV F 1.9 2.5V I F = 10 mA Reverse Breakdown Voltage V R 5.030.0V I R = 100 µAIncluded Angle Between Half Intensity Points [1]2θ1/2120deg.Peak Wavelength λPEAK 600nm Dominant Wavelength [2]λd 602nm Spectral Line Half Width ∆λ1/240nm Speed of Response τs 260ns Time Constant, e -t/τCapacitance C 4pF V F = 0, f = 1 MHz Thermal Resistance R θJ-pin 160°C/W Junction-to-Cathode Luminous Efficacy [3]ηv380lm/WYellow HSMY-TX00ParameterSymbol Min.Typ.Max.Units Test Conditions Luminous Intensity I v 2.05.0mcd I F = 10 mA Forward VoltageV F 2.0 2.5V I F = 10 mA Reverse Breakdown Voltage V R 5.050.0V I R = 100 µAIncluded Angle Between Half Intensity Points [1]2θ1/2120deg.Peak Wavelength λPEAK 583nm Dominant Wavelength [2]λd 585nm Spectral Line Half Width ∆λ1/236nm Speed of Response τs 90ns Time Constant, e -t/τCapacitance C 15pF V F = 0, f = 1 MHz Thermal Resistance R θJ-pin 160°C/W Junction-to-Cathode Luminous Efficacy [3]ηv500lm/WNotes:1. θ1/2 is the off-axis angle where the luminous intensity is half the on-axis value.2. The dominant wavelength, λd , is derived from the CIE Chromaticity Diagram and represents the color of the device.3. The radiant intensity, I e , in watts per steradian, may be found from the equation I e = I v / ηv , where I v is the luminous intensity in candelas and ηv is luminous efficacy in lumens/watt.s s1-209High Performance Green HSMG-TX00ParameterSymbol Min.Typ.Max.Units Test Conditions Luminous Intensity I v 4.010.0mcd I F = 10 mA Forward VoltageV F 2.0 2.5V I F = 10 mA Reverse Breakdown Voltage V R 5.050.0V I R = 100 µAIncluded Angle Between Half Intensity Points [1]2θ1/2120deg.Peak Wavelength λPEAK 570nm Dominant Wavelength [2]λd 572nm Spectral Line Half Width ∆λ1/228nm Speed of Response τs 500ns Time Constant, e -t/τCapacitance C 18pF V F = 0, f = 1 MHz Thermal Resistance R θJ-pin 160°C/W Junction-to-Cathode Luminous Efficacy [3]ηv595lm/WNotes:1. θ1/2 is the off-axis angle where the luminous intensity is half the on-axis value.2. The dominant wavelength, λd , is derived from the CIE Chromaticity Diagram and represents the color of the device.3. The radiant intensity, I e , in watts per steradian, may be found from the equation I e = I v / ηv , where I v is the luminous intensity in candelas and ηv is luminous efficacy in lumens/watt.Emerald Green HSME-TX00ParameterSymbol Min.Typ.Max.Units Test Conditions Luminous Intensity I v 1.01.5mcd I F = 10 mA Forward VoltageV F 2.2 2.27V I F = 10 mA Reverse Breakdown Voltage V R 5.050.0V I R = 100 µAIncluded Angle Between Half Intensity Points [1]2θ1/2120deg.Peak Wavelength λPEAK 558nm Dominant Wavelength [2]λd 560nm Spectral Line Half Width ∆λ1/228nm Speed of Response τs 500ns Time Constant, e -t/τCapacitance C 52pF V F = 0, f = 1 MHz Thermal Resistance R θJ-pin 120°C/W Junction-to-Cathode Luminous Efficacy [3]ηv680lm/WNotes:1. θ1/2 is the off-axis angle where the luminous intensity is half the on-axis value.2. The dominant wavelength, λd , is derived from the CIE Chromaticity Diagram and represents the color of the device.3. The radiant intensity, I e , in watts per steradian, may be found from the equation I e = I v / ηv , where I v is the luminous intensity in candelas and ηv is luminous efficacy in lumens/watt.4. Refer to Application Note 1061 for information comparing high performance green with emerald green light output degradation.s s1-210V – FORWARD VOLTAGE – V FI – F O R W A R D C U R R E N T – m AF Figure 1. Relative Intensity vs. Wavelength.Figure 2. Forward Current vs. Forward Voltage.Figure 3. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. Forward Current.300280260240220200180160140120100804020V – FORWARD VOLTAGE – V FI – F O R W A R D C U R R E N T – m AF DH AS AlGaAs RED3. – DC FORWARD CURRENT – mA FR E L A T I V E L U M I N O U S I N T E N S I T Y (N O R M A L I Z E D A T 10 m A )DH AS AlGaAs RED4. – DC FORWARD CURRENT – mAFR E L A T I V E L U M I N O U S I N T E N S I T Y (N O R M A L I Z E D A T 10m A )WAVELENGTH – nmR E L A T I V E I N T E N S I T Y1.00.50500550600650700750HER, ORANGE, YELLOW,HIGH PERFORMANCE GREEN AND EMERALD GREENHER, ORANGE, YELLOW,HIGH PERFORMANCE GREEN AND EMERALD GREEN1-211Figure 6. Relative Intensity vs. Angular Displacement.Figure 5. Maximum Tolerable Peak Current vs. Pulse Duration (I DC MAX per MAX Ratings).ηv – R E L A T I V E E F F I C I E N C Y (N O R M A L I Z E D A T 10 m A )I PEAK – PEAK FORWARD CURRENT – mA307010509020608040HER, ORANGE, YELLOW,HIGH PERFORMANCE GREEN AND EMERALD GREENHER, ORANGE, YELLOW,HIGH PERFORMANCE GREEN AND EMERALD GREENFigure 4. Relative Efficiency (Luminous Intensity per Unit Current) vs. Peak Current.。
第04章 设备说明A
4.1 设备表4.1.1 硫磺系统位号名称MA601 熔硫搅拌器MA603 粗硫搅拌器MA604 硫磺助滤搅拌器MF411 液硫过滤器MP121A/B 焚硫炉进料泵和备用泵MP123A/B 液硫过滤器进料泵及备用泵MP124A/B 液硫过滤器助滤泵及备用泵MX801 熔硫槽加热盘管MX802 过滤槽加热器MX803 硫磺贮罐加热器MX804 助滤槽加热器MX805 精硫槽加热器VV026 硫磺贮罐VZ002-001 过滤槽VZ002-002 助滤槽VZ002-003 精硫槽VZ003 熔硫槽4.1.2 制酸部分位号名称MB101 废热锅炉MC201 空气鼓风机MF461 进口空气过滤器MK501 硫磺喷枪MK511 开车点火器MP104 排酸泵位号名称MP115 公用酸循环泵MP116 烟酸塔循环泵MP117 22%成品烟酸增压泵MP171A/B 锅炉给水泵及备用泵MV201 排污膨胀器(常压式、定期)MV202 排污膨胀器(压力式、连续)MX115 公用酸冷却器(管壳式)MX216 成品酸冷却器(板式)MX221 烟酸塔冷却器(板式)MX222 成品烟酸冷却器(板式)MX407 过热器1BMX408 过热器4A/省煤器4C/4AMX409 换热器/省煤器3BMX601 除氧器MZ602 锅炉加药装置VK001 焚硫炉VV001 转化器VV002 干燥塔VV003 第一吸收塔VV004 第二吸收塔VV008 酸循环泵槽VV010 烟酸塔VV011 烟酸泵槽VV013A/B 硫酸贮罐VX003 热管换热器VX004 冷热换热器VX005 热热换热器VZ001 烟囱4.2 设备说明4.2.1 硫磺系统硫磺系统主要设备说明如下:1. 熔硫搅拌器(MA601)熔硫槽需要有搅拌器以使中和石灰和熔硫充分混合并提供强有力的搅拌,确保固体硫磺悬浮和完全熔化。
必修信息技术基础第一章信息与信息技术1.1 信息及其特征学习目标知识要点1.载体就是承载信息的事物,如语言、文字、纸张、光盘等,载体包含的内容为信息。
基础训练1.对于信息特征的理解,下列说法正确的是()A. 存在不依附于任何载体的信息B. 信息共享指的是将信息传递给对方,而自己失去这一信息C. 信息是可以加工处理的D. 信息的价值是不会改变的2.下列有关信息的说法正确的是()A. 信息是自从出现人类社会以来才有的B. 信息一旦形成就不能再被加工C. 信息可以被多个信息接收者接收并且多次使用D. 信息的价值总是恒定不变的3.下列属于信息的是()A.《浙江日报》B.佳能400D数码相机C.2008北京奥运会开幕式实况D.音乐光盘4.某手机运营商向所有用户发送天气预报短信,这主要体现了信息的()A.真伪性B.时效性C.共享性D.可加工处理性5.一张光盘被毁坏了,存储的信息就无法读取;一卷录像带被烧毁了,影像信息就不复存在。
A. 载体依附性B. 共享性C. 传递性 D.时效性6.杀毒软件的病毒库应及时更新,才能更有效地起到杀毒与防毒作用,这主要是为了保证信息的()A.载体依附性 B. 时效性 C. 共享性 D.传递性7.某人手机收到一条短信:“恭喜您!您的手机号码中大奖了,奖金为9.8万元!请您先交980元的奖金税款……”,等他向指定的银行账号汇入钱后,再也联系不到原来发短信的人了。
这主要体现了信息的()A. 载体依附性B.共享性C.时效性D.真伪性1.2 信息的编码学习目标学习目标会考要求b1.了解二进制代码的特征。
RATED CURRENT (A) ※3 1.68 1.52 1.33 1.20 1.07 0.96 0.91 0.77 0.76 0.68 0.61 0.57 0.50 0.49 0.43 0.39 0.35 0.32 0.28 0.26 0.24 0.22 0.19 0.18 0.16
compliance Cd:Max.0.01wt% others:Max.0.1wt%
SPECIFቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱCATION
2-2.ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSⅠ(IN THE CASE OF REEL) INDUCTANCE [WITHIN] ※1 10μH ± 20% 12μH ± 20% 15μH ± 20% 18μH ± 20% 22μH ± 20% 27μH ± 20% 33μH ± 20% 39μH ± 20% 47μH ± 20% 56μH ± 20% 68μH ± 20% 82μH ± 20% 100μH ± 20% 120μH ± 20% 150μH ± 20% 180μH ± 20% 220μH ± 20% 270μH ± 20% 330μH ± 20% 390μH ± 20% 470μH ± 20% 560μH ± 20% 680μH ± 20% 820μH ± 20% 1.0 mH ± 20% D.C.R. (Ω)[MAX.] (at 20℃) ※2 72m (55m) 98m (75m) 0.13 (96m) 0.14 (0.11) 0.19 (0.15) 0.21 (0.16) 0.24 (0.18) 0.32 (0.25) 0.36 (0.28) 0.47 (0.36) 0.52 (0.40) 0.69 (0.53) 0.79 (0.61) 0.89 (0.69) 1.27 (1.02) 1.45 (1.16) 1.65 (1.32) 2.31 (1.85) 2.62 (2.10) 2.94 (2.35) 4.18 (3.35) 4.67 (3.73) 5.73 (4.58) 6.54 (5.23) 9.44 (7.55)
1MBH50-060,1MBH50D-060,Molded IGBT600V / 50AMolded PackageFeatures· Small molded package · Low power loss· Soft switching with low switching surge and noise· High reliability, high ruggedness (RBSOA, SCSOA etc.)· Comprehensive line-upApplications· Inverter for Motor drive· AC and DC Servo drive amplifier· Uninterruptible power supplyMaximum ratings and characteristicsAbsolute maximum ratings (at Tc=25°C unless otherwise specified)Item Symbol Collector-Emitter voltage V CES Gate-Emitter voltaga V GES Collector DC Tc=25°C I C25current Tc=100°C I C1001ms Tc=25°C IcpMax. power dissipation(IGBT)P C Operating temperature T j Storage temperature T stg Screw torque - Rating600±208250328310+150-40 to +150 70Unit V V A A A W °C °C N·mEquivalent Circuit Schematic1MBH50-060 / IGBT1MBH50D-060 / IGBT+FWDIGBTIGBT + FWDItemZero gate voltage collector current Gate-Emitter leakage current Gate-Emitter threshold voltage Collector-Emitter saturation voltage Input capacitance Output capacitanceReverse transfer capacitance Turn-on time Turn-off timeI CES I GES V GE(th)V CE(sat)C iesC oes C res t on t r t off t f–– 1.0––205.5–8.5–– 3.0–3000––650––150––– 1.2––0.6–– 1.0––0.35V GE =0V, V CE =600V V CE =0V, V GE =±20V V CE =20V, I C =50mA V GE =15V, I C =50A V GE =0V V CE =10V f=1MHzV CC =300V, I C =50A V GE =±15V R G =62 ohm (Half Bridge)mA µA V V pFµsElectrical characteristics (at Tj=25°C unless otherwise specified)Thermal resistance characteristics Symbol Characteristics Conditions Unit Min. Typ. Max.1MBH50-060, 1MBH50D-060Molded IGBT1MBH50-060 / IGBT1MBH50D-060 / IGBT+FWDThermal resistance ––0.40IGBT °C/W Item Symbol Characteristics Conditions Unit Min. Typ. Max.Rth(j-c)1MBH50-060 / IGBTOutline drawings, mm1MBH50-060, 1MBH50D-060TO-3PLCharacteristics1MBH50-060,1MBH50D-0601MBH50-060, 1MBH50D-060Molded IGBTCollector current vs. Collector-Emitter voltage Tj=25°CCollector current vs. Collector-Emitter voltage Tj=125°CCollector-Emitter vs. Gate-Emitter voltage Tj=25°CCollector-Emitter vs. Gate-Emitter voltage Tj=125°CSwitching time vs. Collector currentVcc=300V, R G =62 ohm, V GE =±15V, Tj=25°CSwitching time vs. Collector current Vcc=300V, R G =62 ohm, V GE =±15V, Tj=125°CCollector-Emitter voltage : V CE [V]Collector-Emitter voltage : V CE [V]C o l l e c t o r c u r r e n t : I c [A ]C o l l e c t o r c u r r e n t : I c [A ]0 1 2 3 4 5C o l l e c t o r -E m i t t e r v o l t a g e :V CE[V ]C o l l e c t o r -E m i t t e r v o l t a g e : V C E [V ]0 5 10 15 20Gate-Emitter voltage : V GE [V]Gate-Emitter voltage : V GE [V]S w i t c h i n g t i m e : t o n , t r , t o f f , t f [n s e c .]10010Collector current : Ic [A]Collector current : Ic [A]S w i t c h i n g t i m e : t o n , t r , t o f f , t f [n s e c .]0 20 40 60 801008060 40 20 010864210001086 4 2 01001010000 1 2 3 4 50 5 10 15 2010080604020Collector-Emitter voltage : V CE [V]10C a p a c i t a n c e : C i e s , C o e s , C r e s [n F ]Capacitance vs. Collector-Emitter voltageTj=25°C0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35100Switching time vs. R GVcc=300V, Ic=50A, V GE =±15V, Tj=25°C Dynamic input characteristicsTj=25°CGate resistance : R G [ohm]0 50 100 150 200 250Gate charge : Qg [nC]100100010S w i t c h i n g t i m e : t o n , t r , t o f f , t f [n s e c .]C o l l e c t o r -E m i t t e r v o l t a g e : V C E [V ]G a t e -E m i t t e r v o l t a g e : V G E [V ]120100 80 60 40 200 100 200 300 400 500 600 700Collector-Emitter voltage : V CE [V]C o l l e c t o r c u r r e n t : I c [A ]252015105500400300200100Switching time vs. R GVcc=300V, Ic=50A, V GE =±15V, Tj=125°CGate resistance : R G [ohm]100100010S w i t c h i n g t i m e : t o n , t r , t o f f , t f [n s e c .]Reversed biased safe operating area+V GE =15V, -V GE = 15V, Tj = 125°C, R G = 62 ohm<<>Typical short circuit capabilityVcc=400V, R G =62 ohm, Tj=125°CS h o r t c i r c u i t t i m e : t s c [µs ]10006005004003002001005 10 15 20 25S h o r t c i r c u i t t i m e c u r r e n t : I s c [A ]Characteristics1MBH50-060,1MBH50D-060Gate voltage : V GE[V]10-4 10-3 10-2 10-1 100Pulse width : P W [sec.]T h e r m a l r e s i s t a n c e : R t h (j -c ) [°C /W ]Transient thermal resistanceCharacteristics1MBH50-060,1MBH50D-0601MBH50D-060Reverse recovery time vs. Forward current-di/dt=150A / µsecReverse recovery current vs. Forward current -di/dt=150A / µsecr e v e r s e r e c o v e r y t i m e : t r r [n s e c ]r e v e r s e r e c o v e r y c u r r e n t : I r r [A ]400300200100151050 20 40 60 80Forward current : I F [A]Forward current : I F [A]0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.50 100 200 300 400 500Forward voltage : V F [V]F o r w a r d c u r r e n t : I F [A ]r e v e r s e r e c o v e r y t i m e : t r r [n s e c ]-di/dt [ A / µsec ]Forward current vs. Foeward voltageReverse recovery time characteristics vs. -di/dt IF=50A , Tj=125°C252015105r e v e r s e r e c o v e r y c u r r e n t : I r r [A ]10010-110-210110080604020500400300200100 0。
直流电源系统 太阳能光电互补系统 户外能源系统 动力环境与业务软件
交流电源系统(20KVA以上) 数据机房高压直流电源系统 精密制冷系统 服务器电源管理系统 谐波治理系统 交流电源系统(20KVA以下) 服务器机柜&管理系统 Avocent IT管控系统 Trellis™ 动态基础设施优化平台
RDU-A监控单元 RDU-SIC卡 传感器
可提供全方位的 高效可靠服务
Control Room
DCS Instrum,
Fire & Gas detection 工业专用交流不间断电源UPS 工业环境空调AC
Motors, Pumps
DC Motors
Remote Telecontrol Unit
Industrial Telecom
Safety Lighting
09 直流电源系统 26 太阳能光电互补系统 28 户外能源系统 34 动力环境与业务软件
直接用Web通过网口实现实时远程监控 8组干接点输出,可自由配置 4个用户数字量输入接口,可自由配置 可存储历史告警400条,电池测试日志10条,系统日志300条,控制日志2000条 智能化电池管理,提高电池使用寿命,保证网络安全 遥控、遥测、遥信、遥调 可以本地或远程升级软件 无损伤热插拔
专业制造专心服务HDI通用变频器系列使用手册八、功能一览表八、功能一览表Pr000Pr001Pr002Pr003Pr004Pr005Pr006Pr007Pr008Pr009Pr010分类功能码功 能设定范围及功能说明出厂值参数功能一览表(一)Pr012Pr013Pr014Pr015Pr016Pr017Pr018Pr019Pr011主频率设定最大输出电压基准频率设定中间频率时电压中间频率设定最低频率时电压最低频率设定最高操作频率保留频率下限参数锁定0.00220/38050.00*2.50/3.0*0.5050.000.000********0.00~400.00 Hz0.1V —*0.01~400.00 Hz0.1V —*0.01~400.00 Hz0.1~*0.01~20.00 Hz 10.00~400.00 Hz 0.00~400.00 Hz 0:无效 1:有效第一加速时间第一减速时间第二加速时间第二减速时间第三加速时间第三减速时间第四加速时间第四减速时间参数重置0.1~6500.0S 0.1~6500.0S 0.1~6500.0S 0.1~6500.0S 0.1~6500.0S 0.1~6500.0S 0.1~6500.0S 0.1~6500.0S00Pr020∫Pr027保留启动方式选择停车方式选择运行指令来源运行频率来源载波频率点动频率0.00~400.00 Hz 0:由启动频率开始起动1:频率跟踪起动0:减速停止1:自由运转停止0:操作器 1:外部端子2:通讯口0:操作器 1:外部端子2:通讯口0~150000*5.00Pr031Pr032Pr033Pr034Pr035Pr036应用参数基本参数00~10 08:恢复出厂值自学习旋转频率马达时间常数Pr028Pr0290-10.000-100010.000八、功能一览表反转允许选择0:反转禁止 1:反转有效1Pr037参数功能一览表(二)分类功能码功 能设定范围及功能说明出厂值应用参数Pr038Pr039Pr040Pr041Pr042Pr043Pr044Pr045Pr046Pr047Pr048Pr049停止键有无效S 曲线设定Up /Down 频率步长启动频率停车频率自动转矩补偿跳跃频率一跳跃频率二跳跃频率三跳跃频率范围定时器一时间设定定时器二时间设定0:STOP 无效 1:STOP 有效0.0~6500S 01~10.0 Hz 0.1~10.0 Hz 0.0~10.0%0.00~400.00 Hz 0.00~400.00 Hz 0.00~400.00 Hz 0.10~10.00 Hz 0.1~10.01~10010.00.010.500.502.0%无效 1运行中 2故障指示 3零速 4制动指示 5设定频率到达 6任意频率一到达7任意频率二到达 8加速中 9减速中 10变频器过载报警 11电机过载报警 12过转矩报警 13低压报警 14阶段完成指示15过程完成指示 16计数器到达 17中间计数器到达 18外控定时器一到达 19外控定时器二到达204~20mA 断线 25辅泵一 26辅泵二 27牵伸到达 28 PID 下限报警 29 PID 上限报 30风扇动作 31电磁继电器动作 32制动电阻动作0无效 1运转 2正转 3反转 4停止 5正/反转 6寸动 7寸动正转 8寸动反转 9紧停 10复位 11保留 12散热器或电机过热 13定时器一 14定时器二 15保留 16保留 17高速 18中速 19低速 20多段速一 21多段速二 22多段速三 23加减速选择一 24加减速选择二 25up 功能 26down 功能27计数器脉冲 28计数器复位 29牵伸31 AUTOPLC 暂停复位 32 PID 开启数位频率信号输出端0.00~400.00 Hz0203101718190105020000.00频率一致一多功能输入一(X1端子)多功能输入二(X2端子)多功能输入三(X3端子)多功能输入四(X4端子)多功能输入五(X5端子)多功能输入六(X6端子)多功能输出一(Y1端子)多功能输出二(Y2端子)多功能输出三(TA 、TB 、TC 端子)多功能输出四(KA 、KB 端子)多功能输出五(VO 端子)输入输出端子0.01~2.50八、功能一览表参数功能一览表(三)分类功能码功 能设定范围及功能说明出厂值Pr062Pr063Pr064Pr065Pr066Pr067Pr068Pr069频率一致二频率一致范围设定计数值设定模拟量输入选择0:0~10V 1:0~5V 2:0~20mA 3:4~20mA 4:0~10V,4~20mA 叠加0.00~400.00 Hz 0.10~10.00 Hz 00~6550000.000.5000模拟量低端频率低端频率偏压方向模拟量高端频率高端频率偏压方向0.00~400.00 Hz 0:正方向 1:负方向0.00~400.00 Hz 0:正方向 1:负方向0050.000Pr070Pr071Pr072Pr073Pr074Pr075模拟量负偏压反转选择VO 类比输出增益UP.DOWN 功能选择UP.DOWN 速度选择模拟量滤波常数中间计数器设置0:不可 1:可反转0.0~100.0%0:不记忆力1:记忆0:0.1Hz 1:0.01Hz0~500~65500010*******:普通运行 1:外控四段速2:外控多段速 3:扰动 4:控多段速 5:牵伸PLC 运转选择Pr080Pr081Pr082Pr083Pr084Pr085Pr086第二频率设定第三频率设定第四频率设定第五频率设定第六频率设定第七频率设定第八频率设定0.00~400.00 Hz 0.00~400.00 Hz 0.00~400.00 Hz 0.00~400.00 Hz 0.00~400.00 Hz 0.00~400.00 Hz 0.00~400.00 Hz15.0020.0025.00300035.0040.000.50Pr078Pr079PLC 运转方向PLC 加减速时间0~255 (0:正转 1:反转)0~65535000:运转一周后停止 1:循环运行 2:自动运行(STOP 间隔)一周后停止 3:自动运行(STOP 间隔)循环运行0Pr076Pr0770AuToPLC 选择多段速及简易PLC输入、输出端子八、功能一览表参数功能一览表(四)分类功能码功 能设定范围及功能说明出厂值Pr087Pr088Pr089Pr090Pr091Pr092Pr093Pr094Pr095Pr107Pr108Pr109Pr096~Pr106定时器一定时器二定时器三定时器四定时器五定时器六定时器七定时器八0.0~6500.0S 0.0~6500.0S 0.0~6500.0S 0.0~6500.0S 0.0~6500.0S 0.0~6500.0S 0.0~6500.0S 0.0~6500.0S保留多段速及简易PLCAUTOPLC 记忆功能外部端子UP 加速时间外部端子DOWN 减速时间外部端子频率递增/递减模式选择0:不记忆 1:不记忆0-6500.00Pr110Pr111Pr112Pr113Pr114Pr115Pr116Pr117Pr118Pr119Pr124Pr125Pr126Pr127Pr128Pr129恒速中失速防止时减速时间故障重启时间频率跟踪时电压上升时间过转矩检测准位过转矩检测时间0~200%0.1~20.0S辅泵个数辅泵连续时间辅泵互锁时间高速运行时间低速运行时间停机压力准位停机准位连续时间唤醒准位睡眠频率睡眠频率连续时间过压失速防止选择加速中失速防止准位恒速中失速防止准位减速中失速防止准位Pr120Pr121Pr122Pr1230:无效 1:有效0~200%0~200%0~200%过转矩检出方式选择0~30015001500~21~9000min 0.1~250S 1~250S 1~250S 1~150%1~250S 1~150%0.00~400.01~250S 0605S 60S 60S 95%30S 80%20.0020S 保护功能参数保护功能参数0.1~25.50.02~250.01~10--00-6500.000-1都会先停止再启动,一直持续到自动运转指令OFF 后停止; 2)每一阶段完成时,对应多功能输出接点动作;3)每一程式运行完成时,对应多功能输出接点动作。
Collector Current vs. Collector-Emitter Voltage 120 T j= 2 5 ° C 120
5.5 3000 650 150
Turn-on Time Switching Time Turn-off Time Turn-on Time Turn-off Time Diode Forward On-Voltage Reverse Recovers
• Thermal Characteristics
0,01 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
0 0 50 100 150 Gate Charge : QG 200 250 [nQ]
0 300
Collector-Emitter Voltage : V CE [V]
Reverse Recovery Time vs. Forward Current V R= 2 0 0 V ,
/ dt 25
Forward Current : I
200 t rr 100
0 0,0
0 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 2,5 3,0 3,5 4,0 4,5 0 100 200
300 [A/µsec]
0 500
Forward Voltage : V F [V]
MDx 产品系列-1-5020-ZH
润滑剂出口 球阀 目视最低液位
m" " <'
! $ !$ #!
& !$
" m"%
注油接头 排气螺堵
轴承及 轴承单元
通过运用五大领域的能力以及一百多年以来积累的专门知识,B:5为全球主要行业的原始设备制 造商和生产厂商提供创新解决方案。这五大领域包括轴承及轴承单元、密封件、润滑系统、机 电一体化(将机械和电子技术相结合的智能系统)、以及包括从三维计算机建模到先进的状态 监测、可靠性应用和资产管理等一系列的服务。B:5为客户提供统一质量标准的产品,业务遍及 全球。
MDS 微量系统
MDx 产品系列
用于油润滑 适用于最小剂量在 0,5 至 5 mm3/min范围内的连续监测润滑
该系统具有以下优点: • 节能 • 静音 • 节约资源
MDS 是一种智能微量系统,专为各种要 求严格的应用开发。
本产品通过将完美匹配的部件、高精 度阀门、微流传感器以及高可靠性控制单 元组合在一起,可对极少量的润滑剂进行 精确的计量和监测。
该系统可在动态变化中调节润滑剂的剂 量,例如,在主轴转速或基本加工条件发 生变化,并导致润滑油需求改变时。该系 统还可对润滑剂的粘度变化作出实时响应 (例如,因温度变化而引起时)。
该系统的 MDU 微量单元设计小巧、紧 凑,达到IP67电气防护级别。可以直接安 装在机床的主轴隔舱中,从而更加接近润 滑点。MDR油箱可以放置在流体机柜中 († 图 2)。
与传统的润滑系统相比, MDS 并不 使用压缩空气来传送润滑剂,因此具有极 高的能效和成本节约潜力。
目 录第一章 安全注意事项 (1)1-1 接收产品时确认 (1)1-2 搬运及安装 (1)1-3 布线、接线 (2)1-4 送电、试运行 (3)1-5 检查及保养 (4)1-6 异常处理 (4)1-7 报废处理 (4)第二章 产品介绍 (5)2-1 开箱确认 (5)2-2 变频器型号说明 (5)2-3 产品技术指标 (6)2-4 产品系列型号 (7)2-5 产品储存 (7)第三章 变频器的安装 (8)3-1 安装环境及要求 (8)3-2 变频器外型及安装尺寸 (10)3-3 数位操作器外拖托盘开孔尺寸 (10)第四章 配线 (11)4-1 主回路配线 (11)4-1-1 外围器件说明 (12)目 录4-1-2 主回路配线注意事项 (13)4-1-3 装置推荐使用规格 (14)4-1-4 主回路端子及说明 (14)4-2 控制端子 (15)4-2-1 基本配绕图 (15)4-2-2 控制端子排列 (16)4-2-3 控制端子说明 (16)4-2-4 控制回路配电注意事项 (16)第五章 数字操作器按键说明 (17)5-1 数位操作器 (17)5-1-1 按键功能说明 (18)5-1-2 显示项目说明 (18)5-2 数位操作器操作方法 (19)第六章 功能参数表 (21)第七章 功能参数详细说明 (31)7-1 监视参数组 (31)7-2 基本运行参数组 (35)7-3 基本应用参数组 (45)7-3 输入输出应用组 (51)7-4 辅助功能应用组 (65)7-5 应用功能组 (75)7-6 辅组应用功能组(PID) (81)7-7 通讯参数组 (89)7-8 高级应用参数组 (98)第八章 维护保养,故障诊断与对策 (100)8-1 日常检查项目 (100)8-2 维护、检查注意事项 (100)8-3 定期检查项目 (101)8-4 变频器定期更换部件 (101)8-5 保护信息故障诊断及排除。
一、主要特性静态电流待机电流(检测到过放之后)过充检测精度(Topt=25℃)过充检测精度(Topt=0 到50℃)过放检测精度过放检测电压过流保护过充延迟(VDD=4.4V)过放延迟(VDD=2.2V 带有内置电容)封装典型值:4.0uA典型值:0.2uA±50mV±60mV±100mV2.0V 到3.0V,每步0.005V 0.04V 到0.32V,每步0.04V 110mS22mS(最小值)SOT23-6/6-pin二、基本描述DW01 是一款单节可充电锂电池保护集成电路,具有过充、过放、过流及短路保护功能。
IC 内部包含:三个电压检测电路、一个基准电路、一个延迟电路、一个短路保护电路和一个逻辑电路。
当充电电压逐渐增大超过过充检测电路的阈值VDET1 时,Cout Pin 的输出电压即过充检测电路的输出电压VD1 会变到低电位,也就是充电器负端的电位。
在进入过充保护状态后,当VDD 电压降低到VREL1 下方或者当电池组脱离充电器而接一个负载,且VDD 介于VDET1 与VREL1 之间时VD1 可以复位,即Cout Pin 输出变为高电位。
当放电电压低于过放检测电路的阈值VDET2 时,经过一段固定的延迟时间,Dout Pin 的输出即过放检测电路的输出VD2 会变为低电位。
这时,若给电池充电,当电池电压上升到过放检测电路的阈值电压之上时,VD2 恢复,Dout 的输出电压变为高电平。
当有过流情况出现时,内部过流检测电路会检测到,经过一段固定的延迟时间后,VD3 和Dout 变为低电平,放电回路被切断。
这时,若将电池组从负载系统中分开,VD3 会恢复使Dout 变为高电平。
当有外部短路电流时,短路保护电路会立即使Dout变为低电位,当外部短路电流消失后,Dout 会转换为高电位。
IC 过充检测电路的延迟时间可以通过连接外部电容进行设置。
■ 标准规格
被测流体: 液体、气体、蒸汽(避免多相流和粘性流体)
测量流速: 参考表7
精度: 读数的±0.75%(液体) 读数的±1%(气体、蒸汽) 参考表9。 当选择多变量型时,参考P.9。
重复性: 读数的±0.2% 标定:
本流量计出厂前都用水流量进行了标定。 当选择多变量型时用水流量进行温度和流量 标定。
接液温度范围: -29至260˚C (一般型) -196至100˚C (低温型:选购) -29至450˚C (高温型:选购) 当选择多变量型时,参考P.9。 对于一体型参考图1。
工况压力范围: -0.1MPa (-1 kg/cm2) 至法兰额定值。
环境温度范围: -29 至 85℃ (分离型检测器) -40 至 85℃ (分离型转换器) -29 至 85℃ (一体型,参考图1) -29 至 80℃ (带指示器的一体型,参考图1) -30 至 80℃ (带指示器的分离型转换器)
* PS :流量管的最大允许压力,DN:公称通径
** 请参考关于压力仪表指示97/23/EC的EC指示中附件II中 的表6。
*** DY015和DY025不带PED的CE标识,因为它们不属于 PED下的CE标识。
负载电阻 (Ω)
环境温度 (˚C)
85 80
55 50
-50 -29 0 50 100
■ 先进的自诊断功能: 可预测并显示应用工况的变化,如较大的管道振动、 流态异常等。
■ 高精度: 读数的±0.75%(液体) (读数的±0.5%:象征精度/不保证) 读数的±1%(气体、蒸汽)