Unsolved mysteries




有关未解之谜英语作文Title: Unsolved Mysteries。

Unsolved mysteries have always intrigued and captivated humanity. These enigmatic phenomena challenge our understanding of the world and spark curiosity that drives both scientific inquiry and imaginative speculation. Inthis essay, we delve into some of the most perplexing mysteries that continue to baffle researchers and enthusiasts alike.One of the most enduring mysteries is the disappearance of the Roanoke Colony in the late 16th century. In 1587, over 100 English settlers established a colony on Roanoke Island, off the coast of what is now North Carolina. Led by John White, the colony faced numerous hardships, and White eventually left to fetch supplies from England. Upon his return in 1590, he found the settlement deserted, with no signs of struggle or violence, except for the word "Croatoan" carved into a post. The fate of the colonistsremains unknown to this day, fueling speculation ranging from assimilation into Native American tribes to mass migration or even foul play.Another intriguing mystery lies beneath the waters of Loch Ness in Scotland. The Loch Ness Monster, or "Nessie," has been a subject of fascination and debate for centuries. Descriptions of a long-necked, serpentine creature lurking in the depths of the loch date back to ancient times, butit was not until the 20th century that Nessie gained widespread attention. Despite numerous eyewitness accounts, photographs, and even sonar readings, conclusive evidence of Nessie's existence remains elusive. Skeptics attribute sightings to misidentifications of natural phenomena or hoaxes, but believers continue to search for definitive proof of the creature's existence.In the realm of astronomy, the nature of dark matter and dark energy presents one of the most profound mysteries of the universe. Observations of the cosmos reveal that the majority of its mass and energy is composed of substances that do not emit light or interact with electromagneticradiation in any detectable way. While dark matter exerts gravitational effects on visible matter, its precise composition and properties remain unknown. Similarly, dark energy is believed to drive the accelerated expansion of the universe, yet its origin and mechanisms defy current understanding. Unlocking the secrets of dark matter and dark energy is essential to unraveling the fundamental nature of the universe.The Voynich manuscript represents another puzzle that has confounded linguists, historians, and cryptographers for centuries. This medieval manuscript, dating to the early 15th century, contains text written in an unknown script, accompanied by illustrations of plants, celestial bodies, and human figures. Despite numerous attempts to decipher its contents, the manuscript's language remains undeciphered, and its purpose and origins are shrouded in mystery. The Voynich manuscript stands as a testament to the enduring allure of unsolved codes and ciphers.Closer to home, the identity of Jack the Ripper continues to intrigue both historians and amateur sleuthsalike. In the autumn of 1888, a series of brutal murders occurred in the Whitechapel district of London, attributed to an elusive figure dubbed "Jack the Ripper." Despite extensive police investigations and countless theories, the true identity of the perpetrator remains unknown. The case has spawned numerous conspiracy theories and cultural depictions, but the identity of Jack the Ripper remains one of the most enduring mysteries in criminal history.These examples represent just a fraction of the many unsolved mysteries that continue to fascinate and perplex us. Whether rooted in history, science, or the realm of the unknown, these enigmas serve as reminders of the boundless mysteries that surround us, inviting us to explore, speculate, and imagine the possibilities that lie beyond the limits of our current understanding. As we continue to search for answers, the allure of the unknown will always beckon, reminding us of the endless wonders that await discovery.。



L4——U2——1/4listeningEarthformsandextinctionA1.Theearthwasformedaboutfourpointsixbillion(46亿)yearsago.2.Thefirstlifeappearedaboutabillion(10亿)yearslater.3.Thefirstplant-like didn’tappearuntilaround twobillion(20亿)yearsago.4.Untilaboutfivehundredeightymillion(五亿八千万)yearsagolifeformsweresmallandmicroscopic(极小的,微小的).5.Sincethattime,lifehasevolved(进化)intomanydifferenttypesorspecies.6.Howeverscientistsestimate(估计)thatmorethanninetyninepercent(99%)ofthemarenowextinct(灭绝的).B1.Therehavebeenseveralextinction(绝种)eventsinthehistoryoftheearth.2.Inanextinctioneventsmanylifeformsorspeciesoflifedieout.3.Thecausesofmassextinctioneventsareunsolvedmysteries(未解之谜).4.Theseeventsarenotpredictable(预告)andcanhappenatanytime.5.Scientiststhinkthatsomeofthemwerestartedbyasteroidimpacts(影响,碰击或者装机)orvolcaniceruptions(火山爆发).6.Eventslikethis,canchangetheglobalconditionsthatlifedependson.C1.Onemajorextinctioneventhappenedaboutsixty-sixmillion(6600万)yearsago.2.Thateventmayhavebeenstartedbyalargeasteroidthathittheearth.3.Asaresult,thedinosaursandabouthalfofallspecies(物种,种类,类型)ontheplanetdieout.4.Whentheasteroidshittheearth,itstartedachainofevents.5.Achainofeventsisaseriesofeventslinkedtogetherlikeachain.D1.Thisparticularchainofeventshappenedoveraperiodofmonthsandyears.2.Whentheasteroidhittheearth,itcausedahugecloudofdusttoentertheatmosphere.3.ThiscloudofdustblockedtheSunanddarkenedtheEarthformanymonths.4.Withoutenoughsunlight,plantsandplant-eatinganimalsquicklydied.5.Withthedeathsofsomanyplantsandanimals,thefoodchaincollapsed.6.Thisledtothedeathsofmanymorespecies.E1.Massextinctioneventshaveplayedanimportantpartintheevolution(演变,发生,进化论)oflife.2.Infact,someextinctioneventshavehelpedtoaccelerate(加快,加速)evolution.3.Forexample,somemammals(哺乳动物4.5.6.1.灭绝2.3.4.的5.1.2.3.Asaresult,sealevelsarerisingandweatherpatterns(气候模式)arechanging.4.Inaddition(另外),wehumansaredestroyingthehabitats(动物的栖息地)ofmanyplantsandanimals.5.Cuttingdownforestsandpollutingriversdestroythehabitatsofmanyformsoflife.H1.Thereisnolongeranydoubtthatthisishappening.2.Species(物种,类型)oflifearedisappearingatanincreasingrate.3.Globaltemperaturesarerisingandweatherpatternsarechanging.4.Scientistsarewarningusthatfastactionisnecessarytosaveourfuture.5.Ifwedon’tact,wemaygothewayofthedinosaurs.练:1.(读)thisnewextinctioneventiscausedbyhumans.2.It’swhenanasteroidcollideswithsomething.3.AnasteroidhittheEarthandstartedachainofevents.4.Withtheriseintemperature.Thepolaricecapsaremelting.L4——U2——1/4vocabularyBodyorgan2andhumanbeingevolution(进化)A1.body’scirculatory(循环的)systemincludestheheartandbloodvessels(血管).2.Theheartpumpsbloodtoallpartsofthebodythroughanetwork(网络,网状物)ofarteries(动)andveins(静脉).3.Thedigestsystem(消化系统)breaksdown(分解)andabsorbed(吸收)foodintothebody.4.Itsuppliestheenergythatthebodyneedsforgrowthandrepair.5.Afterdigestion,excess(超重,超量)foodisturnedintowasteandeliminated(排除,消除)fromthebody.6.Thenervoussystemsincludethebrain,spinal(脊柱的)cord(脊髓)andnerves.7.Thisisyourbodiescontrolsystem.8.Itcontrolsyourmuscles(肌肉)andorgans(器官)includingyourcirculatory(循环)anddigest(消化)system.9.Therespiratory(呼吸的)systemincludesthenoseandlungs.10.Itbringsairandoxygenintothebodyandremovescarbondioxide(二氧化碳).碳)carbondioxide(二氧化物)isremoved.12.Theimmune(免疫的)systemprotectsthebodyagainstinfections(传染,感染,传染病)anddiseases.13.Sneezing(打喷嚏)andfeverareexampleofhowtheimmunesystemworks.14.Ifaninfectioninvades(侵入)thebodytheimmunesystemattacks(攻击)it.练:1.Thebloodvessels(血管)thatcarryoxygen-richbloodfromtheheartarecalledarteries(动脉).2.Thenervoussystemregulates(控制,管理,调节)yourheartbeatanddigestion.3.Forsomediseases,theimmunesystemuseswhitebloodcellsandantibodies(抗体)toattackit.4.Thedigestsystemiswherefoodisbrokendownandabsorbedintothebody.B1.Thecontrolleduseoffireallowedpeopletocookfoodandsurviveincolderclimates.2.Fireprovidedlightsothatpeoplecouldworkandsocializeforlongerhours.3.Withtheinventionofagriculture(农耕,农业4.猎5.的)actionofanimalsallowedpeopletoraiseanduseanimalsforfoodandwork.6.7.8.的9.的)manythings,includingcommunications.练:1.(听2.(听3.(听)scienceandengineeringbreakthroughsarerapidlychangingthewayweliveourlives.4.(听)withthedevelopmentofagriculture(农耕,农业),peoplehadmoretimeforotheractivities.5.(填)Theabilitytoraiseherdsofanimalssuchassheephumanshadaregularsupplyofmeatandclothing.6.Theabilitytoraiseherdsofanimalsgavehumansaregularsupplyofmeatandclothing.L4——U2——1/4dialogueAboutsmartphoneA1.Itookavacationlastnight.2.Whatareyoutalkingabout?3.Wheredidyoutakeyourvacation?4.Ididn’tgoanywhere.5.Ijustspendaneveningwithoutmysmartphone.6.Howwasit?7.Itwasgreat!Igotarealmagazineandreaditwithnointerruption.8.Itwasverypeaceful.9.Yes,Ihaven’tdonethat in alongtime.B1.Youknowwhat?2.I’mbeginningtohatesmartphones.3.Real ly,butyoucan’tlivewithoutone,right?4.Yes,that’stheproblem.5.Thesethingsarechangingthewaypeoplelive.C1.Yes,Ijustsawadocumentaryaboutthat.2.Ahusbandwascomplainingtohiswifethatshewasspendingtoomuch t imeonhersmartphone.3.Whathappened?Didtheygetadivorce(离婚)?4.Youguessedit.Intheend,theygotadivorce.D1.It’sbigIrunning,don’tyouthink?2.Smartphonesweresupposedtobringpeopletogether,buttheyarepullingpeopleapart.3.Yes,youareright.4.Hi,justaminute,Ihavegotamessageonmysmartphoneanditcan’twait.E1.Hey,wakeupandgetbacktowork.2.What’swr ongwithyou?3.I’monmybreak,sir.AndIhaveabadheadache.4.Well,we’renotpayingyoutosleep.5.Ifyougoingtosleep,sleepsomeplace s else.6.Yea,sir.Sorry,itwon’thappenagain.7.Ithadbetternot.F1.Justaminute.2.Don’ttalktomelikethat.3.Whatdidyous ay?4.Youhurtme,youdon’thaveatreatpeop lelikethat.5.Well,ifyoudon’tlikeit.Isuggestyouleave.6.Ok,Iwill.I’veha denoughofyou.7.I’llgetajobsomewhereelse.练:1.Ifsomeoneisinterrupted,theyhavetostopwhattheyaredoing.2.Insteadofbringingpeopletogether,theyarepullingthemapart.L4——U2——2/4listeningSeethingsfromdifferentpointofviewA1.Thismanisholdingapieceoffruitinhishand.2.Thepieceoffruitiseitheranorangeoranapple.3.Wecan’tseewhich itis becausewecan’tseeinsidethebox.4.5.Itmaybeanappleanditmaybeanorange6.It’sgottobeoneortheother.7.Itcan’tbeanythingelse.B1.Now,let’slookatitfromtheman’spointofview.2.Fromhispointofviewtheprobabilitiesisdifferent.3.Fromhispointofview,theprobabilitythatisanorangeisonehundredpercentorzeropercent.4.That’sbecauseheknowswhathehas.5.Forhim,thereisnouncertainty(不确定性).6.Ifhehasanorange,theprobabilityisonehundredpercent.7.Ifhedoesn’thaveanorange,theprobabilityiszeropercent.8.Heeitherhasitorhedoesn’t.C1.Fromourpointofviewtheprobabilitythathehasanorangeisfiftypercent.,theyoftencometodifferentconclusions.2.Thesedifferencescancauserealcommunicationproblems.练:1.She’llbeangrybecauseitisn’tfairthatshedoesallthework.2.I tmaybeanapplebutitcan’tbeabanana.3.Ifhiswifeshoutsathimandtellshimtogetupanddosomething,hemayshoutbackandrefusetohelpher.4.Itmaybeanappleanditmaybeanorange.5.Ifhiswifeaskshimtogetupandhelpherheprobablywon’t behappy.6.Ifherefusestogetupandhelpher,shewillbeangryathim.7.Ifhegetsupandhelpshershemaynotappreciatehishelp.8.Theprobabilitydependsonyourpointofview,orhowmuchyouknow.9.I fhiswifedoesn’taskhimtogetupandhelpher,hewillappreciateherunderstanding.L4——U2——2/4vacabularySeriouseventandreligion(宗教)A1.Earthquakesarecausedbyforcesdeepwithintheearth.2.Whentheearthshake,buildingscancollapseandpeoplecanbeburiedinside.3.Anexplosionisarapidviolentrelease(释放)ofenergy.爆炸是一种快速的猛烈的能量释放4.Explosioncanbecausedbychemicalreactionssuchasinsideanengine.5.Asparkcanignite(着火,燃烧,点燃)amixtureofgasesandreleasesenergyforgoodordestructive(有害的,破坏性的)purposes(目的).一个火花可以点燃一种气体的混合物,并释放能量,以达到良好或破坏的目的6.Accidentsareoftencausedbypeopledoingfoolishthingsorbynotbeingcareful.7.Onemajorcauseofaccidentsisdrivingtoofast.8.Accidentswithfirecanbeveryseriousandcanresultinverypainfulinjuries.9.Epidemics(流行病)aretherapidspread(传播)ofadiseasesuchasthefluorEbola(埃博拉病毒).10.Throughouthistory,epidemicshavekilledmillionsofpeople.生)inhighwindsandheavyrain.12.Thunderstormsarecausedbyelectricchargesintheatmospherethatproducelightning,whichcancauseforestfires.13.Somestormscausefloodingandmajordamagetohomesandcities.练习:1.To reducethedangerofanexplosion,it’simportanttopreventgasleaks(漏出,渗透)insidethehome.2.Epidemicshavekilledmorepeoplethanallwarsandnaturaldisasters.3.Manyforestfiresarecausedbylightning.B1.FollowersofIslam(伊斯兰)religionarecalledMuslims(穆斯林,回族).2.ThisMuslimsareprayinginsideamosque(清真寺).3.Muslimsarecalledtoprayerfivetimesaday,beginningjustbeforesunrise.4.Christianity(基督教义)isbasedontheteachingofJesus(耶稣)Christ(基12.Thereligion(宗教)isabouttwentyfivehundredyearsold.13.SomeBuddhists(佛教徒)practiceaformofmeditation(沉思,冥想)inwhichtheyemptytheirmindsofanythought.一些佛教徒练习一种冥想的形式,他们清空了他们的思想。



世界上未解之谜和奇异事件英语100词案例一:Faith in spirituality and supersensory perception (ESP) is widely spread, and these two things should be among the top ten unsolved mysteries. Many people believe that intuition is a form of expression of spiritual power, a way to acquire special knowledge about the world or the future. Researchers have tested people who claim to have spirit power, but so far they have received negative or vague results in controlled laboratory conditions. Some argue that power is untestable because it is inexplicably weakened by the presence of skeptics or scientists. If this is true, science can never prove or refute the existence of spiritual power.翻译:对灵力和超感知觉(简称ESP)的信仰流布甚广,就凭这一点,这两样东西也应该进入十大未解之谜的行列。





介绍未解之谜的英语作文Unsolved Mysteries: A Captivating Journey into the UnknownThe world we live in is filled with countless wonders, both known and unknown. Among the latter, there exists a realm of unsolved mysteries that have captivated the human imagination for centuries. These enigmatic occurrences, defying conventional explanations, have intrigued scholars, scientists, and the general public alike, sparking endless debates and fueling our insatiable thirst for understanding the unexplained.One of the most intriguing unsolved mysteries is the Bermuda Triangle, a region in the western part of the North Atlantic Ocean where numerous aircraft and ships have mysteriously disappeared over the years. Despite extensive investigations and theories, the exact cause of these disappearances remains elusive, leaving researchers and enthusiasts to ponder the possibility of supernatural forces, technological malfunctions, or even extraterrestrial involvement. The Bermuda Triangle's allure lies in its ability to challenge our understanding of the natural world and push the boundaries of scientific inquiry.Another enduring mystery is the enigmatic Stonehenge, a prehistoric monument located in Wiltshire, England. This iconic arrangement of massive stone blocks has captivated the minds of scholars and the public for centuries, with ongoing debates surrounding its purpose, construction, and the civilization that created it. Theories range from it being a religious site, an astronomical observatory, or even a place of healing, but the true significance of Stonehenge continues to elude us, leaving us to wonder about the ingenuity and capabilities of our ancient ancestors.The Loch Ness Monster, a legendary creature said to inhabit the depths of Loch Ness in Scotland, is another captivating unsolved mystery. For decades, numerous sightings and alleged photographic evidence have fueled the belief that a large, unidentified creature resides in the murky waters of this Scottish lake. Despite extensive searches and scientific investigations, the existence of the Loch Ness Monster remains unproven, sparking ongoing debates and inspiring countless books, movies, and tourist ventures.The mystery of the Nazca Lines in Peru is yet another intriguing example. These vast geoglyphs, depicting various geometric shapes, animals, and other figures, were created by the ancient Nazca civilization, but their purpose remains a subject of intense speculation. Some believe they were created for religious or ceremonial purposes, while others suggest they were part of anancient astronomical calendar or even a means of communication with extraterrestrial beings. The sheer scale and precision of these enigmatic lines continue to baffle researchers and ignite the imagination of those fascinated by the unexplained.The disappearance of the lost colony of Roanoke is another enduring mystery that has captivated historians and the public. In 1587, a group of English settlers established a colony on Roanoke Island off the coast of what is now North Carolina. Three years later, when a supply ship returned to the island, the entire colony had vanished without a trace, leaving behind only the cryptic message "Croatan" carved into a post. The fate of the Roanoke colonists remains a mystery, with theories ranging from disease, famine, or even conflict with Native American tribes, but the true explanation has eluded researchers for centuries.These are just a few examples of the countless unsolved mysteries that continue to captivate and intrigue us. From the unexplained disappearances in the Bermuda Triangle to the enigmatic Nazca Lines, these unsolved puzzles of the past and present serve as a testament to the limitless boundaries of human knowledge and the enduring allure of the unknown.As we delve deeper into these mysteries, we are confronted with the humbling realization that there is still so much about our world andour history that remains unexplained. These unsolved enigmas challenge us to push the boundaries of our understanding, to embrace the unknown, and to continue our relentless pursuit of knowledge and discovery.In the end, the fascination with unsolved mysteries lies not only in the tantalizing promise of uncovering the truth but also in the joy of the journey itself. The process of exploring the unknown, piecing together clues, and formulating new theories is a testament to the human spirit's insatiable curiosity and its unwavering determination to unravel the mysteries that lie beyond our current understanding.。



世界未解之谜作文英语Title: Unsolved Mysteries of the World。

Throughout history, humanity has been fascinated by mysteries that defy explanation. From ancient enigmas to modern-day puzzles, the world is filled with phenomena that continue to baffle scientists, historians, and ordinary people alike. In this essay, we will explore some of the most enduring unsolved mysteries, pondering their significance and the quest for answers that drives us forward.One of the most iconic unsolved mysteries is the construction of the ancient Egyptian pyramids. How did the Egyptians, without the aid of modern technology, manage to build such massive structures with such precision? Despite various theories proposed by scholars and researchers, including the use of ramps, levers, and evenextraterrestrial intervention, the exact methods remain a subject of debate and speculation.Another enigma lies beneath the surface of the ocean—the disappearance of ships and aircraft in the Bermuda Triangle. Stretching between Miami, Bermuda, and Puerto Rico, this region has been the site of numerous unexplained disappearances over the years. While some attribute these incidents to natural causes such as unpredictable weather patterns or underwater methane eruptions, others have suggested more outlandish theories involving alien abductions or interdimensional portals.Moving to the realm of archaeology, the Nazca Lines in Peru continue to mystify experts. Etched into the desert floor over 2,000 years ago, these geoglyphs depict various animals, plants, and geometric shapes, some of which can only be fully appreciated from the air. The purpose behind these gigantic drawings remains unclear, with theories ranging from religious rituals to astronomical calendars.Closer to home, the identity of Jack the Ripper continues to elude historians and criminologists more than a century after his infamous killing spree in VictorianLondon. Despite extensive investigations and numerous suspects, the true identity of this enigmatic serial killer remains one of history's greatest unsolved mysteries.In the realm of science, the nature of dark matter and dark energy poses a significant puzzle for astrophysicists. These mysterious substances are thought to make up the vast majority of the universe, yet they cannot be directly observed or detected using conventional methods. Their existence is inferred only through their gravitational effects on visible matter and light, leaving scientists to grapple with fundamental questions about the nature of the cosmos.On a more existential level, the origin of life itself remains one of the greatest mysteries confronting humanity. How did life emerge from non-living matter billions of years ago? Despite decades of research and experimentation, scientists have yet to unlock the secrets of abiogenesis, the process by which life first arose on Earth. The search for answers continues, driven by a deep-seated curiosity about our place in the universe.In conclusion, the world is replete with mysteries that defy explanation, from ancient wonders to modern conundrums. While some may eventually yield to scientific inquiry or technological advancements, others may remain forever beyond our grasp, serving as reminders of the boundless complexity and wonder of the universe. Yet, it is our enduring curiosity and thirst for knowledge that propel us forward in our quest to unravel the mysteries of the world.。



The Mysteries of the World: Unravelled andUnveiledIn the vast and intricate tapestry of human knowledge, there exist threads that remain unravelled, mysteries that persist despite our best efforts to understand them. These unexplained phenomena, ranging from the natural world to the ancient relics of our past, challenge our comprehension and stimulate our curiosity.One such mystery that captivates the imagination is the disappearance of the Atlantis civilization. Described in the ancient texts of Plato as a powerful and wealthy nation that vanished overnight, the exact location and fate of Atlantis remain a matter of speculation. Scholars and archaeologists have debated for centuries over its possible location, ranging from the Mediterranean to the Americas, but the truth remains elusive.Another mystery that defies explanation is the ancient Egyptian pyramids. Constructed over 4,500 years ago, these monumental structures were built with remarkable precision and durability, yet the methods used to achieve such feats remain a mystery. Theories range from the use of ramps andlevers to the employment of extraterrestrial technology,but none have been conclusively proven.The Bermuda Triangle, a region of the Atlantic Ocean known for its mysterious disappearances, also holds a place among the world's unsolved mysteries. Dozens of ships and aircraft have vanished in this area, leading to speculation about its supposed supernatural powers or hidden geological features. However, despite extensive searches and investigations, no conclusive explanation has been found.Closer to home, the Stonehenge monument in Wiltshire, England, presents yet another intriguing mystery. This Neolithic structure, consisting of upright stones andlintels arranged in a circular pattern, was constructedover 4,000 years ago, but its purpose and how it was built remain a mystery. Theories range from its use as a templeor burial ground to its alignment with astronomical events, but the true answer remains elusive.The list of world mysteries is vast and diverse, covering everything from cryptozoology to ancient languages. While some mysteries may never be fully explained, thequest to unravel their secrets is what drives humancuriosity and innovation. As we continue to explore and learn, these mysteries serve as reminders of the vast and unknown world that still lies beyond our understanding.**世界未解之谜:揭秘与揭露**在人类知识的广阔而复杂的织锦中,存在着尚未解开的线索,这些谜团尽管我们竭尽全力去理解,但仍持续存在。



英语作文未解之谜心得题目: Insights into Unsolved Mysteries。

Introduction:Unsolved mysteries have always captivated human imagination. From ancient legends to modern-day enigmas, these puzzles continue to intrigue and baffle us. In this essay, we will delve into the allure of unsolved mysteries and explore some of the most famous examples throughout history.Body:1. The Bermuda Triangle: One of the most enduring mysteries, the Bermuda Triangle has been the subject of countless theories and speculations. Ships and planes mysteriously disappearing within this area have sparked theories ranging from paranormal activity to natural phenomena. However, scientific explanations, such asmethane gas eruptions or unusual weather patterns, have also been proposed.2. The Lost City of Atlantis: Described by Plato in his dialogues, Atlantis is believed to have been a highly advanced civilization that disappeared without a trace. Despite numerous expeditions and theories, the exact location of Atlantis remains elusive. Some suggest it may have been a metaphorical tale, while others continue to search for physical evidence.3. The Voynich Manuscript: Dating back to the 15th century, the Voynich Manuscript is written in an unknown script and contains illustrations of plants, stars, and human figures. Despite efforts by cryptographers and linguists, the manuscript remains undeciphered, fueling speculation about its origins and purpose.4. Jack the Ripper: The identity of Jack the Ripper, the notorious serial killer who terrorized London in the late 19th century, remains a mystery. Despite numerous suspects and investigations, the true identity of Jack theRipper has never been definitively proven, leaving historians and criminologists puzzled to this day.5. The Nazca Lines: Located in Peru, the Nazca Lines are a series of ancient geoglyphs etched into the desert floor. The purpose and meaning of these giant drawings, which can only be fully appreciated from the air, continue to puzzle archaeologists. Some theories suggest they may have had religious or astronomical significance.Conclusion:Unsolved mysteries serve as reminders of the limits of human knowledge and the mysteries that still lie beyond our understanding. Whether fueled by the supernatural or grounded in scientific inquiry, these enigmas continue to fascinate and inspire curiosity. As we strive to unravel the secrets of the universe, we are reminded of the enduring allure of the unknown.。



The Mysterious Enigmas of the World: An Exploration in English and ChineseThe world is full of mysteries that have perplexed mankind for centuries. From ancient civilizations to modern scientific discoveries, there are numerous enigmas thathave yet to be solved. In this essay, we will delve into some of the most intriguing unsolved mysteries of the world, exploring them in both English and Chinese.One of the most famous unsolved mysteries is the disappearance of the ancient civilization ofAtlantis.Described in the works of Plato, Atlantis was a powerful and wealthy nation that vanished overnight,leaving only ruins and legends behind. The exact location and cause of its disappearance have remained a mystery for centuries, sparking the imaginations of historians, archaeologists, and adventurers alike.Another enigmatic phenomenon is the Stonehenge, a prehistoric monument located in Wiltshire, England. Constructed over 4,000 years ago, Stonehenge consists of a circular arrangement of upright stones and lintels, aligned with the sun's solstice positions. The purpose and methodof its construction have remained a mystery, despite numerous theories and hypotheses put forward by scholars. The lost city of El Dorado, also known as the "City of Gold," is another intriguing mystery. Legends speak of a rich and prosperous city hidden deep in the jungles of South America, guarded by fierce tribes and filled with gold and treasures. Countless explorers have searched for El Dorado over the centuries, but none have returned with conclusive proof of its existence.In the realm of science, there are also numerous unsolved mysteries. One such mystery is the origin of life. How did the first living organisms emerge from non-living matter? What are the essential ingredients and conditions necessary for life to arise? These questions have perplexed scientists for centuries and remain at the forefront of biological research.Another scientific mystery is the nature of dark matter and dark energy. These two components make up the majority of the universe, yet their exact nature and composition remain unknown. Scientists are still trying to understand their properties and role in the evolution of the universe.The list of unsolved mysteries is endless, and each mystery holds the potential to rewrite our understanding of the world. As we delve deeper into these enigmas, we not only gain knowledge but also expand our horizons, pushing the boundaries of human understanding and imagination.探索世界未解之谜:中英文对照世界上充满了谜团,这些谜团几百年来一直困扰着人类。



带有mysteries的谚语英语1. The mysteries of the universe can only be unraveled through diligent scientific inquiry. (unravel)宇宙的奥秘只能通过勤奋的科学探索来揭开。

2. Sometimes, life's mysteries are better left unsolved. (unsolved)有时候,生活的谜团最好不要揭开。

3. The detective was determined to solve the mystery surrounding the murder case. (solve)警察决心解开围绕谋杀案的谜团。

4. The ancient ruins hold many hidden mysteries waiting to be discovered. (discover)古代遗址蕴含着许多等待被发现的隐藏谜团。

5. The magician performed a series of tricks, leaving the audience in awe and wonderment at the mysteries of his craft. (awe and wonderment)魔术师表演了一连串的把戏,让观众对他的魔法技巧感到敬畏和惊奇。

6. The disappearance of the missing hiker remains an unsolved mystery. (disappearance)失踪登山者的消失仍然是一个悬而未决的谜团。

7. The sphinx is one of the ancient world's most enduring mysteries. (enduring)斯芬克斯是古代世界最持久的谜团之一。



初三英语作文世界未解之谜The world is full of unsolved mysteries. From the Bermuda Triangle to the Nazca Lines, there are countless enigmas that continue to baffle scientists and researchers.One of the most famous unsolved mysteries is the disappearance of Amelia Earhart. The pioneering aviator vanished without a trace in 1937 while attempting to circumnavigate the globe. Despite numerous search efforts, her plane and remains have never been found.Another perplexing mystery is the existence of the Loch Ness Monster. For decades, there have been reported sightings of a large, unidentified creature in Scotland's Loch Ness. Despite extensive sonar and photographic evidence, the true nature of the "monster" remains unconfirmed.The ancient pyramids of Egypt also pose a mystery that continues to confound experts. How were these colossalstructures built without the use of modern technology? The precise methods and tools used by the ancient Egyptians remain a subject of debate and speculation.The phenomenon of crop circles is another unsolved mystery that has captured the public's imagination. Intricately designed patterns have appeared in fields around the world, sparking theories about extraterrestrial involvement and paranormal activity. Despite attempts to replicate the formations, the true origin of crop circles remains unknown.The Voynich Manuscript, a centuries-old book written in an unknown script, has stumped linguists and cryptographers for years. Its intricate illustrations and mysterious text have defied all attempts at decipherment, leading some to believe it may hold the key to lost knowledge or ancient secrets.The world is full of enigmatic phenomena that continue to elude explanation. Whether it's the enduring allure of ancient mysteries or the allure of modern-day puzzles, thequest for answers drives our fascination with the unknown. As long as these mysteries remain unsolved, the world will continue to be a place of wonder and intrigue.。



未解之谜英语作文Title: Unsolved Mysteries。

The world is filled with mysteries that continue to baffle and intrigue us. From ancient enigmas to modern-day conundrums, these puzzles challenge our intellect and spark our imagination. In this essay, we will explore some of the most enduring unsolved mysteries in history and ponder the possible explanations behind them.One of the most famous unsolved mysteries is the disappearance of Amelia Earhart. In 1937, the pioneering aviator vanished while attempting to circumnavigate the globe. Despite extensive search efforts, neither Earhart nor her plane were ever found. Numerous theories have been proposed to explain her disappearance, ranging from crash-landing on a remote island to being captured by Japanese forces. However, concrete evidence remains elusive, leaving the fate of Amelia Earhart shrouded in mystery.Another perplexing enigma is the construction of the ancient Egyptian pyramids. These colossal structures, built thousands of years ago, continue to astound archaeologists and historians with their precise engineering and astronomical alignment. Despite numerous theories,including the use of ramps, levers, or evenextraterrestrial assistance, the exact methods employed by the ancient Egyptians remain a subject of debate. The pyramids stand as a testament to the ingenuity of ancient civilizations and the mysteries that still surround their achievements.In more recent times, the Bermuda Triangle has captured the imagination of the public with its purported disappearances of ships and aircraft. Stretching across the western part of the North Atlantic Ocean, this region has been the site of numerous unexplained vanishings over the years. While some attribute these incidents to natural causes such as severe weather or underwater geological formations, others speculate about more supernatural explanations involving magnetic anomalies or even portals to other dimensions. Despite extensive research andinvestigation, the true nature of the Bermuda Triangle remains elusive.Moving beyond Earth, the search for extraterrestrial intelligence presents another tantalizing mystery. For decades, scientists have been scanning the cosmos for signs of life beyond our planet, yet definitive evidence remains elusive. SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) projects have utilized radio telescopes and other advanced technologies to listen for signals from distant civilizations, but so far, no conclusive proof has been found. The question of whether we are alone in the universe continues to intrigue humanity and drive our exploration of the cosmos.Closer to home, the identity of Jack the Ripper remains one of the most infamous unsolved mysteries in criminal history. In the late 19th century, a series of gruesome murders occurred in the Whitechapel district of London, attributed to an unidentified assailant dubbed "Jack the Ripper." Despite intense investigation and numerous suspects, including members of the royal family andprominent figures of the time, the true identity of the killer has never been definitively established. The case continues to fascinate historians, amateur sleuths, and conspiracy theorists alike.In conclusion, unsolved mysteries are a testament to the boundless complexity of the world around us. Whether they involve ancient civilizations, unexplained phenomena, or enigmatic individuals, these puzzles challenge our understanding of the universe and inspire us to seek answers. While some mysteries may eventually be solved through scientific inquiry or historical research, others may remain forever beyond our grasp, adding to the intrigue and wonder of the human experience.。



★ solve [sɒlv] vt. 解决;解答
[ 过去式 solved 过去分词 solved 现在分词 solving ] Step back and you will find a good way to solve the problem. 退一步思考,你就能找到解决这个问题的好方法。 work out 解决;算出;实现;制定出 The strength of China will benefit us because it will help keep
v. 引起
v. 引起,使发生,导致
[ 过去式 caused 过去分词 caused 现在分词 causing ]
cause sth. 引起麻烦 Carelessness causes accidents. 粗心导致事故 Pride causes failure. 骄傲使人失败
★ examination n. 仔细检查,诊察,审查
1、考试 His wedding clashed with my examination so I couldn't go. 他的婚礼与我的考试时间冲突,所以我去不了。 2、仔细检查 The navy is to carry out an examination of the wreck tomorrow. 海军明天将会对失事船只作仔细检查。 3、诊察;(健康状况) 检查 He was later discharged after an examination at the hospital. 后来他在医院做过检查后就出院了。
New words and expressions

hot fireman cause examine accidentally remains wire volt power line solve mystery snatch spark

【美语对话】 Unsolved Mysteries 未解之谜

【美语对话】 Unsolved Mysteries 未解之谜

Unsolved Mysteries 未解之谜一、中英文本Over the past several decades,the U.S., Canada, and Europe have received a great deal of media and even research attention over unusual phenomena and unsolved mysteries.过去几十年里,美国,加拿大和欧洲都对异常现象界未解之谜给予了大量来自媒体甚至研究机构的关注。

These include UFOs as well as sightings and encounters with "nonhuman creatures"such as Bigfoot and the Loch Ness monster.这些现象包括不明飞行物,也有对像大脚怪,尼斯湖水怪这些非人类生物的发现和邂逅。

Only recently has Latin America begun to receive some attention as well.只是到了近期,拉丁美洲才开始受到些许关注。

Although the mysteries of the Aztec, Mayan, and Incacivilizations have been known for centuries,now the public is also becoming aware of unusual, paranormal phenomena in countries such as Peru.虽然阿兹特克文明,玛雅文明和印加文明之谜也开始逐渐知晓如秘鲁这样的国家中出现的超自然灵异现象。

The Nazca "lines" of Peru were discovered in the 1930s.秘鲁的纳斯卡线条在20世纪30年代首都被发现。




There is a Beijing city, with a Forbidden City in the middle, with deep palace and large courtyard, where many palace ladies and eunuchs live.2.也可以到北京城西边的长城上,俯瞰整个城市,远远超乎我的想象。

You can also go to the Great Wall on the west side of Beijing, overlooking the entire city, far beyond my imagination.3.在这个国家的南部有一座珍宝岛,岛上有很多神奇的动物和植物,看起来非常美丽。

In the south of this country, there is a Treasure Island, where there are many magical animals and plants, which looks very beautiful.4.车队驶向海上,感觉有点不舒服,不像在陆地上那么平稳。

The fleet moved towards the sea, feeling a little uncomfortable, not as smooth as on the land.5.很奇怪,我在海中被鲨鱼围住了,而它们并没有攻击我,反而给我带来了很多乐趣。

It's strange, I was surrounded by sharks in the sea, and they didn't attack me, but brought me a lot of fun instead.6.这个国家有着奇怪的规矩,居然以人肉为食。



新世纪⼤学英语视听说第⼆册 unit 5⽂本Unit 5 Unsolved MysteriesListening and SpeakingAudio Track 2-5-1In the picture on the left, a criminal is breaking a law; he is committing a crime.In the picture on the right, the detective is catching and arresting the criminal.In the picture in the center, the detective is questioning the criminal but he is not making a confession.Audio Track 2-5-2/Audio Track 2-5-3The greatest detectiveSherlock Holmes is probably the greatest detective ever known — well, at least he’s one of the most famous. But he never actually existed … he’s an imaginary detective who appears in sixty stories created by the Scottish author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.Doyle was not always a writer. He started his career as a doctor. Fortunately for us, he did not have many patients. He needed money and so he started to write stories.The first Sherlock Holmes story was published in 1887, and was called A Study in Scarlet. Later, a magazine published The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and readers loved it!What makes Sherlock Holmes so special? Well, he was very intelligent and successful. He always arrested the criminal —every single time — with the help of his partner, Dr. Watson.In the stories, Holmes lived at 221B Baker Street in London, England. Thousands of people visit that address every year. There’s also a Sherlock Holmes Museum in London.Audio Track 2-5-4/Audio Track 2-5-5/Audio Track 2-5-6Mike: … So, we can look forward to warmer temperatures. It’ll be a good weekend for the beach. Over to you, Alexa.Alexa: Thank you for that weather report, Mike. And finally, this story just in. … We have a report that a local man, Nick Brown, saw some strange lights. He was driving home at about 10 p.m. He said the lights were bright and they moved across the sky. He stopped at a gas station and talked to a police officer about the lights. The police officer had seen the lights, too.Mike: Hmm … that’s a strange story. What happened next?Alexa: Well, Mr. Brown took some pictures, but there was no film in his camera. Finally, he called his wife on his cell phone. But by that time, the lights were gone.Mike: Well, I know that there is a legend around here about mysterious lights … a lot of local people have seen the lights. It’s starting to seem like those lights really exist. What do you think, Alexa?Alexa: I don’t believe it. I think it’s some kind of hoax!Audio Track 2-5-7/Audio Track 2-5-8It was raining heavily. I couldn’t see clearly. I drove slowly. Suddenly, I saw a young girl. She was dressed neatly and standing in the middle of the road. I was surprised! Somehow, I stopped the car quickly.“What are you doing?” I asked. She looked at me strangely but didn’t answer. “Are you OK?” I asked. “I’m fine,” she answered. Then she smiled happily and walked away quietly. Nervously, I drove to my hotel and checked in. I told the clerkabout the little girl. “Do you know her?” I asked. “Oh yes,” he said calmly.“That’s Mary Anne. She died five years ago on that road. It was a car accident during a rainstorm.”Audio Track 2-5-9The Tunguska MysteryIt was early morning. June 30, 1908, in eastern Russia. Suddenly, a terrible explosion rocked the forest in Tunguska. People fell to the ground, and all the trees for 2000 square kilometers were knocked down. People heard the explosion 800 kilometers away, and the fire burned for many weeks.Audio Track 2-5-10/Audio Track 2-5-11What caused this terrible explosion? A century later, scientists are still trying to find the answer. Here are some possible explanations.1. An asteroid: Asteroids are very large pieces of rock that go around in space and sometimes hit the planet. They can cause lots of damage. Some of them weigh as much as 100,000 tons. If an asteroid hit the earth, it would cause a huge explosion.2. A comet: Comets are giant balls of gas, ice, and rock with long tails. They travel through space in a regular pattern. Encke’s Comet was near Earth in 1908, and it’s possible that a part of it broke off and hit the earth.3. A UFO accident: Some people believe that a spaceship crashed into the ground in Siberia and its engine exploded.4. An extraterrestrial attack: Another idea is that extraterrestrials, that is, people from other planets, attacked the earth. Extraterrestrials might have wanted to destroy the earth, so they aimed their weapons at Earth and set fire to the forest.5. A scientific experiment: Another idea is that scientists made a mistake during an experiment with electricity. A man named Nikola Tesla tried to build a “supergun” that used electricity. Maybe it was a test of his gun and it didn’t work correctly. Audio Track 2-5-12/Audio Track 2-5-13Q: Where is Marfa and what exactly is it famous for?A: Marfa is a small town in west Texas in the United States. It’s famous for the “Marfa mystery lights.”Q: What are the mystery lights exactly?A: No one knows for sure. There are many different ideas about that.Q: Can you describe them?A: That’s a difficult question. Different people see different lights. They are not always the same. I can say that they appear after sunset in the sky. They dance mysteriously in air and vanish. Then they suddenly reappear.Q: Some people say they are car headlights. Do you think so?A: No, I don’t. A man first saw the mystery lights over 100 years ago. The man was Robert Ellison and the year was 1883. Of course we didn’t have cars in 1883.Q: What do you think causes the lights?A: There are many theories. The Native Americans thought the lights were stars falling to Earth. Some people think uranium gas causes the lights. Other people suggest that ball lightning does it. Ball lightning is lightning in the shape of circle. It often appears just after a rainstorm.Q: What are some of the weirdest ideas about the lights?A: Well, some people call them “ghost lights.” They think ghosts do it. That’s the strangest idea. Some say they are UFOs. I don’t think so.Q: What do the experts say?A: They can’t figure it out. Some engineers even came from Japan one time. They studied the lights, but couldn’t solve the mystery.Q: Are the local people scared?A: No, actually, they aren’t. They like the lights. And every year in early September there’s a big town festival to celebrate the mystery lights.Audio Track 2-5-14Q: What do you think causes the lights?A: There are many theories. The Native Americans thought the lights were stars falling to Earth. Some people think uranium gas causes the lights. Other people suggest that ball lightning does it. Ball lightning is lightning in the shape of circle. It often appears just after a rainstorm.Q: What are some of the weirdest ideas about the lights?A: Well, some people call them “ghost lights.” They think ghosts do it. That’s the strangest idea. Some say they are UFOs. I don’t think so.Q: What do the experts say?A: They can’t figure it out. Some engineers even came from Japan one time. They studied the lights, but couldn’t solve the mystery.Q: Are the local people scared?A: No, actually, they aren’t. They like the lights. And every year in early September there’s a big town festival to celebrate the mystery lights.Audio Track 2-5-151. That man seems angry.2. She speaks French.3. Your sister looks tired.4. He practices the piano every day.5. My aunt always watches the news.6. My friend knows the answer.Audio Track 2-5-16/Audio Track 2-5-17Stye: Do you know the Dodd Diamond?Frye: Of course! The museum owns it.Stye: Not anymore! Someone stole it last night!Frye: Really? How did it happen?Stye: Well, it’s unlikely the criminal walked into the room. There’s an alarm on the floor.Frye: But there’s no alarm for the skylight.Stye: You’re right! I bet the criminal climbed down a rope. Then he took the diamond without touching the floor!Audio Track 2-5-18A: I love chocolate.B: There's a good chance that's true. I know you like sweets. You probably like chocolate, too.A: My family has moved house six times.B: It doesn't seem possible.A: Why do you say that?B: I've known you since we were kids.Audio Track 2-5-19A: Do you believe that Bruno Hauptmann was the real kidnapper?B: I doubt that he was. Nobody's likely to be so silly to leave all the evidence there for people to find. Besides, he never made a confession, did he?A: If it wasn’t him … it could have been Betty Gow. What do you think?B: Well, it’s unlikely that she did it. She loved the baby. She even fainted at the trial.A: That’s true. Then it could have been Ernie Brinkert.B: Why do you think it could be him?A: Well, he’s Violet Sharpe’s boyfriend. He knew about the Lindberghs. It’s quite possible that he made a secret plan with his girlfriend to kidnap the baby for money.B: That’s nonsense. His girlfriend had an alibi. She wasn’t in the house on the day the baby was kidnapped.A: Maybe that was part of the secret plan. Perhaps she was purposefully out of the house.B: Well, possibly. But Ernie’s handwriting didn’t match the kidnapper’s note. How can you explain that?A: I dare say that was also part of the plan. He could have deliberately written the note in a handwriting that is different to normal.B: It doesn’t seem possible. He couldn’t possibly have fooled the court.Video CourseVideo Track 2-5-1Agnes: When I was visiting my grandfather in his village I witnessed a very strange event. It wasn’t raining and the women of the village went to a special place to make the rain fall. And that night it rained.Dave: There’s a strange tale in Mexico about La Llorona who is a woman who wanders the streets weeping for her dead sons. When there is a strong wind they say you can hear La Llorona .Catherine: In New Jersey there’s a thing or a monster called the “Jersey Devil.” They say it’s very big and hairy but also very sneaky and that it moves from tree to tree.Lourdes: My favorite mysteries are about UFOs, which means Unidentified Flying Objects. I’m not sure if the UFOs are real or if they are a hoax, but I would like to think that they are real.Alejandra: One of the mysteries that I find interesting and has not been solved yet is the one of the Pyramids. How they made them. How they brought in those very heavy pieces of stone to build the Pyramids.Calum: My advisor and my teacher told us that the dorm that we lived in was haunted, and one time late at night all the lightsturned off suddenly and it was very strange and quite scary.Video Track 2-5-2Agnes: When I was visiting my grandfather in his village I witnessed a very strange event. It wasn’t raining and the women of the village went to a special place to make the rain fall. And that night it rained.Calum: My advisor and my teacher told us that the dorm that we lived in was haunted, and one time late at night all the lights turned off suddenly and it was very strange and quite scary.Video Track 2-5-3Roberto: Does anybody know why Tara asked us to come here today?Takeshi: She said something about solving a crime and arresting a criminal.Claudia: Arresting a criminal?Tara: Yes, a criminal.Takeshi: Hey, Tara. Nice hat!Tara: Someone in this room has committed a crime.All: What? Come on. What are you talking about?Tara: A theft. Someone ate Sun-hee’s yogurt!Sun-hee: Well, my yogurt is missing. But it’s OK. It’s only yogurt.Tara: It starts with yogurt. Next time it’s your cookies, your ice cream … who knows where it will end?Sun-hee: OK ... OK. Go on.Tara: It’s very likely one of you did it because you all have a key to this apartment.Takeshi: I only use my key for emergencies. And besides, you live here, you have a key … maybe you took it …Tara: I’m the detective, I didn’t do it. Now. The thief worked calmly, quietly, and very neatly. Note the weapon. (holds up spoon) Clean and dry.Roberto: I didn’t do it. I have an alibi. I was out of town last week … just got home last night.Tara: I know you didn’t do it, Roberto. I asked you to come here today because you are a friend of the thief — Claudia! Claudia: What?Tara: Confess! You’re always too busy to go shopping! You didn’t have any yogurt. You were hungry. It was late! You waited until everyone went to bed and then you slowly entered the kitchen, you made sure no one was there, then you carefully took this spoon and — very quietly — opened the refrigerator door and ate Sun-hee’s yogurt!Claudia: (jokingly) No! No! It’s not true!Mike: (enters apartment using key) Hey, everyone! (to Tara while taking spoon and walking towards fridge) Thanks. Nice hat! (to all while eating yogurt) What’s up?Video Track 2-5-4Roberto: Does anybody know why Tara asked us to come here today?Takeshi: She said something about solving a crime and arresting a criminal.Claudia: Arresting a criminal?Tara: Yes, a criminal.Takeshi: Hey, Tara. Nice hat!Tara: Someone in this room has committed a crime.All: What? Come on. What are you talking about?Tara: A theft. Someone ate Sun-hee’s yogurt!Sun-hee: Well, my yogurt is missing. But it’s OK. It’s only yogurt.Tara: It starts with yogurt. Next time it’s your cookies, your ice cream … who knows where it will end?Sun-hee: OK … OK. Go on.Video Track 2-5-5Tara: It’s very likely one of you did it because you all have a key to this apartment.Takeshi: I only use my key for emergencies. And besides, you live here, you have a key … maybe you took it …Tara: I’m the detective, I didn’t do it. Now. The thief worked calmly, quietly, and very neatly. Note the weapon. (holds up spoon) Clean and dry.Roberto: I didn’t do it. I have an alibi. I was out of town last week … just got home last night.Tara: I know you didn’t do it, Roberto. I asked you to come here today because you are a friend of the thief — Claudia!Video Track 2-5-6Claudia: What?Tara: Confess! You’re always too busy to go shopping! You didn’t have any yogurt. You were hungry. It was late! You waited until everyone went to bed and then you slowly entered the kitchen, you made sure no one was there, then you carefully took this spoon and — very quietly — opened the refrigerator door and ate Sun-hee’s yogurt!Claudia: (jokingly) No! No! It’s not true!Mike: (enters apartment using key) Hey, everyone! (to Tara while taking spoon and walking towards fridge) Thanks. Nice hat! (to all while eating yogurt) What’s up?Audio Track 2-5-20One day, Tara found that someone had eaten Sun-hee’s yogurt without notice. So, she asked everyone to help her solve this “crime.” She thought that it was very likely that one of her friends stole Sun-hee’s yogurt because they all had a key to the apartment. While Sun-hee the owner was quite calm and generous about the missing yogurt, Tara got serious about the matter. She warned everyone that a misdemeanor might gradually become a real crime if it were not checked at the start. She seemed to be determined to solve the crime, though in a humorous way. She accused Takeshi first, but he denied it. While Tara was showing everyone the “weapon” — a clean, dry spoon — Roberto said that he had an alibi and hadn’t done it. Tara said she knew he hadn’t done it and that Claudia had done it! Just as Claudia was protesting that it wasn’t true, Mike suddenly walked in. He calmly went to the refrigerator, took out some yogurt, and ate it! Finally everyone came to know who the “thief” really was.。



初三英语作文世界未解之谜As we journey through the annals of history and delve into the depths of our planet, we are met with a myriad of enigmas that continue to baffle the brightest minds. The world is filled with unsolved mysteries that spark our curiosity and ignite our imagination. In this essay, we will explore some of these enigmatic phenomena and the profound impact they have on our understanding of the world.The Lost City of AtlantisNestled in the realm of ancient legends is the tale of the lost city of Atlantis. Described by the philosopher Plato as a powerful and advanced civilization, it is said to have sunk into the ocean in a single day and night of catastrophic events. The exact location of Atlantis remains a mystery, with theories ranging from the Mediterranean to the depths of the Atlantic Ocean. The allure of Atlantis lies not only in its potential existence but also in the advanced knowledge and technology it is believed to have possessed.The Pyramids of GizaThe majestic pyramids of Giza stand as a testament to the ingenuity of the ancient Egyptians. How these colossal structures were built with such precision and without modern machinery continues to be a subject of debate. The Great Pyramid of Giza, the largest of the three, is aligned withastronomical bodies and contains chambers and passagewaysthat suggest a purpose beyond mere tombs. The mysteries surrounding the pyramids extend to the engineering, transportation, and construction techniques used, which were far ahead of their time.StonehengeIn the plains of England, the standing stones of Stonehenge have captivated visitors for centuries. The purpose of this prehistoric monument is still a matter of speculation. Some believe it was a religious temple, while others think it was an astronomical observatory. The stones themselves, weighing several tons, were transported from distances up to 240 miles away, a feat that challenges our understanding of Neolithic technology and organization.The Bermuda TriangleMysterious disappearances have plagued the region known as the Bermuda Triangle for decades. This area in the western part of the North Atlantic Ocean has been the site of numerous ship and aircraft vanishings, many without a trace. While many theories have been proposed, from human error to natural phenomena, the lack of concrete evidence has allowed the legend of the Bermuda Triangle to persist, feeding our fascination with the unexplained.The Loch Ness MonsterDeep within the dark waters of Loch Ness in the ScottishHighlands, the legend of the Loch Ness Monster, or "Nessie," has endured for generations. Sightings of a large, serpentine creature have been reported since the 6th century, with some attributing the sightings to a surviving plesiosaur from the age of dinosaurs. Despite extensive searches and scientific investigations, the existence of Nessie remains one of the world's most famous mysteries.In conclusion, the world is replete with mysteries that challenge our understanding and push the boundaries of our knowledge. These enigmas not only captivate our imagination but also inspire us to seek answers and to continue exploring the unknown. As junior high school students, it is important for us to maintain a sense of wonder and curiosity about the world around us, for it is through this inquisitive spirit that we can hope to unravel the mysteries that have puzzled humanity for ages.。

人教新目标版九年级英语上册 期末冲刺——阅读理解突破卷(四)【含答案】

人教新目标版九年级英语上册 期末冲刺——阅读理解突破卷(四)【含答案】



AThere are many unsolved mysteries in life even though science,technology,and research have come a very long way.Let's enjoy the following unsolved mysteries.()1.The Bermuda Triangle is ______ the North Atlantic Ocean.A.in the east ofB.in the west ofC.to the west ofD.to the east of()2.People check the photos and videos of the Loch Ness Monster repeatedly because ______.A.the monster is very beautifulB.they are interested in the living thingC.they want to know what it is actuallyD.the monster will disappear soon()3.Nazca Geoglyphs have an area of about ______ square miles.A.150B.1,500C.1,700D.170()4.What can we learn about Nazca Geoglyphs?A.Ships get lost there from time to time.B.There used to be large numbers of aliens.C.The instruments of the plane can't work there.D.People don't know the true meanings of some geoglyphs.()5.Which of the following is TRUE according to the reading?A.The Loch Ness Monster must be a special dinosaur.B.Nazca Geoglyphs include pictures of some animals.C.They will be more and more unsolved mysteries in the future.D.People have found a reasonable explanation of the lost ships.BAt New Visions School,hip hop therapy(嘻哈疗法) has become part of the school culture.Students rap(说唱) about being stressed about grades,tests,relationships,etc.Taliesha Tliompson,15,said she now raps whenever she feels pressure building inside her.“It has opened me up more,”she said.“I was very shy and quiet.I kept everything to myself.”Hip hop therapy grew out of an after-school club.The club was started by Ian P.Levy,a teacher who was developing a model for hip hop therapy as part of his research.Mr.Levy's students recorded 20 songs expressing their feelings.“When sad events happen,it's important that students have a way to express themselves,”Mr.Levy said.This school year,Mr.Levy also started a music class at the school,called Hip Hop Lyricism.It is popular among students.Stacey King,the school principal(校长),said hip hop helped her connect with students like Ishmel Prince.Ishmel used to miss school two to three times a week because he could not get up.Ms.King bought him an alarm clock,but he still did not show up.But that changed after Mr.Levy and 19 students were invited to rap live on a morning talk show on SiriusXM Radio.Ishmel made an agreement with Ms.King.He promised to come to school on time every day in return for being allowed to go to the show.Ishmel kept his word.He studies hard now and has better relationships with others.“Hip hop therapy is great.It has the power to reach out to people and speak to certain people.It has helped me find out who I am,”said Ishmel.()1.When Taliesha has stress,she ______.A.raps it outB.goes to a clubC.keeps it to herselfD.talks to her teacher()2.What do we know from Paragraph 2?A.Students' stresses.B.Mr.Levy's research results.C.How hip hop therapy was born.D.What students think of hip hop therapy.()3.What is Hip Hop Lyricism?A.A class.B.A test.C.A talk show.D.An after-shool club.()4.What promise did Ishmel make to Ms.King?A.He'd go to the talk show on SiriusXM Radio.B.He'd arrive at school on time every day.C.He'd use the alarm clock.D.He'd study hard.()5.The writer wrote the passage mainly to ______.A.encourage readers to learn hip hopB.describe the development of hip hopC.introduce a popular therapy at a schoolD.show how to get on with others at schoolC根据短文内容,从短文后所给的选项中,选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。



Unit 3LessonA2.listeningActivity1A.mississippi mud pieB. 1.delicious,crispy,juicy 2.bland 3.oily,good 4.tasty,too sweetActivity2A.we should support and celebrate local food traditionsB. 1.fast 2.life 3.farmers 4.Europe 5membersActivity3A.1.buttery 2.spicy 3.sweet 4.healthyB.1.He wanted to lose weight because he was 20 pounds overweight2.Because she has spent six months in Thailand and comes to like spicy Thai food3.It means that Abby likes to eat sweet foods4.because Minh is training for a swimming competition and he has to eat healthy foods .And now he prefers healthy foods to sweet or buttery foodsActivity4A.1.T 2.F 3.T 4.F 5.F 6.T 7.T 8.FB. capsaicin:a chemical in chili peppers that produces heat and makes your mouth feel hot.It has no flavor or smell .Habanero:the hottest chili pepper in the world . It is bright orange and grows in the Carbbean.Activity5A.What they eat vegetables,fesh What they drink water green tea How they exercise gardening walking How they relax deep breathing exercises massageB.1.34 centenarians per 100000 Okinawans2.The Okinawans’secret:first,they eat a healthy diet; second,they don’t do hard exercise ;third,the older Okinawans have a good attitude about aging.Speaking and CommunicationActivity1A.Why don’t we go to the pizza place on the cornerHow about that new Japanese restaurant downtownLessenBPart11.Before you watch1.b2.d3.c4.e5.a2.while you watchA.1.ture 2. ture 3.false 4. ture 5. false 6. false 7. falseB.1. some salsa tortilla2.I like serve My favorite dish I love that that most popular food You name it deliciousPart21 PreiewB.1.c 2.b 3.c 4.b 5.b2 While you watchA 1.ture 2. ture 3. ture 4.fasle 5. ture 6. ture 7. fasle 8. fasleB 1.M 2.T 3.R 4.M 5.C 6.C 7.M 8.CC 1.Mike suggests they make the plate look better because they are attending a cooking contest and they want to win2.Robert says that the food looks delicious,and he says ‘mmm’’D 1.how about some more hot sauce2.man3.Is it hote on5.Oh my goshE 1.Step away 2.The taste testing 3.Buttery 4.Quite tasty 5.A little sweet,but still crunchy 6.Try some chicken 7.Hot and spipy 8.Born and raised 9.the winners 10.I told youFThe judge Chef Dupree,liked the food they prepared because he was born and raised in Louisiana where the food is hot spicy.3after you watch1.entered a cooking contest2.suggested adding some hot sauce to make the chicken spicier3.wasn’t so sure4.the cover came off the bottle accidentally5.he tried to remove some of the sauce6.The judging began7.her chicken was the oiliest he had ever tasted8.they extremely nervous9.they thought the chef would not not like it,but to their surprise,he liked it10.quite unexepectlyUnit 4 Today’s Trend1 Vocabulary LinkA a.15 percent b.four times c.guadrupled d.two-thirds e.A majority of2 ListeningActivity 1A Interview 1( √ ) ( )( ) (√ )Interview 2( √ ) ( √ )( √ ) ( √ )B 1.true 2.true 3.true 4.falseActivity 2A Gio Elena VickiMilan New York Hong Kongbrother a store in the neighborhood mothercasual retro,old.fashioned classicActivity 3A b.3 c.2 f.1B 1.You could look for friends on the Internet2.You shouldn’t wear pants.You definitely ought to wear a dress3.You had better get some help or you will fail the rest.You had better not delay taking the restActivity 4A 1.b 2.aB 1.Sorry,but I have to side with want to show off in your free time2.have a serious talk style and taste too much about appearances Activity 5B 1.She was nervous and didn’t know wh at to expect2.She had to report to a recording studio by 10 a.m3.They had to decide which songs were “Yes-All the way!”,”It’s OK”,or “No way!”4.They just talked about the covers they liked5.They are going to look at some new fashionsC 1.has a good salary→doesn’t pay 2.month→week 3.only one CD cover→six CD covers 4.an “It’s OK”card→a “No way”card3 PronunciationB 1.Most of 2.Some of 3.All of 4.None of4 Speaking and CommunicationActivity 1B Welcome to our debate please begin what do you thinkSo Exactly I don’t agreeActivity 2E 1.All 2.A couple 3.None 4.Most 5.Some 6.All 7.A lot 8.MostLesson BPart 11before you watch1.full-time2.males3.traditional4.parents2 while you watchA 1.c 2.e 3.b 4.a 5.f 6.dGlobal Viewpoints1before you watch1.c2.d3.a4.e5.b2 while you watch1.independent2.fashion3.cowboy boots4.stylish5.admire6.change7.lose weight8.appearance9.instead ofPart 21PreviewB 1.b 2.c 3.b 4.a 5.c2 while you watchB 1.No,Mike didn’t think running was enjoyable2.Roberto said it was good for Mike(good for his health);he also said it was a trend nowadays to exercise3.No,Mike didn’t agree with Roberto.He said that most people he knew didn’t exercise4.None of Roberto’s co-workers exercised 5 years ago5.28 percent or almost one third of Roberto’s co-workers go to the gym now6.They go to the gym three or more times a weekC 1.Just b ecause 2.doesn’t make it a trend 3.that means 4.Not necessarily 5.Such as 6.play golf 7.that’s true 8.None e on 10.All of 11.most of 12.not this one13.ought to 14.we’d betterD 1.you know what 2.What 3.What 4.You know 5.Yeah,right 6.No,I’m serious3 after you watchA 1.Such as 2.You know what 3.Not necessarily 4.more and moreUnit 5 Unsolved MysteriesLesson A1Vocabulary LinkA arrest a criminal D break a law C commit a crime Ccatch a criminal D have an alibi C make a confession Cquestion a criminal D solve a crime DC The man is breaking a law.He is The detective is catching a criminal.Committing a crime The detective is arresting the criminalThe detective is questioning the criminal.The criminal is not making a confession2ListeningActivity 1A the most famous detectives ever known imaginary detectivesixty Scottish author moneyB 1.doctor 2.1887 3.intelligent 4.Dr.Watson 5.EnglandActivity 2A 4 1 3 5 2B Nick Brown Police officer local peopleC 1.Mike thinks the lights could be the same as those in a local legend2.Alexa thinks the lights are a hoaxActivity 3A 1.A young girl standing in the middle of the road2.Because it was raining heavily3.He stopped the car quickly4.She said”I’m fine” and walked away quietly5.He said the girl was Marry Anne and she was killed in a car accident five years agoB 1.heavily 2.clearly 3.slowly 4.neatly 5.quickly 6.strangely 7.happily 8.quietly9.Nervously 10.calmlyActivity 4A 1.a terrible explosion 2.in eastern Russia 3.June 301908B 4 1 35 2C 1.lots of damage huge explosion 2.near Eearth a part of it broke off3.crashed into the ground its engine exploded4.destroy the earth set fire to the forested electricity a test of his gunActivity 5A 2 7 8 4 6 1 5 3B 1.Different people see different lights2.Robert Ellison saw the lights in 18833.The Native Americans thought the lights were stars falling to Earth4.A team from Japan studied the lights,but couldn’t solve the mysteryC 1.Ball lighting is lighting in the shape of a circle.it often appears just after a rainstorm2.Some people call the lights “ghost lights”3.No,they aren’t.Actua lly,they hold a town festival every September to celebratethe mystery lights3PronunciationA 1./z/ 2./s/ 3./s/ 4./iz/ 5./iz/ 6./z/Lesson BPart 11before you watchA 1.The Pyramids 2.UFOs 3.monsterB 1.b 2.d 3.g 4.c 5.f 6.e 7.a2 while you watchA 1.e 2.d 3.b 4.c 5.f 6.aB 1.fall 2.a strong 3.sneaky 4.real 5.how 6.offC 1.witnessed a very strange event 2.make the rain fall 3.was haunted te at night 5.turned off 6.very strange and quite scaryPart 21PreviewB 1.a 2.b 3.b 4.b 5.a2 while you watchA 4 2 1 6 5 3B 1.Tara asked them to come because she wanted to solve a crime2.Someone stole and ate Sun-hee’s yogurt3.Sun-hee thinks it’s OK,because it’s only yogurt4.Tara feels it’s serious,because if the thief is not caught more things are likely to go missingC 1.It’s very likely 2.for emergencies 3.besides 4.now 5.calmly 6.neatly7.Note the weapon 8.I have an alibi 9.you are a friend ofD 1.What 2.Confess 3.too busy to go shopping 4.went to bed 5.made sure6.carefully took this spoon7.No!No!It’s not true8.Hey 10.What’s up3 after you watchA 1.Who knows 2.go on 3.Note 4.It’s v ery likelyB 1.without notice 2.solve this “crime” 3.it was very likely 4.Tara got serious about the matter 5.if it were not checked at the start 6.though in a humorous way 7.he had an alibi and hadn’t done it 8.Just as Claudia was protecting that it wasn’t true 9.Finally everyone came to know who the “thief” really wasUnit 6 The MindLesson A1 Vocabulary LinkB 1.My memories of school are mostly happy/unhappy because e…2.My favorite song i s…,and it reminds me of…3.I didn’t believe it when…4.I usually remember/forget things such as…5.I find it helpful to…when I am trying to memorize new English words2 ListeningActivity 1A rememberB ( ) ( )( ) ( √ )C 1.Two tips.One is to label things in English.The other is to make a note of related words2.You can rent a film and see it at homeActivity 2A 2 3 1B 1.no one 2.couldn’t run 3.can’t swimActivity 3A 1.pink 2.pillars 3.living room kitchen rge 5.stereo system 6.wasn’tB 1.true 2.spoke to me and smiled →didn’t speak or smile 3.a few→all4.standing→sitting5.trueC 1.The storyteller heard a voice sa ying.”welcome home” and he realized dream house was his2.He thought his dream was turning into a nightmare because his friends suddenly disappeared and it was scary3.He liked the food processor most because it makes life much easier4.He saw the stove was broken and that there was no electricity.He also saw the children were crying because they were hungry.He feltm bad and wanted to help prepare a meal but began to despair when he found the refrigerator was empty Activity 4A 1.Stage 2 2.Stage 5 3.Stage 1 4.Stage 3 and 4B 1.Four or five times 2.Stage 3 and 4 3.Fifteen to sixteen hours a day4.Sleep is very important for learningActivity 5A 1.many times 2.don’t remember 3.very active 4.gods 5.Greek and RomansB 1.true 2.false 3.falseC 1.definite answers 2.Why do we dream 3.a person’s mind4.husband or wife5.start a business6.thoughts and feelings7.strange or confusing8.think about the events in the dream9.feel free or want freedom10.feel afraid3 PronunciationB 1./t/ 2./d/ 3./id/ 4./id/ 5./d/ 6./t/ 7./d/ 8./d/ 9./t/ 10./t/ 11./d/ 12./id/4 Speaking and CommunicationActivity 1A Yes,they’re 2.they’re not 3.I don’t think so 4.MaybeActivity 2Lesson BPart 11 before you watch1.code2.characteristic3.memory4.image2 while you watchA 1.images numbers 2.numbers 3.numbers languages s s Global Viewpoints1 before you watchA 1.dinosur 2.cheese 3.forest2 while you watch1.true2.city→forest3.true4.birds→dinosaurs5.dinosaur→birdPart 21PreviewB 1.night 2.pajamas 3.a man 4.liked 5.understands2 while you watchA ( 5 ) ( 1 )( 3 ) (4) ( 2 )B 1.h 2.c 3.b 4.e 5.f 6.g 7.d 8.aC 1. Roberto was not sure about what happened in his dream2.He thought it was weird because he was wearing pajamas in the daytime3.Claudia encouraged Roberto to r ecall his dream.She said “Come on!Try”D 1.I’m not sure 2.He reminded me of 3.and then 4.No!Really 5.Do you remember 6.I’m not sure of it 7.thinkE 1.I got it 2.shook my hand 3.like this 4.hallet dancer 5.I woke up 6.Why7.They were a surpriseF 1.I am surprised by the ending.It is a real coincidence that Roberto dreamed about tickets and ballet dancing when,unknown to him,Claudia had got two tickets to the New York City Ballet2.I think Claudia and Roberto will go to the Balllet together3 after you watchA 1.b 2.a 3.b 4.aUnit 7 Let’s CelebrateLesson A1Vocabulary LinkA 1.before 2.man he 3.live near each other 4.gifts 5.on a warm,sunny day6.your family and relatives7.stay overnight8.keep a secret2 ListeningActivity 1A bB 1.b 2.a 3.cC 1.Another company 2.A bachelor party and a big family reunion 3.He’s excited about it and he likes the jobActivity 2A 2 4 1 3B 1.it was a lot of fun 2.to rent 3.loud and beautiful 4.The only bad part for him5.from too much dancing6.some beautiful floats go down the riverC 2 4 3 1D 1.traveling through India 2.best memories 3.water pistol 4.shot/sprayed everyone 5.a mass e out ofActivity 3A 1.c 2.aB 1.M 2.D 3.M 4.M 5.DC 1.gets very crowded 2.after you arrive 3.The most important event 4.be sure to find a good place to sit 5.just relax and have fun 6.before 7.after the parade finishesActivity 4A 1.F Before Mardi Gras even begins.there are over 70 parades of dazzling floats2.F Start making reservations in August.Don’t wait until January3.T Many streets are closed to cars,and bus and streetcar schedules are often changed4.T Get there early,about four hours ahead of any bis parades.For the Sunday night parade,find a spare in the morning5.F You might need a jacket,sunglasses,an umbrella,or all three6.T People ride on floats in the parades and give “throws”to the crowdActivity 5A bB 1.T 2.F 1995→1993 3.T 4.F ra rely sees→usually seesC 1.A groundhog is a small animal covered with brown fur.It lives in a hole in the ground and stays underground during the winter2.Every February 2,local people and sightseers in the town of Punxsutawney watchfor Pete.a groundhog ,to come out of its hole.If it comes out,Groundhog Day is celebrated with a barbecue,a colorful festival in the park,a souvenir show and sale and even a storytelling festival3.People think it means the weather will continue to be cold for at least six weeks4.The weather in February in Punxsutawney is generally cold and will continue to be cold for another six to eight weeks5.People would be disappointed if Pete didn’t appear3 PronunciationB 1.Do you want to 2.Would you like to 3.Would you like to 4.do you want to Lesson BPart 11 Before you watch1.d2.f3.a4.g5.c6.e7.b2 While you watchA 1.true 2.false formal→summer or casual 3.false 28 people→38 people4.true5.false Dennis’s friends→DenisGlobal Viewpoints1before you watch1.huge2.envelope3.reflect4.unique2 while you watch1.Thanksgiving2.get together3.you reflect about the things you are thankful for4.New Year’s Day5.money in little pretty envelopes6.unique7.celebrate8.perform traditional dancesPart 21PreviewB 1.a 2.b 3.b 4.c 5.cC 1.e 2.g 3.c 4.f 5.a 6.b 7.d2 while you watchA 6 1 5 4 2 3B 1.d 2.c 3.b 4.a 5.eC 1.Claudia called Tara to invite her to go to a party2.Claudia was not hosting the party.She was invited by her friend to attend the party.3.At the luau they would eat barbecued food,wear Hawaiian shirts,drinl pineapple juice,and dance4.Tara accepted Claudia’s invitation to the party5.Claudia also invited Sun-hee to the partyD 1.would you like to go to a luau tonight 2.wait 3.promised 4.bring him along5.Hey listen6.would you be interested in7.That sounds interesting8.I’d love to9.Sure 10.I’ll call him right awayE 1.what’s up 2.How would you like to go to 3.Sure 4.bring friends 5.I’ll give him a call 6.Would you like to go to 7.It’s going to be really fun 8.that sounds great but I can’t 9.Have fun 10.Who was thatF 1.The funny part is that all the friends were actually planning to go to the same party 2.All six of them:Claudia.Tara.Sun-hee,Takeshi,Mike and Roberto3 after you watchA 1.why don’t we 2.Hey listen 3.some 4.Sounds greatB 1.told her to bring friends 2.help Takeshi with his film project 3.he requested if he could bring Mike along 4.go ahead 5.if he was interested in going to the party6.enthusiatic about going7.quickly responded8.he was already going to some “luau”9.actually talking about the same party 10.That’s why the story was funnyUnit 8 In the NeighborhoodLesson A1Vocabulary LinkA 1.cut out coupons 2.make a grocery list 3.go to a dentist appointment 4.get a haircut 5.pck up /get the dry cleaning 6.unload the groceries 7.take/get the bushome 8.leave the car at the garage 9.pick up/get the kids from school2 ListeningActivity 1A 1.F 2.T 3.F Caller ServiceB 1.go to a doctor’s appointment √2.take the car to the garage √3.pick up a child at school √ √4.go to the bank √5.do the grocery shopping √ √Activity 2B 1 2 5 7 8C 2 3She wanted to be sure it is safe for her and her young child to cross the road.Shealso wanted to know if there were any parks she could take her son toActivity 3A 1.Immediate Release 2.picking up dry cleaning 3.taking your children to practice4.done for youB 1.keep your fridge stocked deliver groceries to your door put your groceries2.developing film children dry cleaning movie CDs3.walk your pet take your pet veterinary appointment keep your pet companyC 1.The services are affordable and convenient 2.They can call (010)55556666Activity 4A Curitiba Bogota Both Neither1 √2 √3 √4 √5 √6 √7 √8 √B 1.Because Curitiba was one of Brazil’s fastest growing cities and there wereserious pollution problems2.This plan has been very s uccessful. Cuurtiba’s population has grown by more thanone hundred percent since 1974,but traffic has decreased by thirty percent.Curitiba has reduced air pollution and provided cleaner neighborhood for its citizensC 1.bicycling and walking only 2.Car Free Day 3.without a car 4.125 5.closed tocars 6.up to two million 7.enjoy the clean air and quietActivity 5C 1.Inwood 2.Fes-al-Bali 3. Inwood 4. Fes-al-Bali 5. InwoodD 1.Inwood is different in that it has lots of greenery.It has an old-growth forest,afarmhouse and you can go hiking2.It’s more than 200 years old and it is no longer a farmhouse.It is a museumE 1.get lost 2.a wall with gates 3.drive across 4.too narrow for cars 5.walk6.pedestrians and donkeys3 PronunciationB 1.Could you 2.Would you 3.Would you 4.could you4 Speaki8ng and CommunicationActivity 1C 2 3 1Lesson BPart 11before you watch1.Post officeundromat3.plarmacy4.paicel5.bank2 while you watchA 1.the Laundromat the supermarket 2.the bank the supermarket the dry cleaner’s the pharmacy 3.the supermarket the bank the post office Global Viewpoints1before you watch1.c2.a3.b2 while you watchA 1.restaurants 2.residential 3.on the sidewalks 4.school 5.taking public transportationB 1.pass through 2.pass by my house 3.you don’t want to use a car 4.get around taking public transportationPart 21PreviewB 1.no 2.yes 3.no 4.yes 5.no 6.yes2 While you watchA 1.false wants→doesn’t want 2.true 3.true 4.false dry cleaner’s→grocery store 5.false doesn’t like→likes 6.false alone→with Claudia 7.falseagrees→doesn’t agreeB 1.c 2.a 3.b 4.d 5.eC 1.Roberto was sick and Claudia thought it would be fun to run errands in his neighborhood since she had never been there before2.A thermometer3.Claudia was humorous and happy4.He asked her to get some groceries,pick up dry cleanin g,and rent a movie5.He said “Don’t forget the grocery list”to make sure Claudia brought back the right thingsD 1.Got the groceries 2.Here you go 3.Have a great day 4.Ah,there it isE activity 1 1.How did it go 2.No problem 3.convent ient 4.everything’s in one place 5.close to public transportation 6.speaking of 7.get going 8.Hey there is one more thing 9.I hate being alone 10.I suppose 11.You know what would be really nice 12.Don’t push your luckActivity 2 1.She meant she wouldn’t normally stay to watch the movie but would do so on this occasion because Roberto was sick 2.Claudia meant Roberto should be satisfied and grateful with the errands she had already completed for him,not asking her for more favors.But she was only joking when she said this2after you watchA 1.speaking of 2.get going 3.I suppose 4.Got itPreview Unit 1-4Section A1.C2.D3.C4.C5.B6.B7.A8.D9.A 10.B 11.B 12.A 13.C 14.A 15.B 16.A 17.B 18.D 19.C 20.DSection B21.B 22.C 23.A 24.A 25.B 26.D 27.C 28.D 29.A 30.DSection C33.take care of 32.sick 33.telphone 34.office 35.effort 36.spend 37.someone else 38.had gone out of town on some sudden unexpected 39.I had missed seeing him 40.enjoyed my sightseeingReview Unit 5-8Section A1.D2.D3.A4.D5.A6.B7.C8.C9.B 10.C 11.B 12.A 13.B 14.A 15.C 16.B 17.D 18.C 19.A 20.DSection B21.B 22.D 23.C 24.A 25.C 26.C 27.B 28.D 29.A 30.CSection C31.color 32.fashionable 33.university 34.worn 35.to care for fortabe37.convenient 38.Although T-shirts are available in a wide variety 39.nay bear a single word 40.new designs are coming up all the time内容总结。



关于世界未解之谜的中考英语作文The World's Unsolved MysteriesThe world is full of mysteries, some of which have puzzled mankind for centuries. These unsolved mysteries continue to fascinate and intrigue people all around the globe. From ancient legends to unexplained phenomena, these mysteries are a testament to the unknown and the inexplicable in our world.One of the most famous unsolved mysteries is the Bermuda Triangle. This mysterious area in the western part of the North Atlantic Ocean has become notorious for the numerous disappearances of ships and aircrafts. Despite extensive research and numerous theories, the true cause of these disappearances remains unknown. Some believe it is due to magnetic anomalies, while others attribute it to alien abduction or even the lost city of Atlantis.Another baffling mystery is the Nazca Lines in Peru. These ancient geoglyphs, created by the Nazca people between 500 BC and 500 AD, depict various animals, plants, and geometric shapes that can only be fully appreciated from the sky. The purpose and meaning of these gigantic figures remain a mystery, with some suggesting they were used for ceremonial orastronomical purposes, while others believe they were messages to extraterrestrial beings.The Voynich Manuscript is yet another enigma that has confounded scholars for centuries. This mysterious 15th-century book is written in an unknown script with bizarre illustrations of plants, animals, and naked women. Despite numerous attempts to decode the manuscript, its language remains undecipherable, leading to theories of it being a hoax or a secret code for alchemy or witchcraft.The disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 in 2014 is a modern-day mystery that continues to baffle experts and investigators. The plane vanished without a trace while en route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing, with no debris or wreckage ever being found. Theories range from pilot suicide to mechanical failure, but the true fate of the plane remains unknown.The unsolved mystery of the Roanoke Colony is a historical puzzle that has intrigued historians for centuries. In 1587, over 100 English settlers established a colony on Roanoke Island in present-day North Carolina. When English ships returned three years later, the colony was deserted with no trace of the settlers. The only clue left behind was the word "CROATOAN" carved intoa tree, sparking theories of a massacre, assimilation by Native Americans, or a mass migration.These unsolved mysteries, among many others, remind us of the vast unknowns in our world and the limits of human knowledge. Whether they are the result of natural phenomena, human error, or something beyond our understanding, these mysteries continue to capture our imagination and challenge our perceptions of reality. As long as these unsolved mysteries persist, the quest for answers will endure, driving us to explore, investigate, and ponder the unknown depths of our world.。

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Group Work
• • • • • • • • arrest break catch commit have make question solve • • • • • a law a criminal an alibi a crime a confession
1.Everyone,one sentence. e phrases and words mentioned.
Useful expression
• • • • • I bet (that)… There’s a good chance (that)… It doubt (that)… It doesn’t seem possible (that)… It’s unlikely (that)…
1. I love milkshake. 2. I eat steak for breakfast everyday. 3. I am a big fan of music. 4. I had three part-time jobs. 5. I am good at French. 6. There are four people in my family. (To guess they are true or false, use these sentences to explain the reasons)
The Loch Ness monster
Some people states that the Loch Ness monster is not vanished.
Unsolved Mysteries
• • • • • • • • E.T. (The Extra-Terrestrial) UFOs (Unidentified Flying Object ) The Pyramids Vampire Mermaid Crop circles Scary ghosts The Loch Ness monster
U.F.O. (Unidentified Flying Object )
Some people think that U.F.O. is a legend.
There are some testimonies to prove the existence of vampires.
What is your experience???
• Your own experiences • Others’ experiences from news or TV
Description of Appearance
• Hairstyle
Straight hair
Wave hair
Curly hair
• He has a scar on his left forehead.
• She’s…years old. • No, but he wears contacts lenses. • She is wearing…
• What is ... wearing?
Describe a person!!!! Describe a person (classmate or super star), others guess who he/she is
Vocabulary Link
• • • • • • • hoax legend mystify puzzle testimony vanished weird
Holy water
Words bank
• • • • • Coffin Folklore Spiritualism Worship Decomposition • • • • • • Superstition Nightmare Holy water Decapitation Corpse Witch
• Show time • (Vampire dairy)
Group work
• Choose topics which you are interested in and describe it. Then give us your ideas about it.
Share with us
• mysterious experiences or • strange experiences or • horrible experiences
Call the police
• • • • • • • • • report the case/crime record statement victim witness evidence search reference number trial confess insurance company As you brew, so you will bake. 自认倒霉 (If you don’t have any ries
Vocabulary link
• • • • • • • • • suddenly calmly neatly nervously quickly quietly slowly strangely clearly
Expression of emotion
Shoulder-length hair
Ponytail / pigtail (high / low)
Description of Appearance
• Face style
Awl-shaped 锥子脸
Pointed chin 尖下巴
Double chin
Description of Appearance
Crop circles
Crop Circle
Some evidences mystify people to find out what exactly happened.
Scary ghosts
Lots of my friends always hoax me by acting as scary ghosts in Halloween.
Sad/ gloomy
Happy/ elated/ cheerful Depressed/down Angry/ peeved
demure Scared/ frightened
aggressive flustered
Expression of emotion
• • • • • • • • • Happy/elated/cheerful Sad/ gloomy Depressed/ down Angry/ peeved embarrassed flustered Scared/ frightened demure aggressive • • • • • • • • • • excited anxious bored content/ satisfied quiet moody shocked nervous overwhelmed bold
• What does ( ... she) look like? • What color is ( ... her) hair? • It’s black? • What kind of hair style does ( ... he) have? • What color are his/her eyes? • How tall is she? • He has(…short curly hair). • They’re blue. • She is… • She looks like a )...model).
E.T. (The Extra-Terrestrial)
E.T. is one kind of weird creature.
I am puzzled by mermaids’ true faces.
Some people think they are made by E.T.
• Other parts
Roman nose鹰钩鼻
Freckles 雀斑
Dimple 酒窝
Description of Appearance
• Statue
Strong building (For man)
Nice figure (For woman)
Thin/ small/ slim
Expression & Response
Expression & Response
• How much do ... weight? • Does ... have any distinguishing characteristics? • How old is ...? • Does ... wear glasses? • I weight … kilos. It's none of your business.
Let’s listen!!!
• Turn to page 18 and finish 1 • Turn to page 20 to 21
Useful expression from textbook
• • • • Who knows… Does anyone know… It’s likely (that)… It seems possible that… Go on. Let’s continue. Note… Pay attention to…