



And he succeeded! From the first novel, "The Desperate Remedies" to the fourth novel "Far from the Madding Crowd", he has had become a famous novelist.
And "Jude" is an incest story about a youth falls in love with his sister, 《裘德》写的是一个青年与他自己的妹妹相爱的故事
which brings tragedy to the whole family.
but it seems like Hardy wasn't really satisfied with what he has done. 但是哈代并不喜欢他的工作。
Because he had a dream, he wanted to become a writer. 他有一个梦想,他想成为一个文艺青年。
从第一部小说《计出无奈》开始,到第四部小说《远离尘嚣》时,他已经 变成一个著名的小说家了。
Since then, he gave up his architectural career and began to concentrate on writing novels.



哈代被誉为英国文学史上重要的 现实主义作家之一,他的作品以 深刻的社会洞察力和对人性的深 刻理解而著称。
哈代的作品不仅在当时引起了广 泛的关注和讨论,而且对后世产 生了深远的影响,具有跨时代的 意义。
哈代的作品被誉为世界文学宝库 中的瑰宝之一,他的作品以其深 刻的思想内涵、精湛的艺术技巧 和独特的审美价值而广受赞誉。
哈代在《无名的裘德》中运用了象征、隐喻 等艺术手法,使得小说具有深厚的艺术内涵 。同时,他通过对自然景色的细腻描绘,将 人物的情感与自然环境融为一体,增强了小 说的感染力。
《无名的裘德》是哈代的代表作之一,它揭 示了人性的复杂性和社会的残酷性,对当时 的社会现实进行了深刻的批判。同时,小说 中的艺术特色和文学价值也使得它成为英国 文学史上的经典之作。
《德伯家的苔丝》是哈代的代表作之一,也是世界文学史上的经典之作。它揭示 了资本主义社会中的道德沦丧、阶级矛盾等问题,对人性、爱情、婚姻等主题进 行了深刻的探讨,具有很高的文学价值。
小说通过苔丝的悲惨遭遇,揭示了资本主义社会中女性的地位和处境,呼吁人们关注女性权益和社会 公正。同时,它也揭示了人性的复杂性和社会的黑暗面,对人们的思想观念产生了深远的影响。



2)中期:《还乡》《林地居民》《卡斯特桥市长》 《还乡》的出版标志着哈代的小说创作在主题、题材和艺 术风格方面进入到一个新的时期。 从《还乡》到《林地居民》问世,哈代基本形成了自己 的现实主义理论、悲剧观念和美学思想。 《卡斯特桥市长》使他的悲剧小说在主题上达到了高潮。 3)晚期:《徳伯家的苔丝》《无名的裘德》
1、对时代氛围的高超把握,新时代背景下悲 剧观念的拓展以及“圆形人物”的出色塑 造。
2、景物描写出色,பைடு நூலகம்塑造的不仅是人物活动 的背景,而且富于感情和生命。
“也许是空气的性质从沉闷到轻松的变 化,也许是她觉得已经到了没有人用恶意 的眼光看待她的新地方,于是她的精神奇 妙地振作起来。迎着温柔的南风,她一路 跳跃着向前走去,她的希望同阳光融合在 一起,似乎幻化成了一道环绕着她的光环。 在吹来的阵阵微风中,她听得出快乐的声 音,在一声声鸟的啼鸣里,也似乎潜藏着 欢愉。” ——苔丝来到英伦谷,决定重新开始生活
• 小说创作时期
1)早期:《绿荫下》《一双蓝眼睛》《远离尘嚣》《贝妲 的婚姻》 主要抒发美丽的田园理想、描写宗法制社会的自然文明和 农村的传统风习。 其中,《绿荫下》是最能反映作者田园理想的作品,集中 体现了哈代认为威塞克斯农村社会能够暂时保持和谐的思 想。 而《远离尘嚣》不仅是哈代早期小说在思想和艺术上达 到高峰的标志,而且表明哈代过去、现在和未来都是作为 一个地方主义作家进行创作的。从这部小说开始,哈代便 始终把威塞克斯作为自己作品中一个统一的地理背景来描 写,致力于写作一系列被成为地方性类型的小说。


In 1861 he went to London to learn construction then he learnt literature, philosophy and theology
From 1862 to 1867 he served as assistant of one architect. Ill health forced him to return to Dorset,where he worked for Hicks an his successor until 1874
Grave of Thomas Hardy
It was Hardy's wish that he be buried at Stinsford. However, after his death, the authorities at Westminster Abbey suggested he be buried in 'Poets' Corner'. Faced with this dilemma his wife decided that his heart should be buried at Stinsford and his ashes be interred in the Abbey.
Hardy’s wife died in 1912,and in 1914he married Florence Emily Dugdale, a children’s book writer,some 40years his junior.






Hardy’s First Wife
Emma Gifford :
a woman of high social status.
She had a very interesting personality and was always remember by visitors to the Hardy household. She died in 1912. Thomas and Emma Hardy resided at Max Gate from 1884 onward.
Desighed by Hardy himself
Second wife
—Hardy’s nurse, companion and fan.
In 1914, Hardy married his secretary Florence Emily Dugdale, who was 39 years his junior.
Due to Florence’s care, Hardy could remain healthy and continue his writing career.
托马斯哈代(1840~1928)英国诗人、小说家。他 是横跨两个世纪的作家,早期和中期的创作以小说 为主,继承和发扬了维多利亚时代的文学传统;晚 年以其出色的诗歌开拓了英国20世纪的文学。 哈代1840年6月2日生于英国西南部的一个小村庄, 毗邻多塞特郡大荒原,这里的自然环境日后成了哈 代作品的主要背景。他的父亲是石匠,但爱好音乐。 父母都重视对哈代的文化教育。1856年哈代离开学 校,给一名建筑师当学徒。1862年前往伦敦,任建 筑绘图员,并在伦敦大学进修语言,开始文学创作。



However, God, “The President of the Immoral” begins to play a
cruel joke on this innocent girl. One day her father, John Durbeyfied learns that they are descended from the D’Urbervilles, an ancient

The main characters
Alec d'Urberville

The representative of the wickedness is Alec. He is the son of a rich merchant who adds the name of D’Uberville to his own name. He was a fraud as well as a morally corrupt person. This duplicity of character was so intense in Alec, and its consequences for Tess was so severe, that he became diabolical. He rapes Tess when she is no more than sixteen or seventeen years old, and later pursues her relentlessly.



• “威塞克斯小说”(Wessex Novels) 威塞克斯小说” Novels) 威塞克斯小说 以英国西南部威塞克斯农村地区为 背景 ,反映资本主义工业文明对农 村自然经济的侵蚀, 村自然经济的侵蚀,其中蕴涵着作者 无可奈何的悲观情绪。 无可奈何的悲观情绪。
还乡》 《还乡》 (The Return of the Native,1878): Native,1878): 一部关于人、 一部关于人、自然与命 运的小说。 运的小说。
爱敦荒原 : 传达作者对自然与人关系的哲理思 从而展开悲剧性主题。 考,从而展开悲剧性主题。
卡斯特桥市长》 《卡斯特桥市长》 (The mayor of Casterbridge,1886) 小说的重心从人与自然 转向了人与性格的关 系,进一步揭示作者 的命运观念。 的命运观念。
无名的裘德》 《无名的裘德》(Jude the Obscure,1895) 将个人的悲剧扩展为社会悲剧, 将个人的悲剧扩展为社会悲剧,同样也 作者回天乏力的悲苦之情。 有作者回天乏力的悲苦之情。
德伯家的苔丝》 四、《德伯家的苔丝》
(一)对社会传统道德的否定 “可怜你这受了伤的名 我的胸膛就是一张床, 字!我的胸膛就是一张床, 要给你息养! 要给你息养!” ——莎士比亚 莎士比亚
(三)命运观 “天神掌握着我们的命运,正像顽童捉到 天神掌握着我们的命运, 飞虫一样,为了戏弄而把我们杀死。 飞虫一样,为了戏弄而把我们杀死。” 典刑明正了, “典刑明正了,埃斯库罗斯所说的那个众 神的主宰对于苔丝的戏弄完结了。 神的主宰对于苔丝的戏弄完结了。”

哈代 介绍简介-哈代 简历-哈代 作品,名人故事

哈代     介绍简介-哈代     简历-哈代     作品,名人故事











Thomas Hardy: The Complete Poems (Edited by James Gibson, Palgrave, 2001)
ຫໍສະໝຸດ Baidu
Hardy's works reflect the profound changes in social economy, politics, morality, customs and the tragic fate of the people (especially women) after the invasion of capitalism into the British countryside. It exposed the hypocrisy of the bourgeois morality, law and religion. His work is a connecting link between the preceding and the following.
He not only inherited the excellent tradition of English critical realism, but also opened up the road for the 20th century English literature.
Wessex Poems and Other Verses (1898) Poems of the Past and the Present (1901) Time's Laughingstocks and Other Verses (1909) Satires of Circumstance (1914) Moments of Vision (1917) Collected Poems (1919) Late Lyrics and Earlier with Many Other Verses (1923)





Thomas Hardy was born on June 2, 1840, in Higher Bockhampton in Dorset, a rural region of southwestern England that was to become the focus of his fiction. His father , who likes music very much, was a stonemason. Hardy parents attached great importance to his education. Being the child of a builder, Hardy left school and apprenticed at the age of sixteen to John Hicks, an architect who lived in the city of Dorchester. The location would later serve as the model for Hardy’s fictional Casterbridge. In 1862, Hardy went to London served as architectural draftsman. And studied language at London University, meanwhile,he began his writing.








Thomas Hardy was born on June 2, 1840, in Higher Bockhampton in Dorset, a rural region of southwestern England that was to become the focus of his fiction. The child of a builder, Hardy was apprenticed at the age of sixteen to John Hicks, an architect who lived in the city of Dorchester. The location would later serve as the model for Hardy’s fictional Casterbridge. Although he gave serious thought to attending university and entering the church, a struggle he would dramatize in his novel Jude the Obscure, declining religious faith and lack of money led Hardy to pursue a career in writing instead. He spent nearly a dozen years toiling in obscurity and producing unsuccessful novels and poetry. Far from the Madding Crowd, published in 1874, was the author’s first critical and financial success. Finally able to support himself as a writer, Hardy married Emma Lavinia Gifford later that year.

英国作家哈代个人及作品简介 1_Thomas_Hardy__

英国作家哈代个人及作品简介 1_Thomas_Hardy__
❖ Larkin included many of Hardy's poems in the edition of the Oxford Book of TwentieFra Baidu bibliotekh Century English Verse that Larkin edited in 1973.
❖ In a recent biography on Hardy, Claire Tomalin argues that Hardy became a truly great English poet after the death of his first wife, Emma
❖ The book is a vigorous portrayal of
the beautiful and impulsive Bathsheba Everdene and her marital choices among Sergeant Troy
❖the dashing but irresponsible soldier
Hardy in 1894
Thomas Hardy's study at Max Gate, reconstructed in the Dorset County Museum
❖ In 1898 Hardy published his first volume of poetry, Wessex Poems, a collection of poems written over 30 years.

Thomas Hardy托马斯哈代

Thomas Hardy托马斯哈代

• The Hand of Etbelberta(1875-1876, a “society” novel)
The turning point
• The Return of the Native (1878,《还乡》的 出版确立了哈代作为重要作家的地位,也标 志着作者开始转向悲剧题材 ) • The Mayor of Casterbridge(1886) 《卡斯 特桥市长》展示了一场性格悲剧
• Tess of the D’Urbervilles(1891) 《德伯 家的苔丝》 • Jude the Obscure (1896) 《无名的裘德》 • Poetry: The Dynasts (1904-1908) 《列王》 是以拿破仑战争为题材的三卷本诗剧,除 此之外还有近千首短小的抒情诗。
Hardy’s Novels
• Hardy’s novels are all Victorian in date. Most of them are set in Wessex, the fictional primitive and crude rural region which is really the home place he both loves and hates. They are known for the vivid description of the vicissitudes(变迁;兴衰 ) of 变迁; people who live in an agricultural setting menaced by the forces of invading capitalism. • His best local-colored works are his later ones, which are known as “novels of character and environment”, are the most representative of his as both a naturalistic and a critical realist writer. • In many of Hardy’s novels, the conflict between the traditional and the modern is brought to the center of the stage.



Thomas Hardy (1840-1904)

ThomasHardy was born at Higher Bockhampton, Dorset, on June 2, 1840, where his father worked as a master masonand builder. From his father he gained an appreciation of music, and from his mother an appetite for learning and the delights of the countryside about his rural home.

Hardy was frail as a child, and did not start at the village school until he was eight years old. One year later he transferred to a new school in the county town of Dorchester.

At the age of 16 Hardy helped his father with the

architectural drawings for a restoration of Woodsford Castle.

The owner, architect James Hicks, was impressed by the younger Hardy's



“novels of character and environment” is the most outstanding
The Return of the Native 《还乡记》 The Mayor of Casterbridge《卡斯特桥市长》 Tess of the D’urbervilles 《苔丝》 Jude the Obscure 《无名的裘德》 Under the Greenwood Tree《绿荫下》 Far From the Madding Crowd《远离尘嚣》
Permeated by religion and music, these early years in the rural South West were to have a profound influence on Hardy and the imaginary 'Wessex' of his later novels.
Thomas Hardy
(1840~1928 )
A Greatest Victorian novelist
Thomas Hardy is last important novelist and poet of the 19th century. Living at the turn of the century. Hardy is often regarded as a transitional writer. In him we see the influence from both the past and the modern. His literary genius is apparent in his poems and novels. Current scholars believe Hardy to be one of the greatest tragic novelists of English literature.
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Thomas Hardy was born on June 2, 1840 in Higher Bockhampton in this cottage. This cottage is now in the care of The National Trust.
Throughout his life, he fondly remembered this house and frequently visited it. This little village had even become the focus of his fiction, the Wessex of his novels and poems
The Return of the Native (1878)
The Mayor of Casterbridge (1886)
Tess of the D'Urbervilles (1891) Jude the Obscure (1895)
Features of his Novels
1. Sympathy for the peasants in an age of decline and decay of peasantry; 2. Man’s life controlled by hostile, cruel, mysterious fate; 3. A pessimistic vein runs throughout his novels. 4. Nostalgia for the pastoral and patriarchal mode of life;
A Pair of Blue Eyes (1873) (1880)
The Trumpet Major
Biblioteka Baidu
Desperate Remedies (1871)
The Hand of Ethelberta(1876)
Under the Greenwood Tree (1872)
Far Form the Madding Crowd (1874)
5. A naturalistic tendency in his works
6. Architectural structure by accumulating each circumstance
Hardy first met his future wife, Emma Gifford, at St. Juliot’s rectory in 1872. They married in 1874 This chance meeting would shape the next 40 years of Hardy’s life.
His Major Works
Hardy himself divided his novels into three groups:
1)Novels of Romances & Fantasies
2)Novels of Ingenuity
3)Novels of Character & Environment
Thomas Hardy
one of the most important novelists in the Victorian Era
the first important poet in the 20th century.
Features of his novels
His Life
Thomas and Emma Hardy resided at Max Gate from 1884 onward. She died in 1912.
Emma Gifford was a woman of high social status. She had a very interesting personality and was always remembered by visitors to the Hardy household.
Hardy met Florence Dugdale in 1907. After Emma’s death in 1912, Florence and Hardy married and continued to live at Max Gate
Hardy died on January 11, 1928.
Hardy spent his early life singing in the church choir with his father. He was a sickly child and was not able to attend school at a young age. At the age of 22, Hardy moved to London to become an architect.