


7 . %。分离后 的离子液体经真空干燥后重复使用 5次 , 88 催化活性基本不变 。
关 键 词 :e i酸 离 子 液体 ; 化 反 应 ; 甲醚 ; 甲氧 基 苯 乙 酮 Lws 酰 苯 对
中图分类号 : 2章编号 :0 59 5 (0 0 0 4040 10 - 4 2 1 ) 334 - 9 4
( ol eo C e i l n h r ae t a E gne n , b i nvr t o C l g f h m c dP am cui l nier g Hee U i s y f e aa c i e i
S i c n eh o g ,S iah a g0 0 1 ,H b i rv c , hn ) c neadT c nl y h i u n 5 0 8 ee Poi e C ia e o jz n
wa h s n t y t e i - c tln s l a aay t T e ef cs o h e c in c n i o s o h e ci n r s l s c o e o s n h s e p a ey a i e s c tl s. h f t ft e r a t o d t n n t e r a t e u t z o e o i o s s c s mo a a i f n s l oa ei n y r e e cin t u h a lrr t o ioe t c t a h d i ,r a t me,ra t n tmp r t r e e e a n d o a c d o i e ci e e au e w r x mi e .T e o t l o h pi ma
第3 8卷 第 3期
21 0 0年 3月
化 学 工 程 C E C LE G N E I G C I A) H MIA N I E R N ( H N












S O 3 H mi n ] HS O 4 ) 作 为催化 剂 ,用于催 化对 硝基 苯 甲 酸和 乙 醇的 酯化 反应 .
1 实 验部 分
1 . 1 试 剂 与 仪 器
药合成 中间体【 1 ] , 用于合成苯佐卡因 、盐酸普鲁卡 因等局部麻醉药剂, 也是一种用于防止皮革制品 、 软塞产品和某些颜料霉变的杀菌剂. 目前对硝基苯甲酸 乙酯大多采用浓 硫酸作为 催化剂,由对硝基苯 甲酸和乙醇酯化制得. 但此方 法产率较低, 产品后续处理复杂, 尤其是设备长期 处于酸性溶液 中腐蚀严重, 产生 的废酸废液难 以 处 理 ,污染 环境 ,因 此 有 必 要探 索新 的合 成 方 法 . 林 劲柱 采用 固体 超强 酸 ¥ 0 4 2 - / T i O . A1 2 O 3 ,催化 合成
第2 6 卷 第3 期, 2 0 1 3 年7 月
V o 1 . 2 6 No . 3 , J u l y 2 01 3
宁 波 大 学 学 报 (理 工 版 )
摘 要 :在 酸性 离子液 体( [ ( C H2 ) 3 S O3 H mi n ] HS O 4 ) 催 化 剂存 在 下 ,以对 硝基 苯 甲酸和 乙醇为 原料 合
成对硝基苯甲酸 乙酯. 对影响产率的诸多因素进行 了考察, 其最佳反应条件为: 酸醇摩 尔比 l : 1 5 ,
酸 与 离子液 体摩 尔比 1 : 1 . 5 ,反 应 温度 8 5 ℃, 反应时间2 h ,产 品收 率可 达 8 5 . 1 0 %.离子液 体重 复
化还原反应 ] 和酯化反应[ 8 ] 等领域获得广泛应用. 离子液体拥有良好的稳定 陛、 溶解性 、 高催化效率 和 容 易 实 现 循 环 使 用 等 优 点 .我 们 曾 以 吡 咯烷 酮 酸 性离子液体为反应体 系催化合成硼酸酯【 9 ] . 方东 等人 [ 1 o ] 采用磺酸 型离子液体 催化合成 乙酸 苄酯 , 取得 了较好 的催化效果.由于磺酸型离子液体具



Lewis酸离子液体催化合成4-甲基苯乙酮史津晖;项斌;王敏【摘要】以甲苯和乙酰氯为原料,在 Lewis 酸离子液体中,催化合成4-甲基苯乙酮.考察了反应条件对4-甲基苯乙酮的收率和选择性的影响.当[Bmim]Cl-FeCl3 离子液体中 FeCl3 的摩尔分数为0.67,n([Bmim]Cl-FeCl3):n(乙酰氯)=1:1,n(苯甲醚):n(乙酰氯)=3:1,反应温度80℃,反应时间4 h时,4-甲基苯乙酮的收率和选择性最高,分别达到93.7%和83.9%.该方法操作简单、且 Lewis 酸离子液体可循环使用,是环境友好的绿色方法.【期刊名称】《浙江化工》【年(卷),期】2011(042)002【总页数】4页(P16-18,10)【关键词】Lewis酸离子液体;乙酰氯;4-甲基苯乙酮【作者】史津晖;项斌;王敏【作者单位】浙江工业大学,化学工程与材料学院,浙江,杭州,310014;浙江工业大学,化学工程与材料学院,浙江,杭州,310014;浙江工业大学,化学工程与材料学院,浙江,杭州,310014【正文语种】中文4-甲基苯乙酮是重要的精细化学品中间体,具有类似山楂子花的芳香,并有像蜂蜜、草莓的香味,花果香味尖锐而带甜,广泛的应用于配制各种香精,亦可作果实食品添加剂[1-3]。






第38卷第3期2010年3月 化 学 工 程CHE M I CAL E NGI N EER I N G (CH I N A ) Vol .38No .3Mar .2010基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(20576026);河北省自然科学基金资助项目(B2008000670)作者简介:赵地顺(1945—),男,教授,博士生导师,主要从事清洁能源与绿色化学的研究,电话:(0311)88632009,传真:(0311)88632009,E 2mail :dishunzhao@yahoo .co m .cn;申晓冰(1983—),男,硕士研究生,主要从事绿色化学的研究,E 2mail :chinashenxiaobing@163.co m 。

Le wis 酸离子液体催化合成对甲氧基苯乙酮赵地顺,申晓冰,李 倩,张 妍,董兰芬(河北科技大学化学工程与制药学院,河北石家庄 050018)摘要:合成并表征了Lewis 酸离子液体,用于催化合成对甲氧基苯乙酮。

通过考察各种离子液体的催化活性及重复使用性能,选定Le wis 酸离子液体[Bm i m ]Cl 2A l Cl 3为催化剂,研究了醇酸摩尔比、反应时间、反应温度等因素对酰化反应的影响,得到其较佳工艺条件:醇酸摩尔比1∶1.5,反应温度60℃,反应时间6h 。



关键词:Le wis 酸离子液体;酰化反应;苯甲醚;对甲氧基苯乙酮中图分类号:O 625.4 文献标识码:A 文章编号:100529954(2010)0320044204Synthesis of p 2acetyl an isole cat alyzed by Lewis ac i di c i on i c li qui dsZHAO D i 2shun,SHEN X i a o 2b i n g,L I Q i a n,ZHANG Yan,DO NG Lan 2fen(College of Che m ical and Phar maceutical Engineering,Hebei University ofScience and Technol ogy,Shijiazhuang 050018,Hebei Pr ovince,China )Abstract:Le wis acidic i onic liquids were synthesized,characterized,and used in p 2acetylanis ole synthesis as catalysts .According t o the study of catalytic activity and the reusability of vari ous i onic liquids,[Bm i m ]Cl 2A l Cl 3was chosen t o synthesize p 2acetylanis ole as catalyst .The effects of the reacti on conditi ons on the reacti on results such as molar rati o of anis ole t o acetic anhydride,reacti on ti m e,reacti on te mperature were exa m ined .The op ti m al conditi ons were obtained as f oll ows:n (anis ole )∶n (acetic anhydride )=1∶1.5,60℃,6h .Under the op ti m al reacti on conditi ons,the conversi on can be 78.8%.The i onic liquids can be repeatedly used f or five ti m es after distillati on and vacuu m drying without considerable l oss of activity .Key words:Le wis acidic i onic liquids;acylati on;anis ole;p 2acetylanis ole 苯甲醚通过Friedel 2Crafts 酰化反应制备对甲氧基苯乙酮,是精细化工及制药工业中一类重要的反应。



关键 词 : 离子液体; ; 合成 表征; 催化性能
S n h ss y t e i ,Ch r c e ia in a d Ca a y i e f r a c fLe s Acd c I n c Li u d a a trz to n t ltc P ro m n e o wi i i o i q i
L ws 离子液体 因为兼有 固体 酸 的不 挥发性 和 液体 酸高 e i酸
气排 出 , 干燥管干燥 , C 气体通人 盛有吡 啶/ 乙胺 (0mL 和 H1 < - 3 )
密度反应活性位 的优 点 , 而且低 腐蚀 、 化性 和产 物易 分离 、 催 回 正庚烷 混合液的锥形 瓶 中 , 混合 液 中的吡 啶/ 乙胺反 应 , 与 三 生 收重复利用率 高等优 点 , 环境 友好 的酸催 化方 面表 现 出很大 成 吡啶/ 乙胺盐酸盐 , 在 三 直至 吡啶/ 乙胺反应完 全。吡啶/ 三 三乙 的潜力 , 将广泛应用于催化有机 反应 中。迄今 为止 , 离子 液体在 胺 盐酸盐抽虑真空干燥后 , 称取 吡啶/ 乙胺盐酸盐 按规定 比例 三 烷基化 、 酰基化 、 羰基 化 、 异构化 、 加氢反应 、 聚合反应 、 ek反应 与 Z C: AC, Hc n 1 或 11混合 , 入正 庚烷 溶剂 , 用精调 加热 套 间隔 加 采 和 D e —Adr i s l 反应等催化反 应体 系 中的应用 研究 已有 大量报 5℃加热反应至反应物开 始熔化 , l e 并计 时直 至反应 完全 , 即反 应 道 J其 中以强酸性 Lw s , e i氯铝 酸离 子液体最 为常见 。但很少 物全部变成液体状态为止 。反应过程 中初 始熔化 温度 即反 应温 有 系统地合成 Lws e i酸离子液体 的报道 , 本文合成 了不同摩尔组 度 , 所计 时 间 即反 应 时 间。制 备 的 离 子液 体 [ y C P ] 1一AC 1I、 成 的 AC Z C2 1l及 n 1与吡啶盐 ( P ] 1 和三乙胺盐( tN C ) [ yC) E H 1构 [ y C 一Z C2E3 H 1 11及 E3 H 1 Z C2中 阳阴摩 尔 P ] 1 n 1、 t C 一A C3 N t C 一 n1 N 成 的 L ws e i 酸离子液体 ; 对不同摩尔组成离子液体进行 了熔点分 组 成 皆 为 7 : 、 4 1: 、 6及 3 : 。 3 6: 、 14: 7 析、 红外分析 、 酸性 表征 及热 稳定性 表征 ; 采用 所合 成 的离子 并 液体催化合成 了六氯 环三磷腈 ( T P , 果表 明缩短 了反应 时 C P )结 间, 提高 了产 品收率 。
























这种技术首次被引用是在20世纪30年代,由威廉勒维斯(William Lewis)提出,一直被用于有机合成中。















第30卷 第5期 催 化 学 报 2009年5月V ol. 30 No. 5Chinese Journal of Catalysi sMay2009文章编号: 0253-9837(2009)05-0401-06研究论文: 401~406Received date: 27 November 2008.* Corresponding author. Tel: +86-532-84022864; Fax: +86-532-84022719; E-mail : yushitaoqust@ Foundation item: Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (30571463).English edition available online at ScienceDirect (/science/journal/18722067).新型Brønsted-Lewis 酸性离子液体的合成及其在松香二聚反应中的应用刘仕伟 1, 解从霞 2, 于世涛 1, 咸 漠 3, 刘福胜 11青岛科技大学化工学院, 山东青岛2660422青岛科技大学化学与分子工程学院, 山东青岛2660423中国科学院青岛生物能源与过程研究所, 山东青岛266101摘要:合成、表征了新型 Brønsted-Lewis 酸性离子液体 1-(3-磺酸)-丙基-3-甲基咪唑氯锌酸盐 ([HO 3S-(CH 2)3-mim]Cl-ZnCl 2), 并将其用于催化松香二聚反应. 结果表明, [HO 3S-(CH 2)3-mim]Cl-ZnCl 2 (ZnCl 2摩尔分数x > 0.5)为 Brønsted 和 Lewis 双酸性, 且以 [HO 3S-(CH 2)3-mim]Cl-ZnCl 2 (x = 0.64) 的催化性能较佳. 在松香 5.0 g, 甲苯15 g, 离子液体质量分数 5%, 反应温度 110 o C 和反应时间 4 h 的较佳实验条件下, 所得产物聚合松香的软化点为 118 o C. 此外, 该催化剂的使用有利于产物的分离且分离的离子液体催化剂具有良好的重复使用性能.关键词:Brønsted-Lewis 酸性离子液体; 松香; 二聚反应; 催化 中图分类号:O643 文献标识码:AA Brønsted-Lewis Acidic Ionic Liquid: Its Synthesis and Useas the Catalyst in Rosin DimerizationLIU Shiwei 1, XIE Congxia 2, YU Shitao 1,*, XIAN Mo 3, LIU Fusheng 11College of Chemical Engineering, Qingdao University of Science and Technology, Qingdao 266042, Shandong, China2College of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering, Qingdao University of Science and Technology, Qingdao 266042, Shandong, China 3Qingdao Institute of Bioenergy and Bioprocess Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Qingdao 266101, Shandong, ChinaAbstract: Brønsted-Lewis acidic ionic liquids 1-(3-sulfonic acid)-propyl-3-methylimidazole chlorozincinates ([HO 3S-(CH 2)3-mim]Cl- ZnCl 2) were synthesized and characterized. The characterization results indicated that [HO 3S-(CH 2)3-mim]Cl-ZnCl 2 (molar fraction of ZnCl 2 x > 0.5) had both Brønsted and Lewis acid properties. The catalytic properties of these ionic liquids were investigated using the dimerization of rosin, and it was shown that ionic liquid [HO 3S-(CH 2)3-mim]Cl-ZnCl 2 (x = 0.64) was a good catalyst. Under the optimum conditions for polymerization, i.e., rosin 5.0 g, toluene 15 g, the mass fraction of ionic liquid 5%, reaction temperature 110 o C, and reaction time 4 h, a product with the softening point of 118 o C was obtained. It was also found that the product was easily separated from the reaction mixture and the ionic liquid catalyst had good reusability.Key words: Brønsted-Lewis acidic ionic liquid; rosin; dimerization; catalysisRosin is a kind of solid resinous mass obtained naturally from pine trees. Rosin mainly contains resin acids (abietic and pimaric) and a small amount of nonacidic components. The abietic resin acids contain neoabietic acid, palustric acid, abietic acid, etc., and the pimaric resin acids include pimaric acid, isopimaric acid, sandarecopimaric acid, etc. Due to the conjugated double bonds and carboxyl group,resin acids can be easily oxidized by air and crystallized in the process of usage. To solve these problems, rosin is modified to polymerized rosin, which is produced by the dimerization of abietic acids. Polymerized rosin is widely used in paints, varnishes, cosmetics, printing ink, binding agents, etc. and is one of the most important products of rosin derivatives [1–3]. The dimerization of rosin is actually402 催 化 学 报 第30卷the dimerization of abietic acid. Other abietic resin acids and pimaric resin acids are not dimerized due to their large steric hindrance, but the former can be isomerized to abietic acid. Traditionally, Brønsted acid (H 2SO 4 or HCOOH), Lewis acid (BCl 3 or ZnCl 2), or their mixture were used in the dimerization of rosin [4,5]. The Brønsted acid is good for the isomerization of the resin acids, and the Lewis acid for the dimerization of abietic acid [5]. The drawbacks of these catalysts include the serious corrosion of equipment, the complicated separation procedure, environmental pollu-tion, and non-recyclability of the catalysts.In recent years, Brønsted and Lewis acidic ionic liquids (ILs) as environmentally friendly catalysts have received much attention from researchers. Several organic reactions, such as esterification [6–9], carbonylation [10,11], polym-erization [12,13], Friedel-Crafts [14–19], Beckmann [20,21], and Diels-Alder [22], have been reported to pro-ceed in acidic ILs with excellent selectivity and yield. However, these ILs only possess either Brønsted acidity or Lewis acidity. Methods for the preparation of Brønsted and Lewis acidic (represented as Brønsted-Lewis acidic) cata-lyst systems have even been reported by bubbling dried HCl gas into the Lewis acidic ILs [23,24], but these are mixtures and not real Brønsted-Lewis acidic ILs. Moerover, the use of HCl gas is very hazardous, and it is easily lost in the process of reuse because of its high volatility.In our laboratory, studies on the polymerization of rosin catalyzed by both traditional catalysts and acidic IL cata-lysts have been performed [25,26]. Compared with tradi-tional catalysts, the IL catalysts exhibited many outstanding advantages, such as simplicity and efficiency of the method and easy product isolation. Therefore, new kinds of stable Brønsted-Lewis acidic ILs ([HO 3S-(CH 2)3-mim]Cl-ZnCl 2) were synthesized, characterized, and used in the polymeri-zation of rosin in the present paper.1 Experimental1.1 Catalyst preparationExtra-rosin (pimaric acid 11.9%, isopimaric acid 5.3%, sandarecopimaric acid 1.7%, levopimaric acid 4.7%, neoabietic acid 14.6%, palustric acid 21.5%, dehydroabietic acid 5.0%, and abietic acid 35.2%), 1-methylimidazole (99.8%, Zhejiang Kaile Chemicals Co. Ltd. China), 1,3-propane sultone (1,2-oxathiolane-2,2-dioxide, 99.7%,Wuhan Fengfan Chemicals Co. Ltd. China), and other chemicals (analytic purity) were commercially available and used without further purification.Under vigorous stirring, 12.2 g (0.1 mol) 1,3-propane sulfone was dissolved in 50 ml acetate ether, and then 8.2 g (0.1 mol) 1-methylimidazole was dropped slowly in the solution at 50 o C. The mixture was then stirred for 2 h, and the resultant mixture was filtered to get a white precipitate. The precipitate was washed with 30 ml acetate ether three times and dried at 100 o C for 2 h to get 18.6 g MIM-PS as a white powder. Then, 10.2 g (0.05 mol) MIM-PS was dis-solved in 15 ml water, and 4.9 g (0.05 mol) hydrochloric acid was dropped slowly at room temperature. After drop-ping, the mixture was stirred at room temperature for 30 min and further heated in an oil bath at about 90 o C for 2 h. After that, the water of the mixture was removed under vacuum at 90 o C to get 11.6 g 1-(3-sulfonic acid)-propyl-3- methylimidazolechloride ([HO 3S-(CH 2)3-mim]Cl) as a white viscous liquid at room temperature. MIM-PS :IR (KBr): ν = 3464, 3199, 2989, 1629, 1485, 1454, 1222, 1149, 1041, 735, 603, 518 cm −1; 1H NMR (500 MHz, D 2O): δ = 8.70 (s, 1H), 7.49 (s, 1H), 7.40 (s, 1H), 4.30 (t, J = 7.5 Hz, 2H), 3.81 (s, 3 H), 2.85 (t, J = 7.5 Hz, 2H), 2.25 (m, 2H); 13C NMR (500 MHz,D 2O): δ = 135.82, 123.50, 121.85,47.41, 46.97, 35.46, 24.73. HO 3S-(CH 2)3-mim]Cl :IR (KBr): ν = 3382, 3142, 3117, 1720, 1653, 1572, 1227, 1171, 1029, 807, 592 cm −1;1H NMR (500 MHz, D 2O): δ = 8.53 (s, 1H), 7.32 (s, 1H), 7.25 (s, 1H), 4.16 (t, J = 7.3 Hz, 2H), 3.71 (s, 3H), 2.71 (t, J = 7.3 Hz, 2H), 2.11 (m, 2H);13C NMR (500 MHz, D 2O):δ = 134.72, 123.31, 122.16, 47.75, 46.92, 35.26, 24.73.[HO 3S-(CH 2)3-mim]Cl was reacted with various amounts of ZnCl 2 at 60 o C for 2 h to get [HO 3S-(CH 2)3-mim]Cl- ZnCl 2 as a viscous liquid at room temperature. With an in-crease of the ZnCl 2 mass, the viscosity of the obtained ILs also increased. The Lewis acidity of IL was varied by the ZnCl 2 mass. When the molar fraction of ZnCl 2 (x ) was less than 0.5, the ILs only processed Brønsted acidity and no Lewis acidity. When the molar fraction of ZnCl 2 was over 0.5, the Lewis acidic behavior of ILs was controlled largely by the reaction in Scheme 1. [HO 3S-(CH 2)3-mim]Cl-ZnCl 2 (x = 0.64): IR (KBr): ν = 3452, 3158, 3117, 2973, 1627, 1580, 1467, 1249, 1171, 1046, 838, 751, 628, 533 cm −1. 1H NMR (500 MHz, DMSO):δ = 8.50 (s, 1H), 7.29 (s, 1H), 7.24 (s, 1H), 4.14 (t, J = 7.5 Hz, 2H), 3.65 (s, 3H), 2.67 (t, J = 7.5 Hz, 2H), 2.08 (m, 2H). 13C NMR (500 MHz, DMSO):Scheme 1. ILs based on trichlorozincinate anions.第5期 刘仕伟 等: 新型Brønsted-Lewis 酸性离子液体的合成及其在松香二聚反应中的应用 403δ = 133.81, 121.28, 120.04, 46.57, 45.86, 34.32, 23.35; Zn 2+ = 23.50% (GB1625-79). ESI-MS: m/z (+) 204.9 and 286.8, m/z (−) 170.7 and 306.6. 1.2 Catalyst characterizationFourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) was car-ried out on a Nicolet 510P FT-IR spectrometer in the range of 4 500–400 cm –1. NMR spectra were taken on a Bruker A V500 Fourier-transform spectrometer with reference to SiMe 4 using solvent dimethyl sulphoxide (DMSO) contain-ing 5% sample. Electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) was performed by a Shimadzu LC-MS 2010A equipped with a Shimpeck VP-ODS 15 cm × 2.0 mm and a Shimpack GVP-ODS guard column 5 cm × 2.0 mm, using a mixed solvent of DMSO and methanol containing 1% sam-ple. Ions were formed for mass spectrometric detection us-ing positive ion electron impact ionization (EI) at the elec-tron energy of 70 eV. 1.3 Catalytic performanceIn a typical experiment, 5 g rosin, 15 g solvent toluene, and 1 g catalyst were reacted at 110 o C for 4 h. After reac-tion, the upper layer (solvent and unreacted reactant) con-taining the polymerized rosin was separated from the ILs catalyst layer at the bottom of the flask simply by decanta-tion. The ILs catalyst layer was reused without any disposal. Without adding water, the product of the polymerized rosin was obtained after removing the solvent by distillation. The softening point of product was measured by a SDY-2806 asphalt softening point machine according to the circular ball method [4]. The color and acid value were measured by2.1 CharacterizationThe ESI-MS results showed that the cations of [HO 3S- (CH 2)3-mim]Cl-ZnCl 2 (x 0.64) were mainly [HO 3S- (CH 2)3-mim]+ (m/z : 204.9) and [mim-HO 3S-(CH 2)3-mim]+(m/z : 286.8). The latter was the complex of the [HO 3S- (CH 2)3-mim]+ and 1-methylimidazole. [HO 3S-(CH 2)3-mim]+ possessed sulfonic acid as a Brønsted acid. The anions of [HO 3S-(CH 2)3-mim]Cl-ZnCl 2 (x =0.64) were mainly [ZnCl 3]− (m/z : 170.7) and [Zn 2Cl 5]− (m/z : 306.60), and Cl − was not found, which indicated that Cl − was completely reacted with ZnCl 2. The anion [Zn 2Cl 5]− resulting from the reaction of [ZnCl 3]− and ZnCl 2 has Lewis acidity. Therefore, it can be concluded that ZnCl 2 did not react with the sulfo-nic acid of [HO 3S-(CH 2)3-mim]Cl, and [HO 3S-(CH 2)3- mim]Cl-ZnCl 2 (x = 0.64) was Brønsted and Lewis acidic. Acetonitrile is a weak base and usually used as the FT-IR spectroscopy probe to characterize the acidic strength of Lewis acids. In general, the nitrile group is reacted with the Lewis acid to produce a CN-Lewis complex, which shows a new absorption peak at 2200–2400 cm −1 in the FT-IR spec-tra. With the increase of the Lewis acidic strength, this ab-sorption peak moves to higher wavenumbers. Thus, ace-tonitrile has been used as a probe to characterize the Lewis acidic strength of ILs [16,27]. Here, this method was also employed to indicate the Lewis acidic strength of the syn-thesized ILs. As shown in Fig. 1, the peaks of acetoni-trile/[HO 3S-(CH 2)3-mim]Cl-ZnCl 2 (x = 0.5) were nearly the same as that of acetonitrile. They both had two absorption peaks at 2260 and 2285 cm −1, which indicated that [HO 3S- (CH 2)3-mim]Cl-ZnCl 2 (x = 0.5) was not Lewis acidic. In the spectra of acetonitrile/[HO 3S-(CH 2)3-mim]Cl-ZnCl 2 (x = 0.6) and acetonitrile/[HO 3S-(CH 2)3-mim]Cl-ZnCl 2 (x =0.64), new absorption peaks at 2314 and 2316 cm −1 ap-peared besides the two peaks mentioned above, respec-tively. The new absorption peak was the characteristic ab-sorption peak of the CN-Lewis complex. This means thatWavenumber (cm −1)Fig. 1. FT-IR spectra of ILs using acetonitrile as probe. (1) Pure ace-tonitrile; (2) Acetonitrile/[HO 3S-(CH 2)3-mim]Cl-ZnCl 2 (x = 0.5); (3) Acetonitrile/[HO 3S-(CH 2)3-mim]Cl-ZnCl 2 (x = 0.6); (4) Acetonitrile/[HO 3S-(CH 2)3-mim]Cl-ZnCl 2 (x = 0.64). Acetonitrile is 1/2 in volume in the samples of (2)–(4).404 催 化 学 报 第30卷both [HO 3S-(CH 2)3-mim]Cl-ZnCl 2 (x = 0.6) and [HO 3S- (CH 2)3-mim]Cl-ZnCl 2 (x = 0.64) had Lewis acidity. More-over, the wavenumber of the peak of [HO 3S-(CH 2)3- mim]Cl-ZnCl 2 (x = 0.64) was higher than that of [HO 3S- (CH 2)3-mim]Cl-ZnCl 2 (x = 0.6), which meant that the Lewis acidity of [HO 3S-(CH 2)3-mim]Cl-ZnCl 2 (x = 0.64) was stronger than that of [HO 3S-(CH 2)3-mim]Cl-ZnCl 2 (x = 0.6). As a FT-IR spectroscopy probe, pyridine can react with Brønsted and Lewis acids and to produce the cation [PyH]+ and the Py-Lewis complex, respectively. [PyH]+ has an ab-sorption peak near 1540 cm −1 in the FT-IR spectra, and the absorption peak of Py-Lewis is close to 1450 cm −1. By ob-serving these two peaks, the acidic type of the sample can be deduced. This method has been used to characterize the acidic type of solid acids and Lewis acidic ILs [28]. There-fore, this method was also used to characterize [HO 3S- (CH 2)3-mim]Cl-ZnCl 2 (x = 0.64). As shown in Fig. 2, com-pared with the spectra of [HO 3S-(CH 2)3-mim]Cl-ZnCl 2 (x = 0.64), two new absorption peaks of 1535 and 1452 cm −1 appeared in the FT-IR spectra of pyridine/[HO 3S-(CH 2)3- mim]Cl-ZnCl 2 (x = 0.64), which indicated that [HO 3S- (CH 2)3-mim]Cl-ZnCl 2 (x = 0.64) was Brønsted and Lewis acidic.13501400145015001550160016501700Wavenumber (cm −1)T r a n s m i t t a n c e(1)(2)(3)145215351440Fig. 2. FT-IR spectra of samples using pyridine as probe. (1) Pure pyridine; (2) [HO 3S-(CH 2)3-mim]Cl-ZnCl 2 (x = 0.64); (3) Pyridine/ [HO 3S-(CH 2)3-mim]Cl-ZnCl 2 (x = 0.64). Pyridine is 1/2 in volume.2.2 Effect of different catalysts on the polymerization of rosinThe catalytic performance of different catalysts is shown in Table 1. When the catalyst was H 2SO 4-ZnCl 2, the soften-ing point of polymerized rosin reached 134 o C, but the acid value was less than 140 mg/g, and the color was black. In particular, the separation of the acidic sludge or emulsion during work-up in this process was very troublesome. When Lewis acidic ZnCl 2 and Brønsted acidic IL [HO 3S-(CH 2)3- mim]Cl were used as catalysts, the dimerization reaction was slight, and the softening points of the products were102 and 100 o C, respectively. Compared with the blank ex-periment, these had almost no catalytic activity. The Lewis acidic ILs depended on the amount of ZnCl 2 in the [HO 3S- (CH 2)3-mim]Cl-ZnCl 2. With an increased amount of ZnCl 2, the Lewis acidity of ILs became stronger. Among the inves-tigated ILs, the IL had no Lewis acidity when the molar fraction of ZnCl 2 was 0.5, and the softening point of the polymerized rosin was only 100 o C. This was equal to that of [HO 3S-(CH 2)3-mim]Cl. When the molar fraction of ZnCl 2 was increased to 0.64, the softening point of the polymer-ized rosin reached 118 o C, which was 21 o C higher than that without the catalyst. It was concluded that the softening point of the product can be increased by an increase in Lewis acidity. However, the softening point of the polymer-ized rosin was decreased to about 100 o C when the Lewis acidity of ILs was too strong (x = 0.67 and 0.69). This may be because the viscosity of the ILs increased with the in-crease of ZnCl 2 mass. When the molar fraction of ZnCl 2 was more than 0.64, the IL dispersion was very bad in the reac-tion mixture. In all the experiments using ILs as the cata-lysts, the color of polymerized rosin was 8–9 ghana, and the acid value was close to 150 mg/g, which showed that there was almost no oxidation and decarboxylation of the rosin acids. Therefore, it was concluded that the Brønsted-Lewis acidic IL [HO 3S-(CH 2)3-mim]Cl-ZnCl 2 (x = 0.64) gave good catalytic performance for the dimerization of rosin.2.3 Effect of reaction conditions on the rosin polym-erizationTable 2 shows the effects of amount of catalyst [HO 3S- (CH 2)3-mim]Cl-ZnCl 2 (x = 0.64) on the polymerization of rosin. The dosage of the catalyst is the concentration of the catalyst in the reaction mixture. When the dosage of catalyst was 5.0%, 118 o C as the softening point was achieved. However, no obvious increase in the softening point wasTable 1 Effect of different catalysts on the dimerization of rosinCatalystSofteningpoint (o C)Acid value (mg/g) None 97 163.7H 2SO 4-ZnCl 2 (x = 0.42)134138.2ZnCl 2 102 159.2 [HO 3S-(CH 2)3-mim]Cl 100160.1 [HO 3S-(CH 2)3-mim]Cl-ZnCl 2 (x = 0.50) 100 154.8 [HO 3S-(CH 2)3-mim]Cl-ZnCl 2 (x = 0.60) 114 148.9 [HO 3S-(CH 2)3-mim]Cl-ZnCl 2 (x = 0.64) 118 148.7 [HO 3S-(CH 2)3-mim]Cl-ZnCl 2 (x = 0.67) 102 157.8 [HO 3S-(CH 2)3-mim]Cl-ZnCl 2 (x = 0.69) 98157.3Reaction conditions: rosin 5 g, toluene 15 g, reaction time 4 h, reactiontemperature 110 o C, catalyst 1 g.第5期 刘仕伟 等: 新型Brønsted-Lewis 酸性离子液体的合成及其在松香二聚反应中的应用 405observed with the further increase of the catalyst dosage. Therefore, the optimal dosage of catalyst was 5.0%.The effect of reaction temperature on the polymerization was investigated by varying the reaction temperature from 90 to 120 o C. The results are also given in Table 2. The catalyst exhibited outstanding catalytic properties at 110 o C, and the softening point of polymerized rosin reached 118 oC. Therefore, 110 o C was the optimal reaction temperature. The effect of reaction time on the polymerization was in-vestigated by varying the reaction time from 3 to 6 h. As shown in Table 2, no obvious change was observed after 4 h of reaction. Therefore, the optimal reaction time was 4 h.Table 2 Effect of reaction conditions on the dimerization of rosinCatalyst dosage (%)Reaction temperature (o C)Reaction time (h) Softening point (o C)Acid value (mg/g)2.5 110 4 102 164.6 5.0 110 4 118 148.7 7.5 110 4 117 144.3 10.0 110 4 120 136.6 5.0 90 4 106 161.55.0 100 4 112 152.45.0 110 4 118 148.75.0 120 4 120 138.75.0 110 3 112 150.65.0 110 4 118 148.7 5.0 110 5 119 142.25.0 110 6 118 136.5 Reaction conditions: rosin 5 g, toluene 15 g. 2.4 Reuse of the ionic liquid[HO 3S-(CH 2)3-mim]Cl-ZnCl 2 (x = 0.64) was selected to investigate the reusability of the ILs. The results are given in Table 3. It can be seen that the softening point of the po-lymerized rosin was almost unchanged after [HO 3S-(CH 2)3- mim]Cl-ZnCl 2 (x = 0.64) was repeatedly used five times, which indicated that the Brønsted-Lewis acidic ILs had excellent recyclability in the dimerization of rosin. This result was explained in terms of two aspects. First, in the [HO 3S-(CH 2)3-mim]Cl-ZnCl 2 (x = 0.64), an alkane sulfonic acid group was catalytically active for the isomerization. This was covalently tethered to the IL cation, and this groupcannot be easily lost. Second, the [Zn 2Cl 5]− anion of the IL was the site of catalytic activity for the dimerization. It was inert and stable in water or Brønsted acid, so its activity was also not easily lost. In order to show the intactness of the repeatedly used ILs, the FT-IR spectra are shown in Fig. 3. As shown in Fig. 3, the FT-IR spectra of the reused (five times) IL were almost similar to that of the unused IL. It was clear that the structure of the reused IL was retained.Wavenumber (cm −1)T r a n s m i t t a n c e(1)(2)Fig. 3. FT-IR spectra of [HO 3S-(CH 2)3-mim]Cl-ZnCl 2 (x = 0.64). (1) Unused IL; (2) Repeatedly used five times. 3 Conclusions Brønsted-Lewis acidic ILswere synthesized, character-ized, and used in the dimerization of rosin. The cation con-tributed to Brønsted acidity and mainly catalyzed the isom-erization of the non-abietic acids. The anion gave Lewis acidity to the ILs and catalyzed the dimerization reaction of abietic acid. Compared with traditional catalysts, the Brøn-sted-Lewis acidic ILs exhibit many outstanding advantages, such as simplicity, efficiency, and easy product isolation. However, the softening point of the product was less than that of the traditional catalysts. Thus, more research should be done to improve the catalytic performance of these Brønsted-Lewis acidic ILs.References1 Pathak Y V, Shinghatgiri M, Dorle A K. 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Lewis酸离子液体催化合成2’,4’,6’-三甲基苯乙酮王敏;项斌;钟佳琪【期刊名称】《浙江化工》【年(卷),期】2012(043)006【摘要】Four kinds of Lewis acid ionic liquids were prepared, and their catalytic activities for Friedel- Crafts acylation of mesitylene and acetic anhydride were measured. The impacts of factors on the reaction were explored when [Emim]Br-AlCl3 was chosen as the catalyst and solvent. Under the conditions of 80 ℃, x(A1Cl3)-0.67 and n([Emim]Br-AlCl3):n(1,3,5-trimethylbenzene):n(acetic anhydride)=1:3:1, the yield of the product could reach 73.4% after 6 h reaction.%合成了四种Lewis酸离子液体,考察其对均三甲苯和乙酸酐的Friedel—Crafts酰基化反应的催化活性后,选定以[Emim]Br—A1Cl3为溶剂兼催化剂合成2’,4’,6’一三甲基苯乙酮。


当inch摩尔分数x(AlCl3)=0.67,n([Emim]Br—AICl3):n (均三甲苯):n(乙酸酐)=1:3:1,反应温度80℃,反应时间6h时,产物收率最高可达73.4%。

【总页数】3页(P9-11)【作者】王敏;项斌;钟佳琪【作者单位】浙江工业大学化学工程与材料学院,浙江杭州310014;浙江工业大学化学工程与材料学院,浙江杭州310014;浙江工业大学化学工程与材料学院,浙江杭州310014【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TQ225.241【相关文献】1.手性Lewis酸催化三甲基氰化硅与醛的不对称加成--手性α-氰醇的合成 [J], 赵建章;刘举正;王宗睦;赵冰2.离子液体催化氧化2,3,6-三甲基苯酚合成2,3,5-三甲基苯醌 [J], 王宪沛;杨瑞云;李文;李小安;阎俊;刘卫涛;张辉辉3.Lewis酸离子液体催化合成对甲氧基苯乙酮 [J], 赵地顺;申晓冰;李倩;张妍;董兰芬4.Lewis酸离子液体催化合成4-甲基苯乙酮 [J], 史津晖;项斌;王敏5.Lewis酸性离子液体催化合成二苯甲酮的研究 [J], 蔡亮因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。

对甲基苯乙酮的合成 -回复

对甲基苯乙酮的合成 -回复







































这里以烷基化为例进行讲解:1. 底物与路易斯酸形成复合物;2. 复合物经历一个或多个中间体(如卡宾或碳正离子);3. 中间体进一步发生反应,生成最终产物和自由态分子。





























%Lewis acidic ionic liquids based on pyridine and triethylamine including Cl-AlCl3,Cl-ZnCl2,Et3NHCl-AlCl3 and Et3NHCl-ZnCl2 were synthesized.Melting points of different molar ration Cl-AlCl3 and Cl-ZnCl2 ionic liquids were estimated.At last,these molar ration 6:4 ionic liquids were used as catalytic in the synthesis of hexachlorocyclotriphosphazene.The results showed that rate-enhancement and higher selectivity for hexachlorocyclotriphosphazene were obtained when the ZnCl2 ionic liquids were used as catalytic,while the AlCl3 ionic liquids were not suitable for the synthesis.【期刊名称】《广州化工》【年(卷),期】2011(039)021【总页数】3页(P107-109)【关键词】离子液体;合成;表征;催化性能【作者】王勇;姜金华【作者单位】陕西煤业化工集团神木天元化工有限公司,陕西榆林719319;陕西煤业化工集团神木天元化工有限公司,陕西榆林719319【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TQ225.241Lewis酸离子液体因为兼有固体酸的不挥发性和液体酸高密度反应活性位的优点,而且低腐蚀、催化性和产物易分离、回收重复利用率高等优点,在环境友好的酸催化方面表现出很大的潜力,将广泛应用于催化有机反应中。

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第38卷第3期2010年3月 化 学 工 程CHE M I CAL E NGI N EER I N G (CH I N A ) Vol .38No .3Mar .2010基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(20576026);河北省自然科学基金资助项目(B2008000670)作者简介:赵地顺(1945—),男,教授,博士生导师,主要从事清洁能源与绿色化学的研究,电话:(0311)88632009,传真:(0311)88632009,E 2mail :dishunzhao@yahoo .co m .cn;申晓冰(1983—),男,硕士研究生,主要从事绿色化学的研究,E 2mail :chinashenxiaobing@163.co m 。

Le wis 酸离子液体催化合成对甲氧基苯乙酮赵地顺,申晓冰,李 倩,张 妍,董兰芬(河北科技大学化学工程与制药学院,河北石家庄 050018)摘要:合成并表征了Lewis 酸离子液体,用于催化合成对甲氧基苯乙酮。

通过考察各种离子液体的催化活性及重复使用性能,选定Le wis 酸离子液体[Bm i m ]Cl 2A l Cl 3为催化剂,研究了醇酸摩尔比、反应时间、反应温度等因素对酰化反应的影响,得到其较佳工艺条件:醇酸摩尔比1∶1.5,反应温度60℃,反应时间6h 。



关键词:Le wis 酸离子液体;酰化反应;苯甲醚;对甲氧基苯乙酮中图分类号:O 625.4 文献标识码:A 文章编号:100529954(2010)0320044204Synthesis of p 2acetyl an isole cat alyzed by Lewis ac i di c i on i c li qui dsZHAO D i 2shun,SHEN X i a o 2b i n g,L I Q i a n,ZHANG Yan,DO NG Lan 2fen(College of Che m ical and Phar maceutical Engineering,Hebei University ofScience and Technol ogy,Shijiazhuang 050018,Hebei Pr ovince,China )Abstract:Le wis acidic i onic liquids were synthesized,characterized,and used in p 2acetylanis ole synthesis as catalysts .According t o the study of catalytic activity and the reusability of vari ous i onic liquids,[Bm i m ]Cl 2A l Cl 3was chosen t o synthesize p 2acetylanis ole as catalyst .The effects of the reacti on conditi ons on the reacti on results such as molar rati o of anis ole t o acetic anhydride,reacti on ti m e,reacti on te mperature were exa m ined .The op ti m al conditi ons were obtained as f oll ows:n (anis ole )∶n (acetic anhydride )=1∶1.5,60℃,6h .Under the op ti m al reacti on conditi ons,the conversi on can be 78.8%.The i onic liquids can be repeatedly used f or five ti m es after distillati on and vacuu m drying without considerable l oss of activity .Key words:Le wis acidic i onic liquids;acylati on;anis ole;p 2acetylanis ole 苯甲醚通过Friedel 2Crafts 酰化反应制备对甲氧基苯乙酮,是精细化工及制药工业中一类重要的反应。

传统工艺常采用Le wis 酸(如A l Cl 3)或强无机酸(如H 2S O 4和HF 等)催化剂在均相下合成,催化剂用量大,产生大量的废金属和酸渣,造成环境污染,同时生产过程中设备腐蚀严重[123]。





Le wis 酸离子液体因为兼有固体酸的不挥发性和液体酸高密度反应活性位的优点,而且低腐蚀、催化剂和产物易分离、回收重复利用率高等优点,在环境友好的酸催化方面表现出很大的潜力,将广泛应用于催化有机反应中。


1 实验部分1.1 实验仪器及药品FTS 2135型傅里叶红外光谱仪,美国B I O 2RAD公司;GC78002Ⅱ型气相色谱仪,上海天美科学仪器有限公司;B ruker Avance500MHz 核磁共振波谱仪,瑞士布鲁克(B ruker )公司。

N 2甲基咪唑,氯代正丁烷,无水三氯化铝,无水三氯化铁,氯化锌,苯甲醚,乙酸酐,以上药品均为分析纯。

1.2 Le wis 酸离子液体的制备(1)离子液体中间体[Bm i m ]Cl 的合成在250mL 三口烧瓶中,依次加入N 2甲基咪唑16mL 、氯代正丁烷21mL,80℃下油浴加热回流24h 得到淡黄色液体。

冷却静置分层,除去上层未反应物,乙酸乙酯(3×15mL )洗涤下层产物,80℃下旋转蒸发0.5h,得白色固体即中间体[Bm i m ]Cl 。

(2)Le wis 酸离子液体的合成通过文献[9]得知,Le wis 酸离子液体[Bm i m ]Cl/MCl x 中,x >0.5时具有较强的酸性,催化活性显著。

因此制备了3种摩尔比(中间体/Le wis 酸)为1∶2的Le wis 离子液体。

称量中间体19.4912g 于三口烧瓶中磁力搅拌,迅速称量A l Cl 329.8232g 于干燥的烧杯中4次分批加入,磁力搅拌至得到透明的离子液体[Bm i m ]Cl 2A l 2Cl 6。

同理依次制得[Bm i m ]Cl 2Fe 2Cl 6和[Bm i m ]Cl 2Zn 2Cl 4离子液体。

1.3 苯甲醚的酰化反应在200mL 三口烧瓶中依次加入苯甲醚、催化剂量离子液体(I L s )、乙酸酐,在不同温度下回流反应,反应完毕后用三氯甲烷萃取,分出有机相和离子液体相。

通过G C 法对有机相进行分析,得目标产物的产率,然后向有机相中加水以水解未反应的乙酸酐,静置分层后用氢氧化钠溶液洗至近中性,分液后得到有机层用无水硫酸镁干燥,减压蒸馏收集152—154℃(3.5kPa)的馏分,得到对甲氧基苯乙酮。


1.4 离子液体的分析方法(1)中间体[Bm i m ]Cl 的纯度分析[10]避光称量1.0192g 的Ag NO 3,用去离子水溶解,然后稀释至100mL,得溶液浓度为6.00×10-3mol/L 的硝酸银溶液,以此检测离子液体中间体[Bm i m ]Cl 的纯度为99.5%。

(2)红外光谱分析(I R )3464.285c m -1(O —H 伸缩振动),3141.35c m -1,3101.11c m -1(咪唑环上C —H 伸缩振动),2961.22c m -1,2873.54c m -1(咪唑环取代基上C —H伸缩振动),1569.04c m -1,1464.71c m -1(咪唑环上的C N 伸缩振动和芳香骨架振动),1167.54c m -1(咪唑环的伸缩振动),948.964c m -1(咪唑环上的C —H 面内摇摆弯曲振动),754.36c m -1(咪唑环上的C —H 面外摇摆弯曲振动)。

(3)核磁共振波谱谱图1H N MR (500MHz,C DCl 3),δ×10-6:8.802(1H,s,NCHN ),7.553(1H,m,CH 3NCHCHN ),7.505(1H,m,CH 3NCHCHN ),4.248(2H,t,NCH 2(CH 2)2CH 3),3.955(3H,s,NCH 3),1.890(2H,m,NCH 2CH 2CH 2CH 3),1.352(2H,m,N (CH 2)2CH 2CH 3)。

1.5 酰化产物对甲氧基苯乙酮的分析方法(1)红外光谱分析(I R )3001c m-1(芳环上C —H 伸缩振动),1604.17c m -1,1509.4c m -1(C —C 骨架振动),说明苯环的存在;2844.14c m -1,2965.94c m -1(侧链烷基C —H 伸缩振动),1023.24c m -1(醚的C —O 伸缩振动),1252.15c m -1,1278.78c m -1(Ar —O 伸缩振动),1669.19c m -1(羰基C O 伸缩振动)835.5c m -1,807.516c m -1(苯环C —H 面内弯曲振动)。

(2)核磁共振波谱谱图1H NMR (500MHz,丙酮2d 6),δ×10-6:2.553(3H,s,H 3CCO ),3.867(3H,s,H 3COC ),6.941(2H,m ,OCCCH ),7.946(2H,m ,OCCH )。

13C NMR (75MHz,丙酮2d 6),δ×10-6:206.200,196.360,164.390,131.272,114.535,55.930,26.429。

